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Inclusive Learning
All young people have the right to good quality of life and take part in a college course which gives them the skills and support to successfully progress into adulthood.
Most people on an Inclusive Learning course will have an Education Health and Care Plan.
We will work with every young person and their family to plan their individual pathway and set aspiring goals which will be celebrated throughout the year. Some young people will have a support and therapy need written into their EHCP.
Our specialist team of curriculum and support staff will celebrate and build on the strengths of every young person whilst ensuring that any support is designed to increase independence and confidence.
Our courses have been created to prepare young people for adulthood and start them on a pathway to Relationships and Community, Independent Living, Good Health and Employment.
Personal & Social Development
Course Code: View our website
Personal and Social Development has been designed to support young people who have a range of learning difficulties or disabilities. Young people will be supported to develop new friendships and think about how they can get involved in their local community while they follow a project-based approach to getting ready for adult life.
Work Skills
Course Code: View our website
Work Skills has been designed to support young people who have a range of learning difficulties or disabilities. Young people are given the opportunity to think about their future and their choices after college. They will be given the opportunity to take part in work experience and gain practical experience in an area of their choice.
All learners will be supported to improve their maths and English skills as part of their programme and will be able to take a Functional Skills qualification if it is right for them.