1 minute read


The Scrum Team Members implement the

software. They jointly decide the number of requirements that they can undoubtedly deliver during a particular product increment called "Sprint".


A high-performer scrum team has most of the software engineering skills typically in it. Software developers, architects, testers, database administrators, and team members from all other roles work together.

They jointly build and deliver great software their client is paying for.

Scrum team members do no longer belong to a functional silo of a matrix organization. Developers do no longer belong to software development competence centers, and testers do no longer belong to the software testing competence center, and so on. Regardless of their past coordinates in the organization, members of a scrum team belong to their particular scrum project.

Now their job is to build the best possible software to deliver the requirements of their scrum product owner.

Characteristics of scrum teams are:

• Empowered and Autonomous, • Cross-functional, • Self-organized and small, • Full-time participants, • Working in the same room, • One for all, all for one.

It’s an excellent time to remind that the Scrum Team members follow Scrum values persistently.

• Courage • Focus • Commitment • Respect • Openness

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