SDC Eastbourne Full-Time Prospectus

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Principal’s welcome Welcome. I am delighted that you are thinking about joining us at Sussex Downs College. We are here to help you with your choices about your future, and you will find some useful information in this brochure that will start you on the right track. It is important that you think carefully about what you want to do after college, that you consider your own abilities and interests and that you come to a decision about a course that is right for you. There is a lot to choose from! We have the widest range of subjects and courses in the local area – including opportunities for you to ‘earn while you learn’ as an apprentice. Our academic studies provide real stretch and challenge, and prepare our students for the best universities in the country. Our vocational courses have an enviable record of helping people to find good jobs and to continue their studies at higher levels. We are in the top 10% of colleges nationally for qualification success rates and have a great track record for helping our students to achieve their full potential. Many of our former students keep in touch and tell us about how they have progressed in their chosen careers; their stories are amazing! Why not create your own story by starting out with Sussex Downs College? I look forward to seeing you at one of our many open days, events and tasters.

art, crafts and design business, management and law childcare, health and social care construction and the built environment engineering english and languages floristry and gardening hairdressing, beauty and complimentary therapies hospitality and cateering humanities information technology mathematics media and digital media performing arts preparation for life and work public and uniformed services science sport and fitness social science travel and tourism

23 30 40 46 52 58 64 66 70 74 80 86 90 94 102 104 108 116 124 127

OPEN EVENTS Eastbourne Campus

Monday 22nd October 5:00pm – 7:30pm Sat 17th November 10:00am – 12noon Whilst every care has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this publication the College cannot be held responsible for any errors, omissions or changes. The course information featured in this prospectus is correct at the time of going to print, (August 2012) however course details may be subject to change. This prospectus is fully recyclable. Please refer to the website for the most up-to-date information.

Lewes Campus

Friday 9th November 5:00pm – 7:30pm Sat 10th November 10:00am – 12noon


Campus and facilities

campus facilities Eastbourne has a large campus with ten specialist and general teaching buildings, and is home to Sussex Downs Park College and Sussex Downs Vocational College

The learning facilities include realistic industry-standard vocational workshops and studios, a restaurant and kitchens, a travel agency, and hair and beauty salons. There are two shops where you can buy snacks and drinks. Main outlets also provide a cashback service to avoid the need to walk to local cashpoints. Two catering outlets provide a range of hot meals and salads and Origin and Costa coffee shops provide a relaxed environment to meet with friends or study over a coffee and snack. Other central facilities include well-resourced Learning Centres, a Sports Hall and a Performing Arts Theatre. Recent building improvements include the installation of a high specification laboratory with full disabled access and an extension to the Construction Centre.

Learning Centres Sussex Downs College has three Learning Centres: • In Lewes we have a Learning Centre and Information Technology Centre in Southover Building. • In Eastbourne, we have a Learning Centre on the top floor of Grove House, and another in our Park College building. • Sussex Downs College students are welcome to make use of all three centres. Purpose of the Learning Centres The Learning Centres are designed to be rich sources of learning resources and places for quiet study and aim to provide: • Resources and services to meet the needs of students and staff at the College • Easy access to resources and information • An appropriate environment for private study ILearn ‘iLearn’ is Sussex Downs’ online learning environment. We use it to support students’ learning outside of taught sessions. You will be using iLearn throughout your studies to access material, submit assignments, communicate and collaborate with other students. We will tell you more about iLearn, and make resources and activities available for you to explore, when you visit us on introductory days.

Please visit our website

Campus and facilities

Learning Centre Collection


Each Learning Centre has a wide selection of books, newspapers and magazines to support your research needs. The full list can be found in the Learning Centre catalogue (Heritage) on the intranet, or on iLearn.

There is a range of catering outlets across the campus:

Online Resources The Learning Centres subscribe to several online resources, such as databases containing newspaper articles and other sources of information, marketing and business information, and collections of e-books. A list of these resources is available on request, or through the Learning Centres’ pages on iLearn. The Learning Centre staff are here to help – please speak to us if you need assistance, or have any questions about the Learning Centres.

Amigo – Tyler House Amigo provides a large selection of ‘grab and go’ items including freshly prepared Toujours baguettes, sandwiches, hot and cold pastries, yoghurts, fruit, Costa coffee, crisps, cold beverages, snacks and confectionery. EAT Restaurant – Tyler House EAT offers a full range of hot breakfast items as well as cereals, fruit, croissants and yoghurts. Lunch includes a Goodness Me fruit and salad bar, hot and cold beverages, pastries and pasties, as well as delicious stone-ground Italian pizza slices, Pasta Pasta, and Mmm soup. Our new EAT concept offers many flavours from around the world. The Café – Grove House The Café offers Cafédirect Fairtrade hot beverages, savoury and sweet pastries, baguettes, sandwiches, toasted sandwiches, muffins, cakes and cold beverages.


Costa Pod – Eversley House Costa Pod ‘brings the high street to the college’ using the finest Rainforest Alliance Arabica beans, as well as offering a full range of cakes, pastries and cold beverages. Amigo – Park Building Amigo provides Choice sandwiches, snacks, beverages, confectionery and much more. Mondo Subs – Park Building Mondo Subs provides made-to-order low salt submarine rolls packed with fresh meats and low fat cheeses, a unique Mondo Subs spice blend and fresh homemade dressings, along with delicious Costa coffee. There is ample vending in all buildings across the campus offering hot and cold beverages, crisps and confectionery.

Please visit our website


levels and progression

levels progression What can I study at Sussex Downs College? Useful information for Year 11 Students, Parents and Carers and Teachers

Where do you start? It is important to think carefully about what you want to study at Sussex Downs College. We want you to enjoy your time at college, to work hard and achieve your goals, and to be able to move on to the career or higher education course of your choice.

The chart on page 8 titled ‘Choosing your course-moving’, shows predicted grades and the level of programme you can study with them. It also shows how you can progress through the levels at college. Which level is the closest match to your predicted grades?

The best place to start is to think about what you are good at and what you enjoy doing. If you have any career ideas, have you researched the subjects or courses you need to study to achieve your goals?

REMEMBER, whatever you choose to study at college, you should aim to do the very best you can in your exams at school; your English and maths are particularly important. Your results determine the level that you start studying at college, and they are also important when you move on to employment or university.

How do you prefer to learn? Are you OK with exams or do you prefer to be assessed on your coursework? Do you think that you want to study an academic programme or do you prefer more practical, hands on study? Do you want to do a full time college course or would you prefer to do an apprenticeship? Remember, if you want to do an apprenticeship you will need to find an employer prepared to employ you. Where do you want to study? Do you prefer to study locally, or are you ready to travel a bit further to find what is right for you? Remember if you choose to travel, you will have to consider the time and cost. When you have considered these points and have some ideas about the type of study that might suit you best, you need to look at the level that you will be able to study at college.

Please visit our website

Which subjects? When you have an idea of the type of programme you are looking for, and the level that you can study with your predicted grades, please look through this prospectus, which gives you a flavour of the courses offered here. However, for more up to date course information at Sussex Downs Vocational College and Sussex Downs Park College please refer to our website www. It can be a bit difficult to know where to start. Have a good look at what is available, and if you are still unsure when you have read all of this, you might want to speak to the staff at your school, or you can tick the guidance box on your college application form for an interview with a Guidance Adviser.

levels and progression


Entry Criteria There are specific entry requirements relevant to each subject/qualification/course. Please refer to the website for details.

GCSE Grade Profile


In exceptional circumstances students who have achieved at least 6 GCSEs grade A* with the remainder mainly A grades at GCSE in at least five different subjects including English and maths At least 6 GCSEs grade A* - C in at least five different subjects including English and Maths, or BTEC Level 2 Diploma with Distinction plus 2 GCSEs including English or Maths 5 GCSEs grade A* – C in three different subjects including English or Maths, or BTEC Level 2 Diploma with 2 GCSEs at C+ including English or Maths, or BTEC Extended Certificate with Merit with 3 GCSEs at C+ including English or Maths, or BTEC Level 2 Diploma with Merit including English or Maths 4 GCSEs grade A* - C in three different subjects, including English or Maths, or BTEC Level 2 Diploma with English or Maths, or BTEC Extended Certificate with English or Maths 4 grade Ds† or Level 1 Introductory Diploma or Level 1 Introductory Certificate and 2 Ds at GCSE

5 AS Levels or Level 3 BTEC qualifications with an additional qualification

Mostly E – G grades† No formal qualifications

4 AS Levels or Level 3 BTEC qualifications

3 AS Levels or Level 3 BTEC qualifications and English and Maths as required A BTEC Level 2 Diploma with Merit allows progression to courses in similar subject areas only 2 AS Levels plus two Level 2 single qualifications or Level 3 BTEC qualification plus one Level 2 single qualification Level 2 programme to include English and Maths as required or a Level 2 vocational programme plus one Level 2 single qualification Foundation Learning – Level 1 Foundation Learning – Entry courses

† There is flexibility around these entrance criteria so please contact the guidance team for more detailed information. Please note that extended Level 2 programmes are available, providing opportunities for students to start at Level 1 before progressing to Level 2.

Choosing your course 8

choosing your Move along to a full time Level 3 qualification An Advanced Apprenticeship - employment with training (for this route you will need a job) Full time employment

What next? • • •

What can I study? • At Level 2 you can study GCSEs, BTECs , NVQs, City and Guilds and Functional Skills

Entry is normally based on: • Four GCSEs at D or above in a mix of different subjects and this would usually include English and Maths, or equivalent qualifications

What entry grades do I need? If you are predicted mostly D and above at GCSE, including English and Maths you should look for courses at Level 2.


Choosing your Course at Sussex Downs College Students would normally move to Level 2 programmes An Apprenticeship – employment with training (for this route you will need a job)

What next? • •

Foundation Learning - Entry and Level 1 What entry grades do I need? If you are predicted mostly E-G grades at GCSE, or if you are not taking GCSEs, then you should look for courses at Entry and Level 1. • Selection is usually by interview • Some Level 1 courses will also require four GCSEs at E or above, (usually including English and Maths) You can study a range of Entry Level courses that will develop independence, improve basic skills and allow you to sample vocational options At Level 1 you can study qualifications that include craft awards, BTECs and Functional Skills

What can I study? • •


A degree course at University or a foundation degree course at Sussex Downs College An Advanced Apprenticeship – employment with training (for this route you will need a job) Full time employment

What next?

What entry grades do I need? GCSEs at A*-C including English and Maths. Look for courses at Level 3.

• For A Levels and mixed programmes (A Level/BTEC) you will need a minimum of 6 x GCSEs A*-C including English and Maths. Many subjects require B • For Level 3 Vocational programmes the minimum qualifications required are 5 x GCSEs A*-C or equivalent vocational qualifications at Merit and Distinction, plus at least two additional GCSEs at C or above usually in English and Maths What can I study? • At Level 3 we offer a wide range of AS/A Levels, Level 3 BTEC qualifications, Extended Project Qualifications, NVQs, VRQs and Functional Skills

Spare page



student support

student All our students enjoy a high level of support, which includes on course and general support, and our friendly Student Services team is at the heart of the College’s support services.

You can talk to our experienced staff about: • Admission to full time and part time courses • Information, advice and guidance – what’s on offer and what’s right for you • Financial information and support including childcare • Careers education, higher education, work and apprenticeships • Student Voice including the Student Union and Student Council

Cost of Study Course Fees Home students aged 16-18 on 31st August in the academic year of entry do not pay tuition or exam fees for the majority of courses. Exam resits are charged separately. Home students aged 19 and over will have to pay tuition and exam fees. However, there may be financial assistance available.

Other Costs You may need to pay for equipment and materials relevant to your course. There may be financial support to help with these.

Financial Support If you are worried about affording your course, there are various sources of financial help that you may be eligible for, e.g. • • • •

Bursaries Travel grants and discounts Care to Learn grants Discretionary Learner Support

Contact Student Services for further information or to discuss any of these issues further, or see the College’s website: If you need any additional support to access our information, we can arrange it for you.

If you are unemployed and in receipt of Job Seekers Allowance or Employment Support Allowance (Work Related Activity Group) you may also be entitled to a waiver of fees.

The government has announced the introduction of loans to pay for education for those aged 24 and over. From September 2013 this means that learners in FE and training will be able to access finance on the same basis as in higher education ‘In further education, individuals aged 24 years and above wishing to gain a Level 3 qualification will be supported by the offer of a Government backed student loan to meet tuition costs. Loans will be made available to learners on an income contingent basis.’

Please contact Student Services for full details.

Please contact Student Services for further information. Call 08452 601 608

If you are aged 19-23 and studying your first full level 2 qualification or aged 19-24 and studying your first full level 3 qualification you may be entitled to a waiver of fees.

Please visit our website

student support


All Different All Equal at Sussex Downs College posters. Pictures designed by our students

Personal Tutoring Our personal tutoring service offers a broad, integrated programme designed to support your move into college life and to go on to get the very best from it. We will be with you throughout your journey at College and will help you to become a confident, independent learner, ready to take your next steps into the world. Transition from school to college is both a challenging and exciting time. Your tutor will be ready to listen to you and offer support and guidance when you need it. You will take part in a tutorial programme, which combines careful attention to your learning progress with opportunities to develop your social, academic and vocational experiences. At all times, the emphasis will be on finding the best opportunities for your own personal development whilst providing the appropriate levels of support should you need it. Themes offered in the programme will help you to: • Feel safe and settled • Explore how you learn • Manage your workload • Take responsibility and make choices • Develop independence and resilience • Fulfil your potential • Consider your progression route through College and beyond

The tutorial programme includes regular opportunities to meet individually with your tutor, as well as be part of the College community through a variety of activities. These may include focusing on particular themes in small cluster seminars, attending whole group tutorials for College news and key information, and choosing from a range of large group presentations. The programme will be supplemented with events offering you the chance to meet representatives from the world of work and education. These experiences will help you to reflect on your learning from different perspectives and we are confident that you will find them enjoyable and enriching.

Learning Support The College provides an excellent support service, which supports knowledge, independent learning and progression to further study, employment or independent living. Every year some students need extra help in areas such as literacy, numeracy or study skills and learning support is provided through a variety of methods, which are agreed between the student, personal tutor and the Learning Support team. This support may include the use of assistive technology and equipment, which enables students to be more in control of their own learning experience.

Support is offered where appropriate to help you to access courses, develop your skills, achieve your qualifications and to progress. It is important that you take advantage of this help if you are entitled to it, as those who took up support in 2010/11 had a higher success rate than those who did not.

All Different All Equal at Sussex Downs College At Sussex Downs College we are committed to equality and diversity and to making sure that our students are treated fairly and with respect. The College has three central equality objectives: 1. To prevent ALL forms of bullying, harassment and discrimination. 2. To make sure that ALL students are given fair opportunity to participate and succeed by removing conditions that could put them at a disadvantage. 3. To embrace, celebrate and promote differences relating to gender, race, age, disability, sexual orientation, religion and belief and social background. In addition, we continually strive to create a safe learning environment where everyone is welcomed and included and where we listen to what our students have to say. To view our equality and diversity policies and to find out more about equality and diversity at the College please visit the equality and diversity page on our website.


student support

student Studentship At the College we will help you to achieve your goals and the qualifications that you need. However we also believe it is important that you develop a wider range of skills and behaviours that will help you to learn and prepare you for success in work or further study. We describe this as ‘developing studentship’. You will probably find that some of the approaches to learning at College are quite different from those you experienced in school. For example, you will be encouraged and supported to develop as a more active and independent learner. You will be set tasks that need you to think, explore, ask questions, or solve problems, either on your own or with others. This is a more effective way to learn, which will develop your confidence and your ability to meet new challenges. New approaches can feel quite difficult at first so we plan our introduction to College to support you throughout your transition, and your teachers, personal tutor and staff at the Learning Centres will offer any help you need.

Student Voice At Sussex Downs College we take the Student Voice seriously. We want to hear what you have to say about your education and your college experience - your voice can make a positive difference on a range of issues from teaching and learning through to life on the College campus. So get involved – it’s your chance to make a change!

Student voice is our commitment to seeking your views and ensures that we include those in the decisions we make about your learning experiences at Sussex Downs College.

Student Union

Student Surveys

The Student Union is run for the students by the students and ensures that the interests and views of all students are well represented. Each year an elected team works hard to make sure you get everything you expect, and more, from your college experience. A calendar of events is published at the beginning of the academic year. Speak to your Student Liaison Officer in the Student Union office for more information on the many varied roles on offer in the Student Union and how you can get involved.

Student surveys offer you the opportunity to give us your constructive feedback on your teaching and learning as well as your college experience as a whole. We value your thoughts and comments. They tell us what’s working well and guide our plans for improvement. Everybody wins! Your time is precious so we make sure our surveys are quick, easy, anonymous and valuable.

“Being Student Governor not only enables me to gain an insight into College management, but has allowed me to express the views of the Student Council and represent my peers in what they believe could be improved at Sussex Downs College.” Said Bryony Bruzon-Edwards

Student Council We also have an effective Student Council which provides every student the opportunity to voice their opinion and be a real part of the decision making process at the College. Your specific campus council meets termly, with full Sussex Downs College council meetings taking place at least twice a year.

Student Governors Student Governors are elected by the student body to represent their campus on the board of Governors, and play an active part in developing the strategic direction of the College.

Please visit our website

You Said, We Did We will always feed back to you when you have taken the time to let us know your thoughts. We do this with ‘You Said, We Did’ and you will see this all around the College in different formats.

Focus Groups During the year you will be invited to participate in focus group meetings for particular subject areas. You are our partners in the learning process and we want to work with you and benefit from your views.

Student Conference Each year we hold our Student Conference, usually based on a theme proposed by the outgoing Student Union. This event is a lively, vibrant day with students from across Sussex Downs College getting together and being involved in theatre, film and discussions around the theme for the day. Recommendations for the College are then used to help inform the College’s strategic decisions.



Apprenticeships Apprenticeships combine paid work with theoretical learning They allow you to develop and apply the skills, knowledge and understanding required by employers in particular jobs. All apprenticeships include a number of qualifications including a competence based Certificate or Diploma, Functional Skills in English and maths and, sometimes, information technology. In some apprenticeships, job specific knowledge and skills are taught as a separate qualification. Apprenticeships also include awareness of employment rights and responsibilities as well as personal learning and thinking skills.

There are no specific entry requirements to become an apprentice; however an employer may specify entry requirements for a particular job role, which may include English and maths. Apprenticeships are available at three levels: An Intermediate Apprenticeship is ideal if you are in a first job or have changed jobs and need to learn new skills. You’ll work towards Level 2 qualifications (equivalent to 5 GCSEs at grades A* - C) and Level 1 Functional Skills. An Advanced Apprenticeship builds on the skills and knowledge achieved through experience or an Intermediate Apprenticeship. You’ll work towards Level 3 qualifications (equivalent to A Levels) and Level 2 Functional Skills. A Higher Apprenticeship is equivalent to a foundation degree and you will need to have relevant employment experience in order to begin one. The College can offer you support to find an apprenticeship through our Job Shop: or you can use the apprenticeship vacancy system at

Sussex Downs College offers apprenticeships across a wide range of job roles. Business and Management Accountancy Business Administration Customer Service Management Team Leading Retail Sales Warehousing and Storage Creative Cultural Venue Operations Live Events and Promotion Construction Brickwork Carpentry and Joinery Construction Operations Electrical Installation Highways Maintenance Painting and Decoration Plumbing Catering, Hospitality and Service Industry Cleaning and Support Services Food and Beverage Service Food Preparation and Cooking Front of House Reception Hairdressing Hospitality Services Hospitality Supervision and Leadership Housekeeping Kitchen Services Professional Cookery Health, Childcare and Education Childcare Clinical Health Care Support Health and Social Care Supporting Teaching and Learning Motor vehicle Maintenance and Repair Body and Paint Operations


level two plus programme

level plus programme The Level 2 Plus Programme is for students over 16 years old to gain or improve GCSE and vocational Level 2 qualifications. The course is designed to provide progression onto either a vocational course or an academic Level 3 course. For many of our students the Level 2 Plus programme is a year to build a firm base from which to tackle further study or employment. The programme will support you in developing a wide range of skills and knowledge and in building your confidence. Many of our students choose to study one vocational qualification, the equivalent of two GCSEs, while improving their skills and qualifications in maths and English. Others choose to follow a more mixed programme taking five GCSEs in a range of different subjects or a combination of AS and Level 2 courses. The programme that you choose to follow will be discussed at interview and is tailored to your career aspirations and interests.

Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT) L2

Page 31

Maths GCSE

Page 87

Page 32

Performing Arts BTEC Extended Certificate L2

Page 95

Administration for Business L2 Art & Design GCSE

Page 25

Photography GCSE

Page 27

Business BTEC Extended Certificate L2

Page 32

Psychology GCSE

Page 113

Page 117

Public Services BTEC Extended Certificate L2

Page 105

Community Sports Leaders Award

Sociology GCSE

Page 78

English GCSE

Page 59

Spanish L2

Page 62

Film Studies GCSE

Page 91

Young Enterprise Level 3

Page 38

Health & Social Care BTEC Extended Certificate L2

Page 42

ICT BTEC Extended Certificate L2

Page 82

ICT BTEC Extended Certificate L2

Page 82

The table on the right shows the courses that you can choose from for the Level 2 Plus Programme.

Please visit our website

access to higher education


access to education Access courses offer adults over 19 a genuine alternative to A Levels as a means of entry into higher education. You do not require any previous formal qualifications and your experience of life and work is highly valued on these courses. Often Access students have not achieved their full potential at school, or have been in unsatisfying jobs or very much involved in home/family commitments. They all have a common thirst for knowledge and a desire to carry on with their education. Access courses offer you the chance to make a potential life changing decision; most of our students go on to university following completion. All courses are QAA (Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education) approved and validated by LASER Learning Awards (previously the Open College Network). A number of different pathways are offered; both the day and evening pathways last for one year and are designed in close collaboration with the Universities of Sussex and Brighton. They have an excellent reputation both locally and nationally, and in some cases there is a guaranteed interview at one of the local universities. Access students over the years have found the courses interesting and challenging with feedback very positive about both the learning experience and the support they have received from their tutors.


the whole college experience

the college experience There are all kinds of things you can do to get the most out of life at Sussex Downs College.

You can join a society, help out in the Student Union, start your own club or sign up for extra workshops that will help you with your studies. In Eastbourne, we offer a range of experiences and opportunities to all students, including sports activities. Once you have purchased your active student membership for a small annual fee, you can play a range of sports during your lunch break or join the gym with a highly qualified gym instructor. You may also apply to join one of our elite academies in football, tennis or golf. We offer new sports and courses depending on student interests and take advantage of any new opportunities offered by the national governing bodies for sport.

Please visit our website

In addition, you may wish to sign up for the Duke of Edinburgh’s programme and take your Bronze, Silver or Gold Award. Many of the College courses offer specific activities that will increase your enjoyment and success on your course. These range from additional workshops during lunch, to subject related events like film club and visits to the Law Courts, art galleries, performing arts venues, heritage sites, universities, as well as numerous trips abroad. There are also additional language courses (introduction to Spanish, Chinese and Japanese), and the opportunity to attend careers fairs.

the whole college experience


Alex Nichols “I decided to study with Sussex Downs College as they were the only college that offered all of the courses that I wanted to do. The work is hard, but very enjoyable, and the environment is really friendly.” Computing, Graphic Communication, ICT. Park College

Sussex Downs College also prides itself on entering a number of competitions and has achieved success in a range of areas: • Our hair and beauty, hospitality and construction students have won numerous regional competitions and have competed successfully in national events • Our Arts students have had their work selected for the Royal Academy • Our IT and computing students have won awards for developing games and apps • Our A level and vocational students have achieved top marks in their subjects from awarding bodies • During 2012, approximately 200 students received certificates of commendation congratulating them on individual success from the College.


about us

National Skills Academy for Creative & Cultural Sussex Downs College is a founder college of the National Skills Academy for Creative & Cultural. The National Skills Academy’s main aim is to develop the delivery of industry-approved standards, training and related skills through a network of creative and cultural industry and training providers. As part of a network of 20 further education colleges across England, we seek to create strong links with local and national industry partners to give our students an authentic learning environment.

Keep in touch - SDC Alumni As part of the National Skills Academy for Creative & Cultural, you will be able to access the best guidance to enable you to enter jobs in the creative industries through and Our students have enjoyed exclusive access behind the scenes at the Royal Opera House, and on the main stages at Glastonbury and national arenas, as well as had the chance to learn from artists and employers at the cutting edge of the industry. Further details can be found on In recognition of our leading edge work in this sector, the College has been awarded Artsmark Gold

The College offers ongoing support for our students, even after they move on. Join our alumni community for access to careers and employability services, updates on jobs, and to keep in touch with your friends and the College after you leave. Register with SDC Alumni when you enrol, or email for more information. Register today for the new

Sussex Downs College Alumni benefits include: • • • • • • • •

free membership social and professional network updates on Job Shop and apprenticeships support in your job with professional qualifications courses at alumni rate workshops on employability skills for those seeking work events programme exclusive local discounts and promotions

register at: email us:

SDC Carbon Reduction Plan Sussex Downs College will be reducing our carbon emissions by 25% running up to 2015/16. We have a programme of improvement, which includes improving insulation, replacing windows, and installing energy efficient boiler systems. The College is also investigating voltage optimisation and power saving devices for all PC equipment. We have recently installed solar panels on one of our buildings and plan to expand our initiative.

Please visit our website

about us

Sports Park


ArtsMark Gold

Sussex Downs College works in partnership with Eastbourne Borough Council and East Sussex County Council to enable students to use the Eastbourne Sports Park on Cross Levels Way. These high quality sports facilities include all weather pitches, an athletics track and the Harlow Sports Hall.

Sussex Downs College is the lead College for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) initiatives across the education and industry sectors in the South East region. Students enrolled at Sussex Downs College benefit from unrivalled opportunities to engage with this initiative.

Sussex Downs College has been awarded the ArtsMark Gold for its arts education, by Arts Council England.

It provides the opportunity to link researchbased innovation with business skills to drive economic prosperity and engages with the teaching profession to develop meaningful CPD (continuous professional development) and to help drive awareness on the STEM agenda in FE.


ArtsMark is a national programme developed by Arts Council England that accredits quality arts education. The Award recognises schools and colleges which sought to engage their students with the creative industry and increase the level of their involvement with the arts. For the first time the awards have included 18 Further Education Colleges, of which 14 are Founder Colleges, including Sussex Downs, of the National Skills Academy for Creative & Cultural.

joining us


joining What happens next? 1. From September 2012 onwards College staff visit most local schools to talk about college courses, college life and what happens next.

2. From October 2012 Come along to our open evenings to find out more about the courses, meet the tutors, see our facilities and talk to current students.

4. From January 2013 onwards

7. September 2013

All applicants will be invited for an interview from January onwards. After the interview, if you are successful, you will receive a letter offering you a place. If that course was not right for you, we will invite you in to talk about other courses.

You will enrol at the College and start your programme.

5. June/July 2013

If you cannot make it to the open evenings, we have college tours available throughout the year. Contact Student Services on 01323 637152.

You will be invited to attend an introductory event to enable you to experience life at College, meet some of the staff and other students, and find out more about your chosen programmes. Park College students will have the opportunity to start work on their chosen subjects.

3. October/November 2012

6. August 2013

Complete your college application form and hand it in to your school, they will add a reference and send it to us. Some schools will ask you to send it directly to us, but they will need to send us a reference. We recommend that you apply early, as many of our courses are very popular. Your school may set you a deadline for your application, so that we receive it early. We will send you an acknowledgement letter within a couple of weeks of receiving your application.

We will send you a time and date to come into College to enrol together with details of our Results Call Centre, which you must contact when you receive your GCSE grades. If they are not quite as you expected, don’t worry, we will invite you to come in for a further interview to discuss an alternative programme of study based on your exam results. PLEASE DO NOT BOOK HOLIDAYS FROM 22ND AUGUST ONWARDS.

The courses contained within this guide are not exclusively for school leavers, many mature students study GCSEs, A levels and Vocational qualifications at Sussex Downs College. Our teachers are supportive and class sizes are conducive for learning for everyone. Adult can come and find out more about the courses and meet the tutors at our open evenings, and should apply as specificed in this prospectus. Apprenticeships have no given start dates and combine paid work with theoretical learning. They allow you to develop and apply the skills and knowledge and understanding required by employers in particular jobs. There are no specific entry requirements to become an apprentice; however an employer may specify entry requirements for a particular job role, which may include English and Maths. The College can offer you support to find an apprenticeship through our Job Shop: or you can use the apprenticeship vacancy system at uk. For all other enquiries please call the Business Development team on 08452 230 2007 or email employertraining@ Sussex Downs College offers apprenticeships across a wide range of job roles. Please see the website for further details.


how to find us

how to us The College operates a FREE car parking permit scheme. All staff, students and visitors bringing vehicles to the campus must display a College issued parking permit in their windscreen. However, a parking space cannot be guaranteed, and it is recommended that alternative means of transport are considered. Sussex Downs Park College and Sussex Downs Vocational College Cross Levels Way, Eastbourne, East Sussex BN21 2UF T: 01323 637637 F: 01323 637472 E:



Hampden Park Station is located to the north east of the College. It is approximately 15 minutes’ walk from the station to the College, walking through the adjacent residential estate, passing Sainsbury’s and the David Lloyd Leisure Centre. Turn right along the footpath serving Cross Levels Way. The College is approximately 200 metres from the roundabout. For more information on train times and routes, call National Rail Enquiries on 08457 48 49 50 or visit

For Sat Nav users, the College postcode is BN21 2UF.

Bus Stagecoach buses run frequent services to the campus serving the neighbouring hospital and the College. There are a number of routes that travel along King’s Drive to the rear of the College. The ‘Loop’ service is recommended, as this service runs in both directions around the perimeter of the town. For more information, call 0871 200 2233 or visit

Taxi There are a number of licensed taxi companies operating in the Eastbourne area. Contact Eastbourne and Country Taxis on 01323 720720 or Radio Cars on 01323 749749. For other useful information regarding local travel visit transport.

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From the east: Follow A27 to Dittons roundabout, turn left onto A22, following signs for ‘Eastbourne’ and ‘Industrial Estates’. Signs for Sussex Downs College appear at a large roundabout serving a dual carriageway. Take the second exit (straight on) over the railway bridge to the Broadwater roundabout, the College main entrance is 200 metres further on, on the right hand side. From the north: Follow A22 signs to a large roundabout approximately four miles north of Eastbourne, turn left onto continuing dual carriageway, following signs for ‘Eastbourne’ and ‘Industrial Estates’. At the next roundabout, take the second exit and follow the instructions as above. From the west: On entering the outskirts of the town along A259, turn left at traffic lights into Victoria Drive, continuing to the end of the road (approximately two miles). At the traffic lights turn left to the next roundabout, then take the last exit (third exit) into King’s Drive. Continue along King’s Drive to the large roundabout adjacent to Eastbourne District General Hospital, take the second exit signed A259, the College main entrance is approximately 400 metres from the roundabout on the left hand side.

ART, Crafts & design


Art & Design

Art and Design BTEC Diploma

Art and Design BTEC

BTEC Diploma

BTEC Diploma (90 Credit)

Location: Park College Level: 2 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 4073/010

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 4813/010

Entry Requirements: As well as enthusiasm, openness and appropriate numeracy and literacy skills, you should have either: 4 GCSEs at Grades G or above. (Art is not required but you must show an interest in the subject) or: a level 1 art qualification, such as the BTEC Visual Arts Diploma or Certificate or equivalent.

Entry Requirements: You will need 4 GCSEs at grade C or above (in most cases); one must be Art or art related. Alternatively, students with a BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Art and Design with at least a Merit profile are considered. Mature/international student exemptions apply. You must also show a portfolio of work.

What will I study?

What will I study?

On this course you will be introduced to a wide range of art and design practice. It is a very practical programme which includes drawing, painting, printmaking, fashion and textiles, graphic design, illustration and 3D design crafts, as well as digital media and photography. This experience will help you to make decisions about subsequent progression. As well as gaining experience of a wide range of approaches to these subjects and an insight into the creative industries, you will gain experience in tackling assignments, evaluating your own and others’ work, and preparing for the independent study needed at level 3. You will also go on several field trips for visual research and contextual study. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway onto the extended diplomas in art and design or other appropriate vocational programmes. Past students have progressed successfully onto courses in photography, media and games design, as well as illustration, furniture design, product design, graphic design, design crafts, textiles and fashion design.

On this course you will develop your ability and understanding of art and design. You will study all aspects of this rich and varied subject. Following a short diagnostic period, you will specialise in one of the four main pathways (graphic design/ illustration, visual communication, fashion and textiles, or product and 3D crafts), and work towards a portfolio, which will help you to progress to further study or employment. It is a full-time and mainly practical programme. The combination of our outstanding teaching team, brilliant facilities and amazing progression rates will help you to realise your potential in art and design. What can I do after this course? This course normally leads to the BTEC Extended Diploma in Art and Design, which can provide a pathway to universities and colleges of higher education throughout the UK, in a range of subject specialisms.

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Name: Carly Woolmer Age: 18 Lives: Eastbourne Campus: Vocational College Course: Art & Design

“Coming to college offers you opportunities and experience that you wouldn’t necessarily get elsewhere. My course is really interesting and I am encouraged to work independently, while being fully supported.”

Art & Design

Art and Design

Art and Design

Art and Design

BTEC Extended Diploma

Diploma in Foundation Studies

GCSE Location: Park College Level: 2 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0426/090

Entry Requirements: You will need to have successfully achieved the Art and Design Level 3 Diploma at the College. If you have completed this (or the 12 unit Diploma) at a different college, then you would need to have taken a unit combination that makes your progression here possible (to be discussed at interview)

Entry Requirements: You must be at least 18 years old or reach this by December. You need at least one A2 (or equivalent) and three GCSEs at C+ (or equivalent) preferably including English and Maths. Mature and international student exemptions apply. All applicants must present a portfolio of recent work at interview.

Entry Requirements: You will need to meet our standard College entry requirement for a Level 2 Plus course. The motivation to succeed and progress to an Advanced Level programme.

What will I study?

What will I study?

This second year qualification leads from the BTEC 90 Credit Diploma in Art and Design. Having been through the diagnostic and initial specialist programme, you will further your understanding of the pathway you have chosen, and develop the skills, independence, depth and personal direction which will equip you to undertake either employment or undergraduate study. You will receive extensive support in choosing and pursuing your next steps, and progression rates from this course are exceptional. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to universities and colleges of higher education throughout the UK, in a range of subject specialisms. It has an exceptional track record for direct access to very good universities.

This intensive course, for those considering careers in art and design, begins with diagnostic study where you develop your skills in research, drawing, making, thinking, problem solving, and working with new materials and processes. On this course you will study and specialise in one of a range of art and design areas, including textiles, fashion, furniture, product, crafts (wood, metal, plastic, ceramics, glass, etc), interior, jewellery, architecture, theatre, costume, graphics, illustration, animation, photography, film, printmaking, painting, sculpture and fine art. Your studio practice will be supported by contextual studies, and the course will fully support you in your choice and application to further study.

What will I study?

On this course you will explore a wide range of art and design activities. Emphasis is placed on practical work with opportunities to explore drawing, painting, collage, printmaking, sculpture, ceramics, lens based imaging and graphic communication. Most work is practical including the externally set assignment at the end of the course. You will also develop the skills and independence needed to cope with Level 3 courses. What can I do after this course? This GCSE will, as part of the level 2 Plus programme, provide a pathway to Level 3 courses. If taking it to supplement new visual subjects at Level 3, you will find that the skills you acquire will significantly enhance your options for further study.

What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to universities and colleges in Higher Education throughout the UK, and in specialist subject areas across the spectrum of art and design practice.

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Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 4020/020

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: EP_393



Art & Design

Fine Art

Fine Art



Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0326/030

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0936/030

Entry Requirements: You will need to meet our standard requirement of 6 GCSEs at grade C or above, including Art.

Entry Requirements: You will need to meet our standard requirement of 6 GCSEs at grade C or above, including Art. You will also need to have passed the AS Level in Fine Art.

What will I study?

Name: Jessica Hardcastle Age: 18 Lives: Eastbourne Campus: Park Course: Fine Art, Geography, Psychology

“Inspirational. There is no other word for art, and the courses at Sussex Downs College are the same.”

On this course you will be introduced to the amazing breadth of this discipline. Practical assignments include drawing, painting, printmaking and sculpture. There is also an opportunity to work in a range of other media, which include film and digital techniques time based media, all achievable in or adjacent to your studio. You will learn how to form and develop creative ideas and working methods in response to stimulating starting points, and to make exciting and personal outcomes. An aptitude for critical analysis of art history and contemporary practice is useful, and a requirement for primary and contextual research is incorporated. What can I do after this course? You’d normally join the Fine Art A2 course, which can take you in a range of directions. If you want to specialise in art and design, then progress to the Art and Design Diploma in Foundation Studies, which identifies and prepares you for the best possible specialist university courses.

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What will I study?

On this course you will be introduced to the amazing breadth of study available in fine art. Practical assignments include drawing, painting, printmaking and sculpture. There is also an opportunity to work in a range of other media, which include film and digital techniques time based media, all achievable in or adjacent to your studio. You will learn how to form and develop creative ideas and working methods in response to stimulating starting points, and to make exciting and personal outcomes. An aptitude for critical analysis of art history and contemporary practice is useful, and a requirement for primary and contextual research is incorporated. What can I do after this course? Fine Art is a valuable and respected A Level for progression to university generally. If specialising in art and design, you’d normally progress to the intensive, one year, Art and Design Diploma in Foundation Studies; this helps you to find the right pathway and prepare the best possible portfolio for specialist art and design degree courses.

Art & Design

Graphic Communication

Graphic Communication





Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0326/050

What will I study?

Graphic communication is an exciting area of study, involving the generation and development of ideas about visual communication and the production of wide ranging outcomes (in this respect it is unlike the Design and Technology syllabus at GCSE). On this course you will undertake practical art and design assignments based on drawing, use of colour, layout, printing, animation, illustration and typography. You will then learn how to design on computers. Critical analysis of art and design history and the study of recent and current practitioners are incorporated into all the units. Written communication is a compulsory component and is assessed equally to the practical work. This course also includes field trips and visits to important exhibitions. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to Graphic Communication A2. Many students progress to a one year Art and Design Diploma in Foundation Studies before taking a degree course in an art and design specialist subject. Some students apply directly to university degree courses (including the two year foundation degree).

Entry Requirements: You will need to meet our standard requirement of 6 GCSEs at grade C or above (or equivalent), including GCSEs in English, Maths and Science at grade C or above. GCSE Art or a related subject is highly desirable. You will also need to have passed the AS Level in Graphic Communication. What will I study?

Graphic communication is an exciting area of study, involving the generation and development of ideas about visual communication and the production of wide ranging outcomes (in this respect it is unlike the Design and Technology syllabus at GCSE). On this course you will undertake practical art and design assignments based on drawing, use of colour, layout, printing, animation, illustration and typography. You will then learn how to design on computers. Critical analysis of art and design history and the study of recent and current practitioners are incorporated into all the units. Written communication is a compulsory component and is assessed equally to the practical work in A2. This course also includes field trips and visits to important exhibitions.

Location: Park College Level: 2 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0426/050

Entry Requirements: You will need to meet our standard requirement for the Level 2 Plus programme. You will also need the motivation to succeed and progress to an Advanced Level programme. What will I study?

On this course you will explore many aspects of photography. Emphasis is placed on practical work, the importance of camera skills in both colour, black and white, and traditional black and white processing and printing. The use of digital image processing is also an important element. Contextual studies are also vitally important so that you can form an appreciation of photographic work, both historical and contemporary, from other times and cultures. What can I do after this course? If part of the GCSE Level 2 Plus programme, then successful completion of this course can provide a pathway to a Level 3 mixed or more specialist programme. If you are keen to pursue photography at the next level then there are a number of possibilities (see A Level and BTEC listings at Level 3).

What can I do after this course? Many students progress to a one year Art and Design Diploma in Foundation Studies before taking a degree course in an art and design specialist subject. Some students apply directly to university degree courses (including the two year foundation degree). All higher education progression is dependent on high grades and a good portfolio.

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Entry Requirements: You will need to meet our standard requirement of 6 GCSEs at grade C or above (or equivalent), including GCSEs in English, Maths and Science at grade C or above. GCSE Art or a related subject is highly desirable.

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0936/040


Name: Harry Yoell Age: 19 Lives: Nutley Campus: Vocational College Studying: Art & Design

“Eventually I want to go to Kingston University to study Product and Furniture Design and the positive environment and supportive staff here will help me to achieve this. I would suggest that everyone approaches the course that they choose with an open mind and pushes themselves to achieve success.�

Art & Design



Visual Arts



BTEC Diploma


Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0936/050

Location: PARK Level: 2 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 4588/010

Entry Requirements: You will need to meet our standard requirement of 6 GCSEs at grade C or above (or equivalent), including GCSE English, Maths and Science at grade C or above. GCSE Art or Media Studies is highly desirable.

Entry Requirements: As well as passing AS Level Photography with a compatible board, you will need to meet our standard requirement of 6 GCSEs at grade C or above (or equivalent), including GCSE English, Maths and Science at grade C or above.

What will I study?

What will I study?

Entry Requirements: There are no formal entry requirements. We look for a basic level of literacy & numeracy and an interest in the creative industries (Art, photography, graphics, fashion, design, crafts, architecture etc). We’ll help you to get the skills you need. We also look at your entry level qualifications.

On this course you will cover a wide range of experiences in photography. All units are practically based with written analysis and evaluation. Traditional black and white processing and printing is combined with colour work and digital imaging. The course is essentially about promoting individual creativity and expression through a solid foundation of techniques, processes and contexts. You will also be able to attend field trips and visits to significant exhibitions and galleries. What can I do after this course? This course provides a pathway to Photography A2. This prepares you for further progression either directly to university (as part of a general or academic programme) or, if wanting to specialise in a visual subject, you’d normally join the Art and Design Diploma in Foundation Studies; this identifies and prepares you for specialist progression.

On this course you will cover a wide range of experiences in photography. All units are practically based with written analysis and evaluation. Traditional black and white processing and printing is combined with colour work and digital imaging. The course is essentially about promoting individual creativity and expression through a solid foundation of techniques, processes and contexts. You will also be able to attend field trips and visits to significant exhibitions and galleries. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to a huge range of specialist photographic disciplines (photography, film, digital media, media arts, illustration and others); it is a competitive environment, and students progress to these directly in some cases or, more usually, via Art and Design Diploma in Foundation Studies for further specialist development

What will I study?

The course is highly structured in order to give you a broad, process based understanding of visual language. On this course you will develop your skills in Photography (both digital and film based), Drawing, Graphic Design, Textiles and 3D. Delivery is informal but geared strategically around student focused outcomes. You will work with specialist staff in specialist facilities in Eversley House on the Eastbourne Campus. Part of your Programme will involve you undertaking a Functional skill in Mathematics, IT and English at level one. What can I do after this course? You will achieve a full Level One Qualification equivalent to two D’s at GCSE. In addition to this you will have your three Functional Skills in Mathematics, English and IT if you get a merit or higher. This course will provide a pathway on to the BTEC First Diploma in Art and Design also running at Eversley House.

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Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0326/040

Business, Management and Law

Business, Management and Law

AAT Accounting






Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0301/050

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0913/040

Entry Requirements: You will need at least 5 GCSEs (or equivalent) at grade C or above. You should have either GCSEs in English and Maths at grade C or above Key Skills Level 2 in Communication and Numeracy.

Entry Requirements: You will need 6 GCSEs at grade C or above, including Maths, English Language and Science at grade B or above.

Entry Requirements: You will need to have passed the AS Level in Accounting.

What will I study?

What will I study?

On this course you will learn many aspects of both financial and management accounting including the double entry procedures, the verification of accounting records and the preparation of income statements and balance sheets. In addition you will learn budgeting and budgetary control.

On this A2 course you will study further aspects of financial and management accounting.

On this course you will develop skills in basic double entry bookkeeping and accounting, computerised accounting systems, basic costing techniques, and an understanding of the accounting function within an organisation. What can I do after this course? This one year course can provide a pathway to the Level 3 AAT Diploma in Accounting, which is also a one year course.

What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to Accounting A2.

What will I study?

What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to employment as a trainee accountant. As a trainee you can continue your studies at Sussex Downs College on a day release basis, or as an apprentice. You can then study the following professional courses: AAT Level 3, AAT Level 4, ACCA qualifications or accounting and finance at university.

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Business, management and Law

Location: Park College Level: 2 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 4505/050



Business management and Law

Administration Award Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 3975/010

Entry Requirements: You will need 4 GCSEs at grade C or above, including English Language, or pass a Level 2 Business Administration course with the appropriate Functional Skills. What will I study?

This one year course forms the main part of our Personal Assistant(PA)Level 3 programme. It is for students with an interest in gaining exceptional organisational skills and who have the commitment necessary to produce the quality coursework required to complete the qualification. On this course you will study advanced administration and IT skills, which are required in many types of offices throughout the business world. The additional courses that you will study alongside it are Text Processing Levels 2 and 3 and an ITQ Level 2 Award. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to work as a PA in the music, media, legal, film and TV industries or in advertising and marketing.

Administration for Business Location: Park College Level: 2 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 4823/010

Entry Requirements: You will need 4 GCSEs at grade D or above including English Language. What will I study?

Business BTEC Certificate Extended Location: Park College Level: 2 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 4025/010

Entry Requirements: You will need 4 GCSEs at grade D or above including English Language, Maths and two other relevant subjects.

On this Level 2 Administration for Business course you will gain the essential knowledge and practical skills required to work in a business environment. This course is an introduction to the IT functions and business presentation skills needed to complete essential tasks in an administration office. You will be assessed throughout the course, based on your class work, coursework and exams.

What will I study?

What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to our Personal Assistant (PA) qualification on successful completion of your course. You will also have to successfully complete your Level 2 Plus programme of study and obtain GCSEs at grade C or above in Maths and English Language and one other GCSE or BTEC qualification.

What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to a Level 3 BTEC Business qualification on successful completion at Merit grade. You will also have to successfully complete your Level 2 Plus programme of study and obtain GCSEs at grade C or above in Maths and English Language and one other GCSE or BTEC qualification.

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On this Level 2 Business course you will gain the key knowledge and practical skills required in a vocational setting. It will provide you with an introduction to the world of business and the many elements that make up this subject. You will be assessed throughout the course, based on your class work and coursework. There are no formal exams to take.

Business, management and Law

Name: Chloe Stamp Age: 17 Lives: Eastbourne Campus: Park Studying: Economics, ICT

“I will be applying for a university place next year, hopefully to study Marketing. The best advice I could give is to think hard about the course choices that you make; don’t choose something just because your friends are doing it.”


Business management and Law




BTEC Certificate

BTEC Diploma

BTEC Subsidiary Diploma

Location: Park Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 3987/010

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 4089/030

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 3933/020

Entry Requirements: You will need at least 5 GCSEs at grade C or above including English Language and Maths. A Merit in a BTEC Business Extended Certificate or Diploma at Level 2 can also count as one of your GCSEs.

Entry Requirements: You will need to be a year 2 student and have successfully completed the BTEC Subsidiary Diploma in Business at Pass or above.

Entry Requirements: You will need at least 5 GCSEs at grade C or above including English Language and Maths. A Merit in a BTEC Business Extended Certificate or Diploma at Level 2 can also count as one of your GCSEs.

What will I study?

The BTEC Certificate in Business is an AS Level equivalent qualification; it is coursework based and has no exams. The course contains criteria to cover Pass, Merit or Distinction grades. On this course you will study subjects including: investigating the business environment, business resources, and introduction to marketing. The business department organises day trips throughout the year looking at many types of businesses as well as visits to universities offering business programmes. You will also be expected to undertake a one week work placement to gain evidence for your coursework. Access to a computer and the internet outside of college is advisable due to the volume of coursework.

What will I study?

The BTEC Diploma in Business is an A Level equivalent qualification; it is coursework based and has no exams. This course will build on your business knowledge already gained from taking the Subsidiary Diploma in Business. What can I do after this course? The Diploma in Business can contribute to a range of qualifications taken at college, which can provide a pathway to higher education courses. These qualifications are also respected by employers and will help you when applying for business-related careers.

What can I do after this course? Many students go onto university or into employment after completing this course. However, students can convert this qualification into a BTEC 90 Credit Diploma in their second year of study at the college. Progression onto this will need to be discussed with the business team at the end of the first year.

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What will I study?

The BTEC Subsidiary Diploma in Business is an A Level equivalent qualification; it is coursework based and has no exams. The course contains criteria to cover Pass, Merit or Distinction grades. On this course you will study subjects including: investigating the business environment, business resources, introduction to marketing, business communications, team development, and introduction to on-line businesses. The business department organises day trips throughout the year looking at many types of businesses as well as visits to universities offering business programmes. You will also be expected to undertake a one week work placement to gain evidence for your coursework. Access to a computer and the internet outside of college is advisable due to the volume of coursework. What can I do after this course? The Subsidiary Diploma in Business can contribute to a range of qualifications taken at college, which can provide a pathway to higher education courses. These qualifications are also respected by employers and will help you when applying for business-related careers.

Business, Management and Law

Business BTEC

Business Studies

Business Studies

Diploma (90 Credit)



Entry Requirements: You will need to be a year 2 student and have successfully completed the BTEC Level 3 Certificate in Business at Pass or above. What will I study?

The BTEC 90 Credit Diploma in Business is offered to year 2 students who have undertaken the BTEC Certificate in Business and wish to top this up to an equivalent of 1.5 A Levels. It is coursework based and has no exams. This course will build on your business knowledge already gained from taking the BTEC Certificate in Business. What can I do after this course? The 90 Credit Diploma in Business can contribute to a range of qualifications taken at college, which can provide a pathway to higher education courses. These qualifications are also respected by employers and will help students when applying for business-related careers.

Location: PARK Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0300/070

Entry Requirements: You will need to meet the College’s standard entry requirements of 6 GCSEs at grade C or above including English Language and Maths at grade B or above. What will I study?

On this course you will study how to plan and finance a business. In addition you will learn how to manage a business’s finance, operations, people and marketing. What can I do after this course? After passing the AS Business Studies course you can progress to A2 Business Studies. You can then go on to study business at university or apply for one of the trainee management programmes offered by many of the larger employers.

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0912/050

Entry Requirements: You will need to have passed the AS Level in Business Studies. What will I study?

On this A2 course you will learn functional, financial, marketing, operational and human resource strategies for business success. In addition you will study the business environment (political, economic, social and technological) and strategies for managing change. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to study business at university or you can apply for a place on one of the trainee management programmes offered by some of the larger employers. Alternatively you may wish to start your own business.

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Business, management and Law

Location: Park Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 4780/010



Business management and Law



Financal Services




Location: Park Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0312/060

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0923/040

Entry Requirements: You will need 6 GCSEs at grade C or above, including Maths and English Language at grade B or above.

Entry Requirements: You will need to have passed the AS Level in Economics.

What will I study?

On this A2 course you will build on your AS knowledge of both micro and macro economics. You will study business economics, distribution of income, and national and international economies.

On this course you will study both micro and macro economics looking at a variety of current economic issues like inflation and unemployment. You will learn a wide range of micro and macro economic models and theories, but most importantly you will use these models to explore current economic behaviour. A typical study at AS Level would be an exploration of how best to solve youth unemployment.

What will I study?

What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to study economics or other degree level subjects at university.

What can I do after this course? After passing the AS Economics course you can progress to A2 Economics.

Location: Park Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 1865/100

Entry Requirements: You will need a minimum of 5 GCSEs at grade C or above, which must include Maths and English Language. What will I study?

On this IFS (Institute of Financial Services) Certificate course you will gain an appreciation of individual financial needs, wants and aspirations and become aware of various risks that are involved with financial decisions you will be taking in the future. You will also develop an understanding of the wider financial service industry and explore recent developments that may affect consumers. This course is an introduction to personal finance and the qualification is made up of 3 examined units: why your money matters, financial risk and reward, and making personal financial judgements. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to the Institute of Financial Services Diploma in your following year of study at college. Some students use this course as a top-up in their final year at college and progress onto university or into employment. The IFS also offers its own higher education courses.

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Business, Management and Law

Financal Studies Diploma

Entry Requirements: You will need to have achieved the IFS (Institute of Financial Services) Certificate in your first year of study. You will also need to meet the standard College entry requirements of 5 GCSEs at grade C or above, which must include Maths and English Language. What will I study?

On this IFS Diploma course you will develop and enhance skills gained by achieving the IFS Certificate in your first year of study. You will appreciate how varied the financial services are on offer to consumers and how important finance is for future developments. This course continues your development of personal finance and the qualification is made up of 3 examined units: financing the future, financial services from the provider’s perspective and enhancing financial capability. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to employment within the financial sector, such as banking or accounting, or to university.




Location: Park Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0313/090

Location: Park Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0925/070

Entry Requirements: You will need 6 GCSEs at grade C or above including English Language at grade B or above.

Entry Requirements: You will need to have passed the AS Level in Law.

What will I study?

On this A2 course you will study criminal law (offences against people and property) and concepts of law. You will learn how to distinguish between crimes such as murder and manslaughter and will study a range of defences such as insanity, intoxication and self-defence.

On this course you will study law making, the legal system and the concept liability. This includes an exploration of the Offences of the Person Act 1861 where you will learn actual and grievous bodily harm. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to Law A2.

What will I study?

What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to apply for a position as a trainee legal executive and enrol on our Ilex course. Alternatively you can study law at university.

For further course information visit and enter the course code number above

Business, management and Law

Location: Park Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 3201/030




Business management and Law

Text Processing

Text Processing

Young Enterprise




Location: Park College Level: 2 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 1255/090

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 3518/010

Entry Requirements: You will need 4 GCSEs at grade C or above, including English Language, or pass a Level 2 Business Administration course with the appropriate Functional Skills.

Entry Requirements: You will need 4 GCSEs at grade C or above, including English Language, or pass a Level 2 Business Administration course with the appropriate Functional Skills.

What will I study?

What will I study?

This course forms the Text Processing Level 2 element of the Personal Assistant (PA) Level 3 programme. On this course you will study a variety of different processes that are needed to produce professional word documents. You will also undertake a shorthand unit - an essential skill for any professional PA. This course will lead to a qualification that will equip you with the basic range of transferable skills necessary for the modern workplace. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to further administration courses and to work as a PA in the music, media, legal, film and TV industries or in advertising and marketing.

This course forms the Text Processing Level 3 element of the Personal Assistant (PA) Level 3 programme and will develop further your existing skills. On this course you will continue to study a variety of different processes that are needed to produce professional word documents. You will also continue to develop your shorthand speed - an essential skill for any professional PA. This course will lead to a qualification that will equip you with the basic range of transferable skills necessary for the modern workplace. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to work as a PA in the music, media, legal, film and TV industries or advertising and marketing.

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Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 4742/010

Entry Requirements: You will need at least 5 GCSEs at grade C or above including English Language and Maths. A Merit in a BTEC Business Extended Certificate or Diploma at Level 2 can also count as one of your GCSEs. What will I study?

This course is the ultimate enterprise experience - the programme is built around supporting you in setting up and running a micro business over a period of four months with the opportunity of having a Young Enterprise Business Adviser to mentor and support your progress. You will also have the opportunity to take a Young Enterprise Level 3 exam at the end of the course that requires you to call on your own business experience. Up to 40 UCAS tariff points are available for students who successfully complete the exam. What can I do after this course? As well as giving you practical experience of running your own business, you can transfer this knowledge to gain employment or use it as part of your personal statement section in a UCAS application, as this programme is widely recognised by universities.

Business, management and Law

Name: Danielle Henderson-Harwood Age: 18 Lives: Seaford Campus: Vocational College Studying: Business

“Sussex Downs College was the only college that offered the course I really wanted to do. Everyone is really friendly and the teachers treat you with respect. I have learnt a lot here and it was fun too.�

Childcare, Health and Social Care

Childcare, Health and Social Care

Childcare and Education

Children and Young People’s Workforce

Childcare and Education





Location: PARK Level: 2 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 4421/100

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 4653/010

Entry Requirements: You will need a minimum of 4 GCSEs at grade E or above including English Language.

Entry Requirements: You will need a minimum of 4 GCSEs at grade D or above including English Language.

What will I study?

What will I study?

Entry Requirements: You will need a minimum of 5 GCSEs at grade C or above including English Language. Students wishing to progress to university programmes will require English, Maths and Science GCSEs, at grade C or above.

On this course you will develop the knowledge and skills needed to care for young children. The course covers children’s growth, learning and development. There are also units to help with self-development. This course shares units with the Entry Level 3 in Caring for a Child/Children qualifications and the Level 1 Personal and Social Development qualifications. What can I do after this course? After successful completion of this course you can apply to study on the Level 2 Certificate in Children and Young People’s Workforce qualification.

This course will help you to build the knowledge and skills needed when working with children and young people from birth to 19 years of age. It covers a diverse range of job roles and occupational areas working in children’s environments including early years and social care. On this course you will be studying topics such as child and young person development, safeguarding the welfare of children and young people, and supporting children and young people’s behaviour. You will also have to undertake a considerable amount of time in a work placement in order to achieve the full qualification. What can I do after this course? Credits and learning can be transferred from this qualification to the Level 3 Diploma for the Children and Young People’s Workforce. This course can also provide a pathway to assistant roles in pre-schools, children’s centres, day nurseries, and nursery and primary schools.

What will I study?

On this course you will study all aspects of care and education related to babies and children up to eight years old. There are 12 units, which include subjects such as the development of children, working with babies 0-12 months, and play and learning. As part of your course you will complete a minimum of 750 hours in work placement within a nursery setting, and foundation year and Key Stage 1 classes. There may also be the opportunity to carry out a baby and special needs placement in year 2. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to year 2 study for the full Diploma, after which you can work in positions such as early years/foundation stage practitioner, special educational needs support worker, nanny/home-based child carer, and children’s centre practitioner.

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Childcare, Health and Social Care

Location: Park Level: 1 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 1118/010


Childcare, Health and Social Care

Health and Social Care

Health and Social Care

Health and Social Care

BTEC Diploma

BTEC Diploma

BTEC Extended Certificate

Location: Park Level: 1 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 4156/010

Location: Park Level: 2 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 4272/010

Location: Park Level: 2 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 4157/030

Entry Requirements: You will need a minimum of 4 GCSEs at grade E or above including English Language. What will I study?

Entry Requirements: You will need a minimum of 4 GCSEs at grade D or above including English Language.

Entry Requirements: You will need a minimum of 4 GCSEs at grade D or above including English Language.

What will I study?

What will I study?

On this course you will develop a range of skills and techniques, personal skills and attributes essential for successful performance in working life. Some of the topics that you will be studying on this course could include: investigating rights and responsibilities at work, managing your health at work, health and social care needs, personal care in health and social care, creative activities for children, learning experiences for children and young people, and creative and leisure activities for adults in health and social care. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to the Level 2 Diploma in Health and Social Care.

The BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Health and Social Care has been developed by the health and social care sector to focus on: education and training in health and social care, providing opportunities for learners to gain a nationally recognised vocationally specific qualification to enter employment in the health and social care sector. Topics that you will study on this course could include: communication and individual rights within the health and social care sectors, individual needs within the health and social care sectors, anatomy and physiology for health and social care, human lifespan development, and creative and therapeutic activities in health and social care. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to the Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care. Alternatively you would be eligible to work in health and social care settings at assistant level.

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The BTEC Level 2 Certificate in Health and Social Care has been developed by the health and social care sector to focus on: education and training in health and social care, providing opportunities for learners to gain a nationally recognised vocationally specific qualification to enter employment in the health and social care sector. Topics that you will study on this course could include: communication and individual rights within the health and social care sectors, individual needs within the health and social care sectors, anatomy and physiology for health and social care, human lifespan development, and creative and therapeutic activities in health and social care. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to the Level 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care, AS Level Health and Social Care or other Level 3 courses.

Childcare, Health and Social Care

Health and Social Care

Health and Social Care


AS (Double Award) Location: PARK Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 4739/010

Entry Requirements: You will need a minimum of 5 GCSEs at C which must include English.

Entry Requirements: You will need a minimum of 5 GCSEs at grade C or above, which must include English.

What will I study?

What will I study?

What can I do after this course? You could go into one of the many care professions and undertake further on the job training as a health care assistant, carer or work in a care setting or you could apply to university to study nursing,teaching, social work. Please be aware that you will also need English, Mathematics and possibly Science GCSE if you intend to apply to university.

On this course you will study a range of units including promoting quality in health and social care and promoting health which are both mandatory units and then a range of units from child development, understanding human behaviour and complementary therapies to complete either an AS single award or AS double award. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to Health and Social Care A2. You could go into one of the many care professions and undertake further on the job training as a health care assistant or carer, or work in a care setting, or you could apply to university to study nursing, teaching, social work or a range of care related courses.

“Sussex Downs College offers such a large and diverse range of courses, this is one of the reasons that I chose to study here. It’s hard work, but exciting and I can’t wait to take everything that I have learned here and expand on it at Chichester University where I will study Teaching at Primary Level.”

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Childcare, Health and Social Care

Location: Park Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 4738/010

On this course you will study a range of units including Promoting Quality in Health and Social care and Promoting Health - both mandatory units and then a range of units from Child Development, Understanding Human Behaviour, Complementary therapies to complete either an A2 single Award or A2 double

Name: Ella Whitchurch Age: 18 Lives: Walberton Campus: Lewes Studying: Health & Social Care, English Literature, Sociology



Childcare, Health and Social Care

Health and Social Care

Health and Social Care


BTEC Subsidiary Diploma

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 4433/020

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 4645/010

Entry Requirements: You will need a minimum of 5 GCSEs at grade C or above, which must include English. You will also need to have passed the AS Level in Health and Social Care.

Entry Requirements: You will need a minimum of 5 GCSEs at grade C or above including English Language. Students wishing to progress to university programmes will require English, Maths and Science GCSEs at grade C or above.

What will I study?

On this course you will study a range of units from child development, understanding human behaviour, and complementary therapies to complete either an A2 Single Award or A2 Double Award. What can I do after this course? You could go into one of the many care professions and undertake further on the job training as a health care assistant or carer, or work in a care setting, or you could apply to university to study nursing, teaching or social work. You will also need English, Maths and possibly Science GCSE if you intend to apply to university.

What will I study?

The BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma offers an engaging programme for those who are clear about the area of employment that they wish to enter. This is a two year programme, the first of which is college based work and in year two there is the opportunity to complete a work placement in order to develop your skills and to support linking theory into practice. On this course some of the topics you will study could include: developing effective communication in health and social care, equality, diversity and rights in health and social care, health, safety and security in health and social care, development through the life stages, anatomy and physiology for health and social care, and sociological perspectives for health and social care. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to higher level qualifications. These may include professional development qualifications or higher education qualifications, for example, nursing or teaching. This will be subject to the individual requirements of the university or higher education college.

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Construction and the Built Environment

Construction and the Built Environment

Brickwork Construction

Brickwork Construction

Brickwork Construction




Location: Vocational College Level: 2 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: EP_219

Entry Requirements: You will need to show evidence of general skills including GCSEs at grade E or above or achievement of a mixed trade course such as the Introductory Diploma in Construction or the Building Craft Occupation Award.

Entry Requirements: You will need to have successfully completed a Level 1 Diploma in Brickwork and achieved at least entry level Maths and English qualifications. We also welcome applications from mature learners (19+).

What will I study?

What will I study?

This is the entry level programme for a future career in brickwork. On this course you will learn the basic skills necessary to give you an understanding of bricklaying including setting out with measurements, building methods, half brick walls, solid walls, block work, piers, mixing mortar, cavity walls, health and safety, and safe working practices. You will practise constructing straightforward brick walls and contribute to the setting out and building of basic masonry structures up to damp course level. What can I do after this course? On successful completion, and with a positive tutor reference, this course can provide a pathway to the Level 2 Brickwork qualification.

Following on from the Level 1 Diploma you will further develop your hand skills while improving your knowledge of the trade. On this course you will learn how to build cavity walling, forming masonry structures such as arches and how to construct solid and cavity walling and isolated and attached piers. You will also learn how to interpret working drawings to set out masonry structures and carry out thin joint masonry and masonry cladding. What can I do after this course? On successful completion, and with a positive tutor reference, this course can provide a pathway to the Level 3 Brickwork course.

Location: Vocational College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: EP_224

Entry Requirements: You will need to have successfully completed a Level 2 Diploma in Brickwork and now wish to improve your skills to Level 3. What will I study?

This challenging Diploma is the final qualification that will prepare you for a career in the construction industry. On this course you will further develop your hand skills and further improve your trade knowledge. You will build more challenging and complicated brick structures including decorative work and block work models in our brick workshop. You will also learn how to maintain and repair various masonry structures and will get the opportunity to erect more complex masonry structures in our wellequipped workshops under the expert eye of our experienced lecturers. What can I do after this course? This Level 3 course is specifically designed to enable you to move into employment in the construction industry at the end of the course. You might also find an employer who is prepared to let you attend College one day a week to gain an Advanced Apprenticeship.

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Construction and the Built Environment

Location: Vocational College Level: 1 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: EP_220



Construction and the Built Environment

Carpentry Construction

Carpentry Construction

Carpentry Construction




Location: Vocational College Level: 1 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: EP_221

Location: Vocational College Level: 2 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: EP_222

Location: Vocational College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: EP_223

Entry Requirements: You will need to have achieved a range of GCSEs at grade E or above or have satisfactorily completed a mixed trade course such as the Introductory Diploma in Construction or the Building Craft Occupation Award.

Entry Requirements: You will need to have successfully completed a Level 1 Diploma in Carpentry and Joinery and received an excellent progression reference from your tutor.

Entry Requirements: You will need to have successfully completed a Level 2 Diploma in Carpentry and Joinery with a satisfactory reference from your tutor and now wish to improve your skills to Level 3.

What will I study?

On this course you will further develop your hand skills and improve your knowledge of the trade. You will learn how to carry out first and second fixing and you will build a timber frame structure. You will also learn how to erect structural carcasses and demonstrate this by building a model in our new fully-equipped workshops. You will also learn how to set up and operate a circular saw under the expert tuition of our skilled lecturers. You will also work towards achieving Functional Skills in English and in Maths.

This is the entry level programme for a future career in the carpentry trade. You will have the opportunity of progressing through to Level 3 and becoming a fully qualified carpenter or joiner. On this course you will study construction building methods, technology and communication at work and then learn how to use carpentry hand tools and how to produce basic woodworking joints such as a mortice and tenon joint. You will then progress to using a range of portable power tools by the end of the year. What can I do after this course? On successful completion, and with a positive tutor reference, this course can provide a pathway to the Level 2 Diploma in Carpentry.

What will I study?

What can I do after this course? On successful completion this course can provide a pathway to the Level 3 Site Carpentry or Level 3 Bench Joinery programme, or employment.

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What will I study?

On this course you will further develop your hand skills while improving your knowledge of the trade. You will learn how to set up and use fixed and transportable machinery, how to construct a traditional hipped roof with dormer and how to erect complex structural carcassing components. Your skills at carrying out both first and second fixing will also be developed further. What can I do after this course? On successful completion of the Level 3 Site Carpentry or Bench Joinery qualification you will be well prepared to seek employment in the construction industry with specific skills that should increase your employability.

Construction and the Built Environment

Construction and the Built Environment

Construction and the Built Environment

Subsidiary Diploma

Extended Diploma

Entry Requirements: You will need a minimum of 5 GCSEs at grade C or above including Science, Maths and English. A GCSE in Design and Technology will also be an advantage. What will I study?

On this course you will gain a very good understanding of the many aspects of the construction industry, focusing on drawing and design techniques, and understanding materials. You will study 6 units from a selection of: health, safety and welfare in construction, sustainable construction, mathematics in construction, science and materials in construction, construction technology and design in construction and civil engineering, building technology in construction, and construction design procedures. These units are then carried forward into the second year to form part of the BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Construction and the Built Environment. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to the BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Construction and the Built Environment in the second year, and increase the value of the overall qualification from 1 A Level to 3 A Level equivalents.

Location: Vocational College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: EP_386

Construction and the Built Environment

Location: Vocational College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: EP_378


Entry Requirements: You will need a minimum of 5 GCSEs at grade C or above including Maths, English Language and Science. A GCSE in Design and Technology in any discipline will also be useful. You will also need to have successfully completed the BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Construction and the Built Environment. What will I study?

This qualification is ideal if you wish to pursue a career in construction, architecture, building design technology, surveying or site management. On this course you will study 6 core and 12 optional units. Core units include sustainable construction, building technology in construction and health, and safety and welfare in construction. Optional units will have an architectural/design related theme such as computer aided drafting in design, graphical detailing in construction, and construction design technology. You will work with state-of-the-art 3D projection and surveying equipment and should also achieve the Level 3 Award in Preservation of Heritage. What can I do after this course? This qualification has an equivalent value of 3 A Levels so you will be able to apply to study further at higher education institutions, subject to achieving the relevant grades, or you may be able to obtain an apprenticeship with an appropriate employer to further your studies.

Name: Jack Bridger Age: 19 Lives: Seaford Campus: Vocational College Studying: Carpentry

“The Engineering facilities here are fantastic, it was one of the reasons I chose to come to Sussex Downs College. They have helped me to progress with my chosen career and I intend to go on to study HND in Mechanical Engineering.�

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Construction and the Built Environment

Painting and Decorating Construction

Painting and Decorating Construction

Painting and Decorating




Location: Vocational College Level: 1 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: EP_217

Location: Vocational College Level: 2 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: EP_218

Location: Vocational College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: EP_331

Entry Requirements: You will need to show evidence of general skills such as GCSEs at grade E or above or achievement of a mixed trade course such as the Introductory Diploma in Construction or the Building Craft Occupation Award.

Entry Requirements: You will need to have successfully completed the Level 1 Diploma in Painting and Decorating and now wish to improve your skills to Level 2. We welcome applications from mature learners (19+) without formal qualifications.

Entry Requirements: You will need to have successfully completed the Level 2 Diploma in Painting and Decorating and now wish to improve your skills to Level 3. What will I study?

What will I study?

What will I study?

On this course you will gain the knowledge and skills to eventually become qualified within the painting and decorating trade. You will learn about safe working practices, building methods and techniques, and building technology. You will learn how to prepare surfaces for decoration, apply paint by both brush and roller, produce specialist decorative finishes and hang foundation and plain wallpaper. You will also learn how to erect and dismantle access equipment and working platforms. You will carry out all these tasks in our specialist painting and decorating workshop under the expert tuition of our skilled lecturers. What can I do after this course? On successful completion, and with a satisfactory tutor reference, this course can provide a pathway to the Level 2 programme.

On this course you will further develop your hand skills while improving your knowledge of the painting and decorating trade. You will improve your skills in the preparation and application of paint finishes by both brush and roller, learn how to use spray equipment to apply waterborne paint systems and you will develop further skills in applying decorative finishes. What can I do after this course? On successful completion, and with a satisfactory tutor reference, this course can provide a pathway to the Level 3 Diploma to further develop your skills in this trade.

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On this course you will further improve your already good hand skills and enhance your knowledge of the painting and decorating trade. You will learn how to carry out specialist architectural feature work and how to prepare and use specialist materials to decorate a room including papering a staircase and producing decorative panels. You will also improve your knowledge and skills in applying waterborne paint systems using airless equipment, and erecting and dismantling access equipment and working platforms. What can I do after this course? On successful completion of the Level 3 Diploma in Painting and Decorating you will have gained the skills required by employers and will be prepared for a career in the construction industry.

Construction and the Built Environment

Plumbing Studies

Wood Machining Construction



Entry Requirements: You will take an aptitude test to assess your suitability for the course before an interview with the Course Leader. You will also need to achieve a minimum of 4 GCSE passes at grade D or above including English and Maths; Science would also be desirable. What will I study? If you are considering a career in the plumbing and heating industry, this qualification provides the perfect entry route. You will learn all the basic skills and techniques required for a successful career including knowledge of health and safety, electrical principles and processes, cold water systems, domestic hot water systems, sanitation, central heating systems and drainage systems. You will learn all the practical applications in our fully-equipped workshops and will be trained by lecturers with many years of experience and knowledge gained through working in the plumbing trade. What can I do after this course? Once you have successfully completed the Level 2 Diploma in Plumbing Studies you will be eligible to progress to the Level 3 Diploma in Plumbing Studies. Alternatively you could look for an Apprenticeship with an employer and return to College to study the Level 3 Diploma as a day release student.

Location: Vocational College Level: 2 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: EP_395

Construction and the Built Environment

Location: Vocational College Level: 2 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: EP_397


Entry Requirements: Ideally you will have achieved a range of GCSEs at grade D or E or successfully completed a mixed trade course such as the Introductory Construction Diploma or the Building Craft Occupation Award. Learners may also progress on completion of Level 1 Diploma in Carpentry. Mature learners are welcome. What will I study?

On this course you will develop the skills and knowledge to enable you to work in the carpentry trade. You will study 16 units combining theory and practice and learn about safe working practices, how to produce planed wood, how to produce profiled wood and how to maintain and produce wood machining tooling, plus many other related skills. This course has been specifically developed for delivery in a college-based environment using simulated conditions in our well-equipped workshops. What can I do after this course? This qualification provides the knowledge, understanding and skills related to the equivalent NVQ unit. This course can provide a pathway to a Level 3 qualification in the same occupation or you could move into employment in a related trade.

Name: Tanaka Clive Mukaka Chiting Age: 19 Lives: Eastbourne Campus: Vocational College Studying: Plumbing “When I decided that I would like to be a plumber, I spoke with some friends who had studied with Sussex Downs College previously. Apparently it has an outstanding reputation within the plumbing business world and that really swayed my decision.�

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Electrical Installation

Electrotechnical Technology


Certificate Location: Vocational College Level: 2 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: EP_011

Entry Requirements: You will need to have successfully completed the Level 2 Electrotechnical Technology Certificate and show an aptitude for further study. What will I study?

Entry Requirements: You will need at least 4 GCSEs at grade D or above including English, Maths and Science. Either the Maths or the Science must be at grade C or above. This course is now also funded for students who are over 19 years old. What will I study?

Full details are not yet available for this new qualification. It is expected to include core units as well as a number of pathways corresponding to domestic and commercial electrical specialisms. It is likely to include practical elements but also a large theoretical content since this is required by practising electricians. It is confirmed that the course content will be directly linked to the apprenticeship qualifications and so will allow transfer of credits for students gaining an apprenticeship after completing this qualification. We will update our website as soon as information becomes available. What can I do after this course? Successful completion of the course will help you to build up the skills and knowledge needed to gain qualified status in the electrical contracting industry. Once you have found employment with an electrician, you can study to become fully qualified by attending Sussex Downs College on a day release basis and completing an apprenticeship.

Full details of this new course are not yet available though it is clear there will be core units and also a number of pathways that will correspond to domestic and commercial electrical specialisms. It is likely to include practical elements but also a large theoretical content since this is required by practising electricians. The course content will be directly linked to the apprenticeship qualifications. What can I do after this course? You can progress to Electrical Installation Level 3 if you successfully complete this course and show an aptitude for further study. This new qualification can also be used directly as part of the Advanced Apprenticeship in Electrical Installation, which you can do at Sussex Downs College on a day release basis.


Location: Vocational College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: EP_381


Name: Jamie Griffin Lives: Eastbourne Campus: Vocational College Studying: Electrical Installation “The facilities and staff at the college are really good. I would like to run my own electrical business, and the hard work that I’ve done and support that I’ve recieved will enable me to do this”

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Diploma (90 Credits)

Extended Diploma (180 Credits)

Location: Vocational College Level: 2 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: EP_385

Location: Vocational College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: EP_379

Location: Vocational College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: EP_396

Entry Requirements: You will need a minimum of 4 GCSEs at grade D or above including English, Maths and Science. Maths is a very important part of engineering and you should try to achieve a higher grade in Maths if you can.

Entry Requirements: You will need 4 GCSEs at grade C or above including Maths, Science and English or equivalent. Maths is particularly important for engineers; you should aim to achieve an A* to B grade if at all possible in this subject in order to support your learning on the course.

Entry Requirements: You will need to have successfully completed the Engineering BTEC Level 3 90 Credit Diploma.

What will I study?

This course has been designed to give new entrants to the engineering sector the underpinning knowledge and specific skills needed to meet the needs of modern engineering. On this course you will study a wide range of units, which will provide opportunities for you to progress. Units include safe working in engineering, and mathematics for engineering technicians. The course also includes units related to computer design, electrical and electronic work, and machining. What can I do after this course? Students who achieve an overall Merit grade can progress in the following year to the Engineering Level 3 BTEC Extended Diploma, subject to interview. Employers also recognise and value BTEC qualifications and this course can prepare you for progression to the role of technician.

What will I study?

This qualification forms the first year of the BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Engineering. It combines substantial theoretical learning alongside an opportunity to develop practical work-related skills. It provides a challenging but enjoyable experience for those with an interest in science and maths and a satisfaction in practical applications and problem solving. You can also take an A Level (especially Maths) alongside this qualification. On this course you will be introduced to key engineering principles and study engineering mathematics, mechanical principles, electrical installation, engineering drawing, electronics, welding, and computer-aided design. What can I do after this course? This course leads to the Level 3 Extended Diploma in Engineering in the following year. This can provide a pathway to university degree courses in one of the many branches of engineering including electrical, robotics, manufacturing. High level qualifications in engineering can lead to employment with strong prospects in the UK and internationally.

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What will I study?

This qualification is the second year of the BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Engineering and is equivalent to 3 A Levels. It follows the Engineering BTEC Level 3 90 Credit Diploma, just like AS and A2 form a whole A Level. On this course you will continue to develop your knowledge of a wide range of engineering disciplines and will complete a major project including both practical and theoretical aspects. You can also include an A Level (subject to entry criteria) alongside this qualification to increase your options for university progression. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to university or to employment in jobs which lead to further high-skill work based training.




Name: Christopher Blackman Age: 18 Lives: Eastbourne Campus: Vocational College Studying: Engineering

“The Engineering facilities here are fantastic, it was one of the reasons I chose to come to Sussex Downs College. They have helped me to progress with my chosen career and I intend to go on to study HND in Mechanical Engineering.�



General Vehicle Maintenance

Vehicle Maintenance and Repair

Vehicle Maintenance and Repair




Location: Vocational College Level: Entry 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: EP_342

Entry Requirements: You do not need any particular qualifications to start this course but it is worth trying hard with any you are doing because they will help you. You must have the ability to work at Functional Skills Entry Level 2 at the start of the course. What will I study?

On this course you will learn practical skills in body repair, paint spraying, fabrication and welding by completing projects in our bodywork shop. You will also begin to learn the theory behind these skills. The course includes the development of transferable skills and so can lead to further courses in bodywork or mechanical repair and to a variety of areas of work. Although the course is based on body repair and paint units, the qualification can also be based on work in mechanical repair, or both areas of the motor vehicle trade together. The exact combination can change according to the interests of the students who apply. Please make an application if you are interested in either mechanical repair or bodywork. You will be able to discuss this further at interview. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to the Level 1 courses in either vehicle maintenance or vehicle body repair, or you could apply to other courses at Level 1.

Location: Vocational College Level: 1 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: EP_355

Location: Vocational College Level: 2 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: EP_359

Entry Requirements: You will need a minimum of 2 GCSEs at grade E or above, including English and Maths or Science. ICT is also particularly useful if you later gain an apprenticeship. Higher grades in any of these subjects will help you on your course and also to progress to Level 2.

Entry Requirements: You will need to have achieved the Level 1 Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Diploma, or direct entry from school or other courses is possible if you have 4 GCSEs at grade C or above including English and Maths. ICT at grade C or above is also especially useful.

What will I study?

What will I study?

Much of your course will be workshop based, providing opportunities to develop your practical skills. On this course you will learn to identify and handle specialist bodywork tools. You will also be introduced to MIG and resistance welding, as well as developing skills in metal fabrication including measuring, marking and shaping. Theory lessons are also included, at all levels, and you must be prepared to develop your knowledge in these lessons in order to progress. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to Level 2 in the following year. You will need to achieve a good pass in the theoretical element at Level 1. Alternatively, you may obtain suitable employment in the motor vehicle industry and continue your studies as an apprentice. Your Level 1 qualification will form part of the apprenticeship.

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On this course you will combine workshop-based training with the necessary technological theory needed for modern vehicle maintenance and repair work. Workshop practice will provide opportunities to remove, dismantle, rebuild and replace many vehicle components. In particular you will build your understanding of more complex operating systems such as charging systems (electrics) and fuel injection. Vehicle maintenance and repair is increasingly technical and at Level 2 theory lessons will help you in developing your knowledge and understanding of the technical aspects of the subject. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to Level 3 if you have achieved a good pass in the theoretical element at Level 2 to make sure you are ready for the next level. Alternatively, you may obtain suitable employment in the motor vehicle maintenance and repair industry and continue your studies as an apprentice.

Campus and facilities


Vehicle Body Repair Diploma Location: Vocational College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: EP_341

Entry Requirements: You will need to have successfully completed the Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Diploma Level 2. You will need to achieve a good pass in the theoretical elements at Level 2 to ensure you are likely to be successful at Level 3. What will I study?

This course takes forward your learning from Level 2 and teaches you the more advanced techniques needed in the workplace. The additional areas you will study include jig work and chassis realignment, replacing structural body panels and hybrid joining techniques. In these and other projects you will develop your practical skills and extend your knowledge of the underpinning theory. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to employment in the vehicle body repair sector as an ‘improver’. This will allow you to gain commercial experience and hone the skills you have developed. You will be well placed to take up further specialist training from manufacturers or work towards the highly valued ‘technician’ status.

Name: Marnie Robinson Age: 18 Lives: Eastbourne Campus: Vocational College Studying: Motor Vehicle Maintenance

“I want to carry on repairing cars and working in a garage when I qualify, and I thought that it might be quite difficult being a girl in a male lead sector like Motor Vehicle Maintenance. But the college actively promotes equality and we are all treated in the same way regardless of gender.”

English and Languages

English and Languages


English Literature

English Literature




Location: Park College Level: 2 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 4569/030

What will I study?

On this course you will develop key communication skills through the study of a range of both literary and non-fiction texts. There will be an intensive focus on developing effective reading and writing skills, which you will use in controlled assessments and in the examination. What can I do after this course? This course is a major National Curriculum subject and is a requirement for entry to most Advanced Level 3 courses. It is also a highly regarded qualification for entry to many jobs and professions.

Entry Requirements: You will need to meet our standard requirement of 5 GCSEs at grade C or above (or equivalent), including GCSE English Language at grade B or above and GCSE English Literature at grade B or above if taken. What will I study?

On this course you will study a range of novels, poetry and drama, including Shakespeare, from different periods. You will be encouraged to develop your enjoyment and understanding of literature by reading widely and investigating and applying critical literary analysis. The course will help you to understand how writers use and adapt language, form and structure in texts and how different texts are interpreted differently by different readers. The significance and influence of the context in which texts are written and received is also explored. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to many jobs, professions and university degree courses.

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 1397/010

Entry Requirements: You will need to meet our standard requirement of 5 GCSEs at grade C or above (or equivalent), including GCSE English Language at grade B or above and GCSE English Literature at grade B or above if taken. You will also need to have passed the AS Level in English Literature. What will I study?

On this course you will extend the skills you have developed during the AS Level course, becoming increasingly analytical and gaining a greater understanding of the contexts in which texts are written. You will continue to read widely, making comparisons between texts and working more independently. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to many jobs, professions and university degree courses.

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Entry Requirements: You will need a GCSE in English at grade D. Please note that the resit option is not offered at Park College.

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0315/060



English and Languages

Name: Emily Meades Age: 18 Lives: Eastbourne Campus: Park Studying: French, Spanish and English Language.

English Language

English Language



Location: Park College Level: 2 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0316/030

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 1398/010

Entry Requirements: You will need to meet our standard requirement of 5 GCSEs at grade C or above (or equivalent), including GCSE English Language at grade B or above. What will I study?

Entry Requirements: You will need to meet our standard requirement of 5 GCSEs at grade C or above (or equivalent), including GCSE English Language at grade B or above. You will also need to have passed the AS Level in English Language What will I study?

On this course you will gain an in-depth understanding of how language works. You will study the grammar of English language as well as phonology, pragmatics and semantics while gaining a good understanding of linguistic terminology. You will apply this knowledge to a wide range of texts and also produce your own writing: a journalistic interview and a dramatic monologue. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to English Language A2.

“My plan is to travel the world and teach English as a foreign language, so when I heard that Sussex Downs College had a really good reputation for language studies it felt like the best place to come to help me realise my dream.�

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On this course you will build on the linguistic knowledge you acquired at AS Level, gaining a deeper understanding of the key constituents of language through an independent research project into an aspect of language that interests you. You will then go on to study how children develop language, how English has changed over time and how English is used in different regions of the world. What can I do after this course? This is a widely accepted qualification for entry to many jobs, professions and university degree courses. Our students go on to study subjects such as linguistics, law, journalism and psychology.

English and Languages




A Level (Open Learning)



Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? 10 Hours Course Code: 0319/100

On this course you will prepare for the AS/A2 exam if you are a native speaker of the language. The AS course includes the topics of the media, popular culture, health and leisure, and family and relationships while the A2 covers the environment, multicultural society and contemporary social issues. At A2 you will also study two cultural topics. What can I do after this course? Any advanced study of a language will help you to become more fluent and confident in comparison with GCSE level and will give you the opportunity to understand cultural differences and similarities better. Languages at Advanced Level are useful for careers in business, science, engineering, teaching, interpreting, translating, travel and tourism.

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0319/070

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0932/080

Entry Requirements: You will need to meet our standard requirement of 5 GCSEs at grade C or above (or equivalent) including French at grade B or above. Subject to a diagnostic test, there is a fast-track option available to do the AS and A2 course in one year for students who are bilingual.

Entry Requirements: You will need to meet our standard requirement of 5 GCSEs at grade C or above (or equivalent) including French at grade B or above. You will also need to have passed the AS Level in French. Subject to a diagnostic test, there is a fast- track option available to do the AS and A2 course in one year.

What will I study?

On this course you will further develop your language skills and get to know the countries where the language is spoken in more depth. On this course you will consolidate and extend your understanding of grammar as well as attend weekly speaking classes with a native speaker. What can I do after this course? An AS Level in a language is a highly regarded qualification. Any advanced study of a language will help you to become more fluent and confident in comparison with GCSE level and will give you the opportunity to understand cultural differences and similarities better. After successfully completing the AS French course you can progress to A2 French.

What will I study?

On this course you will build on the skills you have developed at AS Level and continue to become more fluent and confident with the target language. You will consolidate and extend your understanding of grammar and increase your vocabulary through the study of several topics. What can I do after this course? Languages at Advanced Level are useful for many careers in business, science, engineering, teaching, interpreting, translating, travel and science. You may study a language degree on its own or combine a language with another subject. Many of these degree courses include a year abroad.

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Entry Requirements: You will need to be a native or semi-native speaker of the language. What will I study?



English and Languages




AS (Open Learning)

A Level (Open Learning)


Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? 10 Weeks Course Code: 4693/010

Entry Requirements: You will need to be a native or semi-native speaker of the language. What will I study?

On this course you will prepare for the AS/A2 exam if you are a native speaker of the language. The AS course includes the topics of the media, popular culture, health and leisure, and family and relationships while the A2 covers the environment, multicultural society and contemporary social issues. At A2 you will also study two cultural topics. What can I do after this course? Languages at Advanced Level are useful for many careers in business, science, engineering, teaching, interpreting, translating, travel and science. You may study a language degree on its own or combine a language with another subject. Many of these degree courses include a year abroad.

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0931/070

Entry Requirements: You will need to be a native or semi-native speaker of the language. What will I study?

On this course you will prepare for the AS/A2 exam if you are a native speaker of the language. The AS course includes the topics of the media, popular culture, health and leisure, and family and relationships while the A2 covers the environment, multicultural society and contemporary social issues. At A2 you will also study two cultural topics. What can I do after this course? Languages at Advanced Level are useful for many careers in business, science, engineering, teaching, interpreting, translating, travel and science. You may study a language degree on its own or combine a language with another subject. Many of these degree courses include a year abroad.

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Location: Park College Level: 2 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 4172/010

Entry Requirements: No previous qualifications are needed although an interest in language and other cultures is essential. What will I study?

This is an enrichment course or it can be taken as part of the Level 2 Plus programme and will give you the opportunity to achieve a Level 2 NVQ in all four skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing. On this course you will learn practical language, which will help you on a business trip or holiday to Spain. Spanish is one of the world’s most spoken languages and it is very useful in the world of business. An NVQ in Spanish could be the first step to further study at university or it can simply enhance your CV as well as provide a great opportunity to learn about a completely different culture. What can I do after this course? You can go on to do Spanish GCSE in our evening classes. An NVQ in Spanish will help demonstrate an interest in language and other cultures and be useful in supporting UCAS applications. You can also use the course as part of the entry criteria to general Level 3 study the following year.

English and Languages






A Level (Open Learning)

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0321/060

What will I study?

On this course you will further develop your language skills and get to know the countries where the language is spoken in more depth. You will consolidate and extend your understanding of grammar as well as attend weekly speaking classes with a native speaker. What can I do after this course? An AS level in an language is a highly regarded qualification. Any advanced study of a language will help you to become more fluent and confident in comparison with GCSE level and will give you the opportunity to understand cultural differences and similarities better. After successfully completing the AS you can go on to do the A2 course.

Entry Requirements: You will need to meet our standard requirement of 5 GCSEs at grade C or above (or equivalent) including Spanish at grade B or above. You will also need to have passed the AS Level in Spanish. Subject to a diagnostic test, there is a fast-track option available to do the AS and A2 course in one year. What will I study?

On this course you will build on the skills you have developed at AS Level and continue to become more fluent and confident in Spanish. You will consolidate and extend your understanding of grammar and increase your vocabulary through the study of several topics. What can I do after this course? Languages at Advanced Level are useful for many careers in business, science, engineering, teaching, interpreting, translating, travel and science. You may study a language degree on its own or combine a language with another subject. Many of these degree courses include a year abroad.

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0321/100

Entry Requirements: You will need to be a native or semi-native speaker of the language. You will also need to take the AS Spanish exams too. What will I study?

On this course you will prepare for the AS/A2 exam if you are a native speaker of the language. The AS course includes the topics of the media, popular culture, health and leisure, and family and relationships while the A2 covers the environment, multicultural society and contemporary social issues. At A2 you will also study two cultural topics. What can I do after this course? Languages at Advanced Level are useful for many careers in business, science, engineering, teaching, interpreting, translating, travel and science. You may study a language degree on its own or combine a language with another subject. Many of these degree courses include a year abroad.

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Entry Requirements: You should have our standard requirement of 5 GCSEs at grade C or above (or equivalent) including a grade B in the target language. Subject to a diagnostic test, there is a fast-track option available to do the AS and A2 course in one year for students who are bilingual.

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0934/060


Floristry and Gardening

Floristry and Gardening

Practical Floristry


Practical Floristry

Skills Certificate


Skills Certificate


Location: Vocational College Level: 2 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: EP_389

Location: Vocational College Level: 1 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: EP_388

Entry Requirements: No formal qualifications are required. Entry is by interview. What will I study?

Entry Requirements: You will need 4 GCSEs at grade D or above, or equivalent. Previous qualifications will be taken into consideration at interview along with your keen interest in floristry. What will I study?

Entry Requirements: You will need to be creative, show an interest in floristry, flowers and plants, and have an appropriate standard of literacy and numeracy. What will I study?

This is an ideal course for school leavers or those with a keen interest in floristry with little or no formal qualifications. This entry level 3 course will provide a good foundation for further learning and acts as a good introduction to working in the floristry sector. It offers the opportunity to develop personal confidence, customer awareness and the ability to work as part of a team. It encourages making the most of existing skills including those from work experience, part-time work and interests outside school. On this course you will learn how to make and wrap a hand tied single flower or buttonhole, and make a country basket with seasonal flowers using simple techniques. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to the Level 1 Practical Floristry Skills Certificate.

If you are looking for an exciting career in floristry then this is the course for you. On this course you will learn all the skills needed to become a cutting edge florist and will be working in a creative and lively atmosphere within our new floristry studio. You will learn how to identify flowers and plants, and create beautiful hand tied floral designs and the perfect wedding bouquets and buttonholes to compliment the bridal dress. You will use colour and texture to create displays and promotions for other occasions and learn how to combine colours, mix seasonal flowers and use containers to create the most impact. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to more advanced qualifications at Level 3 or to employment or an apprenticeship.

On this course you will gain the basic practical floristry skills whilst at the same time building your confidence and developing a range of social skills. You will be introduced to planning, preparing and constructing floristry designs. You will begin to learn about different flowers, plants and leaves and how to look after them. Your skills and knowledge will be developed to create basic floral designs using appropriate tools, equipment and flowers. Activities include preparing and displaying goods for sale, planning and creating shop displays, customer care and service, and assembling basic floral designs. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to the Level 2 Floristry Diploma, or you could enter employment or take up an apprenticeship.

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Location: Vocational College Level: Entry 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: EP_387

Hairdressing, Beauty AND Complementary Therapies

Hairdressing, Beauty and Complementary Therapies

Beauty Therapy

Beauty Therapy

Beauty Therapy




Entry Requirements: You will need 4 GCSEs at grade E or above. Additional skills that will help you are good communication and teamwork skills, a genuine interest in people and the will to succeed. You will take pride in your appearance and well-being to reflect the industry. What will I study? This Level 1 Diploma is seen as the first step towards a career as a professional beauty therapist. On this course you will develop a foundation of beauty therapy skills in areas such as basic manicure, pedicure, make-up application, nail art, face painting, salon reception, health and safety, and creating retail displays. You will also develop the right standard of English, Maths and ICT for the workplace. You will have an opportunity to carry out services on paying clients, and develop excellent customer service and teamwork skills through reception duty. You will also get the chance to visit the professional beauty exhibition in London. What can I do after this course? This course will provide you with the skills and knowledge for work in the beauty industry. In order to carry out professional treatments and increase your employment prospects it is desirable to progress to the Beauty Therapy Level 2 Diploma.

Location: Vocational College Level: 2 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: EP_309

Entry Requirements: You will need 4 GCSEs at grade D or above and a high degree of interest in beauty therapy. You must have excellent personal presentation, an interest in people, and good communication skills as well as the ability to work as part of a team. What will I study? This Level 2 qualification will give you a range of skills that will enable you to gain employment in salons, hotels, cruise liners, theatre, television, and health and leisure centres. On this course you will develop competence and confidence in facial treatments, skincare, make-up, manicure, pedicure, waxing, anatomy and physiology, customer care, eye treatments, salon reception, and product knowledge. Your programme will also include communication skills, which will help you with your coursework and prepare you for working life. You will have the chance to visit a beauty exhibition in London, enter national competitions and attend specialist workshops. What can I do after this course? In order to carry out a wider range of professional treatments and increase your employment prospects it is advisable to progress to the Level 3 Beauty Therapy Diploma or, for those who seek employment in the theatre or television, the Level 3 Diploma in Theatrical, Special effects and Hair and Media Make-up would be more suitable.

Location: Vocational College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: EP_325

Entry Requirements: You will need to have displayed the dedication to build on both practical and communication skills when working with clients. Additional skills that will help you to succeed are a good standard of appearance to reflect the industry, a genuine interest in people and the ability to communicate. What will I study?

This engaging and practical vocational course provides progression from the Beauty Therapy Level 2 Diploma. It will extend your skills as a beauty therapist by introducing you to a larger range of specialist beauty face and body treatments including body massage, Indian head massage, electrical face and body treatments, and epilation, and by giving you the opportunity to develop skills and knowledge in the running of a beauty business including retailing and promotional activity, health and safety, and client care and communication. What can I do after this course? This qualification allows you to perform a wider variety of professional treatments and enhances your employment and career prospects in, for example, salons, health and fitness spas and cruise liners in the UK and abroad. This course can also provide a pathway to the Level 3 Diplomas in Complementary Therapies or Theatrical Special Effects.

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Location: Vocational College Level: 1 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: EP_305



Hairdressing, Beauty and Complementary Therapies

Hairdressing Introductory

Women’s Hairdressing

Women’s Hairdressing




Location: Vocational College Level: Entry 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: EP_317

Entry Requirements: No previous qualifications are needed, as entry is by interview. However you will need to show a keen interest in hairdressing and/or beauty therapy. What will I study?

This Entry Level 3 course is a good introduction to working in the hair and beauty sector and gives a general insight into the world of work. It offers the opportunity to develop personal confidence, customer awareness and the ability to work as part of a team. On this course you will begin to develop the necessary skills to perform your own services and assist colleagues in the salon. You will gain knowledge of the hair and beauty sector, skincare, hand care, nail art, basic make-up, hair plaiting and creating an image using colour. You will also begin to develop the right standard of English, Maths and ICT for the workplace, which will also help you with your course. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to hairdressing or beauty therapy at Level 1 or to further study in the College.

Location: Vocational College Level: 2 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: EP_321

Entry Requirements: You will need to have successfully completed a Level 1 Diploma in Hairdressing, as well as have a good GCSE profile, communication and teamwork skills. You will need to show a record of good attendance and commitment from your previous course and dedication to working in the hairdressing industry. What will I study?

This Diploma will equip you with the skills to work at a junior stylist level in a salon. On this course you will develop skills in advising and consulting with clients, shampooing, conditioning and treating the hair and scalp, changing hair colour, styling and finishing hair, setting and dressing hair, cutting hair using basic techniques, developing and maintaining your effectiveness at work, and health and safety. Your reception duties will include the use of the salon IT system. You will carry out services on paying clients so that you will enter the world of work with plenty of commercial experience or progress to a hairdressing course at Level 3. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to many career opportunities, at a junior stylist level, including work in salons, hotels and cruise liners. You will also be equipped with the knowledge and skills to carry out and study hairdressing at Level 3 or to take the Level 3 Diploma in Theatrical, Special Effects and Hair and Media Make-up.

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Location: Vocational College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: EP_323

Entry Requirements: You will need to have successfully completed NVQ Level 2 Hairdressing, as well as have good communication and teamwork skills. What will I study?

Hairdressing is an ever expanding, exciting and competitive industry. On this Level 3 course you will gain an increased depth of knowledge and skills including specialised skills and techniques in creative cutting, colouring, and dressing and styling hair, both short and long. You will also receive training in specialist consultation and treatment services for hair and scalp conditions. In order to gain the product and services promotion unit you will plan, organise and carry out a promotional activity such as a coffee morning. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to more responsible positions in the industry, from stylist to salon manager, as well as to exciting careers in health spas and cruise liners in the UK and overseas.

Hairdressing, Beauty and Complementary Therapies

Make-up Artistry

Complementary Therapies



Entry Requirements: You will need to have achieved a Hairdressing or Beauty Therapy Diploma at Level 2. You should demonstrate a genuine interest and commitment to media make-up alongside a mature attitude. You will need to be prepared to work in and out of class to build a portfolio of your work. What will I study?

This is an innovative, new industry-focused course for those who have creative ability, a keen sense of colour, an interest in developing and researching make-up design ideas and who wish to pursue a career as a professional make-up artist. It covers all aspects of make-up techniques to provide access to film and television work, stage, display and other media purposes. On this course you will explore and develop skills in media make-up, camouflage make-up, fashion and photographic make-up, applying prosthetic pieces and bald caps, styling and fitting pastiche, applying air-brush make-up to the face, and designing and applying face and body paint. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to employment in related industry, such as fashion promotion, film and television or as a freelance make-up artist. Alternatively it could lead to higher education.

Location: Vocational College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: EP_284

Entry Requirements: Level 3 Body Massage and Level 3 Anatomy and Physiology. You will need to show a record of good attendance and commitment from your previous course with dedication to working in the industry What will I study?

This Level 3 VRQ Diploma course is both stimulating and challenging. It will provide the opportunity to explore and develop the well established therapy treatments of reflexology, aromatherapy and remedial massage with an aim to practise these skills within integrative health care settings. The anatomy, physiology and pathology, business practice as well as health and safety and hygiene units will ensure a sound theoretical background for professional practice. Alongside this you will also develop your interpersonal and communication skills with an emphasis on reflection and reflective practice. This increased depth of knowledge will prepare you for work in a variety of settings including hospitals, hospices, health centres and in the community services for people with additional needs. What can I do after this course? The course will equip you with a range of practical skills sought by employers in a variety of settings including hospitals, hospices, health centres, individual or group practices and in the community services for people with additional needs. You could progress to the Foundation degree in Complementary Health Care.

Name: Sherri Goldmsith Age: 17 Lives: Polegate Campus: Vocational College Studying: Beauty Therapy

“I love to learn new skills and meet new people, and Sussex Downs College is the perfect place to do that. I can’t wait to qualify so that I can work in a spa.”

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Location: Vocational College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: EP_392


Hospitality and Catering

Hospitality and Catering


Hospitality and Catering

Professional Cookery

Introductory Certificate

NVQ Diploma


Location: Vocational College Level: Entry Level How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: EP_329

This course has been designed for learners who have an interest in the hospitality and catering industry but are not confident enough to access the Level 1 course. This course will develop your confidence, practical skills and understanding of the hospitality and catering industry. It offers an introduction to the workplace and will enable progression to other qualifications. On this course you will study a variety of units that will cover the hospitality and catering industry, preparation and cooking methods, basic knowledge of food service, and housekeeping. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to one of the Level 1 courses offered within the hospitality and catering area.

Location: Vocational College Level: 1 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: EP_375

Location: Vocational College Level: 2 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: EP_304

Entry Requirements: You will need 4 GCSEs at grade E or above including English and Maths, or the Hospitality Introductory Certificate. What will I study?

Entry Requirements: You will need to have successfully completed the Introductory Diploma in Professional Cookery What will I study?

On this practical course you will develop the skills and experiences that you will need to work within the catering industry. To achieve the full qualification you must complete 7 units, examples of which are food preparation and cooking including vegetables, meat, salads and pasta dishes. You will be given the opportunity to gain an additional Front of House NVQ Level 1 in Hospitality Services and complete Certificates in Customer Service and in Employability and Personal Development Skills. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to the Level 2 NVQ Diploma in Professional Cookery.

This is the main industry recognised qualification for chefs and takes into account the latest approach to food safety, health and safety legislation and current industry practices, building on the skills learnt at Level 1 or in the workplace. On this course you will develop your culinary skills in selecting, cooking and presenting food to a professional standard that reflects the requirements of today’s catering and hospitality industry. You will be working in our professional kitchens, preparing and serving meals in our acclaimed bistro and restaurant, both of which are open to the public. You will also achieve a Level 2 Certificate in Hospitality Service. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to the NVQ Level 3 Diploma in Professional Cookery or the BTEC Level 3 Hospitality Subsidiary Diploma; it also prepares you for employment in the wideranging catering and hospitality industry.

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Entry Requirements: There are no specified academic entry requirements but it is expected that you will have Entry Level 2 Functional Skills abilities. You will also need to have an interest in working in the hospitality and catering industry. What will I study?



Hospitality and Catering

Professional Cookery Introductory

Professional Cookery

Professional Cookery


NVQ Diploma


Location: Vocational College Level: 1 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: EP_288

Entry Requirements: You will need 4 GCSEs at grade D or above, including English Language and Maths. What will I study?

This course is designed to appeal to those wanting a practical career where craft skills and knowledge are required to work as a chef. As well as learning to prepare, cook and present a wide range of dishes, your studies will also include health and safety, food safety, healthier foods, personal workplace skills and other industry related units. You will also get the opportunity to study for an NVQ Level 1 in Hospitality Services. You will be working in our bistro and restaurant, both of which are open to the public. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to the Level 2 Diploma to further develop your skills.

Location: Vocational College Level: 2 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: EP_303

Entry Requirements: You will need a Level 1 NVQ in Food Preparation and Cooking or experience working within the industry. What will I study?

On this course you will learn the practical skills and knowledge needed to work successfully across all areas of the food service industry. You will complete mandatory and optional units that could include effective teamwork, food safety, health and safety, and preparation and cooking of meat, poultry, fish, vegetables, hot sauces, stock and soups. You will also have the opportunity to gain an NVQ in Hospitality Services, gaining valuable hands on experience working in our professional kitchens, preparing and serving meals in our bistro and restaurant, both of which are open to the public, as well as participate in our themed evenings developing your experience. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to a wide range of jobs including chef or food service personnel in hotels, restaurants and contract catering, with opportunities to travel within the catering industry. Successful students can also continue their studies to the NVQ Level 3 Diploma in Professional Cookery.

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Location: Vocational College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: EP_306

Entry Requirements: You will need to have successfully completed the Professional Cookery Level 2 Diploma or NVQ Level 2 Diploma to progress to this high standard, demanding qualification. What will I study?

On this course you will develop more complex skills in food preparation and cooking to enable you to work quickly towards a chef de partie role in a hospitality business, whether it is in a hotel, restaurant or other catering outlet. The units on this course reflect the more developed skills that you need at this level. At Level 3 you will need to show that you can apply a range of skills to your work and demonstrate an ability to work independently. For chefs this will include the production of a range of more complex dishes including starters, main courses and desserts as well as bakery products. Working front of house you will be studying for the NVQ Level 3 in Hospitality Supervision. What can I do after this course? You will be confident enough and be equipped with the skills to join a team in a serious kitchen that demands high quality workmanship and food production. It will be the building block for the beginning of an exciting and successful career in hospitality and catering.

Hospitality and Catering



Subsidiary Diploma

Extended Diploma (180 credits)

Location: Vocational College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: EP_364

On this exciting and challenging course you will study a combination of practical and researchbased units, gaining experience in our professional kitchens, bistro and restaurant. Units include preparation of a wide range of dishes from around the world, event planning, and marketing, along with food and drink service. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to a second year where you can achieve the BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Hospitality, equivalent to 3 A Levels. It is also an ideal way to boost qualifications for progression to higher education courses or to prepare for employment.

Location: Vocational College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: EP_376


Entry Requirements: You will need a minimum of 5 GCSEs at grade C or above including English and Maths. No formal qualifications are required for mature students, though evidence of appropriate industry experience and/or a keen interest in hospitality will be needed. What will I study?


Entry Requirements: You will need to have successfully completed the BTEC Subsidiary Diploma in Hosptality. What will I study? On this course you will study a combination of practical as well as research-based units, working in both our professional kitchens and bistro and restaurant. Units include preparation of a wide range of dishes from around the world, setting up a business, leadership and supervision, and a work-based project. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to higher education courses, including hospitality and event management. For those wishing to enter employment it can lead to a career in management in areas such as hotels, conference centres, contract catering, hospitals and cruise liners.

Name: Amber Eggleton Age: 17 Lives: Eastbourne Campus: Vocational College Studying: Professional Cookery “Sussex Downs College is a friendly place with good resources, where students feel safe. I’m starting a Hotel Management Scheme this August and want to be a General Manager for a large hotel chain. I really would recommend studying at this college.

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Classical Civilisation

History (Late)

History (Late)




Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0307/030

On this course you will study 2 modules: the life and times of Cicero, and Homer’s Odyssey. You will gain an understanding of aspects of Greek and Roman history, ideas and life, as well as develop academic skills that can be used in your progression. What can I do after this course? This course can only be studied at AS and becomes part of a number of qualifications that provide a pathway to university or employment.

Entry Requirements: You will need to meet our standard requirement of 5 GCSEs at grade C or above as well as have a high standard of literacy and an interest in the topics being studied. What will I study?

On this course you will study 2 modules from the 19th and 20th centuries: Russia and the USSR 1881-1953 and Britain and India 1900-1947. You will develop important transferable skills, such as the ability to analyse and judge the validity of evidence and come to reasoned conclusions. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to History A2, or becomes part of a number of qualifications that provides a pathway to university or employment.

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0917/030

Entry Requirements: You will need to meet our standard requirement of 5 GCSEs at grade C or above. You will also need either to have already studied AS Level History or be studying AS Level History alongside this course. High levels of literacy are essential. What will I study?

On this course you will study 2 modules: Germany 1900-1945 and Britain and Ireland 1815-1922. You will build upon the skills and ideas that you have studied in the AS Level History course. You will gain an understanding of historical concepts, as well as develop academic skills that can be used in your progression. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to university or employment. A significant number of students have progressed onto a history or humanitiesbased degree.

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Entry Requirements: You will need to meet our standard requirement of 5 GCSEs at grade C or above as well as have a high standard of literacy and an interest in the topics being studied. A GCSE in English Language at grade B or above is preferred. What will I study?

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0304/060










Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0309/040

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0921/040

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0311/030

Entry Requirements: You will need to meet our standard requirement of 5 GCSEs at grade C or above including English Language at grade B or above. A high standard of literacy and an interest in the topics being studied is also essential. What will I study?

Entry Requirements: You will need to meet our standard requirement of 5 GCSEs at grade C or above including English Language at grade B or above. You will need to have already studied AS Level Philosophy. High levels of literacy are essential. What will I study?

Entry Requirements: You will need to meet our standard requirement of 5 GCSEs at grade C or above. An interest in current affairs and high levels of literacy are essential. What will I study?

On this course you will study 2 modules, each of which will cover two major philosophical themes: reason and experience (the theory of knowledge); why should I be moral? (ethics); God and the world; and freewill and determinism. The course will develop your critical and intellectual skills as well as give you a knowledge and understanding of major philosophical issues. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to Philosophy A2, university or employment. A significant number of students have progressed onto a philosophy or humanities-based degree. Studying philosophy would be useful for all university courses and careers that require high level thinking and analytical skills.

On this course you will study 2 modules; each will cover a number of key philosophical themes. The course will help you develop your critical and intellectual skills, as well as give you knowledge of some major philosophical issues and a major philosophical text. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to university or employment. A significant number of students have progressed onto a philosophy or humanitiesbased degree. Studying philosophy would be useful for all university courses and careers that require high level thinking and analytical skills.

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On this course you will study 2 modules: participation in UK politics and political institutions in the UK. The course provides a broad-based background in political theories and practices, which will allow you to develop skills that enable you to analyse and evaluate the current political scene. What can I do after this course? This course provides a pathway to Politics A2, or becomes part of a number of qualifications that provides a pathway to university or employment.



Religious Studies



Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0922/030

On this course you will study 2 modules: politics in the USA and comparison between politics in the USA and UK. You will build upon the skills and ideas that you have studied in the AS Politics course. You will gain an understanding of UK and USA politics, as well as develop academic skills that can be used in your progression.

What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to university or employment. A significant number of students have progressed onto a politics or humanitiesbased degree. In a recent review of graduate employability, politics came very high, as the skills gained in this subject are all in high demand by employers in many careers.

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0308/030

Entry Requirements: You will need to meet our standard requirement of 5 GCSEs at grade C or above. No previous study of Religious Studies is required, but if you have taken the subject at GCSE, a grade C or above is required. What will I study? On this course you will study 2 modules that cover the following topics; the cosmological argument; religious experience; the psychology of religion; miracles; the design argument and creationism. These topics are all explored in order to support or challenge the existence of God. You will develop important transferable skills, such as the ability to analyse and judge the validity of evidence and come to reasoned conclusions. What can I do after this course? This course provides a pathway to Religious Studies A2, or becomes part of a number of qualifications that provide a pathway to university or employment.


Entry Requirements: You will need to meet our standard requirement of 5 GCSEs at grade C or above. You will also need either to have already studied AS Level Politics or be studying AS Level Politics alongside this course. An interest in current affairs and high levels of literacy are essential. What will I study?


Name: Katherine Baker Age: 17 Lives: Eastbourne Campus: Park Studying: Philosophy, ICT, Maths, English “Really know what you want to study, especially when it comes to your career. I want to be a coroner, and after a lot of research found out that I’ll need to qualify as a barrister first.”

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Religious Studies






Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0920/030

Entry Requirements: You will need to meet our standard requirement of 5 GCSEs at grade C or above. You will also need to have studied AS Level Religious Studies. What will I study? On this course you will study 2 modules: religion and ethics, and life, death and beyond. This course will enable you to develop an understanding of religious ideas and issues, a sensitivity to a diversity of views and the ability to analyse evidence from both religious and secular perspectives. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to university or employment. A significant number of students have progressed onto a religious studies or humanities-based degree.

Location: Park College Level: 2 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 4495/010

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0314/080

Entry Requirements: You will need to meet our standard entry requirement for a Level 2 programme of 4 GCSEs at grade D or above, including English. An interest in current affairs is important. What will I study?

Entry Requirements: You will need to meet our standard requirement of 5 GCSEs at grade C or above. It is also essential to have a good standard of general literacy and an interest in current affairs. What will I study?

What can I do after this course? This course forms part of the Level 2 Plus programme and provides a pathway to Level 3 courses or employment. You will be able to study AS Level Sociology if you meet the standard entry qualifications of 5 GCSEs at grade C or above.

What can I do after this course? This course provides a pathway to Sociology A2, or becomes part of a number of qualifications that provide a pathway to university or employment. The skills learnt on the course can be transferred to higher level courses and employment.

Sociology is a study of people, their lives and relationships. You will reflect on your own experiences of the world in a variety of social settings. On this course you will study sociological topics such as the mass media, inequality and power. You will develop the ability to look at evidence, judge whether it is correct and come to reasoned conclusions.

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On this course you will learn that sociology is the study of people, their lives and relationships. In the 2 modules studied you will cover the following topics: culture and socialisation, youth culture, mass media, and research methods. You will develop the ability to use evidence and arrive at reasoned judgements based upon information from a variety of sources.



Sociology A2 Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0926/070

On this course you will study 2 modules covering political sociology, world sociology and research methods. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to university or employment. A significant number of students have progressed onto a social science or humanities-based degree. The skills learnt on the course are transferable to many courses and areas of employment.


Entry Requirements: You will need to meet our standard requirement of 5 GCSEs at grade C or above. You will also need to have studied AS Level Sociology. It is also essential to have a good standard of general literacy and an interest in current affairs. What will I study?

Name: Julia Healey Age: 17 Lives: Eastbourne Campus: Park Studying: Business, English, Sociology

“Eventually I want to start my own business and the courses that I am taking have taught me that communication and confidence are essential for this. College is much more hands on than school, so be prepared.�

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Information Technology

Information Technology







Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0914/030

On this course, the second year of A Level Computing, you will study some more advanced concepts in programming and the more technical parts of the operation of computer systems. You will develop your understanding of programming through the use of Java and use these skills to design and build a system to solve a problem of your own choosing. The theoretical side of the course looks at the organisation of data, operating systems, networking, programming languages and the varied uses of computers from robotics to weather forecasting. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to a degree in computing, programming, or software engineering. It can also lead to a foundation degree in Games Development at Sussex Downs College. Alternatively it may lead to an apprenticeship or employment in IT and computing.

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0303/030

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0302/050

Entry Requirements: You will need to meet our standard requirement of 5 GCSEs at grade C or above including Maths and English. It is not necessary to have studied this subject previously. What will I study?

Entry Requirements: You will need to meet our standard requirement of 5 GCSEs at grade C or above including Maths and English. It is not necessary to have studied this subject previously. What will I study?

On this course you will study how computer systems operate. You will gain a sound background understanding of the internal working of computer systems, networking and programming. The practical work is largely about learning to program; programming can be very creative and satisfying. You will be introduced to the programming language Java; a language widely used in industry and one of the key languages of the internet and mobile phones. You do not need to have done any programming previously and will learn how to program business applications, graphics and animation. The theory work supports the programming by looking at the ideas behind programming techniques. It explores the way in which computer systems work and the way networks and computing systems are used. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to Computing A2 for the full A Level and then to a degree in computing, programming, or software engineering. It can also lead to a foundation degree in Games Development at Sussex Downs College. Alternatively it may lead to an apprenticeship or employment in IT and computing.

On this course you will study a wide variety of uses of ICT systems. This will involve developing skills with software for image, sound and video editing and document and presentation production. You will also use a variety of standard office software such as spreadsheets and databases. In the practical work you will learn to analyse problems, design models, make, test and evaluate solutions using computers to model a number of different situations. The practical work will be put into context of the capabilities and limitations of ICT systems. You will learn about the impact of ICT in the home, organisations and society and how it is used to help organisations function. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to ICT A2 for the full A Level. The subject could also lead to a degree or HND in information systems or systems analysis. This course combines well with business and computing to provide a pathway into either business or IT higher education or employment.

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Entry Requirements: You will need to have passed the AS Level in Computing at grade E or above. What will I study?



Information Technology





BTEC Extended Certificate

BTEC Certificate

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0915/040

Entry Requirements: You will need to have passed the AS Level in ICT at grade E or above. What will I study?

On this course, the second year of the A Level, you will continue your study of a wide variety of uses of ICT systems. The focus of the practical work is the advanced use of database packages to meet business requirements. You will investigate an IT problem of your own choosing; define the problem, design a solution, build the software to solve it, then test and evaluate it. The practical work will be supported by developing your understanding of the role of ICT. This includes networking and the internet, working in ICT, systems design, security and management of ICT systems. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to a degree or HND in information systems or systems analysis. It may also lead to a business degree or a combined degree such as an information technology management for business (ITMB) degree. This subject combines well with business and computing to provide a pathway to related careers.

Location: Park College Level: 2 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 2260/020

Entry Requirements: You will need to meet our standard requirements for a Level 2 course. What will I study?

On this essentially practical course you will gain skills in using computer systems in a business situation. There are 4 units that make up this course. These are: communicating with ICT, where you will explore the range of communication technologies; working in ICT, which will involve identifying the jobs that people who work in ICT do; website development, where you will look at website design and develop skills in creating and publishing websites; and installing hardware, which involves looking at the different components that can be used to upgrade a computer and selecting the correct one to install for a specific user. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to a Level 3 BTEC qualification or to an A Level programme depending on your achievement. Alternatively you may go on to an apprenticeship and employment. This course combines well with other Level 2 BTEC or GCSE courses.

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Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 4437/040

Entry Requirements: You will need to meet our standard requirement of 6 GCSEs at grade C or above. You should also normally have achieved GCSEs in Maths and English at grade D or above. It is not necessary to have studied this subject previously. What will I study?

On this course you will study website production, setting up and upgrading computer systems and communication and employment within the ICT industry. You will gain practical skills in designing, upgrading computer systems to meet particular requirements, safely carrying out the upgrades and testing that the system works correctly. You will also develop skills in designing, creating and testing a fully functional interactive website for a specific user. In addition you will explore communication systems that are used and develop your own communication skills. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to a Diploma in ICT or, depending on your mix of subjects, to higher education, employment or an apprenticeship. This course combines well with other subjects, including business, computing, sciences and art/design areas.

Information Technology

IT (Business)

IT (Business)

IT Users

Diploma (90 Credits)

Extended Diploma (180 Credits)



Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: EP_344

Location: Park College Level: 2 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: EP_338

Entry Requirements: You will need 4 GCSEs at grade C or above including Maths and English, or a Merit in an IT BTEC Diploma at Level 2, or equivalent qualifications with a Functional Skill in English at Level 2. What will I study?

Entry Requirements: You will need to achieve the IT BTEC 90 Credit Diploma. What will I study?

Entry Requirements: You will need at least 4 GCSEs at grade D or above (including English and Maths) or an IT Users Diploma at Level 1 with a Functional Skill in English at Level 1. What will I study?

On this course you will study website production, e-commerce and the impact of IT on business systems. You will investigate software design and development and use a variety of programming languages including Javascript, Visual Basic, Scratch and C. You will actively use Java to undertake object oriented programming and learn to write machine code to develop small programs. The course features computer games development and you will learn how to use a visual language and Game Maker to design and develop your own computer game. You will also explore computing and hardware options; gaining skills in installing and upgrading software, computer networks and organisational system security. What can I do after this course? Many students progress to university after achieving this qualification. Students can also progress within the department to the Computer Games Development foundation degree validated by Brighton University. You will also be well placed for further training with an employer via the Microsoft Certified Professional route.

This qualification is the second year of the BTEC Extended Diploma in IT and is equivalent to 3 A Levels. It follows the IT BTEC 90 Credit Diploma, just like AS and A2 form a whole A Level. On this course you will continue to develop the skills and theoretical knowledge, in both hardware and software, begun in the IT BTEC 90 Credit Diploma. What can I do after this course? Many students progress to university degrees, including going on within the department itself to the Computer Games Development foundation degree validated by Brighton University. You will also be well placed for further training with an employer via the Microsoft Certified Professional route or other high-skill work-based training.

This course will allow you to achieve the BTEC Level 2 Diploma in IT, taking a route that will build your skills in using software applications. This is a practical work-related course based on realistic workplace situations, activities and demands. Your assignments will include developing websites, database design and using graphics in IT. You will also increase your skills in organisation, timekeeping and communicating in a working environment. This course also features a module on the workings of computer hardware and will allow you to broaden the scope of your knowledge across the IT/computing sector. What can I do after this course? If you achieve an overall Merit grade, you can progress in the following year to the BTEC IT Extended Diploma at Level 3, subject to interview. You may also consider an A Level programme. This qualification is recognised and valued by employers.

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Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? Two years full time Course Code: EP_339


Information Technology

IT User Skills

IT User Skills

IT Users




Location: Park College Level: 1 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 2585/110

Entry Requirements: You will need 4 GCSEs at grade D or above including English Language, Maths and two other relevant subjects. What will I study?

This Level 1 qualification will provide you with the key IT knowledge and practical skills required for the workplace. You will be introduced to Word, Excel and PowerPoint and the many functions within these programmes. This course will lead to a qualification that will equip you with the basic range of transferable skills necessary for the modern workplace. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to a Level 2/3 Administration or IT qualification on successful completion of this course. You will also have to successfully complete your Level 2 Plus programme of study and obtain GCSEs at grade C or above in Maths and English Language and one other GCSE or BTEC qualification.

Location: Park College Level: 2 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 2593/020

Entry Requirements: You will need 4 GCSEs at grade C or above, including English Language, or a pass in a Level 2 Business Administration course with the appropriate Functional Skills. What will I study?

This course forms the IT element of the Personal Assistant (PA) Level 3 programme and is designed to recognise the skills, knowledge and understanding of the use of IT in the workplace. This course will lead to a qualification that will equip you with the basic range of transferable skills necessary for the modern workplace. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to further IT or administration courses and to work as a PA in the music, media, legal, film and TV industries, or in advertising and marketing.

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Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: EP_358

Entry Requirements: You will need 4 GCSEs at grade C or above including Maths and English, or a Merit in an IT BTEC Diploma at Level 2 with a Functional Skill in English at Level 2. What will I study? This course allows you to achieve the BTEC Diploma in IT at Level 3. It is equivalent to 2 A Levels and is completed over one year. The course focuses on realistic workplace situations and enables you to gain the skills and knowledge needed to support and manage IT systems and networks. On this course you will learn the importance of organisational and networked systems security, IT systems troubleshooting and repair, and how to install and upgrade software. You will also develop an understanding of the information systems structure within organisations and its relationship to your role as a systems technician. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to study at higher levels: a Distinction grade would enable you to access related degrees or other higher education courses, or you could opt for employment alongside a part-time degree or follow further training with your employer such as the Microsoft Certified Professional route.

Name: Charlie Zalman Age: 19 Lives: Eastbourne Campus: Vocational College Studying: ICT

“There are 3 main reasons to come to Sussex Downs College. The first; the surrounding area has good amenities. The second; the lecturers are friendly, outgoing and always available to help, and the third; the facilities, equipment and resources are great.�




Mathematics (Further)

Mathematics (Further)




Location: Park College Level: 2 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0412/130

On this course you will study 2 units of core mathematics, one calculator and one noncalculator. The units include algebra, number, shape and space, and statistics. You can choose to study for the higher level if you already have a grade C in GCSE Maths or you can take foundation level if you need to get a grade C. You will improve your problem solving skills, develop your ability to generalise, and use symbolic notation to consider abstract ideas. What can I do after this course? GCSE Mathematics is essential for many courses at college and university and is required by many employers.

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 3265/040

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 3261/030

Entry Requirements: You will need to meet our standard requirement of 5 GCSEs at grade C or above including GCSE Maths at a minimum of grade A or equivalent. What will I study?

Entry Requirements: You will need to meet our standard requirement of 5 GCSEs at grade C or above including GCSE Maths at a minimum of grade A or equivalent. Many students with a grade A at GCSE find the course very demanding. You will also need to have passed the AS Level in Further Maths at grade E or above. What will I study?

On this course you will study 1 unit of core mathematics, 1 unit of statistics and 1 unit of mechanics (very like physics). The units include complex numbers, coordinate system, matrices, proof by induction, graphs, functions, series, forces, vectors, moments, momentum and Newton’s laws of motion, hypothesis testing, the binomial and the Poisson distribution. You will improve your problem solving skills, develop your ability to generalise, and use symbolic notation to consider abstract ideas. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to Further Maths A2. Mathematics is a very prestigious qualification and mathematicians are in great demand. Mathematics is internationally recognised as an excellent qualification that demonstrates an ability to solve complex and abstract problems. This qualification will be an advantage in almost any career.

On this course you will study 2 units of core mathematics and 1 of mechanics (very like physics). The units include complex numbers, matrices, conics, differential equations, polar coordinates, algebra, trigonometry, calculus, logarithms, graphs, functions, series, forces, vectors, centres of mass, projectiles, momentum and Newton’s laws of motion. You will improve your problem solving skills, develop your ability to generalise, and use symbolic notation to consider abstract ideas. What can I do after this course? Mathematics is a very prestigious qualification and mathematicians are in great demand. Mathematics is internationally recognised as an excellent qualification that demonstrates an ability to solve complex and abstract problems. This qualification will be an advantage in almost any career and is essential in many.

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Entry Requirements: To study the foundation course you need a minimum of grade D in GCSE Maths. To study the higher course you need a minimum of grade C in GCSE Maths. What will I study?




Mathematics (Statistics)

Mathematics (Mechanics)





Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0346/240

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0346/030

Entry Requirements: You will need to meet our standard requirement of 5 GCSEs at grade C or above including GCSE Maths at grade B or above or equivalent. Many students with a grade B at GCSE find the AS course very demanding. What will I study?

Entry Requirements: You will need to meet our standard requirement of 5 GCSEs at grade C or above including GCSE Maths at Grade B or above or equivalent. Many students with a grade B at GCSE find the AS course very demanding. What will I study?

On this course you will study 2 units of core mathematics and 1 of statistics. The units include algebra, trigonometry, calculus, logarithms, graphs, functions, series, continuous and discrete random variables, probability and the Normal Distribution. You will improve your problem solving skills, develop your ability to generalise, and use symbolic notation to consider abstract ideas. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to Mathematics A2. Mathematics is a very prestigious qualification and mathematicians are in great demand. Mathematics is internationally recognised as an excellent qualification that demonstrates an ability to solve complex and abstract problems. This qualification will be an advantage in almost any career.

On this course you will study 2 units of core mathematics and 1 of mechanics (very like physics). The units include algebra, trigonometry, calculus, logarithms, graphs, functions, series, forces, vectors, moments, momentum and Newton’s laws of motion. You will improve your problem solving skills, develop your ability to generalise, and use symbolic notation to consider abstract ideas. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to Mathematics A2. Mathematics is a very prestigious qualification and mathematicians are in great demand. Mathematics is internationally recognised as an excellent qualification that demonstrates an ability to solve complex and abstract problems. This qualification will be an advantage in almost any career.

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Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0949/190

Entry Requirements: You will need to have passed the AS Level in Maths at grade E or above. What will I study?

On this course you will study 2 units of core mathematics and 1 of decision maths (risk analysis, graph theory, optimisation and related algorithms). The units include algebra, trigonometry, calculus, logarithms, graphs, functions, series, vectors, exponential growth, Kruskal’s algorithm, Primm’s algorithm, and graph theory. You will improve your problem solving skills, develop your ability to generalise, and use symbolic notation to consider abstract ideas. What can I do after this course? Mathematics is a very prestigious qualification and mathematicians are in great demand. Mathematics is internationally recognised as an excellent qualification that demonstrates an ability to solve complex and abstract problems. This qualification will be an advantage in almost any career and is essential in many.


Name: Cameron Miller Age: 16 Lives: Eastbourne Campus: Park Studying: Further Maths, ICT, Computing

“I went to the open days that they have at the college, just to make sure that the courses I picked were the right ones for me. The information and advice that I received helped me to make informed choices, and I haven’t regretted any of my decisions. I would like to run my own computing business in the future.”

Media and Digital Media

Media and Digital Media

Creative Media Production

Creative Media Production

Film Studies

BTEC Diploma

BTEC Extended Diploma


Location: Park College Level: 2 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 4079/010

This course is for students considering progression into the creative industries, who are interested in the media and like working practically. On this course you will learn and develop a range of media production skills such as video production, audio production and desktop publishing. You will also learn about how media industries work and how to analyse professional media products. The course content is 70% practical and 30% theoretical study. Most students on this programme also take a GCSE in Photography as an additional qualification. What can I do after this course? If you achieve a Merit or Distinction in this qualification you can go on to Advanced Level courses, including the BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production or the BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Performing Arts.

Entry Requirements: You will need either 5 GCSEs at grade C or above including English Language or Literature (GCSE Media Studies is not necessary) or accredited prior learning and experience (for mature students), or internationally recognised qualifications (for overseas students). What will I study?

This full-time, two year course offers intensive professional production-based education and training across the four major media languages of: print, radio, film, TV and video. You will be taught by a team of professionals with huge experience in journalism, film-making, publishing and broadcasting. As well as developing a sound understanding of these languages through theory and research, additional study in film theory and photography will develop competencies in visual language for those from a non-art background. You will also develop academic research and writing skills, essential for progression to higher education and much of the workplace. You will gain good, work related experience of practical production assignments, which involve considerable teamwork and specialist expertise. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to specialist degree courses in universities and colleges of higher education. Subject to appropriate grades you may be eligible to apply to Sussex Downs College’s Brighton University franchised foundation degree in Digital Media Design, or leads to media production and marketing careers.

Location: Park College Level: 2 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 3586/010

Entry Requirements: You will need to meet our standard requirement for the Level 2 Plus programme, including a GCSE in English Language at grade D or above. What will I study? This course builds upon your own experience of film, as consumer and creator. On this course you will investigate and develop your knowledge and understanding of the film industry and film audiences. This course aims to help you to develop an interest in and enjoyment of films in their national and global contexts and develop an appreciation of cultural diversity. You will develop a critical approach to films, organisations and audiences, and you will explore how films represent people, places, ideas, issues and events. You will also experiment with and explore the creative possibilities of films and film products. What can I do after this course? With the right GCSE grades you can progress to Level 3 film or media courses, as well as other subjects.

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Media and Digital Media

Entry Requirements: You will need 4 GCSEs at grade D or above including English Language. You should also have: a realistic enthusiasm for studying the media and developing practical skills, a sense of purpose, commitment to achieve results, and an ability to work on production projects in teams and to meet deadlines. What will I study?

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? Two years full time Course Code: 4080/011



Media and Digital Media

Film Studies

Film Studies

Media Studies




Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0330/100

Entry Requirements: You will need to meet our standard requirement of 6 GCSEs at grade C or above (or equivalent), including GCSE English Language at grade C or above. A key requirement is a keen interest in the world of film and cinema, and a desire to explore this more analytically and in greater depth. What will I study? On this course you will deepen your understanding, appreciation and enjoyment of film, the major art form of the twentieth century. You will work with a wide range of films, developing skills of observation, critical analysis and personal reflection. The Film Studies AS course is wide ranging and the emphasis is on the detailed analysis of films. It is not a film-making course, but does include opportunities to put theory into practice for the coursework modules. Film theory is a stimulating and intellectually demanding topic, which students should undertake if they are interested in cinema. What can I do after this course? This course leads to Film Studies A2, which, with the right combination of subjects, can provide a pathway to degrees in film, media or any other humanities or arts subject.

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0940/040

Entry Requirements: You will need to have passed the AS Level in Film Studies with a compatible exam board, as well as meet our standard requirement of 6 GCSEs including English Language at grade C or above. A key requirement is a keen interest in the world of film and cinema. What will I study?

On this course you will deepen your understanding, appreciation and enjoyment of film, the major art form of the twentieth century. You will work with a wide range of films, developing skills of observation, critical analysis and personal reflection. The Film Studies A2 course is wide ranging and the emphasis is on the detailed analysis of films. It is not a film-making course, but does include opportunities to put theory into practice for the coursework modules. Film theory is a stimulating and intellectually demanding topic, which students should undertake if they are interested in cinema. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to degrees in film, media or any other humanities or arts subject.

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Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0329/050

Entry Requirements: You will need to meet our standard requirement of 6 GCSEs at grade C or above including English Language. It is not necessary to have studied GCSE Media Studies but, if you have, then you should have grade C or above . You must have a keen interest in the media and a desire to explore this more anal What will I study?

On this course you will focus on the products, their audiences and the institutions that own and/or control these media. You will have the opportunity to develop analytical skills and a critical awareness of issues relating to media criticism and theory, along with relevant practical skills in all areas of media production and research. Benefits for students have previously included a trip to the U.S. to consider the impact of the country on American cinema and TV. Other recent small-scale trips have included a games exhibition at the Science Museum and trips to the Duke of York’s cinema in Brighton. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to Media Studies A2. Media studies is appropriate for almost all higher education courses, employment opportunities generally and employment within the media industry at an appropriate level.

Media Studies A2 Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0939/050

Entry Requirements: As well as passing AS Level Media Studies with a compatible awarding body, you will need to meet our standard requirement of 6 GCSEs at grade C or above (or equivalent). A key requirement is a keen interest in the media, and a desire to explore this more analytically and in greater depth. What will I study? On this course you will focus on the products, their audiences and the institutions that own and/or control these media. You will have the opportunity to develop analytical skills and a critical awareness of issues relating to media criticism and theory, along with relevant practical skills in all areas of media production and research. Benefits for students have previously included a trip to the U.S. to consider the impact of the country on American cinema and TV. Other recent small-scale trips have included a games exhibition at the Science Museum and trips to the Duke of York’s cinema in Brighton. What can I do after this course? Media studies is appropriate for almost all higher education courses, employment opportunities generally and employment within the media industry at an appropriate level.

Name: Holly Hood Age: 16 Lives: Eastbourne Campus: Park Studying: Media, Musical Theatre, Drama, English Literature

“Choose the right mix of courses to ensure that you expand your mind and build on the experience and knowledge that you already have.”


Performing Arts

Performing Arts

Performing Arts (Acting)

Performing Arts (Acting)

BTEC Extended Certificate

BTEC Subsidiary Diploma

BTEC Diploma

Location: Park College Level: 2 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 4166/010

The course is designed to be as practical as possible and is delivered through workshops, rehearsal and performance. On this course you will participate in acting, movement and voice workshops and must be willing to attempt all three skills to pass the course. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to Level 3 courses such as the Performing Arts BTEC Diplomas and provide excellent training for vocational progression in performing arts and other related industries. Retakes in GCSE Maths and English as part of the Level 2 programme are advisable if you wish to progress into higher education.

Entry Requirements: You will need to meet our standard requirement of 6 GCSEs at grade C or above, along with evidence of previous performance experience and a passion for theatre. It is not necessary to have studied GCSE Drama but, if you have, you should have achieved a grade C or above. What will I study? This is the first stage of the two year acting programme. On this course, during the first year, you will study 6 units, which focus on the development of your skills in acting, voice and movement. You will also explore a range of different theatre/performance styles through projects leading to public performances. You will be encouraged to take control of artistic decisions as the course progresses. Our intention is to develop your professional skills and then to give you the opportunity to explore your own artistic creativity.

What can I do after this course? This course leads to the BTEC Diploma in Acting, which can provide a pathway to further study in performing arts at university or drama school. It is also relevant to arts administration, art therapy and teaching courses and is good preparation for employment in a wide range of areas where teamwork, initiative and personal confidence are important.

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? Two year full time Course Code: 4169/012

Entry Requirements: You should have achieved the Subsidiary Diploma in Acting prior to taking this course, in addition to meeting the entry requirements for year 1. What will I study?

This is the second stage of the 2 year acting programme. You will have achieved 6 units which focus on the development of your skills in acting, voice and movement during the first year, as well as exploring a range of different theatre/ performance styles through projects leading to public performances. The second year builds on these strengths and skills, and you will be encouraged to take control of artistic decisions as the course progresses. Our intention is to develop your professional skills and then to give you the opportunity to explore your own artistic creativity. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to further study in Performing Arts at university or drama school. It is also relevant to arts administration, arts therapy and teaching courses and is good preparation for employment in a wide range of areas where teamwork, initiative and personal confidence are important attributes.

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Entry Requirements: You will need to meet the standard College entry requirements for a Level 2 programme. You will also need to provide evidence of your abilities, and demonstrate an enthusiasm and interest in the performing arts. What will I study?

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 3939/050



Performing Arts

Musical Theatre

Musical Theatre

BTEC Certificate

BTEC Subsidiary Diploma

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0161/030

Entry Requirements: You will need 5 GCSEs at grade C or above (or equivalent), as well as provide evidence of previous performance experience and a passion for performing arts. It is not necessary to have studied drama, music or dance at GCSE previously but, if you have, you should have achieved a grade C or above. What will I study?

Name: Heather Pegley Age: 18 Lives: Eastbourne Campus: Park Studying: Photography, English Literature, Musical Theatre

“The enthusiasm of the teachers is contagious, and there’s a really friendly atmosphere on campus.”

On this course you will develop performance skills and organisational abilities within performing arts. You will study acting, singing and dance, with your major pathway being musical theatre. This course forms the first year of the Level 3 programme, with students usually progressing to the BTEC Subsidiary Diploma in Musical Theatre in year 2. What can I do after this course? You will normally join the BTEC Subsidiary Diploma in Musical Theatre, which can lead to further study in performing arts at university or drama and dance school. This course can also provide a pathway to arts administration, arts therapy and teaching courses.

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Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? Two year full time Course Code: 4171/012

Entry Requirements: You should have achieved the BTEC L3 Certificate in Musical Theatre in your first year. What will I study?

On this course students will develop performance skills and organisational abilities within Performing Arts. Students will study Acting, Singing and Dance, with their major pathway being Musical Theatre. What can I do after this course? Successful completion of this programme can lead to further study in Performing Arts at university or drama and dance schools. It is also relevant to arts administration, arts therapy and teaching courses. It is also good preparation for employment in a wide range of areas where teamwork, initiative, good communication and personal confidence are important skills.

Performing Arts

Production Arts

Production Arts


BTEC Certificate

BTEC Subsidiary Diploma

BTEC Certificate

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 3965/020

This course will enable you to progress towards a career in stage management, stage design, lighting, sound and all areas of backstage work. On this course you will learn how to perform stage management roles in a variety of public performances in college, the community and professional venues. You will be involved in the lighting, sound design, set construction and wardrobe of shows, as well as taking a full role in all the backstage work that happens on the night of the performances. You will share some lessons with students taking the BTEC Extended Certificate in Performing Arts, working closely with them as one company. The BTEC Certificate in Production Arts is a first year course, and normally leads to the BTEC Subsidiary Diploma in Production Arts in year 2. What can I do after this course? You will normally progress to the BTEC Subsidiary Diploma in Production Arts, which is equivalent to 1 A Level. This can then provide a pathway to study at drama school or university (assuming the right subject combination). Many of our students have been offered professional work experience or work after completing this course.

Entry Requirements: In addition to the College’s requirement of 5 GCSEs at grade C or above to study at Level 3, you will need to have completed the BTEC Certificate in Production Arts during your first year. What will I study?

This course will enable you to progress towards a career in stage management, stage design, lighting, sound and all areas of backstage work. On this course you will learn how to perform stage management roles in a variety of public performances in college, the community and professional venues. You will be involved in the lighting, sound design, set construction and wardrobe of shows, as well as taking a full role in all the backstage work that happens on the night of the performances. You will share some lessons with students taking the BTEC Extended Certificate in Performing Arts, working closely with them as one company. The BTEC Subsidiary Diploma is a year 2 course, which follows the BTEC Certificate in Production Arts. What can I do after this course? A BTEC Subsidiary Diploma is equivalent to 1 A Level. In combination with other subjects this course can provide a pathway to study at drama school or university. Many of our students have been offered professional work experience or work after completing this course.

Location: Park College Level: 2 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0161/040

Entry Requirements: In addition to the standard College entry requirements of 6 GCSEs at grade C or above, you will need to demonstrate a commitment to dance, but do not need to have achieved a GCSE in Dance to join the programme. What will I study?

This course (equivalent to an AS Level) is the first stage of the BTEC Subsidiary Diploma programme in Dance. On this course you will develop your knowledge and skills in a range of different dance techniques and styles. It combines extensive practical work with underpinning knowledge. For students interested in a career in dance, this course works as an excellent companion to any of the BTEC Diplomas or drama courses at Park College. As well as demanding physical activity, there is a rehearsal requirement beyond class contact time. What can I do after this course? Although this Certificate carries its own UCAS points, you will normally progress to the second year of the Dance programme and take the Subsidiary Diploma in Dance, which will prepare you for all kinds of further progression in general, specialist performing arts education, or employment.

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Entry Requirements: You will need to meet our standard requirement of 5 GCSEs at grade C or above, along with evidence of previous stage management/ backstage experience and a passion for performing arts. What will I study?

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 4165/030



Performing Arts


Drama and Theatre

Drama and Theatre

BTEC Subsidiary Diploma



Location: Park College Level: 2 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 3939/070

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0332/040

Entry Requirements: You will need to have achieved the BTEC Certificate in Dance in the first year. External applicants should consider the Certificate initially, or demonstrate that the first 3 units have been successfully achieved. What will I study?

Entry Requirements: You will need 5 GCSEs at grade C or above. English is particularly important for Drama and Theatre Studies. You don’t need to have studied GCSE Drama but, if you have, you should have achieved a grade C or above. What will I study?

This course (equivalent to an A2 Level) is the second stage of the BTEC Subsidiary Diploma programme. On this course you will develop your knowledge and skills in a range of different dance techniques and styles. It combines extensive practical work with underpinning knowledge. For students interested in a career in dance, this course works as an excellent companion to any of the BTEC Diplomas or drama courses at Park College. As well as demanding physical activity, there is a rehearsal requirement beyond class contact time. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to further study in dance or performing arts at university or dance school. It is also relevant to arts administration, arts therapy, movement studies and teaching. Dance students from Park College are now in full time professional training at Arts Educational, Laines and Middlesex.

On this course you will develop your performance and textual analysis skills. It looks at practical acting techniques in detail to make you a better, more confident performer and director, and greatly increases your understanding of how theatre works. You must demonstrate a practical and academic interest and ability in drama. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to Drama and Theatre Studies A2. This can lead to a specialist course at university or drama school. Studied in combination with other subjects, it acts as an excellent basis for further study in other curriculum areas. It combines especially well with English, film studies, media, art, performing arts, dance, law.

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Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0942/040

Entry Requirements: In addition to the standard College entry requirements for the programme you have chosen, you will need to have passed the AS Level in Drama and Theatre Studies (with a compatible board, if you’re applying from another institution). What will I study?

On this course you will develop your performance and textual analysis skills further. It looks at practical acting techniques in detail to make you a better, more confident performer and director, and greatly increases your understanding of how theatre works. You will work in a small group to create a devised performance and you will evaluate this in your coursework. You will also study two plays from the viewpoint of a director, both practically and theoretically. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to a specialist course at university or drama school. Studied in combination with other subjects, it acts as an excellent basis for further study in other curriculum areas. It combines especially well with English, film studies, media, art, performing arts, dance, law and languages.

Performing Arts


Music Production and Creative Recording

Music Production and Creative Recording

BTEC Diploma

BTEC Diploma (year one)

BTEC Extended Diploma (year two)


Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 4031/010

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 4032/010

Entry Requirements: You will need 4 GCSEs at grade D or above including English, or relevant experience in the case of mature students. This programme of study is also designed for those interested in pursuing a career in music but who don’t meet the minimum entry requirements for the National Programme in Music. What will I study?

Entry Requirements: You will need 4 GCSEs at grade C or above (including English). Entry from BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Music students is dependent on an overall Merit grade and English GCSE at grade C or above or equivalent. What will I study?

Entry Requirements: You will need to have sucessfully completed the BTEC Diploma Music Production and Creative Recording. What will I study?

On this course you will be provided with a broad foundation of study in recording (including microphones, mixing MIDI and sequencing), music business (including copyright and contracts) and performance. You must be able to play an instrument or sing in order to enrol on this course; you will be expected to participate in music performance. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to the BTEC Extended Diploma in Music Technology at Level 3 or the Music Production and Creative Recording BTEC Diploma at Level 3 (both offered at Park College).

The Level 3 BTEC Music Production and Creative Recording course is equivalent to 3 A Levels. This two-year programme is designed to prepare you for employment in the music industry, self-employment or for higher education. On this course you will undertake a wide range of project work covering composition, performance, recording and music business. Musicians will need to be multi-skilled and be able to draw upon a wide range of different fields in order to have a long lasting and rewarding career in the industry. This course has been designed to help you accomplish this. What can I do after this course? Whilst this course carries good UCAS points, you will normally progress to the BTEC Extended Diploma in Music Technology at Level 3, which can provide a pathway to both higher education and careers in the music industry, including with the BBC. Opportunities for further study in music technology and production include our own foundation degrees. This leads to the BTEC Extended Diploma in Music Production and Creative Recording.

The Level 3 BTEC Music Technology course is equivalent to 3 A Levels. This two-year programme is designed to prepare you for employment in the music industry, self-employment or for higher education. On this course you will undertake a wide range of project work covering composition, performance, recording and music business. Musicians will need to be multi-skilled and be able to draw upon a wide range of different fields in order to have a long lasting and rewarding career in the industry. This course has been designed to help you accomplish this. This course is the second year of this programme. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to both higher education and careers in the music industry and beyond, including with the BBC. Opportunities for higher level study in music technology and production include our own foundation degree and degree in Music Production, awarded by the University of Brighton.

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Location: Park College Level: 2 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 4028/010


Performing Arts

Music Technology

Music Technology



Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 3870/010

Entry Requirements: You will need 6 GCSEs at grade C or above including English (or equivalent). Candidates may be considered on individual merit. What will I study?

On this course you will develop your skills and knowledge relating to recording, sequencing and composing as well as musical history and musical analysis. You will study a blend of theory, research and practical studio activity. There are 2 units to be covered in the AS course. There are units based on sequencing and recording skills and a unit based on listening to and analysing different genres of music. All projects are externally moderated. What can I do after this course? The course is designed to help enable you to progress onto degrees and careers related to the music theory. This course normally leads to Music Technology A2, which will provide a pathway to degree courses in a wide range of subjects in addition to music, including law, journalism, art and architecture.

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 3893/010

Entry Requirements: As well as passing AS Level Music, you will need 6 GCSEs at grade C or above including English (or equivalent). Candidates may be considered on individual merit. What will I study?

On this course you will develop your skils and knowledge relating to recording, sequencing and composing as well as musical history and musical analysis. You will study a blend of theory, research and practical studio activity. There are 2 units to be covered in the AS course. There are units based on sequencing and recording skills and a unit based on listening to and analysing different genres of music. All projects are externally moderated. What can I do after this course? The course is designed to help enable you to progress to degrees and careers related to the music industry. This course can provide a pathway to degree courses in a wide range of subjects in addition to music, including law, journalism, and art. A number of our students progress onto our popular foundation degree or degree in Music Production.

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Performing Arts 101


Name: Deanna Jevans Age: 18 Lives: Seaford Campus: Park Studying: Drama & Theatre, Photography, English Literature

“I want to study Equine Sports and Science at University but will be taking a gap year first. It has made such a difference to my college experience to get to know the teachers, they’ve been great.”

Preparation for Life and Work

Preparation for life and work 103


Entry Requirements: You do not need any previous qualifications, but you do need to be ready to meet the attendance and behavioural expectations of the College, which are explored at interview. Students may take an initial assessment, which ensures placement onto the right levels of Maths and English. What will I study?

On this programme you will choose units from different vocational areas. These units combine together so that you achieve either the Diploma or Certificate in Vocational Studies, providing an opportunity to try a subject before applying for a full programme in that area. These units include sport, public services, health and social care, IT, administration, retail, travel and tourism, art, music, carpentry, brickwork, motor vehicle, catering and hairdressing. You will also study Functional Skills in Maths, English and ICT if you have not already achieved these at GCSE. What can I do after this course? You may progress into the curriculum area of your choice, typically studying a full time vocational programme at Level 1 or 2.

Location: Vocational College Level: Entry 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: EP_093

Entry Requirements: You do not need any previous qualifications but you do need to be ready to meet the attendance and behavioural expectations of the College, which is explored at interview stage. Students may take an initial assessment, which ensures placement onto the right levels of Maths and English. What will I study?

This course will provide you with a supported transition to college life. The focus is on building personal and social skills, independence and employability. You will benefit from a project based approach, using enterprise and vocational options in floristry, sport and fitness, hospitality and housekeeping, motor vehicle, art, drama, and construction skills. In your first year, you will focus on the development of studentship, induction into the college environment and personal and independence skills. You will progress to an agreed destination such as supported/paid employment, independent living, or being active in your community. What can I do after this course? You can stay within the General Foundation programme for up to three years; during this time you work towards employability and independence. Some students take up voluntary or paid employment in their exit year. Other students progress into Level 1 programmes. Students have regular reviews to agree appropriate yearly progression routes.

Personal Progress Location: Vocational College Level: Entry 1 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: EP_215

Entry Requirements: You do not need any previous qualifications but you do need to be ready to meet the attendance and behavioural expectations of the College, which is discussed at interview stage. Students may also take an initial assessment, which ensures placement onto the right levels of Maths and English. What will I study?

On this programme you will develop your independence, and personal and social development skills as well as improve your Maths, English and ICT skills. You will learn by undertaking projects in such areas as planning/ taking part in events, horticulture, media, arts, crafts, catering and hospitality. You will gain independence through local community trips and using local facilities such as public transport, leisure centres, supermarkets and allotments. You will work towards an outcome, which is agreed between you, staff and your parents/ carers and could be independent living, making a contribution to your local community and/or supported or paid employment. What can I do after this course? You can remain on the Personal Progress programme for up to three years, your progression will be assessed by staff every year. Some students progress to Entry 2 provision which has an increased vocational and employability focus. During your exit year, you will work towards building links and operating independently within your local community.

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Preparation for Life and Work

Location: Vocational College Level: 1 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: EP_190

General Foundation

PUBLIC and uniformed SERVICES

Public and Uniformed Services 105

Public Services

Public Services

Public Services




Location: Vocational College Level: 1 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 4910/010

Entry Requirements: You will need to meet our standard Level 1 entry requirement of at least 4 GCSEs at grade E or above including English Language. Alternatively a Pass grade on an alternative Level 1 qualification is also acceptable.

Entry Requirements: You will need to meet our standard Level 1 entry requirement of at least 4 GCSEs at grade E or above including English Language. Alternatively a Pass grade on an alternative Level 1 qualification is also acceptable.

What will I study?

What will I study?

This is a combined course with the BTEC Level 1 Diploma in Sport and Active Leisure. On this course you will study 4 units that will include areas such as forensic detection, teamwork skills and public service fitness. All students will be required to participate in a residential educational visit and this will involve a variety of outdoor and adventurous activities. You will also study Functional Skills in English, Maths and ICT. Another additional qualification on this course will be an Exercise Studies Award at Level 1. What can I do after this course? Students who are successful on this course can progress onto the Public Services BTEC Level 2 Diploma or access the Level 2 Plus programme where students can study the Public Services BTEC Level 2 Extended Certificate alongside additional GCSE retakes.

On this course you will study a minimum of 10 units that will include areas such as forensic detection, teamwork skills, Improving Health & Fitness for entry into the Uniformed Services, Public Service Skills, Developing Leadership and Public Service Fitness. All students will be required to participate in a residential educational visit and this will involve a variety of outdoor and adventurous activities. You will also study Functional Skills in English, Maths and ICT. What can I do after this course? Students who are successful on this course can progress onto the Public Services BTEC Level 2 Diploma or access the Level 2 Plus programme where students can study the Public Services BTEC Level 2 Extended Certificate alongside additional GCSE retakes.

Location: Vocational College Level: 2 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 4024/010

Entry Requirements: The standard College entry requirements for a Level 2 programme is a minimum of 4 GCSEs at grade D or above, including English Language. At interview you will need to demonstrate an interest in a career in the uniformed public services and a commitment to personal fitness and outdoor pursuits. What will I study?

On this course you will study 6 units. The units studied provide a balance of practical subjects such as public service fitness and outdoor activities; vocational subjects such as public service skills; and theoretical subjects such as crime. Functional Skills English is taken alongside the course and must be achieved by students who wish to progress to the Public Services BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma. Students are expected to be involved in the Guest Speaker programme and show a commitment to career based activities. There will be a manageable amount of academic work. What can I do after this course? Students achieving a Merit grade or higher in their Diploma and a grade C or above in GCSE English Language or a pass in Level 2 Functional Skills English can apply to the Public Services BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma or other Level 3 qualifications. Students who enter employment will have a vocational qualification which is recognised by employers.

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Location: Vocational College Level: 1 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 4044/010


Public and Uniformed Services

Public Services

Public Services

Subsidiary Diploma

Extended Diploma

Location: Vocational College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 4037/010

Entry Requirements: You will need to meet the standard College entry requirements for a Level 3 programme i.e. a minimum of 5 GCSEs at grade C and above, including English Language. Applications from mature students are welcomed and the entry requirements may be modified in the light of previous work experience. Students with a Public Services BTEC Level 2 Diploma must have achieved an overall Merit grade What will I study?

On this 2 year course you will study the BTEC level 3 90 Credit Diploma in Yr 1 and progress onto the Level 3 Extended Diploma in year 2. You will study at least 18 modules during the course including physical training and outdoor activities. In addition there are a number of theoretical units which provide background knowledge. During the course you will be required to participate in visits to workplaces, residential and expedition training which involve overnight stays. The course is equivalent to 3 A Levels and up to 420 UCAS points can be obtained. What can I do after this course? The Public Services BTEC Level 3 in Uniformed Public Services prepares you for entry to and career progression in a range of services including the Armed Forces, Police and Emergency and Rescue Services. With the opportunity to achieve 420 UCAS points you can continue your education at University. All successful students will be eligible for a place on Brighton University Foundation degree course in Public and Emergency Service Management, delivered at Sussex Downs College.

Location: Vocational College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 4038/010

Entry Requirements: You will need to meet the standard College entry requirements for a Level 3 programme of a minimum of 5 GCSEs at grade C or above, including English Language, and have previously achieved the BTEC Level 3 90 Credit Diploma in Public Services. What will I study?

On this course you will study the BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Public Services. You will study at least 9 modules during the course including physical training and outdoor activities. In addition there are a number of theoretical units, which provide background knowledge. During the course you will be required to participate in visits to workplaces, and residential and expedition training, which involve overnight stays. The course is equivalent to 3 A Levels and up to 420 UCAS points can be obtained. What can I do after this course? The course prepares you for entry to and career progression in a range of services including the armed forces, police and emergency and rescue services. With a possible 420 UCAS points you can continue your education at university. All successful students will be able to progress to the foundation degree in Public and Emergency Services Management.

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Public and Uniformed Services 107



Science 109

Science (Applied)

Science (Applied)

Science (Applied)

BTEC Certificate

BTEC Diploma

BTEC Subsidiary Diploma

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 3971/020

On this course you will study 3 core units taken over one year, the fundamentals of science, working in the science industry and scientific practical techniques. BTEC Level 3 programmes consist of 2 years of study, with a BTEC Subsidiary or a BTEC Certificate achieved in the first year. What can I do after this course? This qualification has the same UCAS points as one AS Level, and combined with other BTECs and or AS Levels provides a sound footing for progression to employment or higher education.

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 2574/010

Entry Requirements: You will need a minimum of 4 GCSEs at grade C or above, including Maths and Double Science, or a Merit grade in the BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Applied Science. Other equivalent qualifications will be considered. Good literacy skills would be beneficial. What will I study?

Entry Requirements: You will need 4 GCSEs at grade C or above, including Maths and Double Science, or a Merit in a BTEC Diploma in Applied Science. Other equivalent qualifications will be considered. Good literacy skills would be beneficial. What will I study?

On this course you will study 12 units of study taken over two years. This includes 6 core units; the fundamentals of science, working in the science industry, scientific investigation, scientific practical techniques, perceptions of science, and using mathematical tools in science. There will also be other diverse units such as biochemistry, medical physics and human physiology. What can I do after this course? This qualification has the same UCAS points as 2 A Levels, and combined with other BTECs and or AS Levels provides a sound footing for progression to employment or higher education. Those students intending to go into employment will be qualified to apply for a range of science based jobs in the medical, industrial and laboratory sectors.

On this course you will study 6 units taken over one or two years. This includes 3 core units: the fundamentals of science, working the science industry, scientific practical techniques. There will also be other diverse units such as biochemistry, medical physics and human physiology. BTEC Level 3 programmes consist of 2 years of study, with a BTEC Subsidiary or a BTEC Certificate achieved in the first year. What can I do after this course? This qualification has the same UCAS points as one A Level, and combined with other BTECs and or AS Levels, can provide a pathway to higher education or employment.

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Entry Requirements: You will need 4 GCSEs at grade C or above, including Maths and Double Science, or a Merit in a BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Applied Science. Other equivalent qualifications will be considered. Good literacy skills would be beneficial. What will I study?

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 3970/020









Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0347/100

Entry Requirements: In addition to the standard College entry requirements, you will need to have Double Science GCSE grades BB or above, or Biology and Chemistry GCSE grade B or above, as well as Maths and English Language GCSE grade C or above Vocational qualifications, such as applied units are not acceptable. What will I study?

On this course you will study 3 units. The first 2 units cover biology and disease and the variety of living organisms. There is also a practical and investigative skills centre assessed unit. This is certified by AQA. What can I do after this course? After passing the AS Biology course you can progress to A2 Biology which can lead to a wide range of degree courses e.g. medicine, nursing, agriculture, veterinary science, food technology, water industry, optics, pharmacy, environmental health, occupational therapy and physiotherapy. For many biological degrees you will also need Chemistry A Level.

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0167/100

Entry Requirements: You will need to have passed the AS Level in Biology. What will I study?

On this A2 course you will study 3 units. The first 2 units cover populations and the environment and control in cells and organisms. There is also a practical and investigative skills centre assessed unit. This is certified by AQA. What can I do after this course? Biology A Level can provide a pathway to a wide range of degree courses e.g. medicine, nursing, agriculture, horticulture, veterinary science, food technology, teaching, water industry, optics, pharmacy, environmental health, occupational therapy, sports science and physiotherapy. For many biological degrees you will also need Chemistry A Level.

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Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0342/060

Entry Requirements: In addition to the standard College entry requirements, you will need to have achieved Double Science GCSE at grades BB or above, or Chemistry GCSE at grade B or above, as well as Maths GCSE at grade B or above. What will I study?

AS Level Chemistry builds on chemical concepts from GCSE. On this course you will develop essential knowledge and understanding of different chemistry topics and how they interrelate. You will study topics including atomic structure, electrons and bonding, the periodic table, organic chemistry, modern analytical techniques, energy and resources. Over the course you will deepen understanding of how science works; appreciate how society makes decisions about scientific issues and how science affects the economy, environment and society; develop safe and effective practical skills of manipulating lab equipment, handling chemicals, observation, analysis and evaluation; develop your enthusiasm for chemistry and prepare for further study and careers in chemistry and the sciences. What can I do after this course? After passing the AS Chemistry course you can progress to A2 Chemistry. A Level Chemistry is essential for entry to courses in medicine, dentistry, veterinary science, biochemistry, pharmacy, some biology courses, chemical engineering, and, obviously, chemistry.

Science 111


Environmental Studies

Environmental Studies




Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? Two year full time Course Code: 0951/050

On this course you will develop essential knowledge and understanding of different chemistry topics and how they interrelate. Topics include atomic structure, electrons and bonding, the periodic table, organic chemistry, modern analytical techniques, energy and resources. Over the course you will deepen understanding of how science works; appreciate how society makes decisions about scientific issues and how science affects the economy, environment and society; develop safe and effective practical skills of manipulating lab equipment, handling chemicals, observation, analysis and evaluation; develop your missing text – same as in AS course below? enthusiasm for chemistry and prepare for further study and careers in chemistry and the sciences. What can I do after this course? A Level Chemistry is essential for entry to courses in medicine, dentistry, veterinary science, biochemistry, pharmacy, some biology courses, chemical engineering, and, obviously, chemistry. Any science or technology based course or career will be strongly supported by A Level Chemistry.

Entry Requirements: You will need to meet our standard requirement of 5 GCSEs at grade C or above. You will also need an awareness of current environmental issues and a willingness to participate in the discussion of these. What will I study? This course will enable you to understand how the Earth functions and supports life and therefore to make informed judgements about global issues that may threaten life on the planet. On this course you will gain a deep and well-informed insight into the environment, and the scientific processes that control and affect it. The central theme is the development of an understanding of how different events and cycles within the environment interrelate, how they influence subsequent environmental events, the human impacts on these events and cycles, and the strategies that can be used to minimise the problems caused. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to Environmental Studies A2, as well as to careers in the field of environmental management and conservation.

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0948/060

Entry Requirements: You will need to have passed the AS Level in Environmental Studies at grade E or above. What will I study?

On this course you will gain a deep and wellinformed insight into the environment, and the scientific processes that control and affect it. The central theme is the development of an understanding of how different events and cycles within the environment interrelate, how they influence subsequent environmental events, the human impacts on these events and cycles, and the strategies that can be used to minimise the problems caused. Key aspects within the specification include areas such as wildlife conservation, pollution, global climate change and sustainability. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to study environmental issues at degree level and could lead to a wide range of employment opportunities in the increasingly important field of environmental management. It is also a good qualification to enable you to study geography or other earth studies at university.

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Entry Requirements: You will need to have passed the AS Level in Chemistry. What will I study?

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0340/080









Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0343/030

Entry Requirements: You will need to meet our standard requirement of 5 GCSEs at grade C or above, including Science and English Language. No previous study of Geology or Geography is required. What will I study?

On this course you will study the branch of science concerned with the structure, evolution and dynamics of the Earth. It looks at topics such as plate tectonics, minerals, energy resources, rock forming processes, geological time and geological hazards. You need to have good analytical and problem solving skills. As geology involves much practical work and fieldwork, an interest and ability in these areas is useful. Geology combines well with a wide range of subjects, in particular physics, environmental science, chemistry, geography, mathematics and biology. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to Geology A2. Job prospects and rates of pay are currently very good for geological graduates. Geology is an accepted science subject for higher education entry and as such it is a gateway to the wide variety of careers available to science graduates.

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0952/020

Entry Requirements: You will need to meet our standard requirement of 5 GCSEs at grade C or above, including Science and English Language. You will also need to have passed the AS Level in Geology at grade E or above. What will I study?

On this course you will study geological investigation: you will carry out a variety of practical exercises involving both fieldwork and laboratory work. You will also study geological themes, which include economic geology and the geological evolution of Britain. In the latter, you will look at the evidence for Britain once being located near the South Pole and then drifting northwards to its present position. You will also study interpreting the geological record, which includes topics like why do we get mass extinctions in the fossil record? Finally you will study rock forming processes, which asks how do all the different rocks form and what can they tell us about the past? What can I do after this course? Geology is an accepted science subject for higher education entry and as such it is a gateway to the wide variety of careers available to science graduates. It is not unusual for 80% of our geology students to progress onto earth science related degree courses. Job prospects are currently good for geology graduates.

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Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0341/040

Entry Requirements: You will need to meet our standard Level 3 entry requirements. In addition, you will need a GCSE in Double Science at grades BB or above, or Physics GCSE at grade B or above, and Maths GCSE at grade B or above. Vocational qualifications, such as those with applied units are not acceptable. What will I study?

On this course you will study a large range of physics concepts and use mathematical models to understand the real world. The AS modules include forces and motion, electricity, waves and quantum physics. In addition to the modular exams, there is also a practical exam for each year. In this course you will gain skills in working with abstract concepts and the application of mathematics to physics. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to Physics A2. This can lead to a range of university degrees such as physical sciences, engineering, applied maths, medicine, etc. Many employers and universities see the skills gained in A Level Physics as valuable in other careers as well, such as the armed services and financial industries.

Science 113







Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? Two year full time Course Code: 0950/030

On this course you will study a large range of physics concepts and use mathematical models to understand the real world. The A2 modules include Newtonian mechanics, fields, medical imaging, particle physics and cosmology. In addition to the modular exams, there is also a practical exam for each year. On this course you will gain skills in working with abstract concepts and the application of mathematics to physics. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to a range of University degrees such as physical sciences, engineering, applied maths, medicine etc. Many employers and universities see the skills gained in A level physics as valuable in other careers as well, such as the armed services and financial industries.

Entry Requirements: You will need to meet our current entry requirement of a GCSE in either English, Maths or Science at grade D or above (or equivalent) but each prospective student will be considered based on individual circumstances. You will also need a genuine interest in the subject and an aptitude for science. What will I study?

On this course you will study some of the different reasons psychologists give to explain why people behave in particular ways. You will learn how to take a questioning approach to psychological research which uses scientific methodology. There are a number of topic areas covered including: memory, phobias, gender, social influence and non verbal communication. What can I do after this course? Psychology GCSE is a good foundation for study of the subject at AS/A Level and beyond. It is a useful subject in most careers due to its relevance to daily life.

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0337/090

Entry Requirements: In addition to the standard College Level 3 entry requirements, English Language GCSE at grade B or above is essential. You will also need Maths and Science GCSEs at grade C or above. However, due to the scientific and statistical content of the course B grades are highly recommended. What will I study?

On this course you will develop an understanding of the scientific methods used by psychologists. You will be familiarised with four key techniques for collecting and analysing data: self-report, experiment, observation and correlation. You will also be introduced to the five main approaches in psychology. To do well in this subject you need to have good thinking and analytical skills and should enjoy reading, researching and problem solving. An interest in science is essential, as is the need to be well organised. Psychology is based on empirical evidence therefore you will need to enjoy working with statistics and interpreting data. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to Psychology A2. This can lead to a range of university degrees such as psychology, nursing, law, social sciences, physical sciences, medicine, etc. Many employers and universities see the skills gained in A Level Psychology as valuable in many other careers as well.

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Entry Requirements: You will need 5 GCSEs at grade C or above (or equivalent). A GCSE in Double Science at grades BB or above, or Physics GCSE at grade B or above, also a Maths GCSE at grade B or above, and a pass in AS Physics. Vocational qualifications with applied units are not acceptable. What will I study?

Location: Park College Level: 2 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0420/080




Science (21st Century)

Science (21st Century)



Additional GCSE

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0947/090

Entry Requirements: In addition to the standard College Level 3 entry requirements, English Language GCSE at grade B or above is essential. You will also need Maths and Science GCSEs at grade C or above and a pass in AS Psychology. However B grades are highly recommended. What will I study?

This A2 course applies the theories and approaches examined at AS Level to real life situations. You will develop your understanding of criminal, health and clinical psychology. We will explore why some people become criminals, or addicted to drugs and how schizophrenia can be explained and treated. The A2 course has its basis in biological psychology more than in the other four psychological approaches. It also examines the contemporary issues and debates within the subject. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to a range of university degrees such as psychology, nursing, law, social sciences, physical sciences, medicine, etc. Many employers and universities see the skills gained in A Level Psychology as valuable in many careers as well, such as the police and armed services, education and social services, and marketing.

Location: Park College Level: 2 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 2774/010

Entry Requirements: You will need to meet our standard College entry requirements for a Level 2 programme (a minimum of 4 GCSEs at grade D or above, which must include English Language), However, a GCSE in Maths at grade C or above would be very useful. What will I study?

On this course you will study the impact that science and technology has on your everyday life. You will study 3 units, which will include areas such as the diversity of life on earth, air quality and sustainable energy. In addition to the 3 exams on these units you will also undertake a practical work assignment and a case study, which will be of topical relevance. You will gain an understanding of how science may affect your own and others’ lives. You will be able to use these skills to become a more informed and active citizen in a world where science and technology play a key role in shaping our lives. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to Additional Science GCSE and thereafter to A Level science. It can also be useful for teaching and nursing courses.

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Location: Park College Level: 2 How long is this course? Two year full time Course Code: 2778/010

Entry Requirements: As well as meeting our standard College entry requirements for a Level 2 programme (a minimum of 4 GCSEs at grade D or above, which must include English Language), you will also need Additional Science GCSE at grade C/D. GCSEs in Core Science and in Maths at grade C or above would be very useful. What will I study?

On this course you will study the science that underpins day-to-day life. The focus will be on scientific explanations and models through which you will gain an insight into how scientists help develop our understanding of ourselves and the world we live in. You will study 3 units, which include topics such as the processes of life, electrical circuits and chemicals of the natural environment. You will gain skills in scientific data analysis and learn how you can use this information to understand the science and technology that we encounter in our everyday life. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to more advanced Level 3 qualifications such as A Level science or to a science-related career.

Name: Victoria Sidwell Age: 18 Lives: Willingdon Campus: Park Studying: Psychology, Photography, ICT “I’ve recently been offered a place at Bournemouth University to study Events Management and the courses that I have followed here have helped me to gain the confidence and foundation knowledge to do this. It’s a great place to study.


Sport and Fitness 117

Community Sports Leadership

Elite Performance (Golf Academy)

Elite Performance (Golf Academy)


BTEC Diploma (90 credit)

BTEC Extended Diploma

Location: Park College Level: 2 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 4298/030

On this course you will gain experience in how to lead groups of people from varying backgrounds, ages and abilities. The course is taught in a practical and theoretical context and is an excellent opportunity to gain valuable sports leadership experience. You will organise and complete a ten-hour minimum voluntary leadership placement in the community. The following units are studied: organisational skills, safety in sport, know your friends, and first aid. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to the Higher Sports Leadership Certificate in your second year of study at the College. You will need to pass a formal assessment in order to progress on to the Higher Sports Leadership Certificate. You will gain more confidence for a leadership role, which is good preparation for teaching/coaching jobs.

Entry Requirements: GCSE grade C or above in Maths and English is desirable, plus a golf handicap of 15 or lower for male applicants, or 20 or lower for female applicants, or the player is considered to have the necessary potential. What will I study? During the two-year programme students work towards an NVQ Level 3 Achieving Excellence in Sports Performance, BTEC level 3 90 Credit Diploma - Studied in Year 1 and the Community Sports Leadership Award.

The NVQ is divided into two parts, one which focuses on the performance areas of sport (technical skills, tactical skills, physical capability and mental attitude) and one which focuses on the personal development of the golfer (lifestyle management, career planning, health and safety and communication). The BTEC qualification encourages the development of playing skills, whilst also providing a good foundation in training, tactical and coaching techniques. Students cover many aspects of the game, from sports nutrition, sports psychology, sports performance and fitness testing. What can I do after this course? Possible Careers / Jobs • Golf professional • Professional golf players • Golf club staff • Golf retailing • Tour caddie • Golf coaching Progression • FdA Golf Management • PGA Assistant Professional • FdA Golf Coaching • Sports related degree course • FdSc Golf Performance

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 4201/050

Entry Requirements: • You must pass the NVQ and CSLA qualifications studied in the first year. • You must gain a Merit profile for the BTEC 90 credit qualification studied in the first year • Expected Handicap improvement of 3 shots What will I study?

This is the second year of the Golf Academy course and is ideal for those seeking to progress their studies from the BTEC 90 credit qualification (2 A level equivalent) onto an Extended Diploma in Performance and Excellence 9 (3 A Level equivalent). Students will study units such as; Technical and Tactical Skills, The Athlete’s Lifestyle, Sports Injuries, Practical Team Sports, Current Issues in Sport and Analysis of Sports Performance. What can I do after this course? Possible Careers / Jobs • Golf professional • Professional golf players • Golf club staff • Golf retailing • Tour caddie • Golf coaching Progression • FdA Golf Management • PGA Assistant Professional • FdA Golf Coaching • Sports related degree course • FdSc Golf Performance

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Entry Requirements: In addition to meeting the standard College entry requirements for the programme you have chosen, you must have a desire to improve your leadership skills through active participation. A commitment to voluntary leadership is essential to completing the course. What will I study?

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 4201/031


Sport and Fitness

Gym Instruction Location: Park College Level: 2 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 4273/010

Entry Requirements: In addition to meeting the standard College entry requirements for the programme you have chosen, you must have a desire to improve your instructing and leadership skills through active participation in fitness and gym based activity. A basic knowledge of anatomy and physiology is an advantage. What will I study?

On this course you will learn the skills required to instruct and lead in a fitness/gym based environment. You will learn the basics of anatomy and physiology, how to plan, conduct and evaluate a fitness gym induction session as well as how to deal with clients. There are both practical and theoretical modes of study culminating in two multiple choice examinations and two practical assessments. You will study the following units: anatomy and physiology, client support, health, safety and welfare, principles of exercise and fitness, planning gym based exercise, and instructing gym based exercise. What can I do after this course? The course will enable you to register onto the REPS (Register of Exercise Professionals) at Level 2 and gain entry to employment within the fitness industry.

Higher Sports Leadership Certificate Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 4547/010

Entry Requirements: You must hold the Community Sports Leadership Award. You will also have to go through an application and induction process with the course leader to progress on to the Higher Sports Leadership Certificate. What will I study?

On this course you will study 8 units including sport leadership and the community; introducing children to sport; sport and fitness; first aid; national governing body award; and organising and running an event. You will lead three different community groups including primary school children, disabled groups and secondary school children. You will need to complete a Level 1 national governing body award and an 8-hour first aid course. You need to have a keen interest in working with others and leadership. This course does require large amounts of commitment outside of college. What can I do after this course? This course is beneficial for further education in teaching, coaching, sports development, sports administration, sports centre work and the leisure industry. All fields of industry recognise the importance of leadership, which is developed by this nationally recognised qualification, and gives the student 30 UCAS points.

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Name: Molly Woods Age: 17 Lives: Eastbourne Campus: Park Studying: Sports and Exercise Science, Mentoring and Community Sports Leadership

“I want to go to university to study for a Sports Development & Coaching degree and the courses that I’m doing at Sussex Downs College will help me to achieve this. My advice to anyone wanting to study here would be to work hard, ask lots of questions and make sure that you have a good balance between work and social life.”


Sport and Fitness

Nutrition and Personal Effectiveness Location: Park College Level: 2 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 1803/010

Entry Requirements: You will need to meet our standard requirements of 4 GCSEs at grade D or above including English Language. You should also have a keen interest in practical fitness and training. What will I study?

On this course you will study areas that will help you improve your knowledge of and ability in personal health improvement and well-being. You will study 3 units: understanding the concepts of health and exercise; understanding the nutritional requirements for various types of exercise; and planning and preparing for personal exercise and nutrition. What can I do after this course? This course combines well with other subjects including the BTEC Level 3 courses in Sport or Sport and Exercise Science, or with the Active IQ Level 2 in Fitness Instruction.

Physical Education

Physical Education



Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 1580/020

Entry Requirements: You will need to meet standard College entry criteria for a mixed AS Level programme, including a GCSE in Double Science at grades CC or above and a GCSE in English at grade C or above. If taking separate sciences, a minimum of grade C is required in both. A GCSE in PE at grade B or above is required. What will I study? On this AS course you will study four major elements, with practical performance at its core. Theoretical aspects include anatomy and physiology, skill acquisition, and socio-cultural studies in PE/sport. Practical performance in two activities is assessed at set points within the year - an initial assessment upon entry and then again before final moderation. Practical performance represents 20% of the overall mark. You should also be able to analyse strengths and weaknesses in performance, and discuss this via an interview process. This interview is worth a further 10% of the overall mark. A commitment to regular practical sport is essential, as is an awareness of what makes for a healthy lifestyle. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to Physical Education A2.This can lead to a career in leisure management, teaching, physiotherapy, and sports journalism. Universities regard PE as a fully acceptable A Level to count towards degree level entry.

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Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0945/090

Entry Requirements: You will need to meet standard College entry criteria for a mixed AS Level programme, including a GCSE in Double Science at grades CC or above and a GCSE in English at grade C or above. If taking separate sciences, a minimum of grade C is required in both. A GCSE in PE at grade B or above is also re. What will I study?

On this A2 course you will build on the areas studied at AS Level developing these with units in exercise physiology, sports psychology and history of sport. In addition you will be assessed in one practical sport and be expected to analyse the performance of a player in your sport and recommend improvements. You will develop skills in analysing and critically evaluating information and theories, explaining effects on sports performance in the context of promoting a healthy, balanced lifestyle. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to a wide range of sport and non-sport based careers. Common progression routes into university include: PE teaching, sports science, sports studies, leisure management, sports development, coaching, physiotherapy and many others. Sport is a massive growth industry, with specialised careers in nutrition, exercise prescription, Physiotherapy and Psychology forming some of the popular progression routes.

Sport and Fitness 121

Sport and Active Leisure


Sport and Exercise Science

BTEC Diploma

BTEC Extended Certificate (Explorer Plus)

BTEC Diploma (90 Credit)

Location: Park College Level: 1 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 4908/010

On this course you will study a minimum of 10 units that will include areas such as How the Body Works, Planning Own Fitness Programme, Improving Own Fitness, Taking Part in Sport and Taking Part in Exercise and Fitness. All students will be required to participate in a residential educational visit and this will involve a variety of outdoor and adventurous activities. You will also study Functional Skills in English, Maths and ICT. As an additional you will also study the NCFE Level 1 Award in Exercise Studies. What can I do after this course? Students who are successful on this course can progress onto the Sport BTEC Level 2 Diploma or access the Level 2 Plus programme where students can study the Sport BTEC Level 2 Extended Certificate alongside additional GCSE retakes.

Entry Requirements: You will need to meet our standard Level 2 entry requirement of 4 GCSEs at D grade or above including English Language with Maths or Science. What will I study?

The course forms part of the Level 2 Plus programme. Within the core qualification you will study: fitness testing and training, practical sport, anatomy and physiology for sport, and injury in sport. You will also be able to gain the Community Sports Leadership Award (CSLA) and have the opportunity to join a Sports Academy course. Where appropriate, you will also be able to study additional GCSEs. We will expect you to show a commitment to developing your knowledge associated with practical performance in sport. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to Level 3 courses if you achieve a Merit (BB) grade. Your attendance, behaviour and attitude to work will also be considered for this progression.

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? Two year full time Course Code: 4815/010

Entry Requirements: You will need to meet the standard College entry requirements for a Level 3 programme (a minimum of 5 GCSEs at grade C and above, including English Language, Science and Maths). Students with a BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Sport must have achieved an overall Distinction grade. What will I study?

This course is an Advanced Level vocational course that investigates the effects of exercise on body function with a view to improving sports performance, as well as examining the role of exercise in promoting a healthy lifestyle. You will study the BTEC Level 3 90 Credit Diploma in year 1 and progress onto the BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in year 2. You will study 18 units over the two years incorporating both practical and theoretical elements including: anatomy, physiology, sport nutrition, sports psychology, outdoor adventurous activities, expedition skills, fitness testing and training, research project, biomechanics, current issues in sport, and sport and exercise massage. It is important to understand the course has a strong academic focus and will require you to commit yourself. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to the foundation degree in Sports Development and Coaching offered by Sussex Downs College, validated by the University of Brighton. Options also include foundation degrees/degrees in sport and exercise science, PE, sports studies, physiotherapy and sports coaching.

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Entry Requirements: You will need to meet our standard Level 1 entry requirement of at least 4 GCSEs at grade E or above including English Language. Alternatively a Pass grade on an alternative Level 1 qualification is also acceptable. What will I study?

Location: Park College Level: 2 How long is this course? Two year full time Course Code: 3996/030


Sport and Fitness



Sport and Exercise Science

BTEC Subsidiary Diploma

BTEC Diploma

BTEC Extended Diploma

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 3934/020

Entry Requirements: You will need to meet the standard College entry requirements for a Level 3 programme of a minimum of 4 GCSEs at grade C and above, including English Language with Maths or Science (BTEC Science will require a Merit grade). What will I study?

This qualification consists of 6 units (3 mandatory units and 3 specialist), which is equivalent to 1 A Level. On this course you will study: anatomy and physiology related to fitness, assessing risk in sport, fitness testing for sport and exercise, sports coaching, outdoor adventurous activities, and exercise, health and lifestyle. You will produce 2 or 3 assignments for each unit. You can study this course alongside further AS Levels and some students also enrol on Sports Academy courses. In these cases entry requirements may be subject to change. All students must take the Community Sports Leadership Award to add to their practical involvement and experience. You will also be required to participate in a residential educational visit. What can I do after this course? You may wish to progress to year 2 to complete the Sport Level 3 BTEC Diploma. To do so you must achieve the Subsidiary Diploma. Successful completion of the qualification alongside other AS Levels can gain entry to the foundation degree in Sports Development and Coaching offered by Sussex Downs College, though the University of Brighton.

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 3998/010

Entry Requirements: You must have already achieved the Sport BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma. What will I study?

This is year 2 for those who have studied the BTEC Subsidiary Diploma in Sport. On this course you will build on these foundations and focus on developing a career in sport. Units include work experience, sport development, and sports nutrition. You will be assessed throughout the year with essay style assignments, practical observations and presentations. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to work in the sports industry either with private companies or local authorities. Previous students have gained employment as sports coaches, outdoor pursuits instructors and sports masseurs. Alternatively you may wish to continue your studies at university on degree or foundation degree programmes in sports.

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Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 4247/020

Entry Requirements: You will need to meet the standard College entry requirements for a Level 3 programme i.e. A minimum of five GCSEs at grade C and above, including English Language, Science and Maths and have previously achieved the BTEC 90 Credit Diploma in Sport & Exercise Science. What will I study? The course is an advanced level vocational course that investigates the effects of exercise on body function with a view to improving sports performance, as well as examining the role of exercise in promoting a healthy lifestyle. You will study the Level 3 Extended Diploma having previously completed the BTEC level 3 90 Credit Diploma. You will study 9 units over the year incorporating both practical and theoretical elements including: Work Experience, Practical Team Sports, Research Methods, Research Project and Biomechanics. It is important to understand the course has a strong academic focus and will require you to commit yourself from the outset.

What can I do after this course? The qualification can gain entry to the Foundation Degree in Sports Development and Coaching offered by Sussex Downs College, through the University of Brighton. Options also include FdA/BSc degrees in Sport and Exercise Science, PE, Sports Studies, Physiotherapy and Sports Coaching. You may also further your employment opportunities within Sport.


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World Development




Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0344/060

On this course you will study a mix of human and physical geography topics plus geographical skills and fieldwork techniques. The course will involved carrying out outdoor fieldwork techniques. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to Geography A2. Geography can lead to university courses in all earth studies subjects and many higher education courses including cartography, planning and other fields in the areas of environment and education. Geography enjoys one of the highest rates of graduate employability, being highly valued by employers.

Entry Requirements: You will need to have passed the AS Level in Geography at grade E or above. What will I study?

Contemporary geography engages with the relationship of human populations to each other over space and time and their relationship with their physical environment. On this course you will study a diverse range of relevant and current human and physical geographical issues as part of the contemporary issues theme such as how the hazards presented by volcanoes, earthquakes and hurricanes can be managed, why countries like Yugoslavia break up, the origins and consequences of the Middle East conflict and why some countries stay poor and others like China are developing rapidly. You will also carry out an in-depth issue evaluation on a topic released by the exam board in November. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to a wide range of careers such as town and country planning, conservation, market research, leisure and tourism, work in the environment and teaching. Geography enjoys one of the highest rates of graduate employability, being highly valued by employers.

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 2118/010

Entry Requirements: You will need to meet our standard requirement, with a minimum of a grade C or above in English and Maths GCSE. You need to be interested in the world around you: in communities, people’s cultures, global issues which affect people, and most important of all you need a sense of empathy and justice. What will I study?

On this course you will study the World Development AS Level specification, which is a response to growing concerns that people in our society in the twenty first century should have an understanding of their role as global citizens and their responsibilities towards global development and sustainability. The title ‘World Development’ has currency in both academic and educational fields and is associated with promoting a ‘one world’ vision. The need for this is recognised at different levels of government in the United Kingdom. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to World Development A2. Students who have taken this course have gone on to university to study development, international relations, international law, languages, appropriate technology, disaster management and peace studies. The course can certainly prepare you for your gap year and may give you the edge when it comes to applying for university.

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Entry Requirements: You will need to meet our standard GCSE entry requirements. You do not have to have studied Geography at GCSE but will need an interest in the subject. English GCSE at grade C or above is preferred. What will I study?

Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0953/050

World Development A2 Location: Park College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 2776/010

Entry Requirements: You will need to have passed the AS Level in World Development at grade E or above. What will I study?

Name: Alex Hughes Age: 17 Lives: Eastbourne Campus: Park Studying: Geography, Accounting, Economics, Maths

“The teachers and facilities at the college are fantastic. The support that they give is an integral part of your course as much of your study goes on outside of the classroom.”

On this course you will study the World Development A2 specification, which is a response to growing concerns that people in our society in the twenty first century should have an understanding of their role as global citizens and their responsibilities towards global development and sustainability. The title ‘World Development’ has currency in both academic and educational fields and is associated with promoting a ‘one world’ vision. The need for this is recognised at different levels of government in the United Kingdom. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to university to study development, international relations, international law, languages, appropriate technology, disaster management and peace studies. The course can certainly prepare you for your gap year and may give you the edge when it comes to applying for limited places in the university of your choice.

TRAVEL AND TOURISM Alex Hughes “The teachers and facilities at the college are fantastic. The support that they give is an integral park of your course as much of your study goes on outside of the classroom.” Geography, Accounting, Economics, Maths. Park, Sussex Downs College


Travel and Tourism

Travel and Tourism

Travel and Tourism

Travel and Tourism

Introductory Diploma


Extended Diploma (180 Credits) Year 1

Location: Vocational College Level: 1 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: EP_383

Entry Requirements: You will need 4 GCSEs at grade E or above including English Language. What will I study?

On this course you will study 11 units over the year including planning trips, recommending holidays and worldwide destinations, together with general workplace communication skills. You will learn through a variety of approaches including research, group work, lectures and practical activities with guest speakers, day visits and work in the College‘s own travel agency, Eclipse. You will also have the opportunity to improve your English, Maths and ICT qualifications. What can I do after this course? The course will help prepare you for employment or, if you achieve an overall Pass grade or better, you could progress to the Level 2 Diploma in Travel and Tourism or other courses within the College.

Location: Vocational College Level: 2 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: EP_343

Location: Vocational College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: EP_369

Entry Requirements: You will need 4 GCSEs at grade D or above, including English Language and preferably ICT and good numeracy skills. For a mature student relevant work experience will be taken into account. What will I study?

Entry Requirements: You will need at least 5 GCSEs at grade C or above including English Language and Maths. Alternatively a Merit in the Level 2 Diploma in Travel and Tourism is also acceptable, or for mature students, relevant work experience. What will I study?

On this course you will gain an ideal introduction to the exciting world of the travel industry - from practising the role of cabin crew, to organising an overseas trip, to researching worldwide destinations. The course will also give your GCSE profile a boost so this work related course could be just the ticket for a career in travel. You will study the UK travel and tourism industry; customer service; UK, European and worldwide destinations; planning visits; working as a resort representative; and preparing for employment. You will also achieve a Level 1 Airline Cabin Crew qualification. What can I do after this course? Achieving an overall Merit or Distinction grade will enable you to progress to one of the BTEC Level 3 qualifications in Travel and Tourism the following year. It will also help prepare you for employment.

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This course, made up of two one-year qualifications, offers an ideal alternative to A Levels for those seeking entry to university; it also prepares you for working life with an emphasis on developing interpersonal, team based and other important work-related skills. The broad base of subjects studied will help guide you through the wide range of career opportunities available in this diverse industry whilst the guest speakers and visits add depth and variety to your studies. What can I do after this course? This course provides a pathway to the second year Extended Diploma in Travel and Tourism. Alternatively, you are well placed to access many areas of the industry including airlines, tour operators and other tourism providers.

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Travel and Tourism

Travel and Tourism

Travel and Tourism

Extended Diploma (180 Credits) Year 2

Subsidiary Diploma


Location: Vocational College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: EP_370

This second year qualification builds on the knowledge gained from the Subsidiary Diploma (Extended Diploma option). The focus is much more on the application of skills in units such as resort reps, handling air passengers, entertainment and air ticketing, as well as developing business awareness with the hospitality operations and marketing unit. An NVQ Level 2 in Spanish is also included. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to higher education where there is a wide range of tourism management degrees on offer with popular specialisms in event management and cruise operations. The wide range of subjects studied on the course also opens up job opportunities across the industry.

Entry Requirements: You will need a minimum of 5 GCSEs at grade C or above including English Language. Alternatively a Merit in the BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Travel and Tourism will also be sufficient. For mature students relevant work experience will be taken into account. What will I study?

This course offers an introduction to the world of travel and tourism whilst also allowing the development of useful business skills. It is ideal for those seeking a one year Level 3 vocational qualification following completion of either GCSEs and other Level 2 courses or A Levels. On this course you will study 7 units during the year: investigating travel and tourism; the business of travel and tourism; the UK as a destination; customer service in travel and tourism; long haul travel destinations; retail travel; and preparing for employment. You will also have the opportunity to study Spanish at NVQ Level 1 or 2 and work in our own travel agency. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway to a wide range of job opportunities across the industry. Alternatively you can continue your studies for a further year and achieve a BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Travel and Tourism, equivalent to 2 full A Levels.

Location: Vocational College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: EP_391

Entry Requirements: You need to have successfully completed the BTEC Level 3 Subsidiary Diploma in Travel and Tourism. What will I study? On this course you will study 7 units, which include work experience, entertainment and air ticketing. You will also complete a Level 2 Cabin Crew Diploma, giving you an excellent insight into this much in demand part of the industry. You will utilise our dedicated mock cabin area and work with airline-experienced staff, some of whom are ex-students from the College. What can I do after this course? Successful completion of this course, with the range of units studied, means you are well placed to access many areas of the industry including tour operators and other tourism providers and especially airlines and airport agencies such as ground handlers.

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Entry Requirements: You will need to have successfully completed the first year Subsidiary Diploma in Travel and Tourism with additional units. What will I study?

Location: Vocational College Level: 3 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: EP_368

VISIT OUR NEW WEBSITE EVoC (Eastbourne) Campus Sussex Downs College, Cross Levels Way, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN21 2UF, UK Tel: (01323) 637637 Fax: (01323) 637472 Email:

Park College Kings Drive, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN21 2UN Tel: (01323) 637111 Fax: (01323) 508778 Email:

Sussex Downs College has been awarded the ArtsMark Gold for its arts education, by Arts Council England.


Campus and facilities

Art and Design BTEC Diploma

Art and Design

Art and Design BTEC Diploma

BTEC Diploma


BTEC Diploma

Location: Park College Level: Level 2 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 4073/010

Entry Requirements: As well as enthusiasm, openness and appropriate numeracy and literacy skills, you should have either: 4 GCSEs at Grades G or above. (Art is not required but you must show an interest in the subject) or: a level 1 art qualification, such as the BTEC Visual Arts Diploma or Certificate or equivalent. What will I study?

On this course you will be introduced to a wide range of art and design practice. It is a very practical programme which includes drawing, painting, printmaking, fashion and textiles, graphic design, illustration and 3D design crafts, as well as digital media and photography. This experience will help you to make decisions about subsequent progression. As well as gaining experience of a wide range of approaches to these subjects and an insight into the creative industries, you will gain experience in tackling assignments, evaluating your own and others’ work, and preparing for the independent study needed at level 3. You will also go on several field trips for visual research and contextual study. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway onto the extended diplomas in art and design or other appropriate vocational Programmes. Past students have progressed successfully onto courses in photography, media and games design, as well as illustration, furniture design, product design, graphic design, design crafts, textiles and fashion design.

Location: Park College Level: Level 2 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 0426/090

Entry Requirements: You will need to meet our standard College entry requirement for a Level 2 Plus course. The motivation to succeed and progress to an Advanced Level programme. What will I study?

On this course you will explore a wide range of art and design activities. Emphasis is placed on practical work with opportunities to explore drawing, painting, collage, printmaking, sculpture, ceramics, lens based imaging and graphic communication. Most work is practical including the externally set assignment at the end of the course. You will also develop the skills and independence needed to cope with Level 3 courses. What can I do after this course? This GCSE will, as part of the level 2 Plus programme, provide a pathway to Level 3 courses. If taking it to supplement new visual subjects at Level 3, you will find that the skills you acquire will significantly enhance your options for further study.

Location: Park College Level: Level 2 How long is this course? One year full time Course Code: 4073/010

Entry Requirements: As well as enthusiasm, openness and appropriate numeracy and literacy skills, you should have either: 4 GCSEs at Grades G or above. (Art is not required but you must show an interest in the subject) or: a level 1 art qualification, such as the BTEC Visual Arts Diploma or Certificate or equivalent. What will I study?

On this course you will be introduced to a wide range of art and design practice. It is a very practical programme which includes drawing, painting, printmaking, fashion and textiles, graphic design, illustration and 3D design crafts, as well as digital media and photography. This experience will help you to make decisions about subsequent progression. As well as gaining experience of a wide range of approaches to these subjects and an insight into the creative industries, you will gain experience in tackling assignments, evaluating your own and others’ work, and preparing for the independent study needed at level 3. You will also go on several field trips for visual research and contextual study. What can I do after this course? This course can provide a pathway onto the extended diplomas in art and design or other appropriate vocational Programmes. Past students have progressed successfully onto courses in photography, media and games design, as well as illustration, furniture design, product design, graphic design, design crafts, textiles and fashion design.

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