La Jolla Village News, February 16th, 2012

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VILLAGE NEWS Playing in cars

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San Diego Community Newspaper Group

DRE#01197544 DRE#01071814 Volume 17, Number 20

Scripps climate scientists to share stage with Dalai Lama at UCSD

refute the editorial in a letter to the editor. At 70, Somerville is currently working Two world-renowned climate scientists on the history of climate science. He has from Scripps Institution of Oceanography received awards from the American Metewill share the stage with the Dalai Lama orological Society for his research and his when he visits San Diego for a symposium book, “The Forgiving Air: Understanding entitled “Compassion Without Borders” Environmental Change.” He is a coordion April 18 and 19. The spiritual leader’s nating lead author for the first trip to the city was 2007 Fourth Assessment arranged by and will Report of the Intergoverninclude lectures at UC San mental Panel on Climate Diego, San Diego State UniChange (IPCC). The IPCC versity and University of shared the 2007 Nobel San Diego. Peace Prize with Al Gore. At UCSD, Richard La Jolla Village News: Somerville, a professor and When you received your theoretical meteorologist, Ph. D. in meteorology from and Veerabhadran RamanNew York University in athan, professor of atmo1966 did you see yourself in spheric and climate scithe role of environmental ences, will join the Dalai UCSD professor Richard communicator? Lama in a panel discussion Richard Somerville: AbsoSomerville. Sylvia Bal Somerville on “The Global Impact of lutely not. I was a weather Climate Change: Balance through Univer- buff. I had been a nut about the weather sal Responsibility, Compassion and since I was a little kid. I had a weather Human Consciousness.” Tickets for the badge in Boy Scouts. I had a weather staevent go on sale Feb. 22 at www.dalai- tion in the back yard. I thought I was going to be a weather forecaster or have Somerville, an expert on computer sim- something to do with weather forecastulations of the atmosphere, was recently ing. When I came to Scripps in 1979 I got in the heat of debate over climate change involved in climate and for a long time I after an op-ed column in the Wall Street did just research as a scientist. The whole Journal titled “No Need to Panic About idea of outreach and communication Global Warming” debunked the severity of dawned in mid-career. global warming. Somerville joined 37 other scientists from around the world to SEE SOMERVILLE, Page 9


Laura Buckles and Donald Rizzo (in the front seats) perform in La Jolla Playhouse’s production of Moving Arts’ “The Car Plays: San Diego,” running Feb. 23 through March 4. Below, Michael Shutt and Sara Wagner interact with their backseat audience. Photos by Jay PG Photography

‘The Car Plays’ ride into La Jolla Playhouse By Patricia Walsh In our technology era of intimacy interrupted, “The Car Plays: San Diego” drives into town for a site-based theater experience at the La Jolla Playhouse — staged up-close-and-personal in cars. “Expect the unexpected,” said Michael Shutt, who has acted and directed in The Car Plays since its 2006 inception. “What’s amazing is how intimate the shows are. The audience comes right into your world.” The Moving Arts’ production, conceived by Paul Stein, is a series of 10minute plays in which audiences of two move from car to car to experience five works by different playwrights. Carhops usher the audience to a car, the doors close and a drama — or comedy — unfolds. Ten minutes later, the doors open

and the audience moves to a new car with new actors and a new story. In the course of an hour, the audience takes in five plays. “The Car Plays: San Diego,” which runs from Feb. 23 to March 4, is the second in the Playhouse’s Without Walls series. The production, funded by a grant from The James Irvine Foundation, will feature work by four commissioned playwrights from UC San Diego’s Graduate Playwriting Program, seven local directors and Moving Arts’ playwrights. Sara Wagner, a “Car Plays” actor and director, said using a car as a stage creates a new theatrical dimension. “It’s like you’re doing a film scene in a car, but instead of a camera and a director, SEE CARS, Page 6

Leslie Davis, chairwoman of the La Jolla Historical Society’s preservation committee, addresses the crowd at a Feb. 4 rally at Wisteria Cottage to save the post office. Photo by RUDY VACA

La Jolla mobilizes to save post office BY PATRICIA WALSH | VILLAGE NEWS





The race is on to save the La Jolla post office building. In a rare meeting of the minds, civic and business groups throughout the Village have locked arms and formed a task force through the La Jolla Historical Society to preserve the post office building at 1140 Wall St. The goal is to keep the building as is, Belle

Its that time again! Vote online for your favorite Restaurants in La Jolla/University City and be entered into a free drawing for dinner for two at a La Jolla restaurant.

Baranceanu murals and all, and the postal operations right where they are. The group rallied Feb. 4 on the Historical Society lawn to officially launch its plan. District 1 City Councilwoman Sherri Lightner spoke and led the crowd of more than 100 people in a “save our post office” chant just as the 10 a.m. bells chimed from St. James by-the-Sea SEE POST OFFICE, Page 7






La Jolla Town Council, Feb. 9

BY MARIKO LAMB | VILLAGE NEWS Girard to dip no more? James Alcorn of Alcorn & Benton Architects reintroduced the Prospect Belvedere Restructure plan, also dubbed the “Girard Dip” — a proposal to restructure the confluence of Prospect Street and Girard Avenue. The LJTC put together a recommendation called the “Downtown Master Plan” 22 years ago, which included a proposal for the restructuring of the steep dive at the intersection of Girard Avenue and Prospect Street. The proposal later became a part of the La Jolla Community Plan, as well as the updated community plan in 2004, said Alcorn. Under present circumstances, Prospect Street dips seaward just

before meeting up with lower Girard Avenue. “The idea here is to make a through motion along Prospect and lower Girard, becoming a ‘T’,” he said. The project, as conceptualized, would also include a pedestrian promenade along Prospect Street from Herschel to Girard Avenues, relocate 15 parking spots and create an overlook over Scripps Park and the Pacific. “The idea of having a center of La Jolla is something that both the merchant’s association seems to be enthusiastic over [and] you all [Town Council] approved it 22 years ago,” Alcorn said. “I just wanted to make sure that there’s nothing in the woodwork that I’m overlooking.” Alcorn and his associates hope to find a private sponsor or sponsors to


fund the project. Although a full analysis and further drawings are required before getting an exact cost estimate, “it’s not a great amount of money in today’s standards,” he said. At the LJTC’s meeting on Feb. 9, trustees voted in favor of the ProspectBelvedere pedestrian promenade project and assigned a liaison, trustee Mike Dershowitz, to submit ongoing reports to the Town Council regarding the project’s progress.

posed bylaw changes. First, trustees must consider whether or not to change term limit allowances from six to nine years. Currently, trustees are termed out at six years, but they can return after a oneyear absence if they are elected again. Second, trustees must determine whether to adopt bylaw or code of ethics changes based on a majority vote — which is the current voting procedure — or by two-thirds vote. “There really hasn’t been much change to our bylaws in the last 60 The laws, they are a changin’ years, so this is something that really Trustees will vote on amendments needs to get done for the future of our to the LJTC bylaws at the March 1 organization,” said LJTC President meeting. Rick Wildman. Trustee Peter Wulff, chair of the Bylaws Committee, emphasized two SEE LJTC, Page 6 important points regarding the pro-

CIVICreport Bird Rock Community Council, Feb. 7 BY BLAKE BUNCH | VILLAGE NEWS The Bird Rock Community Council (BRCC) met Feb. 7 to update concerned citizens regarding a slew of break-ins, a proposed Chase Bank location and to perform the annual budget review. Crime report update Michelle Fulks, the Bird Rock Neighborhood Watch chairwoman, along with officer Bannon of Northern Division, elaborated on the series of burglaries from November to mid-January. “There have been 10 burglaries since November, so we decided to call a meeting in direct response to this

problem,” said Fulks. “One burglary was domestic, and detectives did a fantastic job in cracking the case early.” The nine other cases, according to detectives, are being viewed as unrelated. Bannon noted that most of the break-ins have occurred during daylight hours, and recommended that residents be wary of people moving door-to-door around their neighborhood. “The detectives were able to nab a suspect who was trying to use gift cards they stole from a home,” said Bannon. “In this particular case, it was a nanny who had staged the same thing a year or so prior. Currently, we

“Chase wants to be part of the community, and the closest branches are Chase Bank proposed location two miles or so between Pacific Beach Steve Laub, the Land Solutions con- and La Jolla,” said Laub. “The propersultant to Chase Bank for the Bird ty is too small to create a much larger Rock project, discussed concerns building.” regarding the bank’s move. Chase’s ultimate goal is to open a location at Roundabout roundup the former Bird Rock Surf Shop, which BRCC President Joe Parker delved would require a neighborhood-use into some ongoing projects, including permit change from a retail location the pipeline project in Bird Rock, to a service location, he said. The big which entails about eight miles of question concerning the BRCC, citi- sewer. zens and Chase Bank is: “How does “When it was decided to do the the community feel about the move?” undergrounding project, areas were Although no official voting action picked out of a hat,” said Parker. “The was taken, none in attendance outSEE BRCC, Page 6 wardly opposed the proposed location. are still working on the other cases.”

Barbara Bry (left) and Edith Eger

La Jollans turned heroes Two La Jolla women were honored at the 14th annual Local Heroes Awards show on Feb. 8 at the Balboa Theater. Barbara Bry and Edith Eger were among 17 San Diegans chosen to receive the honor for their dedication to enrich the lives of others. The honorees were announced as part of the 2011 Cultural Diversity Partnership, which recognizes and pays tribute to local heroes from eight diverse communities who are making a difference by improving their workplace, profession, neighborhood, community, region and the world. The year-long celebration of diversity is a project of Union Bank and KPBS. Schick signs on for more The La Jolla Symphony & Chorus (LJS&C) announced the renewal of a fiveyear contract with music director Steven Schick. “Steve has brought an incredible infusion of talent, energy and new ideas to the organization,” said LJS&C board president Stephen Marsh. “Each season seems more exciting than the one before. We are very pleased that Steve’s commitment to our musicians, to our audience and to the San Diego community remains so strong.” Schick, a professor of music at UC San Diego and an internationally renowned percussionist, started as LJS&C’s director in April 2007.

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Teaming up to clean up BY MORGAN CARMODY | VILLAGE NEWS Proving that it’s sometimes preferable to go au naturel, members of University City High School’s (UCHS) Roots and Shoots club teamed up with Friends of Rose Canyon on Feb. 12 to give native plants a boost in the Rose Canyon Open Space Park. Volunteers from the two organizations cleared non-native plant species, making way for new native oak trees to grow. They also planted willow and mule fat in some of the more eroded areas in an effort to counter erosion. The park, volunteers said, provides some much-needed natural solace in the midst of the city’s hustle and bustle. “I love the canyon because I come several times a week to walk and I can pretend I’m not in the city,” said Friends of Rose Canyon board member Gretchen Nell. The roughly 400-acre Rose Canyon cuts a path through University City, meandering from the 805 freeway west toward I-5 before plunging south and ending at Highway 52. Friends of Rose Canyon has been hard at work preserving the space for nearly 10 years. “It was initially founded to stop the Regents Road Bridge Project … [but] now we have more of a focus on saving and preserving the canyon,” said Deborah Knight, executive director of the organization. The group has received grants from organizations like San Diego Gas & Electric and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to help continue engaging the roughly 4,000 students within walking distance of the canyon. “We want to get kids to connect with nature,” Knight said. She emphasized the importance of the work being done in the area. “Rose Creek runs into Mission Bay, so what we do here helps protect the over-

all water quality in Mission Bay.” Friends of Rose Canyon protects the canyon from threats to the open space — including the constant risks that increased population and traffic woes pose in the form of widening streets that threaten to encroach upon the park. Aside from the proposal for the Regents Road Bridge, which was stopped in its tracks in 2010, the group has battled other proposals — like the one for a trolley route through the canyon. “We always have to pay attention,” Knight said, explaining that the organization is constantly on the lookout for issues that may pose a problem to the canyon — and is constantly searching for alternatives solutions. The Roots and Shoots program, founded by Dr. Jane Goodall and 16 Tanzanian students in 1991, is a nationwide organization that aims to engage young people in projects focused on environmental and social justice. “I saw Dr. Goodall lecture at UCSD and thought UCHS could benefit from Roots and Shoots,” said Tara Howell, UCHS faculty advisor. The UCHS branch of Roots and Shoots, she said, was a result of combining the former Earth Club and the Invisible Children Club — programs that were both experiencing dwindling numbers at the time. As such, Roots and Shoots has two club presidents — and 27 student members, with four years under its belt. The club doesn’t limit itself to environmental problems, nor does it focus solely on local issues. “Aside from working with Friends of Rose Canyon, the Invisible Children branch of the club works to help build schools in Uganda,” Howell said. The group also works with organizations like San Diego Coastkeeper for beach cleanups and is trying to organize volunteer opportunities with the Regional Water Quality


SCHOOLbriefs La Jolla High begins new student enrollment Parents of eighth-grade students who would like their children to attend La Jolla High School for the 2012-13 school year can start the pre-enrollment process. Appointments will be scheduled for mid-March. Please call (858) 4543081, ext. 2203, prior to March 19.


hosted an open house luncheon for the families of incoming sixth-graders. About 150 parents attended. They heard principal Chris Hargrave, foundation members, teachers and students talk about the school and address any of the questions parents had. La Jolla teachers honored by peers Muirlands Middle School teacher Julie Latta Photo by Pearl Preis

Julie Latta, Muirlands Middle School’s sixth-grade earth sciences teacher, and Bird Rock Elementary kindergarten Muirlands Foundation president Kristi teacher Lorene LaCava were honored Pieper, right. Photo by Pearl Preis as teachers of the year by their peers. The two will be recognized during the Muirlands Foundation welcomes San Diego Unified School District’s “Day incoming sixth-graders On Feb. 9, the Muirlands Foundation of the Teacher” celebration on May 8.

UCHS seniors Cassie Berta and Mckenzie Forgey work to free a big-wheel from under a cement block. MORGAN CARMODY | Village News

Control Board. “I love the dedication of the students ...,” Howell said. “They are very self motivated.” That dedication was present at the recent Rose Canyon cleanup, as students worked to clear dead brush and trash from the area. The work wasn’t easy — as UCHS senior Mckenzie Forgey discovered when she tried to free a discarded Big Wheel Bike from under a block of cement — but the payoff was worth it. “It’s worth more than all the gold in the Golden Triangle,” Knight said. To learn more about volunteer and guided nature walk opportunities in Rose Canyon, visit, call Deborah Knight at (858) 597-0220 or email

Which of these costly homeseller mistakes will you make when you sell your home? SAN DIEGO, A new report has just been released which reveals 7 costly mistakes that most homeowners make when selling their home, and a 9-Step System that can help you sell your home fast and for the most amount of money. This industry report shows clearly how the traditional ways of selling homes have become increasingly less and less effective in today’s market. The fact of the matter is that fully three quarters of homesellers don’t get what they want for their home and become disillusioned and – worse – financially disadvantaged when they put their home on the market. As this report uncovers, most

homesellers make 7 deadly mistakes that cost them literally thousands of dollars. The good news is that each and every one of these mistakes is entirely preventable. In answer to this issue, industry insiders have prepared a free special report entitled “The 9-Step System to Get Your Home Sold Fast and For Top Dollar.” To hear a brief recorded message about how to order your FREE copy of this report, call toll-free 1-800276-0763 and enter 1000. You can call any time. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get your free special report NOW to find out how you can get the most money for your home.

Courtesy of Dennis DeSouza Remax Lic. 01220680



858.459.6868 • 7630 Fay Ave. La Jolla, 92037 •




What’s the scoop? Highlighting La Jolla merchants Brockton Villa’s pan-seared sea bass with chanterelle mushrooms, vegetables, buerre rouge, Tahitian vanilla bean serrano vinaigrette and micro greens. COURTESY PHOTO

Finally — enjoy evenings over the cove at Brockton Villa BY MARIKO LAMB | VILLAGE NEWS For more than 20 years, Brockton Villa has its offered guests fresh seasonal fare, great customer service and a spectacular vista overlooking La Jolla Cove. And as if that weren’t enough, the restaurant’s executive chef, Mareyja Sisbaro, has rolled out a winter menu, marking the launch of the seaside dining venue’s year-round dinner offerings. The longtime La Jolla favorite previously only offered breakfast and lunch items during the winter off-season. Due to a high demand from locals, regular customers and concierges, Brockton Villa’s owner Megan Heine determined it was time to open the dinner doors for good. “We followed daylight savings in late fall, closing nights except for private events once

the time change occurred, and reopening in the spring,” she said. “We will probably have a dark night on Monday to keep up with training, scheduled maintenance, etc. It’s hard on a little 100-year-old building to serve from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m., seven days and nights a week.” Sisbaro has pulled out all the stops to create a unique and delicious winter menu that fuses the restaurant’s signature fresh local fare with seasonal comfort ingredients — a perfect match for the restaurant’s cozy atmosphere and stunning vantage point over the Pacific. “We have such a great winter dinner menu — very unique and delicious,” said Heine. “Some favorites this year include the oysters ‘Brockafeller,’ citrusbrined pork chop, seafood, as always — cioppino, sea bass,

Fresh oysters "Brockafeller" in a half shell with bacon, portobello mushrooms, baby spinach, artichoke, garlic cheese sauce and panko citrus crust. COURTESY PHOTO

salmon, scallops — and our ‘Epic Chowder.’” Other menu options include unforgettable items like the classic papperdelle bolognese with pancetta; oven roasted tomato, mushroom medley and grana padano; petit filet with Maytag blue ravioli served with roasted winter root vegetables; charred broccoli rabe and port demi-glaze; and ginger lemongrass roasted chicken served atop curry spiced quinoa, golden raisins, toasted almonds, apricot chutney, roasted red pepper emulsion and tzatiki. A warm winter drinks menu will supplement the entree menu this season with salted caramel lattes, s’mores espresso mochas, spiced apple ciders, hot buttered rum and other after-dinner sippers that are sure to warm any soul,

particularly when served alongside Brockton Villa’s famed Coast Toast a la mode with a choice between cinnamon or vanilla gelato. As the restaurant marches closer to the much-anticipated sale of its millionth Coast Toast, Brockton Villa will offer a free T-shirt and complimentary Coast Toast for every 500th order. Guests can also take advantage of the restaurant’s new BIP — “Brockton Important Person” — rewards card, which diners can use each time they visit to rack up $10 for each $100 spent and receive emails about promotions and events at the restaurant. For more information about Brockton Villa, visit or call (858) 454-7393.



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5 Mt. Soledad cross again at the crux of debate BY MARIKO LAMB | VILLAGE NEWS The Mt. Soledad Veterans Memorial has undergone more than two decades of legal debate about whether or not the 29-foot cross atop the war memorial, which sits on federally owned land, is a government endorsement of religion, thus violating the Establishment Clause of the U.S. Constitution. The Liberty Institute, a nonprofit organization dedicated to limiting government and promoting Judeo-Christian values, filed a writ of certiorari on Feb. 9 asking the U.S. Supreme Court to take up the long-standing case. The Texas-based nonprofit filed the petition on behalf of the Mt. Soledad Memorial Association, which maintains the memorial, in the hopes of overturning the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals’ decision last year that ruled the cross unconstitutional. “We conclude that the memorial, presently configured and as a whole, primarily conveys a message of government endorsement of religion that violates the Establishment Clause,” wrote Judge Margaret McKeown in the court’s published opinion. “The result does not mean that the memorial could not be modified to pass constitutional muster nor does it mean that no cross can be part of this veterans memorial. We take no position on those issues.” She further indicated in the opinion that simply because there is a religious symbol on public land does not mean there is a constitutional violation; however, the cross — at 29 feet tall, 12 feet wide and perched atop a 14-foot base — was deemed as the “defining feature” on the war memorial and violates the First Amendment to the Constitution, establishing freedom of religion.

“[T]his war memorial — with its imposing cross — stands as an outlier among war memorials, even those incorporating crosses. Contrary to any popular notion, war memorials in the United States have not traditionally included nor centered on the cross, and, according to the parties’ evidence, there is no comparable memorial on public land in which the cross holds such a pivotal and imposing stature, dwarfing by every measure the secular plaques and other symbols commemorating veterans,” she said. “The use of such a distinctively Christian symbol to honor all veterans sends a strong message of endorsement and exclusion. It suggests that the government is so connected to a particular religion that it treats that religion’s symbolism as its own, as universal.” Representatives from the Mt. Soledad Memorial Association and Liberty Institute maintain the judges erred in their decision ruling the cross unconstitutional. The Liberty Institute held a rally at the memorial site on Feb. 9, relaunching its “Don’t Tear Me Down” campaign, an effort to spread public awareness and galvanize support for the 58-year-old San Diego landmark and other memorials that bear religious imagery. “Let’s put an end to these attacks on memorials that bring pain to veterans, and go back to celebrating and respecting what these soldiers have done for our country,” said Kelly Shackelford, president and CEO of Liberty Institute, calling the removal of the cross a “move that would anger many military veterans.” Shackelford said removing the cross on Mt. Soledad would set precedent for other “battlefields” where religious symbols on veterans’ memorials are at stake. “This isn’t the only attack like this

Jeffrey Middaugh

going on right now,” he said. “If this cross comes down — this is a 29-foot cross — what do you do with the 24-foot cross in Arlington Memorial Cemetery, the Cross of Sacrifice? What do you do with the 10-foot cross there, the Argonne Cross? What do you do to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier that says ‘known but to God?’ What do you do to literally every community of every state of this country that has crosses and Stars of David throughout?” William Kellogg, chairman and CEO of the Mt. Soledad Memorial Association, said the memorial site in its entirety must remain to honor veterans and share their stories. “This veterans memorial is unique. It is a significant destination for local residents as well as visitors from around the world. Thousands visit the memorial every month and they walk the walls, so to speak, to read the stories of honored veterans,” he said. “The original cross, together with the walls, the flagpole and the walkway, form an integrated monument that means everything to so many families. It must remain as it is and where it is. To do otherwise would be an unforgivable insult to those who sacrificed everything to protect our way of life.” In addition to supporters of the cross remaining at the site, the rally also drew several protesters who wanted the Court of Appeals’ decision to be upheld, calling for the removal of the religious symbol. “We want to protect the religious liberty of all Americans,” said Debbie Allen, president of the San Diego chapter of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, an interfaith organization dedicated to preserving religious freedom for all. “A cross conveys a sectarian message that does not represent all deceased veterans.”


Allen said the right to religious liberty is not secure if the government presumes to promote religion over non-religion or favors one faith over another. “AU believes that our rights are not secure when the state taxes you to pay for someone else’s religion or when the government appropriates and displays the symbols of a faith that you may not share,” she said. “We are not saying anything against memorializing the service of our veterans. We think that memorializing service and sacrifice is important and should continue. Americans United would favor a symbol that did not further divide our citizens, but rather unite as many as possible.” The Supreme Court is expected to decide whether or not to take the case by June. If the request is accepted, the battle of the cross’s presence will continue at the highest U.S. court. If the request is denied, “That’s it,” said Shackelford. “The case is over, and the cross would come down.”

A rally at Mt. Soledad on Feb. 9 drew demonstrators on both sides of the polarizing issue of the war memorial’s 29-foot cross. PAUL HANSEN | Village News

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CONTINUED FROM Page 1 you’ve got the theater audience sitting behind you,” she said. “When you separate that big audience into little groups of two you get a very specific personal response and it’s very immediate.” Because the audience is new each time the play starts — five times in an hour, three runs a night — Shutt and Wagner find it helps keep every performance fresh. “Every set of two people brings a different energy and the energy is palpable,” Shutt said. “Whether they know it or not, they’re affecting the course of the play.” Wagner agreed. “Their different reactions give me a new experience every time I do the play,” she said. “People cry. People talk back. People are stone silent. People even do their hair and makeup. And maybe they’ve had a few too many cocktails. “It’s a challenge as an actor to remain truthful to the piece without feeling you have to earn somebody’s attention because maybe they’re not quite present in the car,” she said. Nature also plays a part in “The Car Plays,” which take place rain or shine, day or night. “There’s a reason to do site-specific theater in a less-controlled environment,” Wagner said. “We’re in the elements. People walk by. Planes fly overhead. It might rain. It’s always surprising in a good way.” Stein was inspired to create “The Car Plays” while sitting in Los Angeles traffic. He couldn’t help but notice a couple in another car arguing in sign language. He lingered on their

exchange to try to figure out what the story was and got the idea for plays in cars. When Moving Arts lost its stage space in 2006, he seized the opportunity to keep the company going and launched “The Car Plays.” What makes a car play successful is that it is something that only happens in a car, Stein said. The same play would not translate to stage. Vehicles also help define characters — a byproduct of our car culture dictum that says you are what you drive. “Think about people who drive a particular car,” Stein said. “What does that say about a character?” At the Playhouse, a taxi and a town car will be in the mix. Stein recalled one audience member who put a seat belt on. “Which is OK, even though the car is not going anywhere,” he said. “But once the door opens, you have to get out.”

If you go...

Tickets for “The Car Plays: San Diego” are $25 each and may be purchased by calling the Playhouse box office (858) 550-1010. For a full roster of plays, writers and directors, visit



whether the vehicles are carrying food safety standards. The letter-grade system will assist in this process.” Bates said the county’s Department of Environmental Health regularly inspects more than 1,100 food trucks and coffee carts to ensure that food is stored at proper temperatures, there are adequate hand washing facilities on site and other services are properly sanitized. “The goal is to help the public distinguish legal trucks and those which are operating illegally,” Bates said. “In these tough economic times, the last thing we want to do is stifle business, especially business growth, so we’re going to make sure we keep costs as low as possible in doing this.” Also, for those who missed it, Roberts’ full State of the County Address can be seen at

announced LJTC Vice President Rob Hildt. • The La Jolla Planned District Ordinance Committee voted unanimously to approve signage for Bird Rock Fine Wine and the Rush Indoor Cycle Studio in Bird Rock, announced LJTC trustee Mike Dershowitz. • Independent La Jolla filed to become a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, announced Independent La Jolla president Cindy Greatrex. • The next Sunsetter event will take place at the Steakhouse at Azul, 1250 Prospect St., on Feb. 16 from 5 to 7 p.m. This month’s community happy hour will host special guest sommelier “Will the Wine Guy,” who will be pouring wine for guests at the event. The cost of attendance is just $5 for members, $10 for nonmembers or free for new members who sign up and pay dues at the event. • Warwick’s recently signed on to offer a discount for the “Shop Local, Shop La Jolla” reward card program, making it one of more than 30 local businesses to offer a discount for LJTC members. 2nd Vice President John Weinstein urged members and trustees to participate in expanding the program by talking to their neighbors and local businesses about LJTC membership and the one-of-a-kind deals and discounts offered by the “Shop Local, Shop La Jolla” program. Membership cards are available at LJTC meetings, SunSetter happy hours and at the LJTC office, located at 7734 Herschel Ave. For pick-ups from the office, please call for availability. For a full listing of discounts offered or to sign up to become a LJTC member, visit

up for the card would receive offers and specials from local merchants, who would have a direct way to market to residents. The idea has been in the works for a few years, and a similar program recently began in La Jolla Village. The program, Parker said, has begun to take force. On a lighter note, Parker said that as early as March, the BRCC would be meeting openly for happy hour.

The cost for total services and supplies are the same as what was on the budget mailed out to Bird Rock citizens. There was, however, an increase in a portion of the budget dealing with a special district administration fee. This fee is based on the percentage of the actual assessment. Also, there was an increase on the estimate for utilities. Furthermore, the city added a line item on the budget for a cash advance that equals out to around $47,000. “We tend to be about three months behind from getting reimbursed on what we have spent,” said Parker. “Hopefully with the advance, we will have more funds. This changed the bottom line on the budget, not by much, so we are operating under a deficit. The difference between the cost we have to pay, and the revenue that is coming in, is less this year.”

Fireworks in the works District 1 City Councilwoman Sherri Lightner is working with the San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce to change the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) to exempt special events that are less than 48 hours from having to undergo environmental review, announced Lightner’s representative Erin Demorest. “It’s so important for the entire city of San Diego — and to La Jolla in particular — to be able to have exemptions for special events where you don’t have to go through this onerous environmental review because that would add thousands of dollars to the cost of your event and months to your permitting process,” Demorest said. “The La Jolla Fireworks Show and a lot of special events that are near and dear to Post office gets LJTC’s vote us are at stake, so we want to do everyLJTC trustees voted unanimously to thing we can to try to preserve those.” support all community efforts to preFor more information or to get serve the post office on Wall Street. involved, visit The Save the La Jolla Post Office Community Task Force has come up Food trucks may get the grade with a three-part plan to keep the Wall County Supervisor Ron Roberts is Street post office intact at its current working with the county Department location and preserve the mural inside. of Environmental Health to determine Save the La Jolla Post Office meets the feasibility of giving letter grades for every Friday afternoon at the La Jolla food trucks. Historical Society. For more informa“With gourmet food trucks’ growtion, email savelajollapostoffice@ing popularity, it concerns the sor that patients cannot confirm the safety of the food just as they can at a Around town brick-and-mortar restaurant,” said • The La Jolla Traffic & TransportaRoberts’ representative, Portland tion committee approved the ITU Bates. “The county does not track food World Triathlon street closures on truck and food-cart inspections elecMay 11 and 12 and voted to reject any tronically as it does with restaurants. request for valet parking until the comOnly paper forms are used instead, so mittee has drafted a valet master plan, there is no handy way to identify


CONTINUED FROM Page 2 idea was to have a fair distribution of that project among the various neighborhoods of La Jolla.” The BRCC, Parker said, recently made an application to the Business Improvement District (BID) Council for a grant for special funds regarding merchants and infrastructure. The day of the meeting, the BRCC received notice it had been approved for the grant, which would be in the ballpark of anywhere from $5,550 to $8,500. The BRCC has brought up the notion of a “locals only” card in past meetings. The goal of the card is to create cooperation between the BRCC and local merchants for deals in area shops and restaurants. Members would sign

MAD Review “We are trying to educate the community about the different organizations throughout La Jolla,” said Parker. “The BRCC is the designated contractor to manage the Maintenance Assessment District (MAD). MAD extends up to La Jolla Mesa, and when they put on these hats, they are a contractor with the City.”


SUBMISSIONS 1621 Grand Ave., 2nd Floor, Ste C San Diego, CA 92109 (858) 270-3103 Fax: (858) 713-0095

Announcements, photos and story ideas are welcomed. We ask that content be sent at least one week prior to publication and include valid contact information.








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Are you Injured or Ill?


Episcopal Church. Task force members spoke, rally goers signed petitions and some La Jollans shared their post office memories, videotaped for posterity by photographer Daniel Soderberg. The task force is now waiting to hear when the U.S. Postal Service will hold a community meeting. The group has requested Feb. 29, according to Leslie Davis, task force leader. Postal Service spokeswoman Eva Jackson said a date has not yet been set. At the rally, Davis presented three scenarios for keeping the building. “The post office is much, much more than a post office, it’s the heart of our community,” she said. Plan A, she said, would stop the closure and sale of the building, while Plan B would buy the property through a preservation fund and lease space back to the post office. Plan C would find a buyer who would preserve the building. The USPS announced on Jan. 10 its need to sell the post office, built in 1935, to raise much-needed capital. The USPS reported a net loss of $5.1 billion last year and must reduce its operating costs by $20 billion to return to profitability by 2015. Soon after the plan to sell the building was made public, Ellen Merewether seeded the effort to save the building with a $10,000 donation to the La Jolla Historical Society Preservation Fund. “I’m really, really tired of seeing beautiful buildings in La Jolla knocked down to put in condos,” she said. Since her initial donation, another $6,000 has been raised. “We would love to find a group of donors or another nonprofit to partner with to save the building.”


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The task force has also created a website,, as well as a Facebook page, Signatures are being collected to send a petition to the Postal Regulatory Commission. The petition requests that the La Jolla post office be considered a closure — as opposed to a relocation — in the USPS’ nationwide downsizing. “Relocations have less visibility and less process,” Davis said. More than 600 signatures were collected at the rally. The petition is available for signing at the Historical Society, Mondays through Saturdays, as well as at Warwick’s Bookstore and Pannikin Coffee & Tea. “It’s a tough fight,” Davis said. “There’s very little transparency. Where’s the information and definition as to why the building is being sold? It’s all moving so fast.” Still, Davis said she remains optimistic. “I expect the post office is going to stay exactly where it is, in that build-

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URGENT CARE Medicine in a soothing atmosphere. Next time you are ill or injured, don’t settle for the same old urgent care. Come check out our new, modern facility equipped with the latest techonology. Councilwoman Sherri Lightner, above, speaks at the rally to save the La Jolla post office (photo by Rudy Vaca), while top, residents sign a petition to be sent to the Postal Regulatory Commission. More than 600 signatures were collected at the rally. Photo by Patricia Walsh

ing, with that mural,” she said. “I’m sticking with Plan A.”

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For a full listing of La Jolla events Feb. 16-23, visit

Mr. Taco feels the heat

We've all seen waves break along the beautiful California coastline, but did you know these waves are full of energy that could power our communities? Join Birch Aquarium for SEA Days’ “Wave Power,” a familyfriendly event and discover the potential power within our oceans through hands-on activities and projects. From 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Birch Aquarium, 2300 Expedition Way. Call (858) 534-7336 or visit for information. Activities included in $14 admission. Photo by Sharon Hinckley


A fire broke out in Mr. Taco at 7918 Ivanhoe Ave. on Feb. 9 shortly before 5 p.m. The blaze was ignited by grease in the exhaust flue that set surrounding wood on fire, according to fire officials, and smoke damage was spread to neighboring businesses. One Mr. Taco patron said he had just ordered his food and when he returned from the restroom, the restaurant was filled with smoke. The fire caused about $1 million in damages, $500,000 to the structure itself and the rest to the building’s contents. Photos by PAUL HANSEN | Village News


Valentine’s Day isn’t over just yet! Join other couples this weekend at the Riford Center, located at 6811 La Jolla Blvd., for a romantic evening of “Wine & Roses” on Feb. 18. Wine expert Frank Brennan will lead the affair, starting at 4:30 p.m. offering guests a taste of eight fine wines, fabulous cheese and chocolates, with a backdrop of beautiful floral arrangements to continue La Jolla’s celebration of love. The cost of the wine pairing is $40 for members and $50 for nonmembers. For more information, visit or call (858) 459-0831.

The acrobatic house-cat troupe, the Amazing Acro-Cats, will showcase remarkable feats of agility in four performances at the Garfield Theatre from Feb. 16 to Feb. 19. The all-cat combo will amaze the audience with their talents, which range from riding skateboards, rolling barrels, ringing bells, turning on lights, walking tight ropes and jumping through hoops under the direction of master trainer, Samantha Martin, a pioneering feline behavioral expert. The “Rock-Cats” have even recently expanded their band members and repertoire of entertainment with jazz, Latin grooves and an island rhythm section to wow audiences during the family-friendly performance. Tickets for children are $12 and $18 for adults. Garfield Theatre is located at 4126 Executive Drive. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit or call (858) 362-1348.


1002 Prospect (above Smash Burger) La Jolla, CA 92037 858.459.1737

La Jolla

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LIVING Dreaming of style and getting a peek inside the costume closet

THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2012 | VOL. 17, NO. 20

Left, a model shows off an Alfred Angelo gown on the runway of the “Dream Style” show on Jan. 29. Below, a model prepares to throw a gold ball containing prizes into the audience at the show. Photos by DIANA CAVAGNARO | Village News

One of Betty Mabee’s Adolfo suits.


Fashion Files Diana Cavagnaro DREAM STYLE The Bridal Bazaar presented “Dream Style” Jan. 29 at the San Diego Convention Center, a showcase of style for a dream wedding. Guests were greeted by the sounds of Classic Brass and potential brides and grooms were offered ideas from 320 wedding professionals showcasing their wares. The event, voted “San Diego’s Best Bridal Show,” featured three fashion shows with all the latest trends in wedding apparel. Singers and dancers, including a couple from Champion Ballroom Dance Studio, joined models on the runway and Mary Murphy from Fox’s “So You Think You Can Dance” was on hand to sign autographs. A featured upcoming trend was bridal gowns in blush and pink shades, including a standout pink floral-print taffeta gown from the Vera Wang Collection, sold exclusively at David’s Bridal. PreVue Formal & Bridal presented a beaded gown that got a wild response from the audience, but the biggest crowd pleasers were the flower girls and ring bearers. Veils and headpieces from The Feathered Head and men’s fashions from Bridal & Tuxedo Galleria, Friar Tux Shop and The Men’s Wearhouse also got a chance in the spotlight. Other trends included two-tiered skirts and electrifying colors. Christina’s showed many of these vibrant gowns in red, burgundy, cobalt blue and teal. The store features gowns for second-time brides, mothers of the bride and party dresses. Henkaa, a Canadian-based company showed off its convertible bridesmaid dresses. “Henkaa,” which means “change” in Japanese, demonstrated the versatility of its dresses and how they can be worn in a variety of ways. The finale, during which models carried gold balls holding prizes that they threw into the audience, featured Brides By Demetrios. The Spring Bridal Bazaar will be held April 29 at the Del Mar Fairgrounds. For information, visit www.bridal INSIDE THE COSTUME CLOSET The San Diego History Center and The Costume Council in Balboa Park had a fabulous afternoon that began with the unveiling of a mini exhibit in the museum’s atrium featuring unique pieces from Betty Mabee’s closet. Mabee, who owned the Golden Eagle Farm (which bred champion thoroughbred racehorses) was well known for her charitable work, including her work with Voices of Children,

Angels of Aseltine Auxiliary, Gold Diggers and the San Diego History Center’s Costume Council. Two of Mabee’s Adolfo suits are on display at the center. Edward Maeder, former Los Angeles County Museum of Art curator, has named the San Diego History Center one of the 10 best collections in the country. On Jan. 31, guests had a rare opportunity for an exclusive tour into the costume collection archives. The extensive collection houses more than 7,000 items. Guests were first shown the oldest piece — a pair of beautiful shoes from 1770. Another exceptional piece was a handwoven cape worn by Mrs. Ulysses S. Grant (Julia Dent Grant). It took two years to weave in 1840 and was cut and made into a shorter cape in about 1870. Guests were also shown two ball gowns with intricate beading — one designed in about 1895 by Paris haute couture designer Jacques Douchet, owner of the major Paris courtier house, House of Douchet. Mrs. Oliver J. Stough wore the other gown to the opening of the Hotel Del Coronado in 1888. The tour finished with a Bloomer outfit from the Marston Family from 1845-1860. The next event for The Costume Council will be a coach trip to Beverly Hills on March 14 to see the exhibit ll Teatro alla MODA: Theatre in Fashion, which will display Italian haute couture stage costume designers. For more information, email UPCOMING EVENTS Feb. 16 — Fashion Plates, 10:30 a.m., Hyatt Regency La Jolla at Aventine, 3777 La Jolla Village Drive, luncheon and fashion show presented by Leonard Simpson, benefits the Food 4 Kids Backpack Program, (858) 8635121 Feb. 22 — 2012 SPRING Xposure, 6 to 9 p.m., Morgan Run Club and Resort, 5690 Cancha de Golf, presented by FINE Magazine to benefit San Diego Police Historical Association, (760) 634-2103 Feb. 23 — Nordstrom Designer Preview, 6 p.m., Port Pavilion on Broadway Pier, fashion show starts at 7 p.m., (858) 427-1112 Feb. 23 — Sassy City Chicks Fashion Bash, 5 to 10 p.m., Westfield Horton Plaza, 324 Horton Plaza, 21-and-up,

March 4 — LOVE, etc. Wedding Showcase, noon to 4 p.m., US Grant Hotel 326 Broadway, features M Bride Couture wedding gowns with a portion of proceeds going to the American Heart Association, $20, www.USGrant.Net/Love March 16 — 12th annual Go Red For Women, 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Hilton San Diego Bayfront, 1 Park Blvd., luncheon and fashion show to benefit the American Heart Association, (858) 410-3834. — Diana Cavagnaro is a nationally recognized hat designer and milliner. She has been operating a fashion business for 30 years. She has been teaching in the fashion department at San Diego Mesa College for 20 years and is an active member of the Gaslamp Quarter Association, The American Sewing Guild, the San Diego Costume Council and the Fashion Group International. Below, Charlotte Cagan, interim executive director of the San Diego History Center, shows an Adolfo suit from the closet of Betty Mabee. DIANA CAVAGNARO | Village News


LJVN:The recent Wall Street Journal editorial challenged the data on climate change and the need to take action. Why would anyone discredit the data? RS: People who discourage the research have a variety of motives, none of which are scientific. We know that parts of the fossil fuel industry and oil companies and coal industry have funded a lot of the disinformation because it hurts their bottom line — in the same way the tobacco industry tried to denigrate research that connected smoking with disease. That’s not the only factor at work. Some people don’t like the policies that they think might get implemented if the scientific findings were widely believed. So in many cases objection to climate science is essentially ideological and political masquerading as concerns about the science. If people don’t believe in the science then the need for the policy goes away. LJVN: Science and religion are two separate belief systems. But with the Dalai Lama’s visit it looks like the values of both practices are crossing. RS: It’s wonderful when someone who is so widely admired and respected speaks out on issues like this. The Dalai Lama has said publicly that he thinks it’s important for the world to find a solution to climate change. There are many religious leaders who have said that it resonates with the concept of stewardship, God’s gift to humanity. In general, the message is about preserving the environment. LJVN: Does having a different voice support what scientists are saying about climate change give the message more credibility? RS: The message is much better received when it comes from sources that the listener trusts and respects. They’d rather not hear it from scientists … we’re not the trusted messengers. Think for example about the campaign to get people to stop smoking. Political leaders, movie stars, the surgeon general and all kinds of widely respected people are coming together to deliver this same message: “You smoke cigarettes, it’s going to kill you.” Many people quit because of that message. There are many examples like that where it takes time for the scientific findings to get processed. Scientists aren’t trying to tell the world what to do. The science community is trying to convey scientific research; it’s nonpartisan. There are no Republican or Democratic thermometers; there are no liberal or conservative satellites. We’re processing data and coming to an understanding of how the climate system works. LJVN: Are you optimistic about the future of the world’s climate? RS:Technologically, yes. Technologically a lot of things can be done. Energy efficiency and conservation, which are extremely doable, which decrease the dependence on fossil fuel, often have many other benefits and often save money. In this country you tend to see them on the individual, corporate, and state and local level. You don’t see much action from the federal government. In the last presidential campaign if you think back, both Obama and McCain said during the campaign that they thought climate change was real and serious and they were going to give in a high priority. But once this administration came in to office, we stopped hearing about it. When all is said and done, more will have been said than have been done.

SOCIETY Honoring diverse local heroes; and a magical evening 10


Heroes: left: Lawrence Henry (Union Bank Sr. VP), Edith Eva Eger, Ph.D. (honoree), Barbara Bry (honoree), Tom and Julie Karlo (he’s KPBS GM) Magic: right: Reisa Bloch, Larry and Cindy Bloch (event chairpersons), Lisa and Gary Levine (honorees), Justin Levine

Starry, starry nights

with Vincent Andrunas The 2011 Cultural Diversity Partnership between Union Bank and KPBS culminated with the annual Local Heroes Awards celebration on Feb. 8. Seventeen area individuals who are making a difference by improving their workplaces, professions, neighborhoods, communities — and even the world — were honored with an event that began with ceremonies and merriment at the Balboa Theatre. Like the honorees, the two-hour awards program at the Balboa

embraced a broad range of cultures. The host and emcee was Yul Kwon (a Korean-American that fans of reality TV may remember from his win on “Survivor” in 2006), and entertainment interspersed throughout the evening included songs in Spanish, Polynesian dancing, a Klezmer ensemble and even ballet. The performances took place at intervals during the presentation of the honorees, each of whom appeared in a short video clip illustrating their contributions to the community before appearing on stage to receive their awards. Two were wellknown La Jolla residents: holocaust survivor Edith Eva Eger, Ph.D. (in recognition of Jewish American Heritage Month), and

Magic: left: Hanna Gleiberman, Judy Belinsky, Pam Ferris (Seacrest president/CEO [she’s been there 24 years]), Lael and Dr. Jay Kovtun

Magic: left: Ron and Dr. Monica Perlman, Dr. Michael and Nancy Gordon, Matt and Nancy Browar. Above: Steven Rosenberg, Rusti Bartell, Mary Epsten (Women’s Auxiliary president) and Jon Epsten, Alberta Feurzeig


LA JOLLA OFFICE NOW OPEN Harcourts Prestige Properties is officially open! We welcome the community to stop in to either say hello or to ask about what is going on in our market. The Harcourts Prestige Properties office is equipped with a “genius bar” featuring touch screen computers available for searching properties. You can come in and have a cup of coffee and have access to search all the properties for sale in the entire state of California via Harcourts One. If you are thinking about selling your property we also have the big screen LED TVs for display of featured properties as well as our Harcourts Magazine, the Blue Book, which will be distributed across Southern California. Being an international real estate company we also offer exposure to your home globally on our international web site! Harcourts is a full service real estate company that also offers service with residential sales as well as commercial properties. Please visit our websites, (full version launch mid Feb. 2012) and the international web site For further information about selling or purchasing a property you can also contact Tiffany Torgan Philips, Broker/Business Owner or any other of our knowledgeable Southern California Agents.

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Magic: left: John and Sally Thornton, Leo and Emma Zuckerman, Lee and Frank Goldberg

Magic: top left: Francy Starr, Robin Israel, Jerome Van Amburg, Brad Blose, Magic Mike Stillwell (magician). Left: Barbara Steinberg, Linda Bennett, Jane Ottenstein, Laurel McCrink, Teddie Lewis Pincus

Magic: above: Sheila and Jeff Lipinsky, Judith and Jack White, Jeri and Elliot Hirshman. Left: Alicyn and Brian Mullins, Marilynn and Roger Boesky, Joyce and Jere Oren


CONTINUED FROM Page 10 women’s advocate Barbara Bry (in recognition of Women’s History Month). A short walk across Horton Plaza brought the 500 or so attendees to the nearby Westin Hotel, where they enjoyed a festive post-ceremony reception. Besides the tray-passed hors d’oeuvres, a pair of food stations offered potato martinis, a couple more had sliders made with beef or chicken (or just veggies), and there were two dessert stations and three bars. The generous hosts thoughtfully provided plenty of food, drink, tables and chairs — and even a talented musician playing a grand piano throughout the reception.


Mike Stillwell stood amid a small group with a playing card stuck to his forehead, and said, “Well, it is a ‘face’ card, isn’t it?” He was right (it was the Queen of Hearts). And since Mike is a magician, this sort of thing is apparently normal behavior for him. The occasion was the cocktail reception of a benefit gala at the Estancia La Jolla, held Feb. 11 by the Women’s Auxiliary of Seacrest Village Retirement Communities, a nonprofit charitable organization with a campus in Encinitas and another in Rancho Bernardo. A jazz trio played during the reception, and several different magicians performed close-up magic, including card and rope tricks and dazzling sleight of hand. It all matched the event’s theme, “Magical Moments.” Cindy and Larry Bloch chaired the event, which honored Lisa and Gary Levine for their dedication and commitment to Seacrest Village. Once guests were seated in the dining room, a video showed how the Levines have been instrumental in Seacrest’s expansion for more than 20 years, while also serving other diverse community organizations. A live auction followed, with pricy ($6,500) his-andher Corum watches among the featured items. Guests enjoyed a choice of braised short ribs, pan roasted salmon or vegetarian entrees. The entertainment centerpiece of the evening was a three-act magic show headlined by Murray the Magician, seen by millions on NBC’s “America’s Got Talent.” His tricks included simultaneously spearing three specific playing cards tossed into the air by a trio of trustworthy audience members. Also on the bill were Stoil and Ekaterina — he’s a magician and she (his wife, who trained as a ballerina) is a master of the quick change. Guests marveled at her seemingly impossible instant costume changes. The performers demonstrated that the impossible may actually be quite easily achievable. Following the show, Society Beat came on to play for dancing. Guests also enjoyed custom coffee drinks from Java Jive, and a “candy bar” with a wide variety of popular confections from Life Is Sweet.

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Donovan’s Steak House They may look good enough to eat, but the paintings and sculptures at Donovan’s of La Jolla are strictly off limits – so you’ll have to content yourself with the USDA prime beef, the eatery’s star attraction. If steak isn’t in the plan, pork and veal chops and succulent seafood will satisfy the most discriminating of palates. And at Donovan’s, fresh seasonal vegetables and your choice of potato are always included with each entrée.

Cafe Milano Enjoy a taste of Milano right here in La Jolla. Chef - owner Pasquale's 25 years of experience with Northern Italian Cuisine and hospitality offers only the best and most incredible meal for the entire family. Chef - owner Pasquale will always go that extra mile from their homemade bread, pasta, dessert to your main dish and a variety of his signature sauces, you will surely leave the restaurant already planning when you will be back again! We hope to serve you soon!

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Bite of Boston Bite of Boston (BoB) is a family-owned eatery which offers an array of East coast-style seafood, soups, breads and meats flown in weekly from Massachusetts. Lobster rolls are available seven days a week. Enjoy Fish & Chips, fried shrimp and Ipswich fried clams every Fri, Sat, Sun. More than 30 sandwiches on the menu including the Philly Cheesesteak, Prime Rib, Turkey, and a variety of low-cal options. Call in for take-out or delivery. Check the BoB website for menu specials!

Girard Gourmet “From our garden to your plate” Girard Gourmet has been La Jolla's headquarters for fresh, healthy, tasty breakfast, lunch & dinner for the past 25 years. Locals always find their favorite dish at Girard Gourmet. Others eagerly await to find out Francois’ Julian Harvest to plan their dinner menu. Whether it's the Pear Cambazola Salad or Soup & Sandwich combo for lunch, Beef Burgundy or Chicken Pot Pie for dinner, or the unlimited selection of scrumptous desserts, you will always leave Girard Gourmet with a smile on your face!

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Jersey Mike’s Jersey Mike's is a sub shop that embodies the Jersey Shore, serves up classic sub sandwiches, wraps, and salads for dine in or take out. Menu items includes the popular original Italian sub, a meat lover's dream, with provolone, ham, prosciuttini, cappacuolo, salami and pepperoni, guaranteed to be always freshly sliced. Jersey Mike's also offers hot subs like the famous Philly cheese steak, grilled. East coast transplants will be happy to hear that they can get their fill of Tastykakes – a rare treat on the West Coast – at Jersey Mike's.

The Broken Yolk Café The Broken Yolk Café offers a large selection of home cooked meals in a comfortable and casual atmosphere. There are over 20 different omelets to choose from as well as a wide variety of other breakfast favorites which include pancakes, waffles and French toast. Feel more like lunch? Try one of our juicy ½ pound burgers or one of our large sandwiches.

The Spot Though this restaurant is within spitting distance of several ritzy hotels, it manages to maintain a laid-back charm. Witness the painting of an old, pot-bellied surfer just inside the door. The restaurant is divided into a narrow bar area on the left and a dining room on the right; both have wood paneling and brown leather booths. The menu ranges from burgers and grilled snapper tacos to lobster tails and bacon-wrapped filet mignon.

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ATT READERS! FREE BOOKS! Trade your 2012-001657 THE NAME(S) OF BUSINESS: CORE REbooks for free at www.! VOLT, DIRTBAG CLOTHING located at: 3106 MISSION BLVD. A-3 SAN DIEGO, CA. 92109 is hereby registered by the following owner(s): DIRTBAG MUSIC INC. This business is beingconducted by: A CORPORATION DIRTBAG GOT OLD COMIC BOOKS? Local collector MUSIC INC 3106 MISSION BLVD. A-3 SAN DIEGO, CA. 92109 DELAWARE The transaction of business began on: seeks vintage comic books and paperbacks 11/01/11 The statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenfrom 1950s and older. Let’s make a deal! Con- burg, Jr., Recorder / County Clerk of San Diego County on: tact me at JAN 18, 2012 ISSUE DATE(S): JAN 26 FEB 02, 09 AND 16, 2012



FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 2012-000103 THE NAME(S) OF BUSINESS: ARTNFILE MEDIA, HANDINAKS located at: 7621 GOLF CREST DR. health & beauty SAN DIEGO, CA. 92119 is hereby registered by the folTAKE VIAGRA? SAVE $500. Viagra 100mg, lowing owner(s): HOANGLAN NGUYEN This business is beCialis 20mg.40 pill+ 4 FREE, only $99.00. #1 ingconducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL The transaction of business began on: 11/01/11 The statement was filed with Male Enhancement, discreet shipping. Satis- Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder / County Clerk of San faction Guaranteed.1-888-797-9026 Diego County on: JAN 03, 2012 ISSUE DATE(S): JAN 26 FEB 02, 09 AND 16, 2012

PETS & PET SERVICES 400 pet adoption/sale


THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 2012 1755 ARCHER ST. SAN DIEGO, CA. 92109 530-228-6094 HAS FILED A PETITION WITH THIS COURT FOR A DECREE CHANGING PETITIONERS NAME FROM TONYA SUE GAREWAL TO TONYA SUE SABO THE COURT ORDERS THAT all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that indicates the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING TO BE HELD ON MAR 06, 2012 TIME : 8:30 AM DEPT: 8 220 WEST BROADWAY SAN DIEGO, CA. 92101 ISSUE DATE(S): JAN 26 FEB 02, 09 AND 16, 2012


whose address is: O’Dess and Associates, S.C. 1414 Underwood Avenue, Suite 403 Wauwatosa, Wisconsin 53213 You may have an attorney represent you. If you do not provide a proper answer within 40 days, the court may grant a judgment against you for the award money or other legal action requested in the complaint, and you may lose your right to object to anything that is or may be incorrect in the complaint. A judgment may be enforced as provided by law. A judgment awarding money mey become a lien against any real estate you own now or in the future, and may also be enforced by a garnishment or seizure of property. O’DESS AND ASSOCIATES, S.C. Attorneys for Plaintiff By: M ABAGAIL O’DESS Bar Code No. 1017869 POST OFFICE ADDRESS: 1414 Underwood Avenue, Suite 403 Wauwatosa, WI 53213 (414) 727-1591 O’Dess and Associates, S.C., is attempting to collect a debt and any information obtained will be used for that purpose. If you previously received a Chapter 7 Discharge in Bankruptcy, FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. this correspondence should not be construed as an at2012-001749 THE NAME(S) OF BUSINESS: HARLOW tempt to collect a debt. ISSUE DATE(S): FEB 02, 09 AND LIFESTYLE located at: 2526 CHATSWORTH BLVD. SAN 16, 2012 DIEGO, CA. 92106 is hereby registered by the following owner(s): DANA REID, ROSICELA MOURITZEN This busi- NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO SELL ALCOHOLIC BEVness is beingconducted by: A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP The ERAGES DEPARTMENT OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE transaction of business began on: NOT YET STARTED The CONTROL 1350 Front St., Room 5056, San Diego, CA. statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., 92101 (619) 525-4064, Filing Date: December 06, 2011 Recorder / County Clerk of San Diego County on: JAN 19, To Whom It May Concern: The Name(s) of the Applicant(s) 2012 ISSUE DATE(S): JAN 26 FEB 02, 09 AND 16, 2012 is/are: FRESH EGG LLC The applicant listed above is applying to the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control to FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. sell alcoholic beverage at: 3577 MIDWAY DR. SAN DIEGO, 2012-001425 THE NAME(S) OF BUSINESS: SUE CA. 92110-4917 Type of license(s) applied for: 41-ONSWEET located at: 604 GRAVILLA ST. SAN DIEGO, CA. SALE BEER AND WINE-EATING PLACE Issue Date(s): FEB 92037 is hereby registered by the following owner(s): 02, 09 AND 16, 2012 COULANGE SYLVIE This business is beingconducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL The transaction of business began on: FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 01/01/12 The statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronen- 2012-002269 THE NAME(S) OF BUSINESS: burg, Jr., Recorder / County Clerk of San Diego County on: GOLDFINCH APARTMENTS located at: 4077 GOLDFINCH JAN 17, 2012 ISSUE DATE(S): JAN 26 FEB 02, 09 AND 16, ST. SAN DIEGO, CA. 92103 is hereby registered by the fol2012 lowing owner(s): STEPHANIE EMME TRUSTEE OF THE : EMME FAMILYS TRUST DATED 03/29/1979 This business FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. is beingconducted by: A TRUST The transaction of busi2012-001974 THE NAME(S) OF BUSINESS: AVATI ness began on: 12/15/87 The statement was filed with SALON, AVATISALON.COM located at: 4019 AVATI DR. Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder / County Clerk of San SAN DIEGO, CA. 92117 is hereby registered by the folDiego County on: JAN 25, 2012 ISSUE DATE(S): FEB 02, lowing owner(s): DENISE E. MAYER, BRUCE B. MAYER This 09, 16 AND 23, 2012 business is beingconducted by: HUSBAND AND WIFE The transaction of business began on: NOT YET STARTED The FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., 2012-002017 THE NAME(S) OF BUSINESS: MARKSARecorder / County Clerk of San Diego County on: JAN 23, LOT located at: 9439-D CARLTON OAKS DR. SAN DIEGO, 2012 ISSUE DATE(S): JAN 26 FEB 02, 09 AND 16, 2012 CA. 92071 is hereby registered by the following owner(s): MARK C. GILLES This business is beingconducted by: AN FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. INDIVIDUAL The transaction of business began on: 2011-035641 THE NAME(S) OF BUSINESS: LA JOLLA 12/15/87 The statement was filed with Ernest J. DronenPRESCHOOL ACADEMY located at: 6580 SOLEDAD burg, Jr., Recorder / County Clerk of San Diego County on: MOUNTAIN ROAD, LA JOLLA CA. 92037 is hereby regisJAN 23, 2012 ISSUE DATE(S): FEB 02, 09, 16 AND 23, tered by the following owner(s): SAN DIEGO EARLY CHILD2012 HOOD LEARNING CENTERS This business is beingconducted by: A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY SAN SUMMONS (CITACION JUDICIAL) NOTICE TO DEFENDIEGO EARLY CHILDHOOD LEARNING CENTERS 1455 DANT: (AVISO AL DEMANDADO) TYLER METCALFE WEST MORENA BLVD. SAN DIEGO, CA. 92110 CALIFOR- and DOES 1-25; Inclusive YOU ARE BEING SUED BY NIA The transaction of business began on: 09/01/2000 PLAINTIFF: (LO ESTA DEMANDANDO EL DEMANThe statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., DANTE) RYAN M. RANNALLI You have 30 CALENDAR Recorder / County Clerk of San Diego County on: DEC 30, DAYS after this summons and legal papers are served on 2011 ISSUE DATE(S): JAN 26 FEB 02, 09 AND 16, 2012 you to file a written response at this court and have a copy served on the plaintiff. A letter or phone call will not proFICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. tect you. Your written response must be in proper legal 2011-035643 THE NAME(S) OF BUSINESS: BAY PARK form if you want the court to hear your case. There may EARLY LEARNING CENTER located at: 1955 CHICAGO be a court form that you can use for your response. You ST. SAN DIEGO, CA. 92110 is hereby registered by the folcan find these court forms and more information at the lowing owner(s): SAN DIEGO EARLY CHILDHOOD LEARNCalifornia Courts online Self-Help Center (www.courtING CENTERS This business is beingconducted by: A selfhelp), your county library, or the courthouse LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY SAN DIEGO EARLY CHILDnearest you. If you cannot pay the filing fee, ask the court HOOD LEARNING CENTERS 1455 WEST MORENA BLVD. clerk for a fee waiver form. If you do not file your response SAN DIEGO, CA. 92110 CALIFORNIA The transaction of on time, you may lose the case by default, and your wages, business began on: 09/01/2000 The statement was filed money, and property may be taken without further warnwith Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder / County Clerk of ing from the court. There are other legal requirements. You San Diego County on: DEC 30, 2011 ISSUE DATE(S): JAN may want to call an attorney right away. If you do not know 26 FEB 02, 09 AND 16, 2012 an attorney, you may want to call an attorney referral servFICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. ice. If you cannot afford an attorney, you may be eligible 2012-001784 THE NAME(S) OF BUSINESS: FINCH’S for free legal services from a nonprofit legal services proBISTRO AND WINE BAR located at: 7644 GIRARD AVE gram. You can locate these nonprofit groups at the CaliLA JOLLA, CA. 92037 is hereby registered by the follow- fornia Legal Services Web site (www.lawhelpcalifornia. ing owner(s): L2MNT, INC This business is beingconducted org), the California Courts Online Self-Help Center by: A CORPORATION L2MNT, INC 7644 GIRARD AVENUE (, or by contacting your SAN DIEGO, CA. 92037 CALIFORNIA The transaction of local court or county bar association NOTE: The court has business began on: NOT YET STARTED The statement was a statuatory lien for waived fees and costs on any settlefiled with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder / County ment or arbitration award of $10,000 or more in a civil Clerk of San Diego County on: JAN19, 2012 ISSUE case. The court’s lien must be paid before the court will DATE(S): JAN 26 FEB 02, 09 AND 16, 2012 dismiss the case. Tiene 30 DíAS DE CALENDARIO después FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. de que le entreguen esta citación y papeles legales para 2012-001808 THE NAME(S) OF BUSINESS: HOMES 4 presentar una respuesta por escrito en esta corte y hacer SAN DIEGO, HOMES 4 SD located at: 4370 LA JOLLA que se entregue una copia al demandante. Una carta o VILLAGE DR. #400 SAN DIEGO, CA. 92122 is hereby reg- una llamada telefónica no lo protegen. Su respuesta por istered by the following owner(s): CALIFORNIA REALTY escrito tiene que estar en formato legal correcto si desea NETWORK INC. This business is beingconducted by: A que procesen su caso en la corte. Es posible que haya un CORPORATION CALIFORNIA REALTY NETWORK INC 36 formulario que usted pueda usar para su respuesta. puede TIMBERLAND ALISO VIEJO, SAN DIEGO, CA. 92656 CAL- encontrar estos formularios de la corte y más informacion IFORNIA The transaction of business began on: NOT YET en el Centro de Ayunda de las Cortes de California STARTED The statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronen- (, en la biblioteca burg, Jr., Recorder / County Clerk of San Diego County on: de leyes de su condado o en la corte que le quede más JAN19, 2012 ISSUE DATE(S): JAN 26 FEB 02, 09 AND 16, cerca. Si no puede pagar la cuota de presntacieón pida al secretario de la corte que le déo un frmulario de exen2012 ción de pago de cuotas. Si no presenta su respuesta a FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. tiempo, puede perder el caso por incumplimiento y la corte 2012-002204 THE NAME(S) OF BUSINESS: PACIFIC le podrá quitar su sueldo, dinero y bienes sin más adverHORIZON DEVELOPMENT located at: 1314 DEVONSHIRE tencia.Hay otros requisitos legales Es recomendable que DR. SAN DIEGO, CA. 92107 is hereby registered by the fol- llame a un abogado inmediatamente. Si no conoce a un lowing owner(s): CHRIS NIRSCHL, SHERRY NIRSCHL This abogado, puede llamar a un servicio de remisión a aabobusiness is beingconducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL The trans- gados. Si no puede a un abogado, es posible que cumpla action of business began on: 07/10/90 The statement was con los requisitos para obtener servicios legales gratuitos filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder / County de un programa de servicios legales sin fines de lucro. Clerk of San Diego County on: JAN24, 2012 ISSUE Puede encontrar estos sin grupos sin fines de lucro en el DATE(S): JAN 26 FEB 02, 09 AND 16, 2012 sitio web de California Legal Services, (www.lawhelpcalFICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO., en el Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de Cali2011-035419 THE NAME(S) OF BUSINESS: MEDICAL fornia,( gov/selfhelp/espanol/), o LABORATORY OF SAN DIEGO located at: 4282 GENESEE poniéndose en contacto con la corte o el colegío de aboAVE. SUITE 202 SAN DIEGO, CA. 92117 is hereby regis- gados locales. The name and address of the court is: (El tered by the following owner(s): YASUKO KIDOKORO, MD nombre y dirección de la corte es): SUPERIOR COURT OF INC APC This business is beingconducted by: A CORPO- CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO 325 S. MELROSE RATION YASUKO KIDOKORO, MD INC APC 4282 GENESEE VISTA, CA.92081 North County Regional Center CASE NO: AVENUE SUITE 202 SAN DIEGO, CA. 92117 CALIFORNIA 37-2011-00056191-CU-PO-NC The name, address, and The transaction of business began on: 07/01/2000 The telephone number of plaintiff’s attorney, or plaintiff withstatement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., out an attorney, is:(El nombre, la direccieón y el número de Recorder / County Clerk of San Diego County on: DEC 29, teléfono del abogado del demandante, o del demandante 2011 ISSUE DATE(S): JAN 26 FEB 02, 09 AND 16, 2012 que no tiene abogado, es): Steven L. Victor, Esq. Law Office of Steven L. Victor 2305 India Street San Diego, CA. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 92101 DATE: JULY 14, 2011 clerk , by C. Terriquez, 2012-002197 THE NAME(S) OF BUSINESS: LEGAL Deputy ISSUE DATES: FEB 02, 09, 16 AND 23, 2012 ROC located at: 846 GRAND AVE. SUITE 475 SAN DIEGO, CA. 92109 is hereby registered by the following owner(s): SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR TONYA SABO This business is beingconducted by: AN IN- THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO-NORTH COUNTY CASE DIVIDUAL The transaction of business began on: NO. 37-2011-00056191-CU-PO-NC PLAINTIFF’S 07/01/2000 The statement was filed with Ernest J. Dro- STATEMENT OF DAMAGES Judge: Hon. Robert P. Dahlquist nenburg, Jr., Recorder / County Clerk of San Diego County Department: N-29 Complaint Filed: July 14, 2011 RYAN on: JAN 24, 2012 ISSUE DATE(S): JAN 26 FEB 02, 09 AND M. RANNALLI, Plaintiff, v. TYLER METCALFE and DOES 125, inclusive, Defendants. Plaintiff, Ryan M. Rannalli, 16, 2012 hereby claims damages in the above-captioned matter as STATE OF WISCONSIN CIRCUIT COURT OUTAGAMIE follows: Special Damages of $50,000.00 or more; General COUNTY Case No. 11-CV-1828 Code No. 30404 Foreclodamages of $250,000.00 or more; and Punitive damsure of Mortgage Dollar Amount Greater Than $5,000,00 ages: $1,000,000.00 or more. LAW OFFICE OF STEVEN L. Honorable Michael W. Gage EVERBANK, 8100 Nations Way VICTOR BY: Steven L. Victor Attorney for Plaintiff Ryan M. Jacksonville, Florida 32256; Plaintiff, vs. TROY OCHOWRannalli Dated 07/19/2011ISSUE DATE(S): FEB 02, 09, 16 ICZ and TRINA OCHOWICZ, husband and wife, 800 Soith AND 23,2012 Timmers Lane Appleton WI 54914, Defendants. FORTY DAY SUMMONS THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, TO: TROY FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. OCHOWICZ and TRINA OCHOWICZ husband and wife 2012-002127 THE NAME(S) OF BUSINESS: PANCA 2912 Ingelow Street, Apt 6 San Diego, CA 92106-2367 PERUVIAN ROTISSERIE located at: 1902 S. COAST HWY You are hereby notified that the plaintiff named above has OCEANSIDE, CA. 92054 is hereby registered by the folfiled a lawsuit or other legal action against you. The com- lowing owner(s): RMR FOOD SERVICES, INC. This busiplaint, which is also served upon you, states the nature ness is beingconducted by: A CORPORATION RMR FOOD and basis of the legal action. Within 40 days after Feberu- SERVICE, INC. 1902 S. COAST HWY OCEANSIDE, CA. ary 2, 2012, you must respond with a written answer, as 92054 CALIFORNIA The transaction of business began on: that term is used in Chapter 802 of the Wisconsin Statutes, NOT YET STARTED The statement was filed with Ernest J. to the complaint. The court may reject or disregard an an- Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder / County Clerk of San Diego swer that does not follow the requirements of the statutes. County on: JAN 24, 2012 ISSUE DATE(S): FEB 02, 09, 16 The answer must be sent or delivered to the court, whose AND 23, 2012 address is: Clerk of Circuit Court Outagamie County Justice Center 320 South Walnut Street Appleton, WI 54911 and to O’Dess and Associates, S.C., Plaintiff’s attorneys, continued on page 15






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DIEGO, CA. 92126 is hereby registered by the following owner(s): MARY L. LECOMPTE This business is beingconducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL The transaction of business began on: NOT YET STARTED The statement was FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder / County 2012-002128 THE NAME(S) OF BUSINESS: ADClerk of San Diego County on: JAN 25, 2012 ISSUE VANTAGE HOME INSPECTION SERVICE located at: DATE(S): FEB 09, 16, 23 AND MAR 01, 2012 1081 CAMINO DEL RIO SOUTH, STE 216 SAN DIEGO, CA. 92108 is hereby registered by the following FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. owner(s): AHIS, INC. This business is beingconducted 2012-002873 THE NAME(S) OF BUSINESS: KNEAD by: A CORPORATION AHIS, INC. 1081 CAMINO DEL RIO A MASSAGE located at: 1860 BONUS DRIVE SAN SOUTH, STE 216 SAN DIEGO, CA. 92108 CALIFORNIA DIEGO, CA. 92110 is hereby registered by the following The transaction of business began on: NOT YET owner(s): CHERRE BULLThis business is beingconSTARTED The statement was filed with Ernest J. Dro- ducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL The transaction of business nenburg, Jr., Recorder / County Clerk of San Diego began on: NOT YET STARTED The statement was filed County on: JAN 24, 2012 ISSUE DATE(S): FEB 02, 09, 16 with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder / County Clerk of San Diego County on: JAN 31, 2012 ISSUE DATE(S): AND 23, 2012 FEB 09, 16, 23 AND MAR 01, 2012 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 2011-035640 THE NAME(S) OF BUSINESS: EULA FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. RADIO FOUNDATION, ESTAMOS UNIDOS LATINO 2012-001047 THE NAME(S) OF BUSINESS: AMERICANOS RADIO FOUNDATION located at: 4049 MACAQUE ENTERPRISES located at: 655 TOURMA30TH ST. SAN DIEGO, CA. 92104 is hereby registered by LINE ST. #5H SAN DIEGO, CA. 92109 is hereby registhe following owner(s): JAMIE SCHLIAPNIK, JACQUE- tered by the following owner(s): TIMOTHY E. HOMUTH LINE SCHLIAPNIK This business is beingconducted by: This business is beingconducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL The A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP The transaction of business transaction of business began on: 01/11/12 The statebegan on: NOT YET STARTED The statement was filed ment was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder / County Clerk / County Clerk of San Diego County on: JAN 11, 2012 of San Diego County on: DEC 30, 2011 ISSUE DATE(S): ISSUE DATE(S): FEB 09, 16, 23 AND MAR 01, 2012 JAN 26 FEB 02, 09 AND 16, 2012 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 2012-002716 THE NAME(S) OF BUSINESS: SD FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. TRAVEL TOUR, SD TRAVEL AGENCY located at: 3136 2012-002134 THE NAME(S) OF BUSINESS: PROJMISSION BLVD. STE C SAN DIEGO, CA. 92109 is hereby ECTS575 located at: 4843 DEL MAR AVE. SAN DIEGO, registered by the following owner(s): SD TRAVEL TOUR, CA. 92107 is hereby registered by the following INC. This business is beingconducted by: A CORPORAowner(s): JENNIFER TURNER MINOTTI This business is TION SD TRAVEL TOUR, INC. 3136 MISSION BLVD. STE beingconducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL The transaction of C SAN DIEGO, CA. 92109 CALIFORNIA The transaction business began on: 10/01/11 The statement was filed of business began on: 01/30/2012 The statement was with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder / County Clerk filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder / County of San Diego County on: JAN 24, 2012 ISSUE DATE(S): Clerk of San Diego County on: JAN 30, 2012 ISSUE FEB 02, 09, 16 AND 23, 2012 DATE(S): FEB 09, 16, 23 AND MAR 01, 2012 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTI2012-002785 THE NAME(S) OF BUSINESS: HAIR BY TIOUS BUSINESS NAME FILE NO: 2012-002713 (1) JEANETTE located at: 3639 MIDWAY DR. SUITE A SAN FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME(S): a. SD TRAVEL DIEGO, CA. 92110 is hereby registered by the following AGENCY b SD TRAVEL TOUR (2) LOCATED AT: 821 owner(s): JEANETTE E. MATOS This business is beingTOURMALINE ST. SAN DIEGO, CA. 92109 (3) THE FICTIconducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL The transaction of busiTIOUS BUSINESS NAME REFERED TO ABOVE WAS ness began on: 12/01/11 The statement was filed with FILED IN SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON: 01/23/2010, and asErnest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder / County Clerk of signed File No. 2010-002157 (4) IS (ARE) ABANDONED San Diego County on: JAN 30, 2012 ISSUE DATE(S): FEB BY THE FOLLOWING REGISTRANT(S): FERNANDO POLO 02, 09, 16 AND 23, 2012 821 TOURMALINE ST. SAN DIEGO, CA. 92109 The stateFICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. ment was filed with David L. Butler , County Clerk of San 2012-002865 THE NAME(S) OF BUSINESS: SELL Diego County on: JAN 30, 2012 Issue date(s): FEB 09, PHONES AND REPAIRS located at: 1135 GARNET AVE. 16, 23 AND MAR 01, 2012 #22 SAN DIEGO, CA. 92109 is hereby registered by the FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. following owner(s): ANTON CONCEPCION This business 2012-001252 THE NAME(S) OF BUSINESS: DIRTY is beingconducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL The transaction of RACING & RODS located at: 11675 SORRENTO VALLEY business began on: NOT YET STARTED The statement RD STE F SAN DIEGO, CA. 92121 is hereby registered was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder / by the following owner(s): JOSHUA SMITH This busiCounty Clerk of San Diego County on: JAN 31, 2012 ness is beingconducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL The transISSUE DATE(S): FEB 02, 09, 16 AND 23, 2012 action of business began on: NOT YET STARTED The FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., 2012-003000 THE NAME(S) OF BUSINESS: MAS- Recorder / County Clerk of San Diego County on: JAN SAGES JUST FOR YOU, FOCUS FINISH AND FUN lo- 13, 2012 ISSUE DATE(S): FEB 09, 16, 23 AND MAR 01, cated at: 5031 W. POINT LOMA BLVD. SAN DIEGO, CA. 2012 92107 is hereby registered by the following owner(s): FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. QUINCY VIDAURI This business is beingconducted by: 2012-003026 THE NAME(S) OF BUSINESS: AN INDIVIDUAL The transaction of business began on: SHARON CONNORS & ASSOCIATES located at: 1043 NOT YET STARTED The statement was filed with Ernest RELIANCE WAY DEL MAR, CA. 92014 is hereby regisJ. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder / County Clerk of San Diego tered by the following owner(s): SHARON A. CONNORS County on: FEB 01, 2012 ISSUE DATE(S): FEB 09, 16, This business is beingconducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL The 23 AND MAR 01, 2012 transaction of business began on: NOT YET STARTED FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. The statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., 2012-003126 THE NAME(S) OF BUSINESS: LAB- Recorder / County Clerk of San Diego County on: FEB TIMIZER located at: 1264 REED AVE. APT 4 SAN DIEGO, 01, 2012 ISSUE DATE(S): FEB 16, 23 MAR 01 AND 08, CA. 92109 is hereby registered by the following 2012 owner(s): MALTE NIEBELSCHUETZ This business is beFICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. ingconducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL The transaction of 2012-002897 THE NAME(S) OF BUSINESS: BETTY business began on: NOT YET STARTED The statement BRITE CLEANING located at: 4366 WINONA AVE #1 was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder / SAN DIEGO, CA. 92115 is hereby registered by the folCounty Clerk of San Diego County on: FEB 02, 2012 lowing owner(s): BEATRIZ RADDATZ This business is ISSUE DATE(S): FEB 09, 16, 23 AND MAR 01, 2012 beingconducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL The transaction of FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. business began on: 01/31/12 The statement was filed 2012-003165 THE NAME(S) OF BUSINESS: VAULT with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder / County Clerk COMBAT ACADEMY, VAULT FITNESS located at: 4976 of San Diego County on: JAN 31, 2012 ISSUE DATE(S): NEWPORT AVE. SAN DIEGO, CA. 92107 is hereby reg- FEB 16, 23 MAR 01 AND 08, 2012 istered by the following owner(s): PHILLIP GORDON This FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. business is beingconducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL The 2012-003853 THE NAME(S) OF BUSINESS: NEWtransaction of business began on: 01/01/12 The statePORT QUIK STOP PARTY STORE, NEWPORT QUIK ment was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder STOP AND PARTY STORE located at: 4921 NEWPORT / County Clerk of San Diego County on: FEB 02, 2012 AVE. SAN DIEGO, CA. 92107 is hereby registered by the ISSUE DATE(S): FEB 09, 16, 23 AND MAR 01, 2012 following owner(s): NEWPORT QUIK STOP, INC This busiFICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. ness is beingconducted by: A CORPORATION NEWPORT 2012-002240 THE NAME(S) OF BUSINESS: POSH QUIK STOP, INC. 4921 NEWPORT AVE. SAN DIEGO, CA. CUPCAKERY! located at: 1415 ORION DRIVE SAN 92107 CALIFORNIA The transaction of business began

continued from page 13


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OPEN HOUSES LA JOLLA Sat & Sun 1-4pm . . . . . . . . . . . . .7575 Eads Ave. #305 . . . . . . . . .2BR/2BA . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$655,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . .The Daniels Group • 858-232-2985 Sat & Sun 1-4pm . . . . . . . . . . . . .743 Nautilus St. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3BR/1.5BA . . . . . . . . . . . .$875,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Alex De Rosa • 858-752-3803 Elizabeth Potter • 858-922-6929 Sat & Sun 1-4pm . . . . . . . . . . . . .100 Coast #202 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2BR/2BA . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1,375,000 . . . . . . . . . . . .Claudette Berwin • 858-361-7448 Sat & Sun 1-4pm . . . . . . . . . . . . .7812 Sierra Mar Dr. . . . . . . . . . . .5BR/5BA . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2,975,000 . . . . . . . . . . .The Daniels Group • 619-755-8757 858-344-2230 Sat & Sun 1-4pm . . . . . . . . . . . . .5519 Chelsea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5BR/4BA . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2,999,900 . . . . . . . . . .Jeannine Thompson • 858-395-7727 Sat 1-4pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .553 Bonair Place . . . . . . . . . . . . .3BR/3BA . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1,195,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Natasha Alexander & Charles Schevker • 858-336-9051 Sat 12-4pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2433 Sagebrush Court . . . . . . . .3BR/2BA . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1,275,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jim Holland • 858-405-6442 Sun1-4pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7550 Eads Ave. #401 . . . . . . . . .2BR/2BA . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$649,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jeff Middaugh • 619-709-1251 Sun 1-4pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7344 Brodiaea Way . . . . . . . . . . .2BR/2.5BA . . . . . . . . . . . .$1,795,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Chris Duncan • 858-459-9981 Sun 1-4pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .553 Bonair Place . . . . . . . . . . . . .3BR/3BA . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1,195,000 . . . . . . . . . . . .Maryl Weightman • 858-354-2913 Sun 1-4pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2403 Corona Court . . . . . . . . . . .5BR/4.5BA . . . . . . . . . . . .$1,295,000 . . . . . . . . . . .Michelle Silverman • 619-980-2738 Sun 1-4pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7161 Country Club Dr. . . . . . . . . .6BR/6.5BA . . . . . . . . . . . .$2,495,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Karen Ekroos • 858-735-9299 Sun 1-4pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1260 Inspiration Dr. . . . . . . . . . . .5BR/6.5BA . . . . . . . . . . . .$5,395,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .John Tolerico • 858-876-4672

CARDIFF Sat 1-4pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2356 Cambridge Ave. . . . . . . . . .2BR/2BA . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$799,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Goldie Sinegal • 858-342-0035

CARMEL VALLEY Sun 1-4pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4026 Moratalla Terrace . . . . . . . .2BR/2BA . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$520,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .David Schroedl • 858-459-0202

PLACE YOUR LISTING AT: by Monday 5 p.m.


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on: NOT YET STARTED The statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder / County Clerk of San Diego County on: FEB 09, 2012 ISSUE DATE(S): FEB 16, 23 MAR 01 AND 08, 2012 SUMMONS IN A CIVIL ACTION Case No. 51-CV-1247GT-RBB UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, CAHUILLA BAND OF INDIANS, RAMONA BAND OF CAHUILLA, PLAINTIFFS, v. FALLBROOK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, et al., Defendants, TO: GHASSEM BAHRAMBEYGUI, YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to file with the Clerk of this Court and serve upon PLAINTIFF’S ATTORNEY Scott McElroy, MCELROY, MEYER, WALKER & CONDON, P.C., 1007 Pearl Street, Suite 220, Boulder, CO 80302, Tel: (303) 442-2021, an answer to the complaint which is herewith served upon you, within such time as to be set by subsequent order of the Court pursuant to order of Judge Thompson dated July 22, 2009 (Docket #5174). If you fail to do so, judgement by default will be taken against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED: October 20, 2009. Publish Dates: FEB 16, 23 MAR 01 AND 08, 2012 SUMMONS IN A CIVIL ACTION Case No. 51-CV-1247GT-RBB UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, CAHUILLA BAND OF INDIANS, RAMONA BAND OF CAHUILLA, PLAINTIFFS, v. FALLBROOK PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT, et al., Defendants, TO: GHASSEM BAHRAMBEYGUI, YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to file with the Clerk of this Court and serve upon PLAINTIFF’S ATTORNEY Curtis Berkey ALEXANDER BERKEY, WILLIAMS & WEATHERS LLP, 2030 Addison Street, Suite 410, Berkley, CA 94704, Tel: (510) 548-7070, an answer to the complaint which is herewith served upon you, within such time as to be set by subsequent order of the Court (Docket #5174). If you fail to do so, judgement by default will be taken against you for the relief demanded in the complaint. DATED: October 20, 2009. Publish Dates: FEB 16, 23 MAR 01 AND 08, 2012 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 2012-002579 THE NAME(S) OF BUSINESS: PREMIERE PROPERTY GROUP OF CALIFORNIA located at: 4881 ROLANDO AVE. SAN DIEGO, CA. 92115 is hereby registered by the following owner(s): DONNA JAMES, ANGELA WASHINGTON This business is beingconducted by: A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP The transaction of business began on: 01/01/12 The statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder / County Clerk of San Diego County on: JAN 27, 2012 ISSUE DATE(S): FEB 16, 23 MAR 01 AND 08, 2012 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 2012-003959 THE NAME(S) OF BUSINESS: FINEST CITY LUXURY TRANSPORTATION located at: 1947 CHALCEDONY ST. SAN DIEGO, CA. 92109 is hereby registered by the following owner(s): ELENA DELACRUZ This business is beingconducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL The transaction of business began on: 02/07/12 The statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder / County Clerk of San Diego County on: FEB 09, 2012 ISSUE DATE(S): FEB 16, 23 MAR 01 AND 08, 2012 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 2012-001802 THE NAME(S) OF BUSINESS: SAN DIEGO EXCELLENT ADVENTURES, S.E. ADVENTURES, SUP DIEGO, P.B. SPORTS (PACIFIC BEACH SPORTS), SAN DIEGO DIVE & KAYAK, SUP BUB (SUPBUB.COM) located at: 2727 DE ANZA RD. SAN DIEGO, CA. 92109 is hereby registered by the following owner(s): JUSTIN CANNATELLA This business is beingconducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL The transaction of business began on: 06/01/06 The statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder / County Clerk of San Diego County on: JAN 19, 2012 ISSUE DATE(S): FEB 16, 23 MAR 01 AND 08, 2012 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 2012-003618 THE NAME(S) OF BUSINESS: BASEBALL BARD located at: 6660 CAMINITO HERMITAGE LA JOLLA, CA. 92037 is hereby registered by the following owner(s): RICHARD M. SICKMAN This business is beingconducted by: AN INDIVIDUAL The transaction of business began on: 02/07/12 The statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder / County Clerk of San Diego County on: FEB 07, 2012 ISSUE DATE(S): FEB 16, 23 MAR 01 AND 08, 2012 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE NO. 2012-003922 THE NAME(S) OF BUSINESS: JR PRODUCE located at: 3455 DEL REY ST SUITE 4 SAN DIEGO, CA. 92109 is hereby registered by the following owner(s): JUAN A. RICARDO, MARIA A. PACHECO LOPEZ This business is beingconducted by: HUSBAND AND WIFE The transaction of business began on: 02/05/12 The statement was filed with Ernest J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder / County Clerk of San Diego County on: FEB 09, 2012 ISSUE DATE(S): FEB 16, 23 MAR 01 AND 08, 2012

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