December 2018

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Letter from the Editor I

t feels like I’m always writing these letters before a break. A “break.” What can we ever truly take a break from? Everything keeps going, whether we make ourselves a part of it or not. During this time of the season, “Happy Holidays” becomes as common a greeting as “hello” or “goodbye.” It is easy to get wrapped up in social niceties. It is easy to walk along and nod and smile. When we just keep going and going, it can hard to keep our own lives in check, let alone care for others. It isn’t intentional, but it happens. “How are you” becomes just another greeting, and “love you” just another goodbye. It all begins to lose meaning at a certain point. It shouldn’t. If we say something and don’t really mean it, the words lose all meaning. If we do something without purpose, the action may as well be lost upon us.

Editor-in-Chief Taylor Rudman Design Editor Simmone Stearn News Editor Aiden Fullwood Opinion Editor Sophie Hughes Features Editor Sylvia Young Taylor Rudman

It is far too easy to get caught up within ourselves. Life is hectic. The chaos is part of the fun. But in this whirlwind, it can be worth taking a step back. Asking someone “how are you” only when you truly do want to know, and only saying “I love you” to the people you really mean it for. So if a legitimate break is in fact out of reach, we may as well do things with the fullest intent. These stories were written with care. Two staff writers went through about two months and $100 worth of pizza writing their story about gender inequality at SDA on page 12. Take a peek into your peers’ holidays on page 11, and be thankful that it wasn’t your grandpa that thought a halfeaten box of Froot Loops made for a lovely gift. And, my goodness, find out what has really mattered to students this year with Best Of, starting on page 14. Mustang staff members went out

Cover Artist

with 500 surveys and came back with verdicts on the best social and cultural phenomenons of the year. The student body has spoken, and the results speak volumes. Let’s just say I wouldn’t be surprised if a fight broke out over the winner for “best sandwich shop.” Before I sign off, I’d like to suggest you enjoy the break, or whatever you can take from it. Use all of the time. Pick up a new hobby. Sleep a full eight hours for once. Hey, maybe try reading through the school newspaper! If all else fails, at least spend time with people you care about, and make sure they know you care. Happy Holidays (and I actually mean it), Taylor Rudman Editor-in-Chief


Sadie Burrows is a sophomore here at SDA and has been creating art for as long as she can remember. In her artwork, Burrows prefers working with copic markers, watercolors, and pens, and loves to translate her friends and other things she aesthetically enjoys into her creations. Outside of school she surrounds herself with friends and music and loves to broaden her horizons. After looking at her art, Sadie hopes you feel satisfied and want to create something yourself.

Backpage Photographer


Nate Flesh is a freshman at SDA and likes photography because “it’s fun to take pictures of stuff.” His favorite subjects are animals and plants, and he took this photo by the Japanese room.


Arts Editor Linnaea Erisman Humor Editor Sylvia Young Sports Editor Yari Sequeria Photo Editor Jaden Hauptman Business Managers Ally Joelson Online Editor Devlin Ott Online Sports Editor Alexis Price Staff Writers Aeon Benford-Combs Amelia Kaiser Ava Meyer Cade Culbertson Camille Zimmer Drew Atkins Joice He Katie Pruden Lila Schief Madelyn Sequira Maya Hamson Molly Ford Rithika Vighne Savannah Feuling Advisor Tim Roberts The Mustang is the student newspaper of San Dieguito Academy. Advertisements do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the newspaper. The Mustang is an open forum which welcomes letters. Letters can be submitted to room 42, or emailed to San Dieguito Academy Room 42 800 Santa Fe Drive Encinitas, CA 92024

DEC 2018



n her room, a teenage girl takes a hit off her Juul, the same one she’s had since freshman year. She’s a junior now. The timing is impeccable. Just as the cloud of vapor around her disappears, her mom walks in. Two boys ask the newcomer, a freshman girl, “Can you blow O’s?” The answer is no. In the car on the way to a school dance, they teach her a number of vape tricks. Because they have a substitute during their fourth period, a group of friends decides to take a trip to the bathroom with their Juuls. Two other groups are already in there. The o-pen sits in a clear pouch on the kitchen table of a girl’s house, camouflaged among a variety of similarly shaped makeup products. It goes undetected by her parents. That’s the premise of Juuls and other e-cigarette products: an inconspicuous replacement for cigarettes that still gives the same nicotine high. For high schoolers at San Dieguito Academy, achieving that nicotine high is more commonly known as “doming.” It’s doming, alongside the accessibility, social acceptability, and low-profile appearance that makes e-cigarettes so appealing. School administrators are alarmed at the steady increase of teenagers using e-cigarettes. Reports of on-campus vaping incidents have doubled in four years. Medical officials say that vaping can result in permanent lung damage and greater risk of lung-related diseases among other health effects that are still being investigated. With that in mind, the US Food and Drug Administration has responded with stricter regulation policies against e-cigarette companies like Juul that they say market towards youth. So why do it? “Domes feel nice,” a senior boy, who wanted to remain anonymous, said. “It tastes good and it’s fun to do tricks when you’re bored.” A senior girl describes vaping as “definitely a social life thing.” For another senior girl, using her o-pen is “mostly to decrease stress,” she said. “I have problems with anxiety and I don’t want to talk to my parents about that before college so this an easier way to selfmedicate.” In any case, the introduction to e-cigarettes usually begins early in the student’s high school career. “The first time I did an o-pen was freshman year, off-campus during lunch. I only did it three times that year and then it got more frequent, but I was always careful about it,” one senior said. “It started my freshman year,” a junior girl said. As for how often, the frequency ranges from “I Juul everyday” to “sometimes it’s once a day, sometimes it’s once a week” and even to “I’m limiting it to twice a an exercise in self-control.” A popular e-cigarette design


aside from the typical Juuls and vape pens, and o-pens, is the Suorin. It’s compact structure, like the other products, allows for students to easily hide them. Such is the case for a junior girl who hides hers in “the plant pot in [her] room,” and a senior boy who said, “I’ve had a Suorin for three months that I’ve kept hidden from my parents.” Suorins also have a wider range of flavors than Juuls to choose from and don’t require buying as many flavor cartridges. Regardless, students still find the variety of Juul pod flavors appealing. “I like blue raspberry,” one said. “Menthol gives me a headache.” “I love the flavors,” another said. “My friend just got a new apple one and it’s so good. I really like the mango.” There’s a common theme in the method by which students obtain e-cigarette products: friends. “I have friends who make trips to vape shops. I don’t have my own device but sometimes I will mooch off of other people,” a junior girl said. Many others were introduced to it by “a friend in class.” One senior girl said she got hers from a close friend who “sold it to me because she was using it too much and needed to stop. She got it from somebody whose older brother is 21 and can get it safely.” Students said they prefer to vape in a social setting because “it’s better to just chill with your buddies in a room and achieve the domey,” according to a junior. A senior girl said, “I don’t want to do it by myself because that feels like a road to something worse... being a habitual smoker.” When it comes to potential addiction, the general consensus varies. In order to avoid it altogether and preserve her high school career, one junior takes “months off at a time to ensure peak athletic performance when needed,” whereas another student does “worry about the addiction a lot more recently.” Another senior’s o-pen is “THC and you can’t get addicted to that, unless you keep doing it all the time, but no I don’t really worry about it.” “I had one [A Sourin] and didn’t like how addicted I was so I quit, which wasn’t hard,” the senior boy said, “but now I have another because I don’t think that I have a problem.” The popularity of e-cigarettes at SDA has been steadily increasing since the launch of Juul products in 2015, worrying administration about students’ emotional and social wellbeing and unforeseen health consequences. “A conversation we have regularly with students that we see is not that we condone it, but we understand a little bit better if students are experimenting,” Assistant Principal Celeste Barnette said. “There are more red flags

#VapeNation. Pretty much. A rise in e-cigarette popularity among high school and middle school students has authorities concerned for teenagers' physical and emotional health and prompted an FDA crackdown on marketing. Concerns have been concentrated on the flavors, which seem to target youth. Students that try vaping once for fun, or to just to try some tricks with their friends, can find themselves chasing a nicotine high for years to come. #VapeNation, which started out as a meme, is starting to feel all too real, as 53% of SDA students reported smoking (mostly with vape devices). By Aiden Fullwood

Continued on page 4




Continued from page 3 for us if students need to vape to get through the day, especially if they’re vaping something other than nicotine. It makes us concerned that there is a bigger issue involved, not just addiction, but social or emotional.” The studies done on health repercussions from e-cigarette use are equally alarming for staff. “The research on its impact on students’ health is still in its infancy, but what they’re finding is that this delivery system of nicotine is possibly more addictive than combustible cigarettes,” Barnette said. “It’s also inconclusive at this point as to the impact on a developing brain.” According to the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), it’s possible that regular e-cigarette use in children and teenagers can increase the likelihood of addiction to traditional cigarettes in the future. Additionally, the vapor inhaled from the e-cigarettes can be damaging to the lungs and lead to conditions like chronic bronchitis. The HHS’s concern of addiction is not unprecedented. Within six months, 30.7 percent of teenagers who use e-cigarettes started smoking traditional cigarettes. Only 8.1 percent of teenagers who didn’t vape began smoking, in accordance with data from the National Institute on Drug Abuse.


The American Lung Association cited a recent study done by the University of North Carolina that found that “even in small doses, inhaling the two primary ingredients found in e-cigarettes—propylene glycol and vegetable glycerin—is likely to expose users to a high level of toxins.” The ALA also stated that consistent inhalation of the chemicals found in e-cigarettes is likely to result in lung damage and diseases. Other medical associations, including the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Center for Disease Control (CDC), will be conducting collaborative studies to better determine the long-term effects of vaping. The nationwide escalation of e-cigarette popularity among youth prompted action from the FDA. Commissioner Scott Gottlieb released a statement on April 24 addressing the increase, particularly with Juul products. The FDA revealed that during the entire month of April it had “been conducting a largescale, undercover nationwide blitz to crackdown on the sale of e-cigarettes.” In doing so, it found 40 violations for illegal sale of Juul products to children and teenagers and issued 40 warning letters to the retailers. Then in September, the FDA conducted a surprise inspection of Juul Labs headquarters and

seized thousands of documents on the company’s marketing techniques and sales. The inspection was related a request sent to Juul Labs in April requiring access to documents to help the agency understand how the products appeal to the youth. On Sept. 12 the FDA gave Juul, among other e-cigarette manufacturers, 60 days to find ways to reduce appeal of their products to teenagers before they shut the company down. In response, Juul Labs announced on Nov. 13 its decision to pull many flavored products from retail stores according to NBC News, including some of the most popular ones like mango, fruit, creme, and cucumber. SDA has taken a number of preventative measures as well to curb e-cigarette use, according to Assistant Principal Robert Caughey. “We have articulated the district policy for cigarette and nicotine consumption, there are signs posted on every entrance of the school, we also have a curriculum for our ninth grader students that comes from the TUPE [Tobacco Use Prevention Education] grant,” Caughey said. “We’ve articulated the school’s policy on Juuls and vaping...and have educated parents through First Friday as well as resource page.” When it comes to taking the issue directly to students, Barnette and the rest of the administration team want them to know that “if they need to use because of something that’s going on in their lives, [we] have to address that first. [We] can’t just say ‘stop’ to something that’s meeting a need without trying to address the need. We try to have those conversations with the students and their at least start an honest conversation.” Despite these efforts and

although the number of tobacco smoking incidents has dramatically decreased since the 2014-15 school year, the number of nicotine or THC vaping incidents at SDA has steadily increased in the same time period. To put it into perspective, the 2018-19 academic year held a school record of 23 on-campus vaping incidents and zero tobacco incidents in which administration became involved, as opposed 2014-15 when tobacco outweighed vaping in frequency 12 to 11. Should a student be caught vaping or smoking on campus, the consequences are up to “the parents and administrators discretion,” Caughey said. One such possibility is READI, or Recovery Education and Alcohol/Drug Instruction, a two-day drug and alcohol education program for students and their families. READI is offered in place of suspension or the incident being recorded on the student’s permanent record. “It is typical of a first time offense, but it’s not a requirement,” Caughey said. SDA’s statistics from the 2017 California Healthy Kids Survey, an anonymous statewide survey that addresses school safety, climate, and student wellness, document the recent rise in popularity of e-cigarettes. Out of the 53 percent of students at SDA who reported smoking, 37 percent said they vaped and only 16 percent said they smoked tobacco products, according to Barnette. On a national scale, SDA is just a reflection of the 1.5 million additional students that began actively using e-cigarette products in 2018, a number that encompasses both middle and high schoolers, according to the National Youth Tobacco Survey. “It’s a pervasive problem,” Caughey said. “And I haven’t seen a slow down.”

Drew Atkins, Amelia Kaiser, and Taylor Rudman contributed to this story.

DEC 2018





The danger in moodboards A growing subculture of Instagram and Tumblr accounts lies in the fantasies of what life can be like, however, associating objects with an aesthetic that one relates to happiness can become problematic if they seek out unconventional or harmful things to achieve desired ‘look’. Art courtesy of @ilovelizzygrant Instragram page


ou may have seen this moodboard to represent: primary common form of niche meme colors, art hoe, soft, plant mom, on your Instagram explore retro/vintage, grunge/baddie, and page: the moodboard. many variations and combinations Moodboards are a collection of these. of png images But arranged on moodboards take C is for cookie, cookie is for a background a dangerous turn me color or image when harmful in a way that is drugs or vices are -Amelia Kaiser pleasing to the used to typify an eye. aesthetic. Many For example, moodboards tell if cigarettes were a story, or are used in a grunge used to illustrate moodboard to be a moment in time, literature, film, or representative of rebelliousness and to capture the essence of a person. risk-taking, then those who want to Moodboards are really an art have a grunge aesthetic might seek form-- they tend to calm and/or out cigarette smoking in order to satisfy people with the collectiveness fulfill their vision of what the grunge of them, and the coalescence of aesthetic entails. so many different elements is very This leads to people doing harmful pleasing. or sketchy things in order to achieve There are many different types something that is purely pleasing to of aesthetics that one could use a the eyes, but not the soul.

The definition of what is socially acceptable changes when displayed on a moodboard, just as the image of what is ideal can be warped through the scope of a moodboard. The focus of a moodboard lies in the pleasing colors and layouts. We confuse the aesthetically pleasing aspect of moodboards with a genuine satisfaction in life if you achieve the depicted images, but the collectiveness of moodboards is generally unattainable in real life. Connecting objects with pleasure is a slippery slope. Another part of the possible problem with moodboards is that it can make unhealthy or unconventional activities look attractive and artful, which leads to people who want to live out the vision of the moodboard and doing unhealthy things to achieve the socalled “aesthetic”.

Nothing says “Christmas” like a succulent This holiday season is upon us and you probably forgot to grab your little bro or sis a gift right? Give them something they will never forget... a tomato plant! Now that’s a rad, environemntally friendly gift!


hen you think of this holiday time of year, you probably imagine spending time with family members, gaining five pounds from eating too much food, and giving gifts your favorite people with the intentions of putting a smile on their face. Reading the last sentence, you probably felt all warm and fuzzy inside thinking about what winter break will entail. However, there are other aspects about the holidays that may have forgotten. Watching TV, you’ve probably seen the non-stop advertisements about buying toys, trucks, and televisions - the amount of commercialism is endless at this time of year. All of this “buy, buy, buy” to “give, give, give” may seem to have good intentions in your eyes, but think about all of those old toys and clothing goods you throw away or give away after


the holiday season. The amount of plastic, cardboard, and wrapping paper (oh my!) that goes into the packaging and wrapping of gifts is insane! According to Stanford Recycling, Americans create 25% more You are what trash between you throw the period from away Thanksgiving to New Years Alexis Price that’s equal to 25 million tons of garbage. Before wrapping that “best dad” mug with sparkling Christmas paper, attempt wrapping it in old magazines or newspapers. Nothing says “Environment First Christmas” like the front page of the San Diego Tribune or a majestic lion from National Geographic magazine concealing thoughtful presents. Have old ribbon from past years? Reuse it! Reusing two feet of holiday ribbon means 38,000 miles of it saved from one-time use. That’s enough ribbon to wrap around the entire planet and include a grand ol’ bow on it

(Stanford Recycling). Can’t think of a gift to give in the first place? Consider making some homemade, environmentally friendly gifts. Bake some bread or sweets to give in a reusable container, or even give your favorite people a neat plant like a succulent or a Venus fly trap. Flowers work too! Or, my preference, a reusable water bottle! Doesn’t have to be a hydroflask; there are plenty of cheaper ones out there that won’t hurt your wallet. Give gifts that don’t create too much waste like movie or concert tickets. If your pockets are empty, give IOU’s to your friends and parents. These can be simple tasks like washing the dishes or making dinner for your parents and for your friends you could drive them to school or bring them lunch one day. No matter what you do to say “thanks, you mean a lot to me” to your favorite people this holiday season, remember to thank the Earth too. I bid you farewell and ask you to think:

SOME CUTE AND dangerous succulents to fuel your gift ideas! Photos courtesy of Wikimedia users. How much water did you drink.. Did you reuse that bottle? My my thank you For “your efforts are significant!” Exclaimed the whales and shrews From the air we breathe to the mountains and trees

We have only Earth to please For all she does To the rain and floods We must protect her, Because there is no plan B Have a happy holidays!

DEC 2018


Hey guys, you know how America has that thing called freedom of the press? It’s pretty important. It lets news publications print stories without fear, even if they’re offensive. But why should you trust me if I’m just another journalist who’s part of the liberal elite media? Well, that’s the whole problem. Opinion by Sylvia Young. Illustrations by Camille Zimmer

“The freedom of the press, as one of the great bulwarks of liberty, shall be inviolable” Remember history class? Or your identity as an American? Then you should care. Along with freedom of speech and religion, the First Amendment to the Constitution guarantees freedom of the press. That means here in the U. S. of A. the press is allowed to report on whatever topics they choose. The press is far from perfect, but it’s also essential. Regardless of your political opinion, you need to support the press and the freedom and rights of reporters.

This isn’t something we can take away at random. We can’t cut out CNN for a Republican president, then get rid of FOX when there’s a Democrat. We need both sides.

“And he said: ‘You know why I do it? I do it to discredit you all and demean you all so that when you write negative stories about me no one will believe you.’” - journalist Lesley Stahl quoting President Trump on why he labels the press as “fake news” Let’s just clear something up: fake news is not the same as biased news, and it’s certainly not the same as bad press. “Fake news” is a term used to identify websites or publications print ‘news’ stories with no basis in fact -- a very serious issue. But Trump has his own definition: anything he doesn’t like, i.e. bad press. Donald Trump, who is known for his lies and exaggeration, is consistently attacking the media because apparently they’re the ones who can’t be trusted. Recently, Jim Acosta, a CNN White House correspondent, had his press pass revoked after asking Trump an aggressive question. This is a problem, but the bigger issue is a doctored video that Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House Press Secretary, shared on Twitter. The video, which was originally posted by a farright conspiracy theorist, repeated frames to make it appear like Acosta was hitting an aide when he was just trying to hold onto his microphone. In case you were wondering, that’s actual fake news. But Trump is doing more than


just talking about “fake news.” He also called the press “the enemy of the American people.” Just using that phrase has put him in some pretty great company. Goebbels and Stalin and Lenin said stuff like that too. You know them, right? Because of the genocide and stuff. Ooh and Nixon said “the press is the enemy” too! (Not that there are any similarities between Nixon and Trump.) But really, Trump actually said that 80 percent of the media are “the enemy of the people.” Why? Because when he does something well, they don’t report on it. Not really the enemy of the people. Maybe enemy of Donald Trump. But wouldn’t that mean friend of the people? (At least immigrants, minorities, women, and LGBTQ+ people.) Trump is stirring up distrust between the press and the American people. But if multiple reputable publications are saying the same thing, and you’re listening to the guy yelling about “fake news,” you may be on the wrong side of things.

“The press was to serve the governed, not the governor” - U.S. Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black Have you heard about the Vietnam War? And how it was a hot mess? Guess who got that information out. Surprise! It was the press. Daniel Ellsberg, a military analyst, leaked a 7,000-page classified report on U.S. involvement in Vietnam to the New York Times. This report became

known as the Pentagon Papers. The Times and the Washington Post fought in the Supreme Court to be able to print the classified information (“New York Times Co. v. United States”).The Court ruled in favor of the publications, saying that there was not sufficient evidence of an immediate threat

to national security. Although the Nixon administration wanted to prevent the publication of information that showed the untold risk and sacrifice of war in Vietnam, the press prevailed. The people needed and deserved to know what the government was doing.

“The death of Jamal Khashoggi is an international turning point for our world. We are at a crossroads. Will we turn away from our democratic ideals?...Will the president who calls the press “the enemy of the people” side with the enemies of liberty and freedom?” - David Fitzsimmons, cartoonist Jamal Khashoggi was a Saudi journalist and U.S. resident who was brutally murdered and dismembered with a bone saw at the hands of the Saudi government. You might have heard of it, but you probably didn’t pay much attention. It’s another country, and Saudi Arabia isn’t exactly known for its liberalism. But here’s a quick breakdown. Khashoggi was very critical of Saudi Arabia and the Crown Prince (known as MBS) because journalists were being

jailed for being critical. So he was murdered. Not a great cycle. In this country, journalists are being punished and censored left and rightand unfortunately, Khashoggi was killed for calling the government out. But let’s use this as a reminder that freedom of the press matters. Because no matter who’s in power, we have this central amendment and central belief that freedom must be protected at all costs. And that means reporters shouldn’t have to risk their lives for doing their jobs.

And here’s the kicker: when this U.S. resident working as a columnist for the Washington Post, a U.S. news publication, was killed, our President didn’t care. He seemed to consider MBS’s denial of the crime more credible than the CIA’s conclusion. I guess for Trump, oil is more important than freedom of the press. But that’s not really news.

This is America, the land of the free. We have democracy and First Amendment and eagles and all the other things we brag about when proving why the U.S. is number one. But we won’t get to keep those things if we tolerate a leader who is consistently discrediting the press. Why do you know about Watergate, NSA surveillance, and Trump’s tax fraud? Because of the press. Our government uses a system of checks and balances to make sure no one branch has a disproportionate amount of power. But the government as a whole must be kept in check as well. And that is what the press does. And how do teenagers know that freedom of the press is under attack? Because of high school newspapers like this.



On the right (sound) track Sometimes, things just fit perfectly together, just like music in movies. Without a good soundtrack, a movie is 2D. By Katie Pruden


soundtrack essentially makes a film what it is. It has the capability to weave itself into the viewer’s emotions. This intertwines certain feelings from the movie or show to a song, that maybe wouldn’t have been felt without the film or vice versa. In “Call Me by Your Name,” the soundtrack by Sufjan Stevens is accompanied by rushing waterfalls and warm Italian streets, that of which the extended piano pieces and love songs are attached to. A sweet movie, “Where The Wild Things Are,” (right) demonstrates how simplicity of music can mirror certain things like childhood and dramatize themes. The two go hand in hand: a memorable soundtrack creates a memorable movie, an okay one, makes an okay movie. And no one wants to watch an okay movie. Although the carefulness of correctly bringing together songs is overlooked sometimes, it happens to be one of the most essential ingredient in a film. If you don’t believe that music makes a movie or show, try listening to The Shining with the sound off. Not so scary anymore right? THE MAIN CHARACTER, Max, played by Max Records, friends. Courtesy of @wherethewildthingsare


is shown running as the new leader of his creature

young Jake Gyllenhaal, sits with his friend Gretchen and is occompanied by Frank, an imaginary bunny figure. Courtesy of @28days6hours42minut-

A film could never truly affect its audience in the way it was intended to without correctly assembling music to highlight emotions and carry them along from scene to scene. Music holds the sentimental building blocks which movies use to add and develop, pulling their audience in. In Wes Anderson movies, especially “The Royal Tenenbaums,” (right) awkward encounters and the abnormal relationships are set to equally abnormal music that has a bittersweet sense to it, making these scenes seem more comfortable. In more of a chilling movie, “Donnie Darko”’s (left) soundtrack is probably scarier than the movie itself, with haunting tracks like “The Killing Moon” by Echo the Bunnymen.


Have you ever walked out of a movie and wondered what that one song was, and then ended up listening to the whole soundtrack after? Films are an underappreciated platform to experience new types of music and open yourself up to new things (which is always a good thing to do.) A movie that simply just isn’t good, but I keep watching for the soundtrack is “The Bling Ring” (right). Featuring artists like M.I.A. and Frank Ocean, this soundtrack is one to blast in your car with all of your friends. An exceptionally good soundtrack, with well over 40 songs, is HBO’s “Sharp Objects” (left). I’ve personally started listening to many new artists because of it and appreciating older bands like Led Zeppelin.



AMY ADAMS DRIVES deep in thought as she drives as charcater Camille. Courtesy of



and Royal, played by Ben Stiller and Gene Hackman, have a heated conversation in a game closet. Courtesy of @theroyaltenenbaums

Watson, applies lipstick while layered in stolen clothing. Courtesy of

DEC 2018


Plot, who?

Interesting characters can save a badly-written story, but not vice versa.


THE CLASSIC NOVEL “Catcher in the Rye”

contains little to no story, but is still enjoyable to read because of its interesting characters. Photo by Sophie Hughes.

ere’s the tea. Good characters can save a story with a terrible plot. But no matter how exceptional and groundbreaking, plot can’t make up for abysmal characters. Of course, a storyline that has both is ideal, but let’s be real here –- that isn’t going to happen all of the time. So how can you tell whether to stay invested in a story, or just move on to something else? Easy, you consider the characters. Do you like them? Are you interested in their story? How well do they deal with the consequences of their decisions, and the people around them? Sure, you can think about how cool the concept of the story is, but action and plot are important because they carry char-

acters toward something. They’re useless if there’s nothing to carry. Let’s say we have the plot of the century: a phenomenal setting, worldbuilding, and story setup. But if the main character is bland, Press f to pay respects overpowered, and one dimensional, the potential of -Joice He the plot is completely crushed by characters that don’t feel genuine. The audience feels like they’re just getting dragged along by a lifeless main character that blasts through conflicts again and again without ever learning anything. Imagine “Harry Potter,” but Harry is the strongest wizard ever and never gets into trouble. Imagine “Lord of the Rings,” but Frodo is immune to the Ring and waltzes straight into Mordor. Imagine “Sword Art Online,” but...well, just imagine “Sword Art Online.”

On the other hand, a well balanced and nuanced cast of characters can naturally create a basic storyline as they go, even without a given plot. Technically, nothing happens in “Catcher in the Rye” except some guy walks around New York for a little bit. Literally nothing happens in “Waiting for Godot.” In “Undertale,” all you do is walk from one end of the game to the other, and “Friends” is just a show about some people that live in the same place. The only thing that makes all of these stories worth listening to are the characters that live in them. We like them. We like to hear about them, even if nothing really happens. No amount of good plotting will lead to an enjoyable story if the characters feel distant. It’s the difference between reading about the creation of the national bank in your APUSH textbook and listening to “Hamilton,” even if they technically tell the same story. Action is a consequence of character, and without good character, good action just isn’t interesting.

Not just fun and games Why video games are better than other forms of entertainment media and how they can often tell incredibly captivating stories.


magine that a kid is sitting in front of their computer or TV playing video games when one of their parents walks in and tells them to do something more productive such as reading a book instead. You might be inclined to agree with Fool me once, the parent as fool me twice, even fictional fool me chicken literature has soup with rice. been accepted by society as Cade Culbertson having many benefits, which it does. However, I would argue that games are actually the most important and superior form of entertainment media and are therefore not a waste of time at all. This misconception probably comes from the fact that a handful of games such as the Call of Duty and Battlefield franchises, whose main gameplay consists mostly of senseless violence, are often used to represent the industry as a whole. However, most video games aren’t focused on violence at all and possess a quality that no other medium has:


immersion. Sure, a story can be told well in a movie or TV show and contain stunning audio and visual elements, but in the end no aspects of it are controlled by the viewer, which limits the potential for immersion and empathizing with the characters. Even in video games with a relatively static and unchanging story, the player is able to influence the game world by controlling a character or set of characters. By allowing players to do this, they often feel responsible for what happens to their character and sometimes even begin to regard the character as an extension of themselves. The ability to control a character is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to immersion. In the game “This War of Mine,” the player controls a number of regular citizens trapped within a city under siege and must make decisions based on scavenging for food and other

resources. Sometimes the player must choose whether or not to steal supplies from others among other moral choices that have not only an impact on the story, but an emotional impact on the player that could not be achieved through any other entertainment medium. It is these sort of moral choices that players are forced to make in some games that almost dissolve the barrier between the real world and the game world. This allows for stories to connect with people on a deeper level than any other medium ever could and can cause a stronger emotional response in the player When playing through the game “To The Moon” and its sequel “Finding Paradise,” which are about two scientists who travel through dying patients’ memories to fulfil their final wishes in their mind, I personally felt more emotions and connection to the characters than almost any other experience I have had with a novel, movie, or TV show. Even though this game doesn’t contain any choices for the player to make, it still confronts moral and thought provoking issues throughout the story.

COVER OF THE emotional, story-driven video Moon.” Photo courtesy of Freebird Games. There have been some especially engaging and emotionally gripping moments in novels, but at least for me, video games are just as, if not more, engaging. I remember feeling a sense of dread in “To The Moon” during some parts that was comparable to my experience when reading that the jury in “To Kill a Mockingbird” had not been convinced by Atticus that the man he was representing was innocent. I am even willing to admit that games have made me cry as much as they have made me laugh

game “To The

on several occasions. In fact, I was so invested in “To The Moon” that when something as simple as a song was introduced to an already heavy situation, I bawled my eyes out. If that isn’t engagement to a story, then I don’t know what is. People usually play games to escape from the real world, but sometimes they can tell those rare and important stories that make someone reflect on their own life, which is truly the most powerful level of storytelling that one can achieve.




DEC 2018


It’s the thought that counts Oh, the holidays. A time for family, food, traditions, and, of course, presents. Some get everything they want, while others get nothing at all. Whatever you’re wishing for this holiday season, we hope you don’t get what these students did. By Drew Atkins and Devlin Ott

A frightening princess friend “When I was 10, I got a life-sized Jasmine doll, like 5’4” and it scared me so we gave it to Goodwill.” -Victoria Lee, junior A gift that is yet to be voted off the island “For Christmas last year, a friend of mine gave me a six-foot-tall cardboard cutout of Jeff Probst, the host of “Survivor.” I love it and he lives in my house now. He has been in my living room since last Christmas.” -Mary Loedel, junior A guaranteed good time “My uncle, who lives in Arizona, once got me a beach towel and a box of gluten-free spaghetti. He’s not gluten-free, and neither am I. He said, ‘Now you’re ready for some good times’ and it wasn’t even a joke. He was being genuine. While the towel has actually been cool for the beach, the box of gluten-free spaghetti has been sitting in my pantry for a few years now. ”-Tatum Smith, junior A disproportionate display of emotion “For Christmas I got a gross tank top set of pajamas from my parents and my brother cried last year because he got an iPad mini and knew it would be his only gift.” -Sophia Papalia, senior A lack of subtleness “My mom got me a Fitbit and a suitcase. I think she was trying to send a message.” -Olivia Bell, senior A coming of age “A book about puberty from my great uncle. I was 16, so it was pretty unnecessary. Another time I got a book on the many species of cows in the U.S.” -Julia Herold, senior A reality check “Every year, in addition to a couple more normal gifts, my grandparents get me and my two cousins a gift bag of practical things. So it’s basically a whole bag full of stuff like Q-tips and razors. I guess it’s actually nice to have some new practical stuff once a year, but I still


haven’t even made a dent in the Q-tip box from last year.” -Ellery Bolton, junior A personality judgment “For Christmas I got a rock that says ‘Namaste’ because my dad thought it ‘fit my persona.’” -Ella Hasty, senior A case of pure sibling love “I got my brother nice shoes. He got me a shirt with an egg on it.” -Elise Boutelle, senior A knockoff America’s Next Top Model moment “The weirdest gift I’ve given was a photoshoot at JCPenney to my best friend of 12 years Jenna Scime. I thought it would be really funny to have some best friend photos and we got really cheesy ones where they’re black and white and we’re looking off into the distance. We had a really good time but we never actually got the photos printed but we have them digitally.” -Tatum Goodbody, junior A snack time with a head start “A half-eaten box of Froot Loops…for me and my two siblings all had to share it.” -Grace Scholl, junior A chance to try something new “I got a lacrosse stick from my brother. I don’t even play lacrosse.” -Anna Duan, junior A case of low energy “So since Hanukkah is 8 nights long, by the 8th night my family was kinda over it, so I got batteries.” -Gen Kessler, senior A tasteful decision “For Christmas last year my little sister Emma was one and my other sister was three and my mom and I went to take them to make a mug for my dad, like at those places where you paint something and they put it in the fire and it’s like a real mug or plate. And so my mom had the idea of letting them put their handprints on the mug like kids to do, but my mom ended up having them make him a plate and she put my baby sister’s footprint, my three-year-old sister’s footprint, and then we painted my foot and put it on there as a joke.” -Arianna Anaya, senior



Students cry foul over baseball, softball differences Students question the equity of boys and girls sports teams at San Dieguito Academy. By Alexandra Joelson, Madelyn Sequeira. and Yarisette Sequeria.

LEFT: the softball dugout with a bench and fencing where players sit during games. RIGHT: The baseball locker room and dugout which provides shade and shelves for storage. Photos by Jaden Hauptman.


he baseball field is freshly trimmed and accompanied by a dugout for players. A few yards away is the softball field, a place where yellow and brown grass is complemented with holes and uneven ground. Some softball players say that this amounts to unequal and unfair treatment. Additionally, some athletes say that it is unfair that some teams get nice jackets and others do not. The complaints are made against the background of Title IX, the federal law that prohibits discrimination between boys and girls sports in public schools. “There are people taking care of the baseball field every day; the softball field — it just gets the grass cut and the dirt wet a few times a week,” senior softball player Caroline Brittain said. “[Baseball has] a nice covered dugout, and the softball field just has an open fencing area.” SDA administrators responded that the school funds boys and girls teams equally. If there is a difference, they say, it is because some teams’ parents voluntarily donate more money, and some coaches spend money on extra coaches rather than jackets. Additionally, the school plans to improve the softball field. There is no unequal treatment between boys and girls teams, athletic director Scott Jordan said. The district only provides money to pay the salaries of two coaches: one varsity and one junior varsity coach, he said. UNIFORMS AND FUNDRAISING Still, players complained about what they say are the differences, like between the uniforms and athletic gear of boys and girls teams. “Boys definitely get better gear. They get the big stadium jackets with their numbers on them and the warmup jackets and all that jazz,” senior soccer player Emma Worthington said. “I feel like since they do more fundraising, they’re able to have more gear. I think they might actually have decent socks too.” Administrators said students do not see the whole picture. The quality of gear depends on how a team decides


to use their funds, Principal Adam Camacho said. “Oftentimes it’s the perception versus the actual reality and sometimes we can get lost in the perception when it may not be accurate,” he said. Each team’s budget is determined by its own fundraising, which is primarily compromised of voluntary family donations and events like preseason training, Camacho said. Determining how the money is used is up to the coaches. While some coaches may purchase new jackets, others may hire additional coaches, he said. The amount of money in each team’s budget varies depending on the time and effort spent fundraising. “You get some parents that come in and man they love fundraising. They love asking for money, right?” said Leslie Saldana, executive director of the SDA foundation. “But, then they graduate with their students … so maybe then fundraising drops off a little bit.” MAINTENENCE The district provides equal maintenance of all athletic facilities including the baseball and softball fields, Camacho said. However, softball players said they still feel that the baseball field is given priority over softball. “[The boys] get their own mower on their field,” said a softball player who wanted to remain anonymous. “Our grass isn’t even trimmed. Sometimes [maintenance] sprays on the chalk for us before a game, but that is the only kindness they give us … we’re like second hand.” Not all students believe that the school treats the boys and girls differently. “I see one team that takes pride in their field and one that doesn’t,” senior baseball player Wyley Sharp said. “I believe your ‘disparity’ lies there.’” Camacho agreed that the baseball field receives additional care but said the extra attention the baseball field receives comes from parents and coaches who

dedicate extra hours to maintain the and is sometimes used for P.E. classes. field. The reason it is not commonly used by In addition to the once a week other sports teams for practice may be maintenance provided by the district, due to coaches not knowing it is a shared baseball coach Carlos Fletes said he facility, Abrahamson said. spends hours almost every day mowing and trimming the baseball field. Fletes EQUALITY AND TITLE IX also heads up to the softball field to help Softball players also questioned improve its condition by mowing the the baseball team having its own locker grass with his own lawn mower when room and “nicer dugout.” needed, he said. The softball players use the locker “I start cutting the grass [of the rooms across from the gym. baseball field] at 10 a.m. every game “[The boys] have a much nicer day,” Fletes said. “If [the softball field] dugout,” sophomore softball player Lindneeds [help] up top, I’ll go there with my sey Hollandsworth said. “We don’t have little bike and I’ll drag [the softball field] [a dugout]; we have a fence and maybe because it needs the help too.” a little pitching area but we have to get dressed in the locker rooms. I think they USAGE AND ACCESSIBILITY get dressed in their dugout. They actually Athletes have also tied the dishevhave a spot.” eled appearance of the softball field to Regarding the building of the boys its use by students for activities other locker room a few years ago, Abrahamthan softball. The softball field is a place son said, “[The school] turned a blinds where soccer practices are held, track eye to what has been done.” events take place, and some students The SDUHSD student fee guideeach lunch. lines state that donations cannot favor “[The softball field is] what we call one gender over another in school sports. our multipurpose field because P.E. also However, the donations are not in regard uses it, weight training uses it, and then, to money, only tangible donations like a during track and field season, it is also locker room, according to the guidelines. our discus and shot put area,” Camacho A donation earmarked for the school said. baseball team needs to be reciprocated “I noticed that the softball field is by providing an equal donation to the repeatedly used by sports teams like dissoftball team, otherwise, it is not permiscus and shot put and a lot of people eat sible, they read. lunch up there, but I never knew anyone Katie Bendix, the assistant principal was allowed on the baseball field, I’ve and Title IX coordinator at SDA, does never seen anybody down there before,” not feel the dugout and locker room are sophomore track and field athlete Emily a violation of Title IX. “The dugout area Liang said. was donated by a parent and was directly The baseball field appears inacdonated to the baseball program. My cessible, because of a lock around the understanding is that’s why we accepted entrance, Deb Abrahamson, a P.E. coach it,” Bendix said. and former athletic director said. According to Abrahamson, at “Now, we know that they have a lot Torrey Pines High School, a parent of a of things in there, equipment whatever it player on the baseball team wanted to might be, but the locking [of the baseball upgrade the baseball field by building a field] happened and everybody turned a new dugout. Torrey Pines said this would blind eye,” Abrahamson said. bring inequity between both fields and Despite the lock, Fletes said that the insisted that changes to the baseball field field is still easily accessible because evmust be matched by upgrades to the erybody has keys. Fletes said the baseball softball field, she said. Both fields were field was used for flag football in 2017 improved, she said.

“It just would take a parent of [a softball player] to bring a Title IX lawsuit and [this inequity] would be fixed,” Abrahamson said. Fletes was aware of the softball fields need for an upgrade. He said a parent approached him about donating an outdoor batting cage to the baseball field and instead of accepting the donation, he told the parent to ask softball if they would like the batting cage. Fletes said he is unaware of what took place after that. Abrahamson said that years ago it was the original picture for the school to redo both the baseball and softball fields to make them look more similar in regard to dugouts and locker rooms. “That never happened,” Abrahamson said. “They’re always going to tell you there is no money, but I’ll tell you, if there was a lawsuit, they’d find the money to make things more equitable.” However, Camacho said, “I’m not sure that there’s a violation there. I mean there’s equal access to a playing field. Anything that’s extra like that… is funded by each team and the money they raise...When you’re looking at it, it doesn’t look like its equitable but you’ve got to understand kind of where the funding comes from.” FUTURE PLANS According to Camacho, the school has plans to improve the conditions of the softball field. “One of the things you’ll see under my capital facilities projects is a girls’ softball field,” said Camacho, who added there are obvious differences between the two fields. “It’s one of my priorities this year because if you start to look into Title IX it’s really all around equity.” Bendix said the school has begun making minor adjustments to the softball field by putting in new K-Rails, a temporary concrete barrier to prevent water run-off, and moving the storage box to a location farther away from the field. The storage box is currently located on the back edge of the outfield.

DEC 2018


Expires January 16, 2018




The year of 2018 has come and gone and it’s hard to track all the changes in just these past 12 months. ASMR became a thing. People started calling everything Sister. And did anyone else forget that there was a Winter Olympics this year? From the drama surrounding whether Riverdale should really have a third season, to the debate over fanny packs, to the latest rage over a Trump tweet one thing we can say about this year is that it hasn’t been dull. With an end just around the corner, now is the perfect time to take a break, and reflect on what made 2018 stand out. But how do we decide what the best of 2018 is? A survey of you students, of course. After sending out 500 surveys across campus to have SDA students vote on what they deem the absolute greatest restaurants, movies, TV shows, memes, trends, songs, and more, we gathered all the responses and turned it into one massive collection -- the Best of 2018. The passion in your opinions was literally written all over the pages. The surveys were littered with notes and comments on each choice in each category (both positive and negative): which movie should be on the list; which song should NEVER have been included… A personal favorite of mine was a survey that had every single box checked. Apparently there was just too much happening in 2018 to only pick one thing. We’ve been through a lot this year as a country. We’ve experienced political turmoil, discrimination, mass shootings, and natural disasters. But even after all of this, we’re still in one piece and we still managed to create beautiful things despite it all. Movies like “The Hate U Give,” “Black Panther,” and “Boy Erased” were created to make statements on what needs changing in our society. The hunger for progress reflected in the pop culture of 2018 provides hope. The simple fact that the country seems to be struggling more has inspired countless people to fight back harder than ever before. All in all, 2018 seems to have simultaneously zipped by in a second and stretched on for eternity. In the moment, it’s easy to get caught up in all the bad things, and this past year wasn’t lacking bad things, but a lot of amazing things happened too. So let’s take a moment to celebrate that with this year’s Best Of 2018. Story by Linnaea Erisman Collage by Jaden Hauptman & Linnaea Erisman






, BEST NEW SLANG x WEIRD FLEX BUT OK e l f ” F d . SURVEY SAYS r k i e to W “ bu Of all the made up things we’ve decided to pretend make sense, “weird flex” is by far the most entertaining to use.

inally, a fun and passive-aggressive way to tell someone they don’t matter! “Weird flex but ok” is the perfect response to anyone who brags about something stupid, irrelevant, or just straight up weird. Why would you want anyone to know how you failed all your classes? Are we supposed to be impressed? Don’t worry, the phrase has another use. Has someone ever genuinely shared their accomplishments with you, but then it made you feel inferior? Just say “weird Weird flex but okay 31% flex but ok” to knock them down a couple pegs. Sure Tea 29% it’s just another coping mechanism, but it’s funny so it’s Let’s get this bread 25% okay. Right? It’s multipurpose. You could be teasing a friend, inSkinny Legend 06% sulting an enemy, or mocking a political figure. Funny Mish 05% with a hint of demeaning. The perfect combination. Just be thankful that your passive-aggressive aunt Dip out 04% only posts minion and wine mom memes (even though she doesn’t have children). If she knew this slang existed, she’d be using it every time someone bragged about something other than their dog. Just give her some time, she’ll get there in 5-10 years.





rom “Iron Man” to “Infinity War,” Stan Lee has left a mark on the lives of many and will be missed by children, teens, and adults alike. Lee’s stories inspired creativity within all of us and for the brief moment in time we flipped through the pages of his comics or sat in the theater to see a Marvel movie, we were transported to countless worlds where anyone, including us, could be the hero. What is possibly even more important is the sense of community that the Marvel Universe created. Re- 38% Stan Lee gardless of people’s backgrounds, almost everyone can 18% XXXTentacion bond with another person over Lee’s stories and unique characters. It is hard to find a person that doesn’t ad- 17% Stephen Hawking mire or appreciate at least one of the many stories he 13% Mac Miller has created. And even if you don’t know a single person 12% Aretha Franklin when sitting in the theater, you still know that everyone shares a common interest in the surreal experience you 02% John McCain 00% Barbara Bush are about to view. It is no wonder then that he won over the hearts of students at SDA and will live on in the creative spirit within all of us for years to come.


Stan Lee was a movie and comic book icon and is missed by SDA students and many others alike. Photo courtesy of @TheRealStanLee.





As the “Despicable Me” franchise has slowly degraded, with several installments, then a “Minions” spinoff, it has finally reached its true form-- a meme. Photo courtesy of Despicable Me official Facebook page.

Gorls 20% Moths 19% Had to do it to ‘em 13% Yodel Boy 10% Tide Pods 09% Change my mind 09% Is this a pigeon? 08% Bold of you to assume 07% Celebrity full names 05%



emes. The epitome of modern culture. 2018 social media platforms saw the most absurd memes yet, as our sense of humor becomes more and more….what’s the word.... wacky. This year, SDA’s favorite meme was ‘Gorl’pictures of girls with Gru’s (from “Despicable Me” (the one with the minions)) face plastered over their faces with movie titles, song lyrics, and quotes containing the word ‘girl’ replaced with ‘gorl’. The concept is simple. The humor is insurmountable, apparently. I suppose our generation derives joy from Russian accents. Let me just say, the future scares me.


DEC 2018




emember Well, now it’s called Tik Tok. No, not the Ke$ha song. This app is filled with odd and often alarming lip-syncing videos. For those who may not know, Tik Tok is “a social media app for creating and sharing videos as well as live broadcasting,” but really, it’s a site that puts audio clips over unsettling characters doing unsettling thingsto the audio clips. As uncomfortable teenagers, we layer the videos under several sheets of irony to turn the clips 39% Tiktok into comedy. On a real note, most SDA students use the 30% Aeries app, wishing for their 15 seconds of fame. We even have 13% Soundcloud a few famous Tik Tokers ourselves at SDA, if you search deeply enough. Tik Tok is used by people who are 12% Depop weirdly too young, of creepily-old-pedophile age, and 04% Zepeto ages everything in between. It’s perfect for any student 02% Noodle looking for a laugh and a barf.



TikTok has taken the internet by storm; it was the most downloaded iOS app in the beginning of 2018. Photo courtesy of @TIKTOK



Tiny sunglasses 22% Fanny packs 20% Teddy bear jackets 19% Butterfly clips 16% Dad shoes 12% Slides 11%

Tiny sunglasses can make a statement anywhere from Moonlight beach to the red carpet.



iny sunglasses really made it big for 2018’s clothing trends. This style was popularized by celebrities like Kendall Jenner and youtubers like Emma Chamberlain, who are especially active on social media. From the shapes of puny and pointy polygons to undersized ovals, this small accessory provides just the right amount of flashiness for an understated-statement piece. With a nod to ‘90s fashion, no vintage-inspired SDA wardrobe was complete without them this year. Tiny sunglasses are so visually attractive that wearers are willing to overlook the lack of functionality and UVA/UVB protection. After all, the glamour of wearing tiny sunglasses makes up for the risk of eye damage, even in always sunny Encinitas.







rawing comparisons to the devastating 1999 Columbine shooting in Colorado, the Parkland, Florida shooting left 17 high school students dead, and many more with severe injuries. This horrifying event pushed Americans to fight for change and protection under an unwilling governing body. As a result, many schools across the US, including SDA, staged walkouts in solidarity for the countless lives 41% Parkland shooting lost to gun violence, and in protest of the nation’s lack of 24% Kavanaugh confirmation preventative laws. The legal age to buy a rifle in Florida 21% California wildfires was quickly raised from 18 to 21, other laws were tightened, and a panel was formed to investigate the failures 07% Serena Williams of law enforcement in schools. Although few measures 05% Hurricane Michael have been taken to prevent future shootings nationally, 02% Rotating cabinet members SDUHSD is currently attempting to improve school security. SDA is implementing a stricter visitor sign in policy, and is looking into additional fencing and potential security cameras within the next few years.


The Parkland shooting, at Majory Stoneman Douglas High School, is one of 10 deadliest mass shootings in modern U.S. history. Photo courtesy of @parklandshooting.









hh. Be quiet or else they will hear you. A new twist on horror movies from your typical blood curdling screams, “A Quiet Place,” directed by John Krasinski, presents a movie with visually appealing scenery. Many students recognize John Krasinski’s face as Jim Halpert – the hilarious co-worker in the TV Show “The Office.” Despite his famous comedic acting experience, it is quite refreshing to see him star AND direct the movie as A Quiet Place 48% well, highlighting the range of his acting ability and skill. If you haven’t seen it, you’re missing out-- not only will you be The Nun 16% on the edge of your seat the entire time, but the story behind Halloween 13% the suspense is quite saddening. I can’t give too much away, The First Purge 13% but let’s just say watching a woman give birth without making a sound while a killer monster is nearby will leave you biting Hereditary 10% your nails and holding your breath. Beating out movies like Unsane 00% “Hereditary” and “The Nun,” Krasinski hits the right spot to instill fear in the hearts of high schoolers, despite it only being 90 minutes long. Anyways, I have go, or else they might hear me.


Despite the importance of silence in "A Quiet Place," the movie made a lot of noise in the box office. Photo courtesy of @aquietplace.





n “The Isle of Dogs”, director Wes Anderson takes his trademark nontraditional approach to movie making by creating a film featuring an odd story, mysterious characters, and a whole lot of…interesting, making it stand out from all of 2018’s other animated features. The film, which details the adventure of a boy searching for his dog on a trash island off the coast of Japan, combines a strong soundtrack, unique cinematography, and a lot dogs. Big dogs. Small dogs. Dogs. In addition, Anderson kept the majority of the audio of the film in Japanese with subtitles because he felt it was important to “keep both of the languages alive,” and to allow the “Japanese language to speak for itself.” This is yet another thing that makes “The Isle of Dogs” stand out. All these components also make the film weird. In a good way. Also dogs. I like dogs.


40% Isle of the Dogs 35% The Grinch 20% Ralph Breaks the Internet 05% Smallfoot

Wes Anderson brings his trademark brand of weird to "Isle of the Dogs." Fans of "Moonrise Kingdom" or "Fantastic Mr. Fox" will not be disappointed. Photo courtesy of @isleofdogsmovie



Incredibles 2 35% Avengers: Infinity War 23% Deadpool 2 21% Mamma Mia! 2 17% Fantastic Beasts 04%

“Incredibles” fans waited patiently for 14 long years before getting a well-deserved sequel. Photo courtesy of @pixartheincredibles




he Incredibles” was one of the defining movies of the 2000s and finally, after a long and arduous wait, the Parr family came back to entertain the families who grew up with them. This time around, Elastigirl jumped into action while Mr. Incredible had to save the day in a different way: take care of the kids. And, in a super family, this may prove to be a more difficult task than any superhero work. The combination of nostalgia, humor, and mystery of “Incredibles 2” made it a film that was actually GOOD, something rarely found in reboots The film also largely discusses the growing danger of technology, perhaps making some teens have a second thought abou— wait, sorry I just got a SC. Gimme a sec.


DEC 2018




s people grow up, they grow apart. “TAG” is the tale of the long held tradition, an annual intensive game of tag, that holds a group of friends together. However, this ritual is threatened as one of the participants is getting hitched during the monthlong game. The movie plays off a sharp contrast between one of the most adult rituals, marriage, and one of the most childish, tag. Despite the often crass humor, the story of five friends coming together every year to play is, dare I say, 24% TAG touching? It was almost making me feel things. While “TAG” didn’t blow the roof off of the box 23% BlacKkKlansman office, it was certainly a hit among high schoolers. Maybe 19% The Spy Who Dumped Me they are looking to relive their childhoods. The times that 17% Blockers schooldays were as simple as chasing other people around. Or maybe it’s the five vaguely familiar looking lead actors? 17% Night School (Wasn’t that guy in “The Office”? And, hey, that’s Nick from “New Girl”!) Regardless of the reasoning, “TAG” is receiving some recognition. And, to top it all off, it’s based on a true story! Yes, several full grown men actually do this. Who doesn’t love a true story?



“TAG” you’re it! No, really. This movie is actually about a massive game of tag. Photo courtesy of @ TAG.




or all the Queen lovers out there, “Bohemian Rhapsody” was not a disappointment. Filled with all of the band’s top hits, it is pretty much impossible to watch the entire movie without busting out singing (I actually did). The biographical film follows the life of Freddie Mercury (Rami Malek) and his British band’s success. It starts with Mercury before his rise to fame and finishes with his Live Aid performance in 1985, and along the way you will be taken on a rollercoaster of emotions; one moment you may be Bohemian Rhapsody 34% laughing at the witty humor and the next you’ll be sobbing. This movie is extremely interesting as it shows Crazy Rich Asians 33% how the band evolved to combine opera and rock, A Star is Born 11% but it also shows the personal life of Mercury and his The Hate U Give 09% struggles with his sexuality, which may attract SDA students considering the large LGBTQ+ population. Beautiful Boy 07% Malek, who has risen in fame since his debut in USA’s Boy Eraseed 04% “Mr. Robot,” makes quite the impression on the silver First Man 02% screen, and handles those giant fake teeth with grace. So next time you are bobbing your head to Queen on the radio, you can take a moment and appreciate the story behind it.


“Bohemian Rhapsody” celebrates Freddie Mercury in vibrant scenes of of his life and career. Photo courtesy of @bohemianrhapsody







s the 18th film in the Marvel cinematic universe, “Black Panther” gained many positive reviews due to their efforts towards broadening the diversity of Hollywood. The intense action sequences and music collaborations with Kendrick Lamar sparked conversations for many SDA students. This combination of thought-provoking narrative and recognition of prevalent issues such as racism, vengeance, and social justice in a creative way made this movie a hit among students.



SURVEY SAYS 43% Black Panther 18% Oceans 8 15% Ready Player One 09% Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom 08% Mission: Impossible - Fallout 07% Ant Man and the Wasp Breaking numerous box office records, “Black Panther” won the highest-grossing film by a black director and the second-highestgrossing film worldwide, along with numerous awards and nominations. Photo courtesy of @blackpanther.







DA students proved their very sophisticated and mature sense of humor by voting “Bob’s Burgers,” a show with auto tuned fart noises in the soundtrack, as the best TV comedy. The show follows a struggling family running a very average burger shop, whose children sometimes plot murders and other shenanigans. Appealing potty humor aside, some may have a soft spot for this show and one of the incredBob’s Burgers 37% ibly relatable daughters, Tina. Your average horse girl, accurately depicts the awkward stage of high school New Girl 27% Tina that some of us may be all too familiar with. In addition Brooklyn Nine-Nine 19% to the quirky plot and loveable characters, the show adThe Good Place 14% dressed many feminist and more progressive topics over Superstore 02% the seasons, making it likeable by all and offending little to none-- a hard thing to do in this age.


I Feel Bad 01%

“Bob’s Burgers” never gets stale-- it began its ninth season this fall. Photo courtesy of @bob’sburgersclub





righteningly artistic and shamelessly gory, “American Horror Story” proves many of us have an affinity for the peculiar. An anthology series, each season is a totally new storyline and setting, but maintains a recurring cast that gives a familiarity to this long-running show on FX. This year’s season, “American Horror Story: Apocalypse,” garnered attention for bringing back fan favorites like Jessica Lange, and heralded a revival of the show. With previous seasons like “Hotel,” “Roanoke,” and “Cult” receiving mediocre responses, a reinvigorated fan base developed by “Apocalypse” earned this show its spot on our Best of Issue. But other than capti- 56% American Horror Story vating narratives that push the boundaries of main- 15% Chilling Adventures of stream horror, often time it’s the actors and actresses Sabrina that make this show truly fantastic. With returning performers on “American Horror Story” like Evan 14% The Haunting of Hill House Peters and Sarah Paulson --who have appeared in 08% The Sinner every season-- and enticing newcomers like Carrie 07% Sharp Objects Fisher’s daughter Billie Lourde, viewers are guaranteed to find something they enjoy. The show is alarming, dark, and truly a rare genre of horror that deserves a spot on everyone’s television screens.


“American Horror Story,” a long-running FX anthology, has gained a cult following in recent years (and not just because of “AHS: Cult.”) Photo courtesy of @americanhorrorstory





roduced for the sole purpose of causing a hunger epidemic, “The Great British Bake Off ” makes everyone wish they had unlimited money and time to make some proper pastries and London Bridges constructed entirely from bread. The show won the 2016 British Academy Television Award for Best Features and has received nominations since 2014. The contestants featured on the show are much like students seen at SDA, with a completely special funk to each individual baker. Like Kim-Joy, the runner-up whose birthday fell on World Great British Bake Off 32% Baking Day, or Jon, who wore Hawaiian shirts for almost every competition. The various accents in the show is one Survivor 24% reason our Laid-Back Californian selves love it; we just find RuPaul’s Drag Race 21% them all so charming. The sweet, carbohydrate-y goodness is Master Chef 18% what draws students in the most, as watching food be made can give way to the satisfaction of eating without spoiling Big Brother 05% your next meal. With Netflix recently picking up the series, it is unlikely our cravings will go away anytime soon.


There’s only one thing better than baking shows-- baking shows with British accents. Photo courtesy of @thegreatbritishbakeoff



DEC 2018




ow this proves how good high schoolers’ tastes really are. “Riverdale,” an instant classic, showcases some of the finest acting on TV right now. Blowing up in popularity after the first season, the cast includes Cody Martin, I mean Cole Sprouse, along with many other mid 20’s actors such as Lili Reinhart and KJ Apa playing 15 year olds . The extremely 37% Riverdale realistic high school experience of murder, murder cover-ups, large scale heroin distributing, and more 17% Atypical murder portrayed in 2018’s best drama drew SDA 17% Handmaid’s Tale students in with its relatability. But hey, when all 15% This Is Us those tests and homework assignments start to feel endless, drifting off into 40 minutes of fantasy isn’t 14% The Crown all bad. And whether good or bad, drama is always entertaining-- just like a train wreck. If that’s what SDA students want, it’s what they got with this year’s top drama. Maybe our tastes will mature, maybe they won’t. Until then, it’s binge watching time.



Season three of “Riverdale” is currently airing on the CW, and will likely be added to Netflix sometime in May 2019. Photo courtesy of Warner Bros.




ooking for a mix of celebrities, music, political satire, and fever-dream hallucinations? Then “Saturday Night Live” is the show for you! These days, there are all sorts of shows devoted to mocking politicians. But none of them is as good as SNL, a true classic. Political satire is definitely the show’s strength, and this year it featured Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s hearing and confirmation, SNL 61% Kanye West’s meeting with President Trump, and former Attorney General Jeff Session’s “resignation.” Jimmy Kimmel Live! 19% As a sketch comedy, the show is easy to watch in short Daily Show, Trevor Noah 10% pieces, and it’s available on Hulu and YouTube by Sunday Late Show, Stephen Colbert 08% morning. It’s a great way to have a few laughs, make jokes with friends, and then pretend you’re aware of current events Full Frontal, Samantha Bee 02% your because you watched Matt Damon scream “I like beer!” (or was it actually Kavanaugh? No one can say for sure). Through all the topical satire, SNL is sure to include lots of “funny” skits and only some of them work. A dance battle to game show music? No. A rap about trees? The best thing ever made. SNL can be hit or miss, but every once in a while, a sketch perfectly captures how you feel about current events. And that’s why it’s still popular in its 44th season.


Alec Baldwin and Donald Trump-- these days you can hardly tell them apart! Photo courtesy of @snl







igh school students love shows about 12-year-olds’ sexual escapades and the ups and downs of life as a pubescent little asshole. Since its second season came out this year, “Big Mouth” has taken Netflix and SDA by storm once again. Its dramatization and light-hearted approach to casual drug experimentation and masturbating is loved by many students. However, the show doesn’t just go for cheap laughs. It has some substance and attempts to tackle serious issues in a humorous way, like with second season episode “The 41% Big Mouth Planned Parenthood Show.” In fact , the hit show was nominated for “Outstanding Original Music and Lyrics” at the Emmys for its 28% Queer Eye season one episode “Am I Gay?” For those of you who are fans of 16% Everything Sucks! the show, you’ll be pleased to know that season three is definitely 05% Evil Genius happening(t hank you Netflix). And for those of you who have never seen it, the students have spoken; it’s worth the watch – es- 05% Maniac pecially if you like cartoon nudity and shows that take things way 05% GLOW too far in the best ways possible.




“Big Mouth” was created and voiced by popular comic Nick Kroll, and features Maya Rudolph, John Mulaney, and Jordan Peele. Photo courtesy of the Big Mouth official Facebook page.







illie Eilish sings about heavy ideas that she has experienced– from comparing oneself to other to unbearable heart break, all of which are relatable to high schoolers. Eilish’s delicate and breathy voice is a comfort; she lets us know we aren’t alone in the things we feel or the things we have experienced. Her aesthetic with the grey hair, ocean eyes, and colorful clothing adds to her unique style which she expresses through her visual appearance and creative ideas. Eilish and her brother make quite the team of singer songwriter and guitarist, singing her brother’s songs and even writing some of her own. At Billie Eilish 38% age 11 Eilish began to take after her brother who had just beArtic Monkeys 16% gun to take this path as well. Her new songs and music videos Weezer 16% capture her attitude and style; her creative outlook, which is different than anything anyone has done, shines through her Lil Wayne 12% twisted videos and her desperate words. For SDA students, Clairo 09% Eilish is on her way to the top because of her relatability and Camila Cabello 06% her desired aesthetic. She’s made her debut through her ability to think outside the box and do something no one has ever Sting 03% done before.


Billie Eilish sits in the floor, a demonstration of her creative video style. Photo courtesy of Billie Eilish official facebook.





ost of the people who don’t think they know this song actually, do, they just don’t realize it. It’s that song that everyone turns off after they hear a certain line. That one that people actually only know at most four lines of. If you know more, I commend you, that takes some real interest. It’s that song that caused some angry surprise at Winter Formal because the DJ shut it off at the most well-known part. Released on January 18th, “God’s Plan” by Drake served 19% God’s Plan - Drake as the leading single of his fifth studio album “Scorpion” 18% Africa - Weezer and second EP “Scary Hours.” It topped the Billboard Top 100 Chart by February 3rd, and became Drake’s fourth Hot 17% In My Fellings - Drake 100 number one song. The accompanying music video won 16% Mo Bamba - Sheck Wes BET’s Video of the Year award and director Karena Evans 12% I Like It - Cardi B won the iHeart Radio’s MMVA’s Best Director award. A 11% Girls Like You - Maroon 5 parody even aired on “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” “God’s Plan” had 4.3 million stream on Spotify in its first 07% God Is A Woman - Ariana day, breaking a record previously held by Taylor Swift.. Grande What they don’t realize, though, is that no one actually listens to the entire song. If there was a “Most Skipped” category, it’d probably win that too.


Drake is seen staring at all of the people constantly listening to “God’s Plan,” a song on his newest album, “Scorpion.” Photo courtesy of Drake official facebook.





s America becomes more and more infatuated with technology, we lose sight of the things that hold real importance in life. This concept is exemplified in Childish Gambino (Donald Glover)’s pop song “This is America,” which serves as a deeply intricate wake up call for do-nothing bystanders and the severity of gun violence in America. Its timely symbolism and pointed lyrics made for This Is America - Childish Gambino 31% one of, if not the best song of 2018. Glover’s “This is America” music video won three MTV VMA Lovely - Billie Eilish 25% awards including: best video with a social mesThank U, Next - Ariana Grande 19% sage, best direction, and best choreography. The Weight - Brockhampton 10% video has over 440 million views on YouTube and Glover chose not to comment on its Four out of five 08% counting. meaning in interviews, explaining that everything My my my - Troye Sivan 04% he creates is “for the people” and that the audience Never be the Same - Camila Cabello 03% should take from it what they need.


The “This is America.” music video depicts symbolism protesting gun violence. Photo courtesy of Childish Gambino “This is America” official music video



DEC 2018




here are few better vegetarian places to eat than Lazy Acres. With a wide range of options, it’s no wonder this grocery store with its deli has won our hearts (and wallets). From salad bars to packaged things you didn’t even know could be vegan, the expansive rows of alternative foods give you the illusion that you’re eating smart-- even when you leave with a donut. It’s just the fact of the matter, Lazy Acres satisfies our necessity to be a healthy Southern Californian, and the price tags are blissfully ignored in favor of shopping at this stylish grocery store. 33% Lazy Acres Californian jokes aside, getting lunch at Lazy Acres is such a 26% Plant Power convenient choice. Whatever type of eating you subscribe to-- vegetar18% Lotus Cafe ian, vegan, gluten-free, even plain old hungry-- there’s no doubt you’ll leave those shiny, automatic doors with something you’re genuinely 13% Naked Cafe excited to munch on. Everybody can have it their way. Your vegetarian 08% Native Foods friend finally can eat something other than a side salad during hour 02% EVE lunch, and your resident meat eaters can chow down on a poke bowl. Whichever genre of eating you want, Lazy Acres is guaranteed to satisfy your cravings. The vegetarian-friendly cherry on top has to be the proximity, however. With a fast driver it’s totally possible to be back on campus with half of lunch to spare. So pile into a car, transfer money from your savings, and get yourself that $20 salad. I mean hey, we said it was good, not cheap.




A gaggle of vegans wander into Lazy Acres. “Is this Heaven?” they ask.Photo by Jaden Hauptman




andel’s takes hold of SDA students’ hearts with its inexpensive variety of delicious ice cream. This parlor of dreams holds a perfect location—close enough to take a stroll with your sweetheart, and just north of downtown Encinitas. The low-cost sweet treat gives your wallet a break, and makes you look like a gentle(wo)man offering to pay. The line, I mean, the list, of 54 different ice cream flavors, is long enough to keep teens Handel’s 34% coming back. They even offer a “Four-scoop sampler” which offers four different types of ice cream, perfect for you and Sunset Lookout 23% you-know-who to share without sacrificing your whole ice 99 Cent Store 14% cream. Handel’s also hires plenty of SDA students, making Pelly’s Mini Golf 13% it an automatic fave. Handel’s has been rated Best Ice Cream Shop by Indy A-List 7 years in a row and National GeographPanera 10% ic “The 10 Best of Everything” listed Handel’s as one of the East Village Asian diner 06% top 10 Ice Creams in the world! This store has every lactoseintolerant person willing to sacrifice their Saturday night for an ice cream.


Got $5 in your wallet and a high maintance date? Go grab a cone at Handel’s and put your bank account at ease. Photo by Jaden Hauptman







inally, the answer to the campus wide debate is here: Jersey Mike’s has the best sandwich. The debate has been long and heated, but with an overwhelming majority, Jersey Mike’s has been voted number one, to the anger of some and pleasure of many. With a design- your- own sandwich style you can come in, choose your bread, and watch them slice your meat and cheese fresh in front of you. Next comes all the topping you could ask for. You can be as picky as 46% Jersey Mike’s you want and choose exactly what you like, or you can leave it all in the hands of Mike and order your sub Mike’s 28% Subman Way. Whatever you choose, the end result will be an 17% Firehouse Subs original sandwich of your choosing (at a price that’s ac- 05% Moto Deli tually reasonable for your average high schooler). So for your next hour lunch, or if you’re just bored on a Mon- 04% The Sandwich Spot day, test Jersey Mike’s to see if it truly is Encinitas’ best sandwich shop .




Mike’s Way or no way. Come for a bite here at Jersey Mike’s. Photo by Jaden Hauptman




WARNING! Side effects may include: brain death, normal death, realizing you have nothing to live for, getting divorced, inexplicable crying...


Senior Aeon Combs shares his knowledge about the Upperclassmen Life. Art by Camille Zimmer What are parties like? First of all, you shouldn’t be partying. Go study for your bio exam, freshman. I couldn’t tell you though, not because I don’t get invited or anything, but because I refuse to go as a matter of moral principle. But don’t ask me about it in the hallways.

Is prom fun? It depends on what you do really. My best dance experiences have been hanging out with my friends. Definitely take photos so that your pathetic, 50-year-old self will remember the stud you once were.

What is the lookout? I cannot tell you because the lookout isn’t something physical, it is an idea. For you to understand, the lookout must come to you and in this process you must be willing to accept the infinite knowledge of this place.


This week on Blogging with Debra, a deluded 28-year-old spinster: Turning a gingerbread house into a gingerbread home. By Shayna Glazer and Taylor Rudman


oli-hey! How you ladies doing today? Debbie here, once again. I’m kind of shocked! My readership has spiked since my first post almost a year ago; I guess ladies really can relate to the cooking for one lifestyle. But I have some good news: things with Brad are heating up! In my last post, I shied away from saying his name since we were going through a bit of a rough patch (there’s no hard feelings anymore- I totally get why he didn’t invite me to his family’s Thanksgiving dinner… see? Ladies, I’m over it.) but now I can happily say that we are a joy-filled couple this holiday season. Well anyways, we are going to mix things up a little in this blog post. I know I usually stick to recipes and overly intimate details about my personal life, but today we will be doing more of a DIY. Well, DIO (Do It Ourselves) because THIS special post is for me and Brad. We will be making gingerbread houses. I know what you’re thinking-- what a cute couple. We already know. We aren’t doing it for your praises. However I will have you know it was all my idea to make gingerbread houses so I’ll take praise for that. I am ready to take it to the next level with Brad. That’s right, ladies; I’m not just interested in getting icing on my fingers. I want ICE. I’m ready for Brad to propose! Yes, it has only been a few months. And yes, some people would say that’s too soon. We won’t just be another Pete and Ariana. We’re really in love! He hasn’t unfriended me on Facebook or tried to disappear and change his name. It’s simply meant to be. So how do I let him know I’m


ready for that next step? Well, that’s where the gingerbread house comes in. When he sees how happy our little gingerchildren are while playing around the white picket fenced yard, he’ll realize he wants that for us. Then he will realize I want that for us. And bam! Proposal. The ingredients you use can vary, but just make sure they are sugary sweet, like life with Brad. My first tip is make sure beforehand you are going to get everything you want for your life gingerbread house with your significant other. Start by constructing your house. Remember, the most important thing in a relationship gingerbread house is a good foundation. That means trust a strong base. For example, I trust Brad. He says Janet is just a friend. And I totally believe him. Sure, she floods his DMs. But he lets me read through ALL OF THEM! And that, ladies, is true love. Anyways, right, gingerbread. Use thick frosting and make sure to hold the pieces together for 10-15 seconds (which is about how long it took for my last relationship to fall apart). After building the house, the rest is really up to you. Use some creativity in how you decorate. This is your life; you live it how you want! Because you have the power. You have it. Here are some of the important details I am going to add in. Firstly, a white picket fence. This is a MUST. Our gingerchildren need somewhere safe to play! Weirdly enough, most gingerbread house kits do not come with infrastructure for adequate fencing. So I’ll make my own! Sometimes you need

to put that extra effort in to actually make something happen. Just like I had to subtly remind Brad about our three month anniversary to make sure he didn’t forget to get me something. For the fence, I am using yogurt covered pretzels. These are PERFECT, because not only do they make for strong supports, but they are good for you! Probably. Yogurt is better than chocolate, right? Gotta watch my figure if I’m going to fit into the wedding dress. And secondly, everyone loves landscaping, especially working

Eggnog c i s s a l C s min 15


ther. ar toge and sug s lk o y k egg dients. 1.) Whis er ingre

e oth . combin e eggs g r ipe. How radually la G .) 6 2 this rec in l o h alcohol? no alco sugar ere isn’t , there’s nog if th 3.) Wait g - 1 cup g e k rin day nyone d s milk the holi would a et into g 4.) Why - 2 cup to d ppose G! I am I su heavy METHIN the hell um, SO r , - 1 cup 5.) How n o b r its? Bou g cream my spir BevMo. trip to without it ir whippin sp d make a n to u o d e r e n going to ch of g anta is - a pin think S nutmeg

with your boyfriend in the yard. Who wouldn’t love watching the hot sun beat down on Brad’s muscled back and the way he really works hard to dig holes for me to place our store bought flowers into. Sorry, where was I? Yes, gingerbread. Landscaping for a gingerbread house

requires the usage of gumdrops. Think of them like cute little bushes to add color and enjoyment to your perfect new home. I know Brad will love them and your significant other’s will too. Finally! These gingerbread house kits also come with extra characters, so we are going to use the little cookie dog that is thrown in with the set. I chose one that looks

like a golden retriever; I’m showing Brad that I’m a responsible adult who knows how to pick and choose what I want. And I want him. Anyways ladies have fun with your gingerbread accessories and don’t forget that icing can be added on to everything. That’s all for this post ladies! I’m hoping you’re having wonderful holiday encounters and are finding love in every regard.

DEC 2018



...buying a civil war rifle off ebay, illegally adopting an albino hedgehog, spontaneous combustion, applying to 38 colleges, heat stroke

HOROSCOPE Trust the planets. By Camille Zimmer

Aries You have a vague memory of defecating in public in the country of Turkey. You aren’t sure if it was a dream or not but you are scared to go back to Turkey.

just be two big fingers or your fingers are just tiny arms. Everyone says you’re wrong.

Taurus You believe that miming is the purest of all art forms. You will advocate for mime rights until the day you die and will start “UC Mime,” a safe community and learning environment for all mimes.

Cancer You believe that aliens faked the moon landing and stole the astronaut’s bodies to gain our trust. They then returned to Earth and faced great struggles when adjusting to human life. You just want to help the aliens.

Gemini You believe that if you cut off all of your fingers, your arms would

Leo You stay up hours at night thinking about the endless

possibilities of “Horton Hears a Who.” Virgo Imagine yourself as a baby giraffe being born. Falling… falling then BAM. After your big fall everyone makes fun of you for months for being clumsy. Libra Deep inside you know that George Washington wasn’t real and that history books were written by the Lochness Monster.

Scorpio This month you may be feeling down in the dumps. You don’t want to admit it but you are sad that Scorpio Season just ended and that the attention isn’t on you anymore.

Aquarius You often consider the option of becoming a fragrance chemist. Your keen sense of smell is what you’re known for and is what you are most proud of

Sagittarius Your strength is your agility. Your biggest weakness is your irrational fear of magicians.

Pisces This month try underwater hockey. You can scream as much as you want underwater and the water pressure will help relieve the real pressure in your life caused by your favorite canned beans expiring.

Capricorn Refresh your style this year and make Band-Aids your favorite fashion accessory.


I made breads for the holidays and maybe poisoned my whole family. Stayed tuned on that one. Story and pictures by Maya Hamson


t’s the holiday season and I like bread, so I spent four hours baking bread associated with three December holidays: Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa. As someone whose grandma can’t cook and therefore didn’t pass down any recipes, I had to turn to the world’s grandmother: Google. Here’s how that went. CHRISTMAS BREAD: YULE LOG This involved beating a lot of eggs. Like, a lot. I gave up about three seconds in and made my trusty assistant, Molly Buhaenko do all the whipping and beating. I never told her we had an electric mixer. My trusty assistant Molly Buhaenko: “You know a Yule Log is a dessert and not bread, right?” Me: “Now that depends on your definition of bread.” I like this one because it actually looked like a log. I’m a little disappointed because it didn’t light on fire and burn like a log should? It didn’t taste like wood, but it was still pretty yummy. 4/10 (false advertising with the name. If it’s not an actual log, don’t call it that) HANUKKAH: CINNAMON SUGARED CHALLAH This took the entirety of the four hours. I had to “brown butter”


without burning it. I stirred for 10 minutes on low heat and nothing was happening. I had turned the stove off. I stirred for another 10 minutes with the heat on and it didn’t change color the whole time. I don’t think butter can be any color other than white or yellow. There is no end in sight: only butter Me: “Happy CHALLAH-days! Have I said that already?” My increasingly annoyed assistant Molly Buhaenko: “YES. TWELVE TIMES.” This was delicious. It was sweet and doughy and cinnamony. I ate

half of it and have a stomach ache. My family keeps trying to take some but I am guarding it with my life. I have a bread knife. They can’t take my Challah now. 8/10 (the butter never turned brown. It went straight from yellow to black. Butter is the enemy). KWANZAA: CORNBREAD This was the easiest. Just throw the ingredients in a bowl, mix ‘em around, toss it into the cast iron skillet that you found buried under a pile of camping supplies in the attic, and toss it in the oven. Make sure you

clean the skillet first . With water, not with soap or chemical cleaning supplies. My concerned mother: “Why does the cornbread taste like PineSol? What did you clean the skillet with?” Me: “This unmarked bottle of dish soap.” My horrified mother: “THAT’S PINE-SOL” Me:“Is it poisonous?” My mother, spitting out my cornbread: “YES!” Me: “Oops.” The cornbread was very good if

you could get over the taste of toxic chemicals. If you ate it with a spoon and avoided the edges, you could hardly tell. 7/10 (my mom made me throw it away because she didn’t want me killing our whole family) THE WINNER In conclusion, if you know nothing about baking and want to take out your family so you can start a new life as an Icelandic sheepherder, I would go with the Pine-Sol cornbread. No one in my family has died from eating it, but the year isn’t over yet.




WARNING! Side effects may include: looking up when your friends say ‘gullible’ is written on the ceiling, speaking in olde english, horse...

You hated it when you were a kid. But now you’re buying back your childhood outfits from Goodwill. By Sophie Hughes.


emember all those outfits you used to hate ten years ago? How much you used to complain and gripe about the clothes your mom would pick out for you? Every Christmas or birthday, when you had to fake appreciation for the unstylish attire you’d been gifted -- then you’d be sure to shove them in the back of your closet. They’d be out of sight, out of mind, until the next garage sale or Goodwill donation came around, when you’d come up with an excuse that “they didn’t fit right.” Strange how these anti-trends are facing a 180 degree turn in popularity a decade or more

later. Here are some that have made a comeback -- are they hot or not? BABY CLIPS Bright little butterfly clips or snap clips have returned like moths to those damn lamps. At this point, they’re probably putting the bobby pin crew out of business. Back in the day, we used to wear them to pull our bangs back or keep our baby hairs in our ponytails. We even had fancy glitter ones or (gasp) FLOWERS on them for fancy occasions. Those ones have yet to make an appearance, but the colorful ones have come back for pigtails and half-up/half-down looks.

LONG SLEEVES UNDER SHORT SLEEVES This always looked uncomfortable in elementary school, but it’s definitely a look now (granted, it’s executed much more tastefully than it was before). Once upon a time, your mom would make you do it, but now it’s the mom friend of your group that’s making sure you don’t catch a cold right before finals. And she’s right, it’s practical -- when it’s not warm enough to wear the shirt or dress by itself, a long sleeve makes it doable. It also protects from admin’s dresscoding when a shirt is deemed “too

revealing” because (gasp) it shows your SHOULDERS. PANTS WTH THE WRONG SIZE WAIST Remember when jeans had elastic waistbands? They had the little slashes in it and a button to put through the right length. Except they never really fit right, and when you did adjust it to the right size, the top of the jeans puffed out, giving you an odd shape, because the waist wasn’t really made for any type of adjustment. That all changes when you hit about fifth grade, with the introduction of BELTS and

DIFFERENT SIZES OF PANTS that weren’t based off your age. Well, now people do it on purpose. Whether they just can’t find the right size of those really cute pants, or they just think it’s a look, people are taking these too-large pants and cinching them really high and tight around the waist, so when they do puff out, they give the illusion of bigger hips I guess? Or maybe it’s for hiding your Juul when you head to the bathroom during class. I don’t know.

*endorsed by Congressman Duuncan Huunter

Graphic by Sylvia Young


DEC 2018



WARNING! Side effects may include: looking up when your friends say ‘gullible’ is written on the ceiling, speaking in olde english, horse...

With sufficient evidence, almost scholarly, skater Drake Mothe and surfer Taylor Hughes, seniors battle it out. By Alexis Price


“Isn’t he cute? We are both just so cute together.” Drake Mothe. Photo by Alexis Price


s a hot dog a sandwich? Surfer: I’d consider it a burger because it’s meat and a bun. Skater: Yea, I mean it’s in between buns. A meatball sub is a sandwich, but split open.

When does the holiday season begin? Surfer: I guess the beginning of December when everyone starts wearing Santa hats. Skater: December 2nd. The first day is an intermediary period.

Surfer, I like your reasoning. Most would answer with a “yes” or “no,” but your response was like an essay. Well done. However, I must address the issue that you have raised - is a burger a hot dog if a hot dog is a burger? It is like the question “is a square a rectangle”? After extensive research and concurring with Harvard law professors and the World Famous Hot Dog Eating Championship, I have decided that burgers cannot be considered hot dogs, but hot dogs can be considered burgers. Surfer, I award you 21 points. Skater, I agree with your reasoning as well. Including a real world example to your argument adds sound reason to your logic. However, you will be awarded less because I would consider a meatball sub to be a separate issue. Now I’m hungry. I award you 17 points, Skater.

Surfer, I’m not sure I agree with you. What about the other holidays? Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, New Years? Get it together man. Also, what is considered to be the beginning of December? December first or before the 15th, you decide. Now I’m thinking too much. I guess I will award you 7 points Surfer. It is a lucky number in many cultures, but not for you today Surfer. Skater, I have to agree with you. People tend to forget about a new month beginning on the first day, so just rolling into December is the right way to go. Everyone needs a little time to get into the frantic holiday mindset of spending time with friends and family, whilst maintaining grades and eating yule logs. Skater, I award you 15.5 points, and that .5 comes from using the word “intermediary” in your answer. Nice right?

Relatives at the holidays are... Surfer: Interesting… I don’t know… Skater: A hassle That is a light way to put it Surfer. I sense a bit of hesitation in your answer… the real question is why? Maybe your relatives are actually a bunch of ocean fish. That’s the real reason you love surfing. You say “I don’t know,” but are you just trying to avoid the fact that you are actually a merman? Surfer, we are at SDA legs or a fish tail - it doesn’t matter to us, we accept everyone. Surfer I award you 19.5 points. Skater, I appreciate your honesty. The holidays are already a stressful time, despite a break. When family members stay in your guestroom for a week, eat all of your favorite cereal, and delete your saved Jeopardy episodes, FOR EXAMPLE, it can get a little tense. Skater, just skate as far away as you can when cantankerous Grandpa Joe arrives. Skater, I award you 27 points because I feel your pain bruh. Surfer: 47.5 points Skater: 59.5 points Skater, you win nothing yew genius!


T H E M U STANG 12.21.18

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