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Mindfulness and wellbeing...

We are here to look after you and support you. Your safety and overall wellbeing is our top priority, which is why we have dedicated teams to help you cope with college life and remain motivated throughout your studies.

Your tutor will always be there to support you, but if you require any extra help with literacy or numeracy, need some 1-to-1 support or any extra resources, then our Additional Learning Support (ALS) team is here for you.

Our Wellbeing Team is also on hand to help you with any struggles you might have with college work, college life, or your personal life.

We currently hold a number of quality marks which demonstrate our commitment to helping you do and be the best you can.

We are proud to hold the Autism Accreditation mark and give expert support to students with Autism.

We are a centre of excellence for the British Dyslexia Association, and each of our highly trained team meets the Matrix Standard for providing excellent Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG) and Careers support. So whatever you’re thinking of doing after college, we’ll be able to help you find the thing that is right for you.

We’re serious about mental health and wellbeing and want you to feel good so that you can function well. We host a range of events, such as our Stress Busters, to help you keep calm, relax, and focus before busy revision and exam time.

Are you ready to be motivated?


BDA Quality Mark

Our College is a centre of excellence, committed to meeting the needs of young people and embraces diversity.

...play an important role in keeping you motivated.


Coming here has made me realise that I shouldn’t compromise anything anymore, and my dyslexia shouldn’t hold me back!

My tutors keep me motivated and help me to realise my full potential.


A-Level Student

Y O N U .


Geheris talk about his time at college and how he got into Oxford University.

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