2019 San Diego LGBT Pride Guide and Directory, July 12-14,2019

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2019 San Diego LGBT PRIDE Guide July 12-14, 2019 A special supplement to:


JULY 12-14, 2019

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JULY 12-14, 2019

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2019 San Diego LGBT Pride Guide

JULY 12-14, 2019

With Stonewall as a foundation, we can live freely 444 Camino Del Rio South, Suite 102 San Diego, CA 92108 619-519-7775 gay-sd.com


David Mannis david@sdcnn.com 619-961-1951


Albert H. Fulcher albert@sdccn.com 619-961-1960


SALES & MARKETING Mike Rosensteel mike@sdcnn.com 619-961-1958 Mike Long Paul Welsh


Priscilla Umel-Martinez Gay San Diego and San Diego Uptown News are proud to be one of the media sponsors of San Diego Pride. This program is distributed as a supplement in both the July 5 issue of Gay SD and the July 12 issue of SD Uptown News, with a more than 30,000 total print run. Gay SD is San Diego’s only LGBT community newspaper, publishing every other Friday. The annual San Diego LGBT Pride Guide is published by San Diego Community News Network (SDCNN). For editorial information or submissions for Gay SD contact Albert H. Fulcher at albert@sdcnn.com. For advertising information contact Mike Rosensteel at 619-961-1958 or mike@ sdcnn.com. Please visit our website gaysd.com and request a free subscription to our digital edition and weekly newsletter. Gay San Diego and this and this program are Copyright 2019.


Gay San Diego is distributed free, biweekly, every other Friday. COPYRIGHT 2019. All rights are reserved.

Moving Gayly Forward

Albert H. Fulcher Editor

Although it was not the first time our community stood up for its rights, the Stonewall riots had a distinct before and after effect unlike any other time in our history. The LGBT community in Greenwich Village, NY had enough of police raids and in the early hours of June 28, 1969, a small group of people at the Stonewall Inn fought back resulting in six days of protests and riots. A pivotal moment in U.S. history, after the riots, people came out of the closet, becoming active, visible and vocal, which resulted in a multitude of organizations and people that began the stand for LGBT rights. So as we celebrate Pride here in San Diego, we remember those who stood strong before us, because we now stand at another crucial moment in history, one that could turn back the clock and throw us back in the closet. There is a large sector of people in this country who would love nothing more than that. We are watching as they try to strip our rights from us. We’ve had momentous moments with the Defense of Marriage Act in 2015 following 37 states that had already

legalized same-sex marriage. This was an up and down battle, even here in California. But make no mistake. As a community we are still under attack from so many directions, and all of them are detrimental to the LGBT community. In January, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the Trump Administration's military transgender ban. Transgender people can no longer enlist and these in the military will more than likely be discharged for needing hormone treatments, surgery, having gender dysphoria and can't or won't serve in their birth gender. The Human Rights Campaign reported 26 violent deaths of transgender people in the U.S. in 2018, the majority Black women. So far this year, there are at least 12 reported transgender people who were violently killed. All Black women. Two more transgender deaths are under investigation, one black transgender woman who died in custody at Riker's Island jail complex in New York City, and an El Salvadorian trans woman who died shortly after being released from ICE detention. Trans lives matter. Black lives matter. The Guttmacher Institute reported a total of 27 abortion bans have been enacted across 12 states so far in 2019.

Between January 1, 2011 and May 31, 2019, 479 abortion restrictions were enacted in 33 states. That’s more than a third of the 1,271 abortion restrictions enacted since Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973. These laws all have one goal in common — to get the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade and strip women of the rights over their own bodies. Women’s right matter. Mass Shooting Tracker reports 251 people have been killed in mass shootings (four or more shot) and 793 injured this year to date, compared to 528 people killed and 1,549 injured in 2018 in America. In 2018, the FBI reported a 17 percent year-over-year increase in federal hate crimes in 2017, with 60% being against gay men out of 1,249 victims of gender-based violence. And many hate crimes are not reported. After the Pulse nightclub massacre, we now know that in reality that we no longer have any safe places. We’ve had a shooting and LGBT hate vandalism this year in Hillcrest, along with attacks on other minorities, religions in our region. All lives matter. The Supreme Court has agreed to consider whether a federal employment discrimination law that bans discrimination based on sex also includes discrimination based on sexual orientation or

gender identification. This is an issue that is of critical importance to LGBT rights groups who are seeking increased protections. The Trump administration said that Title VII of the Civil Rights Act does not provide such protections. Discrimination against the LGBTQ community is still legal in 32 states. Our quality of life matters. But we cannot let any of these things deter us from carrying on what Stonewall taught us: to fight back and continue to say, “No, we will not tolerate this anymore.” Our livelihood and our lives depend on it. That is why we still need Pride celebrations today. With this year’s Pride, I am expecting the largest turnout in our history and the biggest party in San Diego. San Diego LGBT Pride has outdone itself this year, again, and this is the perfect opportunity to unite for all the causes that we stand for and stand against. Yes, we need to be aware and continue the fight, but we also need to show the world that there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that will allow us to crawl back into the closets. Be proud, be loud, be free, be who you are. Have a fabulous Pride! —Albert Fulcher can be reached at albert@sdcnn.com.

Table of Contents Greetings from Representatives ..A6 Pride Parade & Festival .................A8 Pride Calendar & Events ..............A10 Spirit of Stonewall Rally ..............A15 Pride Festival Entertainment .....A19 Pride Block Party ......................... A22 Pride Community Directory .........B1

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JULY 12-14, 2019



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JULY 12-14, 2019

Dear friends I am once again extremely excited to join thousands of San Diegans in celebrating this year’s LGBTQ Pride! Pride 2019 is especially important because we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall uprising, the spark that ignited increased LGBTQ activism across the nation. It is not just the riots that began June 28, 1969, outside the Stonewall Inn that account for the progress we’ve made as a community, but also what followed. A year after Stonewall, LGBTQ people in many cities began organizing the first Pride parades to commemorate the uprising. Since then, events all over the nation have been promoting the same mission of advancing LGBTQ equality. As a proud member of the Legislative LGBTQ Caucus, I am also delighted that in commemoration of June as LGBTQ Pride month, Governor Newsom has ordered the rainbow flag to fly over the state Capitol building. This is one more sign of progress! We have come a long way as a community, but our work is not done. Unfortunately, we are seeing a rise in violent attacks on our community — especially

2019 San Diego LGBT Pride Guide

our transgender members. While we should celebrate how far we have come, we must remain forever vigilant against the rise in hate across the country. The fight continues. Happy Pride, San Diego! Warmly, —Toni G. Atkins President pro Tempore California State Sentate

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secure the rights and protections we have today. They are our “Legacy of Liberation. So much of this legacy is built on truth — being honest with ourselves and our loved ones, but also recognizing how far we have come and how much further we have to go. While we have come far, we know this legacy of liberation is currently under attack. That is evidenced in the actions of the Trump administration, the increase in hate crimes, and the epidemic of black trans women being murdered. At this extraordinary time in our nation’s history, we must reaffirm: we are not going back. We must band together, stand up, be out, and be proud of who we are. That’s why Pride is as much about our history as it is our visibility. In California, we are blessed to have the largest LGBTQ Caucus in the history of our state. This includes the first openly LGBTQ statewide elected official in our Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara. Our City Council has more LGBTQ representation than ever before. Collectively, San Diego has more LGBTQ elected representation than San Francisco. And, in 2020, we have the opportunity to make even more history. This weekend, each of us should celebrate who we are and who we love. Each of us should do so with a sense of hope and optimism for the future. San Diego and California will remain the example of acceptance and inclusivity, and we will be a rainbow beacon of hope for the nation and the world. We are here, we are queer, and there’s nothing holding us back. Happy Pride, San Diego!


—Todd Gloria Assembly member 78th Assembly District

This year, Pride carries special significance as we commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall riots — the birth of our modern LGBTQ civil rights movement. Since that time, so many in our community have blazed trails and broken down barriers to achieve equality, equity, and

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Pride is an opportunity for San Diegans to celebrate the year-round accomplishments of the LGBTQ community and our ongoing fight to exist – unapologetically, free from fear or discrimination. In 1969, the New York City Stonewall Riots launched what can be considered the start of the modern gay rights movement. The trailblazers at Stonewall changed the course of history, they said enough was enough, and sparked a cultural revolution that paved the way for me, an openly gay elected official, and for many more San Diegans that can live and love the way they choose. We have an obligation to celebrate our progress and the difficult path we have forged to achieve the acceptance we enjoy today. However, we cannot forget that LGBTQ people are still under attack across this country. In 2018, twenty-six transgender people lost their lives to violence, the majority of whom were black transgender women. In the first six-months of 2019 we have already seen eleven transgender women of color lose their lives, ten of which were black trans women. This is unacceptable and it is not getting the media attention that a crisis like this warrants. And as an LGBTQ elected official, I will continue to call attention to these tragedies until all our community members are safe. On June 24, 2019, Council President Georgette Gómez and Council members Jen Campbell, Monica Montgomery and myself adjourned a council meeting in the memory of the latest victims of anti-trans violence: Zoe Spears, Chanel Scurlock, Chynal Lindsey and Johana

‘Joa’ Medina. These trans women deserved the love that they put out into the world. They deserved kindness, acceptance and most importantly they deserved to live long and happy lives. This year we are celebrating the 50th anniversary of the New York City Stonewall riots. Join me in honoring the spirt of Stonewall by supporting our transgender community right

here in San Diego and across this nation. Support our Black trans sisters and lift them up as they lead our LGBTQ community and our movement into another 50 years of equality and victory.

On behalf of the citizens of San Diego, it is my pleasure to welcome you to San Diego Pride 2019. Pride is much more than a series of events. For nearly half a century, it has played an important role in bringing together people from all walks of life to celebrate the history and diversity of our LGBTQ community. Through the years,

Pride has helped bring about positive change toward a more inclusive and equal society. Despite the progress that’s been made, LGBTQ people still face significant discrimination, which is why — on this 50th anniversary of the tragic Stonewall riots — it’s important for the community and allies to remember the legacy of advocates who’ve come before

and those who continue speaking up for equality. As always, I look forward to walking in solidarity with my LGBTQ friends at this year’s Pride parade. Please accept my warmest wishes for an enjoyable Pride weekend in San Diego.

—Chris Ward Councilmember District 3

Best regards, —Kevin L. Faulconer Mayor of San Diego

2019 San Diego LGBT Pride Guide

Dear Pride Family

We are about to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots that gave birth to the international Pride movement. We don’t have Pride because we’re free. We have Pride because we’re not. Our collective efforts all year round now culminate in the creation of intentional space for our community where for a weekend, a day, a few hours, or a

moment — our people can revel in joy. For far too many of us in other parts of the world, country, and even right here in San Diego, the daily pressures of systemic legal and cultural oppression is damaging and too often deadly. However, at Pride, we allow ourselves to exhale. We breathe in love. We un-wring our hands

and embrace found family. We claim freedom from the open air and dare to dance in daylight. Our affection sees the sun rather than shadows and shame. We unshackle our hearts and bodies from society’s expectations and allow ourselves to unapologetically indulge in being radically only and absolutely who we know we truly are. Pride is wherever you are, and however you choose to celebrate it. Bravely discard fear. Seize hope. Be free. Whether you’ve been with us since the beginning, or if this is your first; welcome to Pride. Welcome home. This is our Legacy of Liberation! With Love, Hope, and Pride, —Fernando Zweifach López Pronouns: They/Them/Theirs Executive Director San Diego Pride

JULY 12-14, 2019

Happy Pride, San Diego! Our community continues to face many challenges, but we are resilient! I continue to stand with all of you as we move forward against the national narrative of hate. As we celebrate, let us take a moment to think about what Pride is all about. Let us reflect on the struggles of the past generations that got us here and about what we must do to continue advancing our pursuit for equal rights under the law. I’m very proud of all the intersectional work that has emerged in our binational region. It is important that we stand together against increasing violence, especially against transgender women of color. I am a strong supporter of the work of Casa Arcoiris AC, the first shelter for LGBTQ immigrants in Tijuana. As LGBTQ people fleeing violence against their bodies continue to make the journey to our border to seek asylum, we must stand in solidarity with them. As the rest of the nation looks to California for leadership, I’m happy to be part of our community that believes in equality, practices humility and kindness and, above all, is more united than ever. In the past month, our community has lost 5 transgender women

(Zoe Spears, Chanel Scurlock, Chynal Lindsay, Johana ‘Joa’ Medina, and Brooklyn Lindsay). We cannot continue to celebrate progress without demanding accountability and respect for the most vulnerable members of our society. While the road may be long, we know that we are on the right side of history and we will persist. We must show that love trumps all, no matter what. I am proud to stand with you as the first queer Latina Council President of the San Diego City Council. Happy Pride! —Georgette Gómez Council President, City of San Diego and District 9

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JULY 12-14, 2019

2019 San Diego LGBT Pride Guide

Parking & Shuttles 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Catch a free ride to the Pride Festival from any of the free Old Naval Hospital parking lots. Pride Accessibility Vans ADA Accessible Vans are available on call at any Pride (Festival, Parade, Parking) Shuttle stop on Saturday, July 13 from 8 a.m. to midnight and Sunday, July 14 from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. To hail an ADA Accessible van contact the Pride Volunteer at the Shuttle stop. Saturday, July 13 free parking lots are available courtesy of San Diego Pride, both Saturday, July 13 and Sunday, July 14 at the Old Naval Hospital at Park Boulevard and President’s Way. On Saturday, Shuttles to the Parade run continuously from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. On Saturday, Shuttles to the Festival run continuously from 7 a.m. to midnight. Pride Parade Route 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Catch a free ride from the Old Naval Hospital parking lots to the Pride Parade. The shuttle will drop parade goers at Essex and Richmond streets, one block south of University Avenue. Pride Festival Route 7 a.m. to midnight Catch a free ride from the Old Naval Hospital parking lots to the Pride Festival at Sixth Avenue and Juniper Street. Festival Express 12 to 4 p.m. Catch a free ride from the Pride Parade to the entrance of the Pride Festival. Pick up the shuttle at Essex and Richmond Street and get dropped off at Sixth Avenue and Juniper Street. Sunday, July 14 Pride Festival On Sunday, Shuttles to the Festival run continuously from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Parking Options The Friends of Roosevelt Foundation will be sponsoring a parking fundraiser to benefit their after-school enrichment program's on Saturday, July 13. Where: 3366 Park Blvd, San Diego, CA 92103 Enter campus off of Upas Street.

San Diego Pride Parade The annual San Diego Pride Parade is the largest single-day civic event in the region and is among the largest Prides in the United States, attracting more than 250,000 people. Cheer on colorful f loats and parade participants as we celebrate and honor the LGBTQ community at the San Diego Pride Parade in Hillcrest. Theme: Stonewall 50: Legacy of Liberation

Date: July 13 Time: 10 a.m. Locations: The parade begins at the Hillcrest Pride Flag at University Avenue and Normal Street, proceeds west on University Avenue, turns south on Sixth Avenue, turns left onto Balboa Drive and ends at Quince Drive. Route Length: 1.5 miles Cost: This is a free, community event.

2019 Pride 5K Run and Walk

2019 San Diego Pride Festival

The annual Pride Festival includes multiple stages of entertainment, more than 100 entertainers, and dozens of vendor booths, exhibits, cultural presentations, delicious food booths, and more than 40,000 of your closest friends! Pride Festival is open to everyone with an open heart and

open mind! When: Saturday, July 13, 11 a.m.-10.p.m. Sunday, July 14, 11 a.m.-9 p.m. Location: Marston Point, Balboa Park (Sixth Avenue and Laurel Street) Tickets: bit.ly/31Wj5Z1 The Front Runners & Walkers Pride 5K Run and Walk is the most fun and wacky event of the summer. It’s a great way to kick off the LGBTQ Pride Parade with a healthy activity and a lot of fun — and do some good for our charity partners while you’re at it! Start Time/Location Saturday, July 13, 8 a.m. Race start and finish: University Avenue at Centre Street Activities begin at 7 a.m. with preferred sponsors Warm up and Stretch begins at 7 a.m. Warm up led by a Lululemon Ambassador. Register: bit.ly/2IKnBCr

JULY 12-14, 2019

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2019 San Diego LGBT Pride Guide

JULY 12-14, 2019


Saturday, July 6

She Fest – She Fest is a woman-centered event that celebrates and supports the talents and contributions of women while fostering meaningful connections within the LGBT and larger San Diego community. Building on second-wave feminism’s creed of “the personal is political,” we are guided by principles of intersectional feminism: we recognize that while all women experience oppression, we also all experience oppression in varying forms based on race, age, class, gender, sexuality, disability, etc. With that in mind, we

want everyone at She Fest to feel supported, included, and represented. She Fest is intentionally inclusive of transgender women, nonbinary people, intersex people, and gender-nonconforming folks. North Park Recreation Center, 4044 Idaho St. 11 a.m.-6:30 p.m. bit.ly/2IJyiVK

Monday, July 8

Brian Justin Crum Live – “America’s Got Talent” finalist Brian Justin Crum returns to Martinis Above Fourth to kick off San Diego Pride week Monday, July 8, and Tuesday, July 9, at 8 p.m. Following his recent appearance on “America’s Got Talent: The Champions” broadcast on NBC, Brian is planning a very special Pride week concert featuring all of the show’s favorites and his newly anticipated single “I&U” as well. CA License # 0M88498


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Wednesday, July 10

Light Up the Cathedral – Join interfaith leaders, elected officials, and San Diego’s LGBTQ community at this official San Diego Pride 2019 event. To celebrate Pride Week, we will honor our LGBTQ interfaith community and witness the cathedral’s annual ceremonial rainbow lighting. This interfaith event will feature Jewish activist and Rabbinical student Steven Goldstein, who champions interfaith organizing as a method of combating transphobia, homophobia, and anti-Semitism as our keynote speaker. The service will also include performances by the San Diego Gay Men’s Chorus, the San Diego Women’s Chorus, and presentation of the Light of Pride award by Pride Executive Director Fernando Lopez to this year’s honoree Jewish Family Service of San Diego for their service to the Jewish, LGBTQ, and refugee communities in our region. St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral, 2728 Sixth Ave. 7-8 p.m. Free. bit.ly/2xfFNND ‘50 Years of Fabulous’ – FilmOut San Diego presents Director Jethro Patalinghug’s “50 Years of Fabulous,” which recounts the rich history of the Imperial Council, the oldest LGBT charity organization in the world. Founded in San Francisco by renowned activist, drag queen and performer José Sarria, the council has helped shaped LGBT life and social history in San Francisco and beyond throughout the last five decades. Sarria was also the first openly gay man to run for political office in the United States in 1961. From its genesis as a critical public space for the community and capacity building of LGBT San Franciscans, to its vital role in the advocacy

for LGBT human rights, “50 Years of Fabulous” documents the full scope of the organization’s historical evolution up to its contemporary struggle in finding relevance — both in the wake of social progress it has helped foster, and in light of a newly empowered political coalition committed to rolling back a half century of civil rights achievements. Landmark’s Hillcrest Cinemas, 3965 Fifth Ave. 7-9 p.m. bit.ly/2Xd4ZnH

Thursday, July 11

1969: The Summer of Stonewall – Kick off pride week with the San Diego Women's Chorus at our annual Pride Concert on Thursday July 11th at Parq West! As we continue to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising, join us at “1969: Summer of Stonewall,” featuring songs on the top 40 dance charts during the summer of the Stonewall Uprising. This upbeat concert will feature popular songs like “Build Me Up Buttercup,” “Put a Little Love In Your Heart,” “Take Me Higher,” and “Sweet Caroline.” Special guest performance by the newly formed Youth Pride Chorus! SDWC will also reprise two-movements from the “Quiet No More” commission. You won't want to miss the best- and most musical- way to get in the spirit for Pride Weekend. $10-$325. Parq West San Diego. 2557 Third Ave. sdwc/ticketleap.com Interfaith Organizing – Hosted by San Diego Pride DevOUT and St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral, Changing the World Through Interfaith Organizing is a workshop devoted exclusively to teaching practical skills you can incorporate immediately into your work and activism, you will learn the state-ofthe-art methods behind each of the three tracks of social

justice advocacy: Lobbying public officials, communicating with the press, and organizing the most persuasive grassroots actions. This highly interactive workshop will filled with role-plays by all participants, guaranteeing maximum engagement and lessons that will stick with you for life in your pursuit of social justice. Ohr Shalom Synagogue, 2512 Third Ave. 1:30-4:30 p.m. Registration required. bit.ly/2X36mju Drag Me to The Del – Join us for an evening of legendary drag entertainment! Drag Me to The Del features iconic headliners Willam and LADY BUNNY FOREVER!, with Gia Gunn, Shannel, Glitz Glam, Kickxy VixenStyles, Sasha Colby, Paris Sukomi Max and Master of Ceremonies Dangilo Gogo. Doors open at 7 p.m. and the show starts at 8:30 p.m. Presented by Hotel del Coronado and U.S. Bank, all ticket proceeds go directly to the San Diego Gay Men’s Chorus. For phone reservations, call 619.522.8490. $45-$75. 7-11 p.m. Hotel del Coronado, 1500 Orange Ave., Coronado. bit.ly/31W8i0U

Friday, July 12

We Won’t Be Erased – Hosted by Trans Pride, join in celebrating transgender, gender-nonconforming and nonbinary folks of all walks of life. This is a free event open to respectful individuals wanting to celebrate their gender expression however they choose in a community environment that is free of judgement and criticism. There will be resources, workshops, entertainment and information tables available to find resources to aid in various aspects of living and existing. Balboa Park, 1549 El Prado. Noon-5 p.m. bit.ly/2KCP76Z

see Calendar, pg 12

JULY 12-14, 2019




JULY 12-14, 2019

2019 San Diego LGBT Pride Guide


CALENDAR Pride of Hillcrest Block Party – The Pride of Hillcrest Block Party returns to Pride Plaza celebrating the culture, history, diversity and LGBTQ+ community that lives, works and plays in San Diego’s most colorful and vibrant community. This year’s theme, “Free to Be You,” celebrates everyone’s right to be their true selves. The event features a diverse lineup of local and international talent. The festival features a craft cocktail bar and beer garden sponsored by Miller Coors, food trucks, a go-go dancer, a DJ dance party, and YOU aboard our giant Ferris wheel as your take in the views of Hillcrest’s giant 65-foot-high, 20-by-30-foot rainbow Pride flag! 2-11 p.m. Hillcrest Pride Flag, University Avenue and Normal Street. Register to attend this free event, donations encouraged online and at the door. Registration, online donations and VIP tickets: bit.ly/2xcLb4n Spirit of Stonewall Rally – Pride celebrations everywhere trace their heritage to the evening of June 28, 1969, when patrons of the Stonewall Inn in New York City said, “No more!” to police harassment. That protest has grown to annual events held in major cities throughout the world. In San Diego, our first rally was held in 1975. San Diego Pride’s Spirit of Stonewall Rally is a time to recognize and honor leaders who are working hard to preserve our gains and meet the many challenges still facing our community. Come join us as cheering crowds and energetic speakers kick off San Diego Pride Weekend! Hillcrest Pride Flag, 1600 University Ave. Free. bit.ly/2IKKJkb Rob Benzon Pride Launch Party – Now in its 20th year, the Rob Benzon Foundation is holding its annual Pride launch part at the Historic Burnham House in Hillcrest. This destination party features San Diego’s top chefs and restaurants serving up their own unique creations for your enjoyment. This year’s event features its most exclusive VIP lounge to date. Tray-passed hors d’oeuvres and tasty appetizers and decadent treats. Private hosted open bar serving premium liquors and wine, exclusive VIP entrance, exclusive restroom and more! The board of directors along with host committee, event underwriters and sponsors

and silent auction donors fund 100% of the expenses associated with this fundraising event. So all monies collected will go directly to the foundation. Over the years, through your generous support, the foundation has granted over $250,000 back

to our community. Tickets: General Admission: $90. VIP: $150. bit.ly/2J9LfqX Splash: Pre-Pride Pool Party – Splash brings San Diego Pride it's seventh year of kick-off parties at

the DoubleTree Mission Valley Pool! The only place to party with the gays and kick off Pride with soaking sounds by Jinx Mirage and Brynn Taylor. Time to check out our all-new production, VIP areas and daybeds, grab a drink at our full bar

and get ready for the kick off you don't want to miss! Table service daybeds and VIP platforms are available for purchase by contacting LE Parties 949-441-0035. $20-$30. Noon-6 p.m. DoubleTree by Hilton San Diego (Mission Valley) 7450

2019 San Diego LGBT Pride Guide

JULY 12-14, 2019


thousands of attendees, vendors and information booths. Entertainment includes more than 100 entertainers with four stages. General Admission: $15-$30. VIP Admission: $150-$200. High school-aged youth and under admitted for free at the box office. Marston Point, Balboa Park, Sixth Avenue and Laurel Street. sdpride.org

Sunday, July 14

Out in Little Italy – Brunch at the Piazza della Famiglia event. Little Italy is San Diego's foodie headquarters, and the Piazza della Famiglia is the focal point of the district. Delicious brunch and lunch options will be offered by the eclectic array of eateries at the Little Italy Food Hall. Little Italy is proud to welcome the LGBTQ+ community to celebrate Pride in our historic neighborhood with great food, music and fun. Bottomless mimosas and coffee will be served. Experience Little Italy Pride-style! Music provided by DJ Jinx Mirage and live performances by local drag performers, Kickxy Vixen-Styles and Glitz Glam. Your ticket includes transportation by shuttle buses, one-way, to the Pride Festival in Balboa Park, with shuttles running from 10:45 a.m.-noon. $75-$100. 555 W. Date St. bit.ly/2IJIbTm Drag Yourself to Pride Brunch – Back for San Diego Pride, LE Parties brings you an all-star “RuPaul's Drag Race” cast! Hosted by Mayhem Miller with performances by Chad Michaels, Kameron Michaels, Vicky Vox, Jazmyn SimoneÉchelon, and Alexis Mateo — what more can you ask for? Get those dollar bills ready for the only RuPaul Drag Brunch during SD Pride! Onair personality Alexander J Rodriguez special strip down performance by the Sexy Mafia! $45-$75. 9:30 a.m.12:30 p.m. DoubleTree by Hilton San Diego (Mission Valley), 7450 Hazard Center Drive. bit.ly/2X7zWcx

Pride Festival events Athlete Alley

Hazard Center Drive. bit.ly/2Lg5bet

Saturday, July 13

Pride 5K – The Front Runners & Walkers Pride 5K Run and Walk is the most fun and wacky event of the summer. It’s a great way to

kick off the LGBTQ Pride Parade with a healthy activity and a lot of fun — and do some good for our charity partners while you’re at it! University Avenue and Centre Street. $40. 8-11 a.m. bit.ly/2XzsS84 San Diego Pride Parade

– The annual San Diego Pride Parade is the largest single-day civic event in the region and is among the largest Prides in the United States, attracting over 250,000 cheering supporters of the LGBTQ community! Hillcrest Pride Flag, 1600 University Ave. Free.

We deliver!

sdpride.org/parade San Diego Pride Festival – Tickets are on sale for this year’s San Diego Pride Festival on July 13-14. The festival is time to be out and proud in San Diego tradition. Enjoy the city’s largest celebration with

Join San Diego’s LGBTQ athletic organizations in Athlete Alley at San Diego Pride Festival. Learn how you can get involved in one of San Diego’s many athletic teams and organizations, play some volleyball or cornhole, or just grab a beverage, sit back, and enjoy the jocks and athletes!

see Calendar, pg 14


2019 San Diego LGBT Pride Guide

JULY 12-14, 2019



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A San Diego Landmark Since 1944

Black Pride

Celebrate Pride at the Black Pride area inside the San Diego Pride Festival. This area is located next to The Movement stage and features resources and information for the Black LGBTQ community. Enjoy delicious food from nearby blackowned businesses while enjoying entertainment from The Movement stage.


Quality Home Cooking Celebrating 75 Years!

Almost Bottomless Mimosas Six For Just $12

Latinx Pride

Buy One Entrée and Two Beverages, Get Second Entrée of Equal or Lesser Value for Half Off 4:00 pm - 9:00 pm One Coupon Per Table

Celebra Pride en el área de Latinx Pride dentro del Festival de Pride de San Diego. Esta área está ubicada junto al escenario Mundo Latino y presenta recursos e información para la comunidad LGBTQ Latinx. Disfruta de la deliciosa comida de los negocios Latinx, mientras disfrutas del talento y el entretenimiento de Latinx en el escenario Mundo Latino.

Youth Zone

Pride Youth Zone is our safe space for queer youth to hang out and meet other kids within the Pride Festival. Pride Youth Volunteers create and oversee the production of their own area! Pride volunteers and all youth 14 and under get into the festival for free! If you are interested in helping create the youth zone for this year’s Pride Festival and are of junior-high and high school age, please contact our youth programs team at youth@sdpride.org.

Trans Pride Village

Pan-Asian Night Market

Burner Village

San Diego Collaborative Arts Project proudly hosts Burner Village at the San Diego Pride Festival. Escape and explore dynamic interactive art in a beautifully creative and scenic space.

Expires August 30, 2019

Celebrate Pride at the PanAsian Night Market inside the San Diego Pride Festival. This area features food vendors from APIMEDA owned businesses showcasing a diverse array of cultures. The night market will also provide resources and information for the LGBTQ Asian, Pacific Islander, Middle Eastern, Desi community.

Prism Area


2271 First Avenue (Corner of 1st & Juniper) www.hobnobhill.com (619) 239-8176 Children’s Garden

Come join Families at The Center who host the annual Children’s Garden for kids under 13 at the San Diego Pride Festival. San Diego Pride believes kids should also have fun during Pride and learn the importance of being proud with who they are. Enjoy entertainment for parents and kids from infants to preteens, including a toddler play area, face painting, hat making, a balloon artist, a playhouse giveaway, arts and crafts, and more throughout the weekend. Come enjoy hot dogs, popcorn, snow cones, and other snacks in a private family-only shaded oasis with tables, chairs, and restrooms.

Celebrate Pride at the Trans Pride Village area inside the San Diego Pride Festival. Started in 2008 as a single booth by transgender community activist Connor Maddox, this area is now proudly sponsored by Family Health Centers of San Diego. Visit Trans Pride Village to find resources, information, and community from local trans-serving and trans-led organizations. This area is within the San Diego Pride Festival.

Connect with LGBTQ literacy & artists as well as LGBTQ competent recovery services and organizations at Prism: Art, Literacy, and Recovery.

The Leather Realm

Seniors at Pride

Calling all LGBTQ seniors! Pride is your time to celebrate Pride San Diego style. Take part in our senior programming happening throughout the weekend.

For more than 20 years, the San Diego Leather Realm has partnered with San Diego Pride and is even bigger this year! Come learn new and exciting experiences in the 28,000+ square foot lushly landscaped Leather Realm located in the San Diego Pride Festival.

DevOUT Faith Village

New at this year’s Pride Festival is the DevOUT Faith Village where folks can engage in the intersections of spirituality and sexual orientation and gender identity.

“This world would be a whole lot better if we just made an effort to be less horrible to one another.”—Ellen Page, actor

2019 San Diego LGBT Pride Guide

'THE RIOTS' NIGHT OF A FULL MOON [Editor's note: The following is an excerpt from “The Gay Revolution: The Story of the Struggle,” Chapter 11, “The Riots,” by Dr. Lillian Faderman.] The blacked-out windows and heavy door of the Stonewall Inn at 53 Christopher Street in Greenwich Village recalled a speakeasy — even to the peephole covered with a slide bar and a bouncer’s eye that suddenly appeared to check whether a knock on the door was hooligans or the fuzz come to raid the place. The door opened easily for homosexuals with the three dollars to pay for tickets that could be exchanged for a couple of watered-down drinks. The cover charge was not trivial for the gay street kids who were among the Stonewall Inn’s main habitués; but they found a way to pay it because no gay bar in the Village had such a good dance floor, or such a varied and lively clientele. There were blacks, whites, Puerto Ricans, a few Asians, leather-clad hustlers, queens with made-up faces and fluffed-out hair or sometimes in full drag; there were chicken hawks who came to pick up street kids and occasional “bougie” gays, as the kids called the Wall Street types in threepiece suits. There were occasional fag hags, too, and butch dykes

with or without femmes. Except for the chicken hawks, practically everyone there was in their teens or twenties and having an uninhibited ball in a place they could almost think of as home, if they forgot that the Genovese family held the deed and made the house rules — and couldn’t keep the Stonewall safe. About one in the morning on June 28, 1969, the bouncer was summoned to the peephole. He looked out and saw “Lily Law, Betty Badge, and Peggy Pig,” as policemen were called by campy Village queens, and when police banged with batons and shouted, “This is a raid!” a bouncer had to open up. Six officers of Manhattan’s First Division Public Morals Squad muscled their way in. Two undercover policewomen were already inside. For more than an hour they’d been sitting at the bar, pretending they were lesbians, and keeping their eyes open in the hopes of spotting homosexuals who were selling or using drugs. The Stonewall’s dimly lit rooms, jammed with two hundred revelers, were suddenly flooded with harsh light. The jukebox whirred to mute. The patrons knew what that meant, and they froze. “Line up. Get your IDs out and in hand,” one of Deputy Inspector Seymour Pine’s men ordered. Those

Dr. Lillian Faderman (Courtesy photo) whose IDs showed they weren’t minors or “masquerading” as the other sex were shooed out the door. Several “drag queens” said they were “ladies” and were taken by the two policewomen to the toilet, where it was determined they’d violated New York Penal Code 240.35 section 4, against “unnatural attire or facial alteration.” “You’re under arrest,” they were told. A small knot of lesbian patrons were also singled out for special attention when a couple of them got feisty, back talking the officers, yelling, “We have a right to be here!” Police actions like this one were not uncommon in the gay bars of Greenwich Village. The New York Court of Appeals had ruled after Dick Leitsch’s sip-in three years earlier that even homosexuals must be served in drinking establishments, but in the two weeks before the Stonewall raid the Public

Morals Squad had found reasons to raid the Snake Pit, the Tele-Star, the Checkerboard, and the Sewer. The excuse for the June 28 raid was that though the Stonewall claimed to be a private club requiring membership (people signed the “member book” with names such as Elizabeth Taylor and Daffy Duck), liquor was being sold there and the bar did not have a liquor license. Regardless of the reasons for a raid, the history of police harassment of gay bars was old enough so that gay people knew what to do. If they were so lucky as to be shooed outside instead of carted off to the police station and booked, they quickly skedaddled. But on this night, they didn’t. As patrons were released by the police, they stood on the sidewalk in front of the bar waiting to see if friends still inside would be set free; and as each new person came through Stonewall’s door, those who waited applauded and cheered. The unexpected limelight proved irresistible to many of the liberated who made devilmay-care assertions of dignity by prancing out diva-style, striking a pose, curtsying and bowing, blowing kisses to the throng.“The whole proceedings took on the aura of a homosexual Academy Awards Night,” an unfriendly and thoroughly baffled eyewitness reporter for the New York Daily News observed. The festive crowd was soon swelled by Greenwich Village weekend tourists who came to see what the excitement was about.

JULY 12-14, 2019


A few doors down from the Stonewall, Village Voice reporter Howard Smith, who specialized in writing about sex, drugs, and rock and roll in the Greenwich Village counterculture, was working late in his office because he had a deadline to meet. Smith saw the commotion from his window and wondered whether there was some sort of story to be had. He wandered over to the scene. A rookie Village Voice reporter, Lucian Truscott, was already there. Truscott, a recent West Point graduate, son of a long line of military officers, had taken a summer job writing for the Voice that was to last until he had to report for duty at Fort Benning, Georgia, at the end of July. He’d had a late dinner in Chinatown and had gone for a nightcap to the Lion’s Head, a writers’ hangout two doors down from the Stonewall. Seeing the commotion in front of the bar Truscott changed his plans. Borrowing a pencil and pad of paper from someone in the Lion’s Head, he hurried to the scene, where he hopped atop a lidded trash can from which he could get a good view of what was happening. He and Howard Smith would be the Richard Harding Davis and Ernie Pyle of the Stonewall riots. —Lillian Faderman is an internationally known scholar of lesbian and LGBT history and literature, as well as ethnic history and literature. To see more about Faderman visit lillianfaderman.net or buy her works at amzn.to/31Ppa9L.


JULY 12-14, 2019

2019 San Diego LGBT Pride Guide

Spirit of Stonewall Rally

The origins of the global Pride movement can trace its roots to the Stonewall riots of 1969, an uprising against police brutality that spread around the world. More than 1,000 Pride events have been

identified across the globe, each one taking on a local flair. In San Diego, we launch Pride weekend by honoring those beginnings with the Spirit of Stonewall Rally where we celebrate the accomplishments of those at the forefront of our movement and recommit to the work that lies ahead. San Diego’s first rally was held in 1975. San Diego Pride’s Spirit of Stonewall Rally is a time to recognize and honor leaders who are working hard to preserve our gains and meet the many challenges still facing our community. We are honored to have the following speakers address the

community regarding our signs of progress and challenges in the 2019 Spirit of Stonewall Rally.

(clockwise) Caroline (Cara) Dessert, Bixby Marino Kibbee, Dwayne Crenshaw

2019 Spirit of Stonewall Awardees

lesbian, bisexual and transgender.

Every year, San Diego Pride accepts nominations from the community for the annual presentation of the Spirit of Stonewall Awards. The awards recognize individuals or groups who contribute significantly to the LGBT community through their leadership, activism, and fundraising efforts. San Diego Pride is honored to recognize the following individuals and organizations as our 2019 awardees.

Without the bravery of those trans women, drag queens, butch lesbians, fem gays, street kids, and other LGBTQ folks at Stonewall Inn, and without the LGBTQ activists that kept the fire burning throughout the nation and here in San Diego, there would be no Pride. This year, we honor and reflect on the Stonewall generation, on their activism, and on all that our community has gained through their efforts. These are the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, two-spirit shoulders that we all stand on today, and we are honored to name them our Community Grand Marshals.

Community Grand Marshal: Stonewall Generation

Beth Israel

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, which is why we are honoring our seniors and the Stonewall generation for all they’ve done for the community as our collective Community Grand Marshal. While our community had fought back against police brutality before the Stonewall Riots, the sixday protest in New York City that began on June 27, 1969, is widely seen as the spark that ignited our modern-day LGBTQ movement. In the following years, our countrywide LGBTQ community rallied together to commemorate the anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, first as Christopher Street Liberation Day marches and eventually evolving into annual LGBTQ Pride events we hold today all across the globe. In San Diego, our brave LGBTQ community held a protest march in 1974 through the streets of Downtown. Many of these marchers walked with paper bags over their heads, shielding their identities to protect themselves from arrest and/or from losing their jobs, homes, and families. In 1975, members of our community received the first permit to commemorate Stonewall and to celebrate LGBTQ pride, paving the way for the city of San Diego and our region to recognize, honor and celebrate the lives of our community.

Champion of Pride: LaRue Fields

LaRue Fields is the senior program coordinator and services navigator for the San Diego LGBT Community Center. In this role, she is responsible for creating a safe and welcoming environment for LGBT seniors and providing access to important resources and referrals regarding health care, social services, and community activities. Her responsibilities also include increasing senior community connections and involvement, reducing isolation and providing case management to seniors on issues of housing, health care, finances, and other matters associated with aging. While in San Diego, LaRue has held positions with the San Diego LGBT Community Center, and Senior Community Centers (now known as Serving Seniors) and the Salvation Army. Prior to coming to San Diego, LaRue was the head women’s basketball coach and

see Stonewall Rally, pg 17

2019 San Diego LGBT Pride Guide FROM PAGE 16

STONEWALL RALLY health/physical education instructor at Morgan State University, a historically black university in Baltimore, Maryland and the first African American female head coach at the University of Minnesota. While in Minneapolis, Minnesota, LaRue also worked for the Minneapolis Urban League and the Minneapolis NAACP as part of their senior management teams. LaRue is a Bayard Rustin Civil Rights Award winner (2015) and serves on the AIS (Aging & Independence Services) Senior Advisory Council as first vice-chair. She has also been recognized for her outstanding work with the LGBT senior community by Dave Roberts (supervisor, District 3); Senator Marty Block; Assembly members Toni Akins, Todd Gloria and Shirley Weber; and City Council member Chris Ward. LaRue is the daughter of the late Norman and Gertrude Fields and has four siblings, two of whom live in California, and the other two residing in her home state of South Carolina. LaRue is a tireless worker and advocate who has dedicated her life to helping others, especially LGBT seniors and low-income people of color.

Equity Center at California State University San Marcos (CSUSM). Monzón organizes the annual CSUSM contingent in the San Diego Pride Parade, and this year, they will serve as president of the LGBTQ Faculty Staff Association. Monzón is a graduate of The San Diego LGBT Community Center’s Young Professional’s Council Academy and have been on YPC’s Executive Committee for the past two years. Monzón has also served as an educator, facilitator, and storyteller in the community and the classroom. They have moderated sessions around identity, cultural competence, and lived experiences at the regional and national level. This year, they also served on a panel at Orgullo Sin Fronteras in Tijuana. Monzón is a product of their familia, chosen and kin, and the many co-conspirators who taught them the value of service, justice, and radically loving and learning with each other.

Friend of Pride: The Very Reverend Penny Bridges

The Very Reverend Penny Bridges has served as dean, or senior pastor, of St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral since 2014. During her seminary years at Yale Divinity School, she worked at a transitional residential program for individuals living with HIV/ AIDS, and the first funeral she conducted was for a man who died of AIDS and was disowned by his family. Penny puts her heart and soul into developing a community where all are welcome and where those wounded by their religious experience can find healing. At St. Paul’s, leadership, both lay and ordained, is open to all orientations and gender identities. In 2015, Penny initiated the installation of multicolored lights around the cathedral. Today the interfaith “Light Up the Cathedral for Pride” service is an official event of the Pride festival. In 2016, Penny led the effort to install gender-neutral, completely accessible bathrooms at the cathedral, and she was instrumental in organizing an interfaith, pan-Latinx memorial service for the victims of the Pulse nightclub shooting. Other activities include membership of the San Diego AIDS Memorial Task Force; sponsorship of the Interfaith Shelter Workshop for LGBTQ; offering blessings at events including three Harvey Milk Diversity breakfasts, four Imperial Court de San Diego coronations,

JULY 12-14, 2019

the Pride Parade, and the Scott Carlson Thanksgiving Dinner; leadership of the Interfaith Leaders Parade lead group Lighting the Cathedral for Trans Pride; and her role as spiritual advisor to the Imperial Court’s Queen Mother of the Americas, Empress Nicole the Great. Penny is deeply grateful for the many gifts that our LGBTQ citizens bring to St. Paul’s and the wider faith community. She currently has a dream of raising funds to purchase niches in the cathedral columbarium to house the ashes of LGBT individuals whose families have never claimed them. Penny is proud to be known as a stalwart ally of the community.

Stonewall Philanthropy: Blue Shield of California

As a mission-driven, nonprofit health plan celebrating its 80th anniversary, Blue Shield of California is committed to diversity and equality for

see Stonewall Rally, pg 18

Artistic Arbor Gardens, Inc.

Community Service: Abrahán Monzón

Abrahán Monzón is a first-generation, bi-national, queer, fat, nonbinary, femme community leader based with roots El Centro, California and Mexicali, Baja California. Monzón grew up en la frontera in a working-class family before attending the University of California, Santa Barbara. They graduated from UC Santa Barbara with a degree in feminist studies and recognition for their contributions to the queer and trans communities at UCSB. Monzón then attended California State University, Fullerton where they received a master’s of science in higher education. While attending school in Fullerton, Monzón became a staff facilitator for T*Camp, a retreat for trans, genderqueer, and gender-questioning college students, a co-lead for the Maywood Education Fair (an initiative to increase college-attendance rates in southeast Los Angeles), and volunteered with the nonprofit Gender Justice LA. Monzón is currently a resident of North County and the associate director and department lead for the Gender




2019 San Diego LGBT Pride Guide

JULY 12-14, 2019


STONEWALL RALLY all. We couldn’t be prouder to recognize, celebrate and invest in our LGBTQ+ employees, members and community at large. In addition to being the presenting sponsor of the San Diego Pride Parade, we’ve actively supported numerous LGBTQ+ organizations including the Human Rights Campaign, the SF AIDS Foundation, Out & Equal, and PFLAG to name a few. Our belief in the importance of celebrating diversity extends to how we do business by consciously including a diverse supplier base. In 2019, we were recognized by the Golden Gate Business Association as one of the Top 10 Insurers for championing the inclusion of the LGBT business enterprises as part of the California Insurance Commissioners Diversity Initiative. Diversity and inclusion is a key cornerstone to building a great place to work and it’s prioritized at all levels of our company. We actively recruit for new talent at LGBTQ+ career events. For the third consecutive year, we are humbled to have achieved a perfect 100% score on the Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s Corporate Equality Index, recognizing us as one of the “Best Places to Work for LGBTQ Equality.” Blue Shield of California’s

mission is to ensure all Californians have access to high-quality health care at an affordable price. We’re committed to those seeking affirming and nondiscriminatory health care and resources within the LGBTQ+ community and cover a range of preventive services and screenings for our members that identify on the LGBTQ+ spectrum. For those seeking gender reassignment, we do not exclude benefits. We recognize our shared humanity, which we proudly reflect in our new ad campaign. Being able to live our values through work is what Blue Shield of California Stands for. It’s what makes us proud to be Blue.

Stonewall Service: San Diego History Center

The San Diego History Center, in the heart of Balboa Park, is the catalyst for the preservation and promotion of the history of the San Diego region. The History Center is committed to telling the

histories of everyone in our community, including those who have been excluded from textbooks, or those traditionally left out of the historical narrative. In July 2018, we debuted the exhibition “LGBTQ+ San Diego: Stories of Struggles and Triumphs,” in partnership with Lambda Archives of San Diego. This groundbreaking exhibition runs through January 2020 and is curated by Lillian Faderman, noted LGBTQ+ author and scholar. “LGBTQ+ San Diego: Stories of Struggles and Triumphs” examines how this community has faced, fought, and continues to fight against persecution and intolerance with the goal of equality for all LGBTQ+ people. To commemorate the 50th anniversary of Stonewall, the companion exhibit “Legendary Drag Queens of San Diego” shines the spotlight on the performance art of drag in San Diego and its critical role in support for LGBTQ+ causes and philanthropy. The San Diego History Center also honors San Diego’s LGBTQ+ community and Toni Atkins, state Senate president pro tempore, and Christine Kehoe, former California Senator, as the 2019 “Makers of San Diego History.” This award honors those communities and individuals who have “Made History in their Own Time.”


BE OUT AND ABOUT. Date nights, dance lessons, workouts, movies and more.

e c n e i r e p x E Your go-to destination.

Proud Supporters of the LGBT Community

The San Diego History Center, a Smithsonian Affiliate, seeks to engage audiences of all ages in connecting the past to the present and setting the stage for where our community is headed in the future. The organization was founded as the San Diego Historical Society in 1928 and today is the place where San Diego visitors and residents can discover, discuss, and determine why history matters for our region now. SDHC also serves as a gathering space where community members can dialogue and learn from each other. Through our exhibits, programs, workshops, and trainings, San Diegans learn from the past, engage with the present, and forge clearer pathways for the future.

Inspirational Couple: Ricard Gallego and Orlando Espín

Ricardo Gallego and Orlando Espín have been together 26 years and were civilly married in California in 2008. They are very proud of their affirming, supportive

families and friends. They are also the proud fathers of several canine sons. Gallego has been very much involved in the San Diego LGBTQ community since 1999. A trained counselor, he worked for Bienestar Human Services, and then began working at the San Diego LGBT Community Center in 2004 and has been director of the Center’s Latin@ Services department for the past four years. More recently, he led the center’s efforts to serve the many LGBTQ refugees arriving at our local border and continues to work with several local immigrant-rights organizations. Espín has been professor at the University of San Diego since 1991, after serving on the faculty of the University of Florida. A much-published academic author specialized in the study of “popular religions” (non-institutional forms of religions), he was among the first in his field to write and speak on LGBTQ rights and realities and has encouraged others to do so. Espín was co-founder and co-chair of the Latin@ Roundtable, a program of Berkeley’s Center for LGBTQ Studies in Religion. He continues to lecture locally, nationally and internationally on Latin@ LGBTQ persons, families and religions. Stonewall Rally is Friday, July 12, 6-7 p.m. at the Hillcrest Pride Flag, University Avenue and Normal Street.

2019 San Diego LGBT Pride Guide

JULY 12-14, 2019


Mundo Latino Saturday, July 13 11:30 a.m. – Miss Lady D 12:30 p.m. – Queer Youth Chorus 12:45 p.m. – Groupo Atlachachinolli 1 p.m. – Dulcet 2:05 p.m. – Z33R0 3 p.m. – DJ Sebastian La Madrid 4 p.m. – Franceska with special guests: Grupo Folklorico Herencia Mexicana 5 p.m. – Vince Delano 6:10 p.m. – Fehr Rivas 6:45 p.m. – Alondra Garibay 7:25 p.m. – Tributo a la Reina: The Celia Cruz Tributo Band 8:45 p.m. – DJ Fariba Sunday, July 14 11:45 a.m. – Puro Feeling 1 p.m. – Miss Lady D 2:15 p.m. – La Mera Candelaria 3:30 p.m. – Jessica Wild 4 p.m. – DJ Les Ortiz 5:15 p.m. – Snow Tha Product 6:30 p.m. – Ukeim 8 p.m. – Nubes: Tribute to Caifanes



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JULY 12-14, 2019

The Movement Saturday, July 13

Noon – DJ Image 2 p.m. – Amber St. James 2:15 p.m. – Urban Finesse 2:45 p.m. – Zareen Anjum 4 p.m. – Cheyenne D’ville Masters 4:30 p.m. – Karl Swift 6:45 p.m. – HYM 7:30 p.m. – Kinky Loops 8:45 p.m. – Mykki Blanco Sunday, July 14 Noon – Jalil 2:05 p.m. – Issa Simone 2:30 p.m. – DJ Shorty 3:35 p.m. – PrettiBoiRoq 4 p.m. – Travis Hevrock 6 p.m. – TT The Artist 7 p.m. – Heabnasty 8 p.m. – DJ KIKI

Euphoria Saturday, July 13 11 a.m. – Jenny Pocket 2 p.m. – Bounce House 4 p.m. – Lucas Dice 5 p.m. – Oscar P 7 p.m. – DJ Ana Paula 8 p.m. – Casey Alva 9 p.m. – Whitney Day Sunday, July 14 11 a.m. – Jenny Pocket 1 p.m. – Prince S. 2 p.m. – Erick Diaz 5 p.m. – Casey Alva 6 p.m. – DJ Paulo 8 p.m. – DJ Tatiana

Euphoria Saturday, July 13 11 a.m. – Jenny Pocket 2 p.m. – Bounce House 4 p.m. – Lucas Dice 5 p.m. – Oscar P 7 p.m. – DJ Ana Paula 8 p.m. – Casey Alva 9 p.m. – Whitney Day Sunday, July 14 11 a.m. – Jenny Pocket 1 p.m. – Prince S. 2 p.m. – Erick Diaz 5 p.m. – Casey Alva 6 p.m. – DJ Paulo 8 p.m. – DJ Tatiana

2019 San Diego LGBT Pride Guide

2019 San Diego LGBT Pride Guide

JULY 12-14, 2019


Stonewall Mainstage Saturday, July 13

1:15 p.m. – Sateen 2:45 p.m. – San Diego Gay Men’s Chorus 3:40 p.m. – Mila Jam 4:45 p.m. – Greyson Chance 5:40 p.m. – Vassy featuring Drew G 6:45 p.m. – RuPaul Drag Performers featuring: Aquaria, Asia O’Hara, Kim Chi 8 p.m. – King Princess 9 p.m. – Drew G Sunday, July 14

“When all Americans are treated as equal, no matter who they are or whom they love, we are all more free.” —President Barack Obama


Noon – Car Astor 1:05 p.m. – Dorian Electra 1:45 p.m. – Knights of Zion 3 p.m. – PERTA 4:15 p.m. – Jarina De Marco 5:10 p.m. – Slayyyter 5:45 p.m. – Paris Sukomi Max 7 p.m. – Melissa Etheridge


JULY 12-14, 2019

2019 San Diego LGBT Pride Guide

Pride of Hillcrest Block Party

The Pride of Hillcrest Block Party returns to Pride Plaza celebrating the culture, history, diversity and LGBTQ+ community that lives, works and plays in San Diego’s most colorful and vibrant community. This year’s theme, “Free to Be You,” celebrates everyone’s right to be their true selves. The event features a diverse lineup of local and international talent. The festival features a craft cocktail bar and beer garden sponsored by Miller Coors, food trucks, a go-go dancer, a DJ dance party, and YOU aboard our giant Ferris wheel as your take in the views of Hillcrest’s giant 65-foot-high, 20-by-30foot rainbow Pride flag! This is an important theme, not only to commemorate 50 years of activism, protest and change since Stonewall, but the

Block Party will also be free thanks to generous donations made by the community over the past year. The Block Party will kick off San Diego Pride immediately following the Spirit of Stonewall Rally with a happy hour starting at 2 p.m. People often take the day off or leave work early to have a cocktail or two, then grab a place at the Stonewall Rally to watch the awards show and listen to speeches made by dominant LGBT voices in the community. Friday, July 12, 2-11 p.m. Hillcrest Pride Flag, University Avenue and Normal Street. Register to attend this free event, donations encouraged online and at the door. Registration, online donations and VIP tickets: bit.ly/2xcLb4n.

“Openness may not completely disarm prejudice, but it’s a good place to start.”—Jason Collins, first openly gay athlete in U.S. pro sports

San Diego’s LGBT News source Volume 9 Issue 6 March 16-29, 2018

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Vote for your favorites Page 16


Candidate Malbrough speaks, Nordstrom drops out


Dockless bikes in Hillcrest


By William E. Kelly Editor’s Note: This is the second in a three-part series. Read the first in the series online at bit.ly/2tGWqD9. On June 5, San Diego County will hold primary elections for the following seats: county board of supervisors; county assessor/ recorder/county clerk; county treasurer/tax collector;

Liz Carmouche, a 125-pound bantamweigh t women's MMA fighter, is ranked No. (Courtesy of 10th Planet Jiu Jitsu) 6 in the world.

Former Christian rocker comes out

First openly lesbian fighter makes Albert H. Fulcher | Editor In 2010, when Liz Carmouche decided she wanted to compete in the MMA (mixed martial arts) professionally, she did so with a “head on” approach. She was


her way to the top of MMA rankings

told it would take a year or more of training before she ever saw the ring. But the veteran Marine Corps aviation electrician beat the odds, getting her first chance to fight professionally within four months of starting her training.

Now after 11 wins and six losses, Carmouche is currently the No. 6 ranked 125-pound bantamweight women’s MMA fighter in the world.

see MMA, pg 11

Homelessness in the LGBTQ comm unity

Mayor brings interfaith discussion Albert H. Fulcher | Editor

OnStage Playhouse's "Spike Heels"



Magic with cast iron



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Index Opinion








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The Interfaith Shelter Network (ISN) has been an effective program for the homeless throughout San Diego County, so far helping 8,000 homeless individuals gain access to resources and services to get their lives back on track. San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer joined the (ISN) in asking LGBT-friendly congregations to join the network and open their doors to homeless individuals at the ISN Summit on March 5 at St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral. “We know there are a number of LGBTQ individuals experiencing homelessness and they need our help. That’s why we are asking LGBTQ-friendly congregations, who understand their needs, to join our care network and provide a temporary place for them to begin turning their lives around,” said Faulconer in a press release.

to LGBT–affirming congregations

Candidate Ken Malbrough

(l to r) ISN Summit panelists, The Very Rev. Penny Bridges, Trisha Brereton, Fernando Lopez, Gary Owen, and Jonathan Herrera (Photo by Albert H. Fulcher)

The ISN Summit discussion addressing the summit. “This panel consisted of The Very is a network that works and Rev. Penny Bridges, dean, with your help and participaSt. Paul’s Cathedral; Trisha tion, I think you will see the Brereton, ISN executive dibenefits in so many ways. That rector; Fernando Lopez, San is why I am optimistic about Diego LGBT Pride executive our opportunities to begin makdirector; Gary Owen, ISN voling a real difference.” unteer; and Jonathan Herrera, Faulconer said that combatsenior advisor on homelessne ss ting homelessness is about crecoordination for the city of San ating that safe space for those Diego. in need, regardless of someone’s “You all represent the fabrace, color, religion, gender, sexric of our city for wanting to ual orientation, national origin, do the right thing and helpage or disabilities. ing people get back on their feet,” Faulconer said when see ISN,

● Opening statement “The county has $2 billion in reserve tax dollars just floating in a cloud of unknown use by county supervisors,” Malbrough said. He said he pledges to “seek community input” on how these reserve tax dollars can best be utilized and would like to see them invested in “chronically neglected or underfunded areas,” such as housing and public safety in underserved communities. “My priority is reducing our homelessness epidemic and addressing this issue region-wide,” he said. “Providing access to health and human services is the primary and more affordable method to avoid the pathway to homelessness and incarceration.”

pg 15


see Candidates, pg 5

Inka’s Bar & Grill

619-961-1960 albert@sdcnn.com

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district attorney; county sheriff; county board of education members; community college district members; and superior court judges. In the first of this series, I spoke to Omar Passons and Lori Saldana, two of the six candidates I interviewed who wish to represent District 4 on the San Diego County board of supervisors . Each candidate I spoke to agreed to focus on the challenges facing seniors, and was offered the opportunity to state their priorities, objectives, goals and plans to address and achieve those priorities, as well as share their experience and qualifications. Following are the highlights of responses by candidates Ken Malbrough and Marcia Nordstrom.

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Serving San Diego’s LGBT Community



JULY 12-14, 2019



JULY 12-14, 2019

Camp Run-A-Mutt wishes you and your loved ones a ™

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Gay San Diego 2019 LGBT PRIDE GUIDE Directory


“Every gay person must come out. As difficult as it is, you must tell your immediate family. You must tell your relatives. You must tell your friends if indeed they are your friends. You must tell the people you work with. You must tell the people in the stores you shop in. Once they realize that we are indeed their children, that we are indeed everywhere, every myth, every lie, every innuendo will be destroyed once and all. And once you do, you will feel so much better” —Harvey Milk

Community Directory BARS, CLUBS AND RESTAURANTS Analog Bar This bar and restaurant is located in the historical Gaslamp District, one block away from Petco Park. If you are looking for an event space that is fun, provides great food and service and has a retro twist with vinyl records lining the wall, look no further. The environment is suited for birthdays, corporate events, and much more. 619-233-1183 801 Fifth Ave. San Diego, CA 92101 analogbar.com

Baja Betty’s


Baja Betty’s is home to the most fabulous margarita north of the border. Serving colorful people colorful drinks and a hearty plate of Mexifresh cuisine, it showcases over 100 tequilas on the shelves. Join the “family” and check out any of the 12 weekly specials, as well as the monthly “Tequila Club” or “Cinco De Mes” on the “5th of The Month.” The restaurant and bar also offers “Papi Hour” every day, as well as $3 late night happy hour with $2 fish tacos.

619-298-3269 1839 Adams Ave. San Diego, CA 92116

Cheers is an unpretentious neighborhood gay bar hosting seasonal events, serving daily drink specials. It is open at 11 a.m. every morning until 2 a.m. every night.

Fiesta Cantina

619-269-8510 1421 University Ave. San Diego, CA 92103 bajabettyssd.com

Fiesta Cantina is infamous for their “Fiesta Time” two-for-one drink prices, from 4–8 p.m. and 10:30 p.m.–12:30 a.m. Sip on a Mega Margarita on their rooftop deck, feast on their sizzling fajitas and killer nachos, or get the

Chee-Chee Club 619-234-4404 929 Broadway San Diego, CA 92101

see Fiesta Cantina, pg 4

Celebrating PRIDE in Homeownership.




7575 Chicago Dr •4BR/ 3BA

4060 Centre St #1 • 2BR/ 2BA

3235 Horton Ave • 3BA/ 2BA




Townhome style condo w/ oversize garage & direct access to unit. Amenities include vaulted ceilings, updated bathrooms w/ vinyl plank floors, spacious balcony, wifi enabled garage door, 70 sqft MBR walk-in closet, pantry, water filtration system, full size W/D & all appliances convey.

A wonderful sense of calm in the heart of mid-San Diego, with strong basics – high-ceiling’s living room w/gas fpl, open kitchen-family-dining w/glass doors to back spaces and good sized bedrooms.


1426 Roxanne Dr • 5BR/ 3BA


Lovely Craftsman-style Plan 6 home with panoramic views in the highly-desirable Serramar community of La Mesa. The home has many upgrades and features. The four bedrooms are spacious and have large closets, including a 9x12 walk-in closet in the master bedroom and a walk-in closet in bedroom 2.


4650 Harvey Rd • 2BR/ 1BA



836 Pennsylvania Ave 205



Oversized studio and one bedroom with loft units in Pacific Beach close the beach. Two parking spaces and outdoor space for each unit. Property has been well maintained and in the same family since it was built.


3984 Dove St • 2BR/2 BA

3990 Centre St #101 • 2BR/ 2BA

1440- 1442 Chalcedony St 2 Res Income Units

1830 University Ave • 2BR/3BA







Lovely Spanish hacienda style casa with 2 bedrooms and 1.5 bathrooms in the highly desirable University Heights community. The original old world charm of this home has been maintained yet updated with modern amenities and style.

Lovely, updated home located on a quiet cul-de-sac in Bostonia/Pepper Drive Terrace. The house has original red oak hardwood floors, beautiful crown molding, newer double-pane windows.

Walk to Mission Hills Village shops. This well-appointed home offers a remodeled kitchen & baths with maple cabinetry & granite counters, beautiful hardwood floors, tile & new carpeting, dual pane windows, closet built-ins.

Impeccably maintained, turn-key Hillcrest home offers many amenities including beautiful laminate flooring & travertine, crown molding, designer paint, granite counters, custom walk-in shower.

Sold prior to entering on the MLS. Landlord sold to long time tenants.

Welcome to this sophisticated and urban chic rowhome in the highly desirable and centrally located Hillcrest community. This home is DETACHED and has an inactive HOA with NO monthly HOA fees. Highly upgraded home.



1630 W Arbor Dr • 3BR/ 2BA


235 Quince St #403• 2BR/ 2BA


4368 Ohio St #4 • 2BR/ 2BA



3604 Granada Ave • 3BR/ 1BA

2071 Franklin Ave • 3BR/ 1BA

1424 Madison Ave • 2BR/ 2BA







This proud curb appeal 1-story is easy on eyes and comfort. Greeting porch a few steps above sidewalk welcomes neighbor hellos, southern facing living room welcomes light and guests, flows to dining and kitchen and private dining patio.

Stunning, contemporary PENTHOUSE unit, completely remodeled 2 br plus bonus room for office or hobbies, 2 full ba situated atop historically preserved "Maple Canyon" in the highly desirable Bankers Hill community.

This street facing, top floor unit is flooded with natural light & was builder's model home. Highlights include a tandem 2 car garage with extra storage space, 2 bedrooms, 2 full sized bathrooms, side by side laundry (washer/dryer convey), soaring vaulted ceilings & stainless steel appliance

A special North Park treasure – gorgeous 1-story bungalow on a sunny corner with extraordinary gumwood built-ins and trims, large gather-in modern kitchen, adjoining formal dining room, living room with fireplace

Opportunity abounds! This 3 br/1.5 ba cottage in Logan Heights is ideal for development or first time home buyer.

Lovely, pristine, spacious townhome in the highly desirable University Heights community. This 2 bedroom/2 bathroom home lives large. The vaulted ceiling on the second floor adds to the spacious feel of this home.

Thank you Uptown News readers for voting me Best Real Estate Agent Richard Woods Derek Soderblom Michael Nelson

Ginny Ollis

Jo Marr

Broker Owner/Attorney


Associate Broker

Associate Broker







Steve Carlson Mike Gassaway Jason Coleman Blake Peterson REALTOR®




Chris Cardoza









JULY 12-14, 2019

JULY 12-14, 2019

Be prepared. Your lung cancer can spread to your brain. Rose, age 59, Texas

Rivendell - CDC - Anti-Smoking (Rose)

Smoking caused Rose’s lung cancer. She had to move from the small town she loved to get the treatment she needed, including chemo, radiation and having part of her lung removed. Recently, her cancer spread to her brain. You can quit.





LGBT Pride Guide Directory

JULY 12-14, 2019




“There were no instructions except: put them out of business. The first police officer that came in with our group said, ‘The place is under arrest. When you exit, have some identification and it’ll be over in a short time.’ This time they said, ‘We’re not going.’ That’s it. ‘We’re not going.’”—Seymour Pine, deputy inspector, Morals Division, NYPD

party started with ice-cold shots of Patron. Fiesta Cantina is the ultimate entertainment and sports event destination, with extra-large HD flat screens for the big game, the hottest music videos, and “Drag Race” viewing. There's never a cover.

Nothin’ bu

619-298-2500 142 University Ave. San Diego, CA 92103 fiestacantina.net

t a good tim

e Flicks

Southern California

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Flicks has been in business over 33 years and is located right in the heart of Hillcrest. Flicks is one of the original video bars in the United States, but it is more than just a video bar, gay bar or sports bar. It strives to be one of the best gay bars in Hillcrest to meet people of all ages and backgrounds, make new friends, and have fun. Stop in on Well-Fare Wednesday for cheap drinks and Thursdays for Club Flicker. Every Saturday there is an underwear show at noon, where participants have the chance to win $100 and swag from Manifest. Karaoke is also offered on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday nights. 619-297-2056 1017 University Ave. San Diego, CA 92103 sdflicks.com

Fools and Kings

619-578-2542 4015 Goldfinch St. San Diego, CA 92103

The Glass Door

Glass Door is a restaurant that offers the casual sophistication that San Diego is known for and features a seafood-based menu that draws true influence from every major culinary capital in the world. Every Friday from 5–10 p.m., Glass Door hosts the hottest gay happy hour in San Diego on the Ripassi Rooftop

of the Porto Vista Hotel, five floors up with harbor views. Top of The Bay San Diego is the original LGBT Happy Hour with an entirely new point of view. Shuttle pick up is available at The Loft and The Caliph in Hillcrest every 30 minutes from 5–10 p.m. 619-564-3755 1835 Columbia St. San Diego, CA 92101 glassdoorsd.com

Gossip Grill

the LincoLn center theater Production

Gossip Grill is Southern California’s only seven-days-a-week, Nicky Award-winning, women’s bar. Since its conception in 2009, Gossip Grill has blossomed into a full patio bar and restaurant with a dance floor. As the San Diego sunsets, Gossip transforms into a dance nightclub for the ladies. However, it also plays nice with the boys and everything in between. Gossip Grill is decked out with feminine inspired art, chandeliers, and a foliage facade outdoor patio bar with two fire pits, that allows everyone to enjoy Hillcrest the way it was supposed to be enjoyed — outdoors. Pair that with modern American comfort food and you’ve got yourself a one-ofa-kind five-star women’s bar. 619-260-8023 1220 University Ave. San Diego, CA 92103 thegossipgrill.com

Hillcrest Brewing Company

Hillcrest Brewing Company (HBC) is the “The World’s First Gay Brewery.” It is famous for its handcrafted beer stone over pizza, bottles, growlers and kegs to-go. This year, HBC partnered with Ballast Point Brewing to collaborate on the annual Pride Brew for 2017, which is a Cucumber Lager. 619-269-4323 1458 University Ave.

see HBC, pg 5

LGBT Pride Guide Directory FROM PAGE 4


San Diego, CA 92103 hillcrestbrewingcompany.com

The Hole in the Wall

Open since 1924, The Hole in The Wall is the friendliest dive bar in San Diego. Enjoy the old-school atmosphere of its historic bar, relax by the fire pits in the outdoor patio, or take a seat at the bar and chat with regulars. There are a dozen different beers on tap. Karaoke is offered on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Its original “Sunday Funday” features new food trucks and pitchers of beer. 619-996-9000 2820 Lytton St. San Diego, CA 92110 theholesandiego.com


insideOUT, owned by Matthew Ramon, elevated the San Diego dining scene upon opening in April 2018. Situated in the eye-catching Eitol Towers, insideOUT is a casual elegant restaurant where its main dining room opens to an atrium that features a switchback walkway with seating nooks, a striking water feature, and ample outdoor seating for guests to experience San Diego’s only urban oasis. The menu is updated seasonally to reflect her creative approach to California and Mediterranean inspired fare using the freshest ingredients provided by our local purveyors. Part of the MO’s Universe Group, insideOUT provides individualized guest-focused service and respectful hospitality. 619-888-8623 1642 University Ave., #100

JULY 12-14, 2019


San Diego, CA 92103 Insideoutsd.com


Lips is the ultimate in drag dining, providing dinner and drag shows six nights a week. Every Sunday, enjoy Dragalicious Gospel Brunch hosted by Sister Nun-of the Above (Tootie) with the Sisters of Sequin. The reservation-only event includes a show, an entrée and unlimited drinks. Lips also offers Bitchy Bingo on Wednesdays, Dinner with the Divas on Thursdays, Glitz and Glam shows on Fridays and Saturdays, and many more weekly and monthly events. 619-295-7900 3036 El Cajon Blvd. San Diego, CA 92104 lipssd.com

The Loft

619-296-6407 3610 Fifth Ave. San Diego, CA 92103 bit.ly/2IJts7Z

“The only queer people are those who don’t love anybody.”—Rita Mae Brown, writer, activist and feminist flavors and showcasing the craft of its culinary team. It is known for its namesake — a selection of over 100 award-winning, handcrafted, specialty martinis. Enjoy ticketed shows and events as well as live, no-cover entertainment on the MA4 Main Stage, seven days a week. Happy Hour is offered daily from 4–7 p.m. with extended hours all night on Monday, and Late Night Happy Hour is nightly from 10 p.m.–close. 619-400-4500 3940 Fourth Ave. San Diego, CA 92103 info@martinisabovefourth.com ma4sd.com

The Merrow

Martinis Above Fourth

Award-winning Martinis Above Fourth | Table + Stage is San Diego’s Premier Cabaret Supper Club featuring live entertainment with acts from Los Angeles, New York and beyond. Enjoy a hip, eclectic dining experience in an upscale, yet un-stuffy environment while enjoying incredible entertainment presented on the MA4 Main Stage. An eclectic menu of American Cuisine focuses on highlighting seasonal

THE MERROW ( /ˈmɛrəʊ / ) takes its name from the Gaelic name for "sea singer" or "siren", often times associated with mermaid/merman. This Bar and Venue can be difficult to find — much like its namesake. Which is why The Merrow is “Hillcrest's Best Kept Secret!” 619-299-7372 1271 University Ave. San Diego, CA 92103 themerrow.com

Park & Rec

619-795-9700 4612 Park Blvd. San Diego, CA 92116 parkandrecsd.com

artisanal cocktails, craft beer, and brunch and lunch menus, functioning both as a nightlife hotspot and daytime social experience.

Pecs Bar

North Park’s premier neighborhood bar welcomes you. Pecs Bar offers drinks at fair prices, pool, darts, digital jukebox, six large screen TVs, free wifi access and a full service outdoor patio, which is open daily. Every Tuesday at 9 p.m., Pecs hosts a fighting game “Poundtown.” Bring Smash Bros skills or check out Marvel versus Capcom and Injustice while enjoying $1 off all beers. All skill levels welcomed. 619-296-0889 2046 University Ave. San Diego, CA 92104 pecsbar.com

The Rail

Considered San Diego’s first gay bar, The Rail originally opened for business in the 1930s in Downtown’s historic Orpheum Theatre building. It quickly became a popular lunch spot for business professionals, heating up in the evenings as a top meeting spot. Back then, law enforcement was known to have entered with flashlights demanding “All hands above the bar!” to keep men from holding hands. The landmark destination relocated to Hillcrest in the early 1960s. More than a nightclub hotspot, The Rail serves up modern versions of

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sustainable style since 1974 PaCiFiC BeAcH: 1079 GaRnEt AvE. HiLlCrEsT: 3862 5Th AvE. @BuFfAlOeXcHaNgE

The Rail is proud of its heritage as a family owned and operated business for over 55 years, contributing to its time-tested legacy of success and dedication to the community. 619-298-2233 3796 Fifth Ave. San Diego, CA 92103 thebrassrailsd@gmail.com thebrassrailsd.com

Redwing Bar and Grill

Redwing — a North Park dive bar — has pool, darts, a full outdoor smoking patio, great bartenders and a relaxed laid-back atmosphere. It offers Buzztime Trivia weekly and Karaoke seven nights a week. The bar is open 11 a.m.–2 p.m. on Friday and Saturday; 11 a.m.–1 p.m. Sunday–Thursday. 619-281-8700 4012 30th St. San Diego, CA 92104 info@redwingbar.com redwingbar.com

Rich’s San Diego

Rich’s is San Diego’s largest and most popular gay nightclub. It has two large rooms, each with a fully-stocked bar, DJ, and dance floor; a VIP area with

see Rich’s San Diego, pg 6


LGBT Pride Guide Directory

JULY 12-14, 2019 San Diego Eagle


RICH’S SAN DIEGO four private VIP booths; a separate private party room that overlooks the main dance floor; and an outdoor smoking patio. The bar is open 10 p.m.–2 a.m., Wednesday through Sunday. Every Thursday is ladies’ night. Enjoy hot bar dances on the hour, sexy all female bartenders serving you drink specials, and more. For VIP Bottle Service, general inquiries about #LEZ or go-go girl inquiries, email richslez@ gmail.com.

The San Diego Eagle is an intimate gay bar featuring a pool table and nighttime events in a low-key atmosphere. Although they have no dress code, San Diego Eagle encourages leather or fetish wear all nights of the week, with a relaxed dress code during early evening happy hour. This dress code suggests that a major article of leather should be worn, including a biker jacket, bar vest, chaps, harness, leather shirt, leather shorts or leather pants. Uniforms, rubber or latex are always welcome.

This seafood-centric spot — with a menu as diverse as its surrounding San Diego neighborhood — features casual European dishes, inspired by Frankie’s family recipes and international travel experiences. 619-510-4933 3797 Park Blvd. San Diego, CA 92103 Sirenssd.com

Spin Nightclub

Spin Nightclub is a three-story nightclub venue that offers an experience filled with a thumping sound system, huge dance floor, four full bar, interior mezzanine, VIP tables, separate 619-295-8072 rooms for music and a rooftop deck. 3040 North Park Way The club hosts a wide variety of music San Diego, CA 92104 619-578-9349 genres and events — from undersandiegoeagle.com 1051 University Ave. ground electronic music, hip-hop, and San Diego, CA 92103 Sirens Bar & Restaurant reggae to bands and rooftop day parleonela@richssandiego.com Sirens, the signature restaurant of ce- ties. Most events at the after-hours lebrityPride chef Guide_RUN: Frankie “The Bull” Terzoli. richssandiego.com nightclub goxuntil 3 a.m. or later. The Fire Prep__Gay San Diego 07_05_2019__TRIM: 6.1” 10.96”


Spin team is dedicated to hosting and growing dance music culture here in San Diego. 619-294-9590 2028 Hancock St. San Diego CA 92110 spinnightclub.com With deep red walls and chandeliers, this storied gay bar delivers a glam but laid-back vibe. SRO Lounge has been around for 35 years with a daily happy hour from 2–7 p.m. Join them on Friday and Saturday for “Gurlz Nite Out.” 619-232-1886 1807 Fifth Ave. San Diego, CA 92101

Uptown Tavern

Uptown Tavern understands that real people-to-people connection is what matters most at the end of the day. As such, the bar views guests as extended members of its own family. Enjoy beautiful San Diego weather on a front patio, a more intimate experience in the Arrow Lounge with a private bar, or dancing and DJs on the weekend at our main bar. Whether you are looking for a place to relax after a long day of work, somewhere to catch the big game, host a private event, or just to get a little wild on the weekends, Uptown Tavern is the second home and family you’ve been looking for.

Urban MO’s Bar & Grill

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SRO Lounge

619-241-2710 1236 University Ave. San Diego, CA 92103 chad@uptowntavernsd.com uptowntavernsd.com

Changing weather conditions are putting our region at greater risk for emergencies. There are times during extreme weather or dangerous conditions when we may shut off power for public safety. Whatever the circumstances, we’ll make every effort to communicate with you in advance. That’s why it’s important to keep your contact information up-to-date. Here’s how:

619-491-0400 308 University Ave. San Diego, CA 92103 urbanmos.com

Urban MO’s Bar & Grill, “The Best Gay Bar in The World” is located in the heart of San Diego’s LGBT community — Hillcrest. Urban MO’s is a hetero-friendly gay restaurant that makes the best burgers in San Diego, hands down. Urban MO’s is colorful and fun. The bar believes that cocktail glasses should be adorned with plastic farm animals, and that San Diego is better served with outside patio seating and an all new upper deck. And it now offers $13.95 bottomless mimosas from 9 a.m.–2 p.m. every day of the week. MO’s is more than a bar with the best Happy Hour in Hillcrest — it is part of what makes Hillcrest, Hillcrest.

American Civil Liberties Union San Diego/Imperial Counties Since 1933, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has led the fight for equal protection under the law for all people. The union is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that reaches out to and represents anyone whose fundamental freedoms have been violated. They are the largest organization defending civil rights and civil liberties in the world. With more than 500,000 members, the ACLU aims to protect the freedoms of the oppressed and underrepresented. They believe that sticking up for the little guy is fundamental to preserving the integrity of our democracy. 212-549-2500 125 Broad St. 18th Floor New York, NY 10004 aclu.org

Being Alive

Founded in 1989, Being Alive assists and educates San Diegans living with or affected by HIV/AIDS. It offers insurance program enrollments to ensure medical care for low income HIV+; free groceries to households; and complementary therapy appointments for clients experiencing debilitating side effects from long term medication use. Additionally, the group moves households to safe, affordable housing, prior to eviction or and/or becoming homeless; assists individuals with housing plans to find affordable housing; and distributes various event tickets to HIV+, low-income clients and their caregivers, which builds a sense of community for people who

see Being Alive, pg 7

LGBT Pride Guide Directory FROM PAGE 6

BEING ALIVE have never before attended a play or concert due to financial hardship. 619-291-1400 3940 Fourth Ave. San Diego, CA 92103 beingalivesd.com

The Center

The San Diego Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Community Center (The Center) is the nation’s second oldest and one of the largest LGBT community centers. The Center is led by a 12-member board of directors, employs more than 50 paid staff, and utilizes more than 1000 community volunteers to achieve its goals of promoting LGBT health and human rights. At The Center, direct program services are offered to the many different facets of the LGBT community, including men, women, youth, seniors, families, LGBT Latino community members and their families, and those living with HIV. Last year, The Center provided more than 73,000 direct service visits to San Diego community members, and through its events, activities and advocacy, touched the lives of thousands more. Services include HIV and STD testing, daily senior group activities, and a monthly children’s play group. Additional services, resources and events can be found online. 619-692-2077 3909 Centre St. San Diego, CA 92103 thecentersd.org

Fabulous Hillcrest

Fabulous Hillcrest is the epicenter of fun and hip places to, eat, play, shop and vacation in San Diego’s most colorful, vibrant, proud and diverse neighborhood. Fabulous Hillcrest is your guide to Hillcrest and invites you to discover and explore the neighborhood. The area is rich with highly acclaimed restaurants, a thriving shopping district, exciting nightlife, and one-of-akind street fairs and special events.

619-299-3330 3737 University Ave. Suite 202 San Diego, CA 92103 fabuloushillcrest.com

Fellowship of Older Gays

Fellowship of Older Gays (FOG) is a social activities group for older gay men founded in September 1993 in San Diego. FOG, also called the Club, has been formed as a California Mutual Benefit Corporation to provide social activities, emotional support and education for older gay men. The primary focus of the Club is on social activities, but with the approval of the Board of Directors the Club may participate in other activities which would benefit our members or the community at large. Activities include FOG weekly coffee on Saturdays, a nonfiction book club every first Monday, Friday Morning Rap Group, a monthly Sunday potluck and more. P.O. Box 635062 San Diego, CA 92163-5062 joe@mayercs.com fogsd.org

Gay for Good

Gay for Good is an LGBTQ organization that volunteers time to social and environmental causes and participates in service projects. Through Gay For Good’s grassroots efforts, parks have been cleaned, homeless have been fed, schools have been restored, elderly have been cared for, animals have received love and a movement has been created. This organization of volunteers has logged thousands of hours with its 10 chapters throughout the USA and is steadily growing to become the leaders in making a social impact. info@gayforgood.org bit.ly/2ICl3TI

Hillcrest Business Improvement Association

The Hillcrest Business Improvement Association (HBA) represents over 1,300 businesses acting as a liaison between the business community and the city, and encourages economic

development for the Hillcrest area through events and promotions. The HBA also employs private security patrols in the core of our neighborhood, maintains cleanliness on the streets and keeps the Hillcrest Sign shining bright. 619-299-3330 3737 Fifth Ave. #202 hillcrestbia.org

Hillcrest Wind Ensemble

The Hillcrest Wind Ensemble, one of Southern California’s finest adult musical organizations, is celebrating over 30 years of providing quality musical

JULY 12-14, 2019

programs for the greater San Diego community. Originally called San Diego’s Finest City Freedom Band, the group was formed to bring music to the LGBT community as a marching band that also played concerts. With the turn of the new century, the band has evolved into an elite wind ensemble, playing more advanced music with a new mission to entertain the ideal of diversity as well as promoting quality music to all of San Diego. The Hillcrest Wind Ensemble is a nonprofit organization and self-supporting program of The Center. The group does not receive any funding from The Center. Rather, it exists on income from concert ticket sales and donations from patrons and sponsors. 619-692-2077 x814 c/o The Center, 3909 Centre St.


San Diego, CA 92103 hillcrestwindensemble.com

Hillcrest Youth Center

The Hillcrest Youth Center (HYC) is the first drop-in and recreational center in San Diego County dedicated to the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning and HIV Positive youth. HYC offers programming for LGBTQ+ youth and allies, ages 14–18, with special hours on Tuesdays for youth ages 10–13. Programming and resources include: computer access, health education, basic financial

see HYC, pg 9

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JULY 12-14, 2019


LGBT Pride Guide Directory 8804 Balboa Ave. San Diego, CA 92123 jfssd.org



education, youth leadership training, HIV prevention education, life skills training workshops, discussion groups, creative and performing arts programming, social activities, and more. 619-692-2077 x122 1807 Robinson Ave. Suite 106 San Diego, CA 92103 HYC@thecentersd.org bit.ly/2IyHWr9

Human Rights Campaign San Diego

As the largest civil rights organization working to achieve equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer Americans, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) represents a force of more than 3 million members and supporters nationwide — all committed to making HRC’s vision a reality. HRC envisions a world where lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people are embraced as full members of society at home, at work and in every community. 202-628-4160 1640 Rhode Island Ave. N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036-3278 feedback@hrc.org hrc.org

Lambda Archives of San Diego

Lambda Archives of San Diego (LASD) is a nonprofit that was established to preserve and make available for research and educational purposes the tangible record of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) community with a special emphasis on those materials relating specifically to San Diego County and northern Baja California. Lambda Archives of San Diego is one of the best-maintained collections of LGBTQ+ history in the country. It houses the Fritz Klein Bisexual Archives and a tremendous Pride collection. 619-260-1522 4545 Park Blvd. Suite 104 San Diego, CA 92116 manager.lambda.archives@gmail.com lambdaarchives.org

JULY 12-14, 2019

For clients, experienced financial advisors will determine the best path forward towards the individual’s retirement planning, college funding, estate planning or other financial goals. In addition to building individual financial plans — and providing financial services to the LGBT community — LGBT Financial Resources & Insurance Services brings together the LGBT community through a variety of educational opportunities. The business provides financial literacy workshops to members of the community, as well as insurance services and resources for help in other professional areas of life, including accountants, attorneys, bookkeepers, web designers, and physicians. LGBT Financial Resources & Insurance Services also hosts workshops and mixers aimed at connecting members of the community together. Upcoming workshops and mixers are listed in their online calendar. 858-333-4515 4275 Executive Square San Diego, CA 92037 info@lgbtfinancialresources.com bit.ly/2IymCC8

The Live and Let Live Alano Club

LGBT Financial Resources

LGBT Financial Resources & Insurance Services works directly with individuals to develop the right financial plan pp-pride-guide-ad-061119.pdf for them and their specific goals.

The Live and Let Live Alano Club hosts more nontraditional Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meetings than other clubhouses in California. The club has been instrumental in providing specialty meetings for atheists and 1


4:19 PM

see Alano Club, pg 10

Imperial Court de San Diego

The international Court System was founded in 1965 by War World II veteran and gay icon, Jose Julio Sarria who in 1961 became the first openly gay candidate for public office in North America. The first Imperial Court Chapter was established in San Francisco and now there are chapters in over 68 cities within the United States, Canada and Mexico. 619-692-1967 P.O. Box 34104 San Diego, CA 92163 imperialcourtsd@gmail.com bit.ly/2ICQope





Impulse Group


Impulse Group is an international group dedicated to promoting healthier sexual lifestyles among gay men in 18 cities around the world. With support from the AIDS Healthcare Foundation, this group of volunteers works to create campaigns, events and online content to reach a new generation of gay men. CY



3940 Fourth Ave. San Diego, CA 92103 impulsegrp.org

Jewish Family Service

Founded in 1918, Jewish Family Service (JFS) is one of San Diego’s largest, most impactful human services agencies — touching the lives of more than 25,000 San Diegans every year. With a focus on uplifting individuals and families and supporting aging with dignity, the nonprofit helps people of all ages, faiths, and backgrounds build more stable, secure, and connected lives. 858-637-3000 Turk Family Center

PROUD IN SAN DIEGO Planned Parenthood offers PrEP, PEP, HIV testing, and other health care services tailored to your needs.





LGBT Pride Guide Directory

JULY 12-14, 2019


ALANO CLUB agnostics, the leather and kink community, and those who identify with the Bear culture of the LGBT community. The Alano Club also hosts more than 50 meetings a week including meetings for Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACOA), Sexual Compulsive (SCA) meetings, Co-Dependent Anonymous (CODA) meetings, Problem Gambling (GA) Meetings, and Nicotine (NicA) and Marijuana Anonymous (MA) meetings. 619-298-8008 1730 Monroe Ave. San Diego, CA 92116 info@lllac.org lllac.org

Log Cabin Republicans

Log Cabin Republicans is the nation’s original and largest organization representing LGBT conservatives and straight allies. Log Cabin Republicans has state and local chapters nationwide, federal and state political action committees, and more. The Log Cabin Republicans believe in limited government, strong national defense, free markets, low taxes, personal responsibility, and individual liberty. Log Cabin Republicans believe all Americans have the right to liberty and equality. They believe equality for LGBT Americans is in the finest tradition of the Republican Party and educate their party about why inclusion wins. The Log Cabin Republicans believe opposing LGBT equality is inconsistent with the GOP’s core principles of smaller government and personal freedom. 202-420-7873 1090 Vermont Ave. NW. Suite 850 Washington D.C., 20005 sandiego@logcabin.org logcabin.org

Mama’s Kitchen

Mama’s Kitchen was established in 1990 by a San Diego caregiver who enlisted volunteers to help prepare and deliver free meals to a few neighbors who were sick with AIDS. During a time when little was known about this vicious disease, a caring community came together to ensure that those suffering were given a chance at life and were able to receive one of their most basic rights — the right to nutritious food. Since then, Mama’s Kitchen has grown into a service that provides three meals a day, free of charge, to individuals across San Diego County who are struggling with HIV/AIDS or cancer, and their dependent children.

Through its services, the group is able to provide food, compassion and hope to over 1,300 people annually. After 27 years of service, Mama’s Kitchen has delivered over eight million meals. 619-233-6262 3960 Home Ave. San Diego, CA 92105 mamaskitchen.org

National Organization for Women San Diego

The San Diego-based group is affiliated with the National Organization for Women (NOW), the largest feminist grassroots organization in the United States. The NOW Foundation focuses on a broad range of women’s rights issues, including economic justice, pay equity, racial discrimination, women with disabilities, reproductive rights and justice, and marriage and family formation rights of same-sex couples. The San Diego chapter is inclusive of men, transgender women, and all that feel a woman’s right is equal to that of all others. It welcomes you to attend at a chapter meeting as a guest, join a committee, or attend one of its inclusive social activities. 818-927-3669 PO Box 3134 San Diego, CA 92163 sandiegonow.org

North County LGBTQ Resource Center

The North County LGBTQ Resource Center is a nonprofit organization that serves the lesbian, gay, transgender, bisexual, and questioning community of North County San Diego. The organization envisions its resource center as a symbol of the LGBT community in North County San Diego. The Resource Center supports, builds, educates, and improves the relationships of the LGBT community and their friends and allies. Services include support groups for youth, seniors, military service members, HIV/AIDS testing and prevention, counseling, civil rights advocacy, classes, and workgroups. 760-994-1690 3220 Mission Ave. Suite #2

“Somebody, your father or mine, should have told us that not many people have ever died of love. But multitudes have perished and are perishing every hour — and in the oddest places! — for the lack of it.”—James Baldwin, author

Oceanside, CA 92058 info@ncresourcecenter.org bit.ly/2MwRVj0

programming and services and also acts as the hub for vibrant resources on the SDSU campus. 619-594-3520 5141 Campanile Drive San Diego, CA 92115 pridecenter@sdsu.edu bit.ly/2IzrIOu

PFLAG San Diego County

Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, Inc. (PFLAG) is a support, education and advocacy nonprofit organization, unaffiliated with any political or religious institution PFLAG participants are invited to a confidential and supportive setting where they can share concerns with others, as well as find comfort and reassurance about gay children, family members, friends and themselves. The organization was founded in 1981 by 25 parents and now represents more than 75,000 households, and speaks for thousands of others. PFLAG affiliates are located in more than 400 communities throughout the United States, Washington D.C., Puerto Rico, and 11 other countries.

Project Youth

Project Youth is a project of the North County LGBTQ Resource Center that provides opportunities for change, leadership and education. The program creates and sustains a strong community with and for LGBTQ youth and ensures a safe space where all youth can feel supported and empowered. 760-994-1690 bit.ly/2IzP3j1

888-398-0006 P.O. Box 82762 San Diego, CA 92138 pflag.com

Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest Since 1963, Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest has been providing confidential, comprehensive, high-quality medical services to the communities of San Diego, Riverside and Imperial counties. Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest prides itself on offering the highest standard of care possible at each of its 17 health centers. Its caring, professional staff provide a full range of reproductive health care services. 619-881-4500 1075 Camino del Rio South San Diego, CA 92108 plannedparenthood.org

The Pride Center: Serving SDSU's LGBTQ+ Communities

The Pride Center offers information pertaining to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, ally, and many other communities at San Diego State University (SDSU). Since opening at SDSU in Spring 2014, The Pride Center offers its own

San Diego Democrats for Equality

San Diego Democrats for Equality (SDEE) is a progressive, Democratic LGBT and Allies San Diego-based organization. The group aims to unify and organize all those interested in supporting and furthering progressive Democratic values guaranteed to all Americans — regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, race, class, ethnicity, religious affiliation or age. SDEE is an organization that implements its mission and platform through supporting quality Democratic candidates for every appointed and elected position at the local, state and national level; advancing public policies for enduring social change, developing and disseminating ideas to promote fairness and democracy, forging concrete connections with other community organizations which foster progressive ideals and mentoring progressive advocates to fight for social justice. 619-796-2726 PO Box 33050 San Diego, CA 92163 Info@DemocratsForEquality.org democratsforequality.org

San Diego Equality Business Association

Founded in 1979, the San Diego Equality Business Association (formerly GSDBA) continues to support small businesses in San Diego while advocating for mainstream acceptance of diversity. San Diego Equality Business Association (SDEBA) is one of the largest specialty chambers in San Diego County, and the second largest LGBTQ and supportive chamber in the nation. SDEBA prides itself on outreach to other business chambers and to society at large. A founding member of the National LGBT Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC), SDEBA takes an active role in national level programs to meet the needs of small businesses. All members are automatically members of NGLCC, granting them access to financial, procurement and advocacy programs. Diversity is the ground of creativity and strengthens SDEBA as an association. SDEBA encourages and welcomes membership from anyone who supports equality for all people and seeks the opportunities provided in business support, networking, advertising, professional growth and business resources. 619-296-4543 P.O. Box 33848 San Diego, CA 92163 info@gsdba.org Sdeba.org

San Diego Gay Men’s Chorus

Under the leadership of Artistic Director RC Haus and Executive Director Bob Lehman, the San Diego Gay Men’s Chorus (SDGMC) is celebrating its 33rd anniversary of changing lives one voice at a time. With more than 200 members, it is one of the largest gay choruses in the world and has sung at locations including the White House, the Super Bowl and Lincoln Center. The group’s official mission is to create a positive musical experience through exciting performances that engage audiences, build community support and provide a dynamic force for social change. 619-432-2244 PO Box 33825 San Diego, CA 92163 info@sdgmc.org sdgmc.org

see SDGMC, pg 12

JULY 12-14, 2019

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LGBT Pride Guide Directory FROM PAGE 12


and non-binary youth, youth living with HIV, and their families and allies. Established in 2019 to meet the increased demand for services for LGBTQ+ youth and families and to increase access to vital support and programs, the SBYC will offer gender identity groups, arts programs, social activities, tutoring and discussion groups. A therapist will also be available on site. The South Bay Youth Center will be open three days a week from 3-7pm – on Wednesdays for youth ages 18-24, on Thursdays for 14-18-year olds and Fridays for those ages 10-13. In addition, the Youth Center will be open on Monday evenings for Mi Familia, a support group for parents of LGBTQ youth.

San Diego, CA 92103 specialdeliverysandiego.org

St. Paul’s Senior Services

St. Paul’s Senior Services is dedicated to serving the physical, spiritual, and social needs of the elderly, fostering a culture of diversity and inclusion consistent with personal and affordable choices. The organization is spiritually guided in its multi-disciplinary approach within our changing environment. 328 Maple St. San Diego, CA 92103 stpaulseniors.com

Stepping Stone of San Diego

Special Deliveries San Diego aims to alleviate hunger and malnourishment in medically homebound and people living with AIDS, cancer and other critical illnesses. Fresh, wholesome food is prepared, infused with love, and home-delivered to feed both the body and soul. It provides quality and homemade meals, including fresh wholesome vegetables and fruits, with daily deliveries. The group also focuses on quality of life and doing all it can to ensure the well-being of the individuals it serves.

Founded in 1976, Stepping Stone is a nonprofit alcohol and drug recovery agency that offers a variety of treatment and recovery programs incorporating evidence-based best practices. As an organization dedicated to helping individuals who want to be treated for their alcohol and other drug problems with their co-occurring disorders, Stepping Stone believes in celebrating the diversity of the communities by being inclusive and accepting, providing a safe and healing environment that encourages health of the mind, body and spirit; meeting the needs of those in recovery; being trustworthy to and with clients and other stakeholders; providing professional, effective services; and offering a caring and safe environment with holistic treatment.

619-297-7389 4021 Goldfinch St.

619-278-0777 3767 Central Ave.

619-692-2077 x207 1180 Third Ave., Suite C1 Chula Vista, CA, 91911

Special Deliveries San Diego

San Diego CA 92105 bit.ly/2IxSyq1

Stonewall Citizens’ Patrol

The Stonewall Citizens' Patrol is a volunteer neighborhood watch patrol group operating in Hillcrest, North Park and University Heights. Over 30 volunteers receive training from the San Diego Police Department and take turns patrolling the streets. In addition to patrolling, the organization focuses on crime awareness and crime prevention by distributing safety whistles, crime prevention posters, and safety tip cards. Volunteers conduct themselves with a “hands-off” approach and do not carry weapons. They are merely additional “eyes and ears” for the San Diego Police Department. 619-320-8219 PO Box 632795 San Diego, CA 92163 info@stonewallcitizens.org bit.ly/2MtNNQY

JULY 12-14, 2019

TFSS offers family coaching, assistance with healthcare and insurance issues, help navigating the legal system, and support at schools for no fee. 858-304-0085 12463 Rancho Bernardo Road #218 San Diego, CA 92128 info@TransFamilySOS.org transfamilysos.org

Trans • Youth • Project


bit.ly/TransYouthProjFacebook transyouthprojectsd@gmail.com bit.ly/2IxGsNV

The Trevor Project San Diego

The San Diego Trans/GNC Youth Project is focused on establishing safe space collectives. It is run by and for trans/gender non-conforming youth.

Founded in 1998 by the creators of the Academy Award-winning short film “TREVOR,” The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth ages 13–24. The mission of The Trevor Project is to end suicide among LGBTQ young people. The organization works to fulfill this mission by providing crisis counseling

see Trevor, pg 14

FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH OF SAN DIEGO The Heart of Christ in the Heart of the City Working for Justice, Mercy & Wholeness for All People


Trans Family Support Services

Trans Family Support Services (TFSS) is dedicated to saving the lives of local transgender and gender nonconforming youth by providing them resources, family engagement, education and advocacy essential to navigate their transition.

Located in Downtown for 131 years, we are a beacon of Christ's light to all who come by. This year, we are celebrating our 30th Anniversary as a Reconciling in Christ (RIC) congregation. Everyone is welcome, regardless of race, ethnic background, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. Services are held every Sunday at 9am and 11am, and we would love to see you there!

1420 Third Avenue (at the corner of Ash) San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 234-6149 www.firstlutheransd.org

To be an ally in building a stronger, healthier, more resilient San Diego We are honored to be the recipient of this year’s

Light of Pride award from San Diego Pride.

(858) 637-3000 | www.jfssd.org


LGBT Pride Guide Directory

JULY 12-14, 2019



to LGBTQ young people thinking of suicide; offering resources, supportive counseling and a sense of community to LGBTQ young people to reduce the risk of them becoming suicidal; educating young people and adults who interact with young people on LGBTQ competent suicide prevention, risk detection and response; and advocating for laws and policies that will reduce suicide among LGBTQ young people. 866-488-7386 bit.ly/2MuVHJC

Dignity affirms the faith of all those who celebrate in a welcoming environment that supports LGBT and straight community members. Services are held every Sunday at 6 p.m. Mission Hills Methodist Church 4044 Lark St. San Diego, CA 92103 dignitysd.org

First Lutheran Church

Called to be the heart of Christ in the heart of the City, First Lutheran Church of San Diego works for justice, mercy, and wholeness for all people. First Lutheran Church is A Reconciling in Christ (RIC) congregation, welcoming all people regardless of race, ethnic background or sexual orientation. Services are held every Sunday at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. 619-234-6149 1420 Third Ave. San Diego, CA 92101 firstlutheransd.org

First Unitarian Church Young Professionals Council

The Young Professionals Council (YPC) is an all-volunteer program that operates under the San Diego LGBT Community Center (The Center). The council is led and facilitated by the executive committee that is elected by the members of the council every year. The mission of YPC is to develop and empower young LGBT professionals and their allies to preserve and grow The Center for future generations. The council aims to advance The Center’s goal of promoting LGBT health and human rights. The YPC fosters a culture of diversity, service, leadership, advocacy, and camaraderie among LGBT and allied San Diegans. It collaborates with local business, organizations, and community leaders to produce fun and dynamic events. The YPC is led by a seven-member volunteer executive committee, elected each July by the YPC membership. Support to the program is provided by two staff members of The Center. 619-692-2077 3909 Centre St. San Diego, CA 92103 bit.ly/2KsDMGd


Dignity/San Diego, a chapter of DignityUSA, is a Catholic Eucharistic Community providing a safe and supportive faith community for LGBT Catholics and all who seek a healthy connection to our Catholic traditions through weekly liturgy, social and service activities.

Religious freethinkers will find support and a vibrant, accepting community at First Unitarian Universalist Church. Its mission is to create community, to nurture spiritual growth, and to act on values to help heal the world. Hillcrest services are on Sundays at 9:30 and 11:30 a.m. There are also services in South Bay on Sundays at 9:30 a.m. 619-298-9978 firstuusandiego.org Hillcrest Location 4190 Front St. San Diego, CA 92103 South Bay Location 970 Broadway #104 Chula Vista, CA 921911

The Metropolitan Community Church

The Metropolitan Community Church (The Met Church) is an open and affirming faith community. With roots in the teachings and spiritual practices of Christianity, The Met Church is also respectful of the rich wisdom of other faith traditions. The Met Church affirms each individual as a unique and gifted creation of God. Building on a history of celebrating diversity in sexual orientation, gender and gender identity, it is a congregation that welcomes all people. Service times are 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. every Sunday. A Live Stream of

the 11 a.m. service is available on its Facebook page with American Sign Language interpretation: bit. ly/2KwY7tS. 619-521-2222 2633 Denver St. San Diego, CA 92110 themetchurch.org

Muslim Community Center of Greater San Diego (MCC)

The mission of the Muslim Community Center (MCC) is to secure the present and future of Islam in America with Muslims who are distinguished by positive contributions, actions, and behavior. MCC values mercy, justice, respect and dignity for the entire human race without discrimination, compulsion or intimidation. It values peace, participation, accountability and service to humanity, and freedom from tyranny. Services are offered daily. Prayer times are at 4:45 a.m. for Fajr, 1:05 p.m. for Dhuhr, 6:15 p.m. for Asr, 8:12 p.m. for Maghrib, and 9:30 a.m. for Isha. The first Jumu’ah is at 12:45 p.m. and the second at 3:25 p.m.

deeply for those who are oppressed and marginalized. The University Christian Church meets Sundays, Mondays and Tuesdays, as well as some Wednesdays and Thursdays at varying times. The full schedule is available online.

619-220-0097 4545 Park Blvd. #101 San Diego, CA 92116 diversionary.org

619-295-4146 3900 Cleveland Ave. San Diego, CA 92103 uchristianchurch.org

Landmark Theatres is the largest movie theater chain in the U.S. dedicated to exhibiting and marketing independent and foreign films. There are two San Diego theaters in Hillcrest and Kensington. landmarktheatres.com

FARMERS MARKETS Hillcrest Farmers Market

The Hillcrest Farmers Market is held every Sunday from 9 a.m.–2 p.m. It currently consists of about 175 vendors offering a wide variety of locally grown in-season fruit, produce, gifts, arts and crafts, and flowers. The market also hosts a large variety of prepared food and hot food items with an emphasis on international cuisine. Additionally, each week, there are a large number of arts and crafts vendors participating, as well as weekly entertainment performed by a variety of bands.

858-756-5100 14698 Via Fiesta San Diego, CA 92127 mccsandiego.org

3960 Normal St. San Diego, CA 92103 bit.ly/2FC4slg

Ohr Shalom Synagogue

North Park Main Street holds its weekly North Park Thursday Market every Thursday from 3–7:30 p.m. on three blocks of North Park Way, from 30th Street to Utah, for the neighborhood’s Certified Farmers’ Market. Starting at 3000 North Park Way, farmers and vendors fill more than 90 tents with their locally grown produce, artisan grocery items, prepared foods and hand-crafted goods every week, rain-or-shine, at this family-friendly community event.

619-231-1456 2512 Third Ave. San Diego, CA, 92103

St. Paul’s Episcopal

St. Paul’s Cathedral uses the tradition of Episcopal liturgy in a warm and inclusive atmosphere. It thoughtfully engages the critical issues facing the contemporary world. It expresses its openness to God and to one another through worship, prayer, learning, service and generosity of spirit. St. Paul’s Cathedral meets daily, with service times ranging from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 619-298-7261 2728 Sixth Ave. San Diego, CA 92103 stpaulcathedral.org

University Christian Church

University Christian Church was the first open and affirming congregation in Southern California. It is a progressive congregation that takes the Bible seriously, but not always literally. They welcome people of all sexual orientations and gender identities into the full life and leadership of the Church and are a proud member of the Disciples LGBTQ+ Alliance. Additionally, the University Christian Church is a multiracial/multicultural congregation that welcomes all races and ethnicities. It is a peace and justice congregation, believing God cares

North Park Thursday Market

3000 North Park Way San Diego, CA 92104 bit.ly/2H9Aitc


Intimate nonprofit theater & lounge showing independent & international films & documentaries. 619-230-1938 2921 El Cajon Blvd. San Diego, CA, 92104

Diversionary Theatre

Diversionary Theatre was founded in 1986 to provide quality theater for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities. The theater’s mission is to provide an inspiring and thought-provoking theatrical platform to explore complex and diverse LGBT stories, which influence the larger cultural discussion.

Landmark Theatres

Landmark’s Hillcrest Cinemas 619-298-2904 3107, 3965 Fifth Ave. #200 San Diego, CA 92103 Landmark Ken Cinema 619-283-3227 4061 Adams Ave. San Diego, CA 92116

Moxie Theater Moxie Theater’s mission is to create more diverse and honest images of women for today’s culture using the intimate art of theater. By producing works by female playwrights and giving special attention to plays that defy female stereotypes, Moxie expands the idea of what is feminine. 858-598-7620 6663 El Cajon Blvd. San Diego, CA 92115 moxietheatre.com

The Old Globe The Old Globe aims to preserve, strengthen and advance American theatre by ensuring diversity and balance in programming; providing an environment for the growth and education of the community; and more. 619-234-5623 1363 Old Globe Way San Diego, CA 92101 theoldglobe.org

San Diego Repertory Theatre San Diego Repertory Theatre produces intimate, exotic and provocative theater. It promotes a more inclusive community through progressive works and celebrates the multiple voices of the region. 619-544-1000 Westfield Horton Plaza 79 Horton Plaza San Diego, CA 92101 sdrep.org

JULY 12-14, 2019


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JULY 12-14, 2019



Viejas Casino & Resort ∙ 5000 Willows Road ∙ Alpine, CA 91901 ∙ 619.445.5400

Guests must be at least 21 years of age to enter the Casino. Guests must be at least 21 years of age to drink alcoholic beverages. Guests under 21 years of age are permitted in The Buffet only, but must be accompanied by an adult. Families are welcome at the Viejas Outlets and the Viejas Hotel. Please play responsibly. For help with problem gambling, call 800.426.2537.




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