volleyball coach... ion at the South Dakota School of I [,' -.&. s Technology after serving for I two years as the head volleyball coach I at Hastings College in Hastings,
College in Faysttevifle, North Carolina ing, Tabbert has provided psychological skills training to various athletes, ire jdir;: the Kansas State University ollege (Ohio) women's Basketball
he holds a Master of Education degree in Developmental Kmesiology with an emphasis in Sport Psychology from Bowling Green State both Business and Psychology from Baker University in Baldwin City, Kansas.
son as Lady Ha rdraeker Assistant coach. A 1989 graduate of Tech w
years and also served as an assis
Keith Whiting (a 1989 Tech gr age four, and Tessa, age tw
...2003 Season Preview
•s Megan Barnes and Stephanie Randall
Barnes, an outside hitter, was a OAC-10 All-Conference ; i;i -SS.T
Randall, a defensive specialist, averaged 3.0 digs pe-game n - 23
intelligent volleyball. Everyone o accomp!ishmerits the past tew years. We need to buld - i t - v =.:
...OAC 10 2002 Final Standings SDTBCh
SDTeCh volleyball schedule... SDSMAT 2003 VOLLEYBALL SCHEDULE
olleyball roster SPTfiCh
Stephanie Randall - 2
ition: S/DS Height: 57" Hometown: Gillette, WY Major: Civil Engineering
On the Internet... South Dakota Tech features a home page for athletics with rosters, statistics, news releases, and media guide information on all sports. Cover Shot Lady Hardrocker Seni Stephanie Randall pos Campus.
nes (I) and ice to the Te<
_gus _p_rof He... _
..president SDTeCh
Rebekah Cornelia - 5 Position: OH Height: 5'9" Hometown: Sundance. WY Major: Interdisciplinary
Deborah Carlson -10 Freshm Position: OH/RS Hei 5'9" Hometown1 Rochester, MN Major: Metallurgical Engineering
Megan Barnes-11 Senior Position: OH Height1 5'9" Hometown: Lararnie, WY Major: Industrial Engineering 1
Last Season's Highlights 132
South Dakota Tech 2002 Statistics Record:17-19 DAC-10: 8-5
...2003 D/tC-10 Volleyball Preview Black HIM SHU UnHuOtf Valfo • ••*-> .h^.'.b-ic fi ;e:ji
}1 killsfgrri.'.26? biffing.'1.1
Dickinson State Univerity Blue Hawks
2002 stats. 3.04fcills/gm..306 Wiling. 0.55 Bcesgm, .936
2002 stalS' 2.39 kiUs/gm, 273'hmng, 1 03 acs&'gm, .921
!0 c.d|.--|- Ju . -Sjj
e,l iswis ui"I ||»0!9|3<UIU!6S :|!Biu-g
seiutuiic aoaiioo uMoisat
Mavville State University Comets
Minot State University Beavers
>.B liills/gm, 4.1 digs/gn,.928 serve %
Marey Heaman, Sopl-on'.-c Scii,r â&#x20AC;˘;ÂŤ),: V.B
Sf Tanka University at Huron Screaming Eagles:
University of MaryMarauOers
Valleyj^iy State University Vikings:
Skye Brauiv Fn
-5 0 51 a;e-g-i 'i 2," a ;s ;T C
South Dakota School of Mines & Technology 501 East Saint Joseph Street y Rapid City, SD 57701-3995 /, (605) 394-2411 : Hugh Welsh
& Hard rock Club Direct
Tom Rudebusch
(605) 394-2601
Head Football Coach
Darren Soucy Richard Sweeney
(605) 394-2604 (605) 355-3025 (605) 355-3024
iketball Coach (Mens) Hugh Welsh Basketball Coach
Assistant Basketb.
Jason Henry
ATHLETIC SCHOLARSHIPS... attend South Dakota Tech. Aihle