19 minute read

What’s On in March?

Thurs 3rd Feb – Tues 1st March Uno22 Two gallery Uno, 14 High Street

10am - 4pm (Mon - Sat not Weds), 10am - 1pm (Weds), closed Sun Exquisite art, design and craft from artists and creators gathered from around Seaford. Email: info@galleryunoseaford. co.uk Instagram: @unoseaford


Tues 1st – Sat 12th March mamma mia! Congress Theatre, Carlisle road, Eastbourne

7.30pm (daily), 2.30pm (Thurs & Sat) Feel-good musical based on the songs of ABBA. Tel: 01323 412000. www.eastbournetheatres.co.uk

Tuesday 1st March Walk & Talk at the Downs The Downs leisure Centre, Sutton road

10am Drop in and find out more about the Growing Project, a community garden and orchard being planned at the Downs. Email: friendsofsuttondowns@gmail. com www.seafuture.org/ friends-of-sutton-downs/

Seaford Head Probus Club Seaford (Blatchington)golf Club, Firle road

12.15pm for 1pm start Monthly meeting for lunch and guest speaker. For further information, please contact club secretary, Brian Carter. Tel: 01323 898628

Tuesday 1st March Seaford Natural History Society meeting via Zoom

2.15pm Local research highlights at our AGM. You can join the society by emailing richardmongar@ btinternet.com. www. seafordnaturalhistory.org.uk

Thurs 3rd – Tues 29th Uno22: Three gallery Uno, 14 High Street

10am - 4pm (Mon - Sat except Weds), 10am - 1pm (Weds), closed Sun An uplifting new display for

what’s On in March? Saturday 5th Seaford Head Dewpond

spring from diverse talents restoration Drop-in working in our county. Beside South Barn, Seaford Email: info@galleryunoseaford. Head co.uk Instagram: @unoseaford 10am - 1pm Find out about the Friday 4th Seahaven Hard of Hearing Club dewpond restoration project, to be undertaken by a new Dewpond Friends Group. There will also be an evening St James’ Trust, meeting later in March, time 11 Blatchington road and venue TBC. Email Paul 2pm Talk by Ian Gledhill on Baker: prbaker2ep@btinternet. Gilbert and Sullivan. Visitors com welcome. Transport available if required. Tel: Pauline 01323 895216. Email: white-c7@sky. Sunday 6th Seaford music Society com Seaford Baptist Church, World Day of Prayer Belgrave road 3pm A Tribute to Kenneth St Andrews Church, V. Jones (1924-2020). An Bishopstone rd, Bishopstone exploration of the music and 2pm Everyone is welcome at influences of the renowned this ecumenical community film composer who lived in celebration. Service written by Seaford until his death. Tickets the Christian women of Britain, £15 (non-members)/free for and followed by refreshments under 26-year-olds. Available in Bishopstone Village Hall. on the door; in person from Heartsease Newberry Tully Estate Agents, 53 Church Street (cash only); Seaford Baptist Church or cheque by post from Church, Belgrave road Seaford Music Society (see 2.30pm A group for bereaved website). people, and anyone who finds www.seafordmusicsociety.com themselves alone and would enjoy some social interaction. Includes a programme of Mon 7th – Sat 12th An Hour and a Half late speakers, entertainment and Devonshire Park Theatre, other activities. Refreshments Compton Street, Eastbourne included. For further 7.45pm (daily), 2.30pm (Weds & Sat) information please contact Tel: 01323 412000. John and Jill Hughes, tel: 01323 www.eastbournetheatres.co.uk 898678. Tuesday 8th

Seaford Community The Probus Club of Cinema Seaford Barn Theatre, Saxon lane, Seaford golf Club, Firle road

Seaford 12 noon for 12.45pm 7.30pm Cruella (12). Tickets Members meet for a chat, online or from Seaford a two-course meal and a Tourist Information Centre. speaker. For further details, wwwseafordcinema.org please contact the Secretary, Fri 4th - Sat 12th Gavin. Tel: 01323 893760

Private lives Charity Quiz Seaford little Theatre, The Old Plough, Church Steyne rd Street, Seaford

Eves 7.45pm, Matinée Sat 5th March 7.30pm for 8pm only 2.30pm Raising money for the Youth Tickets £9 tiered/£8 level. Counselling Project. Teams of Available from Seaford Tourist up to eight. Tickets £5 each on Information Centre, 37 Church the evening. Street, or online from www. ticketsource.co.uk

Hillcrest Community Centre, Bay Vue road, Newhaven

7.30pm ‘Frolicsome Tales’. An open floor evening, featuring stories with a spring in their step. We also invite stories of goddesses and strong women to celebrate International Women’s Day. Tickets £5 on the door. To book a 10-minute storytelling slot, email Wendy: wendyatkinson. name@gmail.com; www. guesthousestorytellers.com

wednesday 9th Seaford Stamp & Postcard Club

Seaford Constitutional Club, Crouch lane

7pm for 7.30pm AGM and competitions. All stamp and postcard collectors welcome. Tel 01323 492433 . www.seaford-sussex.co.uk/sspc.

Splash Point Jazz

The View, Seaford Head golf Club, BN25 4JS

7pm The Neal Richardson Trio with Sarah Moule (vocals). Tickets £15, on the door or at wegottickets.com/ splashpointjazz. www.splashpointjazz.com Facebook @splashpointjazz The View tel: 01323 890139.

Saturday 12th greenhavens Network First Aid Training

lewes road Social Centre, Newhaven

10am - 4pm Free first aid training for anyone involved with Wilder Gardens or within the Greenhavens Network. www.greenhavens.network

Sunday 13th Seaford Community Cinema

Barn Theatre, Saxon lane, Seaford

2.30pm Jungle Cruise (12). Tickets online or from Seaford Tourist Information Centre. wwwseafordcinema.org

Old Chapel Centre, The Tye, Alfriston

4pm AGM, followed by cup of tea and a chat. Tel: Wendy 01323 895657.

Tuesday 15th Seaford Natural History Society

St luke’s Church Hall, Walmer rd

2.15pm Terry Hallahan talks about bird ringing in the Seaford area. Meetings open to all (non-members £3). Masks must be worn. Join the society by emailing richardmongar@ btinternet.com www. seafordnaturalhistory.org.uk

wednesday 16th Seaford u3a Coffee morning

Constitutional Club, Crouch lane

10am - 12 noon £2 for coffee and nibbles. Open to members and nonmembers. No need to book.

National Trust Seaford Association

Constitutional Club, Crouch lane

2.30pm Talk by Dave Winsor on Air Ambulance Kent, Surrey and Sussex. New members (including non-NT members) are most welcome. www.seaford-sussex.co.uk/nt

Thursday 17th Seaford Afternoon Flower Club

Seaford Baptist Church, Belgrave road

1.30pm - 3.30pm Imposed workshop ‘An Easter Basket’. Competition ‘A Foliage Arrangement’. Membership £30 per year, visitors £5 on the door. Tel: Mary 01323 893899 or Sue 01323 894848.

Seaford Community Cinema

Barn Theatre, Saxon lane, Seaford

7pm NT Live: Leopoldstadt (12A). Tickets online or from Seaford Tourist Information Centre. wwwseafordcinema. org

Friday 18th Hearing Aid maintenance, Batteries and Hearing loss Advice

St James’ Trust, 11 Blatchington road BN25 2AB

10am - 12 noon Come and meet your local friendly team from East Sussex Hearing. Bring your brown NHS record book. 01323 722505 mail@eshrc.org www.eshrc.org

Seaford Community Cinema

Barn Theatre, Saxon lane, Seaford

7.30pm The Father (12). Tickets online or from Seaford Tourist Information Centre. wwwseafordcinema.org

Saturday 19th lunchtime Concert

St leonard’s Church, Church St

1pm Antonio Oyarzabal, piano. Free entry with a retiring collection.

Sunday 20th Antique & Collectors Fair

East Dean & Friston Village Hall, Village green lane, East Dean

9.30am - 2pm Over 20 diverse stalls. Light refreshments available. Admission £1.

Corelli Ensemble

Seaford Baptist Church, Belgrave road

4pm With Dave Lee, horn. Featuring ‘Seaford Snapshots’ by Paul Lewis, plus Grieg, Butterworth and Hess. Tickets £15 adult/£5 child, from www.eventbrite.co.uk or Seaford Tourist Information Centre. Seats limited for social distancing. Audience members will be asked to wear a mask. www.corelliensemble.co.uk

wednesday 23rd greenhavens Network Wilder gardens Champions

lewes road Social Centre, Newhaven

7pm Jessie Rodriguez on her Wilder Gardens Champions programme and training. www.greenhavens.network

Seaford little Theatre, Steyne rd

Doors 7pm, show starts 7.30pm The UK’s foremost country rock band. Tickets £10 from 07984 280067 or email: info@ madison-music.co.uk

Thurs 24th – Sun 27th Billionaire Boy

Devonshire Park Theatre, Compton Street, Eastbourne

various times West End production of David Walliams’ book. Tel: 01323 412000. www.eastbournetheatres.co.uk

Saturday 26th Open Church Café

St leonard’s Church, Church St

10am - 12.30pm Free refreshments, craft for kids. All welcome.

repair Café Seaford

SEA Climate Hub, Clinton Place

10am - 1pm Bring your broken items from home for repair with the help of specialist volunteers. Tea, coffee and cake while you wait for your item to be seen. www.seafuture.org/ seaford-repair-cafe

Sunday 27th martello Half marathon

Seafront, near the rugby Club at Salts recreation ground (start/finish)

9.30am start Beautiful but tough run following tracks up onto the Downs. Organised by Martello Rotary. Raising funds for the British Heart Foundation and local Rotary charities. www.nice-work.org. uk/races/MartelloHalf

Tuesday 29th Seaford Horticultural Society

St luke’s Church, Walmer rd

7pm ‘A Costumed Talk about Winston Churchill’, ticketed members social evening with Tony Harris. Tickets £4, available from Social Evening Secretary Jan Williams. Tel: 01323 873675 www.seafordhorti.com

Tues 29th March – Sun 3rd April lord of the Dance

Congress Theatre, Carlisle road, Eastbourne

8pm (Tues-Sat), 2.30pm (Sat), 7.30pm (Sun) Tel: 01323 412000. www.eastbournetheatres.co.uk

Tues 29th March – Tues 12th April Andrew rafferty

Crypt gallery, 23 Church St

11am - 4pm (daily), 12 noon - 4pm (Sun) Two photography exhibitions, ‘Seahenge’ in the Flint Room, and ‘Passion’ in the Undercroft. Free. www.thecryptgallery.com

Thurs 31st March – Sun 3rd April meeching Amateur Dramatics: Haggard

meeching Hall, Fort road, Newhaven

7.45pm (Thurs-Sat), 2.30pm (Sun) Regency period comedy by Eric Chappell (Rising Damp). Tickets £10/£8 concessions. Available from Seaford Tourist Information Centre, 37 Church Street; tel: 01323 897426; or online: www. meechingamateurdramatics. co.uk

what’s On weekly?

Arts and Crafts

Drawing Workshops

Paradise Park, Avis rd, Newhaven BN9 0DH

Last Monday of the month 10am - 12 noon £15 per session. Contact Lesley Harvey: 07722 236741.

East Sussex moviemakers

1st and 3rd Weds of the month, 7pm - 9pm A friendly club with members prepared to assist those new to film making. Anyone with an interest in watching quality amateur films or helping with the tasks involved in film making is welcome to join. For details, tel Val MacManus: 07590 904778. www. eastsussexmoviemakers.org

Chyngton methodist Church, millberg rd, Seaford

Thursdays 2pm - 4pm For more details please phone Viola on 01323 890271.

linocut Printmaking

Hillcrest Centre, Bay Vue road, Newhaven

Fridays 2pm - 4pm (from 8th October) All equipment provided. Beginners welcome. £10 per session. To book a place, tel: Sally Jennings 07876 666784. Email: jennings.sally@gmail.com

meridian lacemaking group

Anzac room, meridian Centre, Peacehaven

3rd Saturday of the month Friendly group of ladies who meet to make lace in various guises, including bobbin lace, needle lace and crochet. Beginners welcome. Tel: 01323 730552.

Seaford Afternoon Flower Club

Seaford Baptist Church, Belgrave road

3rd Thursday of the month (except Jan)1.30pm - 3.30pm Membership £30 per year, visitors £5. Tel: Mary 01323 893899 or Sue 01323 894848.

Seaford Evening Flower Club

The Flint Barn, Downs 60+ Club), Sutton Corner, Seaford

First Thursday of the month (except June) 7pm New members very welcome. Tel: 01323 896567.

Seaford Photographic Society

Seaford Constitutional Club, Crouch lane, Seaford BN25 1PU

Fridays 7pm for 7.45pm Friendly club for all age groups and abilities. Chat about photography, lectures, talks and competitions. Visit www.seafordps.org and get in touch via the ‘contact’ button.



Wednesdays 4pm-5pm (Beginners, 6-8 yrs), 5pm -6pm (intermediate, 9-13 yrs) Streetdance and Hip Hop dance classes. Email: info@ streetfunk.co.uk www.streetfunk.co.uk

Clubs/ Organisations

Bereaved by Suicide Support: East Sussex

Assistance for those bereaved by suicide. Support is faceto-face, via the telephone or Zoom. Also support groups meeting others who have been through similar experiences. Contact 07542 305419 or email Kellie.leyton@ sussexcommunity.org.uk

Blue Van Veterans’ Breakfast Club

Seaford Town Football Club, The Crouch, Bramber ln BN25 1Tl

Second Sunday of the month 9am - 11am Cooked breakfast, tea, coffee and soft drinks. £6 per head. WWII veterans free. Tel: 07754 147778 or 01323 890211. email: edafvbc.sf@yahoo.com www.bluevandropin.co.uk.

greenhavens Network

For more information email: contact@greenhavens.network or Facebook: Greenhavens Network.

Just Friends

Elim Church, Newhaven

1st & 3rd Monday of the month 10am - 12 noon, 2nd Mon walking group, 4th Mon lunch group Weekly and monthly social meetings including coffee mornings, walking groups, steam train excursions, heritage sites, tea parties, wine tasting and lunches. Tel: 01323 725882 www.just-friends.uk

lip reading Classes

Sutton Corner Barn (previously 60+ Club), Sutton road, Seaford

Tuesdays 10am Sign languauge is also included in the lessons. £5 per week. Phone Jayne on 01323 655957 or email enya1.marsh@gmail. com For more information email: contact@martellorotary.org.uk or visit www.rotary-ribi.org

National Trust Seaford Association (NTSA)

Seaford Constitutional Club, Crouch lane

Third Wednesday of the month 2.30pm Talks from Oct to March (no meeting in December). Outings from spring to autumn, plus other social and fundraising events. New members (including non-NT members) welcome. For further information, tel: 07989 077079, email: membershipntsa@gmail.com www.seaford-sussex.co.uk/nt

Newhaven, Peacehaven & Seaford lions Club

For more information visit www.npslions.co.uk or email: lionpresident@npslions.co.uk. Tel: 0345 8335981. Facebook: @NPSLions

Seaford Bridge Club

St Thomas more Church Hall, 54 Sutton road

Mon: 1.15 for 1.30pm - 4.30pm

Downs 60+ Club, Sutton Corner

Weds: 6.15 for 6.30pm - 9.30pm Online Tues: 1.30 for 2pm - 4pm Fri: 6.30 for 7pm - 9pm If you would like to find out more, or arrange a visit, please contact John Gillespie, Club Secretary, tel: 01323 893626, email: gillespiejohn6@gmail. com, or Pam Pelling, Chair, tel: 07834 833561, email: pampelling@hotmail.com

Seaford museum and Heritage Society

The Esplanade, Seaford

Sat and Sun 11am - 4pm, Weds 2 - 4pm We welcome visitors to our Tardis-like Museum displaying history from the Stone Age to the present day. Tel: 01323 898222. www.seafordmuseum.co.uk Facebook: Seaford Museum.

Seaford rotary

New members welcome. For more information contact via: www.seafordrotary.org.uk/ contact.php For more information about Seaford u3a visit: www. u3asites.org.uk/seaford. For membership email: seafordu3a@gmail.com including your postal address for a welcome pack.

Seaford u3a Coffee morning

Seaford Constitutional Club, Crouch lane. BN25 1PU

Third Wednesday of the month 10am - 12pm Open to members and non-members. Coffee and nibbles £2. Just come along. Email: seafordu3a@gmail.com. For membership visit: www. u3asites.org.uk/seaford.

Seahaven Afternoon Trefoil guild

St Thomas more Church Hall, Sutton Park road

First Tuesday of the month, 1.45 - 3.45pm Part of Girlguiding UK. New members welcome. Tel: 01323 894454.

Seahaven Hard of Hearing Club

St James’ Trust, 11 Blatchington road BN25 2AB

First Friday of the month, 2 - 4pm Guest speakers and other activities, tea, biscuits, raffle. New members always welcome.Tel: 01323 895216 or email: white-c7@sky.com

Trees for Seaford

For more information visit: www.treesforseaford. wordpress.com/Facebook: treesforseaford or email: treesforseaford@gmail.com

Community Cross Way Church

Clinton Place, Seaford BN25 1NP

Sundays, 10.30am Everyone welcome to join in worship on Sundays. Tel: 01323 894687 Email: cross waychurchseaford@gmail.com www.crosswaychurchseaford.org


Tide mills near Seaford and Bishopstone

Third Sunday of the month 9am - 11am Meet at beach end of old village road. Help us care for this special place. Email: brianjimskinner@gmail.com

Seaford Allotments

Sutton Drove, Seaford

For more information, contact sec.seaford.allot@gmail.com The waiting list for allotments is closed at present.

Seaford Baptist Church

Belgrave rd BN25 2EE

Sundays 10.30am Please join us for our service, also available on YouTube. Tel 01323 896009 for updates on children’s Sunday morning activities.

Seaford Beach Clean

martello Tower and The Buckle end of beach

First Sunday of the month Gloves, bags and litter pickers provided, BYO bucket. Accompanied children and dogs welcome. Email: plasticfreeseaford@gmail.com

Seaford Community garden

Crouch gardens next to the Peace garden

Weds 9.30am - 12.30pm Sat 10am - 12 noon (July to Sept only) Garden open, plants and produce for sale. All welcome. www.seaford-sussex.co.uk/scg

Seaford Community Tea room

Seaford Old Town Hall, Church Street

Mon - Fri 10am - 1pm, Saturday 10am - 1pm New customers welcome to enjoy tea, coffee and cake. We are now open until 1pm on Saturday.

Seaford Environmental Alliance

Climate Hub, 4 Clinton Place

Climate Hub: 9am - 12 noon (Thurs, Fri), 10am - 1pm (Sat) Repair Café: Fourth Friday of the month SEA is working to tackle the climate and ecological emergency. The SEA Community Fridge operates


from the Hub to pass on surplus food and reduce food waste. Email: hello@seafuture.org www.seafuture.org/ the-sea-climate-hub

Seaford NWr (National Women’s register)

members’ homes and out and about

various days For women who are interested in everything and talk about anything. Details at www.nwr.org.uk or email us at: nwrmemberseaford@ btinternet.com

Seaford Town market

Church Street

Second & fourth Saturday of the month 10am - 3pm Local foods, producers, makers, crafts, artisan and much more. Email: mirandamarket73@ yahoo.com

St leonard’s & St luke’s

St leonard’s, Church St; St luke’s, Walmer rd

For details of all our services and events, please visit our website. www.seafordparish.org.uk


St michael’s Church Hall, Church Hill, Newhaven (disabled access Second Avenue)

Third Wednesday of the month, 2pm - 4pm A group set up by two former long-term carers, for those living alone and who feel socially isolated, for carers and their partners etc. Pop in for a chat and a cuppa. Arts and crafts, table-top games, speakers, outings etc. For further details, tel Gloria: 07926 967359.


Concentus Choir

Willingdon Community School, Broad road, Eastbourne BN20 9QX

Mondays 7.15pm No need to read music to join this friendly choir – regularly sings in Seaford. Tel: 07920 430162 or 07789 343514. www.concentus-sings.com

Seaford little Theatre, Steyne road

various days/times Childrens music workshops, dance, drumming, art and song workshops for all ages. For more details visit: www. seaford-choral-society.com

Seaford Choral Society

Seaford Baptist Church, Belgrave road

Mondays 7.15pm For more details visit: www. seaford-choral-society.com

Seaford musicians

Seaford Baptist Church, Belgrave Road

Fridays 10am - 12 noon Orchestra open to all instruments and all abilities, with enjoyment the keynote. £12. For further details, email: pat@ pwhiteseaford.co.uk or tel: 01323 897360.

Seaford Silver Band

Seaford Head School, Steyne rd

Wednesdays 8pm - 10pm New members welcome, all levels of music. www.seafordsilverband.co.uk

Seaford Sings

Seaford Baptist Church, Belgrave road

Thurs 7.30pm - 9pm Come and sing a huge range of music, no audition necessary. Have fun and raise money for Cancer Research UK. For information, contact Martin: Tel: 07925 548217 Email: Martinneill139gmail.com

Singing for Fun

Seaford Baptist Church, Belgrave road

Weds 11am - 12 noon Thurs 7pm - 8pm For adults of all ages and abilities. No need to read music. £6 on the door. Tel: 01323 365495 or 07799 818590. Email: sallyann@ crystalclearaudio.co.uk

Sutton Barn Choir

Old Flint Barn, Sutton Corner

Wednesdays 10.30am - 11.30am Singers over 40 years age welcome. Pop music 1920s to present day. No need to read music. Membership included in annual Downs 60+ Club membership. Tel: 01323 896422 Facebook: Sutton Barn Choir

Sport/Dance/ Health

Beautiful Yoga with Kelly Burns

Clinton Centre, Clinton Place

Weds 6.30 - 9.30pm

St James’ Trust Community Centre, 11 Blatchington road

Fridays 9.30 - 10.30am Full library of recorded classes also available to do in your own home. A blend of flowing and still postures to build strength and flexibility of the body and mind. All abilities welcome. Tel: 07828 829965. Email: contactkellyburns@gmail. com. www.facebook.com/ beautifulyogawithkellyburns

Cycle Seahaven

Various locations

Rides for MTB and road riders of all levels of fitness and experience. For more information visit www.cycleseahaven.org.uk

Exercise Classes

mercread Youth Centre, mercread rd, Seaford

Tues & Thurs 10am High energy dance-style class with music from Bollywood to ballroom. Tel: 07786 425758. johnlouisecave@gmail.com www.louisecavefitness.co.uk


Claremont Hall, Brooklyn road

Mon 6.30pm - 7.45pm Weds 10am - 11.30am, 7.30pm - 8.45pm

Bishopstone Village Hall

Thurs 7pm - 8pm Gentle hatha yoga. Suitable for all ages and abilities. Tel: 07515 961327 Email: Theresesaunders7@ aol.com Facebook/Freeflowyoga

gold Exercise Classes

mercread Youth Centre, mercread rd

Weds 2pm Fun, friendly, less energetic dance-style class for all ages, music from ’60s and ’70s. Tel: 07786 425758. johnlouisecave@gmail.com www.louisecavefitness.co.uk

guided meditations for Wellbeing


Mon 10.30am - 12noon Tues 7.30pm - 9pm Relaxing and restoring your body and mind. Also available: 1 to 1 meditation, Reiki, Indian head massage. Tel Ann: 07989 294445.

in Balance Yoga

Claremont Hall, Brooklyn rd

Weds 5.45 - 7pm Online

Thurs 10 - 11.15am

mercread Centre, mercread road

Fri 11am - 12.15pm All abilities/ages welcome. Hatha yoga classes connecting the breath with movement for a mindful practice. Private 1 to 1 yoga and massage. Tel: 07444 549859. Email: inbalancesussex@gmail.com www.in-balance.org.uk

Newhaven gig rowing Club

Newhaven marina, Yacht Harbour BN9 9BY

NGRC is a charity rowing club inclusive to all from the ages of 11 to 75+. If you are interested in learning to row please visit https://ngrc.co.uk for more info. NGRC ask that a health questionnaire is filled in and sent back in advance for safety reasons. Your maiden voyage session is approx. 90 mins. All this for only £5. Each row after this is then only £3. For more information email: membership@ngrc.co.uk

Nordic Walking Taster Sessions 1 to 1


30-45 minutes. Try out the technique to improve fitness, posture, and stamina. Poles provided. Tel: 01323 891492. Email: kathrynmcdonald2@ googlemail.com In-person classes & tuition. Mon am & Tues pm Personal Pilates & Yoga tuition at Seaford Osteopathic Clinic Mon 7.15 - 8.30pm Yoga Inspired at Cross Way Church Weds 9.30am Pilates for Every Body 11am Chair-based exercise Thursdays 6.15 - 7.15pm Pilates for Every Body Tel: 07944 785520. Email: karenmoves@gmail.com www.pilatesstudioseaford.co.uk


Join our fun, affordable, sweaty classes today. Facebook: Pumped Bootcamps, Instagram: pumpedbootcamp

Qigong 1 to 1 Sessions


30-60 minutes. Improve breathing, strength, stamina, flexibility and be mindful in the moment. Free – have fun! Tel: 01323 891492. Email: kathryn mcdonald2@googlemail.com

Seaford Bowling Club

Chichester road BN25 2DT

New members welcome to our friendly and inclusive club. We are open all year with bowling from April to September and short mat and social activities in the winter. Tel 01323 899845. Email: bdnewns@gmail.com. www. seafordbowlingclub.co.uk

Seaford Tennis Club

Belgrave rd BN25 2HE

Play from 8am - 10pm New member offer, 3 months for only £50! Get fit and play tennis at Seaford Tennis Club. We welcome players of any ability and age. Sign up at www.seafordtennis.com

Seaford Traditional Folk Dance group

St Peter’s Church Hall, Belgrave road

Wednesdays 10.15am - 12.15pm Gentle exercise for body, mind and chuckle muscles. Visitors/ new members welcome. £4 per week. Contact Nid Barnes: 01323 897315.

The Chapel rooms, St Peter’s Church, Belgrave rd BN25 2HE

Tuesdays 10.30am Thursdays 7pm

Seaford Constitutional Club, Crouch lane. BN25 1PU

Saturdays 10am Tel/text: 01323 892638 or 07983 622840. Email: seahavenyoga@btinternet.com www.seahavenyoga.co.uk

Sevalight Hatha Yoga & relaxation Class

St James’ Trust, Blatchington road

Tuesdays 10am

Bishopstone Village

Tuesdays 6.30pm Small group yoga classes for all abilities. Deeply relaxing and healing. Tel: Susannah 07862 263869. Email: susannah@ breathing-spaces.com www.breathing-spaces.com

Sound Journeys

Common room, Broad Street, Seaford

Deep relaxation with and through the singing bowls of high therapeutic quality. Mondays 7 - 8pm Refill your energy for the week, feel yourself and be happy. Fridays 9.30 - 10.30am Are you a school-running mum? Take a break and prepare for the weekend with the kids. To register, email: maja@soundfeelings.uk www.soundfeelings.uk

Southern Stomp line Dance Club

Church Hall, Bramber Avenue, Peacehaven

Monday 10am - 12 noon Good Intermediate 12.15 - 1.30pm Good beginners Wednesday 10am - 12 noon Improver/Intermediate 12.15 - 1.30pm Absolute beginners

Telscombe Hall, Tyedean road, Telscombe Cliffs

Tuesday 7.15 - 8.45pm Improver Plus Tel Joy: 01273 587714. www.southernstomp.com Tues 5.50 - 7pm Family Kung Fu £6 adults, £4 Children Tues 7 - 8pm Tai Chi £7 per class or £10 both classes Thurs 12 - 1pm Tai Chi £8 drop in, £7 if paying monthly. Instructor Audra Marshall. Tel: 07971 296698 Email: audramarshall@icloud.com

Yin Yoga with Jacqui

St James’ Trust, Blatchington rd, Seaford and online

Thurs 9.30am - 10.45am In person and online. Small in person class, booking essential. Email: jacqui.johnston@hotmail. co.uk. Tel: 07816 154644.

Yoga and Sound Baths

Private Studio, Newhaven

Sound Baths: Sunday afternoon Therapeutically healing and relaxation plus re-energizing experiential sessions. 70+ Yoga: Tuesday: 10 - 11.30am Joint freeing mobility sessions, breathing techniques plus relaxation with Senior British Wheel of Yoga Teacher Trainer/ ex Army Nurse. Mixed Ability Yoga Wednesday: 10 - 11.30am Small group and individual support with Senior Yoga Teacher. Empower yourself, improve your health, calm your mind. Progressing in Yoga Wednesday: 7.30 - 9pm Small group with guidance by advanced dual qualified senior tutor in ‘Know Yoga, Know Peace, No Yoga, No Peace’. Tel: 01273 512306 or email: samtosha4u@btinternet.com


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