2014 Annual Report - Growing For Good

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Growing For Good A N N UA L R E P O RT 20 14

South Dakota is Growing for Good Wide open spaces. Hard-working people. Vibrant communities. This is where we live. This is where we grow.


Established in 1987, the South Dakota Community Foundation helps people reach their philanthropic goals and strengthens communities by working together. Charitable donations invested with us grow today, so they can continue doing good tomorrow. Donors receive the maximum tax benefit and investments grow tax free, so charitable gifts make the largest possible impact.

Photo Credit:

Our mission is to promote philanthropy, receive and administer charitable gifts, and carefully invest in a wide range of programs supporting the people of South Dakota.

Above (trees), Front cover (windmill): Christian Begeman Front cover (bike trail; shopping): SD Tourism

In other words, we’re in the growth business.


For Donors We simplify the charitable giving process with turnkey fund establishment and charitable gift management assistance.

Leadership Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Land Management Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 FUNDS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Fund Types. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 New Funds Established in 2014. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Fund List. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

For Advisors We work closely with professional advisors to connect their clients with the nonprofits who will uphold their legacy.

Agency Endowment Spotlight: South Dakota Education Access Foundation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

DONORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Donor Spotlight: Jack and Ruth Cannon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Donor List. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

GRANTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

For Nonprofits We support charitable and nonprofit organizations throughout the state with grants, endowment funds and related administrative support.

South Dakota Fund Grants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Community Innovation Grants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Grant Recipient Spotlight: Harmony South Dakota. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Foundation Grants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

COMMUNITIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 CSA Spotlight: Miller Area Community Foundation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

For Communities We help communities of all sizes achieve their goals through permanently endowed funds invested with the SDCF and managed by a local board of directors.

CSA Spotlight: First Interstate BancSystems Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

FINANCIALS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Investment Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Historical Financial Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Audited Financial Statements – Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

Board & Staff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

Table of Contents


Leadership Report The South Dakota Community Foundation has been growing since 1987. Each year, growth is our goal. We aim to grow the funds we manage and the opportunities we provide, so communities and organizations can flourish. We know growth is important to you, too. You have many opportunities to give, and we appreciate that you have partnered with us to invest your charitable dollars and help our state grow. We all share a desire to create a better future for those who call South Dakota home. As we reflect on what we accomplished together in 2014, this annual report will remind us of what South Dakotans are so excellent at doing – Growing for Good. Over lifetimes, people across our state are planting seeds of good, growing them and standing back to watch a harvest of positive change in their communities. The South Dakota Community Foundation helps South Dakotans achieve their philanthropic goals. We gather funds and grow money through careful investment, which yields a harvest of charitable gifts, year after year. As your partner, we want to share how our growth is impacting South Dakota. Here are a few 2014 highlights: • The number of individual contributions received was 11% higher, but the total dollars donated more than doubled over the previous year, totaling nearly $37 million! • Your generosity allowed us to award more than 1,400 grants totaling nearly $7.9 million to worthy recipients across South Dakota. • 52 new funds were created. • In its first year of existence, the Community Innovation Grant partnership with the Bush Foundation distributed $225,000 to 24 nonprofits. This year’s annual report theme also helps us announce a new program aimed at meeting the needs of our donors who are landowners. For the last 27 years, we have accepted gifts in many forms, including gifts of land and real estate. However, until now, our policies dictated that we sell any property gifted to the South Dakota Community Foundation. Now, through our new “Growing for Good” land management program, a donor can make a gift of land and allow the South Dakota Community Foundation to manage it. Then, for generations to come, charitable entities and causes the donor selects will benefit from the proceeds. South Dakotans have an opportunity to protect what they hold sacred, forever. Land can stay in production, stay on the tax rolls and continue to benefit the causes donors care about most. Growing for Good — It is what you do. It is what we do. And we look forward to working with you in 2015 to keep South Dakota thriving.

Jim Hart Board Chairman


Leadership Report

Stephanie Judson President

Our History The South Dakota Community Foundation (SDCF) began as a public, nonprofit corporation on November 11, 1987; part of the late Governor George S. Mickelson’s vision for South Dakota’s second century. To establish the SDCF, the McKnight Foundation and 3M Corporation issued a $5 million challenge grant to the state of South Dakota. The grant memorialized the life of South Dakota native William L. McKnight, a former CEO of the 3M Corporation and the founder of the McKnight Foundation. The state of South Dakota committed $2 million, and within twelve months, SDCF leadership raised the additional $3 million from private donors to fulfill the challenge grant. Today, the SDCF holds more than $227 million in total assets and manages over 700 endowed funds. With the continued generosity of South Dakotans and solid investment returns, the SDCF will continue to serve individuals, families and communities across the state for generations to come.

Growing for Good Land Management Program Allowing Real Estate to Benefit Nonprofits

Many South Dakotans have spent their entire lives growing crops to feed the world. They’ve put down deep roots in South Dakota’s soil. Now, with the help of the South Dakota Community Foundation, landowners can keep growing for good during their lifetimes and beyond by gifting land.

How it works for landowners: 1. Evaluate Tax Implications.

3. Produce in Perpetuity.

The land of many South Dakotans has a very low cost basis and selling it often generates significant capital gains tax. Gifting a portion of land to charitable interests through the SDCF allows you, as a landowner, to reduce or effectively eliminate capital gains and estate tax.

You’ve focused on yielding a harvest your entire life. By gifting land through the SDCF, that production, and your legacy, doesn’t end. Your land will continue to provide for others as proceeds from the sale of your land or annual net income benefits the charitable interests you and your family care about, forever.

2. Consider Gifting Options. The SDCF listens to your desires as a landowner before presenting philanthropic options that best meet your needs. Each donor’s situation is different, but several land gifting options exist, including: • Making an immediate or deferred gift of land. • Allowing the SDCF to sell your gift of land. The sale proceeds are added to your endowed fund and a percentage is distributed to charities annually. • Choosing the SDCF to hold and manage your gift of land. A portion of the land’s net income will be distributed to the nonprofits you recommend each year. • Retaining a life estate in land by gifting a piece of property but continuing to receive a stream of income off that property throughout your life.

PROGRAM BENEFITS • Tax deductions are maximized. • Capital gains tax is reduced or eliminated. • Local communities benefit through continued tax revenue and farm operations. • Charities of your choice receive perpetual support.

Growing for Good Land Management Program


Planting the Seeds of South Dakota’s Future Gifts that Keep Giving

Many South Dakotans want to give back to the communities that have helped them grow. The aim of the South Dakota Community Foundation is to provide trustworthy guidance to help you make a lasting impact in our state. We start by offering a variety of fund types, and we look forward to helping you find a fund type that will meet your charitable goals as an individual, family, community or nonprofit organization. When you establish a fund at the SDCF, the principal of your donation is invested. Each year, a percentage of your fund’s value is made available for distribution to charitable causes. As a result, your fund’s value grows and continues to impact South Dakotans for generations to come.

STEP 1: Select Your Seed. Determine a Gift Category. You can start a fund at the SDCF with a variety of assets.

Monetary Contributions



Planned Gifts

Insurance Proceeds

STEP 2: Sow the Seed. Choose a Fund Type.

STEP 3: Watch Good Grow. Start Your Fund.

Different fund types allow you to control how your dollars are distributed and what charitable causes will benefit. We offer seven fund types to customize your charitable gift.

Once you’ve decided on a fund type, we will prepare a fund agreement. After receiving the signed agreement, along with your generous contribution, we will establish your fund.

The SDCF would be happy to help you decide what fund type best meets your charitable goals. Call the SDCF at 800.888.1842 to set up a meeting.

Every year, the SDCF will allocate a portion of your total fund value for distribution and notify you of the amount available to support charitable causes. Our current distribution rate is 4.5% of the fund’s average fair market value.

You can view the full list of existing funds on pages 9–14 and online at SDCommunityFoundation.org/Funds.


Stocks & Bonds



Planting the Seeds of South Dakota’s Future

The SDCF completes all administrative work for your fund. We distribute quarterly fund statements, process fund contributions and grant disbursements and prepare IRS receipts for each donor. An annual audit is also performed.

Fund Types The SDCF is made up of more than 700 funds with total assets of over $227 million. Each fund type allows a donor to accomplish different goals. See which fund type best fits your charitable intentions. The percentages listed reflect the portion of total assets the fund type represents.

Agency Endowment Funds (28%) Established by a nonprofit to provide an ongoing revenue stream to support the organization. This type of fund allows organizations and their supporters to provide a long-term funding source. The South Dakota Education Access Foundation uses an agency endowment fund to help students across the state. See how on page 14.

Designated Funds (27%)

Community Savings Accounts (15%)

Benefit a specific charitable organization selected by the donor. With a designated fund, you can support organizations that are important to you for generations. Learn how Jack and Ruth Cannon used a designated fund to give back to the Rapid City community on pages 15–16.

Give community members a way to support basic needs and enhance the quality of life in their hometown for years to come. A local board of directors raises funds and distributes grants in the community. Learn more about Community Savings Accounts on pages 47–50.

Donor Advised Funds (12%)

South Dakota Fund (10%)

Allow donors maximum flexibility with their giving by recommending the nonprofit organizations that they care about most to receive grants each year. Donors can also name successor advisors to continue the giving tradition or designate the organizations they would like to receive benefits going forward.

Meets the diverse and vital needs of people across the state in the areas of education, health, human services, economic development and culture. Donors can establish a named fund within the South Dakota Fund to honor their family’s name forever. The SDCF Board of Directors selects grant recipients throughout the year based on a competitive grant selection process. See how a South Dakota Fund Grant is helping Harmony South Dakota on pages 37–38.

Scholarship Funds (7%)

Field of Interest Funds (1%)

Benefit South Dakota high school graduates pursuing higher education. As a scholarship fund holder, you’ll set the focus of the scholarship and application parameters. The SDCF will handle all the paperwork necessary to comply with federal regulations and issue the scholarship checks.

Benefit areas of interest, specific issues, populations or geographic areas. Donors can choose to support causes represented by existing field of interest funds or start their own. The SDCF Board of Directors awards the grants from these funds each year.

Fund Types


New Funds Established in 2014 JANUARY 1 – DECEMBER 31

In 2014, 52 new funds were created at the South Dakota Community Foundation to benefit charitable causes across the state. To learn more about any of our funds, visit SDCommunityFoundation.org/Funds and use our Find a Fund tool. Avera Community Benefits Fund To provide financial support to Avera Health and other charitable organizations. Ruth Sylvia Bayne Fund To provide financial support to charitable and nonprofit purposes at the recommendation of the donor. Belle Fourche School District Foundation Fund To provide financial support to Belle Fourche School District Foundation. Beresford Public Library Fund To provide financial support to Beresford Public Library. Boys & Girls Club of the Capital Area Fund To provide financial support to the Boys & Girls Club of the Capital Area as designated by the donor. Boys & Girls Club of the Missouri River Area Fund To provide financial support to the Boys & Girls Club of the Missouri River Area. Buffalo Foundation To provide financial support to programs of the Stanley County School District 57-1 as designated by the donor. Build Dakota Scholarship Fund To provide financial support to students entering high-need workforce programs at South Dakota technical institutes.

The Jafar and Zahra Karim Endowment Fund will benefit the Boys & Girls Club of the Capital Area.

John F. & Ruth D. Cannon Fund To provide financial support to Western South Dakota Catholic Foundation, South Dakota Children’s Home Society, Storybook Island, Black Hills Workshop Foundation, Black Hills Playhouse Foundation, Behavior Management Systems Endowment and the LaSalle Academy as designated by the donor. Christen Dakota Wesleyan Scholarship Fund To provide financial support to Huron area nursing students at Dakota Wesleyan University as designated by the donor.

Paul and Muffy Christen (center) present Feeding South Dakota Executive Director Matt Gassen with a $1 million gift along with SDCF President Stephanie Judson.




New Funds Established in 2014

Christen Feeding South Dakota Fund To provide financial support to Feeding South Dakota as designated by the donor. Christensen Family Fund To provide financial support to charitable and nonprofit purposes at the recommendation of the donor. Coss Family Miller Area Challenge Fund To provide a $100,000 matching challenge to the Miller Area Foundation. Daneville Heritage Association Fund To provide financial support to Daneville Heritage Association in Viborg, SD. Faulkton Area Foundation To provide financial support to charitable and nonprofit purposes in the Faulkton area at the recommendation of a local board of directors. Michael J. Fitzmaurice State Veterans Home Endowment Fund To provide financial support to the Fitzmaurice State Veterans Home in Hot Springs, SD as designated by the donor. The Frontier Fund To provide financial support to celebrate 125 years of South Dakota statehood. Hagen-Harvey Scholarship Fund To provide financial support to SD Native American graduates. Gaylord Hoftiezer Endowment Fund To provide financial support to Castlewood Historical Society. Gaylord Hoftiezer Memorial Scholarship Fund To provide financial support to graduates of Castlewood High School.

Marjorie Hoftiezer O’Brien Memorial Scholarship Fund To provide financial support to graduates of Castlewood High School. Gordon Horgen Memorial Scholarship Fund To provide financial support to graduates of Tripp County High School as recommended by the Tripp County Community Foundation Board of Directors. Kerry Lynn Horn Memorial Scholarship Fund To provide financial support to graduates of Gregory County pursuing a career in the field of medicine, preference will be given to students entering the nursing profession. Horton Holding, Inc. Charitable Giving Fund To provide financial support to charitable and nonprofit purposes at the recommendation of the donor. Hoven High School Fund To provide financial support to Hoven High School. Scott & Julia Jones Fund To provide financial support to charitable and nonprofit purposes as recommended by the South Dakota Community Foundation Board of Directors. Dr. Judson & Marilyn Mabee and Dr. Kate Birkenkamp Memorial Fund To provide financial support to charitable and nonprofit purposes at the recommendation of the donor. Matt & Stephanie Judson Family Fund To provide financial support to charitable and nonprofit purposes at the recommendation of the donor. Jafar & Zahra Karim Endowment Fund To provide financial support to the Boys & Girls Club of the Capital Area as designated by the donor. George & Elizabeth LaCompte Fund To provide financial support to Tripp County Historical Society and Immaculate Conception Church of Winner, SD as designated by the donor. Clark Larson Memorial Scholarship Fund To provide financial support to graduates of Langford High School who participated in athletics. Leadership South Dakota Fund To provide financial support to Leadership South Dakota. Paul Madison Family Foundation To provide financial support to charitable and nonprofit organizations as recommended by the donor. Meier - Della Vecchia Musical Performance Fund To provide financial support to singers and musicians in later stages of development for career preparation.

The South Dakota Ag and Rural Leadership Class VIII gathered for a seminar in Pierre.

Delores Miller Student Support Fund To provide support to Capital University Center (CUC) students. Milltown Cemetery Fund To provide financial support to Milltown Cemetery as designated by the donor. Coach Russ Morrell Memorial Scholarship Fund To provide financial support in assisting aspiring South Dakota students in their efforts to achieve degrees from institutions of higher learning. Dean Nachtigall Memorial Fund To provide financial support to charitable and nonprofit purposes at the recommendation of the donor. John & Betty Niemi Scholarship Fund To provide financial support to graduates of Harding County High School. North Brown Community Foundation To provide financial support to charitable and nonprofit purposes in the Frederick area at the recommendation of a local board of directors. Harlan & Evelyn Olson Family Scholarship Fund To provide financial support to graduates of Parker High School. John T. & Penny L. Porter Family Fund To provide financial support to charitable and nonprofit purposes at the recommendation of the donor. Seppala Family Scholarship Fund To provide financial support to graduates of Castlewood High School. Chris & Gene Smith “Get an Education” Memorial Fund To provide financial support to graduates who reside in Hand County.

South Dakota Ag & Rural Leadership Legacy Fund To provide financial support to the South Dakota Ag & Rural Leadership program as designated by the donor. South Dakota Conservation Fund To provide funding for conservation programs in South Dakota, especially for the improvement of pheasant habitat as designated by the Conservation Fund Board of Directors. Teach for America Foundation To provide financial support to Teach for America program in South Dakota as designated by the donor. Trail of Governors Endowment Fund To provide financial support for maintenance of the Trail of Governors statues located in Pierre, SD. Tripp County Water User District - Martin & Mary Jorgensen Scholarship Fund To provide financial support to graduates of Tripp County High School as recommended by the Tripp County Community Foundation Board of Directors. Trust for the Future Fund To provide financial support to charitable and nonprofit purposes as recommended by the South Dakota Community Foundation Board of Directors. Webster Area School Foundation To provide financial support to Webster Area School District 18-5. Willow Lake Public Garden & Arboretum Fund To provide financial support to the Willow Lake Public Botanic Garden and Arboretum project.

New Funds Established in 2014


2014 Fund List

Virginia C. Barry Family Fund Ruth Sylvia Bayne Fund Belle Fourche School District Foundation Fund Bennett County High School Scholarship Fund Anderson Scholarship Fund Cozad Scholarship Fund Knight I Scholarship Fund-Bennett County Knight II Scholarship Fund-Bennett County June Anderson Sommer and Robert Sommer Scholarship Fund Sullens I Scholarship Fund-Bennett County Sullens II Scholarship Fund-Bennett County


Abbott House Foundation Aberdeen Area Community Foundation Rodney & Glenna Fouberg Family - Northern State University Fund Rodney & Glenna Fouberg Family - Presentation College Fund Hospital Patient Transportation Fund

Thomas C. & Patricia A. Adam Family Fund John A. “Jack” & Marcella C. Adams Fund AIA South Dakota Scholarship Fund Alcester Community Foundation

Opie R. Benson and Helen A. Benson Community Improvement Foundation Harold & Sissel Berdal Family Fund Beresford Community Foundation

Watchdog Education Foundation Shanna Rae Christensen Memorial Scholarship Fund

Delmer Stene Memorial Fund

ALM Fund Alpena Community Foundation American Baptist Churches of the Dakotas Fund Loren J. Ammann Foundation Sidney E. & Edis J. Anderson Perpetuity of Beauty Fund ARC South Dakota Fund Armour Community Foundation John Around Him Scholarship Fund Associated General Contractors of South Dakota, Inc. Building Chapter Fund Aurora County Historical Acquisition & Preservation Fund

Miller Family Homestead Fund

Ken Austin Memorial Education Fund Avera Community Benefits Fund Avon Community Foundation B

David & Wally Baas Memorial Fund David & Wally Baas Memorial Scholarship Fund Reuben & Marlowe Bareis Family Fund Virginia C. Barry Book of Golden Memories Fund 9



Beresford Public Library Fund Bethany Cemetery of Hosmer, SD Fund Virginia McKnight Binger Memorial Fund Charles Bingham Memorial Scholarship Fund Marlin Bjerke Memorial Scholarship Fund Timothy & Carol Kay Bjorkman Foundation Blooming Valley Cemetery Fund Booth Society, Inc. Fund Elliott & Eileen Bouchie Scholarship Fund Boulton Family World War II Memorial Fund Boy Scout Troop #133 Fund Tom Merrill Leadership Fund

Boys & Girls Club Corporation Fund Boys & Girls Club of Brookings Fund Boys & Girls Club of Moody County Fund Boys & Girls Club of the Capital Area Fund Boys & Girls Club of the Missouri River Area Fund Boys & Girls Club of Yankton Fund Audrey Brevik Memorial Scholarship Fund

2014 Fund List

Bridgewater-Emery School Foundation Britton Area Foundation

Bertha Gronseth Pool Fund

Britton Public Library Fund Britton-Hecla School Foundation

Britton PTA Scholarship Fund Britton Student Council Scholarship Fund Britton-Hecla High School Scholarship Fund Anna Bushby Scholarship Fund Philip & Gladys (Haverly) Doyle Scholarship Fund Farrar Family Scholarship Fund Dena Kilker Scholarship Fund

Alfred & Julia Bucher Education Trust Fund Buffalo Foundation Build Dakota Scholarship Endowment Build Dakota Scholarship Program Burke Community Memorial Hospital Fund Burke School District Scholarships Burke High School Class of 1963 Fund Jon Glover Memorial Scholarship Fund Hampl Scholarship Fund Mr. & Mrs. August Steffen Sr. Scholarship Fund

Bush Foundation Fund John P. Bushfield Scouting Fund Butler Cemetery Foundation C

Calvary Lutheran Church Fund-Irene, SD Canistota Community Foundation Canistota School Foundation John F. & Ruth D. Cannon Fund Canton Public Schools K-12 Foundation Glen T. & Anna May Carlis Family Fund CASA of the Northern Hills Fund Castlewood Education Foundation Endowment Fund Gaylord Hoftiezer Memorial Scholarship Fund Marjorie Hoftiezer O’Brien Memorial Scholarship Fund Roxann Bruinsma Kemink Memorial Scholarship Fund

Castlewood Historical Society Fund Gaylord Hoftiezer Endowment Fund

Centerville Foundation

Richard & Edith Lindvall Scholarship Fund

Children’s Care Hospital & School Fund Children’s Home Society Fund Children’s Home SocietyChild Advocacy Center of the Black Hills Fund Children’s Home SocietyChild’s Voice Fund

Children’s Museum of South Dakota Fund Christen Dakota Wesleyan Scholarship Fund Christen Feeding South Dakota Fund Christen Hohm Lusk Greater Huron Area Foundation

Ken & Lois Borecky FundFirst United Methodist of Huron Foundation Ken & Lois Borecky FundHuron Area Senior Center Ken & Lois Borecky FundNational Jewish Center for Immunology Ken & Lois Borecky Fund-Nyoda Girl Scouts-Huron Chapter Ken & Lois Borecky FundSalvation Army Foundation Ken & Lois Borecky FundSD 4-H Foundation Ken & Lois Borecky FundSioux Council BSA Camping Endowment Ken & Lois Borecky FundUnited Way of Huron Paul & Carol Hohm Fund Huron Little League Baseball Fund Spirit of Dakota Fund

Paul & Muffy Christen Legacy Fund Christensen Family Fund Dale & Diane Christensen Fund Bernie & Sally Christenson Family Fund Russ & Marilyn Christiansen Family Fund Citibank (South Dakota) N.A. Fund Clark High School Class of 1953 Scholarship Fund Clay-Union Foundation Fund Congregational Cemetery Maintenance Fund Major General Duane L. ‘Duke’ Corning Scholarship Fund Corsica Area Foundation Hoekstra Beukelman Scholarship Fund Priscilla Club Library Fund

CorTrust Bank ALM Community Foundation

Coss Family Foundation

Coss Family Scholarship Fund

Coss Family Miller Area Challenge Fund Coteau Prairie Chapter Pheasants Forever Scholarship Fund Fred & Luella Cozad Fund Cozard Memorial Library Fund Crazy Horse Centennial Fund Cribs for Kids, South Dakota Fund Clay & Karen Cudmore Fund Custer County Library Foundation Fund Alden Cutler Scholarship Fund Richard “Rich” and Sharon Cutler Family Fund D

Lloyd E. Dahley Fund

Anne Carlsen Center for Children Fund Children’s Care - Lloyd Dahley Fund Jamestown College Fund Village Family Service Center Fund

Lloyd E. Dahley Scholarship Fund

Lloyd E. Dahley Scholarship Fund-Britton Lloyd E. Dahley Scholarship Fund-James Valley Christian School

Dakotafire Fund Dakota Discovery Endowment Fund

Leland D. & Josephine A. Case Memorial Fund

Dakota Resources Fund Dakota State Bank Blunt Area Foundation Dakota Wesleyan University - Kelley Center for Entrepreneurship Fund Daneville Heritage Association Fund Stephanie Miller Davis Memorial Fund Helen Davis Memorial Scholarship Fund Day County Arts Council Fund Day County Community Foundation Bill & Rosanne Bisgard Family Fund Day County Legacy Fund Dennis L. Dolney Scholarship Fund Harry & Denice Knapp Family Fund Roger & Kathryn Sannes Family Fund

Deadwood Days of 76 Museum, Inc. Fund

Deadwood Days of 76, Inc. Fund Bob & Marlene Deal Memorial Scholarship Fund Dr. Roscoe E. Dean, Jr. & Helen Hoy Dean Memorial Fund John Deppe’s Lower James RC&D Memorial Fund Deuel County Community Foundation Deuel Public School Foundation Sarah N. Dipity Fund Robert Disburg Memorial Scholarship Fund Roland Dolly Loyalty Scholarship Fund Dollywood FoundationReliance Douglas Patriot Foundation Fund Dove Endowment Fund Glenn & Kathryn Duncan Scholarship Fund Clinton W. Dykstra Scholarship Fund Darlene J. Dykstra Scholarship Fund E

William H. Edwards Scouting Fund Employees of Community Memorial Hospital, Inc. Fund Emily & Robert Entwisle Family Fund Jeffory A. & Linda G. Erickson Family Fund Bob & Marcia Erickson Foundation Ty Eschenbaum Foundation Estelline Alumni Association Beckman Fund Estelline Alumni Association Scholarship Fund

Estelline Alumni Gail Harrenga Memorial Scholarship Fund

Estelline Community Foundation Eureka Community Foundation

Eureka Banner Settlement Fund

Perry & Doreen Evans Scholarship Fund Excellence in Economic Development Fund F

Fairy Godmother’s Fund Farmers Weather Corporation, Inc. Fund Farrar Family Community Development Fund

Frank & Patricia Farrar Family Fund Faulkton Area Foundation Feeding South Dakota Fund Fellowship of Christian Athletes Fund First Fidelity Bank & Bonesteel Community Foundation First Fidelity Bank & Burke Community Foundation First Fidelity Bank & Gregory Community Foundation Gregory Youth Activities Fund

First Fidelity Bank & Jones County Community Foundation First Fidelity Bank & Platte Area Foundation

Thomas & Maxine Bischke Scholarship Fund Clarence & Bettye Mason Family Fund Ralph & Frances Mitchell Fund Platte Health Center Fund

First Fidelity Bank & Tripp County Community Foundation

Antes Family Memorial Scholarship Fund Grossenburg Family & Employees Fund Grossenburg Family Pink Posse Fund Gordon Horgen Memorial Scholarship Fund Donald & Fern Jorgensen Scholarship Fund George & Elizabeth LaCompte Fund Matousek Family Fund Ray & Grace Neyens Family Scholarship Fund James & Lawrence Neyens Scholarship Fund Pauli Family Memorial Fund Harold E. Smith Scholarship Fund Tripp County Water User District - Lawrence Wagner Scholarship Fund Tripp County Water User District - Martin & Mary Jorgensen Scholarship Fund Winner Class of 1974 Scholarship Fund Winner High School Class of 1953 Alumni Fund

First Interstate Custer Area Fund First Interstate Fall River Area Fund First Interstate Greater Belle Fourche Fund Belle Fourche Banner Settlement Fund

First Interstate Greater Sturgis Area Fund First Interstate Greater Wall Area Fund

First Interstate LeadDeadwood Area Fund Fish Culture Section Hall of Fame Fund Bill & Mary Fisher Scholarship Fund-Edgemont Bill & Mary Fisher Scholarship Fund-Hot Springs Bill & Mary Fisher Scholarship Fund-Oelrichs Michael J. Fitzmaurice State Veterans Home Endowment Fund Five Counties Endowment Fund Florence Women in Action Fund Frank Fools Crow Scholarship Fund Clarence & Ruth Forman Family Scholarship Fund Freeman Community Foundation Freeman Memorial Fund Ruth D. Frick Ames Fund Friedens-Heinz Cemetery Fund Friends of Northern Hills Training Center Fund Friends of SD Public Broadcasting Fund The Frontier Fund Frank F. Fukuda Fund Virgil (Bill) Fulwider Family Fund G

Garden City Cemetery Fund Adeline Gassen Fund Gettysburg Area Community Foundation Gettysburg High School Educational Foundation Girl Scouts of the Black Hills Council, Inc. Fund Goldcorp-Wharf Sustainable Prosperity Fund Governor’s Residence Support Fund Granary Rural Cultural Center Fund Greater Clark Area Foundation Dale Peckham Memorial Award Fund

Greater Lyman Foundation Greater Lyman Scholarship Fund Greater South Dakota Education & Research Foundation

2014 Fund List


G, continued

Greater Sturgis Lifecare Foundation

Rural Meade Emergency Services Fund

Gregory Area Health Care System Fund Gregory County Child Protection Team Scholarship Fund Gregory Masonic Lodge #158 Scholarship Fund John & Elsie Griffin Memorial Fund William Mibra & Byrne Smith Griffith Foundation - Huron Area William Mibra & Byrne Smith Griffith Foundation- SDSU Fund Gary & Connie Grittner Fund Grossenburg Implement & Employees 4-H Support Fund Haakon and Jackson Counties Grossenburg Implement & Employees 4-H Support Fund - Hughes & Stanley Counties Groton High School Class of 1969 Scholarship Fund GROW South Dakota Foundation Harvey Gunderson Memorial Scholarship Fund Wayne & Jacque Gustafson Family Fund Wayne & Jacque Gustafson Family Fund-Make A Wish Foundation Wayne & Jacque Gustafson Family Fund-Sioux YMCA-Dupree


Haakon County Public Library Fund Hagen-Harvey Scholarship Fund Hollis “Curley” & Rose Haisch Charitable Endowment Fund Alfred A. Halsted Educational & Scholarship Fund Noel & Janet Hamiel Family Fund Cyril Hastings Memorial Scholarship Fund Hayti Community Foundation Heartland Area United Way Fund Ray & Lillian Hebert Scholarship Fund Bonesteel/Fairfax Ray & Lillian Hebert Scholarship Fund - Burke John and Cora Heckenlaible Family Fund




Helmuth Hoff Scholarship Fund Herreid Community Foundation

Clayton C. Wiest, Professor Emeritus, AD 2001

Elton & Willetta Hess Endowment Fund Willetta Holt Hess Endowment Fund Hetland and Old Nordland Cemeteries Support Fund Dick & Pat Hicks Youth with Disabilities Leadership Activities Scholarship Fund Highway 10 Fund Hill City Scholarship Foundation Fund RAC Scholarship Fund

Craig M. Hilton Memorial Scholarship Fund Hinrichs Family Scholarship Fund Hippen Family Fund Historic Arnolds Park Inc. Fund Hoch Drug Foundation Blake & Marcia Hoffman Family Fund Harley & Sharlene Hoffman Family Fund Curtis Marvin Hohn Endowment Fund Boyd & Dody Hopkins Family Foundation Kerry Lynn Horn Memorial Scholarship Fund Horton Holding, Inc. Charitable Giving Fund Hoven Community Foundation Leo & Rose Arbach Memorial Fund Louie & Barb Brickner Memorial Fund William, Alice & Evelyn Rausch Family Memorial Fund

Hoven High School Fund Delyle L. Huber Memorial Fund Mike, Cindy & Kylie Huether Family Fund Clinton, Dorothy & Elaine Hurlbut Foundation Huron Community Foundation Huron Event Center Endowment Fund Wheeler Family Fund

Huron Hockey Association Fund Huron University Foundation Huron Youth Advisory Council Fund

2014 Fund List


Ipswich Area Foundation Bloemendaal-Williams Foundation

Irene Area Community Foundation

Morris & Kim Petersen Memorial Fund Sherman & Kimiko Petersen Promise Fund

Iroquois-Carthage Area Community Foundation J

Merlin & Almeta Jacobsen Memorial Fund Governor William J. Janklow Memorial Fund Wilfred Jaspers Scholarship Fund Ron & Jean Jennings Scholarship Fund James Howard Jenssen Memorial Scholarship Fund Jerauld County Heritage Center Support Fund G.A. & Pearl Ann Johnson Memorial Scholarship Fund G.A. & Pearl Ann Johnson Memorial Scholarship Fund-Ft. Pierre G.A. & Pearl Ann Johnson Memorial Scholarship Fund-Montrose G.A. & Pearl Ann Johnson Memorial Scholarship Fund-Pierre

Johnson Motor Co. - Howard B. Johnson Scholarship Fund Anna Nelson Johnson Scholarship Fund Scott & Julia Jones Fund Evelyn Jones Scholarship Fund Richard Joy Family Fund Richard Joy Fund Dr. Judson & Marilyn Mabee and Dr. Kate Birkenkamp Memorial Fund Matt & Stephanie Judson Family Fund K

Bill Kadoun Scholarship Fund Jafar & Zahra Karim Endowment Fund Wilma L. Kegler Unrestricted Fund Kilian Community College Fund Kiwanis Club of Pierre and Ft. Pierre Foundation Klein Foundation Fund Calvin & Bernice Anderson Fund

Knight Foundation David Kranz - Argus Leader Media Journalism Scholarship Fund Marty Kranz Memorial Scholarship Fund Evelyn C. Kuhrt Exemplary Educator Award Fund Bill & Evelyn Kuhrt Scholarship Fund L

Gertrude Lampe Fund

Lampe-Dakota Land Museum Lampe-Grace Episcopal Church Lampe-Salvation Army Lampe-YWCA

Lamport Family Foundation Langford Area Community Foundation Clark Larson Memorial Scholarship Fund

Langford Scholarship Fund Larson Discretionary Fund Larson Family Foundation Childcare Fund - United Retirement Center Larson Foundation Advised Fund Leadership South Dakota Fund Lucille McCright Leischner Scholarship Fund Lemmon Area Foundation Lewis & Clark Children’s Assistance Fund Bruce H. Lien Emerging Artist Fund Bruce H. & Deanna Lien Endowment Fund Bruce H. & Deanna Lien Scholarship Fund Norman & Irene Lien Memorial Scholarship Fund - Corsica Norman & Irene Lien Memorial Scholarship Fund - Platte-Geddes Chuck Lien Military Affairs Fund Lillibridge Family Community Support Fund John & Linda Lillibridge Family Fund Tom & Cindy Lillibridge Family Fund Milton & Leona Lindell Scholarship Fund Living Word Fund Evelyn & Bill Lohmann Conservation Fund WM Looby Bennett County Scholarship Fund

Douglas & Marlys Luebke Family Scholarship Fund Jim & Vicki Lust First Foundation Lyle Signs Inc. Scholarship Fund Lyman County Historical Society Fund M

Madison Central School Educational Foundation Fund Madison Central School Educational Foundation Scholarship Fund Dennis Hegg Memorial Scholarship Fund Norm Johnson Educator Endowment Fund

Paul Madison Family Foundation Darren R. Mallow Fund Francis T. Malone Scholarship Fund Marsh Family Advised Fund Marsh Family Scholarship Fund Marles G. Lea Marshall County Ambulance Support Fund Martin Cemetery Association Fund Martin Community Foundation McCrossan Boys Ranch “Sponsor a Child” Fund Meier - Della Vecchia Musical Performance Fund Mellette County Community Foundation Mellette County Grossenburg Family Fund

Pat Mendel Memorial Fund Jason Mendel Memorial Scholarship Fund Norm & Margo Meriweather Veterinarian Scholarship Fund Duane Mertes Memorial Pheasant Restoration Fund Brian Meyer Memorial Scholarship Fund Mickelson Family Fund Governor George S. Mickelson Leadership Endowment Fund Midland Community Foundation Midland Community Scholarship Fund Miller Area Foundation Ray & Grace Dearborn Hand County Youth Development Fund Miller Class of 1952 Fund

Delores Miller Student Support Fund Milltown Cemetery Fund

Mitchell Area Charitable Foundation Endowed Fund Mitchell Area Community Theatre Fund

Mitchell Christian Education Association Endowment Fund Mitchell Elks Lodge #1059 Fund Mitchell Technical Institute Foundation Fund Montrose Area Foundation Montrose Area Scholarship Fund

Morgan-Naslund Fund Fred S. Morgen Scholarship Fund Coach Russ Morrell Memorial Scholarship Fund Mt. Pleasant Cemetery Fund-Artesian, SD James & Gertrude Mueller Jones County Scholarship Fund Judge F. E. Mullen Scholarship Fund Murdo Cemetery Association Fund Lillian Myers Memorial Fund N

Dean Nachtigall Memorial Fund Donald Naddy Fund Eleanor Naddy Fund NAMI South Dakota Fund NAMI South Dakota - Ken Heeren Memorial Fund NAMI South Dakota Mark Knecht Fund

National Music Museum, Inc. Fund Native American Education Fund Jack Nelson Memorial Scholarship Fund Margaret “Maggie” Nelson/ Bertha & Francis Moran Memorial Scholarship Fund Mattie Newcombe/ Maynard Newcombe Fund Joseph N. Nicollet Tower and Interpretive Center Fund John & Betty Niemi Scholarship Fund Jerome & Juanita Nolz/Deuel Faculty Scholarship Fund Nordby Family Fund Ronald Noren Memorial Fund North Brown Community Foundation Northwestern Community Foundation Norway Lutheran Church & Cemetery Fund


OEF/OIF Operation New Dawn Fallen Heroes of South Dakota Fund Oglala Lakota College Calvin Jumping Bull Scholarship Fund Melvin ‘Bud’ & Jo Ohlson Scholarship Fund Harlan & Evelyn Olson Family Scholarship Fund Larry Owen Memorial Fund Howard & Elaine Owens Fund P

Dr. Lynn Merton Paege Charitable Fund Parker Area Community Foundation Parks & Wildlife Foundation’s, Adams Nature Preserve Fund Parkston Area Foundation Darrell D. Simmons Scholarship Fund

Sherman Parrott Fund George & Ellen Penn, Earl & Lempi Penn, & Audrey Penn Anderson Scholarship Fund George & Ellen Penn, Earl & Lempi Penn, & Dave & Bev Penn Scholarship Fund Jerald W. Peterson Memorial Scholarship Fund Jerald W. Peterson Stanley County High School Scholarship Fund Pierre/Ft. Pierre Area Community Foundation Pierre/Ft. Pierre Youth Philanthropy Fund

Rebecca Christen Pohlad Fund Pollock Community Foundation Glenn & Elaine Pommer Scholarship Fund John T. & Penny L. Porter Family Fund Prairie Futures Fund Producers Beef Bank, Inc. Professional Soil Scientists Association of South Dakota Fund Q

Donald & Monica Qualm Scholarship Fund R

Kathryn Christen Mitchell Ramstad Foundation Martha Rankin Scholarship Fund Rasmussen Family Fund

Ravinia School Memorial Alumni Fund Ron Reed Memorial Fund David C. Reetz Scholarship Fund Donald C. Reetz Scholarship Fund Rice Memorial Scholarship Fund Riter Family Fund Godfrey Roberts Hockey Support Fund James & Zelda Ruddy Foundation S

Salem Area Foundation

Salem Pool Fund Scheier Family Scholarship Fund John Stiefvater Memorial Scholarship Fund

Sanborn Central Foundation Linda LaFave Sandau S.B.H.S. Class of 1988 Scholarship Fund Kristine H. Sanders Scholarship Fund Sandvig Family Fund Donald C. Sattler Fund Sattler Wildlife Fund Hugh K. & Margaret S. Schilling Family Fund Dr. James C. Schmulbach Memorial Scholarship Fund Laska Schoenfelder Memorial Scholarship Fund Schoenhard Community Foundation Schwanke Family Scholarship Fund Scotland Area Foundation Scoular Family Fund SDTA Memorial Scholarship Fund Seljeskog Family Fund Seppala Family Scholarship Fund Jerome A. Serocki Memorial Scholarship Fund SESDAC Foundation Byron Bymers Memorial Fund

Shakespeare Garden Society Endowment Fund Paul & Ann Sigelman Fund Donald Clyde Simmons Family Foundation Sioux Council Boy Scouts of America Fund Sioux YMCA Foundation Fund Sisseton Area Foundation Six Points, Inc. - Cheyenne River Youth Project Fund 2014 Fund List


S, continued

Smart Software Solutions, Inc. Scholarship Fund Chris & Gene Smith “Get an Education” Memorial Fund South Dakota 125th Celebration Fund South Dakota Ag & Rural Leadership Legacy Fund South Dakota American Legion Foundation South Dakota Auto Dealers Association Fund South Dakota Bar Foundation South Dakota Beadle Club Foundation South Dakota Bureau of Administration Memorial Maintenance Fund South Dakota CASA Association Fund South Dakota Chiropractic Foundation South Dakota Coaches Foundation

South Dakota Library Fund South Dakota Lions Eye Bank, Inc. Fund South Dakota National Guard Minuteman Fund South Dakota Network Against Family Violence & Sexual Assault Fund South Dakota Newspaper Foundation Fund South Dakota Nurses Foundation

South Dakota Nurses Association Undergraduate Nursing Scholarship Fund Dr. Carl & Leona Stadler Scholarship Fund Marianne M. Stenvig Memorial Scholarship Fund Rita H. Walsh Scholarship Fund

South Dakota Occupational Therapy Association Fund South Dakota School for the Deaf Fund South Dakota Symphony Orchestra Fund

David Elder Violin Chair Fund Nicole Keirnes Fund Hugo and Mabel Koerner Fund Life Celebrations Fund McDonald Grandchildren Flute Chair Fund

South Dakota Coaches Against Cancer Fund

South Dakota Conservation Fund South Dakota Engineering Society Fund South Dakota Farm Bureau Cares Fund South Dakota Farm Bureau Scholarship Fund South Dakota FFA Foundation, Inc. Fund South Dakota Financial Literacy Fund South Dakota Fund South Dakota Guardianship Program Fund South Dakota Hall of Fame Charitable Perpetual Fund South Dakota Headstart Association Fund South Dakota Heritage Endowment Fund South Dakota High School Activities Association Fund South Dakota Highway Patrol Fund South Dakota Highway Superintendents Association Fund South Dakota Humanities Council Endowment Fund South Dakota Junior Golf Foundation South Dakota Junior Hereford Association Fund South Dakota Library Association Leon Raney Endowment Fund 13



South Dakota Trial Lawyers Association Fund South Dakota Trucking Association Fund South Dakota Voices for Children Endowment Fund South Dakota Wheat, Inc. Fund Southeastern Behavioral Healthcare Fund Spearfish Community Food Pantry Kathryn Groff Memorial Fund Spearfish Community Foundation High Plains Heritage Society Fund Spearfish Banner Settlement Fund Spearfish Center for Arts & Humanities Fund City of Spearfish Fund Spearfish Volunteer Fire Department Fund

Special Olympics South Dakota Fund Justin & Ardis Speer Foundation Justin & Ardis Speer Scholarship Fund Spring Valley Cemetery Association Fund - Pollock, SD Springfield College Museum Fund St. Francis Foundation Fund

2014 Fund List

St. Francis House Fund St. Michael’s Cemetery Perpetual Fund-Herreid, SD St. Wilfrid’s Parish FundWoonsocket, SD Erwin A. & Georgiabelle M. Stainbrook Fund

Abbott House, Inc. of Mitchell-Stainbrook Fund Avera St. Benedict FoundationStainbrook Fund Lion’s Club of ParkstonStainbrook Fund Mitchell Area Adjustment Training CenterStainbrook Fund Our Home, Inc.Stainbrook Fund Shriner’s Hospitals for Children-Stainbrook Fund South Dakota CARES, Inc.-Stainbrook Fund

Stanley County Veterans Memorial Fund State of South Dakota Endowment Fund Steele Family Faulkton High School Scholarship Fund Bernard J. Stepina Scholarship Fund Dakota Sturges Fund Josie A. Stewart Scholarship Fund John S. Sturges Memorial Fund W.H. Sturges Family Scholarship Fund Bob & Lori Sutton Family Fund SVEN Project Fund Del Swenumson Sisseton High School Class of 1951 Scholarship Fund Oliver & Vi Swenumson Family Fund Oliver & Vi Swenumson Sisseton Memorial Library Fund T

Teach for America Foundation Technology for the Rural Enhancement of Communities (T.R.E.C.) Fund Tiger Educational Foundation Fund LeRoy & Linda DuBray Family Scholarship Fund I LeRoy & Linda Dubray Family Scholarship Fund II Grange Family Scholarship Fund

Tokata Foundation Harold & Mary Torness Family Fund Tour de Oahe Fund Trail of Governors Endowment Fund

Trail of Governors Foundation Fund Tripp Area Community Foundation

Donald Kennedy Memorial Scholarship Fund

Trust for the Future Fund Trustee & Staff Fund Turner Foundation-Midland Turner Foundation-Murdo Turner FoundationPierre/Ft. Pierre Tyndall Community Foundation U

UCC Congregational Church of Springfield Fund UCC Vermillion Boy Scout Troop 66 Fund V

Charles C. Van Loan Scholarship Fund Lewis Vanderboom Family Fund Vermillion Area Community Foundation

David W. Day Family Endowment Fund Roger L. Kozak Education Fund Roger L. & Patricia A. Kozak Endowment Fund Bill Radigan Civic Awards Fund

Vermillion Lions Club Fund Vermillion Senior Citizens Service Fund Viborg Community Foundation Volga Area Community Foundation W

Wagner Area Foundation Al Pirner Memorial Scholarship Fund

Wagner-Woodward Family Endowment Fund Watertown Christian School Foundation David Webb Memorial Scholarship Fund Webster Alumni Foundation Fund Webster Area School Foundation Webster Centennial Fund Webster United Methodist Church Endowment Fund Wilmer & Esther Werner Family Scholarship Fund Wessington Springs Area Community Foundation Peter Havard, Sr. Memorial Fund

Wessington Springs School Foundation

Kleppin Scholarship Fund

Westfield, North Dakota Hope Reformed Church Cemetery Association R.B. & Frances Wheeler Endowment Fund Dick & Evelyn Whirlwind Horse Endowed Scholarship Fund Dick & Evelyn Whirlwind Horse Scholarship Fund M.L. Wilhelm Education Fund - Custer M.L. Wilhelm Education Fund - Rapid City Central Willow Lake Community Foundation Willow Lake Public Garden & Arboretum Fund Curt & Susan Wischmeier Family Fund Woonsocket Community Foundation Working Against Violence (WAVI), Inc. Fund Y

Yankton Area Foundation

Ambur/Means Family Fund March For Meals-Ruby Pieper Foundation Deborah Omanson Stevens Music Scholarship Fund Yankton Senior Citizens Center Operations Fund Yankton Senior Citizens Meals Fund

YBA Educational Endowment Fund Z

John Zilverberg Family Foundation Zoar Church & Cemetery Fund


Helping Nonprofits Help Others Agency Endowment Funds

The South Dakota Community Foundation supports nonprofits across the state through agency endowment funds. Only nonprofits can establish these funds, which allow organizations to focus on serving others instead of administrative tasks and investment monitoring. One such organization is the South Dakota Education Access Foundation (SDEAF). The SDEAF was created to receive a $33 million donation from Great Lakes Higher Education Corporation in 2009. The board of directors wanted as much money as possible to support the organization’s mission and as few dollars as possible used for administrative expenses. That’s when they decided to partner with the SDCF. “We had a pool of money that we needed to administer using an all volunteer board. We didn’t have the time or expertise to do it ourselves,” says Cindi Walsh, chair of the SDEAF Board of Directors. “The South Dakota Community Foundation had an excellent reputation and an excellent track record of success and gave us the perfect venue to manage our foundation.”

Facts at a Glance

By setting up an agency endowment fund, the SDEAF volunteer board now has more time and resources to concentrate on grantmaking. In 2014, the organization distributed approximately $1.75 million to more than 2,500 students at 29 South Dakota postsecondary institutions. The organization’s main objective is to empower colleges and universities with funding to provide financial assistance to students in order to improve the rates of entry and success in education beyond high school.

SDEAF invested $33.3 million with the SDCF in February 2009. Total grants and other disbursements have exceeded $13.3 million since the fund began.

Agency Endowments Provide for the Future As a nonprofit leader or board member, an agency endowment fund with the SDCF helps you worry less about your long-term funding. Your agency endowment fund will be pooled with all of SDCF’s assets to maximize investment earnings. Then, a portion of your fund will be available each year to provide long-term, consistent funding to your organization. The SDCF has walked dozens of organizations through the agency endowment setup process and would be happy to discuss the option with your organization. For more information about Agency Endowment Funds, contact our office or go online to SDCommunityFoundation.org/NonprofitServices.

The SDEAF’s current fund balance is over $46 million. Investment gains total over $26 million since the SDEAF first partnered with the SDCF. Approximately $1.75 million per year is distributed to support higher education in South Dakota.

Helping Nonprofits Help Others



Clockwise from top left: Jack & Ruth Cannon; Storybook Island’s Christmas light display (credit: SD Tourism); an actor performs at the Black Hills Playhouse (credit: Sage Studios); Children’s Home Society of SD, Black Hills Campus

Cultivating a Legacy in Rapid City: Jack and Ruth Cannon A newspaper job brought Jack and Ruth Cannon to the Black Hills in the early 1950s, and over the next six decades, the couple put down deep roots in the area. of the Blessed Sacrament Parish and volunteered at Jack and Ruth grew up in Providence, Rhode Island, but the Knights of Columbus Thanksgiving meal for many Jack’s service in the US Army Air Corps brought the years. Ruth’s passion for art led her to become one of the couple to the Midwest soon after they married. After founding members and a contributing his discharge from the Army in 1946, artist at the Dahl Arts Center. Jack’s 40-year journalism career began “Through the fund they and eventually led him to the Lead established, Jack and Ruth Jack volunteered on a host of community Daily Call and the Deadwood Pioneerwill help support the mission boards, especially for healthcare-related Times. In 1953, Jack was hired as a organizations. He was instrumental in and financially strengthen the staff writer for the Rapid City Journal. helping to merge St. John’s McNamara In his 33 years at the paper, he rose programs of Children’s Home Hospital and Bennett-Clarkson through the ranks to become Sunday Society that provide hope, Memorial Hospital into Rapid City Editor, Associate Editor and Editorial healing, and a better future Regional Hospital. He also served on Page Editor before retiring in 1986. the hospital’s Community Development to hundreds of children every Council; the Black Hills Long Range With the couple’s move to Rapid City, year. Jack and Ruth wanted Planning Council; the Health Resource Ruth transitioned from managing the to do what they could to give newspaper offices where Jack worked Development Council of the South kids a chance to have a good to a career in banking. Although Dakota Department of Health; University leaders came and went, she was an of South Dakota Health Sciences childhood and an opportunity administrative assistant for Norwest Advisory Council; and as a long-time to become healthy, happy Bank presidents for 33 years. board member of the West River and self-reliant adults.” Mental Health Center and its successor, Outside of work, the couple thrived on Behavior Management Systems. — Rick Weber, Development Director community involvement throughout their of Children’s Home Society lives. They were both active members “With his newspaper experience, Jack 15



Cultivating a Legacy in Rapid City: Jack and Ruth Cannon

Professional Advisors: Catalysts for Legacy Planning was so well versed in so many aspects of life. He could sit down and visit with you about any sporting event then turn to the next guy and talk farming and ranching,” said the Cannon’s close friend, Maggie Marshall. “Together they made a model couple, and it was rare to see one without the other. They gave so much of their talents and time to the area. Any of us fortunate enough to call them ‘friends’ are better people for having known them.” Jack Cannon’s ease in front of audiences and good sense of humor made him a natural choice as a master of ceremonies at many community and statewide events, including the Miss South Dakota Pageant. Jack also spent countless hours preparing the lights for Storybook Island’s annual Christmas light display. Ruth reported hardly seeing him from Labor Day to Thanksgiving as he replaced burnt out and missing bulbs from countless strings of lights. The Cannons felt volunteering time, talent and sometimes treasure is part of the rent we pay for the space we occupy on earth. That philosophy was the foundation for the Cannon’s desire to give back beyond their lifetimes. Jack passed away in January of 2010 and Ruth in January of 2014, but their legacy continues. Starting in 2016, more than $90,000 will be available annually from a designated fund to support the charities dear to them.

A Legacy of Service and Support The Cannons sowed seeds of service throughout their lives. And with the establishment of a designated fund managed by the SDCF, their charitable contributions will yield support for the following organizations in perpetuity: • • • • • • •

Western South Dakota Catholic Foundation Children’s Home Society Storybook Island Black Hills Workshop Foundation Black Hills Playhouse Foundation Behavior Management Systems Endowment LaSalle Academy (Providence, RI)

Any South Dakotan can use a designated fund to provide for the organizations they care most about in perpetuity. Your forethought today ensures nonprofits can endure tomorrow.

By working with their attorney during the estate planning process, Jack and Ruth Cannon established a fund that would benefit organizations and causes they supported their entire lives. Learn how their attorney, Pat Goetzinger, Partner at Gunderson, Palmer, Nelson, Ashmore LLP, helped them to attain their charitable goals. Q: How did the SDCF help Jack and Ruth Cannon reach their charitable goals during their estate planning process? Pat Goetzinger: The SDCF’s designated fund concept made it easy for Jack and Ruth to articulate their objectives and put in place an agreement to provide for those charitable organizations and causes important to them. The idea of structuring a gift through an endowed fund that would benefit their charitable causes in perpetuity was very appealing to them. They lit up when discussing leaving a legacy. Q: Why did the Cannons make a charitable contribution through the SDCF? PG: Jack and Ruth had a desire to give back to the community that gave so much to them. Their legacy will be an example that you don’t need to be ultra wealthy to leave a lasting legacy. The Cannon’s old-fashioned sensibilities of fulfilling their charitable duties are being carried out with current techniques that make it extremely easy and inexpensive to leave a legacy. Q: Why is the SDCF a unique partner for prospective donors? PG: The SDCF has a long-term track record of success with incredibly low administrative expenses, which assure more of donors’ dollars are being distributed to their favorite charities. It also has statewide representation on its board of directors, and with over $227 million in total assets, it is the largest community foundation in South Dakota. Q: Why would you encourage other attorneys and financial advisors to utilize the SDCF to administer charitable gifts? PG: The SDCF is a professionally-run organization that demonstrates it will be a good steward of client funds and will thoughtfully assist clients in carrying out their philanthropic objectives. The infrastructure the SDCF has in place and the size of the assets demonstrate the competency of the SDCF to manage funds and assures the perpetual existence of the foundation.

Cultivating a Legacy in Rapid City: Jack and Ruth Cannon


2014 Donor List Behind every fund the South Dakota Community Foundation manages is an individual, family, community or nonprofit with a strong desire to improve the quality of life in South Dakota. We are inspired by the generosity of South Dakotans who gave 4,467 gifts through the SDCF in 2014. We hope you will be as well. A

Aberdeen Area Community Foundation Dennis Aanenson Thomas & Diane Agnitsch Carl & Barbara Anderson Anonymous Charles Bantz & Sandra Petronio Roy & Patty Becker Chad & Shannon Bergan Patricia Booker Ramona Bowden Kevin Burckhard Gene & Ann Burrish Randy Burrish Robert & Debra Christensen Bob & Janet Compton Robert & Patricia Couser Barb Cutler Dacotah Bank-Aberdeen Dave Devlin ELF, Inc. Burt & Elaine Elliott Mark & Holly Engelhart Michael Evans Jeanette Evenson Paul & Kristen Fauth Fidelity Charitable - Mark & Doug Sandvig Robert & Erin Fouberg Rodney & Glenna Fouberg Eldon & Suzanne Gilchrist Robert Gruman Keith & Kristi Hainy Todd & Lynn Hanson Thomas Heisler Bill & Kelly Hinds Alan & Joye Hoerth Jon Hoffman Charles Hogg Michael & Kathleen Hollan Richard & Corinne Holland David & Stacey Hurrell Interior Design Concepts Dennis Jones Craig Jorgenson Donald & Renita Kainz Rob & Jackie Keil T. & Karen Kellen Tim & Amy Kessler Dennis & Julie Kettering Alan & Jessica Kjenstad Amy Knapp Jackie Sue Koehler Albert Kuebler




Frederick Lamont William Lamont Land O’Lakes, Inc. Foundation Chad & Mechelle Lang Donley & Carolyn Lang Paul & Jill Lang Jeff & Sarah Larson Donald Lehr Lien Transportation Company Dr. Daniel & Margaret Lister Scott & Peggy Lunzman Jim & Vicki Lust

Jack Sandweiss & Linda Dixon Steven & LaVonne Schaeffer Craig & Carolyn Schaunaman Bryan Schmidt Dennis & Arly Schnabel Mark & Ann Schultze Joe & Cindy Senger Peggy Serfoss Terry & Anita Small James Smith South Dakota Community Foundation South Dakota Wheat Growers Association Kae & Sally Squire Darrell & Kristi Strivens Arne Svarstad Jeffrey Sveen Kristin Rae Teigen Jim Thares Verna Thurston Leon & Virginia Tobin Benjamin Victor Jerome & Arlowine Ann Weigel Susan Werth Richard & Ginger Westra James & Karri Wiederrich Curt A. & Susan R. Wischmeier

Russell & Barbara Ledeboer Jerry & Mira Leonard Loren & Karen Ludwig Mark’s Photographic Images, Inc. Morgan Plumbing & Heating Kimberly Morris Nicolle Neugebauer Brad & Kim Preheim Thelma Price Don Putnam Scott & Renee VanDerWerff Werk Weld, Inc. Corey & Nicole Whitney Carter & Sharon Wiese Larry & Ronda Wilson

Aurora County Historical Acquisition & Preservation Fund

Miller Family Homestead Fund Harold & Marilyn Hohbach Foundation

Ken Austin Memorial Education Fund Haug Implement Company Lund Implement Company

Avera Community Benefits Fund Avera Health


David & Wally Baas Memorial Fund Laura Baas

Virginia C. Barry Family Fund Nancy C. Barry

Ruth Sylvia Bayne Fund Ruth Sylvia Bayne Trust Estate of Ruth Bayne

Belle Fourche School District Foundation Fund Belle Fourche School District Foundation

Beresford Community Foundation SDCF donors who financially support the Boys & Girls Club of Yankton interact with students. Gregg & Barbara Magera Mark & Gina Malchow Don & Carmen Meyer MFG South Dakota Brad & Kathy Moore Gerald & Galynn Nichols North Central Farmers Elevator Karol Parsons Janis Pearson Carl & Sheryl Perry Harlan & Jan Peterson David & Diana Pfister Gail Pickus Steve & Linda Post Georgia Ramos Barbara Ramse Monte Rasmussen Robert & Roberta Rohl Jim & Heidi Ruch Al & Bette Sandvig Stacy Sandvig

2014 Donor List

Alcester Community Foundation Anderson Pharmacy, Inc. Adele Buum John D. Gubbrud Carl & Helma Oden Family Fund

Armour Community Foundation A Tail for Tales Anonymous William & Margaret Bertram Douglas County Insurance First State Bank-Armour Bob Goodnow Patrick & Beth Harrington Todd Hawley Scott & Tamara Holbeck Jim Holderby Larry & Rose Hornstra Dot Hoxeng Koehn Brothers Funeral Home Armour

Wayne & Sharon Akland Ameriprise Financial - Gift Matching Program Anonymous Beresford Area Foundation Ruth Christensen & Faith Christiansen Mike & Debbie Conklin Tom & Tricia Diefendorf Robert & Sally Dolan Robert Frieberg Thomas & Jill Frieberg Gaylan & Gale Gors Helen K. Grace John D. Gubbrud Jerry & Kathleen Hill Mark & Jonda Jensen Randall & Susan Jensen Virginia Johnson Paul & Julie Jordahl W.K. Kellogg Foundation Howard & Alice Mae Kennedy Bill & Mary McGill Michael & Pamela McGill Victor McGill Vince & Sherry McGill

Kevin & Dyan Nelson Jeff & Jane Norling Everett & Joan Nygaard Nancy Fran Ryger Gary L. Schaap Dick & Judy Travis Cory & Jill Worth Larry & Corinne Young Jerry & Carla Zeimetz

Watchdog Education Foundation Matthew Adams Wayne & Sharon Akland Ameriprise Financial - Gift Matching Program Beresford School District 61-2 Dan & Deborah Bergland Ken & Deb Bonte Col. Mark & Dr. Terri Buechler Michael & Kelli Carlson Dale & Sheree Christensen David & Susan Christensen Paul & Dawn Coggins Gerald & Peggy Dahlin Robert & Sally Dolan Norman Erickson Thomas & Amy Erickson Brian Field Thomas & Jill Frieberg Helen K. Grace Kevin & Mary Henseler Terry & Judith Jensen W.K. Kellogg Foundation Robert & Darlene Kennedy Brian Lemaster Bruce & Mary Moore John & Sharon Olbertson Jared & Emily Olson Gary L. Schaap South Dakota Community Foundation Mike & Ann Tornberg Judy Travis

Shanna Rae Christensen Memorial Scholarship Fund Robert & Sally Dolan

Beresford Public Library Fund Beresford Public Library

Marlin Bjerke Memorial Scholarship Fund Virgina Conger DJO Global Richard & Mary Ellen Schmahl

Booth Society, Inc. Fund Adam & Kristi Altergott Jason & Tara Bartekoske Booth Society, Inc. Laurie & Whitney Driscoll Tyler & Haley Gillen Chad & Christy Hedderman Casey & Amie Lehman Barry & Laurie Lloyd Alex & Christy Martinson Loia & Joan McInally Jacob & Kasha NanKivel Matt & Mikelle Stoltenberg

Boys & Girls Club Corporation Fund Boys & Girls Club of Brookings

Boys & Girls Club of Brookings Fund Boys & Girls Club of Brookings O. Dale Larson

Boys & Girls Club of Moody County Fund Boys & Girls Club of Brookings O. Dale Larson

Boys & Girls Club of the Capital Area Fund Anonymous Steve & Pat Brown Paul Holland Bob & Jan Lester

Boys & Girls Club of the Missouri River Area Fund Boys & Girls Club of Missouri River Area

Boys & Girls Club of Yankton Fund Boys & Girls Club of Brookings

Bridgewater-Emery School Foundation Dean & Shirlyn Christensen Angela Mahlander

Britton Area Foundation The 6000 Investment Club Doris Alberts Leonard & Sheri Alberts Raymond & Lillian Anderson Neil & Muriel Bien Bonnie Bitz Larry & Linda Bosse Rick & Cheryl Bosse The Bowling Bago Girls Althea Brown John & Kathy Bruce James & Carol Bush Charles & Karyl Card Rollin & Dorothy Christenson Harry & Louise Claeys Class of 1973 Doug & Bonnie Cole Richard & Nancy Curran Robert & Connie Cutler Max & Peggy Davidson Myles & Karen DeVine Sandy Dinger Mick & Julie Docter Kent & Jane Duerre Marcella Duerre David & LaVonne Erickson Kathleen Erickson Tom & Lori Farber Robert & Erin Fouberg Frances Fox Donald & Barbara Franzen Full Circle Ag Yvonne Gibbs Glacial Farms June Gornitzka Alan & Sandy Grupe Lylas & Mavis Gunderson Emelie Haigh Sherman & Coleen Halverson Mary Hames Peggy Hanafin Bernard & Carol Hanse Duane & Barb Harms Wanda Harris

Douglas & Lynne Haugstad Sharon Helgeson family Ulic Henehan & Rosanne Miller Henehan family Theresa Henehan Steve & Bonnie Henricks Ann (Tisher) Hesley Howard & JoAnne Hillman Mark & Faye Hoines Kent & Sara Holland Horton Holding, Inc. Darwin Ives Ronald R. Jarrett Caroline Johnson & Vollie Ann Williams Lee Johnson family Lee Johnson Mark & Audrey Johnson Roger & Judy Johnson Craig & Lana Jondahl Marilyn Jondahl Craig & David Jones David Jones Steve & Paulette Kelsey Pete & Mavis Krista Richard & Diane Kristofferson Allen & Susan Krutsinger Barbara Kuske Lang’s TV & Appliance Dale & Bonnie Larson Bruce & Jean Likness Ryan Likness Buron & Karen Lindbloom James & Leah Luitjens Larry & Reva Mette Bill & Jodi Meyer Larry & Durelle Meyers Marty & Julie Micko Denis & Karen Mikkelson David & Diane Mitchell Clark & Pamela Moeckly Kirk & Randy Moeckly Richard & Alice Moeckly Dolores Morgan Pete & Melinda Nelson Mr. & Mrs. Charles Neuhauser & family NexGen, Inc. Marvis Ochsner Brock & Lacy Olson Dan & Bonnie Olson Dan & Bonnie Olson family Brian & Tammy Olson Harlan & Karen Olson Norman Olson Trevor & Sharon Osborne James & Sandy Peters Harland & Jane Peterson Janet Peterson Lyle & Noreen Pierson Terry & Pam Price Brian & Lori Rabenberg Peter Rabenberg Gary & Arla Rasmussen Lynn & Marilyn Reyelts Bill & Linda Richter Walt & Patty Roehr Jim & Heidi Ruch Phyllis (Schuur) Salmon Thomas & Angela Sannes Greg & Virgie Schaaf

Schott family Schuller family Matthew & Audrey Schuller Donald & Norma Schumaker Gene Schuur Becky Sieh Al & Marlene Sime Ralph & Darlene Skare Nyla Slater South Dakota Community Foundation Bill & Patty Spiry Connie Steiner Kenny & Dorothy Stillson Howard & Vivian Stocking Bo & Suzanne Svard LaVerne & Virginia Swanson Steven & Michelle Swanson Paul & Faye Symens Bryce & Marge Thoelke Don & Sharon Tisher Jennings & Ruth Tobin Scott & Kris Tobin Arvin & Bonita Tory Don & Virgie VanderVorst Ricky & Bonnie VanderVorst Vietor Farms Vision Care Associates Jan Vold & Melanie Jones Peter & Lorraine Waletich Bryan Walz & Kathy Christenson Robert Webb Ron & Tammy Wegleitner Olive White Maris & Connie Williams Robert & Regina Williams Vollie Ann Williams Mark & Kris Williamson Curt A. & Susan R. Wischmeier Charles & Colleen Wismer Nancy Wrage family Bernerd & Janice Yelkin Kent & Cindy Zuehlke Kurt Zuehlke Roger & Mary Zuehlke

Britton-Hecla School Foundation

Britton-Hecla High School Scholarship Fund Julia (Anderson) Bauer

Buffalo Foundation John Duffy Chuck & Marcia McMullen Stanley County School Foundation Clayton & Bev Stoeser family

Build Dakota Scholarship Endowment State of South Dakota

Build Dakota Scholarship Program T. Denny Sanford

Burke Community Memorial Hospital Fund Inez Jones

Burke School District Scholarships Burke High School Class of 1963 Fund

Tom & Dr. Cynthia Lillibridge

2014 Donor List


B, continued

Bush Foundation Community Innovation Grant Program Bush Foundation

Bush Foundation Fund Bush Foundation

bushCONNECT Bush Foundation

Butler Cemetery Foundation South Dakota Community Foundation


Canistota Community Foundation Alvin & Carolyn Scott

Canistota School Foundation Alvin & Carolyn Scott

John F. & Ruth D. Cannon Fund Estate of Ruth D. Cannon

Canton Public Schools K-12 Foundation Donald & Sarah Abbas David Amundson Anderson Pharmacy-Canton Barbara Anderson David Anderson Valerie Anderson Anonymous Todd & Vanessa Baldwin Mark & Susan Bauman William & Lisa Bentley Eileen Bergerson & Jared Bergerson Erin J. Beyke Agency, Inc. Kevin & Nancy Bitterman The Black Angus Steakhouse Beverly Blackstone Richard & Constance Bogue Lori Broesder Canton Dental Clinic Canton Home & Farm Supply, LLC Canton Rotary Club CMI Bid-Well Charles & Sherry Davis Gabe Devitt Eastern Farmers Cooperative Leon & Michelle Eich Phyllis Ellis Mark & Rose Marie Esche Todd & Debra Esche Mark Everhart Donlin & Gayle Faulstich First Bank & Trust The First National Bank - Sioux Falls Fossum & Bindert, LLP Perry & Barb Fossum Jon & Jill Frick Frislie Construction G & K Supreme Auto, Inc. Haisch Pharmacy Haisch Pharmacy Employees Heath & Kari Harter Daniel & Catherine Heinemann Mark & Cathy Hennies Hoffman Oil Company Home Federal Bank David & Marlys Huber




Jeanie Jacobsen Johnson Feed, Inc. Scott & Maria Kollbaum James & Jennifer Kolvek Barb Kroger Brian & Kim Larson Tim & La Vonna Lems Robert & Joan Lier Lincoln Conservation District James & Nancy Lohrenz M & S Drainage, Inc. Charles & Holly Molstad James & Cynthia Murray Mark & Amy Nelson Tom & Michele Olsen Bradley & Karren Peterson John & Leah Peterson Property Maintenance Dan & Mary (Watson) Rath Robert & Lenora Raymon Allen & Carey Richardson Lee & Sarah Richarz Ron’s Classic Murray & Helen Rowe Rutten Structures, Inc. Sanford Health Rodney & Lori Schneller Gordon & Susan Schulte John & Melissa Schutte Security Savings Bank Eric Smart Paul & Kimberly Sogn Souvignier Real Estate & Auctioneer Andrew & Sara Steffensen Matthew & Michelle Stensland Sunnyside Laundromat Lyle & Sharon Swartz Michael & Pamela Swenson Ricky & Nancy Thompson Tieszen Chiropractic Clinic, P.C. J.L. & Mary Toso Russell & Kristen Townsend Dorothy Trumm Linda Tuntland Paul & Lola Twedt Jerome & Tami Van De Stroet John & Melanie Van De Stroet Henry VanVoorst Concrete Brad & Camille VanVoorst Douglas & Julie Verley Justin & Amanda Wallner Jeffrey & Lynn White Laurie Wiebe Adam & Lacey Wingert Ronald & Tracey Zylstra

Glen T. & Anna May Carlis Family Fund Glen T. & Anna May Carlis

Castlewood Education Foundation Endowment Fund Castlewood Education Foundation

Gaylord Hoftiezer Memorial Scholarship Fund Castlewood Education Foundation

Marjorie Hoftiezer O’Brien Memorial Scholarship Fund Castlewood Education Foundation

2014 Donor List

Castlewood Historical Society Gaylord Hoftiezer Endowment Fund

Castlewood Historical Society

Centerville Foundation Vernon & Beverly Andersen Don & Judy Hookie Dennis & Diane Hubert Barbara Hybertson Todd & Shawn Johnson Curtis & Nancy Kludt Larry & Susan Overgaard Mavis Overgaard Virginia Peterson

Children’s Museum of South Dakota Fund Rodney & Glenna Fouberg Grossenburg Cattle Company, Inc. Jim & Nini Hart Matt & Stephanie Judson O. Dale Larson Ann Sigelman

Christen Dakota Wesleyan Scholarship Fund Paul & Donna Christen

Christen Feeding South Dakota Fund Paul & Donna Christen

Christensen Family Fund Brice Christensen Bruce Christensen Charlie & Randi Christensen Dean & Shirlyn Christensen Diane Christensen Donald Christensen Janice Christensen Jens & Nyla Christensen Joyce Christensen Wade & Christina Christensen Delta Dental Plan of South Dakota Roger Dwyer Ken & Brittany Hubbart Long Lakes Farms Jeff & Lorri Miller Michael & Nita Miller Scott Miller Daniel & Anna Nelson

Citibank (South Dakota) N.A. Fund South Dakota Bankers Foundation, Inc.

Clark High School Class of 1953 Scholarship Fund Alice Heim William & L. Jane Leek Derald & M. Alta McElroy David & Patricia Seefeldt Russ & Charlene Wilkins

Clay-Union Foundation Fund Clay-Union Foundation

Congregational Cemetery Maintenance Fund Peace Lutheran Church Alan Stuckle

Corsica Area Foundation Bank of the West Norman Ligtenberg

Hoekstra Beukelman Scholarship Fund Erik & Barb Hoekstra

Coss Family Foundation Lawrence & Virginia Coss

Coss Family Scholarship Fund Lawrence & Virginia Coss

Coss Family Miller Area Challenge Fund Lawrence & Virginia Coss

Coteau Prairie Chapter Pheasants Forever Scholarship Fund Perkins Trust Pheasants Forever, Inc.

Crazy Horse Centennial Fund Jim & Nini Hart

Cribs for Kids, South Dakota Fund Aberdeen District Medical Society Robbin Ahrlin Richard Allen & Claire Reilly Shannon Ashbaugh Dr. Paul Kenneth, Jr. & Margaret Aspaas Daina Austin Auxiliary Yankton 8th District Medical Society Dr. Reuben & Marlowe Bareis John & Anne Barlow George & Margaret Barnett Douglas & Gaye Bell Dr. Jerome & Yvonne Bentz Black Hills Obstetrics & Gynecology, LLP J.M. & Susan Blake Mark & Jean Bubak Stephen & Catherine Calhoon Dennis & Linda Daugaard Allan & Leah Dewald Dr. David & Julie Elson James & Marilynn Engelbrecht David & Julie Evans Lewis & Diane Ferrier Michael & Kathleen Fiegen Richard & Barbara Friess James & Judy Frost Margaret Frost William & Gail Fuller Darlene George Fabyola Gilbert Maureen Glanzer Jeff & Kimberly Goble Mark & Pamela Gordon Thomas & Carol Graslie R.J. & Sheryl Gudvangen Jacquelyn Gunnarson Cy & Teresa Haatvedt Mark & Cathy Hennies Gerald & Colleen Hepnar Patricia Herlihy Richard & Brenda Hieb Wendell & Holly Hoffman Holly Hohm Jesse & Ellen Hopper Joel & Donna Huber Thomas & Peggy Huber Lowell & Norma Hyland R.A. & Mary Jo Jaqua David & Mary Ann Kapaska

J.M. & Patricia Keegan Sally Kelts Richard & Gail Klein Roger & Janice Knutsen Melissa Larson Brett & Patricia Lawlor Alan & Aurie Lawrence James & Christine McGrann Daniel & Dana Megard Jeffrey & Mary Jo Murray Dr. Norman & Judith Neu George & Barbara Nicholas Rodney & Ruth Parry Michael & Karen Pekas Raymond & MaryLou Pierce R.I. & M.E. Porter Robert & Krista Preston David & Mary (Lisa) Pustejovsky Michael & Jennifer Puumala Elsa Reagan John & Wilma Robert Ronald & Martha Rossing William & Ihlene Rossing John Sabow Dr. Stephen & Connie Schroeder Patricia Schulte & Lois Sweeney Gregory & Karen Schultz Myriam Sierra Brian & Shaunan Skow J. Geoffrey & Jacalyn Slingsby South Dakota State Medical Association Alliance William & Dana Spanos Daniel & Beth Stoutamire Tomasz & Cynthia Stys Daniel & Brandi Tackett Third District Medical Society Auxiliary Vance & Jana Thompson Craig & Joyce Uthe Robert, Jr. & Marilyn Van Demark Donald & Verla Van Etten Jesse & Kathey Van Heukelom Jerry & Patricia Walton Merritt & Pamela Warren Lawrence & Grace Wellman Randal & Suzanne Welter Gregory & Suzanne Wiedel Wayne & M. Melsean Wittenberg Wiliam & Paula Zavitz

Clay & Karen Cudmore Fund Clay & Karen Cudmore South Dakota Community Foundation


Dakota Discovery Endowment Fund Keith & Glynn Bartels David Mitchell

Daneville Heritage Association Fund Alphie Peterson Estate

Stephanie Miller Davis Memorial Fund The Dan Davis/Val Creswell family Cara Lee Davis John Davis Andrea Sheehan

Day County Arts Council Fund Glen T. & Anna May Carlis Carol Johns Ken & Clara Roerig

Day County Community Foundation Nita Aadland Marla Althoff Ashley Andrade Joan Bauer Kara Berger Mary Bloom Kelli Bullert Beth Chambers Roxanne Christensen Dakotacare Shelley Deutsch Sharon Dolney Ellen Ellis Ashley Ewalt Jill Gaikowski G. Todd Garry Lana Gollnick Elizabeth Gravley Laurie Grimes Roger & Olive Grimsrud Kelly Hanson Dianne Haugen Tari Heitmann Amber Hoss Connie Howder Darci James Kelly Jensen Ann Kennedy Lisa Kroll Donna Kwasniewski Scott Langager Debbie Lee Tonya Lehman Natalie Lesnar Judy Lynch Brenda Mammenga Dan Menking Annette Ochs Sheryl Pappas Heidi Rithmiller David Rogers Kathryn L. Sannes Thomas & Angela Sannes Alyssa Shoemaker Tanya Snaza Richard Solberg Jerry Somsen Zoe Spiering Tammie Steiner Kari Valsvig Rose Vogl Jenna Wik Judy Williams Joni Wohlleber David Wyman Amy Zubke

Day County Legacy Fund Anonymous

Dennis L. Dolney Scholarship Fund Dennis Dolney

Harry & Denice Knapp Family Fund ExxonMobil Foundation

The Delores Miller Student Support Fund provides support to students at Capital University Center in Pierre. This year, money awarded from the fund went to offset the cost of scrubs, which the nursing students are required to wear as part of their degree program.

Deadwood Days of 76, Inc. Fund Days of ‘76, Inc.

Bob & Marlene Deal Memorial Scholarship Fund Dale & LeAnn Suhn

Deuel County Community Foundation Nancy Anderson Verdelle Anderson Dave & Judy Bartling Kelli Bauman Gary & Rhonda Baxter Bekaert - Norberta Ronald & Oriska Boone Dean & Shirlyn Christensen Betty Cihak Mark & Laraine Corothers Gary & Susan DeJong Deuel County Community Foundation Deuel School District No. 19-4 DJO Global Mike & Julie Donahue John & Deanna Eide Duke & Margit Fritz Brad & Linda Gauger Richard & Linda Grimlie Jayme & Michelle Gross Law Offices of Gunderson, Evenson, Boyd & Knight, LLP Summer Hagen Glen & Sharon Hanna Leo & Ginger Hanten Jerry & Sheila Heiberger Corey & Heather Homan Donald & Judith Homan Darold & Mary Hunt Harold & Mary Jane Ingalls Mary Janssen Marla Ann Johnson Larry & June Klemann Barry & Debbe Koenecke K. & Cindy Konold Edwin & Shirley Krause Robb & Becky Krause Gary & Karna Lindner Ramona Lundberg Thomas & Lisa Lundberg

John & Pamela Lynde Bev Morrison Dr. Martin H. & Judy Oleson Dale & Beth Overby Kris Palmquist Greg & Erica Peterson Reynold & Heidi Preheim Kathleen Raml R-n-C Cabinets Joan Sacrison Scott & Margo Sample Theresa Schake Rebecca Schiefelbein Robert & Rita Schiefelbein Richard & Mary Ellen Schmahl Dan & Karen Sievers Christopher & Jona Stoebner Bonnie TeKrony Dianna Theisen Jodi Theisen Greg & Darla Toben D. & Karla Trautman Ray & Marilyn Vanliere Myrene Weisel Roger & Marlys Wiesner

Deuel Public School Foundation Dean & Shirlyn Christensen Deuel School District No. 19-4

Douglas Patriot Foundation Fund Douglas Education Association

Darlene J. Dykstra Scholarship Fund GD’s Ag Products


Perry & Doreen Evans Scholarship Fund Perry Evans Estate


Fairy Godmother’s Fund Sandra Ackerman Thomas & Patricia Adam Joel & Jane Albrecht Jim & Beth Benning

2014 Donor List


F, continued

Fairy Godmother’s Fund, cont. Victor & Patty Beringer Tim & Bonnie Bjork Jim & Donna Boekelheide Bruce Brandner Richard & Mary Carter Donna Christen Bernie & Sally Christenson Family Fund Citibank (South Dakota) N.A. Patricia (Reede) Couser Janet B. Cronin Dennis & Linda Daugaard David & Jan Deberg Kellie Ecker Kent & Susan Edson Craig & Kathleen Ernst Cy & Sandy Farner Robert & Erin Fouberg Rodney & Glenna Fouberg Theodore & Carol Fowler Todd & Linda Fulmer Eldon & Suzanne Gilchrist Larry & Susan Goehring Richard & Nancy Gowen Linda Mickelson Graham Janet Grasse Barry & Marilyn Grossenburg Emily Guhin Wayne Gustafson William & Patricia Haigh Chris & Angela Hase Theresa Henehan Carla Hoffman Joan Hogan Marian N. Holty Dody Hopkins Marilyn Hoyt Ardelle Johnson Deb Jorgensen Matt & Stephanie Judson Darrel & Deanna Kaiser T. & Karen Kellen Jean A. Koehler J.R. & Bonnie Kretchman Alan LaFave Mary Lamont Carson & Julie Larson Gary & Brenda Larson Thomas & Ellen Lee Robert & Donna Masters Robert & Pamela McLaughlin Claudia Merthan Carmen Meyer Rees & Bonnie Mielke Gerald & Galynn Nichols Dan & Ginger Niemann M.E. & Ann Paradise Carl & Sheryl Perry Patti Petersen Georgia Ramos Barbara Reed Harms Robert & Roberta Rohl Tona Rozum Steven & LaVonne Schaeffer Dr. Melody Schopp Margaret A. Seljeskog Ann Sigelman Jacqueline Sly




Terry & Anita Small Connie Ruhl - Smith Jeffrey & Mary Smith Laura Snow South Dakota Community Foundation South Main Laundromat James & JoAnn Sperry Perry & Gretchen Strombeck Sharon Stroschein Kathy Stuck Linda Theobald Leon & Virginia Tobin Julie Victor Ronald & Joyce Wagner Dr. Victoria Walker Helen Wegner Robert & Elsie Weigel Dale & Melanie Weisbeck Melissa Weisbeck Brian Weismantel Roger & Jody Werth Larry & Marles Wilson Curt A. & Susan R. Wischmeier

Faulkton Area Foundation Carr Chiropractic Clinic Luikens-Hofer Funeral Home, Inc. South Dakota Community Foundation

First Fidelity Bank & Bonesteel Community Foundation First Fidelity Bank-Bonesteel

First Fidelity Bank & Burke Community Foundation Anonymous Myrna Lea Brunz Harold & Marian Finnern First Fidelity Bank-Burke David & Beverly Ann Graber Inez Jones Donald & Katherine Leask Lillibridge-Govoni family Schurman family Terry & Kass Witt

First Fidelity Bank & Gregory Community Foundation First Fidelity Bank-Gregory Gregory Rotary Club

First Fidelity Bank & Jones County Community Foundation Frank & Martha Brost Jim & Bernie Butt Dakota Prairie Bank First Fidelity Bank-Murdo Dave Geisler Ardith Helene Miller Ed & Linda Nill Brian O’Reilly Herb & Deanna Sundall

First Fidelity Bank & Platte Area Foundation Nachtigal Farms, Inc. City of Platte - “Round-Up”

Thomas & Maxine Bischke Scholarship Fund Maxine Bischke

Clarence & Bettye Mason Family Fund Clarence & Bettye Mason

2014 Donor List

First Fidelity Bank & Tripp County Community Foundation Charles & Beverly Axtell Curt & Tami Comp Craig & Dawn Covey The Family of Alice Daughters First Fidelity Bank-Winner Keith & Gracia Goodhope Chuck & Norma Keiser William J. Matousek Kelly & Kay Meiners

Grossenburg Family & Employees Fund Grossenburg Implement, Inc. Rosebud Concrete, Inc.

Gordon Horgen Memorial Scholarship Fund Bret Horgen Joyce Horgen

George & Elizabeth LaCompte Fund Colby & MaryAnn LaCompte

Matousek Family Fund William J. Matousek

James & Lawrence Neyens Scholarship Fund James Neyens & Lawrence Neyens

Tripp County Water User District - Martin & Mary Jorgensen Scholarship Fund Tripp County Water User District

First Interstate Custer Area Fund Gerald & Karen Baldwin Beta Sigma Phi/XI Alpha Omega Bradeen Real Estate & Auctions, Inc. Allen & Kimberly Canete Custer Regional Hospital Custer Rotary Club Daniel L. Custis Jonathan & Wanda Dahlstrom Lon & Carol Edwards First Interstate Bancsystem Foundation, Inc. John & Nancy Gausman Joan Houlihan Phil Lampert James & Kristie Meyer Paul Nettinga & Nancy Smith Verl & Kathy Scheibe South Dakota Community Foundation Studt Construction, Inc. Michael & Bonnie Tennyson Allen & Gail Trask Dallas Wilkinson Women of St. Johns

First Interstate Fall River Area Fund First Interstate Bancsystem Foundation, Inc. South Dakota Community Foundation Ken & Gayle Tonsager June Wilkinson Estate Marvin Wilkinson Estate

First Interstate Greater Belle Fourche Fund American Colloid Company

Kenneth Barker Belle Fourche Lions Club Belle Fourche Livestock Exchange Duke Boston Insurance Agency, LLC Buffalo Chip Campground, LLC Bunney’s Body & Collison Repair Center Carl’s Trailer Sales, Inc. Thomas & Deborah Carlsen Collins Cleaning Systems, LLC E.T. Sports Finkbeiner Feed & Seed, LLC First Interstate Bancsystem Foundation, Inc. Gillette Fence Manufacturing TJ Gusso Lynn & Nila Hammerstrom Hersruds of Belle Fourche Jackson Dental Lawrence Title Company & Belle Butte Title Company Morris Law Firm, LLC New Generation Feeds Northern Hills Area CASA Program Wade & Velda Pehl Pete’s Clothing/Western Wear David Pummel & Associates, LLP Mike & Lorna Richey South Dakota Community Foundation Tim Speidel

First Interstate Greater Sturgis Area Fund Festival of Trees fundraiser First Interstate Bancsystem Foundation, Inc. South Dakota Community Foundation

First Interstate Greater Wall Area Fund First Interstate Bancsystem Foundation, Inc. Dawn Hilgenkamp Wayne & Melanie Shull South Dakota Community Foundation

First Interstate LeadDeadwood Area Fund Gerald & Martyann Apa Dennis & Jean Bauern Black Hills Pioneer Thomas & Karen Carr David, II & Melanie Cromes Deadwood Area Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau Osborne & Catherine Enderby Ronald & Karen Everett First Interstate Bancsystem Foundation, Inc. First Interstate Bank Foundation for Health Tracey & Amanda Heaton Marlo & Debra Heupel Historic Homestake Opera House Homestake Mining Company of California Joan Irwin Tracy Island Timothy Johns Vicki Johnson

Keene Realtors, Inc. Kayla Klein Matthew Klein Lynn Larsen Lawrence & Schiller, Inc. Lead Area Chamber of Commerce Lead-Deadwood Community Foundation Douglas & Leatta Mathis James & Ruth Nelson Northern Hills Alliance for Children Northern Hills Event Wedding Specialist Peterson, CPA, P.C. G. & F. Foral Pike Rapid City Regional Hospital Real Estate Center of LeadDeadwood Steven Rice Misty Robinson Les & Cheryl Roselles South Dakota Community Foundation Michael & Reesa Stahl Stone Land Services, LLC Julie Stone Richard & Romona Tinker TJ’s Services Constance Walter

Michael J. Fitzmaurice State Veterans Home Endowment Fund American Legion Post 8 Knights of Columbus Knights of Columbus - Highmore SD Elks Association Charitable & Welfare Trust Fund

Five Counties Endowment Fund Lemmon Area Medical Association

Florence Women in Action Fund Tracy Anderson

Freeman Community Foundation Delayne & Rita Graber Emily Hofer Stewart Hofer

Diana Randall Sam & Linda Sorensen Dale & Ruth Strasser Barry & Lori Uecker Nathan & Janett Walter Donna Waltner

Friedens-Heinz Cemetery Fund Vern & Ethel Ochsner

Friends of SD Public Broadcasting Fund Dakota Sturges Fund Marion Van Zante Fund with Renaissance Charitable Foundation

The Frontier Fund David & Karen Anderson Debra Anderson Anonymous Bradley Benham Abby Bischoff Boom Construction, Inc. Adam & Leah Braun Vincent & Connie Braun Allen Brimer & Kerry Brock Kasondra Brooke-Muhm Robert & Barb Buche Bush Foundation Kylene Canham Sarah Beatty Carlson Bryce & Megan Clark Megan Clark Jeffrey Connolly Karri Dieken Matthew Ehlman Nicholas Ehlman Thomas & Patricia Ehlman First Interstate Greater Wall Area Fund Steve & Mary Helen Flanery Patrick Fleming & Erika Olson Kevin Fortwendel Donald & Jean Frankenfeld Lindsay Frankenfeld Robert Grant Robert & Ronda Gusinsky Tom & Mary Helland John & Ann Henkhaus Joan Hogan Todd Hollan

Linda S. Hunt Kay Jorgensen Matt & Stephanie Judson Karen Kraus Maree Larson Trust Maree Larson O. Dale Larson L. Leidelmeijer Deanna Lien D. & L. Lust MAC Construction Stephen McCarthy Michelle McCarville Duncan & Theresa McRae David Merthan Miller Properties, Inc. Brian Page John & Eileen Quello Nathan & Susan Quello The Real Estate Group, Inc. John Riker Samantha Samuel Ralph & Laura Schad Patrick Schmadeke Schmid Insurance Agency Kyle Schwab Buddy & Jamie Seiner Jacqueline Sly Ted Stephens, III & Dmitry Yakimchuk Jeffrey & Shelley Stingley Walter, II & Jane Syltie TekNetCorp Paul & Breann Thompson Rob & Melanie Timm Patrick & Mary Tlustos Helen Usera Mark & Barbara Vargo Shannon Von Scheele Hugh Weber Rick Weber Liz Welch Leslie Wermers Travis Wright Michael Wyland & Margaret Sumption Yankton Area Foundation

Frank F. Fukuda Fund Community Foundation of Henderson County


Gettysburg Area Community Foundation

The Frontier Fund was created to celebrate the state’s 125th anniversary by raising $125,000. Grants were awarded to nonprofits that express the frontier values of resilience, resourcefulness, humility, innovation and determination.

JoLinda Brown Mary Lynn Collins Janet B. Cronin David & Jan Deberg DJ’s Grip It & Sip It Harold & Juli Doerr Florian & Vivian Drexler Brenda Eller Great Western Bank Eugene & Sandra Hagny Justin & Heidi Harer Sean & Grace Hart Georgia Holzwarth Donavon & Carol Hottman Jeffery & Bridget Hottman Craig & Lori Hunnel Norman & Marsha Kostboth

Harold & Sharon Lake John & Bridget Lake Hazel Langer & Lora Hazelrigg Langer’s Family Foods Kevin & Ellen Logan H. & Molly McRoberts Beverly Moore Margaret Nagel Sandra Nagel Paul Oberlitner William & MJ Powers Donna Robbennolt Doug Rueb Lola Russell Kathleen Sandberg Edith Schwenn Elaine Seurer The William Shaw Family Foundation, Inc. Scott & Kimberly Sheehan William & G. Gorothea Sheldon Rick & Elvina Simon Rick & Imelda Simon James & Karen Slunecka Craig E. Smith Jerry & Vernell Steffen Shane & Tracy Stevens Caroline Titze Tour of Homes fundraiser Sandy Wager Richard & Patricia Weber Terry & Nancy Weischedel Karen Willey Susan Worth Bill & Sara Wuttke

Goldcorp-Wharf Sustainable Prosperity Fund Wharf Resources, Inc.

Greater Clark Area Foundation Dala Albright Anonymous Velma Bachman Dale Christenson Chad G. Fjelland Greater Clark Area Community Foundation Jerry & Robin Hartley Norm & Joyce Helkenn Carmen Kloston Marilyn Lamb Lookout Bar & Grill Ray & Barbara Miller Carl & Marvine Obermeier Jerry & Dianne Olson Phyllis Peters Duane & Charlene Peterson Kimberly Price UBS Matching Gift Program David & Carol Warkenthien Keith & Joyce Warren Carmen Wika Spencer & Ruth Wood Fay Wookey Memorial Brent & Chris Wookey Gayle Wookey Joy Wookey Tom & Kathleen Wookey

Dale Peckham Memorial Award Fund Dala Albright Fredrick & Margie Alexander

2014 Donor List


G, continued Dale Peckham Memorial Award Fund, cont. Anonymous Faye Berkenpas Joseph & Caroline Chubon Joan Edwards & Lisa Bruening Paul & Belinda Engelhart and Scott Schram Dianne Givens Randy & Karen Gruenwald Rocky & Tammy Haney Richard & Shirley Janssen family

James A. Fulwider Owen & Sally Garnos Dave Geisler Alice Gruenewald Estate R. Kim & Lucy Halverson Kent & Mildred Hamiel Trent & Teresa Hanson Paula Hildebrandt Edith Holmquist Herold Hubbard Ryan & Lorlen Husman Justin & Lisa Jessop Johnson Peterson Post 179

Herb & Deanna Sundall James & Carol Sundall Vince & Linda Svobada Alan & Mary Swanson Lyle & Lorraine Vavra Delores Volmer Susan Weaver Lonis & Lois Wendt West Central Electric Cooperative, Inc. Kevin Woster & Mary Garrigan

John & Elsie Griffin Memorial Fund Griffin Family Endowed Fund

Gary & Connie Grittner Fund Gary & Connie Grittner

Grossenburg Implement & Employees 4-H Support Fund Haakon and Jackson Counties Grossenburg Implement, Inc.

Grossenburg Implement & Employees 4-H Support Fund - Hughes & Stanley Counties Grossenburg Implement, Inc.

Groton High School Class of 1969 Scholarship Fund

Leadership Huron received funds from the Huron Community Foundation to build a warming house for community members near the new hockey rink in Prospect Park. The Huron Community Foundation is working to improve the quality of life in the community. Lloyd & Pat Jensen Olleen Kirkeby Lookout Bar & Grill Oculofacial Plastic Surgery, PLLC Arma Jean Whitney Gayle Wookey Joy Wookey

Greater Lyman Foundation Merle & Marlene Aamott Arlene Ambur & family Michael & Nola Rae Ambur Andersen Family Land Limited Partnership Tom & Marcia Authier Ted & Sally Becker Thomas & Joyce Bowman Dennis Brakke Donna Brakke Harold & Jean Ann Brakke Nelson & Tracy Brakke Phillip Caslin Raymond & Jeanne Chaussee Scott & Jean Collison L. Perry Comp Estate Perry & LaVonne Comp James & Gretchen Cooney Carl & Nettie Cramer Dakota Prairie Bank Richard & Sylvia Dolly Dr. Janice Ebersdorfer Angela Ehlers Roy & Leah England Chris Eymer & Galye Mohr Betty Fedderson Bob & Janis Fuller




Beverly Johnson John Jones James P. Kineen Gerald & Lorna Kistler Lela Knudson Darrell Lintvidt Tim Long & Pam Michalek Lyman County Title Company Chris & Pat Madsen Bret & Tami McClanahan Donald & Melinda McManus Ronald & Ruth McManus Neil & Patricia McNaughton family Eugene & Betty Jean Mertens Dean & Debbie Mertz Pam Michalek Francis Milnar Wayne & Dorothy Monson Steven & Deb Mowry Paul & LaVerne Olson Carol Parker Gloria Perry Craig & Kellie Peters Barbara Peterson Leonard & Joan Potter Ron & Janet Rabern Sharon Kay Sanderson Rod & Lynnette Sather Edna Schelske Evelyn Schervem Kenneth & Janet Schindler Cordie & Marlys Schlomer Ralph & Marlene Schuling Craig & Dorothy Smith Mike Sprenger & Carol E. Birgen

2014 Donor List

Class of 1969 Janice Fliehs Larry & Valerie Fliehs Corinne Hein Tom & Jane Heinz Royce & Lana Huber Nancy Larsen Tom Mahan Marsha McAlister Dennis & Rae Nelson David L. Pigors Robert Wegner

GROW South Dakota Foundation Anonymous James Becker John Beyers Carla Burns David Dangler Rodney & Crystal Domke Robert & Marcia Erickson Farmers State Bank Lori Finnesand & Marcia Erickson Steve & Lori Finnesand First State Bank of Roscoe G T Properties, Inc. LeAnn Glynn GROW South Dakota Bill & Jan Hansen Mike & Sandra Hanson Heartland Heating & Cooling, Inc. Highland Lutheran Church Kristin Hofland Michael & Rebecca Honl Huff Construction Paula Jensen Craig Johnson Kolker Law Office Mark & Sandra Leiseth Kimberly Lorensberg Jamie & Jennifer Lumber Dan & Sue Menking Lori Moen Mark Nelson

Maureen Nelson Norstar Federal Credit Union Northeast South Dakota Community Action Program, Inc. Northeast South Dakota Economic Corporation Richard & Sheila Oreskovich Plains Commerce Bank Quality Evaluation & Development Katie Rasmus Craig & Connie Rau Timothy & Joan Rice City of Roslyn Stephanie Sexton Beth Smith Spink County Abstract & Title Judy Steen Kelly Weaver Webster 20/20, Inc.


Haakon County Public Library Fund Sheila Olson

Hagen-Harvey Scholarship Fund John T. Vucurevich Foundation

John and Cora Heckenlaible Family Fund Arline Heckenlaible

Herreid Community Foundation Jami & Brooke Ackerman Rodney & Sandra Ackerman Mark & Trista Bates Alton & Gladys Bauer JoAnne Bauer Troy & Lisa Beck Steven & Wanda Berndt Brandner Brothers Bruce Brandner William & Julie Brandner Marilyn Brockel Campbell County Bank James & Faye Dupper Jodi Feist Finance Office - City of Herreid Bill & Connie Fischer Earl & Judy Fjeldheim Kent & Brandee Fjeldheim Goehring, Inc. Douglas & Nola Goehring Larry & Susan Goehring Good Samaritan Society-Herreid James & Lucinda Haak Brenda Hague Hair Effects by Mindy Jason Hasper Heartland Publishing, Inc. Herreid Baptist Teens for Christ Herreid Bingo Fundraiser Herreid Community Foundation Herreid Economic Development Corporation Herreid Livestock Auction, Inc. Herreid Lumber, Inc. Herreid Rummage Sale Herreid Super Stop Marion Huseby Brandon & Marci Jones

David & Martina Kary Gordon & Mavis Klaudt Kroontje Law Office Penny & Aldine Mittleider Ron & Diana Mittleider Mitzel & Sons Mitzel & Sons, Inc. Tom & Mary Mitzel Modern Woodman of America Mom’s of Alumni Maebel Nieuwsma Vern & Ethel Ochsner Laurie Oswald & Sons Laurie Oswald Richard & Holly Pudwill Tim Pudwill Todd & Colette Pudwill Gordon & Dianna Quaschnick Kirk Quaschnick Richard & Louise Quaschnick Bea Reierson Rieker Electric Brandon & DeeAnn Ritter Casey Rossow & Shan Lehrkamp Dennis Rossow family & Shelly Rossow family Laurance & Reta Rossow Roger & Naomi Rossow S & S Realty, Inc. Chester & Carol Sayler Ronald & Patricia Schauer Kevin & Sharon Schick Clyde & Donna Schoeck Robert & Rosemary Schuetzle David & Stacy Schumacher Holly Schumacher Terry & Kim Sjomeling Sons of the Legion Carol Thies Trail Café Valley Telecommunications John & Betty VanBeek Jay Volzke & Nicole Meier Weisbeck & Sons, Inc. Ernie Weisbeck J. & Melissa Weisbeck Brian Weismantel Gary & Sandra Weismantel Nicholas & Kelsey Weismantel Dick & Suzanne Werner West River Angus, LLC John & Mary Wiest

Elton & Willetta Hess Endowment Fund Elton H. Hess, Jr.

Willetta Holt Hess Endowment Fund Elton H. Hess, Jr.

Hetland and Old Nordland Cemeteries Support Fund Thomas & Sharon Delzer George & Judy Jongeling Curtis & Bonnie Ulvestad

Dick & Pat Hicks Youth with Disabilities Leadership Activities Scholarship Fund South Dakota Coalition of Citizens with Disabilities

Hill City Scholarship Foundation Fund Mary Helen Alexander R. Victor & Sherry Alexander Avera Health Beta Rho Justin Cutler First Interstate Bancsystem Foundation, Inc. Granite Sports, Inc. Michael Grimm Dennis & Julia Hengen B.A. & Sandra Jordan James & Eugenia Lewis Neiman Timber Company Douglas & Anita Peters Jason & Stacia Peters Detlev & Connie Prautzsch Andrew Qualm Dale & Dolores Schrier Howard R. Schrier Bob & Lori Sutton Meg Warder Robert & Jo Anna Warder Wellmark BlueCross BlueShield Mike & Erica Welu Owen & Carol Wiederhold

RAC Scholarship Fund Recreational Adventures Company

Craig M. Hilton Memorial Scholarship Fund Dennis Doerr & Judith Payne

Hippen Family Fund Heritage Museum of Roberts County Sisseton Women’s Bowling Association

Curtis Marvin Hohn Endowment Fund LeRoy & Laura Ask Jeremiah Davis O.S. Piper & Zazel Piper Memorial Fund George Piper Roger & Shirley Schuller

Kerry Lynn Horn Memorial Scholarship Fund Anonymous Clark & Mary Horn

Horton Holding, Inc. Charitable Giving Fund Horton Holding, Inc.

Hoven Community Foundation Lois Derouchey

Hoven High School Fund LeRoy Adam Anonymous Lucille Artz Ruby Beck Bethlehem Lutheran Church Jerry Brickner Class of 1967 Linda Coyne Mike & Nina Derouchey Alan & Lyndsey Dixon Arnold & Rosemarie Edrich Brad & Dawn Elshere Jerry & Kathryn Elshere Anthony Engel

Elaine Erickson Peter & Sandra Frickson Jesse & Amanda Frost Kay Gabrielson Alejandro & Lucia Gutierrez Loren & Frances Hanson Dale & Kim Hoerner Chad & Diana Homan Doris Hornby Roy Hoven John Jeffers & Mary Edrich Jan Jensen Pat & Marcy Jones John & Diane Karst Billy Kaup Ryan Kershner & Sarah Goebel Thomas & Elaine Lesnar Gary & Judy Lowinske Richard & Dori Lunders Robert & Gloria Lutter A. & Kathy Manfull Kathleen Melius Claudia Merthan Lee & Nancy Ode Dan & Gayla Piroutek Hope Rausch & Brittney Todd Janice Ann Rausch Kenneth Rausch Lloyd & Betty Rausch Jeffrey & Mary Smith Mr. & Mrs. Vern Snow Jeremy & Chantel Stoecker Steven & Rebecca Trefz Mark & Jane Ulrich Travis & Aundriea VanWell Mary Lee Waldman

Huron Community Foundation ACE Realty, LLP Agsense, LLC AMC Huron Company, Inc. American Bank & Trust Person Anderson Agency, LLC Anderson Furniture Anonymous Avail Wealth Management, LLC Barti Metal Processing, Inc. Barton’s Heating & Cooling Bauman Agency, Inc. Rick & Sandra Benson Lisa Boomsma Jerrod & Amy Busch Carlson’s Northside Service, Inc. Carpet Center, Inc. Gianmarco Castellanos Centurytel, Inc. Paul & Donna Christen Churchill, Manolis, Freeman, Kludt, Shelton & Burns, LLP The Clothing Company Corinn’s Infinite Health, LLC Cornerstone Financial Solutions, Inc. Curt’s Heating & Cooling, Inc. Eldon & Doris Dahl Dakota Environmental, Inc. Dakota Family Dentistry Dakota Promotions, Inc. Dakota Provisions Dakotaland Federal Credit Union Dakotaland Feeds, LLC

Brian J. Davidson Insurance Agency, Inc. Timothy & Emily Davis Darold & Jill Dornbush Dramstad Refrigeration & Electric, Inc. Ellwein Brothers, Inc. Donald & Pamela Facey Fair City Sertoma Club Farm Credit Services of America Farmers Cashway Farmer’s Union Service Association Brower Farms Farnam’s Genuine Parts, Inc. First National Bank South Dakota First National Bank-Pierre First Premier First Premier Bank-Sioux Falls First Presbyterian Church Steve & Lacey Fryberger Fuchs Orthodontics Michael & Mary Fuchs Fullerton Furniture, Inc. Bush & Susan Fullerton Steven & Kristin Gohn Manny Gonzalez Agency, Inc. Steve & Susan Gubbrud Christopher & Lavin Haberling Rachel Haigh-Blume Thomas J. & Jean Hajek Byron & Jill Harmdierks Harrington & Associates, LTD Heartland Pork, LLC Lori Heller Diana Hofhenke David & Deborah (Langenfeld) Hoops Horizontal Machine & Manufacturing, Inc. HR Green Snow Huether & Coyle Huron Clinic Foundation, LTD Huron Community Foundation Huron High Twelve Club 145 Huron Laboratory Services Huron Noon Lions Club Huron Regional Medical Center Huron Sertoma Club Huron Title Company Huron Veterinary Hospital P.A. James River Equipment, LLC James Valley Veterinary Clinic Java Hut Matthew Johnson Shirley Jongerius Jerrod & Lisa Kranzler Heath & Michelle Kretschmar Kuhler Funeral Home Larson Cable Trailers, Inc. Keith & Marlus Lemke Lewis Family Drug Thomas Light S.J. Marnance, Inc. David & Linda McGirr Daniel & Tonya Mickelson Midcontinent Communications Mid-Dakota Rural Water System M-O Federal Credit Union Modern Woodmen of America Camp 2298

2014 Donor List



H, continued

Huron Community Foundation, cont.

Ipswich Area Foundation

Modern Woodmen of America Camp 12945 Modern Woodmen of America Camp 15288 Modern Woodmen of America Camp 18006 Modern Woodmen of America Camp 2758 Modern Woodmen of America Camp 2777 Modern Woodmen of America Camp 3027 Modern Woodmen of America Camp 456 Modern Woodmen of America Chapter 18070 Matthew Niederbaumer Nordby Realty, Inc. Northwest Pipe Fittings, Inc. NorthWestern Energy Spencer Ogle Jason Ollerich Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Ollerich Jeff Opsahl James & Brenda Paye Mary Pearson Picek Construction Company, Inc. Pierce & Harris Engineering Company, Inc. Potter’s Shoes Premier Equipment, LLC Prostrollo Motor Sales, Inc. Ravine Creek Ranch, LLC Red Wilk Construction Robert & Kim Rieger Jerad Sammons Schoenhard Ford & Huron Motorsports Jennifer Schroder Jim & Susan Searing Sibley Motor, Inc. Signature Plus South Dakota Community Foundation South Dakota Wheat Growers Association Kevin & Lynn Soward Marla Ann Starr Terex South Dakota, Inc. Brady & Jennifer Teveldal Diane Totton Tritech, Inc. Trussbilt, LLC Tschetter & Hohm Clinic, Inc. Walmart Welter Funeral Home Dick & Suzanne Werner Wheeler, Erickson, & Wheeler, LLP Tori White Wiedenman Construction, Inc. Wilbur-Ellis Company Women’s Wellness Center Professional, LLC Peggy Woolridge Thomas Young

Huron Event Center Endowment Fund


John W. & Carolyn Bloemendaal

Irene Area Community Foundation Mark & Patty Anderson Steven & Joann Anderson David & Linda Bak John & Janelle Brockmueller Scot & Vickie Brockmueller Justin & Erin Christensen Palmer & Janice Erickson Bob & Carol Hansen Brenson & Sara Hansen Robert & Carol Hansen Roger & Carol Hansen James & Lori Jones George & LoAnn Kjeldseth Murra family Geraldine Olsen Quad State Distribution, LLC Robert & Barbara Satter Mary Slowey Sunset Manor Avera Tri County Propane, Inc.

Sherman & Kimiko Petersen Promise Fund Sherman Petersen


James Howard Jenssen Memorial Scholarship Fund Shirley Jenssen

Scott & Julia Jones Fund Paul & Muffy Christen Legacy Fund Delta Dental of South Dakota Scott & Julia Jones Fund of the Oahe Foundation

Dr. Judson & Marilyn Mabee and Dr. Kate Birkenkamp Memorial Fund Mabee Eye Clinic

Matt & Stephanie Judson Family Fund Matt & Stephanie Judson South Dakota Community Foundation


Bill Kadoun Scholarship Fund Troy & Paula Hanson

Jafar & Zahra Karim Endowment Fund Steve & Pat Brown Mansour Karim Todd & Zahra Pfeifer

Knight Foundation Knight Foundation

David Kranz - Argus Leader Media Journalism Scholarship Fund The PEW Charitable Trusts

Huron Crossroads, Inc. Prairieland Collections, Inc.


Bloemendaal-Williams Foundation


Marty Kranz Memorial Scholarship Fund Dean & Shirlyn Christensen

2014 Donor List

Deuel School District No. 19-4 Kim Eggers Lynn & Jackie Gudmundson Michael & Kim Hehn Harlan Olerud


Langford Area Community Foundation Scott & Deni Amundson Aaron & Tiffany Carlson Roger Carlson C. Kevin & Betty Carson Dave & Lisa Carson Kevin Carson Raymond & JoAnne Carson Ryan Cunningham Claudia (Likness) Dempsey Jay & Cheryl Dwight Don & Dorothy Erickson Hazel Erickson Imogene Erickson Joel & Karen Erickson Leslie & Charlene Erickson Robert & Marcia Erickson Darryl & Mary Feterl Neil & Shannon Foote Ralph & Anna Jean Foote Robert & Jane Foote Yvonne Gibbs Chad & Jakelle Hardy Pete & Marlys Hardy Blair & Yvonne Healy Sharon Heil Butch Heinz family Rose Hill Diane Hoines Donna Hoines Mark & Faye Hoines Kevin & Jessica Holler Douglas & Janet Hupke Charles Jakober William Jarman Daren & Paula Jensen Jan Jensen Caroline Johnson & Vollie Ann Williams Caroline Johnson Mark & Audrey Johnson Robert Johnson Roger & Judy Johnson Craig & Lana Jondahl Lori Krause Richard & Diane Kristofferson Dale & Bonnie Larson Dennis & Shirley Larson Douglas & Brenda Lesher Leo & Darcey Lesher Bruce & Jean Likness Marjorie Likness Monte & Carol Likness Ryan Likness Wallace Loe Terry Meek Martin & Julene Micko Denise Nelson Mark Nelson Matthew & Michelle Nelson Michael & Marlene Nelson V.P. Nelson Wayne & Jean Nelson

Eugene Nerland Russell & Mona Nickelson C. Ehlert & Joyce Ogren Donnell & Suzanne Ogren Keith & Patty Ogren Roy Ogren Robert & Margaret Oliver Duane & Shirley Olsen David Olson Donald & Jane Olson Harlan & Karen Olson Milo & Connie Olson Norman Olson Trevor & Sharon Osborne David & Gwen Planteen David & Gaylene Reints Evelyn Reints William & Jeanne Reints Roger & Mary Jo Renner Phil & Sara Ronshaugen Elaine Roth Royal Neighbors of America Chapter 20005 Kevin & Jeri Ryan Bruce Sanderson Harold Sanderson Lorrie & Carla Sanderson Schuller family Joyce, Drew, Rochelle & Amanda Skovran Danny & Susan Smeins South Dakota Community Foundation Ilene Stave Kenny & Dorothy Stillson Adam & Kayla Suther Kevin & Jeannie Swanson Steven & Michelle Swanson Tinta Lodge 116 Don & Sharon Tisher Jennings & Ruth Tobin Rodney & Evelyn Tobin James & Barbara Tompkins Rick Vander Vorst Marjorie Vig family John & DeeAnn Walker Leona Wattier Ronald Wegleitner Wayne & Karen Wegleitner Tad & Wendy Weiss Kent Wieker Robert & Regina Williams Roger & Robin Williams Vollie Ann Williams

Clark Larson Memorial Scholarship Fund Dale & Bonnie Larson Dennis & Shirley Larson

Leadership South Dakota Fund Bush Foundation First Interstate Bancsystem Foundation, Inc. Leadership South Dakota

Lucille McCright Leischner Scholarship Fund Jason, Cari, Jake, Kennedy & Matthew McCann Stanley McCright Mark & Pat Stanforth Maureen Weiss

Lemmon Area Foundation Jane Boorman

Lewis & Clark Children’s Assistance Fund Heather Brasel Lois Halbur

Bruce H. & Deanna Lien Endowment Fund Deanna Lien South Dakota Community Foundation

Norman & Irene Lien Memorial Scholarship Fund - Corsica Steve & Julie Vanderboom

Norman & Irene Lien Memorial Scholarship Fund - Platte-Geddes Leighton & Sue Lien Steve & Julie Vanderboom

Douglas & Marlys Luebke Family Scholarship Fund Doug & Marlys Luebke


Madison Central School Educational Foundation Fund Madison Central School District

Madison Central School Educational Foundation Scholarship Fund Madison Central School District

Paul Madison Family Foundation Sally Madison

Martin Cemetery Association Fund Martin Cemetery Association, Inc.

Meier - Della Vecchia Musical Performance Fund Johanna Della Vecchia Meier

Mellette County Community Foundation Bill Adrian Trucking William & Donna Adrian Larry & Donita Denke Kathryn Jensen William J. Matousek Mellette County Community Foundation

Miller Area Foundation Anonymous Terry & Valerie Augspurger Madora Bahr Joy Baker Faith Cahalan Estate Beverly Cain Ron & Audrey Campbell Carr Chiropractic Clinic Norma Carr Warren & Alta Case Maxon & Linda Conkey Coss Agency, Inc. Daniel & Sheila Coss Kathryn Coss Kevin & DeeAnn Coss Lawrence & Virginia Coss Dennis & Mary Cundy

Dwan DeGeest Glenyce DeGeest James DeGeest Mike & Nanette Donlin Delmar & Patricia Fawcett Dennis & Connie Fawcett Helen Fawcett Matthew Fawcett Darrell & Stella Foreman Robert & Marlene Gerig Dennis & Jane Gilk Jim & Nini Hart Harlen & Helen Hochhalter Kevin & Tiffany Hofer Joel & Donna Huber Betty Johnson Wilma Jones Richard Joy Fund Allen & Dawn Joy Don & Joan Joy Richard Joy Vernon L. & JoDean Joy Jim & Chris Keeter Orville & Karen Kleinsasser Myrna Knadle Harriet Kopplin Jenise Krick Terry Krick Dale & Tammy Lichty Luikens-Hofer Funeral Home, Inc. Donald & Kimberly McDaniel Miller Area Foundation Wayne & Margaret Moncur Dora Mowry Robert & Sandra Mullaney Dave & Kim Nelson Larry & Kathy Nickelson Glenn & Darlene Puncochar Donald & Norma Reimann Kenneth & Mary Margaret Rowen Donovan & Dorothy Salberg Donald & Luella Schultz Shane & Kimberly Sporrer Donald & Eleanor Steptoe Neil & Sandra Stevens Keith & Carol Stobbs Thiel’s Body & Alignment Shop Frank & Charlene Trotman Marvin VanDerWerff Michael & Anne Weaver Ron & Betty Jo Welch John Werdel John, Lex & Clayton Werdel Kenneth & Sandra Werdel Myron & Joyce Wieseler Ralph & Barbara Zieger

Ray & Grace Dearborn Hand County Youth Development Fund Tom & Michele Olsen John & Vonnie Salzsiedler Ronald & Shirley Williams

Miller Class of 1952 Fund Vernon L. & JoDean Joy

Delores Miller Student Support Fund Gail Miller

Milltown Cemetery Fund Darrell Simmons

Mitchell Area Charitable Foundation Endowed Fund Mitchell Area Charitable Foundation

Mitchell Christian Education Association Endowment Fund Mitchell Christian Education Association

Mitchell Technical Institute Foundation Fund Mitchell Technical Institute Foundation Earl Nordby

Montrose Area Foundation Joseph Bartmann MaryBeth Binford Daktronics Inc. Jeffrey & Martha Frohwein Betty Garrett Tara Halbritter Dale Johnston Donna Jorgensen Dean & Tracy Kueter Travis Miller Dan & Terri Smith

Harvey & Joyce Beck Matthew & Tricia Bierema John & Stephanie Black Brad Cameron Cayuse, Inc. Linwood Church Mike & Lisa Cihak Catherine Plihal Davis Dr. Shannon DeBoer Kalen & Nicole DeBoer Todd & Amy Doom Mark & Susan Duffek Jeffrey & Jill Dvorak Jeff Fitzgerald Loy & Marian Forster Gard family Ryan Grubb Ben & Sara Hellmann James & Bernadette Hill David & Kristin (Wynia) Hoff Darcie (Walkes) Horstmeyer Steven & Chris Jacobsen Douglas & Gail Johnson Les & Karen Kalda Rick & Arlene Klawiter

Teach for America instructor Mia Francis helps her students on the Rosebud Indian Reservation. Teach for America South Dakota has established an agency endowment fund at the SDCF. William & Connie Smith Doug & Debbie Snyders Patricia Waechter Lawrence & Constance Zimmer

Montrose Area Scholarship Fund Joseph Bartmann Class of 2014 Tara Halbritter James & Lori Jones Dean & Tracy Kueter Travis Miller Milford Odell Estate Kevin & Traci Rovang Dan Smith William & Connie Smith Patricia Waechter Lawrence & Constance Zimmer

Coach Russ Morrell Memorial Scholarship Fund Gary & Vicki Allen Bob Anderson Anonymous

Jason & Stacey Knebel Donald & Kathryn Kortan Jon & Julie Lafleur Robbie & Joanne LanLaecken J.D. & Janet Lassen Janet Lhotak Craig & Steph Libis Robert & Joan Lier Barbara Liveris Kim (Cumpton) Ludens Steve & Joyce McCormick Robert & Roselyn McFarland Jerry & Tammy Mesman Roy & Gloria Mills Jon & Virginia Mitchell Mark & Tamara Morehouse Russ Morrell memorial Charles & Jennifer Morrell Philip, Jr. & Susan Morrell Richard & Larea Morrell Sue Morrell Thomas & Margaret Morrell Steven & Deborah Murdock

2014 Donor List


Lillian Myers Memorial Fund

M, continued

Coach Russ Morrell Memorial Scholarship Fund, cont. Sharon Olbertson Clifford & Mary Jo Parker Mark Parr Steve Petry David & Marcia Pierce The Pitman family Jerry & Marti Pollard Roger & Mary Prunty Tom Richardson Rusty & Julie Roland Herbert & Linda Saloum James & Amber Saloum

Stephen R. & Mary Lynn Myers Family Fund


Dean Nachtigall Memorial Fund Nachtigall Ranch Family Limited Partnership

Donald Naddy Fund Donald Naddy

NAMI South Dakota Fund NAMI South Dakota - Ken Heeren Memorial Fund Kenneth & Harriet Heeren


OEF/OIF Operation New Dawn Fallen Heroes of South Dakota Fund Betty Dahlin Deadwood Business Club, Inc. Calvin & Marcella Huber Rollie-Bucholz Post 7319

Harlan & Evelyn Olson Family Scholarship Fund Harlan Olson


Dr. Lynn Merton Paege Charitable Fund Dr. Lynn M. Paege Charitable Lead Trust

Parker Area Community Foundation Hofmeister-Jones Funeral Home, Inc. James & Lori Jones

Parks & Wildlife Foundation’s, Adams Nature Preserve Fund Game Fish and Parks Foundation

Parkston Area Foundation Shirley Altenhofen Anonymous Dr. Janice Ebersdorfer J. Michael & Kathleen McCann

Jerald W. Peterson Memorial Scholarship Fund C. James & Alice Jean Peterson John Zilverberg’s gifts to his donor advised fund have allowed him to award more than 126 grants totaling over $50,000 to nonprofits serving the Highmore area. Shane & Nicolle Samuels Jeff Sand Harlan & Connie Sawyer Shelly Winckler Scieszinski Karen Siri Mike & Kay Smidt Dickie & Deb Sorensen Carmen Soulek Michael & Susan Taplett Richard & Cheryl Thaler Dave & Renee Thimesch Daryl & Teri Thomas Jim Thomas Laurel & Margaret Thompson Dr. R.W. & Diane Tiahrt Robert & Lisa Tolliver Virginia Tolstedt Tyndall Elementary staff Jeff & Elizabeth Van Gerpen Jerry & Beverly Vaughn Josh & Janelle Vincent & family Ronald & Janet Wagner Gale & Jan Walker Dan Walkes Dave & Mary Walkes Dominic & Hannah Walkes Pearl Weber Lawrence R. & Alice Weisz Daniel & Kay Whalen Robert & B. Diane Young Gretchen Zalkind




John & Betty Niemi Scholarship Fund Betty Niemi

Jerome & Juanita Nolz/Deuel Faculty Scholarship Fund Anonymous Dean & Shirlyn Christensen Deuel School District No. 19-4 Larry & Karen Fieber Sheila Heiberger Gale Lundberg Jerome & Juanita Nolz Chad Schiernbeck Blake Schild Bonnie TeKrony

Nordby Family Fund Earl Nordby

Ronald Noren Memorial Fund Dwayne & Cathy Noren Harold & Viola Noren Buddy & Jamie Seiner South Dakota Community Foundation

North Brown Community Foundation First National Bank Todd Hertel Heidi Marttila-Losure

2014 Donor List

Pierre/Ft. Pierre Area Community Foundation Mack & Karen Wyly

Pollock Community Foundation Virgil & Darlene Binfet Grace Chewakin Mary Hall Irve & Jean Hanson James & Elaine Kanable Delores Kluckman Allan Knudson Harvey & Jo Ann Meyer Pollock High School Class of 1973 Pollock High School Class of 2004 James & Betsy Pollock James & Sharon Puppe Faye Ryckman Raymond & Genevieve Schmidt memorial Senior Thursday Study Club Leslie Seymour Tommy & Julene Tolle Kathryn Van Der Vorste

Glenn & Elaine Pommer Scholarship Fund Sharon Peterson Brian Pommer Dale & Mary Pommer

John T. & Penny L. Porter Family Fund John & Penny Porter

Professional Soil Scientists Association of South Dakota Fund Professional Soil Scientist Association of South Dakota


Martha Rankin Scholarship Fund James & Wendy Rankin

Rasmussen Family Fund Andrea Waitt Carlton Family Foundation

Ravinia School Memorial Alumni Fund Dr. Janice Ebersdorfer Dale Eugene & Marcia Hall Dale E. Hall

David C. Reetz Scholarship Fund Helen A. Reetz

Donald C. Reetz Scholarship Fund Helen A. Reetz

Godfrey Roberts Hockey Support Fund Verne & Debbie Brakke Rod & Kim Dowling Mueller family Mike & Kathi Mueller Oahe Hockey Association Dick & Kay Tieszen West River Foundation


Salem Area Foundation Dean & Shirlyn Christensen

Salem Pool Fund Kevin & Cathy Garry Salem Area Foundation Salem Pool Fund

John Stiefvater Memorial Scholarship Fund Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Foundation

Sanborn Central Foundation Dr. Janice Ebersdorfer

Linda LaFave Sandau S.B.H.S. Class of 1988 Scholarship Fund Mark & Dawn Wagner

Hugh K. & Margaret S. Schilling Family Fund Hugh K. & Margaret S. Schilling

Schwanke Family Scholarship Fund Richard Schwanke

SDTA Memorial Scholarship Fund Alliance Communications Kimberly Johnson Steve Lincoln TrioTel Communications, Inc. Venture Communications Cooperative

Seppala Family Scholarship Fund Dorothy Schooley

SESDAC Foundation SESDAC Foundation, Inc.

Shakespeare Garden Society Endowment Fund Gail & Susan Arnott Shakespeare Garden Society

Paul & Ann Sigelman Fund Ann Sigelman

Sioux Council Boy Scouts of America Fund Young Moore, III & Gwendolyn Moore Trust Young Moore, III

Sisseton Area Foundation John A “Jack” & Marcella C Adams Fund Sylvia Deutsch Andrew & Marjorie Eide John & Angela Fitzgerald Gale Fladland & Rita Vellenga Colette Hull Terry & Sandi Jaspers Dennis & Mary Jenson Duane & Jane Schneider Joe & Evelyn Schuch Mary C. Torness William & Mary Torness

Six Points, Inc. - Cheyenne River Youth Project Fund Kasey & Karla Abbott Ward & Brenda Abrams Robert Brunst Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation Nancy Clark David Day Mikal & Nancy Hanson Lori Hinner James & Beverly Vance

Smart Software Solutions, Inc. Scholarship Fund Smart Software Solutions

Chris & Gene Smith “Get an Education” Memorial Fund Barbara Maxwell Steven & Kandy Smith William & Twyla Smith

South Dakota 125th Celebration Fund FastSigns Maximum Promotions S & S Promotional Group, Inc. South Dakota Heritage Store Joshua Spies State of South Dakota Symbol Arts, LLC Wegleitner Fine Art Yankton Area Chamber of Commerce

South Dakota Ag & Rural Leadership Legacy Fund Dennis & Janet Everson South Dakota Ag & Rural Leadership Foundation

South Dakota American Legion Foundation 7th District American Legion American Legion Drips Post 130 American Legion Hudson Post 128 American Legion Post 129

American Legion Post 138 American Legion Post 22 American Legion Post 88 Anonymous Dan Auch Gunner & Gloria Baatrup Darrel Barry Jane Benzel Bergstrom Bodeen Post 128 James Brubaker Cagley-Smith Post 60 Timothy & Monica Campbell William H. Crippen Post 62 District 1 American Legion District 2 American Legion District 2 American Legion Auxiliary District 8 Commander Lee Rist Charles R. Doman Post 131 Chuck Dubbe Annette Dunham Rich & Elaine Ekle Erwin American Legion Post 241 Paul & Kathy Evenson G. Dale “Hoot” Gibson Judy Greenfield Terry Hanson Herrick American Legion Post 220 Blaine Hoff Dale & Marla Holm Hugh & Linda Holmes Thomas Hood Jeff Hrabanek James Huls Tyler Johnson & Judy Greenfield Johnson Peterson Post 179 Gena Keller LeRoy Klinger Phillip & Maxine Konechne James & Ethel Kurtz Dwayne LaFave Laib-Albrecht Post 249 Fred & Carol Lee Melvin Lee Larry & Judy Lindhorst Dennis & Karen Lund Richard & Debra MacDonald Rod Martens Jerry Menke Wayne & Dorothy Monson Hans Nelson Kenneth Orrock Larry & Rita Price Bob & Sandy Rennolet Duane Riedlinger Eddie Robertson Post 76 Arlys Rye Mr. & Mrs. Warren Sealey Sidney L. Smith Post 24 Rodney & Joyce Smith South Dakota American Legion Press Association Spectrum Photography Kenneth & Sharon Teunissen Ed Thompson Terry Towns Courtney VanZanten Betty Vaughn Gary Warne Janet Wassenburger

Gary & Judy Wolkow

South Dakota Auto Dealers Association Fund Robert Beadle Steve Biegler McKie Ford & Lincoln Prostrollo Motor Company SDADA Services, Inc. Wegner Auto Company, Inc.

South Dakota Bar Foundation South Dakota Bar Foundation

South Dakota Beadle Club Foundation Harold Bailey, Jr. Dean & Shirlyn Christensen Rodney & Glenna Fouberg

South Dakota Coaches Foundation South Dakota Coaches Foundation

South Dakota Coaches Against Cancer Fund South Dakota High School Coaches’ Association

South Dakota Conservation Fund Kent Hagg Tim Kessler Roger Novotny Snake Den South Dakota Opportunity Group

South Dakota Engineering Society Fund Myron Adam Stephen Bareis Dennis & Tami Clark Thomas Gilsrud James & Jeanne Goodman Steven & Marysz Rames

South Dakota Farm Bureau Cares Fund Aitkin County Farm Bureau Federation Carol Bakke Basballe Revocable Living Trust L.M. Baylor & Marie Gould Dennis & Vicki Beck Dunae & Janice Beissel Benson Farms, Inc. Blue Earth County Farm Bureau Boone County Farm Bureau Carol Boyer Brookings Farm Bureau Brown County Farm Bureau Butler County Farm Bureau Association Carroll County Farm Bureau Alan & Teresa Christensen Clark County Farm Bureau Crawford County Farm Bureau Divide County High School Activities Darold Edwards Elk County Farm Bureau Association Elsen Homestead Farm Goodhue County Farm Bureau Greenwood County Farm Bureau Association G.A. & D.H. Guse Earl & Bonnie Gustafson

George Hansen, Jr. Barbara Harre Harrison County Farm Bureau Elroy Johnson Robert Larson LeSueur County Farm Bureau Association Kelli Ludlum Lyman County Farm Bureau Marathon County Farm Bureau Malcomm & Phyllis Maxwell Minnesota Farm Bureau Foundation Monona County Farm Bureau Morton County Farm Bureau North Dakota Farm Bureau Foundation Pennwood Farms Kevin Plante Plateau Valley School Activity Fund Wesley & Donna Rinner Riverview United Methodist Church Salt Lake County Farm Bureau Scott County Farm Bureau Shelby County Farm Bureau Lucas & Alise Sjostrom Steele County Farm Bureau Association Stevens County Farm Bureau William Stolzman John Stueber Summit County Farm Bureau, Inc. Sumner County Farm Bureau Association Sussec County Farm Bureau Dale & Wanda Swenson Swift County Farm Bureau Charles Sylvester Loren & MaryAnn Tucker Virginia Farm Bureau Federation VistaComm Waseca County Farm Bureau West Pottawattamie Farm Bureau Jerome Wolf Yavapai County Farm Bureau Weary & Sandy Young William Zdroik Jessica Ziegler

South Dakota Farm Bureau Scholarship Fund Farm Bureau family FBL Financial Group, Inc. Michael & Beryl Held Joy Heller Emma Siemonsma Wayne & Jane Smith South Dakota Farm Bureau Federation Laurene Thoreson Scott & Michelle VanderWal

South Dakota Fund David Anderson Bruce Brandner Janet Christopher Clay & Karen Cudmore Kris & Steve Egger Charitable Fund Jim & Nini Hart Aelred & Irene Kurtenbach Stephen & Trudy Morgan

2014 Donor List


S, continued

South Dakota Fund, cont. Dan & Ginger Niemann Tom & Michele Olsen South Dakota Community Foundation South Dakota Trust Company Charitable Fund Bob & Lori Sutton Charles M. Thompson Curt A. & Susan R. Wischmeier

South Dakota Hall of Fame Charitable Perpetual Fund South Dakota Community Foundation

South Dakota Head Start Association Fund South Dakota Head Start Association

South Dakota High School Activities Association Fund Supporters of South Dakota High School Activities

South Dakota Highway Patrol Fund Bernie & Sally Christenson Family Fund Harold & Arda Hoffman

South Dakota Highway Superintendents Association Fund

South Dakota Library Association

South Dakota National Guard Minuteman Fund Steven Nelson Matthew & Cayla Sadler

South Dakota Newspaper Foundation Fund Doug & Tricia Crews R. Kim & Lucy Halverson

South Dakota Nurses Foundation Gary & Mary Brendtro Sandra Bunkers Carrie Clausen Mike & Julia Dangel Dr. Kay Foland Sandi Isburg M. Kay M. Judge Claudia Kapp Ardelle Kleinsasser Judith Niklason David & Roberta Olson Carol Jean Peterson Christina Plemmons Pat Sechser Lori Starr William & Carla Texel Joanne Tieman George & Lenore Whaley

South Dakota Nurses Association Undergraduate Nursing Scholarship Fund



Timothy & Mary Minton South Dakota Nurses Association

Marianne M. Stenvig Memorial Scholarship Fund Joe & Mary Edelen Cynthia Elverson Marlin & Joyce Fjelland Mary Ingram Janet Lord Craig & Patricia Shaver Thomas E. Stenvig Gary & Audrey Stevens Kathryn Vigen

Rita H. Walsh Scholarship Fund Paula Goddard Ellann K. Petersen Dennis & Sherry Smith John Walsh

South Dakota Trucking Association Fund South Dakota Trucking Association South Dakota Wheat, Inc.

South Dakota Library Association Leon Raney Endowment Fund


Dr. Carl & Leona Stadler Scholarship Fund

South Dakota Wheat, Inc. Fund

South Dakota Association of County Highway Superintendents

William & Gail Fuller Paula Goddard

Thomas & Barbara Goehring Linda Herrick John Jacoway & Linda Kropenske Sylvia Pickard

Spearfish Community Foundation Jeremy & Melissa Barnett

Special Olympics South Dakota Fund South Dakota Community Foundation Special Olympics South Dakota

St. Michael’s Cemetery Perpetual Fund-Herreid, SD Daniel Arbach Clarence Brandner family Florence Brandner Lien Funeral Home Bruce Mitzel William J. Schaefbauer St. Michael’s Altar Society Magdalena Marge Weisbeck

Steele Family Faulkton High School Scholarship Fund Daniel Steele

Josie A. Stewart Scholarship Fund Jane Boorman

SVEN Project Fund Daniel & Annie Dangel Gil Gjere Bill & Jan Hansen Marjorie Hansen Neal & Jennifer Hanson Beverly Huber Richard Jensen Wayne & Linda Larsen Opal Mark Marvel Morrison Jay W. & Melanie Parsons Glenn & Carmen Petersen David & Cathy Smit

2014 Donor List

SOGE OG Laere Questers Viborg Community Club, Inc. Gale & Teresa Weier Ruth Wilcox


Teach for America Foundation Dan & Arlene Kirby Family Restricted Fund

Tiger Educational Foundation Fund Tiger Educational Foundation

Grange Family Scholarship Fund Tiger Educational Foundation

Tour de Oahe Fund Delta Dental Plan of South Dakota Douglas Hofer Timothy & Julie Missal

Trail of Governors Endowment Fund Foster Rentals, Inc.

Trail of Governors Foundation Fund Dr. Samir & Mary Abu-Ghazaleh O. Larry Anderson & Marilyn Pruitt Duane Anderson Jerry Andrews David & Christine Billion Jack & Deb Billion Brule County Democrats James Burg Robert & Donna Burns Joe & Kathryn Carmody Dick & Bev Casey Terry & Sharon Casey Herbert & Sydna Cheever Thomas Daschle Pat Dougherty Timothy Dougherty Msgr. James M. Doyle Judith Olson Duhamel Joe H. Floyd Laurie Fulton Dan & Candace Garry Donald B. Garry Kevin & Melissa Garry Rich & Mary Garry Steve & Alli Garry Grant & Mary Gubbrud Dale Gullickson Gene Hammond - Travelers Motor Club Haraldson family The Hayzlett Group, Inc. James Jennings Rick & Ana Jensen Tim & Barbara Johnson Tom & Janis Kelley family Tom & Julie Kelley Kurt & Elisa Kneip family Michael W. Kneip family Charlie & Judy Kneip David & Sara Kneip Greg & Pam Kneip Kevin Kneip Paul & Kellie Kneip Robert & Joyce Kneip Dave & De Knudson Bob & Jane Kolbe

Jake & Phyllis Krull Jacqueline (Garry) Lampert Allyn O. Lockner Trust Maher Law Office, LLP Jerry & Berniece Mayer Kevin & Deb (Kneip) McDermott Dennis McFarland Scott McGregor Gary & Deb McKellips Roger & Wilma McKellips Mark V. Meierhenry Mickelson Family Fund G. Mark & Cynthia Mickelson Walter & Patricia Miller Ted & Karen Muenster Steve & Mary Lynn Myers Mark Nelsen Thomas & Jean Nicholson Michael O’Connor Alice Odegard Timothy & Mei Oviatt Scott & Maryanne Petersen Steve & Cathy (Garry) Peterson Denny Pierson Robert & Rebecca ChristenPohlad Jan Rasmussen Thomas & Kristin (Carmody) Reaves Reliabank Dakota - Dave & Jan Johnson Gus & Jan Ritchey Alvin Carl Schoeneman David & Rebecca Scott Matthew & April Smart John E. “Matt”, Jr. & Helen Sutton Ruth Sutton C. Ann Thompson Jon B. Urbach Bill & Tina Van Camp Jeff & Linda Lea Viken Margaret A. Wegner Theodore & Kathleen Weiland Harvey & Anne Wollman

Tripp Area Community Foundation Betty Bradley & Mary Stradley Kramer Chiropractic Clinic, PC

Trust for the Future Fund ALPS Paul & Muffy Christen Legacy Fund Dorsey & Whitney Trust Company, LLC North Point Trust Company, LLC

Trustee & Staff Fund Irving Hinderaker

Turner Foundation-Murdo Turner Foundation, Inc.

Turner FoundationPierre/Ft. Pierre Turner Foundation, Inc.

Tyndall Community Foundation Anonymous C.J. & Beverly Attema William & JoAnne Balvin Marilyn Barker Lyle Brown Michael & Rebecca Elsberry

Dennis & Michele Fleer Good Samaritan Society-Tyndall Robert & Suzanne Gough Norman & Martha Grimme Audrey Hajek Jerry Hajek Larry & Peggy Hamberger Gary & Connie Hawks Michael & Julie Heyl Robert & Ellen Jenkinson Maxine K. Schuurmans Kinsley Royal F. Koch Agency, Inc. Royal & Coleta Koch Ernest & Marilyn Kratz Alta Kussman Gary & JoAnn Lacompte Rodney & Judith Mace Margene Mistelske & Patrice Speltz William & Deanna Nelson Susan Paul Daniel & Lisa Rothschadl Donald & Grace Rothschadl Harvey & Delores Rothschadl Justin Schenkel Joe & Evelyn Schuch Daniel & Vickie Schuurmans Dorothy Sedlacek Gary Sejnoha Joseph Sejnoha Richard Soukup & Sons John Spurling John & Nancy Sternquist Candyce Echelberger Torsney Dr. James Torsney Kenneth & Jeanne Varilek Eugene & Shirley Vavruska Ronald & Janet Wagner Mabel Winningham Donald Wynia Doyle & Barbara Young Zieser & Rothschadl Marlene Zieser


Vermillion Area Community Foundation Edis J. Anderson Bank of the West Robert Brown & Anna Christensen Clark & Deborah Christensen Alan Clem Sylvester Clifford E. Howard & Marjory Coker CorTrust Bank Donald & Jeanne Dahlin David & Lynne (Daugherty) Day Joe & Mary Edelen Elkhart County Community Foundation Jeffrey & Kristine Esbenshade First Bank & Trust C.L. & Nila Fostvedt Alan & Julie Fritch Douglas & Barbara Goodman John & Patricia Gors Patrick & Donna Gross Kurt & Susan Hackemer Gerald & Mary Lea Hennies Jerad Higman Tom & Laura Hollingsworth

Steven & Mari Howe Joe & Jeanette Hubert Ann Smith Interiors Russell & Kari Jensen Charles & Fern Kaufman Michael & Paula Keller Maloney Real Estate, LLC Young Moore, III & Gwendolyn Moore Trust Young Moore, III Ted & Karen Muenster James Peterson John Powell & Lisa Ketcham Red Steakhouse, Inc. William & Robin Richardson Charles & Rosie Roegiers Richard & Lynn Rognstad Sharon Ross Arthur & Lana Rusch Thomas & Peggy Schaack Thomas & Mary Sorensen South Dakota Community Foundation Richard & Janet Sunde Craig K. Thompson Attorney at Law Jill Tyler City of Vermillion “Round up Utilities� Program Lanny & Vicki Walker Patrick & Theresa Wingen

David W. Day Family Endowment Fund David Day

Roger L. Kozak Education Fund Patricia Kozak

Roger L. & Patricia A. Kozak Endowment Fund Patricia Kozak

Viborg Community Foundation Arlen Jensen James & Lori Jones Troy & Amy (Sorlien) Lee Robert & Barbara Miller John Overby Jay W. & Melanie Parsons Gladys Paulsen Alphie Peterson Estate Christopher Peterson Lori Ronke Kevin Smith Shawn Smith Henry & Katherine Van Hull Gary B. Ward


Wagner Area Foundation Patrick & Becky Breen Mike & Rebecca Brunsing G.F. Buche Company Bures-Kronaizl Insurance, Inc. Dan & Kelli Cimpl Commercial State Bank-Wagner Kenneth & Mary Cotton Duane & Patricia Deurmier Jeff & Julie Doom Eugene Dressler Don & Sandy Fechner Jill Frei Michael & Kara Frei Robert & Patricia Frei

David & Marcia Honomichl David & Suzanne Isebrands Carol Kaberna David & Ericka Kotab Donald & Dolores Kotab Mary Jo Kuhlman Arlo Miller Tim & Marcia Potts Wayne & Candyce Scherr Roger & Beth Schroeder Thomas & Linda Soukup Tom & Vicki Studelska Kenneth Thaler Richard & Cheryl Thaler Mary Louise Wipf

Al Pirner Memorial Scholarship Fund Jean Pirner

Webster Alumni Foundation Fund Webster Alumni Foundation

Webster Area School Foundation Webster Area School Foundation

Webster Centennial Fund Webster Centennial Fund

Webster United Methodist Church Endowment Fund Glen T. & Anna May Carlis

Wilmer & Esther Werner Family Scholarship Fund Dick & Suzanne Werner

Wessington Springs Area Community Foundation Aberdeen Area Foundation Gail & Susan Arnott Mary Jane Belz Brian & Kathy Bergeleen Casey Bridgman - Attorney at Law Casey & Valinda Bridgman Broken Heart Ranch, Inc. Nancy Budahl Lane Alan & Connie Budahl Charles Budahl Jeff & Kim Burg Lawrence & Ada Caffee Dean & Shirlyn Christensen Judy Crist Thomas & Kathryn Dean Bruce & Cindy Eilers Dr. Delvin & Lois Feistner Roger & Pam Hainy Dorothy E. (Carlson) Harms James & Julia Higgins Myron Hinrichs Lee & Jackie Johnson Hub & Laura Kieser Krohmer Agency, Inc. John & Joyce Krueger Luella Hansen Lewallen Bernice Lillehaug Kirk & Lynda Luymes Al & Mara Meier Tom & Michele Olsen Larry & Ann Olson Allen & Bernece Rasmussen Dale Schimke Dianne Schneider Beverly Sorensen Springs Area Community Club

Mark & Carol Steichen Todd & Jill Swenson

Willow Lake Public Garden & Arboretum Fund Dean Tollefson


Yankton Area Foundation Ray & Renee Albright Anonymous Applied Engineering, Inc. Sarah (Reaney) Bevington Drs. Michael & Darcie Briggs Lloyd & Julene Brunick John & Marlene Cimpl Maxine Clem CorTrust Bank-Mitchell Beverly Donaldson John & Jeanne Ehret Paul Eide John & Peggy Frank Rudy & Kathleen Gerstner Coleen Hohn L. Paul Jensen Johnson, Miner, Marlow, Woodward & Huff Professionals, LLC Wayne & Marjorie Kindle Kolberg-Pioneer, Inc. Koletzky Implement, Inc. Laddie & Pamela Kostel Ernest & Marilyn Kratz Merle & Virginia Larson Frank & Lois Miller Jim & Celia Miner Donald & Julie Munson Diane Ness Larry Ness James & Marilyn Nyberg Michael & Karen Pekas Jerry & Marti Pollard John & Penny Porter R.I. & M.E. Porter Morris & Marcene Radack Martha Reaney Nick Saoi Sharon Sarvak Christopher Sonne & Sheila Woodward South Dakota Community Foundation John & Nancy Sternquist Thomas & Julie Stotz Darwin & Lavila Tessier Vishay Intertechnology, Inc. H. Bruce & Judy Vogt Williams & Company Robert & Carol Winter Yankton Insurance Agency

Deborah Omanson Stevens Music Scholarship Fund South Dakota Community Foundation

YBA Educational Endowment Fund Black Hills Community Bank Showplace Wood Products, Inc.

2014 Donor List



Sowing Seeds of Change In 2014, nearly $7.9 Million was awarded to nonprofits through three types of grants.

Nonprofits are important to South Dakota’s individuals and families. That’s why the SDCF offers a variety of grants to support the work of nonprofits across the state. Each grant program we manage has a different focus and application procedures. Nonprofits can visit SDCommunityFoundation.org/Grants to view grant guidelines and application instructions for each of our grant programs.


South Dakota Fund Grants V ITA L & D I V E R S E N E E DS

The South Dakota Fund is an unrestricted fund that makes grants in support of economic development, human services, health, education and cultural programs. The SDCF Board of Directors awards grants throughout the year to nonprofits that meet vital and diverse needs across the state.



N U M B E R O F G R A NT S: 49

SDCF Board Members present a grant to the Verendrye Museum to support its “Bring it Home” project to return the Fort Pierre Depot to the community.

G ra n t D oll a rs a t Wor k

Community Organized Resources for Educating Youth’s “Freshman Impact Program” receives a SDCF grant to teach responsible decision-making and traffic safety to students in western South Dakota.

Wakanyeja Wicoti Healing Camp assists kids on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation dealing with trauma, loss or grief. FOR A COMPLETE LIST OF SOUTH DAKOTA FUND GRANTS, SEE PAGE 34.

Canova will upgrade the community’s baseball field with the help of a SDCF grant.




Grant Program Introduction

2 3 Community Innovation Grants

Foundation Grants



We’ve partnered with the Bush Foundation to offer Community Innovation Grants. These selective grants focus on supporting community problem solving processes. The SDCF’s board of directors selects recipients in three rounds each year.

Foundation Grants encompass all grants and scholarships distributed by individual funds administered by the SDCF. Fund holders, scholarship committees and local Community Savings Account boards recommend grant recipients to the SDCF who then distributes checks to nonprofits.





N U M B E R O F G R A NT S: 24

N U M B E R O F G R A NT S: 1 , 4 4 0

G ra n t D oll a rs a t Wor k

G ra n t D oll a rs a t Wor k

The Lutheran Social Services’ Mentor Rally in Sioux Falls recruits volunteers.

A Sioux Falls Canaries exhibition baseball game is held every spring to raise funds for the Huron Community Foundation, which distributes grants to nonprofits in the area.



Grant Program Introduction



South Dakota Fund Grants

Funding Good Across the State

In 2014, the South Dakota Community Foundation awarded 49 grants from the South Dakota Fund, totaling nearly $463,000. The grants ranged in size from $1,500 to $20,000 and were distributed to nonprofits across the state. The SDCF received 61 applications, with requests totaling over $800,000 during 2014.

Grant Distribution Since 1987 Since 1987, the South Dakota Fund has awarded nearly 1,000 grants including challenge grants to Community Savings Accounts for a total of almost $12 million.


Corson Harding



Marshall Brown

Perkins Walworth Dewey


Day Grant








Deuel Hamlin

Sully Meade




Hand Beadle





$0 – $24,999




$25,000 – $49,999 $50,000 – $99,999 $100,000 – $299,999







Lyman Brule


Aurora Davison Hanson McCook



Fall River

Oglala Lakota


Tripp Bennett


$300,000 – $999,999





Charles Mix Bon Homme




$1 Million +

Areas of Focus

The South Dakota Community Foundation’s grantmaking committee members review applications and award grants to nonprofits in five areas of focus. Here are a few examples of grants awarded in 2014:

Health With the help of a $10,000 South Dakota Fund grant, the Live Center, Inc. in Lemmon makes wheelchair-accessible transportation readily available to people in its community.




Human Services In Mitchell, the Abbott House’s “Bridges Program” provides a home and family for young women aging out of the foster care system with funding from a $10,000 South Dakota Fund grant.

2014 South Dakota Fund Grants

Culture The Rapid City Arts Council program “Art Start Studio” is updating its interactive children’s art studio to engage kids in hands-on learning with a $4,000 South Dakota Fund grant.

Economic Development The South Dakota Native Homeownership Coalition began with the support of a $15,000 South Dakota Fund grant. The group works to increase Native American homeownership opportunities across the state.

Education Community Organized Resources for Educating Youth’s “Freshman Impact Program” teaches traffic safety and responsible decision making to students in 16 school districts in the western part of the state, with assistance from a $15,000 South Dakota Fund grant.

2014 South Dakota Fund Grants Abbott House Mitchell, SD – $10,000 Bridges Home Outdoor Recreation Area

Gundersen Medical Foundation Porcupine, SD – $3,000 Wakanyeja Wicoti Healing Camp

Habitat for HumanitySouth Dakota Statewide – $8,000 Habitat Affiliate Trainings

Harmony South Dakota Sioux Falls, SD – $7,000 New Instruments

American Legion Post 23

Wagner, SD – $5,000 Bright Red Bookshelf Program

Community Organized Resources for Educating Youth Western SD – $15,000 Freshmen Impact Program

DakotAbilities Sioux Falls, SD – $8,730 Shoulder Strap/Lap Belts in Wheelchair Accessible Vans

Dress for Success Sioux Falls Sioux Falls, SD – $2,000 Career Center and Job Retention Programs

Fall River County Historical Society Hot Springs, SD – $2,300 Pioneer Museum Upgrades

First Nation Sculpture Garden, Inc. Rapid City, SD – $15,000 Sculpture Gardens

Glacial Lakes Area Development Britton, SD – $15,000 Community Facility Furnishings

Goodwill of the Great Plains Statewide – $15,000 Connection Center Programs

GROW South Dakota

Native American Advocacy Program Herrick, SD – $5,000 ADA Upgrades

Spearfish, SD – $6,896.18 Video Surveillance System

Rapid City Arts Council

Brookings, SD – $5,000 Audio/Visual Recording Equipment

Pierre, SD – $1,500 Annual Recognition Dinner

Sioux Falls, SD – $5,000 Interpretive Services

Apply We invite your nonprofit to apply for a South Dakota Fund grant. Letters of Inquiry can be submitted anytime online at SDCommunityFoundation. org/SDFund. If invited to submit a full proposal, applicants will return to our website to complete a full application. For more information, visit our website or call 800.888.1842.

Prairie Hills Transit

Brookings Area Transit Authority, Inc.

Central South Dakota Retired Senior Volunteers

Multi-Cultural Center

Sisseton, SD – $10,000 Home Acquisition/Rehab/ Resale Program

Boys and Girls Club of the Missouri River Area

Canova, SD – $15,000 Ball Field Updates

Mitchell, SD – $7,000 Security System Upgrade

Northeast South Dakota Community Action Program

Garretson, SD – $7,500 Facility Upgrades

Canova Community Improvement

Mitchell Area Safehouse – Family Visitation Center

Rapid City, SD – $4,000 The Art Start Studio Central South Dakota RSVP Reading Buddies Program

Herreid School Herreid, SD – $10,000 Football Field Lights

Institute of Range and the American Mustang Hot Springs, SD – $3,000 Interpretive Signs and Kiosks

Iona Community Center

Rural America Initiatives Rapid City, SD – $20,000 Native American Head Start Programs

SDCF Community Savings Accounts Statewide – $50,000 Matching Grants

Safe Harbor Aberdeen, SD – $20,000 Facility Upgrades

Lemmon, SD – $10,000 Wheelchair Accessible Transportation

Lutheran Social Services of South Dakota Sioux Falls, SD – $5,000 Expansion Furnishings

McLaughlin Community Youth Organization McLaughlin, SD – $7,500 Movie Theatre Equipment

South Dakota Native Homeownership Coalition Kyle, SD – $15,000 South Dakota Native Homeownership Coalition Opportunities

South Dakota State Fair Foundation

Teach for America South Dakota Indian Reservations – $10,000 Expansion Efforts

Lakota Immersion Childcare

Live Center, Inc.

Chamberlain, SD – $11,000 Champions for Excellence Program

Statewide – $5,000 Housing Assistance for Families

Kadoka, SD – $5,000 Midland Elementary School Upgrades

DeSmet, SD – $5,000 Wardrobe Upgrades

South Dakota Hall of Fame

Spare Key

Kadoka Area School District

Laura Ingalls Wilder Pageant Association

Pierre, SD – $6,000 Discovery Town Project

Huron, SD – $15,000 4-H Performing Arts Stage

Iona, SD – $5,000 Community Center Upgrades

Pine Ridge, SD – $10,000 Language Nest Daycare Program

South Dakota Discovery Center

Bright Red Bookshelf

Schoolhouse Daycare Veblen, SD – $3,000 Facility Enhancement Project

Sheltered Reality, Inc. Statewide – $5,000 Sound, Music and Performance Equipment

Sioux Falls Family YMCA Sioux Falls, SD – $12,000 Renovation Project

South Dakota Agricultural and Rural Leadership Statewide – $15,000 Educational Speakers and Skill Development Trainers

Tripp County 4-H Leaders Association Winner, SD – $10,000 Fairground Upgrades

Verendrye Museum Fort Pierre, SD – $7,500 “Bring it Home” Depot Project

Washington Pavilion Sioux Falls, SD – $3,000 Dark Matter Exhibition

Wheels on Meals Corporation Miller, SD – $2,000 Wheelchair Accessible Transportation

Sisseton, SD – $20,000 Endowment Fund Establishment

2014 South Dakota Fund Grants



Community Innovation Grants

Bringing Sustainable Solutions to Communities

Today’s changing community needs and complex challenges require creative thinking and new approaches. That’s why the Bush Foundation partnered with the SDCF to support nonprofits that are leading the way in community innovation in South Dakota. The grants help nonprofits address a need in a community by increasing collective understanding of the issue, generating ideas and implementing solutions. These steps, which may be repeated over time, eventually lead to a breakthrough in addressing a community need that is more effective, equitable or sustainable than existing approaches. In 2014, the SDCF awarded $225,000 in Bush Foundation grants to 24 nonprofit or charitable organizations to address community needs with inclusive, collaborative and sustainable solutions.

Dakota Resources hosts a community meeting in Miller.

Young women who are part of the Abbott House’s Bridges Program make cookies in the Therapeutic Foster Care residence.




2014 Community Innovation Grants

Jeff Veltkamp, SDCF director of development, presents grant funds for the Vermillion Middle School’s Portable Garden and Poverty Task Force Project to eighth-grade science teacher Natasha Gault and some of her students.

The Abbott House’s Bridges Program residence.


A Formula For Community Innovation

Does your nonprofit have a creative solution to solve a community problem or need? We invite your organization to apply for a Community Innovation Grant.


Bush Foundation

South Dakota Community Foundation

Your Nonprofit

A Breakthrough in Your Community

Visit SDCommunity Foundation.org/CIG to review grant guidelines and to fill out an application.

In 2014, the SDCF teamed up with the Bush Foundation to bring $225,000 in grant funding to South Dakota. The SDCF manages the application process and distributes grants to nonprofits. The ultimate aim of the grant program is to uncover breakthroughs to address needs by supporting community-based problem solving efforts. Nonprofits applying for Community Innovation Grants are encouraged to utilize collaborative partners to make the most of existing community strengths and resources. This partnership is working to change South Dakota for good.

2014 Community Innovation Grants Abbott House Mitchell, SD – $10,000 Therapeutic Foster Care-Bridges Program

Black Hills Knowledge Network Rapid City, SD – $10,000 South Dakota Dashboard Information Resource

Boys & Girls Club of Moody County Brookings, SD – $10,000 Mentoring & Tutoring Program

Centerville Development Corporation Centerville, SD – $10,000 Strategic Housing Plan

Chamber Music Festival of the Black Hills Black Hills Area & Pine Ridge Indian Reservation – $10,000 Curriculum-Based Program Addressing Problems Children Face

Chiesman Center for Democracy Black Hills Area & Pine Ridge Indian Reservation – $10,000 Communities of Character Program

Dakota Resources Renner, SD – $10,000 Sustainability Plan Development

Family Visitation Center Sioux Falls, SD – $9,900 Community Forums

Front Porch Coalition Rapid City, SD – $10,000 Suicide Prevention Education

Habitat for Humanity – South Dakota Statewide – $10,000 Stabilization Efforts of Native American Affiliates

Harmony South Dakota Sioux Falls, SD – $7,500 After-School Music Program

Helpline Center

St. Francis House

Statewide – $10,000 Statewide Suicide Prevention Workgroup

Sioux Falls, SD – $7,450 Development of Service Delivery System for Homeless

Historic Rapid City

Sunshine Bible Academy

Rapid City, SD – $8,250 Oral History Project

Miller, SD – $10,000 Blue Collar STEM Lab Model

Kilian Community College Sioux Falls, SD – $10,000 Higher Education Opportunities Promotion

Lutheran Social Services of South Dakota Sioux Falls, SD – $7,500 Volunteer Mentoring Programs

Northeast South Dakota Economic Corporation

The Izaak Walton League of America Statewide – $10,000 Drinking Water Protection and Trash Grate Project

Vermillion Middle School Vermillion, SD – $9,550 Portable Garden Systems/ Poverty Task Force

Working Against Violence, Inc.

Sisseton, SD – $5,000 Rural Regional Engagement Webinars and Technical Assistance

South Dakota Afterschool Partnership Statewide – $10,000 Statewide Municipal Summit

Rapid City, SD – $10,000 Native American Domestic and Sexual Violence Victims Education and Prevention Program

Youth & Family Services, Inc. Rapid City, SD – $10,000 Mentoring Encouraging & Nurturing Dads (MEND) Program

South Dakota Budget & Policy Institute Statewide – $10,000 Webinar Modules

2014 Community Innovation Grants


Photos by Mark Conzemius


Harmony South Dakota: Shaping Lives Through Music Dan and Heidi Goeller are passionate about making meaningful music and sharing it with others. With the help of other talented teaching artists, the couple is working to transform the lives of some of Sioux Falls’ most disadvantaged youth through music. Dan and Heidi Goeller modeled Harmony South Dakota after a Venezuelan program used around the globe called El Sistema. The Goeller’s began their after-school program with 21 students in the spring semester of 2014 and now teach a group of 27 students.

Program Format Harmony South Dakota provides an encouraging, safe and structured after-school environment for children who would otherwise have limited or no adult supervision at no cost to the families. The students participate in a string orchestra, percussion ensemble and choir. They also receive private instrument lessons, musicianship instruction as well as time to complete their homework each week. Although Harmony South Dakota provides musical instruction, the program’s overall goal is more expansive. “Ultimately, our goal is not only to create talented




musicians, but also to provide children with the opportunity to learn the discipline, gain the confidence and develop the skills necessary to be successful members of our community.”

Student Selection Harmony South Dakota selects students for its program from Hawthorne Elementary School in Sioux Falls, where 87% of students receive free and reduced lunches. A majority of the students chosen for the program are non-native English speakers and many of them are from refugee families. “Perhaps the most troubling data for Hawthorne students is found in a Gallup Poll of the student body. Only 36% of students say they have ‘Hope: ideas and energy for the future’ and only 59% ‘Think well of themselves,’” says Dan Goeller, executive director of Harmony South Dakota. “Those are statistics we want to change by using music to develop self-discipline, self-confidence, concentration,

Harmony South Dakota: Shaping Lives Through Music

Harmony South Dakota’s Mission: To empower children in challenging social and economic conditions to improve their sense of community and opportunity through immersive music learning and performing.

in addressing a community need that is more effective, equitable and sustainable than existing approaches,” says Ginger Niemann, program officer at the South Dakota Community Foundation. “This program addresses the needs of students who would have no supervision at home after school, but that is just the beginning. The students are learning how to play an instrument, which instills discipline and improves confidence. The SDCF is pleased to provide the funding necessary to spark growth in the lives of these students.”

Expanding Impact In the fall of 2015, Harmony South Dakota hopes to serve 35 students. The program will continue to culturally enrich families and community members by performing concerts at retirement homes, schools and other after-school programs. Harmony South Dakota will work to deepen the educational impact of the program and monitor improvements in academic performance through teacher evaluations each semester. “Our first group of students all made dramatic improvements in their ability to play their string instruments, sing and read music,” says Goeller. “Teacher evaluations after the first semester all indicated improvement in students’ self-confidence and ability to concentrate and focus. Several students who started the program with many difficulties and poor attitudes have blossomed into confident and fun-loving kids!” The SDCF strives to be a catalyst for change in communities across the state by supporting nonprofits through grants. See lists for all SDCF grants on pages 34, 36 and 39–46.

Do Good coordination, emotional awareness, patience, cooperation, imagination and cognition in students.”

Financial Support In 2014, the SDCF selected Harmony South Dakota to receive a $7,500 Community Innovation Grant to recruit collaborative partners, build the program structure and engage key stakeholders to ensure its success. The nonprofit also received a $7,000 South Dakota Fund Grant, which allowed the program to provide an orchestral instrument for each participating student.

We understand the possibilities that exist in South Dakota. Your ideas can change lives for the better in your community. A grant from the SDCF may be the support your nonprofit needs to make a breakthrough in your community. Find out how to apply for grants from the SDCF online at SDCommunityFoundation.org/Grants.

“Harmony South Dakota created a breakthrough Harmony South Dakota: Shaping Lives Through Music



Foundation Grants Foundation Grants are awarded at the recommendation of donors who have created funds at the South Dakota Community Foundation. These grants include distributions from each of the fund types the SDCF administers; including donor advised, designated, agency endowment, scholarship, field of interest and community savings accounts. In 2014, $7.2 million was distributed to nonprofit organizations through Foundation Grants.

2014 Foundation Grants

ALM Fund South Dakota Coalition of Citizens with Disabilities

Alpena Community Foundation Alpena Volunteer Fire Department

American Baptist Churches of the Dakotas Fund ABCD-Camp Judson

ARC South Dakota Fund


Aberdeen Area Community Foundation Aberdeen Area Community Foundation Aberdeen Catholic School System Aberdeen Public Schools Foundation, Inc. Aberdeen Sertoma Club ACT 2, Inc. Bethesda Home of Aberdeen, Inc. Hub Area 4-H Rodeo Re-Cycle Safe Harbor Wessington Springs Area Community Foundation

Rodney & Glenna Fouberg Family - Northern State University Fund Northern State University Foundation

Rodney & Glenna Fouberg Family - Presentation College Fund Presentation College

John A. “Jack” & Marcella C. Adams Fund Gethsemane Episcopal Church Masonic Lodge #131 Sisseton Area Community Foundation South Dakota Parks & Wildlife Foundation St. Peter’s Catholic ChurchSisseton

Alcester Community Foundation Alcester City Parks Alcester Health Services Foundation, Inc. City of Alcester allPOINTS Health Services Morningside Care Center Pleasant Hill Cemetery




Grant County ARC Oahe Chapter ARC

Armour Community Foundation Armour School District 21-1 Douglas County Memorial Hospital Douglas County Shooting Sports

John Around Him Scholarship Fund Oglala Lakota College

Associated General Contractors of South Dakota, Inc. Building Chapter Fund Lake Area Technical Institute Foundation

Aurora County Historical Acquisition & Preservation Fund

Miller Family Homestead Fund Aurora County Historical Society

Ken Austin Memorial Education Fund Nic Jahnke Justin Johnson Caleb Michel Jacob Siglin Tim Uher


David & Wally Baas Memorial Scholarship Fund Christ Christopher Jill Heusinkveld Aaron Lemon Katie Reynan Katie Sommer Wesley VanderPol Alexa VanLaecken Joni Whitworth Luke Williams

2014 Foundation Grants

Reuben & Marlowe Bareis Family Fund Black Hills Playhouse Black Hills Community Theatre Clarkson HealthCare Foundation Crazy Horse Memorial Foundation South Dakota School of Mines & Technology Foundation University of Colorado Foundation Westhills Village Foundation

Virginia C. Barry Book of Golden Memories Fund Webster United Methodist Church

Virginia C. Barry Family Fund Webster Wave Fund

Bennett County High School Scholarship Fund

Anderson Scholarship Fund Taylor Kratovil

Cozad Scholarship Fund Bradley Hahn

Knight I Scholarship Fund-Bennett County Maria Risse

Knight II Scholarship Fund-Bennett County Sabrina Fanning

June Anderson Sommer and Robert Sommer Scholarship Fund Tania Risse

Sullens I Scholarship Fund-Bennett County Lindsay Johnson

Sullens II Scholarship Fund-Bennett County Tamee Livermont

Beresford Community Foundation Beresford Baseball Association Beresford Child Care, Inc. Beresford Public Library Beresford School District 61-2 Senior Citizens Center

Charles Bingham Memorial Scholarship Fund Kali Trautman

Elliott & Eileen Bouchie Scholarship Fund Remington Wientjes

Boy Scout Troop #133 Fund Boy Scout Troop #133

Boys & Girls Club of Brookings Fund Boys & Girls Club of Brookings

Boys & Girls Club of Moody County Fund Boys & Girls Club of Moody County

Audrey Brevik Memorial Scholarship Fund Ashley Green Turner Serr

Britton Area Foundation Britton Community Theatre Britton-Hecla School District 45-4 Claremont American Legion Harold Feser Post 262 Glacial Lakes Area Development Mason Kilker Northern Fort Playhouse Schoolhouse Daycare Elizabeth Sorensen

Britton-Hecla School Foundation

Britton PTA Scholarship Fund Evan Carlson

Britton Student Council Scholarship Fund Jadrian Guy

Britton-Hecla High School Scholarship Fund Jadrian Guy

Anna Bushby Scholarship Fund Shelby Elsen

Farrar Family Scholarship Fund Eric Gaikowski

Dena Kilker Scholarship Fund Matthew Muth

Alfred & Julia Bucher Education Trust Fund Kasey Aasby Kimberly Becker Drew Beilke Logan Cowan Jordan DeBoer Chloe Edgar Mallory Fischer Johannes Gimbel Holly Hamlin Courtney Heezen Kari Huber Stephanie Huber Kelsey Johnson Colton Ketelhut

Danielle Knox Brendan Letsche Kacie McCauley Casey Nuhsbaumer Daniel Pedersen Joel Pedersen Taylor Pekarek Bryce Roberts Samuel Simons Samantha Sivertsen Emma Steers

Burke School District Scholarships

Christen Hohm Lusk Greater Huron Area Foundation Huron Area Center for Independence Special Olympics South Dakota Splash Central

Ken & Lois Borecky FundFirst United Methodist of Huron Foundation First United Methodist of Huron Foundation

Ken & Lois Borecky FundHuron Area Senior Center Huron Area Senior Center

Burke High School Class of 1963 Fund

Jennifer Higgins Lanning Norberg Christian Schweigert Josh Tuttle

Jon Glover Memorial Scholarship Fund Turner Serr

Hampl Scholarship Fund Chloe Kenzy

Mr. & Mrs. August Steffen Sr. Scholarship Fund Sydney Benter

Bush Foundation Fund Bush Foundation Community Innovation Grant Program

John P. Bushfield Scouting Fund Sioux Council Boy Scouts of America


Canistota Community Foundation Canistota Cemetery Association Canistota Development Corporation Canistota Sports Complex

Canistota School Foundation Canistota School District 43-1

Canton Public Schools K-12 Foundation Canton Public Schools

Glen T. & Anna May Carlis Family Fund Spencer Riddle

Centerville Foundation Centerville American Legion & Auxiliary 143 Centerville Public School Blake Hill Marisa Poll

Richard & Edith Lindvall Scholarship Fund Emily Hill

Children’s Home Society Fund Children’s Home Society

Children’s Home SocietyChild Advocacy Center of the Black Hills Fund Children’s Home Society-Child Advocacy Center

Children’s Home SocietyChild’s Voice Fund Children’s Home Society-Child’s Voice Fund

Barry Grossenburg, former SDCF board member, presents a grant to the Tripp County 4-H Leaders Association.

Ken & Lois Borecky FundNational Jewish Center for Immunology National Jewish Health

Ken & Lois Borecky Fund-Nyoda Girl Scouts-Huron Chapter Dakota Horizons Girl ScoutsHuron Chapter

Ken & Lois Borecky FundSalvation Army Foundation The Salvation Army

Ken & Lois Borecky FundSD 4-H Foundation South Dakota 4-H Foundation

Ken & Lois Borecky FundSioux Council BSA Camping Endowment Sioux Council BSA Camping Endowment

Ken & Lois Borecky FundUnited Way of Huron United Way of Huron

Paul & Carol Hohm Fund Central Prairie Red Cross Dakota Horizons Girl ScoutsHuron Chapter First Presbyterian Church Huron Area Boy Scouts Huron Hockey Association James Valley Christian School Nordby Center for Recreation Pyle House Museum The Salvation Army United Way Heartland Region Violet Tschetter Memorial Home

Huron Little League Baseball Fund Huron Area Baseball Association

Bernie & Sally Christenson Family Fund Fairy Godmother’s Fund Pierre School District 32-2 South Dakota Hall of Fame South Dakota Highway Patrol

Russ & Marilyn Christiansen Family Fund Jenna Kittler

Citibank (South Dakota) N.A. Fund Associated School Boards of South Dakota The Banquet Junior League of Sioux Falls, Inc. President’s Bowl Sculpturewalk, Inc. Sioux Falls Area Community Foundation Sioux Falls Catholic School Foundation South Dakota 4-H Foundation South Dakota Achieve South Dakota Afterschool Partnership South Dakota FFA Foundation South Dakota State University Foundation Zoological Society of Sioux Falls

Clark High School Class of 1953 Scholarship Fund Matthew Loomis Molly Warkenthien Nicholas Young

Congregational Cemetery Maintenance Fund Peace Lutheran Church

Major General Duane L. ‘Duke’ Corning Scholarship Fund Marianne Hofer

Corsica Area Foundation Hoekstra Beukelman Scholarship Fund Aaron DeHaai Ashley Hansum Lee Lauck Rheanna Pheifer Kade Rexwinkel

CorTrust Bank ALM Community Foundation Artesian Volunteer Fire Department Letcher Community Development Foundation Mt. Vernon Area Youth Football Sanborn Central School

Coss Family Foundation Coss Family Miller Area Challenge Fund

Coss Family Scholarship Fund Allison Deal Courtney Haaland Kalabe Kassa Andrew McClain

Coss Family Miller Area Challenge Fund Miller Area Foundation

Crazy Horse Centennial Fund Crazy Horse Memorial Foundation

Alden Cutler Scholarship Fund Zachery Paulson

Richard “Rich” and Sharon Cutler Family Fund


Lloyd E. Dahley Fund Anne Carlsen Center for Children Fund

Anne Carlsen Center for Children

Children’s Care - Lloyd Dahley Fund Children’s Care Hospital and School

Jamestown College Fund Jamestown College

Village Family Service Center Fund The Village Family Service Center

Lloyd E. Dahley Scholarship Fund

Lloyd E. Dahley Scholarship Fund-Britton Natasha Streier

Lloyd E. Dahley Scholarship Fund-James Valley Christian School Andrew Ulvestad

Dakota Discovery Endowment Fund Friends of the Middle Border, Inc.

Leland D. & Josephine A. Case Memorial Fund Friends of the Middle Border, Inc.

Dakota Wesleyan University - Kelley Center for Entrepreneurship Fund Dakota Wesleyan University

Day County Arts Council Fund Day County Arts Council

Day County Community Foundation WAVE

Dennis L. Dolney Scholarship Fund Kellen Hempel Dylan Kirchmeier Tara Krege Kelsey Schimmel

Harry & Denice Knapp Family Fund Webster Area Development Corporation

Bob & Marlene Deal Memorial Scholarship Fund Clay Farland Tineale Peterson

Dr. Roscoe E. Dean, Jr. & Helen Hoy Dean Memorial Fund Shakespeare Garden Society

Deuel County Community Foundation Clear Lake City Library Deuel Youth Tackle Football, Inc. Gary EMT/Gary Fire Department Good Samaritan Society-Deuel County

Sarah N. Dipity Fund Custer County Library Amanda Stolz

University of South Dakota Foundation

2014 Foundation Grants


D, continued

Roland Dolly Loyalty Scholarship Fund Black Hills State University

Darlene J. Dykstra Scholarship Fund

Kelli Nelson Claire Raders Matthew Randall Lisa Smith

Platte Health Center Fund Platte Health Center

First Fidelity Bank & Tripp County Community Foundation

Margaret Paulson Taylor Pudwill


William H. Edwards Scouting Fund Sioux Council Boy Scouts of America

Jeffory A. & Linda G. Erickson Family Fund Northern State University Foundation

Estelline Alumni Association Beckman Fund Estelline School District #28-2

Estelline Alumni Association Scholarship Fund Trevor Ward

Eureka Community Foundation

Molly English Michael Hofeldt Main Gate Counseling Services Tripp County Fairboard Winner Baseball Association Winner Country Club Inc.

Grossenburg Family Pink Posse Fund Winner Regional Health & Wellness Foundation

Donald & Fern Jorgensen Scholarship Fund Carleen Thieman

Ray & Grace Neyens Family Scholarship Fund Allie Kingsbury Ashley Meiners

Pauli Family Memorial Fund

Eureka Fitness Center

Excellence in Economic Development Fund Yankton Office of Economic Development

Friends of Tripp County Library Tripp County Historical Society

Harold E. Smith Scholarship Fund Michelle Novak


Fairy Godmother’s Fund Grants to Individuals (7)

Fellowship of Christian Athletes Fund First Fidelity Bank & Bonesteel Community Foundation

First Fidelity Bank & Burke Community Foundation Burke Library Fitness on Main

Fellowship of Christian Athletes flag football participants run a play.

Tripp County Water User District - Lawrence Wagner Scholarship Fund Josey Blare

First Fidelity Bank & Jones County Community Foundation Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of South Dakota Wyatt Hespe Jones County Senior Center Murdo Housing & Redevelopment Commission Murdo United Methodist Church

First Fidelity Bank & Platte Area Foundation Bright Beginnings Learning Center Platte Senior Citizens Community Group, Inc.

Ralph & Frances Mitchell Fund

First Interstate Custer Area Fund American Legion Post 303 Custer Senior Center Custer Youth Football League Friends of Custer County Search & Rescue, Inc. Operation Black Hills Cabin Sagebrush Pals Community Club The Storehouse

First Interstate Fall River Area Fund Cat’s Meow Feline Rescue, Inc. Edgemont Area Historical Society, Inc. Fall River County Fair & Recreation, Inc.

Zachariah Kenobbie




First Interstate Greater Belle Fourche Fund Belle Fourche Area Community Center Belle Fourche Arts Council Belle Fourche Bronc Booster Club Belle Fourche Lions Club Belle Fourche Parents Who Care Belle Fourche Senior Citizens Center BHSU RSVP (Retired Senior Volunteer Program) Boy Scout Troop 252 Center of the Nation Concert Association Center of the Nation Post #3312 VFW Girl Scouts Center of the Nation Golf Course Lake Improvement Association Helpline Center (211) Junior Achievement Northern Hills CASA Parents Who Care Prairie Hills Transit Purple Pride REALTORS® for Kids, Inc. St. James Episcopal Church Suncatcher Therapeutic Riding Academy Victims of Violence Intervention Program, Inc. Western Resources for dis-ABLED Independence

Belle Fourche Banner Settlement Fund

Fellowship of Christian Athletes

Bonesteel Fire Department Bonesteel Women’s Club City of Bonesteel Fairfax Community Development Corporation Fairfax Fire Department Listen & Learn Club

Fall River County Historical Society Hot Springs Bison Booster Club Hot Springs Bulls Youth Football & Cheerleading Association Smithwick Volunteer Fire Department

2014 Foundation Grants

AFAM SD Cedar Lodge #124 Belle Fourche Area Community Center Belle Fourche Ministerial Association Good Shepherd Clinic, Inc. St. James Episcopal Church

First Interstate Greater Sturgis Area Fund Downtown Sturgis Foundation

First Interstate Greater Wall Area Fund Madeline Bauer Frontier Fund Autumn Schulz Elizabeth Sykora Wall Community Library

First Interstate LeadDeadwood Area Fund Black Hills Community Band Handley Recreation Center Lead-Deadwood School District Northern Hills Area CASA Program Teen Court

Bill & Mary Fisher Scholarship Fund-Edgemont Kori Seegrist

Bill & Mary Fisher Scholarship Fund-Oelrichs Eriq Swiftwater

Frank Fools Crow Scholarship Fund Oglala Lakota College

Clarence & Ruth Forman Family Scholarship Fund Melissa Lenards

Freeman Community Foundation First Circuit CASA Freeman Academy Prairie Arboretum Freeman Community Center Freeman Summer Recreation Grace Gering Elizabeth Sanchez Cole Waldhauser

Ruth D. Frick Ames Fund Cassie Clement Dani Ellsworth Kaitlyn Rittel Kelli VanVuuren

Friends of SD Public Broadcasting Fund Friends of South Dakota Public Broadcasting

The Frontier Fund About this Life, Inc. Aliive-Roberts County Black Hills Climbers Coalition Black Hills Mountain Bike Association Community Organized Resources for Educating Youth Dakota Rural Action, Inc. DeSmet Community Foundation Fredrick Forward Lower Brule Community College Matthews Opera House Native American Community Board Old Fort Meade Museum Operation Black Hills Cabin (OBHC) Ride Across South Dakota (RASDAK) Save the Pearl Hotel, Inc. Sturgis Kiwanis Food Pantry Timber Lake & Area Development, Inc.

Frank F. Fukuda Fund Matson Halversen Christiansen Hamilton Foundation


Garden City Cemetery Fund Garden City Cemetery Association

Adeline Gassen Fund American Legion Auxiliary Gregory Gregory Community Services Gregory Public Library Erin Kenzy St. Joseph’s Catholic Church

Gettysburg Area Community Foundation Gettysburg Volunteer Fire Department

Girl Scouts of the Black Hills Council, Inc. Fund Girl Scouts - Dakota Horizons

Goldcorp-Wharf Sustainable Prosperity Fund Days of ‘76 Museum, Inc. Friends of Twin City Animal Shelter Historic Homestake Opera House Society Lawrence/Meade County Teen Court Lead Deadwood Arts Center Northern Hills Alliance for Children Northern Hills Family Recreation Center South Dakota Center for Enterprise Opportunity South Dakota Society for Range Management Victims of Violence Intervention Program, Inc.

Granary Rural Cultural Center Fund Brown County

Greater Clark Area Foundation Kalli Bell Adrien Bjerke Clark Development Corporation Clark Municipal Golf Course Clark School District Morgan Huber Corey Janisch Cheyenne Severson Cecilia Streff Willow Lake Area Advancement

Dale Peckham Memorial Award Fund Jakob Weisbrod

Greater Lyman Foundation Iona Community Center, Inc. Kennebec Food Pantry Lyman County Veterans & Pioneers Memorial Lyman Youth Baseball Presho Fire Department Thrift Store & More

Greater Lyman Scholarship Fund Bailey Lulf

Greater South Dakota Education & Research Foundation Youth Business Adventure

Gregory Area Health Care System Fund Gregory Area Healthcare Systems

Gregory County Child Protection Team Scholarship Fund Lonna Andrews Bailee Matucha Derek Stukel

Gregory Masonic Lodge #158 Scholarship Fund Gage Durfee Codi Horst Scott Shoemaker Derek Stukel Samuel Voigt

William Mibra & Byrne Smith Griffith Foundation - Huron Area Huron Community Development Foundation

Huron Regional Medical Center Foundation

William Mibra & Byrne Smith Griffith Foundation-SDSU Fund South Dakota State University

Gary & Connie Grittner Fund Brainerd Public Schools Foundation

Grossenburg Implement & Employees 4-H Support Fund - Hughes & Stanley Counties Prairie Winds 4-H Council Sully County 4-H Council

Groton High School Class of 1969 Scholarship Fund Olivia Lone Nathan Wright

Harvey Gunderson Memorial Scholarship Fund Karina Noem

Wayne & Jacque Gustafson Family Fund

Wayne & Jacque Gustafson Family Fund-Make A Wish Foundation Make A Wish Foundation

Wayne & Jacque Gustafson Family Fund-Sioux YMCA-Dupree Sioux YMCA


Hagen-Harvey Scholarship Fund Josey Blare Tori His Law Kray Krolikowski Tamee Livermont Tucker Miller Tyresha Riquelmy-Yankton Peyton Smith Fehrin Ward

Hollis “Curley” & Rose Haisch Charitable Endowment Fund Bonesteel Ambulance Bonesteel Area Community Development Corporation Bonesteel Fire Department City of Bonesteel Burke Riding Club Fairfax Fire Department Gregory County 4-H Gregory County Historical Society Gregory County Hope Society Gregory County Shelter Gregory Public Library Mayo Foundation South Central School District 26-5 St. Ann Catholic Church

Alfred A. Halsted Educational & Scholarship Fund Brooke Wuebben

Heartland Area United Way Fund Heartland Area United Way Fund

Ray & Lillian Hebert Scholarship Fund - Burke Shae Hanson

Herreid Community Foundation

Blue Blanket Valley Senior Citizens Center Hoven Pool Community Fund Hoven PTA

Herreid School District 10-1

Clayton C. Wiest, Professor Emeritus, AD 2001 Campbell County Ambulance Good Samaritan Society-Herreid Herreid Fitness Center Son’s of the Legion

Elton & Willetta Hess Endowment Fund

Clinton, Dorothy & Elaine Hurlbut Foundation United Presbyterian Methodist Church

Huron Community Foundation American Legion Auxiliary Huron Unit 7 Beadle County 4-H Beadle County Dive & Rescue Team Community Development Foundation Helping Hands Huron Area Community Theater Huron Chamber of Commerce/ Leadership Huron Huron Community Campus Huron School District 2-2 Young Women’s Christian Association

Takini School

Willetta Holt Hess Endowment Fund Wiconi Wakan Health & Healing Center

Hill City Scholarship Foundation Fund Autumn Chapman Colton McKee Searra Ochocki Dylan Thomas

RAC Scholarship Fund Gage Skillingstad

Wheeler Family Fund Centennial Stone Church Huron Area Community Theater Riverside Cemetery Tennis Everyone

Craig M. Hilton Memorial Scholarship Fund Remington Wientjes

Hinrichs Family Scholarship Fund Joseph Jackson

Historic Arnolds Park Inc. Fund

Huron University Foundation Huron University Foundation

Huron Youth Advisory Council Fund Huron Backpack Program Huron Post Prom Party M & M Daycare Center Parks & Recreation Cane Ball Court Preschool Partnership

Historic Arnolds Park, Inc.

Hoch Drug Foundation Dakota Bodden Bon Homme County Food Pantry Bon Homme School District 4-2 Friends of South Dakota Public Broadcasting Caitlin McLouth Thomas Mitzel Tyra Patzlaff Tyndall Dakota Senior Meals Scott VanWinkle

Blake & Marcia Hoffman Family Fund Campus Crusade for Christ, Inc. Community Outreach Fellowship of Christian Athletes Lifelight Communications, Inc. Sioux Falls Area CASA Program

Harley & Sharlene Hoffman Family Fund Good Shepherd Lutheran Church

Curtis Marvin Hohn Endowment Fund Gina Elmore Ashley Sorensen Allison VanHorn

Boyd & Dody Hopkins Family Foundation Augustana College Dakota Wesleyan University

Kerry Lynn Horn Memorial Scholarship Fund


Ipswich Area Foundation Haley Hansen Sarah Leonhardt Lynae Petersen

Irene Area Community Foundation Calvary Lutheran Church Irene Community Library Irene Volunteer Fire Department City of Irene

Sherman & Kimiko Petersen Promise Fund Garrett Anderson Anne Brockmueller Pearl Gaidelis Trevor Hansen Melissa Hessman Bailey Hinseth Trisha Kathol Morgan Lee Alexis Logue Ashley Oien Lexy Schenk Ashleigh Schroeder Luke Schroeder Carly Wilson

Bailee Matucha

Hoven Community Foundation American Legion Post 159

2014 Foundation Grants



Merlin & Almeta Jacobsen Memorial Fund Andrew Taggart

Kristen Erickson

Ron & Jean Jennings Scholarship Fund


Knight Foundation

Shelby Lingscheit

James Howard Jenssen Memorial Scholarship Fund Nicholas Gillen Justin Kepler

Jerauld County Heritage Center Support Fund Dunham Historical Society

G.A. & Pearl Ann Johnson Memorial Scholarship Fund G.A. & Pearl Ann Johnson Memorial Scholarship Fund-Ft. Pierre Dan Etzkorn Herman Fennel Jenny Ganske Cade Larson Amelia Newbold Hailey Norman Dalton Prince Daulton Shrake Mackenzie Stulken Seth VanDenHemel

Aberdeen Area Arts Council Aberdeen Area Community Foundation Homes Are Possible, Inc. Northern State University

David Kranz - Argus Leader Media Journalism Scholarship Fund Cristina Drey

Marty Kranz Memorial Scholarship Fund Mackenzie Mack

Evelyn C. Kuhrt Exemplary Educator Award Fund Marcie Schmidt

L Lampe-Dakotaland Museum Dakotaland Museum

Lampe-Grace Episcopal Church

Matthew Fee Trevor Hansen Kylie Johnson Laura Klaudt Hunter Olson Jacob Sechser

Grace Episcopal Church

Lampe-Salvation Army The Salvation Army

Lampe-YWCA YWCA-Huron

Lamport Family Foundation

G.A. & Pearl Ann Johnson Memorial Scholarship Fund-Pierre Jonathan Albright Heidi Becker Kori Coldsmith Rebecca Ehrenfried Logan Gesinger Lydia Kanz Carly Niemann Amanda Peterson John Reiners Cattibrie Riggle Alec Williams

Johnson Motor Co. - Howard B. Johnson Scholarship Fund Delayna LaBelle

Anna Nelson Johnson Scholarship Fund Courtney Haaland

Evelyn Jones Scholarship Fund Kathryn Eliason Jacob Giles Haley Hansen Amy Knofcznski Erin Lemair Rush Milne Jackson Richards

Tanner Roehr Rose Hill Evangelical Free Church Elizabeth Sorensen Katie Sorensen St. John DeBritto Catholic Church Olivianne Stavick Nicole Svatos Brianna Wade Carrie Wegleitner Katie Wegleitner Caleb Wenz Wyman Wenz Zion Lutheran Church

Langford Area Community Foundation Claremont American Legion Post 262 Town of Claremont Glacial Lakes Area Development Langford School District Henry Osness Post 141 City of Pierpont

Langford Scholarship Fund Savannah Bivens

Larson Family Foundation Childcare Fund - United Retirement Center United Retirement Center

Gertrude Lampe Fund

G.A. & Pearl Ann Johnson Memorial Scholarship Fund-Montrose


Richard Joy Fund Miller Area Foundation The Salvation Army Trinity Lutheran Church

Wilfred Jaspers Scholarship Fund


Jessica Schultz Coley Stoller Samantha Swenson

Carmen Allcock Tara Andresen Kelsey Barrett Emma Bennett Emily Bremmon Evan Carlson Madeline Carlson Olivia Carlson Zachery Crandall Hattie Erickson Kristen Erickson Evangelical Langford Lutheran Church Mason Farber David Flanery Eric Gaikowski Samantha Groom Jadrian Guy Ramy Hagen Kendra Holland Preston Holland Tomi Jones Mason Kilker Lake City Lutheran Aria Meyer Jatelyn Meyer Alec Moeckly Matthew Muth Amber Ogren Sara Raabe Mallori Rabenberg

Lucille McCright Leischner Scholarship Fund Katie Murtha Tanna Waltman

Lewis & Clark Children’s Assistance Fund Lewis & Clark Behavioral Health Services, Inc.

Norman & Irene Lien Memorial Scholarship Fund - Corsica Brian Joachim

Norman & Irene Lien Memorial Scholarship Fund - Platte-Geddes Jacob Sybesma

Bruce H. & Deanna Lien Scholarship Fund South Dakota School of Mines & Technology Foundation

Milton & Leona Lindell Scholarship Fund Baily Olson Olivianne Stavick

Evelyn & Bill Lohmann Conservation Fund South Dakota Wildlife Federation

WM Looby Bennett County Scholarship Fund Sabrina Fanning Jeremy Huether Annie Johnson Taylor Kratovil Tamee Livermont Wade Porch Kyler Rayhill Maria Risse Tania Risse Tanya Stehlik

Jim & Vicki Lust First Foundation St. Mark’s Episcopal Church


2014 Foundation Grants


Madison Central School Educational Foundation Scholarship Fund Madison Central School Educational Foundation, Inc.

Norm Johnson Educator Endowment Fund Madison Central School Educational Foundation, Inc.

Darren R. Mallow Fund Jenna Brende

Francis T. Malone Scholarship Fund Kelsie Casanova Kelly Jensen Dustin Riedel

Marsh Family Scholarship Fund Darby Wilson

Martin Cemetery Association Fund Martin Cemetery Association, Inc.

Mellette County Community Foundation Concerned Citizens for the Beautification of Wood Mellette County Historical Society

Mellette County Grossenburg Family Fund Concerned Citizens for the Beautification of Wood

Jason Mendel Memorial Scholarship Fund Libby Miles

Duane Mertes Memorial Pheasant Restoration Fund Chase Larson Tanner Roehr

Brian Meyer Memorial Scholarship Fund Megan Pond Erin Sternhagen

Mickelson Family Fund Children’s Home Society Teen Challenge of the Dakotas The Trail of Governors Foundation Fund University of South Dakota Foundation

Governor George S. Mickelson Leadership Endowment Fund Wanda Goodman Kelsey Webb

Midland Community Foundation Midland Cemetery Association Midland Commercial Club Midland Senior Citizens Center Town of Midland

Midland Community Scholarship Fund Thomas Doolittle Samantha Huston

Miller Area Foundation Back Pack Buddies/Shoebox Program Hand County Angel Tree


Donald Naddy Fund Peninsula Daily News Home Fund Port Angeles Public Library Voices for Veterans

Eleanor Naddy Fund Clallam County Historical Society Peninsula College Foundation Graduates of New Underwood High School received financial support to fund their post-secondary education from the Justin & Ardis Speer Scholarship Fund. Hand in Hand Community Day Care Hands of Hope Macey Klages Miller Music Parents Miller Outlaw Amateur Miller Rough Riders Miller Youth Football On Hand Development Corporation Rustler Roost Education Center West Hand Baby Beef 4-H Club Wheels on Meals Corporation

Ray & Grace Dearborn Hand County Youth Development Fund Miller Youth Football

Miller Class of 1952 Fund Miller Elementary School

Delores Miller Student Support Fund Capital University Center

Mitchell Area Charitable Foundation Endowed Fund Mitchell Area Charitable Foundation

Mitchell Christian Education Association Endowment Fund Mitchell Christian Education Association

Mitchell Elks Lodge #1059 Fund Mitchell Elks Lodge #1059

Montrose Area Foundation Montrose American Legion RusteWaul Post #154 City of Montrose

Morgan-Naslund Fund Faith Public Library

Fred S. Morgen Scholarship Fund Brandon Fish

Mt. Pleasant Cemetery Fund-Artesian, SD Mt. Pleasant Cemetery Association

Judge F. E. Mullen Scholarship Fund Courtney Anderson

Murdo Cemetery Association Fund Murdo Cemetery Association

National Music Museum, Inc. Fund National Music Museum, Inc.

Native American Education Fund Gundersen Medical Foundation Teach For America * South Dakota

Margaret “Maggie” Nelson/ Bertha & Francis Moran Memorial Scholarship Fund Marissa Weber

Mattie Newcombe/ Maynard Newcombe Fund Casey Tibbs Foundation

Joseph N. Nicollet Tower and Interpretive Center Fund Heritage Museums of Coteau Des Prairie

Nordby Family Fund Dakota Weslyan UniversityFootball Huron Symphony Orchestra City of Huron Mitchell Technical Institute Planned Parenthood Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota South Dakota Hall of Fame South Dakota State Fair Foundation South Dakota Symphony Orchestra


Oglala Lakota College Calvin Jumping Bull Scholarship Fund Oglala Lakota College

Melvin ‘Bud’ & Jo Ohlson Scholarship Fund Alec Terca Eric Terca


Dr. Lynn Merton Paege Charitable Fund Anna Beune Corie Bramble Josie Fortuna Erin Kenzy Mackenzie Odenbach Jacob Podany

Parks & Wildlife Foundation’s, Adams Nature Preserve Fund South Dakota Parks & Wildlife Foundation

Parkston Area Foundation Spencer Lucas Milltown Island Park Association Jacob Moege Parkston Amateur Baseball Association

Parkston Area Development Corporation Parkston Rural Fire District

Rebecca Christen Pohlad Fund

Darrell D. Simmons Scholarship Fund

Pollock Community Foundation

Joshua Zwinger

Sherman Parrott Fund Grand Lodge A.F. & A.M. of South Dakota Masonic Lodge #164 Pierre Masonic Lodge #27 Spring Valley Cemetery Association Yelduz Shrine Temple

George & Ellen Penn, Earl & Lempi Penn, & Audrey Penn Anderson Scholarship Fund Dillon Bryant Elizabeth Day Taylor Gubbrud Madelyn Hauck Emily Stambaugh Fehrin Ward Chance Wilder

George & Ellen Penn, Earl & Lempi Penn, & Dave & Bev Penn Scholarship Fund Kyler Baier Dalton Hurst Steven Koch Bryce Olson Hannah Phillips Max Teigen

Jerald W. Peterson Memorial Scholarship Fund Skyler Bonn Nathaniel Duerre Kaylene Johnson Olivia Lone Wyatt Lone

Jerald W. Peterson Stanley County High School Scholarship Fund Jenny Ganske Seth VanDenHemel

Pierre/Ft. Pierre Area Community Foundation Community Youth Involved Center, Inc. Dakota Horse Stars Therapeutic Riding Center Growing Up Together Junior Achievement of South Dakota OAHE, Inc. Parents Matter Coalition of Pierre/ Fort Pierre Pierre/Fort Pierre Lions Club Pierre/Ft Pierre Head Start Program Pierre/Ft. Pierre Area Humane Society City of Pierre – Parks & Recreation River Regional High School Rodeo Short Grass Arts Council Verendrye Museum

Pierre/Ft. Pierre Youth Philanthropy Fund Girl Scout Troop 65655 Pierre Junior Shooting Club South Dakota Discovery Center (SDDC)

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

Community Action League Pollock Community Fitness Center Town of Pollock

Glenn & Elaine Pommer Scholarship Fund Jackie Ek

Producers Beef Bank, Inc. BHACF/South Dakota Rancher Relief Fund USA FREE


Donald & Monica Qualm Scholarship Fund Micaela Frank


Kathryn Christen Mitchell Ramstad Foundation Sioux YMCA Wayzata Community Church YMCA of the Greater Twin Cities

Donald C. Reetz Scholarship Fund Nathaniel Duerre Dylan Hansen

Riter Family Fund Battle Mountain Humane Society

Godfrey Roberts Hockey Support Fund Oahe Hockey Association

James & Zelda Ruddy Foundation Stephanie Brock Jamie Brockhoft Alexis Fiorini Kristen Grehl Nicole King Ashley Kingdon April Leichtenberg Kristin Mixon Angela Mott Miranda Olson Hiliary Ryan Ashley Styer Haleigh Tringale


Salem Area Foundation Dakota State University First Circuit CASA Salem Pool Fund

Scheier Family Scholarship Fund Morgan Matthaei

John Stiefvater Memorial Scholarship Fund Brenda Weber

Sanborn Central Foundation Johnathan Blindauer Kelbi Dean Kelsey Henson Joe Hetland

2014 Foundation Grants


Jerome A. Serocki Memorial Scholarship Fund

S, continued

Sanborn Central Foundation, cont.

Browns Valley Public School

Paul & Ann Sigelman Fund

Brandon Jessen Claudia Miller Ryan Pearson Brittney Davis Schacht Jessica Schmit Shelby Selland Hannah Spelbring

Prairie Lakes Health Care Foundation Watertown Community Foundation

Sioux Council Boy Scouts of America Fund

Linda LaFave Sandau S.B.H.S. Class of 1988 Scholarship Fund Kendyll Jones

Sioux Council Boy Scouts of America

Sioux YMCA Foundation Fund Sioux YMCA

Kristine H. Sanders Scholarship Fund

Sisseton Area Foundation

South Dakota School of Mines & Technology Foundation

Donald C. Sattler Fund Avon American Legion and Auxiliary Avon City Library Avon Development Corporation Avon High School Avon Historical Museum Avon Lions Club Avon Volunteer Fire Department City of Avon First Baptist Church Friedenburg Church Clay Lukkes Peggy Plaatje Zion Lutheran Church

Hugh K. & Margaret S. Schilling Family Fund Marshall County Ambulance Northern Fort Playhouse

Laska Schoenfelder Memorial Scholarship Fund Deric Denning

Schoenhard Community Foundation Chamberlain Fire Department Cozard Memorial Library Highmore School District Kimball Fire Department Kimball School District Learning Disabilities Association of SD Missouri Valley Crisis Center City of Presho St. Joseph’s Indian School

Schwanke Family Scholarship Fund

Heritage Museum of Roberts County Sisseton Memorial Library Special Olympics South Dakota Tekakwitha Living Center Valley View Country Club

South Dakota American Legion Foundation South Dakota American Legion Foundation

South Dakota Auto Dealers Association Fund Brooke Bair Shari Dietterle Hudson Frankfurth Riley Helmer Sarah Hirsch Kayla Jessen Benjamin Kozak Nicole Laub Ashley Meiners Joey Mueller Josh O’Byrne Peyton Ramstad Tyler Ramstad Dylan Riedl Nathan Wahlen

South Dakota Beadle Club Foundation Steve Benson Samantha Walder

South Dakota Chiropractic Foundation South Dakota Chiropractic Foundation

South Dakota Engineering Society Fund Seth Haigh Emily Lawrenson Erik Walega

Mikaela Fischer Gunnar Johnson Hannah Taylor

South Dakota Farm Bureau Cares Fund

Scoular Family Fund

Catholic Social Services

RV/MH Hall of Fame

South Dakota Farm Bureau Scholarship Fund

SDTA Memorial Scholarship Fund

Summer Bossman Allison Heine Caleb Lang Samantha Sleep

Dustin Konechne Josh Lutgen Joshua Schmidt

Seljeskog Family Fund American College of Surgeons Foundation Western Resources for dis-ABLED Independence Working Against Violence, Inc.

South Dakota Financial Literacy Fund Black Hills Community Loan Fund, Inc.

South Dakota Guardianship Program Fund South Dakota Guardianship Program, Inc.

South Dakota Hall of Fame Charitable Perpetual Fund South Dakota Hall of Fame

South Dakota Heritage Endowment Fund South Dakota Historical Society Foundation

South Dakota Highway Patrol Fund South Dakota Law Enforcement Charity

South Dakota Humanities Council Endowment Fund South Dakota Humanities Council

South Dakota Junior Golf Foundation South Dakota Junior Golf Foundation

South Dakota Junior Hereford Association Fund Abby Repenning

South Dakota Lions Eye Bank, Inc. Fund South Dakota Lions Eye Bank, Inc.

South Dakota Nurses Foundation Kimberly Nerud Rebecca Nichols

Dr. Carl & Leona Stadler Scholarship Fund Dakota Steensma

Marianne M. Stenvig Memorial Scholarship Fund Thomas Munce Charles Pugsley

Rita H. Walsh Scholarship Fund Amber Eggert

South Dakota Symphony Orchestra Fund South Dakota Symphony Orchestra

David Elder Violin Chair Fund David Elder Violin Chair Fund

Nicole Keirnes Fund Nicole Keirnes Fund

Hugo and Mabel Koerner Fund Hugo and Mabel Koerner Fund

Life Celebrations Fund Life Celebrations Fund

McDonald Grandchildren Flute Chair Fund McDonald Grandchildren Flute Chair Fund

South Dakota Trucking Association Fund Brandon Burg Cassidy Christopherson Maggie Donovan Lucas Heiberger

South Dakota Voices for Children Endowment Fund South Dakota Voices for Children

Spearfish Community Food Pantry Kathryn Groff Memorial Fund Spearfish Community Food Pantry




2014 Foundation Grants

Spearfish Community Foundation High Plains Heritage Society Fund

High Plains Heritage Society

Spearfish Banner Settlement Fund Compass Point Family Services Center/ YouthWise Good Shepherd Clinic, Inc. Matthews Opera House REALTORS® for Kids, Inc. Spearfish Middle School Spearfish Senior Citizen Center Special Olympics Western Resources for disABLED Independence

City of Spearfish Fund Artemis House BHSU RSVP (Retired Senior Volunteer Program) BHSU SD CEO/Women’s Business Center High Plains Western Heritage Center Lawrence County Teen Court Lutheran Social Services, Canyon Hills Center Matthews Opera House Northern Hills Area CASA Program Northern Hills CASA Ponderosa Apartments, Inc. Prairie Hills Transit Spearfish Arts Center Spearfish Community Food Pantry Spearfish Foundation for Public Education Western Hills Humane Society

Justin & Ardis Speer Foundation Club for Boys Shriners Hospitals for Children

Justin & Ardis Speer Scholarship Fund Courtney Albers Gina Bale Philip Bale Jeremy Dale Georgia Edoff Clay Farland Hailey Guenot Caleb Gunn Kyra Keimig Derek Knodel Wyatt Maciejewski Kyle McClaren Lexxy Niederwerder Veronica Parsons Tineale Peterson Jace Philipsen Dylan Phillips Alyxandra Schaub Travis Smith Clint Stangle Keely Thompson Brooke Wolken

Springfield College Museum Fund Springfield Historical Society/ Springfield College Museum

St. Francis House Fund St. Francis House

St. Michael’s Cemetery Perpetual Fund-Herreid, SD St. Michaels Church Cemetery Fund

St. Wilfrid’s Parish FundWoonsocket, SD St. Wilfrid Catholic Church

Erwin A. & Georgiabelle M. Stainbrook Fund

Abbott House, Inc. of Mitchell-Stainbrook Fund Abbott House

Avera St. Benedict FoundationStainbrook Fund Avera St. Benedict Health Center

Lion’s Club of ParkstonStainbrook Fund Parkston Lions Club

Mitchell Area Adjustment Training CenterStainbrook Fund Lifequest Foundation

Our Home, Inc.Stainbrook Fund Our Home, Inc. of Huron Fund

Shriner’s Hospitals for Children-Stainbrook Fund Shriners Hospitals for Children

South Dakota CARES, Inc.-Stainbrook Fund South Dakota CARES, Inc.

Stanley County Veteran’s Memorial Fund Stanley County

Steele Family Faulkton High School Scholarship Fund Megan Haberling


Tiger Educational Foundation Fund Austin Borah Jordan Feist Kayleigh Henderson Eric Looyenga Ellie Rabenberg Tyler Villbrandt Ashton Wiederholt

LeRoy & Linda DuBray Family Scholarship Fund I Jo’L Pretends Eagle

LeRoy & Linda Dubray Family Scholarship Fund II Jason Hill

Grange Family Scholarship Fund Stephanie Gemar

Harold & Mary Torness Family Fund Augustana College Center for Western Studies Grace Lutheran Church Grace Lutheran Church-Goodwill Cemetery Heritage Museum of Roberts County Lutheran Outdoors in South Dakota Sisseton Swimming Pool Association Tekawitha Living Center Foundation

Tripp Area Community Foundation City of Tripp

Donald Kennedy Memorial Scholarship Fund Kelli Batterman Elizabeth Bitterman Andrew Carey Cara Finck LaNae Fuerst Rachel Mora

Josie A. Stewart Scholarship Fund Joshua Sackmann

Dakota Sturges Fund Friends of South Dakota Public Broadcasting

John S. Sturges Memorial Fund American Legion 169-Clem Mortenson Post of Winner VFW Post 4674 of Winner Winner American Legion Auxiliary

W.H. Sturges Family Scholarship Fund Kray Krolikowski Nick Nespor

Del Swenumson Sisseton High School Class of 1951 Scholarship Fund Keith Rolstad

Oliver & Vi Swenumson Family Fund Heritage Museum of Roberts County

Oliver & Vi Swenumson Sisseton Memorial Library Fund Sisseton Memorial Library

Turner Foundation-Midland Kadoka School District 35-1

Turner FoundationPierre/Ft. Pierre St. Mary’s Foundation

Tyndall Community Foundation Bon Homme County Child Protection Team Bon Homme Heritage Association Tyndall Ambulance Service Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 6895


UCC Vermillion Boy Scout Troop 66 Fund Vermillion Boy Scout Troop 66


Charles C. Van Loan Scholarship Fund Travis Smith

Lewis Vanderboom Family Fund City of Platte

Vermillion Area Community Foundation Friends of the W.H. Over Museum Heartland Humane Society Main Street Center Missouri Valley Growth Vermillion Area Robotics Club Vermillion Athletic Booster Club Vermillion Public Schools Foundation

Viborg Community Foundation Daneville Heritage Association Danish Brotherhood Society Viborg American Legion Post 117 City of Viborg

Volga Area Community Foundation Volga Christian School


Wagner Area Foundation Boys and Girls Club of the Missouri River Area Rollie Bucholz Post 7319 PeeWee & Midget Baseball/B&G Club Wagner Food Pantry Wagner Girls Softball/B&G Club Wagner Legion Greer Post 11 Wagner Spring Baseball Wagner Walk/Cancer Program Wagner Waves Swim Team

Al Pirner Memorial Scholarship Fund Brandi Ober

Wagner-Woodward Family Endowment Fund Black Hills State University Foundation

Webster Alumni Foundation Fund Hanna Leschisin

Wilmer & Esther Werner Family Scholarship Fund Kelsey Quaschnick Brady VanderVorst

Wessington Springs Area Community Foundation Busy Bees Daycare Lutheran Social Services of South Dakota Patchwork Pals Wessington Springs School District City of Wessington Springs

Wessington Springs School Foundation

Kleppin Scholarship Fund Kelly McPhail Devin Tebay

Westfield, North Dakota Hope Reformed Church Cemetery Association Hope Reformed Church Westfield

Dick & Evelyn Whirlwind Horse Endowed Scholarship Fund


Yankton Area Foundation Ability Building Services allPOINTS Health Services Frontier Fund Girl Scouts - Dakota Horizons Junior Achievement of South Dakota Retired Senior Volunteer Program Sertoma, Inc. - Yankton Special Olympics South Dakota Webster Elementary School Yankton Baseball Association Yankton Children’s Theatre Company Yankton County Historical Society Yankton Rural Area Health Education Center

YBA Educational Endowment Fund Greater South Dakota Education & Research Foundation


John Zilverberg Family Foundation American Legion American Legion Auxiliary Bohemian National Cemetery Association Central South Dakota 4-H Rodeo Church of Christ Harrold Cemetery Board Highmore Booster Club Highmore Catholic Cemetery Highmore Catholic Daughters Highmore Cemetery Association Highmore Clinic Highmore Golf Club Highmore Quilters Highmore Volunteer Fire Department City of Highmore Hosanna Restoration Church Hyde County Hyde County 4-H Association Hyde County Food Pantry Hyde County Historical Society Hyde County Library Hyde County Meals on Wheels Hyde County Senior Citizens Hyde County Thrift Store Hyde County Treasurer Knights of Columbus Mitchell Technical Institute New Horizons for Hyde County Our Savior Lutheran Church Pleasant View & Spring Lake Cemetery Association Presentation College Sedgwick Church South Dakota 4-H Foundation South Dakota State University Steps of Hope United Methodist Church University of South Dakota Women’s Civic League

Tamee Livermont

Dick & Evelyn Whirlwind Horse Scholarship Fund Tamee Livermont

2014 Foundation Grants


Community Savings Accounts The SDCF has partnered with 70 communities across South Dakota to form Community Savings Accounts (CSA). CSAs allow South Dakotans to help their hometown continue to thrive for years to come.

What is a CSA?

2014 Accomplishments

CSAs awarded over


through grants to 353 NONPROFIT

A CSA provides past, current and future residents with the opportunity to give back to the town they call home. These funds are invested with the SDCF and as the fund grows, so does the amount available to give back.


How Does a CSA Work?


Every CSA has its own local board of directors to raise funds and distribute grants to nonprofits meeting the needs of the community. The money raised in your community stays in the community.


HOW CAN YOU SUPPORT AN EXISTING CSA? • Volunteer as a board member or assist with a fundraiser. • Tell clients about a CSA as an option for charitable giving if you are a CPA, attorney or financial advisor. • Donate a variety of assets to your CSA.

supporting South Dakota communities surpassed

$26.6 million. TOTAL DONATIONS

to CSAs exceeded

$1.14 MILLION.

OVER 700

community leaders VOLUNTEERED TIME

to their CSA.




Community Savings Accounts

Community Savings Accounts Fund Values* Lemmon

Pollock Herreid

Britton North Brown (Frederick) Langford






Day Co.

Hoven Northwestern

Gettysburg Faulkton


Belle Fourche

Deuel Co.

Hayti Miller


Spearfish Sturgis Lead-Deadwood

Willow Lake

CHL (Huron) Huron

Pierre/Ft. Pierre Midland

Iroquois/Carthage Volga

Wessington Springs Alpena

Wall Jones Co.


Woonsocket Artesian/Letcher/Mt. Vernon

Lyman Co. Schoenhard (Chamberlain)



Montrose Canistota

Mellette Co.

Parker Tripp Co.



Fall River Co.


Platte Burke


Tripp Bonesteel



Wagner Avon


Scotland Viborg

Beresford Irene




$0 - $99,999

$500,000 - $999,999

$100,000 - $499,999

$1 Million+


* Full CSA Fund Names are listed on pages 9–14.

Congratulations to the Eight CSAs that Fulfilled Challenge Grants in 2014

Sturgis • Lead-Deadwood • Custer • Aberdeen Fall River Co. • Wall • Belle Fourche • Gettysburg Since 1987, the SDCF has committed over $1.3 million in challenge grants to help build the endowed assets of local CSAs. Community Savings Accounts



Miller Area Community Foundation

Clockwise from top left: Backpack Buddies Program Grant; Helping Hands Grant; Mayor Ron Blanchford accepts the Philanthropy Community of the Year Award; Miller Welcome Sign

Planning for a Bright Tomorrow, Today

In 1994, a local board of directors partnered with the SDCF to establish a Community Savings Account. For the past 20 years, the Miller Area Community Foundation has worked hard to raise more than $717,000 in endowed funds to ensure Miller continues to thrive for years to come. In 2014, Miller was named “Philanthropic Community of the Year” by the South Dakota Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals for its dedication to the long-term growth and sustainability of the community. “Two prerequisites for any community hoping to build a successful foundation are an invested donor base and dedicated leadership. Miller shines because they have both,” says Buddy Seiner, community development coordinator at the SDCF. “When the board of directors tells the community about why a sustainable asset is being built for the future of Miller, individuals, businesses and local organizations actively support them. It is a community-wide effort.”

Up to the Challenge Community challenge grants have been a key factor in the success of the Miller Area Community Foundation. Shortly after the Hand County State Bank’s $125,000 contribution to create the foundation, an anonymous donor challenged the community to raise $100,000 for a $50,000 match. The community met the challenge in less 49



Miller Area Community Foundation

than a day. In 1997, the community foundation embarked on another $100,000 challenge from the SDCF and Northwest Area Foundation. The community reached the goal in less than the three-year challenge period. Nearly a decade later, Miller residents worked to raise $75,000 in order to receive a $75,000 match from community member Richard Joy and another $25,000 from the SDCF. At that check presentation ceremony in 2012, a new challenge was issued to raise $100,000 to receive $100,000 from Larry Coss. The Miller Area Community Foundation has accepted that challenge and currently has over $95,000 raised toward the goal. Once this challenge is fulfilled, the Miller Area Community Foundation’s fund balance will surpass $865,000 in endowed funds. “The generosity of our community is behind the success of the Miller Area Community Foundation,” says board member Dawn Joy. “From $1 donations to $1,000 donations, our community is there to support the foundation’s efforts. We also have board members who are willing to go out in the community to raise the money needed to make this foundation the success it is today.”

Broad Impact

Road to Success

The fundraising success has allowed the board of the Miller Area Community Foundation to award more than $334,000 in grants to more than 100 area nonprofits. In 2014, the board of directors awarded $21,800 to 13 community organizations.

Miller demonstrates that consistent promotion, good grantmaking, community support and dedicated leadership make a Community Savings Account a valuable asset to any community. This type of success, however, does not develop overnight. The Miller Area Community Foundation has grown because of the persistent dedication and vision of board members and donors alike.

The foundation has supported medical, youth and public safety organizations along with other community groups including 4-H Clubs, the Coalition on Underage Drinking, FCCLA, Hand County Angel Tree, the Miller Booster Club, the Miller Community Center and the Wheels and Meals program.

A Community Savings Account can be a powerful tool to help your community grow. Our team will visit your hometown to explain the benefits and how to get started. Call 800.888.1842 to schedule a meeting.


The Power of Challenge Grants: First Interstate Bank Impacts Black Hills Communities

In 2009, the First Interstate BancSystems Foundation issued a challenge to six Black Hills communities with Community Savings Accounts, including Belle Fourche, Custer, Lead-Deadwood, Fall River County, Sturgis and Wall. The challenge was to raise $10,000 per year for five years.

First Interstate LeadDeadwood Area Fund

First Interstate Greater Sturgis Area Fund

First Interstate Greater Belle Fourche Fund

First Interstate Fall River Area Fund

First Interstate Greater Wall Area Fund

First Interstate Custer Area Fund

As the communities met the annual goal, the First Interstate BancSystems Foundation matched their efforts with a $10,000 gift to each CSA. All six CSAs fulfilled the challenge, and as a result, each received an additional $25,000 gift from the South Dakota Community Foundation. “The First Interstate BancSystem Foundation felt partnering with six Community Savings Accounts was the perfect way to support the Black Hills communities that our bank is now part of,” says Kelly Bruggeman, executive director of the First Interstate BancSystem Foundation. “We hoped to help invigorate and increase the CSAs and their funds, so they would have more dollars to grant towards community projects.” In total, these local CSAs have cumulatively raised $1,924,700 and distributed $1,185,233 through grants to nonprofits. During the five-year challenge period, the total amount of endowed funds for all six Black Hills communities grew by more than $988,000! The added financial support will allow these foundations and their volunteer board members to meet community needs for many years to come.

First Interstate Bank



Keeping Good Growing The SDCF’s investment committee meets regularly to analyze market conditions, make needed adjustments and direct long-term investment strategy in order to yield the greatest return on investment possible. Great care and attention are given to making wise investment decisions.



Investment Committee Goals Protect a donor’s initial contribution.

Provide a steady stream of income to support charitable causes.


Produce growth in the fund over time.

Benefits of Our Investment Structure

Investment Returns Beneficial


Partnering with a community foundation gives donors the maximum tax benefit. Our public charity status allows for tax-free investment income, so your charitable gifts can make the largest possible impact.

We are the largest and only statewide community foundation in South Dakota with $227 million in total assets. Our pooled endowment allows us to access investments at a lower cost, which leads to higher net returns.



Investment committee members are experienced business leaders who meet regularly to guide the SDCF’s investment strategy.

Our administration fee is an industry low. Our staff files all grant, auditing and government reports. We also provide quarterly statements to update fund holders.


9.2% 10 YEAR

5.1% 20 YEAR

7.3% 51



Investment Overview


Historical Financial Data Total Assets (in millions) $227.3

2014 2013

















$53.1 0






Total Contributions (in millions) 2014



















Historical Financial Data



Audited Financial Statements – Summary ASSETS Cash and Cash Equivalents







Investments 209,296,396 187,191,785 Contributed Note Receivable



Prepaid Expenses



Land, Building, Furniture, and Equipment, Net of Accumulated Depreciation




$ 227,342,816

$ 194,220,182



LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Liabilities Accounts Payable



Accrued Leave



Liability under Charitable Gift Annuities



Agency Endowments



Assets Held for Others



Total Liabilities



Total Net Assets




$ 227,342,816

$ 194,220,182

$ 26,385,893

$ 11,189,088

REVENUES Contributions

Investment Income, Realized and Unrealized



Administrative Fees



Miscellaneous 19,942 TOTAL REVENUES






$ 30,831,812

EXPENSES Program Services

Supporting Services


3,602,714 866,686




$ 4,469,400




$ 26,362,412

Net Assets – Beginning of Year Net Assets – End of Year





Audited Financial Statements – Summary


$ 147,364,667


$ 123,508,732


Pat Adam

David Anderson

Beth Benning

Bruce Brandner

Muffy Christen

Janet B. Cronin

Jeff Erickson

Kathy Gunderson

Charles Hart

Jim Hart

Blake Hoffman

Al Kurtenbach

Deanna Lien

Keith Moore

Trudy Morgan

Steve Myers

Anita Nachtigal

Stanley Porch

John Porter

Norbert Sebade

Peg Seljeskog

Douglas Sharp

Curt Wischmeier


Stephanie Judson

Clay Cudmore

Ginger Niemann

Kelly Nelson

President, CFP®, CGPA

Chief Financial Officer, CPA, CMA

Program Officer

Program Accountant

Jeff Veltkamp

Buddy Seiner

Beth Massa

Director of Development, MBA, CFRE

Community Development Coordinator

West River Development & Program Officer



1714 North Lincoln Avenue


Pierre, South Dakota 57501

Toll Free: 800.888.1842


Fax: 605.224.5364




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