City Times - Spring 2019 - Volume 73, Issue 5

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City Times

n nEdit io o i t a u d Gra

Covering the San Diego City College community since 1945

Volume 73, Issue 5 May 24, 2019

Cit y Col l ege pay s pr ic e f or Con v en t ion Cen t er mov e BYVICKYPINEDA ASSISTANTSPORTS EDITOR


Gr aduat e Br yan Josue Cr uz Telles hugs his mot her , Rosa Mar ia Telles Cisner os, in fr ont of a paper flower collage at t he 49t h Annual Chicano Lat ina Gr aduat ion Celebr at ion ear lier t his mont h, one of at least t hr ee similar celebr at ions befor e t oday's commencement . By Br ian Mohler / City Times

he city of San Diego?s planned Balboa Par k r enovation pr oject, which was meant to r enovate the Plaza de Panama section of the par k, for ced San Diego City College to look for alter native venue options for its year ly commencement cer emony. The pr oject has since been scr apped, but not befor e City College contr acted the San Diego Convention Center to hosts its 105th commencement cer emony. ?As far as I know its been at Balboa par k a long, long, long time,? said M ar ciano Per ez, dean of Student Affair s. This year ?s gr aduates would be among the fir st to walk at the Convention Center instead of the r egular tr adition at Balboa Par k. Gabi Vankonynenbur g, a film major who is waiting to hear back fr om USC and has been accepted at UC San Diego and San Diego State, will be one of the estimated 700 gr aduating students. She knew that City College gr aduation is usually held at Balboa Par k. She found out about the change in venue when she got the invitation in the mail. ?I was amazed (about having) gr aduation in downtown, by the water,? Vankonynenbur g said. ?Balboa Par k is amazing, but being surr ounded by the bay makes the cer emony mor e special.? The change of venue is costing City College near ly twice as much

Leavingtheir mark: Graduatingstudents maDeimpact whil e at City Col l ege| pg. 2

as the past commencement. The Balboa Par k venue cost about $40,000, while the Convention Center will r un the college about $72,000-$75,000. Another downside? Par king on site will not be fr ee. However, ther e ar e some pr os about moving downtown. Ther e will be food vendor s at the site, something Balboa Par k didn?t have. The Convention Center is also close to the Gaslamp Quar ter, wher e gr aduates and their families could eat near by. The Convention Center will hold between 3,500 and 4,000 people, including the gr aduates. An over flow r oom was also added, which will also be available for people with kids. M onitor s showing the gr aduation will be available ther e. The expectation is the move downtown is tempor ar y. ?The plan has always been to go back to Balboa Par k once it becomes available," Per ez said. ?We'r e alr eady ... thinking about what ar e some potential places, if we ar e not in the Convention Center and we ar e not in Balboa Par k, wher e else could we be. So we alr eady began to explor e some of those options.? Ricky Shabazz, the pr esident of City College, is going to meet with the city manager in the summer to discuss the futur e of Balboa Par k as the commencement site again. ?We want it to be meaningful for our students," Per ez said. "We don?t want to just be in a place wher e students have no connections.?


CITYGRADUATES | May 24, 2019








ife in California is expensive, even in a rural place like Fresno. That's where Maria Zedukes was born and raised. Zedukes? family relocated to Tijuana, Mexico when she was a sophomore in high school due to the high cost of living in the Golden State. She was hit with a ?huge culture shock.? ?It was scary crossing the border,? said Zedukes, who admitted to not knowing what crossing an international border entailed. All she knew of the Mexico-U.S. border was that her mother, a native of Michoacan, Mexico, once crossed it and that her father was born on the American side of the El Paso/ Ciudad Juarez border. ?There was nothing like this where I?m from," she said. "I literally grew up in between two strawberry fields." Zedukes, who is better known as ?Mia,? struggled with six to seven months out of school, dealing with depression while adjusting to her new surroundings. After finishing at a non- traditional charter high school, she came to San Diego City College. Her family?s financial situation meant she had to leave home, work and pay her own way through school. Scholarships, financial aid and on-campus jobs in the First Year Services office and English Center have helped Zedukes complete a double associate?s degree in English and Psychology while being part of the San Diego Community College District?s Honors Program. She will transfer to UC Berkeley, where she will work toward a bachelor?s degree in Ethnic Studies with a minor in Education. Zedukes plans to complete her bachelor's degree and continue to work in education where she can help other students in similar situations she found herself in. ?Maria (Zedukes) can relate to the struggles of her students,? said Edwidge Dupar, who supervised Zedukes in the First Year Services office. ?She gets excited about the opportunities her students can receive.?

Phot o by Jonny Rico

B Y J ONNY R I CO Editor-in-Chief


eing a good writer is not enough for the world of television and journalism ? that is something Marissa Gonzales learned while studying at San Diego City College. Gonzales, a Radio Television and Film major, will be graduating City College this semester with an associate?s degree in RTVF with an emphasis in broadcasting. The journey began in the fall 2016 semester. when she first took introductory courses in the RTVF department. Through those classes, Gonzales learned of the college?s news broadcast program, Newscene. ?I thought about joining (Newscene) in my final semesters,? Gonzales said. ?But I was encouraged to start right away.? She started her Newscene journey earlier than expected, but it has paid off. Employers at the internship she had last semester and the job she currently has now had experience working with former Newscene students. This made her a more favorable candidate. ?(Gonzales) exemplifies what we expect from our students,? said professor Chris Acedo, who is the co-faculty advisor for the production of Newscene. ?She came to our program from high school and is now working in the industry while completing her studies. ?She will go down as one of our best students.? Gonzales will be transferring to San Diego State, where she will work toward her bachelor?s degree in SDSU?s School of Journalism and Media Studies. While SDSU was not her first choice ? she originally considered transferring to San Francisco State University ? a few more years at home is not such a bad thing for Gonzalez. Her job as news writer for One America, plus the opportunity to save some money on housing, drove Gonzales to choose SDSU over SFSU. ?I know I will eventually have to move (away from San Diego),?she said. ?Me and my family will have some time to mentally prepare for that day.?

Phot o by Jonny Rico

B Y J ONNY R I CO Editor-in-Chief


aron Kizziar, who is graduating from San Diego City College's cosmetology program with an associate degree, is also leaving with a certificate in Special Effects Makeup. Kizziar participated in the City FX program, Cirque du Lumen showcase, where student special effects makeup artists turned models into surreal fantasy characters in a twisted circus-themed runway show. ?The professor pushed my creativity saying ?if you?re going to do a clown, she wanted to see something new that no one has ever seen before,?? Kizziar said. ?That pushed me to create the Twisted Canine Clown. ?I was inspired by Twisty, the clown from American Horror Story, but I wanted a clown that went completely AWOL so I added my own unique element, a canine jaw.? Kizziar stands taller than many of his classmates, making him a great model for his own creation. The scary, towering clown with an evil, bloodied appearance, talking through a menacing dog?s jaw sewn to painted face, was a stark contrast to his warm and friendly personality. While Kizziar obviously enjoyed turning himself into a frightening monster, he said he really enjoys making women more beautiful on one of the most important days of their lives. ?After graduation, I?m moving to Palm Springs to do bridal hair and makeup,?he said. Kizziar also participated in the City FX Fantasy Fusion showcase last December and said he will miss the special effects makeup program. ?I recommend the program because (professor Andrea Singer) is one of the best teachers you?re ever going to have,?he said. Students in the City FX program can earn a Certificate of Performance after taking the following classes in the dramatic arts: Drama 124 makeup for the stage, Drama 144A beginning special effects makeup for stage and film, and Drama 146A beginning special effects makeup practicum.

Phot o by Br ian Mohler

B Y B RI AN M OH L E R A&E Editor


3 | May 24, 2019

student support servicesStil l avail abl eover summer BY SCOTT GARDINIER & ELISABETH VERMEULEN Staff Writers tudents can expect most oncampus ser vices to be available to them over the summer 2019 session with some schedule modifications. The main eight-week summer ter m begins on June 17 with other shor ter session classes star ting on June 3. Par king pr ices will stay the same, accor ding to the par king office. Students using public tr ansit can buy a Compass Car d for $57.60/ month with a minimum of seven units. Not all students find that load to be manageable. ?I under stand seven units being a r equir ement thr oughout the full 16 weeks ter ms, but dur ing an 8 week cour se, it?s not doable when you have a lot to juggle," said L uz Monique Mur ua, a City College nur sing student. ?(The cost) should be cut in half, or at least the $57.60 thr oughout the (entir e) summer. This affects my tr anspor tation to school and so I won?t be taking summer classes this year.? For students taking face- to- face classes, Moody?s food tr uck will be on campus Mondays thr ough Thur sdays


Signs hanging on campus adver t ise t he summer schedule of classes. By Diangela Ver as/ City Times

between 8 a.m. and 1 or 2 p.m. The other food tr ucks will not be available. The MS Cafe will be open for business with similar hour s to Moody?s. The cafeter ia will r emain closed. The Food Pantr y located in the BT building will be closing thr ee hour s ear lier over summer. I t will be open fr om 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. MondayThur sday and closed on Fr idays.

With the main bookstor e closed for r elocation, the only bookstor e open for the summer will be on the fir st floor of the MS Building acr oss fr om the MS Cafe. With the opening of the A building ear lier this semester, student services ther e will oper ate out of their per manent offices thr oughout the summer ter m.

Student-l eader saysgoodbye B Y D AVI D A H UM ADA News Editor

ernment," he said. "I?ve really enjoyed ssociated Student Government getting to know everybody here not President Andrew Leal will be only at City, but at the district.? transferring to UCSan Diego as Leal will also continue as the stua human biology major at Revdent trustee on the San Diego Comelle College. munity College Board of Leal has been a part Trustees over the summer. of ASG for two Leal spoke with pride years, starting as about the outreach efa senator, then as fort of the ASG while he a vice president was president. and ending as ?I?ve really enjoyed the president. past experiences here ?I hope to at City College, such as take my experithe week of service ences from here that ASG helped faciliat City College to tate, our Halloween UCSD and to join event, a de- stress for fitheir Associated nals by bringing dogs on Student campus ...," Leal Govsaid. "Last year


we ended with six board members and now we?re ending this year with almost a full board.? Other ASG members transferring are vice president Charity Murrell, who is transferring to Arizona State University Online to major in sociology with an emphasis in pre-law. Chief administrator Isaiah Gonzalez will also be heading to UCSD to major in English. Webmaster Elyssa Tuscano is transferring to San Diego State to major in art with an emphasis in graphic design. Inter- club Council member Estephania Valenzuela is also transferring to SDSU to major in psychology. Tania Romero, another ICC member is headed to SDSU to major in English. ?My favorite part was being able to join a leadership role in school and ... being a part of the constitution and by-laws committee and actually being able to make changes here to the rules at ASG,?Valenzuela said. Added Dean of Student Affairs Marciano Perez: ?I wish the best of luck to all of you in your future endeavors and you guys really are what really makes ASGgreat.? ASG Pr esident Andr ew Leal is one of five st udent gover nment officer s t r ansfer r ing fr om Cit y College in t he fall. By David Ahumada/ City Times

SUM M ER SCHED ULE Admissions & Records and Vet erans Of f ice A-256 Monday & Tuesday, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Assessment A-201 Monday-Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Counseling A-366 Monday & Tuesday, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Wednesday & Thursday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. DSPS A-122 Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. EOPS/ CARE A-354 Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Financial Aid A-270 Monday & Tuesday, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Wednesday & Thursday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. St udent Healt h Services & Ment al Healt h Counseling A-180 Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (8-week session only) LRC/ ILC R-Building Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Out reach Of f ice A-250 Monday -Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. (8-week session) St udent Account ing A-256 Monday & Tuesday, 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Wednesday & Thursday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. St udent Transit ion Services A-301 Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Friday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tut orial Services L-205 Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Hours are subject to change. Schedule provided by the Office of the Vice President of Instruction and offices found on the City College website


CITYGRADUATES | May 24, 2019

Altopreciotuvoquepagar City Col l ege par a l a gr aduación en el Convent ion Center POR VICKY PINEDA Assistant SportsEditor

athl etes

Ed it or-in -Ch ief Jon n y Rico M an ag in g Ed it or Jen Sou za New s Ed it or D avid Ah u m ad a Ar t D irect or D ian g ela Veras Sp or t s Ed it or Son n y Garib ay Asst . Sp or t s Ed it or Vicky Pin ed a Ar t s & En t er t ain m en t Ed it or Brian M oh ler


n plan de par te del municipio de San Diego par a r enovar la Plaza de Panamá dentr o de Balboa Par k obligó a San Diego City College buscar opciones alter nativas par a su evento anual de gr aduación. El pr oyecto de constr ucción a sido cancelado, per o no antes de que City College haya contr atado al centr o de convenciones de San Diego par a albergar su ciento-quinta gr aduación. ?De lo que yo se, siempr e ha sido en Balboa Par k desde hace mucho, mucho, mucho tiempo,? dijo Mar ciano Pér ez, decano de Asuntos Estudiantiles. L os gr aduandos de este año ser án de los pr imer os estudiantes en caminar en el San Diego Convention Center. Gabi Vankonynenbur g, estudiante de cinematogr afía, ser á una de los apr oximadamente 700 estudiantes quienes r ecibir án sus diplomas. Vankonynenbur g, quien ha sido aceptada en UC San Diego y San Diego State, sabía que la gr aduación tr adicional de City College a sido en Balboa Par k y no se enter ó del cambio de sede hasta r ecibir la invitación por cor r eo. ?Me sor pr endió (el saber de) la gr aduación en el centr o, a un lado del agua,? dijo Vankonynenbur g, quien está esper ando saber si la Univer sity of Souther n Califor nia la aceptó antes de decidir a cual univer sidad va atender. ?Balboa Par k es bonito, per o estar r odeado por la bahía har á la cer emonia más especial.?

Our Staff.

New slet t er Ed it or Krist in D ixon St af f W rit ers Jesse Alt ilio, Jad e Ben n , An g el Cazares, Scot t Gard in ier, M ad ai Gu rrola, Uyen Ph am , Elisab et h Verm eu len Ad viser Nicole Varg as CONTACT INFORM ATION: Cit y Tim es San D ieg o Cit y Colleg e 1313 Park Blvd . | San D ieg o, CA 9210 1 New sroom : BT-10 1 E-M AIL: cit yt im es@g m

Los r ecién gr aduados caminar on el escenar io en el Saville Theat r e dur ant e la gr aduación Chicano/ a 2019 de San Diego Cit y College el pasado 18 de mayo. Por Jonny Rico/ City Times

M ay 24 , 20 19 | Volu m e 73, Issu e 5

El cambio de sede le va a costar casi el doble al colegio. El costo de las ediciones anter ior es en Balboa Par k le han costado alr ededor de $40,000 al colegio. L a gr aduación en el Convention Center tendr á un costo entr e $72,000-$75,000. El Convention Center tiene algunas ventajas sobr e Balboa Par k. Este año estar án disponibles vendedor es de comida en la gr aduación, algo que nunca se ha tenido en Balboa Par k. L a locación del centr o de convenciones a un lado de Gaslamp Quar ter le dar á la opción a los estudiantes y sus familias de ir a uno de los var ios r estaur antes en el ár ea. Una de las desventajas en compar ación a Balboa Par k ser á que el estacionamiento no ser á gr atuito. City College har á disponible sus estacionamientos a ningún costo, per o esta

Pu b lish ed as Th e Jay Sees (194 5-1949), Fort kn ig h t ly (1949-1978), Cit y Tim es (1978-p resen t ). In corp orat in g n ew sp ap ers Tecolot e, Kn ig h t Ow l & Flicks.

dribbl e

opción r equier e el uso del tr en o algún otr o tipo de tr anspor te par a cubr ir la milla y media entr e City College y el Convention Center. ?Quer emos que sea memor able par a nuestr os estudiantes, no quer emos un lugar donde no haya alguna conexión especial par a nuestr os estudiantes,? dijo Pér ez. ?El plan siempr e ha sido r egr esar a Balboa Par k cuando esté disponible. ?También estamos empezando a pensar en otr as opciones donde podemos tener nuestr as gr aduaciones que no sea Balboa Par k o el Convention Center.? El pr esidente de City College, Ricky Shabazz se r eunir a con oficiales del municipio de San Diego dur ante el verano par a discutir el futur o de Balboa Par k. Tr aducción por Jonny Rico

D ISTRICT POLICY STATEM ENT: Th is p u b licat ion is p rod u ced as a learn in g exp erien ce u n d er San D ieg o Cit y Colleg e?s D ig it al Jou rn alism p rog ram . All m at erials, in clu d in g op in ion s exp ressed h erein , are t h e sole resp on sib ilit y of t h e st u d en t s an d sh ou ld n ot b e in t erp ret ed t o b e t h ose of t h e colleg e d ist rict , it s off icers or em p loyees. M EM BERSHIPS: Jou rn alism Associat ion of Com m u n it y Colleg es Californ ia Colleg e M ed ia Associat ion Associat ed Colleg iat e Press Californ ia New sp ap er Pu b lish ers Associat ion

to universities

With the spring semester coming to an end, many San Diego City students, including the student-athletes, are considering where to continue their educations. Joseph Riley and Elliot Nixon are two of the Knights athletes who succeeded in their respective sport, as well as in the classroom, and will be moving on to a four-year university.



iley proved to be an asset for the Knights during the season, averaging 15.6 points per game to help City College secure second place in the Pacific Coast Athletic Conference and earn a playoff berth for the sixth consecutive year. The guard?s efforts during the campaign earned him All PCAC-South honors in February. Riley was recruited from Los Alamitos High School in Carson, California. Riley has accepted an offer to continue his basketball career at Azusa Pacific University. ?I?ll be playing ball wherever I go,? Riley said after the team's contest against Imperial Valley College on February 22.

Joseph Riley was one of five sophomor es on the Knights basketball team. By Jonny Rico/ City Times


ixon played for City College the last two seasons after graduating from Coronado High School. Nixon was named to the all PCAC-South squad. She averaged 12.7 points per game on the season and helped keep the team in playoff contention until the season finale. After graduating from College College, Nixon will next play basketball for Sonoma State University. ?I can?t wait to come back and see (Coach Andrea Aguilar-Montalban) every year,? Nixon said after the team?s final game of the season. B Y SONNY GARI BAY Sports Editor

San Diego nat ive Elliot Nixon will cont inue her basket ball car eer at Sonoma St at e. By Jonny Rico/ City Times

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