SCS Magazine 2014 Issue 3

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ISSUE THREE 2014 The Magazine of the Singapore Computer Society

Careers in Infocomm and Professional Development

04 Future-proof Your Career MCI (P) 180/06/2014

10 Get Trained, be future-ready




Career Development for Infocomm Professionals jobs”. I hope that through my article in this issue, I have put forward the case for redefining the concept of job security in a world where change is constant.

Tan Teng Cheong Editor Senior Member, SCS


t’s time again to enjoy another contentrelevant issue of IT Society. While we focused on the latest trends and technologies in the past few issues, we’re turning the spotlight on you this time. As infocomm professionals, you must be deeply interested in planning your career and developing professionally, so we have lined up several themed articles for you on this subject. Ms Michelle Cheong Lee Fong of Singapore Management University (SMU) shares tips on staying relevant in our fast-paced industry through continuous learning and training, while Ms Miao Chun Yan of Nanyang Technological University (NTU), believes setting a clear goal, lifelong learning and interpersonal skills are the vital ingredients for developing your career. In my daytime job as Asia Pacific VicePresident at DISYS, I often observe a tendency for infocomm job seekers to avoid “contract

In other themed articles, Ms Anika Grant of Accenture has a few pointers on futureproofing your career, while Ms Yum Hui Yuen of National University of Singapore (NUS) discusses the National Infocomm Competency Framework’s (NICF), Immerse, Grow, Navigate in Infocomm Technology with Eloquence (NICF-IGNITE) programme. Last but not least, we have invited the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) to discuss the role it plays in helping Singapore gear up to become the world’s first Smart Nation, and point out the key steps and areas of focus to realise this vision. Additionally, our oldest member, Mr Tan See Peng, shares with you his way of staying active in retirement. I’d also like to point out that 1 August this year was a milestone for the employment market in Singapore, with new rules of the Fair Consideration Framework (FCF) taking effect, giving Singapore citizens and permanent residents priority for job openings. This changes the dynamics of the

Editor Tan Teng Cheong

Editorial Support Leong Hoi Lan

Contributing Writers Anika Grant Khoong Hock Yun Miao Chun Yan Michelle Cheong Lee Fong Prem Chandiramani Tan Teng Cheong Yum Hui Yuen

Advertising Sales & Admin Leong Hoi Lan For ad sales enquiries, Tel: 6226 2567 ext 12 Email: Mailing Address 53 Neil Road Singapore 088891

Columnist Chandra Sekar Veerappan Contributing Photographer Foo Ce Wei

Email Editorial & Design Oculus Design Pte Ltd

workplace and our members should seize the opportunities this development offers. Remember, though, that while professional development is important, often a change in mindset is also required. For lighter reading, we recount, as always, activities and events organised for our members, as well as updates on our latest developments, the usual teaser quiz, and a peek at some inventions by resourceful individuals or companies. Enjoy!

Feedback We value your feedback on this magazine. Simply email with your comments to help us produce an even more interesting and relevant magazine for you in subsequent issues. You are welcome to submit articles for consideration of inclusion.

The IT Society is the official publication of the Singapore Computer Society. Any part of this publication may be reproduced as long as credit is given to the publisher, Singapore Computer Society. The views expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the views of the Society.

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CONTENTS REGULARS 01 Career Development for Infocomm Professionals FEATURES 03 Strengthening the Talent Pool for a Smart Nation 04 Future-proof Your Career 07 A Mind That Won’t Retire 09 Developing Your Infocomm Career in Today’s Technology Empowered World 10 Get Trained, Be Future-Ready 12 Redefining Job Security in an Uncertain World PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 13 Igniting The Spark Through Infocomm Training 15 Be A Recognised Infocomm Professional MEMBERS 17 Welcome Aboard 18 Congratulations to Our New Senior Members! HAPPENINGS 18 Future-Proofing Your Career in a Digitally Disruptive Environment 19 Path to Success in Digital Media 20 Applauding Singapore’s Talents More Benefits for the Membership! 22 Calendar of Events 23 Great Bonding on SCS Golf Day 2014 THE LITE SIDE 24 SCS Quiz Innovative Invents









Strengthening the Talent Pool for a Smart Nation As Singapore gears up to become the world’s first Smart Nation, the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) has a vital role to play. It explains how. Khoong Hock Yun Senior Member, SCS Assistant Chief Executive Development Group IDA


ingapore is building the world’s first Smart Nation. We are leading the world in the use of technology to improve people’s lives and to address global challenges such as a rapidly ageing population and growing urban density.

This is a massive undertaking. The Smart Nation will be underpinned by data and analytics. We will build a nationwide sensor network through which anonymised data can be captured, shared and analysed for useful insights in areas ranging from energy and water management to public safety and health care. In this Smart Nation vision, technology will play an even greater role in driving economic and social transformation and creating new opportunities for all. There will be opportunities to integrate, innovate and invent.

Three key steps

First, let us think about how we can integrate. There are a lot of technologies out there. How can we bring these technologies together to deliver useful services and solutions for businesses and individuals? Next, think about how we can take this further and innovate. In a Smart Nation, there will be a proliferation of flexible sensors and devices enabled for the Internet of Things. How can we innovate in this space and come up with new means to collect and connect data? And then think about what we need to invent to achieve our vision of a Smart Nation. This may mean discovering whole new areas of technology that, for now, remain in the realm of science fiction, or creating new business models that will transform the global economic landscape.

We want to build Singapore’s tech talents to seize these opportunities. We now have more than 146,000 tech professionals in Singapore. We need more, and IDA is committed to doing more to encourage Singapore’s tech talents and ensuring that their skills remain relevant. Across the board, we see a strong demand for skills in critical areas such as data analytics and cyber security.

Focal areas

Data make the Smart Nation possible. It will enable businesses and government organisations to boost their operational efficiency, improve customer engagement and deliver anticipatory services. At the crux of it, the Smart Nation is about using data and analytics to innovate and improve lives. And we will need data analysts, data scientists and other people with data-related skills and capabilities in order to do this. Cyber security is another important area. It is a global concern and will be even more significant as Singapore transitions to a Smart Nation. We will need to build up a ready pool of cyber security experts to help manage the new cyber environment and defend against threats that are increasing in size, scale and sophistication. There is also a need for skillsets in areas such as enterprise mobility and software engineering, as well as more domain-specific infocomm skills in areas such as financial technology, health care and logistics.

Standing by us

Demand for Singapore’s tech talents far outstrips supply, and IDA cannot overcome this challenge on our own. We are working closely with partners in end-user organisations and the tech industry to build up our talent pool. IDA’s Company-Led Training programme is aimed at helping companies to recruit, mentor and train entrant tech professionals in fast growing technologies such as data and analytics, and mobile application development. In the second year of the programme, we saw an increase of almost 38 per cent in the number of fresh graduates successfully seeking mentorship with organisations such as Dimension Data Asia Pacific Pte Ltd, IBM Singapore, Integrated Health Information Systems (IHIS), SAS Institute Pte Ltd, Standard Chartered Bank and DBS. Our seventh industry partner, Google, came on board this year with the launch of its Squared Data Programme. With the Centres of Attachment (COA) programme, the focus is on training tech professionals in various high-end expert-level skills in growth and emerging areas to meet industry needs. We currently have seven COA partners which include technology providers, centres of innovation, institutes of higher learning and research institutes. They cover areas such as big data, analytics, predictive modelling and optimisation, cloud computing, enterprise mobile application development, healthcare, logistics and supply chain management analytics.


THE IT SOCIETY — Issue Three 2014


FEATURE Spin on online learning

Recently, we also launched our inaugural Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) in partnership with Coursera. The data sciences specialisation, which caters to Singaporeans from different professional backgrounds, gives participants the opportunity to develop vital skills that respond to the growing demand for data sciences and analytics talent. With our MOOC courses, we have also put an interesting spin on online learning by providing participants with opportunities to network and learn from like-minded members of industry. The pilot offers weekly meet-up sessions to help course participants in their learning. These are supported by industry-members-turned-volunteer course facilitators to help teach, answer questions and lead discussions.

We will continue to have a dialogue with our partners on how to invest in people and deliver more opportunities for training, internship and apprenticeship.

Creating, not just consuming

We also want to give people the opportunity to do something new. We want to strengthen tech competencies not only to meet the talent demands of the industry, but also to build Singapore-based intellectual property. We want to excite people with the idea of creating new products and services and not just be consumers of technology. Our IDA Labs initiative provides people with a place where they can tinker and experiment with technology and try their hand at building products. We also lend our support to a wide range of hackathons and coding challenges to pique interest in technology amongst people of different ages and from different backgrounds. Our aim is not to run 5,000 children through a coding programme, although those skills are important. We want people to choose to do it, to be excited by technology and to want to explore.

To support those who want to build new products and services, we have created a vibrant start-up ecosystem where mentors can give guidance to technopreneurs and connect them with the right networks to help them grow. We want to create a supportive environment that encourages risktaking. Our message is that it is okay to fail — we learn from our failures and move forward. We need to have this mindset if we are to create new opportunities for innovation. For Singapore as a whole to prosper, we need more technologists and more tech competencies to help build the Smart Nation and grow the market for our products and services. Our single largest constraint is access to the right people. Our universities and polytechnics currently do not generate enough tech professionals. There is a lot of innovative technologies around, but have difficulty finding technical talents to tap these to bring out innovations. This continues to be a challenge, and we will continue to work together with our partners, with the tech ecosystem and with the wider community of infocomm professionals to address this.

Future-proof Your Career Digital technologies are reinventing the future of work, says Anika Grant, who elaborates on what form this will likely take. Anika Grant

Managing Director HR, Talent Architecture, Accenture


en years from now, it’s likely that work outcomes and work experiences for employees of all sorts — from manual workers to managers — will look dramatically different. That’s because an ensemble of new digital technologies is enhancing the way we collect and analyse information, and opening up new possibilities for how we navigate the world. The impacts of this are already making themselves felt. From finding us a new friend on Facebook based on similarities in online profiles, to powering a driver-less car through busy traffic, intelligent digital processes combining sensors, analytics, rich visualisations and intelligent responses, are augmenting our cognitive and even physical capabilities. If we

turn our attention to the world of work, it’s clear these new technologies are also changing the “who”, “when”, “where” and “what” of how work gets done.

What’s going to change?

Employees will be more autonomous, enabled through intelligent tools that empower them to make significant decisions quickly and easily. This, in turn, will see information and decision-making authority increasingly pushed out towards the boundaries of the organisation, making it likely that whole enterprises will become leaner and less hierarchical. Organisations will also make increasing use of predictive analysis to drive faster and more dynamic decision making, and to increase efficiency and operational flexibility. Employees


FEATURE on the front line will be able to respond in real time to detect, locate and fix problems — in some cases before they even occur. Or take the advances in digital technology such as robotics, which will require humans to work in new ways with machines. In Indonesia, PT Triputra Agro Persada, a palm oil producer, is already looking to implement drone technology to ensure that new plantings are undertaken in fertile areas, and to streamline the paths workers take through plantations1.

Increasing agility

Another emerging work practice involves experiment-driven design. As digital modeling and simulation make design iteration less expensive, work processes will increasingly be structured around a series of “design-buildtest” cycles that generate early feedback to uncover risks quicker and align better to user preferences. It’s about institutionalising agile development, in other words, and it will require a mindset shift among employees — one that involves getting comfortable with higher levels of improvisation and experimentation, and operating without rigid plans2.

How companies must change But what does all this mean now for the company that wants to lead in the digital era? Fundamentally, the transformation to becoming a truly digital enterprise requires deep shifts that cut across skillsets and roles, and are as much cultural as they are technical.

Companies will need, for instance, to be comfortable with granting their employees more autonomy. They will need to build a culture that is anchored around achieving consistent and well-informed decision making throughout the organisation and aligned to core values, rather than maintaining centralised planning and control. In seeking out talent, leaders will need to focus on areas that don’t often show up on resumes or performance evaluations, such as the ability to experiment and take risks, along with the know-how to reskill actively, learn and adapt to different contexts. Being able to collaborate productively — with robots and computers as well as people — will be another sought-after skill. Exercising judgment in an environment of rapid change and ambiguity will also be a core talent that keeps the digital enterprise on course.

data, and coach them to exercise judgment in reconciling what the intelligent tools recommend with what culture or customers have historically demanded. And they will need to encourage responsible experimentation while dealing with the inevitable setbacks this will produce, and turning those setbacks into valuable learning experiences for their teams. Most importantly, managers will also have to be comfortable with the fact that the transition to “being digital” comes with letting go of command-and-control leadership and developing standardised procedures that enable local decision making on the frontlines.

Fit for the future

True digital transformation is about a lot more than technology. Businesses will have to identify the skills and organisational structure needed to enable these future ways of working. For employers, it’s about building a culture that rewards initiative taking and experimentation in an environment where ambiguity is the norm. The more agile and mobile organisations can become, the more successfully they will be able to bring people together across competencies, company functions and locations in virtual and physical teams. For example, a regional airline could use an excess supply of pilots in Malaysia to fill talent gaps in Indonesia3. Educational institutions, meanwhile, will need to adapt to offer both the digital literary abilities and the “soft” skills, such as adaptability, collaboration, critical thinking and problem solving that will be invaluable in the future workplace. The role of governments will also be key — facilitating partnerships or collaboration across the ecosystem of talent, business, public sector and education institutions, and building a continuous learning environment that enables talent to enter the workforce relevant, and stay relevant throughout their careers. There is no time to sit back and watch. As disruptive trends take hold, the challenge for leaders is to recognise that change is necessary, and to start building the foundation for it. That way, they will be evolving to survive and thrive in the new world of work, rather than falling behind. At this tipping point, what will your organisation choose?

Even more profound may be the shifts required of management. Managers will need to help employees make the most of available ‘The Future-Ready Organization: Re-inventing Work in ASEAN,’ Accenture, 2014. ‘From Looking Digital to Being Digital: The Impact of Technology on the Future of Work,’ Accenture, 2014.

1,3 2




NICF - Agile Continuous Delivery

29 Sep

NICF - Essential Practices for Agile Teams (Certified Scrum Developer Technical Track)

29 Oct

NICF - Strategic IT Planning

26 Nov



NICF - PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP)® Preparatory Course

19 Nov

NICF - Object Oriented Design Patterns

11 Nov

NICF - Project Management for IT

13 Oct, 10 Nov

Design and Develop Mobile Enterprise Application with HTML5

14 Oct

NICF - Managing Project Stakeholders: A Practical Approach

1 Dec

NICF - Object Oriented Analysis & Design

3 Nov

NICF - Certification in Outsourcing Management for IT (Associate) Course

15 Oct

NICF - Managing Successful Programmes (MSP®)

29 Oct

NICF - Strategic Product ManagerTM

13 Nov

BUSINESS ANALYSIS NICF - AIIM Business Process Management Master (BPMC)

10 Nov

NICF - Business Analysis for Agile Practitioners

27 Oct



5 Nov


5 Nov

NICF - Social Media For B2B

24 Nov

24 Nov

NICF - Enterprise IT Governance

15 Oct

19 Nov, 8 Dec

WSQ Extreme Innovator

10 Oct, 5 Dec

WSQ Implementing Design Thinking

29 Oct

For the full suite of courses, please visit

We’re happy to conduct our courses in-house at your organisation. The same WDA funding applies. Email to find out more.

IT GOVERNANCE AND RISK MANAGEMENT NICF - Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP®) CBK® Review Seminar

WSQ Innovating New Services & Products

The above courses with prefixes NICF and WSQ are accredited by the Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA). Absentee payroll and funding of the course fee are available for eligible participants (Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents). SME sponsored participants (Singaporeans & PRs) can get up to 90% funding of our courses by WDA. Participants will be issued a Statement of Attainment (SOA) upon successful completion of the course.

IT SERVICE MANAGEMENT NICF - ITIL® Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management

1 Oct, 24 Nov, 3 Dec

INSTITUTE OF SYSTEMS SCIENCE National University of Singapore 25 Heng Mui Keng Terrace Singapore 119615

Tel: (65) 6516-2093





A Mind That Won’t Retire He may be retired, but oldest SCS member Mr Tan See Peng, who helped found the society, still contributes actively to it with his questioning mind.

“Businesses just need to be aware of how infocomm technology can help them. That is why we need SCS to educate businesses that infocomm technology should not be an accessory, but rather a tool to grow their business.” Mr Tan believes that through its certifications SCS has helped to change the infocomm landscape in Singapore. “The certifications say that that individual possesses a certain level of proficiency. This helps the industry to adhere to a certain benchmark. Employers would also be looking out for individuals who are certified.”

Doing it his way


ears after he helped found the Singapore Computer Society (SCS) in 1967, Mr Tan See Peng, who at age 85 is its oldest member, is still contributing actively to it by raising pertinent questions at its Annual General Meetings (AGMs) and offering suggestions. For a veteran SCS member, Mr Tan started out knowing very little about computers, he reveals. After graduating with a Bachelor of Arts Honours degree in Economics from what was then called the University of Malaya, he worked for the Ministry of Finance’s Audit Department and later qualified as an accountant under the Colombo Plan Scholarship. In the private sector, he worked for Mitsui, Borneo Motors, IBM and Singapore Polymer. It was Borneo Motors that set him on the path of an infocomm career. He was their systems analyst and they trained him to use their $3 million computer. “Accountant jobs were hard to come by. And computers were the popular thing back then. They called it the mainframe,” Mr Tan recalls. “And do you know what its processing power was? 60k. And it was a giant computer.”

Birth of SCS

About the time he embarked on his infocomm career, Mr Tan and others such as Robert Iau, Terence Kanagarajah and Wee Tew Lim

— who all became SCS presidents later — decided to form SCS although there was no infocomm industry back then, he says.

It is important to keep on learning, to broaden your outlook. Otherwise, you’ll think only about computers.” “Businesses referred to the infocomm department as the Data Processing Department. Infocomm technology was only used to churn out data and figures, print the data sheet out and show it to the management team. Infocomm professionals used to belong to their employers. They lacked a united voice to represent them, to speak up for their rights,” he points out. The society could also certify the proficiencies of members, just like the accounting sector, he adds.

From accessory to tool

How things have changed, he notes. “Infocomm technology is now in every aspect of our lives. It has a broader application today. Infocomm Managers today are invited into management or board meetings to discuss how infocomm technology can help businesses to grow. So, infocomm technology is no longer an accessory in business; it has become a tool.

For himself though, Mr Tan, who is married and has two sons and a daughter, thinks certifications are no longer necessary. “The only thing I can do now is to attend the AGMs and raise my concerns or suggestions. But before going down to any AGMs, I’ll read the annual reports to better understand what has happened the previous year.” Besides AGMs, he also attends events and other functions such as talks and seminars whenever he can as he’s a firm believer in continuous learning. “In order to survive, you can specialise in one field, but you must also know about other subjects. It is important to keep on learning, to broaden your outlook. Otherwise, you’ll think only about computers.” As a member of other clubs and societies and a shareholder in various companies, Mr Tan attends their AGMs and events as well. In fact, in 2012, the Securities Investors Association of Singapore (SIAS) awarded him with the Model Shareholder Award and Deputy Prime Minister Tharman Shanmugan gave him a plaque memento. “I look out if the company is making a loss or not. If so, I’ll question the director why. If you don’t ask questions, it’s hard to find out more about the company based solely on what you read in its annual report.” With questions to field to myriad organisations, Mr Tan certainly has his diary filled and his mind occupied, especially with matters linked to infocomm.




Developing Your Infocomm Career in Today’s Technology Empowered World Building a successful long-term career, like running a thriving business, entails having a clear goal to steer you on the right track, lifelong learning to sustain your competitiveness, and interpersonal skills to enrich your social capital, says Associate Professor Miao Chun Yan of Nanyang Technological University (NTU). Ms Miao is also Director, Joint NTU-UBC Research Centre of Excellence in Active Living for the Elderly (LILY) at NTU and an SCS Member.

Miao Chun Yan Member, SCS Associate Professor Director, Joint NTU-UBC Research Centre of Excellence in Active Living for the Elderly (LILY) Nanyang Technological University


bout 20 years ago, many perceived computers as something magical and mysterious. So-called infocomm professionals were a rare breed then and had career paths that were not well defined. Pioneer infocomm professionals used to treat their careers as a business, and many indeed became technopreneurs and created big-name infocomm companies that changed our way of life. In recent years, Singapore has been increasingly emphasising the nurturing of an entrepreneurial mentality among its citizens. At the same time, many new, publicly funded infocomm research programmes now consider business impact a key performance indicator (KPI). As the entrepreneurial gene has been imparted into the infocomm industry from its inception, we are inclined to believe that today’s infocomm professionals should still manage their career development as if they were managing a business. Running a successful business requires being proactive. You should carefully design business plans, set clear and feasible goals, improve the competitiveness of the business, and use innovative marketing techniques to persuade customers to select your products or services. This process, we believe, is also a good way for an infocomm professional to develop a successful career.

As a young and aspiring infocomm professional, you should already have a clear idea of where you wish to go in the foreseeable future. If you don’t, it is important to broaden your horizon. This is admittedly a cliché, but that does not make it any less true. Identify a few people you can trust and who are preferably knowledgeable in the field of work that interests you. Find time to discuss your career aspirations with them and be receptive to any tough questions they may have for you. Once you have chosen a career direction, think of milestones you wish to achieve in the short, medium, and long terms. Having a clear chart of your career path in mind will help you decide which opportunities to choose when these arise. While there is certainly an element of luck involved when it comes to opportunities, you can nevertheless tip the odds in your favour with two simple techniques: investment and marketing. Invest in yourself to build up your skills set, and market this using the myriad jobrelated social networking tools (e.g., LinkedIn) that you can easily access these days for free. As the infocomm landscape can alter significantly from time to time, it is important for infocomm professionals to upgrade their skills in order to stay relevant and adapt to changing job requirements. Massive open online courses (MOOCs) are increasingly becoming the preferred way of continuing education for many infocomm professionals. With the help of MOOC providers such as Coursera and Udacity, anyone with a computer and Internet connection can now take up various online courses on a wide range of topics from world renowned universities


THE IT SOCIETY — Issue Three 2014


FEATURE for free. Such courses often consist of video lectures, quizzes, coursework projects, exams, and participation in communities of interest formed by peers and course instructors. MOOCs allow busy infocomm professionals like you to sample a variety of courses that may help you develop not only your technical skills, but also your business acumen and managerial strategies. Because of their flexible timing, you can choose the ones you wish to take with no upfront payment, manage your own pace of learning, and juggle course commitments with your day job. If you complete all the requirements of a MOOC, you can obtain a certificate of completion issued by the institute that developed the course. Although these certificates are not yet officially recognised by most employers at the moment, there are encouraging developments. Many hiring managers often regard someone who has completed MOOCs as a person who takes a proactive approach towards lifelong learning, which is a desirable personality trait.

For a business person, cultivating good relations is an indispensable part of your career development, especially as you move up the corporate ladder. On a smaller, individual scale, you should be active in your organisation and demonstrate capabilities beyond your job scope. For example, you can volunteer to be part of committees or clubs within your organisation that focus not mainly on job related tasks, but rather, on employee welfare. On a larger scale, you can demonstrate your technical prowess and community leadership by taking part actively in online communities of interest (e.g., open source projects, technical forums) or even start your own technical blog. To gain the trust of present or potential employers, you need to demonstrate both technical skills and the willingness to take on greater responsibilities. These are important career development objectives for infocomm professionals that you may not have learned from a classroom.

Get Trained, Be Future-Ready

Continuous learning and training hold the key for infocomm professionals to stay relevant in demanding jobs within a fastmoving industry. Michelle CHEONG Lee Fong, Associate Dean, Postgraduate Professional Programmes, School of Information Systems, Singapore Management University (SMU), explains why. Michelle CHEONG Lee Fong Associate Dean, Postgraduate Professional Programmes School of Information Systems, Singapore Management University


nfocomm professionals certainly don’t have it easy. Besides keeping up with the different software releases, changes in infocomm trends, different business applications, and mastering the different hardware and software systems, they must also

understand how infocomm technology can be applied effectively in businesses. This, in turn, requires domain knowledge and different skills sets. Developments in business technology strategies, operations and products all entail changes to the infocomm systems supporting the businesses. There are just too many programming languages, software and hardware systems, business applications, and skill sets for one to master in a lifetime. This is the reason infocomm professionals are well respected for their diligence, competencies, flexibility and innovative mindsets. The ever changing

Access our dedicated InfoPier Training Portal for a wide spectrum of training and development courses on the most trending topics today. Visit www. and embark on your learning journey towards excellence.



FEATURE infocomm landscape also makes things both interesting and meaningful for infocomm professionals. To remain relevant in their highly demanding roles, infocomm professionals need to embrace continuous learning and training. However, if you have only limited time and resources on your hands, how do you plan for training? To start with, ask yourself what you would like to be. A data analyst, a solution architect, an infocomm project manager, an infocomm network engineer, a software designer, a database administrator or a security expert perhaps? The National Infocomm Competency Framework (NICF), jointly developed by the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) and Singapore Workforce Development Authority (WDA), defines different job roles and the competency units relevant to each. After you have searched and identified the job you want, you should see the list of training courses the various training institutions offer, which address the competency units needed for the job. Singapore citizens get to enjoy different levels of funding support for the Critical Information Resource Programme (CITREP)

endorsed and the Singapore Workforce Skills Qualification (WSQ) accredited courses: subsidies can amount to 50%, 70% or even 95% of the course fees — subject to a capped amount — and depend on the skill area, age group and income level of the trainee, and whether the training is to be self-sponsored or company-sponsored. For example, an infrastructure architect for capital markets must be competent in applying capital markets infocomm systems knowledge to manage both business-as-usual and change; developing detailed technical designs, and designing and deploying enterprise network. To gain these competencies, the training courses available are the Financial Markets Technology & Operations course from SMU’s School of Information Systems (SIS), the NICF-certified Enterprise Architecture Practitioner Programme course from the Institute of Systems Science at NUS, and the Managers Certificate in infocomm Service Management course from several private institutions. Every institution — private or publicly funded Institutions of Higher Learning (IHLs) — provides courses for which they are well known and have the right trainers to cater to it. SMU-SIS, for example, is an IHL that focuses on training related to infocomm technology in financial services and data analytics in the areas of business, consumer and social analytics. It does this through its Master of IT in Business (MITB) programmes, Financial IT Academy (FITA), and other short professional courses. Over time, new job roles will be identified and added to NICF to ensure that infocomm professionals can be trained for these future roles. NICF recently added new job roles related to big data analytics, enterprise mobility and digital strategy and marketing. If you are keen to pursue job roles in emerging technologies, then cloud computing, green Infocomm Technology and service innovation design might interest you. With the tightening of rules on hiring foreigners in Singapore, it has become even more critical for the local infocomm workforce to upgrade their skills sets and knowledge. Obviously all infocomm professionals would like to improve themselves so as to take up higher-level job roles. With the reasonably high levels of funding the government provides, what could be stopping more professionals from going for training? For one thing, attending training courses requires taking leave from work if the training is conducted on weekdays. Most training institutions try to limit their training courses to two or three days to minimise work disruption.

While two to three days may seem a reasonably short period, many companies cannot afford to release their employees even for this length of time. What, then, is the solution? It seems the only way forward is for training institutions to provide online courses. This has many advantages. For the trainee, this certainly offers time and venue flexibility. Online training courses also allow trainees to learn at their own individual pace because each course can be repeated as many times as necessary. An online course can also be more affordable because the delivery of the contents can be scaled up or down, and the same course can be offered to one trainee or 1000 trainees at any one time. However, online courses do have the disadvantage of not providing trainees with face-to-face interactions. Some even doubt that they offer effective hands-on training, especially for infocomm related courses. With the advancement of learning technologies, all these challenges will be addressed and overcome. When you have identified an online course that can meet your training needs, won’t you consider opting to be future-ready? NICF competency profiling features is accessible on your InfoPier profile. You can assess your competencies and gain access to targeted training programs when you update your professional profile on InfoPier. Update your professional profile today and stand a chance to win $50 dining vouchers at Shangri-La Hotel. Visit now.


THE IT SOCIETY — Issue Three 2014



Redefining Job Security in an Uncertain World In a world where technology has made it so easy for companies to relocate jobs elsewhere, infocomm professionals seeking jobs should perhaps rethink their concept of job security. Mr Tan Teng Cheong, Asia Pacific Vice-President at DISYS, elaborates on why he has this view. Tan Teng Cheong Senior Member, SCS Vice President, Asia Pacific Digital Intelligence Systems (DISYS)


ikipedia defines job security as “the probability that an individual will keep his or her job” and adds that “a job with a high level of job security is such that a person with the job would have a small chance of becoming unemployed”. Conventional wisdom tells us that working for big corporates or the government offers the best job security and opportunities to learn and grow. Well, this premise may no longer be true because technology these days makes it so easy for organisations to relocate jobs from one location to another where costs are lower.

This is especially true for jobs in the infocomm industry where we work with virtual bits/bytes rather than things with physical atoms. Here in Singapore, the joke going around is that if your company downsizes when you’re in your 30s, you’re “restructured”; if this happens in your 40s, you’re “retrenched”; and if this occurs in your 50s, you’re “retired”.

Fixated on “job security”

In my day job, I have observed that many of our local infocomm professionals are very concerned about job security and hence very fixated on whether a job is “permanent or on contract”. Many are reluctant to take on a “contract job” because this is perceived to be “temporary in nature”. Yet, many of these who decline “contract jobs” have been made redundant from their “permanent jobs”. This raises the question: how permanent are these jobs really?

I have also seen many companies converting “permanent headcounts” to “contract headcounts” to let their infocomm departments maintain their number of headcounts. Many of the companies doing this are large public companies listed on stock exchanges so their revenue-perheadcount is an important criterion in determining their efficiency and hence their share prices. What I find most interesting is that many of these “contract roles” are not “temporary positions” at all. They are “permanent” roles with contracts that are renewable every year. In fact, in my job, I see many senior contract positions where the consultants are on their fourth, fifth or even sixth year of their contract. These jobs seem to me “more permanent” than a regular permanent job.

Think before rejecting “contract jobs”

This is why I believe the whole basis of wanting job security by working in a “permanent role” is no longer always valid in our environment. I therefore encourage everyone to think before declining opportunities to take up “contract jobs”. To me, the best way to ensure job security in this environment is to remember the following: 1. It’s no longer about “job security”, but about “relevance of skills & experience”: change your own paradigm. 2. You are “Your own professional services company”: build your careers one project at a time. 3. Focus on building skills and experience: ask yourself how your current project can make you more valuable for the next.



FEATURE If you accept my arguments, I believe you will overcome the prejudice against contract jobs. And when you do, you will suddenly find a myriad of opportunities available to you. You will overcome this fear of being a victim of downsizing as your focus will be on the positives and the areas where you have control: building on your expertise, gaining relevant experience, and enjoying the journey of building your career.

I believe this is relevant not only to the mid-career infocomm professional in their 30s and 40s, but also to new entrants to our industry. As someone once said: If we do not take charge of our own career development, who will?” PS: Did you know that all CEO positions in big companies are contract positions? Going by conventional wisdom, no one should aspire to be a CEO because he/she will be moving from a permanent job to a contract job!


Igniting the Spark through Infocomm Training The NICF-Immerse, Grow, Navigate in Infocomm Technology with Eloquence (NICF-IGNITE) programme has sharpened the Infocomm Technology (ICT) competencies of organisations while opening doors to infocomm professions for aspiring individuals. The National University of Singapore – Institute of Systems Science’s (NUS-ISS) Yum Hui Yuen highlights the benefits of staff training for the industry as a whole.

Yum Hui Yuen Senior Member, SCS Deputy Director Institute of Systems Science National University of Singapore


ince 2005, Singapore’s infocomm sector has been at the epicentre of a 10-year masterplan to strengthen the country’s key economic sectors, and shape an intelligent nation powered by an infocommsavvy workforce.


The sector’s growth over the last decade has resonated well with this vision, with infocomm industry revenue contributions rising from S$37.89 billion in 2005 to S$148.1 billion in 2013, and the industry generating jobs for some 146,700 individuals last year1. The National Infocomm Competency Framework (NICF) has been integral to this development, having guided organisations and Continuing Education and Training (CET) providers such as NUS-ISS in aligning infocomm training programmes to industry demands.

Addressing manpower gaps

Still, feedback from a number of corporate customers shows that a niggling challenge remains. While some organisations have been lucky enough to find people with the right organisational fit, a different dilemma unfolds when these candidates lack a specific skills set or knowhow to perform a required role. The NICF-IGNITE programme conceptualised by the Singapore Workforce Development Agency (WDA) helps to address manpower gaps in the infocomm


THE IT SOCIETY — Issue Three 2014


PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT sector. It enables organisations to recruit, develop and retain the right infocomm staff – whether they are new to the infocomm industry, or are experienced practitioners wishing to pick up a new infocomm skill for a different role within the infocomm sector. Essentially an apprenticeship scheme, the NICF-IGNITE programme comprises an on-the-job training component with an employer, which allows new or inexperienced infocomm employees to benefit from the mentorship and supervision of skilled practitioners, and structured training programmes offered by WDA’s CET partners such as NUS-ISS. The biggest value of such an initiative is that it combines identifying the right courses for candidates with providing a contextualised learning opportunity for them. The result? Employees who get up to speed quickly with the necessary knowledge and skills to do a job well.

Contributing to the industry

As the National CET Institute (NCI) for the infocomm sector, NUS-ISS has been supporting the NICF-IGNITE initiative since 2012 and has built up a strong track record in tailoring training courses that are relevant to specific infocomm roles. Being a practicedriven institute of higher learning, NUS-ISS offers 11 highly sought-after training courses that qualify for NICF-IGNITE funding and cater to a growing pool of corporate participants. It isn’t just the large corporations that are benefiting from the initiative though. Increasingly, employees of small and mediumsized enterprises (SMEs) are also taking up NICF programmes, while sponsoring employers are adopting a more sustainable approach to talent development and retention, as well as government assistance. The programme is also useful for NSmen seeking a second career in infocomm. It offers an opportunity for former military men to transit into mainstream commercial careers in infocomm. Today, NUS-ISS has a NICF-IGNITE clientele comprising both public and private sector companies. They include organisations such as PSA Corporation, International Skill Verification Services, CrimsonLogic, Ecquaria, GreenFossil and JustLogin (See box for how it has benefited from NICF-IGNITE).

NICF-IGNITE beneficiaries JustLogin, a local cloud-based human resource software provider, has found an excellent employee through the NICF-IGNITE programme. “It’s a good way for SMEs like us to attract new staff and tap into some government support as we equip them with the relevant skills and knowledge,” says CEO, Mr K.C. Kwa. As for Joshua Tan, an infantry officer and an infocomm tertiary student prior to joining JustLogin, the chance to acquire new insights on Cloud Economics & Technology and Software Testing under the NICF framework has boosted his confidence in joining the competitive infocomm sector. “As a software programmer, it’s important to hone my skills and stay up-to-date with infocomm developments. The training courses at NUS-ISS have helped me to understand and apply best practices, and I can now relate on a deeper level to my role at work.”

Professional courses such as Java Development, Agile Development, Software Testing and Design Patterns have been highly popular at NUS-ISS as expertise in Project Management, Business Analysis, and Software Design & Development gain prominence in today’s business context and foster smarter communities and cities. It is an outcome that will create even more career development and advancement opportunities for the infocomm workforce. To ease transitions into the infocomm industry, and incentivise unemployed course participants, NUS-ISS value-adds to the NICF learning framework by providing career counselling and placement services for infocomm job seekers. As a result, NUS-ISS gets to hear from and work with

both organisations and potential employees, and is able to understand and match the requirements of both parties better.

Riding the next growth wave

Employee training remains a force multiplier, sparking greater innovation for companies and the industry as a whole. Aside from enhancing the employability of industry talents, the NICF-IGNITE programme provides a pipeline of job-ready infocomm workers – the most essential element for organisations looking to ride the next wave of growth. Ms Yum, a specialist in Strategic Infocomm Technology Management, is a Deputy Director at NUS-ISS, overseeing its operations and Professional Studies Programme.




Be a Recognised Infocomm Professional

For further information on the certifications, contact the SCS Secretariat on 62262567 or email :

Let certifications make a difference for you. Earn the professional certification that you richly deserve as proof of your infocomm competencies and expertise in specialised infocomm skills with SCS certifications today! Recognised industry certifications demonstrate the skill sets of an individual to perform to professional standards in his or her area of work. To help organisations and individuals achieve and sustain high standards of excellence, SCS offers industry-based certification programmes that are mapped to the National Infocomm Competency Framework (NICF), and widely accepted by employers and government bodies alike.

Certification in Outsourcing Management for IT (COMIT) This certification validates your ability to manage critically outsourced projects in a manner that will achieve your organisation’s goals. It will also increase your competency in designing and implanting outsourcing initiatives. Course date: 15 – 17 Oct 2014 Training Provider: Institute of Systems Science, NUS

Certification in IT Project Management (CITPM) CITPM is essentially the most recognised IT project management standard in the world. A quality mark for professionalism and competency in IT project management, the CITPM ensures that IT project managers can maintain relevance and sustain top performance in this rapidly-transforming infocomm landscape.

Certification in IT Business Continuity Management (CITBCM) CITBCM is the holistic BCM certification that gives you the cutting-edge BCM skills and knowledge to manage the threats and opportunities faced by organisations today and in the future. Learn the integrated management process that identifies potential impacts that threaten your organisation; the best ‘All-In-One’ BCM practices to maintain data centres and business continuity and IT disaster recovery; and build a complete business resiliency framework for your organisation. Course date: 10 – 13 Nov 2014 Training Provider: Organisation Resilience Management

Course date:

Please call 63237911 for details Training Provider: COMAT Training Services

Certified Manager of Software Quality (CMSQ) Certified Software Testing Professional (CSTP) CSTP equips you with knowledge of various leading industry methods, processes, tools, and technologies to test software for quality control and security assurance. Course date: November 2014 Training Provider: Nanyang Polytechnic

Certified Software Quality Analyst (CSQA) CSQA is a certification that validates your knowledge on all aspects of quality, such as principles, practices, concepts, assurance, leadership, planning, and even models. Course date: 12 – 14 Nov 2014 Training Provider: Quality Assurance Institute

CMSQ affirms your position as a leader of quality assurance in your organisation.With this certification, you will be well qualified to assess the capabilities and competencies of software quality assurance professionals at your workplace. Course date: 12 – 14 Nov 2014 Training Provider: Quality Assurance Institute




SCS Membership Crosses 30,000 Mark! Our membership strength has been increasing steadily over the past decade and the Society is proud to be 30,000 strong today! A big Thank You to all our members for your continued support of SCS.



Let’s hear why some of our new members are attracted to us…

Jefferson Wong

Director – Global Offer and Sales Volvo Construction Equipment My infocomm career has so far been very fulfilling and rewarding. I started with the National Computer Board (NCB) as an IT analyst in the Ministry of Information and The Arts. Over the years, I have been in different infocomm technology roles/positions, namely: project manager, management consultant, IT audit, IT PMO, IT Director, VP, and now, having global responsibilities for all applications for sales and commercial functions. Besides infocomm technology, my other passion is football and I have been supporting Tottenham Hotspurs since my childhood days. I’m really looking forward to meeting new people and sharing knowledge at future SCS events.

Val Arevalo

SCS Announces New Partners! SCS is pleased to announce two new partners who have taken up the SCS Corporate-Sponsored Individual Membership Scheme for their IT staff – Integrated Health Information Systems (IHiS) and Land Transport Authority (LTA). This provides a meaningful channel for IHiS and LTA IT staff to keep abreast of the latest technology trends, know-how as well as industry connection.

Marketing Manager IO I am the marketing manager for IO, a worldwide leader in softwaredefined data centre technology, which I helped to launch in Singapore in 2013. My first foray into infocomm technology started back in the early 1990s when working on my dissertation on an old IBM computer I shared with my siblings. My interest in infocomm technology was solidified after working on a syndicated study on infocomm technology adoption in the Philippines for a marketing intelligence company. I have also worked with companies such as HP and AMD across Asia. Being a member of the Singapore Computer Society will further deepen my interest and provide invaluable opportunities for training, forums and networking.

Goh Kok Min

Lecturer, Business School Singapore Polytechnic I am currently a lecturer at the Singapore Polytechnic Business School, teaching IT and Business modules. I graduated with a Master’s in Science degree (Information Systems) from Nanyang Technological University (NTU). My primary reason for joining the Singapore Computer Society (SCS) is to contribute to and engage with the network of this society. Also, I am keen to keep abreast of the latest changes in the infocomm industry. During my younger days, my hobbies included exploring computer systems such as IBMCompatible PCs and Apple Macintosh machines. I am a self-taught infocomm technology enthusiast. Infocomm technology has changed my life in a positive way. I believe that infocomm technology is something which everyone should be exposed to every day and it has become a “common language” for most. I enjoy communicating with friends and colleagues using infocomm technology.

Venkata Ramana Ootukuru

Project Manager Emerio Infotech I became a member of SCS to update myself on the latest infocomm trends and to be part of a group sharing knowledge and various experiences. I like reading infocomm news, informative articles, learning about trends, and sharing on forums. I was 15 when I first started using a computer. I used to visit our college computer lab frequently. From there, I started to utilise infocomm technology more widely to gain information and communicate with my friends. I have done my Master’s in computer science and I started as a software engineer back in 1999. Infocomm technology has since emerged as an integral part of my everyday life. It is hard to imagine the world without infocomm technology now. Other than infocomm technology, I enjoy cycling and going on long drives.


THE IT SOCIETY — Issue Three 2014



Congratulations to Our New Senior Members! Meet the outstanding ordinary members who have just joined the ranks of our senior members! "It is my great pleasure to be promoted to Senior Member. As an infocomm practitioner for more than 28 years in Hong Kong, I treasure the knowledge and information provided by SCS through their regular publications, which could uplift my skills and competencies from time to time.” Joseph Leung Senior Member, SCS Director Corporate Development AsiaPay Ltd

One of the highlights of SCS each year is to recognise our members for their notable contributions within the infocomm industry. This year, we are pleased to announce the following individuals who have been conferred senior membership for 2014: New Senior Members for 2014 Alan Patrick Stone Cheah Saw Pheng Choi Myungjo Goh Chuen Jin Alan Kim Robert Lau Shih Hor Leung Wai Fung Joseph Mah Chi Khuen Albert Ong Chin Ann Pang Hee Hon Tay Bian Tee Vivian

Anton Ravindran Chia Sock Ker Deep Singhania Ho Seong Kim Koh Kong Meng Lee Chew Chiat Liew Lien Ban Sam Nanda Kumar Karippur Ong Whee Teck Seah Poh Choo Tham Mun Chun Mark


Future-Proofing Your Career in a Digitally Disruptive Environment Keynote speakers at the recent Infocomm Professional Development Forum (IPDF) 2014 offered participants valuable insights.


igital is re-imaging the human experience. It is remaking how people live, work, play and connect. Professionals recognise that they cannot turn a blind eye to such a powerful force that is shaping human behaviour. At the recent Infocomm Professional Development Forum (IPDF), professionals and academics gathered to discuss striving for excellence on this edge of change. The one-day forum themed, “Future-Proofing Your Career in a Digitally Disruptive Environment”, brought together insights

delivered by keynote speakers, Ms Anika Grant and Mr Mike Saunders, and offered a wide spectrum of workshops centred on the latest discussion topics. Here is what a couple of the participants say: “Interesting presentations by both Ramesh and Boopathi covering Internet of Things (IOT) and technology security, allowed everyone on the track to have a good overview of these in-demand topics at present.” – Lee Jia Ming, Project Lead, IBM

“The workshop has widened my perspectives on how big data can deliver significant value to the society. During Mr Edwin Liok’s presentation, he mentioned, which is Singapore’s official online portal to government’s data. I was really excited about it as the public could make use of the site for many purposes, such as school projects and market research. In fact, I actually took part in the development of the website during my summer internship at IDA!” – Julietta Lee, School of Computing, National University of Singapore (NUS)







Path to Success in Digital Media At the recent Youth Engagement Series (YES!), young infocomm professionals learned what companies such as Facebook seek in talents. Prem Chandiramani Member SCS IT Youth Council


nown affectionately as MJ, Myunjo Choi, Managing Director, Facebook South East Asia, delighted his audience at the fourth instalment of the YES! Series by recounting the major events in his career that have led him to where he is today. He was speaking on the topic, “Digital Media as a Career – What companies like Facebook look for in talent”, to about 100 young professionals and students attending the event held on 17 May at the e2i campus.

Staying the Course

MJ started by sharing candidly his experience in working for global internet giants such as Yahoo!, Google and Facebook. He revealed he was not only employee Number One at Google Korea, but also the only employee for the first one and half years of Google Korea’s operations. He recalled that his contemporaries would often poke fun at him for working in a one-man company, but his belief in the company helped him stay the course to see Google Korea grow to where it is today.

Career Options in Digital Media

Asked about the different career options available in Digital Media, MJ pointed out that there were many opportunities with: i) Media publishers such as Facebook, Yahoo! and Google, which provide the platforms for Digital Marketing; ii) Advertising agencies such as WPP & Publicis Groups, which plan and buy the media and create the contents to be published on platforms such as Facebook;

iii) Marketers in relevant organisations which leverage Digital Media to achieve the business goals of creating awareness for products and services, or driving adoption; MJ also noted that the Digital Media industry is very diverse and requires a wide variety of skill sets ranging from sales proficiency, to creative and design capabilities to planning and project management skills.

Having a Plan

He emphasised to young professionals and students the importance of having career plans and aspirations, and advised them to take concerted steps to achieve those career goals.

1. Mr Myungjo Choi engaging the audience with personal anecdotes. 2. A great turnout at the YES session! 3. Mr Myungjo Choi (left) sharing his experiences with the audience. The MD of Facebook SEA also cautioned that not everyone could join their desired company in the early stages of their careers. However they should not be disheartened, but should focus on acquiring the necessary skills and capabilities to become the talents that companies such as Facebook look for.

Attributes That Set Talents Apart

Asked what companies such as Facebook look for in talents, MJ offered the following tips: i) Social Quotient (SQ) is a very important attribute, that is, being able to speak and converse well. While Intelligence Quotient (IQ) and Emotional Quotient (EQ) are important, MJ sees SQ as an attribute that sets talent apart; ii) Multilingualism is another very important skill that our young professionals and students should look to acquire - especially competence in Asian languages such as Mandarin;

iii) Passion is also a key character attribute – passion in what you do and what you believe – you need to exude it! MJ divulged that his passion in Digital Media, coupled with hard work, has been the cornerstone of his success. Watch out for the next YES! on 27 November with speaker, Mr Hari V. Krishnan, Managing Director, Asia Pacific & Japan, LinkedIn.


THE IT SOCIETY — Issue Three 2014



Applauding Singapore’s Talents

Each year, through our SCS Medals and Awards, we honour outstanding talents from Singapore’s tertiary institutions for their achievements and promote academic excellence this way. Our heartiest congratulations go to the following winners this year for their hard work and perseverance!



1. Gabriel Li Hong Sheng (Singapore Polytechnic), receiving his medal 2. Ang Kian Hwee (Singapore Polytechnic), receiving his medal

School/Course Nanyang Polytechnic Diploma in Information Technology Diploma in Financial Informatics Diploma in Digital Entertainment Technology (Games)



SCS Award for Outstanding Project Work SCS Award for Outstanding Project Work SCS Gold Medal SCS Silver Medal SCS Bronze Medal

Sanchez Debbie Marielle Aoyong Gan Jia Jun

National University of Singapore Masters of Computing SCS Gold Medal and Prize for the Best Student in Infocomm Security specialisation SCS Gold Medal and Prize for the Best Student in Project Management specialisation

Lim Zhi Ping Chan Liang Fei Jeremy Muhammad Saifullah B Abu Samad Yosua Michael Maranatha Xie Du

Ngee Ann-Adelaide Education Centre Bachelor of Computer SCS Book Prize for Most Science Outstanding Student

Luo Zhuohui

Ngee Ann Polytechnic Diploma in Information SCS Silver Medal & Prize Technology Diploma in Multimedia SCS Silver Medal & Prize & Animation

Henry Ng Siong Hock

Singapore Management University Bachelor of Science SCS Best Final Year Student (School of Information Award Systems)

Kevin Ng Ying Yi

Singapore Polytechnic Diploma in Information SCS Silver Medal Technology Diploma in Infocomm SCS Silver Medal Security Management Diploma in Business SCS Silver Medal Information Technology

Chew Pei Xuan

Ang Kian Hwee Gabriel Li Hong Sheng Kenneth Tan Puay Yong

More Benefits for the Membership!

Members will gain from the recent SCS-IEEE Computer Society Collaboration. 27 August 2014 marked yet another milestone for SCS as we signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE) Computer Society (CS) to bring more benefits to our members. SCS members can now join IEEE CS with a 20% discount off the basic membership fees. In addition, members can subscribe to IEEE CS optional periodicals at CS member rates.

SCS President, Chak Kong Soon (bottom row, left) and IEEE Computer Society President, Milojicic Dejan (bottom row, right), signing the MOU.

IS YOURS A WINNING WORKPLACE? Does your organisation have a corporate culture that makes its people excited to come to work every day? Do your people feel valued and well looked after on the job and also in their well-being? Do you have inspiring and forward-looking leaders who also advocate innovation at every opportunity?




Presented by the Singapore Computer Society (SCS), the Best Tech Company to Work For Award honours organisations with winning qualities of enviable corporate culture, robust talent development framework and innovation excellence.

• Large Organisations & MNCs • Mid-sized Organisations • Small Organisations & Start-ups CLOSING DATE: 30 NOVEMBER 2014 Nominate your organisation at best-tech-co-award/ For further enquiries, email us at best_tech_co_

Organised by

Key Partner

Supported by


THE IT SOCIETY — Issue Three 2014


C A L L F O R N O M I N AT I O N S When you hear the following accolades, do certain people you know in the Infocomm & Media (ICM) industry spring to mind?

Here’s your chance to shine the spotlight on them and give them the recognition they deserve. Submit your nominations now at

Nominations end 31 October 2014. Organised by:

Supported by:

The IT Leader Awards honour and recognise individuals who have profoundly shaped the ICM landscape of Singapore with their distinguished achievements and contributions to the ICM industry.

Sponsored by:

Official Media:

Calendar of Events OCTOBER 2014



Workshop on Emergency & First Responder Skills


13-14 OCT

Workshop on Financial Tools and Cash Management for IT Project Managers

Student Chapter: Tea Dialogue with Industry Leaders @ NYP


16 Oct

Seminar on Capability and Maturity Development for an Adaptive IT Enterprise

Workshop on Managing Crisis Communications through Social Media

25 Nov

Workshop on Data Centre Risk Analysis and Health Check Assessment

16 Oct

Workshop on Next Gen Location Sensitive Mobile Applications Using iBeacon Technology

27 NOV

IT Youth Council: YES! Youth Engagement Series cum ITYC AGM

17 OCT

Infocomm Security SIG: Launch cum site visit to FireEye


Splash Awards - SG50 Finals and Prize Presentation Ceremony

31 OCT

IT Youth Council: LaserTag Troubleshooting Tournament


Student Chapter: Tea Dialogue with Industry Leaders @ NUS




Great Bonding on SCS Golf Day 2014 SCS’s annual Golf Day offered fun and networking opportunities on and off the greens.


t was an exciting fun-filled day as some 180 players gathered for a good game of golf and networking on 18 July at the Orchid Country Club. The SCS Golf Day is one of the most anticipated golfing events amongst avid golfers and friends from the Infocomm community. Special guests at the event included MP for Chua Chu Kang GRC, Mr Zaqy Mohamad, Executive Deputy Chairman for IDA, Mr Steve Leonard, and Managing Director for IDA, Ms Jacqueline Poh. With the perfect combination of good weather and a hearty lunch, golfers had a wonderful time networking on and off the greens. Many attractive prizes were also up for grabs during the golf dinner which got many players excited. Prizes included the latest tablets, mobile phones, air purifiers, sports gadgets and many more. A big thank you to all SCS members, industry leaders and our generous sponsors for making the SCS Golf Day 2014 possible.

Winners of the Golf Tournament Individual Tournament Prizes

Novelty Prizes

Dendro - Vanda Course Winner - Lim Keng Hoe 2nd - Vincent Low 3rd - Daniel Ong 4th - Perry Sui 5th - Leong See Kay

Nearest the Pin Aranda #2 Benny Wong

Vanda - Aranda Course Winner - Jonathan Davies 2nd - Adrian Long 3rd - Bernard Lai 4th - Dr Steven Wong 5th - Herbie Leung

Nearest the Pin Dendro #8 Vincent Teo

Aranda - Dendro Course Winner - Raymond Chee 2nd - Vincent Teo 3rd - Thomas Aw 4th - Thomas Ng 5th - Eric Man

Gold Sponsors Cisco Systems (USA) CTC Global 1st Hole Sponsors CrimsonLogic SingTel Vmware

Hole Sponsors Hewlett-Packard Singapore Flight Sponsors Accenture AirWatch by Vmware Arista Networks Blue Coat Systems Singapore Cisco Systems (USA) CTC Global Dell Global B.V. (Singapore Branch) Dimension Data Singapore Ecquaria Technologies

Nearest the Pin Dendro #4 Thomas Aw

Nearest the Pin Vanda #2 Tony Kam

Nearest the Pin Vanda #4 Kelvin Tan

Nearest the Line Dendro #1 Edwin Low Nearest the Line Vanda #5 Ng Kok Cheong

Nearest the Line Aranda #9 William Tan Best Gross Lim Keng Hoe

If you have missed this event, do join us in SCS Golf Day 2015!

A Note of Thanks to Sponsors The SCS Golf Day was made possible by our generous sponsors:

Nearest the Pin Aranda #6 Bernard Lai

EMC Computer Systems (South Asia) FireEye Singapore Hitachi Data Systems Hewlett-Packard Singapore Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore IDA International IX Technology Keppel Logistics M1 Limited NCS NEC Asia Pacific NetApp Singapore

Network For Electronic Transfers (S) PCS Security Go Pivotal Singapore PTC System (S) Pulley Ascent (Asia) Singapore Pools SingTel ST Electronics (Info-Comm Systems) Symantec Asia

Gift Sponsors AirWatch and CTC – Golf Tee Shirts Cornerstone Wines – Wines HP – Tablet Lenovo Singapore – Yoga Tablets Orchid Country Club – Green Fee Vouchers Peach Garden – Dining Vouchers Singapore Pools – Golf Towels SPH Magazines – Golf Digest & HWM StarHub – Mobile Phones


THE IT SOCIETY — Issue Three 2014



1. Which of the following person was considered the world’s first computer programmer? A) Blaise Pascal B) Ada Lovelace C) Charless Babbage D) Charles Wheatstone 2. What did Isaac Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics talk about? A) The rate of increase of robots’ computational powers B) What factors will influence when they overtake us C) What they should and should not do D) What they might or might not do 3. Which computer hacking conference is called the Hackers Olympics? A) Cyber Junky B) DefCon C) Blackhat D) Roots Hacks


5. What is Android L? A) Android OS version for Cars B) Android OS version for Wearables C) Android OS version for Google Fit D) Platform for all the above 6. Which is the first Singaporean company to be 10. The nation’s largest infocomm body, listed on the NASDAQ exchange? Singapore Computer Society, was established A) Creative Technology in___________ B) Hyflux A) 1965 C) Neptune Oriental Lines B) 1967 D) SingTel C) 1972 D) 1979 7. The longest legal domain names can be A) 127 characters, starting with a letter or numeral B) 63 characters, starting with a letter or numeral C) 64 characters, starting with a letter, numeral, hyphen, or underscore D) Any number of character as long as sets of 64 characters are separated by hyphens

will automatically stop charging your device once it detects that it is fully revved up. Embedded software in Powerslayer can sense when your device is charged or drained. It delivers 5 volts of clean, regulated energy and consumes only 10 per cent of the standby power standard chargers use. It also has a built-in surge protector that prevents irreparable damage to valuable devices.

Easing the Pain for Men Shoppers

Enter the Powerslayer

8. In AC Wireless Router, what does “AC” refer to? A) IEEE 802.15.04 ac standard B) IEEE 802.11 ac standard C) IEEE 802.01 ac standard D) None of the above 9. Practical speed of USB 2.0 transfers_______. A) 20 MB/second B) 35 MB/second C) 300 MB/second D) 350 MB/second

6 A 7 B 8 B 9 B 10 B


4. Which of the following is the highest downloaded freemium game of all time? A) Real Racing B) Minecraft C) Plants vs. Zombies D) None of the above

While trying on different outfits is part of the fun for many women shoppers, men apparently would much rather find a garment that fits right away and leave to go elsewhere.

Enlist the help of the Powerslayer Phone Charger before you charge up your mobile phone, tablet and other mobile electronic devices next. And here’s why. These devices continue to guzzle electricity even when they are fully charged. In fact, they could consume at least half as much power once they’re charged as they do during the charging.

Banking on this idea that the typical man dislikes shopping, the Hointer Beta Store in Seattle, Washington, US, has revolutionised the shopping experience for men by adding QR codes to their jeans so a customer, instead of trying on piles of different pairs, can just scan the code with his Smartphone and place the item in his virtual shopping cart.

Not only does this notch up your power bills, but it can also reduce the ability of the battery inside your device to hold power, which eventually shortens its lifespan. With Powerslayer though, you can avoid this as it

Within 30 seconds, a robot will deliver this to a fitting room whose number will be indicated on the customer’s Smartphone. If the jeans don’t fit, the item is removed from his virtual shopping cart. If they do fit, the

Answers: 1 B 2 C 3 B 4 D (Angry Birds) 5 D


shopper can even buy it while still in the fitting room by swiping his credit/debit card on the tablet kiosk’s attached card reader.

Far from the Madding Crowd Weekends may be the only time you’re able to make a massive grocery shopping trip. But just the thought of long queues at check-out counters stresses you out. Wouldn’t you welcome an app that tells which supermarket has fewer shoppers at any one time? Apparently, such an app exists, although it’s not available in Singapore yet. Dubbed “Avoid the Shopping Crowds”, it works by analysing location-aware services such as Facebook, Twitter and Foursquare to see where the crowds are and then gives you a minute-by-minute report that says: not too busy, busy, very busy and “forget it”! They, the agency in the Netherlands behind this app, says it’s the first in a series of “antisocial media” designed “to show you where all the cool people … aren’t”! Well, even if you’re far from anti-social, you’ll probably appreciate a heads-up on where to avoid the crowds on the two days in the week you wish to relax.

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