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• Long-term sick employees: responsibilisation contribution for the employer (see slides) As expected, the Government's key index has again been exceeded • Measures regarding coronavirus-related unemployment after 31 March (see slides)
As expected, the Government's key index has again been exceeded
SD Worx Knowledge Centre
The index figures were published by FPS Economy and, as expected, the flattened health index for February 2022 again exceeded the Government's key index. This is the third time the threshold has been exceeded in a short period of time, with the other instances taking place August 2021 and December 2021. If inflation continues to rise at this pace, we expect another overrun this year. The timing of it, however, is difficult to predict given the fluctuating economy, with forecasts ranging from April to October. We hope to have more clarity as soon as the index/inflation data for the coming months is available.
The current overrun means that the social security benefits as of 1 March 2022 and the public wages will increase again by 2% as of 1 April 2022. Sectoral minimum wages and remuneration linked to this government index will also be indexed at 2%.
March 1st 2022
• For most index-linked social security benefits (including unemployment benefits, care credit and time credit benefits, sickness and disability benefits, child benefits, etc.) • For the national guaranteed average minimum monthly income • For certain sectoral minimum wages (including private hospitals and care homes, etc.) • For the supplementary unemployment allowance with company allowance (bridging pension) (if the sector does not provide its own scheme)
April 1st 2022
• For salaries and certain allowances of federal and regional public staff (including home and residence allowance, bilingual bonus, etc.) • For certain sectoral minimum wages (e.g. sociocultural sector, etc.) • For some index-linked amounts
SD Worx Social/Legal News March 2022 Page 4