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When to Rock the Real Tree; When to Use the Fake Sam ant ha Gre e n
Wednesday, No vember 16 , 20 11
A bout ten years ago, America stopped cringing at the site of the artif icial Christmas tree (except f or the bright white or blue ones; those are still cringe-worthy). Now, f or about $200, f amilies can pick up a six-f oot tree complete with twinkle lights that looks darned close to real. Artif icial trees probably stand in about half of the homes on any street. Which makes sense f or your f amily this year? Weigh the time, money, ethics and health trade of f when trying to pick a real versus a f ake tree. Make your decision based on your biggest constraint. Whether the dominating pressure is Christmas plans, budget or environmental issues, the goal is to make the holiday as enjoyable as possible.
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Shop Prof lowers Snowf lakes and Angels Workshop
$ 34 .9 9
Happy Jolly Snowman
$ 29 .9 9
Merry & Bright Garden
$ 39 .9 9
Christmas Plans/Time Available For the years when Christmas gets shoehorned in, the 22
For the years when Christmas gets shoehorned in, the artif icial tree saves time and ef f ort. Families avoid back and f orth trips to the tree f arm and af ter-Christmas tree drop of f site. Also, f oregoing the thirsty tree’s almost daily watering saves time. Finally, since the artif icial tree doesn’t throw dead needles, endless vacuuming stays of f the never-ending Christmas to-do list.
Living Succulent Wreat h
$ 89 .9 9
T he size of your Christmas this year should also weigh into the f ake/real decision. T he prospect of 20 f amily members crowding into the house f or Christmas day dinner is stressf ul enough without having to worry about dead needles and strips of bark migrating all through the house. T hose concerned with guests’ attitudes toward cleanliness should stick with the artif icial tree.
Budget High end catalog Horchow Collection sells an artif icial Christmas tree with lights f or $1,500. T hat translates into a lot of Christmas gif ts or even 20, $75 real trees. T his nine-f ooter will pay of f . . . in 21 or so years . . . maybe. Most aren’t that pricey. A good-enough, pre-lit, artif icial tree f rom Target will run you $250. A live tree of similar size and quality bought f rom Home Depot or another chain runs $75. T he artif icial tree you choose better last f our years or more to make up f or its high up-f ront costs (4 x $75 = $300). It’s only af ter that f ourth year that you’ll have a f ree tree. Do you think you’ll remain interested in the artif icial tree f or all that time? A possible compromise is the relatively inexpensive, live, mini Christmas tree which can f it on a table top and wear sparkling lights and ornaments just as well as a Douglas Fir, although on a smaller scale. Further, the mini Christmas tree, typically an evergreen Cypress costing less than $40, can be kept f or years.
Sant a's Sleigh Cent erpiece
$ 29 .9 9
32" Fresh Vict orian Table Runner
$ 5 9 .9 9
Related Articles Power of the Flower From decorating our homes to giving them as gifts, the versatility of flowers has made them a valuable part of our everyday lives. Did You Know? Interesting Flower Facts From treating a variety of ailments to producing the world's most expensive spices, throughout history flowers have proven they can do a lot more than just dresss up a room. 23
Environmental Impact While the manuf acturing process behind the artif icial tree pollutes and uses energy, its biggest environmental sin lies in the polyvinyl chloride (PVC) it’s made of . T his plastic cannot be recycled and it doesn’t biodegrade. Once an artif icial tree is created, it’s on the planet f orever. Live Christmas trees have issues of their own, however. Environmentalists complain large tree f arms spray their crops with pesticides and even herbicides which leach into soil, water tables and ecosystems. Luckily, with increased awareness of environmental toxins, pesticide use has halved over the last 10 years. Jill Pennington, a North Carolina State University plant pathologist and f orestry specialist, surveyed growers in western North Carolina in 1995, 2001 and 2007. Many f arms have not only reduced their use of pesticides, but they’ve gone to pesticide-f ree or f ully organic Christmas tree cultivation methods.
Pricey Plants They’ve filled palaces and mansions throughout the world, and in some cases their beauty was considered more valuable than gold. The Tournament of Roses parade Flower History More than just accessories flowers have been used as medicine, to decorate palaces, and have even played a part in a battle or two.
More, real Christmas trees benef it the environment by: converting the planet’s carbon dioxide produced by our f actories. An acre of Douglas f ir trees can absorb 11,308 pounds of carbon dioxide. getting ground into mulch, an organic weed deterrent and compost in gardens and f lower beds. T he real tree is reusable and biodegradable. preventing erosion and creating habitats f or wildlif e. Because of their hardiness, Christmas trees can be planted on lands inappropriate f or other crops or livestock. To f ind an organic, local Christmas tree f arm near you, check with Beyond Pesticides, a nonprof it group in Washington State that monitors organic trees and plants.
Health: Can that Pretty Tree Can Make Me (or My Kid) Sick? Here’s where the real tree just routs artif icial. According to the children’s environmental health advocate, Healthy Child Healthy World, artif icial trees contain lead. Lead causes neurological issues, cancer and more. If the real tree has pesticides in it, at least these pesticides maintain EPA-approved levels determined saf e f or humans. Some doctors go so f ar as to advise parents to disallow children f rom touching the artif icial tree at all.
Ar tif icial vs. Real: The Decision Can Needle You 24
First manuf actured by a toilet brush company, the artif icial tree was nothing more than a tall toilet brush spray painted green. It looked about that good, too. Artif icial Christmas trees have come a long way, but they’ll never land in the homes of those looking f or that “f resh pine scent” at Christmas. According to the National Christmas Tree Association, 31 million f resh Christmas trees were sold in the United States last year, creating revenue of $1.3 billion. T he f ake/real decision of ten hinges, not on whether it looks like Christmas, but whether it smells that way.
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O NLY O NE PRO MO TIO NAL O FFER PER O RDER. - PRO MO TIO NAL O FFERS CANNO T BE CO MBINED.Dis c o unt d o e s no t ap p ly to g ift c ard s o r c e rtific ate s , s ame -d ay o r inte rnatio nal d e live ry, s hip p ing and hand ling , taxe s ,o r third -p arty ho s te d p ro d uc ts (e .g . wine , we d d ing flo we rs ). Dis c o unt will ap p e ar up o n c he c ko ut and c anno t b e c o mb ine d with o the r o ffe rs o r d is c o unts . Pro d uc t mus t b e a flo ral b o uq ue t to re c e ive the fre e g las s vas e d is c o unt. Pro Flo we rs ® - Dire c t fro m the Fie ld s ®
Our Ro se s Awarde d " Be st Value " by t he Wall St re e t J o urnal - Fe b '0 6 . © 20 12 Pro vid e Co mme rc e , Inc . All rig hts re s e rve d .
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Top Gifts CEOs Need Most Marla Gre e n
Mo nday, Octo ber 10 , 20 11
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Shop Prof lowers Gourmet Variet y Basket
In 2011, venture capitalist Ben Horowitz discussed high-level stress in his TechCrunch article, “What’s the Most Dif f icult CEO Skill? Managing Your Own Psychology.” T he article conf irms what those of us outside the corporate suite suspect: each day, the most successf ul CEOs grapple with relentless stress.
$ 9 9 .9 9
What, then, could those of us who don’t toil under such pressures possibly buy f or someone who has the money to buy everything but no time to enjoy it?
Teacup Orchid
Toys Typically type-A personalities, CEOs and other executives are driven by a compulsion to cross the next task of f their list. New York Times columnist David Brooks reviewed CEO personality studies to f ind that this group, rather than charismatic and personable, are, “humble, dif f ident, relentless and a bit unidimensional. T hey are of ten not the most exciting people to be around.” Well, no wonder. Most have their nose to the grindstone at least 60 hours a week. Break these dogged routines by giving something novel, challenging and FUN. Tell your recreationreluctant CEO that scientists have proven that play boosts creativity and imagination, stretches attention span, relieves stress and connects us to loved ones (which in turn relieves stress). In f act, some researchers claim that the benef its of play on the body and the psyche may even exceed the benef its of exercise!
Zorb Tickets: Imagine an inf latable ball you can enter either wet (Z ydro) or dry (Z orb). Strap
$ 29 .9 9
Exot ic Orchid Garden
$ 4 9 .9 9
Deluxe Succulent
yourself in and then choose whether you want to do the zig zag, straight or drop track. Recapture the thrill of childhood hill rolling, but this time there’s no risk of collision with bees, trees or rocks. T he company promises that you’ll emerge f rom the Z orb ride with “sore sides f rom laughing so much and the unstoppable urge to ride again.” T his New Z ealand company doesn’t sell the Z orbs (although there are knock of f s available) singly, but it does have one amusement-park-like site in the United States Z orb Smokey Mountains USA in Pigeon Hole Tennessee. Prices run $53 f or one ride and $244 f or f ive rides.
Succulent Garden
$ 39 .9 9
All t he Frills ThinkGeek USB Rocket Launcher : Nothing like sitting behind a computer monitor waiting f or your next target to walk through the mahogany door. T he USB-enabled, desk-top rocket launcher rotates 360 degrees horizontally and 45 degrees vertically just with a f ew computer keystrokes bef ore locking onto the coordinates of clients and colleagues. Styrof oam missiles soar over six meters. Take that, accounting! All at a price of $24.99.
Understanding Psychologists tell us that people under stress don’t want f riends and loved ones to solve the stressf ul situation; they just want someone to understand how hard it is while they’re f ighting through it. Show your genuine empathy by giving gif ts that acknowledge the exhaustion and stress inherent in the chief of f icer position.
Por table Mesh Hammock: Tell the CEO you care about to relax wherever he is. T he portable mesh hammock assembles in seconds without tools. T he compact carrying bag keeps all parts together and allows the user to take it to the beach or park easily. Prices vary, but generally run $89 - $150. Gif t Baskets, Delivered: What a relief to f ind a spa gif t basket af ter an 80-hour week! Permission to relax, all tied up with a silk ribbon. Luxuriating in bath gels, salts, candles, potpourris and loof ah sponges, the bather can get the complete spa ef f ect right in their own tub. Prices vary, but can run f rom $39 to $100+. If you don’t see your CEO indulging in the tub, a gif t basket delivered to the door still conveys concern. Healthy, organic f ruit or dried f ruit and nuts express your desire to nurture and sustain the recipient.
$ 29 .9 9
Braided Money Tree
$ 29 .9 9
Related Articles Did You Know? Interesting Flower Facts From treating a variety of ailments to producing the world's most expensive spices, throughout history flowers have proven they can do a lot more than just dresss up a room. Pricey Plants They’ve filled palaces and mansions throughout the world, and in some cases their beauty was considered more valuable than gold. The Tournament of Roses parade 27
Finally, celebrate a milestone or accomplishment with one of the many (even sugar f ree) gourmet gif t baskets available. If ever someone deserved chocolate . . .
Interaction with Nature Cornell University environmental psychologist Dr. Nancy Wells conducted a review of research on the link between an individual’s health and surroundings. She and her colleagues f ound that “access to or views of the natural environment improve cognitive f unctioning and improve recovery f rom surgery and illness.” More exciting studies about the impact of nature on mood and health report similar conclusions.
Flower History More than just accessories flowers have been used as medicine, to decorate palaces, and have even played a part in a battle or two. Where our Flowers Come From Americans purchased more than 1.5 billion roses in 2011. If you’re wondering where roses and and all of our other favorite flowers come from, we’ve got the answer.
Reconnect that of f ice-bound CEO to nature with the f ollowing gif ts that bring him or her into relaxing natural spaces.
Gif ts of Local Trail Guides: Trail maps get the Type A executive outside while still f ulf illing that goal-oriented nature: complete the loop, climb the peak, f orge the stream. Nonetheless (and whether they intend to or not) they’re still lengthening their f ocal distance, absorbing the beauty of trees, streams and f lowers and benef itting f rom abundant f resh air. Prices range f rom f ree, state park maps to $20 f or guides f rom Fodors. Nature Indoors: Cornell’s Dr. Nancy Wells explains that even a view or proximity to natural objects like indoor plants and Bonsai trees helps calm stress and increase f ocus. Like the miniature Feng Sui garden, the bonsai tree’s shape and contours f ascinate. Any CEO could use a 60-second escape into the thicket of those well-trained, mini-branches throughout the day. Prices range f rom $29.99 to $75. Gif ts that Truly Help the CEO Our grandmothers were right: it takes all kinds. T he hard-working, single-mindedness that makes a business leader so dependable year af ter year doesn’t show up in the most successf ul artists or politicians. In f act, political leaders seem to have the traits — charisma, personality — that torpedo them once they leave Washington and try to make it on Wall Street.
Nonetheless, of f ering the CEO a temporary departure f rom his or her usual industrious ways can be a great gif t. Play, understanding and time in nature are generally luxuries the CEO has crossed of f his or her list long ago, replacing them with material objects that f it better in the go-go lif estyle. Remind this business warrior that a great belly laugh or centering hike f ulf ills better than any new electronic gadget.
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O NLY O NE PRO MO TIO NAL O FFER PER O RDER. - PRO MO TIO NAL O FFERS CANNO T BE CO MBINED.Dis c o unt d o e s no t ap p ly to g ift c ard s o r c e rtific ate s , s ame -d ay o r inte rnatio nal d e live ry, s hip p ing and hand ling , taxe s ,o r third -p arty ho s te d p ro d uc ts (e .g . wine , we d d ing flo we rs ). Dis c o unt will ap p e ar up o n c he c ko ut and c anno t b e c o mb ine d with o the r o ffe rs o r d is c o unts . Pro d uc t mus t b e a flo ral b o uq ue t to re c e ive the fre e g las s vas e d is c o unt. Pro Flo we rs ® - Dire c t fro m the Fie ld s ®
Our Ro se s Awarde d " Be st Value " by t he Wall St re e t J o urnal - Fe b '0 6 . © 20 12 Pro vid e Co mme rc e , Inc . All rig hts re s e rve d .
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Amaryllis Bulb Care Guide Sam ant ha Gre e n
Wednesday, June 0 8 , 20 11
Nothing says “Spring” like a blooming Bulb garden! ProPlants has numerous bulb plants to select f rom and they’re shipped during early phases of budding, meaning the little green tips will have just started to be visible above the moss. ProPlants ships Bulbs in this stage so customers enjoy the Bulbs’ entire cycle of blooming, which is beautif ul. T he term "bulb" is used by most people in ref erence to plants that have underground, f leshy storage structures, however; a “bulb” is actually is any plant that stores its complete lif e cycle underground. ProPlants’ mixed Bulb gardens f eature varieties that may bloom at dif f erent times, both Spring and Summer varieties, which makes f or great f un, as Bulbs are continuously changing. In some zones, Bulbs are grown and planted outside and may re-bloom the f ollowing year (see below). Hippeastrum is f rom South Af rica, grown in the USA
Best Indoors
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Shop ProPlants Christ mas St ar and Trumpet Garden $ 39 .9 8
Paperwhit e Bulb Garden
$ 29 .9 9
Candy Cane Amaryllis Bulb Garden
Light: Bright warm location. 65-70 degrees Temperature: Moderate (normal home temperatures)
$ 29 .9 9
Water: Keep the soil moist caref ul not to over water or water inside the neck of the bulb.
Fertilizer: Liquid Feed once a month.
Gourmet Herb Garden
Growth: 10" or taller Blooming: Blooms in 6 to 8 weeks.. Re-potting: N/A Planting Outside: Af ter the plant has f lowered and when the f oliage has yellowed cut it of f just above the top of the bulb. Leave the pot dry f or about 3 months then begin watering again. USDA Gardening Z ones: Not hardy in the U.S. so grown indoors or treated as annuals outdoors
$ 39 .9 9
Merry & Bright Garden
Perennial or treat like a houseplant $ 39 .9 9
Perf ect ly Pink Garden
$ 4 9 .9 9
Related Articles Succulents: The Perfect Mixture of Beauty and Adaptability Making the most of the limited resources available is how succulents have mastered the art of survival within the most challenging environments. Potted Rose Care Guide Prolong the life of your plants by reading these important tips on how to care for your potted roses. Peace Lily Care Guide
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Mother’s Day Activities by Mom Type Sam ant ha Gre e n
Thursday, April 19 , 20 12
In need of meaningf ul and unique Mothers Day activities that f ill the entire day? You’ll f ind lots of creative ideas f or mom here. Each has three, interrelated steps based on your brand of mom. Keep in mind: research has shown that what mom wants most on her special day is to be with f amily! Don’t just arrange an activity and take of f . Instead: 1. Arrange the activity ahead of time. 2. Enlist your siblings. 3. Plan to spend the day with mom. T hese ideas f or Mother’s Day are not only creative, they’re specif ic to mom’s hobbies and style, and you all will end the day f eeling satisf ied, energized and wellloved.
Mothers Day Activities f or The Career Mom 1. Take a work-related lesson with your hard working mom or teach mom a computer or internet skill you know but she doesn’t. Worth magazine lists 10 of the Best Private Lessons. While you may not choose to put a deposit down on these pricey classes, they can inspire you. For local versions, check your area’s Learning Annex, community college, adult school or university extension programs. 2. Make reservations f or lunch at a restaurant well known in your area f or business networking. Do a little research on what deals were made there and which big shot local executives typically dine there. Tell these stories at lunch to entertain your working mom. 3. Shop at Ann Taylor, Talbots or any career-oriented store f or women. Even second hand stores have designer clothes that may suit her.
Shop Prof lowers One Dozen Long St emmed Rainbow Roses $ 24 .9 8
Deluxe All t he Frills
$ 39 .9 8
Smiles and Sunshine
$ 29 .9 9
Mothers Day Activities f or The Fit Mom 1. Sign up f or a personal trainer session or a marathon, race or f itness walk to engage in alongside mom. You can f ind Mother’s Day races and marathons in nearly every large city. Find lots of Mothers Day Half Marathons here. 2. Af ter your workout, treat mom to lunch at an organic, f arm-to-table or vegan restaurant. 3. Schedule a post-workout Jacuzzi or massage f or you, mom and siblings.
A Dozen Hugs, a Dozen Kisses
$ 4 9 .9 8
Pot t ed Fragrant Gardenia
Mothers Day Activities f or The Single or Divorced Mom Who’s Looking f or Love . . . 1. Of all the Mother’s Day Activities writing an online dating prof ile may not have gotten to the top of your list. Hint: getting a draf t written up f irst and having her edit it with you may get the job done more ef f iciently. Otherwise, she may stall and eventually get out of it. 2. Go with mom to an over-50 or over-60 Mixer. Check out www.meetup.com to f ind singles groups that f ocus on mom’s hobby in her city. T here are 132 singles groups in Minneapolis, Minnesota alone! Volunteers, nerds, cocktail lovers, golf ers and many more all have groups in Minneapolis to f ind other like-minded unmarried “f riends.” 3. Buy mom the beautif ul f lowers she deserves.
$ 39 .9 9
Pot t ed Yellow Rose
$ 29 .9 9
Mothers Day Activities f or The Single or Divorced Mom Who’s Loving the Single Lif e! 1. Call this “T he Mother’s Day of Total Self -Actualization.” T he single-and-loving-it mom is f ree to do whatever crazy thing she wants to do whenever she wants to do it: adventure trips like river-raf ting, sky-diving or rock climbing f ill the bill. Too ambitious? How about backstage with the playwright, a lesson with a f avorite local chef or an adventure on horseback? If you don’t want to participate, at least chauf f er her to and f rom her X-games-like event. Even the f ree-wheeling single-mom will want you with her. 2. Introduce her to a genealogy website or research f amily history yourself a present her with a graphic f amily tree. She’ll love to know where she f its into the larger f amily picture. 3. Gif ts f or Mother’s Day f or a single mom could be a digital photo f rame with photos of many f amily members, extended and close: grandparents, cousins, uncles as well as children and grandchildren.
Related Articles Power of the Flower From decorating our homes to giving them as gifts, the versatility of flowers has made them a valuable part of our everyday lives. Did You Know? Interesting Flower Facts From treating a variety of ailments to producing the world's most expensive spices, throughout history flowers have proven they can do a lot more than just dresss up a room. 33
T his will help mom realize she’s surrounded by people. Also, the 2012 book Going Solo: the Extraordinary Rise and Suprising Appeal of Living Alone by NYU sociology prof essor Eric Klinenberg of f ers a well-researched and positive take on the single lif e.
Mothers Day Activities f or the Fashionista Mom 1. Arrange with a local department store f or a “personal shopper,” a clerk who will spend time with mom picking out clothes and alternatives. Stores currently of f ering this service f ree include: Nordstroms, Neiman Marcus, Macy’s, Bloomingdale’s and Saks Fif th Avenue. T here are also independent shoppers who patronize lower priced stores, but they are not af f iliated with the stores themselves. Find these Super Shoppers through the Association of Image Consultants International. It’s probably smart to ask each one you call about their pref erred store to see whether you mom appreciates those vendors as well. 2. Help mom go through her closet, tossing those outf its that are outdated and helping her coordinate new outf its. 3. Buy mom a season of Tim Gunn’s Bravo show Guide to Style or f ormer model Heidi Klum’s Project Runway. Watch a f ew episodes with her while chowing down on slimming, high-f iber popcorn!
Pricey Plants They’ve filled palaces and mansions throughout the world, and in some cases their beauty was considered more valuable than gold. The Tournament of Roses parade Flower History More than just accessories flowers have been used as medicine, to decorate palaces, and have even played a part in a battle or two.
Mothers Day Activities f or The Reading Mom 1. Find the biggest bookstore in your town or leave town to f ind the bookstore of her dreams down the f reeway and browse the aisles with her. Spend two hours if you have to. Keep some of these titles in mind while you’re there; they’ll make a nice gif t at the end of the day. Best Mothers Day books ever: Lef t Neglected by Lisa Genova; Founding Mothers by Cokie Roberts, Heartwood: A Novel by Belva Plain, Ladder of Years by Anne Tyler. But don’t f orget: f ascinating books about the worst mothers ever are f un too! Try T he Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls and T he Nanny Diaries by Emma McLaughlin and Nicola Kraus and make sure to tell mom that you recognize how wonderf ul she is in comparison to these maniacs. 2. Read together on the porch or lobby of a beautif ul hotel that you crash. Dress up a bit and you’ll f it right in. People watch and laugh when they look at you when conf used. 3. Find a book reading by a local author at a bookstore or library f or that evening. If nothing is available on Mother’s Day, organize your own book reading by having siblings and dad choose selections f rom mom’s f avorite books to read aloud to her bef ore/af ter lunch, brunch or dinner.
Mothers Day Activities f or The Foodie Mom 1. Depend on science to conf irm mom’s opinion that she has a sophisticated palette! In other words, measure the number of “papillae” or taste buds on mom’s tongue. To do this, you’ll need a white, donut-shaped, hole-punch protector, a magnif ying glass and green f ood coloring. Have mom put a dot of saf e green f ood coloring on her tongue. Have her place the hole punch protector on the green area. Using the magnif ying glass, count how many taste buds lie within the center of the hole punch protector. Under 15 taste buds and mom doesn’t have a “discerning palette.” 15 -30 taste buds ref lects that she’s an average taster. Over 30 taste buds and sure enough, mom has a “discerning palette,” qualif ying as a Super Taster! 2. Af ter the educational (and possibly comical adventure above), go with mom and other siblings to either a Farmer’s market to pick up the most f resh and best tasting local produce (possibly organic or at least pesticide f ree) or to a Farm-to-Table event, where a local restaurant prepares special dishes with ingredients f rom local f arms. To f ind one of these, simply perf orm a web search of “f armers markets” or “f arm to table” and your city. 3. Foodie presents f or Mother’s Day: herb garden kits f or her kitchen; premium salts, peppers and other spices. Exotic cheeses and unique kitchen implements.
Mothers Day Activities f or The Activist Mom 1. What’s her cause? Most likely, you already know. Go online and create a list of all of the organizations that support that cause. Type these up and present the list to her so she can get resources or join the conversation should the spirit so move her. 2. Arrange a membership in the local chapter of Amnesty International, the Sierra Club, People f or the Ethical Treatment of Animals or any other group. Determine where the interest group meets and of f er to attend the f irst f ew meetings with her. T his time commitment ref lects not only that you respect her passions, but how much her happiness means to you. 3. Go to Caf é Press to f ind stickers, t-shirts, tote bags, buttons mugs and more carrying the slogans of every activist group out there. If “Hug a Vegetarian” t-shirt isn’t her style, how about a “Free Tibet” phone case?
Mother’s Day Activities f or The Cooking Mom 1. As this mom likes, even LOVES to cook (and f eed), taking her out to lunch or brunch doesn’t quite cut the mustard. Perhaps better is to take her to a cooking lesson where she gets to work alongside an accomplished local chef , learning his or her secrets as dishes get prepared. High end
cooking supply stores, local libraries, hotels and restaurants of ten of f er culinary classes. Interested in going all out this year? Check out T he Culinary Institute of America or the Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts f or longer programs and even “chef ” certif ication. 2. Film mom making her f avorite recipes. Edit videos and create a YouTube video channel just f or her. Her recipes are recorded f or all time, all f amily members and maybe even some f ans! 3. Take mom to a f ood store that’s exotic. T here are still butcher shops and bakeries around. You can also try an Asian f ish market, a f armers market or a gourmet f ood store. Search online f or a Baldacci’s, Dean and DeLuca or an organic grocer. Ethnic markets are spreading to suburban areas, and it’s not unusual to f ind one that specializes in Italian, T hai, Indian, Japanese or South American ingredients. Mom could have a ball discussing spices with the clerks!
Mothers Day Activities f or The Outdoorsy Mom 1. Organize a picnic hike on a trail she’s never explored bef ore. Recruit f riends and f amily members to join you. Bring cameras, take photos and give mom a f ramed photo that says Mother’s Day 2012 on it. Write up an account of the adventure and seal it into the f rame with the photo. 2. Introduce her to a love of the outdoors she hasn’t explored yet: kayaking, birding, f lower hunting, geocaching, paddle-boarding, photography, caving, mountain biking, rock climbing, sailing and surf ing make up much of the list. Give her a list of local clubs and adventure services organized around these outdoor activities. Start with www.meetup.com to f ind a relevant group close to mom’s area. 3. Take mom to an outdoorsy store like L.L. Bean, REI or Capellas or Bass Pro Shops (which has more than bass!)
Mother’s Day Activities f or The Music Loving Mom 1. Burn a CD of pieces you think she’ll enjoy interspersed by your comments between the songs. T he comments can be memories, jokes or reasons why she’s a wonderf ul mom. Make this Mothers Day activity whole f amily style by including siblings and even dad. Ef f orts like these ref lect how much she means to you. Record your voice to your computer with 2. If musical mom has passed her genes onto you and your siblings, orchestrate a f amily concert f or her as a surprise. T his ef f ort should bring tears to her eyes as she recognizes how much inf luence she’s had on your lif e. 3. Get siblings, dad, f riends, aunts and grandmas to an outdoor concert in the beautif ul spring air. Check with your local symphony, big hotels and restaurants, smaller orchestras, churches, libraries and public parks to see what’s playing.
Mothers Day Activities f or The Ar tist Mom 1. Find a museum exhibit or a new art supply store she’ll love and go to it with her. 2. Give her time to paint, take photos or practice whatever art she loves by watching a younger child or doing some housework, grocery shopping or the laundry. Give her a computer generated coupon f or “4 f ree hours of artistic time.” 3. Introduce her to a f orm of art she may not have discovered yet: f loral radiography, electron microscopy, f ractal images are just a f ew.
Mothers Day Activities f or The Mom Who Fears Technology 1. Get these steps done ahead of time so she doesn’t f reak out: Pre-write her Facebook inf ormation page. Gather some digital photos that f latter her and have them in a handy f ile. Find some f orums and blogs she may enjoy participating in. Make a list of them and entice her with the prospect of talking to other gardenia growers, Chopin f reaks or Japanese cooks. Introduce her to YouTube and show her the f unny videos that ref lect her hobbies. Set a YouTube channel up f or her and show her how to create a list some of her f avorite videos. Help her learn to search YouTube f or inf ormation and entertainment. Sit with her and help her ask questions on f orums and comment on blogs. Buy a special notebook f illed with your instructions f or participating in Facebook, YouTube, f orums and blogs, along with the blog addresses of all. List the blogs she may enjoy reading. Leave this helpf ul notebook beside the computer! Leave blank pages at the back f or her questions that you’ll promise to answer. Show her how she can get a lot of answers without you simply by Googling the question.
No matter their personality dif f erences, all moms love and appreciate the ef f ort adult kids put into the day reserved f or them. But Mother’s Day brunch? “Been there; done that,” most likely. T he keys lie in planning ahead, recruiting help f rom dad, siblings and f riends and tailoring your activities to mom’s personality and hobbies. Use the ideas f or mom above to orchestrate a beautif ul day mom will never f orget. Happy Mother’s Day! 37
The Best Office Holiday Party Ideas Involve Creative Distraction
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It’s on you, Office Party Planner: unite the team and create company appreciation through the office holiday party. When this one key tip infuses all your office holiday party ideas, everyone has a blast. The Crucial First 20 Minutes: Distract Employees with Entertainment, Contests or Speakers Party attendees, whether at an office or private party, generally feel most anxious in the first 20 minutes. The issue underlying these jitters is always an uncertainty about what they have in common with others at the party and what to discuss. Even employees working together, despite common experiences, can struggle with what’s appropriate and inappropriate to say to co-workers.
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Giving them an immediate common experience that has nothing to do with work warms them up for the social interaction to come. Creating instant topics of conversation is one of the best office holiday party ideas we’ve come across! That immediate, common experience can be: A speaker, comedian or other entertainment for the first 20 – 30 minutes. While large companies can pay for a comedian or motivational speaker, smaller companies can certainly run a funny clip from a comedian or television show for employees. Give the resident techie the job of lining up NetFlix and running it at the appropriate time. A quick speech by a vice president, manager or company owner explaining why he or she chose the clip and how it relates to the company’s experience that year brings it all home. After Thanksgiving, Holiday Contests Extravaganza Some of the best office holiday party ideas include contests and prizes to winners. People just get cheerier around the holidays, except of course for the resident Scrooge. Hey, why not include that bah-humbug, too!
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santa-claus-trophy Biggest Christmas Grump: Giving this employee a Christmas Trophy for his or her ho-hum or unengaged behavior needs to be handled delicately. Make sure the employee has a solid sense of humor! Best Hanukkah, Christmas or Kwanzaa Decorated Cubicle. Easy enough. Who brought in the most lights, electric candles, ribbons and bows? If you have several talented decorators, you may need to order a few Christmas crystals ornaments to reward effort for several. With such low prices available on crystals and fun Christmas ribbons, many can win. Best Holiday Dressed/Worst Holiday Dressed. There’s a fine line between these two categories. Too much holiday bling can be a bad, bad thing. When holiday earrings, light-up necklaces and sweaters combine, sensory overload follows. But since its all in fun, ribbons can be distributed all around. Raffle. You’ve probably read that aligning with a charity creates goodwill for
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the company in your customer base. It does the same for your team. Alert employees that the company will hold a robust raffle at the office party, donating proceeds to a charity. Sending out a few emails in the six weeks before Christmas builds excitement about the event. After all, everyone wants to give back. Let everyone know the 5 -10 valuable prizes for winners ahead of time. Sell tickets every day after Thanksgiving and before your event. Display company ticket halves in a ribboned glass jar at reception to foment competition. Here’s where the best holiday office party ideas improve your party. Turn the raffle giveaway into a party event. Showcase the lavishly wrapped prizes at the front of the room. Pass around drinks and appetizers as someone draws the names from Santa’s hat or some other holiday-themed container. Distribute the prizes, blast the holiday music (another of the best office holiday party ideas) and then let the mingling begin! The prizes themselves are conversation starters. The Best Office Holiday Party Ideas and Prizes and at the Lowest Prices in the Industry Crown Awards helps deliver the fun your employees deserve at the holidays. The best office holiday party ideas involve prizes! Christmas trophies, medals, crystals and ribbons make sure there’s a focus for the fun. Call Crown today at 800-227-1557 to speak with one of our friendly representatives about multiplying the holiday spirit at your work place. We’ve helped many office managers, administrators and owners pick out the perfect awards and ribbons. Order online in minutes, too!
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Inspiration for Employee Anniversary Recognition No matter their level in a company, each employee should feel that their work is valued. The best bosses reward employees for their dedication and hard work in concrete and meaningful ways. There are however, superstars that take employee anniversary recognition the most seriously. The top three: Qualcomm, Philips Healthcare and Insight Global. Oracle, Time Warner Cable and Microsoft also made the list. These were recognized in 2013 by Career Bliss, a website that focuses only on employee happiness.
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What can businesses without such a high profile learn from these companies? Qualcomm’s Strategy for Employee Recognition Qualcomm delivers employee recognition quickly and regularly. In recent years, managers have rewarded 74% of its American workers with concrete recognition in the form of personalized thank you cards, trips to exotic locales, electronic gadgets and even cash awards. With a multi-tiered system, Qualcomm has inspired employees to consistently strive for bigger and better awards.
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It goes without saying that, particularly with today’s fluid workforce, employee anniversary recognition awards are a must. Awards for years one through five can consist of enamel pins, cash or gift card awards. Pins help employees feel their contributions are recognized and that they belong to a team. Recognition pins can be worn on purses, lapels and even placed in prominent areas in an employee’s cubicle or office. These serve as just part of the overall rewards package. Employee Anniversary Recognition – Zappos Style Zappos online shoe store is famous for creating revenues by inspiring their customer service team to sell, sell, sell! Their employee rewards systems turns on “zollars” or money they can spend on Zappos items. In a surprising turn, every employee has the right to award any other employee with “zollars” when they recognize exemplary customer service and work in general. In fact, every employee gets $600 “zollars” to distribute to cubicle neighbors and even supervisors. Talk about employee empowerment! While you may not quite be ready to cut checks to every employee, you can use their employee anniversary recognition strategy. Every new Zappos employee starts out with a paper license plate than hangs from the ceiling over their cubical. After their first year, paper changes to metal and then different stickers
December 20, 2013
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are used to signify each additional year of service. crystal-paperweight Similarly, you can invoke a program of increasingly improving symbols of an employee’s tenure at your company. These symbols show new employees which colleagues have been at the company the longest. Long-time employees get to enjoy concrete indication of their superiority. While, as recommended above, employee recognition awards can start with enamel pins, feel free to progress through the years by the value and heft. Acrylic employee recognition awards keep recognition within budget while making status clear all the same. Crystal paperweights—quality at a budget have room for company logo, employee name and more. Crystal awards, which can reach 18 inches tall, stand out on shelves in employee offices and homes, reflecting the highest level of recognition and gratitude. These are generally reserved for twenty year and above employee anniversary recognition. Find the Widest Variety of Employee Anniversary Recognition Awards at the Most Affordable Prices Rewarding loyal employees is as simple as a few clicks on a keyboard or a 2 minute phone call. Crown’s employee awards start at 99 cents and range all the way to an 18” crystal spire engraved with company logo and employee name engraved. Call Crown today at 800-227-1557 to speak with one of our friendly representatives about employee anniversary recognition ideas. We are happy to help you help employees feel valued. You can also “Like” us on Facebook to receive our stream of offers, great award ideas and more.
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Charity Sponsorship Awards Charities offer successful business owners and executives the opportunity to find meaning in helping those who have been less fortunate. Beyond the intangible benefits, providing these well-intentioned individuals with meaningful sponsorship awards makes a charity’s gratitude concrete. Plaques, trophies and crystals, typically displayed in offices, inspire and even ground business owners and executives during a stressful day’s work. Administrators can design sponsorship awards to most effectively convey their gratitude.
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Recent Corporate posts 3 Tips to Make Your Employee Recognition Events Meaningful Inspiration for Employee Anniversary Recognition A Crown Customer Service Week Celebration Corporate Award Presentations: Make Them Memorable Charity Sponsorship Awards
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Best Inscription Ideas for Sponsorship Awards All awards typically have the charity’s name and logo featured prominently at the top. The recipient’s name comes next, followed by an inscription expressing appreciation. To make your charity’s message meaningful, try to be as specific as possible as to how the donor contributed. Choose from these ideas to fashion your message: Because you cared, we thrived sponsorship-awards For keeping our clients housed/healthy/served For making our important work possible For bringing hope to so many For your boundless generosity In gratitude for your enduring support Thank you for your sponsorship Your contributions make all the difference For making all the difference For your years of sponsorship Thank you for keeping our doors open Thank you for making our _________________ (program/wing) possible In gratitude for your sacrifice For giving so many another chance
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The Right Sponsorship Awards for the Level of Donation Most charities have several levels of donation so that people of all budgets can be involved. Typically, the higher level of sponsorship, the more robust the sponsorship award. While there is no specific etiquette for this sensitive area, we recommend the following levels:
Beginning Donors: Plaques. Both versatile and affordable, acrylic plaques can be tailored to your brand’s colors and affixed with a laser version of your logo. Wooden plaques have a more traditional feel. Marbleized plaques convey a more classic approach and have an insert for 3-dimensional appeal. Sponsorship awards in the form of plaques fit every budget. Repeat, Low-Level Donors: Trophies. Where sports trophies have a fun appeal,
many trophies fit sponsorship awards more closely . . . given they have a classic style. Our Eclipse trophy for instance has a distinctive circular design with plenty of room for free engraving up to 40 letters. There are also cups, stars and bowls with the clean lines any business owner or executive would relish displaying in his or her office.
Mid-Level Donors: Acrylic Awards. With all kinds of shapes available, tailoring your acrylic sponsorship awards to your organization is a breeze. Motivate Your Sponsors with Meaningful Sponsorship Awards We all start out working to earn money and support our families. Once a sustainable standard of living is achieved, however, most keep working for more complex reasons. Sponsorship awards serve as a reminder of the importance of working for more than mere consumption. Recognizing donors with awards generates pride in both the charity and the donor. Call Crown today at 800-227-1557 to speak with one of our friendly representatives about how to genuinely reward sponsors for their dedication. You can also “Like� us on Facebook to receive our stream of offers, great award ideas and more.
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