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Concentus Catch-up
ConCEnTUS CaTCH-UP the IT equipment, with several internet-savvy people providing online and telephone support in assisting You will be pleased to hear that Concentus is alive Zoom beginners. Shortly afterwards, Concentus piloted and kicking! Although they have not yet met in person bi-weekly ‘Zoom’ rehearsals, interspersed with bi-weekly for rehearsals since shortly before Lockdown started, ‘social’ meetings. strenuous efforts have been made to keep the choir Adrian kept members up-to-date each week on choir community in touch and functioning. Committee matters at the beginning of each Zoom meeting. Jo members have used great ingenuity, skill and a lot of and Lou widened the scope of the Zoom pilot study in hard work to support members in these strange times, exploring the ability for the four voice range groups to keeping the friendly, caring spirit of the choir alive. split off into separate ‘rooms’ to rehearse before coming At the start of Lockdown, a telephone cascade was back together for combined singing, while their latest initiated, so that every member was contacted several refinement has improved the delivery of the backing times ensuring support towards any help they might music enormously. need and providing a friendly person to connect with. The committee is now seeking funding opportunities Right from the start of this period Adrian White, Musical to help expand the scheme to take these virtual singing Director, encouraged members by looking ahead with sessions out into the community. The purpose is to anticipation of lockdown affects eventually lessening. encourage non choir members to explore the social, This involved setting out goals to aim for and providing health, mental and well-being supportive benefits that structure to ensure the choir would be in good shape can be gained in counteracting the negative experiences when circumstances allowed them to rehearse and of loneliness and isolation that so many suffered due to perform together again. In March, Adrian embarked the effects of Lockdown. This will encourage the wider on a series of emailed newsletters, ‘Chorusing Weakly’ community to try something new and experience the to keep members informed of general choir matters. ‘feel-good’ factors that come from the joys of singing Space was also included for people to describe what together, whilst remaining in the safety of their own new things they were achieving in all that spare time! homes with our IT and musical direction teams providing Unfortunately, choir engagements throughout the full supporting mechanisms behind them! summer had to be cancelled including the choir’s bi- Friendship groups within the choir have used phone and annual dinner, the Hippodrome concert with Paul Potts, internet to remain in touch with each other and once Concentus’ two Summer concerts, the choir’s annual groups were allowed to meet outside again, the varying BBQ, and various singing engagements supporting local ‘coffee groups’ then met in person; albeit in smaller outside events. However Adrian refocused members numbers than usual and abiding with social distancing sights in anticipating starting physical rehearsals again in requirements! September (should this be possible) and also devised the programme for the Christmas concerts. Luckily for Adrian is working towards the choir being able to meet all he always included some of his (in)famous jokes! and rehearse safely before too long, so that Concentus is able to perform their Christmas music in some guise Music for the Christmas concert pieces was sent by or another, or at least be able to sing outside to support email to members, and Lou Soper (Assistant Musical local Christmas events. Director) and Jo Fowler (Assistant Conductor) made, then posted/personally delivered the practice CDs to However as changing circumstances evolve, Adrian and members, enabling them to start familiarising themselves the committee will strive to ensure that Concentus will with the music at home. Behind the scenes plans were return with increased energy and enthusiasm in taking afoot to develop a trial ‘pilot’ scheme to enable choir their collective singing forward into the future! members to rehearse online! Jo (very conversant with all things digital) and Lou investigated the scope of Zoom Watch out for further announcements about singing and sent out joining instructions to members. They and community involvement developments on social organised two online meetings to help members set-up media, in the press and of course on our website: www.concentus-sings.com. 120 Please mention Seaford Scene when contacting advertisers