Gay San Diego, Volume 10, Issue 18, Sept. 13-26, 2019

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Volume 10 Issue 18 Sept. 13-26, 2019

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Clothing swap meet for trans and nonbinary folk


Albert H. Fulcher | Editor

GI Film Festival hits San Diego with 3 LGBT shorts

Drag Queen Story Time brings hundreds of protestors


(l to r) Chula Vista Mayor Mary Salas and City Councilmember Steve Padilla lead the “Everyone is Welcome Here – No Room for Hate – Love Demonstration” outside the Chula Vista Public Library Civic Center Branch as San Diego MassResistance, local churches and community protest the library’s “Drag Queen Story Time” on Sept. 10. After two prior protests, drag queens Raquelita And Barbie Q read to nearly 300 children. (Photo by JoseLouis Baylon)

“Clown in a Gown” Bianca Del Rio



FilmOut San Diego presents ‘Steam Room Stories: The Movie’ JC Calciano brings sketch comedy web series sensation “Steam Room Stories” to theaters

Local restaurateur, a charitable force in the community


Albert H. Fulcher | Editor

“Forging Territories,” contemporary art exhibits by Queer Afro and Latinx artists

Index 6

Opinion Calendar






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San Diego Community News Network

Since founding Cinema 175, launching “Is It Just Me,” “eCupid” and “The 10 Year Plan,” writer, director and producer JC Calciano created the sitcom web comedy sketch series “Steam Room Stories” in 2010. Now, this YouTube web series has more than 100,000 subscribers and more than 54 million views. With the success of the series, Calciano released “Steam Room Stories: The Movie” that will be premiered by FilmOut San Diego at Landmark Theatres Hillcrest Cinemas on Sept. 18 at 7 p.m. In writing his fourth romantic comedy, Calciano said he thought that the

(l to r) Starring in “Steam Room Stories: The Movie,” Steam Room Guys Jacob Buckenmyer, James Achille, Paris Dylan, Evan Ayers and Forrest Kiyoshi Hoffman. (Courtesy of “Steam Room Stories: The Movie”) script was “fine” and after talking with his husband who question his excitement

about the script, he said

see FilmOut, pg 3

There is a new event to go to that provides a safe place for the transgender and nonbinary community as a go to event to find clothing and learn about services provided by Antiviral Research Center UC San Diego and Good To Go. PrEP Trans Women & Nonbinary Clothing Swap founded by local LGBTQIA activist Prizila Dajia Vidal began in July with a Pride kickoff in partnership with Good To Go and is held the first Saturday of every month. “I had a lot of people asking me for safe spaces for clothing, like where you can get clothing for plus size, and shoes because it is really hard to find sizes 12 and 13,” Vidal said. “Besides online shopping, which can cost a lot of money, I thought that maybe I could create a popup shop. Getting this idea off the ground alone wasn’t feasible so I reached out to organizations to assign a space and Good To Go picked it up.” “The concept is to have people that are transgender and nonbinary to come in and have a safe place to get clothing for free, to find out about resources and to have the chance to mingle with others that are trans and nonbinary,” Vidal continued. “Folks from other organizations come as well to share about their individual resources that are available” Dr. Gabriel Wagner, assistant professor of Medicine at UC San Diego, infectious disease physician was the invited guest for the evening. He spoke to the group in an informal Q&A session about PrEP (preexposure prophylaxis), PEP and hormone replacement therapy. He discussed the known benefits and side effects of the PrEP/PEP drug Truvada and

see Clothing swap, pg 4



GAY SAN DIEGO Sept. 13-26, 2019

3 LGBTQ short films not to miss GI Film Festival berths in San Diego

Albert H. Fulcher | Editor Now in its fifth year, the GI Film Festival San Diego is one of San Diego’s premier festivals with its military themed movies, documentary and short films. With its select films, this festival features films with the art of storytelling about the history, struggles, victories and experiences of those who have served. Happening in San Diego Sept. 24-29 at various venues, this festival brings all walks of life to watch its yearly selection of compelling films. Organized by KPBS in partnership with the Film Consortium San Diego and the GI Film Group, submissions have a variety of military experiences, stories from people of different ethnicities, races, genders, economic backgrounds, and individuals who identify as LGBTQ. The GI Film Festival endeavors to represent perspectives are often overlooked, underrepresented and untold, but play an important role in U.S. military history and culture. This year’s line up of films embodies the core mission of the GI Film Festival, including three LGBTQ short films with impact and heart. All three shorts play in a series of short films “Drama Block: Not Your Everyday Story” at the Museum of Photographic

“The Real Thing,” directed by Brandon Kelly (Courtesy “The Real Things” filmmakers)

Ars in Balboa Park on Friday, Sept. 27 at 6:15 p.m. It is well worth the drive just to see the San Diego premiere “The Real Thing,” directed by Brandon Kelly. In 7-minutes, this film is a gripping short that will tug at every emotion. With no dialogue, with the exception of three words it’s a journey through parental love, and the issues this film tackles are loud and clear. A staff sergeant is returning home from deployment to his son, who has now transitioned to her true self during his absence. Back and forth scenes between daughter and father, the film explores the emotional impact that both are facing with this major change in their lives as they anticipate reuniting again. This film is powerful, poignant and has all of the

essential elements of filming at its very best. This film is nominated for Best Narrative Short. “Deviant” directed by Benjamin Howard exposes the horrors of early electrotherapeutic conversion therapy in the early 1960s. During this time homosexuals were involuntary committed by their own families to “cure” them including the use of electroshock therapy, castration, medical torture and lobotomies. After a young man’s attraction to other men is discovered by his deeply religious mother, she sends her son for electroshock therapy. It is a personal journey through the revulsions of conversion therapy. It’s graphic account is disturbing to watch, but this is the essential element in the story of a young gay man who is struggling with his identity and his deep embedded faith in God. This film is 10 minutes that will make many people uncomfortable, but this film’s message is brilliantly accomplished. This film is nominated for Local Film Showcase – Best Narrative Short, Best Film Made By or Starring Veterans or Military and Local Film Showcase-Local Choice Award. “The Man I Want to Be,” directed by Devin Scott is told through the eyes of a boy who is gay, but whose father is a Vietnam war hero earning the nickname “Macho Joe Nichols.” This film delves into the individual elements of what it takes to “be a man” in the 1970s. It’s a struggle between father and son with foundations of fear, bravery and the quest to live one’s authentic life in the spirit of this film. This film is nominated for Local Film Showcase – Best Narrative Short, Local Film Showcase-Best Film Made By or Starring Veterans or Military and Local Film

“The Man I Want to Be,” directed by Devin Scott (Courtesy "The Man I Want to Be" filmakers)

Showcase-Local Choice Award. For more information about all films, dates and times for the San Diego GI Film Festival visit —Albert Fulcher can be reached at

“Deviant” directed by Benjamin Howard (Courtesy “Deviant” filmmakers)








FILMOUT that if he could do anything he would turn “Steam Room Stories” into a movie. “That’s when the writing began,” he said. “Steam Room Stories: The Movie” follows the Steam Room Guys as they try to save the steam room from failing cosmetic giant Sally Fay, played by Traci Lords, after she spends all her empire’s money trying to take over the steam room in Encino, California, which she believes sits on top of a magical fountain that will bring her cosmetic future to a grand scale. Lords said when she read the script, she loved the fact that Sally Fay is a “Deliciously wicked woman.” As a fan of the original YouTube series, she said she was “tickled to be part of this cheeky film.” “JC wrote a boss lady character with a sharp tongue and a desperate streak,” Lords said. “I love how passionate Sally Fay is. She’s an emotional tornado!” Filmed in only 14 days, Lords said Calciano and the entire cast were terrific to work with. “The energy on the set was uproarious and the fact that JC and many of the actors in the film had worked together on the original series helped us to fall quickly into sync,” Lords said. “I love that JC created characters that love without barriers. JC gave me a lot of freedom to play with Sally’s emotional journey and I have some of the best lines in the movie. It was a dream bad girl role! If you’re in the mood for a laugh look no further!” With more than 60 actors in the near 10-year series, in the movie half the actors are new and half are reoccurring actors from the series. In the original script, the villain was written for a much older actress, but Calciano said that after his casting director showed the script to Lords, Calciano said he was such a fan that he rewrote the script just for her. “It’s really wonderful funny campy fun and it is my homage to the 80s movies,” Calciano said. “When I was growing up, I loved those fantastic old movies like ‘Mannequin’ and ‘Electric

Dreams,’ ‘Real Genius’ and all those crazy, silly fun, suspension of disbelief, just enjoy yourself kind of movies. So, it’s kind of has that 80s nostalgia. One of my favorite comedy writers is Mel Brooks, so I have Mel Brooks style. I blended those two genres. If I could ever bring anything back for a fun time, that would be it.” For the San Diego premier, Calciano will be accompanied by Lords, and “Steam Room” actors Jacob Buckenmyer, Eric D’Agostino and Forrest Hoffman for a Q&A session immediately following the screening. “They are so much fun,” Calciano said. “People ask me if I cast only because they are amazing looking guys, but I actually cast them based on their personalities. Number one, they have to be nice guys who are fun to be around and exude joy and are happy people. If they can act and they are great looking that’s always terrific. Having traveled with Traci and those guys it is so super fun and we all have such a great time together.” Calciano said this movie is more about sexual f luidity, as are the new “Steam Room Stories’” episodes. One of the things he found on the festival circuit from his last three films was that fans felt like the bi and f luid community were underrepresented. “I found that to be true and an interesting challenge,” Calciano said. “No one is pegged as straight or gay. One of the Steam Room Guys describes it best. Vibesexual. If I dig your vibe, then I’m down. I’m going to use this and refer to the Steam Room Guys as Vibesexual.” Calciano said that gender f luidity is a learning experience most people in all communities. “As long as we address the fact that we are all learning every day about sexuality and what makes people up we find the things we share in common,” Calciano said. “We have to accept the fact that we are all learning, and we have to be more tolerant with the people that are trying and might not be getting the verbiage right. I’m 65 years old and a lot of my actors are in their 20s and they are constantly teaching me new terminology and what we are learning about sexuality.”

(l to r) Actors Traci Lords (Sally Fay) and her protégé Neil (Eric D’Agostino)

“As with all my movies, I try to have a strong theme,” Calciano contnued. “Even in this them there is the importance of community and self-love and being kind and loving each other. There is always that message in all of my films and I hope people to walk away with not only feeling good about who you are, but also, you have had over an hour and a half of pure silly entertainment. I do this because I enjoy making the audience happy. I’m nothing more than a storyteller.” The movie released on Sept. 3 on all platforms. iTunes, Amazon, cable systems, Voodoo, Google Play, a wide release on digital platforms.

GAY SAN DIEGO Sept. 13-26, 2019


Calciano said the movie is for sale (DVD) on Amazon but what he would like to bring attention to is that there are two DVDs coming out. One does, and one does not have the CinemaScent with the scratch and sniff cards. At the FilmOut San Diego showing, the film screening will include CinemaScent. To purchase tickets, visit For more information about purchases and platforms to see “Steam Room Stories: The Movie,” visit movie. —Albert Fulcher can be reached at

Director/Producer/Writer JC Calciano (Photos courtesy "Steam Room Stories: The Movie")



GAY SAN DIEGO Sept. 13-26, 2019



(l to r) David Vance, community marketing specialist, Antiviral Research Center and Good To Go, Jordan Silva, Good To Go community education specialist, Dr. Gabriel Wagner, assistant professor of Medicine at UC San Diego and LGBTQIA activist Prizila Dajia Vidal (Photo by Albert H. Fulcher)

spoke on the importance in individualized medical plans. He also talked about the various hormone replacement therapies for both men and women in transition. David Vance, community marketing specialist for the Antiviral Research Center and Good To Go said that although they are a new employee, they have been connected to Good To Go for a long time. “I have worked in HIV and sexual health for a few years now,” Vance said. “I used to work at the San Diego LGBT Community Center

Community Ad__Gay San Diego_RUN: 9/13/19_TRIM: 6.1” x 10.96”

IN AN EMERGENCY, IT TAKES A VILLAGE. coordinating the PrEP program there, PrEP being the one-day pill that helps in the prevention of contracting HIV. Good To Go and the Antiviral Research Center were one of my top referrals for my clients. This is one of the places I would send folks to get an STI (sexually transmitted infections) screening and also through Good To Go and the Antiviral Research Center get connected to prescriptions.” Vance said Good To Go is an amazing place to not only get tested for a wide range of STIs and get results in a couple of hours, but to do so in a comfortable, fun environment. Depending on test results, if someone wants to get connected to PrEP, Good To Go can do that as well. “This is my first clothing swap and we are doing this once a month,” Vance said. “We are bringing programs

here at Good To Go and create some fun and interesting things in the future in addition to the clothing swap.” Jordan Silva, Good To Go community education specialist said Good To Go is a research project and a clinic so that anyone that is MSM (men who have sex with men) or transgender can come in and have free STI testing. “Part of this event is a public Prep social so the idea is advertising preexposure prophylaxis, which is the drug Truvada for now which you can take to prevent HIV and this clinic is trying to get people tested and getting the word out on how to get PrEP,” Silva said. For more information about Good To Go visit and follow it on Facebook and Instagram. —Albert Fulcher can be reached at

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Thanks to Our FilmOut San Diego monthly Series Sponsors

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San Diego Community News Network For Advertising Call David Mannis (619) 961-1951 or Mike Rosensteel(619) 961-1958


The art of aging well (

Life Beyond Therapy Michael Kimmel


ince I decided to offer a workshop here in San Diego on the above topic, I have been talking about it on social media. Surprisingly, I’ve gotten tons of questions about why I’m doing it. I’ve narrowed the questions down to the five best ones: Is a fear of aging a common problem among the clients you see? Does it begin to appear after a certain age or in particular age groups? I see a fear of aging in clients of all ages, from their 20s to their 80s. I know young people who go to Botox parties here in San Diego, middle-aged people who desperately hire a trainer to prevent that “middle-age spread” and LGBTQ community elders who feel “invisible,” telling me, “I’m too old for anyone to be interested in.” Do gay/bi men have distinct fears around aging that the wider population don’t have? Only recently have gay and bisexual men been targets of million-dollar grooming/cosmetics advertising campaigns. Straight women have been brainwashed to fear aging for decades. Now, like them, we’re being told you’re only attractive if you look younger than your biological age; if you don’t look “hot,” no one will want to have sex with you. You’d better hide your wrinkles, gray hair and expanding waistlines with expensive cosmetics, anti-aging creams, hair color, diets, personal trainers, plastic surgery, etc. Until recently, men were

given a reprieve from this consumer-culture warfare. No more, my brothers. No more. The sales of men’s cosmetics/ grooming products are soaring. And why? Because the advertising world is playing/preying on our worst fears. Is there any consistency in what gay men tell you about their fear of aging? The most powerful (and destructive) story is the demonization of aging: we are only desirable when we’re young and pretty. When our skin begins to sag, show sun damage and wrinkles, we need to panic and do something to hide these signs of physical aging. Males in this culture used to be considered handsome, even with gray at the temples, a few wrinkles and a “dad bod.” Our wisdom and life experience were valued. With the boom of youth culture/social media, young is where you want to be and if you’re not young, you’d better do your best to appear as if you are. How do you go about helping clients tackle this fear of aging? I encourage clients to step back from personal panic to look at the big picture. We live in a consumer culture. I used to work in the fashion industry in Paris, London and New York City: it’s clear to me that huge, international companies will do anything they can to sell their products. Advertising sells more products based on fear than anything else. So, these global personal care companies spend billions of dollars a year to scare us into buying things, so we’ll look younger. The key word here is “look.” We can’t actually be younger, but we can allow ourselves to buy into this fake fear that tells us: “Buy

this and you’ll feel younger, happier, more confident … and you’ll get laid more often too”. Do we need to more greatly promote and explore the benefits of aging? What are the benefits, as you see them? Imagine that you live in a world where all advertising is immediately eliminated. Forever. Without those voices surrounding you, your fear of aging is likely to fade. Fast. You can’t eliminate advertising, but you can begin to filter it out of your world. Without the fear of aging, you can begin to cultivate an appreciation for people of any age. Every age has its joys and sorrows. As we age, can we do more to appreciate the joys and minimize the sorrows? Yes! That’s what I call “The Art of Aging.” If you live in/near San Diego, you might like to attend “The Art of Aging Well: A Workshop for Gay Men” on Saturday, Sept. 14, from 1:30 to 3 p.m. at The Studio Door in Hillcrest. Come join us as we explore these questions with a safe, supportive group of men. The workshop is limited to 25 men and the admission fee is $25. To register, please go to: bit. ly/2KvDCwM. — Michael Kimmel is a licensed psychotherapist who specializes in helping LGBT clients achieve their goals and deal with anxiety, depression, grief, sexually addictive behavior, coming out, relationship challenges and homophobia. Contact him at 619-955-3311 or visit Graphic by

GAY SAN DIEGO Sept. 13-26, 2019




GAY SAN DIEGO Sept. 13-26, 2019

Rep. Davis: Time for the Senate to act on gun violence By Rep. Susan Davis The list of cities and the number of families impacted by gun violence grows just about every day. El Paso and Dayton were recently added. This was after Gilroy and Poway right here in California. Despite this, bipartisan bills to address gun violence that passed the House of Representatives are languishing in the Senate. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has proudly referred to himself as “ The Grim Reaper," committed to letting bills that come out of the House to simply die. It’s time for Leader McConnell to instead be the “Angel of Mercy” and allow these bills a debate and vote in the Senate. Gun violence prevention legislation sent to the Senate enjoys bipartisan support in the House and among the American people. The Bipartisan Background Checks Act (HR 8) will close glaring loopholes in the federal background check system,

covering all sales. Background checks work. Each year, these checks stop 88,000-gun sales to criminals, domestic abusers, or other prohibited purchasers. Yet, in some states, those same individuals can buy identical guns at a gun show, over the internet, or through a newspaper ad — no questions asked. The Bureau of Justice Statistics reports that background checks have stopped more than 3 million illegal gun sales since 1994. Universal background checks have overwhelming support among the American people. A Quinnipiac Poll showed this support at 97% of the American people, 97% of gun owners, and 97% of Republicans. If Leader McConnell won’t listen to the House, he should listen to the American people. Passage of HR 8 was truly historic as it was the first major House vote on gun violence prevention legislation in 25 years. The Enhanced Background Check Act

EDITOR Albert H. Fulcher (619) 961-1960

SALES & MARKETING DIRECTOR Mike Rosensteel (619) 961-1958

CONTRIBUTING WRITERS BigMike Photography Chris Azzopardi JoseLouis Baylon Susan Davis Michael Kimmel Nicole Murray Ramirez Frank Sabatini Jr.

MARKETING MANAGER Francisco Tamayo (619) 272-1279


DISTRIBUTION Gay San Diego is distributed free every other Friday of the month. © 2019. All rights reserved.

WEB AND SOCIAL MEDIA Albert Fulcher COPY EDITOR Dustin Lothspeich

ACCOUNTING Priscilla Umel-Martinez (619) 961-1962

PUBLISHER David Mannis (619) 961-1951

(HR 1112) will close the “Charleston Loophole” that allowed an avowed white supremacist — with a drug arrest — to purchase a gun. This gun was used to kill nine people at Mother Emanuel A ME Church in Charleston, South Carolina in 2015. Under current law, a gun seller must wait three business days while federal authorities conduct a background check. While most of these checks can happen quickly, lack of information can cause delays. If a delay lasts more than three days, the gun sale is allowed to move forward. HR 1112 expands the time for the FBI to conduct a background check to 10 days, with an extension of 10 more days if necessary. If authorities had more time, they would have likely discovered the past drug arrest and blocked the sale. Many of my House colleagues and I urged the Senate to return early from our summer recess to take up these measures. We were — unsurprisingly

— rejected by the Senate majority leader. However, the House Judiciary Committee has returned early to consider three bills to address gun violence. This series of legislation will ban high-capacity magazines, prohibit people convicted of a misdemeanor hate crimes from buying a gun, and help states that enact red f lag laws to allow law enforcement to seize guns from those people considered to be a threat to themselves or others. The House should also look at reinstating the nationwide assault weapons ban. The mass shooting in Gilroy is an example of why we need a national ban. While California has an assault weapons ban, our neighboring state Nevada does not. The Gilroy shooter purchased an AK-47 in Nevada and used it to kill three people at the Gilroy Garlic Festival. The people of California — or any of the five other states and the District of

OPINIONS/LETTERS: Gay San Diego encourages letters to the editor and guest editorials. Please email either to and include your phone number and address for verification. We reserve the right to edit letters for brevity and accuracy. Letters and guest editorials do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher or staff. SUBMISSIONS/NEWS TIPS Press releases and story ideas are welcomed. Send press releases, tips, photos or story ideas to For breaking news and investigative story ideas contact the editor by phone or email. Copyright © 2019 San Diego Community News Network

Columbia with similar bans — should not have their lives put at risk because of another state’s lax gun laws. Once again, this is a gun safety proposal with bipartisan support. Nearly 70% of Americans want such a ban, including 55% of Republicans. As the rest of Congress comes back into session this month, the Senate has a real opportunity to put the safety of the American people before politics and enact common-sense gun safety measures. The House is doing its job. It’s time the Senate joined us. — Congresswoman Davis represents central San Diego, including the communities of Grantville, Allied Gardens, San Carlos, Del Cerro, Old Town, Kensington, Mission Hills, University Heights, Hillcrest Bankers Hill, North Park, South Park, Talmadge, Normal Heights, as well as La Mesa, Lemon Grove, Spring Valley and parts of El Cajon and Chula Vista.

Business Improvement Association

Gay San Diego 444 Camino Del Rio South, Suite 102 San Diego, CA 92108 Twitter @GaySD Instagram @Gay_SD

National Advertising Representative RIVENDELL MEDIA (212) 242-6863


GAY SAN DIEGO Sept. 13-26, 2019


Local politics, Washington D.C. and New York Conversations with Nicole Nicole Murray Ramirez


an Diego can indeed make history in 2020 with the election of not only our first gay mayor of color Todd Gloria, but also with the first Latina congress representative and lesbian in City Council President Georgette Gomez. As I have said many times the Golden State is turning brown and Gloria and Gomez's election could also prove that while it is turning brown it’s with a hue of rainbow in many places. While many of us are sad that the popular and beloved Rep. Susan Davis announced her retirement, in a conversation I had with her she said she would continue to serve San Diego. She said that she would probably be involved with a non-profit and this is great news for our city and those of us that have been supporting this remarkable and dedicated public servant since her school board days. Everyone agrees that Davis, who is the only woman in our region’s congressional delegation should be replaced by another qualified hard-working woman who is a true public servant and Gomez places top of that list of being mentioned as candidate. Davis and Gomez are cut from the same cloth when it comes to genuine authentic and true proven public servants. Indeed, I believe Gomez will continue Davis's legacy as the “people's congresswoman!” The race for mayor has become crystal clear as recent polls show that Council member Barbara Bry is being

supported by very conservative Republicans. Millionaire Bry is not only being supported by right wingers but is receiving money from The Lincoln Club of San Diego County and most disturbing is that Bry and her supporters have launch absolutely negative attacks and adds against Gloria filled with lies and false information. San Diegans don't like these types of nasty negative campaigns and that’s why every poll has Gloria with big leads to be our next mayor. In the important Third Council District race Chris Olsen who once served on the staff of a Republican council member is gladly accepting financial support from right wing conservatives and the Lincoln Club. Olsen, like Bry is showing his true colors and many are saying that they are both Republicans wrapped in Democratic clothing. I met with Adrian Kwiatkowski and we both agreed that front runner Stephen Whitburn will come out of the primary and the question is who he will face. Kwiatkowski aims to be that person as Toni Duran did not only come in last in fundraising but has been lackluster on the campaign trail. Whitburn is definitely the clear front runner he has the endorsements of the most local Democratic clubs, vast majority of locals, and present and former Democratic office holders. He also has the highest financial contributions by the most people. When this column comes out I will be back from a week in Washington D.C. and New York full of meetings, speeches and events. In D.C., first it was off to the Newseum were acclaimed film director

Gillian K Willman gave me a tour and showed me the LGBT Civil Rights documentary “Into the Streets” on display through Dec. 31, which I am in. Also I had the honor to lay a wreath at the crypt of Matthew Shepard in the Washington National Cathedral with Staff Verger Scott Sanders and Judy and Dennis Shepard. I met with Executive Director Rea Carey of the National LGBTQ Task Force to discuss the issues of the day and next year’s elections. I actually spent three days of full meeting and speeches. Lastly I stopped by Lafayette Park right across from the White House to check out the bronze statue honoring openly gay Revolutionary War hero, Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben as the International Imperial Court Council and LGBT veterans organizations will soon be holding an official ceremony laying a rainbow as well as a red, white and blue wreath in Baron von Steuben's honor. Than it was off to New York which included meetings but mostly a long overdue rest at the beautiful home of Henry and Billy Bastos-Wood. Met with African American civil rights icon Bayard Rustin's partner Walter Naegle and took him to the Stonewall Inn to see his lover's name on the National LGBTQ Wall of Honor within

this historic site. We talked about the International Imperial Court’s national campaign to get a U.S. postage stamp in honor of Bayard Rustin as we did for Harvey Milk. I was also in New York as we observed the anniversary of 9/11. While it was a most productive week, to be honest this old man is exhausted. —Nicole Murray Ramirez has been writing a City Council President Georgette Gomez (Courtesy photo) column since 1973. He has been a Latino/ Editor’s Note: The opingay activist for almost half a ions written in this column century and has advised and are the author’s own and served the last seven mayors does not necessarily repof San Diego. Named the resent the opinions of the “Honorary Mayor of Hillcrest” staff and/or publisher of by a city proclamation, he has Gay San Diego and/or its received many media awards parent company, San Diego including from the prestiCommunity News Network gious San Diego Press Club. (SDCNN). The newspaper Reach Nicole at Nicolemrsd1@ and its staff should be held and follow him on harmless of liability or Twitter @Nmrsd2. damages.

events @THeCeNTeR Thursday, September 19

LGBTQ Listening Town Hall 6-8 pm, Center Auditorium

As part of The Center’s strategic planning process, we are hosting an LGBTQ Listening Town Hall meeting on Thursday, September 19 from 6-8pm in The Center’s Auditorium, 3909 Centre St. We’d like to personally invite you to attend this special event. Over the summer, we’ve had tremendous community response to all components of our strategic planning process, and this Listening Town Hall is the last piece to gather community feedback. We are grateful to everyone who shared their collective thoughts and ideas thus far regarding the future of Our Center, and we look forward to personally listening and collecting your feedback on September 19th. To attend the Listening Town Hall, please RSVP here:

Saturday, September 21

Trans Youtha-Palooza 1-7 pm, The Center

(l to r) Washington National Cathedral Staff Verger Scott Sanders and Nicole Murray Ramirez lay a wreath at Matthew Shepard’s crypt. (Photo by Nicole Murray Ramirez)

This is a remarkable event for transgender, non-binary and questioning youth ages 10-24 and their families. This free event will feature discussion groups and workshops centered on the experiences and personal growth of trans, non-binary and questioning youth. There will be both a youth track and a family track to meet the needs and interests of our participants. For more information on Trans Youtha-Palooza, please contact

Saturday, September 28

AIDS Walk & Run San Diego

7 am, Normal Street

AIDS Walk & Run San Diego is only a few weeks away, and we encourage you to register for this important community event. Every person who participates, donates, or volunteers on Saturday, September 28 is making a difference for more than 18,000 people living with HIV in San Diego County. Register at

HIV & Hepatitis C Testing at The Center Along with the OraQuick HIV Rapid Antibody Test, The Center also offers the UCSD Early Test, Monday through Friday from 9am to 8pm (last appointment at 7pm), and Saturday from 10am to 3pm. The Early Test is a specialized viral load test that can detect early-stage HIV infection as soon as one week after potential exposure. Free anonymous and confidential HIV testing options are available. Along with HIV testing, The Center also provides Rapid Hepatitis C Antibody testing every day. To book an appointment call 619.692.2077 x101. Walk-ins are welcome. The San Diego LGBT Community Center 3909 Centre Street • 619-692-2077

Twitter: @LGBTCenter



GAY SAN DIEGO Sept. 13-26, 2019

Bianca Del Rio f loats too, b*tches The “Clown in a Gown” talks death-drop disdain, bachelorettes in gay clubs and why she’s done with “Drag Race”

By Chris Azzopardi Bianca Del Rio is in Stockholm on her “It’s Jester Joke” comedy tour, still subject to the fraught human realities of traveling despite her top-tier queen status. And packing – don’t remind her. “As a drag queen, you travel with so much shit,” said Del Rio (aka Roy Haylock). Famous for her tart candor, the Louisiana-born stand-up comedian’s success is a result of saying what she thinks and not caring what you think. And you, of course, already know this if you witnessed the self-proclaimed “Clown in a Gown” reign over the other crown-pining contestants during season six of “RuPaul’s Drag Race” in 2014. Five years later, Del Rio, who has written a book, “Blame It on Bianca Del Rio,” and starred in her own film, “Hurricane Bianca,” is still coming out on top. In June, New York magazine named Del Rio one of the top 100 “Most Powerful Drag Queens in America.” Just before bringing her worldwide comedy tour stateside, Del Rio called to defend bachelorettes who celebrate at gay clubs, predict an inevitable Lizzo backlash and roast “Drag Race” queens who use emotional manipulation to get ahead in the competition.

(Chris Azzopardi) What is the one thing you absolutely cannot leave home without? (Bianca Del Rio) I’m a drag queen – there are so many elements. I definitely need makeup. But a razor, I would assume. The problem is, with drag you have to travel with so much stuff. You have to bring size 12 shoes, extra eyelashes; you can’t really find that stuff just anywhere. Definitely not in Stockholm. So I have to pack “a lot” of stuff. A lot more than I usually would like to admit. How many suitcases do you travel with? Four suitcases. Three of those are drag, one of them is what I call my “boy bag.” It’s just to have options. The airport struggle – the security, the baggage, all that shit – really does start to wear on you. And imagine if you went through airport security as – well, maybe you do go through as Bianca. I’ve never had to fly in drag – thankfully! As a self-proclaimed expert on nothing who has an opinion on everything, I need your take on John Travolta nearly giving Taylor Swift impersonator Jade Jolie a VMA because he mistook her for the actual Taylor Swift. (Laughs) I mean, it’s

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hysterical. Obviously he’s got delusion problems. He’s not dealing with a full deck right now. He also is a Scientologist, which goes to show it. And he had that Adele Nazeem moment. Either he’s a drunk or he takes a pill, or he just doesn’t fucking care. I was just glad to see he was not wearing a wig. There’s a rarity! So, you know, he’s embracing his non-wig self. Next he’ll admit that he’s gay. That he confused them – was it a compliment to Taylor or to Jade? To Jade, because she’s a Taylor Swift impersonator. I think it’s great. I think it’s an honest mistake, because to be fair I can’t tell any white girls apart. As Bianca, do you ever confuse people? I do meet-and-greets, and when you have meet-and-greets, people are always like, “Oh, I just saw you in Stockholm!” or “I saw you in London!” and I have to really think. You do 150 people a night as part of the meet-and-greets, so it’s very hard to remember. There’s usually some characteristic that gets me there, but on occasion I’ve been like, “Have we met before?!” And they’ll say, “No.” I’m like, “Oh … OK. Thought we did.” So it can fuck with you, with that many people a night. But I really haven’t mistaken anybody for anybody of importance, no. If John Travolta met you, who knows who you might be mistaken for. Who cares! I’m not interested! He’s not high on my list. Who is high on your list? I think every gay man would say Dolly Parton. She’s that rare one that is almost like some mythical creature. She’s just one of those who I love not only because she’s Dolly Parton and I’ve grown up with her, but also she’s just so fucking funny. Some people might describe you as a ‘mythical creature’ too. Emphasis on the word “creature,” yes. But mythical? No. (Laughs) This is very controversial in gay bars, so I wonder if this translates to your shows. But do you let bachelorette parties come to Bianca shows? Oh, I don’t care. Whoever buys a fucking ticket, I don’t give a shit. Gurl listen, I think people have lost their minds. The gays don’t even wanna be in the gay bars anymore! They’re all on a fucking app anyway. Nobody is even paying attention. And look, at least somebody’s in the bar. Somebody has to buy a drink to keep gay bars open. You can’t rely on gay men to do that. So look, let the girls come in, let them have a good time. Not like I’ve never told a bitch to shut up. You can do that, but you can’t be offended. Who cares! As long as they’re there having fun, fuck it. Isn’t the point of coming to a Bianca Del Rio show to be offended?

Bianca Del Rio (Photo by Rene Koala) First of all, it’s important to laugh at ourselves. I laugh at myself, and I laugh at everything that I could possibly laugh at. But I think we’ve lost that because there’s so much with social media warriors constantly saying, “You can’t say this” and “I’m offended.” Well, then, fuck off! If you’re offended by me, then don’t come and see me. It’s very simple. I don’t like Kim Kardashian, but I don’t spend my life watching her on fucking TV or writing all over her Facebook or Instagram or Twitter saying, “I hate you, you’re a piece of shit.” I just don’t care. You can live a successful life with someone not liking you. Have you always been the kind of person who says what some people really want to say but are too scared to say? Has that always been your style? Always. Yeah, yeah. As a kid? Yeah, as a child everything was always funny to me, and I would always try to find humor in all of it. It’s just what you have to do. It was just my survival skills. Imagine being different, being artsy, being gay. All that definitely can either turn on you or you can find a way through it, and that was just my way through it, which is being blunt and upfront. And the people who got it – usually the smart ones – understood it. When did you know you could get away with more if you put on a costume? When I got paid. I always said it, but it wasn’t until the packaging came with it. And it’s not so much that I can get away with more – it’s just what’s easier for people to accept. For instance, with drag in particular, the average person would think, “I have nothing of interest with a drag queen.” But when they see it, they’re kind of fascinated by it. So, for me, it was just this evolution into it. I mean, I could

totally live my life without being in drag and I probably will. I’m not doing this forever. What do you think your post-drag life will look like? That’s the stupidest question! I have no idea! I know I don’t want to be schlepping around the world in a wig and heels at 60, I can tell you that. It’s one of those things where I’m like, look, it’s been 24 years so far, I’m all right, but I know it’s not forever. And I have no idea. I didn’t plan this far. So I don’t know what the fuck I’ll be doing. But it’ll be something fun, that’s for sure. You once said it’s important to know your limits. What new limits have you set for yourself at 44? I said I didn’t want to do drag at 40 because at the time I think I was 37 and it was right before “Drag Race,” and so I was working a regular job in New York City during the day making costumes for Broadway and then at night working in a club. So at that point, 18 years of working in the clubs and trying to stay afloat – and the bars were fading, not many people were coming out like they used to, so New York nightlife completely changed, and I thought I could wrap this up at 40 and be OK. I’d had a great 20 years and that would’ve been that. But then at 38 – well, 37 is when I filmed “Drag Race” – it shifted everything, it elevated everything, and I was ready for the challenge. But I don’t think I want to stay in that particular game. I mean, no one should. No one should stay in something just because you’ve been doing something. You have to trust your instincts and move on. I definitely know this is not something I want to do forever on this level. It’s demanding – and by no means am I bitching about it. I’m being realistic here. Options! (Laughs)

see Interview, pg 9 FROM PAGE 8

INTERVIEW After your controversial remark during Montreal Pride about ‘Drag Race’ season 10 contestant Blair St. Clair in 2018, did that have you reconsidering how far to push the envelope? First and foremost, I have a problem with, when you’re watching a drag show, and everybody has an ailment or an issue or loves to tug at your heartstrings to try to get people to like you. That’s what I was discussing (during her set, Del Rio said, "You got the one going ‘Ugh, I'm fat.’ Then you got the other one going ‘Ugh, I'm a black queen,’” referencing season 10 contestants Eureka O'Hara and The Vixen. She then mentioned Blair St. Clair opening up about being sexually assaulted: “Then you got that other bitch, ‘I was raped!’ No, fuck you.” I was discussing someone being left at a bus stop, somebody being sick. All of that is part of the nonsense of being part of a reality show. And I’m entitled to an opinion when someone’s about to lip sync for their life and they start pulling out all this fuckery. There’s a time and place to discuss serious topics. So my joke was about people that find any way to bring up their heartache and pull on heartstrings, that’s what I was discussing. And so no, I refuse to change anything that I say and do


GAY SAN DIEGO Sept. 13-26, 2019

because, like I said, something someone the people who like is gonna bitch about it, like it, the people and pull out and who don’t, don’t. say “she did this” But as they have and say “she did an opinion about that” and “cancel” me, I can have an her. That’s how they opinion about the are. That’s just the ridiculousness of a world. So look, I’m drag show. It’s my not looking for that take on it. And I’m type of acceptance. living proof that you And you shouldn’t can get through the be putting faith show without fuckin fucking people ing crying in every that are on reality episode, for cripes’ shows, for cripes’ sake! sake. That’s ridicI laugh at the ulous. People that fuckery. I laugh idolize me or Snooki at the stunts and have problems. gimmicks. It’s no Referring worse than someto the way the queens are debody doing a deathpicted on ‘Drag drop. It’s been done! Race’ versus their Just fucking be actual persona, entertaining! I’m so you said recently, sick of all these sob ‘I’ve been behind stories! That’s what the curtain. And that’s about. when you’re beI’m guessing hind the curtain, that even though it’s kind of weird you were named to watch.’ Do peoone of America’s ple get a better most powerful understanding of drag queens, Bianca Del Rio, famous for her tart candor, the Louisiana-born who you are from it’s not true that stand-up comedian’s success is a result of saying what she your shows than with great powthinks and not caring what you think. (Photo by Rene Koala) they did from er comes great ‘Drag Race’? responsibility. Yes and no. The thing is I think that’s absolutely And don’t put me on a pedestal you can only be yourself when ridiculous. There’s a list that because I shouldn’t be on a you’re on television, and of says I’m No. 1; there’s another pedestal, because they love to course if you say something list that says I’m the worst put you on a pedestal and then they’re going to use it. So the drag queen. That’s just how tear you the fuck down. You people that say, “Oh, it’s the it works! None of that means cannot fool me. They love to editing”? Well, if you didn’t anything. And what’s this say you’re amazing. Like, look, say it, they wouldn’t have the responsibility? I’m a fucking this girl Lizzo is the one everyfootage. I’ve accepted responsiman in a wig making a living. body loves right now. Just give I’m not a fucking superhero. her a year and there’s gonna be bility for everything I said and

everything I did, and sadly a lot of people don’t do that when they leave the show. They have to blame someone, and it won’t be themselves. If you could have been on a different season of ‘Drag Race,’ which season of girls would you have wanted to compete against? I don’t care. I don’t have an opinion. (Laughs) I can't even remember who was on what season when! It’s that much of a blur. It was six years ago, and I never watched the show when it was airing. I would watch marathons, but I would never watch it weekly, night after night after night. I never followed. The only seasons I’m familiar with are four and five; the rest of them have become a blur. And, I mean, a lot of them are my friends, but I can’t remember which season they were on. I’m also a firm believer that it happened, it was great, I had a great experience and a great moment, but I wouldn’t change any of it. So if an ‘All Stars: Winners’ season ever happens, would you be interested in competing? Nope. Why? Would you go back to high school?


—As editor of Q Syndicate, the international LGBTQ wire service, Chris Azzopardi has interviewed a multitude of superstars, including Cher, Meryl Streep, Mariah Carey and Beyoncé. His work has also appeared in The New York Times, Vanity Fair, GQ and Billboard. Reach him via Twitter @chrisazzopardi.



GAY SAN DIEGO Sept. 13-26, 2019

Holy potatoes! Restaurant Review Frank Sabatini Jr.


t wasn’t by accident that hubby and I collectively consumed more carbs than we ever have in a single sitting. That’s including outings where we entirely polished off the inclusions of table bread, rice and french fries in certain meals. We were checking out the newish North Park Breakfast Company, a half sibling to the locally grown Breakfast Republic chain, which falls under the Rise & Shine Restaurant Group. The newcomer offers a few more healthier options in comparison. But we knew from the get-go that things like the vegan scramble and seven-grain bowl weren’t destined for our gullets. We instead dove into a rousing parade of savory and sweet dishes, which when eaten in succession could potentially send glucometer readings into outer space. There were purple potatoes and gold fingerlings in abundance on a plate of Chineseinspired fried rice Benedict. We also ate a fantastic potato rosti, whereby the mashed spuds were oven-toasted and had Gruyere herbed cream cheese folded into them. The fresh salmon draped over the rosti

seemed incidental. And then came a savory mashed potato waffle, which played a starring role in one of the most original breakfast dishes I’ve encountered in a while. More on that in a moment. Ever since Johan Engman brought his Fig Tree Cafe into Hillcrest some eight years ago — and then subsequently opened the first Breakfast Republic in North Park a few years later — he’s become a charitable force within the LGBT and mainstream communities. He’s donated time, money and meals to various organizations, including the Imperial Court de San Diego and Rob Benzon Foundation. As of late, he started giving $1,000 to a particular charity of choice each each month. August’s recipient was Miracle Babies. The September donation is yet to be determined. This latest breakfast venture is a culmination of Engman’s ever-expanding restaurant empire. And it may be my favorite so far, although I’ve yet to check out his conceptual redo of El Jardin in Liberty Station, which now carries “Cantina” in its name. North Park Breakfast Company’s design is artistically cold and industrial but warmed by the restaurant’s name in neon Sanskrit. The glowing signage stretches above the outside entrance and repeats

North Park Breakfast Company 3131 University Ave. 619-269-2118 Prices: Pancakes, waffles and French toast, $7 to $13 (flights mixing any three, $18) Omelets and scrambles, $13 and $14 Specialty plates, $7 to $15 across a gray, cement wall inside. Another wall is clad in metal, although it blends tastefully with wood ceiling beams and familiar Edison-bulb fixtures. To our surprise, there’s a patio in the back and another on the roof. Settling into a pillowed banquette, hubby sated his caffeine craving with a “dirty beet latte.” It combines espresso with fresh beet juice, ginger, cinnamon, honey, and oat milk. He loved every sip. I ordered a “carrot top” blending the juice of carrots with soda water, ginger, lemon, and angostura bitters. Though refreshing, the ingredients were overtaken by the soda water. The drink list offers vast choices, from fun and complex cocktails such as a bloody Mary garnished with bacon and eggs, to local draft beers and flavored kombuchas on tap. Much like the whimsical offerings at Breakfast Republics, the surprises and trendy overtones don’t stop here. Expertly poached eggs came with our main dishes, providing fair doses of protein to balance our unruly carb intake. The yolks seeped deliciously into the fried-rice Benedict, which received a desirable kick from Hollandaise sauce accented with spicy sambal chili paste. Two discs of rice accented with peas, carrots and soy sauce cleverly replaced the traditional English muffins in the dish.

A ‘dirty beet’ latte and ‘carrot top’

North Park’s latest hot spot for morning-afternoon fare (Photos by Frank Sabatini Jr.) Eggs played naturally to the salmon and potato rosti as well. Although when yet another pair teamed up with the mashed potato waffle and its adornments of cheese sauce and spicy sausage, I wondered how long it will take before the dish is spotlighted by some national food magazine or TV show. It deserves the recognition. The mashed potato waffle can be ordered a la carte or as part of a customized trio of pancakes, French toast or other waffles. Ours was accompanied by a tiramisu pancake that successfully matched in flavor the Italian dessert, thanks to mascarpone cheese and espresso syrup in the construct. The third item we chose was peach-almond French toast. It beckoned to modern Southern cuisine and smacked of addicting sweetness from fresh peaches and sugar-kissed butter sauce. No syrup required. Other menu choices include chilaquiles suizos, chicken

confit with grits, crispy chicken thighs and shrimp enchiladas with black mole sauce. They all come with poached eggs. There are also sidekicks such as brioche donuts, scones with Devonshire cream, and thick-cut bacon rubbed in brown sugar and coffee dust. When we visited, the restaurant was on the cusp of becoming widely known within the neighborhood. We visited around 9:30 a.m. on a weekday and barely beat a sizable wave of customers, although lines outside never formed. Weekends are a different story, we’re told. But based on what we tried, the food with all those assorted potatoes is worth a reasonable wait. —Frank Sabatini Jr. is the author of “Secret San Diego” (ECW Press), and began his local writing career more than two decades ago as a staffer for the former San Diego Tribune. You can reach him at

Potato rosti with poached eggs and salmon

(l to r) Mashed potato waffle, peach-almond French toast, and tiramisu pancake


(Courtesy photo)

Fellow LGBT community member and acclaimed chocolatier, Will Gustwiller, is celebrating the 15th anniversary of his South Park business, Eclipse Chocolate Bar & Bistro. In addition to a series of events on tap through the end of the year, Gustwiller

Despite rumors that Sirens Bar & Restaurant in Hillcrest has closed for good, owner Frankie Terzoli recently stated to us via text message: “We are 100% ... we are reopening.” The seafood-centric restaurant announced Aug. 6 on Facebook that it was temporarily closing for a “refreshing remodel” even though it had undergone some design changes when it took over the space from Pardon My French. The notice further states the restaurant is estimated to reopen this month even though its phone number remains out of service. As of press time, Terzoli has not responded to our inquiries regarding details about the remodel or when business will resume. 3797 Park Blvd.,

Luis Diaz of Los Panchos (Photo by Frank Sabatini Jr.) Luis Diaz is inching closer to opening the largest Los Panchos Taco Shop in his long-established chain, which has seven other locations sprinkled throughout San Diego County. This latest venture takes the place of Brazen BBQ at the prime corner of Washington Street and Fifth Avenue, just yards from where he operated in Hillcrest for almost 20 years. Diaz says he is looking forward to re-establishing his relationship with the LGBT community and its supporters by holding special events and deals in the coming year. The 3,334 structure so far reveals hand-painted palm fronds, bamboo ceilings, and a

full bar that opens to the outdoor deck. A significantly upgraded kitchen features a vertical spit for cooking al pastor. The menu will feature many of the company’s signature items, but they’ll be served on hot plates rather than in baskets. There will also be the additions of assorted ceviches, fajitas, and steak and seafood entrees. Diaz’s brother, Carlos, will oversee the bar program, which is shaping up with flavored margaritas, fine tequilas and mezcals, wine, and craft beer. Look for a late-September opening. 441 Washington St. —Frank Sabatini Jr. can be reached at


Gabriel Ferguson is coming to Hillcrest with pure comfort foods. (Courtesy photo)

Biscuits and gravy as well as pies cooked in cast-iron skillets will take center stage at Sunny Boy Biscuit Co. in Hillcrest, which is due to open by early November in the space last occupied by The Smok’d Hog. Owner Gabriel Ferguson grew up in a Washington State farming community with food and recipes that closely resembled those from the South. “I’ve always wanted to do comfort food and pie in a restaurant concept,” he said while revealing to us some of his upcoming menu items. There will be various themed biscuits and gravy, such as California-style with carne asada, a chicken cutlet version, and another based on Sunday-style roast using a rotating selection of meats. Biscuit sandwiches will also be available, along with scratch-made cast-iron pies such as pumpkin, pecan and lemon to be sold whole and by the slice. Ferguson will maintain his catering/private chef business that he has run for nearly 10 years under the name Dine In. 3749 Park Blvd, 619-850-8939,


Free chips and guacamole on Sept. 16 (Courtesy Rubio’s Coastal Grill) At last, a genuine giveaway celebrating one of those many “food holidays” declared usually by unknown entities. In this case, it’s National Guacamole Day on Sept. 16, for which most

locations of Rubio’s Coastal Grill will offer free chips and guacamole with the purchase of any order. Simply redeem the online coupon at national-guacamole-day.


“Playfully Wicked” – Times of San Diego

NOW – OCT 13

Buona Forchetta reveals its pizza-making secrets. (Courtesy Bread & Butter PR) The skilled “pizzaiolos” at Buona Forchetta Officine in Liberty Station will demonstrate the ins and outs of pizza-making in a series of classes to be held over the next three months. Each class runs from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. and also features wine and cheese pairings through the

support of Venissimo Cheese. Classes will be held Sept. 17, Oct. 29, and Nov. 19. The latter will feature gluten-free pizza. Tickets are $95 per person, which includes wine and food. They can be purchased on the web site. 2865 Sims Road, 619-548-5770,

KISS MY AZTEC! John Leguizamo and Tony Taccone MUSIC BY Benjamin Velez LYRICS BY David Kamp, Benjamin Velez, and John Leguizamo BASED ON A SCREENPLAY WRITTEN BY John Leguizamo and Stephen Chbosky CHOREOGRAPHY BY Maija García DIRECTED BY Tony Taccone


In Association with Berkeley Repertory Theatre


(Front) Zachary Infante and Angelica Beliard. Photo courtesy of Kevin Berne/Berkeley Repertory Theatre

This special anniversary bar is now available at Eclipse Chocolate.

introduced a special lavender-salted chocolate-toffee bar commemorating the anniversary. Using 38 percent fair trade cocoa, it also features white chocolate and cocoa nibs. The bar is available at the store and online for $9. Among the events planned, Eclipse will hold multi-course “supperclub” dinners on Oct. 11 and 12, with each featuring “15 small bites.” The menu draws upon signature dishes the bistro has presented over the past 15 years. They include bacon-wrapped dates with cocoa balsamic glaze; golden beet carpaccio with candied cocoa nibs; and chicken-fried steak with garlic and vanilla-bean sausage gravy. The cost is $75 per person (tax, tip and beverages not included). Reservations are required. 2145 Fern St., 619-5782984,

GAY SAN DIEGO Sept. 13-26, 2019



GAY SAN DIEGO Sept. 13-26, 2019

Art exhibit features LGBTQ artists of color San Diego Art Institute’s “Forging Territories” explores the art of marginalized cultures Albert H. Fulcher | Editor Curated by Rubén Esparza, founder and director of the Queer Biennial international art fair based in Los Angeles, “Forging Territories: Queer Afro and Latinx Contemporary Art” at the San Diego Art Institute (SDAI) in Balboa Park is an unprecedented exhibit featuring 20 established contemporary artists. This exhibit, utilizing artists’ talents through painting, drawing, photography, film and performance art reflects their ideas of sense of identity, current politics, history, social justice and more. On display through Nov. 3 at SDAI, this exhibit creates dialogue of struggles faced by African American, Black and Latinx artists today. “We’re a mainstream arts institution that serves as a launching pad for artists to reach the national and international stage, so it is essential that we open the gate to marginalized artists to allow thousands of residents and visitors to Balboa Park the opportunity to see this important talent,” said Jacqueline Silverman, executive director of SDAI. San Diego Art Institute Director of Development Caleb Rainey said this exhibition is important on several levels as one of the first, if not the first, that brings together bodies of queer Black and Latinx

contemporary art within the same exhibition. “I think nationally we are seeing and have seen for decades Black and Latinx people bearing the brunt of a combination of racism, homophobia and transphobia,” Rainey said. “In the art world, LGBTQ white artists have been traditionally given the spotlight in a way that is unimaginable for Black and Latinx artists. They are simply not shown, even in group shows at a rate that is comparable to their time, their numbers.” Rainey said for a major institution and a major cultural park to anchor one of its major exhibition sites with LGBTQ artists of color is significant and inviting a level of visibility, not only to its visitors and patrons, but in terms of art psychology to collectors, funders, and curators to see a body of contemporary art by this population of artists. “This exhibition is the first major LGBTQ showing of LGBTQ art in San Diego that is not a pop up, but a major exhibition,” Rainey said. “Until now, Black and Latinx LGBTQ people in San Diego have never seen themselves on the walls of a major exhibition event. That level of invisibility in both mainstream pop culture and fine art, the kind of damage it does to be invisible is




incalculable. For us to be able to bridge that massive gap in terms of authentic representation that is by and about people in the community that we are working with brings queer people in San Diego a meaningful experience and opportunity. In addition to that, it provides insight to the straight, white LGBTQ people and to many of the issues that are so important for the community as a whole.” Rainey said from the time you enter the gallery, plan to be immersed in the perspective of Black and Latinx LGBTQ artists and the communities that they come from. “It is a wonderful experience of really having what is so often marginalized to be completely at the center and really walk away with a better understanding about intersectionality and what that looks like,” Rainey said. “It isn’t just an LGBTQ exhibit. It is very much a Latinx exhibit and an African American/Black exhibit. Those esthetics are extremely present with issue from police brutality, faith, traditions and immigration all woven throughout the exhibition just as much as sexuality and identity.” Rainey said as the top contemporary regional art center housed in Balboa Park and the Balboa Park audience, SDAI has a unique opportunity to basks in artists in a meaningful

“A Neo-Negro Spiritual I” photograph, dana washington (Photo courtesy dana washington)

way that helps provide a more robust art exhibition for artists from their birth background. “We really have an unprecedented cultural equity that ensures artists and curators and our backgrounds are proportionally represented exhibitions,” Rainey said. “In this exhibit alone and through our cultural equity platform, we were able to provide over $11,000 in quality framing to a variety of artists in our show. Artists, especially marginalized artists, can create the art but don’t have access to high quality framing and presentation. It’s a different beast all together. We

are helping bridge that gap. The artists get to keep the quality framing and it increases the value of the work that the artists can charge, and they get to keep all of that. It is important that they are being equitably supported. We are really proud of that. We are hoping that communities of color and LGBTQ communities can ultimately know that SDAI can be worked on as an artistic home that is committed to people, committed to representation and committed to art and innovation in an inclusive way.”

see Forging Territories, pg 15

GAY SAN DIEGO Sept. 13-26, 2019 Contestants wanted – Contestants wanted for the Miss Gay California at Large 2019 being held on Nov. 2 at Rich’s San Diego at 5 p.m. $10 door cover. Categories of competition: Something Sweet Presentation; Give me Body: Swimsuit; It’s Showtime: Talent; Evening Gown Eleganza. Winner receives a crown, sash, trophy and cash prize. $25 application fee. For more information, contact Richard at 619-288-1183 or Darnelle at 619-737-7326. SOS – Tickets are now on sale for Sobriety on the Sand’s (SOS) annual three-day event Oct. 11-13. With three days of events, entertainment, fun and games, workshops and more, SOS provides a safe and entertaining space for those in recovery. $125. Marina Village, Mission Bay. 1936 Quivira Way. AIDS Walk & Run – Teams are now forming for the 30th annual AIDS Walk & Run San Diego set for Saturday, Sept. 28. Each year, AIDS Walk & Run San Diego teams play an extra special role in the overall success of this event. By forming a team, and simply saying “Walk with me,” our team leaders help send the message that we all have a role to play in the fight to end HIV in San Diego. To register, or get more information about forming a team, please contact Leo Cartier, teams coordinator, at 619692-2077, ext. 144 or email Palm Springs Pride – A weekend packed full of parties, festivals and live music, Palm Springs Pride 2019 is not to be missed. This event is your go-to guide for all pride celebrations happening in Palm Springs during the weekend. It will be updated with the best parties, parade photos, and events. This event is curated by the Palm Springs Pride organization for you! We’ll bring you details on all the best events. Visit our event for 2019 Palm Springs Pride at Nov. 1-3. National Transgender March Watch Party – The National Transgender Visibility March is a demonstration on Washington for

trans rights organized by a team of activists. Members of the transgender, nonbinary and gender non-conforming communities will take a major stand against hate and discrimination when they rally in the nation’s capital for the first-ever National Trans Visibility March on Washington on Saturday, Sept. 28. Join the San Diego Pride as it hosts a gathering in solidarity in support of the passing of the Equality Act and inclusion for the trans community. 7-10 a.m. Free. 3620 30th St.

Friday, Sept. 13

‘Girlfriend’– It’s 1993 and mixtapes are the language of love. Set in the American heartland during the summer between high school and whatever comes next, college-bound jock Mike and self-assured but aimless Will find themselves drawn to each other. Their rush of first love full of excitement, confusion, and passion, forges an unlikely bond neither were expecting. Told to the power-pop precision of Matthew Sweet’s seminal rock album, Girlfriend is a vibrant new musical about the terror and thrill of discovering yourself, and the life you want to lead. $20-$45. Diversionary Theatre, 4545 Park Blvd. Suite 101.

Saturday, Sept. 14

Red Dress Party 2019 – Red Dress Party San Diego is a whimsical fundraising event where everyone is encouraged to be brave, let loose, and celebrate impact. Like the name suggests, attendees are required to wear a red dress, regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation. This serves as a powerful sign of compassion and solidarity for those affected by HIV/AIDS and as a way to unite the crowd in one radiant theme. Pre-sale tickets now available at discounted prices for this Sept. 14 event. General admission: $60. VIP admission: Sold out. General admission prices go up day of event. Port Pavilion on Broadway Pier. 100 N. Harbor Drive.

South Bay Pride Art & Musical Festival 2019 – On Sept. 14, enjoy a great afternoon on the bay celebrating the LGBTQ+ community and all of its diversity. Come for live music, great food and drink along with bay activities. This amazing event is free and just 10 minutes south of Downtown San Diego. Live music includes Open Arms, Santana Soul, The Guest Room, Ryan Cassata, The Social Animal, Unsteady and Ingenue at the Port of San Diego Stage. Family friendly with activities for the kids. Noon-7 p.m. Bayside Park, Chula Vista. ‘The ART of Aging Well: A Workshop for Gay Men’ – At The Studio Door in Hillcrest, psychotherapist Michael Kimmel will present a workshop based on his upcoming book, “The Gay Man’s Guide to Aging Well”. The workshop is limited to a maximum of 25 men. The admission price is $25, and reservations can be made through The ART of Aging Well addresses questions like: As a gay man, do you find that getting older is a challenge? Is it hard to make peace with the physical changes that come with aging? Do you ever wonder, “Who’s going to want me in 20 or 20 years?” What about aging scares you the most? When you look in the mirror, do you like what you see? Do you believe that your life can become richer and more rewarding as you grow older, wiser and truer to yourself? Are you afraid of becoming “invisible” as you get older? Come join us as we explore these questions with a safe, supportive group of men. The workshop is sponsored by Patric Stillman and The Studio Door, located at 3867 Fourth Ave. (in Hillcrest). For more information, contact Michael at 619-955-3311 or $25. 1:30-3 p.m.

Sunday, Sept. 15

Walking Tour of San Diego’s LGBTQ+ History – Would you know where to hitch your horse in Hillcrest? Take a stroll through the colorful history of San Diego's

gayborhood. Join Lambda Archives of San Diego for this tour. Get your tickets now! $20-$25. 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Fifth and Robinson avenues.

Tuesday, Sept. 17

‘Werq the World Tour 2019’ – The Official RuPaul's Drag Race World Tour returns with an all new production for 2019 at the Balboa Theatre. Mission leader Michelle Visage is on a journey to save the universe with the help of her intergalactic queens including Aquaria, Kameron Michaels, Asia O'Hara, Kim Chi, Naomi Smalls, Violet Chachki and the queens from season 11. VIP option: Enjoy a private meet-and-greet with the queens before the show! Includes a customized VIP Galaxy Pass and a seat in the first few rows. VIP guests must arrive by 6 p.m. $52$156. 8-10:30 p.m. 868 Fourth Ave. Stonewall to San Diego – Lambda Archives is hosting a presentation of local LGBTQ+ history at the Ocean Beach Library. The 1969 Stonewall uprising in New York inspired the LGBTQ+ community to resist and demand their rights across the country and in San Diego. Learn how San Diego responded and began to fight back. Free. 4801 Santa Monica Ave.

Wednesday, Sept. 18

FilmOut San Diego – Writer/Director/Producer JC Calciano's “Steam Room Stories: The Movie” is coming to FilmOut San Diego at the Landmark's Hillcrest Cinemas. This hilarious comedy is based on the most popular LGBT web series in history. And we will be screening it in “CinemaScent” scratch and sniff cards. $12.50. 7-9:30 p.m. Calciano, Traci Lords and the Steam Room Guys will be present for Q&A after the film.

Thursday, Sept. 19

One Book, One San Diego – KPBS presents Rebecca Makkai, author of “The Great Believers,” the 2019 One

Book, One San Diego, a historical novel about the terrors and tragedies of the AIDS epidemic and its repercussions, through a story about friendship and redemption in the face of tragedy and loss, set in 1980s Chicago and contemporary Paris. The program will also feature an address by Terry Cunningham, Retired Chief of the STD, HIV and Hepatitis Branch of Public Health Services for San Diego County, and a performance by the San Diego Gay Men's Chorus. Books will be for sale by the Library Shop. A book signing will take place immediately following the program. Free event but registration is encouraged.

Saturday, Sept. 21

G4G San Diego + Patagonia/ILACSD – Join Gay 4 Good San Diego, Patagonia Cardiff, Queer Climbing Collective, and I Love A Clean San Diego for the largest beach cleanup in San Diego County, the California Coastal Cleanup Day! There will be some prize giveaways and snacks and drinks. Event is open to people of all ages, abilities, identities and expressions. Meet at the Seaside State Beach, Cardiff by the Sea. 2526 South Coast Hwy 101, Solana Beach. 8:45 a.m.-noon.

Tuesday, Sept. 24

GI Film Festival San Diego – The nation’s premier festival to exclusively feature military-themed films returns to San Diego this fall. The GI Film Festival San Diego celebrates its fifth anniversary this year with screenings and events planned for Sept. 24-29, at various San Diego venues. The films selected for the GI Film Festival San Diego reveal the struggles, triumphs, and experiences of service members and veterans through compelling and authentic storytelling. All major film genres – documentaries, shorts, and personal narratives – will be featured.. Select films related to San Diego County will once again be featured in the festival’s popular Local Film Showcase.



solution on page 14



1 Line in a Rita Mae Brown novel? 5 No longer jailbait 10 Straddling 14 Tow job 15 St. Teresa’s town 16 Half of “Lois and Clark” 17 Where to find hot buns 18 Music genre of Roddy Bottum 19 Become frayed 20 “Hazy Shade of Winter” cover band, with “The” (from the gay “A League of Their Own”) 22 “Like a Virgin” singer (from the gay “ALOTO”) 24 Big name in China 25 “The Music Man” setting 26 Star's rep 27 Porking place? 28 Home st. of Maupin 31 Janis Joplin's Bobby 33 Most straight, at a bar? 36 Big name in oil 37 “Girls Just Want to Have Fun”


singer (from the gay “ALOTO”) 39 Some G.M. cars 41 W.H. Auden's wrench 42 Guys who use come-on lines 44 Not even once, to Dickinson 45 Physique, informally 48 Colette’s Mrs. 49 Queen, to a dealer 52 “We'll see” 54 “Livin’ on a Prayer” band (from the gay “ALOTO”) 56 “Blackbird” band (from the gay “ALOTO”) 58 “Tell me ___ haven't heard!” 59 Landau’s “Ed Wood” award 61 Put on the staff 62 “Kinsey” title role portrayer Neeson 63 Michael of “Jeffrey” 64 ___ about (roughly) 65 Lesbian juggler Felder 66 Hisser shaped like a pisser 67 Put out

1 Vehicles for exploring Uranus 2 Pianist Oscar 3 How many gay people live 4 South Pacific kingdom 5 Liberace fabric 6 Eater of forbidden fruit, and others 7 “Scram!” to Gomer 8 You must remember this 9 Bochco TV drama 10 Words used in setting the tempo 11 Justin Suarez of “Ugly Betty,” for one 12 Juicy fruits 13 Jolly Roger fliers 21 Stuff in a closet 23 Dyke's latex 25 Wilde country 29 Assholes 30 What you can take from me 32 Mother of Chaz 33 NASDAQ rival 34 Not nutty as a fruitcake 35 Dancer Tommy 37 Have an orgasm in the vicinity of?

38 Frost starter 39 Frolics about the streets of Vegas? 40 Sculptor Lewis 43 USMC barracks boss 45 Name in the “Southern Voice” 46 The king of fairies 47 “___ Hearts” 50 Admits openly 51 Out of bed 53 Threesome member for Dumas 55 Iwo ___ 56 Tan at South Beach 57 Language of 25-Down 60 Org. in many spy movies




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FORGING TERRITORIES One of the artists on display, dana washington is displaying a photographic portrait series and a video installation. She is currently a student at UC San Diego working toward her master’s in fine arts. She said she draws her inspiration from daily life. “Everything that I create starts with me and then kind of goes outward,” washington said. “I’m kind of always questioning and confronting things that deal with identity, gender, specifically religion and overall issues with society with certain groups of people. I just try to confront those things and have a conversation about them through images.” Around 2016, washington was contacted by Sara TrujilloPorter, former San Diego Art Institute deputy director, and she was putting together an all-female exhibition called “About Face.” She wanted to display a video piece that washington created called “Under Bone.” She contacted washington again about “Forging Territories.” She said that she was encouraged by Esparza’s enthusiasm about the exhibition. “I like that [the exhibition] includes different generations of artists,” washington said. “I think it is pretty equal as far as representation of races and genders and those that are nonbinary. I think it is a great conversation about loss, death, making negative images more positive.

I think that conversation is necessary. A lot of the pieces in the exhibition touch on historical things which I think is interesting and amazing. There is a lot there and a lot to digest.” For this exhibit, washington is displaying a series called “Awa” that kind of looks like oil painting, but it is photography. “I just slowed down the shutter speed and used an external light and the slower shutter speed captures a lot more detail. But the way that I did the lighting, I bounced it off the wall, so it made it look softer. My intention was to make it look like a painting,” washington said. “I’m just happy that there is an exhibition of queer folks of color and that it opens up the doors to folks who haven’t had the chance to show their work and have the conversation about their work.” Examples of the featured artists are: • Photographer Laura Aguilar, included in the Venice Biennial and the permanent collection of the New Museum in New York City. • Painter and printmaker Carlos Almaraz, the subject of a recent retrospective at LACMA and included in the permanent collection of the Smithsonian American Art Museum. • Performance artist Patrisse Cullors, co-founder of Black Lives Matter. • Photographer Texas Isaiah, shown at The Studio Museum in Harlem and The Hammer Museum in Los Angeles and hailed as one of Time’s “12 African American Photographers.” • Photographer Paul Mpagi

Catch a film. Be inspired. Build community.

September 24-29, 2019 Full lineup, venues, and showtimes available at FEATURING THE PREMIERE OF

The Man I Want to Be Friday, September 27 at 6:15 p.m. Museum of Photographic Arts

The Real Thing Friday, September 27 at 6:15 a.m. Museum of Photographic Arts


MICHAEL KIMMEL Psychotherapist Author of "Life Beyond Therapy" in Gay San Diego 5100 Marlborough Drive San Diego CA 92116 (619)955-3311

GAY SAN DIEGO Sept. 13-26, 2019


Sepuya, included in this year’s Whitney Biennial. • Visual artist dana washington, a rising Southern California artist and 2020 MFA student at UCSD. “As a curator, I feel it is important for institutions, museums and galleries to feature more artists of color and specifically queer people of color within the larger conversation,” said Ruben Esparza. “Through ‘Forging Territories,’ we will be able to tell a much fuller story of voices that are not as frequently heard within the world of art and culture.” For upcoming events visit —Albert Fulcher can be reached at

“The Struggle of Mankind,” archival print 1989, (From the collection of Paul Polubinskas) Carlos Almaraz (Photo courtesy San Diego Art Institute)



GAY SAN DIEGO Sept. 13-26, 2019


Gay San Diego North County LGBT Queer Variety Show and Artwalk On Sept. 6, the North County LGBTQ Community Center held a fundraiser for its upcoming Pride by the Beach on Oct. 12. Celebrating LGBTQ arts and culture, North County LGBT Queer Variety Show and Artwalk featured an LGBTQ art show followed by the North County LGBTQ Queer Variety Show at the historic Sunshine Brooks Theater stage. For more information about Pride by the Beach visit (Photos by Big Mike Photography)


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