4 minute read
This Year I Will
This Year
I Will...
2023 is the year to make improvements in your life. At the least, this is your true intention. Each year you have stated, “This year I will…” We’ve all done it as a part of a New Year’s resolution. A New Year’s resolution is a tradition in which a person resolves to change an undesired trait or behavior, accomplish a personal goal, or otherwise improve their behavior. With the start of a new year, we pledge to do something to change our lives in a positive way. It’s a good thought. However, according to a 2016 study of the 41% of Americans who make New Year’s resolutions, only 9% feel they are successful in keeping them by the end of the year.1
There are many reasons why people make resolutions or set goals and there are just as many reasons why they are not successful. Reasons for setting goals could be because some people don’t feel good or have received an unfortunate message from their doctor. Others are ready for a genuine change because they have been inspired by reading an article (like this one) that sparks the desire for improvements. Why do people find it so difficult to change? We know that change would be beneficial but we also find it challenging to start as well as stay with the intended goal. Most people blame their failure to fulfill resolutions on a lack of time, resources, motivation, or a loss of enthusiasm after starting. Only about 16% of people are able to follow their resolutions, according to research.2 Most people do not believe in themselves or lack a sound support system. It may be that you know your “what” to change but you may struggle with your “why.” Why do you want to achieve this health goal? It may be that you want to be a better and healthier person for yourself, your family, your loved ones and you want to do the things that make you happy. We want that for you too. It doesn’t matter where the incentive comes from, it only matters that action is taken. Now is as good a time as any to get started. Achieving the goals you set for yourself can literally change your life.
One of the main reasons that people fall short or give up on their goals is because they have set an unattainable goal. Remember, baby steps, and then begin to add more one day, week, or month at a time.
We’ve Made it Simple for You. Check out 10 attainable steps to get you started on your wellness journey for 2023.
1. Cut out & hang your wellness guide on your refrigerator 2. Refer to the guide each day for 30-days 3. Take action! You can do this.
30-days of Wellness A Complete Guide for Your Wellness in the New Year Imagine what you could do if you felt better, had less pain and could move with ease. We are here to help you every step of the way. Life is what you make it. Make your life one of wellness and happiness.
• Take TriVita supplements daily • Hydrate with at least 32 oz of purified water per day • Remove one poor food choice from your diet • Get a minimum of 15 minutes of exercise every day • Practice at least one act of love, forgiveness, or gratitude daily • Daily prayer and meditation - Visit JustPrayIt.com • Schedule your complimentary WeCARE appointment • Schedule your annual physical and bloodwork • Choose a new book to read…and read it • Write a handwritten letter to a loved one
Here are Some Tips to Stay on Track:
• Believe in yourself - Discover your inner strength and say “I will” • Have a purpose - Your goal needs to be connected to a result or you won’t do it • There is no secret to success - It’s up to you. You can do it • Keep a journal - Make daily notes on your progress. It will help encourage you to keep going • Don’t treat a marathon like a sprint - Pace yourself. You don’t need to do everything at once. Small changes have a better chance of sticking with you • Be realistic - Know your limits and stay within them • Stay focused - Keep going • Reward yourself for small successes - Give yourself a pat on the back when appropriate
Call today and a TriVita Wellness Consultant can help you on your Wellness Journey!
1. New Year’s Resolution Statistics (2022 Updated) https://discoverhappyhabits. com › new-years-resolution… 2. https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/how-to/six-reasons-why-yournew-year-resolutions-dont-work/articleshow/88658576.cms