RICONOSCIMENTI / ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS organizzazione / organization martin - Martini Arte Internazionale Via Don Bosco 18, 10020 Cavagnolo, (To) Italia sede espositiva: Via T. Lanza 31, 10095 Grugliasco, (To) Italia www.martinart.it sculpture network non-profit Organisation Berlin, VR Nr. 23307 Nz Heinrich-Knote-Str. 13, 82343 Pöcking, Germany T: + 49 8157 997 90 16 F: + 49 8157 997 90 20 www.sculpture-network.org in collaborazione con / in collaboration with Comune di Grugliasco comunicazione e ufficio stampa / communication Partner & Partners s.r.l. - TO, Kerstin Werner - Public Relations
Vogliamo esprimere la nostra profonda gratitudine al Comune di Grugliasco per la sua fattiva collaborazione ed agli Sponsors per il loro indispensabile supporto / We like to express our deep gratitude to Comune di Grugliasco for its factive collaboration and to Sponsors for their needed Ringraziamo / We want to thank Marcello Mazzù, Roberto Montà, Anna Maria Morello, Alessandra Santise, Alessandro Gaffuri, Giovanni Mussino, Andrea Farina, Angelo Tomatis, Marta Filippini, Manuela Cascella, Roberto Anino, Salvatore Di Meo, Claudia Alberti, Andrea Testa Un ringraziamento speciale va a / special thanks : Amici di Hildburg e Ralf Kirberg / Friends of Hildburg and Ralf Kirberg Copyright 2010 martin - Martini Arte Internazionale. È vietata la riproduzione di questo catalogo, anche parziale, effettuata con qualsiasi mezzo meccanico, elettronico, informatico, compreso la fotocopia anche ad uso interno didattico, non autorizzata. Copyright 2010 martin - Martini Arte Internazionale. No part of this book may by reproduced or transmitted in any other form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission of the publisher.
Difference &Diversity curated by Patrizia Bottallo
cura e testi di / curator Patrizia Bottallo coordinamento / coordination Isabelle Henn, Sophie Glas traduzioni / translation Carolyn Kayser, Alessandra Porfidia, Omnia traduzioni progetto e direzione dell’allestimento / set up project Hartmut Stielow, Rob Ward, Roberto Fornero, Daniele Luetto progetto grafico e copertina / design & cover Partner & Partners s.r.l. - TO trasporti / transport Spedition Schwarze ASC GmbH fotolito e stampa / photoengraving and print Litostampa Mario Astegiano & C s.n.c. Stampato e rilegato in Italia / printed and bound in Italy
indice / index introduzione di / introduction by Patrizia Bottallo....... pag. 6/7 Contributo di / text by Marc Wellmann....................... pag. 8 Contributo di / text by Miranda MacPhail................... pag. 9 Contributo di / text by Auke de Vries.......................... pag. 10 Contributo di / text by Rob Ward, Hartmut Stielow. .... pag. 11 Sculpture Network..................................................... pag. 14 martin Martini Arte Internazionale.............................. pag. 15
Hans Lamb.............................................................. pag. 42 /43 Jill Randall................................................................ pag. 44 /45 Johann Feilacher...................................................... pag. 46 /47 Kees Machielsen...................................................... pag. 48 /49 Knopp Ferro.............................................................. pag. 50 /51 María Oriza Pérez..................................................... pag. 52 /53 Matthäus Thoma..................................................... pag. 54 / 55 Matthias Bildstein / Philippe Glatz................................ pag. 56 / 57 Ornella Rovera......................................................... pag. 58 / 59 Pavel Schmidt.......................................................... pag. 60 / 61 Peter Lindenberg..................................................... pag. 62 / 63 Pieter Obels............................................................. pag. 64 / 65 Rainer Düvell............................................................ pag. 66 / 67 Rainer Fest............................................................... pag. 68 / 69 Susanne Kathlen Mader.......................................... pag. 70 / 71 Ulrike Buhl................................................................ pag. 72 / 73 Vaclav Bajer............................................................. pag. 74 / 75 Victor López González............................................. pag. 76 / 77
Artisti / artists............................................................. pag. 17 Adri A.C. de Fluiter .................................................... pag. 18 / 19 Alberto de Braud....................................................... pag. 20 / 21 Alessandra Porfidia.................................................. pag. 22 / 23 Alexandra Klawitter................................................... pag. 24 / 25 Anke Eilergerhard..................................................... pag. 26 / 27 Anneke Schepke...................................................... pag. 28 / 29 Barbara Szüts........................................................... pag. 30 / 31 Beatriz Blanch.......................................................... pag. 32 / 33 Daniel Eggli............................................................... pag. 34 /35 Deborah Gardner..................................................... pag. 36 /37 Eva Moosbrugger..................................................... pag. 38 /39 Gudrun Nielsen......................................................... pag. 40 /41 curricula................................................................... pag. 78 / 92
Difference &Diversity
Questa mostra, attraverso un campione selezionato di artisti, si propone di illustrare l’attuale status della scultura contemporanea europea, senza pretesa di esaustività ma con l’ambizione di offrire un panorama realistico del “fare scultura” degli ultimi anni nel nostro Continente, in parte ancorato alla significativa eredità del vicino Novecento e in parte rivolto alla ricerca di una nuova dimensione creativa. Una mappa di esperienze rappresentative dei diversi paesi d’origine degli artisti invitati che, in qualità di curatore della mostra, mi ha indotto a non imporre un tema, poiché avrebbe certamente vincolato gli artisti o peggio ne avrebbe precluso ad alcuni la partecipazione. “Difference and Diversity”, il sottotitolo è la giusta chiave di lettura per capire il criterio che ha portato a questa selezione di 30 scultori da tutta l’Europa. Differenza e diversità nella pratica scultorea, nei materiali utilizzati, nell’approccio compositivo, nell’ideazione creativa, tutte variabili che caratterizzano questa straordinaria selezione di 150 opere, esposte per la prima volta in Italia. Multiformi e personali visioni della scultura contemporanea frutto della fantasia, dell’inventiva, della creatività e dell’immaginazione. La fantasia è forse la più libera tra le facoltà del nostro intelletto, non tiene conto della realizzabilità o del funzionamento di un oggetto, può permettersi di essere incredibile e impossibile. Proprio la fantasia ritengo sia il denominatore comune che caratterizza la scultura contemporanea e il segno distintivo di questa mostra. La scultura oggi non più legata al reale, libera dal giogo della mimesi e della figurazione, diventa un banco di prova su cui sperimentare materiali diversi e inusuali o interpretare in modo innovativo materiali tradizionali. Assumono rilevanza fattori nuovi, di natura percettiva e spaziale, la leziosità accademica è ormai un lontano ricordo che ha lasciato spazio alla ricerca dell’essenza intima, dell’energia oltre la forma. La materia rivendica la sua piena autonomia, si nutre della forza creativa dello scultore e acquista valore grazie alla sua fantasia. Già negli anni Quaranta, Arturo
Martini definì morto il linguaggio di una scultura ancorata al passato in quanto non più adeguata a svolgere le funzioni per cui era stata realizzata e inneggia ad una scultura che nasce dalle mani dello scultore semplicemente stringendo la creta. Se dal punto di vista concettuale, attraverso la scultura l’artista è ormai libero di rendere concreto e visibile il frutto della sua fantasia, dal punto di vista pratico egli deve fare i conti con la materia, qui sta la sua abilità. La totale libertà di pensiero che contraddistingue il momento creativo svanisce nel momento della realizzazione dell’opera, quando si presentano i vincoli imposti dai mezzi, dai materiali e dai numerosi fattori che ne limitano la creazione. Questo ostacolo è superato grazie alla capacità dell’artista di porre in relazione ciò che conosce e ciò che lo spinge a scoprire nuovi mezzi o materiali che gli permettono di inventare nuove soluzioni tecniche e di raggiungere nuovi traguardi comunicativi. Il passaggio concettuale da statua a scultura, da Marcel Duchamp in poi, ha dato il via alla possibilità di ritenere che ogni materiale o ogni oggetto compiuto è consono al fare scultoreo, ritenendolo prima di tutto una materia, inevitabile è quindi l’incessante processo sperimentale il procedere alla ricerca sempre nuova di mezzi e materiali diversi per fare scultura. Il livello di sperimentazione e le molteplici possibilità espressive dei nuovi materiali sono necessari oggi agli artisti che sono chiamati ad una produttività frenetica, espressione di una realtà rapida e in continuo cambiamento. Ciò non è privo di conseguenze. Attratti sempre più da nuovi composti plastici o addirittura da materiali deperibili a discapito di materiali come ad esempio il bronzo o il marmo, più duraturi, adatti per lasciare una traccia nel tempo, il risultato a volte porta a opere straordinarie ma la loro deperibilità le rende provvisorie e precarie. Al contempo, grazie alle infinite opportunità creative consentite dai nuovi materiali, la scultura contemporanea si distingue per la sua polidimensionalità percettiva e per una gestualità libera capaci di suscitare emozioni e di sollecitare la nostra fantasia.
Through a selection of artists this exhibition intends to illustrate the current position of European contemporary sculpture, by no means claiming to be exhaustive, but aiming to present a realistic panorama of “making sculpture” in Europe over recent years. The exhibition is partly tied to the important inheritance of the late Twentieth Century and partly directed towards the search for a new creative dimension. A map of experiences representing the different countries of the invited artists that, as curator of the exhibition, led me not to impose a theme, since it would certainly have constrained the artists, or worse, would have prevented some of them from participating. “Difference and Diversity”: this subheading is the key to understanding the criteria that led to this selection of 30 sculptors from all over Europe. Difference and diversity in sculptural technique, in materials used, in compositional approach, in creative conception: all variables that characterise this extraordinary selection of 150 works, exhibited in Italy for the first time. Protean and personal visions of contemporary sculpture, fruit of fantasy, inventiveness, creativity and imagination. Fantasy is perhaps the most free of our intellectual faculties, it does not take into account the feasibility or functionality of an object, it can permit itself to be incredible and impossible. I believe fantasy itself is the common denominator of contemporary sculpture and the distinctive mark of this exhibition. No longer linked to the real and free from the yoke of mimesis and figuration, sculpture nowadays becomes a test bench for different and unusual materials or for innovative interpretations of traditional materials. New perceptive and spatial factors gain importance, academic affectation is by now a distant memory that has given way to the search for innermost essence, energy beyond form. The subject reclaims complete autonomy; it feeds off the creative force of the sculptor and gains value through its imagination. The language of a sculpture anchored in the past had already been declared dead by Arturo Martini in the Forties, in so far as it no longer served the functions for
which it had been created and he instead praised sculpture that was born from clay simply being squeezed in the sculptor’s hands. If from a conceptual point of view the artist is now free to render the fruit of their imagination concrete and visible through sculpture, from a practical point of view they must confront the subject, herein lies their ability. The total liberty of thought that distinguishes the creative moment vanishes in the instant that the work is created, when the constraints imposed by the means, the materials and the numerous factors that limit creation present themselves. This obstacle is overcome thanks to the artist’s ability to interrelate what they know and that which pushes them to discover new means or materials that permit them to invent new technical solutions and to reach new communicative goals. The conceptual passage from statue to sculpture, from Marcel Duchamp onwards, made way for the idea that every material or every completed object is suitable for making sculpture, considering it above all a subject. The incessant experimental process is therefore inevitable, the constantly renewed search for different means and materials to sculpt with. Today the level of experimentation and the manifold expressive possibilities of new materials are necessary for artists who are called to frenetic productivity, expression of a rapid and ever changing reality. This is not devoid of consequences. Ever more attracted by plastic compounds, or even by perishable materials, to the detriment of materials like bronze or marble for example, which are longer lasting and more suited for leaving a mark on time, the result sometimes leads to extraordinary works but whose temporary nature renders them provisional and precarious. At the same time, thanks to the infinite creative opportunities allowed by new materials, contemporary sculpture is defined by its perceptual multidimensionality and free gestural expressiveness capable of arousing emotions and stimulating our imagination.
Patrizia Bottallo
Patrizia Bottallo
curatore martin - Martini Arte Internazionale, Torino (IT)
curator martin - Martini Arte Internazionale, Turin (IT)
Difference &Diversity
Negli ultimi cinquant’anni la forma d’arte che viene definita Scultura ha avuto un’espansione eccezionale sotto il profilo concettuale. A partire dagli anni Sessanta la scultura comprende tutte quelle composizioni, allestimenti e azioni che investono lo spazio tridimensionale. Questo include azioni performative, installazioni nello spazio, Land Art, Arte Ambientale o Interventi d’Arte Sociale, e perfino l’architettura come nel caso di Frank Ghery nell’opera del Museo Guggenheim di Bilbao. All’interno di quest’orizzonte della categoria della scultura rimane ancora un nocciolo duro, per così dire un nucleo essenziale che non ha perso il fascino, ma anzi nei tempi recenti ha ulteriormente guadagnato in pregnanza e significato. Il materiale, presenza aptica di opere scultoree come una parte del nostro ambiente immediato è un contropotere rispetto al distaccato e volatile mondo sempre più governato dai media. L’incontro con la scultura presuppone un ruolo attivo dello spettatore con l’opera nella sua interezza, cioè apprezzare l’opera da tutti i suoi lati entrando col proprio corpo in relazione fisica con l’oggetto tridimensionale. A differenza di quanto accade con l’esperienza estetica della pittura, della Video Art, della Fotografia, questa esperienza include un grado di autenticità e di fisicità che può contrastare, almeno per un breve periodo di tempo, le somiglianze simulate con il monitor del computer e gli schermi touch. La maggior parte dei lavori creati dai membri di Sculpture Network, selezionati dalla giuria di questa prima mostra, si possono considerare una testimonianza dei principi fondamentali ora enunciati. Completamente indipendenti negli aspetti estetici o tematici, le opere evidenziano una dichiarazione di intenti unitaria rispetto all’apprezzamento generale per le forme fisiche tridimensionali, nonché per gli elevati standard di manualità artistica. Le diversità riflettono le varie tradizioni dei dieci paesi europei rappresentati (Germania, Italia, Norvegia, Polonia, Austria, Olanda, Islanda, Svizzera, Gran Bretagna).
The art form designated as sculpture has experienced an enormous conceptional expansion within the last fifty years. It has covered since the 1960’s all artistic compositions, settings and actions within three-dimensional space. This includes performances, installations in space, Land Art, Environment or Social Intervention, and even architecture such as Frank Gehry’s Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao. Within this extreme scope of the category sculpture there remains yet a hard core, so to speak an essential nucleus which has not lost its fascination but has recently even gained in significance. The material, haptic presence of sculptural works as a part of our immediate environment is a counterforce versus the detached and volatile world increasingly governed by the media. An encounter with sculpture presupposes an active role of the viewer regarding the work in its entirety, appreciating it from all sides and relating his/her own body to the three-dimensional object. As opposed to the esthetic experience of painting, video art or photography, this includes a degree of authenticity and physical experience which counteract, at least for a short period of time, the simulated resemblances behind the computer monitors and touch screens. Most of the different works created by members of sculpture network and selected by a jury for presentation in this exhibition for the first time can be regarded under the above fundamental premises. Completely independent of esthetic or thematic aspects, they unify a declared dedication to three-dimensional physical forms, as well as to high standards of artistic craftsmanship. Their diversity reflects the various traditions within the ten European countries (Germany, Italy, Poland, Norway, Iceland, the Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland and Great Britain).
Marc Wellmann curatore / curator of the Georg Kolbe Museum, Berlin (D)
Qualche anno fa fui coinvolta in un’iniziativa dal titolo “La diversità è valore”, una mostra dell’artista iraniano Hossein Golba all’interno dei Giardini di Boboli a Firenze. Questa frase ideata dall’artista mi è risuonata nella mente a partire dal momento in cui sono stata invitata a partecipare alla giuria di questo concorso. Sono profondamente convinta che la diversità è un valore in ogni campo dell’attività dell’uomo ma soprattutto in tutto quello che riguarda la creatività. La consapevolezza di uno stato eterogeneo delle cose apre numerose porte, dietro ognuna si nasconde un ambito di indagine e di libere scelte che comportano consequenze per le ricerche future. Forse la prima porta da aprire è quella dove l’artista si scopre tale, una figura che gode/soffre dello status del “diverso”. Le successive porte vengono aperte secondo il modo di operare, l’identificarsi positivamente o in opposizione ai ruoli di scultore, pittore, grafico, ballerino, romanziere, o compositore. Ad aprile ho ricevuto e sfogliato le foto inviate da 183 artisti di 20 paesi. Sul monitor ho osservato come ognuno dei partecipanti si proponeva, cercando di far emergere la propria “voce”, modellando quella pagina bianca che è lo spazio. Tutti avevano condiviso l’attrazione per il rischio, del mettersi in gioco attraverso il concorso, ma da ogni slide traspariva non solo la diversità del fare ma addirittura la diversa premessa artistica. Qualcuno ha saputo dare forma alla propria fantasia mentre altri hanno attinto al mondo intorno a noi per ricavarne gli aspetti più utili alla loro poesia tridimensionale. Le forme e figure comunicano la poliedricità della creatività del nostro tempo e anche se le pratiche, i materiali, e perfino il tipo di spazio immaginato aprono su mondi impossibili da sondare attraverso solo poche opere, il necessario limite posto alla corrente esposizione, l’operazione serve comunque a situarci, a porci davanti a una visione più ampia possibile. È l’inizio di un confronto con la vertigine dell’espressione, la vasta gamma di emozioni che gli artisti, nella loro diversità del fare, hanno saputo regalarci. Oggi non ci è più permesso pensare ad utopie totalizzanti ma gli artisti sembrano suggerirci, ognuno nel proprio linguaggio, che la forte affermazione di una visione autonoma e personale può prenderci per mano e condurci fuori da questo stato di disorientamento. Flaubert affermò che di tutte le bugie, l’arte è quella meno falsa. In questa mostra collettiva un coro di voci singole ci cantano forme che rispecchiano l’anima, ognuna è un passo significativo nella direzione della verità nelle sue diverse sfacettature.
In the Boboli Gardens in Florence some years ago, the Iranian artist Hossein Golba held an exhibition entitled “Diversity is a Value”. This artist’s phrase immediately came to mind when I was invited to participate on the jury for sculpture network’s exhibition in Turin. I am profoundly convinced that diversity is a value in any area of human activity, but this is especially true wherever creativity is concerned. Awareness of the heterogeneous state of things opens any number of doors; behind each one lies hidden a field of exploration as well as a set of free choices which will influence future investigation. Perhaps the first door to be opened is the one leading to the artist’s self-discovery as someone who enjoys or suffers his/her status of being “different”. Subsequent doors will be opened according to one’s way of working and to one’s identification, in a positive or a negative way, with the profession of a sculptor, a painter, a graphic artist, a ballet dancer, a writer or a composer. In April I received and perused the images of works by 183 artists from some 20 different countries. On my monitor I could observe how each of the participants presented himself/herself in an attempt to have his/her own “voice” heard, modellinging that blank page which is known as space. All were attracted by the risk of placing themselves in competition with others; however, each slide spoke of diversity: of the final artwork, obviously, but also and especially, of the various artistic premises involved. Some were able to give form to their own fantasy, whereas others plied the outside world in search of elements essential to their threedimensional poetry. The forms and figures illustrate the versatile nature of creativity in our time. Although the methods of implementation, the materials and even the type of space imagined open onto worlds which would be impossible to explore via only a few works (this was a necessary limitation for the current exhibition), this procedure serves in any case to establish our gaze and to promote a view which will be as far-reaching as possible. It is a first step in coming to terms with the vertigo of expression, with the vast range of emotions the artists have known how to present through the diversity of their practice. Today we are no longer allowed to conceive of all-encompassing utopias; however, the artists seem to suggest, each in his/her own vocabulary, that a strong affirmation of an independent and personal vision is capable of taking us by the hand and leading us out of this state of disorientation. Flaubert once stated that, of all the lies told, art is the least false. In this group show, a chorus of individual voices sings us forms which mirror the soul, each representing a significant step in the direction of truth with its multifaceted nature. Miranda MacPhail curatore / curator of the Gori Collection, Pistoia (IT)
Difference &Diversity
Scala: una storia sul concetto di scala
Scale: a story about scale
Mi è stato chiesto di tenere una lezione al IX° Forum Internazionale sulla Scultura organizzato da Sculpture Network.
I was asked to give a lecture for the IX International Sculpture Forum “European Sculpture: Diversity and the difference in practice”.
La mia lezione è sul concetto di “scala”.
My lecture is about SCALE.
Il concetto di scala non riguarda la proporzione o la misura delle cose. La scala non è relativa alle cose stesse. La scala è un concetto che riguarda sia le cose che le persone.
Scale is not just about the size and measurements and proportions of things. Scale is not just about things. Scale is about people and things.
Il concetto di scala è relativo quindi alla dimensione delle cose in relazione alla proporzione umana.
Scale is about the dimensions of things, related to the dimensions of people.
Spesso è necessario esplorare e conoscere un nuovo sapere a proposito di distanza, ampiezza, altezza e altre condizioni primarie sulle quali è costruita la vita. Questo sentimento si configura bene come ansietà. A volte per esempio qualcuno si avvicina troppo e provoca un senso di disagio nell’altro.
Often it is necessary to explore a new knowledge about distance, width, height and other primary conditions on which life is built. That feeling is as well relieving as anxious. Sometimes one just comes too close to someone which is undesirable by the other.
Quanto spazio c’è dentro di te? Quante volte un sentimento di libertà si trasforma in paura di perdersi? Vi è un punto di svolta, un limite, col quale ci si deve confrontare. La misura, il misurare, la dimensione: ciò deriva dalla necessità di collocarci nello spazio mondo.
How much space is there inside of you? When does the feeling of freedom turn into fear of getting lost? There is a turning point, a limit, we get confronted with. Measure, measurement, size: it derives from the necessity to dwell in the world space.
Auke de Vries scultore / sculptor
Sin dall’inizio la filosofia di Sculpture Network è stata quella di creare una rete di connessioni intorno al comune interesse rappresentato dalla scultura. Ciò ha portato ai simposi regolarmente organizzati che esaminano la Scultura in ambienti e relazioni diverse. L’architettura, il paesaggio e i luoghi pubblici sono stati tutti oggetto di dibattito, coinvolgendo eminenti oratori, curatori, storici, artisti e collezionisti. L’elemento base della nostra appartenenza è rappresentato comunque dagli scultori, che producono opere e le presentano. È avendo questo in mente che abbiamo organizzato la presente mostra intitolata “Scultura Europea - Diversità e Differenza”. Sono state presentate 183 domande d’iscrizione a prendervi parte, provenienti da 20 paesi; ne sono state selezionate 30, provenienti da 10 paesi. È la prima mostra di Sculpture Network e costituisce una dimostrazione del successo raggiunto, visto attraverso il lavoro dei suoi membri. Nel weekend di apertura della mostra, dal 16 al 18 settembre, il connesso IX International Sculpture Forum fornisce una piattaforma di discussione sui differenti approcci nei confronti della scultura contemporanea in Europa. I nostri ringraziamenti e la nostra gratitudine vanno alla Città di Grugliasco, alla organizzazione martin - Martini Arte Internazionale, alla sua curatrice Patrizia Bottallo e alla nostra giuria (Miranda Mac Phail, Marc Wellman e Auke de Vries) per il tempo che hanno dedicato a rendere possibile questa iniziativa.
Since its inception the philosophy of Sculpture Network has been to create a web of connections around our common interest in sculpture. This has led to regular organized symposia examining sculpture in diverse settings and relationships. Architecture, landscape and public places have all been subjects for debate, involving eminent speakers, curators, historians, artists and collectors. The core of our membership, however are sculptors who make objects, and exhibit them. It is with this in mind that we have organized this exhibition entitled “European Sculpture - Diversity & Difference”. 183 entries from 20 countries were submitted for the exhibition, of which 30 from 10 countries have been selected. It is Sculpture Network’s first exhibition and a testament to the success it has achieved, seen through the work of its members. The accompanying IX International Sculpture Forum on the opening weekend of the exhibition from 16 to 18 September 2010 provides a platform for discussion on the different approaches towards contemporary sculpture in Europe. Our thanks and gratitude go to the City of Grugliasco, to Martini Arte Internazionale, its curator Patrizia Bottallo, and to our jury Miranda Mac Phail, Marc Wellman and Auke de Vries for their time in making this possible.
Hartmut Stielow vice-presidente / vice-chairman sculpture network Rob Ward membro del consiglio / member of the board sculpture network
Difference &Diversity
Auke de Vries, Marc Wellmann, Patrizia Bottallo, Isabelle Henn, Ralf Kirberg - Torino / Turin, aprile / april 2010
Nave Galley, Parco Culturale Le Serre, Grugliasco, Torino, Italia - spazio espositivo martin / martin exsposition space
sculpture network è un’organizzazione internazionale per il sostegno e la promozione dell’arte contemporanea, con particolare attenzione all‘arte tridimensionale in campo europeo. L’organizzazione fondata nel 2004, è senza scopo di lucro ed è basata sull’iniziativa privata sostenuta da volontari.
sculpture network is an international organisation for the support and advancement of contemporary, three-dimensional art in Europe. The organisation founded in 2004, is non-profit and based on private initiative, supported by volunteers.
L’obiettivo di sculpture network è di offrire una base per lo scambio tra individui, enti e istituzioni coinvolti o interessati alla scultura. Il suo attivo scambio professionale e interdisciplinare fornisce una rete affidabile per i seguenti gruppi di interesse:
sculpture network’s objective is to offer a platform for interchange between individuals, entities and institutions involved with or interested in three-dimensional art. Its active professional and interdisciplinary exchange provides a reputable network for the following interest groups:
• Artisti
• Artists
• Mediatori d’arte - curatori, professori, storici dell’arte e critici, architetti e urbanisti, musei, parchi di scultura, università, gallerie, istituzioni artistiche, organizzazioni culturali e fornitori di servizi
• Art mediators, - curators, professors, art historians and critics, architects and urban planners, museums, sculpture parks, universities, galleries, art institutes, art and cultural organisations and service providers
• Amici delle arti, come collezionisti, mecenati, sponsor e sostenitori Dalla sua fondazione nel 2004, sculpture network ha sviluppato una rete molto vasta e ha guadagnato una reputazione significativa nell‘ambito specifico della scultura europea e sulla scena dell‘arte più in generale. Durante questo periodo di networking hanno avuto luogo importanti occasioni di scambio a differenti livelli con riscontro culturale e produttivo. Attualmente sculpture network ha quasi 1000 membri in 43 paesi.
• Friends of the arts, such as collectors, patrons, sponsors and supporters Since it’s founding in 2004, sculpture network has developed a very broad network and has gained significant reputation on the European sculpture/art scene. During this time much networking has taken place resulting in varied and productive exchange. At time of print sculpture network has almost 1000 members in 36 countries.
Il nostro programma di lavoro comprende
Our program work includes
• Gestione e sviluppo della nostra piattaforma di comunicazione interattiva www.sculpture-network.org
• Management and development of our interactive communication platform www.sculpture-network.org
• Pubblicazione del “sculpture network Newsletter” in tedesco, inglese e spagnolo • Mediazione di cooperazione e collaborazione tra le organizzazioni culturali, musei e istituzioni artistiche, contribuendo attivamente alla creazione di collegamenti in tutta Europa • Discussioni sul pensiero corrente essenziali e necessarie per la scultura
• Publication of ”sculpture-network Newsletter” in German, English and Spanish • Mediation of cooperation and collaboration among cultural organisations, museums and art institutes, actively contributing to creating bridges across Europe • Discussion on the current essential thought and requirements for sculptural art
• Organizzazione d’iniziative ed eventi come le riunioni regionali e un Forum annuale Internazionale di Scultura
• Organisation of projects and events such as Regional Meetings and a yearly International Sculpture Forum
Forum Internazionale di Scultura e simposi hanno avuto luogo a Vaduz (LI), Leeds (UK), Barcellona (S), Graz (A), Varsavia (PL), Berlino (D), L’Aia (NL), Zurigo (CH)
International Sculpture Forums and Symposia have taken place in Vaduz(LI), Leeds (UK), Barcelona (ES), Graz (AT), Warsaw (PL), Berlin (DE), Den Haag (NL), Zurich (CH) Ralf Kirberg presidente / chairman sculpture network
martin, Martini Arte Internazionale, è un’organizzazione fondata nel 2000 con lo scopo di promuovere, divulgare e sostenere l’arte contemporanea, favorendo l’interscambio culturale attraverso l’organizzazione di mostre ed eventi con la partecipazione ed il coinvolgimento di istituzioni e artisti internazionali. martin è stata fondata da un gruppo di professionisti torinesi che hanno maturato nel corso degli anni una grande passione per il mondo artistico. Finalità dell’associazione è la promozione dell’arte contemporanea internazionale, la divulgazione della cultura e della sensibilità artistica.
martin, Martini Arte Internazionale, is an organization founded in the year 2000 with the aim of promoting, spreading and supporting the Contemporary Art so that to encourage the cultural interchange process through exhibitions and events that involve public bodies and international artists. martin organization was founded by a group of Turinese professionals that have accrued over the years a strong passion for the artistic world. Our main aim is the promotion of the international contemporary art, the spreading of the culture and the artistic feelings.
L’organizzazione dedica a bambini e ragazzi “martinED, martin EDucazione”, una sezione volta alla sensibilizzazione e alla formazione delle nuove generazioni, realizzando visite guidate e laboratori didattici. martin, tramite la sezione “martin Beats”, organizza eventi ed happening in cui interagiscono Arte e Design, Arte e Spettacolo, Arte e Musica, Arte e Moda e altre forme creative. Nel 2008 è iniziato il programma di residenzialità d’artista presso la sede storica in Cavagnolo, vicino a Torino. Artisti da tutto il mondo sono ospitati per un mese o due in una villa ottocentesca nella splendida cornice delle colline del Monferrato. martin si occupa inoltre di progetti di riqualificazione urbana attraverso la selezione, la cura della realizzazione e l’inserimento nel tessuto cittadino di opere d’arte pubblica.
We have devoted to children and teenagers a section called “martinED’which stands for “martin Education’. This section aims to sensitize and train new generation by organizing guided tours and didactical workshops. Moreover, martin through the “martin Beats’section organizes events and meetings in which Art and Design, Art and Performing art, Art and Music, Art and Fashion and other forms of creativity are involved. In 2008 the resident artist programme began at the historic premises in Cavagnolo, near Turin. Artists from all over the world are guests for one or two months in an nineteenth-century villa in the marvellous setting of the Monferrato hills. martin is also involved in urban redevelopment, selecting public works of art and overseeing their execution and integration with the urban fabric.
L’organizzazione promuove le seguenti iniziative: mostre di pittura, scultura, installazioni, tecniche grafiche, fotografia, design industriale e video arte, laboratori di scultura e pittura, operazioni artistiche di intervento sul territorio, incontri con storici e critici dell’arte, artisti e professionisti operanti nel settore, conferenze su argomenti artistici, culturali e scientifici in una prospettiva interdisciplinare. Favorisce l’interscambio culturale attraverso la collaborazione con artisti ed esperti stranieri e la partnership con accademie, musei, scuole, fondazioni ed enti privati e pubblici di tutta Europa. Dal 2003 martin ha avviato insieme al Comune di Grugliasco un importante progetto di valorizzazione del Parco Culturale Le Serre, dove è attualmente ospitata la sua sede espositiva.
We are also engaged in promoting the following events such as painting and sculpture exhibitions, installations, graphic techniques, photography, industrial designs, video arts, sculpture and artistic workshops and interventions. We organize meeting with experts in the art field such as historians, art critics and artists. We also hold conferences on art and scientific subjects seen from an interdisciplinary perspective.We also encourage the cultural interchange through the cooperation with artist, foreign experts and partnerships with academies, museums, schools, foundation and private bodies all over Europe. Since 2003 martin has started with the Comune di Grugliasco an important improvement project of Parco Culturale Le Serre, where it is actually martin’s exposition site.
Paolo Tormena presidente / chairman martin-Martini Arte Internazionale
Area espositiva martin / martin exposition space
Adri A.C. de Fluiter, Alberto de Braud, Alessandra Porfidia, Alexandra Klawitter, Anke Eilergerhard, Anneke Schepke, Barbara Szüts, Beatriz Blanch, Daniel Eggli, Deborah Gardner, Eva Moosbrugger, Gudrun Nielsen, Hans Lamb, Jill Randall, Johann Feilacher, Kees Machielsen, Knopp Ferro, María Oriza Pérez, Matthäus Thoma, Matthias Bildstein / Philippe Glatz, Ornella Rovera, Pavel Schmidt, Peter Lindenberg, Pieter Obels, Rainer Düvell, Rainer Fest, Susanne Mader, Ulrike Buhl, Vaclav Bajer, Victor López González
artisti / artists
Adri A.C. de Fluiter Olanda / Netherlands [1940]
Dishing, together [2004] Plywood, jute, rubber, red and blue paint 96 x 100 x 50 cm
Dishing, messenger [2009] Plywood, branches, rubber, red paint 131 x 100 x 56 cm
Dishing, be my guest [2010] Wood, dmf, silver leaf, oil, acrylic, ink 90 x 65 x 15 cm 19
Alberto de Braud Italia / Italy [1959]
Kaos [2007] alluminum casting 210 x 130 x 125 cm Balloons [2004] Alluminium casting 130x100x30 cm
Kaos [2007] Alluminum casting 210 x 130 x 125 cm
Fag-ends [2008]
Balloons [2004]
Bronze, acrylic paint 130 x 20 x 20 cm
Alluminium casting 130 x 100 x 30 cm21
Alessandra Porfidia Italia / Italy [1962]
White territories [2004]
On Vacuum - Composition [2001]
Mediterranean Territories [2009]
PVC installation 250 x 175 x 35 cm
Black steel 75 x 50 x 50 cm
Felt, rubber, PVC 400 x 330 x 200 cm
Alexandra Klawitter Germania / Germany [1973]
Werden und Vergehen - detail [2006] Hand-made paper ca. 3m²
Werden und Vergehen - detail [2006] 24
Hand-made paper ca. 3 m²
Anke Eilergerhard Germania / Germany [1963]
Ema. Wirbelwind (whirlwind) [2009]
Ajax. Wirbelwind (whirlwind) [2009]
Himmel auf Erden. (Heaven on earth.) [2007/8]
Silicone, styrofoam 65 x 37 cm
Silicone, styrofoam 84 x 28 cm
Sanitary ceramics each 50 x 50
Anneke Schepke Germania / Germany [1964]
Untitled [2008] PVC 50 x 50 x 10 cm
Untitled [2007] PVC 20 x 50 cm
Untitled [2007] PVC 20 x 50 cm
Greenprint [2007] 28
PVC 6x6m
Barbara Szüts Germania / Germany [1952]
Reflection II [2009]
Interaction III [2008]
Stainless steel 145 x 105 x 0,3 cm
Stainless steel 90 x 87 x 0,12 cm
Reflection I [2009] Stainless steel 180 x 130 x 0,3 cm31
Beatriz Blanch Spagna / Spain [1962]
Iceburg [2010] wood, dmf, silver leaf, oil, acrylic, ink 90x65x15 cm. 5 Kg circa
Expansion [2010] Paper, acrylic paint 110 x 70 x 15 cm
Font [2010] Paper, acrylic paint 170 x 50 x 50 cm
Iceburg [2010] Wood, dmf, silver leaf, oil, acrylic, ink 90 x 65 x 15 cm
Daniel Eggli Svizzera / Switzerland [1972]
Businessman [2007]
Bathing people [2008]
Business people [2008]
Acryl on wood 50 cm
Acryl on wood (lime tree) 100 cm
Acryl on wood 50 cm
Deborah Gardner Regno Unito / United Kingdom [1963]
Pink and Poke [2008] - detail
Risen [2010]
Sandwich [2010]
Wax, resin 15 x 90 x 30 cm
Wax, resin, plaster, stainless steel 39 x 37 x 19 cm
Resin, wax 36 x 20 x 15 cm
Eva Moosbrugger Austria / Austria [1957]
Three riverstones [2009] Bronze, sandcast 30 x 89 x 41 cm 38 x 51 x 35 cm 24 x 34 x 32 cm
Black situation [2007] Black glass, blown and formed 17,8 x 30,3 x 26,8 cm Friendly thoughts [2010] Blown glass installation view
Gudrun Nielsen Islanda / Iceland [1951]
Changes [2010] 40
Mixed media 24 m
Labyrinth II [2010] Wood, hessian, colour 3D structure, 270 x 300 x 350 cm Overall floor plan 3D + 2D line marking on floor 400 x 500 cm
Hans Lamb Germania / Germany [1965]
Connecting tools [2010] Secateurs interactive range of objects
Surfing silence - Interactive space installation [2002] 42
Steel, glass, water ca. 230 cm high, 10 m² outline
Jill Randall Regno Unito / United Kingdom [1958]
Breath [2003] - detail Rz5 Magnesium alloy six parts, each 16 x 17 x 4 cm
Digitalis purpurea [2008] Steel, copper 90 x 60 x 10 cm
Johann Feilacher Austria / Austria [1954]
Frangia [2006] 46
Oak-wood 139 x 50 x 55 cm
Cittal [2006] - detail Wood (ruste) 42 x 60 x 60 cm
Uno [2006] Wood (Robinie) 197 x 60 x 50 cm 47
Kees Machielsen Olanda / Netherlands [1959]
Sinfonia [2009] Cortensteel 170 x 70 cm
Cauto avanti [2010] Cortensteel 135 x 90 x 50 cm
Omaggio alla natura [2010] Cortensteel 170 x 20 x 20 cm
Knopp Ferro Germania / Germany [1953]
Gravis 21:36 [2006]
Linienschiff 17:52 [2009]
Iron 95 x 85 x 48 cm
Iron 120 x 93 x 45 cm
María Oriza Pérez Spagna / Spain [1964]
Flor de invierno [2009]
Cueva a cuatro aguas [2009]
Stoneware 57 x 25 x 28 cm
Stoneware 60 x 30 x 23 cm
Hitos [2010] Stoneware 54 x 10 x 77 cm, 59 x 10 x 81 cm 53
Matth채us Thoma Monaco / Munich [1961]
Jahresr체ckblick [2010] Wood, splint, varnish 165 x 80 x 80 cm
Sozialismus und Jagdst체berl [2010] Metal, wood, newspaper 160 x 60 x 80 cm
Installation view [2009] 55
Matthias Bildstein / Philippe Glaz Austria / Austria [1978]
Bildstein / Glaz
Schnitzelprinz [2010] Frames from videoinstallation 32 sec, loop
Bildsein / Glaz
As far as the budget allows [2009] 56
Project in a pubblic place
Ornella Rovera Italia / Italy [1961]
Nettare [2008] Plate, photoceramic 60 x 82 x 11 cm
Senza Titolo [2008] Plate, photoceramic 60 x 82 x 8 cm
Pietra Madre [2003] Photo, wood, iron sheets Installation view 59
Pavel Schmidt Germania / Germany [1956]
Le monde - der mond - 1969 [2008] 60
Moon globe, clown, beaker 60 x 30 x 30 cm
Zechnung 7 [2003-2005] Oil paint on carton 24,3 x 18,3 cm
Dechainement-entfesselter fussloser [2008] Mixed media 170 x 30 x 40 cm
Peter Lindenberg Germania / Germany [1965]
Fog [2009] - model Steel pipes 25 x 25 x 30 cm
Thunderstorm [2009] Steel wire, wood 200 x 100 x 40 cm
Cress positive negative [2009] - model Steel, powder coated, 7 wall objects 40 x 40 x 40 cm
Model chinesische Br端cke [2008] Wood and screws 50 x 40 x 8 cm
Pieter Obels Olanda / Netherlands [1968]
Stratocumulus [2010] Steel wire, wood 200 x 130 x 80 including wooden basement Voluta [2006] Cortensteel (original) ca. 50 x 50 x 50 cm
Mangrove [2009] Cortensteel ca. 135 x 120 x 50 cm
Rainer D端vell Germania / Germany [1970]
Rauminstallation [2009] 66
Cardboard tube, nylon rope 400 x 300 x 100 cm
Rainer Fest Germania / Germany [1953]
Talking with one’s ancestor [2006]
Unterwegs [2007]
Swiss sorbwood 21 x 13 x 11 cm
Granite foundling 62 x 48 x 27 cm 69
Susanne Kathlen Mader Norvegia / Norway [1964]
Timoniere [2010] Installation ca. 115 x 205 x 13 cm
Piston [2010] Varnished aluminium 34 x 42 x 19 cm
Rotor [2010] Varnished aluminium 34 x 39 x 24 cm
Ulrike Buhl Germania / Germany [1967]
Photography by Š Bernd Kuhnert, Berlin
Es träumt sich [2009-2010] Wire, polyurethane, plaster, adhesive, acryl, oil-paint 30 x 36 x 40 cm Bricht, aber unsere nicht [2009-2010] Wire, polyurethane, plaster, adhesive, acryl, oil-paint 25 x 31 x 30 cm
Keiner liebt mich, so wie ich mich [2009-2010] Wire, polyurethane, plaster, adhesive, acryl, oil-paint 28 x 39 x 31 cm
Tenebrae [2005] Cast stone (marble) ca. 91 x 48 x 54 cm 73
Vaclav Bajer Polonia / Poland [1977]
Head 1 [2010] Hard plaster with pigment + patina 14 x 20 x 37 cm
Head [2010] Hard plaster with pigment + patina 14 x 20 x 33 cm 75
Victor López González Germania / Germany [1969]
Immigration policy… question of interpretation [2006] 76
Glass (petri dish), miniature figures, aluminium, 3 C-print on dibond 10 x 10 cm, C-print on dibond 13 x 18 cm
Eudourado [2010] Wood, bronze, iron, plastic 165,5 x 90 x 38 cm - 86 x 66 x 2 cm (Variable dimensions)
Adri A.C. de Fluiter, Alberto de Braud, Alessandra Porfidia, Alexandra Klawitter, Anke Eilergerhard, Anneke Schepke, Barbara Szüts, Beatriz Blanch, Daniel Eggli, Deborah Gardner, Eva Moosbrugger, Gudrun Nielsen, Hans Lamb, Jill Randall, Johann Feilacher, Kees Machielsen, Knopp Ferro, María Oriza Pérez, Matthäus Thoma, Matthias Bildstein / Philippe Glatz, Ornella Rovera, Pavel Schmidt, Peter Lindenberg, Pieter Obels, Rainer Düvell, Rainer Fest, Susanne Mader, Ulrike Buhl, Vaclav Bajer, Victor López González
Adri A.C. de Fluiter EDUCATION Academy of Art - Arnhem (NL) / Academy of Art - Den Bosch (NL) MEMBER OF Dutch Sculptors Association / Artists Association Pulchri Studio / Sculpture Network / ISC (Intern. Sculpture Center) / AiNIN (Artists in Nature Intern. Network) / ABK (A’dams Sculptors Collective) ARTIST ACTIVITIES Sculpture, Installations, Drawing, Painting, Commissions, Lectures,
PRIZES [2007] ARTISTA IN RESIDENzA, Fondazione Citè des Arts, Parigi, Francia [1998] TO KISS A DIFFERENT EARTH, fellowship, Kunstation Foundation, Kleinsassen, Germany [1993] ARTIST IN RESIDENCE, Cité des Arts Foundation, Paris, France [1991] ARTIST IN RESIDENCE, Bemis Foundation Center for Contemporary Art, Omaha, Nebraska, USA [1988] ARTIST AT WOR, Fellowship, Sargadelos Foundation, Lugo, Spain [1987] ARTIST IN RESIDENCE, Altos de Chavon Foundation, Dominican Republic [1986] ARTIST IN THE MARKET PLACE, Fellowship, Bronx Museum, New York, USA
Artist in Residence CuRATOR ACTIVITIES (Global Art Fund) Organizing international art events focused on art-in-nature and environmental art
ExHIBITIONS Exhibitions of sculpture, drawings and paintings in Europe, USA, Japan etc. SITE SPECIFIC PROjECTS [2009] BAHNFLAMMEN ALONG THE RAILROAD BIPPEN, Nortrup (Germany) [2008] FLOATING FOREST PART OF KIELzOG, Vollenhoven, Netherlands [2007] TREEFLAMES - A NEW START PART OF CHEMIN D’ART,
Alessandra Porfidia
St.Flour, France [2006] TREEFLAME 1 - the castle part of Espace Poetique, Yehay, Belgium / TREEFLAMES 4 - the bow part
of Park Scholtenhagen, Netherlands [2005] TREEFLAMES 3 - memories part of Intern. Driftwood Symposium, Taiwan /
[1962] She borns in Rome, where she still lives and works [1989] She studied Sculpture at the Art Academy of Rome and
she held her first Solo exhibition in Italy in the Montecchio Vesponi Castle in Tuscany. Currently she is Professor of Sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera, in Milan [1999] she held a Solo Show in the United States at the ANN NORTON
burg, Russia [2001] Flamefield part of Intern Nature Art Symposium, Kongju, Corea [1999] LANDART part of Natur Raum
SCuLPTuRE GARDENS, Palm Beach. Her work has been exhibited several times in Countries as Egypt, in the XI Biennale
Skulptur, Sankt Lorenz, Austria / CLIMEBING FLAME, 11mo Concorso di Scultura, Madonna di Campiglio, Italy
of Cairo, 2008, France, Japan, where she won the SuNTORy PRIzE in the Osaka Triennale [1998]. The winning sculpture (in steel) was acquired by the Prefecture for the Osaka Museum of Contemporary Art. In France she took part in The European Convention on Sculpture in Antibes, [2000] Montauban, [2001] and [2004]. In Italy she won many prizes promoted by
Alberto de Braud EDUCATION B.F.A. Photography, Rhode Island School of Design, Providence RI, USA, 1983. Lives and works in Milan, Italy
SOLO ExHIBITIONS [2009] NEWTON TWINS, installazione presso Palazzo Europa, a cura di Virginia Baradel, Comune di Padova, Italy / NEW-
[2000] she won the International Prize ARTE METRO ROMA installing a permanent mosaic in an underground station in Rome. Her art works iare installed in several public spaces, as the Justice Palace in Asti and Frosinone (Italy), the Motorizzazione civile of Rome and the Casa Circondariale of Viterbo [1995] she gained the FIuMARA -ARGAM PRIzE FOR SCuLPTuRE [1996] she participated to the XII Quadriennale of Art. Porfidia’s sculptures and paintings are included in private and corporate collections.
TON TWINS, installazione allo Chalet Carlo Mollino, a cura di Giorgio Caione, Comune di Sauze d’Oulx (TO), Italy [2008]
[2010] INOPERA, Palazzo Bonaccorsi, Macerata / LIBER 11+1, artisti presentati alla VIa Biennale di Cassino, Studio S Arte
CuLINARy DREAMS, Dieffe Gallery, Turin, Italy / uNExPECTED, Diocesano Museum,outdoor Installation, Milan, Italy
contemporanea, Roma / IL MONDO A BRERA, villa Borromeo Visconti Litta, Milano [2009] VIa Biennale del libro d’artista
[2007] LES PINCES À LINGES, Maciachini Center, Milan, Italy [2006] SCuLPTuRE WITHIN SCuLPTuRE, Repetto & Massucco
della Città di Cassino / Biennale Internazionale di Arte Contemporanea, Palazzo delle Arti, Il Cairo, Egitto [2007] Porfidia -
Gallery, Acqui Terme, Italy [2004] European Parliament, Sud Gallery, Strasbourg, France / Verona Fair, central pavilion,
Chimenti, DAL SEGNO AL VOLuME DAL BIANCO E NERO AL COLORE, Primaverile ARGAM, Studio S Arte Contemporanea,
Verona, Italy [2002] Franca Recalcati Gallery, Turin, Italy [2000] Bruna Soletti Gallery, Milan, Italy [1998] L’Ariete Gallery, Padua, Italy [1997] Pascal Lansberg Gallery, Paris, France [1996] Fiorile Arte, Bologna, Italy
Roma / Roma, Alessandra Porfidia, BIANCHI TERRITORI- AMBIENTI SCuLTOREI, Studio ArteFuoriCentro [2004] COLLOQuI 1994-2004, Alessandra Porfidia Pittura e Scultura, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, Università Roma Due Tor Vergata, Roma
[2001] RENCONTRE EuROPÈENNE DE SCuLTuRE, Montauban, Francia [2000] Egitto- Italia, CLEOPATRA DA MICHELANGE-
[2009] CENTOINGIRO, cento artisti per il centenario del giro d’Italia, Mandelli Arte Contemporanea, Seregno (MI), Catalogo
LO ALL’ARTE CONTEMPORANEA, Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Ministero degli Esteri Italiano, Consolato generale, Galleria
Skira 2009 / “ACROSS THE CROSS” da Michelangelo ai Contemporanei a cura di Liborio Palmieri Diocesi di Trapani, Trapani, catalogo Di Girolamo Editore / PREMIO TERNA “L’arte si sposta dal Museo alle Piazze”, Piazza Del Campidoglio, Piazza Colonna, Piazza della Minerva, Roma, Italy [2008] LuCI D’ARTISTA, public installation in Turin, Italy, Curated by Turin City
Studio S Arte Contemporanea, Roma / Egitto - Il Cairo, PARALLELI, Generazioni tecniche e tendenze, Gezira Art Centre / Roma, Studio Arte Fuori Centro, LINGuAGGI DELL’ARTE POSSIBILI DI FINE - INIzIO MILLENNO, Alessandra Porfidia Scul-
Hall Art concelor Mr. Alfieri [2007] KILOMETRO ROSSO, work’s selection for the 50’s anniversary, Banca del Gottardo art
ture [1999] U.S.A., Palm Beach, ANN NORTON SCuLTuRE GARDENS, Porfidia Out door Sculptures [1998] Giappone, Osaka
collection, Bergamo, Italy / ALBERTO DE BRAuD, RICCARDO GuSMAROLI, ENzO FORESE, Darga & Lansberg gallery, Paris,
Triennale 98: 10TH INTERNATIONAL CONTEMPORARy SCuLPTuRE COMPETITION, Alessandra Porfidia vincitrice del Sun-
France / SEGNIDISEGNIDIVERSI, a moving collection, Bank of Gottardo, Bergamo, Italy [2006] NEW ITALIAN SCuLPTuRE,
tory Prize / Francia, Antibes, Bastioni del Forte, SCuLPTuRES SOuS LE SOLEIL D’ANTIBES [1997] Egitto, Il Cairo, SCuL-
12 contemporary Italian sculptors, Spazia Gallery, Bologna, Italy / PLASTIC HEARTS, exhibition and auction organized by
TuRE uNDER 35, Istituto Italiano di Cultura per la R.A.E [1996] Roma, XII Esposizione Nazionale Quadriennale d’Arte di
Sotheby’s, Science and Technology Museum, Milan, Italy [2005] Contemporary Art in the Park of Monza, s selection of art from the Rossini Collection, Monza, Italy / SCuLTuRE NEL PARCO, Villa Paleotti Isolani, Minerbio, Italy / A HAND FOR AIL, Metropolitan Foundation, Exhibition and auction organized by Christie’s Milan, Italy
PUBLIC COLLECTIONS European Institute of Oncology, Milan, Italy / DiArt Foundation, Trapani, Italy / Maciachini Center, Milan, Italy / Banca del Gottardo, Bergamo, Italy / Acqui Terme City Hall, permanent public sculpture, Acqui Terme, Italy / Asiago City Hall, permanent public sculpture, Asiago, Italy / Kunstation Foundation, Kleinsassen, Germany Vitra Museum, Weil Am Rhein, Ger-
Public Agencies, and her works have been purchased by Museums as the MACRO, Museum of Contemporary Art (Rome)
Roma, uLTIME GENERAzIONI - ITALIA 1950-1990 / Egitto, Il Cairo, INTERNATIONAL BIENNALE OF CAIRO, Padiglione Italiano [1995] Roma, Primaverile Romana 1995, A.R.G.A.M (Ass. Romana Gall. Arte Moderna, TRE CRITICI TRENTA ARTISTI, L.Trucchi, A.Porfidia) / Accademia d’Egitto (A. Porfidia vincitrice del Premio Fiumara - Argam) [1989] Verona, Sommacampagna, IDIOMI DELLA SCuLTuRA CONTEMPORANEA, 2o Panorama Internazionale a cura di DiGenova e Mario Penelope / Lorenza Trucchi presenta Alessandra Porfidia, sculture all’aperto / Arezzo, Complesso Monumentale di Montecchio Vesponi, Comune di Cartiglion Fiorentino / Festival dei due Mondi, DOPO IL BOARIO, presentazione di R. Siligato, Spoleto
many / Altos de Chavon Foundation, La Romana, Dominican Republic / Malo Museum, Malo, Italy / Sargadelos Museum,
[1988] Roma, Assessorato alla cultura di Roma, Campo Boario, DODICIMENOTRENTACINQuESECONDO, Giovani artisti
Lugo, Spain / Bemis Foundation Center for Contemporary Art, Omaha, Nebraska, USA
Alexandra Klawitter
Anneke Schepke
[1995-1999] studies/master of Productdesign at F.H. Anhalt, Dessau (with one term in Sweden/Göteborg) [2000 - 2006] studies of sculpture at University of Art and Design, Burg Giebichenstein, Halle (Saale), at Prof. Göbel, Diploma (master) at Prof. Zaumseil and Prof. Theurer
[1964] born in Hamburg, Germany. Lives and works in Hannover, Germany [1986-1993] study of Art, diploma, college of Art and Design Hannover [1998-2002] artistgallery SCHAURAUM, Hannover, with R. Deuter and B. Dringenberg [1998] art award, Westfälisches Industriemuseum, Petershagen
SOLO ExHIBITION [2001] PRIVATE VIEW, Galerie13/down town, Hannover [2000] CuT!, SCHAURAUM, Hannover / GLASOBjEKTE, NORD/LB,
[2010] THREEDIMENSIONAL, Overbeckmuseum, Bremen (G) / MITERBzENTRALE, Ballhaus, Düsseldorf (G) [2009] USUK,
Hannover [1998] zEICHNuNGEN uND OBjEKTE, Galerie Arsenal, Posen, Poland [1994] GLASVERSCHMELzuNGEN, Galerie
Salem, NY (USA) (G) / KLEINE HAIE, Kunstbahnhof, Dresden (G) [2008] DARMSTÄDTER SEzESSIONS - AuSSTELLuNG, Zie-
invetro, Hannover [1993] GLASOBjEKTE, Galerie Kramskie, Burgdorf
gelhütte Darmstadt / new comer award for sculpture, 10 nominated sculptors (G/K) / CONTEMPORARy ART RuHR, Wel-
terbe Zeche Zollverein, Essen (G/K) / LEONARDO NEW TALENTS AWARD, (shortlisted) Galerie Noah, Augsburg (G/K) / HI-
[2010] KLEINPLASTIK IN NORDDEuTSCHLAND, Galerie Kolbien, Garbsen [2008-2009] WINTERGÄRTEN IV - uTOPIA
GH SOCIETy, Galerie Schreier und Metternich, Düsseldorf (G) [2007] HOFFNuNGSTRÄGER, Gerhard Marcks Haus, Bremen
GÄRTEN DER zuKuNFT, outdoor installation, Hannover [2007] CHARABANG, Italienska Palatset, Växjö, Sweden [2007-
(E) / RECyCLINGPREIS, 15 shortlisted works, Marta, Herford (G) / SCHÖPFuNG, St. Petri church, Bremen (E) / WERDEN uND
2008] FIGuRALE, outdoor installation, Herrenhäuser Gärten, Hannover [2005-2006] WEDEMARK-GuT BEDACHT, out-
VERGEHEN, Galerie Hilde Holstein, Bremen (E)
AWARDS, SCHOLARSHIPS [2008] NEW COMER AWARD der Darmstädter Sezession, Darmstadt [2007] scholarship GRADuATED AWARD der Hochschule für Kunst und Design, Burg Giebichenstein, Halle und des Landes Sachsen Anhalt
door installation, Kunstverein Mellendorf [2005] LuST-OBjEKT, OBjEKT-LuST, Schloß Landestrost, Kunstverein Neustadt [2004-2005] WINTERGÄRTEN III - GÄRTEN DER LüSTE, outdoor installation, Hannover [2003] KuNST uND NATuR, im Stadtpark, outdoor installation, Garbsen [2001] MENSCHEN uND FISCHE SPRINGEN VOR GLüCK, Galerie 13/downtown, Hannover [2000] DER GEHEIMNISTRÄGER, edition galerie 13, bookfair Frankfurt [1999] K.V.P.N° 2: PARASITEN, Galerie 13, Hannover [1996] EIGEN ARTEN, Kampnagel K3, Hamburg [1994] GETRENNT VEREINT, GEDOK, Stadtgeschichtliches Museum, Leipzig
Anke Eilergerhard
Barbara Szüts
[1963] born in Wuppertal, has lived in Berlin since 1999 [1993-1994] diploma in communications design, Bergische Ge-
[1952] born in Bad Bleiberg / Austria [1974-1980] studies Fine Art with Professor Carl Unger at the University of Applied Arts
samthochschule Wuppertal, from Prof. M. Badura (concept artist) and Prof. S. Maser (theorie) / since 1990 study trips to Prague (with Bazon Brock), Venice, Vienna, Quito, New York / since 1991 exhibitions [1996/1998] conception and realisation of exhibitions, SINNESTÄUSCHUNG, Elisenturm / HERZKLOPFEN, Weyerbuschturm, in cooperation with the city of Wuppertal [1999] temporary project, DIE KÜNSTLER SIND ANWESEND, WBK, Essen [2003/04] exhibition series, MEINE
in Vienna, Austria [1981] Magister Artium [1985-1988] lives in Hamburg, Germany [since 1988] lives and works in Cologne, Germany
SOLO ExHIBITIONS [2009] 1st Price - Sculpturecompetition, Friedberg, Augsburg [2008] Überlagerungen, Trinitatiskirche, Cologne, Germany
WELT - DEINE WELT in cooperation with Kunstmuseum Baden, Städtische Sammlung Neu-Ulm, Dortmunder Kunstv-
[2007] L-Gallery, Moscow, Russia [2004] Hochschule für Musik, Cologne, Germany [2003] MODuL 2 & 3, 2000, Cologne City
erein [2005] studio grant by the BBK, Berlin [2008] exhibition project, FETTE BEUTE - das dialogale Quartett in coopera-
Administration, Cologne, Germany / Essl collection, sculpture, Klosterneuburg, Austria [2001] Galerie Claudia Böer, Hano-
tion with Kunstmuseum Ahlen / realisation of a Top Trumps art game, FETTE BEUTE - das dialogale Quartett
ver, Germany [2000] KuNST DER FuGE, 1999-2000 (Art of Fugue, 1999-2000), Antoniterkirche, Cologne, Germany / MODuL
Austria [1994] DREI SKuLPTuREN IN EINER STADT, Galerie Zeitkunst, Kitzbühel, Austria / MODuL S.94, Stadtmuseum Sieg-
[2010-2011] White Square Gallery, Berlin, SE / EuROPEAN SCuLPTuRE: DIVERSITy AND DIFFERENCE IN PRACTICE, Kultu-
burg, Siegburg, Germany [1992] Sculpture park, Haus Schönblick, Heimbach, Germany [1991] Skulpturen-Musik-Environ-
rorganisation martin Martini Arte Internazionale with sculpture network, Grugliasco/Turin, Italy, C / ANIMAL ART, Kun-
FuTuRE 99, Kölner Platz, Attendorn, Germany [1997] MODuL B.97, sculpture park, Gutenbrunnerpark, Baden near Vienna,
ment (Sculptures-Music-Environment), Town Hall square, Cologne, Germany
stverein Schwetzingen/Kunstverein Worms, C [2009] Galerie art.aquabit, Berlin / FETTE BEuTE, das dialogale Quartett, Kunstverein Markdorf, Lake Constenance, C / KITCHENSTARS, Galerie berlin art scouts, Berlin, SE / Berlin Artspotters. German Consulate General, New York, USA / KITCHENSTARS at hannes roether +, Berlin, SE / PORzELLANIKON, Europäisches Industrie Museum für Porzellan, Selb [2008] PERRON-KuNSTPREIS 2008, Frankenthal / participating in the auteno.com Live-Auction, Vienna, Austria, C / KuNSTPREIS KÖRPER FORMEN, Rathausgalerie, Berlin / FETTE BEuTE - das dialogale Quartett, Kunstmuseum Ahlen, C [2007] WySIWyTyG #1, Brunnenstrasse, Berlin [2006] POLLENFLuG. NORBERT DICKEL, Dortmunder Kunstverein, SE / Galerie Klaus Braun, Stuttgart / Kunstraum LindnerHuber, Berlin / BALL OF FAME, Ber-
Beatriz Blanch EDUCATION [2003] ART AS PSCHOTHERAPy, introductory course, Metáfora & Universidad de Barcelona [1989-1990] PAINTING AND
lin, C [2005] Große Kunstausstellung NRW, Düsseldorf, C [2004] Stadtvillen Marienhof, Bad Neuenahr, Cooperation with
ART CRITICISM, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Hong Kong / PAINTING, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong [1987] SCuLPTuRE,
Kunst Raum Konzepte, EA / MEINE WELT - DEINE WELT, Dortmunder Kunstverein, C [2003] MEINE WELT - DEINE WELT,
Canterbury College of Art, Canterbury, England [1982-1987] LICENCIATuRA EN BELLAS ARTES, (Degree in Fine Arts, Spe-
Städtische Sammlungen Neu-Ulm im Edwin Scharff Haus / MEINE WELT - DEINE WELT, Museum Baden, Solingen, C
cialised in Sculpture) / Universidad Complutense de Madrid [1981-1982] INTERIOR DESIGN, IADE, Madrid
[2001] Große Kunstausstellung NRW, Düsseldorf, C / 2yk Galerie, Berlin, C / Schloß Kromsdorf, Weimar, C [2000] SCHÖN
IST ES AuF DER WELT zu SEIN, Galerie Petersen und Partner, Berlin, SE / zEIT, Kleine Humboldtgalerie, Berlin
[2001] CONTINENTES DISPERSOS, Café Galería Belen, Madrid / CONTINENTES DISPERSOS, Galería Kairos, Barcelona [1999]
Archipiélagos, Ossin Berri, Barcelona [1997] El angel caído, Gades, Barcelona [1995] Fragmentos, Casa de La En-
That which is near/Das was nahe ist (version II) Only Atelier gallery, Argentenier Strasse, Vienna [2003] Summer
trevista, Fundación Colegio del Rey, Alcalá de Henares [1994] Drawings, James & James, Madrid [1993] Sculpture and
Exhibition, Burghley House Sculpture Park, Stamford, UK
Drawings, James & James, Madrid / Sculpture, Alexander Bellinger, Madrid
Group Exhibitions [2008] Homenaje, Café Belén, Madrid [2001-2003] Tallers Oberts, Poble Nou, Barcelona [2000] Tallers Oberts, Ciutat Vella, Barcelona [1999] Casa Decor, Barcelona [1997] Casa Decor, Barcelona [1994] James & James, Madrid, Galería May Moré, Madrid / Galería Oliver, Madrid / Galería El Taller, Madrid [1993] Flecha, Madrid [1992] Galería A. Insorna, Madrid / Centro Las Lomas, Madrid [1990] Hong Kong Arts Centre, Hong Kong [1987] X Certamen Nacional de Escultura, Caja de Ahorros de Madrid, Madrid / Herbert Read Gallery, Canterbury, Inglaterra [1986] 1ª Bienal de Escultura de Murcia, Palacio del Almudi, Murcia / Premio Arganzuela, Special Mention. Centro Cultural Casa, del Reloj, Madrid / Premio Escultura Villa de Madrid, Centro Cultural Conde Duque, Madrid
Eva Moosbrugger Education Artistic Resume: Self-taught. Education ongoing, lifelong. Since 1974 studies of various painting and material techniques. Since 1981 various exhibitions and exhibition participations in Europe, USA, China and Japan. [1984] Change to three-dimensional art; creation of wall- and room-installations made of wood, iron, photography, concrete and stone. [1985] Studies of Raku-Ceramics. Integration of ceramic objects in her installations. [1989] First stone sculptures. [1992]
Daniel Eggli Studies [1996] Introductory course at the School for artistic design in St. Gallen (CH) [1997-2001] Study at the College Of Art And Design in Zürich. Diploma as a teacher of art and design / Scholarships and advancement awards [2001] Advancement award from the College of Art and Design in Zürich [2006] Scholarship for the realization of the exhibition Stone and wood along the sculpture trail in Peccia (CH)
Summer Academy Salzburg, teacher: Jim Dine. [1995] Initiation of working with glass.
Exhibitions [2009] Int. Sculpture Triennial ragARTz, CH and LI [2008] Museum of the Arts, Bornholm, DK [2004] Notojima Glass Art Museum, Japan / The Corning Museum of Glass, NY, USA [2003] Toyamura International Sculpture Biennale, Hokkaido, Japan [2002] Chicago, USA: SOFA Chicago, Society of Arts / Museo d’Aosta, Italy / The Corning Museum of Glass, N. Y. / Glassmuseum Ebeltoft, Denmark [2001] Toyamura International Sculpture Biennale, Hokkaido, Japan [1998] Biennale “Venezia Aperto Vetro”, Venice, Italy / Museum of Arts and Crafts, Hamburg, Germany [1997] Museum of Contemporary Art Het Paleis, The Hague, Netherlands
solo Exhibitions [2009] Kunstverein, Kirchzarten (D) [2007] Gallery Roland Aphold, Allschwil/Basel (CH)
group exhibitions [2010] Gallery Rein Art, Neuhausen (CH) / Art Karlsruhe with Gallery Roland Aphold (D) [2008] Sculpture trail. Collective exhibition in the church in Allschwil (CH) / Gallery Roland Aphold, Allschwil, with Joselph Ebnöther (CH) / House of art, Solothurn (CH) [2007] Gallery Roland Aphold (CH) / Art Fair 21, Colongne with gallery Roland Aphold (D) [2006] Sculpture trail, Peccia with Pi Ledergerber (CH) / Gallery Roland Aphold, Allschwil/Basel (CH)
Gudrun Nielsen Education [1985-1989] The Icelandic College of Art and Crafts, Reykjavík SCULPTURE [1990-1992] Chelsea College of Art and Design, London MURAL DESIGN [1994-1995] University of East London MA ART IN ARCHITETURE
Solo Exhibitions
Deborah Gardner Education
nium Dome, London / Westwood High School for Girls, London
Group Exhibitions [1989-2010] Harold Martin Botanic Garden, Leicester England / International Art Parks, Guernsey / Fairfields Arts Centre,
[1982] Winchester School of Art Arts Foundation course [1983-1986] Canterbury College of Art BA (Hons) Degree Fine
Basingstoke England / Mount Pleasant Garden, Cheshire England / Galeria Zero, Barcelona Spain / Burghley House Sculp-
Art [1987-1989] University of Newcastle upon Tyne Master of Fine Arts Degree
ture Garden, Stamford England / Gerdarsafn Art Museum, Iceland / Florence Biennale, Florence Italy / Abbey House Gar-
Solo Exhibitions [2011] Forthcoming Re-collect: Responses to Arts Council Sculpture collection, Huddersfield Art Gallery,
dens, Malmesbury England / Sævar Karls Gallerí Collection - Royal Society of British Sculptors, London / Wingfield Arts College Yard - University of East London - Royal College of Art, London / Méréville, France / the Corn Exchange, Newbury,
UK [2007] In Memoriam, Camelia House, Bretton Hall, Yorkshire Sculpture Park [2004] Networks, Albury Regional
Berkshire England / Culture cente, Seydisfjordur Iceland / Fulham Palace, London / The Henley Festival of Music and the
Art Gallery, Albury, NSW, Australia [2003] Embodiment, 20-21 Visual Arts Centre, Scunthorpe, Lincolnshire [1999] The
Arts, Henley on Thames, Oxfordshire England / Gallerí List, Reykjavik / Mount Ephraim, Kent England / Gallery Vermillion,
Heaving Line, Monash University Gallery, Newcastle University GalleryAustralia [1998] Multifold/Veelvould, Blau-
London / Tidal Basin - RIBA The Bartlett School, UCL London / RWA, Bristol England / Design Museum, London / Shad
wendael Castle, Waasmunster, Belgium [1994] The Heart is a Lonely Hunter, Alternative Art Galleries, Chiltern Street,
Thames Galleries, Butlers Wharf London / the Business Design Centre, London / Sir Norman Foster & Partners Gallery,
London [1993] Angels & Demons, DLI Museum & Art Gallery, Durham Cathedral residency, UK
London / Chelsea College of Art and Design, London / Kjarvalsstadir Exhibition Hall, Reykjavik Iceland
Group Exhibitions [2010] European Identity, organised through the EFAK and Inselgalerie, Berlin / Take a pew: Rites & Rituals, St. Augustine’s Church, Forest Hill London / All Over the Place, LAND 2 touring exhibition, Stanley and Audrey Gallery, Leeds UK [2008] EdgeCentrics, Williamson Tunnel Heritage Centre, Liverpool, Liverpool, Independents Biennial 08 / So near, so far (version I), APT Gallery, London / So near, so far/so nahe, so fern (version II) Ebersberg
[1999-2009] Embassy of Japan in Iceland / Gallerí Sævars Karls, Reykjavík / The Studio, Beckenham London / The Millen-
awards [1992] Site Specific Sculpture at the Design Museum in London [1997] A winner of a Membership Bursary of the Royal Society of British Sculptors / Nominated and the winner of the Wybo Haas award for young British Sculptors [1998] 1st prize winner of the International Greenham Common Sculpture Competition [2000] Elected to the RBS as an Associate
Kunstverein, Ebersberg, Germany [2007] Sculpting the Suburban, Museum of Domestic Design & Architecture, Lon-
Member / One man one day Exhibition at the Millennium Dome, London [2001] Nominated and approved by the RBS Fel-
don [2005] Zoo-A-Logical, Knapp Gallery, Regents Park, London [2005] Open Desk, Ragged School Museum, Mile
lowship to join their company [2004] The Artist Award from Kopavogur city, Iceland [2009] Artist’s State Grant, Ministry of
End, London [2004] That which is near/Das was nahe ist, BadenWuertemburg gallery, European Union, Brussels /
Culture, Iceland.
Hans Lamb Education [1965] borns in Worms, Germany [1989-1993] Academic studies of art teaching at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Awards [2007] Artists At Work, Award, Public Art Wales, Celf Gyhoeddus Cymru. [2004-2005] Arts Council England North West Award [1994] Royal Society of Arts “Art For Architecture” Award / Oppenheim-John Downes Memorial Award [1991] McColl Arts Foundation Travel Scholarship
[1993-1997] Academic studies of free arts at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz [1993-1994] award young artists of alte Hansestadt Lemgo [1995-1997] examination as teacher of arts [1997-2002]assistent professor in sculpture at university of aachen, RWTH / work as freelancer in arts - various exhibitions an educations in germany and foreign countries since 2005 professor of “plastischer Gestaltung” at HAWK, university of aplied siences and art, Hildesheim
Johann Feilacher
[1994] Gallery of Alte Hansestadt Lemgo / Producer-Gallery, Wiesbaden [1997] Museum of Worms / Producer-Gallery, Wi-
esbaden / Gallery 9, Mainz [1999] Institute for Lippische Landeskunde in Robert Köpke-Haus Schieder-Schwalenberg
Born 1954 in Villach, Carinthia, Austria, Feilacher developed in the eighties of the last century as sculptor after working some
/ Brückenturmgalerie der Stadt Mainz [2000] Gallery Raum für Kunst, Aachen [2003] Galerie Gypsilon / keine kunst in
years as painter. His main material became wood, which he uses for indoor and outdoor works till monumental sizes. Since
Kunstverein Atelierhaus Aachen / some works in der Burg Hollenfels, Luxemburg
2002 he expanded his materials, working also with combinations of wood and steel and he also casted polyurethan beside
[2005] blue surfing silence, exhibition in gallery Obornik, hildesheim [2006] exhibition Freie Tages-Objekte, worms [2009] exhibition NOTTODO gallery ARCHE, Hameln [2010] exhibition endfang - works in and between, gallery Haus Eichenmüller, Lemgo
publishment [1993-1994] catalog Hans Lamb [1996] catalog Falsche Regeln-keine Wunder [1999] catalog Simultane Simulationen, Raum für Kunst, Aachen [2003] catalog Keine Kunst, Interaktive Objekte und Rauminstallationen / catalog Geförderte Vielfalt, RWTH Aachen [2009] catalog Skulpturenpark Fahrenheit, HAWK
building installations of painted wood pieces. The first large sculptures were made in England (Hildon House Park, 1988) and later in Socrates Sculpture Park in New York City, NY, and Kouros Sculpture Center in Ridgefield, CT, USA. In 1997 the artist created „Redwood 1“, a monumental work for Laumeier Sculpture Park in Saint Louis, Missouri, USA. Public works are presented in Wisconsin (University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point, USA), Forma Viva, Kostanjevica na Krki, Slovenia; Skulpturenpark Rosental, Carinthia, Austria; Arte Sella, Borgo Valsugana, Italy; Museum Essl, Klosterneuburg, A; Museum Liaunig, Neuhaus, A. He worked at the art department of Webster University, Saint Louis, Missouri, University of Miamy, Florida and University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point.
works in public ownership Stadt Lemgo / Land Rheinland-Pfalz / Stadt Hildesheim / Fluxus-Museum Wiesbaden / Stadt Bochum
awards and stipends
Literature A. Bäumer: Johann Feilacher-Woods-Sculptures, 2004, Edition Braus, Heidelberg.
[1992] stipend of Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz [1993] stipend young artist of Alte Hansestadt Lemgo [1997]
award of Kunstkreis Bingen [1999] award hortus conclusus des Kunstvereines Atelierhaus Aachen e.V.
[1993] Otto Nagel Galerie, Berlin, D [1994] Kouros Gallery, New York City [1996] Museum of Modern Art, Pretoria, South Africa, Galerie Judith Walker, Klagenfurt, A [1997] Hunt Gallery, Saint Louis, USA, Toskana Park, Gmunden, A [1998] Kunsthus Kunstbacka, Göteborg, Galerie Freihausgasse, Villach, A [1999] The New Gallery, Miami, USA, 2002 NÖ Landesmuseum, St. Pölten, A, [2004] Galerie Chobot, Wien, A, 2006: Kunsthaus Nexus, Saalfelden, A [2007] Museum Lignorama, Ried, A
Jill Randall
[2008] Museum Moderner Kunst Kärnten, Klagenfurt, Museum des Nötscher Kreises, Nötsch [2010] Museum Humanum, Fratres, A
Education [1983] M.A. Fine Art (Sculpture), Manchester Polytechnic. [1981] B.A. (Hons) Fine Art (Sculpture), Falmouth School of Art.
Exhibitions [2008] A Sense of Place, Harold Martin Botanic Garden, University of Leicester [2006] Twins, Stadt Kunsthaus, Bocholt, Germany [2006] Ex Voto, MNAUP Gallery, Porto, Portugal [2005] Secrets and Lives, Yard Gallery, Wollaton Hall, Nottingham [2003] Night of 1000 Drawings, Artists Space, New York / Light Matter, The Lowry, Salford [1995] Ten, Cornerhouse, Manchester [1994] Last Voyage of the Gilt Dragon, Perth, Western Australia [1992] Barcelona Works,
Le Chat Noir Gallery, London [1991] New Art North West, Bluecoat Gallery, Liverpool [1990] Changing Tack, Castle-
[1959] Born in Oirschot [1978] Secondary school [1982-1983] Apprentice blacksmith taught by Cees Clement in Vught
field Gallery, Manchester / Four Contemporary Artists, St Martins Gallery, London [1980] New Contemporaries,
[1983-1985] Own blacksmithshop in Oirschot [1985-2008] Training/working in a printshop in Oirschot [2000-2008] Part-
ICA, London
Public Art Commissions [2009] Hiddenplace, Burnley, Lancs [2006] Artescape, A13 Project, Mill Pool, Barking, London [2001] Irwell Sculpture
time sculptor/blacksmith in my own studio in Oirschot [2008] Full-time sculptor/blacksmith
Trail, Salford [1999] Tacchi-Morris Arts Centre, Taunton, Somerset [1997] Tay Square, Dundee [1990] Museum of Science
[2010] International Art-fair in Sint Anthonis, The Netherlands / Kunstroute Oirschot, The Netherlands / Di-
and Industry, Manchester
versity and Difference in Practice International exhibition in Torino, Italy / Exhibition Landgoed Duin en
Residencies [2007-2009] Parys Mountain Copper Mine and Amlwch Industrial Heritage Centre, Amlwch, Anglesey, North Wales [2000-
Kees Machielsen
Kruidberg in Velzen, The Netherlands / De Smaak van Holland Keukenhof in Lisse, The Netherlands / Galerie De Norenburgh in Middelburg, The Netherlands / De Oude Pastorie in Macharen, The Netherlands / Dynamic Art Delta.
2001] Irwell Sculpture Trail, Salford [1999] Grizedale Forest Sculpture Residency, Cumbria [1994] Guest Lectureship and
International kinetic-art exhibition in Kamperland, The Netherlands / Beeldentuin Buitenplaats, Wester-Amstel in
Artist- in- Residence, Perth, Western Australia
Amstelveen (Amsterdam), The Netherlands / Kunstmarkt, Joe Mann natuurtheater in Best, The Netherlands
SOLO ExHIBITIONS [2009] PFLANzEN AuF FREMDEN PLANETEN, Rastatter Kunstverein / SKITTLE ALLEy, Bellevuesaal, Wiesbaden / ICH WÄR SO GERN IN NELKENDORF, Temporäre Kunsthalle Lelkendorf [2008] DOPPELBOCK, VLASAK Contemporary, Berlin / MATAjuNTA, Torreao, Porto Alegre, Brasilien / TÄNIE KAPüLE, Marburger Kunstverein [2007] ANCESTOR, Jakobi Kirche,
[1953] Born in Bensberg/Cologne, Germany, Nationality, Austria [1975-1977] Academy of Art & Design, Cologne / First Ex-
Stralsund / WREAK HAVOC, Galerie HofmannVonSell, Berlin [2006] EINBRuCH, E.ON Energie München
hibitions and Performances in Cologne [1975-1979] Artist Group JET FERRO, Cologne / Intern. Exhibitions / Performances
[1979-1990] Performance Theater BuMPER TO BuMPER, Zurich, Switzerland / Playwright and actor. Intern. Performance - Theater festivals in Europe [1990-1992] Studio in Zurich [1992-1994] Studio in New York [1995-2006] Studio in Cologne [2003] Scholarship, Artist in Residence Worpswede since 2006 Studio in Inning/Ammersee
SOLO ExHIBITIONS [2009] DAN Galeria, Sao Paulo, Brasil / Louis Stern Fine Arts / Los Angeles / Galeria Cayon, Madrid / Galerie Axel Holm, Ulm,
[2010] HARRIET GROSS uND MATTHÄuS THOMA, Galerie Axel Obiger, Berlin [2009] SELECTED ARTISTS, NGBK, Berlin / ICI BERLIN, la condition publique, Lille, Frankreich / HOLzSKuLPTuR HEuTE, Kunstverein Ettlingen-Wilhelmshöhe / AuS DEM STAMM, Städtisches Kunstmuseum Singen / SETTINGS#4, loop-raum, Berlin [2008] Museum Lothar Fischer, Neumarkt i.d. OPf. / Neue Kunst in Alten Gärten, Hannover / WEISS, Stiftung Starke, Berlin [2007] AV.VEx, Anhaltischer Kunstverein, Dessau / Die Macht des Dinglichen, Kolbe-Museum, Berlin
Germany [2008] Raum Zeichen, Gallery Jöllenbeck-Michael Nickel, Cologne [2007] Gallery Bergner + Job, Mainz. Germany / LINIENSCHIFF KAP 22:18 in dialog with Erwin Heerich, Christuskirche, Mainz, Germany
GROUP ExHIBITIONS [2010] Galeria Cayon, Madrid [2008] DIAGONAL, Gallery Cayon, Madrid / ORIENTATED TO PAPER, Bergner + Job Gallery, Mainz / PAPIER RAuM, Gallery Thomas, Munich [2007] Pluri Dimensión Gallery Cayon, Madrid / ETERO, FERRO, MOMPO, zOBEL. Gallery Cayon, Madrid [2005] WHEN HuMOR BECOMES PAINFuL, Migrosmuseum for Contemporary Art, Zurich, Switzerland
Matthias Bildstein / Philippe Glatz EDUCATION Matthias Bildstein [1978] borns in Hohenems, A [1998-2002] Fh-Vorarlberg, Intermedia, Dornbirn, A / Hogeschool voor de Kunsten, Utrecht, NL [2006-2011] Universität für angewandte Kunst, Bildhauerei und Multimedia, Wien, A / Akademie der bildenden Künste, Video und Videoinstallation, Wien, A
María Oriza Pérez
lege of Art and Design, Dublin, IRL [2009-2011] Universität für angewandte Kunst, Malerei, Wien, A [2009-2011] Akademie
Member of The International Academy of Ceramics (AIC), Geneva.
der bildenden Künste, Malerei, Wien, A
[2010] ENDLESS EMPTINESS, Pepa Jordana Gallery [2008] FILTERS, Aranda de Duero [2003] Sargadelos Gallery. Madrid
[2010] DER ALTE MANN uND DAS MEER, Erwin Wurm und Klasse, St. Pölten, A / FRISCHFLEISCH, Widmer+Theodoridis
/ TWISTED LINES, Caja Duero. Palencia [2000] uNINHABITABLE, Ceramic Museum, Aranda de Duero [1994] Unexpected
contemporary, Zürich, CH / Temporary Gallery Köln, Köln, D [2009] BILDSTEIN | GLATz, Kunsthalle Arbon, Arbon, CH / PI-
Fields, M.W. Gallery [1991] Sargadelos Gallery. Madrid / Sargadelos Gallery, Santiago de Compostela
GROUP ExHIBITIONS [2010] SPANISH CERAMICS FOR xxI CENTuRy, Taiwan, China / Touring exhibitions Tetuan Rabat, Tokyo Cerco-Cervantes Institute [2009] Flicam Museum, Fuping Art Poterry, Weinan, China [2006] CERAMICS AND ITS INCORPORATION TO ART,
Philippe Glatz [1979] borns in St.Gallen, CH [2006-2009] Hochschule der Künste, Studiengang Bildende Kunst, Zürich, CH / National Col-
LOTENKüCHE, Spinnerei, Leipzig, D / PROjEKT PROjEKTION Semperdepot, Wien, A [2008] BACKGROuNDBOyS GO CuBA, Kunstfestival Artemas, Havanna, Kuba / BILDSTEIN | GLATz, Galerie Widmer+Theodoridis contemporary, Zürich, CH / SAy HELLO TO zuRICH | SAy HELLO TO VIENNA, PARK, WUK, Zürich, Wien / 2/4, Jahresausstellung, ZHdK, Zürich, CH [2007] DOKuMENTA 12, Kunstraum Café Mitterhofer, Innichen, I / ANNA, ARSCH uND FRIEDRICH, Kunst.Vorarlberg, Feldkirch, A / BACKGROuNDBOyS, Art Bodensee, Dornbirn, A / STRAND DER DINGE, ZHdK, Zürich, CH [2006] 72 SHOTS, Galerie
National Museum Gonzalez Martí, Valencia
Widmer+Theodoridis contemporary, Zürich, CH / BACKGROuND.BOyS, Kunst.Vorarlberg, Feldkirch, A [2005] CuBE|3,
temporäre Installation im öffentlichen Raum, St. Gallen, CH [2004] SOMMERPROjEKT, Kulturpavillon, ARTeliers, Wil, CH
[2004] SPLITTING AND SuCCESSION, installation of a mural, Villaverde, Madrid / Installation for the town court’s new
[2003] WILD STyLE, Graffiti Performance und Ausstellung, Kunstraum Dornbirn, A
building in Medio Cudeyo, Santander [2002] Hanging installation for the town court’s new building in Hellín, Albacete
AWARDS [2009] 2nd Prize IV International Biennial in Talavera [2008] 1st Prize VIII International Contest of Contemporary Ceramics CERCO [2006] 2nd Prize VI International Contest of Contemporary Ceramics CERCO [2005] Prize Plastic and Visual Arts Contest of Mostoles [2004] Prize City of Castellon, method: Flat Ceramic Art
Ornella Rovera EDUCATION
Matthäus Thoma
Titolare della cattedra di Tecniche della Scultura presso l’Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera, a Milano [1987] si è diplomata in Scultura all’Accademia Albertina di Torino, conseguendo il premio “Uberti e Avondo” come migliore licenziata del corso di scultura [1990] viene invitata dal critico - artista Mirella Bentivoglio a partecipare a diverse mostre dal titolo “Fotoidea”, curate dalla stessa Mirella Bentivoglio, tenutesi in Italia ed all’estero (Brasile, Stati Uniti) [2000] è stata invitata alla mostra
“Fotoalchimie” al Museo Pecci di Prato, mostra a cura di Mirella Bentivoglio
[1992-1998] Study of Fine Arts at Hochschule der Künste Berlin [1998] Scholarship of the Akademie der Künste Berlin
[2000] Scholarship of the Foundation Kulturfonds [2000-2004] Professor of the University of Arts Berlin [2002] Schol-
[2009] MATERIALI PER VISIONI, testi di Elisabetta Longari e Cristina Muccioli, Laboratorio delle arti , Piacenza (testi critici)
arship of the Bonner Kunstfonds e.V. [2007] Art Award Berlin, Förderungspreis / Scholarship of the Konrad-Adenauer-
[1998] ORNELLA ROVERA a cura di Roberto Moroni, Palazzo Gallarini, Conservatorio Statale Guido Cantelli, Novara [1998]
Stiftung (Else Heiliger Fonds EHF) [2008] Professor of the FH Oldenburg / Scholarship of the Berliner Senat / Artist-in-
SIMBIOSI FOTOPLASTICA a cura di Guglielmo Gigliotti, Palazzo Comunale, Carrara [1990] FOTOSCuLTuRE, Galleria Spazio,
Residence, Porto Alegre, Brasilien [2009] Scholarship Bellevuesaal, Wiesbaden
Salice d’Ulzio, Torino [1990] FOTO SU TELA, Palazzo Viviani, Urbino
Schöneberg Berlin [1997] Junge Kunst Paris [1996] Gallery Rohling Berlin [1995] Fruchtfolgen Köstler und Partner Berlin
[2010] LA GENEALOGIA DELLA SCuLTuRA, a cura di Cristina Muccioli, Galleria Blanchaert, Milano [2009] NATuRAE,
[1992] Museumsgalerie Hornburg
ricerche d’artista tra ambiente e natura, a cura di Silvana Nota, Biblioteca civica A.Arduino, Moncalieri-Torino / VARIAzIONI SuL ROSSO, a cura di Maria Mancini, Galleria mxm Arte Contemporanea, Pietrasanta, Lucca / FOTOBOOK, fotografia democratica d’autore, a cura di Elisa Bozzi e Roberto Dassoni, Palazzo Marazzani Visconti, Piacenza / L’uNIVERSO DENTRO, una mostra di arte e scienza, a cura di Alessandra Angelini e Stefano Sandrelli, Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera e Osservatorio astronomico di Brera, Milano [2008] CAVALLI IN PIAzzA, a cura di Roberto Borghi, Laboratorio delle Arti, Piacenza [2007] SOLARPLATE Printing with Light - impact v, a cura di Alessandra Angelini, Tallinn-Estonia [2004] SCuLTORI A PALAzzO CISTERNA, a cura di Angelo Mistrangelo Torino [2001]
di Cimia, Palazzo Bricherasio,Torino(collezione permanente) / INCONTRO DI SCULTURA EUROPEO, Montauban, Francia
Pieter Obels EDUCATION
[1999] PROGETTO VIA DELLA CROCE, a cura di Marco Rosci Loc.Masserano Rongio Camillo, Biella (installazione perma-
[1968] Kruisland [1988-1992] Academie voor beeldende Vorming, Tilburg
nente) / SCuLTuRE AD ACQuI TERME, a cura di Ivana Mulatero, Acqui Terme / METAFORA DI VIAGGIO, Cascina Pirocco
collezione Broni, Pavia (collezione permanente) [1997] CORRENTI ALTERNATE, a cura di Bettina Canestrini, progetto Alta Marea, Biennale Giovani Artisti, Ivrea, Torino / ARTI VISIVE, Concorso Nazionale, Air Terminal Ostiense, Roma [1996] ARTI VISIVE, Concorso Nazionale Giovani Artisti, Palazzo Ducale, Genova [1995] 118 ARTISTI IN BIBLIOTECA, a cura di Silvana Nota, Biblioteca Civica A. Arduino, Moncalieri, Torino (collezione Permanente) [1994] SCuLTuRE SENzA FRONTIERE, a cura di Stani Chaine, Thonon Les Bains, Francia e Forte di Bard, Aosta [1994] LES ITALIENNES ET LA CERAMIQuE, Clermont Ferrand, Francia [1992] MuSEO DI ARTE CONTEMPORANEA ALL’ APERTO, Piscina, Torino (istallazione Permanente) [1986] ART DONNE VISuAL, a cura di Marisa Vescovo, Magazzeni del Sale, Cervia Ravenna
[2010] PAN Amsterdam, Art-fair, galerie Roger Katwijk / group-show, Re-cycle, ABK, Kasteel Sypesteyn, Loosdrecht / Solo exhibition, Galerie Roger Katwijk, Amsterdam / group-show, Etienne Gallery, Oisterwijk / Art Amsterdam, Art-fair, Galerie Roger Katwijk / Meesters in de Beeldhouwkunst,Group-show, Neercanne, st. Gerlach [2009] PAN Amsterdam, ArtFair, galerie Roger Katwijk, Amsterdam / Solo expostie, Etiennne Gallery, Oisterwijk / Oisterwijk sculptuur,Group-show, Etienne Gallery [2008] PAN Amsterdam,Art-fair, Galerie Roger Katwijk,Amsterdam / Galeria Jose de Ibarra, Barcelona / Beeldententoonstelling “Hoogspanning’, Wassenaar / Oisterwijk sculptuur,Group-show, Galerie Etienne van den Doel / Solo-exhibition, Galerie Roger Katwijk Amsterdam / Art Amsterdam, Galerie Roger Katwijk, Amsterdam [2007] PAN Amsterdam, Galerie Roger Katwijk, Amsterdam / solo-Exhibition, Galerie Etienne en van den Doel, Oisterwijk / Galeria Jose de Ibarra, Barcelona, Spain / Art Amsterdam, Galerie Krijger + Katwijk, [2005] Art-Cologne, Gallery Jorg Hasenbach, Antwerp.
Pavel Schmidt
COMMISSIONS [2010] Sculpture at a square, Community of Leidschendam / sculpture at Roundabout, Community, Oud en Nieuw Spijkenisse / Sijtwende Rotonde, community of Leidschendam-Voorburg / Sculpture at a Roundabout m Berkel-enschot, community of Tilburg [2009] Sculpture on Appartementencomplex, Noordwijk
EDUCATION [1956] born in Bratislava (former Czechoslovakia), citizen of Biel, Switzerland [1966-1968] in Mexico since 1968, grown up and went to school in Biel and Solothurn [1977-1978] studies of chemistry, University of Bern [1978-1990] studies, assist-
[1980] Mönchehaus Museum Goslar (D) [1986] FAux MOuVEMENT, Metz (F / Museum Schloss Hardenberg, Velbert (D)
Rainer Düvell
/ Kunstverein Biel (CH) [1994] CentrePasquArt, Biel (CH) / Städtische Galerie Regensburg (D) / Musée du Ranquet, Cler-
ing professor, professorship at the academy of visual arts, Munich / Lives in Switzerland, Munich and Paris
mont-Ferrand (F) / Centre Culturel Suisse, Paris (F) [2001] Kunsthaus Grenchen (CH) [2002] Etaneno, Namibia (N) [2003] Bench-Projekt, Seoul Korea (K) [2006] Fluid Artcanal International, Le Landeron (CH) / Daejeon, Korea (K) / Museum Goch (D) [2007] Centre Dürrenmatt, Neuchâtel (CH) / Musée d’art et d’histoire, Fribourg (CH) [2008] Musée d’art et d’histoire
[1970] nearby Berlin [1998] Master Free-Art, Art Academy Berlin-WeiÐensee [1997] Diploma Architecture [1995] Diploma Fine Art, Sculpture
du Judaïsme, Paris (F) / Jüdisches Museum Berlin (D) / Museum Tinguely, Basel (CH) / Jüdisches Museum Hohenems (A)
[2009] Moses Mendelssohn Akademie, Halberstadt (D) / Deutsches Haus, New York University, New York (USA) 2010 Liter-
[2010] Staging area at St. Mary, Berlin [2009] Stage installation WELTENWECHSEL (world change) for IBA Conference /
aturmuseum, Prinz Max Palais; Galerie Knecht, Karlsruhe (D) [2010] Frühlingssterben@Aprilscherz, Espace Libre, Biel (CH)
Group exhibition, Galerie Parterre Berlin / Participation in the Sculpture Symposium at Schloss Gusow [2008] WORLD
/ ARP Museum, Rolandseck, (D) / Kafka Gesellschaft und Goethe-Institut Prag (CZ)
CHANGING, art space Winterthur (Switzerland) [2007] Stage installation for 1.Thuner Culture Night (Switzerland) [2006] WITH BODy AND SOuL, Exhibition in Kamenz [2004] Installation to the EU accession of Poland at the border crossing Bad Muskau
Peter Lindenberg EDUCATION [1965] borns in Braunschweig, Germany [1987-1994] College of Fine Arts in Braunschweig [since 1995] living in Berlin
SOLO ExHIBITIONS [2010] WANDER AND STAy, Gallery aquabitArt Berlin [2009] uRBAN TRANSFERS, Gallery Junger Shanghai / VON DER STRuKTuR zuR FORM uND zuRüCK, Sculptures Gallery aquabitArt Berlin / Sculptures Gallery Pläcking Berlin [2008] Skulpturemodells Gallery aquabitArt Berlin / Kapuzinerkresse Indoor Kunstsalon 5 Berlin [2007] WEGE, Bildhauersym-
Rainer Fest EDUCATION [1953] born in Berlin [1975-1981] School of Arts and Crafts, Jurva, Finland [1982-1986] Academy of fine Arts, Bremen Sculpturedepartement [1986 -1988] Academia de Bellas Artes, Madrid, Spain [1993] Grant of the City of Berlin [2002] Otto - Niemeyer - Holstein grant [2004] Grant of the County of Mecklenburg - Vorpommern
posium Lindern [2006] Regenfeld Skulpturenpark Hope Idaho (USA) [2005] Künstliche Landschaften Schloss Celle Celle
/ Himmel und Erde Museumshof Valhun [2003] Tendences Jardins Luxembourg [2002] Tag des Offenen Denkmals Sa-
[2009] Dr. Tiede Foundation for sculpture, Berlin [2005] Gallery of the City of Rostock, catalog Artfair ArtKarlsruhe, Gallerie
lon D”aret Eupen (Belgien) [2001] Landlinien Alter Botanischer Garten München [2000] Schwimmer Schwimmbad
Obrist [2000] Palace of Culture, Warsow, Polonia, catalog [1992] Galeria Vanguardia, Bilbao Spain
[2008] Biennale de Montreal, Canada [2007] Oskar - Schindler Cultural Center, Krakau, Polonia, catalog [2006] Museum of
Vaclav Bajer
the City of Dresden, Germany, catalog [2003] Bookartes, Vilnius, Lithuania [1999] New Pinakothek, Larissa, Greece, catalog
GROUP ExHIBITIONS [2009] Max L. Jackson Gallery, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, catalog Gallery Müller and Petzinna, Groß Grönau, Germany
Center of Polish sculpture, Oronsko, Polonia [1997] National Museum of Modern Art, Thessaloniki, Greece Participation in more then 20 international sculpture - and artsymposiums Many works in private and public collections
[1992, 1998] STONE & SCuLPTuRAL COLLEGE, Horice v Podkrkonosi, Czech Republic [1998, 2004] Academy of Fine Arts, Sculpture + Interior Architecture, Krakow, Poland
ExHIBITIONS / COMPETITIONS [2003] 1ST PRIzE, SCuLPTuRAL COMPETITION, Luxembourg, Lorenzweiler + Public Group Exhibition [2004] International Competition “TABLE”, Krakow, Poland + Group Exhibition [2005] National Competition “MONuMENT FOR NEW yORK”,
Susanne Kathlen Mader
Poland [2006] SCuLPTuRAL SyMPOSIuM, Luxembourg, Lorenzweiler [2008] International Competition “NEW BuS FOR LONDON”, London, UK [2009] “THE THREADNEEDLE PRIzE”, London, UK [2009] “ROCCA, juMP THE GAP” International Competition, Spain [2009] SCuLPTuRAL SyMPOSIuM, Luxembourg, Lorenzweiler + Public Group Exhibition
EDUCATION [1984-1991] Master of fine Arts degree and Diploma summa cum laude at the University of Arts, Braunschweig, Germany.
banken, Drammen [2001] Central Post, Hamar.
Victor López González
Public acquisitions in Norway: 2009 Foreign ministry and 2008 Ministry of defense.
[1987-1991] Degree at the Academy of Design (Industrial Design), Valencia, Spain [2000-2001] Socrates/Erasmus scholar-
Several public Commissions in Norway since 2000, selected: [2009] NESHALLEN, gymnasium [2008] Skien leisure park and high school [2007] Aker Solutions, Oslo. Cathedral school of Hamar. 2006 St. Olavs Hospital, Trondheim [2005] Hus-
[2012] Haugesund Art Society, Norway (upcoming) [2007] LNM, Oslo, Norway [2005] Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo, Norway. 2001, [1999] Uffizi Galleriet, Baerum, Norway / Galleri Heer, Oslo, Norway. 1998 Galleri Tao, Beijing, China. 1997 Uelzen, BBK- Galerie, Germany.1997 Galerie Cupillard, Grenoble, France.
ship holder at the Academy of Arts and Design, Halle, Germany [2001-2002] Promoe scholarship holder at the University de Monterrey UDEM, Monterrey, Mexico) [1996-2002] Degree at the University of Fine Arts San Carlos, UPV, Valencia, Spain [2003] Land Award of Academic Achievement, Valencia, Spain [2002-2004] Postgraduate Studies at the Academy of Arts and Design, Halle, Germany [2005] Public Award DER ESEL, DER AuF ROSEN GEHT, Halle, Germany [2006] Auditor to
Artistic Photography at the Academy of Graphics and Book Arts Leipzig in the class of Professor Timm Rautert, in 2007 in
[2010] Nominasjon to André Evard Price, Messmer Kunsthalle, Riegel, Tyskland / Kunst 1, Sandvika (with Per Hess). [2007-
the masters class. HGB Leipzig,Germany [2008] Second Prize of the Gesellschafter Award 08. Cologne, Germany
2009] Tabakmagazin, Stutensee-Friedrichstal, Germany. [2008] Sculpture and Object XIII, Bratislava, Slovackie / Prosjektrom 0047, Oslo, Norway. [2006] Oestlandutstillingen, Norway. [1998] MALGRé TOuT...LA PITTuRA, Torino, Italy and Thonon-les-lBains, France / Several grants since 2000 from The Norwegian State Grant for Professional artists / Teaching [1993-1998] Painting and drawing at Ecole d’Art, Grenoble, France.
GROUP ExHIBITIONS [2009] CLOSE THE GAP, Gallery Kleindienst/Werkschauhalle, Leipzig [2008] GLüCK GEHABT, “Kunst im Untergrund”, Berlin / CLOSE THE GAP. Stadtgalerie Kiel / IN WAS FüR EINER GESELLSCHAFT WOLLEN WIR LEBEN?, Art Fair 21. Cologne / ARTE A FuLL, Leipzig [2006] ANSICHTEN, City Hall, Halle / zEITzEuGE HOLz, City museum, Hofheim / FLIESSENDE GRENzEN, Gal-
lery Fürstenwalde/Brandenburg [2005] BLICKACHSEN 5, Gallery Scheffel, Bad Homburg, Frankfurt / SCHÖNHEIT-FREI-
Hrymfaxe Art Journal, Nr. 2 2000, Denmark.
HEIT, Gallery Ada, Meiningen / SCHÖNHEIT-FREIHEIT, Museum Schloss Elisabethenburg, Meiningen / Exhibition VILLA KOBE, Halle / INTERNATIONAL ART AWARD, Kunstvereinhürth e.v. Hürth. Cologne [2004] NEuE KuNST IN ALTEN GÄRTEN, Hanover / KuNSTALSLEBEN, Alsleben [2003] IN DEN WALD, Braunschweig / WAHRNEHMuNGEN, Gallery Marktschlösschen, Halle [2002] ARTEMIGRANTE, Art-Museum, Monterrey, Mexico / Lux-LuMEN, City hall, Halle
Ulrike Buhl
[2007] FESTLAND, Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst, Leipzig, Germany [2003] zWISCHENRÄuME, City hall, Halle, Germany [2001] Culture house Estivella, Spain
EDUCATION [1967] born in Bad Boll, Germany [1991-1993] professional training in acting for stage and film, Vienna [1993-1995] “MakeUp” training for theater and stage, Berlin [1995-1999] Thalia Theater, Hamburg [1996-2001] singing and vocal studies, Prof. R. Bunzel, Hamburg [2002] work with medium “sculpture” lives and works in Berlin
ExHIBITIONS (SE SOLO ExHIBITION / C CATALOGUE) [2010] Stadtmuseum Sulzbach, Germany, VON MAL zu MAL, Gutshaus Steglitz, Berlin, Germany (SE) / ALLuRE OF THE SEAS, RCCL, Central Park Sculpture Garden Location, Miami, USA (C)) / Schloss Bor, Haid, Czech Republik SCHWERELOS, European Art Company, Badenweiler, Germany (SE) Stadtmuseum Amberg, Germany [2009] Kunstauktion, Rotary-Club, München, Germany (C) / 6. Kunstsalon Berlin, Berlin, Germany (C) / PERSPEKTIVEN 09, Galerie Friedmann-Hahn, Berlin, Germany / European Art Company, Badenweiler, Germany [2008] Round Table 5, Galerie Jarmuschek + Partner, Berlin, Germany (C) / WAS IST, mit Feodora Hohenlohe, Galerie Friedmann-Hahn, Berlin, Germany / FORMEN, FARBEN uND FLÄCHEN, Fasanengalerie, Berlin, Germany (SE), [2007] ACCHROCHAGE - DAS KLEINE FORMAT, Galerie Voigt, Nürnberg, Germany / FREI WIE DER WIND, Galerie Friendly Society, Berlin, Germany / DIE KRAFT DER INNEREN FREIHEIT, Galerie Klaus Lea, München, Germany [2006] ROuND TABLE 5, Deutsche Bank Berlin, Berlin, (C) / ARS-CONTEMPLATIVA 2-06, Basel, Swiss [2005] FRüHLINGSERWACHEN, Zauberberg, Frankfurt, Germany
Si ringraziano gli artisti e tutti coloro che hanno collaborato alla realizzazione della mostra
Thanks to all the artists and everyone who helped us to create this exhibition