East Sussex College - Lewes Campus Guide

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Lewes campus dates... ebsite w r ou V isit more t ou d to fin dates w e vi and ourne b t as for E t ings as H &













4:30 - 7:30pm

10am - 12:30pm

4:30 - 7:30pm


Please note: all information is correct at time of going to press. Government changes to qualiďŹ cations and funding may mean that information in this guide is subject to alteration. For the latest information, please visit our website or contact 030 300 39699.

General Information

Subject Areas

Principal’s Welcome


Art & Design


Reasons to Study Here


Business & Law


Campus Information

6 10

Childcare, Health & Social Care


Why we Love Lewes Work Experience




Get Involved


English & Languages


Countdown to College


Foundation Learning


Parents & Guardian Information


Hair & Beauty


Here to Help You Succeed




Other Study Programmes




Beyond College


Media, Film & Digital Media


Course Reference Guide


d full You can fin for all information re e d at our courses off as pus as well Lewes cam gs n ti as H and Eastbourne on r o e id u G e in our Cours site. our web

Performing Arts & Music (including ESAM)

32 - 35

Public & Uniformed Services




Sport & Fitness


Travel & Tourism




2 | Welcome

4 | Why study here?

6 | Campus

10 | Lewes Town

12 | Subjects 44 | Apprenticeships 46 | Work Experience


East Sussex College Lewes is evolving and growing in ambition in order to be the most successful local provider of post-sixteen education, and I am excited to be leading the way on the next step of its journey. We have a dedicated team of staff who care deeply about nurturing and encouraging you to achieve your very best, both academically and in terms of personal growth. Attending college is a time for developing independence and responsibility in a challenging and supportive environment. It will be the most exciting,


but also challenging two years of your educational life – a time to specialise, prepare for higher education or consider career choices. We also encourage our students to engage in a range of extra-curricular activities to broaden their experience. Our Sixth Form is friendly and welcoming. By encouraging students to aim for the highest standards, we strive for an adult atmosphere in which freedom and responsibility are evenly balanced. We look forward to you joining us. Fred Carter, Principal, ESC Lewes

48 | Get Involved

52 | Countdown

54 | Parents

56 | Support

58 | Other Study

60 | Progression

62 | Course Index

The merger of Sussex Downs College and Sussex Coast College has formed East Sussex College. One of our key priorities is to increase the range of quality courses and opportunities for young people across Sussex.

Our Lewes campus is right in the middle of the town centre and has the benefit of great transport links. As a student at our campus, you’ll be able to make the most of state-of-the-art learning facilities and inspiring social spaces, as well as all that the local area has to offer in the way of attractions and resources.

Lewes cam�us has � �a�tasti� re�utation �or excellen� in A Levels and �� �rts.


2 | Welcome

4 | Why study here?

6 | Campus

10 | Lewes Town

12 | Subjects 44 | Apprenticeships 46 | Work Experience

For those who are artistically minded and keen to take their academics seriously, Lewes is the right place to be. With our friendly tutors and fantastic resources, East Sussex College Lewes strives to bring out the best in our students.




Artistic Talent

Visual Arts Block

Love to Learn

Lewes campus boasts a brilliant artistic curriculum with bespoke facilities and performance opportunities to match. Our campus is home to the Performing Arts Centre which holds spacious arts and dance studios. The Multi Purpose Hall is a large venue ideal for drama and dance. Professional equipment such as music recording equipment, theatre lighting and current industry software are also used daily in coursework.

If you are a visual arts student, you will be able to practice your subject in a purpose built Visual Arts Block. This houses specialised facilities for a number of disciplines such as printmaking, photography, digital and media design. Our students often comment on how these facilities allow ideas come to life in a ‘real’ environment.

Sometimes you just need a quiet space to buckle down and focus. That’s why we have designed our campus to have an accessible Learning Centre. A place to study and a centre for resource and research, the Learning Centre is the ideal spot to head to for coursework deadlines and exam study. Knowledgeable staff are also on hand to help point you in the right direction for assignment research, referencing and documenting.

Check our website or follow us on social media for more information

48 | Get Involved

52 | Countdown

54 | Parents

56 | Support

58 | Other Study

60 | Progression

62 | Course Index

Winning performances Our students succeed in local and national awards, including the popular WorldSkills and UK Skills competitions for vocational subject areas. Other subject areas in which our students have participated include Fashion, Film, IT, Law and Music. Perhaps one of the most exciting wins of the year, was Kaiya Swain’s, who thrilled us all when she won gold at the World Skills competition in Dubai. Officially the best young beautician in the world, Kaiya described her moment as,

Trailblazing Alumni

Alie Macintosh studied Art & Design and Economics A Levels at our Lewes campus. She is now fashion designer and CEO of Boom Boom the Label. Working out of her “A dream come true. It was an boutique studio in Lewes, absolute honour to represent Alie employs a team of 20 my country. I never expected seamstresses to make order to come out on top.” after order of sexy and stylish ‘must-have’ pieces. Boom Community Spirit Boom the Label won Small Business of the Year at both Every year we are amazed the East Sussex Business at the talent that is found Awards and the Lewes District amongst our students and Awards in 2016. we like to acknowledge this talent with a big celebration A Level advice at the end of the year. Enter East Sussex College Mini We know that choosing your Fest. Last year’s Mini Fest A-levels can seem daunting, saw none other than Reggie but don’t stress! Our brilliant Yates hit the decks, spinning student services teams are some killer tracks which got here to guide you to the right the crowd jumping. The decisions. If you need advice day brought our fantastic on which courses you need to community spirit together become a [insert dream here], with themed fun tents, bouncy they can help. They are also castle games, festival makeup, here to answer any questions grilled burgers, mocktails and you might have on University an endless number of selfies. applications and procedures.

Call 030 300 39699 to chat to someone about your options


2 | Welcome

4 | Why study here?

6 | Campus

10 | Lewes Town

12 | Subjects 44 | Apprenticeships 46 | Work Experience

Situated in the heart of Lewes town, with its eclectic shops and cafes, our Lewes campus is home to specialist facilities including state of the art science labs; stunning photography, art & dance studios; a sports fields and dedicated hair, beauty & complementary therapies salons.



Check our website or follow us on social media for more information

48 | Get Involved

52 | Countdown

54 | Parents

56 | Support

58 | Other Study

60 | Progression

62 | Course Index

Regular buses run to the Lewes campus from the surrounding areas.

The campus has plenty of lockable bike stations.

Lewes train station is a seven minute walk from the campus.

There is ample parking for staff and students in a large car park.

Lewes Campus Mountfield Road, Lewes, BN7 2XH

Why we love Lewes campus!

Lewes campus has an extremely active music and arts scene and you’ll Students enjoy the fact that often find student bands Lewes campus has a university performing or exhibitions campus feel while still being of artwork displayed in compact enough to find your common spaces. way around easily. Purpose For times when quiet study built facilities make studying is needed, Lewes campus here a really great experience is home to a number of and there are plenty of social learning, study and computer and open spaces to study and rooms equipped with relax in between classes. everything you need to get the job done!

om, on ro comm e theat re lectur shop & ar t


ens cante


Call 030 300 39699 to chat to someone about your options

The Lewes Campus art shop is a favourite browsing (and spending) destination for art lovers and art students alike. Brand new brushes, paints, pens, canvasses - it’s a rainbow of ‘me treats’. Students are eligible for discount rates too - yes, you are allowed to get giddy just thinking about it.


2 | Welcome

4 | Why study here?

6 | Campus

10 | Lewes Town

12 | Subjects 44 | Apprenticeships 46 | Work Experience


Check our website or follow us on social media for more information

52 | Countdown

54 | Parents

56 | Support

58 | Other Study

60 | Progression

62 | Course Index

Visit our website for more information on all of our campus facilities

48 | Get Involved

2 | Welcome

4 | Why study here?

6 | Campus

10 | Lewes Town

Retail Therapy Lewes is home to an ecclectic mix of boutique and independant retailers as well as a handful of the usual high-street suspects. Spend a few hours after College riing through vintage clothing, handmade gifts, antiques and record shops.


12 | Subjects 44 | Apprenticeships 46 | Work Experience

48 | Get Involved

52 | Countdown

54 | Parents

56 | Support

58 | Other Study

60 | Progression

62 | Course Index

Creative Pursuits

Student Perks

Whether it’s visiting one of the town’s art galleries, soaking up an independent film at the Depot cinema or just taking in some of the inspiring scenery around the river Ouse, Lewes is a great setting to explore your creativity and has been fuelling our students’ imagination for years.

Don’t forget, if you have a current NUS card, you can enjoy a huge range of discounts on shopping, eating and doing! If you don’t already have an NUS card, you can sign up for one at: www.nus.org.uk

Lewes is a quirky town dating as far back as Saxon times. Lewes Castle sits atop the hilly town and the centre’s High Street boasts a selection of unique businesses and trendy cafes.

Bonfire Night Lewes holds what it claims is the biggest Bonfire Night bash in the world with tens of thousands of people descending on the town to watch a carnival, fireworks display and effigies of villains of the day going up in flames. Pack a jumper, bring your friends and watch the spectacle unfold!


12 | Art & Design

14 | Business & Law

16 | Care

18 | Computing

20 | English & Languages

22 | Foundation



Check our website or follow us on social media for more information

24 | Hair & Beauty

28 | Maths

30 | Media & Film

32 | Performing Arts

36 | Public Services


38 | Science

40 | Sport

42 | Travel

Pick up our course guide and turn to pages 28 - 41 (A Levels) or 52 (Diplomas) to view our Art & Design courses

26 | Humanities

Meet Katie: Why should I study Art & Design? Choosing to study Art & Design means you are a creative thinker. It offers a diverse range of subjects, makes you think ‘outside the box,’ and above all is fascinating. Career paths in Art & Design are exciting and varied. It is also multifaceted in employability skills as you will gain skills such as working independently, learning to adapt and problem solving.

With purpose-built studios and top of the range equipment, we make sure our students have everything they need to flourish. Whether you are studying fashion design or fine art, our facilities are inviting for you to learn and practice your ideas.

Felix Scott, Jasmine Corkhill and Jamie Hildick-Smith, the project took a week to complete and is now an uplifting source of colour on the Critical Care Ward. Sand was also mixed in with the paint, to add a textural element for patients to enjoy.

The Royal Alexandra Children’s Hospital in Brighton got a splash of colour this year with a new safarithemed mural. Painted by our students Lydia Duursma,

We are also very proud of creative art student Oscar Sodeau, who won the Level 3 Photography award at the Farley Arts Trust Awards.

Call 030 300 39699 to chat to someone about your options

Fashion designer Katie Jones, is a East Sussex College alumna. She studied textiles and Art & Design at East Sussex College and has gone on to make big waves in the fashion industry with her love of carefully crafted garments and her use of recycling cast-off materials. Her designs are colourful, funky, fun and truly unique. Her work is currently on display at the V&A’s ‘Fashioned from Nature’ exhibition, the first of its kind to explore the relationship between fashion and nature. Katie has worked with some of the top designers from the UK and Europe and was chosen by Selfridges to collaborate with them on the ‘Bright Young Things’ programme and work at The Centre for Sustainable Fashion in London. www.katiejonesknit.co.uk Fashioned from Nature is on at the V&A until 27 January 2019.


12 | Art & Design

14 | Business & Law

16 | Care

18 | Computing

20 | English & Languages

22 | Foundation

24 | Hair & Beauty

Pick up our course guide and turn to pages 23 - 31 (A Levels) or 64 (Diplomas) to view our Business & Law courses



Check our website or follow us on social media for more information

26 | Humanities

28 | Maths

30 | Media & Film

32 | Performing Arts

36 | Public Services

38 | Science

40 | Sport

42 | Travel

BUSINESS & L AW Meet Alice: For Alice Rosser, work experience at Fortis Law in the summer of 2013 led to an apprenticeship and fulltime employment within the company. “I

Why should I study Business & Law?

really enjoyed my time at College. There were many colleges wit hin � closer rea� of my home but East Sussex College won me over. �t was always � go� atmos�here ���� in and out of lessons. All of my teachers were really helpfu� wit � any issues I had or any subje�t areas �hat I wasn’t sure on, and �his ma�e my time at College � l�t more relaxed and enjoyab�.”

Good managers, consultants and administrators are highly sought after in many industries. Hospitals, banks, manufacturing companies and television production (to name a few) all need these types of leaders. People who work in business, management and law generally think logically, have strong organisational skills and can communicate clearly. Sharpen these skills at college and you will be set to succeed.

Our classrooms are comfortable and equipped with all the resources you need to make your learning as clear as possible. And for those days when you are feeling the pressure, stretch your legs out on our campus - with gorgeous surrounding views of the South Downs, what better way to unwind?

Call 030 300 39699 to chat to someone about your options

Every year we encourage our Business and Accounting students to seek placements with companies such as KPMG and Deloitte UK. We are proud to say that many of our graduates now work at these firms. Our law students have also competed in the National Bar Mock Trials.


12 | Art & Design 14 | Business & Law

16 | Care

18 | Computing

20 | English & Languages

22 | Foundation

24 | Hair & Beauty

Why should I study Care? Health and social care is an especially broad career sector. Lots of different career paths are available for people from all kinds of academic backgrounds. From nursing and social work to early-years teaching, this industry covers a wide range of vocations and skill-sets.


Our Care students regularly learn outside the classroom. The College has strong links with local schools, hospitals, nurseries and playgroups. On campus, our classrooms are equipped with all the resources you might need - but most importantly with friendly tutors.

Meet our students: Ten Care students in Level 3 Early Years completed their diplomas this year. The challenging course involved research and course work outside of the classroom, including a trip to Budapest to visit children’s learning centres, an institute for cerebral palsy, an orphanage and a mental health centre. All of these students were granted a place at their chosen university or were offered full time employment within the Early Years sector.


This past year, among other achievements, a group of East Sussex College Care students volunteered at a local children’s play scheme. Our students organised a healthy eating and themed activity, centered around Eric Carle’s The Hungry Caterpillar story.

Check our website or follow us on social media for more information

26 | Humanities

28 | Maths

30 | Media & Film

32 | Performing Arts

36 | Public Services

38 | Science

40 | Sport

42 | Travel

Pick up our course guide and turn to page 74 to view our Care courses


Call 030 300 39699 to chat to someone about your options


12 | Art & Design 14 | Business & Law

16 | Care

18 | Computing

20 | English & Languages

22 | Foundation




Pick up our course guide and turn to pages 24 (A Levels) or 84 (Diplomas) to view our Computing courses

Check our website or follow us on social media for more information

24 | Hair & Beauty

26 | Humanities

28 | Maths

30 | Media & Film

32 | Performing Arts

36 | Public Services

38 | Science

40 | Sport

42 | Travel

Why should I study Computing? Careers in IT and Telecommunications can be incredibly challenging and rewarding. One of the most exciting things about theses careers is that they offer employees continuous opportunities for learning. As technologies advance, there are always new skills to acquire. It is also worth noting many IT consultants get the opportunity to work remotely from home or in different locations across the world.

has had a successful career working for companies, like Brighton-based digital marketing agency, Jellyfish. He now works freelance providing advice, audits and progressing e-commerce revenue for companies Alumnus, Josh Salvage is a in many industries such SEO Analyst. After completing as in travel, automotive, his BTEC National Certificate entertainment and more. at East Sussex College, Josh Our IT rooms are equipped with the latest technology and plenty of computers to choose from. The College also has a Mac suite, ideal for graphic design students and other digital media studies.

Meet Lukas: Lukas Ondrej is a former East Sussex College A level student, who went on to graduate with a BSc in Computer Science from King’s College London. He has created and developed a number of education technology ideas, language learning software and apps. In 2016, Lukas won a grant from the JISC Summer of Student Innovation competition which enabled him to create and develop Lingoow, a web app which helps students learn foreign language vocabulary.


12 | Art & Design 14 | Business & Law

16 | Care

18 | Computing

20 | English & Languages

22 | Foundation


Why should I study English & Languages? The skills you gain through studying English are marketable in many career areas. Employers such as law firms, banks, schools and advertising companies all require excellent English skills. And if you study a second language, you are hands down much more employable in any industry. Being able to speak a second language also enables you to work abroad.

Choosing to study at ESC means you are challenged academically with our expert tutors and friendly staff. Intellectual conversations carry on past the borders of our classrooms - our cafés are often brimming with a chatty buzz.


Alumna, Hannah Campbell studied English Literature with us and has gone on to become a radio broadcaster. Her advice to students is, “take on as much work experience as you can, it’ll set you up really well for working in industry!”.

Check our website or follow us on social media for more information

24 | Hair & Beauty

26 | Humanities

28 | Maths

30 | Media & Film

32 | Performing Arts

36 | Public Services

38 | Science

40 | Sport

42 | Travel

Pick up our course guide and turn to pages 26 - 40 to view our English & Languages courses


Call 030 300 39699 to chat to someone about your options

Alex Maskill studied Politics, English Literature, Biology, History and Chemistry at A Level, before heading to Leicester University to study Politics. In 2013, Alex won the Terry Pratchett First Novel Award for his book ‘The Hive Construct’, the prize for which was a £20,000 publishing contract.

“My time at College was o� of huge grow�� and person� �evelopme�t. For me, � was fun, challenging and � rewarding environme�t in whi� to ma�ure. �t helped me to get to where I am today.”


12 | Art & Design 14 | Business & Law

16 | Care

18 | Computing

20 | English & Languages

22 | Foundation

Pick up our course guide and turn to pages 188 - 193 to view our Foundation courses

I l�ke �� college because � is frien�ly, and I l�ke my teachers. When I leave college I wa�t to work in catering. We learn l�ts of Englis� and I�T work on my course.


Check our website or follow us on social media for more information

24 | Hair & Beauty

26 | Humanities

28 | Maths

30 | Media & Film

32 | Performing Arts

36 | Public Services

38 | Science

40 | Sport

42 | Travel

Why should I study Foundation Learning? Foundation learning offers courses for students who need more individual support to achieve an Entry and Foundation Level qualification. The courses allow students to build on essential skills and general education and get experience in vocational areas.

FOUNDATION LEARNING These courses are great preparation for students who are not yet ready to commit to a full vocational course or to go into employment. Students who feel they have not got the grades they needed at school will be able to take further development in English, Number and Information Technology with different forms and qualifications.

Example project: A recycling initiative visited the college to work with our Foundation Learning students. After discussion and a collaboration of ideas, our students went on to create recycling collection points on campus. Their ideas were put to good use and the scheme has been copied on all of the college campuses.

I chose to come to East Sussex College because I have difficulty in writing and I can get support here. I really enjoy my link course. I attend ‘create your own website’ and hope to work in IT and editing.

Call 030 300 39699 to chat to someone about your options


12 | Art & Design 14 | Business & Law

16 | Care

18 | Computing

20 | English & Languages

22 | Foundation


Start your future as a... BEAUTY THERAPIST HAIRDRESSER MAKE-UP ARTIST BARBER REFLEXOLOGIST SALON MANAGER NAIL TECHNICIAN MASSAGE THERAPIST Pick up our course guide and turn to page 114 to view our Hair & Beauty courses


Check our website or follow us on social media for more information

24 | Hair & Beauty

26 | Humanities

28 | Maths

30 | Media & Film

32 | Performing Arts

36 | Public Services

38 | Science

40 | Sport

42 | Travel

Why should I study Hair, Beauty & Complementary Therapies? This sector is very appealing for those who want to be self employed, perhaps wanting to own their salon, run a freelance business, work overseas or on cruise ships. Many jobs in Hair & Beauty require vocational qualifications or on the job training such as an apprenticeship. A creative flare is needed, while at the same time having a head for business.

Our Evolve hair and beauty salons are not just for training purposes, but also working environments with paying clients who come in for beauty treatments, haircuts and hair styling. Students are provided with all the tools and kit they need, such as industry standard sinks, mirrors, dryers and products to develop beauty therapy, hairdressing and grooming skills. The end of year sees Hair & Beauty students showcase their skills at an annual college show. It is a fantastic opportunity to let students’ talent shine. Last year’s underwater theme was an incredible spectacle. After the showcase, an awards ceremony is held to recognise the top makeup and hair stylists of the class.

Call 030 300 39699 to chat to someone about your options

Meet our students: Beauty Therapy students from colleges around the UK competed in the regional heats of the World Skills competition. Representatives from seven different colleges came to Lewes to take part in the nerve wracking test, hosted by East Sussex College. The day was noted by judges for its high standard, making 1st place wins for ESC students, Polly Wood (Body Therapies), Abigail Cadle (Face & Body) and 3rd place Alannys Diaz (Body Therapies) all the more impressive. ESC alumna and 2017 World Skills gold winner, Kaiya Swain was in attendance and said of the competition,

“Y� might start off filled wit � nerves, but competing makes y� mu� more confi�e�t, � makes y� believe in yourself. �nd competing in �� World S�ills means your standard of s�il� is hi�.”


12 | Art & Design 14 | Business & Law

16 | Care

18 | Computing

20 | English & Languages

Pick up our course guide and turn to pages 30 - 39 to view our Humanities courses

Meet Ella: Ella Sayer collected her A Level results this summer and obtained an A in Sociology and B grades in Philosophy and Psychology. She will follow her passion to study Criminal Psychology at the University of Sussex. Ella is the last Sayer to graduate from ESC with outstanding results, following in the path of her two brothers, Tom and Charlie. Charlie now runs a successful Sports Nutrition business and Tom has just received a First in his degree from Hertfordshire and will now become a pilot with the RAF.



22 | Foundation

24 | Hair & Beauty

26 | Humanities

28 | Maths

30 | Media & Film

32 | Performing Arts

36 | Public Services

38 | Science

40 | Sport

42 | Travel


Why should I study Humanities? Humanities courses aim to provide a varied approach to understanding people and the world around us; they do this through the study of art, social structures and other forms of cultural expression. Practically every field, from art to management contains people whose background is in humanities.

Whether inside the classroom, out on field trips or on a trip abroad, Humanities subjects are taught in engaging and exciting ways - with real world examples and plenty of discussion! Bring your curiosity and imagination and see the world through the eyes of great philosophers, explorers, historical figures and politicians.

Call 030 300 39699 to chat to someone about your options

Alumna, Natasha Colyer launched her online lifestyle guide, seeninthecity.co.uk in 2014. Her website has become a ‘go to’ site for the latest reviews on style, travel and Brighton and London city life. With a team of 12 contributors, Natasha covers stories on trends in fashion, fitness, travel, new restaurants and more. The business has allowed her to meet interesting people including fashion designers, West End stars and singers.


12 | Art & Design 14 | Business & Law

16 | Care

18 | Computing

20 | English & Languages

22 | Foundation


Studying maths helps us find patterns and structure in our lives. It helps you develop skills in logical thinking, problem-solving and decision-making, which are valued by employers across many job sectors, for example, the petroleum and nuclear industries, medicine and health, IT, business consultancy and operational research. Understanding maths is beneficial for you even if you do not see yourself as a maths-minded person. Many students find that when they study maths alongside their chosen field, their comprehension of other subjects is better. For example, fashion design requires a healthy dose of maths, particularly geometry, algebra and arithmetic for pattern cutting and scaling sizes. Carpentry is another


profession which requires a solid understanding of maths. Maths is also essential for all branches of science. And on a practical level, we want our students (who will all be entering adulthood) to feel confident in maths for daily life such as affordability of lifestyle, rent, car fees – being able to balance your in goings and outgoings is very important!

Check our website or follow us on social media for more information

Pick up our course guide and turn to pages 32 - 33 to view our Mathematics courses

Why should I study Mathematics?

24 | Hair & Beauty

26 | Humanities

28 | Maths

30 | Media & Film

32 | Performing Arts

36 | Public Services

38 | Science

40 | Sport

42 | Travel


Meet Millie: Millie Allen was delighted on A Level Results Day as she achieved excellent results. Millie completed her A Levels at the College this year after fully recovering from Papillary Thyroid Cancer.

“I’m moving to �irmingham to join an established company on an Accou�tancy Appre�ticeshi�. I’m very excited �or �� fu�ure!”


12 | Art & Design 14 | Business & Law

16 | Care

18 | Computing

20 | English & Languages

22 | Foundation

24 | Hair & Beauty

Pick up our course guide and turn to pages 29 - 33 (A Levels) or 134 (Diplomas) to view our Media & Film courses

Meet Lynsey: Alumna, Lynsey Bartlett is a radio presenter at Heart Radio. She regularly returns to East Sussex College to lend her professional touch to our student awards ceremonies, where she enjoys seeing the many success stories on show. She says of her time with us:

“Wit hout �� college, I don’t �hink I’d have fulfilled my radio �reams!”


26 | Humanities

28 | Maths

30 | Media & Film

32 | Performing Arts

36 | Public Services

38 | Science

40 | Sport

42 | Travel


Why should I study Media & Film?


Studies in this sector can open many doors. A mix of creativity and technology is present in most careers, with constant opportunities to develop trends, practise visual arts and create new ideas and themes. The sky’s the limit when it comes to the opportunities available in the media sector.

For digital studies, it is important to learn on the latest technology. This is why the College frequently upgrades equipment. Our Mac suite is a favourite learning space for digital media students.

Call 030 300 39699 to chat to someone about your options

Studying Media, Film and Digital Media can lead to an exciting career. Alumni Troy Hyde is now a successful graphic designer who has worked as head graphic designer at Ted Baker, senior designer for Nokia, and as a graphic designer for Dalziel And Pow.


12 | Art & Design 14 | Business & Law

16 | Care

18 | Computing

20 | English & Languages

22 | Foundation

24 | Hair & Beauty

Pick up our course guide and turn to pages 24 - 34 (A Levels) or 150 (Diplomas) to view our Performing Arts & Music courses



26 | Humanities

28 | Maths

30 | Media & Film

32 | Performing Arts

36 | Public Services

38 | Science

40 | Sport

42 | Travel


Why should I study Performing Arts & Music? Many different skills are needed for all the careers found in music and performing arts, but you can’t do it without passion. If you love the arts there are jobs for you out there. Keep in mind that having a passion and using intelligent thought to make something visible or audible means you have abilities and skills which are transferable and sought after in many industries, not just the arts.

Our specialist facilities for the arts and music include professionally equipped recording studios, Mac computers, a performance stage, cutting edge audiovisual technology and ICT facilities. Our black-box theatre space and large dance studio are ideal for your ideas to come to life in practice and production.

Alumna, Sarah Gordy MBE has found success as an actress - starring in a number of TV series such as Upstairs Downstairs and Call the Midwife. Sarah has Down Syndrome and uses her fame to help show others with the condition and other disabilities that they can achieve great things.

Call 030 300 39699 to chat to someone about your options

Meet Francesco: Francesco Redica studied Music BTEC, Music Technology and Media Studies.

“The musi� and medi� �epartme�ts at E�C are incredible. Y� won’t regret coming here.”


Image on right: ESAM Alumni band, Pianjo & Co, performed in front of a 5000 strong audience at the Royal Albert Hall as part of the Music for Youth Schools Prom.


24 | Hair & Beauty 22 | Foundation 20 | English & Languages 18 | Computing 16 | Care 12 | Art & Design 14 | Business & Law

26 | Humanities

28 | Maths

30 | Media & Film

34 | Performing Arts

36 | Public Services

38 | Science

40 | Sport

42 | Travel

“Thanks to conne�tions ma�e at E�A� �hrou� staff and ex stu�e�ts, I gained � �la� at �� Roy� Nor�hern College of Musi� in Manchester. �f y� really �us� yourself, make friends and conne�tions and work hard y� wil� get so mu� out of your two years at E�A� and go on to go� �hings” George Nicola, Guitarist

EAST SUSSEX MUSIC ACADEMY The East Sussex Academy of Music is a unique place to learn about music. We guarantee the very highest quality of teaching in the classroom and in instrumental lessons. We offer the broadest range of musical experiences that will prepare you for the next stage of your musical career – whatever you hope that that might be.

unique range of activities and ensembles, working with professional musicians from high-profile organisations, and our intention is that this will continue to develop in the future.

This is a great time to be coming to us. In the last few years we have seen impressive results coming from all our courses and as expected, we run industry-standard Macs, We are constantly reaching out to work with new partners, software and equipment which all students can access. all of whom are of the very highest quality. We offer a

Call 030 300 39699 to chat to someone about your options

We offer large scale and small group music-making in an atmosphere of camaraderie and peer support. We constantly challenge our students to be the best musician they can possibly be. John Sims Head of Department

Visit our website for more information on ESAM and details of how to apply.


16 | Care

18 | Computing

20 | English & Languages

22 | Foundation

24 | Hair & Beauty


Pick up our course guide and turn to page 158 to view our Public Services courses

12 | Art & Design 14 | Business & Law

Why should I study Public Services? If you want to work in the uniformed services such as Police, Fire, Ambulance, Army, Navy or Air Force, a Public Services college course is a helpful start. It’s a good way of finding out whether that career is for you. The experience and skills you gain will also be useful in a range of other careers.

Meet Callum: Callum Arnold studied for a Public Services BTEC. He says of his time at East Sussex College,

“College is frien�ly and supportive, whi� encourages y� to come in every day wit � optimism and � �mile.”


Visits to workplaces, residential trips and expedition training all help to bring our Public Uniform Services courses to life and teach students the practical skills to make it in any of the multiple career tracks available. There are also plenty of opportunities to talk to alumni and professionals about what it takes to succeed in this field.

Check our website or follow us on social media for more information

26 | Humanities

28 | Maths

30 | Media & Film

34 | Performing Arts

36 | Public Services

38 | Science

40 | Sport

42 | Travel


Call 030 300 39699 to chat to someone about your options


12 | Art & Design 14 | Business & Law

16 | Care

18 | Computing

20 | English & Languages

22 | Foundation

24 | Hair & Beauty

SCIENCE Why should I study Science? Careers in science are genuinely some of the most exciting, interesting and significant out there. Expertise in science gives you the ability to work in industries which help people and improve people’s (or animals’) lives - think cancer research, prosthesis engineering or genetic studies.



Clean and well-equipped labs are essential to develop your understanding of biology and chemistry. Our classrooms and laboratories are spacious and tidy, perfect for developing your scientific thought. Many of our science students progress onto prestigious Russell Group universities and often even further onto Masters and PHD programmes covering a wide range of subjects from Molecular Biology to Criminal Psychology and Forensic Science.

Check our website or follow us on social media for more information

28 | Maths

30 | Media & Film

34 | Performing Arts

36 | Public Services

38 | Science

40 | Sport

42 | Travel

Pick up our course guide and turn to pages 23 - 39 to view our Science courses

26 | Humanities

Meet Naomi: Naomi Baker celebrated completing her A Levels at East Sussex College in 2018 and is attending the University of Brighton to study Bio Medical Science. She said,

“I’ve enjoyed my time here, studying �iolo�y, Chemistry and Heal�� and Soci� Care. Finishing �hese courses has been � massive achieveme�t and I’m happy �hat I can go on to study at University.”


16 | Care

18 | Computing

20 | English & Languages

22 | Foundation

Why should I study Sport & Fitness? Sport is big business and there are many ways of carving out a career in this sector without strictly being an athlete. From sports coach to physiotherapist, studying sport and fitness can be very beneficial for those with a keen interest in this field. You can make a huge difference to people’s lives, whether with young athletes, or adults needing health advice.

With our well-manicured sports fields, spacious sports hall and access to the Lewes Community Leisure Centre (which houses an indoor swimming pool, gym, climbing wall and athletics track), choosing to study Sport & Fitness at our Lewes campus means you will be equipped with the very best in sports facilities. The campus is an inviting one for students looking for space to practice all manner of outdoor sports.



24 | Hair & Beauty

Pick up our course guide and turn to pages 37 (A Levels) or 166 (Diplomas) to view our Sports & Fitness courses

12 | Art & Design 14 | Business & Law

26 | Humanities

28 | Maths

30 | Media & Film

34 | Performing Arts

36 | Public Services

38 | Science

40 | Sport

42 | Travel


Meet Summer: Summer Goddard studied Level 3 Sports Development and Physical Activity. She says of her time at College, “This

course has enabled me to progre� to �� �igher E�ucation Foundation Degree here at East Sussex College.”

Call 030 300 39699 to chat to someone about your options


12 | Art & Design 14 | Business & Law

16 | Care

18 | Computing

20 | English & Languages

22 | Foundation


Pick up our course guide and turn to page 178 to view our Travel & Tourism courses



Check our website or follow us on social media for more information

24 | Hair & Beauty

26 | Humanities

28 | Maths

30 | Media & Film

34 | Performing Arts

36 | Public Services

38 | Science

40 | Sport

42 | Travel


Why should I study Travel & Tourism? Around two million people work in tourism in Britain, making it one of this country’s most popular industries. To thrive in this industry, you will need to look smart (many jobs require a uniform), have a friendly personality, a positive attitude and good communication skills.

Meet Ryan: “S�udying Trave� and Tourism at East Sussex College enables me to �urs� my �ream to become � holiday re�. The �utors and staff here have been so helpfu� and were always �here to answer any quest ions I had about �� course or wor�ing in �� in�ustry.”

East Sussex College has a dedicated team of Travel & Tourism tutors with relevant industry backgrounds to pass on their knowledge and prepare you for your future career. Students will investigate the travel industry as a whole as well as delving into more specific areas such as customer service, cabin crewing and long haul travel.

Call 030 300 39699 to chat to someone about your options


2 | Welcome

4 | Why study here?

6 | Campus

10 | Lewes Town

12 | Subjects 44 | Apprenticeships 46 | Work Experience

APPRENTICESHIPS Why should I study an Apprenticeship? Our Apprenticeships Programme has sent many of our students on to successful careers. For instance, Herbert Scott, Chartered Financial Planners based in Lewes, who have links with East Sussex College, recently took on their fourth apprentice. Company director, Kevin Scott said, “We believe everyone is capable when they have a goal to aim for – and our apprentices have more than proved us right.”

We can offer: Information about apprenticeships that are available both through the college and nationally

Support to source your own apprenticeship by providing you with a template CV & cover letter

Access to our ever growing Talent Bank to receive first look at new vacancies

Help and advice to make sure your application is as high quality as possible

The advantage of all of our local and national industry links and established contacts

Visit our website for more information


48 | Get Involved

52 | Countdown

54 | Parents

56 | Support

58 | Other Study

60 | Progression

62 | Course Index


2 | Welcome

4 | Why study here?

6 | Campus

10 | Lewes Town

12 | Subjects 44 | Apprenticeships 46 | Work Experience

EXPERIENCE Work experience is an integral part of our study programmes. It provides an insight into working for a local or national business and gives students a glimpse of the real working industry outside of what is taught in the classroom. All subject areas include a work experience placement from vocational subjects such as Brickwork and Hairdressing, to subjects such as Law and Business. Industry experience comes in many forms, for example Law students will have the chance to compete in the Bar National Mock Trial Competition and Health & Social Care students will spend a week in placements at hospitals, nursing homes, primary schools or day care centres.


Our campuses have helpful staff on hand to provide information on employability skills and work experience opportunities. Teachers also have industry contacts and will create work experience opportunities for keen students. Course leader in Health & Social Care/Early Years, Carol Tompsett, explains how invaluable work placements are:

“Work �laceme�ts �ring �� �heories we learn in class to life and enab� stu�e�ts to use and app ly pra�tic� ‘re� life experiences.’ O� of my stu�e�ts rece�tly com�leted � work �laceme�t in � hospit� and has secured � coveted �la� on �� new nurse associate course at �righton.”

Check our website or follow us on social media for more information

48 | Get Involved

52 | Countdown

54 | Parents

56 | Support

58 | Other Study

60 | Progression

Call 030 300 39699 to chat to someone about your options

62 | Course Index


2 | Welcome

4 | Why study here?

6 | Campus

10 | Lewes Town

12 | Subjects 44 | Apprenticeships 46 | Work Experience

GET INVOLVED! It’s not just work, work, work! There are lots of activities and clubs that you can get involved with. Whether you want to practice your yoga or become part of the Student Union, you’ll be able to grow interests you never knew you had.


Student Union Run by the students, for the students! As a student you will automatically become part of our Student Union. Our Student Union is run by our elected Student President who partakes in Committee meetings with our Governors and Principal. The Union works to improve all aspects of College life for all students. Whether that’s through social events, political campaigns or raising awareness for local or national issues.



So how do I become part of the Student Council? It’s simple! If you feel you want to be more proactive within the Union, then you could stand for an executive role on the committee, including Student Governor. This is a great opportunity where you get to build up confidence and develop various skills in teamwork, leadership and organisation. You will help our students have a great time at college, giving a firsthand insight into the experience of being a student.

College trips Keep your eye out for the Students’ Union off campus trips throughout the year; annual favourites include Thorpe Park and Bruges Christmas Market. If you’re a language student, you can look forward to a European excursion to practice your language.


48 | Get Involved

52 | Countdown

54 | Parents

56 | Support

58 | Other Study

60 | Progression

62 | Course Index

The Duke of Edinburgh Award This award is an exciting opportunity for students to get involved in a self-development programme. Throughout the programme, applicants commit to learning a new skill, taking up a new physical activity, volunteering in the community and undertaking expeditions in unfamiliar territory.

Live performances & shows


More than 40 shows are performed a year, held in our studios and theatres, on campus sites and at a variety of professional venues. Audience members are of course always welcome too, so if you’re not a performer, go watch some live arts!




Fitness You can take part in loads of sporting activities, join the gym or use the sports park. If you’re really into sports, you can apply to join our sports academies in football or netball alongside your study programme.






Check our website or follow us on social media for more information

I N I M ST E F 18 20 Radio 1 DJ, Reggie Yates wowed the crowds at our Lewes campus Mini Fest this summer. Festival goers also enjoyed a BBQ, mocktails, ice creams and plenty of fun activities including festival make-up, bouncy castle games and a selfie tent. A fantastic night to remember for all involved! Look out for more events like this during your time at College.

2 | Welcome

4 | Why study here?

6 | Campus

10 | Lewes Town

Our Lewes campus Open Events take place on Friday 5th (4:30pm - 7:30pm) and Saturday 6th October (10am - 12:30pm).


12 | Subjects 44 | Apprenticeships 46 | Work Experience

Visit us and check out what we have on offer!

Need some more help? Don’t worry, visit us at our Spring Open Events. Dates will be published on our website in the new year.




September Read this guide or visit our website to find out about all of the courses on offer and how to apply for a place. Study academic courses such as A Levels, choose a vocational course or follow an apprenticeship. If you need any advice, call 030 300 39699.

November & December Make sure you have completed your College application form online through UCAS Progress. From November onwards, you’ll receive an email or letter inviting you to the College. This is your chance to find out all about us and discover what’s right for you. There are also additional open events in November: Lewes campus Thursday 29th November, 4:30pm - 7:30pm


February, March & April Decision and revision time! After your visit to College, you will receive your ‘offer’ letter from us for courses starting in September. This will include an acceptance form that you will need to fill in and return to us within three weeks to guarantee your place. Spring also means revision time. Visit www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize for some great exam tips. The preparation you put in now will definitely be worth it!

48 | Get Involved

52 | Countdown

54 | Parents

Keep an eye out for the post! This month you’ll receive details and a booking form for our upcoming Introductory Days. These take place at the College before you start your course and will prepare you for College life. And as you can’t have failed to notice, May is also the start of exam time! All of the hard work you’ve put in at school over the past few years will now be put to the test.


56 | Support

58 | Other Study

Introductory Days take place in July. It’s a great time to sample your courses before your September start, hear from tutors and get a really good feel of the College. (Remember you need to have returned your form to us to confirm you will be attending!)

60 | Progression

62 | Course Index

The next chapter of your life begins with us!

Enjoy it – you’ve earned it!

Check your enrolment pack for your official start date. Remember, to guarantee your place, you will need to enrol and attend an induction session. See your enrolment pack for full details.



With your exams finished, your College place sorted and the excitement of what’s to come, it’s time to take a break for the summer holidays.



Don’t miss our exclusive Mini Festivals, where you will get a chance to experience College life outside of the classroom.

Keep an eye on the post – this month you’ll receive your enrolment information which contains all you will need to confidently start your course with us in September. Enrolment starts this month.

We can’t wa� to meet y�!

And the moment is here… August is exam results time! Fingers crossed your grades are as you expected but if not, don’t panic – we can offer you guidance on your next steps if you are worried. Contact details will be in your enrolment information.


2 | Welcome

4 | Why study here?

6 | Campus

10 | Lewes Town

N A I D R A & GU

12 | Subjects 44 | Apprenticeships 46 | Work Experience


We encourage parents to play an active role in this chapter of their child’s educational life. If you have any questions or issues you would like to discuss with one of our team, please ring 030 300 39699.


Check our website or follow us on social media for more information

48 | Get Involved

52 | Countdown

54 | Parents

What is Further Education (FE)? Studying after secondary school can mean A Levels, BTECS, apprenticeships and other vocational provision as well as Foundation Learning. It also includes adult, international and Higher Education provision.

Information, Advice and Guidance There are many qualifications to choose from at East Sussex College and we can help your child with that choice. For more information call: 030 300 39699 or drop in and see us.

Applying to the college

56 | Support

58 | Other Study

These days will enable your child to attend classes in the subjects they have chosen. Instructions, learner support and enrolment details will be sent to you during the summer holidays about what to do on and after GCSE results day.

Usually an offer is made with conditions such as GCSE grade requirements. Occasionally a referral will be made to consider alternative options. Your child will be invited to attend an Introductory Day at the end of the summer term.

62 | Course Index


Beginning College The induction period is an opportunity to make the transition from school to college as easy as possible, ensuring learners are on the right programme, settling into college life and creating excellent relationships with their peers and teachers/ tutors. For term dates visit our website or contact us on 030 300 39699.


On receipt of your child’s application, an interview date is sent out. At interview, we make sure your child has chosen the right course for them and we help them with details about the course or programme. We encourage parents to attend.

60 | Progression

Our student support service offers expert information and advice on a range of issues on academic queries or concerns. Our Wellbeing Team is available for learners who need extra help to make the transition into college, for example due to high levels of anxiety. We also can provide answers to any questions you may have about courses costs and bursaries. Please visit our website where you can find more information for parents and carers.

Our Open Events can help you find out what our College has to offer. You will have the opportunity to look around the campus and meet our lecturers and tutors. You can also find out about the support available from additional learning to financial help. And there will always be the chance to meet some of our current students who can tell you more about college life. See page 1 for dates and find out more on our website.

Call 030 300 39699 to chat to someone about your options


2 | Welcome

4 | Why study here?

6 | Campus

10 | Lewes Town

12 | Subjects 44 | Apprenticeships 46 | Work Experience

Additional Health Learning Support The College has a special East Sussex College is committed to student success. We welcome students with learning difficulties and disabilities, medical conditions, those recovering from mental health problems and those who struggle with English and Maths. Every year many of our students need additional support with skills such as literacy, numeracy or indeed day to day learning activities. Support can be provided, through a variety of methods which are agreed between the student, ALS tutor and the Learning Support team, thereby accessing the best support package for you. Additional Learning Support can assist through: • Transitional Support • Specialist disability and learning difficulty support and teaching • In class support • 1:1 and/or small group teaching • Assistive technology • Exam Access Arrangements


team who are able to offer a wide range of health services. If you need help or more information about any health issues, please drop into the Student Support office and talk to a member of the team. Whatever the difficulty you may be experiencing, our commitment to support your learning is our priority and we will do our best to help you get back on track.

Wellbeing Our Wellbeing Team can provide support with any issues you may be facing during your time at College (whether College related or external) or any situation where you feel that you are not safe and need help. Wellbeing advisers are available to offer practical support and advice for those struggling with challenging issues.


48 | Get Involved

52 | Countdown

54 | Parents

56 | Support

58 | Other Study

60 | Progression

62 | Course Index

Skill Up; Financial Maths & English Assistance You may think that you’re done with Maths and English once you’ve finished your GCSEs, but your results in these subjects will determine the level at which you start studying at College. High grades in these two subjects are also highly sought after by employers and universities.

We’re here to help with anything you may need during your time with us.

If you haven’t achieved a grade 4/C or above in Maths and English, then you will study these subjects alongside your College courses. Exactly how much you study will depend on the level of your course, previous experience and qualifications, as well as any support needs you might have. Maths and English are relevant to all courses and future employment opportunities.

Diversity East Sussex College is a place which respects and promotes diversity. We recognise the value that disability, gender, race, sexuality, faith, culture, age and background brings to our lives and work. We are committed to ensuring equality of opportunity for all who learn and work at the College. We strive to produce a work and learning environment that is safe and free from all forms of discrimination.

Call 030 300 39699 to chat to someone about your options

Tuition and exam fees are free of charge for home learners aged 16 to 18 and you will continue to be eligible for free tuition for the duration of your qualification. Please note, you may need to pay for equipment and materials relevant to your course. If you are aged 19 or over please contact us for further advice. If you are worried about the costs of studying at College, there are various sources of financial help which you may be eligible, such as: •  Bursaries •  Travel grants and discounts •  Care to Learn grants •  Discretionary Learner Support To discuss any of these options further, or for more information, contact us on 030 300 39699.

Safeguarding We work closely with East Sussex Local Safeguarding Children Board to make sure that all young people are protected from any kind of abuse. We have a designated team of staff to protect our students.


2 | Welcome

4 | Why study here?

6 | Campus

10 | Lewes Town

12 | Subjects 44 | Apprenticeships 46 | Work Experience

S T U DY P R O G R A M M E S There are options to help you progress in Further Education if you’re missing the required grades needed for your chosen course.


Prince’s Trust

Aiming for a vocational course, but missing the grade profile you need for a Level 2 programme? You can still come to college to study a range of vocational courses at Level 1, to ensure you are prepared for the next steps.

Our unique 12 week programme aims to give you the confidence and employability skills to take your next steps. The programmes based at both our Eastbourne and Lewes campuses give anyone who’s aged 16-25 and not in employment or education, the opportunity to build confidence through challenging themselves in a supported environment, complete a work placement, gain career planning skills and achieve a qualification. The course is completely free.

The Explorer Programme offers units in a number of vocational areas which are combined to enable you to achieve a diploma or certificate in vocational studies, and provide you with a chance to try out a subject before applying for a full programme in that area. Units include sport, public services, health and social care, IT, administration, retail, music, art, carpentry, brickwork, motor vehicle, catering and hairdressing. You will also study functional skills in Maths, English and ICT if you have not already achieved these at GCSE level.


Visit our website to find out how to get involved.

Check our website or follow us on social media for more information

48 | Get Involved

52 | Countdown

54 | Parents

56 | Support

58 | Other Study

60 | Progression

62 | Course Index

Short Skills Development Programmes

Pathways to Level 2 and 3 Programmes

If you feel a full-time course is not for you, we offer a range of part-time and intensive programmes that can still get you on track for your future. With various start dates throughout the year, these programmes prepare you for your next steps to College or into work with training and are individually tailored to meet your needs. Through team building, community projects and vocational skills training, alongside Maths and English skills our passionate and specialist staff will work with you to achieve your goals and aspirations. Popular examples of these programmes include The Prince’s Trust Programme, Re:Enterprise and Aspire.

Pathways are for learners who want to gain or improve GCSEs in a range of subjects as well as achieve a vocational qualification which will best prepare them for progression. Some of the learners who apply for and benefit from this programme need to improve their GCSE grade in English and Mathematics, have been educated at home or want to improve their confidence.

Visit our website for more information.

This programme is designed to enable learners to work towards their career aspirations and interests. Pathways will support learners to achieve valuable qualifications, increase their confidence and communication skills and gain all the necessary skills to succeed at college, apply for an apprenticeship or move into employment. The learner will be given impartial advice and guidance at interview before choosing the best possible route into college. Many learners who choose Pathways progress onto level 2 and 3 courses as well as apprenticeships.


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4 | Why study here?

6 | Campus

10 | Lewes Town

12 | Subjects 44 | Apprenticeships 46 | Work Experience

At East Sussex College, we are proud to offer expert information and advice on academic progression, guidance on apprenticeship programmes and the best pathway for degree level study. We prepare our students to succeed after college by working with local employers to provide up-to-date industry approved courses and work experience opportunities to develop employability skills.

G E L L O C University


For those progressing to university, we hold sessions on UCAS applications and will equip you with everything you need to know during the application process to University.

The workplace is competitive and any work experience you can add to your CV puts you ahead of another candidate finishing college. Apprenticeships are an attractive option as they enable learners to get real experience in their chosen industry - you can learn and earn at the same time. Apprenticeships through East Sussex College are available in all industries including:

Keep in mind guidance and advice on employment opportunities and degree level courses are available throughout the year - and at any time - just ask our friendly Student Services.


• • • • •


Construction Hair & Beauty Accounting & Business Catering & Hospitality Health & Social Care

Apprenticeships can also be pursued following A Levels or vocational courses with us. There has been a rise in the number of degree level apprenticeships available, with learners using this as their route into employment following College. Speak to the apprenticeship team at East Sussex College and see if the apprenticeship route is right for you.

Check our website or follow us on social media for more information

48 | Get Involved

52 | Countdown

54 | Parents

56 | Support

58 | Other Study

60 | Progression

62 | Course Index

Access to HE Courses Our Access to Higher Education courses are an excellent route to university. They last one year and are structured to enable you to lead your own life outside of college. Our Access courses have outstanding success rates and are very well respected both locally and nationally. In addition to academic tuition, you will receive the support of a personal tutor to help guide you to make those important decisions about your future. All courses are LASER credit-based and are QAA approved.

Degree Level Courses at ESC More students are studying locally through full and part-time courses to achieve foundation and honours degrees. Studying for university qualifications at college can be more affordable and colleges often have smaller groups, individual attention and good working relationships between students and tutors. At East Sussex College, we have a team of experts who can guide you towards a university course that best suits you. College is a valuable gateway to degree level study and we will support you at every stage should you wish to aim for this goal.

Call 030 300 39699 to chat to someone about your options


2 | Welcome

4 | Why study here?

6 | Campus

10 | Lewes Town

12 | Subjects 44 | Apprenticeships 46 | Work Experience

CO U R S E REFERENCE GUIDE Lewes Campus Courses Course

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Degree Level

- Course Guide pages: 28 - 41 (A Levels), 52 (Diplomas)

ART & DESIGN Art & Design Creative Studies Fine Art Graphics Photography Textiles


- Course Guide pages: 23 - 31 (A Levels), 64 (Diplomas)


- Course Guide page: 74

Health & Social Care Early Years Education & Care Health & Social Care (Certificate) Health & Social Care (Diploma) Childcare & Education (Certificate) COMPUTING

- Course Guide pages: 24 (A Levels), 84 (Diplomas)

Computer Science IT: Digital Software Practitioner IT: Software & Games Development Foundation IT: Application & Web Development


Check our website or follow us on social media for more information


48 | Get Involved

52 | Countdown

54 | Parents

56 | Support

58 | Other Study






Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

60 | Progression

Degree Level

62 | Course Index


ENGLISH & LANGUAGES - Course Guide pages: 26 - 40 English Language & Literature English Language English Literature French Spanish - Course Guide pages: 188 - 193

FOUNDATION LEARNING Skills for Independence & Work Vocational Studies Certificate

These courses are Entry Level and require no formal qualifications

- Course Guide page: 114

HAIR & BEAUTY Hairdressing Beauty Therapy

Hair & Make-up Artistry Beauty Make-up Techniques HUMANITIES

- Course Guide pages: 30 - 39

Geography History Philosophy Politics Sociology MATHEMATICS

- Course Guide pages: 32 - 33

Core Mathematics Further Mathematics Mathematics MEDIA & FILM

- Course Guide pages: 29 - 33 (A Levels), 134 (Diplomas)

Creative Media Production & Technology Animation & Graphical Storytelling Film-making & Photography Film Studies Media

Call 030 300 39699 to chat to someone about your options







Level 1


Level 2

Level 3

Degree Level


- Course Guide pages: 24 - 34 (A Levels), 150 (Diplomas)

Dance Drama & Theatre Studies Music Music Technology Performing Arts Pre-Professional Music Performance Certificate Subsidary Diploma in Music PUBLIC & UNIFORMED SERVICES

- Course Guide page: 158

Public Services Applied Certificate in Criminology SCIENCE

- Course Guide pages: 23 - 39

Biology Chemistry Physics Psychology Science (BTEC) SPORT & FITNESS

- Course Guide pages: 37 (A Levels), 166 (Diplomas)

Physical Education Sport TRAVEL & TOURISM

- Course Guide page: 178

Resort Reps Travel & Tourism Travel Services OTHER STUDY PROGRAMMES

- Course Guide pages: 188 - 194

Prince’s Trust Higher Project

Please refer to the Course Guide for levels and entry requirements

Progression Award

You can find full information about all courses offered at our Lewes, Eastbourne and Hastings campuses in our Course Guide or on our website. 64

Check our website or follow us on social media for more information

GET IN TO U C H ! Search for East Sussex College online and on social

If you have any queries, please call 030 300 39699

Cross Levels Way Eastbourne BN21 2UF

Station Plaza Hastings TN34 1BA

MountďŹ eld Road Lewes BN7 2XH

Denton Island Newhaven BN9 9BN


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