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EMAIL : schoolslink@sussexdowns.ac.uk WEB : www.sussexdowns.ac.uk/about/opentaster-days
SUSSEX DOWNS COLLEGE TASTER DAYS The next few years will be an exciting time as you explore all the choices available to you. Our Year 10 Taster Days will help you make an informed decision about your next steps after Year 11. On the day you will have the opportunity to sample real lessons, speak to teachers and students, and explore the campus. TASTER SELECTION Please take a look through this programme for our range of tasters and select five different taster sessions, ranked from your first to your fifth choice. You will be allocated 4x 1 hour taster sessions on the day. If you choose and are allocated a 'double' session this will count as 2 of your 1 hour sessions. SPECIAL CLOTHING REQUIREMENTS We want you to get the best experience possible from your visit to Sussex Downs College so please read the information carefully for the tasters you are interested in and make a note if you need to wear particular clothing on the day. SCHEDULE OF THE DAY Over 500 students from numerous schools will be attending each day. If you are booking through your school you will receive information regarding the date you are to attend and where to register on the day. On arrival at your registration area you will be given your own personal programme for the day. There will be staff and students on hand to help you navigate your way around. Please bring a snack and a drink or some money with you for break time.
08:45 09:45 10:55 11:55 13.05 14:15 15.15
9:45 10:45 11:55 13:05 14:05 15:15
Registration/Welcome Speech Taster 1 Taster 2 Lunch Break Taster 3 Taster 4 End
3 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Prospectus Our 2018/2019 prospectus will be available online or at your school from September 2017 onwards. It will contain our full range of courses for you to choose from, including entry requirements. Dependent on your exam results we can help you find a programme of study to suit you and your ambitions. Our current 2017/2018 prospectus can be found on our website. Open Events Come along to our Open Events in the autumn term where you and your parents /carers will have the opportunity to speak to our teachers, students and support services and see all the facilities we have to offer. Please see our website for dates and times. Information for Parents and Carers Moving on from Year 11 can be a daunting process looking at the many choices on offer. We have included a guide for parents and carers on our website that will help you to help them navigate their way to their next stage of learning. http://www.sussexdowns.ac.uk/parents-information/
We are looking forward to meeting you. Remember to ask lots of questions, and enjoy your day!
Mono printing from a set of images takes you through this fun and engaging print making session. Learn how to make a simple image work and develop multiple printing effects and colours with starting images. Learn how to experiment and apply techniques in a fun and engaging atmosphere. Art is about being creative and exploring the potential to make new images, this day will take you through those processes. What can I study? Art & Design Double Award, Fine Art, Graphics Design, Textiles
This taster looks at Photograms in the darkroom and Photoshop effects. Find out how to make images work using the dark room, the enlarger and the chemicals that make up black and white photography. Find out about treating an image using layers, destructive and non-destructive techniques to bring it alive and turn a dull photo into a lively image that carries a meaning. What can I study? Photography A Level and Photography Certificate
We all have to make decisions about what to do with our time, our money and other resources. We need to make the most of what we have to make sure we thrive, not just survive! This taster will demonstrate how the study of economics aims to solve the problem of meeting infinite wants with scarce resources. If you want to be the next Alan Sugar or just run your own small business, a knowledge of Accounting and Economics is vital. What can I study? Accounting A Level, Economics A Level
Do you have what it takes to start your own business? Do you want to work in the Business industry? This session will offer a taste of the interests, skills and abilities you need to become a successful business person. Come and find out what each course is about! What can I study? Business Studies A Level, BTEC Business Studies up to Extended Diploma
Are you interested in knowing more about how the law works? How judges make decisions in important cases? This session is designed to give you an idea of the tough issues the law has to deal with every day and how judges attempt to use legal rules to arrive at fair judgements for defendants, victims and wider society. The course is ideal for students with an inquiring mind who are interested in the role law plays in society. What can I study? Law A Level
If you’re interested in working in the Early Years sector or wish to pursue a career in teaching, education services, early years services and health and social care related careers then come along to find out what we cover. You will be given an overview of the course contents and take part in a practical activity to demonstrate awareness of the type of attitude needed to be an effective early years educator. Boys are especially welcome on this course. What can I study? Early Years Childcare Diploma
Are you interested in a career in nursing, midwifery, healthcare assistant, social work or other caring professions? Would you like to study subjects such as Communicating with Individuals, Anatomy and Physiology, Diversity and Rights, Psychology and Nutrition? Come along to the taster and find out about all these areas and more. Boys are especially welcome on all Childcare and Health and Social Care courses. What can I study? Health & Social Care Diploma
Do you enjoy exploring the world around you through language? Or are you interested in how writers make us happy or sad, scared or thrilled? Do you like discussing, debating and analysing English Language or Literature? Come and take part in short activities designed to introduce you to the exciting English courses we offer. What can I study? English Literature A Level, English Language A Level, English Literature & Language A Level
MODERN FOREIGN LANGUAGES Our Modern Languages tasters begin with a French-German-Spanish starter session to give you an opportunity to meet other students who share your passion for languages. Take part in a fun group activity before exploring how learning a foreign language and learning about other cultures can be an enriching experience at College and beyond, as well as give your career prospects a boost at the same time. Then take part in activities on the chosen A Level you are studying at GCSE...
Bonjour, bienvenue. Are you interested in learning about the language, culture, history and current aairs of the French speaking world? If so, studying a language at A Level could be for you. Lesson activities include listening to radio and TV broadcasts, conversations with a native speaker, reading magazines and online newspapers, writing articles and practising grammar and translation skills. If you’ve always wanted to learn to speak and write French fluently and you are currently studying GCSE French, then this taster session is for you. What can I study? French A Level
Do you enjoy the challenge of speaking in another language? With German being the most spoken language in Europe and many successful German companies, German study at advanced level can greatly enhance your future. If you are currently doing your German GCSE, come along and find out what studying German at A Level is like. You will have the opportunity of using newly gained language during this taster session. What can I study? German A Level
Do you enjoy the challenge of speaking in another language? Would you like to work abroad and develop your language expertise to help your career prospects? If you are currently doing your Spanish GCSE, come along and find out what the study of Spanish is like beyond GCSE. What can I study? Spanish A Level
An opportunity to explore the career paths available in Beauty Therapy and try out some of the skills involved in this industry. Please wear closed in, low-heeled shoes and clothes suitable for working in a professional environment, i.e. comfortable/smart /covering the torso. What can I study? Level 1 Hair & Beauty and Level 2 Hairdressing or an apprenticeship if you have a suitable employer.
Learn about the many and varied career paths open to you in this area. You will also get to learn some basic hands-on practical skills. Please wear closed in, low-heeled shoes and clothes which are suitable for working in a professional environment, i.e. comfortable/smart/covering the torso. This can be studied at college as a full time course. You can also take an apprenticeship course if you have a job. What can I study? Level 1 Hair and Beauty, Level 2 Hairdressing
There has never been a better or more important time to study Geography. With growing interest in issues such as climate change, migration, environmental degradation and globalisation, Geography is one of the most relevant courses you could choose to study. Please come along to this informal session to find out more. What can I study? Geography A Level
Do you think history repeats itself? Do you want to know more about the key events that have shaped the last 150 years of global history? Do you like thinking for yourself and challenging received opinions about the present? Then join us for a lively investigation of the past. What can I study? History A Level
This session will provide different insights into aspects of the world we live in, both past and present, and will give you the chance to voice your opinions on the political world around us. During the session you will experience activities to support your understanding of the subject. What can I study? Politics A Level
Sociology looks at a wide range of social issues. The course will require you to develop a critical view of the world we live in through questioning, discussion and evaluation. Sociology is about understanding society in all its variety, and exploring the complex relationships between us all as human beings. Topics include sexism, racism, crime, religion, education, the family, equality and a whole range of other areas of debate. What can I study? Sociology A Level
Philosophy focuses on the benefits of thinking and questioning without expecting definite answers. It exercises our intellectual and imaginative abilities, teaches us how to build and evaluate arguments and lets us explore a range of some of the key concepts in philosophy such as how do we gain knowledge, what is a mind and how do we make ethical decisions? What can I study? Philosophy A Level
An entirely practical session where we will use some simple programming to create animations. You do not need any particular skill with computers, just be able to use a mouse and a keyboard and have a good imagination! You will also receive some information about the course as a whole. What can I study? Computer Science A Level
This session will give you an in depth overview of our new digital technology courses, Emerging Digital Technology Practitioner and Application and Web Development. As well as a discussion on career pathways, we will look at progression routes to Higher Education. In the second part of the session we will carry out practical exercises with Web Technology and Virtual Reality and look at how they are used in a modern business context. What can I study? Emerging Digital Technology Practitioner and Application & Web Development
An introduction to how computer games are designed and developed, including working through strategies, basic coding, and how to develop a basic game sequence. This taster session will also provide information about computing courses and qualifications that are needed to work in the Games Industry. What can I study? Software & Games Development
On the A Level course you will study the content of the new A Level EDEXCEL maths syllabus which consists of the study of Pure mathematics and the study of the application of mathematics in Mechanics and Statistics. Topics include algebra, trigonometry, and calculus and coordinate geometry, amongst others, and basic applications of mathematics in Mechanics and Statistics. What can I study? Mathematics A Level and Further Mathematics A Level
Discover the approach we take to the media on the Media course. We look at ways of understanding media products and how they influence our society, from advertising to photo sharing. What can I study? Media Studies A Level can be studied alongside either our Film Studies A Level and/or our TV & Film production course. Other A Levels such as Photography and English Language complement Media as a mixed programme.
For anyone with a serious interest in films and cinema, find out about our approach to films within the A Level syllabus. An informal session in which we will discuss a range of film extracts and you may discover something new! What can I study? Film Studies A Level can be studied alongside either our Media Studies A Level and/or our TV & Film production course. There are also other A Levels such as Photography and English Language/Literature that complement Film as a mixed programme.
Interested in filmmaking? Come and explore our Filmmaking courses, try out some of our equipment and get a feel for our practical creative media courses. What can I study? TV & Film Production can be studied alongside Media Studies or Film Studies A Levels or other vocational courses such as Photography or Art & Design.
Enjoy an acting workshop and explore some of the skills and qualities that you will use and develop in our Performing Arts Acting and Drama & Theatre Studies courses. Please wear appropriate clothing for a practical fun session. What can I study? Performing Arts BTEC, Drama and Theatre Studies A Level
Enjoy an acting workshop and explore some skills and qualities you will use and develop on A Level or BTEC Dance. Please wear appropriate clothing for a practical dance session. What can you study? Dance A Level & BTEC
Take part in our musical theatre session and look at the vocal and physical skills you can use and develop on our courses. Please wear appropriate clothing for a practical fun session. What can I study? Musical Theatre BTEC
A practical session in our workshop exploring the technical skills that you will need to explore and develop to work in production. What can I study? Production Arts BTEC
Students will work together to rehearse and perform a well-known popular track. Bring along an instrument and be prepared to sing! By the end of the lesson we will have come up with a whole arrangement of the sort of music we study here at ESAM (East Sussex Academy of Music). What can I study? Music A Level, Music Technology A Level, Music BTEC, Pre-Professional Course in Music (add-on only)
Are you interested in a career in the Armed Forces, Police or Fire Service? Try out our taster activities and learn about how our courses can prepare you for a career in the public services. You will need to wear clothes suitable for outdoors such as tracksuit bottoms and trainers. When applying to college there are options to study this course at various levels. What can I study? Public Uniformed Services NCFE Diploma, Duke of Edinburgh Bronze and Silver Award
Can you explain why you look different to your friends? Can you explain why identical twins have different fingerprints? The key question that underpins Biology is ‘how does life work?’ Explore the subject that unravels the mysteries of life including the complexities of the human body in both health and disease. Biology is ideal if you wish to pursue a medical or Science related career e.g. medicine, nursing, dentistry or veterinary science. What can I study? Biology A Level
Do you know why soap removes dirt from your hands? Do you know how dynamite works? If you love chemical reactions then this is the subject for you! Chemistry focuses on learning more about the molecules that are all around us! This taster provides a fantastic insight into A Level Chemistry. Ideal if you are interested in a chemical-based career. What can I study? A Level Chemistry
Can you explain how stars are formed or how electricity works? Delve into a subject which helps to explain how the universe works! Physics focuses largely on discovering more about sub-atomic particles and forces that we cannot see! Discover physics in the real world and explore the job opportunities open to you in the future if you want to pursue this chosen career path. What can I study? Physics A Level
Why do we behave and think the way we do? How much does nature impact over nurture? Why does our body go into fight or flight mode at the thought of impending exams? Psychology explores human behaviour and students have gone on to future careers in Psychology, Teaching, Advertising and Law. Psychology is a science of evaluative thinking and analysis. What can I study? Psychology A Level
Are you interested in learning how to extract DNA? Could you have what it takes to analyse a crime scene? If you enjoy learning through a hands-on approach involving research and practical experiments and prefer assessments through coursework, then this is the course for you! In this session, you will use analytical techniques to identify an unknown chemical compound. Career paths include Forensics, Nursing, Physiotherapy and Biomedical Science. What can I study? BTEC Applied Science or BTEC Forensics
Following the continued high profile of PE & Sport in society, the role of PE & Sport in contributing to a balanced healthy lifestyle has never been so important. In this taster you will find out more about how the body responds to exercise, the coaching skills important to a coach, how psychology can affect sports performance and more. Wear clothes suitable for outdoors such as tracksuit bottoms and trainers. What can I study? Sport & Exercise Science Diploma, Sport & Physical Activity Development Diploma, Sport NCFE Diploma, Physical Education A Level, Higher Sports Leadership Certificate, Gym Instruction, Community Sports Leadership Certificate
Meet our Apprenticeship Recruitment Advisor who can talk to you about apprenticeships, what employers are looking for and how to start your career as an Apprentice. An Apprenticeship is a way for you to earn while you learn in a real job, gaining a real qualification with technical knowledge and practical experience for an immediate job and future career. Apprenticeships are available at Intermediate, Advanced and Higher (degree) level, covering more than 170 industries and 1500 job roles in sectors from Health & Social Care to Motor Vehicle, IT, Accounting and Hospitality. Over 200,000 workplaces in England offer Apprenticeships. Find out more in our Apprenticeships taster session. Alternatively visit the apprenticeship stand at lunchtime for general information on apprenticeships, including the new levy, industry areas and the benefits of choosing an apprenticeship.