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SD Science Teacher Association Honors Steven Rokusek

The South Dakota Science Teachers Association (SDSTA) honored SDPB’s Education Specialist Steven “Science Steve” Rokusek with its 2019 Friend of Science Award during its annual conference in Huron in February.

As Education Specialist, Rokusek works to provide PBS and SDPB resources to South Dakota’s PreK-12 educators, routinely provides science teaching demonstrations at conferences and in-services throughout the state, and maintains close contact with teachers and others to build and navigate SDPB’s educational resources. “The SDSTA is an amazing organization of science educators dedicated to the advancement of science education in South Dakota,” says Rokusek. “I’m proud to be part of this remarkable group of educators and humbled that I’ve been selected for this award. I’ve always enjoyed science and have never considered science education as a ‘job.’ For me, it is a privilege to share my love of science with others.”
Thank you, SDSTA, and congratulations, Steve!