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The Edition Beauty Bossy&Beyond: Principles of Leadership TheWillaissance: Dr. Willie Morrow in the Metaverse Young,Gifted&Black: A W inning Formula BeyondBliss2022: The Wedding Showcase

About The Cover When I posed for this cover, contemplatedI on the BM journey and how many times I doubted the process and how many times I was reencouraged from family and friends… And one day all it took was my consistent willingness to just “Do it.” So, ladies and gentlemen “Go For It” And when you look back, all you’ll see is the beauty of it.

On Don’t Just Follow Be Inspired @eventsabovebeyond

“It is rewarding to know all the planning and coordinating produced an enjoyable special day that created memories for family, friends and special guests that last a lifetime.” Eventsabovebeyond.com

CONTENTS T ribute A O dornments ne of a Kind The life and art of Dr. Willie Morrow goes NFT. Beads & Baubles, are so much fun. Z&Z collection.Beaded Are you one of a kind? History shows the bar is set high. 09 14 18

B eauty and the best B Y eyond bliss oung, gifted and black We know beauty is skin deep. We go beyond the lasts in beauty care. Bliss is not just a word it’s an experience. Our featured wedding. What a precious dream, right? Meet some of our YGB! 23 38 58


Belita Butler

Since the last time we communicated, it seems that everything within life and work continued to be full of challenges Some challenges were overwhelming, but some challenges quite frankly turned into positive opportunities We still see evidence of life influenced by the Covid 19 virus The "new normal" has influenced how we live, where we go and what we can do when we arrive This new way of life is different, but not necessarily all bad because it has also provided a better outlook on the way we perceive our environment Despite; or maybe because of it, this strange change in living has created (out of necessity) some good that was never forecasted or expected We have seen a rise in black owned businesses, exceptional entrepreneurs, spotlights on female business owners We are now witnessing young, gifted and black visionaries creating environments and experiences that go Beyond the extraordinary Regardless of which side of the coin the challenges seem to reflect, working and living a lifestyle Beyond is still possible and still very necessary In fact, these new challenges has personally pushed me Beyond complacency My love for all things beautiful continues, but now Beyond exhilaration I still love to design and create beautiful images for people, places and things, but with more passion than every before. I am still energized by decorating, inspired by fashion and influenced by beautiful colors, but this time with a focused urgency. I am still a vision enhancer that can catapult an event from ordinary into extraordinary, but with unwavering enthusiasm With aggressive determination, I am now saturated with the mindset that desires to pour into, encourage and inspire the next generation of creatives to move, shake and disrupt the status quo of what things used to look like Now more than ever is a time to produce a work and lifestyle that goes Beyond expectations. So, here we go...in this edition you will get to know some amazing people who are shaping minds and influencing what we bring into our spaces We will have a chance to reflect on what was and how the influence of legends and icons have left a mark on our hearts and minds We will recognize the visions of new influencers who will help shape us Beyond better for not only today, but many tomorrows

CONTRIBUTORS Belita Butler OWNER/CREATIVE DIRECTOR Cheryl Morrow MAGAZINE LAYOUT/EDITOR FRIENDSHIPPRAYERS,ENCOURAGEMENT,LOVE& FIVE~4~LIFE: Trudy Kennedy, Henrietta Steele, Millicent Scott, Tori Wise Winters McCollum PHOTOGRAPHY CREDITS Images By Inda Inda Reid Photos By Andre Andre Butler Que88 Photography Quintin Carson Stills By Zariah Zariah PROMOTIONS/MARKETING Portia Butler Breea Kelly EVENTS ASSITANT: Jessica Pannell


Willie Morrow was my dear friend, when someone pours into you, and expects nothing from you but your own success, its an epic relationship that shapes your life. So blessed to have known him. ~ Belita

I believe the Military Years was my father’s best work. It laid the foundation for neo laws like “The C.R.O.W.N Act.” but most importantly, it was the sharing he enjoyed. Asia, Africa, Europe, South America, United Arab Emirates, Polynesia and the Caribbean nations. Willie Morrow had taken the education of Afro hair to every inch of the earth. Beyond Magazine now takes this work into the blockchain and NFT Afroverse


Tribute The Willie Morrow Military Years in The NFT AFROVERSE

The United States Post Exchange and the Airforce & Army Exchange had a book section where personnel could buy and exclusive styles books on Afro curly hair. Circa 1970.

Ahead of his time, Willie Morrow would make and sell afro mannequins so Black people could practice styling their before they bought an Afro wig or decided to hear their own hair in the style. Circa 1968.

All Willie Morrow’s photographs of Afro hair choices, came in Men’s, Women or couple matching Afro hairstyles. Willie Morrow believe this was a spiritual bath. BUY YOUR AFROVERSE NFT’S Today

INGRID ZENO & TONY ZENO and stones soon became a creative outlet that they both enjoyed What started out as a few designs admired and purchased by family, has now grown into a business adventure that is worn by women, men, children, and celebrities everywhere.


The collection currently consists of beautiful necklaces, eye candy bracelets, and stunning earrings. There is also an exclusive men’s collection which first caught the eye of Fox Sports, NFL L.A. Reporter Jay Glazer, which quickly propelled the men’s collection when Jay wore a men’s bracelet on his show. And now the “Jay Glazer” bracelet is one of the top selling bracelets in the men’s collection.

There can be spark of electricity when creativity and athleticism merge together It is that unexpected volt that coerces an introvert and an extrovert to create, design, and produce beautiful one of a kind jewelry that is tasteful and desirable for both women and men to adorn And sometimes mixing passion, imagination and Covid 19 together, you will get the right ingredients to encourage creativity that in unexpected. As the resourceful duo behind Z & Z Beaded Collection, Ingrid and Tony started out creating jewelry as a way to deal with the stress of the 2020 pandemic. However, the endeavor of putting together gorgeous beads

Statements AndAdornments

In today’s time and culture, we still want to be seen in the most beautiful custom made arm candy, statement necklaces and designer accessories. Our selection of clothing and style speaks to who we are individually and collectively as a culture We like to be seen in the most exclusive, one of a kind, made just for me outfits And we will pay top dollar to be seen in the best The good news is there are offerings from talented, quality producing, black creatives at our fingertips and in our reach through social media and websites. Let’s search them out and help introduce a wealth of rich resources that we can support and adorn ourselves with beautiful, exclusive options.

And of course, the contributions of designers from the African continent is immeasurable. The attire we wear is a signature of who we are and what class we represent. Even today, in the 21st century, jewelry is still worn to enhance our look. The caveat now, is it allows us to express our individuality more than ever before. Unique jewelry is being customized and created by artisans and designers giving way to choices that can be as individual as the person who is wearing it. These days it is a lot easier to make a statement wearing stunning handcrafted jewelry. Whether it’s a necklace, bracelet or earrings, the wonder is; it is custom, and the jewelry pieces are not from a large reproduction line. These pieces are created and designed with the flair of customization. Best of all, purchasing these beautiful pieces are affordable and can be enjoyed for everyday wear.

Although the first known clothing designer has roots in England, there is no doubt that history ignores the attributes of early black designers like Elizabeth Keckly, in the 1860’s, known to have been the designer and dress maker of the wife of Abraham Lincoln Throughout history, Black fashion pioneers and African American designers like Zelda Wynn Valdes and Stephen Burrows used their talent to make a name for themselves in a highly competitive Eurocentric and predominantly white industry.

One-ofAKind Tributes

Custom made Jewelry, creative one of a kind fashion pieces, precious objects and sophisticated fabrics is as old as mankind itself. Since ancient of days women and men have been wearing jewelry for embellishments and opulent outfits as a way to not only enhance their look, but to show a sign of status. Jewelry has been and continues to be a universal form of adornment From predynastic through Roman times, Jewelry was made, worn, offered, gifted and some people were even buried in it In some African cultures jewelry was even used to trade and barter with.

Zelda Wynn Valdes, Fashion Designer and First Black Woman to own a store on Broadway. Zelda Wynn Valdes appeared on the American fashion scene in the 1930s and quickly rose to prominence as a designer because of her incredible skill for highlighting the female Throughoutbody.history,

Out–oftheBox Adornments

Black fashion pioneers and African American designers like Zelda Wynn Valdes and Stephen Burrows used their talent to make a name for themselves in a highly competitive Eurocentric and predominantly white industry.

Bold and Beautiful

Photo taken by the great Gordan Parks: Zelda fitting the iconic Eartha Kitt

“Aswelookback,atatime whensegregationwasour mainexistence… Idon’treallyknowifwe understoodhowblessedwe were.”

“Takeamoment..tobeunattended to,whenthemomentisjustyours.”



The ritual can be an easy as knowing what to use, how to use it and when to use it The habit of beginning a day with the right routine can make a difference in not only what you look like, but also how you feel Beauty rituals for women and men alike have shaped our approach to skin and hair care for ages The routines and rituals we do when cleansing, purifying and moisturizing the skin go way back and we are continuing to search for effective, active, special ingredients and skincare innovations to pamper ourselves , relieve stress and counteract skin aging A ritual is an event that takes place in a particular order on a regular basis For at least 6,000 years, people, especially women, in nearly all societies in the world, have been performing daily rituals with the purpose of making themselves beautiful Skin and hair care products (called cosmetics) are not modern inventions, because ancient societies used them, too In fact, some of the present-day beauty rituals have roots in very old practices "In light of Covid 19 and the accelerating climate crisis, Consumers are looking for products that reflect and respond to their concerns: for beauty and for the planet and all its life, and they're looking for practices that calm them and connect them to a greater whole.


Evidently there is something to be said about valuing people, working with integrity and showcasing a work ethic that is par excellent Exceptionally high standards of excellence means that you have high standards for yourself first and for others second Mary Kay's mantra was that "success is a choice " Millicent has always loved beauty. An advocate who encourages the habit of starting the day with the right routine which can make a difference in not only what you look like, but also how you feel. The ritual of maintaining our physical health can be as easy as knowing what to use, how to use it and when to use it


Mary Kay, Inc a different kind of company Mary Kay, Inc is a lot more than a symbolic pink Cadillac In fact, it is reported to be of the best run and most successful companies in the world What is it that makes outstanding companies different?


ICONIC. Though I have never met Andre Leon Talley, his contribution to beauty and fashion has been both epic and iconic. Losing such a giant just takes your breath away, he will be missed.



Wow, the collaborations with other creatives, I can say are always intriguing and a learning experience

Have you ever wondered what happens when entrepreneurs are hard at work?

behindthescenes Beyond Magazine

Some moments were fun and right out comical. In this Beauty Edition was no exception As I enjoyed the easy moments, others were hard and downright intense. Since my team places so much passion and love into every spread, I could not ask for more From the creative direction, down to the editing and photos, Beyond comes alive and I can say I LOVE EVERY MINUTE OF IT!

“Checking in is always a great way to start your day, it’s a good habit.” On location with my editor, she’s taking her moment before an event “The best luxury is knowing what you what you want and working with those who can give it to you.”

The second he pops the question to the moments of excitement after you said YES!!! The whirlwind of becoming a real couple begins with the overwhelming feeling of being blissfully in love and nothing else matters except the dream of the new life you’ll share together. Of course, the first thing is everyone wants to see is “the ring” The oohs and ahs and the congratulations are lavished onto the newly engaged. You have thoughts of what you want your wedding day to look like, there is a vision that will make this special day the Best Day Ever!! The budget has been established and agreed on. Plans are beginning put into place, you’ve just hired an amazing wedding planner ever (Hint) to execute your vision exactly as you dreamt it.



A wedding is one of the most beautiful occasions that you will ever experience. A radiant bride, a beaming groom, proud parents, excited family and friends all gather to congratulate and celebrate the union of two becoming one as they publicly pledge their love to each other. The details of the day are full of enjoyment and great memories: The gown was exquisite, the flowers were gorgeous, the food was wonderful, the cake was incomparable, and the location was breath taking.


Flash,sparkle,boom,pow it’swhatitsallabout.


Yearslater,youwon’t remembermuchofthat day,butthequestion willremain,“Whatthe hellwerewedoing?”

WorkArt Just in one picture, a thousand hopes and wishes are expressed in a pose. To capture the essence of love, what is the difference between a photo and a painting? Though both are coming from imagination, a great photo can be transformed into a work of art.

TheBride&MyBesties To the one’s who know you…cheers!

“Weddingsshouldbefun,thoughtheyare iconic,theyarealsoanotherdayinthelife.”

Marriage is one of the most ancient, important, universal and indispensable social institution which has been in existence since the inception of human civilization. After the I dos are exchanged, the work begins…a new life, a new lifestyle, a new way of thinking which includes the consideration of another person. The happiness of adding a Mrs. to the Mr. The excitement of creating new plans for the future, and the joy of having all of this to share with someone you truly love. So now you have a lifetime of creating blissful moments and loving each other Beyond Better.


CakeDeco So, you’ve read Beyond this, Beyond That! Going beyond is more about doing you, Being exclusive, not following the crowd or what’s traditional. If you’re uniquely made in the eyes of God, then do the right thing BE You!… This elegant design fit this couple to the letter. A little bit of this a little bit of that!



You are born into this world, understanding self-advocacy. It doesn’t have to be taught; it is an innate human virtue. Even before we learn how to selfcare, self advocacy is embedded into our human experience. Self-care is how we find our way back to the responsibility of self advocacy.


voice youuse to peopleteach howto you.treat

Advocacy: is defined as any action that speaks in favor of, recommends, argues for a cause, supports or defends, or pleads on behalf of oneself and others.

advocacy Self Care


Bossy & beyond selfdrivenandselfaware makesagreatboss. Selfdetermined… BOSSY& BENEVOLENCE



Being a “boss” of my life is what I crave I strive to see the day where who I have become is worth all the hard work and sacrifice. My ideal is to spend my day slaying dragons, creating amazing events for clients, inspiring others with my decorating skills, having productive consultation meetings and then at the end of the day unwinding with a soak in a luxurious bath, having a quiet dinner with my sweetheart, catching up on a good book and ending the night in peaceful bliss. Unfortunately, this desired lifestyle seems to become more of a challenge It seems to me, that life gets more difficult as we get older. So now I realize that I must learn how to balance everything accordingly. So…here are my Boss Mandates that I’m affirming and incorporating more in my lifestyle. Find yours and let’s create a Boss Life and Beyond.

1 Morning Kick-Start: Because I am a morning person, early Devotion time is what centers me My quiet time with God slows down my urgency and encourages me to set priorities for the day ~A morning drink to kick start the day. I still love that one good cup of coffee, but to energize my mind, I love “Green Machine ” Not only is it energizing, but it is also delicious. But creating a morning routine for you, is done by figuring out what works best for you and incorporating it on a consistent basis

2 Love the work you do: There are too many people in this world who hurt because they don’t love what they do. You can change that if you want. You don’t want to be 5 years down the road and wished you tried something you were passionate about. Know where you want to go in life, who you want to become. If you are needing more school or work experience, then make the effort to do so You are the only one accountable for what you want in life. So…make it happen! You can do it!!

When you are inspired by people around you, you want to become better than who you are. You really are the people you hang out and spend time with. My friend Henrietta Steele says, “Individually we shine, but collectively we rise.” The significance of all this is that you will start to grow in a new light that has never been seen before.

3 Engage with like-minded people:

Self-Care: Everyone knows by now that self care is a MUST, but doing it is what make it count. Taking care of yourself helps you stay balanced because it means you are first taking time to be yourself. Once you spend that special time with you, you are more loving to those around you. Balanced is a state of mind and the more you can control it, the easier lifebecomes in managing life’s challenges.


The song has so many meanings and interpretations when you listen carefully and silently. Nina’s use of the word young is not just speaking about youth, she was singing about the hope of the future. To posses a vision. She went on to sing about the gifted, and that is when you realize you have what it takes to make things happen. Nina certainly did. As Nina wrote about being Black, in terms of today’s hashtag #Blackexcellence, one can only imagine what she meant, but if you’re a fan of Nina, it was about owning who you are… Thank You Nina!

and black Open your heart to what I mean In the whole world you know There's a million boys and girls Who are young, gifted and black And that's a fact "You are young, gifted and black" We must begin to tell our young There's a world waiting for you Yours is the quest that's just begun Lyrics

Young, gifted young, gifted By Nina Simone

and black Oh, what a lovely precious dream To be


Young Gifted & Black

A recent graduate of O’Farrell Charter High School, Amarion now attends Harris Stowe State University (a HBCU school), majoring in Business Management, with a focus in Cinematography His intention is to develop and manage his own production company and give back to youth leaders by providing training opportunities and mentorship for the interested in multimedia Multimedia/ Entrepreneur

AmarionMatthewsBrooks Young Gifted & Black

Amarion is a YG&B individual, who exhibits the courage and refuses to allow stigmas and events of his generation to deter him from his goals and aspirations. What he values most is his relationship with God, family, and his intense desire to help others by utilizing his gift of graphic design, video production and photography

J. Essentials is committed to creating everyday essential products that you and your family can be proud of. All the products are plant infused, vegan and always cruelty free Saponifier/Entrepreneur

Jasmine created J Essentials out of necessity After relentlessly searching for small business liquid soap companies to support during quarantine 2020, she created her own soap formula and later decided to start her own business

JasmineE.Catchings Young Gifted & Black


KarterE.Williams Young Gifted & Black

It seems that creating, and designing have been a part of Karter's MO from an early age. She was often found gluing dollar bills to walls and cutting holes into designer flannel sheets But fast forwarding a few years later, it looks likes it paid off. When her parents moved into a brand new development in Escondido and needed help with the landscape/hardscape, Karter offered her visions and design, which was quite impressive. So much so, her design drawings caught the eye of the selected pool company who then offered her a job as a pool designer and later as an interior designer. Landscape/Hardscape Designer

TASTE life, TOAST success A Tequila Tasting at your next event Celebrate your most magical moments Inquire @ eventsabovebeyon.com Premiums and Flavored Tequilas Available

“Ebony & Ivory living together in perfect harmony”

There is always the on going commentary about the colors black and white Are they colors or not?

Designingbeauty a space with black and ivory can really be exhilarating It creates a feeling of timeless luxury Also, don’t be afraid to pop the room with one of your favorite colors to bring in some personal flair.

“Ebony & Ivory…living together in perfect harmony”


The perfect mix, the classic collaboration, the yin and yang of beauty The sexy sassy way to decorate and make a room come alive with charm and flair. And yes, you could be traditional and have a comfortable space But why? Why be ordinary when you can live Beyond sameness and create a space that speaks to your soul

Some say that ivory is a color because it comprises all hues on the visible light spectrum. It is also said that black is a color because the pigments can be combined to create black But technically speaking, black and whites are not colors, but they are considered to be shades because they augment colors But here’s what I say, place the two colors, hues, shades (whatever category you choose to call it), in a space and what you get is pure mesmerizing



Beyond Home

The Sound of Shot Glasses, Fine Tequila and Cheers! In 2022, Above and Beyond events added an additional feature to its repertoire Beyond editor, Cheryl Morrow shared the Tequila tasting with me and my clients have been excited ever since To have fun and wish friends and family well with wine and spirits, can be very delicious. It brings people on the same page and that’s to bring their best, most positive self to the party I look forward to sharing this event with my clients and to the taste buds. So, If you’re in the mood to be salty, peppery, warm and happy, inquire about our Tequila Tastings eventsabovebeyond com Cheers

InthisEdition In this edition, I explored, what beauty truly is… It is having the courage to take the responsibility to satisfy yourself first. To be comfortable and celebrate those who do the same. I know life is always calibrating us to become more authentic. I hope this edition encourages you and empowers your spirit to be beautifully YOU!

Stylishly dressed African American women at New York City's Pennsylvania Station. August 1942.

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