Species poster

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Seafood Species from Scotland

Hake Merluccius merluccius Merlu Merluza Nasello 无须鳕



Witch Glyptocephalus cynoglossus Plie Mendo falsó lenguado Passera lingua di cane 美首鲽

Haddock Melanogrammus aeglefinus Églefin Eglefino Asinello 黑线鳕


Look out for the MSC logo on an increasing number of Scottish products.

Gadus morhua Cabillaud Bacalao Merluzzo bianco 鳕鱼

Halibut (farmed Atlantic)

Monkfish Lophius piscatorius Baudroie Rape Rana pescatrice 安康鱼

Hippoglossus hippoglossus Flétan Halibut Halibut 大比目鱼

Pollack Pollachius pollachius Lieu jaune Abadejo Merluzzo giallo 鳕鱼

Saithe (Coley) Pollachius virens Lieu noir Palero Merluzzo nero 绿青鳕

Plaice Pleuronectes platessa Plie Solla Passera 比目鱼(欧鲽)

Red Mullet Mullus surmuletus Rouget barbet Salmonete de roco Triglio scoglio 红鲻鱼



Merlangius merlangus Merlan Merlán Merlano 牙鳕

Anarhichas lupus Loup Lobo Lupa di mare 鲶鱼

Megrim Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis Cardine Gallo Rombo giallo 帆鳞鲆

Gurnard Aspitrigla cuculus Grondin Rubios Pesce capone 鲂鱼

Lemon sole

Conger Eel

Microstomus kitt Sole commune Mendo limón lengua lisa Sogliola limanda 檬鲽

John Dory

Conger conger Congre Congrio Grongo 海鳗


Zeus faber Saint Pierre Pez de san Pedro Pesca san Pietro 海鲂

Limanda limanda Limande Limanda Limanda 黄盖鲽


Oil-rich Fish Mackerel Queen Scallop

Munida rugosa Galatées Langostino Langostino 折尾蹲龙虾

Aequipecten opercularis Pétoncle Volendeira Pettine 皇后扇贝


Scomber scombrus Maquereau Caballa Maccerello 鲭鱼

Squat Lobster Pacific Oyster Crassostrea gigas Huitre creuse Ostra Ostrica 太平洋牡蛎

Chamelea gallina Palourde Almeja Vongole 蛤

Rainbow Trout (Farmed) Oncorhynchus mykiss / Salmo trutta Truite Trucha Trota 虹/褐鳟鱼(养殖)

King Scallop Pecten maximus Coquille saint Jacques Vieira Ventaglio-pettine maggiore 扇贝王

Mussel Mytilus edulis Moule Mejillón Mitilo 淡菜(贻贝)


Look out for the MSC logo on an increasing number of Scottish products.

Clupea harengus Hareng Arenque Aringa 鲱鱼

Lobster Homarus gammarus Homard Bogavante Astice 龙虾

Look out for the MSC logo on an increasing number of Scottish products.

Look out for the MSC logo on an increasing number of Scottish products.

Atlantic Salmon (Farmed) Salmo salar Saumon Salmón Salmone 鲑鱼(养殖)



Cerastoderma edule Coque Croque Cuore edule 海扇

Brown Crab Cancer pagurus Tourteau Cangrejo Granchio 棕蟹

Razor Clam Solenidae Couteau Navaja Cannolicchío 蛏子

Look out for the MSC logo on an increasing number of Scottish products.

Langoustine Nephrops norvegicus Langoustine Cigala Scampi 海螫虾

Sprattus sprattus Sprat Espadin Spratto 西鲱鱼


Whelk Buccinum undatum Bulot Bocina Buccina 峨螺

Designed by Almond | www.almondtds.com

Winkle Littorina littorea Bigorneau Bígaro Chicciola di mare 滨螺

Native Oyster


Ostrea edulis Huître plate Ostra Ostrica 本地牡蛎

Palaemon serratus Crevette Quisquilla Gamberetto 小虾

Seafood Scotland, 18 Logie Mill, Logie Green Road, Edinburgh EH7 4HS Tel/Fax +44 (0) 131 557 9344 E-mail: enquiries@seafoodscotland.org


Velvet Crab Necora puber Étrille Nécora Granchio di rena 天鹅绒蟹

Look out for the MSC logo on an increasing number of Scottish products.

www.seafoodscotland.org Please note the above images are not to scale and are intended as a visual guide only.

Octopus Octopus vulgaris Poulpe Pulpo Polpo di scoglio 章鱼

Loligo forbesii Encornet Calamar Calamaro 鱿鱼

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