International Student Arrival Guide

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International Student



Welcome to St. Cloud State University

SCSU WELCOMES YOU! Welcome to St. Cloud State University! We are happy that you have chosen SCSU and we look forward to working with you throughout your time here! This guide is your resource for information as you start and continue your journey at St. Cloud State University.

Dr. Robbyn Wacker

President of St. Cloud State University

Welcome to St. Cloud State University! We are happy that you have chosen SCSU and look forward to working with you throughout your journey as a husky! This guide is your resource for information as you start and continue your journey at St. Cloud State University. As we reflect our 150-year legacy, it is an opportunity to continue to acknowledge our longstanding commitment to diversity, inclusion and internationalization. Building a learning community that fosters respect for diversity has long been a hallmark of St Cloud State. We are proud of our student body—a reflection of the growing diversity throughout St. Cloud and Minnesota. We are fortunate to have students enrolled at St. Cloud State from more than 90 countries. Exposure to students from other cultures—whether through study abroad or interactions on campus—is vital to preparing our graduates to live in an interconnected world. Our programs are grounded in the liberal arts and sciences and framed by Our Husky Compact. Through Our Husky Compact, students, faculty and staff are committed to engaging as members of a diverse and multicultural world. We understand that welcoming students from many cultures brings strength and enrichment to the entire campus community. Embracing diversity is an important part of building academic excellence and we are so fortunate to have you here as part of our global community.




POLICE, AMBULANCE, FIRE STATION...................................... 911 PUBLIC SAFETY................................................................................ (320) 308-3333 CRISIS HOTLINE............................................................................... (775) 784-8090 AVAILABLE 24 HOURS A DAY, 7 DAYS A WEEK

HEALTH CARE CLINIC SERVICES.........................................................................(320) 308-3193 ST. CLOUD HOSPITAL............................................................... (320) 251-2700 CENTER FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDIES Lawrence Hall 101


CAMPUS OFFICES ADVISING AND STUDENT TRANSITIONS.......................... (320) 308-6075 BUSINESS SERVICES................................................................. (320) 308-4012 CAMPUS INVOLVEMENT......................................................... (320) 308-2205 CAREER CENTER......................................................................... (320) 308-2151 COUNSELING & PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES................. (320) 308-3171 LGBT RESOURCE CENTER....................................................... (320) 308-5166 MEDICAL CLINIC AND PHARMACY ....................................(320) 308-3191 MILLER CENTER.......................................................................... (320) 308-2084 MULTICULTURAL STUDENT SERVICES...............................(320) 308-3003 RESIDENTIAL LIFE...................................................................... (320) 308-2166 RECORDS AND REGISTRATION............................................. (320) 308-2111 STUDENT ACCESSIBILITY SERVICES................................... (320) 308-4080 WOMEN’S CENTER..................................................................... (320) 308-4958





Topic 1 2 4

Welcome from SCSU President Important Numbers Campus Map


Commonly Asked Questions

9 - 10 11 - 12 13 - 17

Huskies 1st 4 Academic Background Campus Engagement


Health Insurance

19 - 20 21 - 24

Residential life Food and Grocery Shopping

25 - 28

Travel Advice

29 - 32

Minnesota Information

33 - 34

Safety and Security

35 - 36 37 - 38 39 - 40

Health Care Culture Shock Alcohol Awareness and Rules

41 - 42

Cell Phone

43 44

Bank Information Buying Books for Class

45 - 46




A-3 Lot

Ervin House

Stateview South

• From Interstate 94: Take Exit 171. Drive north into St. Cloud on Stearns County Road 75. At 22nd Street South turn east. At Clearwater Road turn north. Follow the signs to campus. • From U.S. Highway 10: Exit west on Minnesota Highway 23. Cross the Mississippi River on the Granite City Crossing Bridge. At Fifth Avenue turn south. Follow the banners to campus. • From the southwest (Minnesota Highways 15 and 23 and Stearns County Road 75): All routes link with Division Street. Turn south at Fifth Avenue. Follow the banners to campus. • From the east (Minnesota Highway 23): Follow Minnesota Visit Highway 23 into St. Cloud. Cross the Mississippi River at the Granite City Crossing bridge. Turn south on Fifth Avenue. TO REACH THE CAMPUS the banners to Exit campus. • Follow From Interstate 94: Take 171. Drive north into St. Cloud

15 min parking


ty 4th Avenue Parking Ramp

Student Health Center





4th St.


6th Street

4th Street (North)

Stateview North


Atwood Center

A-3 Lot

5th St.

15 min parking


Meeting Rooms

World Commons

Community Garden

(Info Desk)

Husky Book Store

4th Avenue Parking Ramp

Student Health Center

Ruby Cora Webster Hall

Public Safety

P Lane


6th Street

Lewis House

6th St.

Ervin House

(Student Union)

Husky Plaza

Stateview South

Mississippi River Walk

Miller Pay Lot




Public Safety

Coborn Plaza Apartments, Welcome Center and Downtown

Miller Pay Lot

8th Street

Atwood Center


Husky Plaza

(Integrated Science and Engineering Laboratory Facility)

Richard Green House


F Lane

7th St.


Lewis House

N Lot


Husky Book Store

Eastman Pay Lot 8th Street

V South PayLot Lot Richard Green House

9th St. W Lot Main Gym


Facilities Management

N Lot


South Pay Lot Chiller

Eastman Pay Lot


Facilities Management Receiving

Field House

Dome Storage

Pedestrian Walkway

University Drive

Swimming Pool


Main Gym

Chiller Plant

11th St. Swimming Pool

8 Herb Brooks National Hockey Center

Field House

12th St. Plaza

9 13th St.

Herb Brooks National Hockey Center


10 14th St. 11

Dome Storage

• From U.S. Highway 10: Services, Exit west on Minnesota 23. AS Administrative 720 4th AveHighway S C4 Cross the Mississippi River on the Granite AIC American Indian Center, 901 City 4th Crossing Ave S Bridge. E6 At FifthAtwood Avenue turn south. Follow the banners 651 to campus. AMC Center (Student Union), 1st Ave S B3 • From the southwest Highways 15 and 23 and BTH Benton Hall,(Minnesota 445 1st Ave S B1 Stearns County Road 75): All routes link with Division Street. BH Brown Hall, 151 8th St S B4 Turn south at Fifth Avenue. Follow the banners to campus. CPA Coborn Plaza Apartments, 500 3rd St S E1 • From the east (Minnesota Highway 23): Follow Minnesota CPW Coborn Plaza Welcome Center, 355 5th Ave S E1 Highway 23 into St. Cloud. Cross the Mississippi River at the CG Community Garden E2 Granite City Crossing bridge. Turn south on Fifth Avenue. CSH Hall, to 550 3rd Ave S C2 FollowCase the banners campus. CH Centennial Hall, 201 8th St S (Husky Bookstore) B4 LEGEND ECC Engineering and Computing Center, 910 3rd Ave S C6 AS Administrative Services, 4th Ave C4 EH Eastman Hall, 850 720 lst Ave S S A5 AIC American Indian Center, 901 4th Ave S E6 EB Education Building, 840 4th Ave S D5 AMC Atwood Center (Student Union), 651 1st Ave S B3 ErH Ervin House, 425 1st Ave S B1 BTH Benton Hall, 445 1st Ave S B1 FLD HuskyHall, Field B8 BH Brown 151 8th St S B4 CPA Coborn Plaza Apartments, 500 3rd St S E1 FM Facilities Management, 211 11th St S C7 CPW Coborn Welcome Center, 5thSAve S E1 GC GarveyPlaza Commons, 577 1st355Ave B2 CG Community Garden E2 HaH Halenbeck Hall, 1000 4th Ave S D7 CSH Case Hall, 550 3rd Ave S C2 HBNHC Herb Brooks Hockey Center, B4 CH Centennial Hall, 201National 8th St S (Husky Bookstore) 1204 4thand Ave S D9 ECC Engineering Computing Center, 910 3rd Ave S C6 EH Eastman Hall, 850225 lst Ave A5 HH Headley Hall, 8thS St S C4 EB Education Building,550 840 3rd 4th Ave D5 HiHH Health Center, AveS S C2 ErH Ervin House, 425 1st Ave S B1 HP Heating Plant, 1025 1st Ave S B7 FLD Husky Field B8 HiH Hill Hall, 550 3rd Ave S C2 FM Facilities Management, 211 11th St S C7 Hub HuskyCommons, Hub, 1420 AveS S C11 GC Garvey 577 3rd 1st Ave B2 HaH Halenbeck Hall, 10001111 4th Ave D7 HS Husky Stadium, 3rdS Ave S C8 HBNHC Herb Brooks National Hockey Center, ISELF Integrated Science and Engineering Laboratory Facility, 1204 4th Ave S D9 230 8th St S C5 HH Headley Hall, 225 8th St S C4 KVAC KiehleCenter, Visual550 Arts A2 HiHH Health 3rdCenter, Ave S 580 1st Ave S C2 LH Lawrence Hall, 1stSAve S A3 HP Heating Plant, 1025650 1st Ave B7 HiH Hill Hall,House, 550 3rd724 Ave S4th Ave S C2 LeH Lewis D4 Hub Husky 1420 3rdLearning Ave S MC JamesHub, W. Miller Resources CenterC11 (Library) HS Husky Stadium, 1111 3rd Ave S C8 400 6th St S D3 ISELF Integrated Science and Engineering Laboratory Facility, MH Mitchell 566 1st Ave S A2 230 8th StHall, S C5 PA Performing ArtsCenter, Center, 3rdS Ave S A2 C3 KVAC Kiehle Visual Arts 580 620 1st Ave LH Lawrence Hall, 650Ramp, 1st Ave 516 S A3 PR Public Parking 4th Ave So D2 LeH Lewis House, 724 4th Ave S D4 PSC Public Safety Center, 526 4th Ave So D2 MC James W. Miller Learning Resources Center RGH Richard Green House, 827 4th Ave (Library) So E5 400 6th St S D3 Ritsche Auditorium (Stewart Hall) A4 MH Mitchell Hall, 566 1st Ave S A2 RPA Riverview,Arts 826 1st Ave A5 Performing Center, 620 S 3rd Ave S C3 PR Public ParkingHall, Ramp,525 516 1st 4th Ave Ave So D2 SBH Sherburne S B2 PSC Public Safety Center, D2 SMH Shoemaker Hall, 526 9154th 1stAve AveSoS B6 RGH Richard Green House,410 827 4th 4th Ave E5 SVN Stateview North, AveSoS D1 Ritsche Auditorium (Stewart Hall) A4 SVS Stateview826 South, D1 R Riverview, 1st Ave422 S 4th Ave S A5 STH Stearns Hall, 410 3rd Ave S C1 SBH Sherburne Hall, 525 1st Ave S B2 SH Stewart Hall Auditorium), 702 1stB6Ave S A4 SMH Shoemaker Hall, (Ritsche 915 1st Ave S SVN Stateview 410 4thCenter, Ave S 1111 3rd Ave SD1 SRC StudentNorth, Recreation C8 SVS Stateview South, 422 4th Hall, Ave S 51 8th St S D1 WB Ruby Cora Webster A4 STH Stearns Hall, 410 3rd Ave S C1 WH Whitney House, 576 1st Ave S A2 SH Stewart Hall (Ritsche Auditorium), 702 1st Ave S A4 WSB RobertRecreation H. WickCenter, Science Building B5 SRC Student 1111 3rd Ave S C8 (Planetarium), 825 51 1st8th Ave WB Ruby Cora Webster Hall, St S A4 WH Whitney House, 576 1st S Ave S A2 WC Women’s Center, 520Ave5th E2 WSB

Robert H. Wick Science Building (Planetarium), 825 1st Ave S

Handicapped Parking WC Women’s Center, 520 5th Ave S Wheelchair Accessible Entrance Public Parking Handicapped Parking

15th St. 12 16th St.




Lot University Drive



(Integrated Science and Engineering Laboratory Facility)

Pedestrian Walkway


Ruby Cora Webster Hall

P Lane

8th St.

Meeting Rooms


World Commons

(Info Desk)

Riverview Mississippi River Walk

(Student Union)

V Lot

F Lane


on Stearns County Road 75. At 22nd Street South turn east. At

Clearwater Road turn north. Follow the signs to campus. LEGEND

B5 E2

Wheelchair Accessible Entrance Public Parking

Overflow Overflow


COMMON QUESTIONS How can I meet other new students? Intramural sports or getting involved on campus is the best way to meet other new and returning students. During the Fall and Spring, the university hosts large campus wide events where you can learn about campus organizations. What kind of activities can I do at SCSU? Atwood After Dark every 1st Friday of each month, movies in Atwood every Thursday to Sunday, many activities in the recreation center of the Halenbeck Hall that includes: rock climbing, fitness center, field house and many more.

How can I access the internet? Use your StarID and StarID password to login. You will be able to login to any computer on campus to access the internet. You also use this password to connect your computer to campus wifi. How can I go shopping, to the mall, etc? Check out the many different transportation schedules here: How do I change my major? You can change your major by typing ‘changing major’ in the St. Cloud State University website search bar. Click on the link to change your major: advisorchangemajor/. If you do this, please inform Center for International Studies so we can make sure your SEVIS record is updated and can issue you a new I-20. Why do I have to take the English placement test? Sometimes students need a bit more support with academic English. English placement testing helps identify appropriate levels to assist you with success.


Why is Orientation Important? International student orientation assists students in understanding immigration, academic and campus information and requirements. Why do I have to take the Math placement test? Many majors have a required math component. Math placements helps students be successful by placing you in the appropriate level. How can I get a job? Students can apply for jobs on-campus on the Career Center website or visiting the Career Center in Centennial Hall 215. How can I get a Social Security Number? International students are only able to get a Social Security Number after they have a job offer letter. A Social Security Number is not required to open a bank account, buy a cell phone, or rent an apartment. Check the Center for International Studies website for more information. How many hours can I work on campus? Students are allowed to work up to 20 hours per week during the school year and up to 40 hours during breaks with proper work




Can I work off-campus? Students are not allowed to work off campus without proper authorization. How do I update my address? Once you have activated your StarID, login to your e-services account and update your local address. Make sure that your permanent and local addresses are the same. How do I add/drop courses? Students are able to add/drop courses through e-Services. Remember that your visa status requires full-time enrollment. Where do I pay for my tuition/health insurance? Students are able to pay for their health insurance and tuition through e-services or by visiting the Business Office in the Administrative Services Building, room 122. How many credits do I have to be enrolled in? 12 for Undergraduate Students 8 for Graduate students 6 for Doctoral students Can I take online credits? You can take up to 3 credits online per semester. If you chose to take over 12 credits, these credits can be online courses.

Where do I get my textbooks? Students are able to purchase and rent textbooks at the bookstore. The Husky Bookstore is located in Centennial Hall on the 1st floor. Online options are also available through and


Am I required to purchase St. Cloud State health insurance? Yes, every international student in F-1 or J-1 status must have the University’s health insurance. Only students who are sponsored financially by their government and have government provided insurance can waive this policy. Is a Health Consultation screening required? Yes, every new international student must have Health Consultation which includes a TB screening done at the Medical Clinic and Pharmacy located in Eastman Hall. If you do not do this, you will be unable to register for the next semester. How do I obtain a Driver’s License? Every state has different requirements. Visit the MN Department of Public Safety website and search for: drivers license - new resident. Your SEVIS record must be active. How can I obtain Microsoft Office? As a student, you are given five free downloads: What benefits come from my Student ID? You get into all sports games on campus for free, money for campus printers, use the Metro Bus in St. Cloud, and many other discounts where student discounts are available.

For more information visit:


Huskies 1st Four!

St. Cloud State offers an exciting first four days on campus that is filled with events, chances to meet others in your degree, tours of campus and the community, and so much more! The first weekend is full of opportunities to meet students and find ways to be engaged on and off campus while you are at St. Cloud State University!

FIRST FOUR DAYS We know how important the first days and weeks of the semester are to students and their success. We encourage all new students to continue their participation in events to meet other students, learn more about St. Cloud State and find your way to connect with the Huskies community.

FIRST FOUR WEEKS Looking to meet awesome people? Want to attend great events? Huskies First Four Weeks is the best time to engage with other students on campus.

FIRST FOUR MONTHS At St. Cloud State, your debut semester is filled with excitement and will set the pace for your collegiate journey. Check out these events, resources and tips to help you along first four months at St. Cloud State University.


Check out the Huskies 1st Four schedule of events on huskiesconnect:



As an international student, it is very important that you keep track of your enrollment so it does not impact your visa status. Full time for students at St. Cloud State University 12 credits for undergraduates. 8 credits for master’s students. 6 credits for doctoral students. You are only able to take one course (3 credits) online. In certain circumstances, international students under F-1 student status may be eligible to enroll in less than a full-time course load. All enrollment adjustments require prior approval from the Center for International Studies. Grades in the United States are going to be a bit different than in your home country. Below is the standard for grading:

Letter Grade A B C D F

Percentage 90 - 100 80 - 89 70 - 79 60 - 69 0 - 59

GPA 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0

For more information about enrollment requirements and other registration details, please go to this link:


COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS - DEANS College of Liberal Arts: Dean Springer Herberger Business School: Dean Harris School of Public Affairs: Dean Banaian College of Science and Engineering: Dean Ali School of Education: Dean Mueller School of Health and Human Services: Dean Craft Graduate Education: Dean Tomany

CAMPUS CARD - STUDENT ID CARD It’s your access to the University Library, recreational facilities and Huskies games. It’s the way to pay for everything you need on campus. It’s the Campus Card, and when you’ve got it you’ve got your passport to life at St. Cloud State University Your SCSU Student ID card can: Keep husky bucks How you pay for food with the meal plan How you can take the St. Cloud Metro Bus Student Discounts where applicable Borrow books and movies from the Miller Center Library Get into sports games for free



student engagement

St. Cloud State has over 200 clubs and organizations so there’s always something exciting to do. Check out Greek life by pledging a fraternity or sorority. Learn about other cultures through an international student organization. Take a Spring Break service trip to Montana. Study abroad to another country as a student of St. Cloud State University. Interested in government and helping to create change for you and other students on campus? Join student government!

Have an idea for a fun event or an interesting speaker? Contact the University Program Board (UPB). UPB is a student run organization that offers a variety of activities and entertainment, including speakers, trips, films, events, exhibits and performances.

Fitness, aquatics, intramural sports, and outdoor opportunities are available through Campus Recreation. You can use an array of outstanding facilities, including a climbing wall, pool, field house, Husky Stadium -- and much more!

There is a large event each semester where you can learn more about how to get involved on campus! Those are called Mainstreet (fall) and Sidestreet (spring).



Becoming an active club member helps students get involved on campus and meet other students. Below are some examples of organizations on campus to get involved in. To see all student organizations on campus visit: African Student Association Arashi Taiko Dan Asian Students in Action Ayubowan Sri Lanka Organization Bangladesh Student Association Chinese Christian Fellowship Chinese Students and Scholar Association Hmong Student Organization India Heritage Club International Relations Club International Students Association JP Network

Korean Student Association Latin American Student Association Liberian Students Association Malaysian Student Association Muslim Student Association Nepalese Students Association Nigerian Student Organization Pakistan Student Association Somali Student Association Theravada Buddhist Student Association Travel & Tourism Club Vietnamese Student Association

Attend sports games and other campus events

FREE with your St. Cloud State University Student ID!


ATHLETICS AT SCSU Are you interested in watching or being a part of a sports team while at St. Cloud State? St. Cloud State has a large menu of intercollegiate, intramural and wellness offerings.


Huskies Athletics is home to NCAA Division I and II teams with rich traditions of success. Our student-athletes, coaches and facilities have helped the Huskies rank among the best NCAA programs in the region.

For more information about games and events make sure to check out:

As students, you able to go to games for FREE with your SCSU student ID.

INTRAMURALS AND SPORT CLUBS Men's Lacrosse Women's Lacrosse Men's Rugby Women's Rugby Rowing Club Triathletes Club Men's Hockey SCSU P.A.C.K. Archer Club Equestrian Team Jiu Jitsu Husky Bass Fishing Club

Cycling Club Alpine Ski and Snowboard Club Tang Soo Do Karate Club SCSU Officials Club Judo ClubJudo Club Cricket Club International Soccer Club Men's Volleyball Club Skydiving Club Sports Management Club Ultimate Frisbee Club

for more information on how to start or join a team, check out:



Student Organizations Ensembles Campus band, Husky Sports Band, Wind Ensemble, Jazz Ensemble, Percussion Ensemble, and World Drumming Chamber Singers, Concert Choir, Women’s Choir, Men’s Choir, and University Orchestra American Choral Directors Association Continuing education to choral directors Arashi Taiko Dan Japanese traditional drumming Viri Men’s Ensemble Men’s acapella music


Open House Student Film Festival International Film Festival Student Organizations Dramatic Action Offers students a forum for theatrical activities that complements their curricular activities Cincescope Cinescope is also an analytical club that gathers to watch films, discuss and read into meanings of symbolism in cinema.


Student Organizations Student Graphic Design Association Art Student Union Future Art Educators Galleries Kiehle Gallery Artist Talks G10 Gallery The Gallery Vault



Multicultural Student Services (MSS) is a resource for students who need assistance with financial aid concerns, housing, tutoring, social-cultural issues and academic support. MSS helps to create and maintain an environment that promotes cultural understanding and appreciation for all members of the university community. Phone: 320-308-3003 Location: Atwood Memorial Center 141 Location: Centennial Hall 211 Location: Richard Green House

ADVISING AND STUDENT TRANSITIONS Advising and Student Transitions helps students develop their academic programs. The offices offers students individualized help with: General education advising Academic resources and services Major and minor options Intended major changes Reviewing graduation requirements Academic probation advising Creating graduation plans Phone: 320-308-6075 Location: Centennial Hall 366

STUDENT ACCESSIBILITY SERVICES (SAS) SAS is here to help students with disabilities equitable access to academic programming, in partnership with the campus community. Phone: 320-308-4080 Location: Centennial Hall 202



International students and scholars are required to purchase student health insurance except for those whose government is financially sponsoring the student. Cost will depend on your length of stay in the United States. Please read over this website to learn more about the required insurance and the many benefits the insurance offers to you: For more information on your insurance, please contact:

Emily Pinson Student Insurance Advocate 320-308-4855


RES LIFE Residential Life

Hill Hall 550 3rd Ave S St. Cloud, MN 56301 Phone: (320) 308-2166 Email:

MOVING IN TO YOUR RESIDENTIAL HALL While moving into the residential hall you will receive a Room Condition Report (RCR) and an emergency contact form to fill out. Emergency Contact Form: This is a small card to fill out when you arrive. If there is an emergency the person(s) listed will be contacted. Room Condition Report: Each student must complete and sign a RCR form when they move into their residential community. Students are encouraged to inspect their space thoroughly and note all damages, markings, broken items, etc. Your room condition report will be used to evaluate the condition of your room when check-out occurs. Damages or missing items will be noted on the check-out form and you will be charged for any damages found.



• •

Alcohol and other drugs. Candles cannot be burned in the residence halls. New candles are permitted for decorative purposes only. Flammable items such as charcoal, lighter fluid, propane, firewood, hookah charcoal, gas, etc. Portable heaters, combustible engines, and hoverboards. Open flame/coil cooking devices such as grills, toaster ovens, and hot plates. Firearms, ammunition, fireworks, explosives, or other dangerous weapons or materials. Tasers and stun guns of any type, knives, switch blades, razors, metal knuckles, bow and arrows, nunchakus, or any instrument used to threaten or inflict injury upon another person, or anything that appears to be a real weapon. Pets are prohibited. Students may have fish in aquariums no larger than 10 gallons. Dry erase boards are not allowed in common spaces. Students may use them in their private living space. For more information view the Res Life handbook

RESIDENCE HALL ASSOCIATION & COMMUNITY COUNCIL Community Council is an opportunity to have a voice in the operation of your residential community. From establishing policies to planning events, Community Council is a leadership and friendship opportunity. Ask your Community Advisor for Community Counsel Meeting Times. Residence Hall Association (RHA) is the representative body for St. Cloud State’s residential communities. It is a voice for students when student policies and university policies are at issue. RHA offers civic, cultural, social, educational and recreational programming. Any on-campus student can run for an RHA representative position, be a general member, or simply participate in RHA-sponsored events. Events include Husky Kick Off, national and regional conferences, Battle of the Hall Stars, Community Council Kick Off and the Spring Dinner Dance. RHA also works with the Welcome & Finals Kit program and the EAGLE scholarship.



As a student, you have many options available to you regarding meals. There are many places to eat on campus where you can use your Husky Bucks or meal plan to eat. There are always restaurants and grocery stores beyond campus as well where you may purchase food on your own.

GARVEY COMMONS Garvey Commons is located across the street from Atwood Memorial Center and is connected to Sherburne Hall. It offers a wide variety of foods that can be purchased per meal with Husky Bucks or used with your meal plan. To see the what will be served in Garvey from day to day visit:


ATWOOD MEMORIAL CENTER Atwood offers a variety of dining options in throughout the building. All dining locations accept cash, credit card, Husky Bucks, and Campus Cash. Atwood dining options are listed below:

Sandwiches, breakfast, and so much more!

Fresh Sushi and Asian Offerings

Coffee, Tea, and Sandwiches

Made to Order, Neapolitan Style Pizza

Burritos, Rice Bowls, Tacos, and Salads Snacks, Beverages, and Grocery Items

Chicken Sandwiches, Fries, and Salad

Sandwiches and Soup




RESTAURANTS Being in St. Cloud, you can find restaurants that contain American, Mexican, Italian, Greek, Chinese, Thai, Halal, and many more options. These are great if you’re looking to go off campus to try something new. All meals at these locations come out of your personal budget. Here are a few options, but there are so many more in the area: AfricanYen 121 Frankline Ave NE

Noodles & Company 211 5th Ave S

Chipotle Mexican Grill 211 5th Ave S ste 100

Old Brick House 102 6th Ave South

Dong Khanh 266 33rd Ave S, #8

House of Pizza 19 5th Ave S

Giliberto’s Mexican Taco Shop 125 5th Ave S Greek Cravings 26 5th Ave S Green Mill 100 4th Ave S Great Dragon Buffet 208 6th Avenue South Firehouse Subs 335 5th Ave South #160 Hajime Asian Bistro 4170 W Divison St, #130 Kohinoor Bar and Grill 17 7th Ave S Mexican Village 509 West St. Germain Street New York Gyro - Halal 850 University Drive South


Pho V 2956 W Division St Pizza Hut 305 5th Ave S Suite 190 Sawatdee Thai Restaurant 800 West St. Germain Street Star of India 2812 West Division Street Toppers Pizza 202 6th Ave S Viet-Tien 311 3rd St. NE Waite Park Vals Rapid Service 628 East St. Germain Street

GROCERY STORES There are a handful of grocery stores in the St. Cloud area. Many students choose to buy a few snacks to keep in their residence hall rooms, or small meals to cook in the kitchens, but be aware of the space you have for refrigeration and frozen items. Here are a few options: Aldi 256 2nd Street South Corborn’s Grocery 900 Cooper Ave South Cash Wise Foods 113 Waite Ave South El Torito Mexican Market 71 10th Ave South Iftin Grocery Store: Halal & Meat 4132 2nd St S La Perla Market 707 2nd Street South Mogadishu Grocery - Halal (Also has a restaurant) 1725 7th Street South

Midnimo Grocery, Halal Meat and Restaurant 2 21st Ave S Target 125 Lincoln Ave SE Thao Market 2924 West Saint Germain Street Walmart 3601 Second St S Viet-Tien 311 3rd St. NE Waite Park



















Local St. Cloud enjoys being at the crossroads of Minnesota. Major freeways, including Interstate-94 and U.S. Highway 10, pass through the city. Husky Shuttle A FREE Huskey Shuttle bus provides direct service between popular off campus locations and St. Cloud State. Their services are free for students. St. Cloud Metro Bus All SCSU students registered for classes can ride the St. Cloud city buses FREE within the area with a St. Cloud State student ID. Students can use a campus ID card to travel wherever the city bus system travels. For more information about bus routes, visit

Region If you are looking to travel outside St. Cloud, here are a few options: BUS: JEFFERSON LINES Jefferson Lines offers transportation to Minneapolis, Fargo, and Willmar. Tickets for Jefferson Bus Lines may be purchased at the Atwood Memorial Center Information Desk or Metro Bus Terminal. For more information, visit BUS: NORTHSTAR LINK Northstar Link provides bus service from East St. Cloud direct to the Northstar Commuter Rail Line station in Big Lake. For more information vist TRAIN: AMTRAK TRAIN The Amtrak train station is located north of Highway 23 (555 East St. Germain Street) and is accessible via Metro Bus. This train travels throughout the United States, but is mostly used to travel to Minneapolis or St. Paul. For more information visit PLANE: There are many options when it comes to flying in the United States. discount websites:

Student discount websites:



Contact your Consulate in the U.S. AND file a report with St. Cloud Police Department. Please note that the visa stamp cannot be replaced within the U.S.


Meet with a Center for International Studies advisor to have a new one prepared.


U.S. entry visas cannot be replaced in the United States. You will have to request a new entry visa from a U.S. Consulate abroad, the next time you leave the United States.

REPLACEMENT OF EMPLOYMENT AUTHORIZATION DOCUMENT CARD There are several items you will need for this process. For more information you can review the Center for International Studies website here:


REQUIRED documents for traveling out of the country: I-20/DS-2019 Must be original with travel signature dated within one year from the date of re-entry.

PASSPORT Passport Must be valid for 6 months from re-entry into the US.

F-1/F-2/J-1/J-2 Visa Must be valid for further entries into the US.

In the event of an emergency, you may contact St Cloud State’s Public Safety ANY time of the day or night at 320-308-3333. Public Safety will accept collect calls (reverse charge), both local and international. In the U.S., you must dial ‘0’ for the operator from a landline phone and ask to make a collect call. To make an international collect call, you must ask the phone operator in the country you are calling from to make the call for you.


AUGUST-OCTOBER The leaves change to warmer hues preparing for the winter, and the temperatures start to turn colder.

NOVEMBER-MARCH Turning into a winter wonderland with buckets of snow and very cold temperatures.



MARCH-MAY Temperatures begin to warm and everything begins to bloom once again.

MAY-AUGUST Time to hit the beach and cool down at the lake. The temperature can become sweltering.

*Disclaimer* Even though the calendar may say it is a certain season, the weather most often does not listen to the calendar.


MN LIVING Tips N’ Tricks

When it Rains it Pours and an umbrella is very helpful. Be sure to stop and enjoy the pretty colors, as this is the time for leaves to be changing colors. Get a good, long winter coat, hats, gloves, and warm boots to stave off the negative temperatures and snow. Avoid slipping and walk carefully. Advice: Walk like a penguin! There will likely be ice on the ground and sometimes it isn’t visible to the naked eye.

Everything is in bloom and the pollen count is high, be prepared if you have allergies. Fishing is a traditional activity in Minnesota. If you get the chance, try it out!

It can get very hot in the summer, so be sure to have water with you and sunscreen. The mosquitoes will bite you a lot without bug spray to keep them away.


GREATER ST. CLOUD AREA St. Cloud may seem smaller at first, but there is so much to do! The Paramount Theatre and Art Gallery have great performances and exhibits you have to check out all year Take a walk around Lake George or (when weather permits) take advantage of the water toys you can rent Hike or take a swim in the Quarries Catch a movie at the Marcus Movie Theatre now with dream loungers!

Make sure to visit this website and also download the app



WHAT IS THERE TO DO: Walker Art Center Sports Games and Concerts check out: US Bank Stadium, Target Center, Target Field, and TCF Bank Stadium Mall of America 330 (and counting) stores for you to shop, a theme park with roller coasters, mini-golf, and an aquarium WHAT IS THERE TO DO: Science Museum Como Zoo Minnesota History Museum State Capital St. Paul Saints Baseball Concerts, Plays, and Arts


SAFETY AND SECURITY From the moment you step onto campus, your safety and security become a top priority. The St. Cloud State Public Safety Department is open 24 hours per day and works to provide the safest environment possible for students. Officers and full-time staff support personal and property safety through crime prevention (i.e. provide on-campus escorts, support campus bus services, monitor and respond to all campus “blue-light” and elevator emergency call stations, present security and safety awareness programs, provide 24-hour vehicle “jump start” assistance) and enforce the University code of conduct and parking regulations.

PERSONAL SAFETY TIPS • Be aware of your surroundings (i.e. campus grounds, outside your off-campus residence, public areas). • Do not leave personal items unattended. • Be mindful of shrubbery that needs trimming, lights that are burned out, other people around you and places where someone could be hiding. • Be alert to potential dangers. If something does not “feel” or “look” right, trust your instincts. Leave the area and call for assistance. • Walk with friends and use available safety escorts and bus services. Avoid jogging or bicycling alone. • Always walk and ride in well-lit and well-traveled areas. Vary your routes and schedule. • Do not wear headphones as they can distract you and may prevent you from hearing a potential threat to your safety. • If you have a mobile phone, keep it with you at all times.



There are 54 external “blue light” phones and all are direct-dial, one button pushto-talk; and, when activated the “blue light” phones also display a flashing light on each phone’s pole. Officers respond to all activations of phones in this system without exceptions.


HEALTH CARE MEDICAL CLINIC AND PHARMACY Use if you have: • Medical concerns on a weekday • General health concerns or questions About the Medical Clinic and Pharmacy: • Licensed, professional staff • Confidential • Located on campus • Low cost • Diagnosis and treatment of illnesses • Contraceptive care • Minor surgical procedures • 24/7 appointment scheduling online • Pharmacy on-site Located on campus in Eastman Hall on the second floor (320) 308-3193 Monday through Thursday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM


Use if you have: • Life threatening injury or illness • Severe pain • Trouble breathing • Bleeding large amounts • Broken bones • Sexual Assault

St. Cloud Hospital Emergency Room (320) 255-5656 Open 24 hours a day 1406 North 6th Avenue, St. Cloud, MN


*Unless your problem is severe, you may have to wait a very long time before seeing a doctor. *The emergency room is very expensive, even for minor issues.

URGENT CARE Use if you have: • Medical needs can’t wait until Medical Clinic and Pharmacy is open • Symptoms that are moderate to severe on evenings or weekends CENTRACARE URGENCY CENTER (320) 229-5099 Monday-Friday 2:30pm-10pm Saturday & Sunday 12pm-8pm 1900 CentraCare Circle #500, St. Cloud MN HEALTHPARTNERS STATIONS WALK-IN CLINIC (320) 253-5220 Monday-Friday 11am-7pm Saturday & Sunday 10am- 4pm Inside Coborn’s Superstore Sauk Rapids, 110 First St. South, Sauk Rapids, MN ST. CLOUD MEDICAL GROUP EXPRESS CARE SOUTH (320) 240-2170 1301 33rd St South, St Cloud MN Monday-Friday 2:30pm-9:30pm Saturday & Sunday 10am-5pm *May be more expensive than using Student Health Services but available nights and weekends and is cheaper than the ER.

IF YOU NEED HELP DECIDING WHERE TO GO: 1. Call the Medical Clinic and Pharamcy, Urgent Care or Emergency Room OR Call the phone number listed on the back of your insurance card. 2. Describe your symptoms, and medical staff will suggest appropriate care


CULTURE SHOCK A brief definition/ introduction to culture shock


Strain due to the effort required to make the necessary adoptions to the unfamiliar situation A sense of loss and feelings of deprivation about friends, status, professions, and possessions Rejection by and/or rejecting members of the new culture In role expectations, values, feelings and self-identity Surprise, anxiety, and eve disgust and indignation after becoming aware of cultural differences Feelings of impotence due to not being able to cope in the alien situation

POSSIBLE SYMPTOMS OF CULTURE SHOCK • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Excessive washing of hands Excessive concern over drinking water/food Excessive concern over the cleanliness of cooking and eating utensils Anxiety about beds and bedding Fear of physical contact with attendants An absent-minded, faraway stare Desire for dependence on long-term residents of one’s own nationality Of anger over delays and other minor frustration Delay and outright refusal to the language of the host country Excessive fear of being cheated, robbed, or injured Great concern over minor pains and skin eruptions Homesickness for familiar people and places Feelings of helplessness

Not all students experience culture shock. The severity of the reaction to the alien culture depends on many factors.



Degree of Control: Knowledge of the geography and transport systems gives a feeling of control. Intra personal factors: Age, previous travel experience, language skills, resourcefulness, independence, tolerance, and personal appearance. Biological Factors: the individuals physical condition, the need for special medical care or a special died, and even the ability to cope with changes in attitude, climate, and pathogens. Spatial-temporal factors: these relate to the place visited, and the length of stay. The more alien the culture and the greater the length of time there, the greater the likelihood of severe culture shock. This occurs especially in places where a familiar language is not spoken, and where dress, food and religious customs are all different. Geopolitical Factors: International, national, regional or local political tensions, which can change very rapidly or some sort of natural disaster.

INFORMATION ABOUT COUNSELING SERVICES Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) on campus offers free and confidential personal counseling and consultation to promote personal development and psychological well-being and assist students in defining and meeting personal, academic, and career objectives. Students can visit the office in-person or call 320-308-3171 to make appointments.

Free Counseling services Group therapy Crisis appointments Assessments and Testing Couples Counseling Referrals



The drinking age in the United States is 21 years old. St. Cloud State University is a dry campus. This means that alcohol is not allowed to be consumed in any form on campus. This includes your accommodations in residential life on campus. If you do happen to run into issues off campus and SCSU is informed, you will be held to SCSU policies and student conduct sanctions. Good Samaritan Rule: A student, who may be in violation of the Alcohol and Other Drug Policy, but comes to the aid of another student by seeking professional help, will not be cited for an alcohol and other drug policy violation through the University student conduct process.




wine 4-5 oz.

beer 12 oz.

l iqu or 1 . 25 oz.

WARNING SIGNS OF ALCOHOL POISONING Vo m it in g Se i z u r e s Me n t al c o n fu s ion

Pa ssed out or c ann ot be r o u s e d S low, shallow or i r r eg u l a r br eat h i n g Pa le or bluish sk i n co l o r

If you see someone displaying these symptoms


alcohol poisoning do’s & dont’s



• Call 911

• Leave them alone

• Stay with the person until help arrives

• Let them "sleep it off"

• Turn them to their side to prevent choking

• Give them food, water oR medicine (choking hazard)

• Assume they will be okay because they regularly drink @scsuchoose #scsuchoose


Cell Phones BUYING A CELL PHONE/CELL PHONE PLAN Some international students and scholars decide to keep their current phone and insert a SIM card, which can be purchased from companies like T-Mobile, Verizon, AT&T, and US Mobile. You can also purchase these at Target and Walmart as well. Others choose to purchase a phone once here in the U.S. When considering what is best for you, consider some of these questions: Are pre-paid plans available? Is this a good option for the duration of my stay in the U.S.? What are the rates for calls, text messages (SMS), data transfers, and multimedia messages (MMS)? Is a deposit required to sign a contract? Will it be returned in full at the end of the contract? If there is a contract, is there a penalty or loss of deposit if the plan is terminated early? Can I use a phone I already own? If you plan to use your own phone, be sure to obtain the code needed to “unlock” your phone for use abroad. Does the new plan require a new phone? Is there a fee or monthly charge for a new phone? Will my phone be compatible with other international networks (GSM or CDMA)? Some plans in the U.S. offer phones for $0 USD down, but may charge a monthly fee for the duration of the plan.

MAKING PHONE CALLS Calls to cell phones registered in another country are often charged much higher rates than calls to fixed lines. If the international number you wish to call starts with a 0 (zero) , you must drop this digit when dialing the number. The plus sign (+) used before an international telephone number can either be dialed or replaced with your country’s exit code. For example, if you are in the US and you see this UK number +44 you can dial it as is or replace the plus sign with 011.


DINE ON CAMPUS find out whats for lunch in garvey


official scsu safety app

YAHOO WEATHER find out the weather


discounts, coupons, and more for shopping at walmart



exchange rates

WHATSAPP, SKYPE, WECHAT group chat, photo, video and messages!


getting around


buy stuff and have it shipped directly to your housing


discounts, coupons, and more for shopping at target


BANKS AND ATM Depending on your situation, you may want to open a bank account while studying in the United States. Each bank will offer different incentives and provide different benefits. Make sure you research for which bank is most convenient for you. If you decide not to open a bank account, make sure you are aware of additional fees that could happen. Most banks will charge an ATM or withdrawal processing fee and this is beyond what your home bank might charge.

MAJOR BANKS IN ST. CLOUD AFFINITY PLUS FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Located on SCSU campus in Atwood Memorial Center WELLS FARGO 400 1st St S, St Cloud, MN 56301 TCF 200 25th Ave S, St Cloud, MN 56301 U.S. BANK 1015 W St Germain St, St Cloud, MN 56301 CAPITAL ONE 30 7th Ave S, St Cloud, MN 56301

UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE (USPS) If you are looking to mail any item there are a few places for you to do that in the area. Atwood information desk is able to help mail items. If you are living in the residence hall, make sure to ask the Desk Assistant or CA for incoming mail information. Most mail will be delivered Monday - Saturday (excluding national holidays) Other Postage services that you will need to use if you are planning to send a large package will be found off campus: FedEx and UPS


BUYING BOOKS You will be required to purchase books for your courses. There are a few ways to do this and we recommend that you look at the prices of books and plan accordingly.

HUSKY BOOKSTORE ON CAMPUS The official St. Cloud State University Husky Bookstore is located in Centennial Hall 1st floor. Representatives from the bookstore are available to answer questions about purchasing or renting textbooks. Hours of operation for the bookstore vary throughout the year. A portion of sales made at the Husky Bookstore, including rental, goes towards scholarships for St. Cloud State students. You are also able to purchase books at the Husky Bookstore and charge them to your SCSU account up to $1000 USD per semester. If you would rather purchase them online, you can often find them on,, and bookstores in the area.

MILLER CENTER /LEARNING RESOURCE CENTER The library has a great deal of resources for you and at times you will be able to rent textbooks for class if they have it in stock. As a student you also have access to the large online library. Make sure to check out the library website for more information.


TERMINOLOGY SCSU: St. Cloud State University ACADEMIC ADVISOR: person responsible for assisting you with your academic plans and registering with you for your courses ACADEMIC STANDING: SCSU requires you to maintain a GPA of 2.0 and completion of 67% of all your courses to be enrolled at SCSU ACCESS CODE: six digit code required to register for courses ACSS: Academic Cultural Sharing Scholarship CIS: Center for International Students D2L: Desire to Learn. This is the online platform that most classes will have you log into daily to check on assignments and also for you to track your academic progress DEGREE SEEKING STUDENTS: Students who are enrolled for their full degree at SCSU DSO: Designated School Official DS2019: “Certificate of Eligibility for Exchange Visitor (J-1) Status� is the basic document used in the administration of the exchange visitor program ELECTIVE: Course you take that is not related to your major or minor EXCHANGE STUDENTS: Students who are enrolled at SCSU but who pay their home institution tuition. Normally only stay one - two semesters FINANCIAL HOLD: If you have an un-paid balance on your student business account, you will have a hold that will prevent you from registering for courses GPA: Grade Point Average. In the US, it is run on a 4.0 scale


I-20: Certificate of eligibility for F-1 students INTERNATIONAL ADVISOR: Person in the international office that assists you with your visa status LEP/GENERAL ED: Students are required to complete 60 credits of general courses MAJOR ADVISOR: Person responsible for assisting you with your major specific course plan and registering for your major courses PDSO: Principle Designated School Official REGISTRATION HOLD: this can be for many reasons. For example, if you are below the required GPA SEVIS: Student Exchange Visitor Information System STUDY ABROAD/EDUCATION ABROAD: If you are interested in studying abroad to another country while you at SCSU, you can with this office YOU CAN FIND MORE HERE:



OUR NEIGHBORS THE SQUIRRELS ***The trees of St. Cloud State University are home to many squirrels, and are a part of the community. You will see them running around campus, eating out of garbage cans, and making preparations for their winter hibernation. The type of squirrels that live at SCSU are a special kind of squirrel known as a college squirrel, and are often larger and more friendly than squirrels that don’t live on college campuses.


• •

The Squirrel that Lacks any Sense of Boundaries This type of squirrel will get in your personal bubble, but run away when you try to pet it. The Squirrel that procures food much larger than it is This type of squirrel will carry a whole slice of pizza across campus to eat by itself. The Squirrel that darts out in front of your car This type of squirrel is just making sure your brakes work The Squirrel that always stares at you This type of squirrel is just looking to win a staring contest

***This is for fun written by previous students. While the squirrels will be all over campus and may seem friendly, please take caution and do not interact with them.



Associate Vice President for International Studies

Susan Maxwell

Office Manager

Kim Gregory

CIS Accountant

Leslie Starrett

Assistant Director of International Recruitment and Admissions

Kristy Nelson Ramos

Associate Director International Student & Scholar Services

Chee Moua-Yang

Associate Director International Student & Scholar Services

Jacob Mercer

Assistant Director International Student & Scholar Services

Rachael Gardner

Associate Director Education Abroad

Bao Lee

Associate Director Education Abroad

Jake Kinning

Assistant Director Education Abroad

Wade Sherman

Alnwick Resident Coordinator

St. Cloud State University is committed to legal affirmative action, equal opportunity, access and diversity of its campus community. (

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