3 minute read
Divers Alert Network Asia-Pacific
from Scuba Diver ANZ #49
Divers Alert Network, widely known as DAN, is an international non-profit medical and research organisation dedicated to the safety and health of divers.
When a diver begins to suffer from extreme
fatigue, achy joints, and confusion, these will often be recognised as signs of decompression sickness (DCS).
However, there are also numerous uncommon symptoms, and these are often associated with lesser-known forms of DCS. Because the most-common symptoms represent only a partial list of potential complications, this can lead to a misdiagnosis and delays in treatment. When a diving accident occurs, DAN can be instrumental in facilitating medical care.
Kelly, a Master Scuba Diver Trainer with more than 500 lifetime dives, had taken months to prepare for her technical side-mount diving certification. She was ready to tackle the classroom portion of her course, manage multiple gas cylinders and complete 12-dives in six days. The course started in shallow water, with dives becoming progressively deeper and longer. Kelly’s overall approach was cautious. She had experienced skin DCS the previous year, and she wanted to follow her decompression stops exactly as her late-model, multi-gas dive computer prescribed.
First, she completed two dives to nine metres on air and then three nitrox dives to 27m. After one dive, Kelly had a small problem while exiting the water – rough seas jostled her and she collided with the ladder. For the next two dives, Kelly introduced 100 percent oxygen as her decompression gas. These dives were to 29m for 42 minutes and then to 36m for 67 minutes.
Now more than halfway through her dives, Kelly noticed her left bicep was sore and the skin felt taut and warm.

She assumed the injury came from her collision with the ladder and, unphased, kept diving. But the pain worsened and spread to her left breast. The working hypothesis among those on the dive boat was that Kelly had suffered a haematoma on her left bicep. However, the lack of bruising to the area contradicted that assessment.
Four days had passed since symptom onset, and the symptoms were worsening – her fingers were tingling, her chest was tight, and her vision was becoming impaired. The boat crew decided to transport Kelly back to shore and take her to the nearest medical facility while her partner called the DAN Emergency Hotline.
Once the DAN medic heard Kelly’s symptoms, they became concerned about the possibility of inert gas bubbles in Kelly’s lymphatic system, creating a build-up of lymph fluid in her upper arms and chest, known as lymphatic DCS. At the hospital, Kelly was directed to the nearby hyperbaric chamber for treatments. When she arrived at the chamber, she relayed the information she received from DAN about lymphatic DCS, and that helped inform her treatments.
Lung barotrauma was ruled out and Kelly was wheeled into a hyperbaric chamber to undergo a five-hour U.S. Navy Treatment Table 6. Kelly was eventually discharged, and her symptoms diminished as she continued recovery at home.
Kelly’s obscure symptoms were consistent with lymphatic DCS, but that’s a manifestation of DCS that is not well known. Her dives were long and deep but did not violate her planned depth/time profile.
Fortunately, DAN knew what to do. The DAN medic’s knowledge and quick thinking gave Kelly’s doctors a starting point. DAN helps take the guesswork out of emergency logistics. n
For an extensive range of diving health and safety information and downloadable resources, research studies, incident summaries, and free e-Learning courses, take the time to explore DAN World’s new website.