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MAKINGWAVESGarfieldKwanintertwinesart withtheanatomyof seacreatures. Life, page4

CityTimes sdcitytimes.com

Weekly online | Monthly in print | CoveringtheSanDiegoCity Collegecommunity since1945

Volume70 Number 1 | September 29, 2015

Class section cancellations stir frustration Stories by PHOENIXWEBB City Times San Diego City College faculty and students wer e dismayed as the fall semester star ted with the cancellation of 41 classes. The ensuing backlash per sists. Administr ation issued the blanket statement that classes wer e cancelled due to low student enr ollments. Some faculty has counter ed that low enr ollments wer e not cut and dr y since a lot of students in their pr ogr ams histor ically got add codes dur ing the fir st two weeks of classes. Dur ing the fir st Academic Senate meeting of the semester Sept. 14, the topic of class cancellations was discussed at length and gar ner ed many comments fr om instr uctor s who wer e pr esent. Thomas Davies, instr uctor

See CLASS, page 5

Classes seeing static in RTVF department Amid this semester ?s cancellation of classes, Communications Chair L aur a Casta単eda descr ibed what happened in her depar tment as mor e than just cuts. ?We understand the district?s logic that they would cancel a class that only had two or three students enrolled in it, it?s just not feasible, you know, to have a class like that,? Casta単eda said in an interview. ?So we?re in total agreement with them on some of those types of situations come up sometimes.?

San DiegoCity College student Zaphire Alonsolays in her hospital bed at UCSDMedical Center on Sept. 9 after transferringfrom Hospital General dePlayadel CarmeninCancun, Mexico, after anAug. 16 motorcycleaccident. MIKEMADRIAGACity Times

?Bring Zaphirehome? GoFundMecampaign helpsbringCity Collegestudent Zaphire Alonsoback toSan Diegoafter motorcycleaccident in Mexico

See STATIC, page 2 By MIKEMADRIAGA City Times ?? We wer e going fast thr ough the Car r eter a Tulum, then the motor cycle star ted moving ar ound and that is when we flew (off),? explained Zaphir e Alonso, a San Diego City College student who was absent dur ing the fir st two weeks of school, with mor e than a legitimate excuse. On Aug. 11, Alonso and her fr iend Cr istalmar Palencia, took a tr ip down to Cancun, Mexico,

to celebr ate passing all of their summer classes at City College with As. The two enjoyed one last escapade befor e the star t of the fall semester. Their social media accounts depicted vacation photos and updates of them hiking, kayaking, pr acticing yoga, dancing and r iding motor cycles. On Aug. 16, Alonso r emember ed getting on the back of a str eet bike with her cousin?s fr iend, Vladimir and that he acceler ated to 120 mph. Vladimir bar ely missed two taxis par ked,

when he had lost contr ol. ? ? I flew (away) and I closed my eyes,? Alonso r ecalled. Alonso?s cousin, I r ving Duar te, r an to the scene and kept yelling ?Por que ? Por que?? questioning what had just tr anspir ed between his 20 year old Mexican- Amer ican cousin, and fr iend, Vladimir. Within appr oximately five minutes, Alonso could hear the ambulance coming, to tr anspor t them to Hospital Gener al de

See ZAPHIRE, page 7




Calendar News Life Arts Voice Sports

Aglanceintotheprocessof becominganinternational student. Voice, page6

Edplansarethenewnormal for studentslookingtoachievetheir educational goals. News, page3

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Former SanDiegoCityCollegestudent SandraGalindorunsfor office. Life, page5

CityTimes sdcitytimes.com

Weekly online | Monthly in print | Covering the San Diego City College community since 1945

National Pacemaker winner | Volume 70, Number 5 | December 8, 2015

Paris attacks hit home Parisian born San DiegoCity Collegeprofessor PhilippePatto shareshisreactionsand thoughtson theNov. 13 Parisattacks By ANGELICAWALLINGFORD City Times On the night of Nov. 13, one of the deadliest attacks on Fr ench soil since Wor ld War I I occur r ed in multiple locations acr oss Par is and Saint- Denis claiming mor e than 132 lives. Meanwhile, 5,000 miles away, San Diego City College pr ofessor Philippe Patto was in a par k with his husband walking their dog when he hear d the news that his hometown was under attack.

?My husband had the phone and he got beeped for an alar m,? Patto said. ?He checked and he told me the news and r ight away.? Patto hear d fr om a fr iend in Fr ance via email about the situation but had poor r eception so he and his husband went back home. ?We had the headline and I was devastated when I hear d,? Patto said. ?I didn?t know what was happening.? The attacks star ted at appr oximately 9:20 p.m. Fr ench

time and lasted until 9:53 p.m. The thr ee suicide bomber s detonated an explosive belts near a gate and on the outside of the Stade de Fr ance stadium dur ing an inter national soccer game, accor ding to Reuter s. A four th suicide bomber detonated another bomb in L e Comptoir Voltair e r estaur ant, killing himself and injur ing one per son. I n the midst of the sever al suicide bomber s detonating

Agroup of peoplemakeacombination peacesign and Eiffel Tower at theHouseof Francein Balboa Park on Nov. 16 during a candlelight vigil for the victims of the attacks in Paris and See PARIS, page 7 Saint- Denisthat occurredonNov. 13. RICHARDVALENTINCorrespondent

Students gather for workshops at Student Summit By RICARDOSOLTERO City Times

Knights?season heads down field


Freshman forward Francisco Contreras (10) battles against Southwestern Jaguars (left to right) sophomore midfielder Rigoberto Maciel, freshman forward Edgar Garciaand freshman defender Jesus Holguin to get control of theball at theSan Diego City Collegesoccer field on Oct. 2 during one of the most physical games the team faced this season. The Knights moved a step forward and qualified for the SoCal Regional playoffs despite losing the last game of the season, 4-2, at home against the Cuyamaca Coyotes on Nov. 13. The teamended up placingthirdoverall inthePacific Coast Conference. See story on Page 8.

Inside Calendar News Arts Life Voice Sports

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The San Diego City College Office of Student Affair s held it thir d annual Student L eader ship Summit on Nov. 13. The event focused on student leader ship, diversity, inclusion and social justice with wor kshops pr esented by UCSD?s Cr oss- Cultur al Center ?s Nancy Magpusao and the Social Justice Peer Educator s. The leader ship summit featur ed keynote speaker Daniel Stacy, founder and CEO of Cir cles 4 Change, a pr ogr am that offer s a multidisciplinar y and integr ative appr oach to de-

veloping and suppor ting per sonal r esilience in affected youth. Pr esent dur ing the summit wer e City College Pr esident Anthony Beebe and Vice Pr esident of Student Ser vices Denise Whisenhunt, who both offer ed wor ds of encour agement to the students in attendance. ?The people that ar e next to you at your seat ar e going on to do gr eat things,? Beebe said. ?The legacy of this college is in your hands, your legacy is in your hands.? Whisenhunt highlighted the impor tance of the summit, citing it as a gr eat

See SUMMIT, page 7



Celebratetheimportant things thisseasonrather thanthe?war onChristmas.?Voice, page6

After four yearsaway, songstress Adelereleasesoneof thebest albumsof 2015. Arts, page4

Weekly online | Monthly in print | Covering the San Diego City College community since 1945

National Pacemaker winner | Volume 70, Number 6 | Dec. 15, 2015-Feb. 16, 2016

CityTimes sdcitytimes.com


Constructing the future Alook forwardat changesinstore for students, staff andfaculty of SanDiegoCity College

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