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San Diego Second Chance 30th Anniversary Celebration

By Darrel Wheeler

Contributing Writer

Second Chance, a San Diego nonprofit dedicated to helping people facing the barriers of justice involvement become empowered members of society held its 30th Anniversary Celebration last Thursday evening, April 27th at Balboa Park’s Air and Space Museum. The event, a fundraiser, was themed “Where Success Takes Flight”. The Second Chance Board of Directors was able to give appreciative recognition to their many donors, sponsors and supporters at their annual fundraiser celebration. They also took the opportunity to acknowledge program graduates that used the resources of Second Chance to improve their lives for the better.

“I’m living proof that Second Chance works. I know it definitely worked for me,” DJ Branden Noel shared. “I think it’s cool to have programs like Second Chance that can help guide you [towards] a better direction and change your life forever.”

Second Chance works in partnership with the San Diego judicial system and many other organizations to help correct some of the problems that at-risk individuals confront every day.

The organization honored their award recipients with plaques, generous applause from the crowd, speeches of encour agement, and recognition for their tire less work in the community. This year’s Leadership in Service award was awarded to Judge Desiree Bruce-Lyle for her dedi cation to service and commitment to the community

The celebration included a dinner, auctions, live entertainment, proclamations from local dig nitaries including an appear ance from Mayor Todd Gloria and City Council member Monica Montgomery Steppe, and much more.

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