The Mustang October 2018

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10.04.18 VOLUME 23 ISSUE 1



Letter from the Editor L

adies and gentleman, another school year has begun. Another year, another year. I’m a senior now, which is a fact that I refuse to fully accept and will likely be in denial of until graduation. Unfortunately, my “having classes” and “being responsible for things” has made it a little difficult to forget. The haze of summer has faded and the stark reality of quarter grades is beginning to set in. (That’s right, kids. Those are happening. Watch out.) Where did all the time go? That may be a question on many minds these days. Or maybe most of us are too focused on getting through the present, or finding the future, to wonder what ever happened to the past. Regardless of what you spend your time thinking about, or if you even think about time, its passing is inevitable. We just shouldn’t let the good times pass us by. (Sorry, that was cheesy. I know it was.) So take a deep breath, open your eyes, and keep moving. Throughout my high school career, I have been told about

ROLL CALL Editor-in-Chief Taylor Rudman Design Editor Simmone Stearn News Editor Aiden Fullwood Opinion Editor Sophie Huges

500 too many times that these will be the best times of my life. Maybe they are. I wouldn’t know. All time is equally important, including this time. Even this moment right now. (Maybe this is the time that you ask yourself if you are wasting time reading what this crazy person has to say.) Time is important and it is finite so spend it the way that feels right. Spend it doing things that matter to you. Spend it laughing - our CAF section starts on page 28. (For you freshman out there, or really anyone reading this, CAF stands for Circus Animal Fun. We won’t tell you again. And don’t bother asking why the humor section is called that - no one really knows. Not even us. It just is. Be okay with it.) And try not to spend too much of that time stressing out (editor’s note: hypocrisy alert), because spending time worrying about things you can’t control is time that could have been used changing the things you can. So, while it may be fun to complain about the new AP sign-up deadlines (get educated on the next page),

Cover Artist

don’t let it consume you. Look for things you can spend your time changing. Election season is coming up, and while most of us little children can’t vote yet, that doesn’t mean you can’t make yourself heard. (Read about a teacher union rally on page 5, or a less-than-wholesome politician on page 9.). However you choose to use your time, just remember it should matter. So, I guess, best of luck, Taylor Rudman, Editor-in-Chief p.s. Entirely unrelated to my existential “what does time even mean” breakdown, it is officially October. Which means it is socially acceptable to start freaking out about Halloween (okay, more socially acceptable). If you want to take a spooky second out of your day, flip to page 21 to check out our “Inktober” spread. Or page 18 to learn more about Witch Thursdays (which technically are not at all seasonal, but hey, still spooky).


Junior Grace Scerni is a junior has been doing art since elementary school. Scerni loves to paint with bright colors and explore abstract shapes. She is inspired by bright colors in unexpected locations and also draws inspiration from the ocean. Outside of art, Scerni plays for the school basketball team and works at Philz Coffee on the 101.

Backpage Photographer


Freshman Davis Fowler has been interested in photography for a while, but this year he is taking his first photography class. He captured the picture for this month’s backpage while doing a project on leading lines. “I saw the strings of the guitar and I decided to line them up with the bell tower,” Fowler said. Out of school, Fowler likes to go out into nature to take pictures. His favorite things to photograph are landscapes. He said, “I go backpacking a lot, so I take pictures out on the trails.”

OCT 2018

Features Editor Sylvia Young Taylor Rudman Arts Editor Linnaea Erisman Humor Editor Sylvia Young Sports Editor Yari Sequeria Photo Editor Jaden Hauptman Business Managers Ally Joelson Online Editor Devlin Ott Online Sports Editor Alexis Price Staff Writers Aeon Benford-Combs Amelia Kaiser Ava Meyer Cade Culbertson Camille Zimmer Drew Atkins Joice He Katie Pruden Lila Schief Madelyn Sequira Maya Hamson Molly Ford Rithika Vighne Savannah Feuling Advisor Tim Roberts The Mustang is the student newspaper of San Dieguito Academy. Advertisements do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the newspaper. The Mustang is an open forum which welcomes letters. Letters can be submitted to room 42, or emailed to San Dieguito Academy Room 42 800 Santa Fe Drive Encinitas, CA 92024


Testing kids’ patience


JAMES HRZINA, AP Psychology teacher, lecturing his psychology class. Photo by Jaden Hauptman.

Earlier registration deadlines for AP exams spark criticsm among students and staff members. Some students say they feel unprepared to commit to exams early in the school year and share concerns about wasting money. By Aiden Fullwood.


n an experiment with San Ditheir goal is to get people to commit eguito Academy, College Board is to these exams earlier, and no doubt implementing several changes this there’s something financial suryear regarding AP exams, the most rounding that,” Caughey said. “Their controversial being a shift in registra- argument is that getting students tion deadlines. Some SDA students enrolled early will help better prepare complained that the early registrathem. They’ll be more committed to tion is too soon to decide whether take the test.” they want to take the AP exam. In an email to The Mustang, SDA is among 800 high schools Maria Alcon-Heraux, College Board nationwide piloting the earlier signDirector of Media Relations, stated up dates, which changes the deadline that the changes were enacted based for exams from mid-March to Oct. on the results of last year’s pilot. Tens 15 for fall AP of thousands of exams, and Feb. students tested “I’m worried that I will the fall registra15 for spring. Other changes and the resign up for it, and then tion, include access to sults have shown study resources that schools not feel prepared but and a more efcommitting to ficient test-taking I’ll have to take it earlier registraprocedure. because I already paid tion deadlines The regis“report that for it.” tration window this results in a will remain open higher level of until Oct. 25 but student engagean additional late -Mackenzie Moe, ment in AP fee will apply. courses,” Alconsenior After that date, Heraux said. “At students will no these schools, we longer be eligible to sign up for the see that students are more likely to fall course exams, according to Astake AP Exams and earn scores of 3 sistant Principal Robert Caughey. or higher.” The Oct. 15 deadline passes The College Board has also proseven weeks into fall classes, and vided resources and study materials some students said they feel that they for students and teachers to access on will not have had adequate time to a registration portal called “My AP.” assess if they would do well on the “Starting with the 2019-20 school AP exam. “My class will have taken year, AP students and teachers [natwo tests by that time and that’s not tionwide] will benefit AP enough,” senior Mackenzie Moe said. question bank, unit guides, personal “I’m worried that I will sign up for progress checks, and a performance it, and then not feel prepared but I’ll dashboard,” Alcon-Heraux said. have to take it because I already paid “Teachers will also receive detailed for it.” course frameworks that will clearly In response, Caughey explained spell out the content and skills that the purpose behind the sudden will appear on the exam.” changes. “For the College Board, The new resources are designed


to create education focused on AP exam content for students as well as an adjustable “time-saving roadmap” for teachers to base their instruction on, Alcon-Heraux said. However, AP Calculus teacher Darlene Blanchard finds the new online study materials and test topics to be confusingly categorized. “As I’ve tried to look through the problems they have on the AP website, they were not that accessible,” Blanchard said. “Khan Academy is so much more can just hit practice and start exercise and it’s ready to go. The students don’t even need me to assign’s much easier for me to refer people to Khan Academy.” Another purpose of the deadline revisions was to create a more streamlined test-taking process without the registration formalities. The information students enter when joining their “My AP” classes will be recorded and used when they test in May. ”We will be able to move the registration information directly into our exam ordering system,” Alcon-Heraux said. “This also means we can provide schools with personalized labels for each student, eliminating the need for much of the “bubbling” students currently do on exam day.” Despite the intended benefits, many SDA teachers and students expressed their concerns about the drastic changes. Blanchard said she is not happy about the College Board “making parents pay so early for an AP test, and the fact that once they pay for it, if they change their mind, the College Board still keeps fifty dollars... they don’t need to ask for money that early in the year.” Each exam costs $94.

On the other hand, AP Language and Composition teacher Paige Pennock understands both perspectives. “I would imagine that having the students have to choose earlier might get more to sign up,” Pennock said. Additionally “...students [would] not have to spend the time bubbling in all of their information on the day of the exam since the exam day is already really long and stressful.” Junior Jessica Vance shares similar financial concerns as Blanchard. “Students...have to decide whether or not to take the test before they have actually learned most of the material,” Vance said. “If a student later decides not to [take the test] they just lost a lot of money that they could use in other ways.” Administration also acknowleges concerns about the changes. “I think that is something that as a district we’re gonna have to consider, but the College Board too is gonna have to consider when this goes nationwide,” Caughey said. The changes pose an additional conflict for seniors applying to colleges. “...Let’s say a student...gets into a college that doesn’t accept that credit. The student would rightfully want their money back,” Caughey said. Some seniors will receive college acceptance letters before the end of first semester, which with the old March sign-up deadlines would have allowed them to assess whether or not to take the AP test based on what credits that college transfers. The chance to receive college credit for introductory courses was the “intent of the AP program to begin with,” Caughey said. For some classes, the exam deadline has a different effect. The conduct of the exams in AP Studio

Art is a different story. Instead of taking a proctored exam, students turn in a portfolio at the end of the year. “We’re the odd ducks in all of them because unlike all the other classes...we don’t study,” art teacher Jeremy Wright said. “Our test started the first day of school...and it ends in May when they [students] actually turn their work in.” Wright maintains an ambivalent position, calling on others to understand that College Board is “a business...AP is a monopoly. There are no other companies that do this. It’s about money for them...and planning. Here they are trying to print these tests and all of the sudden they print too many. It’s waste because kids dropped out.” On the other hand, Wright sees the potential for these changes to be constructive. Artists like his students thrive on deadlines that motivate them to organize and plan their projects more efficiently, Wright said. For junior Grace Warrick, the deadline adjustments also hold little significance. “I already know that I’m taking the AP tests for sure. I’ve known since I signed up for the courses last semester,” Warrick said. “It doesn’t matter to me when I have to register.” Whether or not the new deadlines are supported or opposed by the SDA community doesn’t alter the fact that October sign-ups are the new reality. “It’s change,” Wright said. “People are always going to be upset about change.” Reporters Devlin Ott, Ava Meyer, and Camille Zimmer contributed to this story.



To end school shootings? Start with hello. In January, San Dieguito Academy looks to integrate the initiatives of the Sandy Hook Promise, a nationwide non-profit movement of parents, schools and communities affected by the Sandy Hook shooting in 2012. By Rithika Vighne.


ollowing the school shooting at Parkland earlier this year, SDA administration decided there was an urgency to ensure the safety of the campus. They aimed to prioritize inclusivity among students, spreading the message through assemblies to be given by Sandy Hook Promise speakers in January and releasing a new app for students to report unusual activities seen on campus. Late last semester, SDA freshmen and sophomores attended an assembly by Sandy Hook Promise program during the CAASPP testing period. However, this year’s event looks to involve all grades. Led by several family members whose loved ones were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012, the Sandy Hook Promise Program is a non-profit, national movement of parents, schools and community organizations engaged and empowered to deliver gun violence prevention programs. According to the Sandy Hook Promise website, they accomplish their mission by attracting and educating parents, schools and students through social media and public speaking initiatives. After many extensive conversations with local law enforcement by the school counselors, the Sandy Hook Promise was brought to the San Dieguito school district. Some the students that went through the program last year, mostly sophomores and freshmen who weren’t a part of the CAASPP testing, hardly remembered the activities. “Honestly, I can only remember the lime green background on all of the PowerPoint presentations,” sophomore Kylie Schwartz said. “It was the basic stuff: talk to adults and look for signs,” she said. “It was the kind of stuff I knew already, but I guess it was a good reminder. It’s just such a heavy topic that there is no easy answer, but they’re trying to convince us that there is. It’s too complex, so we can’t control the fact that [for example] someone has a gun in their backpack. At that point there is nothing we can do, and everything has so drastically changed. Nothing can prepare us for this. Of course, that’s just my cynical point of view after these 18 shootings


in these first 2 months of this year.” The Sandy Hook Promise Program involves two initiatives: “Start with Hello” and “Say Something.” “Start with Hello” is centered around inclusivity and letting no student go unnoticed. “We’ve already started implementing activities focusing on inclusivity, including We Connect Wednesdays where we’re trying to get students, who normally wouldn’t get themselves involved, involved,” said Assistant Principal Caughey. “It’s really [dependent] on students engaging with one another.” The second initiative is the “Say Something” initiative, which at some point will involve an app for student phones as well as a training for students and staff. Essentially, it goes by the premise of ‘You see something, you say something’ and it will be an anonymous way for students to share things that they see on campus that might be alarming or need attention. “It’s based on the fact that some students don’t feel comfortable sharing with adults. They don’t want to come off as a snitch or be embarrassed if they’re wrong,” said Caughey. “All the [students] have to do is use the app and type in what they feel like is concerning. Then, we have a group that vets each of those entries and shares with us as appropriate...based on the urgency of it. For example, a report of a student with suicidal thoughts will alert us immediately so we can support them.” These decisions to determine the urgency of each threat are made by trained employees of the Sandy Hook Promise. According to Caughey, one of the main reasons why the district decided to implement the initiatives of the Sandy Hook Promise into local high schools, middle schools and elementary schools is because they are more focused on student health and safety, rather than getting into the controversial debate about gun control. “Their job is preventing attacks from happening in the first place,” said Caughey. On the other hand, many students argued that immediate gun control reforms from the government should be the biggest priority. “Once we get to the point where so many people and children are actually being killed, it’s no longer about

walking up to people and trying to be friendly,” said sophomore Annika Maxwell. “It’s about demanding government changes like gun control.” “Personally, I think we shouldn’t have any guns in this country besides muskets and such that we need to load gunpowder in,” said sophomore Caolinn Hukill. “Because that’s what the Second Amendment was built in consideration of. They didn’t have assault rifles that can shoot x amount of bullets in x amount of minutes back when the amendment was created. In other words, we should just stick to cannons.” “I agree,” Maxwell joined in. “Limitations have to grow as technology grows.” However, Caughey disagreed with the fact that gun control should be the number one priority, citing the analysis behind the Columbine shooting. “Columbine” is a book written by Dave Cullen in 2009 which recounts the tragedy of the Columbine shooting in Colorado. “The writer looks back on everything that was missed along the way. We know that perpetrators of mass shootings...inevitably say something to someone. They share that information on social media, they share it in their classroom, the share it in confidence with a friend and it inevitably leaks. “The hardest part is that everybody saw something, but nobody said anything. Teachers, parents, friends...they had recorded video evidence [of these incidents]. All the [bystanders] had no doubt heard this for a long time. What if somebody had engaged the Columbine killer and showed more affection towards them? What if they hadn’t been bullied? Sandy Hook Promise is going to try and eliminate these ‘What if ’s before a student takes up a gun and commits a violent crime.” One SDA student believes that we were already moving in the right direction before this program. “We all get this information from the news and we have so many protests going on all the time with students our age who are actively involved,” said Schwartz, “We aren’t sitting back idly. In fact, we’re more involved than ever, living in the middle of it all.”

Source: Sandy Hook Promise website

OCT 2018


Stay safe, kids

SDA administration is taking new security measures on campus in response to gun violence in American schools. By Aiden Fullwood


n the wake of February’s Parkland school shooting and increasing levels of gun violence in American schools, San Dieguito Academy is taking measures to ensure the safety of students and faculty on campus. Among upcoming security features will be new perimeter fences, set for construction next summer, as well as an updated visitor-screening system known as Raptor. According to Principal Adam Camacho, one of the most significant goals of the security updates is to “direct visitor traffic directly into the main office” and to avoid unscreened individuals wandering the halls. The perimeter fences will surround the front of the school and wrap around the new math and science building with the intention of covering open access areas of the school, including the entrance gates to both student parking lots. For several months Camacho and the main office have been coordinating with the architect assigned to the case to work out the constructional logistics. One of the fencing locations could be “...outside in the street, or something internal that might seal off the music building to the student services building…,” Camacho said. In addition to the fencing, the new Raptor screening system has already been installed for piloting by SDA and is currently awaiting training for teachers and staff from Raptor personnel.

FENCING WILL BE added to some of the more open areas on campus. Photo by Jaden Hauptman According to the Raptor Technologies website, the security system is designed to offer a safer and more reliable method of maintaining visitation records as opposed to previous pencil and paper methods. The operation process is simple. “They’ll [visitors] come in, drop their driver’s license in [a scanner], and it prints out a little black and white

badge with the visitor’s picture on it,” Camacho said. “That’s what folks will wear when they go to campus rather than a self-written visitor’s badge.” The system is so effective because “each and every visitor is instantly screened against the registered sex offender databases in all fifty states,” and additionally can “check visitors against custom data-

bases set by each school which can contain custody alerts and/or banned visitors,” Raptor Technologies said. In order to enforce these upcoming changes and even maintain security now, two full-time campus supervisors, Leslie England and Richard Warner, “are strategically placed around campus a peak times...

to keep an eye,” Camacho said. They will also assist in directing visitor traffic. Regardless of the what SDA’s future hold in terms of on-campus security, for Camacho “the always going to be super important.”

Teachers demonstrate

School board elections are approaching, and election controversies are heating up. By Taylor Rudman


TEACHERS AND FACULTY gathered in support of three school board candidates. Photo by Taylor Rudman


ore than 40 teachers and faculty from the San Dieguito Union High School District rallied outside the district office midSeptember to show their support for school board candidates Amy Flicker (Voting Area One), Rhea Stewart (Area 3), and Kristin Gibson (Area 5). This election cycle, seven candidates are running for three open board seats. Elections will take place on Nov. 6. Blue signs displaying the candidates’ names were distributed to the crowd by SDFA President Tim Staycer, who gave an instructional speech before sending them to march up and down the sidewalk on the corner of Encinitas Boulevard and Delphinium in neat, single-file lines. The members chatted as they waved their signs at passing by cars, many of which honked in support. In an email, Staycer said, “We have vetted each of the candidates that had applied for SDFA’s endorse-

ment: i.e., Background checks, interviews, applications, conversations with other members who know the candidates, and after hours of conversations it was very clear which 3 candidates we needed to Endorse.” Many SDFA members hoped the demonstration would help rally more support for the endorsed candidates before election day, Nov. 6. San Dieguito Academy counselor Duncan Brown said, “They are high quality people that have done a ton in education and now want to come to our district so we just want to support that.” Earl Warren social studies teacher Suzanne Brown held a deep respect for the three candidates as well. “I can’t speak highly enough about their experience, their expertise, their belief in governance, their ability to clearly articulate themselves…,” Brown said. “They would be a godsend on our board to have three really strong women; it would

be wonderful.” Some SDFA participants felt that the demonstration was particularly valuable to them, as they cannot afford to live in their district boundaries and would be unable to vote in the upcoming school board election. “People’s livelihoods depend on this place, and even though they can’t live in this place, they are willing to commute because they believe in what is going on,” Canyon Crest Academy counselor Ashley Bahner said. “And so lacking a direct voice, I think being out here they’re hoping they can inspire other people to make a choice that’s positive.” All Area One and Three candidates will be given the opportunity to answer student and community generated questions at The Mustang’s School Board Candidates Night on Thursday, Oct. 18 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. The event will take place in the Mustang Commons and is open to the public.



Evaluation excitement SDA’s upcomming evaluation by WASC has inspired many teachers, students, and parents to commit to improving the school as a whole. By Cade Culbertson.


hile others were sleeping in during late start, students, teachers, and parents gathered before school one Wednesday in mid-September throughout the campus to discuss the upcoming evaluation by WASC (Western Association of Schools and Colleges). For the first time since 2012, representatives will be sent to the school during the last week of February to evaluate how well teachers are instructing students as a whole. This information will then be passed on to colleges to help them determine how credible of a school SDA is. Five meetings were held, each addressing a different topic. The topics covered were culture, leadership, assessment, curriculum: learning, and curriculum: standards. The purpose of each meeting was to start collecting evidence on how the school fulfils its goals related to WASC. In the culture meeting in the Mustang Commons, the words “Mission” and “Vision” were projected on the screen in large, bolded letters. Following these titles were the mission and vision statements


that history teacher James Hrzina announced to everyone at the meeting. The mission statement read, “San Dieguito Academy is a learning community which nurtures the individual, promotes academic rigor, provides varied opportunities for success, and celebrates creative expression.” The vision statement, meant to be a broader and overarching declaration of the school’s goals, read, “We cultivate compassion, optimism, and love for learning, while building on our core values, so all students may lead rewarding lives and contribute to their communities.” In a later interview, WASC self-study coordinator and APUSH teacher Kerry Koda said, “The design of them is to guide the decisions we make so we can focus on the best things for students.” She continued, “It’s important to articulate your goals and the mission and vision statements help us do that” After the presentation, Hrzina split the members into groups to discuss how SDA was accomplishing its mission and vision statements with regards to its culture. He reminded everyone, “If WASC isn’t

satisfied, the school won’t get its credentials.” This isn’t the only meeting that will be held in regards to WASC. “This is a process that will end in February,” Koda said. “I always believe that we should improve any process that helps SDA become a better place. The ultimate outcome is that we’re evaluating ourselves so we can be a better school.” Koda also highlighted why she believes everyone at SDA should care about the upcoming evaluation. She said, “Whenever we send our transcripts to colleges, the WASC evaluation lets them know they’re valid. If we’re not a WASC approved school, colleges can’t know if they can trust us.” She also said, “When the visiting committee comes, they will ask questions to everyone at SDA. We want to use this as a tool to improve so [students] should be honest in their answers.” A big part of WASC isn’t only the participation of teachers, but student involvement as well. As Koda put it, “Students are looking at very specific topics and looking how the school can provide for everyone. You have to involve all stakeholders in that process. Parents and students

are the ones we are serving. Their involvement makes this evaluating process valid.” She continued, “Institutions are made up of people and students are the most important element of this institution.” Koda also said that students can still get involved with this process and can talk to her about it if they’re interested. One of the many students aiding in the WASC process is senior Jayce Cannon, who was made aware of the program last year in Koda’s APUSH class. He said, “[It’s] very important, especially because a lot of the times the school itself in terms of their credentials is dependent on it, so ultimately it’s going to be a trickledown effect. It affects the school, which then affects the students, so everyone needs to be involved in terms of working to make this school the best it can be” One of the other students involved in this process, senior Sarah Parkes, was also willing to weigh in on her experiences so far. “It’s like voting basically. It’s like participating in your government,” she said. “Those things may seem like they don’t affect you, but you’re a part of the school and maybe your kids will

be one day too, so if you can improve it now and kind of set the school on a path to improvement by giving your own personal opinions and your personal experiences to supplement that, then you have a great chance of making the school better for everyone who comes after you and [for yourself].” Despite having to attend school during late starts, students involved with the WASC process are willing to give up sleeping in to attend these meetings. As Parkes put it, “I think it’s worth waking up early and throwing away your late start and that’s saying something.”


activities that took place last exhibition day have been an SDA tradition for many years and are a large part of the campus culture, which is one of the many topics covered by the WASC evaluation. Photo by Jaden Hauptman

OCT 2018





Staff Editorial Send those AP Test Registration deadlines back to where they were. These positions represent the collective opinion of The Mustang newspaper.


he deadline changes for AP test registration have brought a lot of conflict and controversy. The College Board is piloting these changes in an effort to increase students’ motivation by making them pay for their tests before they complete the entire course. The staff of The Mustang, however, believes that this really isn’t more motivating. Instead, these new deadlines are much too early--it’s harder to make an informed decision about whether or not taking the AP test for a certain class would be beneficial. Test fees are now $94. Are these new deadlines really for “motivation” or is it just a plot so College Board can get more money by having students pay up-front? For students taking their first AP exams, this deadline is intimidating and a little off-putting. Without being able to take the full class (or even half of it!) before deciding to register for the exam or not, these AP test novices may feel pressured into taking the test from simply what their classmates are doing. This could end up with

them taking an exam they do not feel prepared for, but with the threat of 94 wasted dollars hovering around them, they don’t have much of a choice. This new deadline is not enough time for students to get a feel for the class and get a handle on their capability of taking the accompanying test. As for seniors, when Oct. 15 rolls around, they barely have any information about college preferences for AP tests. With plenty of other fees to worry about, they shouldn’t also have unnecessary AP tests on their mind. This early deadline falls before the time that the majority of students know where they will be attending, which means they don’t know if they will receive credit for any AP tests or classes. Once again, the deadline does not provide students enough time to make an educated decision. Many teachers of AP classes gear their classes towards AP test preparation. So what’s the point of taking the class for the students not taking the test? It’s plausible that these students may get skipped over

when teachers are so focused on getting the others ready for the test. But for classes like history or science, where honors classes aren’t an option, AP classes take their place, which leaves dedicated students with no other option, even if they are not willing or able to take the expensive test. All things said, College Board (hopefully) had good intentions when it comes to motivating students in AP classes. However, the staff of The Mustang believes that these deadlines really aren’t as motivating as they’re supposed to be. This deadline is too soon for all different students, which doesn’t give them enough time to think seven months into the future and make an informed decision about their necessity of taking the test. Plus, it doesn’t protect the students who aren’t planning on taking the test from being passed over by teachers who may be focusing on those who are. So, dear College Board, along with other things, put things back to the way they were.

College board fails the test Dream crushers since 1899...That’s the College Board. By Alexandra Joelson and Yarisette Sequeira


ear College Board, You ruined my life. Here I am, a typical high school student trying to get into college. Like many other students, I work hard to get good grades and take part in extracurricular activities. The one barrier between myself Better together and achieving Ally Joelson & my potential, Yarisette Sequeira is your flawed system of standardized testing that has inaccurately defined who I am as student. Let’s start with the SAT. How is it fair that one 4-digit number, one four-hour test determines whether we, as students, are “worthy” enough to attend our desired college? For many colleges, we have to achieve a certain score for them to even consider the remaining part of our application, which many of us have spent years building up. With so much of our college future riding on one test, the least you could do is write and administer fair tests that are at least somewhat representative of students’ abilities. The past two SATs alone have shown your incapability to do so. After the June SAT, myself and others felt confident about our scores. We were shocked to see


that they dropped despite many of us having bubbled in more correct answers. You say that this was an “easier” test version and the curve made the scores fair. I understand that a curve is needed. However, if this curve truly was “accurate”, how come you received thousands of complaints from students whose results came out significantly lower than their typical score-range despite spending many more hours studying and being tutored? When that many students have something to say, it is clear that you need to do a better job designing the test. But, it’s fine, don’t worry about it. There is always the August SAT. But WAIT! You screwed that one up too. Not a problem though, the test questions were only leaked to students in Asia. People from Asia traveled here to take the SAT due to the lack of test dates available in their country, but many of them were already familiar with the answers. With that, the curve was thrown off. You need to stop being lazy and come up with new content. After spending hundreds of dollars on the SAT, AP tests roll around...

From personal experience, let me just say that I spent over $400 on AP tests, not even including the College Board practice books and flashcards that I purchased. The Spanish AP test was a particularly rough experience. I walked into the room early only to find out that the test procedures had already begun because the proctors were in a hurry to get the testing done as soon as possible. When the test began, it didn’t take long for my proctor to fall asleep and start snoring abruptly. Soon enough, it was time for the audio portion and I was excited because I felt this part of the test reflected my Spanish speaking abilities. But of course, more had to go awry. The audio was the poorest quality I have ever heard. Imagine trying to make out a bunch of mumbling in a language that is not your own... I could hardly make out a word. It was like trying to listen in class while someone was blending a smoothie in your ear. Well, at least I finished the rest of the audio section strong, knowing that was my only hope for a solid score. When everyone’s scores came out a month or so later, mine did not. It took several more weeks until I uncovered a letter from you in the mail basically saying that my whole audio section was lost and no longer valid to be scored. Great, only the harder section of the test was scored for me.

Illustration by Drew Atkins I just want to say that your system needs a reboot. You are a not-for-profit organization that is taking advantage of students and their aspirations for the future. Yes, I said not-for-profit. So why does it seem like you are running away with all of our money? It seems to me that your priorities need a re-check. If your goal is to “connect students to college success and opportunity,”

then why are you nitpicking us with late fees and other costs? I thought you cared about “expanding access to higher education,” but it seems more like you are an unfair system setting many students up for a future far from successful. Love, Victims of College Board

OCT 2018


Law-abiding law-makers: a bold new idea Most people vote based on political party. But that isn’t always the best choice.


lections are coming up, and voters have to make some difficult choices. In California’s 50th district, the area south of Encinitas, incumbent Congressman Duncan Hunter We’re supposed is running for re-election, but to be doing work right now so I he’s also facing trial for misuse can’t research the legality of of campaign ferrets. funds. Hunter is a local example -Sylvia Young of an immoral politician that continues to be elected. This man, and his wife, have been accused of misusing campaign funds for personal expenses that has allegedly been going on for years, and the Hunters

are only now beginning to face consequences. In August, the Hunters were indicted by a federal grand jury for spending over $250,000 of campaign funds for personal use and filing false records to the Federal Election Commission, the organization that regulates campaign finances. The problematic spending occurred from 2009 to 2016, despite warnings and questions from Hunter’s campaign treasurer. To make matters worse, the Hunters’ indictment explains that Hunter spent money on hotels, dinners, and Uber rides to and from the

homes of “individuals” that appear to be mistresses. People need to hold elected officials to a high moral standard. The people creating our country’s laws should be able to follow them. However, it seems that many voters are choosing immoral candidates because they’re in the same political party. It’s understandable to vote for people in your political party - it’s more likely that they’ll promote the issues you care about. But the platforms that they run on are only words, not actions. More often than not, members of Congress vote not the way their constituents want, but the way they feel is right. This is the central issue of electing an official based on policy; a person’s moral

character and personal beliefs have a huge impact on their actions, especially under the relative anonymity of the House of Representatives. In a poll taken on September 22-26 by Monmouth University found that 52 percent of likely voters supported Hunter, as opposed to 39 percent that supported his opponent, Ammar Campa-Najjar. This is not just an isolated incident. Donald Trump was elected President despite his countless insensitive comments, lies, and instances of paying off women to hide affairs. And guess who was the first Congressman to endorse him as President? Our buddy Duncan Hunter! Not to worry, Trump paid it forward by sending an angry tweet to Attorney General Jeff Sessions

So Congressman Hunter and his wife are accused of misusing campaign funds. But what was it all for? Here are a few of the things the Hunters allegedly bought with the money meant for their campaign. All information is from the Hunters’ indictment. By Sylvia Young “DUNCAN HUNTER SPENT $462.46 in

Campaign funds for 30 shots of tequila and one steak.” Photo courtesy of Antonio Morales García.

DUNCAN HUNTER SPENT campaign funds on numer-


rooms at hotels, including the Liason Hotel in Washington, D.C., for various unnamed “individuals.” Photo courtesy of Daniel. lupu07


“THE HUNTERS SPENT $2,448.27 in Cam-

paign funds on a personal vacation... During this vacation, the Hunter family bank account began incurring insufficient funds fees until a check from Duncan Hunter’s parents was deposited.”

THE HUNTERS SPENT over $14,000

ous Uber rides for socializing with friends and to go to and from the residences of various “individuals.” On one occasion, Hunter used campaign funds to pay for an Uber ride from “Individual 18’s” home to his office at 7:40 a.m. Photo courtesy of Defacto.

HUNTER PAID FOR meals, trips, and

for putting Hunter’s reelection into jeopardy with the investigation of his spending. Morals don’t have to be the be all and end all of voting, but they should be taken into consideration. When it’s clear that a candidate has shown a pattern of bad behavior, why would they suddenly change for the better when elected? People campaigning are supposed to be on their best behavior, trying to impress the public. These candidates can’t hold it together when they’re in the public eye, so what will they do when they’re in office and out of sight?

on a family vacation to Italy. The family was going to visit a U.S. Naval facility there to justify their use of campaign funds. After the Navy said they could only do a tour on a particular date, Hunter told his Chief of Staff “‘tell the navy to go f*** themselves’”

Hunter that he was planning ‘to buy my Hawaii shorts’ but had run out of money, she counseled him to buy the shorts at a golf pro shop so that they could falsely describe the purchase later as ‘some [golf] balls for the wounded warriors.’” Photo courtesy of Dantor.



THE PLAIN NEW math and science bulding represents a struggling SDA. Photo by Drew Atkins and Amelia Kaiser

VIVID STUDENT ART on the screen printing building. Photo by Drew Atkins and Amelia Kaiser

Two takes on SDA culture


hen I first came to SDA a few years ago, I overheard anguished upperclassmen and arrogant new sophomores agonizing about the freshman class. “They’ll ruin SDA culture!”, they complained. For many high-school generations, it has been rumored that SDA culture is dying. Honey, it’s already C is for cookie, dead. Today, SDA culture cookie is for me is no more than a legend. People have spent so -Amelia Kaiser much of their time raving and worrying about SDA culture that they have failed to define SDA culture to incoming classes of freshmen. However, it is true that in these rumors of SDA culture lies a bit of truth. I believe SDA culture was once very real, but all that remains in 2018 is broken remnants of a dream. When I was still in elementary school, I heard stories about this school from my older brother as well as close family friends. At this time, the lottery to get into this school was still in effect. From what I heard, this school seemed like a place for unique individuals, artists, creative folks as well as outcasts to thrive and create some sort of haven. Stories of painted artwork climbing up buildings like colorful vines of creativity and of course, the famous Pikachu costume. But upon my own arrival to SDA, I felt cheated of these type of experiences. You see, to me, everything seemed...normal. And I was told SDA was everything but normal. A lot of what you hear about SDA is just propaganda, “SDA is such an accepting school!” But in reality, there are a lot of conservatives who feel like outsiders at SDA because our school community is primarily liberal. SDA students who have more conservative political views are sometimes afraid to voice their opinions because they


would face hate and backlash from other students. SDA has their vision of their robot minion student, and when people don’t conform to that vision, they become an outcast whose home is not at SDA. This rumored haven for all types of people now seems to be failing at accepting everyone. But even the artists who once dominated SDA are being pushed out of their reign. Though I am thankful for the upgraded building, the new math and science building sticks out like a sore thumb. The artists at this school aren’t allowed to paint on the new building. It has been explained to us that painting on the building would void the warranty. Sure, sure whatever. Not sure how some paint would ruin a wall, but okay. Before the student body learned this however, and there was talk of painting murals on the new building, staff members began to complain. God forbid the pristine white building would be tainted with teenagers’ creative expression. The attitudes of some teachers who refuse to support the artistic elements of the school are another reason why SDA culture is dead. The icons of SDA who literally embodied “SDA culture” are packing up and peacing out, being replaced by teachers who, in some cases, just don’t get it. The new teachers who don’t get it are likely struggling to understand SDA culture for the simple reason that there are a lack of examples. How can you expect anyone to understand something they were never taught? With the growing number of students who no longer feel valued at SDA and connected to our school, it is crucial that we acknowledge that the old SDA culture is dead. As we all know, the first big step is acceptance. Even though our school is struggling right now, once we can perfect a new culture, I feel confident that SDA will be restored to its former glory.


he cornerstone of SDA student life is our acceptance and encouragement of all things original. But as the years progress as a school, our biggest challenge is maintaining the culture we have become so proud of. It’s easy to pin the blame for the decline in the Academy’s magic: freshman coming for friends instead of our I am the Rob culture, false accusations and I speak put on school staff, even for the P’s. plain old disinterest by the student body. -Drew Atkins The originality of the school can be so subdued that it’s easy to think that the famed SDA culture has up and left. But this not a cry for help, but one for action. Beaten down? Definitely. Taken out? Not a chance. SDA culture survives because we all came here for it. Whether a transfer student, a freshman, or a senior rounding out their fourth year, there’s no doubt in my mind that you came for the culture. Just like the American dream, we all come to SDA with the hopes of a positive high school experience, and the promise that whoever you are you deserve a home here. Our culture isn’t dead because we believe it isn’t. The fact that we still look for it and defend this idea is proof that spark hasn’t been stamped out yet. Of course we’ll have moments where SDA feels basic-- if we didn’t, there would be nothing special about the moments that are different. Consider Exhibition Day, Witch Thursdays, or anytime your homeroom did something so pointlessly exciting it made your heart flutter. It’s those moments where SDA culture courses through all of your veins. Even if it’s fading, we need to fight for our culture even harder so the students that come after us can experience how extraordinary this

school really is. Not every high school student is invited to live out their teenage years in total acceptance. But here, I feel as though staff and students alike encourage me to do my all, and in turn I make an effort to return the favor. I cannot imagine my high school experience thus far without remembering all the ways this school has allowed me to be me, so of course I fight to keep our school spirit. I don’t want to believe our culture can’t be saved because the culture here saved me. The question then is how to keep it. We should talk about our culture more, tell others what SDA means to each and every one of us as individuals AND students. Don’t demand others to follow along to an idea you don’t put the energy in to explain. If you think the freshman are killing our school, tell them how to fix it! Share with them the moments that made you feel the most like a mustang, drag them into Homeroom Olympics, heck even pressure them into buying your stuff at Exhibition Day! There’s so many controllable things that go into SDA culture. If you want to keep our vibe you need to do your part. SDA has given me the high school experience I never knew I wanted. Everytime I sit in the lower lot in my friends’ car, everytime I come to school wearing what I want to wear, everytime the other students encourage me to be my most authentic self, I am reminded that SDA culture is still alive. What kid doesn’t deserve the chance for that experience too? For those who believe SDA culture is dead, you have only given up. With a little more enthusiasm and a lot more authenticity, I have no doubt that the dream of SDA culture

OCT 2018


Clash of cultures: SDUHSD edition Does the school define us or do we define the school? An explanation about culture and what it means for us as students.


n the San Dieguito High School stereotypes. This proved true when District, we have 4 main options I asked people from an outside view for high schools: LCC, Torrey what they have heard about Torrey Pines, CCA, and SDA. The schools Pines’ culture and their type of stuhave their own unique culture, or dents. Obvious things were brought patterns of shared basic assumpup, like they are “mean,” “entitled,” tions passed on from year to year, ie. “superficial,” and “football obsessed.” Torrey Pines: Some, maybe all, money, CCA: of these things can I don’t like bell competition, be true, but at the peppers. LCC: sports, end of the day, they SDA: individuare just stereotypes. alism. This is why I talked to previous CCA Katie Pruden Whether culand LCC students, ture or stereoalong with my own type, these high knowledge, to get schools provide accurate percepa space for every type of student. You tions of the schools in our district. can be a jock, a nerd, an outsider, or For Torrey Pines, as well as any of the cliche highschool charanywhere else, culture is based upon acters in the San Dieguito district. its people’s behaviors, actions, opinHowever, you still might end up at ions and interests. From the perspecthe wrong school for you because of tive of someone who has been there, what their culture might impose. I I’ve seen Torrey Pines’ culture is very mean, it’s obvious if you want to be exclusive. With a money based cula professional football player you’re ture where BMW’s and Gucci bags not going to sign up for SDA, but for make a constant appearance, some some students, it’s not always that who can’t keep up are left faking it obvious of a choice. and trying to fit in, and many of the Though I’m currently a rest feeling excluded. junior at SDA, I spent my first two There is such a high standard years at Torrey Pines. Before decidyou have to fit, or conform to that ing to switch, it took me a year and there lacks any real authenticity. a half into high school to realize I Yet, there are different types groups felt stuck in a place I had nothing in at Torrey Pines, like the smart kids common with. This was because I or sports kids, but because they are couldn’t agree with the culture of the so focused on what they are doing, school. Now, it’s hard to talk about somehow they don't understand one general culture without avoiding another, or even try to accept them.

As I became more intertwined in their culture, I also became more aware of how I was growing further from it. However, this type of culture works for people who have a ‘one track mind’ and are certain on what they want. Just venture down the road a little from Torrey Pines and you’ll end up at a completely different high school: CCA. Simply from the appearances of the way students dress, you can tell CCA is very different from Torrey Pines. Like SDA, the school also has an openness to their culture where students can be who they want to be. But their culture has more to it than what meets the eye. The prison-esque looking campus lets you know the students are serious about what the do, and get out what they put in. This might cause over working and stressing to be a part of that process, leaving little time for other, seemingly unimportant things like social interactions. Competition is rooted into their school having distinctive things like their Envision Conservatory. Described on the CCA website, the conservatory is “designed to challenge our students at the highest possible artistic levels.” As intense as it sounds, this is what draws a lot of students to CCA. Contributing to the vast array of cultures, LCC has the most “stereotypical” type of high school experience. Among normal highschool priorities, like Prom, and the

Match the stereotype to the school! LCC, SDA, CCA, or TPHS?

numerous amount of varsity sports, Football has a superiority compared to everything else. Every football season, students seem to go all out, decked in whatever theme that Friday night game is, dressed in costumes and war paint. Maybe seen as insane to others, their dedication to this sport is what makes LCC, LCC. But, this leaves students like band and art kids overshadowed by sports, seen as inferior just like in your typical 80s’ high school movie. For students who feel stuck in the wrong school, SDA’s accepting culture lets those who don’t fit with a certain standard feel welcome. Our

culture, as well as any other school in the SDUHSD District, might not be for everyone, but it is there, and it can vary from one school to the next. But, culture is something you don't fully realize is apparent until you have come from a different perspective because it can become so normalized. Either accepting or denying that it’s there, culture comes hand in hand with routine and expectations. Certain traditions, beliefs, actions, etc., are all just habits of students passed on and expected to be repeated. But in the end, do we influence our own culture or does it influence us?

Why I hate the new building The new building is a convenient addition to our school, but it lacks culture and art that the rest of SDA clearly displays.


fter about a year of having to walk around the enormous construction site that sat directly in the middle of campus, San Dieguito students finally caught a break. The new building Happiness is a opened at the warm bagel. beginning of last school year Savannah and mixed Feuling opinions have been floating around school ever since. Some say they love it; it looks clean and organized and the white walls and modern architectural style bring a fresh look to campus. The interior is sleek and professional with glowing fluorescent lighting and minimal art on the walls. The classic wood desks are in rows in the math classes and the stool-surrounded, chemicalresistant, laminate-topped tables are scattered across the science classes in


neat formations. It’s expensive and college-esque. And yet, I absolutely despise it. My hatred for the new building cannot be narrowed down to one reason, but fortunately the issues I find it has can be fixed. I’m not requesting that the administration consider shaping the new building to my liking, but I do have some suggestions that I think would make it feel more like the home many people experience at SDA. Firstly, I’d like to bring up the elephant in the room; the new building’s out-of-character art-free walls. A huge part of SDA’s culture, in my opinion, comes from the student-painted artwork scattered all over campus. The Mosaic Cafe is covered in portraits and other colorful

paintings, a large yellow and blue mural can be found across the hallway from the flex lab, and the outside of the screen printing classroom is drenched in creative student art. This of course is not a complete list of all the art that can be found on campus; it is only a portion. So why is the new building, which sits directly in the middle of our school, deemed untouchable by student artists? It has been brought to my attention that we are unable to paint directly on the building because of a government warranty, but there are very obvious loopholes in this situation. For example, student’s could paint on large boards (or canvases) that could be hung up or leaned against the walls of the building. There are a lot of opportunities for art that won’t violate the warranty. So why are we still refraining? Another issue I would like to address is the student hatred for the science classroom stools.

After talking to many of my peers, I realized that I was not the only one who thinks they are extremely uncomfortable. Senior, Makana Cummins, said,”I remember kids used to try to get to class early so they could get one of the three chairs with backs.” I couldn’t agree more with the aforementioned kids. The science classroom stools are bulky, heavy, and at times, painful to sit in (especially for an hour and a half at a time). And while I’m on the topic of seating, I would also like to address the math classes. In most of the math classes in the new building, the desks are organized in rows. I suppose some teachers prefer the seating to be arranged this way, but I believe it I plays a huge role in isolating the students in the class. By the end of the semester, students will have gotten to know very few of their peers in that class. It makes group projects difficult and awkward and it damages the familial feeling

we seem to have at SDA. Lastly, I would like to reassure the staff that not all students dislike the new building. And although some students do have negative feelings about it now, I think it will grow on the community and eventually not even be thought of as the “new building.” It will just be another part of SDA that seems to have always been there. I hope that it grows on me as I continue my education here for the next two years. Also, I’m sure it would be expensive to buy new science chairs and purchase canvases/wooden boards for art so I’m not suggesting the administration does this (at least not presently), but it would seriously improve the way many students feel about the new building if they did. I sincerely love this school regardless of how I feel about the new building and I know so many of my peers do as well.



Forget the trash can... Every day, people eat. Then, throw away. Eat and throw away, this cycle never seems to end. But it can. Imagine a world where your expired pasta and banana peels can instead breath new life. That world is possible.


A FLOWER SPROUTS out of the graces of the garbage... so

you think. It is actually a composting bin, woah! Life from trash? Interesting. Illustration by Drew Atkins

runch. Crunch. You’re munching on an apple, but soon you get down to the core. You think to yourself “wow, this apple was once a tiny appletita, hanging off a tree branch in an orchard.” Soon however, that apple’s life will come to an Recycle, my end when you fellow humans dispose of it in the trashcan. Alexis Price You are also too afraid to eat the core and seeds, knowing that an apple tree might grow in your stomach like a watermelon does. Yes, it is tragic chucking that apple core into the waste bin… but what if these apple “ashes” could be laid to rest as a nutrient in rich soil compost? If you have a garden or plants of any sort in your backyard, listen up. Compost is organic matter that is made as a result of nutrient filled shrubbery and food waste decomposing into a dark, rich material that can be used for fertilizing. When used in your garden’s soil, compost can be used to prevent erosion and can collect rain water. WOWZA! You can start composting with just a bucket for food scraps and nail clippings (yes, nail clippings). In contrast, harmful chemical fertilizers do increase the nutrients available for the soil to use, however, the majority of fertilizers are made from nonrenewable sources, like fossil fuels, and do not improve the

soil structure in the long term. Over fertilization will result in killing plants, disrupting the flow of the ecosystem, and if you have a garden of fruits and/or vegetables, the excessive nutrients will ultimately end up in the fruits and vegetables you consume. If you garden using organic fertilizer, the process could take six weeks to months before seeing significant improvement in soil health, versus compost which can take just three weeks. You can also save money by simply creating your own fertilizer for free. Another thing to think about is your waste production. If you decide to start composting, you can prevent the thousands of pounds of waste you would throw away into the garbage from reaching landfill. Instead, you are putting life back into the Earth instead of littering it. Even if you don’t have a garden, this natural fertilizer can improve the health of your lawn and the trees in your backyard. If you are a lazy person, you can always throw your food scraps in a bucket and leave it outside, but the stench may enter your house. I would recommend leaving your compost buckets and bins outside. For best results, buy a compost bin that rotates in order to speed up the process through oxidization.

Compost Quiz Take a guess - Can you compost... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Coffee grounds? Pencil shavings? Cardboard? Egg shells? Smashed pumpkins? Junk mail? Old jelly or jam? Used napkins? Hamster or guinea pig poop? Pizza crusts? Stale cereal? Dead autumn leaves? Hay bales? Dog fur? Fruit and veggie scraps?

The answer to all of these questions is yes! If you still have questions about what you can compost, check out Small FootPrint Family online for items you can compost, as well as Planet Natural for tips and tricks to improve your composting experience. Now get oout there, grab a bucket, and start composting! It’s simple, easy, and your plants will love it!

The cereal killer One may not notice as they are chowing down on a piece of cake, or enjoying a delicious ice cream sundae, but alone, this menace is stomach-churning. That’s right, it’s terrifying.


t will make your bones grow big and strong!” your mom says. You know, deep in your My name’s 4-year-old not Mary body that this strange liquid -Molly Ford won’t truly make you big and strong. It’s not a magic potion. You know that the only thing that can strengthen your weak, fragile body


is years of training, sticking to the grind, never stopping. You know this, yet still, it is drunk. Instantly, regrets fill your mind. Your life flashes before your eyes. From this moment on, you will become the ultimate milk hater. Yes, milk is gross. It constantly stinks. No matter how new it is, any milk still carries that underlying

sourness, which is the opposite of what is advertised. So, “M” stands for Moldy. Secondly, milk has no direct purpose on its own. It doesn’t satisfy any hunger, it is too much of a liquid. Nor does milk satisfy any thirst, instead leaving an unholy taste in your mouth of strange bitterness, as if Lucifer relieved himself into your dairy product. Therefore, “I” stands for Ineffective. Third, there are too many kinds. There’s whole, 2%, 1%, Skim, Almond, Rice, Goat, Coconut, Soy, Hemp, Evaporated, Condensed, Pow-

dered, Fat Free, and Lactose Free. The worst part is none of them taste the same! All milk products taste just slightly wrong. They all stray a few hairs away of the true nirvana of baked goods. “L” stands for Lousy (amounts of milk). Finally, milk is unhealthy from wherever it came from. Cows are hoarded into cramped chambers where they are brutally murdered. Just look it up on PETA’s social media, drinking their milk isn’t good for the human race and the same with goats. Almonds use way too much

water, and shouldn’t be grown in the first place. In conclusion, “K” stands for Knot knice. Yes, milk can be used for somewhat purposeful. It assists in baking celebratory meals, like cake, but at what cost? Studies show that the human body, as it ages, becomes less and less tolerant of all dairy products. Milk: Musty, Ineffective, Lousy (amounts of milk), and finally, milk is Knot Knice.

OCT 2018


Not your mother's grocery store Instead of shopping at a big-name supermarket, head to a farmers market to get produce grown with a personal touch.


have a proposition for you. Next vendor personally. In contrast to time you and your friends want just picking up some tomatoes at to get together and do something, your local Trader Joe’s, you get many don’t just hop in the car and head to chances to meet and talk with the the movie theater or nearest mall. people who have followed your Try this instead: go somewhere produce through its entire lifespan, outdoors. Go get lunch, shop for from seed to harvest. You get the fresh food, chance to meet the and look at baker who kneaded Whatever floats handmade art your flatbread dough, your boat... or clothes. or dyed your new Where? sundress. Every -Sophie Hughes Farmers item has a story, and markets!!! these people have Farmers been there every markets may step of the way. be one of The experience as a the greatest whole is much more things ever. Many local farmers, personal. artists, and other producers As far as produce goes, these congregate in a cute place, creating growers and farmers are not like the little rows of happiness filled with large scale companies that turn out fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, truckloads upon truckloads of fruits flowers, baked goods, and other or vegetables for wholesale stores. handcrafted creations for your They work on a smaller scale, which shopping pleasure. It’s here that also means they have less area to you’ll find high quality goods for tend do, which then means that they low prices, and unlike going to your can take much better quality care neighborhood grocery store, you can of their crops. Many growers even make an outing out of it. use natural fertilizers and compost One of the best things about soil rather than harmful pesticides farmers markets is meeting every and other chemicals! And while this

technically makes their products organic, the official process for organic certifications takes years to complete, so they can’t always market their goods this way. But again, by talking to them, you can learn so much about how they grow and what they use to ensure the top quality goods for consumers to purchase. Another thing that sets farmers markets apart from grocery stores? Price negotiations! While many vendors sell their items at a certain price per item or per pound, they are often open to dropping the price

of items for frequent customers or high-volume purchases. And what’s the worst that can happen if you ask? It’s not like they can raise the price on you! Farmers markets are a free market system (hey there economics) and supply and demand regulate prices and quality. So next time you run out of heirloom tomatoes for your garden salad, don’t just run to Vons. Visit your local farmers market for the best deal, quality produce, and a personal experience that will brighten your day and maybe even turn you into a regular visitor.

LOCAL FARMERS MARKETS are a great source for fresh fruits and vegetables and a worthwhile substitute for grocery stores. Photo by Aidan Hughes

Mental illnesses are not accessories Your life isn't a movie. Being unhealthy isn't a flex. Conflict might be fun to read about, but no one should ever aspire to be unhappy.


here is an undeniable problem with the mental health of our generation. Teen suicides are at an all time high, and high school health surveys are consistently coming back with increasingly worrying results: anxiety, depression, chronic panic attacks, and so on. People are scrambling to find the causes of this epidemic. Some feel alienated from their communities or families, others are drowning in academic pressure or stress from home lives. But there’s one reason no one wants to address. Some of us are faking. It’s understandable why it's not being addressed; no person in their right mind would automatically react to “I tried to kill myself ” with “stop exaggerating.” At least in our community, mental illnesses have been taken seriously. There are always places to go or PALs to talk to if you’re suffering emotionally. But recently, there’s been a strange infatuation with wanting to be the one who


is suffering more. Maybe shave a couple hours off how much you slept when you recount your night of studying for AP Gov. Maybe throw in a little “I haven’t eaten anything in 20 hours!” Just a small exaggeration to make you seem more like you’re bearing a Press f to pay respects heavier burden than you really are. Sound famil-Joice He iar? It’s nothing so nefarious; I’m definitely guilty of exaggerating on one occasion or another, too. But that changes when we start messing with mental illness. For some reason, depression has become a badge to flash, anxiety a sparkly accessory that makes you “quirky” and “interesting.” Self deprecation is normal, and self love is unusual. How disturbing is it that being emotionally sound is now LESS socially acceptable than hating yourself? In fiction, maybe, characters with mental illnesses are interesting, but only because a story without conflict and character development is boring. News flash, real life isn’t

like books or TV shows where lives and personalities are tailor made; no one can throw in a little PTSD and lie in wait for a hot love interest to come “fix” them. Mental illness has real, tangible consequences and tossing it around like it’s in fashion is seriously toxic. Romanticization of these issues is making it infinitely harder for people who actually need help to get it; parents just assume their kid is jumping onto the depression bandwagon. Speaking out about mental illness is a brave and often difficult thing to do, so why would anyone seek out help if no one takes them seriously anyway? This isn’t a callout piece. I’m not trying to say that you shouldn’t take people seriously when they say they have a mental illness, just that we should stop normalizing the idea that being a tortured soul makes you cooler. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to look strong, to have your own story of self growth away from the mainstream. But losing sleep is unhealthy. Starving yourself isn’t something to be proud of. Mental illnesses are not accessories.

IF EVERYONE PRETENDS, it'll be too late once we figure out which ones were real. Photo by Joice He



Like so what

Saying ‘like’ is normal and adults should not put down those who use it.


ften, older generations wonder why younger generations have a common tendency to say ‘like.’ And, often, they opine that people should only use ‘like’ in its dictionary sense because “It doesn’t sound smart...It’ll make you sound dumb…” While it’s true that saying ‘like’ as a filler word can make In “Gone With the speech sound Wind”... unprofessional, adults shouldn’t -Simmone Stearn attack the word with such hostility. Rather, the use of ‘like’ as a filler word is natural in the evolution of our language and adults should not put down those who use it. The English language is constantly evolving. Like our perpetual pursuit of knowledge, we are always looking for ways to streamline our existence. We want to navigate faster and get places faster; we want to live


with the highest level of ease possible. Thus, the technology industry is the fastest growing. People are constantly developing new technology to enable humans to live more effortlessly and, although not often thought of, this parallels our development of language. In our pursuit of ease we are also constantly developing our conversational English. Today, when younger generations use the word ‘like,’ it is this idea in action. ‘Like’ is just a recent way in which we have adapted our conversational English to make our lives a little bit more easy. Saying ‘like’ allows us to easily communicate our thoughts in a stream of consciousness. We think as we speak rather than pausing or saying ‘um’ while thinking and then speaking, something which

actually allows for more fluid conversational language. The word ‘like’ flows more seamlessly into sentences and acts as less of an interruption compared to ‘um’ or a pause and thus makes delivering and receiving verbal information easier. We also have to consider the idea that we have become accustomed to using ‘like’ often, as it has been integrated into our conversational English. Think about it... If people who have been raised in a society where language includes the word ‘like’ as an acceptable and common filler word began to omit the word and instead began to pause or say ‘um’ as they organize their thoughts, sentences would become awkward and difficult to listen to. This is especially true since people will have to think even harder while talking when trying to remember to avoid saying ‘like.’ So, the word shouldn’t be avoided. However, we should be conscientious when talking in professional settings such as in interviews,

OMG! Like, no way!

speeches, and presentations. These are instances where we must learn to refrain from using ‘like’ as a filler word as to not leave an impression of unprofessionalism. But, in casual set-

tings and conversations, saying ‘like’ is not necessarily a bad thing. So next time your mom tells you to stop saying ‘like,’ tell her, “Like, never.” After all, Mom, it’s only natural.

OCT 2018


Moments of joy

As downtown Encinitas has evolved over the years, murals have become an essential and artistic part of the town. Continued to page 17. Story and photo essay by Jaden Hauptman


ncinitas is made up of murals. Painted in and outside restaurants, on street corners, or in deserted alleys, murals can be found almost anywhere downtown, and there is no doubt that they contribute to the fun and vibrant personality of Encinitas. Each mural tells a different story and takes you to a different place. “A mural is not about the artist. A mural is about a gift to the public,” art teacher Jeremy Wright said. “The bold colors bring people outside their comfort zones, but it mostly brings moments of joy. That’s what the alleys in Encinitas do.” Murals and self-expression are valued in SDA culture. “When I came in SDA there was only one mural on campus... once murals starting popping up, I noticed students starting sitting next to the murals, and I thought that was interesting. People gravitate towards color” Wright said. Encinitas is not the sleepy beach town it was once was. Throughout the last few years, murals have been popping up on every other block and they each bring a new and unique perspective and they add to the atmosphere of downtown. They cover much of Encinitas and SDA, making our school fit perfectly into our quirky little town/city.

AT BETTER BUZZ a man and women enter

under a mural of bees and flowers through the backside of the restaurant.




Moments of joy

LEFT, Local rides his bike to

the beach by Detour Salon & Store mural in downtown Encinitas CENTER, Woman holding flowers while walking past the

skeleton mural behind Coast Hwy Traders ABOVE, Philz Coffee’s newest mural on the 101 BOTTOM LEFT, Customers enjoying their meals in front

of the mural inside Honey’s Cafe





Sleep and stress How effected by sleep deprivation are students? I decided to find out. By Maya Hamson.


e all hear that teenagers need more sleep than adults. We know that sleep can improve learning and memory and creativity and life in general. We are warned about the connections between sleep deprivation and mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression. Yet here we are: stressed, depressed, and ready for a rest. Just walking around campus on any given day you can actually see the effects of sleep deprivation on students: eyes down, sluggish steps, bumping into things occasionally. I thought that was maybe just the fault of general clumsiness, but data suggests that it’s not. I asked 30 current SDA students about their sleep habits and how they feel it effects them. Of the people I surveyed, just 10 percent said they slept 8 or more hours per night. When asked how they felt physically on a scale of 1-10, the average response was 5.7. I wanted to know how this affected people’s mental states, so I asked about everyone’s mental health (quotes are left anonymous for privacy). Junior Cameron Fozi said, “I feel terrible mostly,” while junior Molly Buhaenko said, “I’m mentally tired and at a neutral state all the time. Not really happy. Not really sad. Just kinda distant.” The responses ranged from relatable to concerning, but a majority fell somewhere between those two ends of the negative spectrum. The only truly positive response I got came from sophomore Madeline Moe, who reported feeling “great!” How is this possible? She was not in the 90 percent of sleep deprived students. While I was saddened by these findings, I can’t say that I was shocked. I personally get about 3-6 hours of sleep nightly and can attest to the fact that it makes you feel not so great. So why do students like myself continue to not get enough sleep? I think this junior put it best: “Who has time to eat or sleep when you’ve got two jobs, two AP classes, theatre, and friends to hang out with?” Students are simply running out of hours in the day, and the high-stress competitive environment of schools have caused students to make their own health their lowest priority. Responses like this junior’s this lead me to wonder: with so few hours in a day, how many of those really need to be spent sleeping? Unfortunately, a lot more than most of us are getting.



The American Academy of Pediatrics, Sleep Research Society, and American Association of Sleep Technologists are all in agreement that teenagers need 8-10 hours of sleep per night. According to an article from the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, “68.4% of United States high school students sleep 7 hours or less on school nights.” This means that 68.4 percent of high school students in the U.S. are sleep deprived, which leads to “poor school performance, obesity, metabolic dysfunction and cardiovascular morbidity, increased depressive symptoms, suicidal ideation, risk-taking behaviors, athletic injuries, and increased motor vehicle accident risk.” Another study in the book “Why We Sleep,” by Matthew Walker, found that people who are sleep deprived will drastically underestimate just how impaired they are. This is similar to, for example, a person who has consumed too much alcohol. According to the National Sleep Foundation, being awake for 18 hours and getting behind the wheel of a car is the equivalent of driving with a .05 blood alcohol content. Pulling an allnighter (being awake for 24 hours) is the blood alcohol equivalent of .10. For reference, .08 is legally drunk. People always talk about drunk drivers, but drowsy drivers are just as dangerous, if not more.


As I said, I don’t sleep much, but I also drive myself to school every morning, so learning this was more than a little unsettling. Ironically, I didn’t realize how unaware this made me. This isn’t an uncommon occurrence. For individuals that have been restricting their sleep for long periods of time, short attention span, poor memory, and low energy become their norm. They don’t realize the extent of their limitations, and it’s horrifyingly dangerous. To change this, I performed an experiment on my own sleep schedule for one week (technically it was a case study, not an experiment… thanks Hrzina) to see the effects of a full night’s sleep on myself. Over the course of the week I monitored my mental and physical health. To make sure that sleep is truly what caused a change in either of these, I didn’t change anything else I normally do,

SENIOR LAUREN WOODLEY falls asleep at her computer. Photo illustration by Jaden Hauptman. such as my eating habits, extracurric- tally where I was suddenly aware of ular activities, school workload, etc. all the stressors around me, but I was I wanted to get consistent sleep still too tired to properly deal with at a consistent time every night, so any of them. Or maybe college apps for seven days straight, including the just finally hit me. Either way it was weekend, I went to bed at 10 p.m. not a fun week. and woke up at 6 a.m. I also worked Another problem I encountered out five of the seven days because was that a week definitely wasn’t long exercise is shown enough to expeto improve sleep. long-term “Who has time to eat rience Over the effects of getting course of the sleep. I or sleep when you’ve enough week I did endid notice that it counter a few got two jobs, two AP made it easier to issues. The first wake up in the was a betrayal by classes, theatre, and morning when I my own brain. had a full night’s friends to hang out It was so used to sleep before, getting around however. I also six hours of sleep with?” had slightly more every night that energy than it woke me up at before, but not 2 a.m. all seven enough energy - Clara Conkling, nights, which for it to make up was annoying. for the stress of junior Thankfully, after getting to bed on about 20 minutes time. of wandering The main aimlessly around my house I was able thing I got out of this study was that to fall back asleep. there really aren’t enough hours in The second issue I had was with a day. Between the time I got home my stress levels. They shot WAY from school to the time I had to go up. The only explanation I have for to bed, I only had 6 hours and 15 this is that normally, I am so sleep minutes. Homework, exercise, coldeprived, I apathetic to (or unaware lege apps, friends, and theater took of) all the stressful things around me. up a majority of that time, so I often With extra sleep came extra alertfound myself running around at ness. Basically, I reached a state men- about 9:40 p.m. to get things done.

For anyone who wants to try to improve their sleep schedule, I highly suggest creating a schedule so you can prioritize and make time for everything important. Unfortunately, I have found that even by doing this, going to bed by 10 p.m. and still doing everything I need to in a day is just not possible. That’s what I get for trying to do it all I guess Even when I got my full eight hours, though, I was still tired in the mornings. Science has proven that it might be the fault of waking up early, however, and not the amount of sleep I got. Teenagers’ circadian physiologies are different than those of adults. The teenage brain produces the sleep hormone, melatonin, at different times than the adult brain, making teenagers get tired later at night and feel awake later in the morning. Research has led the American Academy of Sleep Medicine to request shifting middle and high-school start times to 8:30 a.m. or later. This has been proven to increase teenagers total sleep time, alertness, and engagement in the classroom. It is also associated with “reduced depressive symptoms and irritability.” Despite the evidence, a bill in California to prohibit schools from starting before 8:30 a.m. was recently vetoed. According to Governor Jerry Brown the bill was supported by lawmakers but not by teachers and school administrators.

OCT 2018


It’s Thursday,witches.

An insight on the rise of pointy hats on campus and the history of SDA’s very own coven. By Drew Atkins.


our walk to third period has an unusual number of pointy hats making their way to class. Students pass you with sequins covering their eyebrows, and others carrying a large quantity of glue sticks and glitter. The typical number of students wearing black doubles, and you could’ve sworn that girl was carrying a broom. For an outsider, this behavior might seem unusual, but you know it’s just Witch Thursday. An unlikely trend turned testament to SDA culture, Witch Thursday is entering its sophomore year at the Academy with just as much magic as before. With an almost viral following, few know the real origin. Believe it or not, its beginnings can be traced back to a joke at an art table. UC Davis freshman and SDA alumni Taylor Gates said, “We started Witch Thursday because Agnes wore this black silk gown and had a broom and she excitedly told me she looked like a witch, and I suggested half as a joke that we should all dress


up like witches.” Gates, and fellow alumnus Katherine Weinzierl and Trevor Johnson, as well as current seniors Ben Noon and Agnes Lin, came up with the idea in fourth period AP Studio Art last semester. Since then, it’s truly taken off. “Witch Thursday provides the opportunity for you to wear clothes you wouldn’t normally wear on a daily basis,” said Noon. “All you have to do is dress up. Some go all out in witch robes and hats, while others simply wear black. Both are valid ways to celebrate.” While the connotation of a coven-- or a group of witches-- may sound exclusive, it’s actually founded on ideas of inclusivity. “Witch Thursday is about creating a shared experience among friends and other members of SDA, so if you see a witch walking by in the halls don’t be afraid to shout ‘Witch Thursday!’” Noon said. And that’s completely true, most people who participate don’t even know how it started, “We wanted to see how many people we could get to

dress at witches like us. And that was super fun because we would all meet at art and talk about how we actually hear people joining or questioning our motives. My favorite thing is when these people would talk about it and they have no idea I’m one of the witches,” Gates said. So whether you’ve joined in by word of mouth or even the @witchthursday Instagram, joining the coven is easy. This inclusiveness doesn’t stop at teachers either. Math teacher Darlene Blanchard is a Witch Thursday enthusiast. In fact she displays a “witches welcome” sign and keeps a spare witch hat under her desk. “It adds something to the school, some people think it’s weird but it is part of our culture. It’s an individuality thing.” Blanchard even boasts of giving a test in witch garb. “I am aware that other schools make fun of us, for example I heard through the grapevine other schools would tease us for the kids who used to wear Pokémon outfits. That’s because at other places it’s socially

unacceptable and if you want to be offbeat you can do that here, ” Blanchard said. And it’s true, there’s no secret potion to explain the magic of SDA culture. Whether you were the kids dressed as Pokémon characters, or you were a part of the famed Captains Club who used to wear sailor hats, or even now if you’re a student who slaps on a gown and hat for Witch Thursday, SDA has an eccentric attitude toward selfexpression. After all, nowhere in the dress code does it say no pointy hats, so student dress up doesn’t face any restriction from administration. “It’s about pushing yourself out of your comfort zone,” said senior Agnes Lin. “If you want to keep SDA culture special you can do as little as dress up as a witch.” This Thursday join the coven or support your local witches. SDA was created to be a haven for the arts, and it’s as easy as wearing all black to leave your mark on the school. So grab your broom, grab your glitter, and be reminded of the magic of our school’s culture.


in an unnusual location: passing period. Photo by Drew Atkins.


ARTS Annual thespian potluck serves dinner and a show. By Devlin Ott


CAST OF “DEATHTRAP” rehearses for their upcoming performance. Photo by Rithika Vighne

It’s a trap Lights up. A man in an overstuffed armchair looks up and says, “Deathtrap. A thriller in two acts. One set, five characters. A juicy murder in act one, unexpected developments in act two. Sound construction, good dialogue, laughs in the right places.” If you’re confused don’t worry, that’s the point. By Linnaea Erisman


washed up playwright and his wife. A young writer with a new play centered around a murder. An attorney, a psychic, and too many twisting revenge plots to count. A play within a play that becomes a play. SDA’s newest mind-bending “Inception” style show “Deathtrap” is coming soon, premiering the week before Halloween on Oct. 25. Without giving too much away, the one consistent truth throughout “Deathtrap” is that everyone is a liar and nothing you are seeing is real. From this comic thriller you can expect laughs, screams, twists, and turns that confuse the audience in the best way possible. The story begins with a Sidney Bruhl, a playwright long past his glory days, who after many failed attempts is willing to do anything to produce another hit, and by whatever


means necessary. When Clifford Anderson, a student who attended one of Sidney’s seminars, reaches out to him for advice on his new genius idea for a play, Sidney does not miss the opportunity to try to make the play his own (and this is only the first nefarious plot in the show). In SDA’s version of Deathtrap, Sidney is being played by Wyatt Clay (senior), his wife Myraby Molly Buhaenko (junior), Clifford by Jacob Morilak (junior), the psychic Helga Ten Dorp by Rachel Kanevsky (senior), and the attorney Porter Milgrim by Justin Luban (junior). According to the cast, what sets this show apart from others is the way it twists with the mind of the viewer. “Deathtrap” keeps the character’s motivations confusing and hidden along with the overall structure of the play. The audience is kept guessing with the “psychological

game that is played,” Clay said. “It’s all very entertaining.” He added that theater lovers and critics alike “should see it out of curiosity… If you even have the slightest shred of curiosity, then you’re going to have to come see it.” The characters in “Deathtrap” aren’t stereotypical. Many of the actors say that this is why they enjoy playing them. “My favorite part is the fact that I get to be moderately insane,” said Morilak, describing his character Clifford as a “mild sociopath.” “I hate him. And I love it. He is a complex person, and I see myself in him, which hurts most of all, but I’d like to not play some fantastical evil. I’d like to humanize his insanity,” Clay said. “People should not be scared or creeped out directly by me or what I do in the play. They should be affected by how they relate

to it. How they relate to the victims and the villains. Of which I am both.” The characters also have a more playful side. Kanevsky said Helga Ten Dorp “has a wacky accent and psychic ability, so what’s not to have fun with?” According to Clay, Sidney “knows how to have fun. I think we all have an equal amount of good and bad in us and he is no different. He definitely chooses one over the other.” Go see “Deathtrap” and experience a show that leaves the audience guessing who is good, who is evil, and what, if anything, is the truth. “Deathtrap” is showing October 25, 26, and 27 at 7:00 PM. Buy your tickets now at for only $8 for students and $15 for adults.

ou guys are very potlucky to be here,” said senior and Thespian Public Relations officer Rachel Kanevsky to kick off the annual Thespian Potluck. After a long day of tech work for Deathtrap in the theatre, thespians gathered outside of the PAC in the afternoon on Saturday, September 22nd for a potluck. The event served as a way to spread information about the different classes and clubs to both parents and students, as well as a small talent show. As 80s music played over speakers, students and their parents brought food and drinks to the potluck table. There was a great variety of La Croix, which came with arguments on how La Croix is pronounced. Students selected different cookies and chips for dinner. After a half hour of snacking, the Thespians headed over to the front of the PAC to begin the talent show. A crowd of new additions to the club sat towards the front, and their parents sat as far away as possible. The performances consisted of several thespians singing very theatrical songs, sing alongs to other songs, and more … interesting acts. Senior and Thespian President Cameron Prince showcased his bagpiping talents, but only after Kanevsky attempted to play Amazing Grace on a practice piece of the bagpipe. Kanevsky’s rendition sounded more like farting and made the crowd erupt into laughter, whereas Prince’s song led the crowd to cheer. In between acts, representatives of the Theater Arts Council, Thespian Officers, and drama teacher Stephanie Siers informed the spectators about the different classes, clubs, and volunteer opportunities in theatre. A comedy sportz presentation asked for audience members to participate in a game of “Survival of the Fittest.” This game centers around answering other audience members’ life problems with creative answers. If their answer is too confusing or has been said already then the player is, “(clap, clap) out of here.” The potluck ended with a closing statement by thespian officers about what the thespian club is all about.

OCT 2018


#Inktober Calling artists of all mediums to try their hand at the international challenge! Can you finish all 31 days? C Continued to page 23. By Joice He





OCT 2018



t’s October! Yes, that means it’s finally time for the back-to-school section of Target to replace spiral notebooks with orange and black decorations, time for pumpkin spice lattes to be back on the Starbucks menu, and time to get around to picking your horror movies for that Halloween party. For the artist community, October also means that one of the most anticipated art challenges is rolling around again –– Inktober. “Any type of challenge that helps artists see things all the way through is good. We do 24 hour comic in April, I have a friend who is drawing a dog a day for a year, another friend is doing a painting a day...I think it’s kind of like those new year’s resolutions except it’s a little more obtainable,” drawing and design teacher Jeremy Wright said. The rules are simple. Thirty- one days, 31 drawings. Inktober started to gain momentum in 2009 when professional artist Jake Parker created the challenge with the intention of improving his own ink skills; he attracted the attention of several artists in the community, and the challenge began to grow in popularity. Since then, artists of all mediums worldwide have treated Oct. 1 has as the cue to whip out those old line art pens and try their hands at the challenge. In 2016, Parker began creating and posting Inktober prompt lists. Instead of just drawing whatever they wanted for 31 days, artists were now able to connect with others worldwide by drawing and interpreting the same prompts. Although there is an official prompt list, Inktober has inspired a myriad of other related art challenges such as 31 Witches, Goretober, and OCtober which all take place during the same month. Artists are free to pick and choose prompts,or make their own lists. As for medium, everything is fair game, even digital art. But, Parker suggests that artists should try to stick to one color or just ink to keep the spirit of the challenge. “If calligraphy, typography, lettering, etc is how you create your art, then by all means do that every day for Inktober. We’ve even heard of writers taking on the Inktober challenge and crafting a poem or short story every day that follow the prompts,” Parker said, on the official Inktober FAQ page. As we roll into October, the whole art world buzzes to life; several SDA students are gearing up for the challenge as well. “I love drawing and doing art! I think [Inktober is] a fun...challenge that will help me improve with my art, so why not try it?” Anna “Luna” Engle, a senior, said. Engle is a mixed media artist, meaning she paints, sketches, and does the occasional ink drawing. She has done Inktober in the past, and uses the metaphorical meanings of the prompt words to bring them to life. “I did it last year, and I found it surprisingly easy! I did all thirty one days, though...I had to give myself some five extra days in November to finish some,” Engle said. Though, not everyone finds the challenge as easy. Lillian Figueiredo, sophomore, is no newcomer to art. She has been drawing seriously for three years, and has even sold art pieces. Plus, Figueiredo does mainly ink drawings so Inktober is well within her comfort zone. However, she


has never finished the grueling 31 days of nonstop drawing. “I usually don’t have time to sit down and complete a full drawing in one sitting,” Figueiredo said. “I usually get like, the first ten days or so until I need to take more than one day to do a drawing. But I feel like I’ve improved from the last time I tried, and...I think I could do a better job and maybe actually finish the challenge.” For other students, the hurdle doesn’t lie in the timing, but rather the creation aspect. Sophomore Olivia Dietzler is a rookie artist, and only has a about a year of experience under her belt. She began drawing because of her cartooning class, but she has “always wanted to be able to draw and so...cartooning was a really good opportunity... You kind of had to draw every day. So now, I draw in my free time a lot and I really like it,” Dietzler said. Dietzler likes using pencil and markers, and has never done the challenge before. The official prompt list is not particularly kind to new artists, and is almost always extremely vague. Dietzler, however, is willing to take on the challenge. “It’d probably take me a while to think about what I should draw...I would just think ‘how would this fit with my style?’” Dietzler said. Dietzler is also looking into other prompt lists created by the community. Among these is the 31 Witches challenge created by Inktober veteran Ochibrochi on tumblr, who created their list based on character creation rather than abstract ideas. “If a prompt list doesn’t immediately give someone an idea of what to draw, they tend to not bother with it. I think character creation is something a lot of people are drawn to. We all start learning to draw with the human figure,” Ochibrochi said. “People are more looking forward to creating something every day...rather than being challenged with abstract prompts tend to make artists think of compositions or subjects that start to get too complex. That’s where you get the drop-outs and burn-outs.” In fact, Inktober was conceived with the idea that it would help artists hone their skills and bring their ideas into fruition without burning out or sitting on the idea without doing the work. “Artists are notorious for starting projects and not finishing them...We’re designers, we like to design. Once the things are done up here [pointing to his head] we don’t want to go through with the labor…Inktober...helps us to see things all the way through,” Wright said. Inktober is open for everyone to participate! Even if you aren’t an artist, give the prompt lists and read; it’s never too late to start drawing. “What ever you decide, just be consistent with it. Inktober is about growing and improving and forming positive habits,” Parker said, “Whatever your creative process is, use it. If you want to sketch in a pencil and then ink on top that’s fine! If you want to sketch in crayon and then scan it into the computer and do your finished inking digitally, go for it! As long as you are creating a new ink drawing every day, it counts.” PG 21, 23: art by Lilian Figueirido PG 22: art by Anna “Luna” Engle



Wait...teachers have lives? From dropping water bottles into toilets before an ultramarathon to hitting a “sliotar” with a hurl, teachers have their own unique athletic experiences. Outside of the classroom, teachers James Hrzina, David Bair, Sheryl Bode, and Eli Cameron spend their free time participating in competitive sports. By Yarisette and Madelyn Sequeira

James Hrzina


TEACHER JAMES HRZINA after colliding heads with

a student at the flag football tournament Photo courtesy of James Hrzina.

lways eager for a little competition, teacher James Hrzina spends his prep period unlike most teachers. His gym bag is packed with a change of clothes, and following the ring of the bell, he is off to the YMCA for a game of basketball. Afterwards, with little time left to spare, Hrzina showers, changes, and returns to work just in time for his fourth period class. It’s a busy schedule, but he loves it. “I love the competitiveness of [sports]. I love the challenge of it,” said Hrzina. “Since the time I was young, through high school, through college, being a part of a team has given me such a sense of identity.” Today, Hrzina continues to fulfill his desire to be challenged by competing in a Tuesday night arena soccer league and playing basketball games three times a week. “Just playing for fun is fun, but I kinda need that little extra competitive edge here and there,” Hrzina said. “I think that kind of sports environment is the perfect avenue to let out energy, to let out frustrations and the stressors of life.” About four years ago, Hrzina’s competitive drive led him to one of his best and worst sports’ memories. It was during the annual SDA flag football game when Hrzina was driving down the field for a touchdown. Hrzina managed to score the touchdown, but collided head to head with a student on his way there. “Eddie had to patch it up and he butterflied me,” Hrzina said …“I shed blood for our team.”

The aggressive atmosphere matched with the team environment is what drives Hrzina ‘s enthusiasm for sports. “What I like to get out of sports is that community, that team, that commitment to one another to play together,” Hrzina said. “Like in basketball, I like getting assists more than scoring baskets. In soccer, I’m more of a distributor than I am a striker.” Being a part of a team comes with meaningful friendships, and Hrzina has enjoyed them. “One of my good friends from high school played soccer with me in high school. He was the goalie and I was the striker...We’re still friends today,” Hrzina said. Hrzina has also played with a number of former students during his arena soccer league, and has found it to always be fun. “So much of how I view myself and who I am is related to sports and that means friendships and the connections that I have endured all my life,” he said. Hrzina has been playing arena soccer as an attacking player for 10 years and pick-up basketball for about three or four years. Hrzina enjoys committing his time to athletics because it makes him feel not only physically healthy, but mentally healthy as well. “Mental and physical health are completely tied together,” said Hrzina. “To me it’s the best use of my time to make me feel mentally good, to make me feel emotionally good. I need to make sure that I’m doing something that I can look forward to.”

David Bair


rowing up in an athletic family, Spanish teacher David Bair was introduced to the sport of tennis at the age of six. “[Tennis] gets rid of all my stress. Sometimes you have a lot of mental stress from teaching and when you start exercising that’s all gone” said Bair. Having been an active tennis player throughout his childhood and high school years, Bair has continued to play tennis and compete in several tournaments: “I usually just play a couple doubles tournaments a year and make it more into a social kind of thing. I have won some tournaments a long time ago.” Because tennis requires a large amount of commitment, Bair prepares for a tournament by practicing a couple times a week. “I play a bit more [before tournaments] because tennis is about muscle memory, so repetition, repetition, repetition,” said Bair. “When you [get to the point where you] don’t have to think about what you need to do, and when you do it automatically, you just play better.”


Throughout his time playing tennis, Bair has found more success in doubles tennis than singles because of his height and aggression toward the net. “I’ve only won one singles tournament, I’m much better at doubles. I’m actually very good at doubles,” said Bair. Despite his success, Bair encountered obstacles during his athletic career. During a two-day doubles tennis tournament in Palm Springs, Bair experienced a fall after going for the ball. Bair hurt his hip, but brushed it off and continued to play. “I remember I got injured and [I] could barely walk. And then I was like, ‘I’m going to play until I can’t’,” said Bair. “And we won the tournament [anyways].” In addition to winning tournaments, Bair enjoys the social aspect of tennis. Because of his many friends, Bair uses tennis as a way to distress and catch up with people: “[Tennis is] healthy and very social because I play with people I know and so we talk a lot while we play.”

TEACHER DAVID BAIR after winning his first

over 40’s sinlges tennis tournament in 2015. Photo courtesy of David Bair.

OCT 2018



Sheryl Bode

a.m. An alarm clock rings, signaling the beginning of another day. After making coffee for her husband and grabbing a water bottle, Spanish teacher Sheryl Bode embarks on her daily six to eight-mile morning run. She returns home around 6 a.m., stretches, and heads to SDA to begin teaching. As a previous marathon runner and active half-marathon athlete, Bode puts serious time into training for long distance races. “Running has made me feel very empowered,” Bode said. “I run because it makes me feel physically, emotionally, and psychologically strong and powerful.” To be able to participate in long distance running, countless hours of training must be put in. Despite the physical demand and tremendous amount of dedication needed to race, Bode is committed to her sport. “When I’m not working, I do at least an hour of yoga after I run,” said Bode. “I also swim two, three days at the YMCA to cross train and keep my body healthy so that I don’t get injured.” Bode got her start in athletics through softball. Growing up with softball, Bode never imagined herself as a runner. It wasn’t until she came to SDA that she started running marathons. Bode began her running career going on runs with PE teacher Deb Abrahamson. Starting off with small runs, Bode and Abrahamson worked their way up and decided to sign up and train for the La Jolla half-marathon. Ever since then, Bode has stuck to racing and has developed a love for the sport. “I think the most rewarding thing for me is running long distance. You have time for yourself to really think and its time for you,” said Bode. With a large number of people competing in long distance races, Bode focuses on achieving her personal goals rather than winning. One of her first objectives was to run in the Boston Marathon. Bode completed her goal to qualify for the Boston

Marathon and participated in it in 2015. “I qualified on the Carlsbad Marathon course [with a time of] 3 hours and 47 minutes” said Bode. “That’s my best time ever.” After running in the Boston Marathon, Bode started focusing on the recreational part of racing: “[Now I] just give it my best effort and enjoy participating as opposed to qualifying for something” During one of Bode’s competitions, she encountered an unexpected obstacle after dropping her water bottle in the toilet. “I hadn’t started my marathon yet so I had to decide [whether] I wanted to fish my water bottle [out of the toilet] myself or if I was going to run without a water bottle,” Bode said. Despite her fear of getting an illness like E. coli, Bode decided to rinse her water bottle off and continue to use it. “That was actually an ultra-marathon that was longer than a marathon it was like 32 miles and I got first in my age group and no E. coli baby, so that was kind of funny.” Because of the intensities of racing, Bode finds it within herself to focus on the importance of self-reassurance after a race. “I do a lot of positive affirmations and give myself credit for all the amazing things I do,” said Bode. “I know that some people are always upset about their run when it’s not good. They’re sore and they hurt and they want to be faster. I’ve just learned over time that if I’m going to spend this much time doing something it better be something that makes me feel really good and I better enjoy it.” “I wouldn’t spend so much time [running] just because I thought I had to or needed to stay [in] a certain amount of shape. It’s just that I really enjoy exercise,” said Bode. “It keeps me balanced and I want that for other people, if you’re going to do something make sure you really like it and enjoy it, [make sure] it’s something that’s doing you good.”

LEFT: TEACHER SHERYL Bode at one of her various races with Deb Abrahamson. Photo courtesy of Sheryl Bode ABOVE: BODE BEFORE another race. Photo courtesy of Sheryl Bode

Eli Cameron


TEACHER ELI CAMERON wearing his hurling jersery and holding his sliotar and hurl. Photo by Yarisette Sequeira


xperimenting with everything from lacrosse and field hockey to soccer, history teacher Eli Cameron didn’t find his match until stumbling upon the traditional Irish sport of hurling. For the past seven years, he has found joy from charging down the field with a ball the size of a baseball and an ax-shaped stick called a hurl. The 70-minute game consists of two teams trying to drive the ball down the field with a stick in order to outscore their opponent. “I just subjectively think it’s the best field sport ever,” said Cameron. “Its super basic and its brutal, but it’s full of finesse and speed and it’s just really aggressive.” Cameron was introduced to the sport of hurling after someone approached him at a lacrosse game one afternoon. “I didn’t know anything about hurling and I thought it was curling like shuffleboard on ice in the Olympics,” Cameron said. “I went home and youtubed hurling. I saw it and I was like that’s cool so I just started showing up.” Having competed in a plethora of sports, Cameron anticipated a smooth learning curve, but was quickly proven wrong. Developing muscle memory and opening up the joints in his wrist to strike the ball properly took repetitive hours of hitting the ball against a wall by himself. Now accustomed to the sport, Cameron still finds himself

in front of a wall each day, rapidly hitting ball after ball: “It’s what I do when I get home from work... I love you all [students] but you drive me nuts and I have to have a healthy way to get my aggression out every day.” To Cameron, a highlight of this already unique sport is its exhilarating intensity. Although meant to match the physicality of soccer, hurling has proven to be much more brutal for Cameron’s experiences. “It’s more like ice hockey contact with full blown open field slammin’ jammin’ hits,” Cameron said. “It’s just feet of human ‘gnarletude’ and awesomeness.” One of Cameron’s favorite moments hurling was seeing one of his teammates play despite having two broken ribs. “He’s a beast,” Cameron said. “Yo [he’s] 56, that could be your grandfather, and he’s playing a gnarly sport with guys a third of his age and he has two broken ribs. He’s the man.” Every Labor Day, Cameron competes with his team in the North American tournament, their biggest competition of the year. Under the Junior A Division, Cameron and his team competed against 17 other teams this year to win the championship. “We put in so much work to prepare and get fit so when that pays off its huge,” Cameron said. “It just means that we’ve just been training the right way and doing the rights things to get where we need to be.”



Expires November 15th, 2018


OCT 2018



amie Thomas. Originally an Alabama party kid, matured into a huge success. A hero to many in the skateboarding world, Thomas has not only thrived as a skateboarder, but has mastered the business world. Thomas came to California from Alabama with a mindset devoted to following his passion for skateboarding and making it to the pro’s. Thomas’s career is nothing like a desk job. He balances his skating and business and still dedicates a lot of time to his family. His life is far from ordinary. In his early adulthood, Thomas undertook the challenge of the “Leap of Faith.” He attempted to skateboard off of a 17-foot drop at Point Loma High School. Thomas knew that he needed to take risks and he was willing to do whatever it took to make it to the top. Thomas is an inspiration to many and shares his great story through this interview. What does a typical day look like for you as a professional skateboarder and entrepreneur? For the last 15 years I have been juggling my career, business and family. These days, I spend more of my time focused on business, family and social medial than I do actually riding my skateboard. I pretty much work out in the morning then clock in a 9-5 at Zero Skateboards while giving attention to social media sporadically throughout the day. Then, I try to get to the skatepark for an hour or so each day before going home to hang with the family. On the weekend, I usually skate one day with the team and spend the other with the family. Can you please tell me a little bit about your business? Over the years I’ve been involved with working on a bunch of different businesses, but these days I focus the majority of my energy on Zero Skateboards. I started Zero in 1996 with the goal of giving underdogs a shot in hopes that the team and brand would inspire skateboarders in the struggle across the globe. I spend most of my time designing new products and working with the team to market and promote them.

JAMIE THOMAS TAKING a risk and skating off of a 2-story drop. Photo courtesy of Jamie Thomas

The legend Jamie Thomas, professional skateboarder, shares his story. By Alexandra Joelson THE MUSTANG

How has skateboarding inspired your business and helped to get it off the ground? It’s a skateboard brand, so it’s based on the lifestyle and culture that I grew up in; although I’ve evolved and now am into quite a lot of things outside of skateboarding, my inspiration for the brand is still those formative years when I fell in love with skateboarding. My personal career and the team has fueled the brand over the years. What was it like moving to California right after high school? Did you move here for reasons other than skating? I moved to California when I was 17. I grew up in Alabama and there was nothing for me there. I felt trapped from junior high onward, so I moved to California with the sole focus to make a life in skateboarding. Becoming a pro was the ultimate goal, but to be honest I didn’t care what I did, I just knew I wanted to be around likeminded people. When did your skateboarding career take off? I moved here in 1993, seems like a lifetime ago. I worked as hard as I could to make a lasting impression on photographers and company owners every time I got the chance. In 1994, I rode for a small San Diego brand and was featured on the cover of Transworld Skateboarding Magazine with a sequence kick flipping from roof to roof at Fallbrook High School. The photos were taken by Encinitas native and legendary skate photographer J. Grant Brittain. That was my first big break; it was such a huge boost of confidence and recognition that it only pushed me that much more, it was like tasting blood.

Did your attitude on taking risks as a skateboarder change when you became a father? Not really, my attitude on taking risks changed after my first few major injuries. I felt invincible until I blew my knee out in 1999, it was devastating and stopped me dead in my tracks. I saw everything differently from that point on. I realized how precious the gift of health was and I knew that after I had surgery and recovered I’d have to start being more mindful with the risks I took. My wife and I had our first child, Julien, in 2003 and I had already had 2-3 knee surgeries by then, so I was well on my way with the mindset of self-preservation. If you were a dad at the time you did the “Leap of Faith,” would you still have tried it? Probably not, the confidence, naivety and recklessness you have in your early 20’s is very special. I was 100% sure I could do anything and no one could tell me otherwise. When did you start skateboarding and did you have a moment of insight where you just knew that this is what you wanted to pursue? I started skateboarding when I was 10 or 11 and from 11-14 I fell in love with the freedom and creativity of it. It had no rules, so you could progress and approach it your own way. It was such a contrast to organized sports that I had been involved in up to that point. In high school, I started to hang out with the wrong crowd and didn’t skate as much, then I had an epiphany after a long night of partying. I was smoking a cigarette and thought that my life was like that cigarette, it was eventually going to burn out and what would I have to show for it. I stepped on that cigarette and was militantly sober from 15 to 30. I knew to make it in skateboarding being from Alabama I was going to have focus everything I had on it, so that’s what I did. What significant successes and failures have you experienced as a professional skater and a business owner? What have you learned from them? Skateboarding has been my vehicle for life, so between it and my marriage, I have learned almost every valuable life lesson. Skateboarding taught me how to not be afraid to fail. The fundamentals of skateboarding and progressing is overcoming failure daily. To learn a new trick, you have to fail for hours, days and sometimes weeks. That thirst for progression and accomplishment became my driving force. I realized that I got out what I put in and I feel like that’s been my philosophy for business, family and life. What is your favorite place to skate in Encinitas? In the late 90’s San Dieguito High school was our spot, I skated there every weekend for years and had some of my best memories there. For me it was the golden era of my career. Now-a-days, I skate at the Encinitas Community Skatepark (Poods) as often as possible. It’s my favorite park in southern California. You’re in your early 40’s now, how do you physically continue to skate after all the injuries? Yoga and diet are key. I have a very regimented anti-inflammatory diet that consists of no dairy, no gluten, no meat from land animals and low sugar intake. I also do yoga three days a week to maintain balance, flexibility and a clear mind. Then I do core strengthening 2 days a week and skate as often as possible. There’s a great quote by the late legendary skateboarder Jay Adams that sums it up for me: “You didn’t quit skateboarding because you got old, you got old because you quit skateboarding.”





This week on Blogging with Debra, a deluded 28-year-old spinster: October is the month of love. By Shayna Glazer and Taylor Rudman Herrreeeeee’s Debra! Okay, hey guys, it’s me, Debbie, you haven’t much from me lately because I went on a tech cleanse over summer. I told myself the way to live my best life was to simply turn off the computer and turn on the tanning bed. But ladies, I will have you know that constant tanning can lead to a tingling sensation in your toes and a fear burned into your heart. So I’m back to the lamp light and the computer blogging. I know it’s been a while since I posted, but I’m back and better than ever! I had the most romantic summer getaway -- in Tampa, Florida (courtesy of Trivago!). I met a man. We danced, we laughed, we talked. He was perfect. But now, well, I haven’t heard from him. He promised he’d call, but I think the reception might be shoddy. Or maybe he doesn’t have an international plan – is Florida even in the United States? I’m not sure. But now isn’t the time to think about summer. It’s October, and I’m a modern woman. Since Halloween is just around

the corner, I’ve found myself getting quite agitated that I don’t have my Florida lover to watch horror movies with. And on top of it, my best friends all decided it was a good idea to get married, so they are happily wielding decorated strollers filled with babies dressed like pumpkins and smiling husbands to cling to. It’s disgusting. I’m not at all completely 100 percent envious of their beautiful lives and gorgeous men. Nope. Not at all. But enough of my complaining. I look at the glass half full (although I never leave a glass unfinished. How wasteful). A lot of people say that February is “the month of love” or whatever, but it is actually October. Think about it. As Halloween slowly approaches, the anticipation builds. Mysterious masked men saunter about; screams fill the air. The fear pheromones are everywhere! All those chemicals wafting about can do us single ladies wonders- and I plan to take full advantage. Here’s my plan: while my old “friends” are out wasting their time trick-or-treating with their “children”

and “loved ones,” I will be staking my entranced by my feminine power I will be baking the most sensual claim at the scariest haunted house that he’ll have no choice but to fall of all the delicacies -- BOOnana I can find. I will wait until I get in love with me. And that’s when I’ll bread! The bittersweet tang of the into the pitch black room. Haunted seal the deal. chocolate chips, the soft crunch houses always have those -- I guess Let me be clear: Halloween isn’t of fresh walnuts, the perfectly ripe what SOME people fear most is what just the time that I plan to sink my bananas… you get the idea. For the they cannot see. Not me, I like the teeth into a new man -- we’ll also be full recipe, visit my blog at https://bit. dark. Allowing myself to briefly exist sinking our teeth into a new recipe! ly/2Hyv70g! in the unknown is the only way I To seduce my masked to be lover, find true catharsis. No societal pressures, no judging eyes. Just me, in my the darkness, and in a breaudntiol tit’s needs n a n O O h the nothingness. B s min 25 Where was I? Right. Men. Anyways, fork. I realized that I’ve been s with a banana searching for a lover in verripe id they o e th . How d 1.) Mash eek ago w a s the entirely wrong way a an y, ese ban e. Happ y ripe ught th eir prim -- the key is to let them 2.) I bo - 3 ver ere in th w ey th at Once, come to me. Here’s the shy. Wh s so fast? and mu go bad banana , brown w plan: I will be waiting o N l. r a nti s flou nanas? ll of pote in the dark room. Then, poor ba ripe, fu - 2 cup n m those w o ak o fr r t b n d to bre when some big strong up e differe . We nee - 3/4 c makes m to cut it g in o masked man jumps out g stupid ad isn’t of those ana bre sugar enough to try and scare me, that’s e 3.) Ban b y a . M n candy e me. s when I’ll strike. I will not Hallowee ole insid - 2 egg into the gapingh e r e th t ll t fi run, hide, or scream. No, I will up bu dy bars - 1/2 c will stand there brave and a fun-size can d o s g bakin strong and look him dead - 1 tsp in the eyes. He will be so


SDA’s arts and humanities teachers faced off in the fight of the century over the new New Building’s room with a view. Story and art by Simmone Stearn


he new New building, known officially as the new Arts and Humanities building, is finishing construction and will be completed by the start of the 20192020 school year. SDA’s Humanities teachers are being pitted against each other as they ask themselves one question: who will get the room with the ocean view in the new New Building? Foreign language, English, History, and Arts teachers faced a tricky predicament as all were unsure of a fair way to decide who should occupy the room with the view. This past thursday SDA principal Adam Camacho proposed a solution, suggesting the Arts and Humanities teachers fight in an official match with the winner awarded the prize of the ocean view, stating that it is the “only truly fair way to come to a consensus.” At 9:00 Saturday night, the competing teachers gathered at the back entrance to the SDA gym where Camacho refereed. The contenders included Spanish teachers Sean Floyd, David Bair, and Sheryl Bode; History teachers Kerry Koda, Kelly


Hawkins, and Eli Cameron; and English teachers Kerri Leonard, Rob Ross, and Lily Bolig. The teachers created a circular formation where, upon the whistle, they charged toward each other. Several battle cries sounded from Cameron who, although not permitted to bring weapons, waved a hurling stick in the air, striking Kelly Hawkins across the head. Hawkins, who was secretly harboring a Revolu-

tionary War musket in her sleeve, fell unconscious and was removed from the scene on a gurney. Meanwhile, Bair immediately targeted Floyd who he caught in a chokehold, but was forced to let go as Floyd insistently beat him over the head with his classroom microphone. Bode, capitalizing off the situation, ran up and clotheslined both men who were knocked onto the ground from the sheer force of her muscle.

Bode pinned Bair and Floyd to the concrete wherein she spat in their faces and laughed. While the History and Foreign Language teachers brawled aggressively, the contenders from the English department made no move of attack. Rather, they glanced at each other sheepishly, firm believers in intellectual discussion rather than bloody violence as the path to solution. Finally Bolig, who decided beggars cannot be choosers, attacked. With purpose, she walked up to Ross and slapped him across the left cheek. Leonard gasped as she too, found she was being slapped by Bolig. Leonard and Ross looked at each other and with a simultaneous nod of understanding, they both slapped Bolig who, between the wrath of their palms, was knocked unconscious. By this time, only Koda was left untouched, for all the teachers were too intimidated by her superior aura to lay a hand on her. At this thought, Koda smiled happily to herself and with the soft flap of a butterfly’s wings, she floated quickly and

graciously toward the last conteders: Bode, Leonard, and Ross. The four teachers faced each other with menacing stares. After moments of silence, Bode screamed “ZUMBA!” with the volume of the banshee and charged at Koda, moving her arms and legs in a form of zumba-fighting. But Koda, always foreseeing, moved slightly to the left and chuckled softly as Bode executed a spinning Zumba kick and missed her target, falling to the floor. Her glasses flew to the concrete and were shattered. Bode was out. Leonard and Ross, looking afraid for their lives at the smirk on Koda’s face, gave each other yet another simultaneous nod of understanding and punched each other in the nose, for they had decided their friendship should not be ruined by material want. Camacho blew the final whistle and grabbed Koda’s hand, raising her arms above her head and yelled, “Winner!” All of the contenders except Koda are currently patients at Scripps Hospital in Encinitas.

OCT 2018




ALL MAMMALS MAKE MILK. SO DO NUTS. The ultimate milk ranking. By Camille Zimmer and Drew Atkins


or centuries, many rumors and misconceptions have been spread about all types of milk. In order to set the milk record straight, we have created the only Milk Ranking chart you’ll ever need. The chart below ranks all milks based on flavor, texture, and general milk traits. Use this chart to meet your everyday milk needs. 1st - Oat Milk Fantastic in coffee, the flavor is very mellow and isn’t overpowering. Great texture, super easy to make at home. Flavor can be easily added. Best for: the plant and animal lover

6th - Coconut Milk Generally good, nice coconut flavor. However, it is pretty thin. Mainly used for cooking, not super practical for everyday drinking purposes. Best for: everyone 7th - Flax Milk An easy option and a good source of flax oil. Slightly watery but enjoyable, the flavor is not overpowering and it’s a great non-dairy substitute in cereal, but not a super great option to meet everyday milk-needs. Best for: field hockey players

2nd - Almond Milk Great easy go-to, not very exciting but not bad. If bought at the store the flavor is muddled, but if you make it at home the almond flavor is overwhelming. If you make it at home, it may get thicker over time, but the experience of milking your own almonds is worth it. Best for: your local vegan

8th - Rice Milk Fairly boring, major lack of flavor. Very watery. Best for: flat Earthers

3rd - Cow Milk Boring and unfortunate. Flavor isn’t very pleasant and it is generally very white. There are many varieties of cow milk, so you may be able to discover one that suits your wants and needs. However, cow milk gets extra points since it comes from a mammal. Best for: the mom friend

10th - Buttermilk Uncomfortably thick, sour, and chunky, but not too bad. A great alternative if you are comfortable with the thought of drinking thin sour yogurt. Best for: the grandpa friend

4th - Goat milk Like regular milk but with more cream/butter texture. If you are not a texture person, goat milk is probably not for you. Difficult to find in store, but had more nutritional value than cow milk. Best for: water polo players 5th - Hazelnut Milk Tastes like chocolate milk, and even better, it tricks you into getting that chocolate flavor healthily. Kind of a standalone drink, wouldn’t pair with anything. Best for: the loud friend


9th - Soy Milk A surprisingly good source of protein but pretty much just waterflavored. Not very exciting. Best for: bean fanatics

11th - Cashew Milk Think of it as a cross between rice milk consistency and almond milk flavor, but a little grainier. If you’re scared of grainy stay away but if you like more diluted flavor, try it. Not a good milk substitute, more of a separate entity. Best for: the art lover



12th - Condensed Milk Not made for drinking. Best for: cakes

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13th - Muscle Milk

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Surfer Landon Southard and skater Brady Walz, sophomores, answer these relevant questions. By Alexis Price answer and teleport to school in their pajamas. I still cannot get over your laziness though, so minus 5 points. Skater, I have to hand it to you - that’s a great answer because you can now ride in style. Forget about skate boarding to school, just fly like an eagle! Maybe you will fly right by one! However, your support for your answer is clearly lacking. Have you ever thought about all of the new opportunities flying would bring you? You could be the first real superman - without the laser eyes or super-human strength. Your answer is worth 50 points, but your lack of support loses you 13 points. Yes, 13 points is very spooky, and unlucky so we shall see how your other answers go. Pickles or Potatoes? Surfer: Potatoes, because you can put them in sandwiches Skater: Pickles, because you can put them in sandwiches Surfer, take a moment to ponder on your answer. When was the last time you were served or made a “I can skate better,” Landon Southard. “But I am the better sandwich containing POTATOES? Unless you count mashed potatoes dancer,” Brady Walz. Photo by Alexis Price on a roll with ham and gravy the day after Thanksgiving, then there is absolutely no situation to eat potatoes in a sandwich! Potatoes on bread is f you could have any superpower, super-strength, elasticity, invisibility, just carbohydrates on carbohydrates, what would it be and why? or speed before teleportation. So 10 defeating the purpose of a sandwich. Surfer: Teleportation, because points for your creativity. Also, see Minus 10 points for you. I’m lazy. the reference? “The Incredibles”…. Skater, I like your answer more so Skater: I would like to be able to fly, who had a pretty good second movie for the high quality reasoning you because that would be cool this year. Anyways, lazy really? I aphad. Adding pickles perfects a turkey preciate your honesty, so I sluggishly sandwich. That crispy crunch with Surfer, I am baffled by your award you 17 points because you’re the addition of the other flavors in answer for two reasons. First, most a drama queen. However, other your sandwich are exceptional. Mm. consider other superpowers like teenagers would likely say the same


I am getting hungry just thinking about pickles. 21 points for you. Candy Corn is… Surfer: The best. Thing. Ever. Skater: Disgusting Surfer, I have to agree with you. Candy corn embodies Halloween; therefore, it is definitely considered to be ONE of the best things ever. (My biases do not apply to this situation… Halloween is definitely the best holiday though). However, I have to say candy corn is just high fructose corn syrup in the form of a yellow, orange, and white triangleshaped candy, lacking flavor and variety. No, the new flavors like eggnog and pumpkin spice don’t taste different from one another, and honestly just taste like allergy-inducing spices were thrown together in a bowl of sugar, creating a sweet stir-fry that makes you sneeze from the unnecessary addition of cinnamon. I award you 33 points… because that is the average number of candy a person eats in one sitting. Halloween needs candy corn Skater, it just does. Get over it. It doesn’t matter whether you decide to eat 5 pounds of candy corn during the month of October (I don’t recommend that) or just one piece - taking a bite of that chewy orange candy brings memories of goblins and ghouls to your brain without you even consciously recognizing it. Are you a “Halloween Hater”? That would be extremely disappointing. Get it, because candy corn is in the shape of a triangle… triangles have three points… whatever. Anyways,

BOO, minus 20 points for you. What is a hallow? Surfer: a place where shit goes down. You know like a small town, like Sleepy Hollow. Skater: It’s like a word in that one Harry Potter book Surfer, your unintentional humor just made a little zombie laugh his head off (quite probably). A hallow is a saint or holy person; your answer could nwot be farther off. I think your surfboard has hit your head more times than a book has. Also, the spelling is completely different: HALLOW and HOLLOW. C’mon, man I expect better. Minus 34 points for your idiotic answer. However, can we just take time to appreciate Sleep Hollow? A quality novel and movie with a fun cast. I will award you 17 points for the fun reference. I appreciate your ability to drop Harry Potter knowledge, Skater. Unfortunately, you were off, but on the right track because the verb hallow means to venerate or respect your elders. If you have not read the Potter series, spoiler: he can see all of his dead relatives and friends when he summons them using the resurrection stone. Alright, enough of the Potter news. Unlike Surfer, you did have the correct spelling and, you didn’t curse with words or a spell! Ooh spooky. I award you 87 points skater. Surfer: 39 points Skater: 125 points Skater you won… NOTHING!

What are you looking for in a school board candidate? Ask questions! Hear from the people who could be making decisions about our school.

School Board Candidates Night Mustang Commons Thursday, October 18 6:30 p.m. - 8 p.m. For more information, or to submit a question, visit


OCT 2018





Senior Aeon Combs shares his knowledge about the Upperclassmen Life.


ow are you doing? Thanks for asking! Apart from my AP’s, College Apps and just general feeling of low confedence and self-hatred I am fine. How did you survive? It’s really not as hard as people think. I mean, don’t get me wrong, high school in general is pretty terrible, but us Mustangs have it really good. I survived by making as many friends as possible, and balancing that with my work and school life. All it takes is the confidence within yourself to achieve this, and even though it took me until senior year to realise it was important, I’m glad that this realization was made. If you realize this now as an underclassmen, you’ll be golden.

Why are some of you so mean? I try not to be mean to freshmen face-to-face because I think that’s rude, but jokingly I’ll make jokes about underclassmen because I have senior clout. I’m sure many of the seniors feel this way too and if there’s anyone that is an actual jerk to you, come and find me and we can hang out. What does it feel like to get out of here soon? It feels really, really, really strange. Not just because it’s been more than three years being here, but also because it’ll be hard to get used to not seeing so many weird people confined into one area. Let’s hope it’s refreshing.

What’s your favorite place to drive to during lunch? I have a list if that’s okay: If I’m feeling Mexican food there’s El Pueblo and El Nopalito (which is walkable). Then there’s the Sandwich triplets, Subman, Subway and Firehouse Subs. I personally recommend Firehouse if you want more of a hot sandwich, but delicious and cool subs are Subman’s specialty. Subway is for anything in between that range. I could go on, but for the sake of my editor’s I’ll cut it short and say: Go out and waste your money on food! Art by Camille Zimmer


CAF’s reccently improved but equally unqualified astrology. By Drew Atkins

Aries You’re a prideful sign, and most times rightfully so: whether discovering a new trend or being at the top of your game, an Aries is typically in first place. However, your put-downs towards the runner ups can cut off your social circles and lead to unnecessary conflict. As an Aries, conflict is nothing new to you, but try patience instead and wait for others--it makes the victories you actually fight for so much sweeter. Taurus Sociable and incredible company, there are few things that can deter a Taurus from chasing the finer things in life. This mentality can cross over into other aspects of your life, however, and your unbending attitude can blind you to new possibilities just as easily as you choose to ignore price tags on self-help shopping sprees. This year don’t be afraid to open your eyes to new opportunities before charging full speed into choices made on a whim. Gemini Chances are the person going on intellectual tangents in your second period is a Gemini. Obsessed with the excitement of discussion, it’s easy for you to lose track of your audience or unintentionally condescend. Gemini’s are symbolized by the twins, which means


two mouths to speak from. It also means four ears to listen from, so this year make an effort to listen to others more carefully. Never stop sharing your valuable world view, but take time to see others as well. Cancer Nobody likes the stereotype of being the crybaby sign, but nonetheless as a Cancer you may have been accused of it. Cancers make the best mom friends and your natural instinct to care for others makes you a great ally in any situation. This year keep in mind that even when you get down, there’s no need to wallow in your emotions. Appreciate the strengths you gain from challenges, and kill the crybaby stereotype with kindness. Leo The spotlight is not only where Leos desire to be, but it’s practically what they were made for. The downside of giving you the starring role, however, is your tendency to do anything to get back in it. For others, your desperation to be included can be exhausting, and you may be accidentally cutting off your friends in doing so. Take the backseat every now and then, and get comfortable with sharing your weaknesses; being genuine attracts the attention you seek in a healthier manner.

Virgo Virgo’s true gift is your ability to understand your emotions and why you’re feeling them. This understanding however can sometimes lead you to chase happiness till you’re run into the ground. It’s one thing to seek help, and another to let it become your obsession. At the end of the day, a Virgo is perceptive, so if you look to yourself before looking to others this year, a surprising solution may present itself. Libra Few can compare to the social caliber you possess as a Libra. The head of social circles and subject of secret admirers, you do have a tendency to get lost in the hundreds of options presented to you. For such a judicious sign, it’s funny to watch you struggle to make decisions for yourself when helping others make them comes so much easier. This year, make the best choices for yourself and be decisive. Choosing your own path will lead you to picking good options instead of detrimental ones. Scorpio A hard sign to read, as a Scorpio it’s your mystery that makes you so intriguing to others. Although exciting in the short term, this persona can become too much of a facade, and in turn you find yourself ignoring your true feelings. Don’t give up on emotional chal-

lenges this year. Instead, face what you feel head on. Scorpios feed off success, and being honest about how you feel will be an unparalleled triumph. Sagittarius The other signs certainly missed your smile, a trademark of Sagittarius optimism. And as much as people love the bright energy you bring into the room, sometimes that light can become blinding. Over-enthusiasm can be exhausting for others, but the last thing you should do is dampen your spirit. Instead, look for people who share enthusiasm for the same things you do. Finding someone to match your energy is a true symbiotic relationship. Capricorn Your friends can always count on your Capricorn spirit to stand by them. Always there to listen and lend a helping hand, you help others the traditional way, but that’s not the only thing written in stone. You’re particular about the way things are done, and you can be stubborn when it comes to change… even if you don’t realize it. Do one thing a day that scares you this year, and the excitement of living differently can be refreshing.

Aquarius You truly do see the world through a different lens, and that’s what people love about an Aquarius. There’s never a challenge too small or idea too peculiar, but this can lead to unpredictability. Constant changes in your mood and mentality can make it hard for others to follow along with you, even if they truly want to. Try to make a conscious effort to be more steady this year, and delegate what you believe really does matter and soon others will come back into your orbit. Pisces As a Pisces, you live in a world of fantasy, and your ability to make those daydreams become reality gives you an enticing charm. However, your visions of perfection have led you down paths that only end in upset, and you can get frustrated by an otherwise obvious reality. Flip the script on your mindsets this year, and instead of fantasizing a dreamland, work actively to turn your reality into the most magical place you can make it. Don’t let escapism ruin the gifts you’ve already received. Instead, cherish the happiness already in front of you.


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