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Union Farmer
Continued from Page 2 you need to get young kids involved and knowledgeable. The kids don’t love doing every contest, but this gives them insight into the industry.”
Their daughter, Cassandra, said she enjoys connecting with other farm and ranch youth.
Simmental Queen. Cassandra is also on the South Dakota Junior Simmental board. and their son, Taten, 15, and daughter, Jade, 13, show cattle and compete in judging and speaking contests sponsored by the organization.
To help equip the next generation of cattle producers with enhanced leadership and management skills, the Simmental organization focuses not only on how the cattle/youth do in the show ring, but also how well they do in speaking, judging, cattle industry knowledge and sales talk competitions.
“We do things a bit different then just showing up to show your animal,” Bridget explained. “Those youth that compete in our state Simmental Contest at the Summer Spotlight are encouraged to also compete in two out of three educational competitions.”
Jason added, “To keep the breed strong,
“Going to the National Simmental Show is really fun. I’ve gotten to know a lot of people through this organization from all over and I enjoy livestock judging – it’s my strong suit – at the national and regional Simmental shows I end up judging all cattle which is my favorite to judge.”
Through livestock judging, Cassandra says she has learned how to evaluate and rank cattle based on industry standards.
Cassandra is not alone in her passion for livestock judging. Taten and Jade also enjoy judging. Jason said he appreciates his children’s opinions when it comes to the family’s herd.
“I will ask the family to pick their favorite 20 heifers out of our herd and then I take their picks, look at the genetic makeup of the Twedt
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