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District Chancellor Search Continues

With the help of Academic Search, the application process for the Chancellor Search was concluded in October. The Search Committee, consisting of 28 members led by Trustees Mary Graham and Craig Milgrim, will identify finalists in early November.

All finalists will meet in person with key District groups, participate in open forums, and interview with the Board of Trustees in November and early December. The exact dates, times, and locations of these events will be provided once finalists are confirmed.

Everyone throughout the District and community will be invited to attend the public forums with the final candidates. Feedback forms will be provided to all who attend, and the completed forms will be given to the Board of Trustees and reviewed as part of the Board’s deliberation process.

The start date for the new chancellor will be negotiated between the Board and the selected finalist. For more information and a full timeline related to the Chancellor Search process, visit sdccd.edu/ chancellorsearch.

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