Sussex Downs College Full-Time Guide 2018/19- Sixth Form Courses

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Flip me for Professional & Technical Courses

OPEN EVENTS 2017/18 Don’t miss your chance to find out why so many students choose to study at Sussex Downs College!

Friday 6th October, 4:30pm - 7:30pm


Saturday 7th October, 10am - 12:30pm

Friday 13th October, 4:30pm - 7:30pm

Tuesday 14th November, 4:30pm - 7:30pm

Saturday 14th October, 10am - 12:30pm

Wednesday 24th January, 4:30pm - 7:30pm

Thursday 9th November, 4:30pm - 7:30pm


Wednesday 31st January, 4:30pm - 7:30pm

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Please note: course information is correct at time of going to press. Government changes to qualiďŹ cations and funding may mean that information in this guide is subject to alteration. For the latest information, please visit our website or contact Admissions on 030 300 39551.




Sixth Form Courses

Professional & Technical Courses

Principal’s Welcome


Art & Design


Art & Design


Your Future Starts With Us



Business & Management


Student Voice


Business, Management & Law

Catering & Hospitality


Be The Best


Childcare, Health & Social Care



Childcare, Health & Social Care



Construction & The Built Environment






Foundation Learning


Hair, Beauty & Complementary Therapies


College Life


English & Modern Foreign Languages


Sports Academies




SDC in Numbers




The Pillars of Excellence


IT, ICT & Computing


Here to Help You Succeed

16 Mathematics


Media, Film & Digital Media


Parent & Guardian Information


Conquering the ALPS


VESPA & The Sixth Form Mindset


Russell Group Universities


Arts & Schools Partnerships


Work Experience


Performing Arts & Music




Progression to A Level


IT, ICT & Computing


Public & Uniformed Services




Media, Film & Digital Media



114 120 122

Motor Vehicle & Engineering 110

Digital Badges


Sport & Fitness

Beyond the Classroom


Travel & Tourism `

Which Course is Right For Me?


Skill up Maths & English


Course Levels Explained


Performing Arts & Music


Public & Uniformed Services




Sport & Fitness


New GCSE Grading Structure 33

Travel & Tourism


Countdown to College




Campus Information


Open for Business


Course Index


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Here at Sussex Downs we strive to make College an excellent and inclusive experience for all of our learners. Life after Year 11 is full of big changes, and although it may seem daunting, it can be one of the best times of your life.

HELLO AND WELCOME TO SUSSEX DOWNS COLLEGE We are delighted that you are considering Sussex Downs College for your Further Education.

There are many routes to different qualifications, from traditional Sixth Form subjects including English, Humanities and Science A Levels, to technical courses including Brickwork, Beauty Therapy and Theatre Studies. I urge you to read up on the courses here in this guide and come along to our Open Events to experience subjects first hand. It really is the best way to pursue your passion for a fulfilling College experience. As for life after College, remember that nothing is written in stone. You may be focused on pursuing Higher Education (HE) following your time with us. This may be at University, on a Degree level apprenticeship in the workplace, or even on an HE course with us here at SDC. Use your time with us to explore all the different options available to you, and speak to staff and advisors who can help you to plan your next steps. Our staff are professionally qualified, often with substantial experience in the industry area in which they teach, and are personally committed to your future. Through the hard work and dedication of our staff and learners, we have created an inclusive environment where every learner is given the tools and assistance to achieve beyond their expectations.


As a father of two girls, both of whom are now in successful careers, I know how important deciding on the right College is for you. If you choose to start your story with Sussex Downs College, we will do our very best to ensure a happy and rewarding experience. Mike Hopkins Principal and Chief Executive, Sussex Downs College

What are Sixth Form Study Programmes? Learners pursuing academic study programmes (including A Levels and applied general qualifications) at Sussex Downs College study at either our Eastbourne or the Lewes campus. A Levels and applied general study programmes are two-year qualifications, with assessment based on coursework and end of year exams. This is regarded as a ‘traditional academic route’, preparing learners for life at University. Recent changes to A Levels means learners now sit exams at the end of the second year. Previously, under the old system, learners would sit exams after the first year, which contributed to half the overall grade, and then isit more exams in the second year, too.

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YOUR FUTURE STARTS WITH US Our learners are the stars of tomorrow

We are committed to your future Staff are fully trained in their subject area, often with years of experience in the relevant industry, bringing a wealth of knowledge and support for learners in their teaching, Staff have links to employer-led briefs, work experience and apprenticeship opportunities for learners. Extra study sessions and revision classes around exam time lets you take advantage of the additional support available.

Alumni are making waves in their chosen industries. Our previous learners regularly return to College to talk to current learners about their path into the workplace. These vary in industry and include accountants, managing directors, fashion designers, musicians and beauty therapists.

We get around

Our learners win awards

Learners have a voice The Students’ Union enables all learners to have a voice. We recognise that learner’s opinions and experiences must be heard at the highest level, which is why we employ a Sabbatical Officer from the SDC student body. Ideas and suggestions are listened to and taken on, promoting a happier environment across College. 4

Our learners succeed in local and national awards, including the popular WorldSkills and UK Skills competitions for vocational subject areas. Other previous award winners include subject areas including Law, Film, IT and Music. Former Beauty Therapy student Kaiya Swain was chosen to represent the UK in the WorldSkills Finals in Abu Dhabi, October 2017.

Learners are given the chance to participate in trips, both locally, and abroad, whether it’s through their course or the Students’ Union, providing memorable life experiences outside the classroom. In 2016/17, learners visited Bruges and Uganda to name just a few!

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"I m ' in my first year h ere and so far i t's been

a great experience! I 've met loads of new friends

and I m ' really enjoying my courses - I m ' studying

Law, English Li terature and History A L evels. In terms of learning, I feel I am treated like an adult and The Student Council is a forum designed to give all learners the opportunity to share their thoughts and opinions on student life at Sussex Downs College and as a College, improve the learning experience and environment for learners. All the feedback collated at The Student Council meetings are presented to the Principal and Senior Leadership Team in the form of our ‘You Said, We Did’ campaign, which is circulated to all curriculum areas and gives each department a better understanding of learner’s needs. As well as the Student Council there are lots of opportunities for learners to get involved in learner activities! The Students’ Union offer a calendar of enrichments societies and social activities such as trips abroad, BBQ’s, live bands during lunch times, quiz nights and much more…. We are the only Students’ Union in the country to have achieved the NUS Quality Union kite mark, usually awarded to university Students’ Unions. This remarkable achievement is due to the commitment and hard work of our Students’ Union Team. As a result of this, we have been invited by the NUS to help develop a specific quality standard for other Colleges to follow.

encouraged to put as much in to my studies as I can!

I decided to join th e Studen ts' Union as an Officer this year to h elp organise and take part in even ts.

I enjoy being part of th e Union so much that I 've

decided to run for Vice Presiden t this September for th e coming year."”

- Olivia Godden, A Level Student Previous School: Cavendish School

"I was a bi t appreh ensi ve about starting College

as i t's a step up from school but I 've really enjoyed

my first year and getting to know new people.. Th e best

thing about th e College is defini tely th e sports facili ties and clubs on a Wednesday afternoon. I 've joined th e

Netball team and I m ' starting a girl 's football team in September!"

- Paige Whybrow, BTEC Sport and Physical Development Level 3 & Higher Sports Leadership Certificate. Previous School: St Catherine’s College

"Wh en I arri ved at th e College everyone was very

h elpful and I found my way around quickly. My target was to improve my English and I feel I 've achieved

that thanks to Sussex Downs College. All th e staff

and teach ers have been very kind and friendly and gi ve me th e moti vation I need to succeed. I 've met

lots of new friends by going on th e trips organised

by th e Studen ts' Union and becoming an Officer for In ternational L earners. This has been one of th e best years yet!"

- Aranu Prats, International student from Barcelona


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BE THE BEST Image: Stephen Lloyd, MP for Eastbourne and Willingdon, with Eastbourne learners on A Level results day 2017

At Sussex Downs College you will be encouraged to challenge yourself. Your time here can be rewarding in so many ways; alongside completing your qualifications, there are various activities to increase your success and help you enjoy your time with us.


Academic Enhancement Programme Our Gifted & Talented Scheme offers a tailored package of activities for high performing learners, providing real stretch and challenge. The Scheme will help you to achieve your best possible grades and we provide specialist support to help you apply to world-class Higher Education institutions. You will be able to take advantage of great opportunities, including educational trips, guest lecturers, support with entering competitions, student governance, ambassadorial work and access challenging academic options.

Claudia Fairweather, 19, from Eastbourne, completed her A Levels in 2016 and took advantage of the Gifted & Talented programme to aid her progression. During her time at College, the A* English Literature student took part in a Gifted & Talented Seminar on contemporary writing. The seminar explored many aspects of literature, including the popularity of adapting books into films, something that is commonplace nowadays and crosses all genres.

I ha ve a be tt er ou tlook on wri ting following this e ven t . I ne ver

really thought of books objecti vely and subjecti vely before, and now I do.

Relevant to her A Level course, Claudia attended a talk on Shakespeare, whose work is still as relevant today as it was when it was first written. Claudia studied Biology, Chemistry, Philosophy and English Literature.

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Triple Scoop of A grades University is on the cards for the vast amount of learners leaving SDC and the fantastic results achieved in 2017 enables them to do just that. Twenty-one SDC learners are celebrating outstanding results, having achieved A/A* grades in all three of their A Level subjects. These include Eastbourne learner Nele Gewert, who achieved an A* in English Literature and A grades in Psychology and English Language. Daniel Hagan achieved an A* in Mathematics and A grades in Physics and Further Mathematics. Over in Lewes, Jessica Green achieved three A grades in Philosophy, English Literature and Business. Roisin Fairbairn was awarded A* grades in Sociology and Communication & Culture, and an A in Psychology.

Triple A grade learners also include International learners Huong Trang Vo and Hoang Kim Khanh Duong, who both studied at the Lewes campus. Hoang Kim Khanh received an A* in Further Maths and A grades in Accounting and Economics. She was also winner of the International Student of the Year award in the SDC Students Awards 2017. Her teacher, Joanna Bourne, said, “Hoang Kim Khanh’s great sense of humour is a fantastic asset and allowed her to create strong working relationships with other learners. She is a shining learner who will go on to achieve great things at university and beyond.” She will now study Management at London School of Economics & Political Science (LSE). “LSE is my first choice so I was really excited when I saw the results and the confirmation letter from them. I am very thankful for all of the well-structured and inspirational lessons I received from my teachers, and for the constant and great support from my tutor Jo. I would not be able to achieve this much if it hadn’t been for all of them.”

I start ed to learn English wh en I wa s six years old. I wa s always really in t erest ed in th e language and read so many English books. I ha ve stayed wi th differen t UK families for th e pa st three years so I could pursue my educa tion h ere. . - Nele Gewert Nele moved to the UK from Germany in Year 11 and studied for her GCSES at The Eastbourne Academy. At Sussex Downs College she completed A Levels in Psychology, English Language, and English Literature, along with an Extended Project Qualification (EPQ).She is now progressing to Bath University to study Psychology.

Huong Trang received A* grades in Chemistry and Further Maths and an A in Physics. She was also nominated for International Student of the Year in the SDC Student Awards 2017, receiving a Highly Commended Award. Her teacher, Joanna Bourne, said, “Huong Trang has a naturally curious mind and a strong desire to learn, and this drives her to spend a great deal of time researching her subjects beyond the A level curriculum. Tracy has all the hallmarks of an outstanding learner and she will undoubtedly go on to achieve at the highest possible levels in education and beyond.”


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MORGAN JAMES Musical Theatre, BTEC Music and A Level Photography student Morgan is beginning his career as a successful and in-demand musician. His most recent show took place at famed venue Komedia in Brighton.


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MEET THE NEW APPRENTICES University isn’t the only route our learners are taking. Luke Emsley studied a BTEC in Sport Community & Higher Sports Leader award alongside an A Level in Business. He found out about apprenticeships through the College and decided to forgo university and pursue this route. He has just started an apprenticeship with Health Managment Ltd, who have a local office in Ringmer. Luke said, “University isn’t for everyone. I wasn’t sure what subjects I wanted to study and didn’t want the student debt. Earning while I learn is fantastic and I can progress and train with the company while I study. They have big names as clients including EE, Virgin and the Home Office. This is an exciting opportunity for me.”

AMANJOT HEER A Level learner Amanjot Heer has progressed to Durham to study Accounting and Finance after achieving A grades in Business and Accounting and a B in Maths. The talented alumni said about his time at College: “The teachers have been extremely helpful and are always willing to go the next step in order to help you achieve your goal with countless 1-2-1 sessions and even having lessons on during holidays. There are resources available in order to push you, therefore making you exam ready. Overall, the atmosphere is brilliant here and the college really helps you with the jump from secondary school to college.”


Grace Rolls-King received a Triple Distinction* in BTEC Health & Social Care Extended Diploma. She Samuel Bennett, 24, from Lewes, is now embarking on a mentor role before attending studied Biology, Chemistry, Physics Roehampton University in 2018. She says: “The College and Mathematics at SDC, helped me get a mentor role with Willingdon School, with the goal of gaining a place where I will be working with learners, helping with their to read Medicine at University. learning or any needs that they may have. I’m really The successful alumni can include excited about that. Then I’m going to study Primary Author, Researcher and Medical education at Roehampton University. The College Educator to his already impressive prepared me for my next step by arranging UCAS drop-ins CV. Samuel says about his time where they could check over personal statements and at SDC: “It was prefect for me, as things like that. That was really helpful to make sure they it allowed both the flexibility and were as good as we could get them and give us the best support that I sought academically, chance of progressing. I’m really happy and really excited to bridge the gap between Secondary for the future! Going to University is something I’ve always School and University education.” His advice to current wanted to do.” learners is to “show resilience and determination in whatever you pursue. Ensure regular reflection on what Start your story with Sussex Downs College. you have accomplished and still hope to achieve. Don’t forget to register to be part of the College Take the time to enjoy the process too”. Alumni programme! Details on how will be provided when you enrol. DR SAMUEL ROBERT BENNETT


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College is very different to school in many ways – but the biggest difference is that you are entering a more adult environment, preparing for your next steps to university or employment.


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Hard work is a given, but it’s not all about studying. Sussex Downs College has a wide range of activities and social events, so there’s something for everyone, whatever your interests and ability. College is a chance to try something new and you have the freedom to choose from so much at Sussex Downs College. Come to our Freshers’ Fair at the start of term to see what you can get involved with!

The Duke of Edinburgh Award is an exciting opportunity for learners to get involved in a self-development programme. Throughout the programme applicants commit to learning a new skill, taking up a new physical activity, volunteering in the community and undertaking expeditions in unfamiliar territory. The College is proud to be offering this programme to its learners, especially as it is so highly valued and sought after by universities and employers.

You can take part in loads of sporting activities, join the gym or use the sports park. We offer new sports and courses depending on learner interests, and have a dedicated Sports Maker who will listen to what you want to do and help make it happen. You can apply to join our sports academies in football, tennis, rugby or golf, in addition to your normal programme of study; or you may wish to opt into our enrichment offer as part of the cross-college healthy lifestyle initiative. STUDENTS’ UNION Run by the students for the students, the Student Union (SU) ensures the views of all learners are represented. It means you get everything you expect – and more – from your College. The SU also arranges a calendar of events. See more on the Student Council, p. 5.

LIVE PERFORMANCE & SHOWS More than 40 spectacular shows a year are held in our studios and theatres and at a variety of professional venues. You can audition for our dance company, or why not sign up to our Audition Enrichment if you have drama school in mind? Or you might be happiest in the audience – come and watch your friends perform!


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SPORTS ACADEMIES The College seeks to identify elite sportsmen and women to offer additional training and fitness opportunities and to represent the College at British College’s Sports events. We encourage and support these athletes to compete regularly, with the prospect of competing in national competitions if successful in regional heats. Sussex Downs College has a number of high level sports performers who attend the College, some of whom are active within the College Academies and Sports Performance options. These include regional and national representation in sports such as football, taekwondo, sailing, mountain biking and karate. We also have a number of learners who have trained for and represented Great Britain in international competitions. The Sports Academy programme at Sussex Downs College aims to provide opportunities at the highest level of sporting performance for learners. The Academies enable talented athletes to receive high level coaching and competition alongside their academic and vocational studies. Our learners have access to the best facilities in the local area, including Eastbourne Sports Park, Eastbourne athletics tracks, College gyms, Lewes Leisure Centre and Southdown Private Sports Club. Each Academy trains three times a week with fixtures taking place on Wednesday afternoons. ACADEMIES FIVE FOCUSES 1. Development of individual and team skill 2. Enhancement and knowledge of personal fitness and nutrition 3. Understanding of strategies and tactics of the game 4. Competing and performing at the highest level possible, both individually and as a team 5. Understanding and practising the basic principles of coaching sport ACADEMY REQUIREMENTS All learners who join are expected to have high levels of attendance and performance in the classroom, attitude to learning and personal presentation. There is no additional fee for being a part of an academy, however training kit and academy apparel is available for purchase on the sport department kit website page: 12

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Eastbourne Campus Academies FOOTBALL ACADEMY The Football Academy comprises of a men’s U19 team competing in the Sussex County College League and English Schools and Colleges Cups. Each learner will receive four hours of skill and match development training per week, in addition to strength and conditioning training from a qualified personal trainer. EASTBOURNE BOROUGH SEMI-PRO FOOTBALL ACADEMY Eastbourne Borough Football Club (FC) offer opportunities for both men’s and women’s U19 football, competing in the Conference Youth Alliance League (the highest level of non-league football), and the Ryman Youth League. The primary goals for this Academy programme is to firstly provide its players with the opportunity to develop their footballing abilities through the Academy’s holistic, multidisciplinary approach, with a view to progressing the club’s young, homegrown players into the Eastbourne Borough FC 1st team squad. And secondly, on an educational level, to give learners the opportunity to study a broad choice of A Level subjects and/ or BTEC courses alongside their full-football programme to provide players with the academic qualifications required to follow the preferred future educational pathways. All Academy scholars will be coached by the club’s carefully selected coaching team and will train regularly alongside the Eastbourne Borough FC 1st team squad. TENNIS ACADEMY The Tennis Academy offers each learner four hours per week of skill and match development training, delivered by a Level 3 Lawn Tennis Association coach. They also

receive one and a half hours’ fitness training from a qualified personal trainer. They will take part in matches for the Aegon League and British Colleges Sports events.

academies here at Lewes as you can do it alongside your other courses and it is all done within the college timetable.” MEN’S FOOTBALL ACADEMY

GOLF ACADEMY This course has been specifically designed to give recognition to talented golfers, as part of the England Golf Partnerships vision of being “The Leading Golf Nation in the World by 2020.” It aims to support young male and female elite golfers (aged 16-18 at the start of the programme) who can demonstrate the necessary talent, commitment and skill to achieve excellence in golf and who possess a realistic chance of making a career from playing golf. The Golf Academy team runs an order of Merit for our players each week and the team for the national Intercollegiate Golf Tour is selected from this. Through this event, players get to play on different courses throughout the country.

Lewes Campus Academies MEN’S RUGBY UNION ACADEMY Over 50 learners make up the Men’s Rugby Academy at the Lewes campus. Each year, the academy enters competitions including the Natwest Cup, British Colleges Cup, British Colleges Elite League, Sussex League, Sussex Cup and various 10’s/7’s competitions. Ed Chrusciel studied A Levels in PE, Biology, Business & Psychology (2014-16) and was part of the Rugby Academy during his time at Sussex Downs College. He said, “I have really enjoyed being a part of the Rugby Academy this year. I feel my game has improved a lot since I started and I feel this is down to the highly competitive environment that has been established. I would highly recommend being a part of the

The Men’s Football Academy in Lewes takes around 30 learners and enters competitions including the British Colleges Cup, ESFA Cup, Sussex League, Sussex Cup and various 5-a-side competitions. Paul Woods studied BTEC Sport Diploma, A Level Human Biology, Community Sports Leader & Higher Sports Leader, 2014-16 and joined the Football Academy. He said, “The Men’s Football Academy has been great over the last year. I have been able to play football at a high level while still focusing on my academic studies. We enter many competitions which provide us with regular matches that are all highly competitive. If you play football you should definitely choose the men’s football academy whilst studying at SDC.” . WOMEN’S NETBALL ACADEMY Around 20 learners join the Women’s Netball Academy at the Lewes campus. Learners are entered into competitions including British Colleges Cup, Sussex League, Sussex Cup and various mixed and Fastnet competitions. Elizabeth Noakes studied BTEC Sport Diploma, A Level English Language, Community Sports Leader & Higher Sports Leader (2014-16), and joined the Netball Academy in Lewes. She said, “I have loved being a part of the Netball Academy this year. I have made loads of new friends and have been able to continue playing netball at a high level inside and outside of College. The facilities we use and level of competition we face are really high and this has helped me improve as a player and the whole team as well.”






learners in total.

staff members - making us one of the largest employers in East Sussex.

100% 40



learners 19+

learners 18 & under



pass rate in:

applications per year. apprentices in training 2016/17.


A Level subjects,


311 job and apprenticeship vacancies advertised on behalf of local employers through Sussex Downs College

apprenticeship success rate.

apprenticeship courses on offer at the College.

2,543 1,302 2,993 3,995

learners studying at entry level.

learners studying at level 1.

learners studying at level 2.

learners studying at level 3.


learners studying at level 4.


learners studying above level 4.

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THE PILLARS OF EXCELLENCE The world of post-16 education and training is changing rapidly. Sussex Downs College is amongst the best Colleges in the region and across the UK. That’s why I recently launched my vision for the future of the College in the form of ‘The Pillars of Excellence’.

The focus on these key areas will ensure that Sussex Downs College delivers excellence in all that it does. These areas are: •  Sixth form and applied general provision •  Professional and Technical Education and Training


* Where a learner does both, the traineeship will follow the transition year. Learners doing both the transition year and a traineeship may progress directly to employment. ** Some learners will move directly from A Levels and/or applied general qualifications to degree and higher apprenticeships.

GCSEs and Technical Awards

The College is on a journey. We are among the best in the country, giving the very best to our learners and communities. Mike Hopkins Principal & Chief Executive, Sussex Downs College



A Levels and/or applied general qualifications**

GCSEs and Technical Awards

Traineeship (if appropriate)*

College-based technical education including placement in industry


Higher Education (Levels 4/5 technical education)


Bridging provision (where appropriate) Higher Education (Undergraduate Degree)

Employment-based technical education e.g. Apprenticeship with at least 20% College-based education Degree Apprenticeships and Higher Apprenticeships


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HERE TO HELP YOU SUCCEED Here at Sussex Downs College we deliver high levels of support and guidance to every learner, ensuring your time with us is as successful as possible. LEARNER SUPPORT - Help when you need it As a learner at Sussex Downs College you will receive individual help and support. Our friendly staff can help with: • Financial information and support, including childcare • Admission to full and part-time courses • Information, advice and guidance – what courses are on offer and what’s right for you • Course advice and progression pathways • Careers, Higher Education, employment information and Apprenticeships


FREE STUDY AND FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Tuition and exam fees are free of charge for home learners aged 16 to 18 and you will continue to be eligible for free tuition for the duration of your qualification. Please note, you may need to pay for equipment and materials relevant to your course. If you are aged 19 or over please contact us for further advice.If you are worried about the costs of studying at College, there are various sources of financial help which you may be eligible, such as: • Bursaries • Travel grants and discounts • Care to Learn grants • Discretionary Learner Support To discuss any of these options further, or for more information, contact us on 030 300 39551 or visit STUDY PROGRAMME TUTORS Our Study Programme Tutors will give you the support you need to make your move into College life and beyond. You will have a Study Programme Tutor for the duration of your time at College,

helping you to become a confident, independent learner with high achievement and excellent progression prospects. Your Tutor will be ready to listen to you and offer individual support when you need it. They will work with you to set and review targets to support your progression as a learner at College and your future pathways, whether this is a rewarding university course or the career of your choice. WELLBEING ADVISORS Because your personal safety and wellbeing are more important than anything, our Wellbeing Team is specially trained to be able to support you through difficult situations you may encounter during your time at college. Our Advisors will be able to advise you on a range of welfare issues, and provide effective interventions to ensure your college experience is a safe, supported and happy one. Whatever the difficulty you may be experiencing, our commitment to support your learning is absolute and we will help you to get back on track.

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EXTRA SUPPORT For learners who need extra support to make the transition into college, for example due to high levels of anxiety, the College offers support from a member of the Wellbeing Team. This may include, for example, meeting an adviser before the first day of College to talk about any concerns and make a plan to provide extra support during the transition period. Additionally, the team is able to support learners throughout their time at College if problems emerge, e.g. due to homelessness, substance misuse or other welfare needs. LEARNING SUPPORT We know that each person’s learner journey is a different one. The Learning Support Team are here to help you throughout your time at Sussex Downs College. If you have a learning difficulty or disability our expert team will work with you to agree a learning support package that best suits you. Remember to take full advantage of the support you’re entitled to, as this will boost your achievement at College. For further details about the Learning Support available, visit or call us on 030 300 39258 (Eastbourne) or 030 300 39562(Lewes). The text number for hearing impaired learners is 07584 684363 or (Minicom) 01323 637216 SUSSEX DOWNS AND BEYOND We have your future in mind, whether you plan to go straight into employment or on to university first. We have links with around 1,000 employers who tell us they value skills and experience as well as qualifications. The Hubs, based at both Eastbourne and Lewes, offer employability and progression advice to learners.

MY FUTURE My Future is a College service preparing you for the next steps, including: • UCAS application support • Impartial Careers Advice and Guidance, from professionally qualified staff • Advice on developing your CV • Support to improve your interview and presentation skills • Gain paid and voluntary work experience– we have an online jobs board where local employers post their vacancies • Help to find apprenticeship opportunities through Sussex Skills Solutions • Careers fairs and recruitment events for you to attend. SDC TALENT BANK – HELPING YOU TO FIND AN APPRENTICESHIP Our Recruitment team can work with you to make sure your applications, CV and interviews stand out from the crowd. By registering on our Talent Bank we will notify you of apprenticeship vacancies that match you and your aspirations. For further information on how Sussex Downs College can support you contact: 030 300 39474. For further information on the Apprenticeships we offer, flip this guide over and go to pages 138 - 144.

PROGRESSION TO HIGHER EDUCATION Throughout your progression to Higher Education (HE) we provide group and one-to-one sessions focused on completing UCAS applications. These sessions, along with our Progression Information Pack, will equip you with everything you need to know during the application process to University.


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PARENT & GUARDIAN INFORMATION Working in partnership with you to ensure a smooth transition for learners from school to College with care, guidance and support. 18

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WHAT IS FURTHER EDUCATION (FE)? FE encompasses a wide variety of provision, meeting the needs of the local community. This inludes A Levels, BTECS and other applied general qualifications, apprenticeship and vocational provision and Foundation Learning. It also includes adult, international and HE provision. QUALIFICATION, INFORMATION, ADVICE AND GUIDANCE There are lots of qualifications to choose from at Sussex Downs College and we can help your child with that choice. For more information: call 030 300 39551 email or drop in and see us. OPEN EVENTS Our Open Events can help you to find out what our College has to offer. You will have an opportunity to look around our campuses and meet our lecturers and tutors. You can also find out about the support available, from additional learning to financial help. And there will always be the chance to meet some of our current learners who can tell you more about College life. See our Countdown to College page for upcoming Open Event dates. APPLYING TO THE COLLEGE On receipt of your child’s application, an interview date is sent out. At interview, we make sure your child has chosen the right course for them and help them with details about the course or programme. We encourage parents to attend. Usually an offer is made with conditions such as GCSE grade requirements. Occasionally a referral will be made to consider alternative options. Your child will be invited to attend an Introductory Day at the end of the summer term. These days will enable your child to attend classes in the subjects they have chosen. Instructions, learner support and enrolment details will be sent to you during the summer holidays about what to do on and after GCSE results day. BEGINNING COLLEGE The induction period is an opportunity to make the transition from school to College as easy as possible, ensuring learners are on the right programme, settling into college life, and creating excellent relationships with their peers and teachers/tutors, For College term dates visit: or contact us on 030 300 39551

SUPPORT Expert information and advice is offered as part of the support service. There are specialist Additional Learning Support teams and Study Programme Tutor teams, who work closely with learners. The Wellbeing Team supports learners who need extra help to make the transition into college, for example due to high levels of anxiety. For more information on this, please see p.16. Help with course costs and bursaries for travel, visits and equipment may be available for eligible learners. Please visit our website where you’ll find further information for parents and carers: STUDY PROGRAMME TUTORS Our Study Programme Tutors will give your child the support they need to make their move into College life and beyond. They will have a Study Programme Tutor for the duration of their time at College, helping them to become a confident, independent learner with high achievement and excellent progression prospects. Their Tutor will be ready to listen to them and offer individual support when they need it. They will sit and review targets with every learner to support learner’s progression at College and their future pathways, whether this is onto a rewarding university course or their chosen career.


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CONQUERING THE ALPS Sussex Downs College reflects on a highly successful year and looks forward to welcoming new learners.

Here at Sussex Downs College, we look forward to welcoming new learners with confidence; confidence in the fact that we are going above and beyond to offer one of the best educations available to school leavers in the local area. I am pleased to announce that Sussex Downs College is successfully “conquering the Alps” – that’s ‘Assessment and Learning in Practice Settings’ to the uninitiated. Similar to an Ofsted report, Alps grades educational institutions, but measures our ‘value added results’. What do we mean by ‘value added’? Put simply: each learner comes to us with expected results based on their GCSE performance. For example, a C grade learner would generally be expected to achieve a C grade on their Level 3 course. When said learner achieves an A grade, they have surpassed expectations. We have been focusing our work with learners to help them achieve their best and improve their grades. We received our ‘Value Added’ information for 2016 with delight; the hard work for both learners and staff paid off. ‘Value added’ is exactly what we have achieved. Surpassed; bettered; exceeded… insert your synonym of choice here. In effect, we are going above and beyond for our learners and they are doing the same in return. It’s not too late to be a part of our future success. I look forward to seeing you at Sussex Downs College. Mike Hopkins Principal & Chief Executive


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VESPA & THE SIXTH FORM MINDSET VESPA is the sixth form’s acronym of choice to help you on the road to success. Come with us on a journey into our new sixth form mind-set – no driving licence required.

Our learner’s week should look something like this: •  12 hours per week attending lessons •  3 hours per week attending extra workshops •  15 hours per week completing independent study •  8 hours per week part-time employment •  Leaving plenty of time for a social life and sleep! THINKING HARD AND RAISING STANDARDS

WHAT DOES VESPA STAND FOR? Vision, Effort, System, Practice and Attitude: five key words that equal academic success with us here at Sussex Downs College. During your time at College, you will adopt the VESPA mind-set to help you develop and succeed. It may be alien at the start of your course, but through your studies, your teachers and your peers, VESPA will be a normal part of your academic life. HOW CAN PARENTS/GUARDIANS SUPPORT LEARNERS? Using our VESPA mind-set is an easy way to keep track of your son/daughter’s study habits. Do you know where they ultimately want to end up working? Take an interest in what your son/daughter wants to progress to after their studies. Know what grades are needed for different university courses and careers. Do you know the dates of your child’s mock exams? Make sure you know their current working grade, their target grade and improvement plan. We urge you to become familiar with your child’s study habits and lend support where you can. Studying A Levels is a full-time commitment and requires study time outside of the classroom. We appreciate our learners need to earn money and have a social life too so this enables you to agree the work-study-life balance.


The Raising standards initiative ensures successful tracking of key marginal learners to achieve and exceed their target grades. THINKING HARD The contrast between studying GCSEs and A Levels is huge. School is all about knowledge recall. You learn the facts and repeat them. Thinking Hard is a phrase coined to define your time at College. No longer is the emphasis purely on building knowledge. You will also be developing your thinking skills which in turn leads to deeper knowledge and understanding. At Sussex Downs College you can look forward to engaging in thinking activities; applying knowledge to subject specific contexts as well as analysing and evaluating pieces of work.

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RUSSELL GROUP UNIVERSITIES Here at Sussex Downs College we have a breadth of courses and programmes available to provide you with a tailored education that suits your Higher Education and career goals – perfect if you’re aiming to attend a Russell Group University.

No, learners at Sussex Downs College can combine these subjects with other A Levels that interest them strengthening their knowledge and preparing them for Higher Education. Including a Russell Group A Level in your courses at Sussex Downs College will strengthen your university application. If you’re still unsure about what to study at university, choose two of the subjects listed above so you have a range of degree courses open to you.



The prestigious Russell Group consists of 24 leading universities in the UK. These include Cambridge, Bristol, Birmingham, Edinburgh, Kings College, London, Oxford, Newcastle, Southampton, Warwick and York.

In 2017, over 200 of our learners have gone on to study at prestigious Russell Group universities. These include Amanjot Heer, previously from Cavendish School, who is going to study Economics at Durham University; Iris Shrestha, also from Cavendish School, who has gone to study at Cambridge, and Thomas Matthews, from Ratton School, who has gone to Southampton University.

DO I NEED TO STUDY SPECIFIC SUBJECTS AT COLLEGE TO ATTEND A RUSSELL GROUP UNIVERSITY? The Russell Group universities identify the following ‘facilitating’ A Levels as the most rigorous and therefore most desirable when applying to these institutions: Physics, Biology, Chemistry, History, Geography, Modern and Classical Languages, English Literature, Maths and Further Maths. Also, keep in mind that each university and course has its own entry requirements. Check with your preferred university as some institutions publish a list of preferred A Level subjects and specific requirements. 24


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ARTS & SCHOOLS PARTNERSHIPS Sussex Downs College offers an exciting range of the arts at A Level, including Dance, Drama and Theatre Studies, Fine Art, Graphic Communication, Film Studies, Media Studies, Literature, Music, Music Technology, Photography and Textiles Design. As well as very good results we have a track record for outstanding progression to some of the country’s best undergraduate programmes throughout the arts, and very

good relationships with the top universities and specialist institutions. They regularly visit us to support our careers events and to inform learners about their degree programmes. We also offer the highly successful post-A Level UAL Foundation Art and Design Diploma for learners looking to find their niche and specialise in Art and Design.


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WORK EXPERIENCE Work experience is an integral part of our learners’ study programme. It provides an insight into working for a local or national business and gives learners a glimpse of the real working industry outside of what is taught in the classroom.

quick to find their way around the local area and showed huge resilience and adaptability, especially in their work placements where many of them were working in challenging environments with limited knowledge of the German language. I can’t wait to run this trip again.” Callum returned from the trip feeling stronger, wiser and uplifted. “It is certainly a trip I won’t forget for a long time to come,” he says. “I learned so much seeing BASF. I doubt anyone has ever seen a factory so big with so many employees [35,000] on one site.” Industry experience comes in many forms at Sussex Downs College. In 2016, Law students had the chance to compete in the Bar National Mock Trial Competition. “This was the first time that Sussex Downs College has entered the competition, and I am pleased that our learners have acquitted themselves in the very best manner possible,” says Fritha Watson, Law Course Coordinator at the College. “They were excellent barristers and witnesses, court clerks, ushers and members of the jury, and displayed a professional, respectful approach to the competition and their competitors.”

All subject areas at Sussex Downs College include a work experience placement from vocational subjects such as Brickwork and Hairdressing, to subjects such as Law and Business. Each year, our Business students have the chance to complete a work experience placement with Badische Anilin & Sodafabrik (BASF), the world’s largest chemical manufacturing company, based in Ludwigshafen, Germany. Sam Alvarez, Raising Standards Manager of Academic Studies at Sussex Downs College, says: “This exchange proved to be hugely beneficial on so many levels, from developing knowledge of different cultures in terms of business and every-day life to experiencing the duty and satisfaction of supporting the community you live in. I took an enormous amount of pleasure from watching the learners grow in confidence every day. They were 26

The Sussex Downs College learners were presented with trophies and a cheque for £100, provided by the Senior Judge at Maidstone Crown Court. The Hubs, based at both the Eastbourne and Lewes campuses, provide information to learners on employability skills and work experience opportunities. Teaching staff also have industry contacts, creating work experience opportunities for a large number of our learners. On placement, the same classroom expectations apply. Learners are expected to arrive on time, dress appropriately for the work they will be doing and be polite and courteous at all times. You are representing the College and yourself, so make sure you are promoting your skills and knowledge in the best possible light. Who knows what future opportunities a work experience placement may lead to?

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DIGITAL BADGES SHARE YOUR SKILLS. ANYWHERE. At Sussex Downs College, we recognise that when recruiting, higher education academic institutions and employers are looking for much more than great qualifications. They’re looking to recruit talent that can solve problems, think critically, take initiative, be creative and adapt to changing situations. We know these so called ‘soft skills’ can be difficult to evidence, so we have worked with over 400 businesses and HE providers to build an Employability Passport and a Passport to HE. These represent the skills most valued by these organisations. Each skill is represented by a digital badge, which is earned by uploading documents, images and video as evidence. Each badge is then verified by our employability team and can be additionally endorsed by staff and employers. You will be given your own public online portfolio to link to from your CV, UCAS application or share with employers direct. You can use your portfolio to secure work experience opportunities or internships. All of our digital badges use Open Badge technology meaning you can share them anywhere online including on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn. This all means that employers can see evidence of your skills from the moment you apply, making you stand out from the crowd and helping you to land your dream job. To find out more, go to or email 27

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BEYOND THE CLASSROOM Academic Enrichment Opportunities: We want your time at Sussex Downs College to be as fulfilling as possible. Alongside completing your qualifications, you will be encouraged to challenge yourself and increase your success by taking part in different activities and academic programmes.

STEP & AEA PROGRAMMES At Sussex Downs College we believe that mathematics is so much more than just an A Level; it is a language and a framework for problem solving. We encourage learners to solve problems independently and study for the STEP (Sixth Term Examination Paper) suite of exams and the AEA (Advanced Extension Award). These exams are a requisite for studying mathematics as degree level at top universities.

SCIENCE ENRICHMENT OPPORTUNITIES Science Enrichment opportunities The Bio Medical Society is open to all learners and is a specialised society for learners interested in all aspects of science, including: Biology, Chemistry, Nursing, Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Science and ethical debates. This enrichment programme enables learners to take control of their own development, giving them the opportunity to research a topical medical issue that interests them. These projects supplement the standard science curriculum. The Bio Medical Society at Sussex Downs College benefits from links with Eastbourne District General Hospital. Learners visit the hospital for research and development trips, seminars and lectures. These opportunities support learners with their University application and ensures they stand out. DEVELOPING FUTURES IN BUSINESS, ACCOUNTING AND LAW


knowledge to prepare learners for these opportunities. Learners also have the opportunity to go on international enrichment trips. Past trips have included the international law courts in Amsterdam, a two-week work placement in Germany and a tour of a manufacturing company in Portugal. Law students also have the opportunity to compete against the very best in the National Bar Mock Trials. Identified as a Centre of Excellence for A level Accounting, Sussex Downs College learners benefit from a vibrant provision with proactive and experienced staff who have strong links to businesses across Sussex and London. HUMANITIES: EXTENDED PROJECT QUALIFICATION & ACADEMIC EXTENSION PROGRAMME We offer A Level courses in many of the core Humanities subjects: History, Philosophy, Geography, Sociology and Politics, along with the research-based Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) in the second year of study.

Every year we have Business and Accounting students who are successful in achieving outstanding placements, in companies such as KPMG and Deloitte UK. College staff who are involved in the process The EPQ is a qualification have previously worked for KPMG much praised by universities and have the experience and

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for developing all the crucial skills required for study at undergraduate level. Led by Humanities Programme Manager Dr Stephen Robinson, we have a highly committed team of subjectspecialist teachers who are as passionate about their respective disciplines as they are committed to effective, learner-centred learning. The Humanities department is also home to the Sussex Academic Extension programme, which offers super-curricular, university-style seminars to learners that begin their studies at Sussex Downs College with exceptionally high GCSE grades.

brickwork students can learn different techniques and develop their own skills as they help others. It’s great for the learner’s CV and personal development, even years after their education, learners in the programme can still benefit from the links the College has with Uganda.” - Ian Elgie, Enrichment Lecturer (first visited Uganda in 1964)

STUDENT COUNCIL The Student Council provides every learner with the opportunity to voice their opinion and be a real part of the decision-making process at the College.

The Humanities department also offers a range of enrichment opportunities to widen our learner’s experiences. Our History students, who studied 100 years of Russian history as part of their course, recently took a trip to Moscow and St Petersburg, returning with a lifetime’s worth of memories and thoughts about the world. THE UGANDA STUDY PROGRAMME Since 2003, College learners have been visiting Uganda, volunteering in schools and at the Bungokho Rural Development Centre (BRDC), as well as assisting with the tree planting programme in the Bulambuli District. The BRDC trains Africans in a wide range of vocational skills, from nursery care to beekeeping and bricklaying. The range of topics attracts learner volunteers from various College courses including Sociology, Geography, Politics and Sports Coaching. The trip teaches learners about poverty in a different culture and how it can be overcome. “It’s a life-changing programme for Sussex Downs College learners. It is hard work but the experience they gain is amazing. Biology students with an interest in medicine benefit from working in hospitals. Likewise, 29

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WHICH COURSE IS RIGHT FOR ME? Useful information to help you make the right choice...


All 16-18 year olds in full-time study are on what is called a ‘Study Programme’. This comprises vocational and/or academic qualifications, Maths and English if needed, employability and work experience if appropriate, and tutorial support. The Study Programme package ensures that young people are effectively prepared for their next steps. WHAT IF I CAN’T AFFORD TO STAY IN EDUCATION? Raising the participation age also means changes in funding and an improved quality of education or training. Financial support may be available to those who need it through the 16-19 bursary fund. WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO STUDY? Remember to think carefully about the choice you are making. We want you to achieve your goals and to be able to move on to the career or Higher Education course that’s right for you. Contact our Admissions team for more information on 030 300 38555 or email




If you have any career ideas, have you researched the subjects or courses you will need to study to achieve your goals? How do you prefer to learn? How do you learn best? Is it through taking exams, being assessed by coursework, or a combination of the two?

Qualifications can be very

different in their assessment and content, and it is important that you understand and are happy with the practical and academic content. Different methods of assessment suit learners differently, so it is also important to consider whether coursework, continuous DID YOU KNOW THERE ARE assessment, and/or exams suit MANY DIFFERENT TYPES OF your personal strengths. We offer COURSES YOU CAN TAKE? Study Programmes at Entry, Level These include academic, vocational, 1, 2 and 3, so it is also important and even work-based courses. to match your actual or predicted achievements to the entry criteria SHOULD I STUDY to ensure you apply to the right AN APPRENTICESHIP? level programme. This will also be discussed with you at interview. To become an apprentice you will need to find an employer prepared to employ you. We can also help you WHICH SUBJECTS? with this process. Please refer to When you have chosen your the Apprenticeships section of this preferred programme and the Fulltime Guide for further details. level you are aiming for using your predicted GCSE grades, please look WHERE WOULD YOU PREFER through this prospectus for TO STUDY? a choice of courses. The time and cost of travelling to College is an important consideration and studying locally can be more convenient. Our campuses in Eastbourne, Lewes and Newhaven have great public transport links and free parking, helping to make things easier for you. We also help learners with travel discounts and grants.

For the latest course information, visit Have a look at what is available but remember you can always speak to staff at your school or at Sussex Downs College.

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Whether you’re hoping to get a job after College or go on to further study, your Maths and English results determine the level at which you start studying at College. These are essential skills, highly sought after by employers and universities. It’s therefore vital that you achieve the best level of Maths and English you possibly can before you come to College. If you haven’t achieved a grade 4/C or above in Maths and/or English from school, then we will design a learning programme to support you in improving these skills. Exactly how much and what you study will depend on the level of your course, your previous experience and qualifications, as well as any support needs you might have.


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To study...





(to include Maths & English, as required)

(Level 1)

Pre-Entry & Entry (Entry Level)

















at level... which includes...

Please note: all Level 1 & 2 courses are included in the Professional and Technical side of this guide.






you will need...

and can then move on to...


at least 6 GCSEs grade A*-A/9-7 in 5 or more subjects with English Language & Maths at least grade B/6

at least 5 GCSEs grade A*-C/9-4 in 5 subjects with English Language & Maths at least grade C/4

Higher Education, Higher Apprenticeships or full time employment.

at least 4 GCSEs grade D/3 or above in different subjects with English Language & Maths at least grade D/3, or an equivalent Level 1 vocational qualification

There are no formal entry requirements for many of our Level 1 programmes, however some do have subject specific entry criteria.

No formal qualifications.

Level 3 courses, an Apprenticeship or full time employment.

Progress to the next Level, start an apprenticeship or enter full time employment.

Progress to the next Entry Level or Level 1 course.

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NEW GCSE GRADING STRUCTURE Reformed GCSEs have been introduced gradually over 3 years from September 2015. They are being graded from 9 to 1, instead of A* to G.

Learners awarded GCSEs in 2017 and 2018 will therefore receive a mixture of 9 to 1 and A* to G grades. Learners will not lose out as a result of the changes. Ofqual will use a statistical method (known as comparible outcomes) so that: •   broadly the same proportion of learners will achieve a grade 4 and above as currently achieve a grade C and above.

Entry Requirements


9 8 7 6 5 4


A* A


4 and above = C and above



•   broadly the same proportion of learners will achieve a grade 7 and above as currently achieve a grade A and above.


•   the bottom of grade 1 will be aligned with the bottom of grade G.



•   a grade 5 will be awarded to the top third of learners gaining the equivalent of a grade C or bottom third of a grade B.



In addition, the top 20 percent of those who get a grade 7 or above in each exam will be awarded a grade 9. (June 2015 - Ofqual/15/5712)

Your GCSE results will determine your initial level of study post 16. As you complete each level of education you can progress to the next. To see how qualifications compare and our standard entry requirements, see the table opposite. If studying a practical vocational subject, it is likely that learners will enter at Level 1. Learners with some experience in their chosen subject, or who display skills and aptitude, may be able to fast track and enter at Level 2. Planned skills development is vital to ensure learners build expertise and confidence in their vocational specialism. There may be flexibility around these entrance criteria, depending on your individual situation. Please contact our Admissions Team if you need any further information, advice and guidance. Please note, if you have not achieved GCSE English Language and/or Mathematics at grade C/4 or above, you will be required to do these (or similar) qualifications as part of your full time programme at college.

* Please Note: Individual subjects/ Courses may have further specific entry requirements. Please see course details for more information. 33

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COUNTDOWN TO COLLEGE Our Eastbourne and Lewes Open Events take place in October, so visit us and check out what we have on offer! Lewes: 6th & 7th October

Need some more help? Don’t worry, visit us at our Spring Open Events:

Eastbourne: 13th & 14th October

Lewes: 24th January



September Check out the Sussex Downs College prospectus online at or pick up a copy from your school. Find out about all of the courses on offer and how to apply for a place. Study academic courses such as A Levels, choose a vocational course or follow an apprenticeship.

Eastbourne: 31st January

November/ December

February/ March/April

Make sure you have completed your College application form online through UCAS Progress.

Decision and revision time! After your visit to College, you will receive your ‘offer’ letter from us for courses starting in September. This will include an acceptance form that you will need to fill in and return to us within three weeks to guarantee your place.

We’d really like to meet you! From November onwards, you’ll receive an email or letter inviting you to the College. This is your chance to find out all about us and discover what’s right for you. There are also additional open events in November: Eastbourne: 9th November Lewes: 24th November

Spring also means revision time. Visit for some great exam tips. The preparation you put in now will definitely be worth it!

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Keep an eye out for the post! This month you’ll receive details and a booking form for our upcoming Sussex Downs College Introductory Days. These take place at the College before you start your course and will prepare you for College life.

The next chapter of your life begins with Sussex Downs College!

And as you can’t have failed to notice, May is also the start of exam time! All of the hard work you’ve put in at school over the past few years will now be put to the test.

With your exams finished, your College place sorted and the excitement of what’s to come, it’s time to take a break for the summer holidays. Enjoy it – you’ve earned it!

Check your enrolment pack for your official start date, as some courses may differ. Remember, to guarantee your place at Sussex Downs College, you will need to enrol and attend an induction session. See your enrolment pack for full details.






June and July are the months to attend your Introductory Days taking place at our Eastbourne and Lewes campuses. It’s a great time to sample your courses before your September start, hear from tutors and get a really good feel of the College. (Remember you need to have returned your form to us to confirm you will be attending!)

Make sure you are up-to-date with any assignment work or reading that you may have been set during your Introductory Days. Keep an eye on the post – this month you’ll receive your Sussex Downs College enrolment information which contains all you will need to confidently start your course with us in September. Enrolment starts this month. And the moment is here… August is exam results time! Fingers crossed your grades are as you expected but if not, don’t panic – Sussex Downs College can offer you guidance on your next steps if you are worried. Contact details will be in your enrolment information.

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Call us... 030 300 39300



Visit us online... Twitter: @sussexdowns

Facilities include realistic industrystandard vocational workshops, media suites, art and design studios, a custom-built sports hall, full use of a 400m athletics track and all weather sports pitches, well-equipped classrooms, a high spec laboratory with full disabled access and a Construction Centre. There is also an on-site restaurant and hair and beauty salons, all of which are open to the public and allow learners to gain first-hand experience with customers.

iLearn is the College’s online learning environment for learners, helping to support learning outside of lesson time. You will use iLearn throughout your time at College to access material, submit assignments and communicate with your peers.

Find us... Eastbourne Campus: Cross Levels Way, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN21 2UF


Whether you’re looking for a quick cup of coffee or a hot meal, the Eastbourne campus offers a wide range of food and drink options to suit all tastes. As well as vending A LEVEL CENTRE machines, there are catering Sussex Downs College is proud outlets situated throughout the to introduce the new A Level Centre campus. at the Eastbourne Campus. As the new A Level reforms take place, CHILDCARE FACILITIES this centre provides a dedicated Sussex Downs College has two learning environment for A Level registered nurseries, one at the learners. It has been designed to Lewes campus and one at the provide easy access to independent Eastbourne campus. learning space through our new, fully equipped Independent For further information, Learning Hub. Furthermore, a new please contact: Tutorial Centre provides all of the Manager, Kittens support learners could ask for and Nursery Eastbourne: a new IT Centre means working at 030 300 39555 College is a breeze. Manager, Clocktower LEARNING CENTRES The College has Learning Centres in Lewes and Eastbourne to accommodate individual or group study outside of lessons. The Learning Centres feature a wide range of books, newspapers, magazines, e-books and searchable databases, PCs that can be used on a drop in or bookable basis, as well as an Information Technology Centre in Lewes.

Nursery Lewes: 030 300 38299 GYM AND FITNESS CLASSES The A Level Centre at Eastbourne Campus is equipped with a gym which is available for use by all learners at Sussex Downs College. There are also a number of fitness classes available throughout term time. 37

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Call us... 030 300 39200



Visit us online... Twitter: @sussexdowns

Facilities include a purpose-built Performing Arts Centre, visual art studios, media suites, a sports hall, well-equipped classrooms and a high-spec laboratory with full disabled access. There are also on-site hair and beauty salons, both of which are open to the public and allow learners to gain first-hand experience with customers.

Whether you’re just looking for a quick cup of coffee or a hot meal, the Lewes campus offers a wide range of food and drink options to suit all tastes. As well as vending machines, there are catering outlets situated throughout the campus.

Find us... Lewes Campus: 1 Mountfield Road, Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 2XH

LEARNING CENTRES As well as an Information Technology Centre, the campus has a well-resourced Learning Centre to accommodate individual or group study outside of lessons. The Learning Centre features a wide range of books, newspapers, magazines, e-books and searchable databases, as well as PCs that can be used on a drop in or bookable basis.

CHILDCARE FACILITIES Sussex Downs College has two registered nurseries, one at the Lewes campus and one at the Eastbourne campus. For further information, please contact: Manager, Kittens Nursery Eastbourne: 030 300 39555 Manager, Clocktower Nursery Lewes: 030 300 38299

ILEARN iLearn is the College’s online learning environment for learners, to help support learning outside of lesson time. You will use iLearn throughout your time at College to access material, submit assignments and communicate with your peers.




Clockwise from left: Firle House, Lewes campus; the A Level Centre, Eastbourne campus; learners working in our IT suites at Lewes campus, Art & Design workshops in Eversley House, Eastbourne campus.

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Our staff and learners run a number of businesses which are open to the public including hair, beauty & treatment salons, a restaurant & bistro and high quality print & design services.


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Kings Restaurant & Bistro Our popular Kings Restaurant & Bistro at the Eastbourne campus is open for lunch and dinner, featuring a range of speciality events with the finest quality food and wine in intimate surroundings at the Eastbourne campus. Awardwinning learners prepare, cook and serve guests in the restaurant under professional supervision as part of their training. Kings is open to the public, staff and learners throughout term time. OPENING TIMES: SDCWay - Subs and salads in the A Level Centre, Eastbourne. Mondays & Tuesdays, 10am – 1pm Coffee Shop, Eastbourne Monday - Friday 8.30am – 1pm Kings Bistro, Eastbourne Open for lunch Wednesday & Friday 11.45am (last orders 12.45pm) Two Course Lunch - £6 per person Three Course Lunch - £8 per person No booking required. Tables of six or more can be reserved in advance. Kings Restaurant, Eastbourne Wednesday & Friday Lunch is served at 12 noon Three course lunch with coffee - £12 per person Booking required. Themed events at Kings Thursday evenings, £25 per person Booking required Please see website for more information:

Floristry Services In our Floristry Studio, Eastbourne, we are pleased to be able to offer beautiful floral arrangements, wedding flowers, or just a thank you bouquet, all available to order. For prices and more information please call 030 300 39389

Evolve Hair & Beauty Salons

Reprographics Print & Design Service (Eastbourne and Lewes) The Reprographics teams at Sussex Downs College offer a high quality print and design service at highly competitive prices. We can provide a wide range of print and finishing services, including:

• Colour and black and white copying • Business stationery, NCR forms, (Eastbourne and Lewes) flyers & leaflets Our vibrant hairdressing and tranquil • Large format printing • Binding & laminating treatment rooms offer a variety of • Wedding invitations, order professional treatments with great of service etc. value for money. Choose from a wide range of services and treatments including: Haircuts - £5 Colouring from - £20 Facials - £15, Manicures - £6 Body massage - £13 Reflexology - £10 and much more. For more information or to book your appointment please call: Eastbourne (Hair & Beauty): 01323 637323 Lewes (Hair): 030 300 38500 Lewes (Beauty): 030 300 38600 open-for-business/evolve/

We are able to use your own artwork or create some for you to suit your requirements (charges may apply). Please feel free to give us a call or email us for further information and pricing: Reprographics Eastbourne: 030 300 38409 repro.eastbourne@sussexdowns. Reprographics Lewes: 030 300 38550


F U L L-T I M E C O U R S E G U I D E 2 0 1 8 / 1 9




(Flip guide over)


APPRENTICESHIPS (Flip guide over)

Art & Design Art & Design


Double Award in Art & Design


Fine Art


Graphics Photography


53 53/54



Three Dimensional Design



Business Management & Law Accounting

60 56

Accounting & Business AAT Business

141 56

Accounting AAT 60

56 141

Business Administration Business Programme; NCFE Enterprise Skills


Business Programme; NCFE Retail Knowledge

57 58

Business Programme; NCFE Employability Skills Business Studies












Catering & Hospitality Food Preparation Cooking & Beverage


Food Preparation & Service


Hospitality Management


Hospitality Services


Hospitality, Supervision & Leadership

141 141

Kitchen Service 62/63

Professional Cookery


Childcare, Health & Social Care 141

Childcare Early Years and Childcare Health & Social Care







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(Flip guide over)


APPRENTICESHIPS (Flip guide over)

Construction & The Built Environment Carpentry & Joinery


Bench Joinery






Construction & The Built Environment


Construction Skills


141 141


Electrical Installation


Maintenance Operations 75

Painting & Decorating

141 141

Plumbing 76

Plumbing Studies English & Modern Foreign Languages


English 82

English Functional Skills English Language


English Literature


English Language & Literature








Floristry 85

Floristry Foundation Learning Exploring The Caring Sectors BTEC


Personal Progress


General Foundation


General Vehicle Maintenance


Skills For Employment in The Construction Industry


Vocational Studies (Explorer)


Hair Beauty & Complementary Therapies Beauty Therapy


Complementary Therapies Diploma




141 141

Humanities Classical Civilisation














F U L L-T I M E C O U R S E G U I D E 2 0 1 8 / 1 9




(Flip guide over)


APPRENTICESHIPS (Flip guide over)

IT, ICT & Computing Computer Science


Digital Design

88 141

Infrastructure Technician ICT Application & Web Development



IT: Data Analytics


98 99

IT: Digital Business Practitioner


Information & Creative Technology IT: Emerging Digital Technology Practitioner


IT: Software & Games Development


99 141

IT: Software, Web and Telecoms Professional 98

IT Users Mathematics Further Mathematics





Media Film & Digital 106

Art Design & Media Creative Digital Media Production



Creative Media Production & Technology



Film Studies


Media Studies

99 141

Digital Marketer Motor Vehicle & Engineering 112

Accident Repair MET Principles Engineering


112/113 141

Vehicle Body & Paint MET


Service & Maintenance Technician (Light) Vehicle Accident Body Repair


Vehicle Body Repair


Vehicle Maintenance & Repair


Performing Arts & Music




Drama & Theatre Studies




Music Performance & Production


Music Technology


Musical Theatre


Performing Arts


Performing Arts (Acting)


Pre-Professional Music Performance


Production Arts





141 141

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(Flip guide over)


APPRENTICESHIPS (Flip guide over)

Progression to A Level Higher Project


Progression Award


Public & Uniformed Services 122

Entry to Uniformed Services Public Services



Retail 141

Customer Service Science Applied Science






Combined Science









Science Lab Technician Sport & Fitness Community Sports Leader Award



Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award (DoFE)



Eastbourne Borough Football Academy



Football Academy



Golf Academy



Higher Sport Leadership



Physical Education


Sport & Exercise Science



Sport & Physical Activity Development


130 130

Sport Sport Academy Men's Football



Sport Academy Men's Rugby



Sports Academy Women's Netball





Travel & Tourism Travel & Tourism


F U L L-T I M E C O U R S E G U I D E 2 0 1 8 / 1 9




W W W. S U S S E X D O W N S . AC .U K


Sussex Downs College, Art & Design Student Connor Baxter (work pictured) won The Geoffrey Williams Art Bursary Award in 2015.


*Figures based on data provided by Emsi (August 2017)

Average Upper Wage

£35,000 Average Mid Wage


£ Average Entry Wage


Annual vacancies within the region: 72

Number of jobs within the region: 1,473 Currently employed within the region: 1,401


Predicted Growth by 2022

Creative Arts industries data for East Sussex, Kent and Brighton & Hove* Figures are based on averages from a range of typical career paths. These figures are intended as a guide only and will vary depending on your chosen career.

WHY SHOULD YOU STUDY ART & DESIGN? Careers in art and design are all about creating things which are appealing to the eye. Art is traditionally created purely for its aesthetic appeal, whilst design tends to revolve around a product. You might even say that design is art with a function. The two different areas may seem worlds apart in their purpose, but the people who work in art and design all tend to have an essential mix of practical skills and a talent for using colour, space, shape and form. In order to be successful you must have the ability to know what looks good, to come up with new ideas and to develop your own style. However, creative flair alone is not enough. Working independently as a freelancer is common, but many artists and designers don’t actually work entirely on their own. When working as part of an art collective or for a design agency, it is essential to develop excellent communication and teamwork skills.


... 51

C A L L 0 3 0 3 0 0 3 9 5 5 1 F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N




A Level

Foundation Studies Diploma

UAL Diploma

Level 3

Level 3

Level 3

Eastbourne & Lewes Campus

Eastbourne Campus

Eastbourne Campus

Course Code

Course Code

Course Code



5880/031 5880/021 Entry Requirements You will need at least GCSE English Language grade C/4 and an art related subject grade C/4. What will I study? In the first year of the A Level course you will explore techniques within painting, drawing and printmaking. The emphasis will be on experimentation and the development of ideas and sustained investigation into techniques and composition. Sketchbooks recording your thoughts, experiments and understanding will be a major part of your work. Drawing will be given appropriate emphasis as it is seen as the essential element to clear visual communication. What can I do after this course? After completing your A Level course you may seek employment or an apprenticeship. Or you may decide to continue in Higher Education. The traditional route within Visual Arts is to go on to a specialist two year Foundation Degree or three year Bachelor of Arts Degree, or a one year Art Foundation Course.



4020/020 Entry Requirements You will need at least GCSE English Language and Maths grade C/4 and a GCSE Art related subject grade C/4. You will also need at least one A2 (or equivalent). What will I study? This intensive course, for those considering careers in art and design, begins with diagnostic study where you develop your skills in research, drawing, making, thinking, problem solving, and working with new materials and processes. You will study and specialise in one of a range of art and design areas, including textiles, fashion, furniture, product, crafts (wood, metal, plastic, ceramics, glass, etc.), jewellery, architecture, theatre, costume, graphics, illustration, animation, photography, film, printmaking, painting, sculpture and fine art. Your studio practice will be supported by contextual studies, and the course will fully support you in your choice and application to further study. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to universities and colleges throughout the UK, and in specialist subject areas across the spectrum of art and design practice.


6070/010 Entry Requirements You will need at least GCSE Art or an art related subject grade C/4. What will I study? This is Year 1 of our two year, Art and Design programme. Through introductory and diagnostic projects, you will discover which areas of art and design best suit your skills and abilities, and you will gradually become a specialist in a particular area of art and design. Specialties may include: graphic design, illustration, visual communication, fine art, fashion, textiles, product design, 3D crafts, architecture and animation. You will acquire excellent practical and critical skills, independence and a working understanding of creative practice. You will be taught by specialists with industry experience in amazing, purpose built studios and workshops. You will also become very well prepared for progression to university or the workplace. What can I do after this course? Most learners progress to undergraduate study, and our learners go to some of the best university courses in the country. Some progress to apprenticeships, and some to employment and internships.

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Cambridge Certificate


A Level

Level 3

Level 3

Level 3

Lewes Campus

Lewes Campus

Eastbourne & Lewes Campus

Course Code

Course Code

Course Code








:Entry Requirements You will need to meet our standard entry requirements. There are no other course specific entry requirements.

Entry Requirements You will need to meet our standard entry requirements. There are no other course specific entry requirements.

What will I study? This exciting course introduces learners to the world of digital photography. Looking at existing artists and practitioners, you will be inspired to create your own photographs and to explore digital media. You will study how a camera works and how to control it to get the results you want. You will look at creative and thought-provoking photographs and will learn from research into the work of historical and contemporary practitioners, working in a range of contexts.

What will I study? College entry requirements, together with: a minimum of C grade at GCSE in an art and design based subject (though grade B or above candidates tend to perform better), or Merit at BTEC Level 2 Art and Design, together with a grade C/4 or above in English Language and Maths. At your interview it is essential that you bring evidence of recent art and design work in the form of a portfolio and sketchbook(s). This is in addition to the standard College entry requirements for the programme you have chosen. It is expected that you achieve a MM or above to guarantee progression into the second year of the course.

What can I do after this course? Completion of this course enables you to progress to further study, train to be a photographer and launch a career in photography.

What can I do after this course? This course is suitable for learners wishing to gain a Level 3 qualification to support further study in Further Education (FE) and Higher Education (HE) in Art and Design as well as learners studying in preparation for employment in Art and Design. The main choice of progression is enrolment onto a one year Art and Design Foundation.



5880/051 5880/041 Entry Requirements You will need at least GCSE English Language grade C/4 and an art related subject grade C/4. What will I study? Graphic Communication is an exciting area of study involving the generation and development of ideas about visual communication and the production of wide-ranging outcomes. This practical course builds on traditional art and design skills (drawing, use of colour, layout, printing, animation, illustration and typography) and new skills in IT-based media such as Adobe Creative Suite (Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign). Critical analysis of design history and the study of recent and current practitioners are incorporated into all units. Written annotation is expected throughout and there is a compulsory requirement for a piece of written communication (essay of approximately 2,000) in unit 3, which is usually taken in Year 2. What can I do after this course? After completing this course you may seek employment or an apprenticeship. Or you may decide to continue in specialist education either a one year full-time Art Foundation course, two year Foundation Degree or three year BA Honours degree.


C A L L 0 3 0 3 0 0 3 9 5 5 1 F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N




A Level


A Level

Level 3

Level 2

Level 3

Eastbourne & Lewes Campus

Eastbourne & Lewes Campus

Lewes Campus

Course Code

Course Code

Course Code



5880/061 5880/071 Entry Requirements You will need at least GCSE English Language grade C/4 and an art related subject grade C/4. What will I study? This exciting and creative course encourages you to explore the visual language of photography. This course is designed to help you become visually literate by getting you to explore how images work, what composition does and how to control lighting, focus and exposure. You will develop skills in both digital and chemical image making and explore the work of many other photographers, artists and filmmakers. The course is project and assignment based giving you practical experience with digital and film SLRs, developing darkroom skills, practice in the photographic studio, an ability to critically analyse work form the history of photography, and instilling self-awareness of your own progress in the subject. What can I do after this course? After completion, you can go on to employment, an apprenticeship or further specialism in Education. Learners wanting to progress in the creative industries may take the one year full-time Art Foundation Course, the two year Foundation Degree or a three year full BA Honours course in the specialism of your choice.






0426/050 0426/010 5880/011 5880/011 Entry Requirements You will need to meet our standard entry requirements. There are no other course specific entry requirements. What will I study? This is a practical course divided into two units. On this course you will undertake three practical projects where you will learn about different aspects of photography using both film based and digital technology. You will learn how to shoot, process and print photographic film as well as develop some picture editing skills in Photoshop. You will explore composition, visual communication and develop your ability to analyse what makes images effective. What can I do after this course? If you have completed the course successfully and have achieved a range of five GCSEs at grade C or above you may apply for the AS Level Photography course or other AS Level courses. Alternatively you may wish to use your portfolio as evidence of your skills and experience when applying for jobs.

Entry Requirements You will need at least GCSE English Language grade C/4 and an art related subject grade C/4. What will I study? During this two year course you will explore a range of materials, techniques and textile ideas. The first year is primarily coursework based, so you will undertake a series of projects which combine drawing and creating. Through these projects you will develop your skills, research and understanding of the subject. In the second year you will continue with more specialised project based assignments leading to the exam. As well as developing your understanding of how design works, this course offers you the opportunity to explore and develop skills in the creative areas of printing, fabric dyeing, machine and hand stitching, felt-making, weaving and knitting, alongside skills in drawing, painting, and photography. What can I do after this course? After completing this course you may seek employment or an apprenticeship. Or you may decide to specialise further by either going on to a one year full-time Art Foundation Course or a two year Foundation Degree or a three year BA Honours Degree.

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5880/081 Entry Requirements Maths B (6) is preferred C (4) grade at Art or related preferred but entry is subject to interview. What will I study? This course will introduce you to the amazing breadth of study available in fine art. Practical assignments include drawing, painting, printmaking, photography, ceramics and sculpture. There is also an opportunity to work in a range of other media which include video and time based media, all achievable in or near to your art room / studio. You will learn how to form and develop creative ideas and working methods in response to stimulating starting points, and to make exciting and personal outcomes. An aptitude for critical analysis of art history and contemporary art practice is useful and a requirement for primary and contextual research is incorporated throughout the course. There is a compulsory piece of written communication (essay of approx. 2,000 words) in one of the Y2 units

EVERYONE HERE WANTS TO SEE YOU DO THE BEST YOU CAN. Joe Robinson, Art and Design Double Award Previous school: Seaford Head

What can I do after this course? If specialising in Art and Design, you can either progress to the Art & Design Foundation Diploma. This will help you to find the right pathway and prepare the best portfolio possible for entry to specialist Art and Design degree courses. Alternatively, many learners progress to other degree courses from A Level using art as one of their A levels. This is the route that you may take if you want to be an architect or pursue more analytical approaches in maths and physics.


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AT SDC YOU DEVELOP A CLOSE RELATIONSHIP WITH THE TEACHERS, WHICH REALLY AIDS YOUR LEARNING. Maria Tayao, A Level Photography, Biology & Media Previous school: The Eastbourne Academy



*Figures based on data provided by Emsi (August 2017)

Average Upper Wage:

£51,500+ Average Mid Wage:



Average Entry Wage:


Annual vacancies within the region: 5,629

Number of jobs within the region: 117,089

Currently employed within the region:



Predicted Growth by 2022

Business & Accounting industries data for East Sussex, Kent and Brighton & Hove* Figures are based on averages from a range of typical career paths. These figures are intended as a guide only and will vary depending on your chosen career.

WHY SHOULD YOU STUDY BUSINESS, MANAGEMENT & LAW? In order to operate effectively, every single company needs direction, organisation, strategy and innovation. Every company wants to grow, develop and contend with its competitors. Consequently, managers, administration staff and management consultants are all required to make sure things are done right. Careers in management consultancy, business and administration span every single area of work. These types of professionals are needed in all kinds of organisations, from hospitals and banks to television companies and toy manufacturers. Different approaches to management and administration are more effective in different situations. For instance, do you use ‘the carrot’ or ‘the stick’? Generally though, people who work in these fields will have an excellent mix of logic, strategic thinking, organisational skills and communication abilities.


... 59

C A L L 0 3 0 3 0 0 3 9 5 5 1 F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N




A Level

BTEC Foundation Diploma

A Level

Level 3

Level 3

Level 3

Eastbourne & Lewes Campus

Eastbourne Campus

Eastbourne & Lewes Campus

Course Code

Course Code

Course Code



6104/011 6104/021







Entry Requirements You will need at least GCSE English Language and Maths grade B/6 and a Science grade B/6.

Entry Requirements You will need at least GCSE English Language and Maths grade C/4.

Entry Requirements You will need at least GCSE English Language and Maths grade B/6.

What will I study? This course is designed for those looking to pursue a career in accounting and finance. Accountants are in demand in many areas, in the commercial world as well as public and voluntary sectors. You will need to have strong numeracy skills, but there is more to accounting than simply getting the figures right. Accountants also need to be able to analyse and interpret financial information and provide vital details to business owners and decision makers.

What will I study? This qualification provides the knowledge, understanding and skills that allow learners to gain business sector experience that will prepare them for further study or training. This includes the opportunity to choose two units from a selection of options to supplement the mandatory units which reflect the key topics in business. The learning programme covers the following mandatory content areas: business environments, finance, marketing, and event management. Optional pathways to specialise in either business law, business enterprise or general business are offered alongside these mandatory units.

What will I study? Are you a budding entrepreneur? Do you aspire to being in a managerial position? Are you a customer or an employee? Business Studies is relevant to everyone! This course will give you a good overview to the internal workings of business as well as the external environment which affects a company’s ability to meet objectives and strategies.

What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to a related degree or career in Accounting. You may wish to consider an apprenticeship with a training contract that allows you to study for the accountancy.



What can I do after this course? The qualification carries UCAS points and is recognised by Higher Education providers as contributing to the admission requirements for many relevant business foundation degrees and HNDs. You can also progress onto the second year if you pass and complete a further year to gain the Extended Diploma in Business.

What can I do after this course? After successfully completing the AS Level, most learners go on to study Business Studies A2. This can then provide a pathway to business studies degree courses, which are a popular progression route for learners wishing to continue their education. This course also provides a good introduction for those wishing to pursue a career in business.

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A Level

A Level

Level 3

Level 3

Eastbourne & Lewes Campus

Eastbourne & Lewes Campus

Course Code

Course Code



5640/031 5640/011





Entry Requirements You will need at least GCSE English Language and Maths grade B/6.

Entry Requirements You will need at least GCSE English Language grade B/6.

What will I study? On this course you will study key theoretical concepts, such as supply and demand, competition and monopoly, as well as government policy. You will discover the answer to questions such as: Why does the price of petrol keep rising? Why is education free in the UK? Do all nations benefit from free trade and globalisation? This course will build on your interest in the world around you - in politics, current affairs, and the environment. Economics can be applied to most aspects in life.

What will I study? This course is designed for those looking to pursue a career in the fascinating and intriguing world of law, business and management as well as preparing you for further studies in any subject at university. Today’s budding lawyers are quick thinkers, who are able to put forward a well-balanced argument vital for any path you wish to take in life. You will need to have strong literacy skills as there is so much more to law than merely solving crimes.

What can I do after this course? This can then lead to a variety of university courses and careers. It can provide an insight into decision making in a variety of occupations, including law, town planning, business management and marketing, as well as conservation and environmental management.

What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to a degree and career in law. Added to this, you can move on to any undergraduate degree. Alternatively, you may wish to consider a legal apprenticeship or start a career in law by studying with CILEx, to become a legal executive.


C A L L 0 3 0 3 0 0 3 9 5 5 1 F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N


W W W. S U S S E X D O W N S . AC .U K

FOLLOWING MY COURSE I HAVE BEEN OFFERED A PLACE AT EXETER TO STUDY MANAGMENT AND MARKETING. Thomas Wilkinson Business, Maths, Psychology Previous school: Willingdon Community School



*Figures based on data provided by Emsi (August 2017)

Average Upper Wage:

£39,000+ Average Mid Wage:


£ Average Entry Wage:


Annual vacancies within the region: 3,083

Number of jobs within the region: 61,191

Currently employed within the region:


WHY SHOULD YOU STUDY CHILDCARE, HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE? Health and social care is an especially broad career sector. Tons of different career paths are available for people from all different kinds of academic backgrounds. Careers in healthcare are much more likely to require a combination of further study and on-the-job medical training, whereas careers in social care are more likely to start with on-the-job training and allow people to work towards professional qualifications later on in their career. Careers in teaching and education are arguably the most important in the world. It’s all about helping people to learn, develop and acquire knowledge, information and skills. A popular choice for prospective educators is working in pre-school (a.k.a. early years) education. A child’s early educational experiences are extremely important in their development, as it can shape their personality, attitudes and behaviour in later life. This area of education can be an incredibly enjoyable career choice, as the learning techniques tend to incorporate ‘play’.

We see a...


Predicted Growth by 2022

Health & Care industries data for East Sussex, Kent and Brighton & Hove* Figures are based on averages from a range of typical career paths. These figures are intended as a guide only and will vary depending on your chosen career.


... 65

C A L L 0 3 0 3 0 0 3 9 5 5 1 F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N




Extended Diploma

Advanced Technical Diploma

Advanced Technical Diploma

Level 3

Level 3

Level 3

Eastbourne & Lewes Campus

Eastbourne & Lewes Campus

Eastbourne & Lewes Campus

Course Code

Course Code

Course Code





6097/010 6097/020 5998/010 5998/020 Entry Requirements You will need to meet our standard entry requirements. There are no other course specific entry requirements. What will I study? You will study a range of units which give you the underpinning knowledge and understanding required for the role of an Early Years Practitioner. There are nine units in Year 1 which include, Planning for Professional Development, Child Development, Effective use of Observation and Assessment, Safeguarding, Children’s Health and Safety, Promoting Children’s Health Theories which Underpin Early Years Practice, Positive Behaviour, Working in Partnership Speech, Language and Communication, and Supporting Children’s Activities and Play. You also need to undertake a minimum of 380 placement hours over the year, which will be linked to your class based studies. What can I do after this course? There are three possible routes to follow to completion: you could progress onto Year 2 which gives you licence to practice, you could progress onto an apprenticeship at either Level 2 or Level 3, depending on your job role, or you could progress from Year 2 onto university (Higher Education).




5801/010 5801/020

Entry Requirements You will need at least GCSE English Language grade C/4 and a clear DBS check.

Entry Requirements You will need at least GCSE English Language grade C/4 and a clear DBS check.

What will I study? You will study a range of units which give you the underpinning knowledge and understanding required for the role of an Early Years Practitioner. There are nine units in Year 1 which include, Planning for Professional Development, Child Development, Effective use of Observation and Assessment, Safeguarding, Children’s Health and Safety, Promoting Children’s Health Theories which Underpin Early Years Practice, Positive Behaviour, Working in Partnership Speech, Language and Communication, and Supporting Children’s Activities and Play. You also need to undertake a minimum of 380 placement hours over the year, which will be linked to your class based studies.

What will I study? You will study a range of units which relate to good practice in the field of Health and Social Care, which include: Communicating in Health and Social Care, Professional Development in Health and Social Care, Partnership Working, Safeguarding, and Health and Safety in Health and Social Care.

What can I do after this course? There are three possible routes to follow to completion: you could progress onto Year 2 which gives you licence to practice, you could progress onto an apprenticeship at either Level 2 or Level 3, depending on your job role, or you could progress from Year 2 onto university (Higher Education).

What can I do after this course? You could apply for a higher level apprenticeship, go on to university and study at a higher level, or you may decide to go straight into employment in the field of health and social care, including the fields of health and social work or mental health care.

W W W. S U S S E X D O W N S . AC .U K



Applied Diploma

BTEC Extended Diploma

Level 3

Level 3

Eastbourne & Lewes Campus

Eastbourne Campus

Course Code

Course Code



6124/021 6124/011




Entry Requirements You will need to meet our standard entry requirements. There are no other course specific entry requirements.

Entry Requirements You will need to meet our standard entry requirements. There are no other course specific entry requirements.

What will I study? The WJEC Level 3 Applied Health and Social Care qualification is made up of the following combination of units: Core Values and Services, Employment within the Sectors, Disease, Illness and Disability, Human Behaviour, and The Ageing Demographic.

What will I study? On this course you will study a range of units including eight core and ten further optional units which are all related to the world of Health and Social Care. Units include: Developing Effective Communication in Health and Social Care, Equality, Diversity and Rights in Health and Social Care, Health, Safety and Security in Health and Social Care, Development through the Life Stages, Anatomy and Physiology for Health and Social Care, Sociological Perspectives for Health and Social Care, and Psychological Perspectives for Health and Social Care. You will also have the opportunity to build up a portfolio of evidence for the work placement and professional development based units.

What can I do after this course? The proposed WJEC Level 3 Applied Health and Social Care qualifications have elements of psychology, social policy and sociology that complement studies in humanities and related subjects. The main purpose of the qualification is to support access to Higher Education degree courses, such as: BA (Hons) Health and Social Care, BA (Hons) Adult Social Care, BA (Hons) Health and Social Care/Social Policy, BA (Hons) Social Policy, BA (Hons) Social Work, BSC (Hons) Nursing, BA (Hons) Professional Practice, BA (Hons) Working with Children, Young People and Families, BSc (Hons) Psychology, BSc (Hons) Psychology and Sociology, and BA (Hons) Sociology. The qualifications also enable learners to gain the required understanding and skills to be able to consider employment within some aspects of the health and social care sectors.

What can I do after this course? This course allows you to go onto a higher level apprenticeship or you could apply to university to undertake a care related course such as Nursing, Midwifery, Social Work or Psychology, subject to meeting the application requirements.


C A L L 0 3 0 3 0 0 3 9 5 5 1 F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N

I CHOSE SDC BECAUSE OF THE HIGH STANDARDS OF TEACHING AND PROMOTION OF INDEPENDENCE. Natasha Harper Health and Social Care, Musical Theatre Previous school: Lancing College


W W W. S U S S E X D O W N S . AC .U K



*Figures based on data provided by Emsi (August 2017)

Average Upper Wage:

£56,500+ Average Mid Wage:



Average Entry Wage:

£21,500 (Author, Writer or Translator)

Average Upper Wage:


The skills you gain through studying English are marketable in most career areas. As English is a non-vocational course, the skills developed outside your study are also vital in developing a wellrounded CV. While at College many English students write for student newspapers and magazines, get involved with student radio or film societies, or volunteer in the community or local schools. Evidence of any skills gained from work experience and extracurricular activities, as well as through study, can help boost your job prospects. Language skills are in demand and can be used in almost any career. Some Modern Language graduates work on a self-employed basis as interpreters or translators. However, many others choose careers not directly related to their subject but where there is the opportunity to use their language skills, for example working for companies who trade or offer services internationally or to non-English speaking customers and suppliers. This means that language graduates work for a huge variety of employers and sectors.

Average Mid Wage:



We see a...

£ Average Entry Wage:


(Secondary Education Teaching Professional)

English industries data for East Sussex, Kent and Brighton & Hove* Figures are based on averages from a range of typical career paths. These figures are intended as a guide only and will vary depending on your chosen career.


... 71

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A Level

A Level

Level 2

Level 3

Level 3

Eastbourne & Lewes Campus

Eastbourne & Lewes Campus

Eastbourne & Lewes Campus

Course Code

Course Code

Course Code



5488/091 5488/111








Entry Requirements You will need at least GCSE English Language grade D/3.

Entry Requirements You will need at least GCSE English Language grade B/6.

Entry Requirements You will need at least GCSE English Language and English Literature grade B/6 (if taken).

What will I study? On this course you will study the speaking, listening, reading and writing skills to communicate confidently, effectively, precisely and appropriately. You will develop your understanding of the patterns, structures and conventions of written and spoken English. You will learn how to select and adapt speech and writing to different situations and audiences and improve your critical reading skills covering multi-modal texts.

What will I study? In this course you will study the concepts and methods of linguistic analysis to explore a wide range of spoken, written and multi-modal forms of English. The syllabus puts the system of English language (pronunciation and writing, grammar and meaning) at the heart of the course, and will develop your ability to apply the system to texts, both in comparing them and in explaining how particular language features contribute to meaning. You will develop original writing skills for a real-world purpose on topical language issues. You will also study how language develops, and its use in the media. You will complete an independent language investigation which will develop your research and presentation skills.

What will I study? The course aims to encourage learners to develop their interest in and enjoyment of literature and literary studies. You will read widely and independently both set texts and others that you have selected for yourself. You will develop and apply your knowledge of literary analysis and evaluation in writing. You will explore the contexts of the work you are reading, considering the interpretations of others and possible ways of responding to them. Set texts will consist of both classics and modern works of literature including prose, poetry and drama. In the second year you will complete coursework based on post-1900 texts, developing independent skills of reading and research.

What can I do after this course? Learners are well prepared not only for undergraduate study in English Language or Linguistics, but also for progression into other language-related degrees such as Modern Languages, Classics, or Speech Therapy. Learners will develop advanced reasoning skills and abstract thinking, skills that are required in most fields. This course is also especially useful for learners interested in studying for a career in journalism, law, education or social sciences.

What can I do after this course? A Level English Literature is highly prized by many universities demonstrating advanced skills in critical reading and discursive essay writing. It provides an excellent basis for a variety of university courses, including humanities, languages and law. It is valued by employers as evidence of excellent communication skills.

What can I do after this course? This course is a requirement for entry to most Advanced Level 3 courses. It is also a highly regarded qualification for entry to many jobs and professions.



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A Level

A Level

A Level

Level 3

Level 3

Level 3

Lewes Campus

Eastbourne & Lewes Campus

Lewes Campus

Course Code

Course Code

Course Code





Entry Requirements You will need at least GCSE English Language grade C/5 and English Literature grade C/5 (if taken). What will I study? On this course you will study a wide range of engaging literary and non-fiction texts (mainly modern). You will also use literary and linguistic methods to develop clear and coherent study techniques. The course will help you to make connections between texts using the analytical concepts and methods you learn. To demonstrate the knowledge and understanding of narrative techniques you acquire through your prose study, you will create original creative and non-fiction writing for coursework. What can I do after this course? A Level English Language and Literature is highly prized by universities demonstrating advanced skills in critical reading and discursive essay writing. It provides an excellent basis for a wide variety of Higher Education courses, especially journalism, creative writing and English. It is valued by employers as evidence of excellent communication skills.









Entry Requirements You will need at least GCSE French grade B/6. Candidates without GCSE French but who are bilingual (can write and speak in French fluently) will also be considered.

Entry Requirements You will need at least GCSE German grade B/6. Candidates without GCSE German but who are bilingual (can write and speak in German fluently) will also be considered.

What will I study? A Level French is a challenging and rewarding course which will widen your horizons. You will develop more advanced listening and reading skills in a variety of contexts, whilst finding out about French culture and ways of life. You will learn to communicate with confidence and increased accuracy in written and spoken French, expressing your point of view. The study of French grammar and translation is an integral part of the course. The study programme is supplemented with weekly oral classes in small groups with a native speaker. You will also study independently in the Learning and Resources Centre, which is fully equipped with books, films, magazines, and computer-assisted learning resources.

What will I study? You will have fun learning German over two years in this exciting new A Level. Classes will involve lots of conversation practice, role playing and grammar exercises, which will enable you to become a fluent speaker. You will broaden your knowledge about Germany and German speaking people around the world. You will study a range of stimulating and challenging topics which will enable you to express yourself fluently and with confidence. The study of German grammar is an important, integral part of the course and will prepare you for increased accuracy in writing and translation tasks. One literary text and a German film will be studied over two years.

What can I do after this course? Languages are in great demand in the modern workplace and having an A Level in a language will improve your prospects of employment within the UK or abroad. A language qualification provides an opportunity to progress to language courses at university as single or joint honours degrees.

What can I do after this course? German is the most spoken language in Europe and the most important business language in the EU. With German A Level, you can improve your chances of getting a job either in the UK or abroad. This language qualification also provides an opportunity to progress to language courses at university, as single or joint honours degrees.


C A L L 0 3 0 3 0 0 3 9 5 5 1 F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N

SPANISH A Level Level 3 Eastbourne & Lewes Campus Course Code EASTBOURNE CAMPUS




Entry Requirements You will need at least GCSE Spanish grade B/6. Candidates without GCSE Spanish but who are bilingual (can write and speak in Spanish fluently) will also be considered. What will I study? A Level Spanish is a challenging and rewarding course which will widen your horizons. You will develop more advanced listening and reading skills in a variety of contexts, whilst finding out about Spanish culture and ways of life. You will learn to communicate with confidence and increased accuracy in written and spoken Spanish, expressing your point of view. The study of Spanish grammar and translation is an integral part of the course. The study programme is supplemented with weekly oral classes in small groups with a native speaker. You will also study independently in the Learning and Resources Centre, which is fully equipped. What can I do after this course? Languages are in great demand in the modern workplace and having an A Level in a language will improve your prospects of employment within the UK or abroad. A language qualification provides an opportunity to progress to language courses at university, as single or joint honours degrees.


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USE THE SUPPORT AVAILABLE AND TAKE NOTICE OF THE REVISION TIME RECOMMENDATIONS. Nele Gewert, English Literature & Language , Psychology, EPQ Previous school: The Eastbourne Academy



*Figures based on data provided by Emsi (August 2017)

Average Upper Wage:


Average Mid Wage:



Average Entry Wage:


Annual vacancies within the region: 671

Number of jobs within the region: 17,631

Currently employed within the region:



WHY SHOULD YOU STUDY ENGINEERING? There are so many different areas of engineering to work in; however, most engineers choose to specialise in just one, such as chemical, automotive or robotics. Careers in engineering are constantly evolving and new processes and technologies are being developed all the time. This allows engineers to stay on the ball and react to new problems and challenges in their chosen field. Engineering careers are constantly varied in terms of their job responsibilities, but also in their working locations. As an engineer you could be working in an office, in a laboratory, on an oil rig in the middle of the ocean, in a factory, or even in outer space. Automotive engineering is concerned with the design and production of cars, motorbikes, buses and most other vehicles. Automotive engineers actually have their fingers in all kinds of engineering pies, with their jobs involving a combination of mechanical, electrical, electronic and software engineering.

We see a... Predicted Growth by 2022

Engineering industries data for East Sussex, Kent and Brighton & Hove* Figures are based on averages from a range of typical career paths. These figures are intended as a guide only and will vary depending on your chosen career.




C A L L 0 3 0 3 0 0 3 9 5 5 1 F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N

THE LECTURERS HERE ARE REALLY FRIENDLY. Jack Lister Engineering Level 3 Extended Diploma Previous school: Ratton School


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BTEC Extended Diploma

BTEC National Foundation Diploma

Level 3

Level 3

Eastbourne Campus

Eastbourne Campus

Course Code

Course Code




Entry Requirements You will have at least GCSE English Language grade C/4, Maths grade B/6, Science grade C and achieved Engineering BTEC Level 3 90 Credit Diploma. What will I study? This qualification is the second year of the BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Engineering and is equivalent to 3 A Levels. It follows on from the Engineering BTEC Level 3 90 Credit Diploma. This wide-ranging qualification continues to develop substantial theoretical learning alongside an opportunity to develop practical work-related skills. It provides a challenging but enjoyable experience for those with an interest in science and maths and a satisfaction in practical applications and problem-solving. During the course you will be introduced to key engineering principles and study engineering mathematics, mechanical principles, electrical installation, engineering drawing, electronics, welding, and computer-aided design. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to Higher Education: HNC (L4) and HND (L5), university degree or to employment which leads to further highly skilled, work-based training.




Entry Requirements You will need at least GCSE English Language grade C/4, Maths grade B/6 and a Science grade C/4. If you have previously completed a First Diploma in Engineering, you should have achieved an overall grade of Merit. What will I study? This is a broad-base engineering course which covers many areas within the large umbrella of Engineering. Units covered are, Engineering Principles, Delivery of Engineering Processes Safely as a Team, Engineering Product Design and Manufacture, Applied Commercial and Quality Principles in Engineering, Welding Technology, Electronic Devices and Circuits, and Fabrication Manufacturing Processes. This qualification forms the first year of the BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Engineering. It combines substantial theoretical learning alongside an opportunity to develop practical work-related skills. It provides a challenging but enjoyable experience for those with an interest in science and maths and a satisfaction in practical applications and problem solving. What can I do after this course? This course leads on to the Level 3 Extended Diploma in Engineering in the following year. This can provide a pathway to an Advanced Apprenticeship, Higher Apprenticeship, or Higher Education (i.e. HNC/HND/ Foundation Degree).



*Figures based on data provided by Emsi (August 2017)

Average Upper Wage:

£48,000+ Average Mid Wage:


£ Average Entry Wage:


WHY SHOULD YOU STUDY HUMANITIES? Humanities courses aim to provide a varied approach to understanding people and the world around us; they do this through the study of art, social structures, and other forms of cultural expression. Because the coursework involves extensive reading, writing, and critical thinking, you’ll have many career options open to you if you decide to study humanities. Practically every field, from art to management to medicine to activism, contains people whose background is in humanities. In fact, many employers prefer applicants with the type of broad education that humanities study provides. You won’t be limited to working in any one sector of the economy; charities, businesses, schools, newspapers, and the government are all potential employers.

(Social/Humanities Scientist)

Average Upper Wage:

We see a...

£57,500+ Average Upper Wage:



Average Upper Wage:


(Natural & Social Science Professionals)

Humanities industries data for East Sussex, Kent and Brighton & Hove*



Figures are based on averages from a range of typical career paths. These figures are intended as a guide only and will vary depending on your chosen career. 81

C A L L 0 3 0 3 0 0 3 9 5 5 1 F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N




A Level

A Level

A Level

Level 3

Level 3

Level 3

Lewes Campus

Eastbourne & Lewes Campus

Eastbourne & Lewes Campus

Course Code

Course Code

Course Code





Entry Requirements You will need to meet our standard entry requirements. There are no other course specific entry requirements. What will I study? Classical Civilisation focuses on the civilisations of Greece and Rome, and is a wide ranging subject involving the study of literature, material culture, ancient thought and ideas, and the ancient historical context. You don’t need to know any languages, all the texts are in translation, and it doesn’t matter if you haven’t studied the Greeks and Romans since primary school; all you need is an interest in the ancient world and its cultures. From women in the ancient world, to the study of religious beliefs and ancient acts of intolerance, Classical Civilisation involves interesting discussions that are directly relevant to today’s world. What can I do after this course? If you are looking to apply to university, Classical Civilisation can be extremely useful. You not only acquire specific Classical knowledge, but also important transferable skills such as analysing sources and developing independent, critical and evaluative approaches.




5902/011 5902/021





Entry Requirements You will need at least GCSE English Language grade C/4 and Geography grade C/4 (if taken).

Entry Requirements You will need at least GCSE English Language grade C/4 and History grade C/4 (if taken).

What will I study? On this course you will study a qualification that enables you to engage critically with real world issues and places, apply your own geographical knowledge, understanding and skills to make sense of the world around you, and help prepare you to succeed in your chosen pathway. Units include, Consequences of Globalisation, Responses to Hazards, Water Insecurity, and Climate Change. The course gives learners the opportunity to develop an in-depth understanding of physical and human geography, the complexity of people as well as environmental questions and issues, and to become a critical, reflective and independent learner.

What will I study? Modern history is an exciting, engaging and rewarding subject. Learners will explore a number of topics that will develop their knowledge and a range of highly sought after skills, from critical thinking to analytical writing. A large focus of the History A Level course will be on understanding the development and changes of modern Communist states in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. These will include Russia between the Revolution of 1917, right up until the end of the Cold War in 1991, as well as Communist China under Chairman Mao. You will be studying challenging historical controversies, such as the reasons for the fall of the USSR or the rapid and tragic transformation of Chinese society during the 1950s and 60s.

What can I do after this course? Geography is a high-profile humanities subject, which shows a breadth of knowledge and can provide a pathway to a range of degree courses. It is seen as a ‘facilitating’ subject by Russell Group universities. Our learners have gone on to study subjects including Town Planning, Medicine, Environmental Planning, Architecture and Oceanography.

What can I do after this course? As a facilitating subject, History combines well with other A Levels including Philosophy, English Literature and Sociology, as well as modern languages. History is a sought after A Level and thus can provide a pathway to most university courses. It also reveals a wide range of skills valuable for any career.

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A Level

A Level

A Level

Level 3

Level 3

Level 3

Eastbourne & Lewes Campus

Eastbourne & Lewes Campus

Eastbourne & Lewes Campus

Course Code

Course Code

Course Code





Entry Requirements You will need at least GCSE English Language or Literature grade B/6 and grade C/5 in Maths. What will I study? Philosophy is concerned with the big questions: What is knowledge? What is truth? What is Good? Philosophy is a rigorous intellectual discipline focused on reasons, arguments and justification. This course introduces you to Epistemology (theory of knowledge), Moral Philosophy, the Metaphysics of God, and the Metaphysics of Mind. The course is designed to develop critical and intellectual skills, to challenge preconceptions, and to develop knowledge and understanding of major philosophical issues. What can I do after this course? Philosophy A Level is extremely popular with universities as it demonstrates the capacity for original and rigorous thought and the critical analysis of difficult texts. These skills form an important basis for intellectual development, and are highly prized on any Higher Education course.





Entry Requirements You will need to meet our standard entry requirements. There are no other course specific entry requirements. What will I study? On this course you will study the following modules in the first year: Political Participation in UK Politics, and Government of the UK. In Participation in UK Politics you will study Elections, Pressure Groups and Democracy and Political Participation. In Government of the UK you will study issues relating to government and the role of the Executive. In the second year of the course you will study Politics in the USA, and The Comparison Between Politics in the USA and UK. This course provides a broad-based background in political theories and practices, which will allow you to develop skills in analysing and evaluating the current political scene. What can I do after this course? This course provides a number of qualifications providing the pathway to university or employment. Employment opportunities with a politics background include journalism, civil service or working with pressure groups.



5608/011 5607/011 Entry Requirements You will need at least GCSE English Language grade C/4 and Sociology grade C (if taken). What will I study? Sociologists study the relationship between individuals and society. This course requires and encourages you to develop a critical view of the world that you live in and question some of the opinions and stereotypes that exist in society. Sociology is not just about Britain, it also deals with global issues including the environment, migration and ‘globalisation’ itself. This course consists of the following components: Socialisation and Culture, Youth Cultures and Media, Methods of Sociological Enquiry, and Social Stratification and Inequality, and World Sociology. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to employment or Higher Education. The traditional occupation for Sociology students has been social work or another form of public sector welfare work. However, in practice, Sociology students go into a much wider range of jobs, such as human resource management.


C A L L 0 3 0 3 0 0 3 9 5 5 1 F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N

SOCIOLOGY GCSE Level 2 Eastbourne & Lewes Campus Course Code EASTBOURNE CAMPUS


4495/010 4495/030 Entry Requirements You will need to meet our standard entry requirements. There are no other course specific entry requirements. What will I study? Sociology is a study of people, their lives and relationships. On this course you will reflect on your own experiences of the world in a variety of social settings. You will study sociological topics such as the mass media, inequality and power and develop the ability to look at evidence, judge whether it is correct and come to reasoned conclusions. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to Level 3 courses or employment. The traditional occupation for Sociology students has been social work or some other form of public sector welfare work such as the probation service. However, in practice, Sociology students go into a much wider range of jobs, such as human resource management.


THERE ARE VARIED AND INTERESTING TOPICS, WHICH MAKES YOU EXCITED TO LEARN. Andrew Heard Sociology, Film Studies, History Previous school: Ratton School

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*Figures based on data provided by Emsi (August 2017)

Average Upper Wage:

£65,000+ Average Mid Wage:



Average Entry Wage:


Annual vacancies within the region: 673

Number of jobs within the region: 17,980

Currently employed within the region:


WHY SHOULD YOU STUDY IT, ICT & COMPUTING? I.T. and telecommunications products are absolutely everywhere. They’re in our homes, in our offices and in our pockets. Advances in computer and telecoms systems have improved opportunities for national and international communication, allowing businesses to start, grow and expand. The right I.T. solutions can revive a company, solve their problems and allow them to push on: bigger, better and stronger. Careers in I.T. and telecommunications can be incredibly challenging and rewarding. One of the most exciting things about these careers is that they offer employees continuous opportunities for learning. As technologies advance, there are always more things to learn and new skills to acquire. I.T. and telecommunications careers are flexible in how they can develop, but they are also flexible in terms of location. Many I.T. consultants get the opportunity to work remotely from home or in different locations across the world.

We see a...


Predicted Growth by 2022

Computing industries data for East Sussex, Kent and Brighton & Hove* Figures are based on averages from a range of typical career paths. These figures are intended as a guide only and will vary depending on your chosen career.


... 87

C A L L 0 3 0 3 0 0 3 9 5 5 1 F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N




A Level

Sub Dip - Linear 2 Year Programme

Dip OCR Level 3

Level 3

Level 3

Level 3

Eastbourne & Lewes Campus

Lewes Campus

Eastbourne & Lewes Campus

Course Code

Course Code

Course Code





Entry Requirements You will need at least GCSE Maths grade B/6. What will I study? Computer Science is a new style two-year A Level. The course is designed to give you a good understanding of both the practical side of programming and using computer systems together with the theoretical ideas computer systems depend upon. You will learn programming using the commercially used Java programming language tool. You do not need any programming experience but you do need to be a confident computer user. You will learn how computer systems operate from the construction of the processor through to operating systems and networking. You will also investigate a variety of computer applications from Artificial Intelligence to weather forecasting. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to a degree in computing, forensic computing, programming, or software engineering. It can also lead to a foundation degree in Games Development at Sussex Downs College. Alternatively it may lead to an apprenticeship or employment in IT and computing.








6063/020 6063/010

Entry Requirements You will need to meet our standard entry requirements. There are no other course specific entry requirements.

Entry Requirements You will need to meet our standard entry requirements. There are no other course specific entry requirements.

What will I study? The Digital Design Subsidiary Diploma is a two year course that is the equivalent of a full A Level. There is no exam and all work is assessed at this centre. You will develop skills in pre-production planning together with still and moving (animation and video projection) and graphic layout. This is a course for all creative elements of design work with digital platforms. We work with images in industry leading software. We make interactive documents and graphic novels for print, the web and tablets. We produce moving image and special effects in video and help you develop your creative style and identity. This course can be taken in combination with other courses, including the Double Award in Art and Design.

What will I study? We are very excited to offer a brand new range of courses designed to teach cutting edge skill sets to highly motivated learners looking to pursue a future in the fast moving Digital Technologies Sector. Application and Web Development focuses on the use and development of Apps and web-based technologies for application across a range of sectors, to include: mobile technology, digital marketing and the visualisation of Big Data.

What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to a wide range of media related courses on offer in Higher Education.

What can I do after this course? This course can lead to employment, an apprenticeship scheme or Higher Education.

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Dip BTEC Level 3 Diploma

Level 3

Level 3

Level 3

Eastbourne & Lewes Campus

Eastbourne & Lewes Campus

Lewes Campus

Course Code

Course Code

Course Code



6054/031 6054/021





6063/040 6063/030 6064/020 6064/010

Entry Requirements You will need to meet our standard entry requirements. There are no other course specific entry requirements.

Entry Requirements You will need to meet our standard entry requirements. There are no other course specific entry requirements.

Entry Requirements You will need to meet our standard entry requirements. There are no other course specific entry requirements.

What will I study? We’ve designed refreshing and exciting content, suitable for the needs of our learners in the modern digital world. To do this we’ve consulted with employers and industry specialists to equip learners with the right combination of knowledge, understanding and skills. Learners will gain an insight into the IT sector as they investigate the pace of technological change, IT infrastructure, and the flow of information on a global scale, and the importance of legal and security considerations. Designed in collaboration with experts spanning the breadth of the sector, the Level 3 Cambridge Technicals in IT focus on the requirements that today’s universities and employers demand. Our Introductory Diploma has 2 mandatory units across all pathways. They are Fundamentals of IT and Global Information. There is one further mandatory unit and other optional units tailored specifically for the pathway chosen. Learners will acquire the skills in Digital Marketing Social Media in a business context and the knowledge required to use data analysis techniques and develop data design solutions to meet specific business requirements. Pathway Units: Social Media & Digital Marketing, Data analysis and design, Internet of Everything.

What will I study? We are very excited to offer a brand new range of courses, designed to teach cutting edge skillsets to highly motivated students looking to pursue a future in the fast moving Digital Technologies Sector. Emerging Digital Technology Practitioner: this pathway focuses on the use and development of virtual and augmented reality and emerging technologies for application across a range of sectors, to include: mobile technology, digital marketing and the visualisation of Big Data.

What will I study? We are very excited to offer a brand new range of courses, designed to teach cutting edge skill sets to highly motivated learners looking to pursue a future in the fast moving Digital Technologies Sector. As part of this course you will investigate the technologies used in the computer gaming industry and the implications they have for users, developers and organisations. You will analyse how user needs and preferences impact on game design and how target technologies affect the design and development of a computer game. Finally, you will design, create and review a computer game to meet requirements and reflect on the skills and understanding applied during the design and development process.

What can I do after this course? This course could lead to employment, Higher Education or an apprenticeship scheme.

What can I do after this course? This course could lead to employment, Higher Education or an apprenticeship scheme.

What can I do after this course? This course is specifically targeted at learners who want to pursue a future in Digital Business Applications through Higher Education or an Apprenticeship pathway.


C A L L 0 3 0 3 0 0 3 9 5 5 1 F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N

THE COLLEGE HAS SUCH A GOOD ATMOSPHERE AND LEARNERS ARE VERY SOCIABLE! Jamie Baker, Sociology, Computer Science, Software Development Previous school: Seahaven Academy


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*Figures based on data provided by Emsi (August 2017)

Average Upper Wage:

£51,500+ Average Mid Wage:



Average Entry Wage:


Annual vacancies within the region: 5,629

Number of jobs within the region: 117.089

Currently employed within the region:



Predicted Growth by 2022

Business & Accounting industries data for East Sussex, Kent and Brighton & Hove* Figures are based on averages from a range of typical career paths. These figures are intended as a guide only and will vary depending on your chosen career.

WHY SHOULD YOU STUDY MATHEMATICS? Just as languages provide the building blocks and rules we need to communicate, maths uses its own language, made up of numbers, symbols and formulas, to explore the rules we need to measure or identify essential problems like distance, speed, time, space, change, force and quantities. Studying maths helps us find patterns and structure in our lives. Practically, maths helps us put a price on things, create graphics , build websites, build skyscrapers and generally understand how things work or predict how they might change over time and under different conditions. Studying maths helps you develop skills in logical thinking, problem-solving and decision-making, which are valued by employers across many job sectors, for example the petroleum and nuclear industries, medicine and health, IT, business consultancy and operational research, space science and astronomy, as well as many forms of engineering and different government departments.


... 91

C A L L 0 3 0 3 0 0 3 9 5 5 1 F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N




A Level

A Level


Level 3

Level 3

Level 2

Eastbourne & Lewes Campus

Eastbourne & Lewes Campus

Eastbourne & Lewes Campus

Course Code

Course Code

Course Code





Entry Requirements You will need at least GCSE Maths grade A /7. What will I study? Further Mathematics is an A Level qualification taken alongside A Level Maths, which is designed to both broaden and deepen the mathematics covered over A Level Maths. On this course you will study the content of the new A Level EDEXCEL Further Maths syllabus which consists of pure mathematics content covering Algebra, Trigonometry, and Calculus and Coordinate Geometry, amongst others. We will also cover applications of Mathematics in Mechanics and Statistics. What can I do after this course? The skills gained from studying a science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM) subject at A Level or degree level are in demand by employers. Graduates with STEM degrees earn on average 5% to 10% higher salaries than the mean for all graduates. These subjects are underpinned by mathematics.






Entry Requirements You will need at least GCSE Maths grade B/6 and English Language or Literature grade C/4 What will I study? On this course you will study the content of the new A Level EDEXCEL Maths syllabus which consists of the study of Pure Mathematics and the application of mathematics in Mechanics and Statistics. You will study pure mathematics content covering topics in algebra, trigonometry, and calculus and coordinate geometry, amongst others, and basic applications of Mathematics in Mechanics and Statistics. In the second year you will study further pure mathematics topics covering more algebra, trigonometry, calculus, and other topics, and extended applications of Mathematics in Mechanics and Statistics. What can I do after this course? Mathematical skills are highly prized and will be valuable when applying for university entry. A mathematics qualification will give you a significant advantage in the job market.





Entry Requirements You will need at least GCSE Maths grade D/3. What will I study? On this course you will study two units of core mathematics, one calculator and one non-calculator. Units include Algebra, Number, Shape and Space, and Statistics. You can choose to study for the higher level if you already have a grade C in GCSE Maths, or you can take the foundation level if you need to get a grade C. You will improve your problem-solving skills, develop your ability to generalise, and use symbolic notation to consider abstract ideas. What can I do after this course? GCSE Mathematics is essential for many courses at college or university and is required by many employers.

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COLLEGE ENCOURAGES YOU TO BE INDEPENDENT, YET THE ENVIRONMMENT IS STILL NURTURING. Anna MacDonald, Business, Maths, Psychology Previous school: Willingdon Community School



*Figures based on data provided by Emsi (August 2017)

Average Upper Wage:

£64,500+ Average Mid Wage:



Average Entry Wage:


Annual vacancies within the region: 443

Number of jobs within the region: 9,436

Currently employed within the region:



Predicted Growth by 2022

Creative Arts industries data for East Sussex, Kent and Brighton & Hove* Figures are based on averages from a range of typical career paths. These figures are intended as a guide only and will vary depending on your chosen career.

WHY SHOULD YOU STUDY MEDIA, FILM & DIGITAL MEDIA? Malcolm X famously once said that “the media is the most powerful entity on earth”. In many ways, he was right: from television, film and radio, to what we see on the internet, media is everywhere, and it can entertain as much as it can influence. Employers in media look for a wide range of people with different technical and personal skills. Generally, you’re going to need to be confident, enthusiastic and have the ability to build working relationships with people from all different industries and areas. So, whether you’re looking to get your face (or voice) out there, or you want to get involved in the technical, creative and production sides of things, or you fancy being in a more corporate position, there are very few limits to the amount of opportunities available in the media sector.


... 95

C A L L 0 3 0 3 0 0 3 9 5 5 1 F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N





Extended Certificate

UAL Diploma

Level 3

Level 3

Level 3

Lewes Campus

Lewes Campus

Eastbourne Campus

Course Code

Course Code

Course Code



6073/011 5880/011


6092/011 5880/011




Entry Requirements You will need at least GCSE English Language grade C/4 and Maths grade D/3.

Entry Requirements You will need at least GCSE English Language grade C/4 and Maths grade D/3.

Entry Requirements You will need at least GCSE English Language grade C/4.

What will I study? On this course you will be starting your journey towards becoming a creative film-maker. You will be introduced to the practical side of film-making by creating animations, using film and digital cameras, working with actors and editing your own film footage. Alongside learning to make films you will also get an insight into where film has come from and where you might take it next. This course is predominantly coursework based but with 30% of the content coverage being set externally by the awarding body (OCR) and completed under exam conditions.

What will I study? On this course you will be starting your journey towards becoming a creative film-maker. You will be introduced to the practical side of film-making by creating animations, using film and digital cameras, working with actors and editing your own film footage. Alongside learning to make films you will also get an insight into where film has come from and where you might take it next. Learners will also develop an understanding of the media industry through analysing media representations and pitching and producing film projects. This course is predominantly coursework based but with 60% of the content coverage being set externally by the awarding body (BTEC) and completed under controlled assessment conditions. In addition there is a two hour exam for one of the externally set units.

What will I study? This course will see you start your journey as a media professional. This course offers intensive professional production-based education and training across the four major media languages: film and TV, journalism, graphic design, and radio broadcasting. You will be taught by a team of professionals with extensive experience in the industry. You will also develop academic research and writing skills essential for progression to Higher Education and much of the workplace. You will gain good, work related experience based on practical production assignments, which involve considerable teamwork and specialist expertise, providing a unique opportunity to produce a professional portfolio of work that will give you the edge over other learners applying to university or the workplace.

What can I do after this course? Learners who have followed this course have gone on to study film and television at university. Many graduating learners are securing internships and work placements in the creative industries.

What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to specialist degree courses in universities and colleges of Higher Education. Subject to appropriate grades you may be eligible to apply to Sussex Downs College’s Art and Design Foundation (media specialist pathway) or embark on a foundation degree in Digital Media Design.

What can I do after this course? Learners who have followed this course have gone on to study at some of the most prestigious filmmaking colleges and universities in the UK. Many graduating learners are securing internships and work placements in the creative industries.



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A Level

A Level

Level 3

Level 3

Lewes Campus

Eastbourne & Lewes Campus

Course Code

Course Code





Entry Requirements You will need at least GCSE English Language grade C/4. What will I study? This course takes you on a journey through cinema as you study films from all eras and from all over the world. The first year focuses primarily on US and UK films, both mainstream and independent, from Vertigo to La La Land to This is England. Your second year studies will broaden to include experimental films that broke the mould like Pulp Fiction and global cinema. You will study how films are constructed and how they are understood by their audiences. You will look at camera and editing techniques, design, acting, and other aspects that produce meaning in films. We also consider narrative, genre and what the films tell us about the world. Your coursework projects offer you a chance to be creative as you will write a screenplay and construct a storyboard for a short film. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to employment or as a foundation for a more specialised study of film or media at university.





Entry Requirements You will need to meet our standard entry requirements. There are no other course specific entry requirements. What will I study? This course is split into two elements: exam and coursework. The exam element looks critically at a range of media forms from music videos to magazine adverts. You will analyse the way they are constructed, engage audiences and represent social ideas and beliefs. One focus will be on the representation of social groups, issues and events. Previous case studies have included the cult of celebrity, the London riots and teen delinquency. There will be one end of year exam that assesses your understanding of textual analysis, representation and audience theories. You will undertake practical and creative coursework, which may include the production of a script and the marketing materials for a teen horror film, which will develop your skills in design, desktop publishing and digital photography. What can I do after this course? Media studies is appropriate for almost all Higher Education courses, employment opportunities generally and employment within the media industry at an appropriate level.


C A L L 0 3 0 3 0 0 3 9 5 5 1 F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N

COLLEGE IS HELPING ME TO REACH MY GOAL OF BECOMING A TRAVEL PHOTOGRAPHER OR FILM MAKER. Albi Rio Craig Knight, Photography A Level, Film and TV Production, Sociology. Previous school: Home Educated


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*Figures based on data provided by Emsi (August 2017)

Average Upper Wage:

£60,000+ Average Mid Wage:



Average Entry Wage:


Annual vacancies within the region: 118

Number of jobs within the region: 1,507

Currently employed within the region:



Predicted Growth by 2022

Performing Arts industries data for East Sussex, Kent and Brighton & Hove* Figures are based on averages from a range of typical career paths. These figures are intended as a guide only and will vary depending on your chosen career.

WHY SHOULD YOU STUDY PERFORMING ARTS & MUSIC? Performing arts and music graduates combine creative talent with practical aspects of self-promotion and arts management. This mix of disciplines is a good preparation for the world of artistic performance. A range of skills are needed for the many different kinds of culture, music and performing arts careers, but the one thing you really need is passion, either for music, theatre or anything which is cultural and gets you going! Performing artists generally supplement their training, generate opportunities and enhance their creative knowledge through work experience and by participating in voluntary projects. Contact your local community centre or search the internet for details of community projects in your area.


... 101

C A L L 0 3 0 3 0 0 3 9 5 5 1 F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N




A Level

Double BTEC

A Level

Level 3

Level 3

Level 3

Lewes Campus

Lewes Campus

Eastbourne & Lewes Campus

Course Code

Course Code

Course Code



1020/011 5880/011 Entry Requirements You will need to meet our standard entry requirements. There are no other course specific entry requirements. What will I study? On this contemporary dance course you will build your practical skills in both dance technique and choreography. The course also explores anatomy, physiology, and dance analysis, which will provide you with a solid understanding of the theory and practise of contemporary dance. For learners interested in a career in dance, this course works as an excellent companion to the BTEC National Award in Dance. The course will require you to take part in physically active practical sessions and solo dance performances. What can I do after this course? This course can lead on to full-time professional dance training at the London School of Contemporary Dance, the Laban Centre, Northern School of Contemporary Dance and a range of universities.




6071/020 5880/011





Entry Requirements You will need at least GCSE Dance grade B/6 or Dance BTEC Level 2 qualification.

Entry Requirements You will need at least GCSE English Language grade C/4 and Drama grade C/4 (if taken).

What will I study? This double A Level is a pre-professional vocational dance training course designed to help you develop skills in a range of different dance styles. On this course you will cover different units, which provide you with a wide range of dance performance opportunities and experiences. For learners interested in a career in dance, this course works as an excellent companion to the A Level Dance programme. This course is physically demanding and is suitable for those committed to improving their dance skills through rigorous training activities.

What will I study? On this course you will study the ideas and themes behind key dramatic texts and explore these through practical workshops, leading to your own presentations and performances. You will have the opportunity to develop both your analytical and research skills, as well as demonstrate and explore your practical ideas and ability. The course will help you develop your subject specific skills related to performance and the theatre, as well as various transferrable academic and personal skills.

What can I do after this course? You can progress onto Year 2 and achieve your Dance Diploma, and then go on to a higher course of study or into the industry. Learners from Sussex Downs College are now training at a range of prestigious dance schools and universities including London School of Contemporary Dance, London Studio Centre, Central School of Ballet and the Laban Centre.

What can I do after this course? This popular subject can prepare you for a specialist course at university or drama school. Past learners are currently studying or have studied at Central School of Speech and Drama, East 15, Rose Bruford, Guildhall, the London Studio as well as a range of universities such as Cambridge, Royal Holloway, Kent, UEA, Manchester and Leeds.

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A Level

BTEC Extended Certificate

BTEC Subsidiary Diploma

Level 3

Level 3

Level 3

Lewes Campus

Lewes Campus

Lewes Campus

Course Code

Course Code

Course Code



5609/011 5880/011







4916/020 5880/011

Entry Requirements You will need to demonstrate your ability to play an instrument or sing and understand music theory to grade 5 standard.

Entry Requirements You will need to meet our standard entry requirements. There are no other course specific entry requirements.

What will I study? On this course you will study three areas of music and you will be required to give one solo recital for the exam. At ESAM you will perform up to four recitals per year, providing you with more experience and the opportunity to produce your best possible performance. You will study a range of set works that are certain to expand your musical horizons. Classroom listening, learning and written work is enhanced by trips to hear progessional performances. In addition, you will have your compositions performed and recorded by professionals. Learners also study traditional harmony - the skill at the heart of all fine composition.

What will I study? This BTEC Level 3 course will offer learners the key knowledge and practical skills required for their potential chosen career as a freelance musician. They will have three lessons per week (four hours tuition) and will study three subject areas: Live Music Workshop, Contemporary Songwriting Techniques, and Aural Perception. Together these three areas will provide you with the skills to understand music, write your own songs and perform them for recording.

What will I study? This course follows on from the Music BTEC Level 3 Certificate and will offer learners the key knowledge and practical skills required for their potential chosen career as a freelance musician. They will have three lessons per week (four hours tuition) and will study three subject areas: Composing Music, Music and Sound for the Moving Image, Working as a Musical Ensemble. There will be an opportunity for each learner to carry out an in-depth Special Subject Investigation into a chosen area of their interest.

What can I do after this course? Most learners will continue on to university after completing this course in order to continue studies in Music. Some learners will choose to move into the music industry with employment.

What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to studying for a Pop Music degree at university or other specialist music college. Or you might just feel that the world is waiting for you!

What can I do after this course? A very high percentage of Academy learners have progressed on to university or college to study music. Music has proved to be a well respected A Level qualification enabling many learners to gain entry to degree courses in a wide range of subjects.

Entry Requirements You will need to have completed the BTEC Level 3 Certificate in Music.


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UAL Diploma

UAL Extended Diploma

A Level

Level 3

Level 3

Level 3

Eastbourne Campus

Eastbourne Campus

Lewes Campus

Course Code

Course Code

Course Code






Entry Requirements You will need at least GCSE English Language grade C/4 and BTEC Level 2 Music, receiving a merit (if taken).

Entry Requirements You will need at least GCSE English Language grade C/4 and BTEC Level 2 Music, receiving a merit (if taken).

What will I study? The two-year UAL Level 3 Extended Diploma in Music Performance and Production is equivalent in size and value to three full A Levels. It is designed to prepare you for employment in the music industry, selfemployment or for progression to higher education. Year 1 comprises the Diploma, and most learners progress to the Extended Diploma in Year 2. You will undertake a wide range of project work to establish your interests and strengths, before progressing to either a performance based specialist pathway, or a production (recording, producing, engineering) based one. Musicians will need to be multi-skilled with the ability to draw upon a wide range of different fields in order to have a long-lasting and rewarding career in the industry. This course has been designed to help you accomplish this.

What will I study? The two-year Level 3 UAL Music Production Diploma is equivalent to taking 3 full A Levels. It is designed to prepare you for employment in the music industry, self-employment or for progression to higher education. You will undertake a wide range of practical project work to establish your interests and strengths, before progressing to either a performance based specialist pathway, or a production (recording, producing, engineering) based one. There are no examinations on this course. Practitioners in the industry need to be multi-skilled with the ability to draw upon a wide range of different fields in order to have a long lasting and rewarding career in the industry. This course has been designed to help you accomplish this.

What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to both Higher Education and careers in the music industry and beyond, including with the BBC. Opportunities for higher level study in music technology and production include our own foundation degree and degree in Music Production, awarded by the University of Brighton.



What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to both Higher Education and careers in the music industry and beyond, including with the BBC. Opportunities for higher level study in music technology and production include our own foundation degree and degree in Music Production, awarded by the University of Brighton.





Entry Requirements You will need at least GCSE English Language grade C/4 and be able to play an instrument or sing. What will I study? This Music Technology A Level course explores the technical behind-the-scenes work of the pop music world. On this course you will learn how to record pop music including live multi-tracking, and how to produce your own sequenced arrangement of a well-known song. You will also study pop and jazz styles since 1910. Music technology is taught on classroom computers using Logic Pro. We also have two recording studios at the Performing Arts Centre in Lewes. You will receive mentoring from professionals currently working in the industry. What can I do after this course? A high percentage of Academy students go on to study music, music technology or music production at colleges or universities offering such courses. A number of learners move on to study at the Brighton Institute of Modern Music (BIMM) or at the University of Brighton with Music Production and Creative Recording.

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Double BTEC


Double BTEC

Level 3

Level 3

Level 3

Lewes Campus

Lewes Campus

Lewes Campus

Course Code

Course Code

Course Code



6067/010 5880/011 Entry Requirements You will need at least GCSE Drama or Dance grade C/4, or an equivalent relevant qualification. What will I study? On this course you will study a stimulating and involving programme, which explores Musical Theatre, and develops your singing, acting and dance skills. Through individual and ensemble activities, you will enhance and develop your performance practice. You will work on a number of practical projects and explore vocational opportunities, as well as research the cultural and historical background of musical theatre. This course will help you develop your performance and textual analysis skills, and it complements a wide number of other subjects on the curriculum. What can I do after this course? This course provides excellent training for progression into musical theatre in Higher Education, or to work in the performing arts and entertainment industries. Our learners have gone on to study musical theatre at drama schools, before starting their careers in the West End in musicals such as Chicago and Shrek.



6066/010 5880/011



6067/030 5880/011

Entry Requirements You will need to meet our standard entry requirements. There are no other course specific entry requirements.

Entry Requirements You will need to meet our standard entry requirements. There are no other course specific entry requirements.

What will I study? This is a new exciting, performance-centred course based in the purpose-built Performing Arts Centre. On this course, which is the equivalent of three A Levels, you will study the creation of specific projects and the development of your vocational skills in major pathways of either acting, dance or musical theatre together with a minor study in a related discipline. In both years you will take part in and organise performances within the Performing Arts Centre, the community and local commercial theatres. This provides practical vocational experience and training as an actor performer. You can also participate in an exciting variety of workshops and enrichments throughout both years, and will explore the many vocational and educational opportunities for progression.

What will I study? On this course you will study the creation of specific projects and the development of your vocational skills. This is a busy, exciting and performancecentred course based in the purpose-built Performing Arts Centre. In both years you will take part in and organise performances within the Performing Arts Centre, the community and local commercial theatres. This provides practical vocational experience and training as an actor/performer, and in a wide variety of supporting production roles. You can also participate in an exciting variety of workshops and enrichments throughout both years, and you will explore the many vocational and educational opportunities for progression and work.

What can I do after this course? This course acts as a foundation for progression onto a second year Diploma and as the first major step towards a career or further training in the performing arts related industries. Many of our learners go on to study at drama schools or universities such as Mountview, Rose Bruford, LAMDA, East 15, Central, Chichester, Middlesex or Kent.

What can I do after this course? This course acts as a foundation for progression onto a second year Diploma and as the first major step towards a career or further training in the performing arts industries. Many of our learners go on to study at drama schools or universities such as Mountview, Rose Bruford, LAMDA, East 15, Central, Chichester, Middlesex or Kent.


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Level 3

Level 3

Lewes Campus

Lewes Campus

Course Code

Course Code



5270/010 5880/011 Entry Requirements You will need instrumental or vocal skills grade 6. What will I study? This is a fantastic opportunity for musicians hoping to go on to study at conservatoire, or to develop their performance skill to a higher level. The PreProfessional Certificate is a one year course (a second year leading to an Advanced Certificate is available) and is an add-on available only to A Level Music and BTEC Level 3 Music students. Learners are tutored in small ensembles (for example string quartet, vocal trio or rock group) by teachers who are themselves professional performers. The learner ensembles give two recitals per year. The course is taught on one timetabled lesson per week, so it will not clash with other subjects or take the place of a full A Level. What can I do after this course? A high percentage of Academy students have progressed on to university or college to study music. A sizable number of learners have gained places at music conservatoires ranging from the Royal Academy of Music to the Brighton Institute of Modern Music (BIMM).




6069/010 5880/011 Entry Requirements You will need to meet our standard entry requirements. There are no other course specific entry requirements. What will I study? On this course you will study the core aspects of Stage Management and Technical Theatre structured around the creation, production and support of specific projects and the development of your vocational skills. During the course you will explore and develop your creative production skills in stage management, mask and prop-making, stage design and construction, and lighting, sound and video. What can I do after this course? Learners studying Production Arts have gone to a range of technical courses at Drama Schools or universities such as Mountview, Guildhall, Rose Bruford, Bournemouth, UAL, as well as the workplace at the Komedia, Brighton Dome and a range of production companies.

THE MUSIC AND MEDIA DEPARTMENTS AT SDC ARE INCREDIBLE. YOU WON’T REGRET COMING HERE. Francesco Redica Music BTEC, Music Tech, Media Studies Previous school: Seahaven Academy

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The Progress to A Level offer is designed to support the progression of learners onto an A Level/Level 3 programme. Learners will sign up to a programme that will provide them with the qualifications and skills to progress to A Levels. Rather than present these as separate qualifications we want to promote this as a programme of study requiring learners to achieve in all the selected elements. On successful completion there will be a progression ceremony where you will be presented with your ‘Progress to A-Level certificate’. The Programme will be made up of GCSE’s selected from the list below and compulsory elements, listed on the right. •  •  •  •  •

GCSE Maths GCSE English GCSE Combined Science GCSE Photography GCSE Sociology

Full information on these GCSEs can be found in the relevant course sections on both sides of this guide.



Level 2

Level 2

Eastbourne & Lewes Campus

Eastbourne & Lewes Campus

Course Code

Course Code







5100/020 5100/030

Entry Requirements You will need to meet our standard entry requirements. There are no other course specific entry requirements.

Entry Requirements You will need to meet our standard entry requirements. There are no other course specific entry requirements.

What will I study? The Higher Project Qualification allows learners to study and complete a project based around an area of interest to them, that may link to a current area they are studying or something they would like to study in the future. The Higher Project aims to develop a learner’s study skills such as time management towards a deadline, planning, researching and producing an extended piece of work. A learner will be able to develop their abilities for selecting appropriate information in completing work, prior to reflecting and reviewing how successfully this was achieved. In other words it is not only what you produce but the process you went through to achieve it.

What will I study? You will learn to organise, manage and extend your learning to support your existing subjects and develop the personal study skills required to be successful at A Level. This will include learning how to locate, retrieve, and store information, produce and respond to written materials for a variety of purposes, use IT to organise, edit and compile information, and make positive contributions to discussions. You will develop a portfolio to evidence your skills, which may include researching a career path, completing a team work challenge, or extended writing skills. Achievement of the award is via submission of a portfolio detailing your personal study skills, which can also be presented during A Level interviews towards the end of the year.

What can I do after this course? Successful completion alongside BTEC/GCSE results will enable a learner to progress onto a variety of Level 3 programmes of study.

What can I do after this course? This qualification will prepare you for further study at Level 3 as well as useful skills for the workplace.



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PUBLIC SERVICES 90 Credit BTEC Diploma Level 3 Eastbourne & Lewes Campus Course Code EASTBOURNE CAMPUS


4816/010 4756/010 Entry Requirements You will need at least GCSE English Language grade C/4. What will I study? On this BTEC Level 3 90 Credit Diploma in Public Services course you will study a wide range of subjects, which will prepare you with the necessary knowledge and skills to enter a uniformed public service. You will study at least nine modules during the course including Politics, Leadership, Psychology, Citizenship, Physical Training and Outdoor Activities, Criminology and Employment. The theoretical units provide background knowledge and understanding of the public services. During the course you will be required to participate in visits to workplaces, and residentials and expedition training, which involve overnight stays.

THE PUBLIC SERVICES COURSE AT SDC LOOKED REALLY EXCITING, WITH A HIGH STANDARD OF TEACHING. Ben Riedel, Public Uniformed Services, Year 2 Previous school: The Eastbourne Academy

What can I do after this course? This course can lead to university, the police, the Armed Forces (including direct officer entry), emergency and rescue services, the Merchant Navy, offender management services and private and public security organisations.



*Figures based on data provided by Emsi (August 2017)

Average Upper Wage:

£45,000+ Average Mid Wage:



Currently employed within the region:


Average Entry Wage:

Annual vacancies within the region: 5,629


It’s all about innovation, discovery and research. It’s all about trying things, doing experiments and making exhilarating scientific breakthroughs. It’s all about doing things that nobody else has ever done before. It’s all about improving people’s lives, improving commercial enterprises and developing our knowledge and understanding of people, nature, the world and the universe. Careers in science are genuinely some of the most exciting, interesting and significant out there.


Number of jobs within the region: 3,667


Predicted Growth by 2022

Science industries data for East Sussex, Kent and Brighton & Hove* Figures are based on averages from a range of typical career paths. These figures are intended as a guide only and will vary depending on your chosen career.

Jobs in this sector stretch across so many different fascinating areas. If you thought that the differences between chemistry, physics, biology and maths were complex enough, then you’re in for a shock. Thousands of specialisms exist, from astrophysics and marine biology to zoological sciences and pharmacology.


... 113

C A L L 0 3 0 3 0 0 3 9 5 5 1 F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N




BTEC Foundation Diploma

A Level

A Level

Level 3

Level 3

Level 3

Eastbourne & Lewes Campus

Eastbourne & Lewes Campus

Eastbourne & Lewes Campus

Course Code

Course Code

Course Code



6237/010 6237/020








Entry Requirements Entry requirements are normally: GCSE grade C/4 or above in Mathematics, English Language and Science (3 sciences or double award).

Entry Requirements You will need at least GCSE Maths grade C/5 and Combined Science grade BB/6-6 or Biology and Chemistry grade B/6.

Entry Requirements You will need at least GCSE Maths grade C/5 and Combined Science grade BB/6-6 or Chemistry and either Biology or Physics grade B/6.

What will I study? The Foundation Diploma in Applied Science is the core qualification studied in the first year of a Level 3 Programme of Study in Applied Science. It is the perfect qualification for learners who want to continue their studies in science beyond Level 2 or GCSE and provides a solid foundation of learning across all science disciplines before an optional pathway is chosen in year two. The Foundation Diploma combines the key areas of Biology, Chemistry and Physics to give you a well-rounded practical and theoretical understanding of the Applied Sciences. While on the Foundation Diploma, you will study Units covering a variety of topics: Principles and Applications of Science 1, Practical Scientific Procedures and Techniques, Science Investigation Skills, Laboratory Techniques and their Application, Biological Molecules and Metabolic Pathways, Electrical Circuits and their Application.

What will I study? On this course you will learn about Biology, disease, and the variety of living organisms. Biology is an interesting and fascinating subject - the key question that underpins Biology is ‘How does life work?’. To begin with, you will discover new components of cells and understand how molecules are transported across a cell membrane. You will then explore the structure and function of full organs, such as the heart and the lungs. During the first year you will also expand your knowledge of DNA, cell division and immunity. You will develop new maths skills, trial practical experiments, analyse data, and evaluate studies. This course is certified by AQA. We strongly recommend that Biology is taken along with another science subject at A Level, e.g. psychology, chemistry, physics or maths.

What will I study? A Level Chemistry builds on chemical concepts from GCSE. On this course you will develop essential knowledge and understanding of different chemistry topics and how they interrelate. You will study topics including atomic structure, electrons and bonding, the periodic table, organic chemistry, modern analytical techniques, energy and resources. Over the course you will deepen your understanding of how science works, appreciate how society makes decisions about scientific issues, and how science affects the economy, environment and society. You will also develop safe and effective practical skills when using lab equipment, handling chemicals, analysing and evaluating work in order to develop your enthusiasm for chemistry and prepare you for further study in chemistry and the sciences.

Learners can also choose to study an Extended Diploma in BTEC Forensics - leaving with the equivalent of 3 A levels after 2 years. What can I do after this course? If you are successful and achieve the Extended Diploma you will have the equivalent of 3 A Levels and can apply to study University degrees such as Forensics, Biomedicine, Physiotherapy, Nursing, Midwifery, Radiography, Pharmacy, Paramedic Science.



What can I do after this course? Interested in a career in healthcare or science? A Level Biology can lead to a wide range of degree courses e.g. biology, medicine, nursing, dentistry, biomedicine, veterinary science, pharmacy, marine biology, pharmacology, neuroscience, environmental studies and physiotherapy. For many biological degrees you will also need A Level Chemistry.

What can I do after this course? A Level Chemistry is essential for entry to courses in medicine, dentistry, veterinary science, biochemistry, pharmacy, some biology courses, chemical engineering, and chemistry.

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A Level

A Level

Level 2

Level 3

Level 3

Eastbourne & Lewes Campus

Eastbourne & Lewes Campus

Eastbourne & Lewes Campus

Course Code

Course Code

Course Code



2774/010 3259/020









Entry Requirements You will need at least GCSE Core Science grade D/3 or BTEC Science Level 2 Distinction and GCSE English Language and Maths grade D/3.

Entry Requirements You will need at least GCSE Maths grade C/5 and Combined Science grade BB/6-6 or Physics and either Biology or Chemistry grade B/6.

Entry Requirements You will need at least GCSE English Language grade C/5, Maths grade C/4 and Combined Science grade CC/5-5.

What will I study? This course is a one year course which leads to two GCSEs. It comprises of the three areas of science: biology, chemistry and physics. They are taught and examined by the Board in two separate sections: Life Science and The Environment, which covers biology and some chemistry topics and physical science, which covers physics and the other chemistry topics.

What will I study? On this EDEXCEL Physics A Level course you will study the following course content in the first year: Working as a Physicist, Mechanics, Electric Circuits, Further Mechanics, Electric and Magnetic Fields, Nuclear and Particle Physics. In the second year you will study Working as a Physicist, Materials, Waves and Particle Nature of Light, Thermodynamics, Space, Nuclear Radiation, Gravitational Fields and Oscillations. In addition to the course content you will develop a range of practical, analytical and evaluative skills.

What will I study? On this course you will develop an understanding of the scientific methods used by psychologists. You will be familiarised with four key techniques for collecting and analysing data: self-report, experiment, observation and correlation. You will also be introduced to the five main approaches in psychology. To do well in this subject you need to have good thinking and analytical skills and should enjoy reading, researching and problem solving. An interest in science is essential, as is the need to be well organised. Psychology is based on empirical evidence, therefore you will need to enjoy working with statistics and interpreting data.

What can I do after this course? Completion of this course will allow you access to some Level 3 science courses at the College.

What can I do after this course? This course offers a pathway to many university courses where you can study either a broad-based physics science course or one in which you specialise in a particular area of science. In addition, many learners who study physics go on to study engineering or mathematics.

What can I do after this course? Completing A Level Psychology can lead to a range of university degrees such as psychology, nursing, law, social sciences, physical sciences and medicine. Many employers and universities see the skills gained in A Level Psychology as valuable in many other careers as well.


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I KEPT THINGS VARIED BY STUDYING SCIENCE ALONGSIDE PRODUCTION ARTS & PERFORMING ARTS. Jack Hollingsworth, Applied Science, Performing Arts, Production Arts Previous school: Longhill High School



*Figures based on data provided by Emsi (August 2017)

Average Upper Wage:

£39,000+ Average Mid Wage:



Average Entry Wage:


Annual vacancies within the region: 673

Number of jobs within the region: 12,756

Currently employed within the region:


WHY SHOULD YOU STUDY SPORT & FITNESS? For every sport in the world, there’s a vast array of relevant and essential careers available, from football, fencing and Formula 1 to dancing, dressage and downhill skiing. Sport really is big business! Since the London 2012 Olympics, the UK’s interest in sport has been rejuvenated and more job opportunities are becoming available. Many different skills are needed for the many different kinds of sport and recreation careers, but the one thing you really need is a true sporting passion. If you really want to work in this sector, you will need to be able to demonstrate your enthusiasm. Sport is also integral to a child’s education and can also be used as an important way to develop community involvement and regeneration; because of this, careers within sports development and teaching can make a huge difference to people’s lives across the UK and throughout the globe.

We see a...


Predicted Growth by 2022

Sports industries data for East Sussex, Kent and Brighton & Hove* Figures are based on averages from a range of typical career paths. These figures are intended as a guide only and will vary depending on your chosen career.


... 119

C A L L 0 3 0 3 0 0 3 9 5 5 1 F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N



Level 2

Level 2


Eastbourne & Lewes Campus

Eastbourne Campus

Eastbourne Campus

Course Code

Course Code

Course Code



4298/030 5523/010 Entry Requirements You will need to meet our standard entry requirements. There are no other course specific entry requirements. What will I study? This course is taught in a practical and theoretical context and is an excellent opportunity to gain valuable sports leadership experience. You will gain experience leading groups of people from a range of different backgrounds, ages and abilities. You are required to organise and complete a ten-hour minimum voluntary leadership placement in the community, as well as demonstrating a working knowledge of organisational skills, safety in sport and first aid. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to the Higher Sports Leadership Certificate (HSLC) in your second year of study at the College. You will need to pass a formal assessment in order to progress on to the HSLC. This is good preparation for teaching/coaching jobs and general leadership.




Entry Requirements No previous qualifications or experience required. There is an expectation of commitment and motivation towards attending meetings, regular involvement in volunteering and keeping your log book up to date. What will I study? The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (DofE) is a varied programme of activities that can be undertaken by anyone aged 14 to 24 regardless of their ability. The DofE programme can take on average anywhere between 1 year and 3 years to complete depending upon the route taken and the level; Bronze, Silver (Gold currently not available). You achieve your Award by completing a personal programme of activities in four sections - Volunteering, Physical, Skills and Expedition. Volunteering: undertaking service to individuals or the community. Physical: improving in an area of sport, dance or fitness activities. Skills: developing practical and social skills and personal interests. Expedition: planning, training for and completion of an adventurous journey in the UK or abroad. You’ll find yourself helping people or the community, getting fitter, developing skills and going on an expedition. These are held in high esteem by universities and employers, and being challenging and rewarding to complete, they support the development of transferable skills in young people. Awards are entirely voluntary, fun, and entirely non-competitive. What can I do after this course? After completing the course, learners can use this to supplement applications to employers of further/higher education such as University (UCAS) applications.





Entry Requirements You will need to meet our standard entry requirements. There are no other course specific entry requirements. What will I study? This two-year educational and football development programme is for selected players aged between 16 and 18 years. The primary goal for the Borough Academy programme is firstly to provide its players with an opportunity to develop their footballing abilities through the Academy’s holistic, multidisciplinary approach with a view to progressing the club’s young, home-grown players into the Eastbourne Borough FC 1st team squad. And secondly, to give learners the opportunity to study a broad choice of A Level subjects and or BTEC courses alongside their individual football programme, providing players with the academic qualifications required to open up and make available the preferred future educational pathways. What can I do after this course? Successful completion leads to continuation into Year 2 of the course. This course gives opportunities to represent Sussex Schools and English colleges at a national level. You will also be eligible to study coaching at Level 2 and above if you are interested in a coaching career.

W W W. S U S S E X D O W N S . AC .U K







Eastbourne Campus

Eastbourne Campus

Level 3

Course Code

Course Code

Eastbourne & Lewes Campus




Entry Requirements You will need to meet our standard entry requirements. There are no other course specific entry requirements. What will I study? The Sussex Downs Football Academy offers you the opportunity to undertake this course alongside their full programme of study. The course involves the following: UEFA B Level coaching (6 hours per week), participation in the English Colleges Football League, opportunities to represent Sussex schools, regular fitness testing and training, opportunities to become a Level 1 coach. What can I do after this course? Successful completion leads to continuation into Year 2 of the course. This course gives opportunities to represent Sussex schools and English colleges at a national level. You will also be eligible to study coaching at Level 2 and above if you are interested in a coaching career.




Entry Requirements Applications will be welcomed from individuals who have already demonstrated an ability to excel and/or possess the necessary commitment and potential (a club handicap is advantageous). What will I study? This course involves the following areas of study: development of the swing, match strategy, tactics, psychology of competition, physical and mental preparation, rules, and role of the club professional. What can I do after this course? Successful completion leads to continuation into Year 2 of the course. This course gives opportunities to represent Sussex schools and English colleges at a national level. You will also be eligible to study coaching at Level 2 and above if you are interested in a coaching career.



4547/010 4547/020 Entry Requirements You will need the Community Sports Leadership Award. What will I study? On this course you will study eight units including Sport Leadership and the Community, Introducing Children to Sport, Sport and Fitness, First Aid, National Governing Body Award and Organising and Running an Event. You will lead three different community groups including primary school children, disabled groups and secondary school children. You will need to complete a Level 1 National Governing Body Award and an eight-hour first aid course. You need to have a keen interest in working with others and leadership. This course does require large amounts of commitment outside of college. What can I do after this course? This course is beneficial for further education in teaching, coaching, sports development, sports administration, sports centre work and careers within the leisure industry. All fields of industry value leadership, which is developed by this nationally recognised qualification, and provides the learner with 30 UCAS points.


C A L L 0 3 0 3 0 0 3 9 5 5 1 F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N




A Level

BTEC Diploma

Foundation Diploma

Level 3

Level 3

Level 3

Eastbourne & Lewes Campus

Eastbourne Campus

Eastbourne & Lewes Campus

Course Code

Course Code

Course Code





Entry Requirements You will need at least GCSE English Language grade C/4, Combined Science grade CC/6-6 and PE grade B/6 (if taken). What will I study? On the A Level PE course you will study four major elements, with theoretical and assessment in a practical performance at its core. The course will equip learners with both a depth and breadth of knowledge, understanding and skills relating to scientific, socio-cultural and practical aspects of physical education and the use of data to analyse physical activity. Learners are assessed in one practical performance in which learners must be actively competing in prior to the start of the course. Learners will sit one exam at the end of their second year which will represent 70% of their overall grade with 30% being assessed via practical assessment. Learners must have a keen interest in PE and enjoy studying the areas that will be the focus of the courses. What can I do after this course? Sport is a massive growth industry and this course can provide a pathway to a wide range of sport and nonsport based careers. Common progression routes into university include PE teaching, sports science, studies and development or coaching, leisure management and physiotherapy.







5746/010 5746/020

Entry Requirements You will need at least GCSE English Language grade C/4.

Entry Requirements You will need at least GCSE English Language grade C/4 and either Maths or a Science grade C/4.

What will I study? This qualification consists of seven units, four mandatory units and one specialist unit and has the academic equivalence of 1.5 A Levels. The course units for study are: Functional Anatomy - Examined (M), Applied Sport and Exercise Psychology - Externally Assessed Task (M), Field- and Laboratory-based Fitness Testing (M), Sports Injury and Assessment, Specialised Fitness Training, Sociocultural Issues in Sport and Exercise, and Technology in Sport and Exercise. You will produce three or four assignments for each unit.

What will I study? This qualification consists of seven units, four mandatory units and one specialist unit and has the academic equivalence of 1.5 A Levels. The course units for study are: Anatomy and Physiology related to Fitness - Examined (M), Fitness Training and Programming - Externally Assessed Task (M), Professional Development in the Sports Industry (M), Sports Leadership (M), Practical Sports Performance, Coaching for Performance, and Sport Psychology. You will produce three or four assignments for each unit.

What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway into employment or Higher Education, including a Foundation Degree in Public Service Management.

What can I do after this course? Learners may wish to progress to Year 2 to complete the Level 3 Extended Diploma, which is an additional eight units. To do so, you must achieve the Foundation Diploma.

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Lewes Campus

Lewes Campus

Lewes Campus

Course Code

Course Code

Course Code





1288/010 5880/011



1293/010 5880/011

Entry Requirements You will need to meet our standard entry requirements. There are no other course specific entry requirements.

Entry Requirements You will need to meet our standard entry requirements. There are no other course specific entry requirements.

Entry Requirements You will need to meet our standard entry requirements. There are no other course specific entry requirements.

What will I study? Sussex Downs College Lewes Sport Academy programmes include the following five focuses: development of individual and team skill, enhancement and knowledge of personal fitness and nutrition, understanding of strategies and tactics of the game, competing and performing at the highest level possible, both individually and as a team, and understanding and practice of the basic principles of coaching sport.

What will I study? Sussex Downs College Lewes Sport Academy programmes include the following five focuses: development of individual and team skill, enhancement and knowledge of personal fitness and nutrition, understanding of strategies and tactics of the game, competing and performing at the highest level possible, both individually and as a team, and understanding and practice of the basic principles of coaching sport.

What will I study? Sussex Downs College Lewes Sport Academy programmes include the following five focuses: development of individual and team skill, enhancement and knowledge of personal fitness and nutrition, understanding of strategies and tactics of the game, competing and performing at the highest level possible, both individually and as a team, and understanding and practice of the basic principles of coaching sport.

What can I do after this course? Many Sport Academy students have progressed into the higher levels of sport performance and education, with some progressing into professional sport. The majority progress into working in the sports industry or studying sport at a higher level whilst still playing football at a club or county level.

What can I do after this course? Many Sport Academy students have progressed into the higher levels of sport performance and education, with some progressing into professional sport. The majority progress into working in the sports industry or studying sport at a higher level whilst still playing football at a club or county level.

What can I do after this course? Many Sport Academy students have progressed into the higher levels of sport performance and education, with some progressing into professional sport. The majority progress into working in the sports industry or studying sport at a higher level whilst still playing football at a club or county level.


C A L L 0 3 0 3 0 0 3 9 5 5 1 F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N


W W W. S U S S E X D O W N S . AC .U K

THIS COURSE HAS ENABLED ME TO PROGRESS TO THE HIGHER EDUCATION FOUNDATION DEGREE HERE AT SDC. Summer Goddard , Level 3 Sports Development and Physical Activity Previous school: Plumpton College



W W W. S U S S E X D O W N S . AC .U K

TRAVEL & TOURISM BTEC 90 Credit Diploma Level 3 Lewes Campus Course Code LEWES CAMPUS


4909/010 5880/011 Entry Requirements You will need at least GCSE English Language and Maths grade C/4. What will I study? This course is ideal for those seeking a vocational travel and tourism qualification. On this course you will gain an extensive introduction to the travel and tourism industry. Subjects include investigating travel and tourism, customer service and long haul travel destinations. What can I do after this course? Most learners progress on to the Extended Diploma in Travel and Tourism, after which there are a variety of employment opportunities learners can choose from. These include air cabin crew, tour operators and travel agents. Learners also progress to university.

COLLEGE PREPARES YOU FOR THE REAL WORLD IN YOUR CHOSEN INDUSTRY. Lauren Martin, Travel and Tourism, Cabin Crew, NVQ Spanish Previous school: Beacon Academy


C A L L 0 3 0 3 0 0 3 9 5 5 1 F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N




Sussex Downs College 030 300 39300 sussexdowns sussexdowns

Eastbourne Campus Cross Levels Way Eastbourne BN21 2UF

Lewes Campus 1 Mountfield Road Lewes, East Sussex BN7 2XH

Newhaven Campus Denton Island Training Centre, Denton Island, Newhaven, BN9 9BN

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