Sea Angling News January 2021

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Sea Angling News Ltd. - - - Issue 303 January 2021


WINNER 12 year old Callum smith with a cracking 18lb turbot caught from his familys boat Sea Raider.

Harry Coxhead bagged this 24lb 12oz Angler Fish from Chesil beach.

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NEXT ISSUE COPY DEADLINE 15th JAN 2020 Shops - If you don't receive your papers by the first Tuesday in the month please can you telephone to let us know:

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Keith & James Wigglesworth Sea Angling News Ltd 9 Hayfield Close Minehead, Somerset TA24 6DE

EDITOR / DESIGN & PRODUCTION Adam James Email: Tel.07523 254918


James Wigglesworth 07825 181694

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Sea Angling News, January 2021

THREE NEW BRITISH RECORD FISH RATIFIED BRFC met remotely via online meeting facility on 3rd December 2020 - Present were: Mike Heylin OBE (Chairman), Oliver Crimmen (Scientific Advisor, Natural History Museum), Nigel Hewlett (Scientific Advisor, Environment Agency), Paul Coulson (Freshwater Specialist), Tim Froome (Marine Specialist& Channel Islands representative), Will Barnard (Freshwater Specialist), Andrew Nellist (Freshwater Specialist), David Craig (Ireland representative), Dr Phill Williams (Marine Specialist), Capt.Stephen Mardlin MBE RN (Freshwater Specialist), Paul Edwards (Wales representative) and Nick Simmonds (Secretary). The BRFC is pleased to welcome three new members: Capt. Stephen Mardlin MBE RN, Chairman of the Armed Forces and Royal Navy Angling Associations, Dr Phill Williams, author and sea angler and Paul Edwards, Chairman of the Welsh Salmon and Trout Angling Association. Guntars Zakovskis’ Bass (Dicentrarchus labrax). The committee was unable to accept Guntars’ fish as a new record because BRFC protocol requires there to be at least one witness to the weighing of a potential record fish. Unfortunately, Guntars was fishing alone when he caught his magnificent bass and although he made a video recording of the weighing of the fish, the committee reluctantly concluded it could not set a precedent by breaking its own rule. However, the committee unanimously acknowledges the validity of Guntars’ claim and all agree that this is a fabulous fish and a truly exceptional capture. As a result of its deliberations over Guntars’ claim the BRFC will now consider putting in place protocol to permit the submission of video evidence of the capture and/or weighing of a potential record fish if no witness can be available. This will take careful consideration and the committee decided it could not apply such a change retrospectively, so Guntars’ fish will be recorded on the BRFC’s Notable Fish List. After scrutinisation of the scales test and allowing for deduction of the weight of the towel used as a sling to weigh the fish, the committee agreed to record a weight of 21lb 5oz for this remarkable bass. Jason Le Noury’s boat-caught Marbled Electric Ray (Torpedo marmorata) ratified at 13lb 8oz 1dr, caught from the south coast of Guernsey on 15th August 2020. Jason’s fish replaces Gary Crane’s 20-year old record of 10lb 14oz 11dr, also from the Channel Islands. Jason’s fish was sent to the Natural History Museum for confirmation of identification, where it is now preserved in the company of many other British record sea fish in the national collection.



Aurthur Savage, Dave Roberts Lee Bolingbroke, Wayne Thomas Kevin Morgan, Gareth Mayers Paul Whittall, Adam James Andy & Sam Cumming James Wigglesworth Craig Butler, John Skeggs Phil Higgins, Martin Wood Scott Smy, Richard Saxby.

Graham Eden’s Scad (Trachurus trachurus) was ratified at 3lb 8oz. Graham’s boat-caught fish fell for a mackerel livebait close to the Eddystone lighthouse and beats the previous record of 3lb 5oz 3dr which had stood since 1978.

Copyright Notice All intellectual property rights (including without limitation, patents, copyrights, design rights, registered design and trade designs and trade and service marks, and right to apply for any of the foregoing) whatsoever, whereinsoever and whensoever subsisting in or to any invention, ideas or information or in or to any service, goods or works (including without limitation, drawings, sketches, artwork, typography and photographs) invented, devised, made, created, acquired or written by or for the Sea Angling News (whether or not in connection with any contract with the advertiser) shall be and remain the Sea Angling News absolute property. Neither the advertiser nor any other person shall have any licence or other rights whatsoever under or in any respect of the said intellectual property rights. The advertiser undertakes that it will not reproduce or authorise or procure any other person to reproduce any of the said artwork, typography, photographs or other works. The advertiser hereby assigns all its rights (if any) in and the said intellectual property rights to the Sea Angling News. The advertiser must ensure that he/she has obtained the appropriate permission to reproduce any artwork, logos, designs, trade names and trader service marks which he has supplied to, or asked the Sea Angling News to incorporate in any advertisement to be published in the Sea Angling News newspaper. Telephone calls made to the Sea Angling News may be taped to ensure the highest quality of customer service. The views expressed by contributors to the Sea Angling News are not necessarily the views of the editor but we do try to allow free speech.


All entries must be accompanied by a clear photograph. All entries must be weighed on accurate scales and witnessed. All entries will be judged on the size of the fish, tackle used and the quality of the photograph. Weights must be submitted in pounds and ounces, metric weights may be submitted in addition to imperial weights. The Editors decision will be final in all cases.

Craig Smithson’s Crucian carp (Carassius Carassius) from Milton Abbas Lake in Dorset was ratified at 4lb 10oz and becomes an equal record with the 2015 captures by Steve Frapwell and Michael James.

Matt Atkins’ Perch (Perca fluviatilis) The committee was unable to arrive at a definitive ratified weight for Matt’s tremendous perch. The committee has asked Matt to provide more precise scales test results to en‐ able it to verify the correct weight to attribute to Matt’s fish. The Committee would like to remind anglers that in the event of the capture of a potential record fish, the captor should first contact the British Record (rod-caught) Fish Committee without delay. Captors of potential record fish should contact the Secretary, Nick Sim‐ monds, at the Angling Trust, on 01568 620447 or by email at Nick will record the details of the capture and advise the claimant on progressing the claim. More information about what to do if you catch a record fish can be found on the BRFC web pages


Sea Angling News, January 2021

Email: 3


By Lee Bollingbroke, skipper of Sophie Lea Well I wish I could do a decent report but as you all know we are locked down again and can not take anglers fishing due to covid, however a few small boat anglers have been getting out and there has been a surprising amount of codling being caught with rays and also plenty of whiting and dabs and hopefully we will be able to get out with a reduced number of anglers in the near future too. Some angling charters before the latest lock down have tried some ltd charters with one angler but with all the will in the world this trips have been a lost cause both for skippers and the clients so its just best to shut down and wait for the ok to start chartering again hopefully soon. Before Christmas we tried some ltd number trips and were being reported by other charter skippers you know the ones you thought were friends the ones that were constantly on the phone to you when they first started for advise but hey you live and learn.

Police in many cases were coming along side with completely the wrong info, warning of consequences and 10k fines but actually had no correct brief of the rules and laws themselves, we at least had guidance from the angling trust so new we were not breaking any laws and lets face it a big catamaran with six anglers on board plenty of social spacing and a temp test before boarding hand wash facilities out in the fresh air it is just nonsense how safe can it be defo safer than some of the shops that were trading with words of shoppers. Any way we digress some of the netting boats I have spoken to have had a better cod year than the last few which is typical, & private boats have been catching codling too with plenty of rays dabs etc so fishing is good we just need this last lock down to ease and we can get out there again for some great fishing sport.

BRIGHTLINGSEA, Essex Thames Estuary

“Sophie Lea� Thornback ray - Sophie Lea

Codling - Sophie Lea


Fantastic New Fast Stable Cat Twin FTP Engines, On Deck Toilet, Massive Deck Area Heated Cab Seating. Fully Licensed & Insured for 12. Only 20 minutes from the A12. RNLI / Charter Skipper for over 20 years. Weekends & Weekdays SUPPORTING CANCER RESEARCH

Tel. evenings 01255-821255 Boat direct 07774 492856

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Sea Angling News, January 2021

Sea Angling News, January 2021


Email: 5

HOOKED ON LURE FISHING The groundbreaking new hardback from Merlin Unwin Books (RRP ÂŁ24.99) Packed with brilliant tips and ideas from Dom and saltwater lure fantatic Andy Mytton, this new book reveals a huge range of species to target and exciting tactics to try. Over three years in the making, it also features the amazing underwater photography of BBC Wildlife star Jack Perks. It is available now from various book and tackle shops, or signed from

6 Email:


Sea Angling News, January 2021

BACK TO BASICS By Martin Wood This month in Back to basics I figured we would look at another knot but one for leader lines eventually we all find one we like and prefer some like double Uni knots other the Bimini twist and FG knot which I have covered. So today’s is the knot I use most for

joining my leaders and I’ve never had an issue with it either, whether its mono to mono or braid to mono. On a side note if using braid to mono I find if you double up the braid end and �e with that its makes it incredibly strong!

Step one:

Make a loop with your leader line and then thread your main line through the loop and pull a good length through.


Step two:

Take your mainline tag end and start to wrap around the loop of the leader 11 �mes.

Step three:

Now you’re le� with a much smaller loop, just thread the mainline through the middle and wrap around the top part of the loop and the mainline that runs through the loop 3-4 turns is sufficient then leave the end poking out of the loop.

Step four:

Lubricate the knot and pull on all ends gently so the knot �ghtens up, once it is all small and fully �ghtened up snip off the loose tag ends with some nail clippers as close as possible to the knot.

Sea Angling News, January 2021



John Ellis and Neville Fickling elected as Non-Execuive Directors of the Angling Trust. The Angling Trust are delighted to welcome John Ellis and Neville Fickling to the roles of Non-Executive Director follow‐ ing their successful election by members at the Angling Trust’s Annual General Meeting held online on Saturday, 28th November. John Ellis, who received more than half of the votes cast, has been involved with fisheries and angling in a professional and voluntary capacity for over 35 years. His day job is with Canal & River Trust and works with over 250 angling clubs with memberships from 10 to 10,000 through booking of events at the commercial fish‐ eries portfolio he manages. John also directs the Let’s Fish participa‐ tion campaign, part of the National Angling Strategy, which last year involved over 300 events, 8,400 participants and 100plus coaches. John has a deep interest in match fish‐ ing, making his competition debut aged seven, and has run club and open matches at grassroots level. At international elite level, he managed the USA national coarse fishing team in the 1998 World Championship. John also has a great interest in the sport’s history and heritage, including national angling cham‐ pionships. and is currently a member of the England Fisheries Group.

Born in King’s Lynn, Norfolk, Neville Fick‐ ling will celebrate 60 years of fishing in 2021, having landed his first fish at the age of eight. He now lives near Gainsborough in Lincolnshire, and during his fishing ca‐ reer has twice broken the British record – for the zander in 1970 and in 1985 he landed the then record pike of 41lb 06oz. A former member of the ACA, Neville dis‐ covered that his fishing was continually under threat so became active in cam‐ paigns to protect fish. He proposed the banning of the gaff for pike fishing at the NFA conference in the 1980s and joined others in the campaign to get anglers to return pike and zander alive. Along with other anglers, Neville helped convince still‐ water trout fisheries that pike could exist in these waters and provide important in‐ come. Neville has also served as Chairman of the Pike Anglers’ Club and negotiated a solu‐ tion to a serious crisis which could have seen PAC collapse. Most recently, he has been involved in initiatives to get zander classified as a naturalised species. George Stephenson, Chairman of the Angling Trust, said: “I am delighted to welcome John and Neville to the board and very much look forward to working with them. Both bring years of experience to their roles which will greatly benefit anglers and continue to help the Angling Trust in all that we do to support fish and fishing.”

Email: 7

Covid Update: Angling Trust guidelines for fishing in Tier 4

New Covid Guidance for Tier 4 in England was issued on 19th December 2020, following the Prime Minister’s announcement, and the regulations were published the following day. We have taken advice and can provide these formal Angling Trust guidelines for the benefit of anglers, angling clubs and fisheries who now find themselves in a Tier 4 area or who have fisheries in multiple tiers. All national governing bodies are tasked by Sport England with this responsibility. In drawing up these guidelines we have examined carefully what is specified in the regulations and what remains as government advice. However, we urge all anglers to act within the spirit of the collective battle against this dreadful Coronavirus which is having such a devastating impact on our lives, our economy and our NHS. We are fortunate that even under Tier 4 restrictions angling remains a permitted activity. It is important that as anglers we continue to practice our sport safely and responsibly and maintain social distancing at all times. The Tier 4 regulations are broadly similar to the 2nd national lockdown in that it is an offence to leave home without a ‘reasonable excuse’. Among the 16 categories set out is the provision for ‘Exercise and Recreation’. More specifically ‘outdoor recreation’ in parks, countryside and outdoor public spaces with one other person, not in your household or support bubble. It is under this provision that angling remains a permissible activity and a ‘reasonable excuse’ to be outside of your home. Once again no time limits have been placed on how long you can fish, although you should return home at the end of your trip. As in the national lockdown, the Government have banned virtually all grass roots sporting competitions in Tier 4 areas. So unfortunately, and regardless of the ability to run angling competitions with no form of ‘gathering’, the new regulations mean that any form of competition including more than two people from different households is prohibited. The Government have made clear in their guidance, rather than in regulation, that they do not wish to see travel into or out of Tier 4 areas and we encourage anglers to respect this, notwithstanding the obvious anomalies where a County boundary might divide a fishery or separate a club carpark from the water it serves. The guidance states that you can leave home for the purpose of: “spending time or exercising outdoors. This should be done locally wherever possible, but you can travel a short distance within your Tier 4 area to do so if necessary (for example, to access an open space)”. We want anglers to continue to enjoy their fishing safely

but please do so as locally as possible whatever tier you are living in. Full Government Guidance here Please be aware that the new Tier 4 regulations give a specific power to police constables and police support officers (PCSOs), where they ‘consider that a person is outside the place where they are living’ in contravention of the restriction on movement, to ‘direct that person to return to the place where they are living’. So even if commonsense dictates that visiting your local fishery situated just outside your Tier 4 area is more sensible than driving a further distance in the opposite direction it is possible that a police officer may take a different view. Failure to comply with a direction could make you liable for a fine. Jamie Cook, Angling Trust & Fish Legal CEO, said: “The Angling Trust is pleased to see that, despite the severity of the situation, Ministers have recognised the value of allowing people to continue to pursue safe, beneficial and naturally socially distanced outdoor activities such as angling and golf. Throughout this pandemic outdoor recreation has been a lifesaver for many and we know that the safest place to spend time is outside in the fresh air and as far away from other people as possible.” IMPACTS ON ANGLING IN TIER 4 •Outdoor recreation remains a ‘reasonable excuse’ to leave your home so going fishing locally with one other, outside of your household or support bubble, is permissible. •The regulations are a return to lockdown in Tier 4 meaning no sporting gatherings including fishing matches. •Travelling to fish should be local ‘wherever possible’ and entering or leaving a Tier 4 area is actively discouraged within government guidance. •Tackle shops and other stores can still remain open to operate a click and collect service. •Outdoor facilities such as fisheries can remain open. •No time limits have been placed on outdoor recreation so night fishing remains permissible, as previously confirmed in writing by both DEFRA and DCMS. •Voluntary or paid fishery management work, including bailiffing and maintenance work, remain a legitimate reason to leave home. •Charter boats can continue to operate in Tier 4 areas but with only one client. •Angling coaching and guiding can continue to operate in Tier 4 areas but with only one client. •The police have powers of direction to order people in breach of the regulations: ‘to return to the place where they are living’.

8 Email:


POOLE PORT REPORT SILVER SPRAY & SILVER SPRAY II Two modern catamarans from Poole. Fast and spacious boats fitted with twin engines. COP 60 miles for 12 anglers. Large heated wheelhouse with toilet. Hot drinks provided and microwave available. All necessary rods, tackle and bait available.

Available for wreck, reef, banks, evening trips, 4-day Alderney and 3-day Cherbourg trips. **Bass, turbot, cod, plaice, shark specials** Both boats available for charters and individuals. Owner/skippers Sam & Andy Cumming Phone 07787 375 386 Email:

Sea Angling News, January 2021

POOLE REPORT by Philip Higgins Local marine engineer Ash came out for a days fishing and set 2 PBs the best was a Blonde Ray of 25lb 3ozs. Chris Bowden had a fun day catching plenty of Whiting with many double and triple shots inc one with 2 whiting and a Tub Gurnard. Blonde Rays are giving anglers a workout with many in the 20lb plus range, Ian Napier on his 1st drop hooked into a 20lb Blonde within 2 minutes of his bait hitting the bot‐ tom which set the tone for the rest of the day. Jay Hemming fishing onboard Ran‐ dom Harvest had 7 Rays in 1 trip. Mack‐ eral catches have been very good but as the month progressed they have started to

thin out. Bass are still around in good numbers and for those fishing off St Al‐ bans the action can be very hectic with fish up to 14lb being landed and returned. For most of the month the weather has re‐ stricted operations and at present we are being battered by Storm Bella with wind speeds of 106mph being recorded and looking forward not sure what is happen‐ ing in the next couple of months with the pandemic hitting home again. The main objective is for everyone to stay safe and get back to angling when the situation al‐ lows. Stay Safe

Ian B Blonde ray - Mistress Linda

Ian N Blonde ray - Mistress Linda


Mistress Linda Fishing from Poole, Dorset Skipper Philip Higgins Fast Twin Engined DS Bullet 38 Fully Licensed & Insured for 12 Persons All the Latest Electronics Full On-board Facilities, Hot Drinks Provided

Tel: 07860794183

THE ANGLING CENTRE 01308 421800 One of the largest

Angling Centres on the South Coast LIVE AND FROZEN BAITS RODS AND REELS TERMINAL TACKLE CARP TACKLE AND BAIT BOAT BOOKINGS We try to supply all types of Fishing Tackle & Baits

Stockists of Shakespeare * Daiwa * Greys * Abu Garcia Masterline * Browning * Quantum Leeda Century * Rapala * Fox * Drennan * Mossella Speleo * Dynamite Baits * Sundridge * Shimano and lots more Open 7 days a week - please come in and browse

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6 High Street, Swanage, BH19 2NT Tel 01929 424989 Shakespeare – Abu Masterline Live rag – Frozen Bait Bookings taken for Deep sea Fishing Trips

The Purbecks Premier Tackle shop

Peter H Blonde ray - Mistress Linda


Steve S Mackerel - Mistress Linda

Chris B triple shot - Mistress Linda

Sea Angling News, January 2021


Email: 9



Tel: 01273 592903




Sea Angling News, January 2021


CHESIL REPORT By Gareth Mayers The last couple of weeks Chesil beach has experienced storm after storm coming in from the south west making fishing ex‐ tremely difficult or pretty much impossible. With winds at times in excess of 50mph and very large seas it has been enough to put off the most ardent of anglers and with the new tier system out in place by the government this has also halted some people’s dreams of getting to the beach altogether. There have been a few opportunities to get out when there has been a lull in the weather for those who can and to be hon‐ est the whole beach has provided some good fishing and the bigger fish are cer‐ tainly there! it's just finding a gap in the weather to be able to get out and target them that has been the problem. A lot of anglers are also picking up some really good shore caught jumbo pout on their cod baits with loads of fish reported over the 1lb 8oz mark. This would also explain why good numbers of conger are making an appear‐ ance over high water at night with the av‐ erage fish weighing between 15-20lb all out hunting their favourite dinner pouting.

Ryan Neal with a lovely double caught on whole squid

Chesil Cod

A cracking slab of a sole

The ray fishing has thinned out a lot over the last week or so, well the blondes any‐ way with only the odd fish being caught. Some decent small eyed ray have come out recently though with Till Hall and Lloyd Carty both producing fish into the double figure barrier resulting in some specimen small eyed action. I suppose even when the specimen fishing is slow at times, Chesil is the only beach in the country when you can guarantee to catch a fish I would say, it may not be that prized personal best were all looking for but Pouting, whiting and dog fish always feed all year round, so if its bites you are after then give it a go, if its specimen fish‐ ing then please stand by for a few hard sessions. It looks like the winds have finally settled for now allowing anglers who are permit‐ ted to do so to actually put some decent hours in. Let’s hope the weather will settle for longer periods and tier systems are lifted as soon as it’s safe to do so. Then we can finally get back on the mighty Chesil to seek the shingles rewards! Until next month..... Tight lines!

Chesil Cod


Cod and Whiting from Chesil Beach

Rhys Caleno with his Chesil codling

Chesil Cod

Blonde Ray

New year blonde for Ben Stockley.

Blonde Ray

Small eyed for Till Hall

Sea Angling News, January 2021

Email: 11







12 Email:


Sea Angling News, January 2021

NORTH DEVON REPORT By Wayne Thomas Fishing from the North Devon coast has been hard going but as always there are rewards for those prepared to put in the hours or be in the right place at the right time. Large numbers of small conger have proved frustrating as they seize baits in‐ tended for larger species. Bull huss have shown from many marks with a good number of small huss in the 3lb to 5lb range. There have been a few twenty pound plus conger with prospects good for the rest of the winter. Spurdog have been showing occasionally but large packs have not arrived yet. Catch one of these toothy critters and sev‐ eral more could follow. A wire trace is es‐ sential when targeting these fish and is also wise in case a tope shows as these large fish seem to be present for much of the year. The lack of small pouting and whiting is a concern on the open coast where these fish were once abundant. The frequent sighting of porpoise indicates that prey fish are about in good numbers and I sus‐ pect these are herrings or sprats. A few big bass have shown from the re‐ gions surf beaches indicating that a popu‐

lation of these fish lingers outside of the traditional season. Big fish baits anchored out in surf can bring the fish of a lifetime. Small eyed and spotted ray are showing from deepwater clear ground marks and are worth targeting right through the winter with a big blonde ray highly likely. One of the joys of sea fishing is the constant un‐ certainty of what lurks beneath the sur‐ face. Combe Martin SAC member Jamie Steward visited a Bristol Channel mark in search of thornback and hooked into what is believed to be a rare blue skate weigh‐ ing 8lb 3oz. The lower estuary marks are providing a few whiting and codling. The coming months should also see a few dabs temp‐ ted from clean ground marks. The flounder season is now virtually over on the Taw and Torridge and from what I can gather has been a disappointing one with limited numbers reported. This is in part due to reduced numbers fishing in the competitions that are traditionally held around the festive period. If boats can get out of Ilfracombe bumper sport is expected with spurdog, huss and conger.

Ali Laird with a spurdog of 14lb 6oz

Dan spearman - 10lb 10oz bull huss

Dick Talbot - flounder 1lb 7oz

Rob Scoines with bull hus of 7lb 11oz

Rob Scoines with bull hus of 7lb 11oz

Mark Jones -thornback ray 12lb 2oz

Combe Martin SAc member Mark Jones with 23lb 2oz conger

Jamie Steward blue skate 8lb 3oz.

Sea Angling News, January 2021

David Brooke with specimen conger of 28lb 10oz


Ali Laird with 20lb 3oz conger.

Email: 13

Kevin Legge - bass 10lb 12oz. Inset: Dan Welch with a bull huss of 9lb 13oz

SAILING FROM ILFRACOMBE 6.9m series Cheetah Marine Catamaran. Engines: Twin Yamaha 60 H.P. Outboards Cruising speed 16 – 18 knots.

Wreck fishing for bass in Lyme bay, from the river Axe in east Devon.

Licensed for 6 persons. MCA Safety Code Of Practice Category 2


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Tel 07854124880 Or leave a message on Facebook Ring and collect service... Authorised RockGrip Specialist

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and can operate up to 40 miles offshore.


14 Email:


Sea Angling News, January 2021


Well this has been a tough month. We’ve had several waves of stormy condi�ons passing over the area pu�ng a stop to boat fishing most weekends, and only those lucky enough to be able to go out midweek were able to fish at all. Then, just to put a final nail in it the local area is designated Tier 4 so anyone living outside Portsmouth can’t travel to their boats even if the weather improves. Oh well, I suppose there’s always next year! We do have some fishing news from those that managed to get out however. A�er a slow start to the winter season we saw more cod coming out, some over 20lb. Neil Glazier now leads the Southsea Marina Angling Club Cod Pool with this nice fish of 22lb. There are a lot of whi�ng inshore. Strangely, they seem to be either very large and few in number of very small and in large, ravenous shoals. The larger fish such as the 4lb specimen shown by Nick Reeves are very welcome. The smaller whi�ng strip large baits or give themselves up

within minutes on smaller baits, making fishing very difficult. I found that pu�ng a dead whi�ng on a large hook and sending it down again kept their brethren away and gave other fish a chance to find the bait. Using this method you can expect to hook up with rays, congers or even cod if you are lucky. Mark Jackson shows the largest of three good undulate rays caught that day, topped by his crew mate Richie Shippen with an undulate a pound heavier at 15lb. The SMAC Open Cod Compe��on was postponed from early November because of lockdown restric�ons, then when restric�ons were eased we had to postpone due to adverse weather condi�ons. With the new, �ghter restric�ons in force we have no revised date to publicise. We will have to wait and see what s possible. Let’s hope that with renewed efforts to combat the virus and the roll-out of vaccina�ons we’ll be able to get back to some form of normality in 2021, and we can all go out fishing again as we used to.

The government has rolled over the 2020 bass fishing measures into 2021 as we wait an outcome from the EU-UK partnership agreement. This means recreational anglers will be required to release any bass caught in January and February and will be limited to two bass

TECHNOLOGY DRIVES FORWARD NEW NETWORK FOR SEARCH AND RESCUE State-of-the-art technology is bringing a new edge to the search and rescue work of HM Coastguard. Old copper-based cables are being replaced with fibre-based technology across 165 remote radio sites across the United Kingdom, starting with Weymouth on Wednesday 16 December. Each radio site receives distress calls from UK waters and the replacement technology will bring improvements such as security and bandwidth.

Richie Shippen 15lb Undulate

Mark Jackson 14lb Undulate

per day from March until November. However, this may be amended in spring 2021 to take into account any changes and adjustments after negotiations are carried out with the EU. The Angling Trust will keep you updated over the course of 2021.

Damien Oliver, Commercial and Programmes Director for the Maritime and Coastguard Agency, said: “We are investing £175 million into this new national radio network, which is central in preventing the loss of life on the coast and at sea.

“At a time when getting outdoors is pivotal to people’s mental health and wellbeing, it is essential that we can provide reassurance that we are here to respond to any emergency they may find themselves in, and this new network will enhance our ability to do that.” The new network is being built and maintained by Telent Technology Services Ltd. Peter Moir, Managing Director of Network Services at Telent, said: “This network may not be seen by many people, but it’s literally a lifeline for someone in distress at sea. It’s important that this network’s capability continues to support Her Majesty’s Coastguard in the vital lifesaving search and rescue work that it does.”

SAD PASSING OF PHIL HYDE, DEDICATED TO SEA ANGLING It is with deep sadness we share the news that passionate angler Phil Hyde passed away peacefully on 26th November. Phil was an incredibly committed angler who was responsible for bringing distance casting and custom-built rods to the West Country in the 1980s . He dedicated a large part of his life to volunteering in angling, first with the National Federation of Sea Anglers, the Bass Anglers’ Sportfishing Neil Glazier Cod 22lb. Inset: Nick Reeves Whiting 4lb

Society and later the Angling Trust.


Sea Angling News, January 2021

Email: 15


P.B.A.C.Fishing club On Sunday 6th December 22 anglers fished the final match of the season, with fishing proving hard and the main species whiting.The winner with 3lb 12oz was Kim McGreeevy. 2nd Keith Erridge 3lb 4 ½ oz. 3rd Vernon Vivian 2lb 14 ¼ oz and 4th Colin Isaacs 2lb 3oz. The biggest round was a whiting of 9 ¼ oz for Keith Erridge and the biggest flat a dab of 6 ½ oz for Jan Sargeant. OVER FIFTIES The final match for the over fifties was fished on 17th December with an amazing 27 anglers taking part fishing in Pevensey Bay. Fished on catch and release basis the top angler was Keith Erridge with 8 fish for 112 pts. 2nd Pete Cracknell with 4 fish 108 pts. 3rd Micky Webb 6 fish 102 pts. 4th Dave Checksfield with 2 fish 102 pts. Biggest round fish was an eel of 57cm for Dave Checksfield and biggest flat a dab of 28cm for Ian Hopper. The final standings for 2020 and over fifties championship finished with Trevor Rooney the champion on 109 points. Con‐ gratulations Trevor!! 1st Trevor Rooney 109 pts. 2nd Gary Ban‐ field 93 pts. 3rd Keith Erridge 87 pts. 4th Julian French 81 pts and 5th Paul Chris‐ topher 75 pts.

trevor_rooney_over_50s beach_fishing champion

Luke Ripley with a brace of nice flounders

James Wood with a lovely 9lb 11oz small eyed ray

Kevin Morgan with his winning 38cm flounder

SAXONS SEA FISHING CLUB The final match of the season was fished on Sunday 13th December and was won by David Tame. 2nd Karl Puttick, 3rd Steve Merner and 4th Kevin Merner. Congratula‐ tions to David Tame for finishing as the 2020 Saxons beach champion!! 1st David Tame 245 pts. 2nd Fred Puttick 226 pts. 3rd Steve Merner 204 pts and 4th Karl Puttick 191 pts. TWITCHY TIPS SHORE FISHING CLUB On Monday 14th December 17 anglers fished a match at Langney Point. The win‐ ner was Jack Wilstshire with dogfish, pout and whiting for 16lb 8oz. 2nd Jim Whippy 9lb 2oz. 3rd Mathew Gifford 8lb 9oz and 4th Chris Kirrage 7lb 2oz. The heaviest round was shared between Michael Moule and Decland Moulding with dogfish of 1lb 12oz and the flat was a dab of 8oz for Grant Bryant. GENERAL Fishing has proved tough during the last few weeks, as the weather has been changeable so has the fishing. Some nice fish have been caught including some nice shore congers as well as rays, still a few bass and some flounders starting to show! The boat fishing was good at the begin‐ ning of the month but has also dropped off as the weather has changed. Luke Ripley has caught a late season undulate ray and James Wood caught a PB small eyed Ray around Christmas time. Joe Plumstead caught a nice conger in Normans Bay and a few thornbacks are still being caught at Eastbourne. Lets hope that 2021 is a bet‐ ter eseason for all of us for so many reas‐ ons!! Good luck everyone and stay safe !!!

Gary Willis with a brace of nice flounders Jack Wiltshire Twitchy Tips match winner

Joe Plumstead with a lovely conger

Luke Ripley with a 9lb 11oz undulate ray

16 Email:


Sea Angling News, January 2021

BURNHAM ON SEA REPORT By Richard Saxby I am just finishing off this report on New Years day and I for one won't be sorry to see the back of 2020 for obvious reasons. With small boat angling the weather is always the deciding factor on us taking to sea along with the tides but this covid virus has certainly hampered things. Hopefully 2021 will see an improvement soon and we can start getting back to some sort of normality. There hasn't been to much action from Burnham but a couple of boats have had a session or two. The fishing has been a bit up and down possibly due to the decent weather coinciding with small neap tides. Still plenty of thornbacks in the bay along with strap conger. No keeper sized cod from Burnham yet or decent whiting but they are out there for sure. It doesn't look like there will be much going on in January but if any one does manage a trip out then chances of cod should be reasonable. November 29th Team Lock had a day out trying some new grounds to them in the Weston area. Unfortunately the weather was better than the fishing but they did find some thornbacks, straps and a few whiting. Team lock was back out again on the 6th December along with Ultra Tide from Burnham. Fishing was hectic with thornbacks from the first to the last cast and a few whiting thrown in for good measure but no cod again. On the same day Seanies Flyer launched from Portishead with Martin Quinn and Nigel Devey on board. They found the fishing very slow but did find a couple of codling to take home for tea. I managed a day aboard Reel Deal from Watchet on the 18th. The forecast was poor with rain and very strong winds but coming from the south it gave us some shelter in the lea of the land and the sea state was fine. It started off great for me with a cod of 12lb 6oz first drop but went downhill from there. Fishing was very tough with only a few thornbacks, straps and whiting but I did winkle out another codling around 4lbs just before we went in. Seanies Flyer was out again on the 22nd from Portishead with Martin Quinn and Anthony Georgiou searching for a cod or two. It was another slow day but Anthony found a couple of codling to 7lb 6oz.

Pete Browning-Stamp Thornback

Richard Saxby Cod

Fish of the month winner for November was Ian Tench with a thornback ray of 12lb and 89%. We have a full match calender for 2021 both from Burnham and other venues but currently all competition's have been suspended. Hopefully it will not be much longer until we are able to hold them and other social gatherings. Once allowed, meetings will start again at Burnham Motor Boat and Sailing Club on the sea front, pop along if you are interested in joining a friendly club. You can keep up-to date with latest news and catches and all things fishy on our facebook page and website Burnham Boat Owners Sea Angling Association. That's it from me, stay safe all and if you manage to get out fishing anywhere good luck.

Jamie Lock Thornback

Anthony Georgiou Cod

Martin Quinn Cod

Sea Angling News, January 2021


Email: 17

BRISTOL CHANNEL SHORE REPORT BY CRAIG BUTLER I’m sure I’m not the only one glad to see the back of 2020 and hope 2021 is a lot kinder to us. Anyway. Over the past month the fishing has been very unpredictable. Mainly down to a lot of unsettled weather rather than the lack of fish. The old saying feast or famine has rung true. When conditions and tides have been on‐ side some respectable cod and codling have been caught. The Christmas and new year period has always been the time a few double figure cod show up and this year has been no different. With a few 11-13lb cod being caught and a good handful of 2-5lb fish being recorded is hasn’t been to bad con‐ sidering. Putting the hours into the right marks is always the key. With fresh lug and frozen black lug being hard to come by this winter there’s been a new bait made available in the local tackle shops. Crab cart and in particular the cart wings have quickly established itself as a bait to be reckoned with. Cocktail a wing with squid and you have a super juicy bait with a good Scent to draw a feeding fish. Along with the cod and codling. The Ray fishing has remained good with thorn‐ backs and small eyed Ray being the main

Ray species to show up. The huss has also been a species to target to the west of Minehead. The bass in the past hasn’t been a species we associate with winter . But this winter it’s been surprising to see so many being caught and a variety of size as well. There’s always the odd specimen caught in winter but the numbers caught are something to note. Could this be the protection the species has had or just the channel sea temperature has held up?


With the West Somerset coast being placed in TEIR 4. The next month will be off limits to visiting Anglers over the next month so rod hours won’t be as high as the past few months. Let’s hope the few angling corona idiots out there will respect the situation and stay away and only fish local to them so we can open up sooner rather than later. The fish and beaches will still be there waiting for you to return safely. Hopefully if the conditions stay mild on the whole the fishing potential will stay good up and down the channel. Anyway I hope you all had a nice Christ‐ mas and made the best out of it you could in these challenging times. Wishing you all a happy, safe and prosperous new year. Tight lines and happy hunting!


WEST SOMERSET HOTEL Watchet’s best angler friendly family run Hotel Bed & breakfast , Drying room Freezer facilities , Packed lunches in request And a great harbour town pub for a drink after a hard days fishing West Somerset Hotel Swain Street Watchet TA23 0AB

Tel: 01984 634434

18 Email:


Sea Angling News, January 2021


15.6lb bass caught aboard Teddie Boy from Minehead. This is not only a new boat record but also a potential new Bristol Channel boat caught record Tradition Local Fishing Boats

MV. EDWIN JOHN & MARY ELLEN Owned & skippered by D.E. James & M.J. James Fishing trips 6-8 Hrs £180 Licensed for 7 anglers per boat

FREE CAR PARKING AVAILABLE FREE FROZEN HERRINGS FOR BAIT Fishing area 10 mile radius from Minehead Harbour

Tel: 01643 702207 / 07977930549

BRISTOL CHANNEL BOAT REPORT December has been a very tough month aboard the boats across the marks in our region. There have been some very fine fish caught however, with some notable double figure cod and the stand out fish of the month being a very special 15lb+ Bass aboard Teddie Boy out of Minehead. In the search of the elusive cod there ap‐ pears to have been two stand out marks, Kilve and Dunster. Kilve is a somewhat un‐ derfished area by the boats but it is widely appreciated that good sport can be had in the area and throughout December it did consistently produce cod from a few pounds in weight up to double figures, al‐ though very little else was caught along‐ side those fish. Dunster is one of those

stretches with a proven track record year after year of throwing up some very good catches of cod and although thin on the ground this year, it has once again given some lucky anglers the satisfaction of see‐ ing the net slide under some classic, prime Bristol Channel cod. Giving consideration to other species, Watchet continues to produce many Thornback rays and Eels and then once moving onto the mixed ground and sand around Minehead there has been the addi‐ tion of Blonde rays, Small eyed rays and a few Spotted rays. A few whiting and dog‐ fish have made up the remainder of catches with the odd Spurdog here and there.

Cod - Osprey

Cod - Osprey


Fast 10m Blyth Cat operating from Minehead Harbour


● All the latest electronics ● Tea & coffee provided ● Full on-board facilities ● Tackle & bait available ● Experienced anglers & beginners welcome ● Full tuition provided

Call Steve on 07967 362132

Teddie Boy Charters Teddie Boy is a fast stable 9m AMC cat fully licensed and insured, code of practice 60 miles. Equipped with all the latest marine electronics. Tea & coffee, gas hob and flushing toilet. Experienced anglers, beginners and ladies very welcome. 4 hour trip £25 per person, 8 hour trip £40 per person

Rods, bait & tuition are available.

For all bookings and enquiries call Mike



Sea Angling News, January 2021


Email: 19

Cod - Teddie Boy

Cod - Teddie Boy

Blonde ray - Teddie Boy

Blonde ray - Teddie Boy

Blonde ray - Teddie Boy

Hound - Osprey

Cod - Osprey

Cod - Osprey

Historic Harbour-side Venue ●Newly refurbished iconic pub and hotel with its fantastic Minehead harbour-side setting. ●Fine ales & river cottage style food & traditional hospitality at its best. ●Fishing parties welcome.


Free Postage and Package on orders over £10

Tel: 01643 703 516


Proprietor: Ian Daniels 10 Tregonwell Road, Minehead TA24 5DT Email:


20 Email:

Sea Angling News, January 2021




Tel. Ian or Bex on 07795 538933 Email:

11m South Catamaran with twin 330hp Iveco Turbo Charged Diesel engines. She has a top speed of 26 knots and a cruising speed of 18 knots. The boat is fully coded to MCA CAT 2, and is licensed to carry 12 passengers.


Individuals / Small and Large Groups Catered for Email: Mob: 07796023881 Owner: John Skeggs. Port: Lymington FREE PARKING! Now taking bookings for winter Cod fishing! A full day targeting Cod / Whiting, or you can split the day for Cod / Bass. Plenty of options!


I would like to thank all of my customers who have supported “Last Laugh Charter Fishing” through a very difficult year. Despite the on-going Corona Virus re‐ strictions, when we were able to operate, the results have been very good. Congers are dominating most catches with some good Whiting and the odd Cod and Pollack amongst them. My diary is now open for 2021,with some great offers on Bass, Bream, Plaice and Wreck trips. (07796023881). I would like to wish everyone a very Happy and Prosperous New Year. Stay Safe ! Tight Lines John Skeggs (Last Laugh Charter Fishing / Lymington). Whiting - Last Laugh

Cod - Kelleys hero

Pollack - Last Laugh

Whiting - Last Laugh

Sea Angling News, January 2021



Email: 21

VALK YRIE CHARTERS Skipper Glen Cair ns O f f ice: 02392 4 61717 Boat : 07831 878669 Valkyrie 6 & 7 are based at Northney Marina with easy access just across Langstone bridge plus FREE secure parking. Specialising in Wreck, Reef, Pollack, Cod, Bass fishing. All the facilities you would expect onboard a modern catamaran heated cabin, seating, cooking facilities. Licensed for 12 + 2 crew 60 miles fully insured. | Email

Fast Cat out of Lymington fishing the Needles area. Channel wrecking, reef fishing, 3 to 7 day Channel Island trips. Needles cod - bass fishing. evenings - individuals - parties

Tel: Arthur Savage 02380-897111 Boat 07702 607216

Nice double figured cod caught aboard Valkyrie

LAGOON BAIT & TACKLE NOW UNDER THE NEW OWNERSHIP OF BRETT LOMAS FORMERLY OF THE BOGNOR REGIS ANGLING CENTRE Brighton and Hove's largest selection of fishing tackle for all types of fishing specialising in sea fishing.

WE ONLY STOCK GREAT BAIT! New opening hours 8am to 6pm monday to Saturday. 8am to 12 noon on Sundays. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter @Lagoonbaithove for catch reports and special sale items. Bring this advert into the shop and redeem your 10% discount (Limited time only, bait not included)

327 Kingsway, BN3 4LD Brighton - TEL: 01273 415879

22 Email:


Sea Angling News, January 2021

RECENT CATCHES ABOARD ATLANTA Meercat’s talented skipper, Ryan Casey, explains that he’s had the opportunity to go boat fishing more over the recent months than ever before. Joined by his beautiful partner, Katie, who Ryan describes as a ‘fishing machine’, Meercat has been taken to marks few have previously explored with Katie achieving PB’s including pollack to 16lb, bass and conger. This ‘research’ will certainly be useful when charter angling returns to normal aboard Meercat. One skipper who has managed to ‘keep going’ whenever allowed to is Dave Pitman. Dave is now by far the longest serving Weymouth Charter Skipper and his knowledge of inshore fishing built up over 50 years pretty well guarantees a good day. Dave’s running costs are lower than the more powerfully horse-powered, twin engine catamarans and so he has offered his trips at exactly the same prices per person than when angling was in full swing. This means David’s customers are having the 11 metre boat between just 4 of them rather than the normal 8 to 12 customers aboard and this also means each of the fortunate few catch more fish per person. With so little fishing taking place, David reports that the local marks are ‘alive with fish’ including plenty of late season bream, stacks of whiting to 3lb 8oz, conger, huss, spurdog, small rays and strap conger. He reports that the bites are on the go from the moment the boat settles until it is time to retrieve the anchor and head for home. Great fun if you are one of the lucky anglers to be on the baot. January and February are regarded as the prime months for offshore pollacking on the wrecks. Whether that will be an option in the new year with so many restrictions remains to be seen but if angling can go ahead, then expect to hear of good catches are hefty winter pollack. Inshore fishing will remain focused on whiting and the catches will be at their best. The commercial pressure on the inshore waters is currently so expect the varied results to continue with conger and rays mixing in with the whiting from the Weymouth Bay marks. The Weymouth and Portland boats have often ventured westwards during the early months of the year, rounding Portland Bill to fish on the Kidney Bank and reefs off Chickerell and Abbotsbury. With the marks closer to home fishing so well there will probably be no need for such voyages which means there will be considerably more fishing time and better catches. It will be very interesting to read the skippers’ reports in the first couple of months of 2021 as fishing will be different from previous years. Right now the local skippers are doing whatever they can to survive. Offshore work in tugs and windfarm vessels, stores and personnel deliveries to ships in the Bay, working on local fish farms,

surveying…in fact anything to do with the sea and boats that requires suitably qualified crew or skippers offering a lifeline to the men will be taken up. This is when expensively commercially endorsed seagoing hard earned qualifications come into their own. It has been extremely hard for you all valued customers to visit Weymouth throughout what can only be described as an extremely difficult year. Your support is very warmly received and we all sincerely hope 2021 will be better for everyone. Thank you for coming to Weymouth and Portland and supporting the charter boats when you can.

WINNER Turbot - Fins Up

Pollock - Fins Up

Pollock - Fins Up

Sea Angling News, January 2021



Email: 23

OFFSHORE REBEL CAT, Cop 60 miles, licenced/insured for 12 anglers, Channel Islands, wrecking specialist fishing trips Tel: JAMIE PULLIN Mobile: 07886 931406 Phone for free newsletter & individual list Contact my web site on:

Skipper - Keith Brown

Book 1. From Army Brat to Sea Dog. Written by Paul Whittall. The humorous (I hope) story of a small boy being snatched away from his Weymouth Fishing Family to become an Armed Services Child and his struggle to return to his fishing roots and destiny.


Reef, Wreck, Shambles & Kidney Bank fishing. Individuals, Parties, Beginners welcome. 60 mile COP, Licensed & Insured. Tel: DAVE PITMAN 01305 781644 Boat 07721 320352

Offshore Wrecking, Reef, Bank and Alderney Fishing Trips

Book 2. Sea Dog Tall Tales. Edited by Paul Whittall A Collection of Seafaring Tales by over 50 contributors including such legendary skippers as Geordie Dickson and Roger Bayzand along with a Captain of an Ocean Going Container ship, Lifeboat crewmen, private boats owners and, most importantly, anglers.



Free Parking Refreshments Professional Tuition Tackle and Rod Hire available Beginners, Experienced and Families All Welcome

SKIPPER - DAN CLARKE (01308) 488515 / 07734383440 WWW.FINSUP-CHARTERS.COM @finsupfishingcharters

Both books are available as ebooks and Paperback Books. All profits to be donated to the RNLI. Available through Just put the book title (Either From Army Brat to Seadog or Sea Dog Tall Tales....into the Amazon search box and the books will appear...ready to order.


24 Email:


Sea Angling News, January 2021


Generally the fishing here in West Sussex has slowed right down compared to last month. At the time of writing this, the fore‐ cast over Christmas is promising for the start of the new year,so fingers crossed things improve. Flounder catches are slowly improving with reasonable numbers from the River Adur and a few fish from the River Arun. Spots worth trying include near the Toll Bridge and Cuckoos Corner. Worm baits such as red rag offer a better chance as well as fishing in darkness though they do show during the daytime as well. A few Flounders have been caught from Shore‐ ham West arm as well as the nearby beaches and Kingston Beach regularly offers good fishing and can produce in all weathers. From the beaches Whiting have been the most prolific species but even they are not in the numbers of a few weeks ago and they can be avoided from certain venues. Occasional Dogfish, Pout, Schoolies and Rockling are also featuring in catches. Conger Eels have been “few and far between” with not as many reported as there were last month and most fish are straps with the occasional better fish in

amongst them but a good spell of windy weather could see a return of some decent fish. Live baiting a Whiting or large fish baits should get results. Straps will take almost any bait offered. The evening tides are more likely to see better Congers catches if they do show. Shoreham beaches, worthing pier and beaches would give you best chances. Only area where Undulate Rays seem to be caught lately is still Selsey East beach but yet again it has been “hit and miss”. Selsey is always liable to see a variety of Ray’s species appear with and they can show from shoreham, Pagham and Ald‐ wick too on the right night. Bass could figure in catches if there is a decent surf running and if the water is col‐ oured and choppy and they often show at low tide on occasions and as well as high tide. Live baits are often the most suc‐ cessful method this time of year for the bigger fish. From my self and the SAN team, hope you have had a good Christmas and in the new year the fishing improves for us all in 2021. A east beach undulate ray

Tight lines all

Simon busting with a nicely marked male undulate ray from East beach selsey

A nice spotted ray from East beach selsey. Iset: A daylight conger for Peter Lee at Shoreham arm

Sea Angling News, January 2021


Email: 25

Great news! Dave Roberts’ new book ‘Absolute Angling’, is now live and for sale on Amazon! It carries great reviews from some top names in the Angling world and has over eighty full colour images, maybe you are in there! If you would like a signed copy delivered to your door, it is the same price as Amazon at £14.99. These copies will be available from mid January! Contact Dave at

26 Email:


LRF REPORT By Richard Salter It may be mid winter now but the fishing has been as good as you might expect on a balmy summers day at times over the last few weeks, with some fast and furious action and a great mix of species along the way. In early December I joined my friends Joe and Jon at Babbacombe pier. I’d not fished this mark before so was looking for‐ ward to finding out what we could find here. There were signs of fish activity on the sur‐ face of the water around the pier so we began by casting metal jigs to search around and try and find out what was causing all the disturbance. We started to find a few small mackerel, which we picked up through the day as the shoals passed through. We then started to notice small garfish were chasing our lures in and began to get those tell-tale plucks and pulls that garfish give. They proved incred‐ ibly difficult to hook though, although Jon managed to land a couple. Turning our at‐ tentions to the structure in front of us, we found there were a lot of pout hanging around under a ledge off the front of the pier which we were catching either on dropshot rigs or flex heads and scented lures initially although we picked them up on other lures such as keitech live impacts later on as the light faded and they be‐ came more aggressive. Through the day we caught a good mix of species with long spined scorpions, rock goby, ballan wrasse, corkwing and pollock added to the list. As the light faded, we caught a couple of tompots from the base of the pier, as well as a herring from amongst a shoal that came through. As darkness fell, it was time for the whiting to get in on the act. I managed one on a ma‐ jor craft jigpara jig in zebra glow which I charged up with my head torch to give that extra bit of attraction. Jon really unlocked the code for the whiting though with his glow in the dark jig heads with a Keitech Easy Shiner. The whiting went mad for this combination and Jon was getting a fish a chuck for a good half hour or so before we called it a day. I joined Jon and Joe again a few days later, this time at Brixham. We were all using different tactics to begin with but Joe star‐ ted to find some good mackerel on metals cast onto the clean ground just beyond the rough stuff in front of us. We all took to chucking metals out there and enjoyed some good fishing with some chunky mackerel giving a great account of them‐ selves as always, it was noticeable that the majority were taking our lures right off the bottom either as we let them sink after casting or during the first few twitches on the retrieve, this meant a few lure losses if we cast too short or allowed our jigs to get too close to the rough ground in front of

us! Our attention turned to the wrasse next and they provided some good sport, most of my fish being taken on Keitech Custom Leech lures. Later in the day we moved further round towards the harbour, I man‐ aged to catch a Corkwing on a major craft jigpara metal, only the 2nd corky I’ve caught on a hard lure and possibly my fa‐ vourite catch of the day. Joe found a de‐ cent pollock and whiting as the light faded before we headed home. I managed to snatch a couple of short ses‐ sions during December too, the first was a trip to Berry Head, another new mark to me. It was very slow fishing at times but I did find a couple of mackerel on metals and pulled out a few wrasse and a lovely little scorp from a sheltered corner, just bumping a bit of Gulp around on a flex head at my feet. I also managed a session at Elphinstone in Plymouth which was again slow but it did produce a little cork‐ wing and 5 scorps, which I think is a scorp record in a single session for me! I fished gulp and isome on dropshot and split shot rigs for this short session. Finally, an almost traditional post Xmas trip to Brixham was in order. I met up with Ben and Jon on a rock mark and we had a really enjoyable session until the rain came rolling in after lunch. We were treated to a bit of a show by a large pod of dolphins that is currently moving around the bay, presumably making the most of the large shoals of mackerel that are also present within the bay! The mackerel kept us busy for much of the day, we were getting a fish a cast for long periods and with a good tide running, even the modest sized mack‐ erel were giving us and our light gear a good workout, the bigger ones even more so! When we wanted a break from the mackerel, there were a few wrasse to be had in front of us. I caught my best wrasse after watching it come up to attack a mackerel I was bringing in! A quick change to the HRF gear and a 3” Keitech Easy Shiner soon annoyed this aggressive bal‐ lan into attacking again and although only a couple of pounds, it put up a brief but mighty scrap before being landed. Ben took to dropshotting for smaller species down the ledges and found a couple of scorps in successive casts along with a corkwing whilst Jon found the only garfish of the day, a decent one this time that hit his lure close in and put up a good fight. Jon and Ben headed off to Torquay and fished Haldon pier for a while and man‐ aged to add to their species tally with black and rock gobies, pout and sand smelt. So that sums up December’s fishing, lets hope January is as productive! I hope you all had a great Christmas. Happy New year everyone, lets hope 2021 is a better one than last year (it won’t be difficult!). Tight lines all.

Sea Angling News, January 2021

Sea Angling News, January 2021


Email: 27

28 Email:

ROVING RODS - XMAS PERIOD With weather around the Bristol being nothing short of horrendous when I have managed to get time to go fishing I’m not adverse to rough conditions but with all the fresh water run off around here locally it certainly hasn’t helped with fishing at all. Myself and Chris Wells decided we wanted to go fishing even though it was a terrible tide and worse weather for the venues we wanted to fish! With many marks out that we wanted to fish due to safety because of the heavy NE winds at 40- 45 MPH constant and gusting a whole lot more! It was bitter and biting and making the sea very rough as it was onshore and in the face for us add the rain as well and the scene was set. We chose a mark of mine I haven't fished for a while and I don't think anyone else knows as I've never seen anyone or any lost gear there! With heavy rains flooding the local area and saturating the land the fresh water runoff was a worry and we knew chances were it would be hard fishing especially with the venue not being deep water but obviously Bass are a bit more tolerant of it and we know that bass run through here so we thought that with that we can try and score a few bass and anything else that shows would be good and a bonus, but we knew that with such a small amount of water on a shallow venue even on a large tide it was against us! We fished it mid tide up for three hours and it was very slow hard going as expec‐ ted but we were kept busy pulling in large branches and debris with heavy amounts of weed now and then with weed also giv‐ ing one or two false bites and making s wonder if it was actually worth the effort. The wind was driving the rain in hearing the slapping of the rain drops on the wa‐ terproof suits and it was pitch black with lamps only penetrating about 30 yards into the rain and blackness the only other visible land mark was the steel works on the welsh coast giving off a large orange and red apocalyptic glow. After a while around my rod stand it looked like I was taking up landscaping with all the clumps of weed and trees branches I was pulling out and untangling from the rigs how we didn’t get any tackle losses I don’t know! At the top of the tide though I was just chatting to Chris with a small break in the rain when the rod tip of the Graphex su‐ per match started to rattle away nicely and then gave a sharp stabby motion fol‐ lowing. Jumping too and a quick scramble to the rod I lifted into the rod and started wind‐ ing in feeling tension on the end I could feel it fighting away headshakes and try‐ ing to do small runs darting around even‐ tually it came through the surf but it was so foggy and rainy I couldn't even see the fish on the beach at first eventually it came into view and I was very pleased to see it was as it felt... a nice little silver bar in perfect condition it was hooked per‐ fectly on the Mustad 3/0 uptide Viking with some sand eel left hanging out its mouth where it had smashed the bait! It measured 38CM laid out on my box and with a quick photo taken by Chris it was


Sea Angling News, January 2021

By Martin Wood

time to let it go a small throw back behind a surfy wave into the flat undertow and back out he went and was swimming off strongly. At the top of the tide we called it time as it was nearly 02:00 and bites didn't look forthcoming unfortunately Chris ended up with a blank so I was more than happy with a nice little perfect silver bar. Blue Anchor & Lilstock: With the fishing so bad last time out I wanted to get out again after news of tier 4 coming in it killed me travelling further afield and so formed a battle plan of two venues with Chris again I wanted to fish Lilstock for a decent cod which it can throw up but with north winds coming in a cast to clear it at high tide wasn’t likely as you need a cast of at least 120 to be on sand from the pipeline where I have had good results before in the past. With that we decided I would pick up Chris and run to Blue anchor set up for an hour up to high water and then fish it down two then head to Lilstock of which the sand should be within easy reach as it would be two hours down. We would then fish Lilstock down to low water and back in a couple of hours be‐ fore calling it a night or early morning. A mile hop down the road all loaded up and I collected Chris ready for a good night he loaded up the Touran and we were off bit of AC/DC whilst on our way and obviously a lot of talk about fishing. Ten minutes or so later we were at Blue anchor our first venue for the evening its and easy fishing venue and clean under‐ foot and where your casting snagging here is very unlucky. This place is great for anyone with a dis‐ ability that hinders them physically. The spot I wanted was taken and so de‐ cided that we would fish from a place I just call 30 as there is a speed sign there just down from the Driftwood cafe which I might add do a great breakfast and nice staff if you’re visiting. I pulled up and we got the gear out and strode a massive 3 yards and set up. The baits tonight specifically going for a large ray/ bass on one rod and a cod on the other not the best venue for a large cod but there are decent fish that come out here of all sorts at times and its easy fishing as well. On one I had a pulley dropper with a squid and black bait on 5/0 penneled and on the other it was a pulley rig loaded with long thin strips of herring and squid mixed and alternating a double sand eel bait. To start with as the tide isn’t huge and depth here is gradual and with water run‐ off I opted for a maximum blast out to max range the wind was low a simple of the ground cast with a 6oz lead on each saw them all sail out and easily hit 140 150 yards. Chris was also set up with a pulley drop‐ per rig which I think in my opinion is one of the best rigs to use in the Bristol Chan‐ nel holding it harder on the bottom and allowing for the tide to pull it in any direc‐ tion which aids with a better presentation when it matters.

Time was passing and bait changes came went with nothing happening for us or anyone else either side of us it was just after high tide when all of a sudden Chris had a cracking slack line bite seeing the old boy move so quick to get on the rod was a sight haha lifting up his 30 year old faithful held to‐ gether with blue tack and threads proper blue peter style the Diawa whisker bent over healthily with Chris still winding like a man possessed playing catch up on the Penn 525 with the fish now on it was tak‐ ing line and wasn’t happy with its nods showing in the rod I was excited as well due to not having a single wiggle or wobble on either rod not even crab pulls. Gaining line again Chris was easing it then I said about landing he had a nice 130 yard walk to some steps where it could landed as I hadn’t loaded the drop net ha ha D’oh! But too late now and time to deal with it Chris was walking it along with it staying just behind the surf with Chris keeping it away from anything it could wrap itself around. Slow and steady won the day and he managed to get it in on the steps, unfor‐ tunately I was still with the other rods to keep guard and eye on them should they get another fish on. A few fisherman gave Chris a congratula‐ tion and one weighed it and it came in at 27lb on the scales but in Chris’s own words “ It wasn’t that much! I think his scales are knackered” But it was 5 ft long and a fat torpedo of an eel it’s mouth was able to take a whole human fist no issues I would put at between 18-20lb caught on Mustad Vik‐ ing 6/0 with a 4icnch strip of fish and a whole squid whipped up but either way not the target but a nice fish after a slow start. Slack water was now over and we were fishing the ebb which can be quite good here now I’m trying different ranges with casts and still not so much as a wiggle on the rod tips at the end of an hour of noth‐ ing we both decided to bin it and head off to Lilstock early and see where the water was at there. Driving out the temperature started to drop and was registering 1.5 degrees and the ice warning popping up on the dash‐ board taking it easy on the back roads we eventually got to Lilstock. We kitted up and walked the couple of minutes to the beach. As per normal no one was here that we could see and moon was super big and bright which I hate when fishing as I never catch well, I normally avoid fishing a full moon! Either way we looked at the water and a slight NNW wind was blow‐ ing Hinkley point was all lit up to our right with white cranes towering into the night skyline with its jetty going out into the murky milk chocolate brown channel, the sky was clear and you could see all the stars and constellations clearly with the odd shooting star passing over. As I was setting up you could see Wales all lit up and twinkling away in the dis‐ tance a cracking clear evening but cer‐ tainly nipping at the cheeks and nose. With the only change on the rig situation I

was now using both as pulley dropper rigs and not changing anything else I baited up with squid and black on one and then fish and squid to see if I could tempt a nice thornback that can come along here in good size with a specimen mark just up the way for them also. It was still a good cast to the sand but we both agreed it was possible so with that a max power Hatteras off my rods and 6 ounces were being sent the distance to clean clear ground with the line peeling off in loops. The hours went by and we didn’t have any bites at all but watching the foxes scavenge over the boulders and getting quite brave and getting reasonably close to us, time past and more baits were drowned with no result. Nearly low tide and I’ve lost the will to live and looking at fossils of large ammonites and thinking about how they used to roam the sea millions of years ago and also looking at oysters growing around boulders and generally looking around finding the odd lead and cleaning up lost line from some unlucky angler. Low water past and we fished it back up two and it was end of session with noth‐ ing to show and giving me a Les Dawson special all night with a Blankety blank and leaving Chris with his nice conger only but a fish none the less. Walking back to the ice encrusted motor we talked about how dire it has been but chris came away rich with 4 leads found in good condition and as for my hunt for a larger Cod it will have to continue into the new year but there is time yet! Lets hope 2021 will be a bit friendlier to us all but at least we can all still fish with all the current issues going on. So happy new year forget the bad and re‐ member the good and plan lots of fishy goals for the coming year! Tight lines for 2021.

Rock Oyster

Sea Angling News, January 2021

View from the office window


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1st Shingle Bank League competition for 2021. On Tuesday evening 8th December Lymington & District Sea fishing Club held its 1st Shingle Bank League competition. The weather was cold with a south west‐ erly breeze. 14 club members signed in and 12 weighed fish consisting of pouting, whiting, dogfish and conger eels. The best fish of the evening was a dogfish weighing in at 1lb 12-2oz caught by Pete Chamberlain. Only edible fish are retained. All other fish are gently returned to the sea after weighing. Results: 1st Pete Chamberlain (6 fish) 6lb 14-4oz, 2nd Andy Richmond (6 fish) 6lb 8-4oz. 3rd Tom Bagnall (5 fish) 6lb 5oz, 4th Malcolm Stote (5 fish) 5lb 0-8oz, 5th Roland Blomfield (4 fish) 4lb 8-2oz, 6th Steve Pitman (4 fish) 3lb 12-8oz, 7th Paul Dibden (3 fish) 3lb 11-8oz, 8th Tony Power (2 fish) 2lb 12-6oz, 9th Andy Hopkins (3 fish) 1lb 11-8oz, 10th Paul Watson (1 fish) 1lb 3-4oz. Shingle Bank League final placing for 2020. 1st Malcolm Stote 61lbs 4-1oz, 2ndChris Ellis 28lbs 1-9oz, 3rd Steve Pitman 27lbs 8-6oz, 4th Ben Daniel 26lbs 5-3oz, 5th Tom Bagnall 25lbs 11-3oz, 6th Ollie Hopkins 25lbs 7oz, 7th Billy King 22lbs 14oz, 8th Andy Hopkins 13lbs 3-4oz, 9th Paul Watson 12lbs 12-4oz, 10th Keith Panks12lbs 2oz, 11th Danny Panks 11lbs 13-4oz, 12th Paul Dibden 8lb 14-1oz, 13th Luke Woodford 7lb 13-7oz, 14th Ro‐ land Blomfield 4lb 14oz, 15th Ed Taylor 4lb 0-1oz, 16th Dan Rose 3lb 2-6oz, 17th Andy Richmond 2lb 14oz, 18th Terry Kempton 1lb 11-4oz, 19th Pete Chamber‐ lain 1lb 9-6oz, 20th Nelson Phillips 0lb 5-4oz.


Sea Angling News, January 2021

1st Shore Competition. On Sunday 13th December the club held its 1st shore competition for the 2021 season which was a Christmas Rover. The weather was not at its best with heavy showers and a strong southerly wind. Four club members braved the con‐ ditions and had a good evening fish wise. 16 fish were caught and weighed for a total weight of 20lbs 2-4oz. These con‐ sisted of whiting and bass. All the fish

once weighed were gently returned to the sea. Best round fish of the evening was a bass of 4lb 14oz caught by Paul Watson. The flat fish pool is a rollover of £15.00 and the best specimen pool of £4.00 is also a rollover till the next competition. Results: 1st Paul Watson (3 fish) 9lb 10oz 2nd Terry Kempton (3 fish) 6lb 14oz 3rd Roland Blomfield (8 fish) 2lb 13-4oz, 4th Andy Richmond (2 fish) 0lb 13oz. Sadly, no junior signed in.

Marc Duncan LDSFC

Arran Harmer LDSFC


1st Large Boat Competition 6th December for 2021 club year. For the first competition of their 2021 season, members of Lymington & District Sea Fishing Club’s Large Boat section headed to a mark just west of the Needles, aboard Art Savage’s Private Venture. A keen northerly breeze was mitigated to some degree later on by some welcome sunshine, and the day remained dry. Fish came in steadily throughout the day, including rays, some decent sized whiting and dogfish. Jumbo pout was a welcome addition; but, as usual, strap congers were a constant nuisance, ruining the prospects of contacting the cod, which remained as elusive as ever. Results: 1st Arran Harmer 87 points; Derek Smith 79 points; 3rd Roland Blom‐ field 50 points; 4th Mark Duncan 46 points; 5th Alec Harmer 41 points.

Derek Smith LDSFC

West Bay SAC


Mike Hansell who was fishing on a boat out of Lyme Regis and managed to catch this Smooth Hound of 5kg 280g 77.60% of specimen this places him in first place in the club’s Fish of the Quarter competi‐ tion which ends on December the 31st. Unless someone beats him he in inline to win a £30 tackle Voucher

The Red Gill is for the heaviest lure caught fish. The editors decision is final. The claim will have to be backed by photographic evidence and weighed on accurate scales. Full name and address will be needed plus details of where the capture was made. If you wish to have your photo returned please enclose an S.A.E. Entries to Red Gill competition, Sea Angling News 102 Periton Lane Minehead, Somerset TA24 9BP or email: Usual competition rules apply

Sea Angling News, January 2021


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Sea Angling News, January 2021

TACKLE SHOPS DIRECTORY DEVON SEAVIEW ANGLING 14/15 Faraday hill, Plymouth PL4 0ST. Tel: 01752269698 SEATON ANGLING CENTRE The Harbour, Axmouth, Seaton Devon EX12 4AA Tel: 01297 625511 HIGH STREET TACKLE, 153 High Street, Ilfracombe, Devon EX34 9EZ Tel: 07516 730749

DORSET SWANAGE ANGLING CENTRE 6 High St., Swanage BH19 2NT Tel. 01929 424989 email The Angling Centre, 10a West Bay, Bridport tel. 01308 421800 WEYMOUTH ANGLING CENTRE 2-3 St Edmunds Street, Weymouth, Dorset, DT4 8QU Tel 01305-777771 Email: ABBOTSBURY FISHING TACKLE Rodden Row, Abbotsbury Weymouth DT3 4JL Tel 01305 871199. Delivery service to beach available.

JERSEY MORNING WATCH TACKLE St Catherines Breakwater, St Martins Jersey JE3 6DD 01534854359

HAMPSHIRE ALLAN’S MARINE 143 Twyford Ave., Portsmouth Tel 02392 671833 ROVERS FISHING TACKLE 178a West St., Fareham, Hants PO16 0EQ Tel. 01329 220354 Fax 01329 829040 POINGDESTRES Unit 11, Southampton Trade Park, Third Avenue, Southampton, Millbrook SO15 0LE 023 8077 2958





Office Furniture

Veals Fishing Tackle, Brunel Rooms, Unity St. Bristol, BS2 0JP. 01179 260790 THYERS FISHING TACKLE, 1A Church Street, Highbridge 01278 786934 Fax 792397 WEST COAST TACKLE The Quay, Minehead Tel. Craig 01643 705745 WEST COAST ANGLING CENTRE 53 Swain St, Watchet Tel. Steve 01984 634807

SUSSEX THE ANGLERS DEN 6 North Road, Pevensey Bay, East Sussex BN24 6AY Tel: 01323-460441 LAGOON BAIT& TACKLE, 327 Kingsway, BN3 4LD Brighton - 01273 415879 SCOTTIES 25 Southwick Square, Southwick, Brighton BN42 4FP Phone:01273 592903 PRIME ANGLING 26 Marine Parade, Worthing, West Sussex, BN11 3PT. Phone:01903 821594

WALES TELBOY’S TACKLE Amlwch, Anglesey Tel. 01407 832965

Tel/Fax: 01643 705225 The Angling Trust is the representative body for game, coarse and sea anglers in England and Wales. Our members support the campaigns and legal action we carry out to protect fish stocks and our programmes to increase the number of anglers fishing for fun and in competitions. We're fighting for the future of YOUR fishing, but we need YOUR support to do more. If you want to protect your fish and fishing, for now and in future, join your representative body today.

All advertising shops are automatically included, but any other shop wishing to be listed can be for just £20 per month. This will give you your shop's name, address and phone/fax number and a bundle of the Sea Angling News each month. PHONE : 07825 181 694 OR EMAIL: EDITOR@SEAANGLINGNEWS.COM

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