1 minute read
Glittering Sorrows

Olivia Fredrickson
The glittering, glistening hula hoop preaches insanity in order to drown out its sorrows. Sorrows that circle and encompass the entire body of the hoop. The words, cyclic in motion, never-ending. How could one even be sane whilst sorrows such as these circulate so rapidly? Sorrows that have been gathered from a short period of time but stain the mind like spilled wine. Preaching to the masses, the sorrow stain spreads, a wine stain too far gone. When will the insanity be enough? When will the sorrows take their last gasp of breath while their lungs become flooded? The sorrows fight for breath, strong and stubborn against insanity. In time, the deafening silence of the insane snuffs out the sorrows, smoke rising from the sea...
Born again, a little less insane, the hoop glistens brighter than before. She levitates up, as the sea foam drips from her curves. Slowly spinning, like a mirrorball, she floats on the stars and liberates herself from sanity and sorrow. Nothing surrounds her but the stars, the elements, and the smell of the basis for life. Her new life has finally begun and no one gets to spin her into sorrow, she gets to CHOOSE. Floating as if she was a silent particle amongst endless atoms she drifts along, liberated and glistening brighter than any aura. Nothing can bring her back but she is constant, she is unabashedly unapologetic about her flight to her final form. She can taste everything. Her feelings, her newfound freedom, everything, and everyone she has left in the glittering dust.