4 minute read
Divers Alert Network
from Scuba Diver ANZ #42
Divers Alert Network, widely known as DAN, is an international non-profit medical and research organisation dedicated to the safety and health of divers.
For many, 2020 and 2021 forced people indoors
and caused a host of cancellations, including weekend getaways and diving holidays. While some fortunate divers continued to dive thanks to access to local waters, many didn’t have that luxury and were forced to take time off from the sport. Now, there are glimmers of hope emerging that returning to the water is just around the corner.
While scheduling and planning dive trips may be a welcome task, be prepared that those first few dives may feel tough. There may be a bit of rust. Personal fitness levels may have waned - when communities were locked down, access to gyms evaporated and unless an individual made it a priority to exercise at home or outside, overall fitness may have deteriorated. Muscle memory will only get you so far and ignoring current fitness level could make for an uncomfortable and unsafe first dive back.
It’s perfectly fine that your fitness may have suffered over the last few months, and it’s important to consider that factor as you return to the sport. Scuba diving can be quite a physical challenge when you calculate lifting heavy tanks or swimming against currents. As a new dive season kicks off, here are some considerations:
Getting fit for the season
When scuba diving, it can be really easy to forget the physical fitness levels needed to perform safely in the water, thanks to currents and a seemingly weightless environment (with proper buoyancy control, of course). But even a relaxed, easy dive can spike your heart rate and cause changes in blood flow. An emergency could create even more physical exertion. Physical demands increase as equipment, sea state and entry and exit conditions intensify. This is why it’s important for divers to assess and maintain personal fitness. In a non-pandemic year, it’s recommended that divers perform about 30 to 60 minutes of exercise three to four times per week to ensure they meet the demands of diving. Because the pandemic altered fitness regimes for many, plan weeks ahead of that first dive to rebuild your fitness levels. Just like a person gearing up for their first marathon, you won’t be able to run 42.2km right out of the gate — you need to gradually build up the strength,

stamina and endurance. In those weeks before your dive, slowly crank up your fitness with a mix of both low- and highintensity workouts — walking, running, yoga, lifting weights, cycling and swimming are all great options with their own benefits. Don’t anticipate your body being able to perform where it was pre-pandemic. The aim is to re-establish and strengthen endurance and cardiovascular fitness.
Timing is everything
As your workout regimen gets a boost, be mindful of exercise timing. Performing exercise too close to diving can be incredibly problematic. Increased physical activity could raise the chances of bubble formation, which could indicate an increased risk for decompression sickness (DCS). If you exercise too soon after a dive, you could also stimulate bubble formation through a combination of factors. To reduce the risk of DCS, it is best to avoid exercise 24 hours before and after diving.
If you’re truly concerned about your upcoming dive and your current fitness levels, consult your doctor - this is also an adequate way to monitor overall personal health. For divers older than 45, a cardiac stress test is a good indicator of physical fitness and helps determine heart health.
Rust is natural
Anything can happen while diving, which makes it crucial to stay physically fit and maintain an exercise regimen. And while it may be tempting to brush this aspect off and go straight to the boat, don’t let your pride stand in the way of your personal safety. In addition to rebuilding physical fitness levels, be sure to check your own gear - from snorkel down to fins - for any leaks, tears or problems, and take a refresher skills course to stay sharp.
Remember you’re not alone in this - other divers had to take time off, too. You can lean on them for guidance and tips. While those first few dives may feel a bit rusty, take it easy and listen to your body. DANAP.org
In the event of a diving incident, we encourage all divers to call the DAN Hotline promptly for advice: • Within Australia: 1800 088 200 • Outside Australia: +1 919 684 9111 • Within Indonesia: 21 5085 8719