Assignments, Assessments, and Grading
Do you have any comments/suggestions you would like to pass on to the Faculty with regards to methods of assessment currently in use? Statistics and Operations Research: Students felt that research assignments holding 30% of the weighting should either be removed or given more weighting. 2nd and 3rd years found last year’s 24-hour exams much more manageable and generally better than this year’s, since this year’s exam papers were often kept at a similar length but saw a significant decrease in time limit. Other than this, assessment methods were well received.
Mathematics: Many students presented the idea of implementing several in-person tests over the course of a study unit (after each chapter is concluded) as a method of assessment since some study units are too vast and detailed for just one two-hour exam carrying 100% of the weighting. Some remarked that this would resolve the issue of studying material and proofs off by heart only to forget them the moment the exam ends.