Website Translation- Globalizing e-Content In an increasingly competitive world, there is a growing need to stay ahead of the competition. This requires both business growth and an increased customer base. Factors which play an important role here is increased website traffic leading to more shipment orders, sales or conversions and a higher return of investment. To be at par with any business conglomerates requires a higher investment capacity and a broader customer base. In this globalized environment, the business tends to grow with proper localized and globalized solutions. Website globalization initiatives will take the industry through high-speed profit turnarounds, language consistency and cost savings. Expansion of ones business across geographical boundaries leads to managing a multilingual customer base. This demands that the clientele across the globe needs to have an access to the organizational website and thus, the need for website globalization. The process of website globalization relates to the translation of web content into a number of languages. A high quality, multilingual website guarantees an increase in the global presence on the Internet. Implementing the website translation process with a number of latest translation tools will make way for an enhanced consistency and streamlined process. Use of computer aided translation and translation memory tools enable version control and management in case of large projects. Maintaining a multilingual website, as well as updating every change in website content through all languages is a challenging task. The amount of content created and maintained across the enterprise for different initiatives is quite vast and with the growth of technology, and globalization, this only continues to grow each day. There are a number of solutions, which can be customized for domain-specific subjects and particular business goals, which help the enterprise translate and deliver this content to users worldwide in over 50 languages. Machine translation is a cost effective method, providing enterprises with large volumes of website translation within a short period of time, while also meeting the quality threshold defined by them. With the evolution of technology, the translation and publishing of multilingual web content could be easily customized and integrated with any third party applications. Enterprises which offer such language translation solutions not only bridge the multilingual communication gap both internally and externally, but also have a global support system to answer customer requests and queries. Real-time translation is vital to the publication process and content management and the website localization software must carry this feature. All these translation solutions work to increase the international network of the enterprises as well as provide ways for penetration into local markets.