57 minute read


History of San Diego Pride

After the 1969 Stonewall Riots in New York City, about a dozen LGBTQ organizations there got together the following year, in 1970, to organize the first Pride march/parade. The parade was organized to commemorate the three days of riots and the movement that came about because of them. Other cities across the United States and later around the world also started their own Pride marches and parades.

I lived in Hollywood in the 1960s and early 1970s and met the founders of LA Pride, the late Morris Kight and Pat Rocco, as well as the Rev. Troy Perry [founder of Metropolitan Community Church (MCC)].

The late Jess Jessop, a Viet-

Tom suggested we go downtown to the San Diego Police Department and apply for a parade permit to do things legitimately. So, Tom, Jess, and I went to the police headquarters to apply.

To understand the times we were living in then and what happened next, it’s important to know that homosexuality was illegal until 1977. This was 1974. When we approached the counter for a permit, it was refused and we were told to leave the police station immediately or we would be arrested for being “deviants.”

On our way out the door, a police sergeant at the front desk yelled something at us that I will never forget: “There will never be a gay pride march in San Diego!”

After we left the police station, Tom, Jess and I went to Bradley’s, a bar and restaurant downtown, to discuss what to do next. We decided that we would hold a march anyway, which we would advertise by placing flyers

Following this march, Tom (the attorney) threatened an ACLU lawsuit if a Pride march/ parade permit was not granted for the following year. The police department did grant a permit in 1975 for a march and parade, which again started downtown and went up to Balboa Park, where a rally was held. I spoke at that first rally, along with gay lobbyist George Raya, State Senator Alan Spear, Barbara Gittings, and others.

For the next few years, the actual San Diego Pride Parade permits were always mailed to Tom’s law office and he told me in those early years he felt like he was “the father” of our parades.

Both Tom and Jess died of AIDS in the 1980s. I vowed to never let our community forget that they were my co-founders of San Diego Pride and I have never stopped telling these stories and that both of these men also made other historic contributions to our LGBTQ community.

Indeed, San Diego Pride stands on the shoulders of many LGBTQ activists over the years – many who are no longer with us.

This year, I’d like to salute and say the names of some of San Diego Pride’s past executive directors and organizational leaders, including: Doug Moore, Jeri Dilno, Big Mike Phillips, Mandy Schultz, Larry Baza, Stan Lewis, Tim Williams, Jim Weatherall, Brenda Schumacher, Barbara Blake, Chris Shaw, Suanne Pauley, Ron deHarte, Dwayne Crenshaw, Tony Zampella, Christine Kehoe, Stephen Whitburn, Alberto Cortes, Joe Mayer, Judi Schaim, Will Rodriguez-Kennedy, Cheli Mohamed, Andrea Villa, January Riddle, Rene Richetts, Bob Leyh, Susan Jester, Herb King, John Keasler, Phyllis Jackson, Scott Fulkerson, Carla Coshow, Rick Cervantes, Albert Bell, Joe Smith, Benny Cartwright, Wendy Sue Biegeleisen, and Fernando Lopez.

As I have been saying for decades: A community inside a movement that does not know where it came from and whose shoulders it stands on, does not really know where it is going! It saddens me when I see so many publications, guides, etc. that are full of ads but not one page of San Diego Pride history and the shoulders we stand on is printed … and that is why I’m writing this column.

Next year will be the 55th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots and the 50th anniversary of San Diego Pride and I am proud to announce that the San Diego GLBTQ Historic Task Force, along with the financial support of many business people and grants, will be announcing a 2024 year-long project entitled “Remembering San Diego’s LGBTQA+ History.” If you are interested in being a part of this special project, please contact me at nicolemrsd1@gmail.com. Happy Pride to all of you!

–Nicole Murray Ramirez is a lifelong Latino and LGBT activist and advocate, a longtime city commissioner, and is the Queen Mother of the International Imperial Court of the Americas. He can be reached at nicolemr1@gmail.com.

Tragedy to Triumph

It was the early 1990s on a Saturday morning; I had just opened the Brass Rail’s doors for business that day, when this very handsome young man with blonde, shoulder-length hair came into the bar. I remember as if it were yesterday.

He came up to the bar, said hello, and ordered a Miller Genuine Draft beer in a bottle. There was no one else but he and I in the place. After paying for the beer, he literally went and sat at a high top on the other side of the bar by the windows looking out on Robinson Avenue.

I thought to myself, Why is he sitting way over there when he could just sit at the bar and talk with me? LOL. He really did make it very difficult for me to flirt with him.

As we began to talk from one side of the room to the other, he said that he had just moved here from Spokane, Washington. I welcomed him to San Diego and asked the normal curious questions that any respectful gay man would ask while flirting from across an empty room.

an empty room downtown, with no bed or TV, so I decided to help him out. I got him a single bed, bed sheets, a pillow, a small black-and-white TV, a few dishes, some silverware, a couple plates, and pans, just so he had something. Rob was overwhelmed by the gesture.

As we were talking, I finally asked him his last name and he replied Rob Benzon. As time went on, we started to become good friends. He told me he hated living downtown, so I offered him my couch to sleep on until he could get on his feet. He accepted my offer and it was during these times that we really became more like family.

One day around this time, Nigel Mayer, who was a bartender at Flicks and one of my very best friends, called me while I was starting my evening shift at the Brass Rail. He asked if I knew anyone who could work the door.

I said, “Yeah, call Rob at my house and ask him, he is looking for work.” Rob did go to work that night at Flicks, which led to a full-time job.

It just so happened that about a month after Rob started working at Flicks, that Nigel needed a new roommate. This was a great opportunity for Rob, moving in with Nigel and his boyfriend, because he now had his own room and his own privacy.

Nigel, Rob, and I all became such great friends. Rob and I especially started hanging out together pretty much every day. We had so much fun together, we made each other laugh a lot. And meanwhile, Rob was working his way up in the bar, from doorman to barback, then bartender, and finally assistant manager.

Rob was a jokester, he used to call me throughout the day, changing his voice and making to the famous Hunter house on Hunter Street in Mission Hills, where I met a whole new group of people that I am still friends with to this day. Wonderful people –like Michael Groch, John Cashman, Dan Ferbal, Steve Hawley, Chris Fahey, Jon Harrison, Jessica Harrison, Michael Mance, Tony Machado, and Alan Zieg – were always around or living at the Hunter house. Of course,

He ordered another MGD and I took it over to him. We talked a little bit more, he finished his beer, and then left, saying goodbye.

I asked his name, and he said Rob. “Nice to meet you, I’m Big Mike,” I said, inviting him to come back anytime. He never did join me at the bar that morning, but I did say, “I hope I’ll see you again.”

Well, he did come back, every Saturday morning like clockwork, and the second time he did join me at the bar. Come to find out he had a great sense of humor, we laughed a lot.

Rob told me he was living in funny prank calls. At first, I would fall for them, but I soon caught on to Rob’s silliness. He was adventurous, he loved his friends and his newfound community.

Rob and I moved a lot in those early days of getting settled in San Diego, we were always helping each other move to our new locations. It was one of those times when I helped Rob move

I also met so many other wonderful people during that time through all these individuals. Fast forward our lives to June 5, 1999. I’ll never forget that day. I received a call from John Cashman in Acapulco, Mexico, giving me the horrible news that Rob had drowned. My heart sunk to the floor; I emotionally lost it. My roommate at the time, Joey Arruda, who is my brother in life, thank God he was there to console me. I just could not believe what I was hearing. Rob was only 31-years old. While swimming in the ocean, a rip current grabbed him, pulled him under and took his breath from his body forever.

The day Rob had left for Acapulco he asked if I would do him a favor and take his dog “Petey” to the airport and send him to his family in Spokane. Which I did, of course. Looking back on that entire scenario, I believe in my heart I was saying goodbye to Rob through Petey.

When everyone arrived back from Acapulco, Rob’s closest friends gathered at Mike Groch and John Cashman’s home, to not only be there for each other, but plan a memorial to honor Rob’s life. Mike, Dan Ferbal, and I were in a side room and started the difficult conversation on how we would make this a morning to remember.

We decided that Rob’s memorial would be held at the Catamaran Resort (one of the Evans Hotels … the eight or nine boys who went on that trip to Acapulco had stayed at the home of the hotel chain’s owner at that time). Because Rob had always worn Old Navy clothes, we asked everyone to show up in Old Navy gear.

It was a Saturday morning and over 300 people gathered to show their love. Those of us who organized Rob’s memorial decided to put an envelope on each chair asking for any type of donation. Rob’s friends were very generous that day and we raised $10,000, with Rob’s mom matching the donation. That was our first fundraiser and the beginning of a future nonprofit. Together with the names I mentioned earlier, myself included, we co-founded The Rob Benzon Foundation (RBF). In fact, the first few years it was Dan Ferbal and Steve Hawley who opened their home to host what became known as the Launch Party.

(and held at the San Diego LGBT Community Center), was funded for almost 15 years.

Because of all the support Dan showed to the Imperial Court, they have also since renamed the dinner as the Scott Carlson/Dan Ferbal Thanksgiving Dinner.

It touches my heart and soul to know I was able to share time with these two loving men in my life. They were able to bring so many people together in their lifetimes, and they are still bringing thousands of people together to this day, after all these many years, to help those in need.

Many may not have known them personally, but they have been blessed by their names, which have helped change their lives for the better when they needed that help to move forward in hard times.

Sometimes we lose the people

Over the years, with the support and love of our community, RBF has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars and helped so many through its grant programs. The annual Launch fundraiser has moved to much larger locations and has become the biggest, and the must go-to kick-off event of San Diego Pride weekend.On Aug. 13, 2019, our dear friend Dan Ferbal, who was serving as RBF’s president of the board, lost his year-long battle with a rare and aggressive nerve cancer at the age of 54.

Dan was such a kind and compassionate friend to so many. He was on that same trip and witnessed Rob’s death and then dedicated his life, time, money, and love to make sure people were taken care of through this foundation. After his death, the board all agreed to add Dan’s name to the foundation to honor his commitment all those years.

Long before his death, Dan and his partner Steve Hawley, with the support of the entire board of the RBF, made sure that the annual Scott Carlson Thanksgiving Dinner, sponsored by the Imperial Court de San Diego we love the most to help create strength, compassion, and love through those who are taken too soon.

These are the shoulders I stand upon.

–Big Mike Phillips is a local photographer, bartender, and longtime LGBT activist and fundraiser. You can reach him at bmsd1957@gmail.com. ▼

Get your tickets now for The Rob Benzon / Dan Ferbal Foundation, Launch 2023, Friday, July 14, 6-10 pm, held at the Historic Burnham House in the heart of Hillcrest. For more information, visit robbenzon.org or email info@robbenzon.org.

Start off your Pride weekend by giving back to our fellow brothers and sisters while having a great time doing so. Show the love.

San Diego Pride Parade

Saturday, July 15, 10 am

The San Diego Pride Parade follows a mile-and-a-half route starting west along University Avenue (beginning at Normal Street) and turns south onto Sixth Avenue. The parade goes into Balboa Park at Upas Street.

Parade kicks-off at 10 am sharp, and generally lasts for three hours. Members from the trans community will be out front and center when the parade starts (after the motorcycles, of course!)

San Diego Pride Festival

Saturday, July 15, 11 am –10 pm, Sunday, July 16, 11 am – 9 pm

It’s your time to be OUT and PROUD!

The San Diego Pride Festival is San Diego’s largest two-day event highlighting the best in

LGBTQ entertainment, interactive exhibits, cultural presentations, and community resources. The festival has been at Marston Point for the last few decades. This year, the main entrance is off of Sixth Avenue, between Laurel and Juniper streets. The old Marston Point entrance off of Balboa Drive is now the exit only.

Pride Tickets – available on July 7, 2023

Advance 1-Day Ticket – $32

(Available until July 14)

Weekend Pass – $38, VIP access – $225

High-school aged youth and younger: FREE at box office

Seniors (65+) – $15 at box office

Volunteers: FREE with a completed five-hour shift. You can find tickets at sdpride.org/tickets

Shuttle service is available to off-campus parking. The entire transportation schedule is here sdpride.org/parking/

Lineup: Check out the festival entertainment lineup here sdpride.org/festival-lineup/#/

There will be three large beverage stations, sponsored by Alaska Airlines, Amazon, and Jamul Casino, to allow you to purchase a beer, cocktail, seltzer or glass of wine and walk around the festival.

Special areas:

Art Of Pride – dozens of diverse artwork from LGBTQ artistsm, hosted by KPBS.

Zen Garden – a relaxing location to participate in mindful meditation and yoga for all skill levels. Hosted by Dharma Bum Temple and Queer Conscious.

Children’s Garden (children under 13, must be accompanied by an adult), Youth Zone (a hub for LGBTQ young people with support services, creative activities and dancing. Hosted by San Diego Pride’s Pride Youth organization.

Health & Wellness Resource Area, HIV+ Testing, Medical Tent, Accessibility Resource Area, Bike and Scooter Corral.

Recovery Village -- LGBTQ recovery organizations provide recovery information, resources, and 12-step meetings throughout the weekend.

Senior Cool Zones – Seating, resources, and services for adults 55 and up in a cool, shady environment. Two locations.

Black Pride and Movement Stage -- resources for the LGBTQ black community hosted by the San Diego Black LGBTQ Coalition. The stage will celebrate Black LGBTQ music, arts and culture. Live entertainment includes Hip Hop, urban contemporary, dance crews, and local DJs and other talent.

Sponsored by Rich’s San Diego.

Latine Pride Resource Area and Mundo Latino stage - Come listen to Latin rock music in Spanish, with DJs, multicultural performers, drag shows and other musical flavors with a Latin flair. Sponsored by San Diego Loyal Rugby team.

Sheruk / Asoonax Rainbow Tribal Village -- Indigenous LGBTQ+ and Two-Spirit community resource and activity area. Hosted by Strong Hearted Native Women’s Coalition.

QAPIMEDIA Resource Area and Pan Asian Night Market for the Pan Asian and Pacific Islander - food, music, community resources, and the AAPI stage. DJs, dance groups and other live performances.

Athlete Alley – sponsored by Athletic Brewing and San Diego WAVE Futbol Club, you can join local LGBTQ athletic organizations as they celebrate Pride and athletics within the San Diego LGBTQ community.

Leather Realm – sponsored by ViiV Healthcare, will be in its usual place with interactive exhibits, workshops, vendors and other entertainment focused on the leather, BDSM and kink community. All welcome but be respectful. Hosted by the San Diego Leather Community.

Trans Pride Village –

Hosted by Project Trans at The Center, enjoy resources and activities for transgender, nonbinary, genderqueer, and the intersex community. Sponsored by Service Now.

Euphoria Dance stage -sponsored by Blenders Eyewear, enjoy ground-breaking talent performing various genres of electronic music within San Diego’s electronic and dance music (EDM) scene.

New things to explore Karaoke Area -- sing to your heart’s content at the new karaoke stage. Hosted by Tony Jaw.

Lit Cafe – San Diego Public Library provides a safe, inclusive and enjoyable area for the community to enjoy local LGBTQ authors, literacy promotion, LGBTQ literary culture and there will even be the opportunity to get a special edition Pride Library card.

LGBTQ History CenterHosted by Lambda Archives of San Diego, reflect on the history of our local LGBTQ community.

Happy Pride everyone!

Five tips to stay sober during Pride - a message from Stepping Stone

1. Buddy Up

If you’re going to a Pride event, don’t go alone. Find a sober buddy or buddies (even better) to join you. You can support each other if things get rough. Plus, having someone with you can help relieve social anxiety.

2. Plan Ahead

Know where you’re going and how long you plan on staying before you leave the house. Wandering around looking for something to do can lead to bad decision making. Don’t leave your sobriety (or your fun) to chance.

3. Bookending

This technique is great for anytime you’re going somewhere people will be drinking. Make a commitment to call a sober friend before you go and when you leave. Let your friend know that if they don’t hear from you by a certain time, they should check in with you.

4. Be of Service

Throughout the weekend, there are opportunities to volunteer, big and small. Get in touch with SD Pride to find out what opportunities there are. You can also be of service by BEING the buddy from tip number one. Announce at a meeting or in a Facebook group that you are available to hang out with newcomers during Pride.

5. Know When to Leave

Grab your buddy and get out of there if things start to get dicey. No party is worth your sobriety. You can go get coffee or something to eat. Or just go home and relax. When you wake up sober the next day you’ll be glad you did.


InsideOUT will have its standard hours, with a minimalist approach to food during the festivities, and extended hours for drinks. The Pride theme in the restaurant has lots of neon quotes and blow up PRIDE signs and extra umbrellas as shade cover for diners. Brunch will be served on both days, (Saturday and Sunday) from 10 am-3 pm.

On Saturday, dinner will be served from 5-10, and after the kitchen closes at 10 pm, drinks will continue until midnight. On Sunday, after the kitchen closes at 3 pm, you can hang out until 5 pm, listening to DJ Junior.

“With everything happening across the country, it makes us even more proud to be from California and able to live and express ourselves freely,” said Matt Ramon, owner of InsideOUT.

Number One is planning a VERY fun weekend! Their

Happy San Diego Pride from “Betty” and the gang!Our community is everything and we look forward to celebrating all weekend long with old friends and new faces. We love that Baja Betty’s is a safe place where you can be who you are; that’s something that we keep in practice every day of the year. As Dolly Parton once said, “find out who you are and do it on purpose.”

Betty’s will be serving the full food and drink menu all weekend, along with a select brunch menu on Saturday and Sunday. Fabulous food and cocktails along with over 200 tequilas and mezcals. Outdoor, patio seating available. Further information and reservations at bajabettyssd.com.

Pride kickoff party is on July 13 and we will have a full weekend of all of the DJs, drag entertainers, go-go boys and bartenders that Hillcrest has loved and supported for so many years.

Our main bar, Pride Room (future bar expansion next door), rear patio and front patio will be open all weekend with plenty of beverage stations set up throughout. It will be one to remember! The Pride Room has its own entrance, bar, restroom and entertainment. DJs planned: DJ Will Soul, DJ Pur FLO, DJ Miss Dust, DJ Lunchboxxx, DJ DGRAY, and DJ XP. Live music will be on the back patio. “This year’s Pride is significant as we face these fear-based political and social headwinds throughout our country,” said Brian Jinings, manager of Number One. “Pride will be our time to gather together within our foundational spaces and celebrate our unique superpowers which bring so much value to this world. It will be a welcoming environment to all and allow each one of us to self-express as we choose and shine as bright as possible.”

The bar will be crowded from 9 pm on Friday, and all day Saturday and Sunday, so they are offering limited VIP (no line) passes for $60 for the whole weekend.

We are busy busy planning for Pride 2023 at Uptown Tavern.

On Thursday night, July 13, we kick off Pride with our popular Silent Disco. We will have two stations that evening on the headsets, with dueling live DJ’s, Mike Orion and Autumn Leilani. This is a free event with no cover charge, and starts at 9 pm. Get here early for headsets and no line, as it’s usually busy.

Friday night we have DJ Heabnasty from 9 pm to close. Saturday we have a prime location for parade viewing, with doors opening at 9 am. We have DJs on Saturday from noon until close, featuring DJ Zareen, DJ Autumn Leilani, and DJ Mike Orion. We will also have a Silent Disco Under the Stars on our back patio Saturday night starting at 930 pm. It will be a fun intimate Silent Disco with cocktail service.

Sunday DJ line up is DJ Heabnasty and DJ Kimber Chronic, starting at noon.

There will be a cover charge on Friday evening and Saturday. We do not sell wristbands for Pride weekend at Uptown Tavern, we instead give out free VIP cards to many of our regulars who support us all year round. This gives them access to a VIP line and free entry all weekend. On Saturday, from 9 am - Noon, they will have a limited menu for those watching the parade, which will include breakfast burritos, breakfast tacos, hummus plate, tater tots in gravy, and rosemary parmesan fries. Noon-10 pm their regular menu will be available, and the back patio will also open at Noon.

“Pride is very important to us at Uptown Tavern; yes of course as a business, it’s the busiest time of the year for us. But as individuals and as a work family we celebrate Pride every day of the year with inclusion and love for everyone. We are a place to come and have great craft cocktails and from scratch comfort food, but beyond that we are a living room, a community center, and a safe place for everyone. Having made it through the pandemic stronger than ever, we owe all of that to our LGBTQIA+ community; they supported us through it all! We only hope that the love and appreciation we have for all of them shines through when we are fortunate enough to serve them.” said Jessica Wight-Carter manager, and Chad Younger co-owner.



12-6 pm

Hillcrest Pride Flag, Normal Street and University Avenue

She Fest delivers empowering and accessible programming and content that centers 2SLGBT+ women, nonbinary people, and people who find community with these identities, creates opportunities to connect 2SLGBT+ small businesses to new audiences; facilitates social events that bring people together; and invests in and celebrates the volunteer leadership of She Fest committee members. Our year-round efforts culminate in an annual flagship event that brings over 4,000 of our community members together to kick off San Diego Pride’s week in July.


Rick & Benny’s Ninth Annual Pride

Happy Hour

6-8 pm | Free, 21+

The Loft, 3610 University Ave., Hillcrest

This event was created nearly a decade ago to honor all the industry individuals who work so hard throughout Pride week and weekend, to give them a night of their own.


Art & Education at Lamda Archives

6:30-8:30 pm | Clark Cabaret at Lambda Archives, 404 Park Blvd., University Heights

A 30-minute educational presentation on the history of the LGBTQ+ community in San Diego (including University Heights) followed by a hands-on arts and crafts


Finger Me Friday at Gossip Grill

Open to Close | $10 cover starting at 5 pm

1220 University Ave. Hillcrest social activity. Come kick off Pride Week in University Heights!

University Heights Community Association and Lambda Archives of San Diego are joining forces to bring the neighborhood a night of art and history.

This is a free, all-ages event. Lambdaarchives.org uhca.org

Pride & Seek - Queer Comedy Show

Doors 7 pm Show 8 pm | Cover $18, plus 2 item minimum Mic Drop Comedy, 8878 Clairemont Mesa Blvd.

Come kick off your Pride with COMEDY! Headliner is River Butcher

The supporting lineup includes Sarah Hyland, Alex Vo, Cassidy Stains, Brandon Potter, and Ray Earl. Promocode: QUEERCODE for $5 off. For more info, visit micdropcomedy.com/ shows/224528.


Dems For Equality Happy Hour

6:30 pm | AWOL Bar, Hillcrest

It wouldn’t be Pride season without a prePride party! We are excited to announce a Pride Week Party at AWOL Bar in Hillcrest. We are honored to announce our amazing allies, fellow Democratic Clubs, and co-hosts for this event, including: San Diego AAPI Democratic Club; San Diego County Young Democrats; San Diego Labor Democratic Club; Veterans Democratic Club of San Diego; YIMBY Democrats of San Diego County; Latina Democratic Club; and Clairemont Democratic Club.

You can’t have a party with drinks and beverages without some food, so there will be a food truck available on site!

If you’d like to attend, RSVP here bit. ly/3JNW1Dw. While at that link, decide whether you will march with us in the parade on Saturday. If so, reach out to James Moffat, whose contact info is there.

FILMOUT – GBF – 10th


7 pm | $12, advance, $15 at the door Hillcrest Cinemas - Landmark Theatres.

Finger Me Friday is a Queer Woman Dance Party and Corday will perform from 6-9 pm inside the Dance Club.

Spirit of Stonewall Rally and Awards

6-7 pm | Free

Pride Flag, Normal Street and University Avenue

See story on Cover page

Launch 2023 (Benzon/Ferbal)

6-10 pm | Burnham House, Hillcrest

Get your tickets now for The Rob Benzon / Dan Ferbal Foundation’s Launch 2023 party, held at the Historic Burnham House in the heart of Hillcrest. Start off your Pride weekend by giving back to our fellow brothers and sisters while having a great time doing so. Show the love. For more information and tickets to this exclusive party, visit robbenzon.org or email info@robbenzon.org.

Chris Vance presents SubWOOFer

9 pm-2 am | $30 GA at the door

The Merrow, 1271 University Ave., Hillcrest

Kick off San Diego Pride at The Merrow in the heart of Hillcrest at our 8th annual SubWOOFer! Cruise, dance, and get into some shenanigans with the friendliest, sexiest crowd in town. Sweat it out on the dance floor with DJ Jon Williams and our beefy go-go’s! Enjoy outdoor bars, Fim-Fim’s hot dogs, burgers, and lumpia! Coat check is available.

Rainbow Roller Rave

9 pm-2 am | $30 GA

Andaz Hotel, 600 F Street, downtown

This is part of the Andaz QueerTopia weekend takeover! Presented by Hawt Mess and Fever Dream out of Los Angeles, these lovely ladies are moving into four ballrooms at the hotel and turning one into a neon glow in the dark roller rink extravaganza! Bring your own roller skates or use theirs for free. Other rooms include a multi-room dance party, bars, a queer vendor village, 3D photo booth, and great DJs, including Von Kiss, Friidae, Goodboy, DJPanda, Marzz, Lotus and more. The roller rink party is an 18 and up event. To access other areas, you must be 21+. To get tickets, visit bit.ly/3reBDVE.

3965 Fifth Ave.

We are proud to be bringing back the FilmOut Audience Award winning comedy GBF for its 10th Anniversary. Director Darren Stein and guests will be in attendance for a Q&A after the screening. Social warfare erupts in this edgy, outrageous comedy by Darren Stein (Jawbreaker, Sparkler) set in a suburban high school when the school’s powerful “Clique Queens” (Sasha Pieterse, Andrea Bowen, Xosha Roquemore) try to turn Tanner (Michael J.Willett) and Brent (Paul Iacono), two closeted gay teenagers, into the must-have social accessory of the year: The Gay Best Friend [“G.B.F.”]. As the girls fight for the edge to make them most popular, the boys deal with dysfunctional parents, down-low jocks and horny Mormons, culminating in a Prom that will blow the top off their town. With Megan Mullally, Natasha Lyonne, Rebecca Gayheart and Jonathan Silverman. For more information and advance tickets, visit bit.ly/3D3cujp.

Light Up the Cathedral

7 pm | St. Paul’s Cathedral, 2728 Sixth Ave.

You are invited to join LGBTQ Faith Leaders and Faithful as we gather together, in person, to celebrate our faith and thrive. Join Dean Penny Bridges, LGBT Faith Leaders and Allied Faith Leaders for an Interfaith Pride Celebration at St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral. After the service, the Cathedral will be lit in rainbow colors.

Award honor and recognize community and religious organizations and Faith Leaders that serve as a role model for affirmation and service to the San Diego LGBT Faith Community and strive to make the San Diego LGBT world a better place. The organization / person chosen will have demonstrated a commitment and passion to helping the LGBT Community.

The 2023 Light of Pride Award will be presented to Temple Emanu-El and accepting the award will be Rabbi Devorah Marcus and Rabbi Benj Fried.

Goodjokes Comedy: PRIDE Show at Goodbar

Doors 7 pm Show 8 pm | Early bird tix start at $10 Goodbar, 1872 Rosecrans St., Loma Portal neighborhood

Your comedy lineup includes: Tatyana Guchi, Brandon Potter, Cassidy Stains, Alex Vo, and Sarah RW. Goodbar has a completely redone interior with a small stage, lots of TVs, a full bar (seats 10) and a permanent Burger and Steak and Salad food truck out front. Plenty of two and four-top tables. Two all-gender bathrooms. Parking is limited on site, but plenty of parking within the surrounding neighborhood. 65 capacity -- if that is reached, it will be considered sold out and the venue will be closed to the public. For more information and tickets, visit bit.ly/44gQaic.


The San Diego Women’s Chorus 7-9 pm | $20-$25

First Unitarian Universalist Church, 298 W. Arbor Dr. SDWC will perform its annual pride concert at the First Unitarian Universalist Church of San Diego. Thrive, under the direction of Kathleen Hansen, will be an evening of music featuring songs to encourage social change and other musical selections. Advance tickets are $25 for adults and $20 for youth (3-18 years old), seniors, people with disabilities and the military. For more information and tickets, visit sdwc.org/event/thrive-2023.


Pride 5K Run + Walk

Pre-race 6:45 am | $49 (before July 15) $59 day of Centre Street and University Avenue, Hillcrest

The event, sponsored by Mission Federal Credit Union, raises funds that directly benefit the local LGBTQ+ community. Event organizers invite runners and walkers to dress up in their best rainbow swag to celebrate and show their support for the San Diego LGBTQ+ community, and for those who aren’t able to join in person and still want to support, virtual race options are available. In 2022, a record setting 1,700 runners and walkers from around the world participated.

“The Pride 5K means so much to us and to our community,” said Andy Kleinke, member of the Front Runners & Walkers of San Diego. “All proceeds go back to important causes in our community – and it’s a great way to warm up for the Pride Parade.”

“Supporting the local community is important to Mission Fed – and we believe that diversity, equity and inclusion are fundamental to a vibrant, relevant and growing credit union movement,” said Debra Schwartz, president and CEO of Mission Fed. “Supporting our LGBTQ+ community through the Pride 5K is just one of the many ways Mission Fed shows up.” To register visit pride5k.run.

Equality California Happy Hour

3-6 pm | GA $20 (two drinks, appetizers) VIP $30 (three drinks, apps)

Barrel & Board, 1027 University Ave., Hillcrest

Equality California brings the voices of LGBTQ+ people and allies to institutions of power in California and across the United States. We advance civil rights and social justice by inspiring, advocating, and mobilizing through an inclusive movement that works tirelessly on behalf of those we serve.

“This Pride season feels different than others, we are not only celebrating but protesting,” said Jorge Reyes Salinas, EC communications director. “We’re igniting a revolution inspired by the spirit of change and community that fueled the earliest LGBTQ+ civil rights protests, including those at Compton’s Cafeteria in San Francisco and The Black Cat in Los Angeles, both of which predated the landmark 1969 Stonewall Inn uprising in New York City.

“We are facing an alarming wave of anti-LGBTQ+ legislation across the nation, with more than 500 bills that seek to discriminate against our community, including already vulnerable populations like transgender youth,” Salinas continued. “It is crucial that we unite to celebrate our identities and boldly speak out against discrimination and hate.

“Our Pride Parties give the LGBTQ+ community and allies the opportunity to celebrate safely while joining the fight for LGBTQ+ rights through Equality California’s efforts. It’s a Revolution of Love.”

Bahia Pride Cruise on the William D. Evans sternwheeler boat

Boarding 8:50 pm cruise is 9 pm-12:30 am | $40 each with group discounts

998 West Mission Bay Drive, Mission Bay all we’ve overcome, the wins we have achieved, and the rights our LGBTQ+ pioneers started paving 50+ years ago,” Chris Vance, producer of Bear Night, subWOOFer and Furrageous, said. “However, this year feels like a wake-up call for not resting on our laurels, as our fight is not over. We should celebrate Pride bigger than ever to show our cities, states, country, and the world that the LGBTQ+ community is still here; we are more vital than ever and will continue to stand up and fight for our rights, inclusion, and equality.”

Evans Hotels (who own The Bahia, The Catamaran and The Lodge at Torrey Pines) invite you to celebrate Pride in a different way by boarding the William D. Evans sternwheeler boat and take a party cruise around Mission Bay. There will be live DJs spinning music, dancing, a cash bar with rainbow drinks and other specials, traypassed appetizers and other snacks, stunning panoramic views of Mission Bay, and a photo booth to help you remember the evening. Hotel parking is reserved for hotel guests, but the Bahia is offering complimentary parking for attendees at Ventura Cove. Outside food and beverages will not be permitted and the cruise is weather permitting. Must be 21+ with a valid photo ID. Tickets are $40 each but groups will be offered a substantial discount (4 - $120, 6 - $160). To learn more and purchase your tickets, visit bit.ly/42p9xUB.


Brunch at Gossip Grill

10 am - 2 pm | $10 cover

1220 University Ave. Hillcrest

DJ’s all day, DJ Sasha Marie & Friends 3-8 pm

DRAG-A-LICIOUS Massive Drag Show

Priority Seating 1 pm, Show 2-4 pm | $39 Doubletree by Hilton Mission Valley, 7450 Hazard Center Drive

Get ready to be dazzled by the ultimate celebration of love, self-expression, and fabulousness at Drag-A-Licious, the most spectacular pride drag show to grace San Diego Pride weekend on Sunday, July 16th. Featuring a star-studded lineup including Willam, Aquaria, Kameron Michaels, Chad Michaels, Kimora Blac, Honey Davenport, and Kickxy Vixen Styles, this larger-than-life event will take place in the luxurious Grand Ballroom at the Doubletree by Hilton. All proceeds from Drag-A-Licious will benefit San Diego Pride.

VIP ticket holders can enjoy an exclusive meet and greet at 12:30 pm, followed by priority seating at 1 pm. General ticket holders can secure their seats at 1:30 pm, just in time for the incredible pre-show. Immerse yourself in a mesmerizing display of talent, glamour, and love, all in the name of equality and pride. And that’s not all! Get ready to unleash your inner party spirit, as Drag-A-Licious will have full bars available. You can get liquored up before and during the show, with the opportunity to dance in the aisles. So, bring those bills and get ready to enjoy a fabulous time while sipping on your favorite drinks.

Drag-A-Licious ticket holders also gain access to LE Parties’ two sensational Sunday pool parties happening right after the show: the Sunday Funday MEGA Pool Party and the LEZ Get Wet Waterland party. Bring your bathing suit and prepare for a day of fabulous entertainment, breathtaking performances, and refreshing aquatic fun at San Diego Pride. For tickets, visit bit.ly/3O1Gsuh.

Casa De Luz Pool Party

Noon-5 pm | $60 GA / $150 VIP


Join the fun at the Casa de Luz pool party at “Cypress Cabana Chateau” (address to be confirmed with ticket purchase). One of the committee members said it has become “one of the hottest events of Pride.”

Early bird tickets are already sold out. $150 donation includes “perks” – front of the line privileges, all access, premium drinks. This is a 21+ event, and ID is required. 100 percent of donations will go to Casa de Luz, a 501(c)3 collective house open to LBGTQ+ refugees who left their home country in search of a better life. Access Bracelets are available at HUMANITY, 1435 University Ave. 619677-2080.


Pride Cleanup

Bankers Hill is an historic Uptown community to the west of Balboa Park.

The Bankers Hill Community Group (BHCG) was established in 2011 to provide a voice for and enhance the quality of life in Bankers Hill by supporting actions and events that benefit the community.

Chris Vance presents Furrageous

9 pm - 2 am | $50 GA at the door

Music Box, 1337 India St., Little Italy

This is a takeover of Music Box, a three-level entertainment and restaurant venue in Little Italy. The three different VIP experiences are already all sold out as of press time. Your GA ticket will get you beefy go-gos, access to a full menu, DJ Jon Williams, great acoustics, outdoor patios, light shows, and a clothing check will be available. ** Limited general admission available at door, subject to capacity limits.

“Pride is a time to celebrate all of our LGBTQ+ lives,

For the past seven years, San Diego Pride and BHCG have worked together in several ways. BHCG provides volunteers to help with areawide cleanup during and after the annual Pride Festival. Each year, Pride pays BHCG for each volunteer hour to an agreed upon maximum dollar amount. This has become the main source of funding supporting BHCG’s community enhancement efforts.

SD Pride also generously provides volunteers to BHCG to help with serving at some of the monthly Sunday lunches at the Bankers Hill Clubhouse, which is owned by the San Diego Indoor Sports Club and was built in the 1940’s to provide a gathering place for people with disabilities. Today, it still serves that function and also has become an attractive venue for weddings and other special events, including the monthly BHCG meetings.

SD Pride has become a wonderful and valued partner of BHCG. Their support has been invaluable and their work is both admired and appreciated. For this year’s Pride Festival, about 50 BHCG volunteers will serve over 200 hours to assemble, distribute, set up, monitor and maintain 120 trash and recycle receptacles throughout the area. Anyone who would like to help with this year’s “cleanup” should contact Jeanne Rawlings at jprawlings.sd@gmail.com. BHCG looks forward to partnering with SD Pride for many years to come.

F*#K Pride Monday at Gossip Grill

Open to Close | 1220 University Ave. Hillcrest

All day Happy Hour. Industry day, 50 percent off for all Hillcrest Industry.

It’s Time to Show Your Pride

Pride time is here! While Pride is celebrated in June in many parts of the country, July is Pride time in San Diego.

Did you know that we have one of the biggest Prides in the world? Did you know San Diego Pride is one of the most philanthropic Pride organizations in the world? Did you know that San Diego Pride is one of the few Pride organizations in the world that runs programs and events throughout the year?

We are pretty lucky here in San Diego to have such an amazing Pride organization that is truly committed to our community. With a staff dedicated to social justice, anti-discrimination, youth empowerment, real partnership and support to the transgender, military, Latine, QAPIMEDA and other local communities, San Diego Pride is a true leader in our community. Through their Pride 365 program they work tirelessly all year to meet the needs of as many people they can reach. It’s important to know that San Diego Pride isn’t just an event that happens in July every year. They need our support and donations to continue the amazing work they do.

So how can you support Pride?

Buy a ticket! Money raised from ticket sales helps fund San Diego Pride’s local grant giving program. Each year, Pride gives back to local LGBTQ organizations through their Community Grant Program. This can be a real boost to our smaller organizations that struggle to get up and running. It’s incredibly important to help sustain our very own activists and small social service agencies in their work to make our community better.

Volunteer! Can’t afford a ticket to the Pride Festival?

Volunteer! All volunteers will be given admission to the Festival as a show of gratitude for volunteering. San Diego Pride needs hundreds of volunteers to make it all happen and it is such a fun way to give back to the community and help assure a smooth running fantastic Pride event.

Besides the dedicated staff at Pride, there are an incredible number of folks who give of their time year-round to make sure the work gets done. Pride has an amazing leadership team – of which I am proud to say I am a member – comprised of volunteers who give countless hours throughout the year. Not only do these volunteers help plan the next Pride celebration, they also assist with many of Pride’s programs and lend a helping hand to the organizations Pride helps support.

The leadership teams meet monthly year-round to make sure everything is in place and ready to go by July. The managers and coordinators from all the departments that make up San Diego Pride Parade and Festival work tirelessly to bring this amazing event to life.

There is still time to volunteer with San Diego Pride and here are a few of the ways you can do it:

You can choose to help with set up on Thursday and Friday, July 12 and 13. Wouldn’t it be amazing to be part of setting up this huge festival? It is truly fun to watch the space slowly become this huge village we call San Diego Pride. Volunteers who can do physical work as well as those who could help in the office for all those last minute details are all needed. You can pre-register to volunteer at sdpride.org/volunteer, or just show up at Balboa Park (between Laurel and Juniper Streets along Sixth Avenue) on Thursday or Friday.

Volunteer to help either at the Parade on Saturday morning or anytime during the Festival on Saturday and Sunday. Want to work the front gate? Help keep our wonderful vendors and community partners happy? How about taking care of other volunteers? There are so many options for you to choose from and volunteers can pick one shift or multiple shifts.

Lastly, volunteers are needed to help out on Monday after Pride to break down and clean up the Festival site. Pride could certainly use some new folks to get this job done and I am calling on all our Trans folks out

See YOUR PRIDE page 20

Memories of Pride

Houston we have a problem. Memories. Traversing down these old paths of familiar stories and moments in time can be such a beautiful thing. But for me it’s just a reminder of times that no longer exist. Whether it was a part of your life you wish to hold forever or something you just hope you can forget, it’s impossible to live a life where every one of those moments is something precious.

You may be wondering why I’m writing something so somber in lieu of just talking about the beauty of Pride. But that’s just it, the memory I’m talking about is all encompassed in Pride. In a time when I can sit here and talk about all of the ways this time holds such special meaning to me and so many other people, I also have associations with it tied to a broken heart and the experiences of loss.

From a place of privilege I say that every day of my life feels like I’m living out and proud and the parade is just a small part of it for me.

I went to my first San Diego Pride in July of 2017. As someone who lives with a fear of large crowds, the anxiety I felt melted away with the warm reception from a group of people who welcomed me into their home and gave me a spot right there on the parade route. I danced, I laughed and I fell deeper in love with a person who is no longer in my life. I thought, this is what people fought for. The ability for every single one of us in this community to have the ability to just celebrate our lives and bask in our existence like everyone else.

I wore these brilliant rainbow wings paired with metallic shorts and a rainbow bandana. I loved every second of feeling like an angel in this crowd of people who were showing off every facet of their personalities to celebrate love, life and resilience. My first Pride was an experience I will cherish forever but at the same time it’s a moment I can no longer have again. It’s lost in time, in photographs and my memories. Every year after that I sought to make each celebration more memorable than the last.

Working at Baja Betty’s ensured I was helping other people create memories. Creating a contingent to March in the parade with UC San Diego has continued to help me find solace and comfort, knowing that I was marching with people who have never had this experience before. As I said, being out has never been truly hard for me, but knowing that we can all be a part of these moments where someone is taking their first step into being the most authentic version of themself is something so priceless and fulfilling, but why do I sometimes feel so empty when it’s over?

This year will be the first pride I’m experiencing as a single person. The feelings I’m navigating surrounding this are tied to a love, a life and a memory that no longer exists in my present. On one hand, I am excited to continue the traditions I’ve created for myself, creating a space to bring joy to others. But within these spaces it’s hard to not feel alone. Crowds of people coming together to celebrate the fact that we get to be here. That people went through these hardships for us to celebrate and remember now. That our community is STILL going through turbulence and legislation aimed to scale back the rights of the very people who created these movements for us. A celebration of just being in community is so beautiful and yet it’s hard to not always feel that something is missing.

This Pride month I’ve celebrated what it means for me to just be myself. Navigating what it means for me to find solace in the loneliness; but I don’t really know what that looks like. Now more than ever is the time we should all come together. But I’m also tired of being reminded of things that once were and can no longer be. So I ask, “How do I create and curate new memories that won’t feel so isolating? How do I live a life worth living when at times I feel in this community we equally have to live in the moment for each other and for those who don’t get to experience this moment in time.

Life is a series of complex emotions and when it comes to Pride, I just want to be happy. There’s a euphoric feeling that stems from seeing people have these experiences of being a part of something bigger than one individual. A feeling of joy that some get to only dream of. I believe in love, in healing, and in the fight for us to just be who we dare to be. We dare to be ourselves and that’s powerful enough. That’s the memory I choose to hold onto.

San Diego Pride is important to me because as a love letter to our community, I want people to see that being out doesn’t have to be scary. It can be liberating and create a sense of belonging. Even in those painful memories I can find comfort in knowing I got to experience both the love and the heartbreak that people at Stonewall fought to make happen. I can wear whatever I damn well please and boldly say this is who I am and I’m not going anywhere.

Moving past this somber note I promised myself a long time ago I would never compromise myself for other people. I want to say thank you to those who were a part of my first Pride here – they helped me live my life. They pushed me to see the most authentic version of myself that could exist in one place and time. I’m grateful to them for seeing me before I truly saw myself. Inside the isolation I now feel, I also know who I’m living for: myself.

I always put others first and yet I need to do this for me. I want to recapture and live for the magic that I experienced just a few years ago. As I write this, in many ways it’s closing a chapter on a life that is no longer alive but all of those previous Pride seasons allow me to shine a light on a new one. Pride for myself and the Pride I help create and shape for others.

This San Diego Pride, please take care of one another. No matter where we all come from or the experiences we’ve had, remember that this community is more than just the memories we make. Remember that there’s a lot of love here and that we should cherish it. I say this more as a reminder for myself that I am more than the experiences that have shaped me. I’m more than a community builder. I’m my own person who celebrates Pride for my own reasons as much as I am here to support others.

I love you and happy Pride San Diego.

–Korie Houston is a local social justice advocate. Reach him at koriehouston@zoho.com. ▼

I used to be in a SoCal queer men’s leadership group. My friends Jim and Peter started it about 20 years ago. The group had a good run – about five years. The amazing Ryan Murphy even came to one of our meetings when he was a young gay writer trying to break into the television industry.

Our group was comprised of queer men in a variety of leadership positions in Southern California. There were usually about 50 of us who showed up for the monthly meetings.

When asked why he started the group, Jim said: “When gay men are successful, we often eat each other alive. We don’t support each other and are jealous of other gay men’s successes. This group is to help us stick together, support each other and thrive.”

FROM PAGE 18 YOUR PRIDE there to give back, help out and be a part of and show San Diego Pride and the San Diego LGB community that we are strong and committed members dedicated to creating a greater and more inclusive community.

There are many wonderful organizations who will be at the Pride Festival, and I encourage you to stop by and visit them all -- but now my shameless plug for my community: This year at the Trans Village, in partnership with Project Trans at The Center, we bring you TransTopia!

The TransTopia village is located at the bottom of the loop at the festival, and I hope you drop by. Each year, the village gets better and better and this year is no exception. There will be a host of fantastic resource tables again, including the UCSD Gender Health Clinic, with some surprise visits from the doctors who make it all happen. Other resources include Kelly Owens Amplified Speech, mental health providers Darlene Tando and Donna Chapman,

The group was quite amazing … unlike any group I’d ever been in before (or since). Due to its leadership and the great diversity of members (ethnicity, age, socioeconomic status and background) it was eye-opening, enlightening, and a whole lot of fun. I’m not sure why it ended … maybe we’d learned what we were supposed to learn.

The LGBTQ San Diego County News has recently changed owners: I am pleased that the new publisher has asked me to stay on. Our new management is full of energy and new ideas.

As you probably already know, many local newspapers in America, especially LGBTQ ones, are struggling. It’s advertising that allows newspapers to keep printing. Without advertising, there’s no way to pay the bills in order to publish a “free” paper like LGBTQ San Diego County News.

We can support this paper by encouraging the people we know, the restaurants we dine at, the shops we shop at, and our fellow community members to help the paper survive and prosper.

No one asked me to write this column: it was my idea. It’s an obvious request to support queer journalism in San Diego’s LGBTQ community. The situation with the paper is similar to that gay men’s leadership group I was invited to join 20 years ago: It’s all-too-easy to envy and resent your queer brothers and sisters when they succeed. It’s tempting to tear people down who are trying to do something new (like keep this paper thriving and moving in a new direction) and it’s easy to think

“Oh, they’ll be fine without me. They don’t need my support.”

Please, sisters and broth- and local trans organizations like Gender Health and Wellness, Family Health Centers of San Diego, Transgenero2000, transgender affirming haircuts, and a lot more.

The Transtopia space will also be full of entertainment provided by local trans artists, including singers, spoken word, music and more. There is space available to relax, enjoy a beverage and chill with your friends. It will be a great experience and an awesome way to get to know more folks from our community. Again, we are so very lucky here in San Diego to have such an inclusive and vibrant Pride. Please show your support and stop by the Transtopia Village, you might just find some joy and love there.

See you all at San Diego Pride, July 14-16. Happy Pride, San Diego!

–Connor Maddocks (he, him, his) is a Transgender activist, trainer, speaker, and advocate. You can reach him at neon411@ gmail.com. ▼ ers, be willing to rethink this. LGBTQ newspapers are dying like crazy. And, when they die, where do you think your local queer news is going to come from? The Union Tribune?

Local (heteronormative/homophobic) television? Social Media? Sure, you may get bits and pieces of what’s happening in San Diego’s queer community from these media outlets, but you won’t get the “big picture” like you do in our paper.

So, let’s stick together and help each other succeed. And not just this newspaper, but all the businesses and organizations that are part of our community. Let’s support The Center, and Pride and Hillcrest/ Bankers Hill queer-owned businesses.

Let’s put our money where it will do the most good: here in our community. everywhere -- even within San Diego County. This is why our own spaces are so important.

I don’t work for the Chamber of Commerce nor am I in public relations; I am a local psychotherapist who volunteers to write for our one, last, remaining San Diego LGBTQ newspaper.

When I moved here in 1998, there were quite a few periodicals for our community. Now, we’re the only one left that’s totally local.

If you have a favorite local restaurant, bar or store, ask them if they support LGBTQ San Diego County News. Even if they don’t have the funds to buy an ad, maybe they’d be willing to read us themselves, tell others about us and the interesting articles we publish and the local people we profile.

And for decades in our spaces, non-LGBTQ people have been our allies and friends, joining us, and enjoying our spaces with us. There were few reports of problems from “outsiders,” as most recognized that by visiting, they were guests of the LGBTQ community. They came to support their LGBTQ friends and enjoy the things that make our spaces so great.

Thoughts on Pride

San Diego Pride is just about here, and with that, Hillcrest will be throwing out the pink carpet to welcome hundreds of thousands of people to the neighborhood. This weekend celebration is considered to be one of the biggest events of the year in the San Diego region, and we Hillcresters couldn’t be more excited for the crowds to descend upon our community.

But lately, many of us have been more and more cautious about non-LGBTQ people who visit our “gayborhood,” especially those who visit our bars and night spots. It’s an interesting dynamic because we want to be welcome, but we are witnessing increased acts of bad behavior by some non-LGBTQ people who visit.

Hillcrest and its establishments have always welcomed everyone, but our venues are here first and foremost to be safe spaces for the LGBTQ community.

No matter what rights and protections we have achieved over the decades, many LGBTQ people still don’t feel safe visiting bars and establishments outside of our neighborhood. Being able to hold hands, embrace their partner, or just express themselves is important to LGBTQ people, but that expression is not welcome

And if they do have some money for advertising – if they can support us with even a small ad – that would make such a difference. If a few local businesses do this, it could make the difference between us sinking or floating. Would you like us to be around in a year or two? If so, let’s stick together, support each other and thrive.

–Michael Dale Kimmel is a local licensed psychotherapist (LCSW 20738) in private practice and an author. You can learn more about him and his work at lifebeyondtherapy. com ▼ homeowner in Hillcrest! I don’t want to be disrespected, and these comments make me feel unwelcome!” or “I’m a straight person, and I can’t believe how unwelcoming your community is being to people like me!”

I want to encourage nonLGBTQ community members who live in and/or enjoy playing in our shared neighborhood to just take a step back for a moment when they hear LGBTQ people expressing their thoughts and feelings about this issue.

But in recent years, as acceptance of LGBTQ people has increased, it has become “cool” to be around “the gays,” so we are seeing more non-LGBTQ people than ever in the neighborhood and at our venues. In general, we totally welcome this! We always have and always will.

But with the influx of “outsiders,” the amount of bad behavior from people who don’t understand our community has gotten out of hand. Some LGBTQ people have even reported not feeling safe in their own venues at certain times as patrons from outside the community cause all sorts of trouble, from thefts to making homophobic and transphobic slurs, to physical altercations and more.

Our bars and venues are working hard to curb this behavior, but it is still frustrating and, at times, feels unsafe. Because of this, some members of the community are rightfully lashing out. As many LGBTQ people only feel safe in Hillcrest and are witnessing the bad behavior, many are making comments on social media sharing their frustration, fear, and anger about what some outsiders are bringing into our neighborhood (and please note that I’ve been careful to include terms like “some” or “many” -- certainly not all non-LGBTQ people are like this, and there are plenty of LGBTQ people who behave poorly, as well).

As a reaction to these concerns being shared by some LGBTQ people about the state of things in our bars lately, I’m seeing and hearing a lot of nonLGBTQ people clapping back with comments like, “But I’m a

As I have stated, non-LGBTQ people are more than welcome here, but I hope they can understand the real threats and fear that many LGBTQ people are subject to every day. I ask these people to allow our community members to share their feelings without jumping in to say “But I’m a good one!” Let them lash out and complain about what they’re seeing in the community. If you aren’t one of those people causing the bad behavior, then it’s not directed at you.

To our non-LGBTQ friends, please be an ally and stand with us, instead of lashing back out, saying that you “don’t feel welcome.” You are welcome. Always. But we need your help in fighting against the people who come to the neighborhood to harm us. We appreciate you!

And if you happen to be one of the people who cause bad behavior in our neighborhood or bars (you probably aren’t reading this if you are, or you don’t see yourself as being a problem), really reflect on why it is that you want to be in these spaces. Are you here because you want to be supportive of the LGBTQ community and enjoy it with us, or because you feel entitled to any space that you think looks fun and you want to stomp all over it? Give it some thought. With that, I hope everyone has a fantastic Pride weekend and beyond! Stay safe!

–Benny Cartwright is a longtime activist and community leader. Reach him at community@lgbtqsd.news. Follow him on Instagram @BennyC80. ▼

The Rail (formerly the Brass Rail) in Hillcrest changes hands

San Diego’s historical LGBT bar, The Rail, is under new ownership as of late June, and with the possibility of reintroducing drag brunches on weekends.

New owners Urbano Pelicon and his friend/business partner Isaac Vargas purchased the business from Gayle Santillan, who along with various family members ran the bar for more than 30 years. Prior to that, the bar dates back to 1934, when it originally operated downtown. It moved to Hillcrest in 1963. Until a rebranding effort in 2016, the bar was well known as The Brass Rail

“Even though The Rail has always been a gay bar, this is the first time that it is gay-owned,” Pelicon said, noting that the building’s landlord requested the bar continue catering to the LGBT community.

“We are going to continue the legacy,” he added.

Pelicon and Vargas arrive at the table with industry experience; Pelicon was a manager for several years at the former Numbers bar in Hillcrest, and Vargas currently manages Cannonball in Mission Beach.

Pelicon said that “sometime after Pride weekend,” he plans on serving food again from the small kitchen that has been dormant since October.

“We might do drag brunches again and serve bar food once we start opening for happy hour — but not right away.”

For now, The Rail will be open from 9 pm to close, Wednesday through Sunday. As for any new physical changes to the space, Pelicon said there will only be some minor, decorative improvements made to the interior, since the bar was given an extensive refresh in 2017 under the former ownership. 3796 Fifth Ave., thebrassrail.com

Pacify your sweet tooth at gay-owned Sugalab in Ocean Beach

After belting out fabulous desserts throughout her career for companies such as Jamul Casino and Surf Rider Pizza, pastry chef Rachael Musico finally fulfilled a dream earlier this year by opening Sugalab

Launched with the creative-marketing support of her wife, the couple took over the former Wild Things Pizza & Beer in Ocean Beach to create a bakery complete with indoor seating for 30 people.

Heavy loads of fish and chips

If you’re a glutton for classic fish and chips, you could end up scoring the meal for free at Shakespeare Pub & Grille in Mission Hills.

The British-owned pub presents “The Great White Whale Challenge” to willing takers who can scarf down a two-pound filet of battered cod, two pounds of “proper chips,” and a jumbo side of green peas in 45 minutes or less. If successful, the meal is on the house and you get a complimentary “I Did It” T-shirt.

Although if you fill to the gills and can’t obliterate the loaded plate, be prepared to fork over $45.95 for the attempt.

“We get one or two people on average each week who try it,” said Shakespeare bar manager Sean Mackin. “About 40 percent of the participants overall pass the test.”

Mackin advises participants to alert the pub ahead of time if entering the contest during peak hours. Otherwise, the kitchen can usually accommodate last-minute requests. He also added that the challenge is for customers 21 years or older. And yes, he assures that plenty of house-made tartar sauce is included with the meal. 3701 India St., 619-299-0230, shakespearepub.com

Hyped chicken

Diehard fans of the popular chain, Raising Cane’s Chicken Fingers, camped out overnight for the recent opening of its Chula Vista outpost. When the doors opened in the morning, the eatery’s chicken fingers encased in batter and secret spices were flying out of the kitchen in “very large numbers,” according to one of our trusty sources who scored herself a few fingers, crinkle-cut fries and Cane’s zesty dipping sauce.

The Louisiana-based company was founded in 1996 and today flaunts more than 500 locations in and outside of the country. Within San Diego County, it has other locations in Mira Mesa and Santee, both of which attracted crazed fanfare when they first opened.

512 H St., Chula Vista, 619-210-0568, raisingcanes.com

Since then, Musico has enticed customers with everything from cakes (sold whole or by the slice), warm brownie sundaes, floats made with “old-school” sodas, and ice cream sandwiches constructed with housemade cookies.

In celebration of San Diego LGBT Pride this month, the pastry chef offers a rainbow layer cake that has randomly appeared on her menu since opening. It too can be purchased whole or by the slice. Sugalab’s top sellers so far include Oreo cake, funfetti cupcakes, and a butter beer float inspired by Harry Potter. Some of the rarer, more nostalgic items that rotate through include German chocolate cupcakes and pineapple upside-down cake, which will stick around through the end of summer. 2163 Abbott St., 619228-9255, sugalab.com

Two Mission Valley newcomers

The ever-expanding commercial landscape in Mission Valley has made room for a spacious location of Breakfast Company, which mirrors its original operation in the Gaslamp Quarter. The restaurants fall under the Rise & Shine Hospitality Group, founded more than a decade ago by entrepreneur and LGBT-friendly philanthropist Johan Engman. The group also owns all local outlets of Breakfast Republic, Fig Tree Cafe, and Eggies, in addition to Feast & Fareway in Coronado.

Customers can expect a hearty menu containing choices such as fried rice Benedict with crispy ham, chicken confit and grits, peach-almond French toast, and mashed potato waffles with cheese sauce, eggs, and spicy sausage. Several vegan and vegetarian options are also available, along with beer, cocktails and fresh-roasted coffee drinks. 8590 Rio San Diego Drive, breakfast-company.com.

If you descend into the valley with a hankering for Cuban food, Havana Grill’s newest location appeases with various takes on the Cubano sandwich, plus dishes such as mango-citrus salmon, seared steak with Gulf shrimp, and classic ropa vieja (shredded beef in wine, tomato sauce and olives). The restaurant has received numerous accolades from food critics and the public ever since opening a few years ago in Clairemont Mesa. It uses organically grown produce, non-GMO oils, and hormone-free meats. 1652 Camino del Rio North, 619-915-5699, havanagrillrestaurants.com

–Frank Sabatini Jr. has been writing about food in San Diego for over 35 years. He launched his own food blog during the pandemic,“The Hash Star,” which you can follow at thehashstar.com. He can be reached at frank.sabatini92108@gmail.com. ▼

Art Revolution: Fabulous, Fierce and Flawless

By Patric Stillman

The Studio Door art gallery is demonstrating its commitment to artistic evolution by expanding the annual PROUD+ national exhibition. By including a collaboration with the founding father of queer art history, a performance by a spoken word storyteller, and internationally renowned artists, the gallery is pushing boundaries and embracing diverse artistic expressions.

The PROUD+ exhibition, produced by The Studio Door, will feature the artwork of 50 contemporary artists from across the nation who identify as LGBTQIA+.

This showcase provides a platform for these artists to share their talent and perspectives with a broader audience.

The exhibition is curated with the support of Jonathan D. Katz, a well-known figure in the art world. Katz is recognized for his work on significant exhibitions such as “Hide/Seek” in 2010 at the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery, and the traveling exhibition “Art AIDS America” in 2015. His expertise and involvement ensure that the exhibition maintains a high standard of curation and reflects the significance of queer art.

“How grateful I am to have a role with PROUD+ because this is all piling up,” Katz said. “Each of our individual endeavors are slowly shifting the perimeters of what the art world understands itself to be.”

The PROUD+ visual arts exhibit will be open to the public through July 29. This extended period allows visitors ample time to appreciate and engage with the diverse artworks on display before and after San Diego Pride weekend. It’s an opportunity to celebrate the talent and creativity of LGBTQIA+ artists, while also promoting a deeper understanding of queer expression.

“The Studio Door thrives by breaking free from traditional museum constraints,” said local artist RD Riccoboni. “It works harder to showcase boundary-pushing art and amplify underrepresented talent. You even have access to LGBTQ+ museum collected artists to build your collection. If you think you have to go to New York, San Francisco, or Los Angeles for queer culture, think again!”

Participating artists include Tom Acevedo, Brandin Barón, Leah Sarah Bassett, Joanna Biondolillo, Tanner Blackwell, Ryan Brandimore, Miguel Camacho-Padilla, Kaline Carter, Maurice Cassidy, Denni Danieli-Polloni, Trevor David, Roy De Vries, Yvette Deas, Thomas Diethert, Timothy Doane, Stevan Dupus, Jillian Elliott, Irwin Freeman, Olivia Fry, Dmitriy Gushchin, Colette Hebert, Tom Hill, Gerard Huber, Jenn Johnson, Celine Krempp, Peter Moen, Hunter O’Hanian, Ross Ozer, Monique Parker, Lauren Patch, Devon Reiffer, Jude Ribisi, RD Riccoboni, Lexi Richey, Sophia Rogers, Silky Shoemaker, Sam Snell, Charlie Spadone, Stefan Talian, Teemstir, HM Thompson, Aries Tjhin, John Waiblinger, Danny Warhole, Tim Weedlun, Danielle Wogulis and Kelsey Worth.

“I believe PROUD+ creates a wonderful sample of diverse dynamics of the LGBTQIA+ community,” said artist Stevan Dupus. “As my artwork strives to document our bar communities that have served as a safe space for so many decades, I feel it’s important for me to be part of the exhibition to contribute that importance to the celebration of our lives.”

On the evening of July 1, the gallery held a special one-person performance of “Searching for Secret,” by local artist Maurice Cassidy [Cassidy’s work was featured in LGBTQ San Diego County News, June 6, 2023, Volume 4, Issue 17, Page 13; also found online bit.ly/3JFYwrg]. This thought-provoking performance delved fearlessly into human experiences, exploring suicide, mental health, sexuality, and addiction. Through powerful storytelling, it raised awareness and encouraged dialogue that spoke to the LGBTQ+ community. Cassidy’s raw and vulnerable expression created a transformative experience, inspiring reflection and promoting understanding of the trials faced by our Trans friends. In just one hour, the show served as a stirring reminder that Pride is about more than celebrations — it is about the bonds we form through love and loss.

In addition to the national PROUD+ exhibition, the gallery will be showcasing a selection of distinctive works of both Amos Badertscher and Del LaGrace Volcano from Katz’s private collection. These works create a powerful dialogue between the underground narratives of [Baltimore, Maryland’s] streets and the bold exploration of gender and sexuality. It invites the viewers to engage with the rich artistic journeys of these internationally renowned artists, providing a unique opportunity to appreciate their vision and contribute to the ongoing conversations about art, identity and society.

Overall, The Studio Door art gallery’s commitment to artistic evolution and inclusivity is evident in the expansion and curation of the PROUD+ exhibition. It serves as an important platform for LGBTQIA+ artists to share their voices and stories.

The sixth annual PROUD+ exhibition runs through July 29, at The Studio Door art gallery, located at 3867 Fourth Ave., in Hillcrest. Gallery hours are free to the public on Tuesday through Saturday from Noon to 7 pm. The public is encouraged to support the artists and gallery through the purchase of artworks. A gallery reception for the exhibit with local artists will be held on Saturday, July 8, from 6-9 pm.

—Patric Stillman is a visual artist and contemporary art gallery owner of The Studio Door. You can reach him at patric@thestudiodoor.com. ▼



their clients, and who better to tell them? They want to hear from you. What kind of services and programs would get your attention, and even better, your participation?

In order to gather the information they seek, The Center has generated an online survey, which can be accessed at bit.ly/ senior-services-2023 (see the ad on page 5 of this paper for more info).

If you don’t have a computer or struggle with using one, The

Center is making paper surveys available for anyone who needs one. Just come to the front desk at The Center located at 3909 Centre Street in Hillcrest, or just drop by the office at the North Park Senior LGBTQ-affirming apartment complex at the corner of Howard and Texas Streets. Miguel Hernandez is the onsite program coordinator at the North Park apartments and Jason Cumeo is the overall Senior Services Program Manager at The Center. The survey response deadline will go through July 31, and they’d like to get as many responses as possible, so tell your friends and family members. You can also email the team with questions and concerns at seniors@thecentersd.org. his lawsuit of Sony over stifling contracts, to his sexual orientation and even scandalous arrests throughout his career, was beloved until his death and his music continues to be popular. To learn more about this show or to buy tickets, visit bit.ly/


City Ballet Surpasses Goal

lets that serve communities who experience hate crimes. Two of those media organizations are in San Diego: Rage Monthly, a local entertainment magazine for the LGBTQ communities of San Diego, Palm Springs and Los Angeles; and Warren Communications, dba San Diego Voice & Viewpoint Newspaper. The Los Angeles Blade, one of LA’s LGBTQ outlets, was also awarded a grant.


Tickets for “The Life & Music of George Michael,” a concert-style show featuring his four decades of music are now available for a performance that will take place Sunday, January 28, 2024, at the historic Balboa Theatre, downtown.

“This event honors George Michael’s career and will be a celebration for his fans,” said producer Ralph Schmidtke of Quatro Entertainment in a press release. “Over the years, George’s popularity has continued to grow and ‘The Life & Music of George Michael’ will give fans a glimpse of his life and hear all the songs they have come to love.”

The show chronicles Michael’s blockbuster career as he rose to fame in the 1980s with Wham! and became an MTV sensation with his 1987 solo album, “Faith.” Michael, who passed away in 2016, had led a public life that was full of headline-making news; from his provocative music video hits,

Under the phrase “30 by 30,” City Ballet vowed to raise $30,000 by June 30, for its Summer of Dance series. The first $15,000 raised was matched, dollar-for-dollar, and they even surpassed the needed amount. While not eligible for the match, the more money they raised, the better they can showcase their summer programs.

Resident Choreographer Elizabeth Wistrich and Geoffrey Gonzalez will premiere their new works at the all new Epstein Family Amphitheater, on the UC San Diego campus in La Jolla. Native San Diegan and City Ballet dance artist Bian Heil will also be debuting his first-ever ballet choreographed for City Ballet. Shows are Friday, July 14, at 8 pm and Saturday, July 15, at 8 pm. Tickets are $39 and $59. For more info and to purchase tickets, visit cityballet.org

Local Media Outlets Receive Grants

The California State Library has awarded a total of $8.1 million in grants for 12-month projects to 63 ethnic media out-

According to a press release announcing the awards, the California State Library, established in 1850, “is the central reference and research library for state government and the legislature.

In addition to acting as a steward of California’s history, the State Library is investing nearly $500 million to modernize and renovate the state’s 1,127 local libraries, bringing the Dolly Parton Imagination Library to every California child under the age of 5, and building a statewide eBook library with diverse titles in 80 languages.”

A total of $6 million was granted in 2022 to 50 ethnic media outlets. The projects required offer funding for specialized reporters, fellowships, internships, news briefings, roundtables, community gatherings, digital and social media content, etc. Ethnic media outlets awarded include those serving California’s Latino, Black, Asian American and Pacific Islander, Native American, Arab, Slavic and LGBTQ communities. For more information about the grant process and Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library project, visit library.ca.gov

From Page 1 Stonewall

from the Spirit of Stonewall Rally stage.

Noting the significance of their now 24th Spirit of Stonewall Awards, opening with a demonstration of the diversity of the LGBTQ community, Lopez praised the speakers who will be taking the stage: Imani Rupert-Gordon, Jai Rodriguez, Maksym Datsenko, Vernita Gutierrez, Amber St. James, and Maria Schembri.

Schembri is a former teacher and now program manager for the office of Youth Advocacy at the San Diego Unified School District.

“I feel honored to use my voice to advocate for some of the most vulnerable youth in our community,” she said. “Trans youth and inclusive curriculum are tragically being used as political fodder. I am grateful to be a part of the solution.”

This year, five individuals, two organizations, one business, and one Grand Marshall will be honored for their extraordinary work in uplifting the community. The honorees will not only accept their awards at Pride’s Spirit of Stonewall Rally, taking place Friday, July 14, but they will also each hold prominent places in the Pride Parade’s lineup on Saturday, July 15.

LGBTQ San Diego County News were able to reach most of the individual winners to see how they felt about the acknowledgment, and how they hope their efforts will progress the community forward.

Champion of Pride: Christynne Lili Wrene Wood

You may recognize Mrs. Wood’s name from the immense amount of publicity she received from a falsely reported encounter at the Santee YMCA. Her incident drew international coverage, and shined a spotlight on the intensity of living out and LGBTQ in East County, San Diego.

Yet her resilience and sheer tenacity also empowered an entire community to stand up at community council meetings and rallies, drawing in rainbow families and allies from everywhere to push back on the falsities shared far too often to provoke fear.

Mrs. Woods said she is “honored beyond reason” to be receiving the Champion of Pride award, stating that given the current social climate, the award itself was more important than ever. While Mrs. Wood continues to exist in East County, she said the community is undergoing a “metamorphosis,” noting that Santee just had their first-ever Pride walk, led by Mayor John Minto.

“When people see the power of love and support, it encourages people to stand up,”

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