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Several recommendations can be made in the light of the literature search and the good practices identified.

Above all, it should always be kept in mind that the SPORTBOARD pilot programmes will take place at local level and will be directed towards amateur sport stakeholders coaching young athletes. It is therefore important to simplify procedures, terms and make any method “user friendly”. In this regard, the aim is to present precisely what the activities allow the target group to work on, such as values, behaviours, and social skills, so that the young athlete or sports educator keep them in mind throughout the training and gradually appropriate the values.


In order to assist clubs in monitoring and controlling the ethical behaviour of their young athletes, the governing bodies may use a framework of standards and guidelines. For instance, such practices were identified in the “Child Wellbeing & Protection in Sport Club Tool” of the Sport Scotland national agency and in the “Universal Standards on Youth Development and Child Protection in Sport” of the SIGA. Such frameworks can accompany sports clubs and governing bodies at grassroot level and help them to position themselves with appropriate standards. The system allows the club to position itself on ethical issues, to evaluate itself continuously and to take its own initiatives to improve itself according to the proposed framework. The training of the different SPORTBOARD pilot programmes can use this approach by first explaining the methodology and then propose a good standards model to follow. It would also the stakeholders themselves to be proactive on the matter.

Then, regarding the training method itself, it would be essential to combine both educational and playful teaching methos while training the targets groups, both sport stakeholders and young athletes, in order to avoid participants being too “bombarded” with sometimes complex concepts.

Finally, it is essential to provide the targets groups, and especially young athletes with a proactive learning approach. With this in mind, a time should be set aside for reflection on what has just been worked and learned. The young athletes must be the actors of their own “inculcation” of values so that the activities and trainings are more impactful. The reflection and feedback moment could be oral and in groups, so that each reflection feeds into that of another participant. It could also be written as in the method used in Ariadne's Thread for Youth Deviance.


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