2 minute read
Just Pray It
We pray for you. We pray with you.
It’s always a good time to pray. A couple of years ago when we were experiencing a worldwide pandemic, TriVita Founder and CEO Michael Ellison thought that our members needed a prayer community where we could all gather to pray, ask for prayer and have access to prayers of others. He created Just Pray It as an online complimentary prayer space with resources to support our spiritual needs. The response was immediate and triumphant.
Realizing the need to keep Just Pray It going, Michael asked his daughter-inlaw Chelsea to help out and she agreed. VitaJournal sat down with Chelsea to talk about Just Pray It, how it serves our members and the plans going forward.
VITAJOURNAL: What are you hoping members will get out of Just Pray It?
CHELSEA: Steadfast faith, love and peace. The hope is that, like in 1 John 4:4, “for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world”. In 1 John 15:26, we are told, “He is the Helper.”
The world we are living in right now is a scary place. We need help and we need prayer. At JPI, you can submit prayer requests, pray for others, share in prayer with others, listen to worship music from Don Moen and access a 24/7/365 prayer library. You can also go there to rejoice and celebrate success with others. We pray with you and we pray for you.
VJ: How does Just Pray It fit in with the overall message of TriVita?
CHELSEA: Essential #1 - Develop a relationship with God. Sharing scriptures and prayers knowing that He will help us. VJ: What feedback or reaction have you received?
CHELSEA: We are growing steadily. We don’t have an exact count, but we average over 135,000 impressions a month on Pinterest. One of our posts went viral. Our CARE Center receives positive feedback from Members. Slow and steady growth. We’re committed to doing it and keeping it going.
VJ: What does it look like going forward with Just Pray It?
CHELSEA: Continue to serve. What if we let go of trepidation and became a movement of people who pray? What if we became people who picked up their bibles and prayed first? With technology today, we have the Scriptures at our fingertips. Lao Tzu said, “Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime.” Prayer is a gift we have to communicate with God, our creator, so wherever God takes this, that’s what we’re committed to.
Chelsea stays busy with their two young daughters and supporting her husband Luke who is Sr. VP of Supply Chain, Logistics & Distribution for TriVita, and she was honored to serve JPI’s mission on purpose.
“I love it. I can share it with my kids. I go to my Bible more often. I pray more often and it pours into our family. My hope is it encourages others as well. We are “fishers of men”. With God in our hearts, what shall we fear?”