REHEARSALSSTARTED Playsarebackafter 16-year absence. Arts, page3
Weekly online | Monthly in print | Covering the San Diego City College community since 1945
National Pacemaker winner | Volume 70, Number 7 | February 17, 2016
Staff member arrested
Charged in theft of four videocameras By COLLETTECARROLL City Times
Conference Champions The Knights basketball team clinched the championship of the Pacific Coast Athletic Conference two games before the end of the season. The team beat the Mesa College Olympians 94-82 and increased to seven their winningonFeb. 12at West Gymnasium. CELIAJIMENEZ City Times
The chief br oadcast engineer for City's KSDS r adio station was ar r ested Feb. 10 and char ged in the theft of four video camer as valued ar ound $20,000 stolen fr om the Radio, Television, and Film Depar tment, campus police said. Ger ald "L ar r y" Quick, 62, was to be ar r aigned Feb. 16 on two felony and two misdemeanor char ges r elated to the theft. His bail was set at $25,000. He has wor ked for mor e than 30 year s at the San Diego Community College Distr ict. Campus Police L t. L ouis Zizzo said that Quick confessed to the bur glar y and theft. "Since then his keys have been confiscated and his alar m codes deactivated," he said, adding that Quick's employment has been suspended while he awaits the disposition of his case. The four Canon C100 camer as wer e stolen over the winter br eak. Campus police sear ched local pawn shops and found the four camer as for sale at two shops in downtown San Diego, Zizzo said. Two of the camer as have been r ecover ed and r etur ned to City College while the other two will be r eleased within a week. The student r esponse was posi-
tive. "I am astonished we got them back. I wasn't sur e how the film classes would sur vive without Gerald "Larry" Quick them," said Matt Knowles, who studies motion pictur e pr oduction. Cy Kuckenbaker, cinema pr ofessor for Documentar y and Film Pr oduction, said the C100s ar e ver satile. They ar e used in multiple classes, such as documentar y, motion pictur e pr oduction and for the "Newscene" newscast. L aur a Castaneda, head of the Communications Depar tment, is pleased with the outcome. "We r eally want to commend campus police for their diligent investigation and r etur ning the camer as to us," she said. Castaneda said she met with City Pr esident Anthony Beebe to r equest incr eased police pr esence in the C and L Buildings because many faculty and staff fear r etaliation and sabotage when Quick is r eleased.
Student begins her journey back By MIKEMADRIAGA City Times
ZaphireAlonso. MIKEMADRIAGA City Times
Inside News Arts Sports
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Zaphir e Alonso cr osses the U.S. border and r ides the tr olley twice a week to attend City College. I n a wheelchair.
Her boyfr iend, Ber nar do Machado, dr ops her off at the south side of the border at 7:45 a.m. She pushes her self thr ough the handicap lane of the San Ysidr o Por t of Entr y, shows the Bor der Patr ol officer her U.S. passpor t and then catches the nor thbound ?Blue L ine? tr olley at the Metr opolitan Tr ansit Sys-
tem (MTS). Almost two hour s later, she?s victor ious, making it on time to her fir st class. ?I haven?t been (late) yet,? Alonso said, ?and I don?t think my teacher will be too mad if I am.? See RETURNSon page 2
Pricegoes up
Out-of-statestudentswill pay moreper unit. News, page2
Theydon't represent CityCollegedrama students. Arts, page3
2 | February 17, 2016
SDCCDout-state fee increases $5 per unit By JAQQUELYN LIM City Times A tuition hike of $5 per unit for out-of state students will come this fall affecting at least 3 per cent of students at City College, and 5 per cent of students in the San Diego Community College Distr ict, including San Diego Mesa and Mir amar Colleges. Chancellor Constance Car r oll made the announcement at the Boar d of Tr ustees' monthly meeting in Januar y. Cur r ently, the non- r esident tuition fee is $193 per unit. I ncluding the cost of enr ollment at $46, non- r esident tuition will incr ease fr om $239 to a total of $244 per unit. Car r oll explained the incr ease, linking it to an annual r eview done by the state
and the compensation of funds that do not cover the costs of instr uction. Fees ar e deter mined in consultation with contiguous distr icts. "I t's time this year to r eindex/r ecalculate what the non- r esident fee should be," Car r oll said. Executive Vice Chancellor Bonnie Ann Dowd stated how much fees differ ed fr om other distr icts in the ar ea.
"Per the infor mation by the state chancellor 's office, the aver age for this next year is $211 as the tuition r ate. Based upon our actual cost, it computes (in our distr ict) $198; that's $13 less than the statewide aver age," Dowd said. The San Diego Community College Distr ict is the only distr ict in the ar ea not incr easing the fees to the state aver age of $13 per unit. Non- r esident students at City College ar e feeling the financial str ain. "I don't know when or how they incr ease tuition, I just have to pay it," said Joanna Szoloch, a non-r esident student at City College. "Even though the tuition incr ease is only a couple of dollar s, adding up units
Returns Continuedfrompage1
ZaphireAlonsoreceivedher prosthetic legjust daysbeforethe springsemester began. MIKEMADRIAGA City Times
Her jour ney is much mor e than that, however. Alonso, 20, lost her left leg in a motor cycle accident on Aug. 16 while vacationing with a City College classmate in CancĂşn. Hospitalizations followed, fir st in Mexico then in San Diego, ensued by a months-long r ehabilitation pr ocess. She had a pelvis oper ation at the UC San Diego Medical Center, then moved to the Valle Vista Convalescent Hospital in Escondido, to r eceive additional tr eatment. At the facility, she r eceived a notice of appr oval for a pr osthetic leg. ?They just gave it to me and it feels good,? said Alonso just after r eceiving it days befor e school star ted. ?I only use it with cr utches though.? The pr osthetic leg is made of titanium and she admitted that it will take her a while to get accustomed to walking with it. For now, she will utilize her wheel-
February 17, 2016 | Volume 70, Number 7 National Pacemaker winner, Associated Collegiate Press PublishedasTheJay Sees(1945-1949), Fortknightly (1949-1978), City Times(1978- ) IncorporatingthenewspapersTecolote, Knight Owl andFlicks
Editor in Chief
Sports Editor
Opinion Editor
Photography Editor
Collette Carroll, Thomas Chesy, Lupe Diaz, Natalie Hanson, Oisis Jones, Jacquelyn Lim, Mike Madriaga, Michael Markulin, Antonio Marquez, Belinda Mendoza, Beatriz Merced, Destiny Ortiz, Ricardo Soltero, Cody Yarbo.
makes it a bigger amount and tuition is har d to pay. Non-r esident students take a year- long br eak fr om school to establish r esidency, that way they can avoid paying out-of-state fees. Some students look for suppor t with making tuition payments, including r eaching out to non- pr ofits dedicated to expanding access to education. But, not all pr ogr ams or options to enr oll in one ar e offer ed in ever y state. "I became an out-of-state student when I lived in Ar izona and became a r esident ther e, so I had to pay out- of- state fees when I came back to Califor nia," said curr ent City College student Michael Mar kulin. "L uckily, in Ar izona I was able to apply for a pr ogr am with a non- pr ofit that helped me pay my tuition ther e. "
chair to tr avel to and fr om school, and ar ound campus. Alonso is used to over coming VIDEOCONTENT adver sity. I n 2014 she was homeless and still able to gr aduate as valedictor ian at Monar ch High School. She r eceived a Pr ice Scholar ship, which helped her to attend City College. L ast semester, Alonso was slated to take 14- 15 units was not able to r etur n. I mmediately after her accident, a fr iend, L exi Mar tinez, a for mer Monar ch student and cur r ent City College student, cr eated a GoFundMe campaign that r aised $16,883 in 25 days to help cover her medical bills. On Sept. 7, Alonso r etur ned to the U.S. and checked into the UC San Diego Medical Center to continue her tr eatment. With the hilly ter r ain of the campus, Alonso said that she has pr oblems pushing her self up cer tain ar eas, and sometimes gets str anded.
City Timesispublishedtwicemonthly duringthe semester. Signedopinionsarethoseof theindividual writersanddonot necessarily represent thoseof the entirenewspaper staff, City Collegeadministration, faculty andstaff or theSanDiegoCommunity CollegeDistrict Boardof Trustees. District policy statement: Thispublicationisproducedasalearningexperience under SanDiegoCity College?sDigital Journalismprogram. All materials, includingopinionsexpressedherein, arethe soleresponsibility of thestudentsandshouldnot be interpretedtobethoseof thecollegedistrict, itsofficers or employees. Letters to the editor: LetterstotheEditor arewelcome, 350 wordsor less. The staff reservestheright toedit for grammar, spelling, punctuationandlength.
Dur ing her r ecuper ation pr ocess, Alonso couldn?t see her boyfr iend because he can?t cr oss the bor der and the only way they communicated was via social media. She was not sur e what to expect after the accident. ?I felt insecur e, I thought that he wasn?t going to look at me like a woman,? Alonso said, ?He changed a lot, he changed for the better.? She said their r elationship is now str onger than ever. Befor e her accident, Alonso wanted to become social wor ker. Her accident has changed her outlook slightly. ?I now also want to wor k with people that have medical conditions.? Alonso r emains optimistic. She said she?s glad to be back at City College, wher e she?s taking 11 units this spr ing. She said she r ecently r ewar ded her self with a tattoo scr ipted along her inner bicep which r eads in Spanish: ?Pies par a que los quier o si tengo alas par a volar.? The phr ase means, ?What do I want feet for, when I have wings to fly.?
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CITYSPORTS | February 17, 2016
Knights clinch playoffs spot By Luisa Sausedo City Times
KnightsbeginconferenceplayoffsonFeb. 24. CELIAJIMENEZCity Times
The City College men?s basketball team clinched at least a shar e of the Pacific Coast Athletic Confer ence (PCAC) South Championship with their seventh str aight victor y, defeating the San Diego Mesa Olympians 94- 82 in game Fr iday night at home. The Knights advanced their confer ence r ecor d to 6-0 and over all r ecor d to 20-7. The game at Har r y West Gym star ted out in Mesa College?s (817) favor as they scor ed thr eepointer after thr ee- pointer in the fir st half of the game. The Knights looked fluster ed as they r aced up and down the cour t tr ying to overcome the Olympians. I t wasn?t until late in the half when the Knights momentum picked up and star ted to shift the outcome of the game. The Knights wer e down by 13 when City?s head coach, Mitch Char lens, called for a time out. When the teams hustled back onto the cour t, ever yone could tell that both teams had come to play. Mesa College was br inging the
Former sportseditor dies L aShawn Encar nacion, for mer City Times spor ts editor, was found dead in his East Village studio apar tment at the end of Januar y. He had battled diabetes and other chr onic diseases for year s. Funer al ser vices will be held on Feb. 26, at 11 a.m., at Chr ist the King Catholic Chur ch, 29 N. 32nd St., San Diego, CA 92102. Complete stor y at
Oscars ContinuedfromPage1 for the Oscar s, it's about 80 per cent old white men,? said Kobza ?That, to me, is a pr oblem in itself. People voting alr eady have a lens thr ough which they?r e looking, and it?s not a diver se lens.? I n 2012, The L os Angeles Times published a stor y stating the voter s in the or ganization that pr esents the Oscar s, the Academy of Motion Pictur es Ar ts and Sciences, ar e far less diver se than the movie-going public. Oscar voter s wer e near ly 94 per cent Caucasian, 77 per cent male, blacks wer e about 2 per cent and L atinos less than 2 per cent, the paper r epor ted. Since then, the Academy has in-
cr eased the number of diver se pr ofessionals invited to join the or ganization, including Octavia Spencer, Ker r y Washington, Davis Oyelwo, and many other s. L ast year, the Academy invited a r ecor d of 322 new Academy member s in push for mor e diver sity. I ts pr esident, Cher yl Boone I saacs, said she has taken this issue ver y ser iously and on Jan. 26, the Academy intr oduced a plan to impr ove the diversity of its member ship. ?This isn?t unpr ecedented for the Academy. I n the ?60s and ?70s it was about r ecr uiting younger member s to stay vital and r elevant. I n 2016, the mandate is inclusion in all of its facets: gender, r ace, ethnicity and sexual or ientation," Boone told US Weekly Afr ican Amer ican comic Chr is Rock will host the Oscar s. The public is eager to hear what he will say about the lack of inclusion among the nominees.
heat but City College r etur ned the favor by scor ing eight points in the last two minutes of the fir st half, leaving the scor e 42- 37 in Mesa?s favor at the br eak. The Knights tied the game 4646 with 16:55 left on the clock. City?s sophomor e guar d Spencer Mattox scor ed a thr ee- point shot that put the Knights in the lead for the fir st time in the game. Mattox finished the game scor ing a total of 26 points and sinking 66 per cent of the thr ee-point shots. ?For us to be down by I think it was 15 and cut the lead down to 5 at half time, I mean, we knew how impor tant this game was and going into half- time with that momentum was definitely car r ied over into the second half,? said Mattox in an inter view after the game. Play after play, the Knights star ted to dominate the Olympians. Fr eshman center L eonar d Allen blocked a shot by a Mesa player to tur n ar ound and assist sophomor e guar d Rico Failla with a fier ce thr ee- point shot, making the scor e 56-46 City. Both teams battled to win the
confer ence game. Mesa College never gave up but fell shor t, with the game ending 94-82 Knights. ?The second half came ar ound and ever yone locked in,? said Failla. ?We all just got hot and you know, myself and ever yone else, stepped up and star ted making shots. We just have to make shots, that?s what it comes down to. Tonight was our night to finish it up. We have a lot of high hopes r ight now and we?r e tr ying to keep this str eak going. I t just depends if we come out r eady to go.? The Knights will end the season with two confer ence games on the r oad, playing the I mper ial Valley Ar abs on Feb. 17 and the Southwester n College Jaguar s on Feb. 19. Playoffs ar e to star t on Feb. 24, with the star t times and opponent still to be deter mined.
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