SPRAYITAIN?TSO Artist Chor Boogieset togolivewithnewart show. Arts, page9
CityTimes sdcitytimes.com
Weekly online | Monthly in print | CoveringtheSanDiegoCity Collegecommunity since1945
Volume69, Number 11 | April 21, 2015
City College sheds light on social justice By PHOENIXWEBB ALDORAMIREZ and LAURASANCHEZ Ci ty Ti mes Mayr a Almar az tearfully r ecounted how her ex- boyfr iend is ser ving a life sentence for a botched r obber y due to the thr ee str ikes law. Almar az shar ed her stor y in MS- 462 dur ing the after noon session of the second day of the fir st Social Justice and Education Confer ence held at San Diego City College on Mar ch 26 and 27. Attendees wer e asked to get into gr oups of four to six and each member
of a gr oup to state what they ar e passionate about in society to illustr ate the power of conver sation to br ing about social justice. Dur ing a br ief sit-down with City College Pr esident Anthony Beebe, he expr essed what he wanted attendees of the confer ence to get fr om it ? to know that City College is a national leader of social justice, social justice is not political or economic, and to help define social justice as a unified idea to positively impact the communities of City College and San Diego.
See SOCIAL, page 11
Caravana 43 ralliesat City By ALDORAMIEREZ Ci ty Ti mes Pr oclamations and chants such as ?Ayotzinapa aguanta San Diego se levanta!? and the continuous shout of ?Justice!? echoed thr ough the str eets of Downtown San Diego on Mar ch 24 in pr otest for the disappearance of 43 students in Ayotzinapa, Guer r er o, Mexico.
Accompanied by a police escor t, the movement known as Car avana 43 mar ched peacefully thr ough the str eets fr om City College to the Edwar d J. Schwar tz Feder al Building Car avana 43 was for med by the family member s of the students of the Nor mal Rur al I sidr o Bur go school in
Greased Lightnin? Studensts, faculty, staff andmusical loverspackedSanDiegoCityCollege?sSavilleTheatreonApril 10 for theopeningnight of the semester musical ?Grease,?DirectedbyJune Richards. The musical isset inthe late 1950sandisthe storyof DannyZuko andtheT-Birds, andgoodgirl SandyDumbrowski andthePinkLadies. Theperformanceof theiconicmusical waspackedwith highenergysonganddancenumbersaccompaniedbyalivefour-pieceband. See reviewonpage 8.
See CARAVANA, page 4
News Voice Arts Life Sports
LongtimeCityCollegemathprofessor Hoat Le, whodiedof cancer, leavesbehindnursing scholarships. News, page3
Why popular artists, suchas KanyeWest, will alwaysbethetalk of theonlinetown. Voice, page5
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2014 BostonMarathonwinner MebKeflezighi sharesstoriesabout hislife. Sports, page20
CityTimes sdcitytimes.com
Weekly online | Monthly in print | CoveringtheSanDiegoCity Collegecommunity since1945
Volume69, Number 12 | May 12, 2015
work catches FBI attention Policequestion ?Newscene?reporters after filmingin front of building By ANGELICAWALLINGFORD City Times
The2015 CityCollegebadmintonteamposesfor ateamphotoonMay8 at IrvineValleyCollege. DAVIDPRADELCity Times By DAVIDPRADEL City Times ?All I can think was just to not cr y but then I was like ?No! I am going to cr y? then I r an over to (Gina Niph) saying ?We did it!?And we wer e so ecstatic and r elieved ? I don?t think I will ever for get this moment,? sophomor e Cassan-
dr a Ka said as the San Diego City College badminton team was cr owned the 2015 Califor nia Community College Athletic Association State Champions on May 7 at I r vine Valley College. After losing to De Anza College in 2013 and 2014 in the State Title Match, the Knights wer e able to str ike gold in dr amatic fashion by
nar r owly defeating the Dons 11-10. ?I would have to say this match was the closest match ever in my coaching car eer,? badminton Head Coach Son Nguyen said. Thr ough two r ounds of singles and doubles matches, it all came down to the last match
See CHAMPIONS, page 19
Thr ee San Diego City College student jour nalists wer e questioned by authorities befor e and after captur ing video in fr ont of San Diego?s FBI building on Apr il 7 for a r epor t on sex tr afficking. Abtin Mohammadi, Daniela Por ter and a thir d student who doesn?t want to be identified wer e r ecor ding a stand- up r epor t for ?Newscene,? City College?s student br oadcast news show, about how the FBI named San Diego the eighth most popular location for sex tr afficking cr imes to occur. Accor ding to Mohammadi, one secur ity guar d said it was fine to captur e
footage in fr ont of the building. However, while the students wer e setting up equipment, another officer appr oached the students asking for their I Ds, taking down their infor mation and pr oceeding to give the thr ee a half-hour time limit to shoot. After about 20 minutes, the same officer came out and told the students to wr ap up filming. Some time after filming in fr ont of the FBI building, Por ter and Mohammadi said that the thir d student involved told them that a detective fr om the San Diego Joint Ter r or ism Task For ce came to her home while she wasn?t
See ATTENTION, page 5
ASGelection was delayed, nowresults are MIA By PHOENIXWEBB City Times Associated Students Gover nment election r esults have been delayed since voting was held Apr il 22 and 23 after mor e than a month of campaigning.
Accor ding to Student Affair s Coor dinator L or i Oldham, votes wer e collected on paper ballots on campus and online thr ough San Diego City College's website. The r esults of the election wer e supposed to
n Anatomy of an election: The twistsandturnsof City College?s student vote. Page 3 have been posted on www.sdcity.edu within a week after the polls closed. Student Affair s was contacted by telephone
Apr il 30 for election r esults and their r eply was that Oldham was out sick and was the only per son who could pr ovide the infor mation. May 5, Student Affair s was contacted in per son. The infor mation shar ed
was that Oldham was still out sick and ther e was no date as to when she would r etur n, nor was it known when the election r esults would be posted. Associated Students Gover nment senate candidate Claudia Robles and
cur r ent Pr esident Adam Gar cia wer e available for questions. They r eplied in the negative about the election r esults. May 7, Bill Ponder, who is the manager of Student
See ELECTIONS, page 15
News Voice Arts Life Sports
Infront of TVscreens, theMayweather vs. Pacquiaoboxingmatchbrought onmorethan just theusual cheersandboos. Voice, page7
Thenext gamingcrazeisjust one downloadfromtheappstoretoyour homescreen. Life, page13
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