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September 10, 2018 Volume 1, Issue 1


From the President From the Editor’s Desk Give me change My extended family A glimpse of our meetings An education module The imperfect perfect B2B chronicle EC team 12 years a Toastmaster Do it your way The mantra A glimpse of Fun meeting Barefoot running Some insights into the technology and human community Sunil Chhetri deserves a spot in European leagues The month where w I’m King Captain Cool International speech and Table Topic Contest at Area Level Contact us

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Nimit Pradhan

My friend has a startup and he

exciting meetings. I would like to

has a vacancy in his company.

thank each one of you for

You have to work approximately.

putting your trust, faith, belief in

10 hrs a week, work from home


is allowed, no need to see your

opportunity to serve this club as

managers face. Meet once a week

a leader.

but there is no pay. Our EC

As a VP-ED in last term, I

members are in the exact same

realized that club has incredible

position that you just refused to

talent, and noticed that each one

take or even consider.

of us has that public speaker

Our outgoing EC members had

inside but it never shows its face

similar commitments, and in

or is hidden behind our layers of

spite of all this managed to find

mass due to fear of failure, fear

plenty of hours every week to


organize these meetings so the

off motivation. My job is not to

rest of us can benefit. I would

make you a better public speaker

like to express my appreciation

or a leader. That is not why I am

to all the outgoing EC members


for your relentless hard work

attributes of human personality

and express my deepest gratitude

which are intrinsic and innate to

for the great job done because of

a good communicator.

which we have witnessed




judgment and








I was born in the city of Gwalior, MP and moved to Delhi at a very young age. I completed my schooling from Blue Bells International, East of Kailash. I am an engineer by profession with a pursued a Bachelors in Technology (ECE) from Bits Pilani Dubai and Masters (EE) from the University of Southern California, USA. I was in the USA for 5 years before deciding to move back to India last year. I have been a Toastmaster since June 2015 and have actively been involved in club activities. I am very passionate about public speaking and feel being a good communicator empowers you. My personal goal is to be one of the best public speakers. I believe in self-growth and personal development and feel that we should all spend the majority of our time on ourselves to explore and discover the true potential within us.

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Fear is the darkroom in which negativity develops; fear is what we will fight against in these 6

“The next 6 months, we will strive to be


champions in this club. We will treat

I will strive to remove the Fear of Failure in all of

each other as champions from today.”

you. In this club, the word “failure” and fail do not exist; the culture of our club moving forward will

determining a good public speaker is motivation-

be to appreciate a good job, then recommendations

motivation to do and the motivation to win.

and eventually appreciation. The only way to fight

Public speaking is

fear is to face it. Let’s take the example of the table

Communication is a beautiful thing where one can

topics contest, the leadership will work to identify

express themselves in ways they like. How many of

people and ensure each one of us gets the

you followed Obama’s winning presidential speech,

opportunity to take the stage, and it will be on

or Shri Narendra Modi’s speech at Madison Square,

members to provide a supportive environment in

New York and what emotions went through when

which the speaker feels encouraged to stand and

listening to these speeches? The Power of speech is

speak out.

to express yourself, influence the world around you,

As someone said - “First they laugh at you, then

winning over the crowd, motivating people, to

they will walk with you, and then they will

inform others, to demonstrate your knowledge and

applaud you”. The environment we are looking to

stand out from the rest. It is a form of letting the

create is that nobody judges the other person. The

world know that you exist, letting each other know

only thing we provide to the other person is a

we are here. Communication is empowering

positive and supportive learning environment and

One of the amazing parts of being a citizen

feedback. Nobody can judge themselves as well. If

in a democracy is the right to stand up and

you want to compare, then compare with yourself

speak out, which is a luxury many people

from yesterday.

in the world do not have. So, if you don’t

“When Arjun was going to fight Karan in the epic war, Arjun’s companion said to him – you are brave, courageous, warrior, aren’t you scared? He replied that I am not a wooden warrior that I am not afraid, but I will not let fear diminish my confidence. And that is how a champion behaves and







distinguishes a common man with a champion.”

essentially communication.

like something, be the force of change you’re looking for through the power of speech, and it is at SDTM that we will help you







change the world. As the president of SDTM, I assure you all that we will take SDTM to newer and bigger heights.

The next 6 months, we will strive to be champions in this club.

We will treat each other as

champions from today. The second factor in

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Inside Story Headline

From the Editor’s Desk Aditya Sharma


to say, everyone

has some level of fear. Some have small and some large. And this fear stops you from performing well in facing people. So, you want to let go your fears? Fear of failures of Public Speaking. Journalist by profession, I love to read books, articles and also share my views through writing.

Rahul Sharma

Okay! What should be the next most obvious question? Do you know how? Or have you joined any Course before? Are you confident? Had it been a scenario for a last decade, these would have been the ideal questions an apprehensive person would face. However,

Author | Artist | Adventurer

I love to perform on stage, write my thoughts in form of poems or stories.


fired at first-hand. And it doesn’t mean





overnight yet it has a broader meaning. The mantra to transform your fear into your strength lies in just three step





Toastmasters Club. At Toastmasters, focus is laid not on the weakness but on your potential. From prepared speeches to Table Topic Contents, a healthy atmosphere would pull out your inner




Icebreaker speech, the reward of clapping would soothe your ears and panorama would please your



eyes. Long lost leader in you would

Toastmaster Club, the methods to

finally come to shore. With every

remove qualms of Public Speaking

evaluation, you would feel more

are totally different.

energetic and would climb the

Do you want to speak? Do you

ladder of a successful speaker.

believe in yourself? Do you like to

So, guys LET GO your fears of

be a part of our Team?

Public Speaking by Joining SDTM

These sensible questions will be


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Arpita Upadhyay

Give me Change Recently

there was news that

petrol prices are reduced by Rs 1-2 paisa. This reminded me of the fact that Rs1=100 paisa.

Although I am not an economist to decipher its proper implication but definitely I can comment from commonsense that the value and subsequent

This conversion hardly is recalled





drastically gone down.

in contemporary times. As with the growth in Indian economy, the

This has unwantedly made giving

coins are overshadowed by a

and returning 'change' and in fact

currency of notes having greater


monetary value.

condemnable task. Either you will be

However, if we peek into history,

frowned upon as a miser or an

critique and

the relevance of coins cannot be

impoverished creature to have asked


ignored. Coins of gold, silver and

for petty sum of coins!

copper used to be the main

It is not that I suddenly began to

currency in reigns of kings. Even

ponder on this but it is out of

the Pre-Independence era is a

chagrin when I don't get back my

witness to mammoth usage of coins

coins. In multiplexes, food outlets,

where currency was in multiples of

when in last resort, I have to pay in

advocator of “live

'annas'. Use of the 'paisa' has now

cash it is infuriating when coins are

and let live.�

been discontinued and old coins of

pocketed and not returned. A simple

5 paisa, 10 paisa, 50 paisa have

"sorry ma’am we don't have change



"is not sufficient to alleviate my

numismatics. (Though the 50 paisa

anguish. Any soberly dressed gentle

is a still legal tender)

man would smile and give way and

An avid traveller,

Loves adventures and accepting new challenges,









the same gentle man will enter into a

understanding the relationship and

scuffle in the morning with the

the role played by coins in an

vegetable street vendor for the same

economy. Does their thin usage

'change'. What an irony!

imply that the economy of the

Has India really become a rich


economy that the existence of these








currency notes with larger value


are flooding in the market?

questionable? or is it too impudent to

In layman terms this sounds fairly

ask for 'change' in multiplexes?


Whatever give me my Change!





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Manavi sehgal

My extended Family 2017-





I was not eligible to participate in International Speech Contest, but I

International Speech Contest season

could not save myself from being

started in District 41, and SDTM was

pushed into the arena of Table

absolutely geared up to emerge as


one of the strongest clubs that


District has ever seen. Even though I am a seasoned Toastmaster since

All those who know me




amount of time with me very well know that striking a conversation is not a challenge for me. Table

2012, my relationship with SDTM

Topics (TT) is not about chit

started in September, 2016. Despite a

chatting, it is a different ball game

long association I had never been

all together and I used to dread it.

acquainted to this fervor of contest

Even today when I

I am an external auditor serving as a Audit Manager with Deloitte TouchĂŠ & Tohmastu US practice. I was born on 14th July, 1991 which means I am a Cancerian.

season. I used to always wonder

Music is like oxygen to me and I have recently started taking formal singing lessons. My biggest aspiration is to open an old age home, and I really hope I am able to achieve that.

contests never really bothered us.

My current favorite quote is : "In a society that profits from yourself doubt, liking yourself is a rebellious act!!!"

top-notch quality of SDTM.

what was this hype all about, probably because I was a member of a



participate in TT my stomach starts growling, my feet go cold and I have jitters (now you all may understand the reason for the extra


smiling face, it is a façade which


works at times to cover my

objectives were very closely aligned

nervousness). But I was pushed


into it with some kind words, some

communication the






friends persuading me that you

However, when I came to SDTM

have to do it for SDTM, with a lot of pep talk-See Manavi it is all

within a week or so of my joining I


could sense such intense competitive

which is why you are here right!!!

spirit in all members, they took it as a

I embarked on the journey of my

matter of pride and honor that these

first contest season, and trust me

laurels are imperative to showcase

there was no looking back.

There was planning way ahead of time, strategies being made that how should we help & support our members who in turn fight as warriors




International Speech & Table Topics Contest.




I still remember I was the last contestant at the Club level, TM Gagan and I were waiting outside the room for our turn and I was a nervous





encouraging me, asking me to keep my calm and eventually I did manage to clear the Club Level.

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Then the preparation for the subsequent levels started, TM Abu and I were supposed to represent SDTM. At every meeting the spotlight was on us, two new members suddenly became the flag bearers of club's reputation. I still can’t forget the expectations and trust that the Club bestowed on us was a great propelling factor to forget about my fear, my inhibitions, my apprehensions, the only thing running in my mind was we are doing it for SDTM

I am sorry if I am missing on anyone but SDTM had the


highest representation at every Contest level. I have to

TM Abu and I used to have long Skype sessions,

applaud and commend the dedication of all the members

rehearsing Table Topics, TM Sayan who is very proficient in this field and was participating from another club did not shy away from being available with his valuable guidance, and long phone calls and rehearsal sessions. TM Rahul Jolly went a step ahead and researched every

to turn up on Sunday mornings to cheer for us who were competing, and with their insurmountable faith, burning passion,






unconditional love I did manage to reach the District

possible portal and got me tons of topics; he used

(though could not compete, on account of unforeseen

to call me at work or while I was travelling and

reasons). I feel that the positivity at this place is what its

randomly give Table Topics so that I could overcome my fear, TM Gagan was as always

distinguishing factor is, members don’t compete against

there to calm my nerves with his pep talk, TM

each other but push others around to do exceptionally

Veena and TM Rajeev were present there to

well. There is no sense of discord, centralization of power

shower their blessings and encouragement.

attitude that hovers over this club, all thanks to the quality

TM Sushil’s promises to be there from Panipat on

of people who are associated with this club. This Club has

every Sunday to attend the Contest, TM

only helped me identify and capitalize on my untapped

Upendra’s message that don’t worry I will pray

potential but has given me meaningful relationships

for you was how the members showed

which I will cherish for life, and I hope that it does that

theirinsurmountable faith.

same for every guest who becomes a member here. Thank You SDTM!!

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An education Module The first education module under the new EC scheduled on 14th July 2018 was chaired by module trainer Vice –President Education, TM Nayan Mittal who listed out the




emphasizing on Quality, Equal opportunity




The New EC has designed

Nayan Mittal

protocols in case of speech back outs. If a speaker backs out 2 weeks or Earlier-No penalty; 1 week before: 2 weeks; between SunWed -1 month and on the Saturday- 2 Months.


Speech slot eligibility

The roles will be given on first

There are a few key pointers

come first serve basis or as per

with reference to speech slot

project objectives. The timeline to

eligibility. The speech slots are

fix agenda and role player and

allocated on 1st come 1st serve

speakers is that speakers will

basis; the members will get a

inform the concerned officers

30 to 45-day gap between

minimum 3-4 weeks in advance;

speech slots; Each member is

TMOD and GE should apply 7

supposed to fill at least one

days in advance and Role players

main or auxiliary role or give

can apply for a role on Sunday


through till Tuesday morning. The

eligible for next speech and no

Agenda will be released either


Wednesday night or Thursday


evaluation speech

to slots

become are

Nayan Mittal, is an aspiring entrepreneur and marketer by profession. He loves his violin and the theatre. He has been doing theatre since last 14 years and performed in over more than 150 plays in different formats. He currently holds the office of VP-Education at South Delhi Toastmasters and aims to set and meet high quality standards as well to create a positive learning environment for all the members at his club.


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Cross club Cross club is an initiative undertaken by the education committee to enhance cultural diversity and bring more speaking and evaluation opportunity for members. The programme will help members provide a speaker and role player platform in outside clubs. The education team has identified few high-quality clubs where a member can book slots for speeches and evaluation or other supplementary and anchoring roles. Members can contact the VP-ED for more information and enroll in cross- club programme.

“Cross club is an initiative undertaken by the education committee to enhance cultural diversity and bring more speaking and evaluation opportunity for members.”

Fun Meeting The club will be hosting a fun meeting on 18th August 2018. Interested candidates can get in

Roles and duties of TMOD and the General Evaluator

touch with Nayan Mittal Vice PresidentEducation, for roles. The fun meeting, is being

The TMOD leads meeting and decides the meeting

chaired and anchored by TM Manavi and will

theme, follows up with all speakers, collect speech

be a refreshing and exciting session with the

titles and briefs them about their speech objectives as

aim to promote our message of learning, public

well as prepares introductions for all speakers.

speaking and socialize. For further assistance,

The GE is responsible for meeting evaluation, ensuring

get in touch with Vice President-Education

quality of role players’ performance. The GE calls and

Nayan Mittal.

briefs all speech evaluators, auxiliary role players (Ahcounter, Grammarian, Timer), TTM about their roles and duties and shares the status of briefing with the VP-ED.

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The imperfect Perfect Akshansh Manchanda

A resolve to carry on, That chemically makes sense, With us since we were born, A gap in our sentience.

Seemingly free in thought, Driven by strings too thin, Reacting to what we are taught, Waiting for the chance to win.

Being good to others, And hence getting their favour, In a broken world true brothers, And a warm feeling to savour.




weaknesses, Accepting their interchangeable nature, Making the best of guesses,

Opinions that we claim to own,

Enjoying a meaningless stature.

But blind to see the source, Skills that we strive to hone. As we exert an indirect force.

with a B.Tech Degree in Computer Science and Engineering, Often

The rational and the irrational, The wrong and the right, The impossible and the possible,

We have had our good times,

A video game enthusiast

Just another reason to fight.

drawn to the artistic side of creation like writing poems, drawing and

Although we still long for more,

animating. Listen to old

With emotion comes our unseen

songs from a variety of


So much just to have fun,

To settle some meaningless score.

Balancing pleasure with pain, Another time to hide and run,

In conflict, to meet some end,

Just to keep yourself sane.

genres like Country, Rock, Jazz, Metal and Western Classical.

And in the struggle truly alive, Many mistakes still left to mend, Creating reasons to survive.

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B2B Chronicle

Aamir Khan


“ elling starts when the customer

I have tried to accumulate over a period of time. Here are a few

says no.

such realizations that have

“All Marketers are actors.

dawned upon me after the

“The best actors become CEOs.”

completion of the first year:

My marketing professor Mohan

1. Price is virtual, the cost is a

Kuruvilla instilled a deep love for

reality: One of the sales leaders

B2B sales in me. During his lectures,

said this to a customer in a

I could really live the life of a




accompanied my father to a

describe how various characters

shop where he was buying

associated with the daily life in the


















behave, I was sure that this is


something that I can do and excel

negotiated otherwise and even

in. This coupled with my stint as the

more so since they were office



supplies and so the money

previous work experience in the

wasn’t being deducted from his



pocket! This incident from my

aspirations high, to go into B2B sales

childhood which makes me

and apply all those concepts.

think how naïve I was about





I came to the industry with a lot of enthusiasm and energy and I did make genuine attempts to apply the concepts in my set of accounts. After completing two years in the B2B sales, as I look back, I feel satisfied because of the myths are broken, relationships



acumen gained and the processes learnt





organization. There are a lot of things that I have learnt from my failures, successes and just by observing others which




I'm Aamir Khan. Though I'm not too fond of the name, it has earned me quite a few brownie points. I read, a lot. I also pick up areaspecific lingos very quickly. So, you’ll find a lot of weird words in my language which means that the only context is the saviour in understanding what I want to say!!

money which is not your own but you are still responsible for it. For industries like telecom, where I have been involved, I have seen them bleed and felt their pain. The onus of owning the responsibility of saving

One of my sisters is settled in Leh and the other one is in Hyderabad. My parents are retired and spend their time shuttling between these three cities!

costs lies on everyone directly or indirectly associated with the organization and not just with



department. 2. Make a clear ask: While

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negotiating, never make the first offer. When it’s your

can happen when you are in touch with the end

turn, ensure that you say it clearly. This not only

user and are trusted.

applies to your customers, but internally as well. You

7. Time Management- As the account owner, you

might not always be in safe hands and it is only you

are responsible from book to bill. Reach office

who has to communicate clearly and ensure that you

early and finish all the admin and operational

have the support and enablement needed to perform

tasks before business hours. There are many

and to align your and the organizational goals.

advantages including that your mail will be on

3. Run rate business is very important: Your leadership

top of the mailbox and your work might just get

will want you to focus on strategic deals but as the

priority. Utilize the travelling time during the day

quarter end approaches and you try to inch closer to

in calling customers or your office fellows for

your number- your only savior is the low hanging

follow up calls, or the emails you had sent and

fruits. The accounts and deals which give recurring

processes initiated in the morning. When I am in

business to the organization are often the savior to

the office, I use that time to discuss and make

most people.

strategies with technical teams for new business

4. Map the entire Decision-Making Unit: You have to

opportunities in various accounts.

correctly map the initiators, the gatekeepers, the

8. Emails are sacrosanct: An email can be held as

buyers, the deciders, the users and the influencers and

a valid proof in the court of the law. When

make sure that you are in the good books of each and

people immediately respond to my emails, I

every one of them. Remember their name, their

always strive to reciprocate. Respond to all emails

birthday, their city of birth, name of their kids, their

and document everything on mails- your

priorities in life and at work. If they like you, it is very

accomplishments, your concerns, your current

likely that they will buy from you. Meet as many

work, your plan, your challenges.

people as possible and spend as much time as possible

9. Team effort: It is always the team effort which

with every person on every visit to your account.

leads to deal wins. As the account manager, it is

5. Concept of derived demand: This is the most favorite

your job to create the necessary space for your

concept out of all the concepts. End customer is always

case in the organization and ensure that the team

the king! If your products or services are just a cost to

rallies behind you. Don’t hesitate to reach out to

the company then the situation might be a little more

anyone in the organization for the help you need

difficult for you. However, if your product or service

and create multiple touch points with the

becomes a part of your customer’s product or service,

customer. There are many factors at play when it

then you can turn your sales from push to pull very

comes to large deals apart from your value

easily. Learn from the hugely successful campaign of

proposition to a deal, so treat every win or loss

Intel- ‘Intel Inside’.

very objectively and stay positive.

6. Find an entry into the account- The entry to an

Prof. Mohan Kuruvilla used to say that selling is

account is the easiest through purchase. Purchase

an art. Many more myths are to be broken and

people are often on the lookout for “alternate quote”

many more human and industry dynamics to be

and therefore would give you an access to the current

learnt. But as they say, “if your tragedy was a

requirements. To actually get good margin business,

learning opportunity for someone, then it was

you need to add value apart from the price point. This

worth it”.

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Rajiv Roy

12 years a Toastmaster When

I am a civil engineer by training and transport consultant by profession. I’m an entrepreneur and manage a consulting firm in Delhi with focus on road transport.

I stepped into my first





2006, I developed a fright. The skill of

speakers. This is my favorite section

the speakers, evaluators, joke masters

and I grab every opportunity to

and other role players froze me and I

execute these roles. In the last few

took on the fight with myself. The

years, the EC armed with excellent

audience ranged from 16 to 60 years,


students to businessmen, government


servants, service providers, freshers

systems to allocate roles to each

and veterans. I was intrigued with the

member in a balanced and democratic

glue of inclusiveness, demographic

manner. To my delight, this skill is

divide and simplicity that held these


groups together. It took me years to

Executive committee, turning SDTM



into one of the fastest growing clubs

carefully planned structure, cultivated

which has an edge on others in terms

over nearly three quarters of a

of quality. Sometimes I have to wait for


my turn for long because the system

Toastmasters focuses on achieving

does not allow discretions and If I

two basic objectives. The first is to

cannot execute a job due to absence

develop the oral communications

for some reasons, I have to wait long


for my next turn. Alas!









TOASTMASTERS meeting in February




Communication skills









The second objective is to develop


leadership skills. As Toastmasters is a

speeches as per a prescribed format

self- help group, all the members elect

and also develop other faculties

leaders among themselves for taking

including skills for evaluation of

up responsibilities to conduct regular

prepared speeches, grammar, time

meetings, organize contests and serve

management, use of the crutch words,

the club for six months. I served in

the Ahs and Ums etc. These skills need

each of the seven roles and was been


supported wholeheartedly by my EC







stage deliver





intellectual level, the listening skills,

team and other members, officially as well as unofficially.

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There is a fierce competition for each role and selection of cream-de la crème in the EC and what also surprises me is the dedication with which each of the elected EC members devotes their time and efforts to perform their jobs and become role models for others. We shifted the venue of our club after nine-year duration at an educational institution in Kalkaji. The present venue at Lajpat Nagar is a commercial outlet, a co working space. At the former venue, the location expenses were nil while there is a venue fee at present venue. This turned away many potential leaders and speakers, but the EC worked hard to rationalize costs and made the club meetings more affordable and more exciting so members could get value for their time and money. The monthly birthday celebrations, outdoor club meetings and joint club meetings are the innovations we have tried successfully. I still miss the joke master roles, tabletopics evaluation and best listener items, all of which were sacrificed on the altar of need to accommodate prepared speeches.

Over the years I have witnessed the quality speakers who were also excellent human beings. Some of them are still continue to hone their skills at clubs near their place of work or home, while others discontinued after some time due to lack of time or other reasons. I have somehow clung to the ladder and stuck to develop my only passion, beside reading, because I believe that public speaking is a soft skill worth pursuing irrespective of one's age, gender, role or profession and that it takes time to develop this skill. I am a slow learner so I have gone at my pace, be consistent and kept my eyes on the goal to be a reasonably good speaker. I secretly desire for the founders of the club, people who nursed the club and who inspired many like me to be a part of the institution called SDTM, to become a confident public speaker, to visit the club and see for themselves their dreams turned to reality.

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Do it Your Way Garima Avtar

We all heard of the saying “It’s my way or the highway.” For Garima Avtar, “my way is the highway.” She is that rare woman who has proven her mettle as a Professional Car Rally Racing Driver. She is an Automotive journalist and has done assignments for Autocar as an anchor. Garima is also the Country Committee Chairperson, India for Motorsport of the All Ladies League & Women Economic Forum. That’s not all. She is a Ted speaker, an avid golfer and yes, a Sufi singer too.

Hey, guys, before I start I have a quick

I was always passionate about driving

task for you. So, sit at the edge of your

ever since my dad taught me at a

seats and follow my instructions.

young age of 14. I know I should have


waited till I turn turned 18. This had

Visualiz yourself in this picture. Visualize


Imagine wearing this pure white rally

independence in me. I still remember

suit and a shining white helmet. You

when sometimes just to show off, I

are sitting in this pepped up, rally

would drive our old and battered Fiat

prepared the car, full of stickers of

to school and had become accustomed


to the gaping reactions of schoolmates

Put your hands out as if you're driving,

as I would drive in, pull the gear

you are holding the steering steeri wheel.

down, park at the driveway and switch

Awesome. Now close your eyes. You

off the ignition. It was empowering to

will be driving on a gravel track with

say the least.

twists and turns. The track is definitely

But in Bareilly tradition ruled. My

going to be slippery so be very alert.

parents decided to get me married to a

Ready? Get set!! 4,3,2,1 Go!! You are

stranger when I was just 18. It was not

going straight 100 metres, go go full

my choice, not in my character. I had

speed, accelerate, accelera faster

been an ace performer and house

There’s a sharp left, tap the brakes,

captain in my school, my only burning

slide to the left.

ambition then was to continue my

Now straight 50 metres, and a sharp

studies, join the Foreign Service and

right, quickly turns right. Now it’s a


straight 200 metres. Go go full speed,

country. The last thing I wanted to do

accelerate, faster faster 150m, 100, 50

was to get married. But I had no say in

you can see the finish line. 30, 20, 10

this decision. decisio

come to a screeching screechin halt. Open your

The marriage turned out to be pretty

eyes. Was it exciting? e This was a

rocky and turbulent. I had never felt

glimpse of what rally driving feels like

more betrayed in my life. If I had

and this is what I do.

stayed on, I would have lost all my

But I wasn't always into this. Being a

self-respect. respect. Unfortunately, my pillar

small town girl from Bareilly, I had

and only source of strength, my father

never imagined becoming a rally

was no more, so I did not kn know who to

driver Though, even as a child, I driver.

look up to for help and I felt

preferred playing with cars rather than

completely lost. In this time of distress,


some of my closest were hesitant to









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help, while other god-sent people stood by me like a







rock and I am eternally grateful to them. With no

independent. But certainly it wasn’t enough to

professional degree and no financial Independence,

fund such an expensive passion. Inevitably

the present and the future remained an uncertain

questions arose as to why I would want to trade

nightmare. At that moment, the idea of walking alone

my safe, cushioned existence for something so

into the unknown, with countless challenges, was


truly intimidating.

But I was consumed by this passion. We all want

I had two options. One was that I could have sat

to live a life we love. A life that is uniquely our

brooding at home and said god why me. The other

own and feels right to us. But carving our own

was to take charge of my life. I chose the latter.

path in life isn’t easy, especially if that path

I’ve learnt that in life when we are given options, and

involves breaking the norm. But if you trust

we make our choices, then we must take complete

yourself and carve your path one step at a time,

responsibility of the outcome of that decision, and be

and keep walking, you WILL get there.

utterly positive about it, and eventually hold no regrets. When I chose to walk out of my marriage in

So, I worked hard to hone my driving skills,

2006, I had no guilt , no regrets, I made my choice, I

invested in professional training, and followed an

carved my own path

extremely strict and well planned fitness regime. I

In 2011 my first rally happened out of the blue when I saw an advertisement on Facebook about a women’s car rally. So, a friend and I decided to participate in it. Little did I know that what started as fun participation would become my calling and career?

would visit garages after work and pick up on the fundamentals of cars and rallying from books and other sources I could lay my hands on. I also started





sponsorships which is never easy.

I had lots of apprehensions, because it was a completely unexplored territory for me. Nobody from my family or friends is remotely associated with rallying or racing. People have their paths laid out for them by others. In my case there was no clear path or role model guiding me. But real inspiration and growth comes from stepping away from what’s comfortable and familiar and stepping into the unknown, if only we could sum up the courage. And when it comes to being courageous it's about being willing to take risks. Motorsports is not a stand-alone, self-financing Profession – instead it can burn a hole in your pocket. After divorce, I had taken up a job in a manufacturing company, of which I am the Vice

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I got my first big break with Team Mahindra as one

Motorsports, is a male dominated sport. In one of

of their professional drivers for Time Speed Distance


format rallies. This was the beginning of intensive

participants, I was the only woman driver as I

racing action which won me laurels at many rallies

chiseled my way through the hot sand dunes of

and by 2013; I had made my mark in the rally

Jaisalmer. So, as women, we not only have to prove

circuit. But, Ive learnt that success lies beyond the

ourselves on the race track, but also fight through

comfort zone, you have to be willing to go where

numerous stereotypes. This has never dissuaded me;

many fear to tread and you've to DO IT YOUR WAY.

rather it has made my resolve even stronger.

So, my heart was set to venture into more challenging high speed or extreme rallying which was the real stuff, where the guts, grit and skills of a rally driver were truly tested. This was also a glass ceiling of stereotypes, orthodox beliefs and societal roles which i had to break and I DID IT MY WAY.

“Success lies beyond the comfort zone,







Very often, when I introduce myself as rally racing driver, people wonder. Their reaction is— “Oh, you look so delicate. How come

you got into

motorsports?” Well, I am standing here right in front of you. The truth is, in motorsports, mental strength matters more than physical strength. Once, in one of the rounds of Indian National Rally championship, which was an extreme format rally,

you have to be willing to go where

on a gravel track as I was negotiating a slippery

many fear to tread and you've to DO

corner at high speed, my car went off track and


turned upside down. This did not dampen my spirits. Without losing much time, my navigator and I, with the help of some passersby, put the car back

Rallying has also given me some of my life’s most

on track and finished the rally and also won in our

memorable moments. During my first Woman’s Car


Rally, my navigator and I, we got lost in the middle of nowhere. It was a Time Speed Distance format rally and every second wasted in losing the way could cost us our final podium position. So, we argued, we quarreled, I said a few harsh things about her knowledge of basic navigation, she was equally complementary about my lack of driving skills. We did find our way back and finished the race and shared a good laugh about our predicament as we stood second runners up on the podium. Today she is one of my best friends on the circuit. So sometimes, it is necessary to get lost in our path, in order to find one’s way back.

I have come so far down the road less travelled. Finally, some of the fruits of my journey have been realized. I have been an instructor for Porsche and been on the Mercedes’ team of professional drivers for their Luxe Drive Program.

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I have also launched an all-women’s self-drive

Ralph Waldo Emerson, said “Do not follow where the

expedition series for a travel company as an

path may lead. Go instead where there is no path, and

expedition leader where we all women drove to Spiti

leave a trail.” So, keep creating a life that is uniquely

Valley, which is home to the world’s most

yours. Carve your own path, one step at a time, in

treacherous roads. Currently I am a part of Team

pursuit of your dreams. AND DO IT, YOUR WAY. In

Autocar which is India’s leading auto magazine and

saying this i was inspired by and would like to share

auto show on Times Now. My most recent project

with you this wonderful rendition conducted by

took me to cover Raid De Himalaya which is the

Zubin Mehta in a tribute to Frank Sinatra.

world’s highest altitude and one of the most demanding rallies. While driving on those back roads and rocky terrains,







Transformationnel Journey. And, have evolved from being submissive to more resolute and assertive, from a certain diffidence to poised confidence, may I even say from a victim to a victor. Because, I DID IT MY WAY.

“Currently I am a part of Team Autocar which is India’s leading auto magazine and auto show on Times Now.”

I have continued my journey in Motorsports with full determination not only because I am passionate about cars and driving but also to test my mettle and to create my own identity which I had lost somewhere down the line. Now I have finally, found my place under the sun. My journey continues and the dream only gets bigger.

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The Mantra Abu Shadab


“ he world will not be destroyed by

masterpiece and that was so evil that

those who do evil, but by those who

Albert Einstein soul entered my body,

watch them without doing anything"

You shouldn't have done that, I had

by Albert Einstein

this urge so I did it, had you not

08th Nov 2016: The Demonetization Frustration was at its peak I was at the ATM machine, the man in front of me

Abu has been a trainer for 7 years and been a toastmaster for almost 2 years now. “Evaluation helped me to understand my blind spot, and to take part in competitions revived my competitive attitude�.

was not able to withdraw money and he started abusing ... I have to acknowledge he was creative in his choice of words and I thought he had

consumed Gutkha on the first place you would have never had that urge, if you have a problem why don't you clean it , and he left Albert Einstein was once again furious restless, offended and my breath I made a statement there is so much of evil

more words than Oxford English

March 2018: I was at the parking

dictionary after some time I requested

and could not find my scooty , I went

him if he could stop abusing, but he

to the parking representative , I had

continued complete ignoring me, I told

not seen him before I asked him

him there are ladies around and if he

about the whereabouts of my scooty ,

could respect them, he looked into my

and gave the number , and in a very

eyes and said if they don't have a

rude tone he replied you have to

problem you too should not have any

renew your monthly pass or else , I

problem, he was rude and evil and

can do that on 01st as it is valid until

Albert Einstein soul entered my body , I

28th Feb , eventually I will do that on

have a problem as this is a public place

12th March as I will be on leave, to

, I don't care if it is a public or a private

which he replied you might not be

place , he stormed out of the ATM and I

allowed to enter then , I was furious



and told him are you knew to the

frustrated and under my breath I made

place , he says Yes and then the other

a statement there is so much of evil.

guy he showed me where my scooter




October 2017 : I once had this opportunity to travel with a dragon, Yes that's true there are plenty of dragons this day's the only difference is in olden time Dragon's use to spit out fire but in the modern era they spit out Gutkha, so this so-called dragon did the most obvious thing , I looked at his

was parked while I was on my way back I was furious offended and underneath my breath I uttered Nobody will change. I reached home and straight away went for prayers, as that is the only place where I can get my piece of mind.

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I asked God, "You have mentioned if you see evil and if you don't stop it, you are part of the evil , so why do

“He looked into my eyes and said if

I feel offended, restless, frustrated , above all what

they don't have a problem you too

can I do to help people realize that whatever they are

should not have any problem, he was

doing is evil please show me the way please guide me Ă„ise Vani Boliye, Mann ka aapa khoya, Apna tan Sheetal are Auran Ko Sukh Hoye" Be kind with your

rude and evil and Albert Einstein soul entered my body.�

words and speak in a fashion that brings peace to you and happiness to others . Yes now i realised in order

Have you ever encountered any of these situations?

to stop evil I was becoming evil and Albert Einstein

I realized that the world will never change it is me

was my ego , I had to fix it so I went to the parking

who has to change, therefore the next day when I

representative the following day , I spoke to him in

went to speak to parking spot representative.

person , I was polite , I apologized and said the way he spoke to me yesterday I felt like a cheat or a crook,

I followed 5 steps to change the world

he was patiently listening to me and above all he

1) Speak to the person in private

apologized and smiled I was taken aback when I returned, I was no longer restless , I feel relaxed , I was not offended I felt victorious.

2) Be Polite 3) Apologize 4) Speak the way you feel 5) Show confidence When I paid the money he was polite in fact he told me to renew whenever I wanted to ... on my way back I feel happy, calm and muttered underneath my breath the world has changed.

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Barefoot Running Barefoot

running movement is in






the spotlight nowadays. I can see

reminded me of the time when

more and more people trying it out

we used to play barefoot in my

and minimalist running is finally

backyard while growing

gaining mainstream recognition. A


lot has since been written about the

recommendations about taking it

benefits of barefooting. This is just

slow I did a 5 mile with little

my journey to minimalist running

effort except the balls of my feet

and the effects it has had on me. It

feeling a little raw. The next day

all started when I incorporated

though was a different story. I

running in my fitness regime. As the

woke up to my calf screaming in

miles increased so did the troubles

pain but it was not like the pain I

with my shins and knees. I am not a

used to feel in my shins and

distance runner but even moving

knees after a long run. It was the

past the 5-mile target was getting

pain when you go for a strenuous

really painful. I tried the $100+

weights session after a long

Nike’s (a considerable amount for a

break. I learnt my lesson and

poor graduate student) but it did not

slowly eased into it for the next

help. This kept me searching for

two weeks. It’s been 4 years since

relief of my woes and finally I

then and I have drifted from

stumbled across a weird looking

running to other sports but still,

five-toed shoes called the Vibram

the five fingers are my default

Five Fingers. The information on

footwear for all occasions. There

their website piqued my interest and

have been some visible changes

I spent the next week reading

to my feet after using the five

everything about bare-footing and

fingers. For some these might be

minimalist running. By the end of

bad but I think they are good

the week, I was convinced and

changes. My feet are wider and

drove 100+ miles to get my first pair

my shoe size increased by nearly

(staying in remote mid-west was

2 points. I started with 42 five

fun). After getting back I spent a

fingers and my most recent pair

while bouncing around the house

is size 44. Apart from the

like a kid before heading out for my

physical changes, these are some

first minimalist run.

of the benefits I have enjoyed



being a minimalist runner.

Abhishek Rakshit

up. of

Abhishek is an MS graduate in Computer Science and has spent many years working with start-ups and Fortune 500 companies. He is also a certified "Innovation and Design Thinker" from MIT Boston.

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Minimalist footwear doesn’t let you heel strike and

When running with conventional shoes I never

forces you to become a mid/fore-foot mid/fore runner. I have

gave much thought to where my foot landed.

stopped leaning back while running when I get

With my five fingers, things are different and

tired. I don’t get any more shin or knee pain even

people ople stare at me when I squeal like a little girl

when running long distances. Initially, my legs and

upon landing on a pebble. I have since learnt my

calf would get tired much sooner but gradually my

lesson and have become much more aware in

calves had gotten much stronger. Even my arches

present while running. I have stopped zoning

are more pronounced now. I have even read that

out and have started to appreciate all the things


around me. This has helped me stop rolling my


having benefited in


arches when resorting to minimalist running.

foot which was a common occurrence in my shod days.

“It was the pain when you go for a strenuous weights session after a long

There is a unique connection I feel with my surroundings when bare-footing. bare Some of it

break. I learnt my lesson and slowly

might be the nostalgic connection I feel with my

eased into it for the next two weeks.”

childhood days but regardless it is one of the major motivators which helped me enjoy running.

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Some insights into the technology And human community From the end of the 20



there has been an eminent and proficient change in the digital technology of the globe. It is really fascinating as it has become possible to do any job just by a single swipe of the screen or click of the button. More aptly, we can say that our life has become smooth as butter and still one strives to make it more lucrative and reasonable. But, it’s really






innovation in technology has a positive or negative impact in the community life of human beings. The communication and computer advancement has been a boon in many respects. It is useful in managing a mere thing to some serious




supercomputers. It




attached to it. If we don’t know something we may Google at once, we can reach any corner using the navigation system, even a simple application may provide guidance to a perfect gym figure, etc. These tasks can be done just by a single command and therefore this has led to






community life of the people. We had to think about a means of communication, but recently this

Nidhi Rani

facility seems to be very basic and has reduced the distance between people. Even people may develop a strong affinity to not only the once in the locale but also with those who share similar interest. It is not necessary that the digital advancement which has led to sailing the boat so smoothly will have no negatives. Rather than just concentrating on the facts, I would





observation. I have spent most of my evening time during the early stage of my life playing in one of the many parks in the locality. At that time, it wasn’t easy to get space for playing as the park was filled with children of different ages making groups play certain games. Even there were times when we used to make a deal so that we can play for half the time and the rest half someone else can. Now, whenever I go home I sit in the same park for hours just to walk along the memory length I had with it but I rarely find kids spending their time in the park. I was quite amazed because the

“Stay hungry, stay foolish". This is a famous quote from Steve Jobs and is something that inspires me to always try something new. I try to paint my canvas of life with lessons, experiences and dreams. As of recent, I'm doing a bachelor's in Economics. Public speaking has always remained in my interest zone and I'm still on the path to be a good speaker. Other than these trying different foods is something I strive for.

same place which was filled as if the whole population has come to the same place is like a desert which is eager to see kids on its ground.

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I am really not generalizing that this might have

We usually see people in trains making new friends

happened due to the tabs, mobile phones, etc. but

just by sharing some political insights, their life

somewhere or the other I see it as one of the main

experiences etc. and then turning out to share their

constraints. Children/ now are concerned more of


getting maximum likes on their posts rather than

Digital advancement has led to the ubiquitous nature

spending time in gathering people to play and make

of the communication though it is to be asked if this

memories for the future.

has helped us to connect with various people or has

Having multiple accounts on all sorts of online platforms seems to gain a lot of popularity than the real-life community. Though these social networking sites can be used to find some new gregarious people usually kids get drifted away from the actual purpose. I’m not completely against the technological progress as it is the most reliable thing today, but we need to judge where things ruin us more than being useful.

actually isolated people. There are people who believe that this advancement has made life easier and I too agree with this but we can also not deny the fact it has led to diminishing quality of life by weakening the sense of community. Not only the technology affected the community life of people but also the professional life as now there are technologies to assist at every step making the working space quite less challenging. Human is a social animal and that’s a very simple thing to digest, but are we actually moving in a path

“Now, whenever I go home I sit in the against or towards being social is really a big same park for hours just to walk along the question. It is a personal choice whether one wants memory length I had with it but I rarely find kids spending their time in the park.”

meals in front of laptops or with family or friends? Digital advancement, artificial intelligence, etc. everything is required for the new innovative world and we cannot stay back just because of the

Again, the question is what do we do when we are

negatives. All we need to decide for ourselves is to use

travelling alone? We might be reading, checking out

these technologies in the best way and not let it

our phone or laptops or staring at others. Often, we

decide and govern our lifestyle.

are busy using our gadget. Even I do the same and I’m not against it because now that appears the best way we can travel. Though according to a recent research talking to a stranger actually makes us happier whether we think we have anything in common with the person or not. So that seems to be a pretty good idea though it may sometimes turn to be a little awkward if the other person responds in negative.

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Sunil Chhetri deserves a spot in European leagues If

Indian Football captain Sunil






country and had scored over 100 goals, he would be mentioned in the media a gazillion times, earned a fortune by being brought one of the various European clubs and experts and alike would have reiterated that his team had a chance in the World Cup.

Aditya Sharma

worth a mention by electronic and print media, and who instead extolled Nadal for winning his 11th French Open on the first page and Indian teams' win got a paragraph on the last page for the sake of it. The look of the jersey of the Indian team is least to say unimpressive. No names are printed on the back of the shirts, making it difficult for

Instead he has to be content to be

anyone watching to recognize

playing for India, who on the verge

names except for Chhetri who

of their rankings is not eligible for

has been there for decades. The

football world cups, play second

fact that opponents of the Indian

fiddle to a country obsessed with


Cricket and where its citizens and

tournaments they play do not

media during the football world

raise an eyebrow and are in the

cups eulogize Argentina, Brazil,

same boat make it even more

Messi, Ronaldo. He does play for


Bengaluru FC in the Indian Super


League but even this tournament all


of 4 years old, does not find a

countries dominated by one sport

mention in the same breath as

got a mention for its 'close

















leagues by our own media. Chhetri

glorifying the sport or its players

had to literally plead through a

but rather giving it the respect

video message to the people to come

and as far as Indian Football is

and watch the football team play

concerned it gets a raw deal and

this tournament which had by

the footballers are treated as

default been overshadowed by the

second class citizens and if we

Football World Cup.


had the power we would adopt

Indian Football team convincingly

the likes of Messi and Ronaldo

won the Intercontinental cup which

and the rest.

for its being telecast was not even

Journalist by profession, I love to read books, articles and also share my views through writing.

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The month where I’m King As June 30th draws to a close I get frantic calls from my clients. It is the month of July - the month of filing Income tax return. There are people who don’t pick up my calls all year round because I ask for my payment but they are the first to remind me to file their return on time and this time my payment will be made on time. The irony in this case cannot


measured. This false hope of getting payment on time is more false than the good days promised by the ruling government.

Mayank Khatri

Some deductions are explained below: 1. 80C 80CCC & 80CCD(1) The most common deductions that can be claimed under section 80C are for: a) Premium paid for life




Investments in PPF, EPF and VPF; c)




amount of housing loan; d) Investment



savings scheme (ELSS) of mutual funds) and investments in certain post-office schemes like Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (SSY), National Savings Certificates (NSC), and

As July progresses and the deadline Senior Citizens. of 31st approaches I feel truly like a The total investment amount king where people come to me with under the section 80C, 80CCC tax advice and make false promises and 80CCD (1) cannot exc Rs 1.5 that from next year they will be lakh as per rules for FY17-18. An more tax compliant but this year I additional Rs 50,000 can be should save their taxes again like I claimed as deduction if the did the year before. This cycle will investment is made in National continue till eternity because Indian Pension System (NPS) in which people are not tax compliant and if case the maximum deduction given a chance they will break the amount that will be available is thin line between tax planning and Rs 2 lakh. tax evasion. 2. Section 80D and 80DDB As a Chartered Accountant reading and interpreting the income tax act A deduction of up to Rs 25,000 is

Mayank Khatri is a Chartered Accountant by profession and the current treasurer of South Delhi Toastmasters. His main interest lies in Taxation and Sarcasm

1961 for the past 10 years there are available for health insurance certain deductions and tax planning paid for self, spouse and tools which can be used to manage dependent children. tax effectively.

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You can also claim additional deduction of maximum of Rs 25,000 or Rs 30,000 depending on the age of

“There are people who don’t pick up

your parents. The maximum deduction will be of Rs

my calls all year round because I ask

25,000 if the age of your parents is less than 60

for my payment but they are the first

years. If your parents are above 60 years, then maximum deduction will be of Rs 30,000.

to remind me to file their return on

Section 80DDB covers expenses made for the

time and this time my payment will

treatment of specified diseases either on self or a

be made on time.”

dependent. The deduction will be available as follows: Below 60 years

Rs 40,000, 60 and above but

below 80 years (Senior Citizen),

Rs 60,000,

years and above (Super Senior Citizen)

4. Section 80TTA



Interest earned on your savings account deposits


either held with a bank or post office is taxable.

3. Section 80E

Deduction up to Rs 10,000 on the interest earned either from your savings bank account or post

Interest paid on an education loan taken for the

office savings account can be claimed as

higher education (i.e. graduation or post graduation)

deduction. Interest amount exceeding Rs 10,000

of self, spouse or children are eligible for deduction.

will be added to your income and will be taxed at

There is no limit on the maximum amount claimed as deduction. However, this deduction is available for up to 8 years starting from the year in which interest payment began or until interest is paid in full.

normal slab rate applicable. These deductions should be claimed on actual basis and falsification can lead to additional penalty and action from the Income tax department and as the clock strikes 12 pm and 31st July draws to a close, I lose my status as a king and am lost into the oblivion only to come back alive on 1st July next year.

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Captain Cool This post is about the Captain Cool,

Shivangi With his style of work he take care of everyone's perspective, ♂

♂ He keeps calm even when things

To put it briefly he is an infinite set misrule. of adjectives. A few months back he joined us as a From giving away his own speech

stranger, Today with his efforts he is succeeding as the president of this


Shivangi is the current Vice President Membership of South Delhi Toastmasters.

To filling in people shoes to venture.

♂ complete the plot.

He belongs to the age of old ♂


This man is always ready to control the situation even if the

To define him we have to get the show is hot. metaphors like titanium. ⚡ Thank you TM Nimit Pradhan for showing us what commitment looks like, like a boss

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TM ABU 1st Runner up

Speech Contest


Table Topic Contest

TM MANAVI 2nd Runner Up

Speech Contest


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+91- 9871996560

22A, CoWorkIn, Lajpat Nagar-IV Nagar


@south_delhi_toastmasters th_delhi_toastmasters

6:30 – 8:30 PM Every Saturday Page | 33

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