Client: Contractor: Location: Object: Operating conditions: Year of application: Coating system: Reason: Surface preparation:
Neumayer research station KAEFER GmbH South Pole Station roofing and walls. Wind: 70 knots Temperature range: between -5째C and -48째C 2011 Stopaq Wrappingband with custom made white/red backing Sealing the seems of the research station Drying the surface, hand cleaning with towels
Prevent water ingress between the roof panels. This needed to be sealed to avoid damage to the isolation and panels.
Surface preparation: Drying and hand cleaning Used materials: Tailor made Stopaq Wrappingband with Red and White backing matching the colors of the station
Used equipment: Cleaning towels and pressure roller Application crew: 1 person crew
Application duration: 3 days to complete entire roof.