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Union Farmer
Twedt Family
Continued from Page 1 both worked full time off the farm. The couple set a goal that Jason would be on the farm full-time within five years. They met their goal in three.
The couple say many factors played a role in making their farming operation viable. One of which is their mindset.
“Because we were not coming into a generational operation, we did not need to do what had always been done. We could make changes, choose how to market our cattle and livestock, and make goals to make a profit,” said Bridget.
The couple also credit beefSD. Hosted by SDSU Extension, beefSD is an intensive educational/management program designed for beef producers.
“beefSD exposed us to opportunities as well as every part of the industry. We toured many different operations, packing plants, whole foods markets, breeding facilities, which gave us so many ideas on how to expand our operation,” Bridget said. Today, the couple’s operation has grown to 120 cow/calf pairs. They raise registered Simmentals, background their calves, produce replacement heifers and sell bulls each year.
“We like the meat quality,” Jason explained. “We started with Angus and put Simmental bulls on our cows and liked the way the heterosis brought our pounds up.”
Jason explained that in his experience, in their herd, Simmental genetics increased feed efficiency without creep feeding, allowing for an increase in total pounds produced with minimal increase in cost.
In addition to raising Simmental cattle, the entire family is actively involved in the American Simmental Association.
Bridget serves as the South Dakota Vice President, their oldest daughter, Cassandra, 17, served as the 2022 South Dakota