ELAINE primary academy
m e m b e r
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Message from the Executive Head We would like to welcome you to Elaine Primary Academy. This is an exciting time in the development of the school. We joined The Williamson Trust in September 2012 and gained academy status. The school provides a happy and safe environment with a caring ethos. The staff are committed to providing the best for the children at the school. Children are prepared for life through a varied curriculum which develops their basic skills in English and Maths, and through the promotion of social skills. They are encouraged to be ambitious and to work hard to achieve their goals. The school provides a range of educational visits to enrich the learning experience and broaden the children’s horizons. Children enjoy these opportunities and talk enthusiastically about them. We recognise and value the important role that parents and carers have in their child’s learning and development, and aim to work in partnership to ensure the children are well cared for and enjoy their learning. Visits to the school can be arranged through the school office. We look forward to welcoming you. Mrs M Hornett
Vision At Elaine Primary Academy, we aim to treat each child as a valued individual and to help them develop, not only academically but intellectually, socially, spiritually and physically. We want to help each child to develop as a responsible caring member of both the school and the wider community, who has respect for their own worth, and that of others.
Curriculum At Elaine Primary Academy we provide a curriculum that encourages children to be independent learners, provides opportunities for them to apply basic skills to real life situations, and promotes achievement for all. We aim to prepare children, from Nursery through toYear 6 for the next stage in their education, and for life in the wider community. Our curriculum is planned carefully to provide children with new experiences, develop independence in their thinking and enable them to work with others to solve problems, explore concepts and develop language and communication skills.
er est “To help year 6 with Literacy h c o w of R lp to for a chance to examine what e visited th n w o t e beautif ul it he improve our writing, it was also ha s to offer. N o nly did this ot brillia nt fun! ” Aaro n Year 6
Teachers prepare lessons that are interesting, exciting, and relevant to children’s backgrounds, experiences, and needs. Literacy, Maths and ICT skills are taught discretely and are also integrated throughout the curriculum.
Home & School We believe that the partnership between home and school is vital to the success of all our pupils. There are opportunities to discuss progress at Parents’ Evenings and we encourage regular contact between school and home throughout the year. . y” a u m r d m e i d n k g i l s I o “ much t ry h at eve I wou t i ld like to do r 3 Yea V Jack
Pupil wellbeing
All pupils at Elaine are equally valued and entitled to the same respect and courtesy as any member of our school community. We provide an environment in which children can feel safe and happy. Children are encouraged to talk about their worries and concerns to staff with the assurance that they will be taken seriously. Children who experience learning difficulties, or who display challenging behaviour will receive extra help and guidance, which may be in small groups or one to one.
polining I liked it becau I went tram se we “When nd we went rea a s p m u j t n e r e f f i l l d y d h e igh” tri . Chloe Yea r3 “Being a School Councillor is an important role, because we
represent the school and make it a better place for the pupils of Elaine Primary Academy”
Alfie Year 6
“School is exciting because you get to do amazing activities” Harry, Year 6 “I like our school because it helps me get smarter. The
school likes us to keep fit and health by doing P.E and
eating healthy food”
Ryan, Year 6
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Elaine Primary Academ y Elaine Avenue, Strood, R oche ster, Tel: 01634 335740 Kent ME 2 2YN Fax: 01 6 f i f c o e : @ l i e a l a m 3 i ne.me E 4 3358 dwa 48 y . n i e a . l m e . o e w d way.sc r ww g . uk h.uk