Milestone 1: Concept, high-level plot, characters, context of show

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Milestone #1 Example General Idea Stamkos advertising is a digital advertising firm in St. Petersburg, Fl. Phil, the general manager likes to have an occasional drink at the local tavern. He is revered by his employees for being an outstanding manager. However throughout the years of success his drinking habits have gotten worse. This has led to less productivity, which in turn has made him start to commit tax fraud to keep his revenue high. Jacob, Phil’s account, oversees the company’s finance and has realized that the company’s financial activities aren’t matching up to the books. Jacob confronts Phil about this, at which time Phil admits to cooking the books and explains that everyone is making money and that no one will find out and offers Jacob money to keep it concealed. Jacob confides in his close friend Karen for decision making. Karen tells him he should take the bribe and keep his mouth shut. After a long thought process, Jacob decides to whistle blow.

General Concept Our target audience is the general workforce between ages twenty-three and forty. The setting is a large office in downtown St. Petersburg and the surrounding area. The concepts of target in this storyline is whistle blowing and ethical decision making. A whistle blower is an employee who discloses illegal or unethical conduct on the part of others in the organization. Ethical decision making has four basic approaches including utilitarian, moral rights, universal, and justice approaches. In our story Jacob is whistle blower and Phil is a manager that breaks the code of ethics. Jacob uses the company’s code of conduct, training, and communication to effect his decisions and behavior. Although Jacob is faced with many temptations to take the money and not say anything he stands his ground and makes the moral decision to go above Phil and correct the situation.

Milestone #1 Example Characters Phil: An outstading citizen, brings home a six figure income to his wife and two kids, provides to the community, highly likable, and has brought a great deal of profit to his company through his innovations

Jacob: Average white collar citizen, Phils account, a bit of a loner, follows all the rules, has a cat named Lisa, and has a crush on his good friend and neighbor

Karen: Jacob’s close friend and long-time neighbor

Sarah: Human resources representative

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