SCWA Board Mtg Minutes 6 9 15

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SHASTA CASCADE WONDERLAND ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Tuesday June 9, 2015 California Welcome Center The regular quarterly meeting of the Shasta Cascade Wonderland Association was held on Tuesday, June 9, 2015 at the Anderson Welcome Center. The meeting was called to order at 10:09 a.m. by Chairman Ed Rullman. The following board members and guests were present: In Person: Ed Rullman – President – City of Redding Jim Mullins – Director – Siskiyou County Kelli Gant – Director – Trinity County Patricia Hagata – Director – Lassen County Tina Peluso – Director - Shasta County East Dave Gowan – VP – Tehama County Marshall Pike – Director – Tehama County Laurie Baker – SCWA General Manager Lisa May – SCWA Director of Tourism Development & Sales Via Conference Phone: Matt Doyle – Director – Shasta County North Jeff Titcomb –Director – Plumas County 1. Call to Order a. 10:04 am 2.

Confirm Quorum a. Roll call taken with attendance sign-in sheet b. Quorum confirmed with 8 Board Members in attendance (4 needed for a quorum)

3. Approval of Minutes a. Dave made motion to approve minutes, Matt 2nd motion. Vote: All in favor, Patricia Hagata abstained. 4.

Proposed 2015/2016 Budget a. Laurie Baker presented SCWA proposed budget for review b. Discussion, question and answer session for clarification c. Motion to approve proposed budget by Dave Gowan, 2nd by Jim Mullins. i. Vote: All in favor, none opposed.


Board Member Update a. Marshall Pike submitted his resignation. b. Patricia Hagata accepted position of Director for Lassen County.

6. Executive Board Nominations a. Nominated: Ed Rullman for another term as President, Dave Gowan for another term as Vice President, Jeff Titcomb for another term as Secretary-Treasurer. b. Pat made motion to approve nominations, Jim 2nd. All in favor, 0 opposed.

7. Tourism Summit Update a. Laurie shared attendance of mixer and summit from 2014 and 2015 and opened discussion on how to increase attendance in future (adding link to home page, sending multiple save-the-date cards, advertising hotel discount). b. Ed Rullman suggested changing from May or June to Feb/March or October. c. Attendee surveys reviewed. Discussion on what attendees liked/didn’t like about summit. d. Discussion on changing time frame, switching from a luncheon to breakfast. Matt suggested adding regional reports Tina Peluso arrived 10:44 a.m. 8. Questions/Comments a. Jim Mullins announced TBID status, Crystal Geyser plant status. 9. Adjournment a. Ed motioned to adjourn, Dave & Matt 2nd. SCWA meeting adjourned at 11:08 a.m.

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