2 minute read
Drink Water
Good health is a gift to be treasured and nurtured every day. TriVita joyfully shares these keys to helping you experience wellness: the essentials for physical, emotional and spiritual health.
PHYSICAL 1. Breathe Deeply 2. Drink Water 3. Sleep Peacefully 4. Eat Nutritiously 5. Enjoy Activity
EMOTIONAL 6. Give and Receive Love 7. Be Forgiving 8. Practice Gratitude 9. Develop Acceptance
SPIRITUAL 10. Develop a Relationship with God
Michael R. Ellison
Dear TriVita Member,
Thank you members! You are awesome! We just celebrated 22 years of TriVita service last month.
And this month, we are introducing a new product that we are so excited about! Super Greens Plus! And I have to say, super greens never tasted so good as our new Super Greens Plus! It dissolves so quickly and smoothly. This is a wow product! Supporting all nine body systems!
A plant-based nutritional supplement that is naturally flavored, paleo friendly, and vegan, which will support a variety of diets and
lifestyles. A variety of antioxidant ingredients such as pomegranate, moringa, raspberry, gogi berry, beet root, rose hips, and more.
Super Greens Plus!
So many other benefits such as adaptogenic herbs of Ashwagandha, Macca and Bacopa Monnieri too!
This product is a key support product especially in a time of stress, anxiety, and
worry that causes too many people to hit the carb snacks. Millions of Americans gained weight during the last year on comfort foods. Now power up! Feel more energy with a boost in your metabolism while boosting your immune system.
I close with one of my favorite passages in scripture, reminding me of the foods God said was good to eat. And God said, “I have given you every herb that yields seed which is on the face of all the earth and every tree whose fruit yields seed; to you it will be for food. I have given every green herb for food, and it was so!” Genesis:1:29
I also want you to know that when you call to place your order, our wellness consultants have been certified in the TriVita Coaching program developed at TriVita Clinic of Integrated Medicine. They are here to help you live with greater wellness!
My desire and prayer for you is that you live with greater wellness for the purpose for which you live.
Michael R. Ellison, Founder of TriVita