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Concerning San Diego County Elections

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By Dr. John E. Warren Publisher, The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint

A number of vacancies are about to open in San Diego County politics. First the r esignation of Board of Supervisor, Nathan Fletcher. This vacancy must be filled by a special election, regardless of the cost. We cannot have political interest other than that of the people who are empowered to vote, and make such life-impacting decisions for all of us. There can be no special appointment of any individual for any interim period of time other than a duly elected person to carry out the balance of Fletcher’s term.

Next, this special election is already triggering other electoral shifts. With Fourth City Council District representative Monica Montgomery Steppe expected to announce that she will seek to fill the vacancy created by Fletcher’s resignation from the Fourth Supervisorial District seat, there will be a vacancy created on the San Diego City Council. While these positions are nonpartisan, no one should assume that the San Diego County Democratic Club has any special role or ability under either the City of San Diego Charter or the San Diego County Charter, with each charter governing the operation of its respective body. Therefore, neither the County nor any other political body should be allowed to determine for us who will fill any vacancy. At best, they can only make recom -

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