GoArmyEd for Federal Tuition Assistance (FTA) State Tuition Assistance GI Bill
The Tuition Assistance (TA) program provides financial assistance for voluntary off-duty education programs in support of a Soldier's professional and personal self-development goals. TA is available for courses that are offered in the classroom or by distance learning. The courses must be offered by schools that are registered in GoArmyEd and are accredited by accrediting agencies that are recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.
In addition to degree programs, TA is available to Soldiers to complete a certificate program. However, TA will not be approved to complete credentials at the same or a lower educational level. TA is not authorized for programs beyond a master's degree.
All eligible Soldiers will request TA through GoArmyEd.
The Department of Defense (DoD) has directed a uniform TA fiscal policy across the military services. Per semester hour cap is $250 and the fiscal year ceiling is $4,500. The fiscal year runs 1 October though 30 September each year.
Authorized fees covered by TA are mandatory fees that are associated with an individual course enrollment. Non-refundable fees and fees that are not linked to individual course enrollments (e.g., application fees, graduation fees, university support fees, general activity fees) are not covered by TA.
If the Soldier wishes to take a class with a school that does not participate in the electronic GoArmyEd class schedule, a TA Request Authorization form must be completed in GoArmyEd. The TA Request Authorization will be routed to an Army Education Counselor to be reviewed and approved. Soldiers should allow extra time for this. If the TA Request Authorization is approved, the Soldier will be notified by email. Soldiers must print the approved TA Request Authorization form in GoArmyEd, provide it to the school and enroll directly with the school.
Soldiers must submit a signed TA Statement of Understanding (TA SOU) each year. Soldiers in the rank of E7 or above do not need their commander's signature. However, by signing this document they agree to the terms of this TA SOU. Soldiers in the rank of E6 or below must have their commander's signature. GoArmyEd will send a notice to students 90 days before the due date.
ALL Soldiers must request TA through www.GoArmyEd.com prior to the course start date or before the school’s late registration period.
TA is requested on a course-by-course basis. You must apply for every class, every semester if you want to receive FTA.
GoArmyEd will notify the Soldier whether the TA is approved or not. If the TA request is not approved, GoArmyEd will advise the Soldier of the reason and next steps.
Soldiers who do not successfully complete a class will be required to repay the TA.
Online application can be completed up to 60 days prior to course(s) start date
Online application must be completed prior to 14 days after course(s) start date
Soldier must monitor their GoArmyEd account and email associated with their account to ensure their requests have been approved
The following documents MUST be uploaded into a Soldier’s GoArmyEd account for classes to be approved: A Statement of Understanding (SOU), this needs to
be signed once a year to be valid. A Degree Pan this is valid unless a Soldier changes their program/degree. A Class Schedule for the classes they are applying for (every semester). A Cost Verification/Bill from the school (every semester).
To set up an account click on the “NEW USER” button
Instructional videos are available to assist you with the following processes performed in GoArmyEd. How to request tuition assistance through the Tuition Assistance Request process in GoArmyEd https://www.goarmyed.com/docs/videos/ta_request_process.wmv
How to upload a document in eFile https://www.goarmyed.com/docs/videos/efile.wmv
How to upload a Tuition Assistance Statement of Understanding document in eFile https://www.goarmyed.com/docs/videos/upload_sou.wmv
You can also access other Help Resources by selecting the yellow "Helpdesk" button located at the top right on the GoArmyEd homepage.
If you need assistance with your TA requests open a "Helpdesk" case my clicking on the button located at the top right on the GoArmyEd homepage. "Helpdesk" cases are routed to the SD ARNG Education Office to be resolved
If you are attending the following South Dakota Universities or Technical Schools you are also eligible for the State TA program which can reduce your cost by 50% of the “on campus” tuition rate Black Hills State University, Dakota State University,
Northern State University, South Dakota School of Mines & Technology, South Dakota State University, University of South Dakota . Lake Area Technical Institute, Mitchell Technical Institute,
Southeast Technical Institute, and Western Dakota Technical Institute
More details can be found in South Dakota Codified Law, CHAPTER 33-6, PRIVILEGES AND EXEMPTIONS OF GUARD MEMBERS
There is NO need to complete a separate application to apply for STATE TA IF you applied for FEDERAL TA at www.goarmyed.com
If you have extenuating circumstances in which you ONLY want to apply for STATE TA please contact the SD ARNG Education Office at ng.sd.sdarng.list.eso@mail.mil
All information about GI Bill programs and eligibility can be found at: http://gibill.va.gov/
How do you receive monthly GI Bill payments? Apply For Benefits Ask your “VA certifying official” at your school to complete an enrollment certification. The school official will send the enrollment certification to the appropriate VA Regional Processing Office. If you have basic eligibility for benefits, and your program or course is approved, VA will process your enrollment based on the dates and number of hours the school submits.
You may need to provide your “VA certifying official” with certain documents such as: DD 214s DD FORM 2384-1 (sometimes called your NOBE)
GI Bill Kicker contracts (if applicable) These documents can be obtained through your
AKO account via iPERMS at www.us.army.mil/ or https://iperms.hrc.army.mil/
You will NOT receive payment until you have verified your attendance EVERY month. Your enrollment can be verified starting on the last calendar day of the month by using the Web Automated Verification of Enrollment (WAVE) or by calling toll free 1-877-823-2378.
Always check with your “VA certifying official” because each school handles the GI Bill process differently. Some schools may make you fill out additional forms for every semester. It is in your best interest to contact them at the beginning of each semester to ensure your payments are not delayed.
If you have questions about you GI Bill benefits you can ask the VA online at https://gibill.custhelp.com/app/home or by calling 1-888-442-4551 (1 888 GI BILL 1) from 7AM - 7PM Central Time
Apply for Tuition Assistance at www.goarmyed.com and monitor my email and GoArmyEd account to ensure I have been approved for my TA requests
Apply for GI Bill at www.gibill.va.gov OR If I have used my GI Bill contact my school VA representative to make sure I am good to go for the next semester
Visit the SD National Guard Education Facebook page at www.facebook.com/SDNGEducation for “How to Guides” & videos that can help me apply for me education benefits
If I am having difficulty obtaining my education benefits I must contact my Unit
SD ARNG Education Office ng.sd.sdarng.list.eso@mail.mil www.facebook.com/SDNGEducation
http://issuu.com/sdngeducation/docs Useful Resources
ARNG GI Bill Support Team 1-866-628-5999 ng.robinson.ngb-arng-pec.mbx.arng-hrm-o-gi-bill@mail.mil GI Bill Call Center (VA staffed) 1-888-GIBILL-1 www.GIBILL.va.gov (info on GI Bill & other VA education benefits) www.GOARMYED.com (online applications for TA)